Repairs Design Furniture

Current design Curtain for kitchen: photo piggy bank stylish solutions. Elegant curtains for small cuisine: choose a stylish and practical option which curtains to choose in the kitchen

Choosing curtains, it is very important to take into account the existing or planned style, as well as the geometric features of the space. Thus, you will have to create a harmonious interior in a single style.

Garlands combined with transparent tulle will help create a festive mood in your home. Use only high-quality electrical appliances, and do not leave them on unattended.

Often, the kitchen dimensions in the apartments are small, so the curtains should be combined not only with the interior style, but also be quite compact in size to create a visual balance in the interior. Many choose short models of textiles to design windows, forming laconic or, on the contrary, multilayer compositions - it all depends on your personal preferences.

In this case, the effect of multi-layered asks a salad decorative element, which looks like an additional curtain. The combination of different textures in one model is a great option to diversify the classic design.

A bright solution does not look clean, as textiles are chosen as the basis that the light is well chosen, and the walls indoors are painted in light shades. Even when the fabric is applied to each other, the sun rays fall into the room, turning into multicolored shadows.

Remember the effects of steam and fat indoors. In this regard, consider the following features when choosing:

  • Functionality - the material must mask the god in the room, protecting against prying eyes, soften the sun's rays entering the room, while not interfering with air circulation and natural light in the kitchen;
  • Practicality - it is desirable that the material be processed by a substance that prevents absorbing odors during cooking, and burnout in the sun. Also, high-quality impregnation must repel dirt, dust and moisture. Thanks to such impregnation, textiles will be able to look like a new time for a long time, but it will take some care.

Aesthetics are not less important than practicality and functionality when choosing. The correctly selected model will adjust and decorate the space, and will also become a visual accent in the room.

Blinds - one of the most practical options for window design. In addition, the lamellas under the tree do not look at the office strictly, on the contrary they create the most cozy atmosphere.

The main principles of textile selection

1. In the color of the furniture

Universal solution for neutral gamma in the modern interior.

The pattern on the Roman curtains is combined with the metal bends of the vintage Singer typewriter, which has become the base for the dining table.

A muffled herbal shade of curtains and decorative pillows coincides, but the facades headset differ by tone. But thanks to a single range, this distinction does not disturb the color balance in the room.

Lightweight material with perforation is a great option for a small kitchen. Such textiles visually expand the space, without blocking the path to the natural light through the window.

The mesh curtain is combined with leather chairs and orange candles in the decor.

2. In the color of the walls

Unmistakable way to form a harmonious space - choose curtains in one tone with wall decoration.

White plots are combined with ceramic apron and glossy facades. This design is easily adjustable in the height of the window opening, if necessary.

The plant classic ornament adds interesting details to the monochrome interior.

3. Accent option in the interior

If you like the contrasting elements - boldly experiment! But remember that even emphasis it is better to emphasize the color companions in the decor. It can be a vase, dishes on the tone of bright matter, a clock or, for example, a tablecloth.

Textiles sets the character of a calm range of the room. Turquoise contrasting color can be easily replaced by a bright tone when it wanted seasonal changes in the apartment.

When selecting textiles in the kitchen, do not forget that it is often used to erase it. Accordingly, the wear-resistant material should be purchased, which dries quickly.

Asymmetry in design

Thanks to asymmetric combinations, you will find it interesting to beat the room using even a monochrome tissue.

The asymmetric design is also perfect for window openings with a balcony door.

In this case, the effect of asymmetry has reached using different density and tints. Vertical accent also allows you to visually increase the height of a small window, if necessary.

To protect your home from the streets from the street, not only tight curtains will help - it is quite suitable for organizing. It can be combined with lighter fabrics and Kisey.

Short models for small kitchens

The short clock is ideal for miniature rooms and for kitchens in which the headsets are partially located along the window. Such a solution adds a comfort to the interior, without blocking the flow of light.

Determining with the material, it is better to choose natural or mixed materials. Such fabrics are comfortable in everyday life - they skip fresh air, light and easy to care. Specialists recommend certain fabrics to create kitchen curtains: polyester, tulle, sitheria, flax and silk.

Short curtains in the kitchen from Tulle with two halves. Transparent fabric in window design - perfect option for a small area. Such curtains will not interfere with the penetration of light.

Halves of curtains are suspended. This option looks unusual, but the symmetry of the window opening is preserved.

The Austrian model is win-win fits both classic and modern style.

If a gas stove is located near the window, in which case it is always necessary to remember the safety technique - it is better to choose a natural fabric that will not light up instantly with a random effect of fire.

Short curtains on spacious kitchen

In this room, the curtains decorate not only the window, but also the doorway. Such details are maximally appropriate for country style.

Roman curtains are very convenient in daily operation, due to the possibility of easily adjusting their length.

Rolled curtains in a straightened position similar to Roman curtains, but the principle of splenning from these models is different. Rolls are wound around the base - roller, and in folded form, indeed, resemble a roll form.

Bright focus on the window zone. In this interior, a translucent canvas was chosen for the roll, which skips light well. Textiles forms a warm gamut indoors, even in cloudy weather.


Having made a major overhaul, or simply deciding to refresh the situation a little, many face a dilemma: choose blinds or curtains for the kitchen? Undoubtedly, mega-paper blinds are brivered by their functional versatility, but still in the design of home interior, most people prefer to see the curtains and curtains, from which itifies comfort and warmth, and not by office rigor, subconsciously associated with a tense work schedule. Modern design of curtains for the kitchen is not limited to modest curtains and pickup curtains. The options for designing the window opening in the kitchen range from strict minimalist Roman and rolled curtains to exotic bamboo and luxurious-pompous curtains with lambrequins in a classic style.

Stylish bamboo curtains fit very harmoniously in almost any interior.

At what type of curtains to stop your choice - to solve you. However, in pursuit of beauty and originality, do not forget about the appointment of the room. Curtains from expensive textures with rich draper better leave for living room or bedroom. Determining with a suitable model of curtains in the kitchen, designers recommend proceeding from the rule "The easier, the better."

What should be curtains for the kitchen

Kitchen curtain design has many features caused by the specific functions of this room in the house. Choosing curtains for the kitchen, you should be guided not only to aesthetic and stylistic, but also purely practical considerations. Luxury long snow-white curtains with lush folds from a gentle material after a couple of days will lose their freight look, and they will simply interfere, so when choosing a curtain in the kitchen, you need to remember that first of all they should be:

  • Functional - Kitchen curtains should easily hide and move away, protect the room from curious views and direct sunlight, while skipping light and air for the most comfortable work and a pleasant feeling of freshness. If the plate is located near the window, and for sewing the curtains you have chosen a lightweight air material, take care of fire safety - use special pickups or visiting on the bottom edge of the weighting braid.
  • Practical - Curtains in the kitchen should be easily stitched. Selecting the material, be sure to take into account not only the overall stylist of the interior, but also the specifics of the room, where they prepare and eat daily. To avoid unnecessary trouble, make a bet on the fabric that do not absorb smells on which the minimum of dirt, dust and soot accumulate. It can be both natural materials, with special flame retardant, dust and dirt-repellent impregnation, or synthetics and modern compound tissues with an admixture of synthetic fibers that combine the functionality and practicality of synthetic with the unique aesthetics of natural materials.

Modern design of kitchen curtains is the maximum functionalism and a minimum of parts

Contemporary design curtains for the kitchen: what to choose for a kitchen window

Modern design of kitchen curtains is the maximum functionalism and a minimum of details. The optimal solution will be unpretentious short curtains, Roman, rolled or bamboo curtains acting on the principle of blinds, or Austrian curtains. Classic curtains with curtains are appropriate in spacious, well ventilated rooms, as well as in kitchens combined with a dining room or living room.

Light curtains for the kitchen

Lightweight fabric and tower curtains will become the best solution for a small kitchen. They do not clutter the window opening, allowing you to use it as a table or an additional work surface, and always create a warm home atmosphere in the room. The transparent curtain of Tulle will help to emphasize the beauty of the classic wooden headset. For the style of Country and Provence perfectly fit the curtains with pickups and curtain cafe.

Lightweight curtains in the kitchen are associated with carefree summer days, light wind and sunlight

Roman curtains

Simple in operation, laconic in design, practical and elegant Roman curtains perfectly fit into any style of kitchen: from classic and retro to high-tech and avant-garde. The universal method of fastening on the wall, ceiling or directly in the light opening of the window will allow the maximum to use the useful space that in the kitchen is never excess. In the massacled form, Roman curtains are an even cloth, which when lifting is collected in soft, elegant folds. In the interior design, they are used in those places where unwanted or impossible to establish wide porters.

Elegant Roman Curtains will perfectly fit into any kitchen style, except for deliberately pretentious

The level of such a curtain is very convenient to adjust, shading exactly the part of the window that is necessary, which allows you to control the volume of the light flux. If you wish, you can find the Roman curtains that will perfectly dispel the sunlight even in lowered. On a wide window, it is desirable to post one longer on a wide window to more efficiently regulate the lighting level. Due to the impregnation with special compositions protecting the cloth from the effects of direct sunlight, Roman curtains are almost not heated in the sun and do not burn out, while keeping its original beauty. In addition, they are reliable, practical, simple and easy to care: if necessary, you can always be removed from the cornice and wrapping.

Due to the variety of materials and colors, the decorative capabilities of the Roman curtains have increased significantly

Rolled curtains

Recently, the traditional conventional tissue curtains are increasing competition. And it is not surprising, because they have plenty of advantages over other types of curtains. They are compact, practical, durable, convenient to operate and care, and the variety of textures and colors will allow you to choose your own option for any style of the kitchen interior. Rolled curtains, also known as fabric rolets, rolled carriers or rolled blinds, differ in a simple design with even a child can cope with, and versatility: they are suitable for windows of any width, easily attached to the wall, ceiling or installed directly in the window opening.

Competition with traditional fabric curtains make up rolled curtains, perfectly performing the function of protection against bright sunlight

On a wide window, you can use both a solid canvas and several separate curtains, which will allow you to experiment with the level of illumination of the room and make each shutter of the window autonomous from the neighboring. A smooth cloth in the unfolded form tightly closes the window opening, and when opening, it turns into a neat roll at the top of the window. When selecting materials for rolled curtains in the kitchen, not only their mud and dust-repellent properties should be taken into account, and fire resistance, but also the desired degree of dimming. Rolled curtains with minimal darkening reliably protect the room from curious eyes, while almost completely passing sunlight, while the BLACK OUT fabric is absolutely light-proof. Organically complement the kitchen interior Roll curtains with thematic pattern: fruits, vegetables, wine glasses, etc.

Rolled curtains for kitchens having an original colors, easily perform and decorative function

Bamboo curtains in the kitchen

Ethnic oriental motifs will bring exotic notes into the interior kitchen, fill the room with a light aroma of herbs and natural wood, and the coldness of even the most ultramodernaya high-tech will "melt". Bamboo curtains are a web, a special way to woven from bamboo cane, natural fabrics and jute straws. They are very lungs, compact, and most importantly - moisture-resistant. Treatment of lamellae special varnish additionally protects them from mechanical damage and exposure to sunlight. In addition, during operation, the bamboo does not release toxic substances and does not cause allergies, which makes it easy to use this material not only in the kitchen, but even in the decoration of children's rooms. Numerous shades and weaving methods will allow you to choose the optimal option for any kitchen interior.

Bamboo curtains will be brought to the interior of the kitchen exotic notes, and soft scattered light penetrating through them will create a cozy atmosphere

Austrian curtains in the kitchen interior

If you want something more luxurious and pompous, but at the same time practical, it is worth paying attention to the Austrian curtains, which are a kind of fusion of Roman and French curtains. Austrian curtains rise and lowered the Austrian curtains in the same way as Roman, but unlike the latter there are no horizontal clamps, so that when compressed, the fabric is assembled throughout the entire width of the curtains not into uniform soft horizontal folds, but in semicircular. As a result, we obtain "Roman" rigor, at the bottom of diluted with festral folds in the spirit of French romanticism. In the lowered form, the Austrian curtain is similar to the usual curtain. Magnificent feasts are formed only when lifting, bringing the atmosphere of the holiday, luxury and delight into the kitchen interior. Austrian curtains look no less effectively than classic curtains and curtains, but occupy much less space, which allows you to use them for decorating small window openings, including non-standard.

Lush Festos are formed only when lifting the Austrian curtains, bringing the holiday atmosphere, luxury and delight in the kitchen interior

Classic curtains and lambrene

Classic curtains that are a combination of lightweight curtains with sliding straight porters are more appropriate in the living room or bedroom. For the kitchen, especially small, they are too cumbersome, uncomfortable and also unsafe. The classic design of the kitchen window is suitable only for spacious, well ventilated rooms, in which the stove is located away from the window, as well as for the kitchen-studio combined with the living room, dining room or bedroom, especially if one window combines several functional zones. Additional expressiveness, solemnity, luxury and sizes The kitchen interior will give lambrequins. Curtains with lambrequins will not just become an original window decoration, but also help visually change its proportions.

Classic curtains with geometric pattern are suitable for spacious kitchen

Combining several types of curtains

Roman, rolled and bamboo curtains can be used both independently and in a variety of combinations with tulle curtains, lambrequins and various lightweight curtains. An ideal addition to be transparent and translucent curtains made of air light fabrics, without bulk fal and lush folds.

Choose curtains in the kitchen - Photo Catalog Ideas

Roman curtains can not boast of high decorative possibilities, however, the addition of lambrequin significantly changes the picture

Austrian curtains fit especially fit into luxurious interiors in the classic style or art deco style

As an elegant veil looks on the windows of translucent Roman curtains with original drawing

There are many ways to decorate the most simple things, for example, to make the lower edge of the rolled curtains figured

The simplest traditional short curtains with floral motifs are able to decorate the kitchen windows.

Mountain rolled curtains on kitchen windows look stylish, reliably protecting against bright rays of the sun

A cheerful themed pattern on the curtains not only well fits into the interior, but also raises the mood

The design of the curtains for the kitchen may be the easiest, because much depends on the well-selected coloring

Bamboo curtains for the kitchen in the appropriate interior look elegant and stylish

Motion curtains for the dining area contribute to creating a relaxed setting at the table

Bamboo blinds for the dining area - the most efficient and spectacular way of registration of spacious bright kitchen

Roman curtains in combination with curtains successfully fit into the carefully selected interior of this dining room

Sophisticated lambrequins with elegant drapery can easily become the main element of the decor of the room

Austrian curtains for a kitchen with luxurious festons - the optimal choice for the classic interior

Roman curtains will look more interesting if you choose the fabric with a pattern for them

Classic curtains for kitchen with soft lambrequin attract a smooth bend of lines and shimmering tissue.

Lambreks for the kitchen can be real works of design art and samples of exquisite luxury

Light curtains for the kitchen - the simplicity of the design does not reduce their unassuming charm

Curtains with pickup curtains look very impressive - a minor item is able to completely transform their appearance.

Traditional approach to interior design using classic drapery usually gives a good result.

Classic curtains with pickups in the kitchen interior are designed to create a sensation of luxury and respectability.

On a wide window to more efficiently regulate the level of lighting, it is advisable to post a few stripes of Roman curtains

Lightweight curtains for the kitchen - the best solution for a small window

Classic curtains for kitchen strict, neurki and elegant

Light kitchen curtains with pickles decorate the window, without preventing the penetration of sunlight into the work area of \u200b\u200bthe room

The usual design of the Roman curtains can be complicated by making them more elegant and attractive

Its unique charm this window is obliged to a successful combination of different types of curtains and pleasant colors.

Roman curtains with curtains in the dining area - another option for a successful combination

Choose beautiful curtains in the kitchen is not difficult if you consider all the features of the room. As a rule, this is a small room, with high humidity and temperature drops, it is most often cleaned here. So, the curtains should not interfere with cleaning, it is easy to remove, be easy in washing, not to english space.

Designer: Pedorenko Ksenia. Photographer: Ignatenko Svetlana.

Types of curtains for kitchen

The following types of curtains for the kitchen are distinguished by length:

  • Long - it is curtains from tulle with or without grabs, suitable for high windows, both for classic and modern style. Will be inappropriate for the window before the sink, but if the window is in the dining area, it will give comfort.

On the photo long curtains in the style of high-tech, they emphasize the modern design and are combined with the overall concept.

Long classic and Roman curtains are appropriate for a spacious room. In the photo, the cornice is hidden under the ceiling, because of this, the feeling of the large window and the neglence of Gardin is created.

  • Short - Will very beautiful, they close the upper half of the windows, do not grind space, complement the interior in the rustic style, Provence style.

The most common options for curtains for the kitchen:
  • Roman curtains in the kitchen are a fabric cut, which is fastened like blinds, is not up to the end, forming uniform fan folds. Can be mounted on the window to the window, or to the window sash. Their advantages are that they make the windowsill available, which can serve as an extra shelf. They are not suitable for all styles, they need to be released from the lifting mechanism. The Austrian model is similar to Roman, but is suitable for creating a more gentle image with flocks and ruffles.

In the photo of the Roman design of the curtain design in a dark green color from organza with a large flower ornament, focus on the window in modern minimalist cuisine.

On one window, there may be several crafts, for example, as in the photo, three Roman curtains regulate the brightness of light in the kitchen.

  • Rolled curtains in the kitchen will create a modern functional style. This tissue canvas, which, when twisting, forms a roll and remains in sight, or hides in the box. The closing length is adjustable, the window can be left half closed or open completely. Mix on the sash window or on the window opening. They are suitable for any style, available in a wide range and at an optimal price, with patterns and photo printing, do not grind space. This type of curtains are combined with conventional curtains.

In the photo, translucent white rolled curtains in the kitchen interior perform their own direct function without attracting attention.

  • Threaded curtains in the kitchen look stylish and suitable for an unusual interior. May be long, short, with beads, combine in color.

  • Curtains blinds protect against light, the lamellas are easily clean, retain the view, do not absorb the smell, are suitable for almost any style. Horizontal blinds are suitable for small kitchens, completely closed the window from light, the vertical fit for the kitchen with a low ceiling and look like ordinary curtains. The reliability of the mechanism and the selected material (plastic, plug, aluminum, fabric) depends on their durability.

  • Curtains in the kitchen with lambrequin Hide the eaves and are a short horizontal curtain, suitable for classical interior, Provence, Country, Art Deco. If the room is small, then the lambrene should be simple. More appropriate hard lambrequin made of fabric on plasterboard.

  • Curtains on lover For the kitchen (rings, embedded in the turtle fabric, which are decor and fastener). They look simple and stylish, easily removed and erased most often with rings.

In the photo of the curtain on the chief, it is convenient to operate and create uniform waves on the fabric.

  • Curtains on the loops are suitable for mounting the hooks of the eaves. Create a classic decline, can be on ties or velcro. Bands on the bows are especially beautiful.

For a kitchen with a balcony, the Roman, curtains-blinds are best suitable for each window, as well as curtains with molding on the recordings, such a solution will save the curtain in a more recent form with frequent sling. Holders and pickles will decorate the appearance of the room and will serve as purpose.

Color selection of curtains

First of all, the color of the curtain and the curtains must fit the color of the kitchen, not to be knocked out of the stylistics and be a supplement, or a bright accent.

  • From the point of view of practicality, white curtains in the kitchen are not the best choice, but from the point of view of aesthetics they create ease, add lights and make the room more spacious. Most often choose white translucent fabrics in a duet with colored porters. If white seems boring, then you can choose a milk shade, ivory and the color of baked milk.

  • Red curtains will look good in a rustic style, high-tech, minimalism from different materials, with a pattern, a cage or with a silk sampling. Suitable for kitchen in white, black and white.

  • Orange curtains fit into the kitchen with insufficient lighting to create the effect of solar color. Shades of this color are very much, and they will be appropriate in the kitchen of medium and large size.

  • With yellow curtains you need to be careful because of their saturation and aggressiveness for perception. The delicate shades of the faded yellow and orange are suitable for the style of Provence and Country.

  • Brown curtains Suitable for the kitchen in a modern style, minimalism. Brown shade of coffee, white headset and light walls will create a simple and modern image. Dark shades will make a gloomy room, so it is better to use brown in patterns and decorative tape.

  • Lilac curtains create a feeling of summer and lavender field. Light curtains and white organza are suitable for any room size and windows.

  • Purple curtains In the kitchen it looks rich in the form of kisa and suitable for modern style. Deep shade porters will emphasize the luxury of the classics. Combined only with light finish and facade of furniture.

In the photo, violet weightless Austrian curtains from a saturated shade veil are suitable for creating a bold interior in a classic style.

  • Bright Salad curtains Must be made of lightweight fabric and simple form, as the color attracts a lot of attention and should not overload it to the complexity of the folds. It is better that these were short curtains, rolled or straight.

  • Blue and blue curtains The perfect choice for the kitchen of the sunny side, they create the effect of coolness and free space. Combined with light heads, beige walls, dairy tuna, dark wooden floors.

Choosing curtains under the interior style

  • Consist of two porter, tulle, lambrequin. If the room is large, then the classical design will emphasize his sophistication. But they are impractical due to the absorption of flavors and heavyness, frequent care.

  • Play a key role, as textile materials should be as much as possible. Curtains of a simple form made of natural material, with ribbons, ruffles, rushes and pattern. This is a strip, cage, small floral print. Large drawings and bright colors are inappropriate, shades should be gentle and as if faded under the rays of the southern sun.

  • Curtains in modern style Must be as functional as possible and not lose aesthetic appearance. It can be a filament curtains, tulle and curtains without lambrequin, blinds, rolled, Roman. Curtains on the chalivers will be functional on a small kitchen with a balcony. Most often these are translucent modern fabrics with the addition of Lurex.

In the photo, the Roman curtains made of natural fabric under the color of the wallpaper are fixed above the window opening, suitable for the kitchen in a modern style.

  • Curtains from lace and natural materials (cotton, flax, sitherium, batter) are suitable for country style. They can be in the floor and short, most often in a cage, with bows, pattern of wildflowers, with simple lambrene. Such textiles creates a rustic style in a modern apartment.

Features of the choice of fabric for curtains in the kitchen

Modern synthetic fabrics with high wear resistance are suitable for any style and are presented in wide. A natural material is also suitable for the kitchen, which is more expensive and looks presentable in the classic style, Provence, Country and even Modern.

  • Curtains from organza It is better to choose adjustable length or short. They are resistant to dirt, lungs in care, durable and weightless. The best looks in bright colors with a geometric ornament and a large or medium floral pattern. They can be combined with rolled or blinds.

  • Tulle in the kitchen can be of durable transparent fabric, to be with a mesh insert, smooth or relief, monophonic, from natural and synthetic material. Tyule Curtains can be in the form of a mild curtain, Austrian curtains, fabric panels. Tulle is easily draped by pickups and hairpins. Thus, you can combine two tulles and collect them in bundles, transfer through the eaves in the form of a lambrene, make contrast of textures and colors.

  • Curtains from Vuali worth choosing single-layer and monophonic in the form of direct curtains, Roman and French models with light waves. Suitable for any style depending on the drapery.

  • Linen curtains in the kitchen Suitable for creating a Scandinavian or eco-style. They can be decorated with embroidery, appliqué. Light flax in dairy and beige create a cozy atmosphere. The lack of flax is that it is strongly revealed, and also sitting down when washing. Despite this, flax durable clean material. It is represented in natural shades and is suitable for reserved design.

Curtains in the kitchen: photo selection

On the following photos - examples of using various curtains for windows in the kitchen interior.

From the article you will learn:

When a person comes into the room, first glance he throws on the nearest window. It attracts the design and scenery, which is behind it. The design of the window system is able to emphasize the style of the room, giving completion. Curtains help in this. They are used to protect against sunlight or third-party eyes.

Curtains - interior element, complementing furniture and decoration ensemble. Properly selected curtains change the mood in the room, emphasize the nature of the apartment tenants, change and increase the height of the ceiling. Curtain selection is a creative occupation.

The question of choosing a curtain in the kitchen worries many owners during the repair process. And this question is not idle, because kitchen curtains except decorations are also purely unitary load.

For example, with the help of properly selected curtains, accents can be distinguished, create a specific visual picture. When choosing a color and texture of the kitchen curtains, you need to take into account the geometry of the room and the design of the design, there are also special rules that will help to avoid mistakes during the selection of the style, drawing and shade.

We are determined with the purpose of the curtain - protection or decoration

To begin with, we will understand with the functions that will be naked onto the kitchen window decoration. When the windows come to the north, and the sun's rays will not bother with dinner households or the cooking hostess, in this case the curtains are given a decorative role. If the room is located with the southern or east side of the house, the situation is found in the root. In such a case, the choice of fabric, and the selection of the "clothes" of the windows will be completely different.

Whatever the role of your curtains - protective or purely decorative - you need not to lose sight of the fact that the kitchen is a room with an extremely aggressive medium. Here, any textile product constantly has a chance to acquire a new spexy, a layer of oily dust, and in particularly difficult cases - also with subpassions. That is why modern curtains in the kitchen are often sewn from materials having a special impregnation - it does not give dust to get absorbed into the fabric, protects against fat stains and does not allow the curtains easily.

From a practical point of view, it is desirable to approach the selection of window decoration. Since the lion's share of kitchens in high-rise buildings has a standard layout, the choice of clothing for windows is significant here than in the living room. A small room with a narrow window of a priori deprives you of the ability to hang in the kitchen curtains length to floor, decorated with pickups and lambrequins. Only owners of spacious kitchen-dining rooms can decide on such a step.

Basics of selection and combination of curtain color in the kitchen

The selection of the shade of the window decoration should be associated with the common palette of the room. It is advisable to go to the cabin salon with a piece of wallpaper or a sample of furniture cover, if they stayed after repair - in this case it will be much easier to choose the desired tone tone. In addition, it is possible to use the material from which the curtains sewned, for the manufacture of other textile decoration - tablecloths, napkins, mittens, and so on for the manufacture of other textile decoration.

If the furniture is already installed, you can choose the curtains in the color of the kitchen facade. When choosing a color, you need to take into account the overall kitchen interior, because the curtains are such an element of the decor, which should always be combined with a total atmosphere and only emphasize it. You can, on the contrary, make the curtains the most noticeable in the entire kitchen so that they stand out for their color or edging.

You can pick up the color of the curtains a little darker or lighter wallpaper so that they merge with them. Also, not to search and do not pick up for a long time, you can resort to the classic, you can choose classic tones - beige, cream or sandy. And you will not have to choose for a long time and the appearance will always be wonderful.

You can also embody your ideas, inventing what a lambrene or drapery to do. Imagine this idea can and to order. But here you need to know the measure, because the kitchen should remain a kitchen, you do not need to load it very much. If anything is a hall or bedroom.

Green and Salad Curtains - Elegant Solution

Each color has a huge tint palette. Green is no exception. Here are just some of them most popular:

  • malachite;
  • salad;
  • emerald;
  • herbal;
  • lime;
  • swamp greens;
  • olive;
  • muslim and others.

Each of the listed shades can have a different degree of intensity - from the pale, barely distinguishable, to a saturated, bright. To emphasize the beauty of the curtains, the main roller is often combined with white.

The combination with more pale or snow-white finishes is quite successful, as it does not contradict the rules of interior design and emphasizes the window decor. In addition, such a combination makes it possible to use an emphasis color for decorating other accessories, such as napkins or pillows on the chairs.

Lyme color has become fashionable due to unusual brightness. The kitchen with his participation will always reign a positive dynamic atmosphere.

Curtains of pleasant green can be a bright positive accent, colorful contrast against the background of a neutral setting or, on the contrary, a harmonious addition to the headset and wall decoration. The desired shade can be selected independently or with the help of a professional designer, which is well versed in the intricacies of creating a cozy interior.

Yellow curtains - always sunny

Yellow - Symbol of the Sun and Love to the Arrower. Light that will surely bring something bright and attractive with him. All people who are designers of their housing are capable of small experiments, and on the cardinal solutions - units. A special stylistic accent of the interior solution can be the curtains of yellow tones in combination with other interior items. However, with their selection in the kitchen, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of textiles, the design of the room and the combination of the set of shades of yellow, so each case makes sense to be considered separately.

Solar curtains are perfectly harmonized with any interior solution. Such models, any design turn into a bright cheerful fairy tale, and muffled yellow positively affects the human psyche. Sunny curtains can complement the interiors with pink, orange and purple color, which will give the place a certain highlight.

Curtains of red - original and stylish

For example, the British bind this color with blood color. Accordingly, the red can mean bloody, rage, battle. For Russians, the red and beauty of one root. Therefore, this word was a wonderful, beautiful, fitted. For our ancestors, red meant the warm sun, bright berries - fertility, fire - homely focus. It should be noted that any color has many shades: scarlet, pink, burgundy. Some shades names are very exotic, for example, a complex shade of pink color is the name of the marquise Pompadour, and the color of the dusty lingonberry reminds the fire of the fire and is called the "Moscow Fire of 1812".

See also: Curtains for string

Psychologists have long learned to determine the psychotype of a person depending on its color preferences:

  • Red: active, strong, self-confident.
  • Pink: passionate, sensitive, attentive.
  • Purple: Intellectual.
  • Burgundy: thoughtful, sentimental.
  • Raspberry: impulsive, unpredictable.
  • Fire: diligent, patient.
  • Red-brown: confident, optimistic.
  • Scarlet: reckless, persistent.

Selecting the curtains for this room, it should be borne in mind that the red color is one of the most saturated shadesTherefore, its excess in the interior may cause irritation, aggression and overwork. In addition, you need to consider which color has furniture in the kitchen. As a rule, the shade of the curtain largely depends on the color solution in which the kitchen set is made.

If this piece of furniture has very bright tones, then the optimal option will be the acquisition of pastel neutral shades curtains, which will somewhat muffle the intensity of this color. In such a room, the curtains having a light gray, white, creamy, cream and beige tone, as well as the shade of ivory, milk chocolate and bone milk will be sophisticated. Curtains having such a gentle flower palette, dilute overly dramatic and aggressive red shade and at the same time emphasize its energy and saturation.

The fashion solution is considered a combination of red and black room. However, designers do not recommend hanging black curtains in the kitchen, as a similar combination makes it gloomy and uncomfortable. The optimal option in this case is scarlet curtains having black fragments. This combination looks in the room very stylish and effectively. It is undesirable to also choose the curtains for the kitchen having a heavy or vice versa, too bright burgundy color, which makes it darker and excessively striking.

Brown curtains - gives the rigor to the room

Choosing curtains for the kitchen, many consciously avoid dark tones. It is the opinion that brown looks gloomy and is not suitable for creating a cozy home atmosphere in the room. We dare to assure you that it is not, and a vivid example of the popularity of the curtain of this shade. Recently, more often, designers prefer exactly this color, and that is why.

Brown is a neutral and familiar human eye. Being a background, it allows you to lend other colors, while remaining almost imperceptible. Psychologists have found that brown gamma contributes to the emergence of a sense of security and peace. In addition, dark tones fabrics perfectly refractals the sun's rays, fencing the kitchen from sometimes too bright natural lighting. The shades of brown are infinitely a lot, then:

  • light warm beige
  • saturated coffee
  • the color of the "brown cola".

The kitchen must reign a home style, because it is here that guests receive and conduct family celebrations, so we advise you to select the curtains of saturated dark brown tones that will be combined with light furniture. The walls are desirable to be covered with bright monophonic wallpaper. Such a contrast will visually increase the space and create a feeling of space. The floor in the kitchen room can be issued using parquet or brown shades laminate.

Turquoise curtains - sea wave color

The name of the color comes from the Mineral Turquoise. This color can be described as the color of the sea wave, the color of the ocean with light green and light blue shades. He symbolizes calm, peace. Very often they are associated with the sea theme and choose to create an interior in the marine style.

Turquoise color helps to create a fresh atmosphere of the room. While it looks quite expensive, it does not overload a general view of the room. This color has a number of benefits:

  • With competent use, it can be added even to the classic interior, transformation room;
  • It has been proven that the color of turquoise has the property to stimulate creative abilities;
  • Stress removal and light relaxation is what the turquoise color gives when used in the bedroom;
  • Changing lighting in the room, you can change the shade of color.

Turquoise - universal color in terms of combinations with light shades, they can be supplemented with any soft tonality - from pale gray to blue, yellow or milky white. With dark shades of turquoise combined extremely rarely - saturated tones visually compress this color. Using similar curtains in the dark design you will get the window design, located "on a separate island" among the other elements of the interior, and the harmony of the design of the room will not be able to achieve any izas

Familiarize yourself with the features of combining turquoise with the most popular in interior design with shades:

White. This combination is a business card of most modern interiors decorated in minimalism style. Here it is rational to use the contrast method - than you use the curtain rush, the expressively there should be a basic shade of white - right up to pure milk color. The combinations of a bright curtain and perfectly light walls are advantageous, however, in order to avoid excessive sterility of the room, supplement the situation with small decorative elements in the color of the cloth - cover, lamps, paintings.

Beige. The walls decorated in pastel tonality are perfectly combined with a soft turquoise tint panels. Do not attempt to emphasize the contrast saturation of curtains with draperies and an additional decor, you lose the elusive ease and comfort, which ensures such a combination. Combine these shades can also be in the window design itself - use turquoise with beige curtains with a calm geometric or floral pattern.

Brown. Combinations of turquoise with coffee tint look extremely harmonious, you will get a pacifying interior entourage, ideal for bedrooms. The emphasis here is rational to do on the quality of the textile used: the best turquoise cloth for curtains is silk, atlas and organza - light, weightless fabrics, literally flowing around the window opening. If you wish to use tight turquoise curtains. Prefer the jacquard or flares, turquoise looks extremely exquisite.

If we talk about the selection of curtains to turquoise wallpaper, you can select 3 winning combinations - with black and white, brown and saturated graphite shades. We also note the combination of moderately saturated walls with curtains of a similar, but more expressive color. Another way to add freshness and comfort to the interior of freshness - turquoise furniture. Its use is rationally not only as a supplement to the corresponding curtains, but also regardless of them. Such elements dilute the boring room design, add it modern and elegance.

Lilac color curtains - refreshing the room

Properly selected lilac curtains have many decorative advantages. They naturally create a friendly atmosphere in the living room, raise the mood in the nursery, provide a welcome holiday in the bedroom. These shades of lilac color cause a desire to think and dream. Such colors usually choose creative nature, as well as purposeful and strong spirit.

For the kitchen it is preferable to choose a cold lilac color. It will create a suitable mood, will not excite an irrepressible appetite, will provide a room with a sufficient amount of sunlight. The optimal approach in this case is a combination with white. Options may be set.

  • The snow-white facades and the surface of the kitchen furniture, the walls of a beige or sandy shade and brightly lilac curtains of the maximum length of light kisea will create a uniquely fresh atmosphere.
  • No less beneficial on light, almost white background there will be a small curtain cafe saturated, almost violet color. In the interior, it is permissible to use a lilac floral print on walls or furniture.
  • Attractive and functional option - the Roman curtains of the lilac shade like in the frame of snow-white window frames.
  • It will be simple and appropriate to look a lightweight curtain from veil or tulle to the middle of the window. The original stroke will be a diagonal one-sided pickup.
  • To decorate too simple kitchen, it is recommended to use white Austrian curtains with a lilac pattern and volumetric bands to tone pattern.

See also: What curtains are best hanging on the kitchen windows? Several variants

Such options are appropriate only in bright kitchen, weathered in pastel colors. Unusually juicy on the background of purple or lavender curtains looks bright yellow furniture.

Lilac color is a choice of sophisticated, gentle, sensitive natures. He symbolizes the removal from the earth, the tendency to the philosophical perception of life. So they say psychologists.

If you do not notice anything behind you, but the lilac color you like more than others, perhaps you are just a creative person. And it was quite likely that you have long been thinking about whether you don't decorate your window with lilac curtains.

Blue and blue curtains - will provide a beautiful combination with furniture

Blue is a noble and elegant color. But this does not mean that it can only be used in the classic design room. The feature of blue is in its versatility, so it will fit perfectly in modern, modern and sometimes even extravagant design decisions. A bright example of using this color can be the use of blue curtains in the interior.

It should be noted that brighter shades can make a room more visually more, more spacious. And dark blue curtains can bring some freshness and coolness to the interior. In this article, we will look at the main uses of the shades of blue in the design of the apartment, as well as define the most successful combinations of it with other colors.

The blue gamma is considered cold, so the northern windows can "freeze" even more by decorating them with curtains of one of the shades of this color. For the sunny side, such a choice will be as impossible by the way. Even in very hot weather, cornflower curtains on the windows will create a slight feeling of coolness and freshness and, perhaps, remind you of the sea breeze.

Psychologists wishing to lose weight advise there is blue dishes and choose one of its shades to design the interior of the kitchen. Is it really helping to change appetite, it is not known. But the fact that the curtains of this color on the kitchen window can look very original - this is a fact.

The choice of design and drawing (or its absence) depends on what style you have taken as a basis when designing the interior of the kitchen, what shades are finished the walls, what the furniture looks like. Blue perfectly combined with white. Snow-white cabinets and cabinets, the same coloring table with a large tabletop, black and white chairs, blue curtains and a floor mat - such an interior is more suitable not even the kitchen, but the dining room. Cozy, restrained, beautiful.

Blue color is well combined with the following shades:

  • White
  • Grey
  • Cream
  • Beige
  • Sand
  • Blue
  • Blue - gray
  • Gray - blue
  • Milk - blue
  • Black and white.

In addition to natural shades, blue looks good in tandem with silver and gold.

Blue is quite strong color. It can cause different emotions: dark tones act on the psyche somewhat depressingly, brighter, close to the blue - relax, soothe. Selecting the "painted" into this curtains, you should not give preference to too dark gloomy tones, if, of course, you personally do not seem to you.

White curtains - visually increase the room

Neutral, for example, white curtains fit harmoniously into any stylistic ensemble and visually make the room more. Warm and hospitable atmosphere create successful contrasts in the interior. For example, bright curtains and a dark kitchen set, or vice versa - dark curtains and bright furniture. The interior must be balanced, then each detail will be able to fulfill not only a practical, but also aesthetic role.

White objects always look more than dark. Therefore, white curtains are visually expanding the window, increase the room space. In small kitchens, the curtains of white coloring is a clever color course that immediately adds the size of the volume.

White curtains will not only refresh the appearance of the room, but also give ease and make airspace. As a result, a lot of additional effects received. White color curtains helped visually zoom in a not very large room area. The atmosphere became some kind of good, calm and gives the feeling of maximum comfort and comfort. He even scares that white color is enough. Believe me, all you get in the end, completely compensates for some inconvenience.

Curtains black - severity and proportions

Black curtains in the interior from different materials - a new trend in the design of some modern styles. This finding has already managed to evaluate lovers of extravagant furnishings and elegant graphic decoration of rooms in the form of correct black and white contrast. Once the curtains of black and color hung on the windows only working on shifts to sleep during the day. Today in fashion lace black tablecloths and satin linen, jacquard wallpaper with overflows of matte and glossy textures, as well as black leather sofas and elegant additions to them.

Here are some rules that will help embody the conceived:

  1. Be sure to be observed proportions of the color gamut. Very dark tones of walls, furniture and any accessories, such as curtains, should be no more than 10%. It is better to combine them with white and bright elements of wall design.
  2. Kitchen should be brightly lit. The more light, the more dark items can be allowed. It is possible to use the lighting devices of the most diverse type and necessarily the use of a multi-level principle for lighting. This is especially true for combinations of red, black and white palette in the color scheme of the room. You can consider how the curtains are selected for red-black cuisine, in the photo.
  3. When using red-black colors of kitchen Be sure to be present the white component, which is their satellite.
  4. Wallpaper or any other wall finishing For a black and red kitchen headset, it is necessary to choose bright shades, preferably not monophonic, which will look boring.
  5. Satellites of black curtainsAs shown in the photo, are golden, red-white and silver-steel elements of the kitchen furnishings.

Interesting fact: Do you know that the shades of black are called gray? Paradoxically, but indeed the dark gray exists, and the light black even sounds strange. How wonderful that both colors are in the trend! Rate the variety of shades you can when watching these photos.

Kitchen Interior Design - Archithema Intended

Eclectic black curtains will fit into the classic interior of an office or an apartment strict, at first glance, the appearance allows you to place visual accents. In human psychology, a black color is associated with the theme of grief, which did not reflect in the popularity of coloring. The main thing is to choose a pleasant combination of a dark and light shade, then even in a small room it turns out to create a comfortable atmosphere.

Beige Curtains - Classic Style

If you are a person who preferring a classic style, appreciate calm and strive to gain joy in personal relationships, then you definitely stand to consider beige curtains in decorating windows.

No need to worry that such curtains will make the interior boring. On the contrary, they will give the room a feeling of heat and pacification, proximity to nature. After all, we can see beige shades, looking at the wheat field, trunks of some trees, animal wool, on our skin, in the end.

The harmonious interior is formed from several components. Beautiful curtains in the kitchen are capable of quickly and without significant costs to convert the situation. To refresh the kitchen interior to wait for the next repair at all. It is enough to familiarize yourself with the new trends in the world of design or expand the ideas about the classical curtains and apply the information in practice.

The main aspects of the choice

Everyone has the right to establish the rules for designing the interior of his own home, but it is better to do it with a loan on the recommendation of professional designers. When choosing the curtains are guided by the following selection criteria:

  • shape and length;
  • fabric texture;
  • colors.

The design of the world of design persistently offer to abandon modern kitchen from the curtains of a complex design and hang concubine models without unnecessary decorative elements. Textile length is selected taking into account the area of \u200b\u200bthe room. The small-sized space is better to make up short curtains, on the spacious kitchen you can hang long curtains.

The kitchen is a room with a specific microclimate. Therefore, in pursuit of the beautiful interior should not forget about practicality. Synthetic curtains are responsible for the requirements of functionality. They are easily erased, special impregnations emphasize the fabric dust and dirt-repellent properties.

Tip! It is extremely important not only to hang beautiful curtains in the kitchen, but also take care of the simplicity of care.

Natural fabrics are more capricious in care, but individual interior styles imply exactly this option for designing a kitchen window. This trend in ecostel and rustic directions is especially strong: Country and Provence.

Beautifully arrange the window opening of the kitchen is possible only with a competent combination of the color palette. The main factors determining the choice:

  • Room size. A small space is not a meal of dark tones and a large drawing, it is better to hang monochle curtains or pick up a little pattern.
  • The degree of natural light. The darkened north side will be beautifully decorated with light curtains of warm tones. You can hang the curtains of deep and rich colors on a flooded sun, it will be beautiful to look a palette of cold shades.
  • Interior features. Regardless of the selected color for the window design, it is important that it finds the response in other design elements. It can be decorative inserts on the facade of furniture or decor elements in the form of napkins, tablecloths and pillows. It all depends on the dominant style in the kitchen.

Not everyone likes the Figure Figure, so there remained the pleiad of fans of classical curtain models. A full overview of existing models will allow you to navigate with the choice.

Gallery Photo with beautiful curtains in the kitchen will give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe variety of assortment.

Classic Genre: Tulle + Straight Curtains

The combination of Tulle and Long Porter meets everywhere and does not lose its relevance over time. Hang beautiful curtains in the kitchen is not enough to maintain the attractiveness of the interior, you must comply with some simple recommendations:

  • Large curtains attract a lot of dust, so preference to textiles, easy to care.
  • The kitchen does not need high-quality darkening like a bedroom. It is better to hang a loose curtains on the window, which will preserve natural lighting during the daytime and will not give the interior of the progress effect.
  • Long curtains look beautiful in a large kitchen with the condition that there is no oven or stationary furniture next to the window.

When considering the color combinations, tulle white is leading, but you can hang the curtains of pastel tones. The palette of the porter does not have special limitations, although one-day light textiles looks more winning.

Comment! If the kitchen curtains perform exclusively decorative function, and there is no need to be removed from foreign explosions, one tulle without a dense curtain is better to hang on the window. Laconic design is particularly welcome in the kitchen of a small square.

There are many ways to hang curtains beautifully:

  • The usual for all option is a straight canvas of Tulle with thick folds. To do this, you will need a cut of a tissue greater than the width of the window 2.5-3 times.
  • Two curtains crossed with each other are spectacular.
  • Beautifully decorate the kitchen with three narrow cloths with garters, which will make the most of the access to natural light.
  • On a narrow window, in addition to Tulle, you can hang one porter with a beautiful side draper.

Asymmetry on the kitchen window always looks fresh and interesting. Photo examples of beautiful curtains will help diversify their interior.

Models on lover

Give the new sound of the classic model Curtains are capable of chalks. In this case, the upper part of the curtain is sealed and the rings intended for fixing on the eaves are fixed on it.

Light tulle is better to hang on plastic lupions that do not lose the canvas, dense curtains look beautifully with metal elements.

Curtains on the chalks fall out beautifully smooth faldami, such a way of fastening on the eaves is more suitable for long curtains, short models will not look so spectacular.

If curtains are selected for the interior of the kitchen, they do not need additional decorations or drapes. The lover themselves are a decorative element, they look beautiful on the cornices with original tips.

Suitable curtain models for kitchen in the photo:

Findable lambrequins

To the decision to hang on the lambrene window fit weighted. Difficult drapets in the kitchen are impractical and look harmonious only in spacious interiors. Following the advice of designers on conciseness, the following variations of the lambrequins are acceptable:

  • swag;
  • polusawa;
  • drapery in the form of a scarf, blocked through the cornice.

Light and light fabric choose for decoration. Complex draperations are better excluded, they include:

  • tie;
  • jabin;
  • bells.

Decorative elements in the form of brushes and fringe also better leave aside.

Complies with the trends of the fashion lambrequinos hard-type on the bandage. This option can be hung even in a small kitchen. Hard lambrequins with curly lower edges look beautiful.

Window design with balcony door

Curtains in the kitchen, where the window is complemented by a balcony door, deserve special attention. It is necessary to use the balcony with enviable regularity, so the model of the curtains is better to hang taking into account the features of the window opening. Solution options are several:

  • Wide canvas, complemented by pickup. The day of the curtain is in an open state and does not interfere with the balcony, and in the evening it completely closes the window with a balcony door.
  • Classically beautifully looks in the kitchen interior, if you hang two curtains with lateral pickups.
  • By the way will be able to recall asymmetry and multi-layered. Tulle with a large bevel is located from the door side, and the window closes the curtain to the floor.
  • In addition to the traditional ways to decorate the interior of the kitchen of Tyul and the curtains, the Roman curtains are characterized by practicality, especially if you hang them on the window with a balcony. The benefits of design of the interior of the kitchen Roman curtains will be told on.

Photo examples of curtain models to the kitchen with a balcony will give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe ways of design of the window opening:

Actual Solutions for Short Curtains

The small-sized space is preferable to arrange short curtains. Designers offer several practical solutions:

  • Traditional tulle on the cornice.
  • The model "Cafe" came from France, which closes only the lower half of the window. Usually fixed on the fishing line. Beautifully looking at the curtains, supplemented at the top of a narrow strip of fabric on the eaves.
  • Continuing rustic themes, short linen curtains with side pickles deserve attention.
  • Modern interiors winning with rolled and roman models.
  • Always spectacular curtains in the kitchen with their own hands. It can be tissue copies that are crosslinked, exclusive hook or knitting products, patchwork patchwork curtains.

The choice of model largely defines the style of the interior dominating in the kitchen.


Ensure, elegant and air looks in the kitchen interior, if you hang on the couch curtains window. A relatively recently developed model quickly won the hearts of designers. Advantages of such a solution set:

  • Practicality. Specially processed textile threads do not absorb foreign smells, possess the dirt-repellent properties.
  • Easy to care. Stripping curtains will not be difficult.
  • Functionality. Do not prevent the use of a balcony door and a windowsill. If necessary, they are simply tied up, freeing the space.
  • Well flowing light and air, at the same time create protection against strangers.
  • In the interior of a large kitchen can perform a distinction function, separating the dining area from the workspace.

Comment! In the kitchen, it is better to hang filament curtains without additional decorative elements in the form of beads, rhinestones and feathers. They will interfere with washing and quickly lose its initial attractiveness.

Kieya looks in the interior of the kitchen self-sufficient and does not need an addition to other curtains, but if necessary, it is combined with the porters, and with blinds. Experiments are never rebored.

Laconium rolled and roman models

If necessary, hide the kitchen interior in the evening from prying eyes, you can hang rolled curtains, which when picked up wound on the shaft. Unlike other models that are mostly attached to the eaves, there are 3 ways to arrange rolled structures:

  • traditionally on the wall above the window;
  • on the ceiling;
  • most often resort to a fixation option directly on the window frame.

This is the most practical solution that does not create problems when opening the window to ventilating or using a balcony door.

Curtains differ in manufacturing material. In the kitchen, you can hang tissue instances, PVC products or bamboo straws. As always, when choosing a material and color design, focus on the stylistic solution of the interior. Unusually beautifully look at the model with photo printing.

Some similarity with rolled structures have Roman curtains. The difference is in the way of raising. Due to the installed fixators, they are folded by transverse folds.

Roman curtains differ among themselves according to the degree of shading:

  • If you hang transparent samples, they will replace your usual tulle in the kitchen.
  • Originated in the interiors of kitchens, copies of the day-night, which are able to regulate the level of production of natural lighting.
  • Curtains with a complete dimming effect are more suitable for the bedroom, but at will you can hang them in the kitchen.

Designers offer various options for designing the kitchen Roman curtains. They look beautiful as an independent unit and in combination with other curtains.

Comment! Roman curtains are especially valued for versatility, they are able to play the role of light tulle or perform the functions of a dense porter.

Ensure the attractiveness of the interior of the kitchen with concise models of Roman curtains will help:

Other models

The remaining models are found in the kitchen less often for different reasons:

  • Japanese panels. Spectacular and practical, they look beautiful on panoramic windows, and you can easily meet those in the kitchen interior.
  • Austrian curtains. A peculiar mixture of Roman and French curtains. Usually are in highlight, so do not hide the kitchen interior in the evening. Self-sufficient model that does not tolerate combination. They seek the romantic atmosphere and are categorically not suitable for modern directions of minimalism.
  • French curtains are famous for magnificent festons, and personality is now not in trend. Create difficulties in conducting, quickly polluted in a medium with adverse effects of impact. With an insurmountable desire, it is better to hang in a spacious room with a good hood.

Examples of beautiful, but impractical curtains for the kitchen are presented in the photo:

You can hang any curtains in the kitchen. So that they look beautiful, it is important to combine the texture of the fabric, the color palette, length and model with the interior of the room and take into account the dominant stylistic direction.