Repairs Design Furniture

We make the magnets on the refrigerator (and not only) from the primary, thrust and natural materials. Magnet production at home Flexible magnet Prioba himself with your own hands

To decorate your home, it is not necessary to buy expensive accessories. Some little things will help to revive the interior, and make them very easy. For example, the appearance of your kitchen will change greatly due to ... Magnets on the refrigerator door.

To do refrigerator magnet do it yourself You can quickly quickly, and for this you will not need any special materials.

Master classes: a fridge magnet do it yourself

Simple and bright fridge magnet do it yourself

What you need:

  • round magnets
  • glass or plastic circles of the same size,
  • glue,
  • interesting pictures (you can cut them out of logs or draw yourself).

Make such interesting magnets will be easier. You just need to glue the chosen picture to the magnet, wait until the glue dry, and glue a glass circle to the picture.

Once the glue is completely dry, your magnet is ready.

Living plant magnet for refrigerator do it yourself

What you need:

  • magnets,
  • corks from wine bottles,
  • adhesive gun
  • land,
  • little plants,
  • screwdriver.

First you need to make a small hole at the top of the cork using a screwdriver. Next, this hole is expanding with a knife (very neat, trying not to hook the plug walls).

The plug is attached to a magnet with a glue gun.

After that, you need to carefully pour out the land in the resulting deepening and plant plants. Thus, on your refrigerator will appear magnets with alive plants. Do not forget to water them regularly. As soon as the plants increase markedly in size and stop being placed in traffic jams, transfer them to the pot. And in the traffic jam you will need to fall asleep another land and plant new plants.

"Fabric" refrigerator magnet do it yourself

What you need:

  • magnets,
  • needle,
  • pieces of fabric,
  • threads in color.

Take a piece of fabric and cut a circle out of it, the diameter of which will be 3 times more than the diameter of your magnet. Now you need to sew a "case" for a magnet. Wrap the edge of the tissue blank and position it. In the resulting "case" you need to put a magnet and gently pull the tissue tissue.

On the tip of the thread, tie the nodule and do the more superfluous.

Such a magnet will look great on your refrigerator. Fabric "Case" will protect your refrigerator from scratches. And if you wish, you can change it without much difficulty.

Magnet trailer for refrigerator do it yourself

What you need:

  • magnetic tape,
  • acrylic paints,
  • wooden clothespins
  • thin brush
  • sequins (optional).

Make such magnets are quite simple. You need to decorate the clothespins with the help of paints and brushes (you can make the same pattern on all clothespins or paint them with different colors). If you want magnets to be bright and attract attention, use sparkles. To the back of each clothespin, you need to glue a magnetic tape.

Your clothespin magnets are ready. They will help carefully fix photos or notes.

Magnet made of polymer clay for refrigerator with their own hands

What you need:

  • magnets,
  • polymer clay,
  • rock (can be replaced with a glass jar),
  • bakeware,
  • stamps
  • sandpaper,
  • ink pillow,
  • adhesive pistol.

First you need to roll out the polymer clay using the rolling pin. You have to get a clay layer with a thickness of about 0.5 cm. Use the stamps and apply different patterns on this layer in chaotic order (so that they do not overlap each other). If you have a pad with ink, then you can give the selected color patterns.

After that, with the help of baking molds cut various blanks for future magnets from the clay reservoir.

Check out the instruction written on the packaging with polymer clay. Depending on what is indicated there, leave the workpiece to dry or bake them in the oven.

For many people, the magnet is still a mystery, although with this metal and phenomenon in principle, people met for a very long time. Already then a whole system was developed for the manufacture of various magnets. Today it is not uncommon and even powerful magnets can be done at home.

Creating a magnet from girlfriend

Of course, for many it will seem even something supernatural and maybe even a shock, but even now, sitting at home, most people can make a magnet with their own hands. Below is four methods in which it is described how to make a powerful magnet at home.

Method number 1.

The first and surely therefore the easiest way: for its implementation, you only need to take any item that can be magnetized (the subject should be metallic) and spend it several times along a permanent magnet, and this should be done only in one direction. But, unfortunately, such a magnet will be short-lived and will quickly lose its magnetic properties.

Method No. 2.

This magnetization method is performed using a battery or battery by 5 or 12 volts. Most often, it is used to magnetize screwdrivers and is performed as follows:

There is a copper wire of a certain length, which will be enough to wind the rod screwdriver 280 - 350 times. The wire is best suited from transformers, or that that is intended for their production.
The object is insulated, in this case, with the help of the isol, the entire rod of the screwdriver is winding.
The winding itself and connecting it to the battery is performed. One end - to the plus, the other - to minus. The winding should be carried out to the turn to the twist, evenly. Isolation should also be dense.

As a result of data of manipulations, it will be much more pleasant to work with a screwdriver. Such an operation can be transformed any old unnecessary screwdrivers in a truly convenient tool.

Method number 3.

This option describes how to make a powerful magnet in a rather simple way. In fact, it was completely described above, but specifically this method implies a different material. In this case, the usual metal will be used, or rather a small piece of it, preferably a cubic shape and a more powerful coil. Now the number of turns should be increased by 2-3 times so that the magnetization is successful.

Method number 4.

This method is very dangerous and is categorically prohibited for execution by people who are not professionals in the field of electricians. It is performed strictly with compliance with safety, the main thing is to remember that only you and no more are responsible for life and health.

He talks about how to make a strong magnet at home, while spent a small amount of money. In this case, an even more powerful coil wound exclusively from copper will be used, as well as a fuse for a 220 volt network.

The fuse is needed so that the coil can be turned off on time. Immediately after connecting to the network, it burns, but at the same time a magnetization process will have time for such a period of time. The power of the current in this case will be the maximum for the network and the magnet will be quite powerful.

Powerful electromagnet with their own hands

First, you need to deal with what it is. The electromagnet is an integer device, which when applied to it of a specific current, works as a normal magnet. Immediately after the termination, he loses these properties. How to make a powerful magnet from ordinary coil and iron was described above. So, if instead of iron to use a magnetic circuit, then it will be the same electromagnet.

In order to deal with how to make a strong magnet at home, which will work from the network, you just need to remember some of the information from the course of school physics and understand that with increasing the coil, as well as the magnetic pipeline, and the power of the magnet will increase. But it will take more current to disclose the full potential of the magnet.

But the most powerful still neodymium remains, they possess all the most desirable properties and are small in their power and weight. On how to make neodymium magnets with their own hands and is it possible at all and will be discussed further.

Production of neodymium magnet

Due to the complex composition and a special method of production, the question of how to make a neodymium magnet with their own hands at home disappears by itself. But many are still interested in how to make neodymium magnets, because it would seem if you can make an ordinary magnet, then the neodymium is also quite realistic.

But everything is not as simple as it seems in reality. Serious companies are engaged in the production of such magnets, they use special technologies of very powerful magnetization of the material. And this is beyond what is used quite complicated in the extraction and production of the alloy. Therefore, this question can be clearly replied - no way. If someone succeeds to do this, he can easily open its production, since he will already be necessary.

The use of created magnets

Application in industrial and economic purposes

Used in various electrical appliances. Especially common in devices equipped with speakers. Any dynamic head includes a magnet, ferrite or neodymium, and others are used in rare cases. Also used magnets in furniture production, toys. In production, when filtering bulk materials.

Application at home

The fridge magnets are one of the most common directions for the use of magnets. Also, some use them to stop counters, in order to reduce the fee for utilities, but it is so strictly forbidden, and it is inappropriate.


Based on this article, it is possible to understand how to make a powerful magnet at home, while not spending some special efforts and material resources. But you should not experiment with a powerful network to people who do not understand electricity and do not have any ideas about how it works, because it is serious and very dangerous for a person's life.

The magnets on the refrigerator are pleased with the eyes and keep our lists, photos, postcards, business cards and coupons. Make them with your own hands for yourself or a gift is very interesting and easy. After all, if you think, for the manufacture of magnetic crafts, you can use almost everything that is at hand, it is enough to include fantasy, stocking with glue and mini magnets.

In this article we presented 70 inspirational photo ideas, as well as 5 step-by-step lessons, how to make cool magnets on the refrigerator (and not only) from the primary, natural and even thrust materials.

For the manufacture of fridge magnets, you can use three of their kind: ferrite, neodymium (super-magnets) and vinyl (rubber).

  • If you want your magnetic crafts to hold only light and small sheets of paper, business cards, etc., you can use ferrite (conventional graphite magnets, which are most often used for souvenirs) or vinyl. The latter is a flexible vinyl material with an adhesive basis, which has a small grip strength, but it can cut into segments of different shapes and sizes. An example of using a flexible magnet is presented below.
  • If you want a magnet to hold things more, it is necessary to use neodymium magnets (super-magnets), which have 10 times more clutch power. For example, for the manufacture of a magnetic hook for a cook or a cutting board, you will need one magnet size with a 1-penny coin. Keep in mind that ideally the magnet clutch strength should be 2 times the weight of the crafts and the subject it will keep.

By the way, the neodymium magnet, unlike the ferritovoy, does not lose magnetic properties over time. Ferrite after 8-10 years turns into a useless piece of iron.

Where to take or buy magnets for making crafts? They can be left from souvenir products or buy / order in construction markets, shops for creativity, as well as specialized online stores.

Working with neodymium magnets, observe precautions and do not attract children's crafts. Keep in mind that two magnet enjoyed to each other may even pinch the finger.

For gluing a magnet to the craft in most cases, superciles are suitable, universal glue "moment" and its analogues, as well as hot glue. If your handicraft is designed to hold really heavy things, then it is best to use a neodymium magnet with a crumpled and screw.

Best on the fridge look at the magnets performed in one style and combined on topics, color or form.

Magnets can be hung not only to the refrigerator, but also on any metal surfaces, for example, on a magnetic board-organizer, extractor or gas column.

In turn, the magnetic board-organizer can be installed anywhere, for example, on the door of the locker

Master Class. 1. Magnets-hooks from branches

You can hang the keys, towels, cookies and other things on these hooks-branches.

Materials and tools:

  • Dry small, but strong branch with branch;
  • Hand saw or jigsaw;
  • Small neodymium magnets;
  • Glue;
  • Drill and drill equal to the diameter of magnets;
  • Acrylic paint (optional).


With the help of a saw, cut the branch so that it becomes like a hook. Then cut the branch along so that its back side is flat as shown below in the photo on the left.

In this flat rear of the branch, drill an in-depth hole under the diameter of your magnet.

Enclose the magnet into the resulting cell.

Optionally, paint the craft and cover the matte varnish. Ready!

Master Class 2. Magnets Storage Banks

If you have cute tin or glass jars, let them in the case, turning the refrigerator door or a magnetic board to the organizer.

Glass cans with baby food are great for storing spices on the refrigerator or hood.

Materials and tools:

  • Small aluminum banks (banks as in our master class can be ordered to aliexpress 300 rubles. / 10 pcs.). Replace tin cans with glass jars or small plastic containers;
  • Paint of the desired color (it is more convenient to use paint in the spray) and a matte varnish (not necessarily, but preferably to protect the coating);
  • Neodymium lamellar magnets (especially if you want to use large banks and keep heavy trivia in them) or magnetic vinyl self-adhesive sheets with a thickness of 0.6 mm;
  • Superclones "moment" (need if you use neodymium magnets).


Make sure that the prepared banks are clean and dry. Paint them, as well as their covers in 2-3 layers, giving each layer to dry carefully. Next, cover the banks with varnish if it is.

  • If you use cans with a glass insert on the lid, then before painting it needs to be removed or stacked with painting scotch.

Cut out the circles from the magnetic sheet, their diameter should be slightly smaller than the diameter of the cans. If you use neodymium magnets, then glue them to superciles.

Stick cut-off circles on the bottom of the can, removing the protective substrate.

If you wish, the cans can additionally react. For example, as shown in the photo below.

Master class 3. Magnets made of tin covers (crown)

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe secondary use of the caps from the bottles of soda or beer as a fridge magnets will like not only ecologists, but also decorators. After all, they do not stand at all, but provide a lot of opportunities for decor.

For example, family photos or simply cute paper can be glued inside the covers (trimming cards, cuttings from magazines, etc.).

Homemade magnets-photo frames

The covers can be painted, fill their inner part with hot glue or cork, and then glue magnets to them.

Sometimes the caps from the bottles can not be decorated at all.

Instead of beer covers for making a fridge magnets, you can use lids more, for example, from the cans of the nutella or baby food.

Materials and tools:

  • Scissors, and better hole punch for scrapbooking for cutting circles with a diameter of 2.5 cm (sold in stores for creativity and costs 200-300 rubles);
  • Epoxy resin, a container for the preparation of the solution and a wand for interfering;
  • PVA glue, as well as superchalters;
  • Small magnets;
  • Photos suitable in size or any other pictures, for example, from the magazine;
  • Beer covers (it is best to use bottles with unscrewing, rather than unfolding covers).


Using a hole punch or scissors. Cut the round fragments with a diameter of 2.5 cm. Of course, if you use scissors, you must first make a markup using one of the covers (or plastic cover from the plastic bottle).

Enclose pictures to the inside of each cover using PVA glue (glue should be applied on top of the picture including). Give adhesion to dry completely (!).

Following the manufacturer's instructions, prepare the epoxy resin in the quantity you need. To accurately find out how much resin you need, pour water into one of the covers, then multiply the resulting volume on the number of covers. Ship the working surface to protect it from spills, then fill each lid to the edges. Give the crafts to dry overnight.

Stick to the billets magnets. Ready!

Master class 4. Magnets from plastic mini-toys

The most stylish magnets are easy to make plastic toys, namely, animal figures.

All familiar times of the "gold fever" are familiar when people sold all their property and went to search for gold. Today, the search for treasures is a kind of hobby, which is fond of many people. Some are looking for gold, others are engaged in the search for other metals. To simplify the search process, you can get a search magnet that we will produce right now.

So, at first, let's see how the author makes it useful for many homemade in his video

We need:
- welding machine;
- Bulgarian;
- sledgehas;
- a set of tools to bend, attach;
- Protective mask;
- metal rod;
- pipe;
- epoxy adhesive;
- Neodymium magnet magnetic N42.

Immediately, we note that the rod must be strong enough and smooth, since it will be used to make fastening for the rope. A neodymium magnet that uses the author has a capacity of 240 kg. From other tools, we will need pliers and a feet. With the materials everything is extremely clear, and this means that you can safely begin to work.

First of all, we need to bend our metal rod and give it a slightly round shape. Since the rod is strong, then it is advised to use a sledgehammer.

After cutting, we process a piece of pipe so that it is as smooth as possible at the edges. We begin to handle with the help of a grinder.

Next, we take a blank and carefully process the inside of a piece of pipe. The author of the video, for example, the pipe is all in rust, which will definitely not allow glue and the design itself to hold stable, which is very important.

The next case we need the help of the welding machine, as it is necessary to weld a piece of rod to a piece of metal pipe to get an eye. Extra pieces of rod cut off with a grinder.


The old legend tells about the shepherd by Magnus. He found one day that the iron tip of his stick and nails are attracted to black stone. This stone began to call "Magnus stone" or simply a "magnet", by the name of the area, where iron ore was mined (Magnesia Hills in Malaya Asia). Thus, for many centuries BC, it was known that some stone rocks have a property of attracting pieces of iron.

Magnet - body with its own magnetic field.

By itself, the magnet does not attract special attention to himself. But hitting the masters - needlewomen, ordinary magnets turn into souvenirs - fridge magnets: bouquets of flowers, funny animals, butterflies, and much more. Of round and square magnets with multi-colored plastic holls, children are happy to make up various mosaics. Magnets are used when constructing some dynamic toys. By gluing magnets to letters and numbers, you can get an excellent magnetic alphabet and countable material.

Master Class

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