Repairs Design Furniture

What makes summer souls in the country. Summer shower at the cottage, built with their own hands: Step-by-step instructions, drawings, photos. How to organize a drain system in the soul in the country with your own hands

If the warm season you spend at the cottage or on the country site, before the start of the season it is worth spending some time and build a wooden summer shower with your own hands. Even if in the house you have a shower cabin, there will be no such structure to be superfluous: in the summer heat to get yourself cool water, a little bit under the sun, is really very nice.

Especially since such a design is mounted quite simple, so it can even cope with the task that is not even an experienced master.

Tools and materials

Before proceeding to work, we need to stock all necessary.

  • Wooden bars with a cross section of 50x50 mm and up to 2.5 m long. Such parts for the manufacture of vertical supports we will need from 4 to 6 pieces.
  • Brux or thick boards for top and bottom strapping, as well as to enhance the frame.
  • Wooden rails for floor flooring.
  • Wall paneling for casing walls of the shower.

The best option will be to buy billets from larch.
Maple, pine and ash are also well tolerated load, but worse coped with moisture.
In principle, oak can be used, but for this purpose he is overlooked.

  • Water container on the roof. It is advisable to purchase a special container with a wide throat and lower nozzle to which the crane and shower can join.
  • If necessary, the pallet for the shower (you can do without it).
  • Various accessories - towels hangers, shelves, curtains, etc.

In addition, we will need consumables:

  • Fasteners - self-tapping screw or nails.
  • Concrete to install supports in the ground.
  • Materials for the improvement of the drainage well or.
  • Means for impregnation of wood and protect it from moisture and microorganisms.

As for the tools, here you can do the standard set:

  • Shant tool for earthworks.
  • Concrete mixing devices (mixer or ordinary trough)
  • A wood saw (disk, saber or hacksaw).
  • Drill or screwdriver.
  • Building level.
  • Hand tool.
  • Brush or sprayer for applying moisture protection impregnation.

When everything is ready, you can start work.

Variations of drainage

Drain Yama

Before starting to build a shower, you need to understand where all the spent water will go. The easiest way to drain it on the ground, but this is possible only if the souls stand on the distance from the site, and even on well-drained soil. Otherwise, it's not availing to get polluted water to the beds or to the sources of water intake.

Most often for shower, a separate drainage well is equipped:

  • On the selected area, dig a hole to a depth of one and a half meters.
  • Poam walls protect against wetting and collapse by installing wooden formwork, masonry from ceramic bricks or old car tires.

The price of high-quality brick is very high, because the fighting of the drain holes most often use the battle, or they take stones that were used, but still preserving.

  • At the bottom of the well lay the drainage material. For this purpose, either pebbles or a large crushed stone are used.
  • We make fires on top to which the frame of the shower will be relying.

Septic or cesspool

If there is a cesspool or septic in the site, and we plan to install the shower at no further than 10 meters from these structures, you can simply equip the sew channel:

  • In the place of installation of the shower, dig a shallow (up to 30 cm) of the pit. It will be.
  • From the pit to the septic, they pump a trench with a width of up to 20 cm. The optimal bias in the direction of the drain container is about 3 - 5 cm per 1 m.
  • Next, you can enter in two ways: either to conclude the bottom of the trench and block it from above, leaving several revision grilles, or lay the sewer tube for outdoor use. The second option is more preferable, and in costs will be released approximately equivalent to the first.

At the same time, all wastewater formed under the shower will be maximally transported to septic, where they will be included in the process of decomposition of waste and infiltration of purified fluid into the ground.

Important! If the design of your septica provides regular pumping, then with the connection of the soul, the amount of effluents will increase by approximately twice. This fact should be considered, planning preventive measures.

Building soul

Framework and sheathing

If we take as a basis the summer soul drawings of the summer soul from the tree in the article - anyone will be able to build this design with your own hands.

However, beginners should carefully examine the work algorithm to prevent annoying errors.

  • Shower cabin usually has a small area at a considerable height. This makes the construction unstable, because it is most often installed on the plugs blown in soil.

It does not concern the lung of portable shower on the rush frame - they are usually simply tied by wire to the reinforcement rods driven into the ground.

  • To install the supports, we do in the soil of the nest depth to half a meter. At the bottom of each nest, we fall asleep gravel - it will not give the rack to love under his own weight.
  • The lower parts of the racks are impregnate with the antiseptic, turn around the rubberoid and concrete in the soil. After pouring the concrete, we correct the position of the supports in terms of the level and fix them in a strictly vertical position.
  • After that, you need to give concrete time to the strength. Since the load on the supports will not be very large, then the 28 days will wait rarely: grabs and weeks.

  • Bottom Fresh strapping from BRUSEV. They establish either a bought a pre-shower tray, or a lattice from the rails connected to 0.5 cm gaps to flow water.

The grid must be carefully taken, otherwise the risk of getting the opposition to the barefoot step will become very tangible.

  • In the middle part, we mount the crossbar and strengthen them with disclosures. All parts connect with nails or self-tapping screws, pre-impregnating moisture protection.
  • From BRUSEV, we make upper strapping. We also set the transverse lags on which the water tank will hold.

  • Outside we are wearing the shower boards with boards (the lining is best fit). Most often, the skin is not brought to the floor by about 25 - 35 cm - this is how optimal air circulation is ensured.
  • Install the wooden door with the outer and the inner rings. Instead of the door, sometimes there is a plastic curtain: such a design is more simple in manufacturing, but less convenient to operate.

On the outer wall next to the door it is worth attaching several hooks.
On them we will hang clothes and towels: so they will not wet during water procedures.

Equipment and decor

We can only equip the water supply system.

And here it is best to implement classic solutions:

  • On the upper part of the shower, we set the water tank. An industrial container of dark plastic is perfect, with a neck, located on top, and a nozzle for shower watering can be at the bottom.

Instead of factory capacity, metal barrels, and polymer containers can be used.
The main thing is that the design is hermetic and not highlighted toxic substances when in contact with water.

  • In areas where the only source of water is a well without a pump, the tank is manually filled, verts. To do this, behind or on the side adds a sufficiently strong staircase.
  • If there is a plot (no matter, central or autonomous), then it is much easier to attach to the container on the roof of the hose. By connecting it to the water supply, we can quickly and effortlessly score the amount of water into the tank.
  • In the summer, water in the tank is heated quickly. But in the spring and autumn take the cold shower is not very nice. To ensure more efficient heating, we will be erected around the tank of a wrapping frame that is tightened with a transparent film or glass. Such an improvised greenhouse will provide a comfortable water temperature even on a cloudy day.
  • Inside the cabin fix the watering can with a crane, checking the tightness of the nozzle.
  • On one of the walls, kpripim the shelf for soap and a hook for the washcloth.

After that, the shower can be used. And so that he served as long as possible, before the start of each country's season, the cabin is worth an eye and handle with an antiseptic, and then either covered with varnish for outdoor work, or apply the wood paint.


The summer shower of wood, made according to the above algorithm, is quite simple, reliable and convenient. However, you can always make adjustments to the design, introducing either your own ideas or technical solutions that have been drawn from the cognitive video in this article.

Progress has reached the point that you can purchase a solid street soul module in a construction supermarket about ten thousand rubles. However, you can save at least twice and make the same hand. Before starting to build a shower in the country, you need to carefully work out the details, such as the project itself, then in which part of the site will be located, to solve from which materials it will consist. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the factor of ease of use both when used and maintained.

Put the following goals when you stay:

  • Hygiene - the main goal and nothing should interfere
  • Ecology - stock water is harmful and can harm the environment. Place the plums in a safe place.
  • Practicality - in any weather it should be conveniently and easily refreshing or washed.
  • Aesthetics - the appearance should fit into the general picture of the country area.
  • Alternative - even a separate item - collapsible or "invisible" shower.
  • Savings - labor and finance costs minimize, but not at a loss of building.

Choosing a place

Water should not be stood, so there will be a small elevation for the location of the soul. It is not worth starting to build a soul in a depression or lowland, as it has nowhere to flock.

Selection of the right place under the shower will help avoid problems in the future.
Gravel add-on promotes rapid water absorption into the soil

If you have a barrel as a source of water, then putting the construction will be more appropriate in place where it will be as much as possible for the Sun, in order to ensure good water heating. If you need artificial heating, then choose a place based on the location of the water pipeline.

Another factor for convenience will not be too far location so that you can quickly get home after water procedures.

Calculation of sizes

It is important here to be conveniently located in almost anyone. On average, the parameters may be:

  1. height - 200-300 cm;
  2. length - 150-200 cm;
  3. width - 120-150 cm.

Such dimensions will require minimal area and consumption of materials, as it is adapted to the standard size of building materials.

Optimally convenient soul scenes in the country

Required tools and materials

To perform work, typical tools will be needed: roulette, hammer, level, screwdriver and saw.

Tools that need to build a soul

What kind of materials you need depends on what you decide to build a shower in the country area. But in any case, the margin of nails, screws, and plumbing materials, such as pipes, tank, taps, can be needed.

Not depending on whether you are building a shower for giving from polycarbonate, from brick, slate or any other material, you will need cement sand and filler for the foundation. Try to calculate the amount of bulk materials so that it is not left too.

In the final stage, do not forget to please yourself with elements of the decor and the necessary accessories, such as hooks and curtains.

Options for giving shower structures

In addition to complex designs, you can use minimalistic versions.

Portable shower - the name speaks for itself. For its operation, it will take a capacity of 20 liters (it is enough for about 10 minutes). By typing the water tank, it is left in the sun for water heating. At the right moment, just place it on the necessary height and use.

Inexpensive soul version that can be used anywhere

This option is good, if you are where there is no access to the stationary soul. And to all of the time you can use a portable shower for cottages anywhere.

Portable Shower Toptun

Simple and convenient will be shower in the house, or rather directly near it. Shower of this type can be located at the wall of the building. Installation is pretty simple.

  1. Lumitation of water pipe hose from the wall
  2. Strapping of drain or water removal
  3. Installation of watering can and connecting it with hoses
  4. Installation Shirma

This type of shower is convenient because it does not require much effort to install and can understand the cold season.

In addition, the water does not need to be heated in the sun, it comes from the total water pipeline. As a result, you get a warm or even hot shower at the cottage without much effort. The soul walls can be from polycarbonate or other quickly mounted material. However, be careful that the drain waters do not start to wash the foundation of the house.

This summer soul uses hot water from home.

One of the most popular soul options is the autonomous version combined with the household. It can be either part of the whole room, or made from different modules.

Combined building of cabins with shower

Country souls of this type - temporary destination and require a frame because, as opposed to brick masonry, it is quite easy to understand. The frame may be, both wooden and metal. In both cases, special means are needed to avoid damage from moisture.

In order to collect this design, much work is not required. We place the territory and align it. It is advisable to create a pillow-mound from sand and granulation. Then put the boards and install the collected design or collect it in place.

Portable shower in Case. Types of such a soul can be set. But the essence remains the same everywhere - the volume of water is maximum for two, heated problems with water. But the drain pit is not needed by this soul - with a pair of tens of liters of dirty water Ecology to cope accurately.

There is no dispute, it is most convenient not far from the site and with all the amenities. Nevertheless, such versions can be a good help in the field.

Preparation of the basis

For various types of construction of summer souls, different levels of preparation are required. This means that the basis is also needed different.

For a portable soul, it will only be necessary to remove approximately 15 centimeters of the layer of the Earth and fall asleep with sand ahead with gravel.

For more complex buildings, the foundation will be required. Its depth depends on the load that building materials will be given. For the vertical shower of 300 centimeters height from the brick, you will need 30 centimeters of the foundation.

Capital construction of the soul in the country

The bookmark algorithm is quite simple, namely:

  1. We determine the area by peg on the corners of the soul
  2. Using pegs stretch the cord to mark the perimeter
  3. Exhibit formwork if necessary
  4. In order to remain a place for the pipe inserted any cylindrical subject, closed to Ruberoid
  5. At the end pour a solution

Equipment of drain pit

For normal operation, the drain pit requires an average of 2 meters of cubic. So that it was durable and serve you as long as possible, it is advisable to strengthen the walls of the pit. It will help to avoid sculpting soil. In addition, it is desirable that the plums be located in a pair of meter from the soul itself. It is necessary for two reasons: preventing the prevention and destruction of the foundation and the formation of unwanted smells.

Considering the mentioned Make Personal Personal Personal Calculation based on how much water will go there at a time.

It should also be monitored so that the pit does not drive and not overflowing - and the other will damage the work of the pit. It is not necessary to drain into a common pit because it will negatively affect the microflora, and it will quickly fill the pit.

The drain pit for the soul can be made of old tires and place directly under the structure

The choice of water collecting is very large. In stores there are tanks of all kinds of forms and volumes, it all depends on your needs. The most convenient is a flat tank, black, since because of a narrow layer of water, the rays do not have to penetrate, and the black color absorbs more heat - as a result, the water heats up faster. Such tanks are equipped with special water discharges that simplifies the installation of the system.

Flat black tank faster heats up in the sun

You can artificially warm the water with a heater. It should be cautious here - the insulation can pass and in the tog will be closed or the water will beat the current.

Capacity for shower with built-in ten

If there is no possibility to buy a container in the store, you can make from undergraduate materials, for example, a shop barrel or weld from metal sheets.

When purchasing and installing a tank, consider how its weight will be distributed and how much water will be required for your family. To simplify water fence, you can take the hose to the container.

Lighting and Ventilation of the Holy Soul

The lighting will be useful, as it will have to take a shower in the dark. However, when laying and wiring wires, follow safety rules:

  • Work with wires without insulation damage
  • Make a wiring so that it does not interfere with moving both indoors and on the street
  • Carefully isolate connects
  • Ensure moisture protection for switches and lamps

For ventilation, make a window or a special hole with a grid or grid so that garbage and insects cannot get inside. The ventilation will help to avoid the debate and bad smells in the shower.

For good ventilation, you need to make a window opening.

It is logical that it is possible to finish the best of all the materials that are not ruled due to moisture from entering them, it can be plastic, plastic, oilcloth and even linoleum. If you decide to make a shower for cottages wooden, then all the material is needed before painting to imbrons, and then cover the hot oil (each board separately).

It is worth taking care of floor covering. You can put a wooden grid onto a concrete or sand floor, also treated with oil, and from above rubber rug.

As a floor, you can use a wooden grid

The locker room with various accessories will also be useful inside. The shelf can be done in conjunction with hooks to comfortably fold or weld clothing and accessories. Saving in the dressing room of dryness is also important, so you can lift the floors using any submitted means that will ensure the stability of the lattice.

To put the garden shower on the household plot is recommended in the following cases:

  • the country house does not have engineering networks. The lack of water supply significantly complicates the arrangement of a stationary soul in the room;
  • gardening house is used only for short-term recreation in the summer time. If in such a room to build a shower cabin, then there are large problems with preparing for its negative temperatures. You need to completely remove water from the system, prevent freezing of pipelines, etc.;
  • in order to save energy. Water for the garden soul can be heated only from sunlight. If there is a desire to expand the functionality of the shower, you can also connect electrical heating, but use it only with unfavorable weather;
  • financial funds do not allow building expensive capital bathrooms.

The presence of a garden soul significantly increases the comfort of relaxation at the country site, it can be frozen after work on the beds, etc. In one article, it is impossible to list all possible options for arranging a garden soul, each owner can make its changes depending on preferences, skills, characteristics Terminal area and financial opportunities.

In order for inexperienced builders it was easier to choose the optimal version of the garden soul, we give the table of the most frequently used structures with a brief description of their characteristics.

Name of design elementTechnical description
FrameCan be made of wooden bars or metal. The dimensions of the bars are about 50 × 50 mm, the racks of at least 20 × 30 mm are used for the manufacture of lateral stops. The metal frame is better to do from square or rectangular profiles with a size of at least 20 × 20 mm.
Outer surfacesAll options for lining, including genuine, are suitable. Profiled metal sheets, cellular or monolithic polycarbonate are widely used. The cheapest options are polyethylene film or dense fabric.
Water removalSome options may have special septic tanks, and for most drives are not required. Several tens of liters of water are quite successfully absorbed into the soil, especially if it is in its composition relates to sandy or sampling species.
Capacities under waterApply both metal and plastic containers. The optimal option is to buy tanks for the shower in specialized stores. The minimum capacity of 100 liters, the external surfaces need to be painted in black.
Water heatingSunny rays or combined with electric tan. The specific choice is recommended to do with the climatic zone of residence and time to use the shower.

Sad shower

The construction of the soul consists of several stages, their observance allows you to avoid many troubles.

Stages of the construction of a garden soul

The following conditions for the placement of the garden soul listed below will increase the comfort of its use, reduce the volume of construction work and increase the time of use. These conditions are considered universal and should be taken into account in the construction of any embodiment.

  1. Location. The shower must be located on a well-lit place of the garden plot, it is very desirable on the hill. If the ground is sandy or sampling, then this location will allow to do without septic or dirty water drive.
  2. The distance between the shower and the residential building should be minimal. It can be brought to the economic buildings, a garage, etc. The main thing is that after water procedures there was a place for shelter, which will exclude the likelihood of the body's hypothermia in unfavorable weather.
  3. Methods of filling capacity under water. In all cases, the distance from water sources to the shower must be small.

After the issues with the arrangement of the structure, the size and type of design should be determined, the manufacture materials. As we mentioned above, the choice is huge and depends only on the owner of the site.

You can not build a frame, but place a shower can be placed on one of the walls of existing buildings, having previously accepted special measures to protect it from moisture. There are options for placing a shower rail on an open space (vertical support, tree branch, etc.).

The original solution - the water tank is installed on the ground, and the feed is ensured using a special device, the so-called "Toptun". It has the kind of rubber rug with mounted water supply pumps. They alternately need to be pressed with legs, water is absorbed from the tank and under pressure is supplied to the shower. At the same time, exercise, and shower. An excellent option can be installed anywhere in the country area. For the arrangement of such a garden soul, neither construction skills or materials nor time.

In this article we will focus in detail on two more complex, but more comfortable options. For the construction of these structures, building material is needed and a little time and experience. Frame manufacturing materials - wood or profiled rental. Standard design dimensions 100 × 100 cm around the perimeter and 220 cm height. It should not be reduced, it will be inconvenient. If you want to make a separate place to change and store the bath accessories in the shower, then you can increase the perimeter of the structure.

Step-by-step manual construction manual with wooden frame

Step 1. Make the markup of the concrete slab base. To simplify water removal, it is recommended to leave the soul insertion to the natural absorption of moisture. From the ground it should be pre-removed the fertile layer, pour out a sandy pillow with a thickness of 10-15 cm., Turn and level the platform.

Step 2. Prepare formwork. You need to make two square boxes. One of the square side is about 100 × 100 cm, the second inner side of the square of about 60 × 60 cm. The formwork height is at least 10 cm, use the boards with a thickness of about 20 mm and a height of 10-15 cm. If you are afraid that the boards will turn under load Concrete, then around the perimeter strengthen the formwork with wooden or metal spikes. Corners Check the carbon, formwork can be collected on ordinary nails.

Step 3. Install the formwork on the prepared platform, check its position. Little box should be located exactly in the center large.

Step 4. Prepare concrete for fill. For the manufacture you will need cement, sand and gravel in proportion 1: 2: 3. The accuracy of the proportions of great importance does not have the strength quite enough for small loads. Pour the formwork with concrete, with a flat rack, align the top surface horizontally. Give about 10 days to set the solution.

Step 5. Remove the formwork and start making a frame. For it, bars are required by the size of 50 × 50 mm or more, the amount of material is easy to calculate. It is necessary to add the length of four vertical racks to the sum of the two perimeters.

Step 6. Make a base for vertical racks. You can connect the bars in Poltera, in the middle of the base should be made jumpers, it will serve as an additional focus for the wooden soul lattice. Watch all the angles to be straight, connect bars with nails or screws. Brucks of the base (framework) must lie around in the middle of the concrete slab, specific dimensions do not matter.

Important. Be sure to impregnate several times the base effectively antiseptic. Stop between frame and concrete waterproofing is not necessary, it will only harm. The fact is that the water falls on the insulation on top, it cannot absorb to the concrete. As a result, wooden structures are in force with water for a long time.

Step 7. Screw the vertical racks in size, they need 4 pieces. Cut better with a manual electrical saw if it is not, you can use the ordinary hacksaw.

Step 8. Start the installation of vertical racks. For fixing it is better to use galvanized metal corners. They simplify and facilitate work and guarantee the proper stability of the design. Install yourself vertical racks can not be installed, attract the helper. Temporarily secure the rack by any sections of the boards, in the future they will be replaced by real estrangements. Constantly check the verticality of the racks, use the level.

Step 9.. Make a second square from bars, the sizes are identical to the first, the water tank will be installed on it. If the container has a large volume, then it will have to put several jumpers, the distance between them depends on the size of the container.

Step 10. Using the corners, secure the upper square on vertical racks. Check all the framework elements by the level, if necessary, correct errors. You can put wooden wedges in the connection places, this will not affect the strength and stability of the structure.

Step 11. Take the time to remove temporary struts and install constant. Use the same bars as for the manufacture of the frame. The length of the strut must be equal to the distance between the vertical racks, the ends are stored at an angle of 90 °. For fixation, use the same galvanized metal corners. The struts are the most responsible frame knot, take all measures to ensure maximum strength.

Step 12. Frame is ready - start the shearing side surfaces. Material for plating is used any. You can make the door to the entrance or use the revealed curtain. If the casing is solid, windows should be provided under the ceiling. Leave ordinary holes, you can close them with glass or film. Cutting seats on external corners It is recommended to close with smooth edged boards.

Step 13. Set the roof of the carcass with water container.

Practical advice. If you plan to take a shower and in rain weather, then the roof should be covered with a piece of metal products, and under the outlet of the soul, make a hole.

Step 14. Color wooden surfaces of durable paint for outdoor work.

You can install electric tanes to heat the water, but it is definitely necessary to execute PUE rules.

Step-by-step manual construction shower with metallic frame

For the manufacture of a frame, you will need a metal profile tube, a bulgarian, a welding machine, a tape measure and level.

After making metal surfaces, it is recommended to protect the paint from corrosion processes for external work. The amount of metal is determined based on the sizes of the frame, as is done, we were told above. Water container is better to use the purchase, the length and width of the design is adjusted by its size.

Step 1. Draw a sketch of the frame with the length of each element. Do not rush, carefully consider ways to strengthen vertical racks. To enhance the loaded nodes, it is possible to use pieces of sheet metal with a thickness of at least 1 mm. Prepare squares or triangles with a side of 10-15 cm. Watch that the angle is straight, and the cuts are smooth.

Step 2.. Cut the barrage blank. It is necessary to cut in compliance with all safety regulations, Bulgarian is a very traumatic tool. If you have a lot of identical details, it is recommended at the beginning to measure accurately and cut off one, and then use it as a template. This increases the accuracy of the elements.

Important. Follow the cutting disk to rotate in the right direction. With proper installation, the sparks must fly towards the master, but some so work is inconvenient and they change the direction of rotation. It is very dangerous, during the snacking, the Bulgarian throws on the worker, which can cause large injuries. Hold the tool with hands is impossible, too much thrown out.

Step 3. Start welding the frame. In order for the welded seam to be durable, withstand the welding modes. The thickness of the electrode and current indicators depend on the profile parameters. For the frame, it is enough for the pipes to have a wall with a thickness of 1-2 mm, such a rental has the desired physical strength and fully maintains the load of the tank with water. For welding, we recommend using an electrode Ø 2 mm, make sure that the slag is uniformly blown from the surface of the molten metal and the seam was solid.

How to weld the design?

  1. Prepare a smooth workplace, sizes must be so that the largest elements are freely placed.
  2. Install two welded parts on the desktop, check the position for the kitchen. As we mentioned, the angle should be straight, and the details lie in the same plane.
  3. Take the details on the one hand, the length of the tape is not more than a centimeter, let the metal be cooled. During the cooling, the node will lead to the side, the correctness of the situation will violate.
  4. Throw the corners with a hammer, turn the details with the involving side. Check out the size and spatial position again.
  5. Carefully weld the items on the other hand, you can now make a seam along the entire length.
  6. Turn over the node again and make a full weld on the patter. At the same time weld metal pipes from all sides.
  7. Remove slag from the surface of the seam and check the welding quality. If there are large sinks, then overlap the re-seam.
  8. Bulgarian remove sharp metal flows.

In this way, two side planes of the frame can be prepared independently, it will remain combined into a single design. Alone make it very difficult, it is better to call an assistant. One will hold the elements, and the second welding them. It is necessary to constantly check the angles, do not rush. Practice shows that the alteration of the wrong welded frame always takes a lot more time than attentive testing of the size and spatial position during the workpiece of structural elements.

The vertical racks and the pad under the tank is better made from a rectangular or square pipe, with the same sizes with a round, they have significantly better characteristics of physical bending strength and compression. As jumpers, except for sheets in the corners, you can use any roda, square or fittings. There were some pieces of profile pipe sufficient length - apply them.

Step 4. Below we weld the platform under the screen of the crate. Dimensions of values \u200b\u200bdo not have, it is intended only for the stop. The grille can be made unsaturable or assemble from individual elements. For the manufacture, take smooth lumber, the thickness of the boards or rails should withstand the weight of washable. If you have thin materials, then make several jumpers for them.

Step 5. Set the frame to the location of the shower. It can be a concrete site or ordinary temporary stones from stone. The second option is preferable for several reasons. First, there is no need to engage in earth and concrete works. Secondly, at any time, if necessary, shower can be transferred to another place.

Metal frame - an old lattice sweeping

If at the bottom of the vertical racks to fight legs with supporting platforms from sheet steel. The dimensions of the platforms are approximately 20 × 20 cm, this is sufficient to guarantee the stability of the structure. Such a platform makes shower more mobile when transferring, for installation it will be necessary only to align the land under the supporting platforms, this work occupies a few minutes.

Practical advice. Many worries the removal of water. If your cabin is located next to the entrance of the house, and the pavement tracks everywhere is everywhere, it is recommended to do a dirty water drive. If the souls are located behind the buildings, then you can not waste time and efforts to build taps. For hygiene procedures, there is a 10-15 liters of water to one person, such a small amount without any problems will adhere to the ground. For complete calm, you can dug a hole under the shower under 2-3 automotive tires, water will accumulate in it. After transferring the carcass, the tires are removed, and the pit is falling asleep.

Step 6. Place the cabin in terms of level, make sure that the racks were strictly vertical, and the container is horizontal.

Step 7. Clean the surface of the metal structure from rust, oily stains and dirt, check the skeleton stability. Everything is normal - you can start painting. Color paint pick up at will, the main thing is that it is suitable for staining metal surfaces and for outdoor use. Do not be lazy to staining to do very well, use tassels, thoroughly rub the paint into the frame. If one layer is not enough for uniform coating, then you have to repeat.

Metal frame covered with primer

Step 8. Install the water capacitance on the top platform, attach the shower watering can. If you wish, you can make an additional discharge for a set of warm water at various business purposes.

Water underwater through a tee with cranes on the brass

If there is no doors in the cabin, but only a plastic curtain is inserted, the wind can poison it inside the cab. It creates certain inconvenience while taking the soul. Correct the situation in several ways:

  1. Take to the curtain in several binding places. Such a two approximately in the middle of the height.
  2. Take away next to the polyethylene curtain any "Visulki". The main selection criterion is the weight. What they are harder, the better to hold the curtain.

If there is a desire to increase the comfort of the adoption of the soul, it is better to attach the door. For its manufacture, you can use both lumber and metallic rolling. The design of the door is elementary, hanging on the side vertical supports.

During the manufacture of a frame, consider this moment, material and time will need a bit, and the convenience of using the shower will increase significantly. In the compartment you also need to install lattices made of wood.

Silicone rug so that they don't slide legs on wet boards

If the shower will use the children, then it is necessary for them to install a shower can with a flexible hose. Water shift shift faucet position at such an altitude so that children can easily reach it without any problems.

Video - Garden Soul Options

Shower cabins for cottages - one of those "facilities", which are easy to do on their own, and it is very difficult to do without them. There is a huge number of different options for shower cabins, each master contributes to their design its improved ya. We will not dwell on complex and expensive versions, consider the most "budget", but very functional solutions.

Before starting construction, decide what you want to have in the end, what capabilities and characteristics should have a shower. Specific features of the shower cub depend on:

  • the number of people living in the country. This indicator affects the volume of water heating and the need for a drainage device;
  • landscape features of the country area and physical characteristics of soils. Showers are better installed on small elevations, it will allow in most cases to do without a special drainage. The installation site of the shower must be the solar, is not very far from the cottage. It is desirable that in this place there were garden tracks. Another important point is the presence of water. If you have any automatic water supply system - excellent, we will tell how to make automatic tank filling. If the water in the country is obtained by buckets of the well - the tank on the shower cabin will be filled manually;
  • manufacturing materials. The frame can be made from the shaped rolled, square pipe or wood. Each material has its own characteristics. The walls are triggered by lining, cellular polycarbonate or metal profile. There are cheaper options - to tighten the tarpaulin, opaque polyethylene film or ordinary dense matter;
  • location location. The cabin can be separate or attached to the outer wall of the country house. There are variants of a mobile cabin - if necessary, it is transferred to a new place, does not require the construction of foundations. For such options, ultralight carrying structures and material materials are selected;
  • engineering features of a tank for heating water and a soul drainage system.

Street showers from Gabion
Street souls

Street shower of bricks (stone)
Big Wood Street Shower

On the size of the cabin it is not worth "save", make it in a height of at least 2.2 meters, the size of the base is at least 1 × 1 m. The fact is that the cabin should have a place for bath accessories and clothes. Consider step by step two options for cabins - with a metal and wooden frame.

Prices for summer shower

summer Shower Shower Cab

Shower cabin with metal frame

Metal shower Shower cabin with metal frame
Shower cabin do it yourself at the cottage photo

For the production of work, you will need square pipes with a cross section of at least 20 × 30 mm, sheet iron with a thickness of 1 mm and a 45 × 45 mm corner. Tools - angular grinding machine (Bulgarian) and welding machine.

GOST 8639 82 Steel Square Pipes
Iron leaf galvanized
Corner 45 x 45

Step 1. Draw a sketch of the booth.

The height of the cabin is about 2.2 meters, the size of the perimeter is 1 × 1 m.

For rigidity, refer to three rows of jumpers: at the top, in the middle and below. For the lower jumpers, it is better to use the corner, a wooden grille will be installed on its shelves. At the top, it is necessary to make stops for placing the water capacity, the specific dimensions of the stops depend on the size of the container.

Side surface can be sewed with a metal profile, a cellular polycarbonate, plastic or wooden clapboard or trimmed with various flexible materials. Under each material you need to think over the place for fastening. Drill the fastening holes in a square pipe cannot be welded for these purposes metal plates.

Do not be too fascinated by cellular polycarbonate for the trim. It is good for many indicators, but only a limited time. One of the disadvantages that manufacturers never mention have never mentioned - moss will begin to grow in cells. And no compactors will help, the power of nature will overcome any protective measures. The type of leaf polycarbonate with moss inside you will not please and this is mildly. We generally advise showers cover with light and cheap soft materials. You can change them every season to new, the cabin will always have an attractive view without a lot of time and finance loss.

Prices for metal sheet

a metal sheet

Step 2.

If you already have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe frame of the frame, you can start it.

Start working from cutting metal elements. Cut 4 2.2 meters long tubes (vertical supports). If you wish to do open doors in the booth, you will need to cut off two more pieces of pipes, the length can already be smaller, the size of the door height is enough to withstand within 1.5 m.

Under the focus of the grille, you will need four corners one meter. The same length you need to prepare pipes for jumpers of side surfaces and doors. They will be required by two for each element of the cabin. You need to cut the details only by the template, all the angles are strictly 90 °.

It is very important: observe the safety regulations while working with a grinding machine, injuries can be very heavy. Some "craftsmen" set cutting discs in such a way that the sparks during work flew in the opposite direction from them. This is a gross mistake! In this position, the Bulgarian undermines with a huge effort, to keep the tool in his hands is impossible.

Step 3..

Check the sections of the sections and read them for welding. The champecker can not do, the strength of the welding seam and so it will endure the load.

Step 4..

To increase the strength of the structure, harvest metallic equilateral corners, the length of cathets is 5 ÷ 10 centimeters. Set them preferably at all corners of the frame and doors. Under the feet you need to weld the square stops ≈20 × 20 cm.

Triangles to enhance the design

Step 5.

Welding frame. Works are very careful, never immediately lift the full seam on one side. During the cooling, it will pull the metal, return its original position will be very difficult. Initially, the contiguous pipes on the one hand, fir the design and only after that you can put a complete seam with the opposite. Sow cooled - brew the place where you have naked.

For welding, you can use Ø4 mm alternating voltage electrodes.

This is the most universal diameter of the electrodes, you can cook metal with a thickness of 1 ÷ 4 mm. Correct the current strength, the metal must melt under the electrode on the desired depth, but do not cut through the pipe wall completely. If you do not have experience performing welding work - better contact a professional for help. This eventually costs cheaper than to translate expensive material in marriage itself.

Works need to be performed on a flat platform, constantly monitor the corners of the structure. The frame will stand on metal plates-legs of approximately 20 × 20 centimeter in. Prepare them and breed.

Prices for alternating voltage electrodes

alternating voltage electrodes

Step 6.

Build frame. Alone, these works do not do, you need to call an assistant. Welcome separate framework elements in the specified way, constantly check its spatial position. In the lower part, the corners are welded on which a wooden grille will lie, make a design for water tank top.

Summer shower at the cottage - frame

Step 7.

Finish finish. Carefully remove the grinding machine all sowers and sharp corners, clean the metal structures from rust, oil and dirt.

We remove the weld at this stage you can stop or continue processing for better results.

For staining, use special paints for metal. It is necessary to dye at least twice, the metal will be viewed after the first time. Do not use pneumatic spray gun, it is suitable only for painting large surfaces. In your case, most paints "leave" in the air. Krable only with a tassel, you will not need more than one to two hours.

In the photo - Anticorrosive Metal Forms

Next, you can make wooden grids under the feet and start using water tank. How to install the container and connect the shower we will tell at the end of the article after describing the manufacture of a wooden frame of the shower cabin.

Video - Summer shower on the plot with their own hands

Shower cabin with wooden frame

Linear dimensions may be the same as in the variant with a metal frame. Production Material - Wooden Bars 50 × 50 mm, 50 × 100 mm Boards, Pick Specific Sizes Taking into account the total weight of the water capacity. Boards and bars need to be skipped through a flight - levels size and grinding roughness.

Step 1. Draw a sketch. It will come in handy not only during work, it is much easier to choose the optimal design option. It is better to correct your mistakes on paper than on the finished product. Draw on paper a few options, think over the location of the stops, shelves and tanks for the container. Compare several sketches of shower cabins and select the most suitable for yourself.

Step 2. In size, cut all blanks for the frame, according to the scheme it is not different from the metal. Once again, pay attention - follow the dimensions, make the workpiece only in templates.

Step 3. On the flat site, start collecting individual structural elements. The connection is better to do in Polterev. If it is difficult for you - use metal plates and corners on self-drawing.

Step 4. Collect individual framework elements into a single design. If there are doors - strengthen them on the loop.

Instead of doors, you can make an ordinary curtain. Provide a water tank installation location.

Attach the shelf for bath accessories and hooks for towels and clothing from the inside. Prepare a wooden lattice for the legs.

Wooden grille - example

Step 5. The ends of the vertical racks need to be protected from rotting. You can process them with special antiseptics, and can be soaked with olifa or sunflower oil several times. By the way, the olifa is a crude oilseed oil, including sunflower.

Prices for Olih

Let's give several practical tips on the device of the shower.


You can meet the tips to put shower cabins on the screw foundation, pour under them a concrete site, etc. Do not advise you to engage in such works for several reasons.

  1. First, the shower cabin is not the structure for which special foundations are required.
  2. Secondly, we can guarantee that over time you will have a desire to build a warm shower, and for this you have to dismantle the booth.

Under the foundation we advise you to use paving slabs or a wide blocking. Remove with a small layer of the Earth under them, align the tile on the prepared places along the horizon. Match it a little - it will eliminate the appearance of the distillation during the use of the Cabin.

Video - Rules for laying paving slabs

Water removal

And here you can find tips on the device of the whole engineering system. What does practice show? The volume of water tank rarely allows you to simultaneously take shower more than two people, the flow rate for each approximately 20 ÷ 30 liters. Water heating time depending on the weather ranges from five hours. We assure you that during this time the water used will calmly go to the ground. And yet - you should not fear that without a sump "There will be unpleasant smells", it is not sewage.

Capacity for water and shower

You can build the most beautiful and most reliable shower room, but it will be very uncomfortable in it. Cause - Incorrect installation of water and shower tank. How to avoid such trouble? Let's give several practical recommendations.

Water tank. You can use two options: plastic and metal.

Plastic containers

Advantages: relatively low price, a wide selection of capacity, ease of installation.

But there are significant disadvantages.

  1. Firstly, to increase the efficiency of heating, it is recommended to use plastic black tanks, and this option is difficult to find and, even more so, to choose the optimal option in terms of capacity. Repaint the white capacitance into black is almost impossible.
  2. Secondly, the physical indicators of the strength of plastic do not allow reliably to fix the place of connecting the shower. Permanent oscillations of the output nozzle breaks the tightness of the connection, leaks appear. In addition, due to frequent bending efforts, the effect of material fatigue is manifested in these places. And this can lead to a complete separation of the soul with all the consequences.

Metal containers

Advantages - High Metal Strength Guarantees the tightness and reliability of the shower attachment. Metal is easy to paint black, and such a color significantly increases the efficiency of water heating by sunlight.

Disadvantages - increase weight. You can not pay attention to corrosion processes, a thick-walled barrel will stand decades. Especially since the water barrel is corrosive much slower than empty. We advise you to use metal barrels: cheap and securely.

Arrangement and operation

Another important question is how to fill with water tanks. Pour buckets - not the best option. We strongly advise you to take all measures to fill the water with a hose. If you have a well or well located at a great distance from the booth, you can make a temporary line of a flexible gender from the cottage. We will also tell you how to make water in automatic. To do this, you can use an ordinary float from the drain tank toilet bowl. Adjust it to the difference of triggering about twenty liters of water, taking into account the size of the container. It will make it possible to constantly maintain the full "refueling" of the barrels, the water will constantly heat up, you do not have to finish the process of receiving the soul due to the lack of water. Another plus "automation" - the likelihood of water overflow is eliminated. The mooring of the soil near the shower cabin is undesirable.

You can find a proposal for the shower water to select from the container using the float. The end of the flexible intake hose is fixed on the float (you can take a piece of foam of the corresponding sizes), as the water is spent, the float will be descended, the fence is always made from the top, warm, layer. Such a device gives effect, but it is insignificant. The fact is that water in tanks is heated from the walls, hot climbs up, cold drops down. The movement of water in volume is almost constant, which means that there is a big difference in the water temperature in the tank depending on the height.

Another improved is to make electric heating, which will allow having warm water regardless of weather conditions. Yes, the water will be hot, but only who can venture to take a shower if low temperature on the street? But this is not all problems. During the electrical heating device, PUE rules should be strictly observed, and they make very stringent requirements for such work. In addition, it will be necessary to install the power on / off automatics. Do you need such "difficulties" in an ordinary shower in the street? If there is a need to use the shower in the cold time - do the shower in the cottage. This decision will have to be taken in the event of a long stay at the site.

If your shower is attached directly to the tank (there is no shower hose), then a complex of additional measures to its reliable fixation should be taken. With the help of stops (wooden or metal), secure the nozzle, exclude even the theoretical probability of oscillations during the use of the tap. The crane is better to install a valve type. It has a much easier rod running, the water pressure is gradually adjustable, the working surfaces are not oxidized - the smoothness of the stroke does not change over time.

During the construction of the shower cabin, provide an extension of small additional rooms. They can be used both under the expansion of a shower or a device near her one more and for a separate locker room.

Industrial showers

A wide selection of both the price and operational characteristics allows you to choose the optimal option, taking into account your own preferences and the individual characteristics of the country area. Industrial shower cabins can be completely plastic, metal with a casing with various materials or awesome. Completed with water tanks, cabins (metal or wooden), pallets and material of the trim.

Shower for giving plastic

According to consumer reviews, it is quite convenient to use the cabins, but there are several significant drawbacks. Plastic cabins do not meet the required indicators of strength, if children are present in the country, the season of work without repairing such a design will be great.

The second drawback is a high price. A shower cabin made by hand will cost an order cheaper. There are quite cheap options for industrial cabins, but in terms of strength indicators, they can be attributed to the category of "single-room". You should not throw money, you can independently build a wonderful, solid and reliable shower room for this money.

Street shower "Economy"

The third drawback - mass production is calculated for the average user. This is natural, all manufacturing enterprises work according to such a scheme. By creating a booth with your own hands, you can do all calculations for yourself, change the location of the soul, its height, the dymeter of the drain holes, the adjustment mechanisms, etc. In addition, there are no restrictions on installing additional equipment, change in height and width. Devices of additional decor elements. There are masters manufacturing very original showers.

Video - Cabin Cabin Tentified


Each country area requires constant improvement, do these things. You can start with the shower cabin, then build a gazebo, then the bath and so on, from simple to complex. You will see for personal experience - no better than what is done with your own hands.