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How to drill a stainless pipe. How to drill a stainless steel at home: video, photos, tips. Varieties of cobalt drills

Many different parts and products make stainless steel. This metal is in demand due to its corrosion resistance. During the processing, it is necessary to make a hole in it with appliant means. The fact is that from conventional steel, the alloy is distinguished by increased viscosity, and this is fraught with a rapid failure of the cutting tool due to overheating. And here there is a question how to drill a stainless steel at home. Video tutorials on this topic will only help if you know the subtleties of such operations.

Not everyone can afford a specialized machine that allows you to easily carry out alloy processing. In conditions of the home workshop, you can more often count on the usual drill and the same drills. Therefore, the craftsmen have a whole arsenal of tricks, helping to effectively drill a stainless steel.

Working with turning or drilling equipment, you need to be extremely careful and not to violate the safety regulations during the operation of electrical machines.

The first and most important thing is to remember: drill a stainless steel only using cooling lubrication and special drills. As for the thickness of the material being processed, the technology includes the following:

  1. The stainless steel, the thickness of which is within 1-2 millimeters, can be drilled by conventional metal drills. In this case, the tool sharpening angle must correspond to 120 degrees, and the electric drill turns should not exceed 100 per minute.
  2. Millimeter and more subtle stainless steel layer is better drilled by a step-type snap. It provides a smooth channel where there are no burrs and jackets on the edge.
  3. Obtaining holes in stainless steel with a thickness of more than 6 mm is better to carry out specialized cutters in two stages. Initially, you need to drill a metal with a thin snap with a diameter of 2-3 mm, and then bring the finish drill to the desired diameter.

If the stainless steel shavings begin to acquire dark shades and becomes small, it signals that the cutting edges fucked and overheat. It is impossible to work in this mode.

What drill is better to use

List of drill for stainless steel, which definitely fit to drill metal:

  1. Any tool whose alloy is cobalt. The higher the percentage of this component, the better. Cobalt products differ from the usual yellowish tint. It is not necessary to confuse cobalt alloy with the application of this metal only on the outer part of the drill method by electroplating. In the latter case, drill the stainless steel will fail.
  2. Expensive specialized tool. Such can drill a stainless steel, and not just concrete. They have a certain sharpening angle to win.
  3. For a fine stainless steel, you can apply a pen for a feather for ceramic tiles. This is not the best option, but will help a one-time drill the workpiece.

The use of cobalt drill

From the old Soviet drills in the stainless steel, the most suitable will be the instrument with the R6M5K5 brand. This type of equipment contains up to 5% cobalt in alloy. Due to this element, the tool acquires high strength, and the heating temperature can reach 135 degrees Celsius, which does not entail material destruction. Products of this quality can be found only in the markets where the old Soviet equipment is sold, and it is not always. An alternative to the cobalt drill of domestic production is the overseas analogue under the HSS-CO brand.

To drill a stainless steel with a cobalt drill, lubricants should also be used and not to use high power tools.

Cooling and lubricants

Lubrication area that needs to be drilled in stainless steel is the main condition for the successful opening. The easiest and most affordable way is to purchase machine oil and sulfur colloid (for an alternative you can take a sulfur sulfur). Large sulfur pieces are crushed to powder condition and mix with oil. The supply of the solution to the processing area must be carried out constantly - the incorrect approach will be dipped periodically cutting edges of the drill in lubrication.

For drilling holes in stainless steel, there are more efficient lubricants that can be prepared at home. This applies to, for example, a solution based on sulfur and fatty acids. Cooking method:

  1. The household soap is crushed by rubbing on medium grater.
  2. The material obtained is dissolved in containers with hot water to a saturated soap composition.
  3. Take technical hydrochloric acid and slowly poured into the same container. As a result of a chemical reaction, fatty acids will rise to the upper layers of the solution.
  4. After the process is completed, cold water is poured so that the fatty acids hardened, then they are mechanically separated from the total mass.
  5. Sulfur and lubrication are mixed in the ratio of 1: 6.

To properly drill a stainless steel, you need to use several simple techniques:

  1. It is convenient to drill the surface that has a horizontal position. For this purpose, the part is placed on the workbench or table and mark the place of the future opening of the core. Next, take a segment of a plastic or thick-walled rubber tube with a length of 20 mm and a diameter greater than the diameter of the drill, and install it in the location. A special cooling fluid is poured into the tube, which has a lubricating property. Drill stainless steel through this bath.
  2. If the workpiece is located horizontally, then there is a way out of such a situation. The place you want to drill is also planned with a core and attach a paraffin bulb into this point. Through paraffin conduct drilling. As a result of heating, the surfaces of the paraffin will melt and gradually lubricate the processing zone.
  3. It is best to apply a drill in the work, which can adjust the rotation speed of the shaft. The stainless steel on high revolutions will be drilled very difficult. The optimal rotational speed of the tool should be within 100-600 revolutions per minute.

In the case when the home drill does not regverate the speed of rotation, and the nominal turnover is high, the stainless metal can be drilled, including electrical equipment pulsed for 1-2 seconds at the same time.

Stainless steel is used in many household items. Elements of furniture, cutlery, dishes - without these items it is difficult to present a comfortable life. What to talk about industry, where stainless steel is used everywhere.

What is this metal? Most in the head pops up a plate or piece of iron that does not rust in water. In fact, the stainless steel combines a whole class of alloys with a variety of useful properties, including resistance to corrosion. It is prepared by adding metals resistant to aggressive medium. Depending on the amount of material, a alloy with various characteristics is manufactured.

Today, the so-called "food stainless steel" is most popular in industry. She found its application at factories for the production of cutlery, water, milk and other food.

Metal is processed quite simple. In an industrial scale, it is easily nuts, squeezed, cuts into various forms. At home, it is better to use a corner device for this.

How to drill a stainless steel?

Consider several important rules that should be guided by stainless steel drilling. Also, they are valid for other types of carbon steel:

  • I exhibit the speed of rotation of the electric drill on minimal rev. About 120-150 revolutions are quite enough to work with the metal of any thickness. If there is no speed switching function in your instrument, then the work should be performed by short press on the Start button. Thus, the drill will not be able to accelerate to the limit speed.
  • If you have to work often with the metal, buy a drill stand. It is not very expensive, but it makes much easier for the process.
  • If the chip darkening is observed over time, this indicates the bunge of the drill or overheating of the material. Starting work is worth the drills of a small diameter, for example, four. Then you can do the hole of the required size, which will be as smooth as possible and neat. This is especially important if you drill stainless pipes. To achieve the perfect result, you need to use special stepped drills.
  • Holes of large diameter (from 15 mm) are done by the "crown".

Methods of cooling drill

A gross error that amateurs often allowed is dipping drills into water or other liquid. That is, first the master works "dry", then the heated drill is dipping into the water. In no case do not do that. For cooling it is worth using olive oil or fat.

To achieve maximum effect and high speed, buy cobalt drills (golden color). The material does not just cover the surface of the tool, it enters its composition. Although some manufacturers really just cover the drill for better slip.

Today we will talk about how and how to drill a hole in stainless steel with your own hands at home. We will also consider which technologies and methods of drilling stainless steel. We study recommendations on drills, drills and tools
Conventional drills for metal stainless steel will be thrown quite normal if only the drills are not Chinese. But there is one nuance. The stainless steel is very viscous, the drill is quickly overheated and sit down, and a solid slope is formed in a non-shifted hole. Therefore, it is necessary to use coolant, for example, oil under the drill, but in the extreme case water will go. How and how to properly drill a stainless steel - we list ways:

I somehow drill, the blanks were not very big, so simply took a plastic bath, threw a piece of plywood, on top of the workpiece and poured with cold water so that the level was somewhere on a centimeter one and a half above the workpiece. Dried and stood without problems.

It is better to use the usual (old Soviet) drills from steel R6M5, or that even better p18. When drilling a drill with a diameter of 3mm turns not more than 1000 rpm. Diameter 6mm drilled by pre-drilled hole 3mm, revolutions of no more than 500 rpm. The drill must always be sharp. As coolant, the stainless steel is best suited for stainless steel.

Not a bad option to use a sealing rubber ring for siphones as a wax retainer. They put on the place of the future hole, poured into it with liquids, and drill. Convenient + low coolant consumption. As nook water is not very, the stainless steel is on the drill. It is well opposed to this oil (not fundamentally what) or kerosene.

This is all good when the item can be inserted / put on the drilling machine. Then it is possible to pour and rubbish the rubber ring, etc. it is ideally. I am engaged in the installation of food promotion, and the usual, black metal there is only in the frames, everything else is stainless steel, and the detail, just say, not under the drilling machine.

Holes with us are drilled by renewing. So with great self-confidence I will say that while the cobalt drill is better not met for this. P6M5 (especially those from the plants) - good drills, but still in stainless steel sit quickly. There are drills even better than cobalt, tungsten. These work on a stainless steel even longer, but have a very bad feature - fragile. And sharpen only on a diamond circle and then possible with a significant wear for him. Also minus they are very high cost and they are all short. While we buy cobalt Bosch or Ruco, work quite well.

When drilling, large revs are not necessary to install, it is optimally 300-400, but not more than 1000. burn the hole, especially if the stainless is polished and the drill is baptics. If the surface is not horizontal, then the drill periodically omit into the caster or glue the ball from the usual wax (not paraffin) and drill it through it.

Those who drilled at least once a stainless steel know how difficult it happens. Ordinary drills
They are not suitable, they are elementary burn. And if a hole up to 4 mm drill
Really, the big diameters are almost impracticable.
A simple replacement of conventional drills on cobalt is also little, which gives. Sometimes dried, and sometimes at all.

In this article, I collected several important points on the drilling of stainless
- Drill a stainless steel with special drills. So-called

You need to drill on small revolutions. Helps a simple toostat twist
Start buttons "for minus";

If the number of holes that need to be done in stainless steel is relatively
Big, it is worth the acquisition of a low-robust drill (500-700 rpm).

When drilling stainless steel, you should always use a special lubricant. Without it, make a hole will not succeed. Such a lubricant usually consists of machine oil and sulfur. It may be sulfur for fusion, colloidal sulfur or any other. If a sulfur sulfur was selected for the production of such a fluid, it must be preloaded, the rest can be used without any processing.

Training video drilling stainless steel:

Video YouTube.

A more complex variability of lubricating fluid is a consistency of fatty acids and sulfur. For its manufacture, soap takes, in this case the economic, divide it into small pieces and is dissolved in hot water. The soap solution is aging hydrochloric acid, after which you can see how fatty acids pop up.

When the cool water is added to the container, these acids are quickly hardening, thereby easily separated. Next, they need to be thoroughly rinsed.

For this, they are put into the container, add slightly hot water and interfere with about 5 minutes, gradually adding cool water. Then the water merges, and the procedure itself is repeated 4 times. For lubricating fluid, sulfur is mixed with fatty acids in a 1: 6 ratio.

Simple rules How to drill a stainless steel at home:

To avoid unpleasant moments associated, for example, with overheating of the drill, a strong heating of the drilling site and others, you need to perform several simple rules, which will make it possible to make perfectly smooth holes without additional time and material costs.

It should be borne in mind that the stainless steel has a viscous structure, therefore, in order to avoid overheating of the drill, stainless steel must be drilled exclusively on small revolutions. Drills should be as sharp. In addition to avoid strong overheating of the drilling site, which will significantly boil the further drilling of the material, it is necessary to reduce the temperature of the drill every 10 seconds.

If in the process of drilling the chips is becoming more small and dark, this indicates the bunge of the drill and overheating of the hole in the stainless steel. Before continuing the operation, the drill must be treated or replaced with a new, more acute. The drilling of stainless steel is usually begins with a small diameter drills, such as the size five or four.

Next, you can use the drills need a diameter to achieve the required size of the opening. As a result of such actions, you can significantly reduce the drilling time and make a hole as smooth as possible.

Such complex measures can be attributed to both samples of stainless steel reservoir. To declare that it is unrealistic, but without knowing some moments for you, almost to do this from the first or even from the second time.

It is almost always to make a hole in a stainless steel layer, you need to use a special lubricant. Usually, as such special material uses a certain amount of sulfur with the addition of engine oil. To find a suitable view of sulfur for the production of lubricant for drilling, contact the special stores. In these stores, buy sulfur under such names as "sulfur", "sulfur" or also this kind of sulfur may be called "colloid sulfur".

If you have got sulfur types as "sulfur" or "colloid sulfur", you can use them without preparatory training, in other words, in the form you got it and got it. If you have gotten "sulfur", before you give it to the machine oil, be sure to finely overtake it. 2 If you wish to make a lubricant that will act much more effective than lubrication of sulfur and machine oil, try to mix the sulfur with oil, but with fatty acids. To get these the most fatty acids, take the economic soap of the lowest variety, crush it as it may be, and then dissolve in water.

Water must be so hot. In the acquired solution, pour a lot of hydrochloric acid, use techno hydrochloric acid. As a result, the reaction is all fatty acids to float the vessel surface. Then pour a lot of cool water into the container. It will give fatty acids to harden, and then you just can assemble them from the surface.

Repeat the rings of fatty acids up to 5 times. At first in hot water, then you dry out cool, separate, and without that later. 3 After you have pretty cleaned fatty acids, mix them with a grayish. Observe the ratio 6: 1.

After the grease for the drilling of stainless steel is ready, you can experience it to use it. Throughout specifically, the drilling does not rave that it is impossible to give a drill overrun. Pause pauses by drill cooling.

In another case, the lubricant will not serve as an assistant, but on the contrary, will impede work

In cases where the drilling of holes in the horizontal plane is performed, the prepared cooling fluid is recommended to pour into a small puck of rubber or into a plug and carry out the procedure through it. When processing vertical structures, you can attach the ball from the paraffin to the drilling points of the holes. This will greatly facilitate the process - you can easily drill the product in an uncomfortable spatial position.

Another feature of the drilling holes in the "stainless steel" is that the drilling machine or an electric drill, which are used to implement the procedure, must be put on minimal rev.. Their number may vary from 100 to 600 per minute. If you set a greater number of revolutions, even a high-quality lubricant will not be able to efficiently cool the work tool.

To cool the device used to drill holes in a "stainless steel", a special lubricating composition is usually used, consisting of sulfur and machine oil. The sulfur can be used both colloid and special for fusion. In building stores, the latter is sold specifically called "for fusion" (sometimes it can be called "sulfur").

It is usually allowed to be used without any additional preparations. If you have purchased the sulfur of large fractions, it should be thoroughly overcurned and only after that mix with machine oil.

The drilling of holes in stainless steel structures will be at times more efficient when the cooling composition of the coolant made on the basis of fatty acids and all the same sulfur. These acids do not need to buy anywhere, make them themselves. To do this, take the cheapest household soap, grind it, and then pour the resulting mixture into hot water. In this composition, hydrochloric acid is added and waited until the fatty acids needed to emerge on the surface.

As soon as the acids rise upstairs, it is necessary to pour into the container where the operation, cold water is performed (it is not necessary to regret it, the more naplet, the better). As a result, the solidification of fatty acids will begin to occur, and they can be removed without the slightest difficulties from the surface of the liquid. The voiced process of isolating the required compounds (soap in hot water - cooling - removal of acids) can be repeated several times (3-5).

Mixing fatty compounds with colloidal or "furifier" gray is carried out in compliance with the proportion of six to one. That is, one part of the sulfur needs to add six parts of acids. Professionals assure that with such a cooling makeup to dry the "stainless steel" of any thickness will be easy (if, of course, you will comply with other recommendations that we will tell below).

Many homemade craftsmen, accustomed to everybody, are very surprised when they are not able to drill a hole in the "stainless steel" with the usual drill. Such steel from other metals is distinguished by an increased viscosity, so the drill is almost immediately heated as soon as a person begins to process the product from a stainless alloy.

And this means that the operation can go through successfully only if you take care of the quality cooling of the drilling tool.

The drilling of stainless steel is always a time-consuming process that requires a certain experience, it needs increased sensitivity and attentiveness. Stainless steel, this material that is quite difficult to drill, in this matter it is necessary to use a special lubricant, it will greatly facilitate the whole process. Many really do not know how to drill a stainless steel or the Russian analogue of AISI 201, but everything is quite simple, you only need a little experience and care.

The main component in the drilling of the stainless steel is a lubricant, since without its absence, nothing good from drilling will be released, you will only spoil the drill and the material itself. The lubricating fluid is viscous, it is quite fat and has in its composition machine oil and sulfur. Sulfur in lubricant can wear a different character, it can be a colloid sulfur, sulfur for fusion and so on.
Drilling of stainless steel, what is better to choose?

As mentioned earlier, the lubrication fluid may have the most different character, there are two types of sulfur, one is a lighter composition, and the other has complex components, such as fatty acids and sulfur.

In order to make a lubricant fluid with a more complex solution, a lot of patience and perseverance will be required, in this case you need soap (it is best to choose economic), it must be broken down on smooth pieces and dissolve in hot water.

In the resulting solution, you need to add hydrochloric acid, during the process you can see peculiar sections on the upper layer of water, this will mean fatty acids flood to the surface.

If you add some cold water to the solution, then you can see how fatty acids solidify, as a result of which they can easily be separated from each other.

After that, the fat, hardened acids should be rinsed thoroughly, it is best to take a small container for this case, pour it with warm water and actively stir for 5 minutes, and do not forget to gradually add cold water there.

All ingenious - just

Drilling, this process at which two components are loaded at once, this drill and material, during the situation some moments may occur, such as overheating of the drill, overheating of the material at the drilling point and much more. In this case, many people have questions how to drill a stainless steel, how to avoid overheating and much more, in fact everything is quite simple, you just need to slow down and drill gradually, it will avoid overheating.

Instructions for the implementation of this event:

1. First of all, in order to do a hole in the stainless steel layer, you need to use a special lubricant. Most often to get this lubricant, it is necessary to mix a certain type of sulfur mixed with machine oil. The sulfur needed for this mixing is sold in special stores. When buying it, pay attention to the name of this sulfur. Its name may be as follows:

· Erotic sulfur.

· Colloid sulfur.

· Sulfur.

If you bought sulfur, which is called "colloidal sulfur" or "sulfur", it can be mixed with oil in the form in which it is in the package. But in the event that you have a "sulfur", you must first develop it, then add oil and mix.

2. To create a lubricant with much more efficient properties compared with lubricant of sulfur and machine oil, you need to mix sulfur with fatty acids. Where to take these fatty acids? For this, the lowest is the lowest economic soap grind, and then add hot water. In the prepared soap solution, a significant amount of hydrochloric acid should be pouring, for this take technical hydrochloric acid. After the reaction of the interaction of these substances, fatty acids will be on the surface of the tank. Then add many cold water to this vessel. This will lead to the fact that fatty acids thicken, and they can be removed from the surface. Spend 5 precipitation procedures of fatty acids. The first time add hot water, then cold, collect them from the surface, and so on.

3. Having gathered a sufficient amount of fatty acids, mix them with gray. Proportions must be 6: 1. Thus, the lubricant for holding a hole in stainless steel is prepared, it remains to use it. Do not forget that, carrying out the process of drilling, the drill should not overheat. Periodically make a break to work so that the drill can cool. Not following this instruction, the lubricant may instead of helping to have difficulty in performing this event.

Compliance with uncomplicated rules

In order not to encounter difficult situations, such as, strong overheating of the drilling site, the extraordinary heating of the drill and others, you need to comply with some simple rules, which will help perform absolutely smooth holes without the accompanying time and money costs. It should also be borne in mind that due to a viscous structure of stainless steel, the reservoir of the stainless steel should be drilled on small revolutions to prevent overheating of the drill. Drills you need to use only very sharp. In addition, in order to prevent significant overheating of the drilling site, which will lead to great difficulties in carrying out drilling, every 10 seconds it is necessary to minimize the temperature of the drill.

Follow the chips during the period of carrying out drilling, if it turns out everything is smaller and darker, this means that the drill fastened, and the place of the hole in the stainless steel overheat. Therefore, you must divert the drill or change to another to successfully finish the work started. As a rule, it is necessary to start drilling with a drill having a small diameter, the size of which, respectively, four or five. Then gradually move on to the drill, which has a suitable size for obtaining the desired opening. Performing a drilling process in a similar way, you can make a smoother hole, and at the same time strongly reduce the time spent on it.

The question of how to drill any stainless steel at home, usually does not occur if special drills for this purpose are used for these purposes. Along with such drills that allow you to quickly and efficiently form a hole of the required diameter, it is necessary to use special cooling formulations, as well as strictly withstand technological parameters.

In the production of stainless steel drilling, industrial machines with a coolant feed are used. In the home workshop you have to master some cunning techniques


Drilling holes in products from the usual drill may fail. It is explained by the fact that steel belonging to the category of stainless, differ in high viscosity, so their drilling, especially performed at home, is accompanied by a significant heating of the cutting tool and, as a result, its failure.

In order to high-quality and quickly drill a stainless steel, considering all of the above, it is necessary to use cooling material, which, in addition, should be featured by good lubricant properties.

If necessary, often drilling stainless steel makes sense to equip the machine homemade liquid lubrication system (automotive pump is suitable as a pump)

The most common composition used as a coolant and lubricating fluid when drilling holes in stainless steel is a solution consisting of machine oil and sulfur. To prepare such a solution, both colloid sulfur and sulfur sulfur can be used, which is often called "sulfur".

In the event that the sulfur is at your disposal is a fine powder, it can be immediately mixed with machine oil without special training. If you have purchased a sulfur sulfur, it must be overlayed.

You can make the drilling of steel stainless items more efficient, if used to perform such an operation, a lubricating and cooling mixture consisting of sulfur and fatty acids that can be obtained independently at home. To do this, do the following:

  • crush a piece of household soap (you can use the cheapest);
  • mix ground soap with hot water and thoroughly stir the resulting mixture;
  • to the resulting solution add technical hydrochloric acid;
  • wait until the fatty acids will be raised on the surface of the resulting solution;
  • after that, add a large amount of cold water;
  • from the surface of the solution, remove the hardened barrel of fatty acids, which are later used to prepare the lubricating and cooling solution.

The fatty acids obtained during the preparation of a drilling fluid are mixed with gray in a ratio of 6: 1. Using a solution made by such a recipe, you can easily drill a stainless steel product, which differs even significant thickness. Naturally, when performing such a procedure, certain technological recommendations should be followed.

Useful techniques when drilling

There are several uncomplicated techniques that allow high-quality and quickly drill a hole in stainless steel. We list the most common of them.

  • The drilling of horizontal surfaces from the stainless steel is better to perform, pre-passing the drill through the lubricant and coolant, poured into the rubber washer or plastic plug, installed directly above the location of the future hole.
  • If you need to drill a hole in the steel stainless surface, located vertically, you can consolidate the ball made of paraffin in the drilling site, which will provide lubrication of the cutting tool.
  • Regardless of whether you will drill a stainless steel with a household electric drill or industrial equipment, it is better to carry out such a technological operation on small revolutions of the cutting tool (100-600 rpm). The use of even a very high-quality fluid for lubrication and cooling will not be able to provide a qualitative result of the drilling of stainless steel carried out on large revolutions.

In order to get a more detailed idea of \u200b\u200bhow to convert stainless steel parts, you can explore this video process.

Problems with drilling on low revolutions does not occur if it uses a machine or drill on which the adjustment option for this parameter is provided. If there is no such option, then the stainless steel is drilled as follows.

  • The electric drilling tool runs literally for 1-2 seconds.
  • After the short-term start, the drill is immediately turned off.

Such a simple technological technique allows you to provide low revolutions of the rotation of the cutting tool, which, in fact, is required for high-quality drilling of the stainless steel.

Choosing a drill

If you need to drill a stainless steel product, the choice of drill along with the selection of the corresponding lubricating and coolant, as well as the operation technology, is an essential procedure that determines the quality of the final result. Until recently, cobalt drills were used to drill stainless steels.

Cobalt drills that were equipped with cylindrical shanks were produced from the R6M5K5 brand alloys, and in some cases of steel P18, in which the amount of cobalt was limited to 5%. The advantages of drills made of a alloy containing cobalt contained in its chemical composition are that the chemical element gives the tool high hardness, which allows it to be enough to drill any product from the stainless steel. The regulatory document, in accordance with which such tools were issued, was GOST 10902-77.

To date, these drills are no longer produced by industry, and it is not easy to find them in the market. Meanwhile, modern manufacturers produce many analogues for working with stainless steel, the quality of which is high. If you choose from such tools, you can pay attention to the overseas production drills on which the HSS-CO marking is. They are produced according to the DIN 338 standard and made of steel, which contains at least 5% cobalt. In fact, the material from which they are made is an analogue of alloys of brands of P18 and P6M5K5.

The characteristic distinction of the drill with the additive of cobalt is a more stupid sharpening angle to relieve centering at the beginning of drilling

It is absolutely not necessary to use a cobalt tool in order to drill a stainless steel at home. With such a task, drills made from solid alloys are well coped. Differs such drills for stainless steel not only by the material of its manufacture, but also a very sharp sharpening cutting part (sharpening is performed on the one hand). It should, however, it should be borne in mind that they are expensive quite expensive and buy them in ordinary building stores is not always real.

At the beginning quite a bit of the basics.

Before you work, select cutting mode. What it is?
Cutting mode items when drilling are 3 basic parameters:
Cutting speed When drilling is a conditionally circumferential speed (the speed of the point located on the surface) of the drill relative to the detail processed. (Simple language: "How fast drill rotates", or the number of revolutions per minute depending on the diameter of the drill.) For example, the same cutting speed in 20m / min is achieved if the drill with a diameter of 1.0 rotate 6366 times per minute (rpm), And the drill with a diameter of 10.0 - 637 times per minute.
Innings - The value of the movement of the drill in the direction of the drilling axis in one turn in mm / O (how fast is the drill dive into the material).
Torque, perceived by the drill when cutting (which load on twisting is experiencing a drill in operation).

These three parameters are interconnected and their choice depends on:
-Fold material;
-Material of the drill itself;
- equipment on which the operation and type of cooling are performed;
-Rero factors (surface roughness, contamination, etc.).

ABOUTthe relationship of drilling stainless steels
The main feature (difficulty) when working with stainless steel is associated with its plasticity. As a result, it is a kind of sticking to the working surface of the drill, which leads to overheating tool and fail.
Therefore, it is important:
- ensure the heat sink by cooling;
- Use drills that can mostly resist heating and allowing it better to remove the chips.

Cobalt drills Made from high-speed steel HSSCO (M35) or similar designations (HSSCO5, HSSE, P6MK5), these drills are specifically designed and recommended for drilling hard-processed and stainless steels.
1. The composition of the P6M5K5 includes 5% cobalt, which significantly increases the control of the drill - the ability to maintain the high hardness and wear resistance obtained from heat treatment during the heat treatment.
2. Drill manufactured on more expensive grinding technology - i.e. The drill is not twisted into the spiral (as rolled drills), and the grooves are formed on the grinding machine. As a result, there is no internal tension in the drill, and the surface is smooth, which significantly improves the chip output (important when drilling a stainless steel).
3. The angle at the top of 135 degrees with a cross-shaped statement. This is the angle between the working facilities of the drill (that is, in contrast to the usual drills for metal, cobalt look more "stupid"). Such an angle reduces the area of \u200b\u200bthe working area of \u200b\u200bthe drill, which reduces the load on it, and the cruel-shaped verge of the vertex reduces the dead zone (in this place on the drill there are the greatest load) between the working places.

How to drill ordinary stainless steel cobalt drill
If you can provide the correct cutting modes, those. If you have a machine to which you can right expose turnover, feed and provide cooling, we are simplistic chosen for stainless steel:
Cutting speedV \u003d 10m / min Recommended by most manufacturers to work with stainless steel and is necessary to select revolutions.
Then the turnover can be calculated by the formula:
n \u003d 3180 / d
For drill with a diameter of 1.0 - 3180 rpm,
For drill 5.0 already 636 rpm
Innings: 0.005-0.01d mm / n, where D-diameter of the drill. This means that in one minute, the drill with a diameter of 5 mm should drill a hole in a depth of 3mm, and a diameter of 10mm is already 1.6mm.
Cooling:it is recommended to use oleic acid as a coolant.

If you work an ordinary drill in "Field conditions"
For cooling, you can take olive oil (in it 81% oleic acid) or sunflower - up to 40%, and if well, it is impossible to use a liquid, then you can use pork fat or fat - in them up to 44% oleic acid.
Drill on minimal revolutions (100-200 rpm). If the drill does not allow to set the turnover, use the on / off method, and drilling "inertia".
Only the minimum feed (pressure on the drill), while trying to ensure uniform feed.

Very helpful to know
1. A gross error cooling the drill with dipping it into water or something else (that is, drilling "dry" then dipped, etc.). These actions you instantly spoil the drill. Fast heating and cooling leads to unpredictable consequences, a kind of incontrolled vacation or hardening.
2. Cobalt drills should not be necessary yellow (bronze), cobalt is not a coating, it is part of the high-speed steel of which is manufactured by the drill. Coating is either: additional protection against corrosion, or it improves slip, or it is simply the image of the manufacturer.
3. The recommended recommendations are valid when working with an ordinary stainless steel, have additional features when drilling a thin polystive stainless steel.