Repairs Design Furniture

Connecting pumps to the boiler ruber. Electric Heating Copper Protherm. Systems of heating of country and country houses. Boilers, gas speakers, water heaters - repair, service, operation. Installation and installation recommendations Specifications

Single boiler

By purchasing any heating unit, together with him you get the instructions - the proterm of the 9 kW skat is no exception. The model range shows 8 aggregates, differing from each other with a capacity indicator - 6, 9, 12, 14, 18, 21, 24, 28 kW.

Note! Electrocoon can be applied not only for heating. When buying an additional heating boiler, it can be implemented in a hot water supply network.

Advantages of heating boilers with a rubber scat

ProTherm electric boats have become a good alternative to gas equipment, quickly gaining popularity. They are ideal for exploitation where gasification has not passed. Of course, such a choice is well suited for suburban country houses with seasonal or periodic accommodation.

Among the main distinguishing features of the boilers should not be noted as follows:

  • Easy installation. The package of boiler protema skate includes a detailed instruction, not only describing equipment settings, but also gives recommendations on the installation and commissioning of the unit into operation.
  • Good efficiency. According to this indicator, electrocotes are not inferior to other popular heating equipment, including gas.
  • Easy customization and operation, as well as minimum service.
  • Accurate adjustment of temperature indicators.
  • Ecology.
  • No need to connect to a gas network and chimney need.

During its existence on the market, the boilers are a proterm skate earned a reputation as the safest and economical heating electrical equipment.

Mounting boiler

Device scheme

The supplies of the protherm electric booths the skate includes all the necessary fixing elements and a detailed manual, stepwise describing the connection operation. Modifications that differ in power have the same principle of installation, settings and operation, therefore, as an example, we take an election with a power of 9 kW.

Before installing the unit, you need to coordinate work with electrical distribution services.

Modifications of the unit 6 and 9 kW are connected to a conventional power grid 220 V. More powerful options - 12, 14, 18, 21, 24, 28 kW - to the network 380 V. Installation is carried out on the wall using a special fastener. The unit has no restrictions on the choice of installation location. The only requirement is the possibility of free access for servicing, service, repair, settings, etc.

Connection scheme

To the pipe system, the unit is connected using nozzles. The connection itself is carried out so that in the failures in the operation of the device the coolant can only be drained from it, without affecting the system as a whole. Filling the boiler with the coolant and draining it from the unit with the help of additional valves. To eliminate the freezing of water in the cold season in houses with seasonal accommodation, it is recommended to fully release the system before decreasing air temperature.

To the power grid, the boiler connects through a separate power line. Network wires are connected to terminals located in the lower corner of the unit of the unit. All screws on the connectors must be carefully tightened. 6 and 9 kilowatt modifications can be connected to a single-phase network, the rest are only three-phase.


Installation and connection of electrocotors with a rubier skate is quite simple. Nevertheless, it requires special skills. It is better if the installation will be performed by experts. In any case, the development of a project for connecting the unit is better to entrust professionals. This will avoid failures and breakdowns in the process of further operation.

In this article, we will not consider the process of connecting the electrocotel to radiators, cold water, filters and other elements of the heating system. The readers will be provided by a part associated directly with the electrical work: connecting an electric heating boiler to the power grid, grounding and installation of protective devices. Therefore, we will not take time from you and proceed to business.

Advantage and Scope of Electrocotes

Most often, electrocostiles are used at the cottage and in a private house. This is due to the fact that this equipment has a low cost and at the same time install it can be independently, without a wizard call.

Among the main advantages of electrical boilers are distinguished:

  • the equipment is safe (the design does not include an open flame or the presence of flammable fuel sources);
  • water heaters can be in a disconnected state to six months, with no harm for their performance (relevant for cottages and country houses that are rarely visited);
  • the dimensions are relatively small, so it is possible to place it in any room;
  • to date, there is a huge variety of electrocalls, different in power, the installation method and the principle of action;
  • when water heating, soot does not occur, dangerous both for humans and for the environment.

Safety regulations

Before we move on to the main part of the installation of heating, I would like to pay attention to the safety of electrical installation.

FirstlyThe connection of the heating electric boiler should be carried out when the electricity is turned off.

Secondly, it is necessary to install it at a certain distance from other objects, namely:

  • there should be at least 5 cm of free space between the housing and the walls;
  • the front panel must be available for service, 70 cm free space is enough;
  • the distance to the ceiling is not less than 80 cm;
  • the distance to the floor is not less than 50 cm (if the electric flocity of the suspension type);
  • the distance to the nearest pipes is at least 50 cm.

ThirdlyThe network must be three-phase (380 V) to reduce the current loads on the wiring. When using a single-phase network to connect a powerful boiler, the wiring may not withstand, as a result of which its self-burning will occur and.

FourthAll should be hermetic and water protected. Water hitting the contacts can occur during damage to the pipeline (for example, the connecting coupling connected to the unit) and when condensate flow from the ceiling (in the unheated room). It is also recommended to protect the cable to the corrugation or cable channel from a self-turning material. When changing wires, these products will prevent flame spread.

Electrical circuits

So, to your attention a few typical circuits for connecting an electric boiler in the house do it yourself:

As you can see, projects are pretty simple and consist of a water heater itself, the transport line (pipes), circulation pump and radiators. Your task is to properly connect all the elements among yourself, after which it is turned on the power on.

Main process

Install the aggregate

First you need to install an electric boiler indoors. As we said, the unit can be outdoor and wall. In the first case, a special stand is included in the kit, on which the landing is produced.

In order to hang the boiler on the wall, it is necessary to prepare anchor with a dowel and a drill with a suitable drill. First, we place the wall with the help of roulette and marker. The holes must be placed perfectly in the horizontal plane. Next, drill the places marked, score a dowel in them and screw the anchor. After the anchor is tightly covered inside the wall, you can suspend the electrocotel.

We draw your attention to the fact that the installation of an electric boiler must be performed perfectly even in the horizontal and vertical plane. Any skew can affect the performance and service life of the equipment.

Sweep electrical wiring

Since the electric water heater has a greater power, it is necessary to connect it not from the outlet, but directly from the power grid. To do this, from the junction box in the room, you must display a separate line that goes to the place of connection of the boiler. It is better to use a cable laying with a drop-down way, because In this case, the line will be protected from mechanical damage and at the same time the appearance of the room will not deteriorate.

It should be noted that to power the boiler you need to use a large cross section cable that can withstand sufficiently high current loads. On how to implement the right, we talked in the relevant article with which we strongly recommend you to familiarize yourself.

So we draw your attention to the fact that the power of water heaters (up to 7 kW) can be connected to a single-phase network, which is often found in the Khrushchev and old-sample apartments. Well, the last nuance at this stage, which you should know - electric boilers up to 3.5 kW can work from the outlet, and not from a separate line from the distribution circuit. The low-power boilers are ideal for connecting in the apartment, because in this case the wiring is usually single-phase and to make a new cable layout is not always a suitable solution.

Install the protective equipment

When all the introductory wires are connected to the electrocotel, it will be necessary to further protect it and installed in the main shield. Purpose of the first device - protection of equipment from short circuit and overloading of wiring. Connecting an electrocotel through the UDO will protect you from.

It is also recommended, because Even small jumps can derive an aggregate.The fact that the electric boiler must be ground, I think it's not worth talking. The main requirement is that the grounding wire is carried out directly from the tire to the equipment body.

We produce start

When all posting elements are connected, it is necessary to check all connections. The bare contacts should not be, actually, as well as damaged isolation.

It is also necessary to check all the couplings, cranes and joints of pipes. Only after a high-quality inspection of the heating system can be moved to its launch. First, open the supplied valve equipment, then turn on the electric boiler.

Pay attention to the performance of temperature and pressure sensors. The nominal values \u200b\u200bare indicated in the instructions that are included. With explicit deviations, it is better to call the masters.

We also provide for your attention a visual example of installation work:

What can be saved on?

Electric heating is quite expensive compared to gas. To make it economical, it is recommended to take into account the following tips:

  1. Purchase electricity and turn on the heating at night. In the afternoon, everything is in operation and the need for the functioning of the boiler is absent. It is better to make a good room at night, because at this time the price for 1 kW of electricity will be significantly less.
  2. Use automation that will allow you to turn on the heating at a certain time or only with a decrease in the temperature to the set value. In this case, the unit will work only at extreme need.
  3. The highest heating radiators is achieved by placing the boiler at the lowest point of the heating system.
  4. Add a modern solution to the heating system -, it will make it more efficiently using consumable heat all over the room.
  5. We return to the use of two-timers. Another option of their rational use for heating is to buy heat accumulators. These containers with water can warm the room throughout the day, while the liquid will be heated at night (when electricity will cost much less).
  6. Video instructions for connecting an electric boiler with their own hands

In the global market of heating equipment, Protherm products are popular, thanks to reliability and high quality. Its equipment comes to many countries for corporate and private clients. The consumer can easily choose the heating equipment, because the model range reaches almost 100 positions, including:

  1. electric, gas, diesel boilers of various modifications;
  2. accumulative and flowing water heaters;
  3. various sensors and automation for heating units.

In the line of heating technology brand Protherm, the line of electric boilers for heating is represented by a series of skate. The company has created a wide network of service centers that ensure the smooth operation of the company's heating equipment adapted to Russia's conditions. Therefore, it is advantageous to buy electric boiler for the presence of a service network. The company's official website presents the Protherm Product catalog for 2016. It contains the most relevant information about the heating units of the company produced.

In the company's catalog for 2016 wall-mounted electric boiler Protherm Skat is presented 8 models with power from 6 kW to 28 kW. Equipment with the letter "K" is connected to the network 220/380 V. All models of this line of electric boilers are dualkets. The company produces a line of models of single-circuit boilers in their name there is an abbreviation - "KR 13". Single-mounted boilers are available in the same capacity range, like dual-circuit. The dimensions and weight of all models are the same and their main difference is power depending on the set of installed Tan and supply voltages (220/380 V).

The directory provides the main parameters on the electric boiler of the protherm base model:

Benefits of the electric boilers of the company PROTHERM

Unlike gas, solid fuel and diesel boilers, heating does not allocate any harmful products during their work, they do not need chimney and various additional devices.

According to its properties, the electro-trotherm protherm is absolutely harmless to the environment, and when working does not require constant control.

Thus, the electric boiler Protherm Skat 9K, however, as the other models of the line of electric boilers of the company, is fully automated, an LCD display is installed on the front of the case, which reflects the established readings. The package includes a detailed instruction on the electric flocity of the proterm scat 9, where all actions are indicated to achieve the coordinated operation of the unit.

The owner is enough to set the desired temperature, and in the future it will support automation, with high accuracy of one degree. After reaching a comfortable temperature, the thermostat will give a signal to the boiler control unit, which turns off the power supply. Electric boilers are safe, because the automation is monitored not only behind the temperature of the coolant, but also for its pressure. To prevent sharp voltage jumps, the output of the boiler for the maximum mode is carried out stepped. A double-circuit electric boiler of a skat of any model In addition to heating heats water for the hot water system (DHW).

Electric heating boilers are extremely compact and fit perfectly into any interior. Wall-mounted electric booths with a scatter can be cutting areas from 60 to 280 m2 and perfectly suitable for heating apartments, country houses, cottages and offices. Especially good reviews for electrocotel protema Skat 6 kW, which can provide a small office with warm and hot water. There is an example when the owner installed a remote tank, the water in which heats up at night, since the night fare acts in the region, and in the afternoon it gives heat to the room.

Installation and connection of electric boilers

In the installation and installation of the unit, the supplied of the electric boilers of Protherm, there is a warning that in the case of mechanical damage to the housing, disorders of the integrity of nodes and blocks of the boiler, the warranty becomes invalid. Therefore, when independent installation, you need to work carefully and clearly comply with the recommendations. In order for a wall-mounted double-circuit electric boiler, the proterm operated correctly, it must be connected in accordance with the requirements of the instruction.

Connection to the electric network of the boiler Proterm 6 kW

Coteten with a rated power of 6 kW is produced in two options for connecting the Tan for 220 V and for 380 V. Boilers and beans are no different and a boiler option for 380 V can be easily turned into a 220 V option. To do this, it is enough to change the switching scheme. If the boiler is connected to a three-phase network, then the beans per 2 kW in each phase consume a current of about 10 a, since the linear voltage is 220 V. Consequently, 1.5 square wiring and a three-phase automatic machine for 10 A will provide a normal operation.

With a single-phase network, everything is somewhat more complicated. 6 tans installed in the boiler and at a maximum power of 6 kW consumption current will be slightly larger than 27 A, therefore, it will already be needed by a cross section of at least 6 squares and a protective machine on 30 A. All of the above is distributed to any electric boiler heating for home, any power , Only the values \u200b\u200bof the current consumed and the desired cross-section of the wires will depend on the power.

According to the tables to select the cross section of the copper wire of the current in 1 A, requires a section of 0.17 mm2. The current in the chain is determined by the known formula - I \u003d P / U, in which:

The first thing to pay special attention is the correct selection of the secting of the electric power cable. After all, for example, an electric boiler with a proterm of skate 24 with a rating capacity of 24 kW when connecting to a three-phase network will consume a current of about 30 A for each phase. Such a powerful boiler is undesirable to connect to a single-phase network, because in this case, the current at maximum power will increase to 100 A. Connect the electric boiler only through the RCD.

As for the installation site, the requirements for the installation of electric boilers are not so tough, as for gas or solid fuel units. Yes, and the price of electrocotel for heating at home is much lower than prices for other types of boilers.

You can install an electric boiler anywhere, but this place should provide easy access to adjust the unit or operational disconnection if necessary.

If there are several electrical boilers in the circuit diagram, they are connected in parallel. According to the electrical safety rules, the electric heating device must be grounded.

How to choose an electric boiler for home heating

All are compact, easy to operate and safe. They do not need chimneys and special facilities for installation, and efficiency is close to 100%. According to these properties, they exceed the boilers of other types. For the heating of a particular room, the electric boiler is selected primarily by power. It is believed that one kilowatt is sufficient for heating 10 m2. Consequently, the electric boiler with a proterette skate 12 with a rating capacity of 12 kW can provide the warm room with a total area of \u200b\u200b120 m2.

High quality and reliability confirm found on the network Reviews for electric boiler Proterm Skat 12, in which they write that the boiler is silent, simply and easily regulated and does not require constant attention ("installed, included and forgotten").

Popular electric boilers company PROTHERM

To connect as a reserve to an existing heating system or for heating a small house with an area of \u200b\u200bup to 90 m2, a wall-mounted electric boiler Protherm Skat 9 KR 13 is used with the possibility of using a 220/380 V. Single-controlled boiler with electronic control and with a built-in circulating pump and. Its main characteristics are fully consistent with the base model.

If there is a need to organize a hot water supply, the manufacturer has provided the ability to connect an external tank. When selling connections, covered with plugs. The difference in price between single-circuit and dual-circuit boilers is small. For example, the price of the boiler was a proterm scat 9 kW wall-mounted double-circuit comparable with the cost of the boiler of a similar power, but one-connecting. In different stores for the sale of heating equipment, the price of electric boiler is a proterm scat 9 ranges from 490 to 560 cu

According to its technical specifications, according to the requirements for installation, adjustment and design, electrical boilers are much more preferable to gas and. For their installation, no extra room is required, and the electric boiler itself can be installed anywhere in the heating circuit, the main thing is to be free access to it. Electronics developed by Protherm independently monitors the room temperature in the room and creates comfort and comfort at home. The only obstacle that limits the use of electrocotals is a high price of electricity, which has a tendency to increase.

Heating equipment is needed to ensure comfort in rooms. Electric boilers of heating Protherm stand out high quality and long service life among competitors.

PrTherm is a popular manufacturer of heating equipment in Europe. In the heat engineering market, the company declared itself as a manufacturer of high-quality boilers.

Prochanters and service centers are on all continents. The range of the company is more than 100 models of boiler units designed for all Consumer classes related to heating equipment and components. Innovation of the manufacturer are condensation boilers.

A distinctive feature of Protherm is the availability of services throughout the country. Service is carried out both by their masters and with the involvement of masters of partner companies.

By installation method:

  • wall mounted (installation is provided in niche);
  • hinged;
  • outdoor (the boiler is installed directly on the floor covering - this is considered the best option for private houses).


All models of boiler equipment with a rubber consist of the main nodes:

  • Tan. Teni models of medium and high power consist of several elements (blocks). Three-phase consist of three single-phase. For each phase, it is necessary to install a separate voltage relay (to prevent phase skew).
  • Electronic control unit. Includes an intermediate relay, fuses, terminal clamps, power supply, etc.
  • Dean Rake. To which modular equipment is installed: relays, differential automata or UzO, voltage stabilizers and grounding.
  • Circulation pump. To discharge the coolant into the system and maintain working pressure in contours.

Important! The pump is built into the boiler housing. All connections and commissioning are manufactured by the manufacturer, so the manufacturer's warranty also applies to it.

  • The case of the device in which all nodes are installed, power wires and heating pipes are connected.

CHEMA electric boiler Proterm

Automation of equipment

Automation and measuring instruments are intended for monitoring and preventing emergency situations when operating boiler equipment with a rubber.

The function of the equiter meal measurement allows to save electricity consumption depending on weather conditions: on warm days the boiler works at minimum power, in cold - with maximum load.

Composition of electronics:

  • Safety valve (to prevent overpressure in the system).
    Corporate device.
  • UZO. Protects people and animals from leakage currents when touching the body of a faulty device.
  • Load regulator relay. When you turn on in the household network of electrical appliances, the relay automatically smoothly lowers the boiler power. If the network is normalized, the automation provides a device in normal operation.
  • Temperature relay. When the temperature drops in the room to 8 degrees, the pump is launched. To work this feature it is necessary to connect the air temperature sensor.
  • The control panel is equipped with a messages and boiler power settings. For models of medium with several tanks, it is possible to work in operating modes with a reduced load.

  • Installation should be made in accordance with the applied instructions for each model. Protherm recommends use the services of a professional service, because In this case, warranty on maintenance and repair will be valid.

Important! With independent mounting equipment, damage to the body, which can lead to a violation of the warranty obligations by the consumer.

  • The installation site should be carefully thought out: the boilers should be in easy accessibility to inspection and maintenance. Measuring instruments should be in a prominent place.
  • If a circuit with forced circulation is applied, the boiler unit should be installed at the highest point of the heating system.
  • When mounting multiple boilers in the room, you must use a parallel connection.
  • The cable cross-section, the power of circuit breakers and the Uzo must be selected taking into account the power of the boiler and the circulation pump.
  • In the house it is necessary to ground the TN-C-S or TN-S type, the heating system devices must be grounded.

For the correct operation of the device, it is necessary to configure it correctly:

  • Connect the boiler to the household power grid.
  • Set the temperature of the heating system.
  • Configure Operating Pressure and Power Parameters.
  • Start equipment. In the absence of failures in the work of the unit within 3 days, the installation is considered successful.

Single-mounting boilers line

Separate Protherm segment introduced single-circuit electric boilers. The SCAT series is designed for heating and hot water supply of residential buildings and administrative buildings in the absence of gas supply. Installation wall.

Models are produced with a rated power from 6 to 28kvt with the possibility of connecting measuring instruments (thermostat and pressure gauge) and voltage stabilizers.

The advantages of the line:

  • high installation efficiency;
  • fast heating of rooms;
  • easy installation, no need for permanent maintenance;
  • environmental Safety;
  • full process automation;
  • standard connecting thread for connecting pipes 3/4 ";
  • silent;
  • anti-gas meal function;
  • high accuracy of adjusting operating parameters;
  • low electricity consumption;
  • lack of the need for a separate room to install the unit;
  • lack of chimney;
  • ability to work from the network 220 and 380 V.

Important! All models of the scat line are equipped with displays and a convenient control panel, a soft start function and pump elevation.

A brief overview of the models

  • 6 square meters In the diagram, two heating elements of 3 kW. Basic application - residential buildings.
  • 9 kW. The heat exchanger consists of two nodes 6 and 9 kW, respectively.
  • 12 kW. Heating elements two (6 kW).
  • 14 kW. The device includes 2 elements of 7 kW.
  • 18 kW. Boiler equipment of high power, intended for heating large administrative premises. The unit includes 3 heating nodes (6 kW).
  • 28 kW. The most powerful models. The heat exchanger is arranged from 4 elements of 7 kW.

Important! Large power protherm boilers can be installed in the diagram in parallel.

The cost of production of Protherm depends on the specifically selected model and configuration, presence, type and period of warranty. Low power models can be purchased from 10,000 rubles, the cost of high performance boilers reaches several hundred thousand rubles.


Electric boilers of the Protherm Skat line - the best solution for heating and hot water supply of residential and administrative buildings, where it is difficult or there is no connection to the gas supply system.

High efficiency and low power consumption completely pays off the cost of equipment and installation for several heating seasons.

Question: I recently noticed that the voltage stabilizer snaps after that the boiler begins to work not stable, what could it be?

Answer: The point is not in the boiler. The stabilizer clicks, because the relay is triggered when the voltage drops in the network, it breaks the phase for a short time - here is the boiler to break the phase and can not behave stably.

Question: There is a gas boiler Protherm KLZ 50 with turbochard. There was a problem - a stain appeared on the furnace, and all the time it increases gradually. Called local specialists, they said that no one did not appeal with such problems.

After a few calls, I finally arrived at the specialist (chief engineer) and regulated gas supply on the boiler - after that the boiler began working with modulation (that is, first on small speeds and then full). Prior to that, always included at full power and in thoughts without stopping in frost. It was in the heating season of 2013 and the stain ceased to increase. This year, everything stain began to grow again. What to do?

Answer: If the isolation of the burner is not damaged, the stain does not have the effect on the safety of the equipment.

Question: Maybe the boiler has a clock often and consumes a lot of gas due to the fact that the boiler power is overestimated? I have s \u003d 220m2, power \u003d 38 kW. I took such power with the prospect of the garage heating. If so, what do I need to do to stabilize the work of the boiler and gas consumption?

Answer: Definitely. It is necessary to reduce the power. Not at least, but proportionally.

Question: Tell me: I plan a Cheetah Copper 25 Who and BKN Proterm V100Z. Do additional three-way valves and pumps are needed.

Answer: The three-way valve and pump are already built into the boiler. We need only a boiler sensor.

Question: What does the two-stage burner mean in relation to the grizzly 65 klo: this is the notorious winter-summer mode (i.e. 1 step - summer, the second stage - winter) or a minimum (1 step) and maximum (2 level) of the boiler, which are full The maximum at the factory is configured, there is no official information on the site, as in the manual.

Answer: 2-speed burner is an analogue of modulation, i.e. the boiler can work at the maximum power (2nd stage), maybe on a reduced (1st stage) or turn off if there is no request to heat at all. Moreover, both steps are configured.

Question: If the house is well insulated, then the 30 kW boiler may also be totted. What is when cold-power is needed one, laughing-other, the temperature is changing during the day, changes by 10-15 degrees, from 0 to -15, etc. How then to be? Provided that any boiler cannot be adjusted to himself, but to call a specialist. Explain how to behave with this boiler?

Answer: If the house is well insulated, the probability of tact is reduced. The house cools slower, the coolant in the heating system is also cool less, the boiler sees it and does not work at maximum power, but it modulates only for maintaining.

Choose a boiler with a maximum power that will cover the maximum need for your home warm. You do not need a big stock (if you do not plan to expand). Then the boiler will be modulated, depending on the need - it became warm on the street, the power decreases, colder - increases.

Question: Installed Floor Cote ProTherm 30 Klom. The heating project is still under development, combined heating is supposed: radiators and warm floors. According to the instructions for the boiler, the circular pump nutrition must be connected not directly into the socket, and through the boiler terminals so that the boiler can turn off the pump at low temperatures and, as I understand it, in connection with this, not allow cast iron corrosion. But for a warm floor, it is assumed to use a warm floor with a mixing unit and another circular pump. When the main heating pump is turned off, the warm floor pump still can circulate through the boiler if it is turned on directly into the outlet.

In this regard, 2 groups of issues:

1) It turns out for the safety of the boiler? Need to hang both pumps on the boiler terminals? But in the instructions, I did not find clarification on this subject and the maximum power of the connected equipment. Is it possible, what is the maximum power and can I see some link to
Document allowing it?

2) In addition, Ideally, I would like feeding the pumping floor pump to connect through the thermostat installed in the room (turns on the power of 220V with a decrease in temperature and turns off with increasing), to automate the temperature control of the floor. It turns out that this is in principle impossible?

Answer: You can't connect two pumps per terminal. There is no such control scheme for the rubbish. To control TP there is a cascade automation. SD2000 is removed from production.

Question: I can not find data on pump power for this boiler, maybe you will help? For example, if we have one pump pressure of 4 meters, it consumes 45 watts, if 6 meters, then it consumes 80 W if one pump is 8 meters, then it consumes 170W. So why is it not possible to connect 2-3 pumps for 45-80 W? What is this due?

Answer: This is due to the fact that the manufacturer provides connecting to terminals of only one pump. Connecting 2x and more - for your fear and risk.

Question: On the connection of the B200S boiler to the gas floor boiler KLOM 30 bear
Switching contact size DN? " (For use with mounted boilers) or DN 1 "(for use with floor cast-iron boilers).

In the Manual to Klom it is said: the boiler control system adjusts the heating of the boiler with the pump and the NTC of the boiler sensor. Nothing is said about the three-way valve. Not quite understandable, what scheme is preferable? What electromechanical separation triple valve with integrated electrical switching contact is meant? Where can I see its characteristics? The principle of controlling the circulation pump is not yet understood, the boiler turns off the pump or changes its performance?

Answer: These are two possible boiler connections to KLOM - through a three-way and pumps. In the first case, no pumps are needed, except for circulating, in the second - three-way.

Question: Skat - whether its painless work is possible from the generator on a single-phase inclusion scheme?

Answer: Models 6K and 9K can operate from a voltage network as ~ 380V and ~ 220V, others only from ~ 380V.

Question: It is correct to connect the floor boiler to the Bear KLZ 30 through the hydrotrifer to individual heating circuits (conditionally 2 contours, respectively, tied to automation of control temperature). I ask other things - in the KLZ, the contour of the heating of the built-in boiler is already integrated and logically when the boiler pump will turn off the boiler loop pump.

Accordingly, the absence of circulation - the secondary circuit will work on themselves, because it is driven by a cooled coolant until the boiler pump turns off and the boiler pump does not turn on. Or no
bother and put klom 30 and boiler to connect to hydraulic as a third contour? Who will advise?

Answer: Protherm has no such recommended schemes, but it does not prohibit them. That is, they have the right to exist. This is the question of correctness. As for the schemes. I believe that you can do it, and so, there are two nuances: in the first scheme, if you forget to close the crane of hot water, the heating system will cool, frozen in frost. In the second scheme, this will not be. Size boiler room. For the second option, more space is required.

Question: Installed the electric flock of 21kW, in the process of studying the instructions for installing and operating the boiler, found information that the ceiling should be over the boiler - 800 mm. What is it connected why such a gap? In the instructions for the gas boiler did not find such a requirement. Is this the specificity of an electric motor? In fact, I get about 400 mm. Is this a big problem?

Answer: 800 mm required to replace the Tan, if you have 400 mm, then to replace the tan, you will have to remove the boiler, it will not affect the operation of the boiler.

Question: We have a panther boiler 25 ktt, a specialist launched a week ago. In the morning I woke up, the message F68 error is burning, there is no such error in the book what to do? I am trying to reset the reset error, the boiler starts up to temperature 32 and gives an error.

Answer: The problem is in the loss of flame. That is, either the boiler does not see the flame (see in the direction of the ionization electrodes), or there is really no flame (cm in the direction of gas - feed or gas valve).

Question: The problem, there is a protherm klom 50 with a turbocharger worked for 1.5 years, it does not start. When turned on, the turbocharger starts on the display shows the indication of the active temperature of the coolant and flicke from the right to the corner and everything! What is it?

Answer: Perhaps the "Zalip" is a turbocharge of turbocharged. If anomalous low atmospheric pressure is to reduce sensitivity.

Question: For home s \u003d 100 m2 What is the best o-or wall boiler? Taking into account the connection, the warm floor in two rooms S \u003d 16 and 18 m2 and three points of water analysis. My choice fell on the rubbish, but what exactly I do not know please tell me?

Answer: Approximate power for your home - about 15 kW. More accurately will tell you in the project organization. As for the models - the main difference between mounted and floor boilers, of course, the dimensions and installation capabilities. They have different compatibility options with thermostat. Holds have wider management opportunities. It is also important to decide, a two-round boiler or a combination of a single-circuit boiler + boiler.

Question: Mounted boiler for KLOM 40 and turbocharger. We exploit the boiler from December 2013 ... controlled the work of the boiler by the departures in the morning and in the evening. In March, moved to the house and noticed a feature. From time to time the boiler accelerates to 85 degrees at an exhibited temperature of 60 degrees. Moreover, when the boiler accelerates to 85 degrees, the bottom right label is flashing on the screen. And the circulation pump does not vibrate (the pumping of the pump connected to the boiler will determine the hand to it, otherwise you will not hear). After the boiler heating to 85, the pump turns on and the boiler goes into a standard mode ... to 55 cooled, up to 65 heated. What could be?

Answer: Diode flashes - the boiler works in water heating mode in a boiler. Everything is in order - this is a program of protection against bacteria in a boiler - short-term heating.

Question: How to determine the frequency of short-term heating? I read that when the water analysis in the boiler occurs a volley, the boiler gives the stop pump to heating and in priority heats the water in the boiler (boiler for 200 liters) and after heating the water in the boiler up to the nominal, turns on the pump on the battery and since the boiler in The error does not go away, then the automation of the boiler of violations does not find. Only two buttons on the boiler, and which smart turned out to be.

Answer: This boiler has no protection function from bacteria in a boiler. This is heated boiler. Regardless of the analysis of the water, when the water is being heated in a boiler, the boiler switches to the heating of the boiler at the maximum power, so the temperature and rises to 85. Heating
At that moment is not active. As soon as the heating of the boiler is finished, the boiler switches to heating. DHW in priority.

Question: What is the difference (except for power) boilers Cheetah 23 MTV and Panther 25 KTV? Sellers said that the copper parts in Panther more (a cheetah is a cheap panther). So I want to understand what the principled constructive differences in order to decide whether to overpay. What did they have heat exchangers? With the temporary turning off gas and \\ or electricity, both boilers are included in operation automatically?

Answer: Constructively different expansion tanks 5 and 7 liters. Plus the difference in the design of the front panel. In part, they are right, as Panther is more powerful and the heat exchanger is more. But in general, they are the same. In case of disconnection / power on electricity - boilers will turn on if the gas is both in an error, switching on after error reset.

Question: You need to connect 30 klom to the Halolite only BKN. This boiler will only work on booting boiler. Accordingly, the entire system consists of boiler, BKN, security groups, membrane tank and circulating pump. How to make it right? Just connect the temperature sensor to the block and the boiler loading pump or there are nuances?

Answer: You need to translate the boiler in the "summer mode" on heating, then it will work only on the boiler. There are no other nuances.

Question: Tell me, installed the Protherm Cheetah boiler, an error 28 or 29 pops up at a low power of the burner. And does not yet support the specified temperature (not turned off after the set temperature dial). Where to watch what to twist?

Answer: Your boiler is probably a gas valve problem. Here I can recommend only an inspection by a specialist.

Question: I installed me the boiler Bear KLZ 40. It started fine, no one lives in the house yet, but the boiler left the included. After 2 days arrived, the boiler with an error F1 is worth it. I reset the error, it starts, but after different intervals of the time it throws F1 again. Maybe it's from
For insufficient ventilation?

Or dig towards electricity? Voltage like stable, but in any case I will
Put the UPS. And the second question is what GSM module is better to put on my protema to control the boiler via SMS? Is it possible to drop errors via SMS? The phase is observed, the boiler for the DHW is not filled and not included.

Answer: This error means blocking the ignition automation and the cessation of gas supply through the gas valve, i.e. the loss of the flame. Such blocking may occur in cases where, while in the open gas valve mode, the ignition automation does not receive a reverse signal of the presence of a flame from the ionization electrode.

This malfunction can also be caused by the response of an emergency thermostat or thermostat of combustion products. Low gas pressure at the input, incorrect electrical connection (confused by places phase and zero) can also cause flame loss. If the failure fails to be eliminated by using the RESET button, contact the service organization. Regarding GSM - the proper does not have such modules.

Question: The modulation is obtained should work and the boiler will maintain a stable temperature from water duct 3 l / min? We will be observed in practice. Well, it is clear that when the heat exchanger is bad, there will be no normal heat exchange and water flow. We are talking about how the new boiler should work and whether there is gas adjustments to the GVS, i.e. the ability to reduce the power of the DHW so that the boiler does not roll at low pressure in the water supply.

Answer: After switching on, the modulation must maintain a stable temperature. There is no gas regulation on GAV. Automation itself regulates the operation of gas reinforcement.

Q: Sensor SO10045 for connecting a boiler is thermo resistance. The thermostat performs a similar function. Why do you need a sensor for connecting the boiler and boiler?

Answer: The principle of operation is similar, but when working on the thermostat, the boiler does not receive information from the boiler about the water temperature, therefore it does not have the ability to modulate the heating power, and only turn on at full power off, which is not economical. Plus, when using SO10045, the current temperature in the boiler is displayed on the boiler - conveniently and visual.



Questions to representatives of the company Proterm

Question: Gas floor boiler Proterm. It is necessary to redo the 85 CLO with the connection of the boiler through a trivenovik to connect the boiler through the pump. I understand that the replacement of the board decides everything but still?

Answer: To the 85th KLO initially boiler must be connected through the pump. See the electrical circuit. PLO connects through the boiler.

Question: Installed Outdoor Two-Build Copper Protherm Bear KLOM 40 and turbocharger. In the instructions for the boiler it is indicated that when connecting a turbocharger, it is necessary to move the terminals of the combustion product thermostat. This thermostat, as I understand it, is installed under the chimney. How to move it and do you need to do it? The specialist device launched, but for this sensor did not even remember. What room regulator must be connected? Anyone or there is some kind of trick. Is there a regulator to this model with two pairs of contacts?

Question: Proterm Skat. There is a scheme for the work of this boiler on the DHW through a three-way and NTS sensor. For example, I have an electrocotel 9-12 kW, I need only 6 kW heating. I, of course, soul from the settings panel to the necessary. But when switching to heating, DHW how much will it consume? Are power settings and on DHW and heating are preserved? Is it possible to put a dip on the heating, for example, 6 kW?

Answer: The power on the DHW is not regulated (always complete power). You do not constantly work DHW. And at greater power, the boiler will heat the water faster. What is more economical, longer to warm the weak apparatus or faster than powerful, you have to watch.

Question: Which burner is suitable for the boiler with a bison 35 NL bison to work on a liquefied gas, or how much is the migration of the usual gas. burners to work on liquefied gas? Yes, and in general that you can tell about this model, or you recommend something else, as I decided to look at floor cast iron boilers. Need to reconfigure BTG 3 burner on liquefied gas or put it, led
Pipeline from Gazagolder or Ballon and it works?

Answer: No. This burner should stand the valve of suitable sizes to get the right ignition and smooth adjustment. Valves are selected for power supply, which is approximately 300 mM aircraft. I recommend checking the gas pressure of the burner with a water gauge.

Question: I launched an electric boat, just gathered to buy Instat-2, and it was removed, it turns out from production. What do you advise in replacements?

Answer: Take a look at TERMOLINK S and SD 2000.

Question: I choose a double-circuit boiler. Stopped on Panther 25 KTV or Turbotec Pro VUW (MINI execution). I have any questions: As far as I understood, the "Comfort" function of the DHW in Panther is an analogue of a hot start in Plus. But if there are two additional sensors for the DHW in Plus, then the panthers are not. How is the temperature maintaining the temperature in the secondary heat exchanger?

Answer: Hot start function. Principle of operation: The burner is turned on by lowering the temperature in the primary circuit by 30 ° C below the given DHW temperature. The burner is turned off when the temperature reaches a difference of 10 ° C below the given DHW temperature. The ECO symbol will appear on the display when the specified DHW temperature will be below 50 ° C.

Question: I have a two-round wall-mounted gas boiler Proterm Pantera with a burner for balloon gas. With a cold start, a strong buzz appears. How antifreeze heats up the buzz is at all. What could be the reason?

Answer: Cold and hot antifreeze different characteristics. Thus, while the antifreeze is cold, a buzz can be observed.

Question: You could not suggest - I have a boiler Protherm B200S with a magnesium electrode, the question arose. At the very top of the tank is a valve with a diameter, if I am not mistaken 3/4 plastic with a thread, about 5 cm long, the instruction is marked as RC (recycling). What is it necessary for what is connected to it?

Answer: This pipe is connected to the DHW line - DHW recycling.

Question: What is the specificity of the boiler connecting the B100S protema to the non-volatile Tlo Bear boiler? Water in the coast of the boiler, apparently, moves forcibly, and the heating system is mell, is it completely independent cycles?

Answer: If you connect a boiler according to a power pump, the boiler ceases to be non-volatile, the board changes, pumps are added. If through the 3-run valve - one pump will be needed, again the system ceases to be non-volatile.

Question: Gas protema boiler has been working in 2008. What is the service life of such an aggregate and is it possible to connect an indirect heating boiler for it?

Answer: With the operating conditions specified by the manufacturer - about 10 years (again indicates the manufacturer). PrTherm does not provide for the possibility of connecting the BPN to the lynx. If you decide to try - under your responsibility.

Question: And what is the difference between the wall boilers with a protier cheetah 23 MTV, Panther 25 KTV, Tiger 24 KTZ?

Answer: Panther is a little more powerful cheetah (and heating, and on DHS) + she has another control panel. Tiger has a built-in 45 liter cumulative boiler, which increases the maximum flow rate of DHW.

Question: I stand next to the choice of a gas boiler. Need heating and hot water. House about 165 squares. Tell me on the protorter, what will suit me? And another question - there is the boilers with emissions of the Welcome, i.e. it is not necessary to do the chimney of a huge and emissions immediately take a sideways through the wall? Do you have such? Another question - is it necessary to put a boiler? What does he give? And the moment - it happens that electricity is turned off - all this will work without it or should I need an email?

Answer: In terms of power and water treatment, gas, wall-mounted, double-circuit (heating + DHW), electrical dependent, with a closed combustion chamber (it is possible to remove the combustion components through the wall). Boilers Cheetah 23 MTV, Panther 25 KTV, Tiger 24 KTZ, Gas, Outdoor, From Combustion, a boiler is additionally required for DHW. Bear 30 TLO - electrically dependent. Bears 30 PLO / KLOM / KLZ -
Electradi, can be installed (additionally) the "half-way" extension, which will give the opportunity to take the components of the burning of the Walk through the wall, but it works from electricity.

Q: Kotel KLZ 30 Proter Bear. Strange work from the outdoor temperature sensor. T - 55 gr. C, curve - e5, the lower the air temperature, the hotter becomes at home, and vice versa, the closer to zero, the colder. So the temperature is jumping in the house (at one setup mode) from 22 gr. From up to 30. You have to constantly "play" temperature or curve. Is it possible to translate this boiler on home wireless sensors?

Answer: In the Equitermic regulation mode, the temperature of the coolant in the boiler is adjustable depending on the change in the outer air temperature. Therefore, "Play" can only be a curve. On sensors - in the Russian catalog Protherm there are no wireless regulators.

Q: Kotel KLZ 30 The bear is installed in March last year, worked well, now, with a decrease in air temperature, the temperature of up to 80 grams added, the boiler shoes. Gives an F1 error. It works normally up to 70 grams, and when the t is increasing. Tried to twist the wheel of gas supply adjustment, does not help.

Answer: Try the RESET button to reset the error if the problem remains, you need to call the service, since it is necessary to look for the problem in the operation of the ionization electrode, the gas valve, etc.

Question: What is the reason for the restriction on the volume of the coolant in the heating system using the Wall-mounted gas boiler Protherm Lynx (70 l.)? If the systems are assembled from steel pipes and cast-iron radiators (works without complaints) on an area of \u200b\u200b180 square meters. m., is clearly with exceeding the limiting volume of the coolant, then what problems to wait?

Answer: This is due to the capacity of the expansion tank in the boiler (5 l.).

Question: Panther 25 who can connect the controller, the problem is that the boiler warms the CO + warm floors (connected through the thermostat with a separate pump), now I took for testing Protherm Instat Plus when it turns off the boiler, then the pump on warm floors is chasing Cold water. I would like to at night the temperature of the coolant in the boiler stepped on 5 degrees, the temperature in the house and the warm floor will not cool.

Answer: Protherm Instat Plus will quite cope with your task. (The programmable regulator with a weekly and day program allows you to set up to 6 different time intervals for one day. At these time intervals, you can set any temperature from the permissible temperature range). Thermolink Lux will also be able to adjust the weeks of the week and temporary segments.

Question: I need not to turn the boiler, but reduced the temperature of the coolant in the boiler: Example: C65 to 61 at night, Thermolink Lux can do it, or just just like Protherm Instat Plus off. Copper at a dialed temperature in the room?

Answer: Thermolink LUX connects to EBUS, it will adjust the boiler power.

Question: In the operating manual, the boiler of indirect heating is indicated that the tap water is heated in it due to the heating water. How can it be used to prepare hot water this boiler in the summer when the heating will be disabled? Where it is necessary to place such a boiler: in the boiler room (five meters, the DHW route) is either in close proximity to the water-based points (bathroom) so that there is no
Break in the supply of DHW? Technically, the second option is possible?

Answer: If everything is correctly designed and mounted - water will be warm in the summer without heating. Not fundamentally, where to install, in any case, there are options to organize the supply of a DHW without a break.

Question: In the passport, the maximum temperature in the heating circuit of 85 grams is indicated on the dual-circuit boiler of the Panther, but only 75 grams are installed on the boiler. what is the reason? How to raise it 85 grams, and when frost on the street, then the house temperature is above 18 gr. Do not rises.

Answer: Panthers have a maximum temperature of 80 gr. Installed by parameter d. 71.

Question: Contacts Thermostat is dry contacts? According to the documentation, the thermostat is 3-pin, i.e., you can use as, but also the NZ contacts?

Answer: Yes, you can.

Question: It is not clear about connecting a boiler to the network to ensure protection against corrosion. In the description in Fig. 2, where the thermostat contacts are depicted?

Answer: You just need to connect the boiler to the network, inside the fee, the anode is connected to it.

Question: The instructions mention the magnesium anode. As I understand it, it once needs to be changed. How it's done? Is it necessary to observe some minimum distance between the ceiling and the boiler when mounting on the wall?

Answer: The anode with power supply is not required to change. Between the ceiling and boiler, the distance is not regulated.

Question: Tell me what is due to the value of the minimum of gas pressure on nozzles in 1.1 mbar. On the gas boiler Panther 25 ktt 19v? Why is it not recommended to install a smaller value?

Answer: At a pressure of 1.1 mbar, the boiler will issue a passport value of the minimum power, therefore, below for nowhere.

Question: Tell me the gas boiler Protherm 30 KLOM phase-dependent?

Answer: The boiler is designed to connect to a single-phase three-wire power grid 220 V 50 Hz with a protective conductor according to the operating Pue. It is not allowed to change the "phase" wire (L-brown wire) and "zero" (N-blue wire). Connecting the boiler to the electrical network is intervention in the internal device of the device. These works should conduct only a specialist.

Question: I have a pastier 30 klom. Tell me how many stress in the network is critical for its brains? Are there any sensors at the boiler that turn it off in the absence of voltage in the network? How does the overheating protection work? If it is critical, how is it possible to fight?

Answer: The overheating protection function includes the heating pump when the temperature of the water temperature is exceeded in the heating system installed by the user or if the temperature of the coolant in the boiler exceeds 85 ° C. If the coolant temperature in the boiler exceeds 90 ° C (F3 malfunction), the boiler will automatically turn off. During interruptions in the supply of electricity, the machine will turn off. When renewing electricity supply, the boiler will automatically turn on, without losing the installed operating parameters. If, after renewing the power supply, a malfunction message appears on the device's display, unlock the boiler using the RESET button. Blocking the boiler may occur due to its overheating as a result of the pump stop after.

Question: The boiler is a protier in operation since October 2013. The installation of the boiler, the heating and water supply systems carried out local specials. The heating system consists of 5 (40 sections) and PVC pipes D \u003d 25mm with a length of approximately 40 m. I will try to describe the heating system: the boiler is installed on the 1st floor, the horizontal portion of the pipe on the second floor is laid, from this "standing" The two horizontal sections are divorced: according to the 1st and 2nd floor, on the 1st floor 2 of the radiator in 8 sections, on 2-m-3 radiator 6, 8 and 10 sections.

Water supply system consists of:

The pumping station - supplies water from the well (pressure ON / OFF, respectively, 1/3 of 3.5 atm.);
- coarse filter;
- PVC pipe D \u003d 25 mm at home is divorced (length of about 10 m).

Problems with heating appeared 2 months after starting the system, over the course of this time the boiler boil and heating and water. (If it was installed 60 grams. Heated to 65-68 gr. and disconnected, included at 52-56 gr., And now it costs the installation of 75 grams, and the temperature above is 62 gr. Does not rise; with water interruption - heats up, and through Some time is cold goes). After installing those. The service has not yet been done.

Answer: You need to look in the direction of the hydraulics of the system, gas supply. And these things require a specialist.

Question: How does the brains of the boiler with a protier react to the temporary turning off of electricity?

Answer: I should not, just turn on and all. May show an error - reset reset. If in addition to shutdown, there will be jumps (without a stabilizer), then the board may be damaged.

Question: The boiler does not work for timer. And how does the DHW economy mode turn on on the timer?

Answer: You need to check whether the DHW temperature sensor is installed and correctly installed. Check resistance. Replace the sensor if necessary. In addition, check the functioning of the electronic board, the pump of DHW, etc.

Question: Tell me, Wall Mounted Copper Cheetah 23 Turbo, Heating System Warm Floors, Area 80 squares, plus one cast iron radiator (5 sections) in boiler room. The temperature on the boiler is installed 60 degrees. Everything was fine. But here a week ago, he stopped heating to a given temperature - 54-55 and that's it. He sinned at the temperature for 30 on the street, but today it was 20 in the afternoon, and he did not catch up to 60. Plus, the DHW began to work, as it was not so - 5 minutes the hot, and then warm, although the device works. What happened?

Answer: Perhaps the gas inlet pressure drop occurred and the unit ceased to work out the passport characteristics. It is necessary to check the boiler settings, the state of the hydraulic, etc. Such phenomena must be diagnosed on site.

QUESTION: I have a pasting boiler Bear 40 klom, the heating pump is connected to a direct electrical network, is it correct? And can I connect it straight to the boiler and what will it give me?

Answer: Connecting the heating pump to a separate machine can be associated with local circumstances and hydraulic coating pattern. It will be more correct to connect the pump to the boiler so that the coolant circulation through the heat exchanger was controlled by the automatic boiler and the device did not go into overheating.


Starting boiler

A warning: Input of the boiler B.
operation and its first start should
be produced only certified

protherm by Protherm
specialized organization!

Performing the first start of the boiler, make sure

1. The boiler is connected to the electrical network and

in this case, the phase and zero are not confused.

2. Opened gas locking crane;
3. Service cranes for heating and DHW

4. Pressure in the heating system is located

in acceptable limits of 1 - 2 bars.
Install the main switch (Fig. 1,
pos. 7) In position is on (I). Boiler
turns on and starts working in mode
heating water in a boiler (if the boiler
connected to the boiler). After water heating in
boiler boiler switches to mode
heating (provided that the mode
heating is active). In case of protective

disable boilers on the panel display
management will appear about
faults (see "Messages about
errors ", p.8). Use the button
Reset (Fig. 1, pos. 6) Unlock
boiler. If after switching on, protective
disconnection will repeat, or impossible
will unlock the boiler
contact your service organization.

Turning off the boiler

With short-term shutdown of the boiler
install the main switch (Fig.
1, pos. 7) Turn off (o).
When you turn off the boiler for a long
period needs to turn it off from
electrical network and overlapping
gas to the boiler. If in winter boiler
not used, then the heating system
it is necessary to empty. but
it is necessary to avoid frequent plots and
supplication of the heating system to avoid
formation scale and deposits inside

Start and turning off the boiler

Adjusting the boiler

Operation of the boiler without room

according to the readings of the boiler sensor. IN
clepting XT5 on the clamps 5 and 6 stands
jumper (factory setting). Order

Turn on the boiler with the main switch;
Set the desired temperature

the feed line on the control panel.

Operation of the boiler with room

In this mode, the boiler supports
set temperature in the heating system
on the room regulator. Jumper,
installed in the XT5 terminal on the clamps
5 and 6, removed. It connects to her place
room regulator. If indoors
with room regulator on radiators
thermostatic valve has been installed,
need to translate them in full
open position.
A warning:On the control panel


rouge sensor

Boiler works without restrictions, but temperature

the coolant is adjusted by a boiler sensor (see
"Installing heating temperature", p. 5).

If the boiler does not work in the excitermic mode, then
this message can not appear.