Repairs Design Furniture

How to make a patio at the cottage and in a private house? Patio design photo. Patio design or country season is open! Patio style houses

Evgeny Sedov

When the arms grow out of the right place, live more fun :)


Even being the owner of a small country house or cottage, you may not know what patio is. This is a fenced inner courtyard area, designed to relax, holidays, receiving guests. The design of such a plot every homeowner chooses to your taste, desire, creating all the conditions for leisure on the Lon of Nature. Thanks to some architectural ideas, you can implement the most bold ideas and make such a place comfortable for each of the inhabitants.


Previously, the courtyard was decorated with flower beds and did not fulfill any specific functions. Now the space has become used by residents for a comfortable pastime in nature, fresh air, especially in the warm season. Even in ancient Rome, the patio zone began to do in the houses of wealthy aristocrats, and today everyone can make such a plot at home from the primary materials.

What a patio looks like

What does such a recreation area look like, it will help to understand the photo of the patio - a plot adjacent to the house or away from it, fenced with a fence, a gate, a lively hedge. Part it can be used for household needs, but the main purpose is to rest. The zone includes all the main elements or has some of them:

  • swimming pool, fountain;
  • lawns, flower beds;
  • playground for rest;
  • table zone.


Translated from Spanish Patio - the courtyard of the house without a roof. Such space may include playgrounds, summer dining rooms, sunbathing spaces and other elements. Mandatory is the presence of a powerful platform, tracks. The recreation area involves the presence of garden furniture, sun beds, which, at will, decorated with soft pillows, textiles, plaids.

An important and integral part of this zone is green plantings: ordinary flower beds with flowers, shrubs, fruit trees, exotic plants that will decorate the landscape. Depending on the selected design style, the presence of garden sculptures, other decor elements. Almost always the recreation area is complemented by garden lamps, which not only illuminate the patio at night, but create a calm relaxing atmosphere.


The main purpose of the zone is the alternative of the living room. In the warm season of friends and relatives it is more convenient to take in the fresh air than in a hot house. Features of the relax-space for which it can be immediately determined - a place for relaxes, communication, green and dining area. At the same time, each owner plans such a plot in its own way: some put a barbecue, barbecue or build a street oven, and if there is a working surface and washing, the place can be used as a summer kitchen.

Sun beds with pillows, artificial reservoirs, fountains create a comfortable atmosphere for reading books, receiving sunbathing in good weather. In the evening, the zone is perfect for communication with relatives, friends. If the territory of the site has, you can build a swimming pool and take water treatments, play games on water or arrange foam parties.

How to do

If you bought a house with a patio, try to equip the area for relaxing yourself. What is a patio and how to do it:

  • Before starting, you need to make a plan, project, calculate possible costs, prepare the territory, to level the land.
  • The next stage is the construction of the site itself. Initially, a pillow is made from sand, one selected material is laid out on it: tile, stone, brick, wood, marble crumb, etc. Color gamut Choose based on the overall exterior of the territory.
  • Further add the zone to your liking, desire.

In the country

Equip the patio in the country is not so difficult. It is important to determine what the area is intended for whom it will depend on this size and functionality:

  1. For two, there will be enough small corner adjacent to the house, with a canopy from rain and direct sunlight. The place is better to choose from deciduous trees, otherwise you will often have to clean the zone from the garbage. Well, if there will be a door in the country house, designed to enter the zone: so at any time you can put furniture, dishes.
  2. For an elderly couple, there are enough cozy seats or chaise lounges, where you can relax, sleep in the afternoon, and in addition, install beautiful caspo with flowers, spread the blankets, pillows.
  3. For young people, a romantic situation and a place to receive guests is important, so the territory should be more. For parties and holidays, you will need: brazier, barbecue, street fireplace, bath, dance platform. An important element is artificial lighting for gatherings in the dark.
  4. For couples with children, it is necessary to equip space for games on the street, sandbox with a canopy, swing.

In the garden

For the patio in the garden, the territory is suitable in the garden, surrounded by the fence, and the curly plants will help to hide it from neighboring eyes. Put them near fences - such a decision will serve not only a lively elevation, but will create an extra comfort. Such a location implies remoteness from buildings, so there is a need to create paved tracks. It is important to take care of a canopy over the zone that will defend resting from the sun, rain and foliage.

The garden is already partially landscaped, so it is only necessary to supplement the kashpo zone with floral compositions, high shrubs that will not only decorate and take the platform, but will protect holidaymakers from the wind. Nearby can be broken by flower, alpine slide, artificial reservoir. For the patio zone perfectly suitable wicker furniture of good quality, perfectly complementing the garden interior.

In a country house

Most country cottages are a place of residence and cottages at the same time, so the area in the house is almost always present and is its continuation - the veranda. If the area is large, you can highlight the rest area a little more than the standards require (3.5 sq.m. per person). Then it is appropriate to divide the zone into two parts - open and with a canopy. In one can sunbathe in the afternoon, installing a brazier and fry kebabs, another glazing, providing protection from the sun, rain - even upholstered furniture on it will be protected.

Excellent solution is a decorative fence, distinguishing two zones. It can be in the form of a living hedge, glass or whites. Important moment - installation of lighting. Luminaires, lamps, like furniture, you need to choose in one stylist with the overall concept of the patio zone. Give preference to unpretentious plants so as not to spend all summer in care of them. Having finance, you can close a small backlit fountain, which will delight the eye even in the dark.

Registration of the courtyard

There are different patio styles that can satisfy any refined taste. It is better when the recreation area and the house itself are decorated in one concept, but it is quite acceptable to combine different design solutions on one territory, creative ideas. Choose style is necessary before building and arranging the territory so that all the decor elements are combined with each other.

Mediterranean style

An increasing popularity is gaining a patio in the Mediterranean style, which includes the characteristic features of different countries, but its main distinguishing feature is bright colors. Another mandatory condition is a closed space, the presence of fences around the relax zone, you can use already existing or creating new ones. An important element of style is the thermal-loving plants. These include palm trees, olive, cypress, thuja, lavender, rosemary. To give the Mediterranean color, use stone, wood, ceramics, Greek figurines in the interior.

Loft style

Try creating a loft style for a patio. Its distinctive features: metal structures in black, dark shades in the design of window frames, doors, decorative or real brick, metal furniture and nothing superfluous. The prerequisite is the situation on the latest fashion. Statuettes and other decor elements should also be metal and attended in minimal quantities.

Spanish patio

Emboss the courtyard in the Spanish style is not so difficult. Its important element, as in Italian manors, is the stone floor, but such a finishing of a large area of \u200b\u200bthe patio area can cost much. Try putting the foundation of the courtyard with plates stylized under the stone. Make the framework of the zone with herbal lawn, and on the sunny side, make a patio with a living fence that will provide a shadow and an additional decor.

Provence style

For the finishing of the Provence Patio, you need to use stones imitating antiquity that may be present in the design of the floor, walls or fireplace. For landscaping, choose a lavender, rosemary, olive, cypress. The exclusive element of the decor will serve a pool, fountain, stone well, clay pots and vases. The tracks must be narrow, lined with sackage.

How to equip a patio design

Each owner chooses himself how to improve the patio in front of the house. Depending on the main stylist of the estate, taste preferences and its financial resources, you can issue any recreation area. Thanks to modern design solutions, it is quite realistic to choose furniture and decor elements by yourself, without the help of a specialist, additionally saving.


Choose a patio furniture not only at a price, pay attention to quality. Plastic tables and chairs, for example, are inexpensive, but will not last long. The economical option will be a garden wicker furniture that serves as a continuation of the color of nature is more durable and easy to use. If you have finance, pay attention to the wooden products. Their appearance, quality and environmentally friendly material will delight you not one year. Do not chase brand models, stop the choice on the local manufacturer, the quality will be the same, but the price is lower.

What to plant

Try to choose plants for patio on climatic conditions and care requirements. You do not want to hold half a vacation for the rolling and watering of flower beds? An excellent choice will be geranium, hosts, balsam: such flowers are unpretentious, grow well in the sun and in the shade. Due to the set of shades of them, you can create different compositions. Place the flowers are not in the ground, but in the kashpo or pots, rearrange them in places, so you can constantly change the design of your patio zone.

For fragrance, put the vendors with lemon, tangerine trees next to the veranda. Dilute such a composition of lavender, rosemary, boys. With the arrival of cold weather, you can easily apply to the room in the room, so the plants will not be affected, and choose annual cultures to land in the ground. To decorate the walls and fences around the zone will help breakfast flowers: Lobelia, ampeline petunias, begonias.


Reflecting on how to decorate the patio, repel from your finance, the general style of the house. Flower compositions and alpine slides sometimes quite grabs. If you want to add a highlight to the inner courtyard, make a small fountain, a street fireplace, put a football with water lily, acquire the statues of different quantities. A separate decor will serve street lanterns that can be located not only about paths, and hanging over the zone itself. Comfort and comfort will add textiles to your patio.

Beautiful terraces and patio - Photo


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Patio at the cottage is a living room in an open-air, where it is nice to spend time with friends and enjoy the beauty of nature. This element of landscape design is an inner courtyard, fenced from all sides.

Initially, it was covered with mills of buildings, but today there are live hedges, fences and shirms as fencing. Solving to equip your own area for recreation, it is important to determine the place of placement.

Choosing a type of construction and features of its arrangement, load should be calculated on the base. It is important to properly approach the selection of furniture and accessories. Gardening Patio - an integral part of the work.

Types of Patio

There are several options for choosing a patio in the country:

  • angular - in the presence of the structure of "g" or the P-shaped form;
  • balcony;
  • with barbecue;
  • patio-solarium;
  • multi-level;
  • parade.

If you exercise the courtyard around the perimeter of the building, it will allow to expand the local area. The main advantage of the M-shaped recreation area is the security of a plot from several sides. It is better to equip the patio area near the living room so that the travelers could immediately get into the room without passing through the corridor or by the working office.

Patio with the pool is a common option of recreation area. The plot perfectly fits with a small pond, elegantly combined with the greenery of the landscape of the country area.

In order for the vacationers sunbathe and enjoy the shadow, you can install a sliding-type canopy that can be quickly installed and removed.

Non-standard solutions

Given the features of country sites, many owners create original designs that take into account the dimensions of the site or features of the landscape design. An interesting solution will be the equipment of a multi-level patio that will decorate the facade part of the building. The balcony option is selected only with sufficient balcony area at home

The original solution is the roof patio device. It is resorted to it when the territory is quite small. Here you can send decorative plants. However, before the arrangement of such a recreation area consult with builders.

Tip! It is better not to plant deciduous trees around the patio, since the sinking foliage can spoil the appearance of the site. The recreation area will have to clean daily.

Choosing a place

Traditionally, the patio zone is broken in the backyard. This location allows you to make one side of the site completely closed. The rest are either left open, or fencing the hedges. If there is a way out in the patio adjacent to the patio, it is very convenient for rest. The exit allows you to immediately fall into the building, without the need to ride it.

Place for the patio is chosen in the shady sector of the garden, where noise from the street can penetrate. Vacationers are not available to outsiders. Even in the open garden you can create a feeling of complete protectedness. For this use:

  • curly plants;
  • trelliers;
  • mobile shirms.

It is better if a small artificial reservoir will be broken next to the patio. In hot days, the air above the platform will become fresh and wet, which will create comfortable conditions for vacationers. The dimensions and shapes of the site depend on its purpose. To create a "paradise" is enough 3 m². To accommodate a company of 4 people to the patio, you will need to equip a platform of 4 m².

Optimal coating

Since the patio is a powerful platform, the base is usually made from dense material. The most economical durable coating is a concrete site. When making a patio, you can combine rectangular and square shapes to create an interesting effect.

Other coating options:

  • A better design of the platform is obtained when using plates from natural stone. Thanks to the broken lines of cuts, a bizarre pattern is created, which allows you to give the site an exquisite view.
  • A durable base can be made of paving slabs. The variety of shades and forms of this material allows you to implement any designer solutions.
  • Another option is a garden parquet, which is created when combining polymers and wood waste. It is durable and durable, but does not rot, in contrast to ordinary wood.
  • As a wooden coating, the owners of country sites often choose Deconge. It is difficult to distinguish from natural material.

If you make a platform from a tree, the boards before laying should be treated with an antiseptic. The composition protects the material from rotting. Brick, stone and tiles are stacked by dry technology, or per solution. The stone area will serve much longer wooden.

Frame patio

Ordinary boards can be replaced with a terrace board. The complexity of the device such a patio is reduced to the need to build a frame, which can be successfully created from both wooden bars and metal profiles. It is better to choose the last option, since the metal with proper processing will not last one decade.

The skeleton for a patio, decorated as a podium, is quite simple in manufacturing. However, in this case, it is necessary to have the skills of welding. If you need to capital installation, the frame is concreted into the ground. When creating such a patio, work on the framework of the frame will be the main, and it will be much easier to strip it.

The basis of the design is erected from a metal pipe with a cross section of 40x25 mm. Elements are installed on the end to increase the rigidity of the frame.

Combined option

This method is more suitable for sites performed from any materials, except for wood. For example, the recreation area can be raised from concrete and a terrace board, or separated by paving tiles. In this case, the platform will be resistant to fairly large loads.

When choosing a framework technology, the creation of a platform also provides for working with concrete. They are needed to create a solid and reliable design. For this, the horizontal formwork is erected, which is reinforced with steel rods and is poured with concrete solution.

A canopy, a table and seating places are the necessary minimum when the patio equipment is in the country. You can equip the area of \u200b\u200bthe playground, a pool or table tennis table.

Patio Creating Instructions

First, you should decide on the shape of the room for recreation. All guests should be placed at the table so that each party participant felt free. You can equip a small courtyard with a reservoir for two. In this case, the minimum of materials and time will be required.

The form of the patio is determined by the shape of the storage. Typically choose round, square or rectangular options. When selecting direct lines, the pavement laying is simplified noticeably. Usually the hostess of the patio, which adjoins the building, make square or rectangular. If you position the patio in the depths of the garden, you can give it bizarre outlines.

When appointing a patio for large and noisy parties appropriate to equip sufficient area. Materials that will be needed for work:

  • bayonet shovel;
  • construction car;
  • level;
  • device for the rambling of a sand pillow;
  • sand;
  • mastic;
  • a hammer;
  • laming.

The main materials in the arrangement of the patio are concrete and brick, wood and paving slabs. At construction materials, it is better to save, since cheap products differ in shortness.


At first it is necessary to make a plan scheme. Its selection depends on the preferences of the site owners and landscape design capabilities. The standard patio includes such items:

  • Platform. The recreation area should be on a reliable basis.
  • Border. It can be used simultaneously both as a fence from the underdeveloped part of the garden, and as a place for colors or accessories.
  • Place for the focus. Here is installed barbecue.

Then you need to decide on the base. It can be monolithic or tape. In the second case, you need to dig a trench with a depth of 2 cm and width 30 cm. Such a foundation is made by a crescent. It is performed under part of the patio with a border.

To create a ribbon foundation, these actions perform:

  • Bricks are stacked on the sand pillow, and on them - arm of reinforcement.
  • Concrete solution is mixed in the ratio of 1: 3: 5 (cement / sand / gravel).
  • Then the trench is poured with concrete. The first row of the border is laying out of the slag blocks. You can choose a brick, however the price of such a design will be higher.

Then the entire border is erected, equipping it with shelves around the edges. Each subsequent row of slag blocks is shorter than the previous one.

After that, the border finish is finished and a platform is lined. Closer to the parapet prepare place for the hearth.

Laying of a monolithic site

To prepare the foundation, the place under the site is struck by pegs. Then remove the fertile soil layer from the site to lay the base to a depth of 15 cm. To align and equip the platform, the recess is filled with sand and water water to catch. The surface is spilled with robbles. The resulting pillow must be 2 cm exceeding the ground level.

Features of the creation of a patio site:

Stone work

It is not worth uploading to pebbles. If you choose a natural stone, it is worth paying attention to the elements with a flat side, for which you can safely walk, not afraid to stumble.

Original are platforms laid out of slab fragments. They are cut with a circular saw or split. Slices are collected together as a mosaic. Such a laying allows you to significantly save on the material. The broken tile is much cheaper.

Before breaking the tile it is important to determine which form of pieces are necessary. Then the element is carried out in the line and with the help of chisels make recess. The tile is placed on the bar in such a way that the fracture line is on the edge. Then they hit the element to get a piece of the desired form.


Simultaneously with the construction of the foundation, the lifting and electricity supply routes determine. In the case of an underground cable liner, the top layer of the soil is cut off by rectangles. After completion of work, the soil is placed in place. Such actions will bring the smallest damage to the lawn.

Pipes laid at least 1.5 m from the ground level. Outdoor water supply can be equipped. However, every year it will need to dismantle before the winter onset. You can leaving the locking devices when overlapping the water supply in open state.

Latest strokes

After laying all the stones and markup of the site from above, sand poured. It is hosted over the entire surface. It fills the gap and smoothes irregularities. After that, the platform is poured with water.

The procedure is repeated three times. After a recreation area, the recreation area will be ready for operation. If one of the doors of the house does not enter the patio, the track is added to the site. It is better to make it from the same material that was used for the design of the coating.

Creating a focus

If there is a lot of space, it is better to install an original furnace or a street fireplace on the patio. Near the focus it is pleasant to gather in a cool time. For small areas, a mobile grill is acquired. It is easy to prepare a delicious dish for the whole family.

Special attention should be paid to the place for the hearth. Often it is installed a bowl for the fire. This decoration is romantic and spectacular. The zone of the hearth is equipped with refractory brick or stone. Often the owners of private houses choose portable bonflash bowls.

Open-air cinema

To create an unforgettable effect from a visit to a patio should be equipped with its cinema. It will take an inexpensive projector and a white canvas as a screen. The projector connects to the receiver, which allows you to watch your favorite films and TV shows.

Garden cinema hall will have a stunning effect on guests. Its installation will not take much time, and the result will not make himself wait. It is important to consider the placement of a large group of people if you plan to invite a lot of guests.

Apartment courtyard

For the fence patio you can use a live fence. Usually, boys and shrubs are chosen for it. The interior can be supplemented by plants lined in floor vases or landing pockets.

Dwarf conifers with evergreen plantings will make the patio more attractive. If you wish to create a closed platform, protecting it from the wind and prying eyes, you can choose to protect the lattice walls that are decorated with letters.

One of the main conditions for the arrangement of the patio in the country is a view of a picturesque landscape. This requires the arrangement of a small architectural decor. Stone tracks, miniature sculptures, pond or fountain perform as its main elements.

For landscaping, patio uses:

  • lavender and Rosemary;
  • lavra village;
  • lemon Tree.

On the walls of the courtyard placed kashpo with nasturtiums and petunias. Such plants look great in the recreation area.

When choosing a garden furniture, pay attention to its external attractiveness and practicality, given the performance characteristics:

  • Warm and externally attractive furniture is poorly opposed to weather phenomena.
  • Forged items are sufficiently heavy, so they are difficult to move.
  • The optimal option is wicker furniture. The material from which it is manufactured is distinguished by resistance to loads, humidity and exposure to ultraviolet.

Sun loungers and garden sofas give the area of \u200b\u200bpatio uniqueness and individuality.

Important! If you wish to equip a patio barbecue, you should take a safe place for it. Under it usually perform the foundation, and behind the refractory wall made of bricks.

To rest in the patio, it was comfortable even in the evening, on the wall of the house you can lend lamps-brains. In flower beds often install figures equipped with solar panels. On the perimeter, the courtyard places lights on the poles.

When arranging a patio in the country, the main task is the desire to create comfort so that guests and hosts of the house feel as comfortable as possible. Therefore, special attention is paid to the selection of accessories.

The right choice of accessories

It is better that the interior of the recreation area correspond to the furnishings of a country house. In this case, the patio will turn out to be its natural continuation. Failing a patio zone, you should pay attention to such components:

  • Furniture. To enjoy the site on it, there is a wooden or glass table, a few cozy chairs and a sofa.
  • Lighting. For evening gatherings, garden torches and suspended garlands are ideal.
  • Mangal or fireplace. Open fire sources are able to create an optimal level of heat, which allows you to rest on the patio even in cool evenings.

To create a romantic mood, the recreation area is equipped with garden swings. Figurines and souvenirs can become an original decoration of the recreation area.

Move the patio atmosphere helps the pot with flowers and small flower beds. On the walls are placed ivy and elements of decorative illumination. It is better to create a soft light that will calm down and relax. For this purpose, lamps with blue and green light are suitable.

Patio under umbrella

Patio without a canopy may be uncomfortable even on the hottest day of summer. To protect yourself from the scoring rays, it is enough to install a beach umbrella over the table. Under it is easy to enjoy nature with any weather. When the beach umbrella is not enough, they acquire a huge umbrella, which are often used in a cafe.

Interesting! A homemade roof is easy to build from wooden bars and polycarbonate.

To create an inexpensive and practical country patio, it is enough to turn around from the neighbors from the plexiglass partition. Mobile design is easy to have a small weight, which makes it possible to move it easily. You can use for this purpose and a camouflage grid.

When placing the zone in the lowland, the drainage is equipped. If this is not done, the site will constantly be adopted. In the absence of opportunity to build a basin to the ground, it is enough to buys a basin and it's beautifully to improve it. This option of mini-reservoir is cheap and original. It can be placed in any area of \u200b\u200bthe site.


Well, when an individual project is compiled for the patio in the country. Thanks to him, it is possible to gradually build a durable design. Having created a small layout, you can make edits at the planning stage.

To determine the choice of the type of patio and the details of its design, it is worth seeing the photo of ready-made courtyards. The main thing is to correctly perform the landscaping of the site and prevent errors in the design of the foundation. When erecting a frame patio, the design is made from metal elements that ensure maximum durability.

Following the advice of experienced dacities, you can build a backbone at the cottage taking into account your own preferences. Original structures require large calculations.

Patio (Span. patio. Based on the lat. PAT through Provence. "Pàtu") is the inner courtyard of the private house or giving an open-air, sometimes surrounded by walls or a living plant hedge.

The beautiful word "Patio" is borrowed from warm edges of Spain and Italy. Patio at the cottage is a separate territory for relaxation, comfortable rest and meetings with friends.

Today we are talking about how to make a patio.

sun loungers, chairs and shop in the recreation area

Patio design

Owners of country cottages or villas have long abandoned the gardens on their sites and began to design a patio design, with a reserved place to relax.

A place under the patio is better to equip in a cozy shady corner of the garden, where noise and curious views of the neighbors will not penetrate.

The atmosphere of security in the open patio in the garden can be created using mobile shots or stationary fences and lattices, seized by beautiful curly plants.

black benches in patio

Business in size

Of course, the design of the patio will depend on its size. If the territory is large, you can fantasize how much your soul, limited by financial capabilities.

If we are talking about a small area, then when making a patio, it is worth identifying priorities and choose between the playground, a place for grilling and large flower beds with flowers.

glazed patio zone

Before starting the repair, it is worth checking the condition of the territory. For example, put drainage and not forget about the need for watering plants and the work of fountains or artificial reservoirs.

It is also worth paving the tracks that will be useful not only for convenience, but also for zoning the territory.

blue pillows in a recreation area

Gardening area patio

Patio zone design is difficult to imagine without plants. Options for landscaping should be thought out in advance and plan in such a way that the flowering of one colors or fruits is replaced by the flourishing of other varieties. In our country, this period: mid-April - the beginning of October.

yellow sun beds in the patio on the roof


Water has always been considered a source of life, a symbol of harmony and balance of all living things. It is not easy to organize an artificial reservoir and better contact the specialists who need to evaluate the fectures of the soil of land and landscape. But when everything is ready, you will be able to enjoy the fish in an artificial pond or relax under the sounds of current water, sitting near your home.

patio pool

the fire

Even in a small area you can find a place and equip the patio.with the possibility of cooking on open fire.

Agree, steeply collect family or friends and to enjoy the dinner cooked on the grill.

Around the round hearth should be the garden furniture: armchairs or small sofas.

fire in the center of the Patio Zone


Establish a bright fence in the patio at the cottage, which will raise the mood not only in the recreation area, but also on the rest of the yard.

red and white wooden fence

Light in patio

A well-thought lighting system will help safely navigate through the site in the dark, and also mentally spend time during evening trapes.

Lighting devices are better placed around the perimeter of movement along the site (on the garden tracks, steps, at the entrance to the garage or in the parking lot). Lamps - in the meadow area under a canopy.

light bulbs on the street

Furniture for patio

To date, there is a bunch of garden furniture options for every taste:

- Furniture made of plastic: available in price and easy to transport. It can be washed out of the hose.

- wicker furniture: steady loads,the effects of solar radiation and high humidity.

- Wrought furniture: Satisfied with heavy, it is difficult to move. In addition, they must be twisted once every 2-3 years.

- Wooden furniture is not steady weather conditions.

garden furniture

For meals

For the outdoor dining area, it is enough to purchase a table, chairs or mini-chairs. And also build a canopy that will protect your family or guests from the sun in hot weather, and will help calmly continue lunch or dinner in the rainy.

A common patio design option in a country house includes garden swings. This is a great opportunity to retire, read the book or dream.

chairs and table under the canopy

Patio floor covering

- concrete slabs - the most economical and durable coating for the site;

- Plates from natural stone for those who prefer more chic design;

- Paving tiles - unpretentious material in caring. If necessary, it can be replaced.

floor trim tiled area patio

Adjacent to the house, a powerful small courtyard in an open-air, intended for family holidays or privacy is a patio.

This name came to us from Spanish, and the art itself of the design of courtyards is rooted in antiquity and the Middle Ages.

Already then, the inner courtyards hit their luxurious fountains, expensive vases, waterfalls, cells with beautiful singing birds, gorgeous carpets and pillows.

Types of modern patios

In the country, such types of patio are most often building:

  • corner structure with L-or U-shaped house;
  • at the rear wall of the house;
  • balcony;
  • multi-level;
  • patio-solarium;
  • parade patio at the entrance;
  • patio with barbecue;
  • romantic patio;
  • other types.

Patio made with their own hands - Photo and description in the video.

The most common types of courtyards are corner patio with L-or U-generated structure.

Such buildings are located along the back wall. For houses in which there is not one apartment, and a few, the courtyard is created around the perimeter of the building, which makes it possible to expand the zone around the house.

So residents of all apartments can have their own secluded place to relax. The situation of privacy is created due to the fact that the angular patio at the L-or U-generated house is protected from several sides.

In the photo L-shaped patio - one of the popular species

Unlike the angular, the patio of the rear wall is protected only on the one hand. It is possible to plan such an element of garden design with access to the living room, a study or even a bedroom.

So it will be possible to fill the room with fresh air, it is especially important that when the room is small.

If the site is not enough, the multi-level patio will become an excellent option. It will also be an excellent decoration of your facade.

A balcony type of building is a great solution for owners of cottages or private houses with a balcony or suitable roof for these purposes.

In such a place, you can plant plants or even sunbathing. But before the construction of the patio on the roof or on the Bolshoi Balcony, consult with the builders from the technical side.

You can also make patio-solarium by the pool. Sunlight must penetrate as much as possible, so it should be not too much to cover the gazebo.

If earlier the role of the front courtyard was performed or a small parisade, today this role is increasingly engaged in the parade patio.

Beautiful, gorgeous paving slabs, stylish modern fencing, miniature fountain, aesthetic fireplace and other elements of the exterior gorgeously decorate your main entrance.

In order to create a patio at its dacha or in a country house, you must first determine its purpose.

Beautiful patio at the cottage in our photo gallery:

For example, it can be a secluded place for privacy, romantic dinner, family gatherings or a platform for large companies. Next, we are determined with the location of our courtyard for relaxation and its size. We select materials, furniture and decor.

We combine with barbecue

The highlight of your country house can be a patio with a barbecue. Especially it is appropriate where wide expanses where there is a lot of land and where it can take a break from the urban bustle, both a small family and a fun company of friends.

You can even build a street oven and then you can cook food, being outdoors.

Street ovens and barbecue is made according to individual projects, so everyone can choose the perfect option for its landscape design.

For romantics

An excellent place for dinner in love in the fresh air is a patio, made in a romantic style.

The muffled light, flickering the flames of the candle, gorgeous starry sky and calm music - what can create a warmer and cozy atmosphere for a romantic dinner?

In such a nice piece of paradise, you can not only take a break from the labor everyday life, but also, for example, to make an offer to your beloved.

Ideas for decor

The patio decor variant will depend on its size, as well as from the style of the landscape design of your site.

But any design can be supplemented with luxurious colors and gorgeous shrubs, small conifers, containers with plants and so on.

Place these decor items should be in scatter or as edging patio. Walking plants will look very beautiful, for example, IPOMEA, fiery beans or flowers in Kashpo.

The decoration of a small corner should not overload it with a large number of small details that will seem unnecessary.

For a small patio, a wicker rattan or vines, wooden benches, a table, a stone fireplace will be wicker. This design is suitable for those who prefer the atmosphere of home comfort.

But if your cottage or country house is made in modern style, then the patio must comply with the stylistics.

Give to break your imagination

Highlights that should be considered:

  1. Depending on where exactly the patio area is located in the country, paul should do from natural stone, gravel pillows (If the patio is directly on Earth) or from wooden flooring (when placing the roof or balcony). The coating option in the recreation area also has a place to be, but as a result of constant walking along it, the grass will lose its attractiveness.
  2. The basis of a comfortable stay is. Therefore, pick only comfortable and comfortable furniture. It can be comfortable chairs, luxurious chairs or a small sofa.
  3. Street oven, fireplace or barbecue In this zone will be quite by the way. So you can make your stay more interesting if you can cook dinner under the open sky.
  4. You can also install inflatable or frame pool.
  5. Complete interior of the courtyard garden figures, small or elegant vason.
  6. Lighting the recreation area Also plays an important role. Make so that the light can be selected (bright or muted).
  7. Since annoying insects, such as mosquitoes, such as mosquitoes can prevent rest of the open-air it is necessary to take care of protection against these pests.

High-quality lighting - not a whim and necessity

Create paradise on Earth personally

To build a patio in the country, you should adhere to such a plan.

How to create a patio at the cottage from scratch - detailed video instructions.

Choose materials

First, select the floor for the floor and ponder the decor.

The simplest option of the courtyard can be a patio with a venue of natural or artificial stone, from wood, paving slabs, bricks or decong. Combining materials will look very original.

As a canopy, a cloth or a wooden fool's roof can perform. Comfortable furniture, lamps installed directly on Earth, a little flower decor - and a recreation area is ready! Consider all stages of creating more detail.

Luxurious, methods of breeding and fighting pests and diseases - we will introduce you to details.

What is a cleaner is a skimmer that is used in country pools? How to make and install skimmer for the pool with your own hands - with photos and videos.

Preparing the platform

First prepare the tools: garden rakes, shovel, rubber hammer (need to fit the stones) and the twine (to determine the boundaries of the site).

The first stage of the work on the construction of the patio is the preparation of the site: placing the territory and remove 15-20 cm of the soil.

But the features of the preparation of the platform for different materials of the flooring will also be different, so you should follow the instructions for laying the selected type of coating. We smell a sandy pillow, we moisturize sand and sealing robbles or a special ironing.

Preparation of the site

Flooring coating, you should observe a small bias for water flow.

If the selection fell on the stone, the laying of stones should be carried out from the outer edge.

The finished coating should be sprinkled with sand and thoroughly fill the slots. Then the source must be removed, and the site itself is watering with water.

Decorating internal courtyard

Be sure to decorate the recreation area of \u200b\u200bthe buoye-blossoming greenery. Bright colorful flower bed will not only emphasize the aesthetics of your courtyard, but will bring harmony with nature.

Bright floristics, flowers on high stands or porridge will look just luxurious.

Decorating the courtyard should also be as well as umbrellas, awnings and canopies, which will also perform the protective function of your courtyard from atmospheric precipitation and the scorching sun.

Now it remains to choose and correct furniture.

When choosing furniture you should not give preference very expensive options.Since its constant staying conditions will lead to the fact that it can over time to lose its appearance.

You can use wicker furniture from the vine, wooden benches, chairs and a table. Relevant here will be even a fireplace or a street oven.

The type of furniture and its quantity should be chosen based on the purpose of the patio: for family gatherings or to meet with a large company of friends.

Country plot or courtyard in front of the cottages can be used not only for growing vegetables or a flower bed arrangement, but also as a zone for recreation.

If you have a free place to install, exquisite pergolas or at least a table with chairs, then this zone can be called a patio zone - a place to rest.

Such a structure can be destroyed for two, for all family members or for a big friendly company. The options of the decor of the patio zone there is a huge set and everything is simply impossible to consider them. Everyone must proceed from their tastes, needs and opportunities.

Recently, patio is gaining increasing popularity among residents of country houses and villas. These are incredibly beautiful and cozy powerful corners of shady bliss, which are hiding from unnecessary visor to a lively elevation or garden fence. However, their uniqueness lies in their diversity. The design options of these zones are sometimes striking. But the most interesting thing is that many of them can be equipped with their own hands in their courtyard. The main thing: correctly choose the place and follow the advice of professionals.

What is a patio?

Patio area at the cottage

Patio interpretation options are quite a lot. It is called an inner open courtyard, and a living room in an open-air, and a summer room without a roof and not only. In fact, the patio is a small platform paved by natural stone, wood or gravel.

It is equipped most often at the back wall at home. And additionally furnished with garden furniture. Tables or chairs, chairs or garden sofas-swing - will suit absolutely everything that will allow a person to relax and relax over a cup of tea in the morning or after a hard working day. In addition to the garden furniture in the patio area, sandboxes, fountains, barbecue or any other landscaped solutions can be equipped, which can make it more comfortable for all family members.

Patio design so that the finished area is always in the shade. At the same time, someone suits her in the form of a gazebo, and someone simply covers or blocks a lively hedge, a screen or grille, next to which weaving plants will grow.

The first patio appeared during the time of the Roman Empire. Presenting platforms fencing with high walls of buildings, they served as a place of recreation or entertainment. Since then, their purpose has practically not changed. However, the construction process was much simplified and became accessible to absolutely everyone.

Choosing a place

Place for patio

The choice of space for the patio zone is one of the most important stages of its arrangement. Since it depends not only appearance, but also the convenience of using it.

Traditionally, this playground is built at the back wall of the house. It is she who will hide one of the sides of the patio zone from unnecessary eyes. The remaining three will be able to cover with any landscape elements or leave open. For example, if they go to the garden, imagining their guests unique landscapes.

Best of all, if the wall adjacent to the wall area will have an extra door to the house. In this case, using the equipped area will be much more convenient, since it is not necessary to once again go back the building in order to make a cup of tea in the morning, go beyond your beloved delicacy or hide from the rain.

However, the absence of a free place at the rear wall is not a reason to refuse the idea of \u200b\u200bthe patio in its yard. In this case, you can look after a small area in the depths of the garden or immediately in front of the house and, creating a privacy and security atmosphere in it, enjoy the results of your work.

Design options

Patio design

There are a huge number of patio zone design options. They are distinguished:

  • at the form of sites - round, square, in the form of crescent, rhombus or bizarre geometric shapes;
  • according to the degree of security - with a canopy and fence or without;
  • in size - large or small;
  • according to the type of internal filling, when, in addition to standard garden furniture, in the patio area there are baths, foci, fountains, pools, barbecue furnaces, mangals, playgrounds, etc.

Preparatory stage

Marking area patio with hose

  1. Work on the arrangement of the patio should begin with the preparation of the site. If necessary, it is cleared and leveled. And then the boundaries of the patio zone are determined. It is best to do this with a peg and rope or hose.
  2. Preparation of materials and tools. Their choice depends, above all, from the method by which the arrangement of the patio zone will be implemented or by using a cement solution.

When choosing a "dry" method, such materials will be needed:

  • sand for "pillows";
  • borders who will prevent "traveling" bricks.
  • bricks;
  • granite;
  • crushed stone;
  • agrota.

To work will need to prepare the tools:

  • shovel for alignment of the site;
  • garden rake;
  • a hammer;
  • tamming for the mummy of sand;
  • truck;
  • bars for the construction of borders;
  • sand Safety Brush with Bricks.

By making the decision to build a patio with their own hands through the use of a cement mortar, it is necessary to prepare:

  • ready mix, or cement and building sand;
  • paving slabs;
  • bugged brick.

To work will need such tools like:

  • equalizer;
  • a hammer;
  • wooden pegs;
  • wheelbarrow;
  • shovel;
  • putty knife.

Construction options

The most basic and most common methods of construction of the patio zone are the construction of the "dry" method and with the help of cement mortar.

"Dry" method with the arrangement of the patio zone with their own hands

Final stage - Slow Slow

This is a fairly simple way than which you can make a patio literally in 2-3 days. The number of bricks for its implementation directly depends on the area of \u200b\u200bthe site. For example, it will take 200 pieces to arrange a zone with dimensions of 300x150. Moreover, it is undesirable to take clay, as they are characterized by low strength and high specific weight.

After selecting the site, forming the shape and design of the patio zone, as well as performing markup, it is necessary:

  1. To pull out the trench with a depth of about 20 cm. If the site allotted under the patio zone has a tilt, dig a trench is needed from the side of the tilt, while watching it to be smooth.
  2. Fill the bottom of the trench with 5 cm with 5 cm and, well, the ramming, repeat the procedure. After re-tamping, check the level of surface surface.
  3. Prepare bars for laying borders. From the edge of each bar, it is necessary to measure 14 cm in length and 7 cm wide, scuffing at the same time the marked part, and the spice places clearly flowing to avoid their rotting. Then you need to decompose the bars around the perimeter, connecting their ends with the help of nails at the level of sleep.
  4. Run the area of \u200b\u200bthe area under the patio zone Agrotayu, which will prevent germination of grass.
  5. Put and tamper rubble to a smooth layer over the agrootion.
  6. Put and lines the sand layer on top of the rubble layer.
  7. Make work on laying bricks. It should be performed on an ideally smooth surface, starting from the corner of the patio. In this case, you can pick up any convenient pattern. Although the simplest and more spectacular is "weaving" when the first two bricks are put in parallel, and the next two are perpendicular. It is undesirable to move the brick in the sand. Fasten it better with a rubber hammer. With the proper placement of styling, bricks with borders should subsequently be at the same level.
  8. The patio covered with brick zone you need to pour the sand layer and the brush to distribute it so that all the slots filled.
  9. Cove the zones with a patio with a solution or impregnation, which will increase the stability of the surface to external influences.

Brick with the arrangement of the patio zone can be replaced by natural stone, tiled fragments, round babies or special blocks.

Construction with cement mortar

Laying rubble for patio zone

This option takes place in several stages:

  1. Marking with pegs. Inside the future patio zone, it is necessary to make a deepening (about 15 cm), at the bottom of which it is necessary to pour a layer of broken bricks by filling out with no more than 10 cm.
  2. Laying paving slabs with a building solution, which is prepared by mixing 1 part of cement, 5 parts of building sand and water before the formation of the desired consistency. Moreover, the cement layer is laid out on the surface of the brick, and the plates with a gap 1 cm are stacked on top. During this stage, it is important to use the hammer to ensure the density of the fitting of the plates to the solution.
  3. Laying the solution prepared from 1 part of cement, 3 parts of sand and water to the surface of the laid paving slabs. It will fill the seams. Its remnants need to be removed.
  4. Drying solution. The process can stretch for 2-3 days.

Registration of patio zone

Beautifully decorated patio zone

At the end of all the work, you can proceed to the arrangement. Regardless of the selected patio design option, revitalize your recreation area and make it a special possible with the help of simple tips of landscape designers:

  • Furniture and decor elements for the patio zone are best choosing in a single style. Worn, wicker, wooden with a well-looking texture of wood or just decorated with textiles, it must be harmonized, thereby creating a comfort and mood.
  • Perfectly decorate the patio zone flowers and greens - living hedges, desktop or floor vases, porridge and so on.
  • Revives the available space with a simple admission, when several coating plates are pulled out in different places and is replaced with small vases with flowers. Thus, bright stains that create mood are obtained.
  • Do not forget about installing lamps in the patio zone. They will help not just make it use more comfortable, but also bring romance and special charm into it.
  • You can add a pleasant picture in interesting elements in the tone of furniture, for example, figurines, samovar, decorative pillows, napkins and other things.

Camping Patio Zone, it is important to remember the feeling of measure. Too many objects, albeit quite expensive, will create a feeling of litter, and too little will turn it into a boring and uncomfortable place.

Video: Patio construction do it yourself

A beautifully equipped patio area can be not only an excellent place to rest, but also the pride of their owners. Moreover, in order to create it, it is not necessary to turn to professionals. It is enough just to show a little patience, which will subsequently rewarded in full.