Repairs Design Furniture

Fountains at your own hands (69 photos): Easy and elegant. Create a decorative room fountain with your own hands on the joy of the whole family how to make a decorative fountain of the house with your own hands

In specialized stores today you can buy a very original range of similar goods is quite large, as they say, for every taste and color. Many people like when the murmur of a small flowing of water is heard in the house. These sounds allow you to relax and calm down after a hard working day. However, most consumers do not realize that it can be done with special costs not required, as, however, knowledge.

Material for construction

So, below we describe how to make a fountain at home. To create the original design, you will need:

  1. Glue.
  2. The container that will serve as the basis for the fountain.
  3. Approximate Fountain Scheme
  4. Big sink.
  5. A small segment of the hose, which is usually used to clean the aquariums.
  6. Polyethylene film.
  7. Ceramizite, decorative colorful soil and shells of various shapes and sizes.

The big sink will serve as a central detail of the whole composition. Pump and hose are needed for pumping water, and multicolored soil, shells and clayzit - for decoration. In addition, you need a small piece of polyethylene film. So, the ceramzite can be purchased at any flower shop. As for the soil of black, red and then it is better to use a special mixture for aquariums.

We select the container

The home fountain must be strong enough and at the same time beautiful. Therefore, the container for its base should be selected more carefully. The first step in the manufacture of the design is the selection of the vessel. For the fountain in this case, you can take kashpo for colors. If there is no such capacity, then you can use a flower pot, a beautiful pelvis, a clay vase and so on.

The most important thing is that the vessel did not proceed. If, for example, there are holes in the flower pot, they should be selected by epoxy glue.

We choose the pump

So how to do at home the fountain can each, it is worth paying special attention to the pump. After all, not everyone disassemble them. There are several sprinkler on the tip and the usual. In this case, the first option is not suitable. First of all, splashes can get beyond the limits of the main capacity. And one more thing - we have a completely different idea.

Therefore, to make a mini-fountain with your own hands, there will be enough ordinary pump. The tip can be made by yourself. In this case, the pump should simply lift the stream up.

First stage

So, how to make a fountain at home without special costs? To begin with, cut off a small piece of the hose, a length of approximately centimeters 10. After that, it is necessary to put it on the tip of the pump and see if the hole is completely open in it. It is from this that depends the power of the jet that will be supplied to the fountain. The finished design should be installed at the bottom of the pre-prepared container.

The home fountain in this case will be with a large sink in the center. It is from it that will flow water. Therefore, in the sink, it is necessary to do a hole that will be in size to approach the hose. You can do this with a regular drill. Of course, drilling the sink should be carefully so that its walls are not cracked.

Stage two

The fountain scheme is quite simple. With it, everyone will be able to collect a similar decoration for their interior. When the pump is installed in the container, you can float the clayzit, which is necessarily necessary to close with polyethylene. In the film, you should make a hole for the hose in advance.

Polyethylene is necessary to ensure that the ceramzite does not pop up during wetting. After all, water will be poured into the container. After that, the film should be saturated with a multi-colored aquarium soil.

Stand for sink

The composition will not look if the main element is easy to install on pebbles. Therefore, you should make a neat stand. So, how to make a fountain at home, which will not only calm the pleasant sounds of flowing water, but also be an excellent addition and highlight of the interior? Beautiful stand can be created from pebbles. They can be copp using epoxy glue. In the manufacture of the stand should not forget about the hose hole.

Collect design

When the stand is ready, the hose should be missed through it. If it is too long, then it needs to be shortened. Otherwise, it will be seen from where the water flows. Now you can install the main element - the big sink. In the pre-done hole, the hose should be stretched only one centimeter.

That's all, it remains to decorate the fountain. For this, around the shells should be saturated with some shells and put the most beautiful pebbles. All this can be purchased in the store - for lovers of aquarium fish or in a gift.

If there is no big sink, it can also be replaced with any suitable object. The main thing is that it can be done in the hose hole. The design of the decorative fountain for the room completely depends on the fantasy of its creator.

The final stage

After the composition is fully folded and all its elements are fixed, water should be pouring into the container. It makes no sense to fully immerse the soil. So the fountain will lose the main idea and its charm. The most important thing is that the pump is hidden completely under water.

Now you can turn on the fountain. To do this, it is necessary to plug in the power cable from the pump.

That's all, the homemade fountain for the room is ready. However, it is worth remembering that water from it will gradually evaporate, especially in the hot season. Therefore, it will be necessary to add liquid into a decorative fountain at least once a week. If necessary, it is possible and more often.

You can disguise the cable from the pump that goes to the outlet. In addition, the indoor fountain can be decorated with artificial colors. This will give the composition a more spectacular look.


Now you know how to make a home fountain. It does not need much costs and special talents for its creation. It is enough to include fantasy. There is not much time to make such compositions, but they will delight you not one year.

Even the smallest reservoir is able to decorate his own country area and give him a highlight. And the fountain made by his own hands will not only become a beloved place to relax and will deliver aesthetic pleasure, but also will be a reason for compliments from invited guests.

But not everyone is solved on the personnel structure of this mysterious hydraulic device. Some daches mistakenly believe that the construction of the fountain is the process of time consuming and expensive and without the help of specialists in this matter is not to do. But such a pleasure to deliver herself every amateur to spend time in nature, the main thing is to know all the nuances of the construction of the fountain personally.

Choosing a fountain type

You can select two types of fountains by type of construction.

  1. The open option involves the flow of water to the nozzle. The formation of a jet in such an embodiment of the device is due to the drops of water levels. The water pressure in this case is weak, so it is necessary to constantly monitor the water level. In addition, water in such a fountain is quickly contaminated. To create it, you must install a small tank at an altitude of about one meter above the nozzle.
  2. Fountain with pump mounting is the most practical and spectacular option. Thanks to the room at the bottom of the pump, continuous water circulation is ensured. Here and the pressure is stronger and the visual effect is more beautiful.

By design, pumps that perform the roles of fountains are divided into submersible and surface (stationary).

Optimal place to place the fountain

Selecting a comfortable place to build a fountain, it is recommended to take into account the degree of slope of the Earth. If the area is uneven, it is better to place a similar scenery in the lowland. This variant of the location of the reservoir will allow not only to adjust the volume of groundwater, but will increase the saturation of air oxygen.

  • too close to the house so that moisture in windy weather does not fall on the walls;
  • in open areas, in order to prevent water flowering due to sunlight on the reservoir;
  • next to the trees, to leave the leaves, seeds, the down, falling with them did not climb it, and the roots did not damage the waterproofing.

It is necessary to have a fountain in such a way that it is not an obstacle to other buildings and viewed from all points. It is recommended to place the design near the place of rest.

The minimum distance that should be sustained between the fountain and plants, buildings, furniture - 50 cm. So plants will not die from excessive moisture, and the furniture will not come into disrepair. The ideal option for the location of the fountain is a half-end and a place protected from the wind, in proximity to the water source and electricity. Such a location will save you from extra wires and additional work on their isolation.

Deciding with the place, it's time to think about the form and depth of the future fountain.

Preparation of materials for construction

For the construction of a fountain in order to save financial and strength, you can take advantage of the construction of a decorative pond with the equipment of its pump.

Materials required for the construction of the fountain:

  • capacity for the fountain;
  • pumping station;
  • durable film;
  • bayonet shovel;
  • natural stones of various sizes;
  • sand, gravel;
  • decorative elements.

Selection and installation of capacity

If it is planned to build a miniature fountain, it is possible to use an ordinary plastic pelvis as a tank or any other low-size container.

For large water bodies, old baths are suitable or dug on their own. If a bath is used, you need to dug a hole of this size so that it is not above the surface of the earth. All holes are reliably close in the bath, after which it falls into the pit and strengthened the earth, stones and sand.

For a homemade tank, a pit of the necessary depth is made and covered with a dense, high-quality film, which is fixed along the edges on the surface of the stones. Stones of various shapes and sizes are also added to the bottom. It is important that the stones do not have sharp edges and could not cut the film. Stones are evenly distributed throughout the bottom of the future fountain.

Choosing a pump for the construction of a fountain

In order to construct a fountain on the site yourself, it is not necessary to acquire expensive materials, you can adapt any old elements. However, it is not necessary to regret money - the pump, the better it will be, the more beautiful it will be a fountain and will decorate the site longer, without delivering problems.

Submersible pump - the optimal option for the construction of the fountain in the country area. Works on the principle of centrifuge. You can also install the surface pump, it is mounted on the edge of the water branch, but most often used on large fountains and cascading reservoirs.

When choosing a pump, it is worth repelled from the pressure, which is constantly present in the pipe and drops of this pressure. Therefore, the purchase of the most powerful pump can be unnecessary, since it is not in all cases he will be able to work out its complete power.

Regardless of which type of pump will be selected, it is important to remember that the power should be correlated with the pipe diameter. The fountain jet should go under powerful pressure, and not slowly flow from the pipe, since there will be no effect on such a design.

How to make a fountain with your own hands: Step-by-step instructions

The construction of the fountain includes several main steps:

  • pit preparation;
  • fixing the trench;
  • installation of tank or flooring and edges film;
  • installation of pumping equipment;
  • decorating fountain.

For the construction of such a fountain, you will need:

  • old tire from a truck or tractor;
  • cement mixture, water, crushed stone and sand;
  • capacity for mixing cement and shovel;
  • sealant;
  • building level;
  • mastic;
  • stones;
  • pump.

Stages of work:

Video - Tire fountain with their own hands

For such a fountain it will be necessary to prepare:

  • dense film;
  • shovel;
  • sand;
  • pump;
  • stones of different sizes without sharp corners.

Stages of work:

  • dig a hole, we clean it from stones and tamper the bottom;

New life of an old bath

For such a variant of the country fountain, it is necessary to cook:

  • shovel;
  • pebbles;
  • pump equipment;
  • bath;
  • insulating tape;
  • scissors for metal;
  • sheet of colored iron;
  • drill.

Stages of the Fountain facilities:

  • digging the kittleties corresponding to the size of the existing container;
  • we put the bath inside and plug all holes;

  • i cut out wide strips from iron and put them around the bath, we close with stones;

For such a sprinkler, you will need:

  • plastic bottle;
  • metal, durable wire or nail;
  • insulating tape;
  • garden hose.

Stages of building a fountain:

  • we place the mini fountain in the desired place and turn on the water.

This option is perfect for watering the garden and garden.

Decorative House Fountain

For the construction of such a fountain it will be necessary:

  • large flower pot with pallet;
  • paints on glass and ceramics;
  • small water pump;
  • contours;
  • decorative balls, decorations for aquarium.

Stages of construction:

  • decorate the pot with the help of paints;
  • we do a little hole in the bottom;
  • we install under the pallet of the pump;
  • pump tube drag through a hole done in a pot;
  • i fall asleep the bottom of the pebbles;
  • decorate artificial plants and figures;
  • fill the pot pot.

Video - a decorative fountain with their own hands

Decorating fountain

To emphasize the uniqueness of the fountain made by their own hands, you can decolate it. It is recommended to lay out beautiful, multicolored stones of different sizes around the reservoir, put flowers in pots, place cute animal figures, birds and so on.

In order for the fountain to hit with its beauty and unusual at night, you can backlit using special equipment. The lamps installed around the perimeter of the fountain and the backlight at its bottom will create a fabulous, magical atmosphere.

The bottom of the reservoir can be labeled with special plants, plant bushes around the fountain.

Any countrywater and fountain, including need careful care. To maintain the order and transparency of water, a pleasant sighteave type of design must be regularly cleaning the tank. With the help of special devices from the water surface, it is required to remove leaves, seeds, fluff and other items that can not only spoil the appearance of the water branch, but also lead to a fountain malfunction.

At the end of the summer season, it is necessary to drain all the water, move the removable parts of the structure into a closed room, and the remaining parts and the cup to cover the film so that the dirt does not get into them.

To build a fountain with your own hands at the cottage or even in the apartment will not be difficult and will not require large financial resources. Before building a decorative fountain, it is necessary to decide on the shape, size and installation site. The options for the location of such designs are many - in the arbor, on the lawn, in the garden. After the construction of the fountain, it is necessary to carefully monitor the purity of water, regularly remove the garbage and pour water because it will evaporate.

Such designs are widely used in the design of country sections. Fountains can decorate any inclusive zone or become a highlight of the country area. And by connecting fantasy and decorative elements, you can make it even more beautiful and unusual.

Who said that the fountain is exclusively a street fixture? Modern scenery of this type with the same success are used outside the house, and indoors - everything solves the size and device. For apartments and houses, as a rule, small fountains are used, which are undergoing "home fountain". It is about them, and rather about the variants of their independent manufacture, a conversation will go in this article.

A person can contemplate three things for a long time - for a long time he is unable to tear his eyes from the flame, the current water and on how some other works. It is for this reason that the most common scenery in homes and apartments are all sorts of fireplaces and fountains. In this article, we will talk about fountains - along with the site of the Dream House we will deal with the question, how to make a home fountain with your own hands? We will look at various options for self-making this decor and the most important thing - we will deal with the principle of creating such things, the knowledge of which will allow you to independently design these products at home.

Home Mini Fountain do it yourself photo

Home fountain: how it works

Most of you will probably be surprised at how much fountain is a simple thing - you can even say that according to the standards of modern technologies, this is an elementary thing that does not cause difficulties in manufacturing at all. If you understand it with its design, it can be divided into several separate parts to divide it. Plus-minus, of course, since there is no limit to the perfection, and it can be improved, as they say, to infinity.

As for the principle of operation of such devices, then there is nothing to understand - the fluid movement is simply inclined. There is a container, from which the pump pumped out water and serves it in the fountain nozzle - cracked out in the form of a beautiful decorative jet or stained with a waterfall, it returns back to the same container, from which, again, is sucking with the pump and goes on the next ring cycle. That's all the fountain.

How to make a fountain at home: options

Among the most common options for making domestic fountains, you can allocate more than a couple of more or less successful structures. To be frank, then completely successful only one - the first variation although it is acceptable for a home or apartment, still has several significant flaws.

Depending on the necessary sizes, you can install intermediate containers - create the so-called cascade of waterfalls, which will look much more attractive. The principle of manufacturing such fountains is not different from a single waterfall - the only thing that is added here is one or more intermediate tanks. In such a situation, the water is supplied to the upper capacity, from where the samoter flows into the tank, located just below. In turn, from this tank, the driver will be dragged into the capacity below - with this approach, the number of tanks may be unlimited.

Home Fountain Photo

How to make a home fountain with your own hands: installation without pump

Immediately make a reservation that this is not an eternal engine, and it will not be able to work infinitely for a long time - this is an excellent toy, clearly demonstrating the work of the laws of physics and no more. Depending on the tanks used in the design of such a fountain, you can count on 10, 15 minutes., Perhaps even half an hour of work time - then it will take a recharge, which you will get tired in the very near future.

We are talking about, for which three containers are needed, consistently connected to each other tubes - this is a fully sealed system that works through an air traffic jam. From the receiving bowl, the water enters the lowest, and most importantly, an empty capacity - it presses the air in it, which, in turn, creates pressure in the upper tank (it is water). It is this pressure and makes the water climb the fountain. What is the most interesting, the rise of the jet can be quite large and reach 1m in height. Moreover, this fountain can even "automate", to organize its recharge with fewer time and strength. Undoubtedly, this is worthy of attention invention of mankind, who should devote a separate article, which in the future and do.

How to make a home fountain with your own hands: Geron Fountain Photo

In conclusion theme, how to make a home fountain, a few words about very attractive additions that will allow you to contemplate not only the type of current water, but also to observe various effects. The very first thing comes to mind here is. It is possible to organize it in different ways, but the most interesting of them is the use of a small electrical generator. A small treadmother purchased in the store is fully able to make the LEDs glow - you can arrange them as you like and anywhere, most importantly, do not forget that water and electricity are incompatible things in principle.


Fashion on fountains for an apartment and at home appeared in our country for a long time and is currently experiencing its second birth. Such a decorative reception of the interior of residential rooms and today is considered an original solution to revitalize it and give some freshness to the inner space of the premises.

How to make a fountain with your own hands? If there is enough area, it is not excluded the possibility of building a home fountain or a small lake with water lily - all this is your fantasy and taste.

The home fountain may be a good acceptance of the arrangement of a few codes of your apartment (loggias with plants, for example). If the area is small, then you can make a mini waterfall.

Video: Make a mini handle yourself

Before starting to build a waterfall, a number of examples in the photo and video on the Internet should be examined, where room fountains are presented in all varieties. Deciding with the dimensions (mini or option more), appearance, constructive design (waterfall, stream, etc.), you can start creating a fountain with your own hands.

Video: pond, stream, for home

Principle of operation

The room fountain is very simple and consists in organizing the circulation of the aqueous mass along a closed cycle, which is carried out by means of a compact electrical pump. At the same time, the water rises to the collection point, which is on some elevation, from where it flows or falls like a small waterfall in a special accumulative capacity.

Video: a small version of the stone yourself

The choice of a suitable form and design, which will be created by a home fountain, will depend, of course, on the features of the interior of your apartment. At the same time, you can always add a waterfall well thought out illumination and unobtrusive sound support so that it turns into a decorative element of your dreams. Home fountains must relax the owners and decorate the room, causing delight among the guests. Suitable options can be signed in the photo.

Design features

The easiest room fountain with your own hands can be made from the following minimum required set of components:

  • the base on which the room fountains are mounted (reception capacity);
  • standard silicone hose;
  • mini pump from aquarium or other pump version;
  • the container used as a source (or several to make a waterfall, as in the photo at the beginning of the article).

In addition, for the design of the composition and finish, you will need decorative soil, clayzit and other utility materials. Home fountains should look wondering to decorate the interior. Examples can be viewed in the photo.

As a source, you can use large-sized marine sink or elegant mini pitcher, in which you should drill an imperceptible hole. It will be necessary for installation in the "source" of the segment of the silicone hose, along which the water into this container will be supplied using a pump or pump. As a base (reception capacity), you can use the usual colors.

Those who want to update the exterior, make it special and memorable, we offer to use a small homemade fountain. Step-by-step instructions of the manufacture of the fountain with their own hands are quite simple and everyone who has a certain set of tools and materials, will be able to create this beauty on its yard.

Install a fountain at the cottage

The first point of the Fountain Installation Plan is planning Its sizes and species. Take into account the size of the yard, do not make the fountain too large or small - it will not give a positive visual effect. Remember, the power of pumping equipment is directly proportional to the size of the structure.

Now you should choose right plot of land By setting. First, the fountain must be where it will be clearly visible. Secondly, it should be not far from the rest. The sound of running water and cool freshness in summer heat are important components of a pleasant and peaceful relaxing relaxing in the fresh air. Try not to install the fountain in the open sun. Water will have to be able to change because of her flowering. Next to the design trees is also not a place, the roots can damage the thicket and for repair will have to make out the entire decor element.

To install the fountain with your own hands on the site correctly, do not choose the places and near the walls. In this case, the construction will not avoid acquaintance with mold and fungus. And this, in turn, will not only spoil the appearance, but will also cause an unpleasant shaft.

Plant future buildings in advance on the plot. Do not install a fountain on the road to them.

Phased guide to the Fountain Installation in the country

How to make a fountain with your own hands, let's talk on the example of a very simple design - fontana-Rodnichka. The construction of this type has a number of benefits:

  • Spectacular appearance;
  • Simple care;
  • Easy access to the details for the purpose of repair;
  • The ability to parse for the winter.

Feature a place to install, dig boilersize a little more cups for the fountain. Additionally around him should be shallow gutter (about 10 cm).

Fountain do it yourself. Instructions in the photo

At the bottom of the pit should be sand pillow Thickness 15 cm. It will protect the underground part of the plant from the roots of plants. Flatten the surface and install on it plastic bowl. I exhibit the font in the level, in bulk and the trambra of the sand. The installation of the capacitance should be carried out in such a way that its edges performed by 5-8 cm.

The next stage is the filling of a plastic container under the bowl of water. Pouring "with a slide" is not necessary, we leave 4-6 cm to the edge.

Now it is necessary install fountain and check the operation of pumping equipment. If power pumps You can adjust, then set up so that the water falls back into the bowl. It is very careful approaching the equipment. Ideally, when buying, explain to the seller which size of the bowl and the volume of the bowl is assumed. Then it will help choose the equipment of the desired power.

Fountain do it yourself. Instructions in the photo

After installing the bowl and pump you need to do waterproofing cloth. Cut the web diameter with a yat for the fountain. Starting from its center, cut the strip. It must be done so that the diameter of the resulting inner circle is equal to the diameter of the constructing bowl. The resulting strips of the material are bending and lowered into the container. You can fasten them using sealant. The fountains do their own hands require a lot of patience and accuracy in work, especially this construction stage.

So that the base of the structure has not lost the form and was stable, on hermetic fabric we put a couple of twigs armature, and on top of them - galvanized fine mesh. The cell size will affect the size of stones or rubble, use the fountains in the decoration of the fountain.

Fountain do it yourself. Instructions in the photo

Final Stage Construction - decoration Designs. The border of the fountain can be laying more stones, but you should not make it too clear. Small stones like sea pebbles or crushed stone are laid out on the grid. If you need to add a naturalness fountain, then its boundaries should not be too clear. Along the edges of the structure, various plants will look good.
Thematic japanese fountain For fans of Eastern exotic, it is installed in a similar way. Step-by-step instruction of the manufacture of the fountain with their own hands for the Garden in Japanese style consists of the same items. The scheme of the structure you will find a little lower.

Fountain waterfall do it yourself

We will not build any grandiose, but small, about 1 m high, cascading Waterfall We are fully bye. Above it was already described in detail how to prepare a pit for a pond bowl. But this time we build a waterfall. And if there is no natural elevation for him, it will have to create it yourself.

Do mound Conveniently in the process of digging a pit. Just throw off the earth where a slide must be, and thoroughly with her trambra. For a hose that feeds water to the water drop point, make a small gallow. In the wall of the pit and mound.

Fountain waterfall do it yourself. Instructions in the photo

After the waterfall is ready and the bulk of the waterfall, we begin to lay the bottom and the walls of the mini-pond waterproofing material (For example, PVC film). Locked the canvas in such a way that it is not only completely covered the bottom and walls of the pit, but also acted as half a meter on the pits.

Be sure to lay out the water pipe to the vertex of the waterfall in a pre-prepared channel-ditch. Bend one of its edge to 30-40 cm up.

This time we make a permanent design, and therefore best concrete Pond bowl. To start neatly expand metal grid At the bottom of the pit. It is impossible to allow waterproofing to be damaged. Next, fill the layer of concrete with a thickness of about 12-15 cm.

How to make a fountain in the dacha with your own hands. Photo

Now it is necessary to prepare walls of the bowl. We lay out the grid, strengthening it in a non-frozen solution. Continue to install a fountain with a pump with your own hands, which will have a look of a cascade waterfall, you can already after a day. Fill the walls of the pond bowl and end the most difficult staple.

The next part of the construction is decoration Received facilities. At a pre-tamped slide, we build a step. The step should be about 30 cm and three ledges will be quite enough.

On the resulting smooth surfaces lay out flat sandstone, galku or any other material to taste. The rest of the fountain, including the film around the perimeter, decorate stones, rubble, marble or other pre-prepared materials.

It remains only to turn on the pump and fill the font of the construction of water. We observe how the flow is measured by the steps of the waterfall and enjoy the originality of our country site.

Stone fountain do it yourself

How to build fountain of stones? We will talk about it right now. First you need to take care of the availability of all the necessary devices and materials. We will need:

  • Water pump (suitable underwater with medium power);
  • Plastic container under the bowl;
  • Metal or PVC tube for electrocable;
  • Coupling;
  • Flat stones and gravel;
  • Bruks of wood;
  • Water flow power regulator;
  • Copper tube with a diameter of 15 mm.

Boiler For the fountain bowl, there must be a little more prepared for the data of the tank. Fall asleep the space between it and the walls of the pit, we will significantly strengthen the position of the bowl. As in previous cases, do not forget to create on the bottom of the pit sand pillow. Top must lay out the layer pebbles.

Water pump Located in the water tank freely. This will make it easier for its repair if such a need arises. From the garbage the tank with water can be fixed simple fine grid. To give the strength of the design over the metal mesh is put wooden bars (Optionally, they can be replaced with metal reinforcement).

The base of the fountain will become metal pipewhich is attached vertically to the pump.

Next Stage - Preparation flat stones. To do this, with the help of special tools, we do the holes with a diameter slightly larger than the diameter of the metal pipe - the base of the structure.

Further, on the principle of the children's pyramid, "sit" stones on the pipe. It remains only to supplement the fountain with the elements of the decor and connect the pump. Very simple, but spectacular and beautiful fountain at the dacha with their own hands is ready for operation.

Diversity of fountains with their own hands on household plots

Submersible fountains

If there is already a water in the yard, then it can be used as a basis submersible fountain. The principle of his work is simple. Water is served using a pump directly from the pond. In this case, for mounting the immersion fountain will be needed:

  • Pump;
  • Pipe for water supply;
  • The appropriate nozzle for the formation of a water jet and the task of its right direction.

Nozzles are the most different. For instance, nozzle-bell. It is a design of two disks. The flow of water passes between them and changes when adjusting the gap. Nozzle " geyser"- Skinny to the top tube - quite effectively copies the corresponding natural phenomenon.

Such structures have quite a few possibilities. For example, you can create an effect of a key beating from under the ground. For this, the fountain with its own hands is mounted in such a way that the end of the pipe does not perform above the water bodie.

Using more complex nozzles, you can significantly expand the possibilities of decor. The effect of spraying water, while the simultaneous combination of several nozzles and many other variations to choose from who constructs the fountain at home in the country.

Stationary fountains

This type of fountain is a real find for lovers and professionals of designer art. Structures can take the form of natural stone fonts, ancient designs; They are performed from clay pots, plastic bottles and any material that is at hand. Especially popular recently fountains for Japanese gardens.

Any frost-resistant material is suitable: marble, artificial stone, sea pebbles and so on. To decorate such fountains, it is often resorted to painting. There are two ways to hold it:

  • Staining material to the construction of the structure;
  • Painting already ready figure.

The first option is much more expensive, but it is much more reliable. To protect against moss, fungus and mold useful to treat the fountain design with special means.

Small stationary fountainit will be good to watch in the places of recreation of a family or not far from playgrounds. Our master class "Fountain do it yourself in the country" will help novice designers to mainly build, perhaps, one of the main elements of the decor on the country site. And it does not matter whether it will be a small gas-gas fountain or a large-scale cascade waterfall of 2 meters high. The main thing is that he pleased the owners and did not give problems.

Video instructions for the manufacture of a fountain in the country