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The best varieties of eggplant. The best varieties of eggplant - species and hybrids for open ground, greenhouses. Eggplant King of the North, characteristic

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Eggplant is a crop that yields up to 6 kg of fruit per bush, if comfortable conditions are provided. The fruits are suitable for drying, preservation, fermentation, preparation of second courses. Eggplant pulp contains vitamins B, C, substances that normalize cholesterol, bile secretion, and stabilize kidney function.

  • The plant loves sunlight, so it is better to choose a well-lit place without shade. As for the wind, the eggplants need to be protected from the northerly winds. A great way is to plant a backstage from, for example, corn.
  • The seedling period for eggplants lasts up to 70 days, during all this time it is necessary to regularly loosen the soil. The plant is accustomed to 12-hour daylight hours, therefore, to improve growth conditions, it is illuminated for up to 12 hours.
  • The bush of "Pink Flamingo" grows up to 150 cm. Ripe fruits are obtained on 120 days. Eggplant weighs up to 450 g. The variety has a narrow, slightly curved cylindrical shape. The color of the peel is pink, the flesh is white, and has a pleasant taste.
  • Eggplant is a thermophilic plant native to India. The preference for high temperatures and calm weather contributed to the fact that for a long time the cultivation of crops was carried out preferably in hot climates. In temperate latitudes, the plant was planted in a greenhouse, however, with a competent approach, you can get a good harvest by growing eggplants in the open field.
  • In addition to purple and white eggplants, breeders have obtained many intermediate forms that have striped, pink-white or lilac fruit color. From an eggplant variety Lilac to wait for the fruit should be after 98-106 days. The plant forms a compact bush with a height of no more than 60 cm, while the fruits have an elongated-cylindrical shape, lilac surface and weight from 150 to 250 grams. On the cut, the fruit is white, dense. Good-tasting pulp can be used for all types of food and canning.
  • For cultivation in film and winter greenhouses, you can choose the Gorodovoy F1 eggplant of a medium ripening period, characterized by a high stable yield, excellent taste and transportability of fruits. The plant is powerful, reaching a height of more than 1.8 meters, it bears large cylindrical fruits up to 0.5 kg in weight.

Traditionally, in Russian gardens, purple eggplants are in the lead in popularity, and the palm tree belongs to two varieties of eggplants almost throughout the country.

Eggplant in a purple outfit

The list of species and varieties of garden plants in the beds of summer cottages and household farms is expanding every year. If not long ago a rare gardener decided to grow eggplants, today this and many other crops are quite common and give good yields in various parts of the country. Cultivating tomatoes, cucumbers, sweet peppers, plant several bushes of the eggplant variety you like in the garden to please your family with delicious dishes.

Covering material for artificially reducing daylight hours in greenhouses (a prerequisite for regions with an extended period of daylight hours, since eggplant is a culture oriented to a 12-hour day).

High-yielding vigorous (mature bushes up to 80 cm) medium early variety, suitable for growing under film. Light flesh without strong bitterness. The fruits are large, barrel-shaped, the skin is dark purple. Fruit ripening is gradual.

All types of eggplant love warmth throughout the entire period of being on the ridges. Therefore, in the Urals, gardeners and farmers growing this crop neutralize the climatic features of the region: a short period with a round-the-clock warm temperature, return frosts in mid-June, frequent cold nights with the help of heated greenhouse structures.

  • Eggplants tend to lean more towards dry rather than wet soil, so it is better to look at the area at the top for planting.
  • Often, shortly before planting seedlings in open ground, they are hardened. At the beginning of hardening, the temperature is lowered to 15 degrees for a couple of hours, on the following days the temperature is gradually lowered to street temperature, and the time is increased to a day.
  • "Vakula" refers to an early maturing variety, bears fruit on 110 days. Ripe eggplant weighs up to 150 g, has a purple skin and white flesh, elliptical fruit.

Eggplant is considered a difficult crop to grow. Productivity directly depends on climatic conditions. For open ground, it is better to use less whimsical varieties: their yield is average or above average, but the probability of getting fruits in the open field is much higher than that of high-yielding hybrids.

Fans of amicable bountiful harvests will appreciate the Balagur variety, which forms up to 7 fruits on the clusters. And the value of the variety is not only this, but also in the early stages of ripening, the excellent commercial quality of 150 gram elliptical eggplants and their excellent taste.

The eggplant variety Airship is in no way inferior in yield, whose fruits weighing up to 120 grams can be harvested in 125-135 days from the moment of germination. Due to the dense crown and the abundance of foliage, yields may drop, so plants of this type of eggplant require thinning and removal of excess stepsons and leaves.

This is the Black Beauty variety, which attracts the attention of gardeners not only for its unpretentiousness and the ability to grow, both in film greenhouses and in the open field, but also for its decent yield and quality of fruits. Dense brown-purple eggplants weighing 200-350 grams do not have a bitter taste, are well stored and are not susceptible to common diseases of this culture.

When the basics of agricultural technology are mastered and the first purple fruits are harvested, it's time to choose varieties and types of eggplants for planting next season. And there really is something to see, especially since thanks to breeders from all over the world, eggplants have long ceased to be only "blue". Now in the beds among the bushes with traditionally purple fruits, you can see white, green, variegated, and almost pink eggplants.

Ensuring the temperature at the level of 22-25 degrees (at temperatures below +15, the plants shed their buds).

White eggplant


Early varieties make it possible to get fruits ready for consumption a month earlier. If late eggplants give the first tangible harvest after 140 days, then early and mid-season ones delight with fruits with sizes typical for the variety earlier than 100 days from the date of germination.

Seedlings are planted when the plants reach 12 cm in height. By this time, they have formed about 7 true leaves. The bushes are planted with ribbons every 30 cm between the bushes. The distance between the ribbons is 90 cm, and between the rows 50 cm.

Germinating eggplant seeds is quite a troublesome process, but these small efforts will help to increase the quantity and quality of the harvest in the future.For planting eggplants in open ground, it is better to give preference to early maturing varieties, this will increase the chances of harvesting. When choosing a variety, it is important to pay attention to the plant's resistance to disease, since this is one of the reasons for a poor harvest.When choosing an eggplant variety, first of all, attention is paid to the ability of the plant to ripen in the open field. The taste of the vegetable is no less important.

  • The variety Pink Flamingo belongs to medium early eggplants, which grows up to 180 cm in height under the conditions of heated greenhouses. Fruits, as in the previous case, are formed on clusters of 3–6 pieces. The weight of one eggplant is 250-450 grams. Especially the pink-lilac color of the eggplant, as well as the white, without bitterness, flesh draws attention to the variety.
  • If a few years ago eggplant with a white peel could surprise neighbors in a summer cottage, friends and acquaintances, today these varieties of eggplant have won well-deserved recognition and are loved by many gardeners. This became possible not only because of the exotic appearance and unusual, as in the photo, eggplant color, but also thanks to the delicate, almost seedless, white pulp without any bitterness and taste, according to gourmets, reminiscent of mushroom or chicken.
  • The second in the garden popularity rating is the Almaz eggplant variety, which is distinguished by 200-gram deep purple fruits. The shape of the fruit is oblong, even, the pulp has a pleasant taste without signs of bitterness.

There are plants that produce yellow, orange and even red fruits, which outwardly differ little from sweet peppers or tomatoes, but inside they remain real eggplants.

If there is loam on the garden ridges, then the soil is enriched and the structure is improved with sawdust, peat, and watered with mullein water infusion. When applying rotted manure, there is a risk of contamination of the site with weed seeds. Scarce soils are enriched with microelements and improved by sowing green manure crops: lupine, mustard, peas, vetch.

Mid-early variety, characterized by the growth of mature plants (up to 90 cm). Fruits are compact, cylindrical, with a friable flesh of a light beige shade. The bitterness is spicy, faintly felt. The color of the peel of the fruit is deep purple with a transition to black.

The shortened ripening period allows you to get a full harvest in Siberia without the extra labor and energy resources necessary to maintain a favorable climate in greenhouses.

Before planting a bush, 2 liters of water are poured into the hole, abundant watering is repeated several times after 3 days.

One of the most important aspects of planting seedlings is choosing the right site. When choosing a site, the following tasks should be solved:

The time from sowing a plant to a ripe fruit in early maturing varieties is about 140 days, therefore, to obtain a harvest in early / middle autumn, seeds must be planted in late March - early May. But at this time, there is a high probability of night frosts.

The following varieties are suitable for growing eggplants in temperate climates:

Red, orange, yellow

Round eggplants, as a rule, are large in size and impressive fruit weight. Bumbo is no exception. Its spherical fruits have an interesting white-lilac hue and weigh up to 700 grams. The best results are obtained from cultivation in a greenhouse, where the plant forms powerful bushes, showing a consistently high yield.

Domestic gardeners who decide to try themselves in growing white eggplant should pay attention to early varieties and hybrids that give good yields even in not the most favorable conditions.

In addition to these well-known varieties, other varieties are worthy of attention of gardeners:

In addition, today you can choose eggplant varieties and their hybrids:

The best varieties and hybrids of eggplant - video

Yulia Petrichenko, expert

Eggplant varieties for open ground



It is important to note that seedlings are planted only after the spring frosts have been left behind, and the ground has warmed up enough.

  • What cultures can be predecessors
  • Eggplant is a thermophilic plant and, if the temperature drops below 13 degrees, its growth completely stops. The best solution for eggplant is seedlings.
  • Alekseevsky
  • From a number of lilac, pink and purple counterparts, the Matrosik eggplant variety shown in the photo stands out for its spectacular striped color of oval or pear-shaped fruits, weighing 100-150 grams each.
  • In 95-105 days after the seeds are hatched, the domestic variety of eggplant yields a crop Taste of mushrooms, which can be cultivated both in open ground and in greenhouses or film greenhouses. As you can see in the photo, the color of the eggplant is really milky white. Cylindrical fruits weigh 200-250 grams and stand out from a number of analogues with a pleasant mushroom smell, delicate pulp and high marketability.

Giving a lot of medium-sized, oblong fruits, weighing up to 150 grams, the Violet Miracle variety;

Forming tall or compact plants;

To obtain tall, strong seedlings, prepare:

A mid-early variety producing dense pear-shaped fruits. The skin of ripe eggplants is black with a purple tint, shiny. The pulp is light, the taste is high.

Medium early variety. Ripe fruits are cylindrical in shape, the skin on mature specimens is deep purple or black, the pulp is light to whiteness, without bitterness.

Choosing the right site for sowing is one of the essential factors for obtaining a good harvest, so it is worth planning and preparing a place for eggplant in advance.

Features of germinating eggplant seeds

Crops that can become neighbors to eggplant

The process of growing seedlings can be divided into 3 main stages: preparation, planting and care.

Robin hood

In Southeast Asia, small round eggplants with a solid or variegated green color are very popular. In Europe and the USA, eggplants with the color as in the photo are usually called Thai, but Chinese types of eggplants of this type are also known. For example, at the stage of technical ripeness, the fruits of the Chinese green eggplant have a light green color, but when they ripen, they change it to golden-bronze.

  1. The Icicle variety bears fruit a little later, after 110-116 days, and not only the color, but the type of eggplant is surprising. The long fruits really do resemble an icicle, taste good and are great for all types of culinary processing. Another eggplant variety has a similar, saber-shaped fruit shape, in the photo
  2. Eggplant variety Banana with elongated fruits that can be stored for a long time without loss of quality;
  3. Giving the usual cylindrical or surprising round, ovoid and long serpentine fruits;

In the Moscow region, where you live, in the open field, even super-early eggplants will ripen only in a very hot summer. Soak the seeds of the Northern Lights right now, King of the North, in order to plant blooming eggplants on the bed under the film in early May. I used to grow up in MO. Then in the summer I covered it with covering material, like the peppers. And now they are growing in a greenhouse. The term "most yielding" cannot be applied to these plants. They are all about the same yield. Larger crops are yielded by tall varieties that grow in Ukraine and further south. And we have enough of these too

Basic agrotechnical principles for obtaining a good harvest of eggplant in Siberia, in the Urals:

Donetsk fruitful

First of all, care consists in watering the plant every 10 days. The volume of water is calculated from the fact that the soil should be soaked to a depth of 50 cm. During growth, the plant requires three main fertilizing: during mass budding, before and after mass harvesting of fruits.

What soils are best suited

Planting eggplant seedlings

Preparation for sowing consists in:

  • Diamond
  • Domestic breeders have not forgotten green eggplants either. The Zelenky variety bears pear-shaped green fruits weighing from 250 to 300 grams. The pulp of such eggplants does not contain bitterness, has a white or barely greenish color and a wonderful taste of natural mushrooms.
  • Large-fruited variety Black Beauty with fruits up to 900 grams, bright black-purple color.
  • Striking in yield and size of individual fruits, up to 2 kg in weight;

For open ground? ? where do you live? they do not ripen in the greenhouse))))

Soil preparation for growing planting material.

The variety is medium early, the ripe fruits are cylindrical, with a dark purple shiny skin. Among the varieties of a similar type, it stands out for its good yield and compactness of an adult bush.

To increase the weight of the fruit, the 4 largest stems are left on the plant, the rest are removed. Yellowed leaves and weeds should also be removed regularly. The last important point of care is pest control. For this, the plant is promptly treated with specialized preparations.

Sunlight intensity

Checking seeds for germination. To do this, it is enough to soak the seeds in warm water for 5 minutes. Suitable for planting are seeds that have sunk to the bottom of the dish.

Pink flamingo

The Emerald eggplant variety shown in the photo belongs to the early ripening, can be cultivated both under the film and in the open field. On unpretentious, cold-resistant bushes, large, cylindrical elongated fruits weighing 300-400 grams are formed with a creamy white pulp of medium density. Eggplants of this variety are tasty, not bitter and invariably delight with high yields.

White color - Pelican. Gardeners can also take a closer look at other white-fruited varieties, for example:

Outdoor eggplant care

Adherents of the traditional pear-shaped shape will like the productive Albatross variety, which forms compact bushes from which large, up to 450 grams in weight, blue-violet fruits with dense greenish pulp are removed.

Different ripening periods;

Violet miracle and Czech early showed themselves very well. North of Moscow region.

Fertilizing soil in greenhouses.

Growing eggplants in Siberia and the Urals


To get an excellent eggplant harvest, you need to carefully consider all the stages, from the selection of seeds to the harvest. At first, it may seem that growing eggplants in the open field is a difficult task, but hard work and attentiveness to the plant will allow you to get what you want.

Wind speed and moisture content of the site

Features of eggplant cultivation in Siberia

Preparing seeds for planting. Eggplant seeds are difficult to germinate, but this process can be accelerated a little by soaking the seeds in aloe juice for a day before planting.

Early varieties of eggplant for Siberia and the Urals


Eggplants of yellow, orange and purple color are almost impossible to find in our gardens. And yet, these types of eggplant exist.

To the Swan variety with fruits of a classic cylindrical shape;

Round eggplants, which are gaining popularity, are convenient for stuffing, canning and stewing, so varieties and hybrids that produce fruits of this shape are becoming more and more in demand.

For growing in greenhouses, greenhouses or in the open field;

Faith and Prince.

Providing sufficient heat throughout the entire growing period of the crop.

Mid-early culture with cylindrical fruits, mature eggplants have a deep purple rich color, flesh with a greenish tint, without bitterness. The variety is distinguished by friendly pecking of seeds and simultaneous ripening of fruits.

See how to grow eggplant in the video:

The predecessors of eggplant can be almost any plant with the exception of nightshade. These include peppers, eggplant, potatoes, and tomatoes. The time gap between the landing is at least three years. The best precursors are cabbage, onions, carrots, and legumes.

Preparing the soil. Eggplants are very demanding on the composition and quality of the soil. It is better to germinate eggplant seeds in sod land. Before planting, humus, peat, superphosphate and wood ash are introduced into it. You can also add sawdust, they will give the soil more looseness.

The early ripe variety "Alekseevsky" grows up to 70 cm in height. The bush gives fruit of a dark purple cylindrical shape. The length reaches 15 cm. The flesh is white, dense, not bitter. The average fruit weight is 150 g. The average yield is more than 6-8 kg / m2.

The bright sunny fruits of yellow color and oval shape are given by the eggplant variety Golden Eggs presented in the photo, obtained by Dutch breeders. The eggplant pulp of this variety is rich in carotene, and the rest of the vegetable is similar to its more familiar garden relatives.

To eggplant Iceberg, which produces fruits in the form of an oval or egg;

An example of a plant of this type is the Black Moon variety of domestic selection, which gives almost ribbed spherical fruits of a dark purple color with a glossy surface and light green flesh without traces of bitterness. Eggplants weighing from 200 to 350 grams can be harvested as early as 110–115 days after planting, and the ovary forms even at low temperatures, and the plant bears fruit for a long time.

Resistant to diseases and unpretentious to growing conditions in the middle lane.

Conditions for the growth of eggplant

Pink flamingo.

  1. Timely sowing of seeds for seedlings (second half of February or March - sowing dates depend on the ability to maintain a sufficient temperature in greenhouses on cold days in spring).
  2. Black handsome
  3. How to grow eggplants in a Siberian or Ural summer? What kind of soil do eggplants like? Are the blue ones afraid of frost and how do they react to a lack of heat?
  4. Since eggplant does not like shade, it is better to plant low-growing crops in the neighborhood: onions, sorrel, garlic.
  5. Landing. Seeds are planted in prepared containers, these can be cups, cassettes or boxes. The seeds are planted to a depth of 1.5 cm with a distance of 3 cm, then the containers are covered with foil and placed in a warm, dark place with a temperature of at least 25 degrees.
  6. The early ripe variety "Robin Hood" gives ripe fruit 110 days after germination. The height of the bush reaches 110 cm. The eggplant is pear-shaped and lilac in color. Weight about 300g, length - 17cm, diameter - 9cm. It is mainly grown for pickling and preservation as it perfectly retains its taste and harmonizes pleasantly with spices.
  7. Of African or Middle Eastern origin, Turkish eggplants are distinguished by their miniature size and the orange-striped color of the fruit that appears as it ripens. Young fruits of this type of eggplant are green, fragrant, without traces of bitterness, but gaining color, they begin to noticeably bitter. These thermophilic plants are popular in South America, where they came several centuries ago with slaves, and are valued for the lycopene contained in fruits, which is used to obtain anticancer drugs.
  8. To round ping-pong eggplants.

The high-yielding early Bourgeois hybrid also produces round eggplants with a glossy black-purple surface and an almost white, delicate flesh. Fruit weight reaches 400-600 grams.

The choice of varieties and types of eggplant is so great that it is no wonder it is easy to get confused. If experienced summer residents know how to handle many varieties of plants in the beds, then for novice gardeners it is more reasonable, having familiarized themselves with the characteristics of all kinds of eggplants in advance, to choose a couple or three of early maturing varieties in order to guarantee themselves tasty and healthy vegetables.

The Bourgeois variety is very large up to 700g. without bitterness and seeds, round like a ball, with delicate skin and white tasty pulp.

What is the most productive eggplant variety? For open ground and not late


Timely picking or pulling (weakening all plants, the transplantation procedure at an early age is avoided by planting pre-selected seeds in containers with a capacity sufficient for the development of large seedlings).


Mid-season high-yielding crop, oriented to cultivation in a greenhouse. Fruits are round-oval, the skin of mature aubergines is purple with a brownish tint, shiny. Light green flesh with a spicy, barely perceptible bitterness.


Eggplants of different varieties are grown in Siberia and the Urals


Light, loose sandy soils rich in humus are optimal for eggplants. If the soil is loamy or clayey, then you can add humus, peat, sawdust and sand, this will significantly improve the yield of the plant.

Lina Sakharnova

Care consists in regular watering with warm water, the soil should not dry out, but you should not arrange a swamp either, as this can provoke the appearance of a "black leg". As soon as the entrances appear, the boxes are transferred to a bright place, but not in direct sunlight. In the first week from germination, the temperature is maintained at 16 degrees, all subsequent ones are about 25.

Irina 1

Eggplant "Almaz" is recognized as one of the most productive varieties in the open field. A bush 65 cm high yields ripe fruits 150 days from germination. In good weather conditions, up to 8 kg / m2 of vegetables can be harvested. Eggplant color ranges from dark purple to brownish brown. The average weight of the fruit is 150 g, the shape is cylindrical, the length is 17 cm, the diameter is 9 cm.

Red, more like miniature tomatoes or pumpkins, eggplants are grown both for small fruits and as an ornamental plant. The plant forms sprawling bushes. The leaves of this type of eggplant and the trunk, covered with sparse thorns, are often burgundy or purple in color. The fruits hold well on the stalks, on the cut they resemble jalapeno peppers, they are quite edible, but when ripe they can taste bitter.

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The people affectionately call eggplants "blue", which generally reflects their color and helps to navigate the variety of vegetables. However, eggplant varieties abound in colors, halftones, shades, and fancy patterns. That is, the definition of "little blue" is no longer consistent with reality. Topic of the article: the best varieties of eggplant suitable for growing in Russia, their types and description.

The greatest variety of varieties falls on the purple color of eggplant. Moreover, not only the shades of purple differ, but also the shape, ripening rate, climatic conditions. Basically, eggplants, which have a purple fruit color, thrive in the climate of central Russia.

In the first rows "Albatross", which is distinguished by a high yield of vegetables, 350-400 g each. It is a mid-season vegetable with short pear-shaped fruits. For him, bitterness is not characteristic, but the pulp is pale white. It is characterized by increased keeping quality and easy transportation.

Late-ripening "Arap" grows up to 90 cm in height. Its fruits often reach 25 cm in length, they are cylindrical, without any admixture of bitterness.

Among the early ripening eggplants should be distinguished "Bagheera". This is a hybrid, vigorous vegetable with oval fruits, weighing up to 300 g. It is famous not only for its yield and resistance to most fungal diseases, but also for its soft snow-white filling without bitterness.

Among the early species, it is also worth paying attention to the Long Violet eggplant variety. Firstly, it is a very compact variety - it rarely grows above 50 cm. Secondly, it has beautiful inflorescences and ovaries with glossy skin, weighing up to 300 g.

"Don Quixote" also belongs to the early maturing species suitable for the middle lane. It is a hybrid medium-sized vegetable that grows well in greenhouses. In length, the fruits reach 45 cm, and the mass fluctuates in the range of 300-400 g.

Hybrid mid-season subspecies "Lolita" will give a rich harvest when grown in a greenhouse. The bush is tall, often reaching 2.5 m. The shape of the vegetables is elongated, their maximum length is 25 cm, and their weight is 300 g. The flesh is snow-white, compacted, practically does not contain eggplant seeds.

When you plant Maria vegetables, you will be among the first to harvest elongated cylindrical eggplants.

Another mid-season variety "Nautilus" refers to hybrids for greenhouses. Bushes tend to grow, saber-shaped fruits up to 30 cm in length, weighing up to 500 g.

A pleiad of purple eggplant complements the "Diamond". It is a mid-season, compact vegetable with cylindrical fruits. The size of the fruit rarely exceeds 20 cm, and the weight is 170 g. Its flesh is green, compacted, without characteristic bitterness.

Video "The best varietal eggplants"

A detailed overview of eggplant varieties is given in this video.


The best varieties of white eggplant are few in number, but their seed fruits will undoubtedly decorate any garden or greenhouse, causing many questions: “What kind of vegetable is this?”. It often happens that white eggplant seeds turn out to be yellow at the end of the season - these are selection errors that scientists are trying to neutralize.

One of the most famous types is undoubtedly “Ping Pong”. Its ovaries are small, light, their weight rarely exceeds 70 g. The bush is medium-high, during fruiting it really seems that it was hung with ping-pong balls. Feels great both in greenhouses and outdoors.

White eggplant varieties also include the mid-season “Swan”. It grows well both in greenhouses and in the open air, growing up to 70 cm in height. Fruits are cylindrical, up to 22 cm long, weight rarely exceeds 255 g. Most of the ovaries are white, but sometimes they are yellow. The main attraction is the white, soft flesh and high yield per square meter of planting.

Another hybrid subspecies worth paying attention to is the Pelican. Its bushes are tall, up to 1 meter in height, vegetables grow up to 18-20 cm, but at the same time they cannot boast of great weight - the mass fluctuates within 200-250 g. The mid-season Pelican variety is mainly grown in greenhouses.

"White Night" will delight you with oval snow-white fruits that ripen by the middle of the season. The bush grows small, up to 70 cm, decorated with many fruits, weighing up to 300 g each.

"Baby White F1" has funny ball-shaped fruits, which are among the first to ripen. Bushes "Baby White F1" are not tall, abundantly covered with greenery, rarely reach 50 cm, numerous small fruits rarely weigh more than 300 g. The flesh is white, without characteristic bitterness.

The hybrid subspecies “Gentle F1” will surprise you and your guests with oblong, cylindrical ovaries weighing 300-400 g. The bushes are medium-sized, spreading, and the fruits with white flesh without a hint of bitterness. They survive dry periods very well without requiring special care.


Lilac eggplant species are also numerous. It is quite possible to call them “blue ones”, since they are not far from their purple counterparts. Having absorbed the best from white and purple varieties, lilac varieties, even while green (no matter how strange it may sound), delight with the richness of patterns and shapes.

One of the leaders in popularity, the Lilac variety, has an average ripening period. Its bush rarely grows higher than 60-65 cm, stems are often elongated, cylindrical, weighing up to 200 g. The pulp is white, firm, without bitterness in taste.

Round eggplant varieties "Balagur" will delight you with bunches of vegetables, which are located on the brushes. It is an early ripe variety, with medium-sized bushes, the leaves of which are rich green. The weight of one eggplant ranges from 150-180 g.

The medium-ripening varieties also include the Pink Flamingo. The height of the "Pink Flamingo" bushes reaches 180-190 cm, the fruits grow in clusters of 4-6 pieces, their average weight is 300-400 g. The eggplant pulp is without bitterness, pure white in color.

If you choose lilac eggplants, then you cannot bypass the Bumbo variety. Rounded fruits weigh 600-700 g, white-lilac color. The bushes grow branchy, powerful, so they will serve as an excellent decoration for both the greenhouse and open ground.

One of the most resistant varieties to unstable conditions and fungal diseases is Robin Hood. The average height of the bush reaches 90-100 cm, it is spreading, bears fruit well with small ovaries weighing about 300-320 g. The pulp is without bitterness, white, elastic.

Another bright representative of the lilac variety of eggplant - "Rotunda Bianca" will delight not only with mid-ripeness and an abundance of ovaries. Its leaves are rich green, wonderfully blending into any landscape. Compound fruits are oval, with white flesh without bitterness.

If you are chasing not only for yield, but also for the original appearance of vegetables in the beds, then pay attention to Matrosik eggplants. Vegetables of this type are oval, have a striped color with a fancy pattern, weighing up to 200 g.

It should be noted that the above types of eggplant are mostly hybrids. This means that already at the stage of selection, their immunity, protective characteristics and taste are much higher than that of ordinary plants. Thus, they are less likely to be exposed to fungal diseases (powdery mildew, anthracnose, brown spot, copperhead), which greatly facilitates their cultivation.

A nice bonus of such vegetables is that most of them grow easily both in greenhouses and greenhouses, and in the open air, pleasing the eye with a bizarre shape and color.

Video "Eggplant Varieties"

What kind of eggplants give 100% yield is described in the video.

The blockade on the import of agricultural products from European countries allowed the citizens of our country to pay close attention to the cultivation of such a useful vegetable as eggplant. This vegetable is rich in trace elements, vitamins, fiber, and also low in calories, so it is included in the diet of those people who lead an active and healthy lifestyle. There are various varieties of eggplant for open ground in the world. , bred by Russian and foreign breeders, and every year this list is replenished.

The shapes of vegetables vary - from the usual pear-shaped to an elongated cylindrical or oval. Colors and shades also vary depending on the variety - from purple to striped, white or red. But, the culinary use of eggplant remains the same - for the preparation of second courses and preparations for the winter. If someone does not know what it is: a vegetable or a berry, we explain that this is a vegetable from the nightshade family, the fruits of which are called "berry". Eggplant is a perennial plant, not an annual one, as Russians mistakenly believe. But since the seeds of the best varieties of eggplant for open ground can be safely bought in the store, there is no need to grow the plant for several years to obtain planting material.

Early varieties of eggplant.

  • King of the North F1 - hybrid, cold resistant. The growing season lasts from 95 to 100 days. Fruits are cylindrical in shape, elongated 25-30 cm in length. The color is dark purple. Eggplant King of the North gives a good harvest - from one square meter of soil can be harvested from 12 to 15 kg of vegetables.
  • Robin the Hood- early ripening fruitful variety. Plant height 1.5 meters, the growing season lasts from 95 to 105 days. Berries are medium-sized up to 14 cm in length, weight reaches 250-350 grams. Productivity - from 13 to 19 kg per square meter of open ground.
  • Roma F1 is a hybrid of early fruiting. The plant is tall, strong, with a lot of leaves. Eggplant fruits are pear-shaped, elongated, the length of which reaches 20 cm, weight - 220 g. The skin is smooth, darkish purple in color, the middle is light, without bitterness. Bears fruit in the garden throughout the growing season.
  • Banana- early ripening variety, only 105 days. The bushes are undersized, the fruits are elongated, dark purple in color, reaching a length of up to 30 cm, a diameter of 3 cm. The yield is 4 kg per square meter of open ground.
  • Purple miracle- a productive variety, berries ripen 100 days from planting. Eggplants have an elongated cylindrical silhouette, the skin is shiny, dark purple. The inside is greenish-white, has no bitterness. Small fruits - 100-120 gr. weight. The yield is high - up to 14 kg from each square. meter of soil.
  • Bourgeois F1 - hybrid of early ripening: 100-105 days. Fruits are flat-round, large, weighing 500 grams. The skin is glossy, purple-black, the flesh has a delicate, white tint. The hybrid has a long fruiting period.
  • Korean dwarf- An unpretentious variety for cultivation, the first harvest ripens 70 days after planting. The bush is not high - only 45 cm. The berries are pear-shaped, the skin is dark-purple in color, the flesh is light, tender, without bitterness. Fruits reach 500 gr. weight.
  • Fabina F1 - hybrid, early maturing - the first harvest is harvested 80 days after transplanting. Plant height 50-60 cm, 7-10 eggplants are formed on each. The berry is an elongated cylinder 20-25 cm, the peel is dark purple, shiny. The inside is dense, pale green, has no bitterness. The hybrid is resistant to the disease "verticillium wilt" and to spider mites.
  • Gardener's dream- an early ripe variety for unprotected soil, from planting to harvesting the first harvest only 95 days pass. The plant grows to a height of 80 cm. The berries have a cylindrical even shape, weight - 130-170 grams. The peel is smooth, glossy, dark purple in color. The pulp is white, dense, without bitterness. The value of the variety is that it is stored for a long time, is well transported and resistant to late blight and anthracnose.
  • Valentine- a variety with good taste, has an elongated cylindrical berry of black-purple color, with dimensions - 25 cm in length and 5 in diameter. Excellent fruiting and very high resistance to viral mosaic disease are noted.
  • Faith - refers to early ripening varieties, ripens 110 days after planting, the bush has a height of 70-75 cm. The berries are pear-shaped, purple in color. The pulp is tender, has a pale yellow color. The weight of one eggplant can reach 200 grams, the yield per square meter of soil is 9 kg.
  • Prince- a high-yielding variety of eggplant for open ground, unpretentious in cultivation, reaches ripeness 90 days after planting. The vegetable has a dark purple color of the skin, reaches a length of 30 cm and a diameter of 8. The weight of each eggplant ranges from 160 to 185 grams. The middle is loose, has no bitterness.
  • Black brilliant- ripens 100 days after transplanting, the bush is undersized - 60 cm high. The berries have a black-violet skin color, glossy, cylindrical, large, reach a mass of 250 grams. the pulp is white, the consistency is tender, it has no bitterness.
  • Epic F1 is an open field eggplant hybrid, high yielding. The fruits are in the shape of a drop, the average length of which reaches 20 cm. The peel has a dark purple hue turning into black. Eggplant Epic is very resistant to diseases such as "tobacco mosaic".
  • Nutcracker- record holder of ripeness - after 45 days from planting, you can taste the first harvest. The fruits are teardrop-shaped, dark purple in color, each weighing up to 250 grams, length 14 cm. Also suitable for climatic conditions for the northwest.
  • Black handsome- a very early maturing variety for open ground, ripens 78 days from planting. The bush is undersized - only 50-60 cm in height, the fruits have the shape of a regular cylinder of brown-violet color, the weight of each is 220-260 g. Eggplant Black handsome yields on average 8 kg. from 1 meter of square open ground.
  • Japanese dwarf- high-yielding variety for open ground, undersized bush, grows up to 1/2 meter. The berry is pear-shaped, 18-20 cm long, weighing up to 300 grams. The peel has a bright purple color, the inside is soft cream, without bitterness.
  • Anet- a very early ripening hybrid, high-yielding, with a long fruiting period (70 days after planting the seedlings in the garden, the first crop can be harvested). Vegetable berries are dark purple in color, elongated-cylindrical, the weight of one can reach 400 grams.

Eggplants take root best in a garden bed in the open field if seedlings are grown from seeds, which should be hardened and dived and only then planted in the garden.

Mid-season varieties.

Eggplant varieties that require at least 130-150 days of cultivation and care to obtain the first harvest from the day of planting seedlings in the garden. Mid-season varieties, although they have a longer ripening period, they more firmly tolerate even very hot weather and untimely watering.

Props should be placed on especially fruitful bushes - you will be sure that the bush will not break under the weight of the grown crop.

For greenhouses

Many varieties of these vegetables are not very adapted to growing for open ground in central Russia, so it is better to plant them in greenhouses or greenhouses. The lack of such vegetables is that they are more capricious and require more careful care. But such plants give a greater yield.

Multicolored varieties

Another novelty in breeding work is the unusual peel colors of eggplants: green-fruited, white-fruited or red-fruited. Each of them has its own characteristics and taste, but the essence is always the same - eggplant, a vegetable for preparing main courses, snacks and preparations.

  • Bibo F1 - has a shiny white, smooth skin, fruits weigh 450-520 grams. the pulp is tasty, dense, white. Very early, resistant to diseases and cold temperatures, high-yielding - up to 15 vegetables of the same size can be harvested from a bush.

For open ground, each gardener will choose the eggplant variety they like based on their own requests. The best ones for open ground are those that give the highest yield and do not require a lot of time and effort. Plants that tolerate frost and heat, and are also resistant to diseases and various pests of the garden are also appreciated.

Few people know, but our beloved eggplants came to us from South Asia, India and the Middle East. And this vegetable was spread by the Arabs, who brought it in the ninth century to the African continent. Eggplants came to Europe only six centuries later, and in Russia they really tasted eggplants only in the 19th century. Now, thanks to the efforts of breeders, there are 210 varieties and hybrids of this crop in the State Register of Breeding Achievements, and the very first variety Universal 6 was obtained in the distant, now, 1966. We will talk today about the new products introduced in the current century.

Let's start with eggplants for indoor cultivation, and then we'll talk about cultivars that are quite suitable for indoor cultivation. There are a lot of varieties and hybrids of eggplant in total, but we will focus on the 20 best ones, about which there are good reviews, that is, their quality has been tested in practice. Ten cultivars of protected soil and the same amount of unprotected soil, we think, will be enough to make a choice.

Varieties and hybrids of protected ground eggplants

Cultivar Pelican F1, the originator Gavrish, requires protected ground, it is permissible to pick eggplants after 117-118 days from the formation of the first true leaf. The plant itself is characterized by closeness, forms an abundance of leaf mass, and reaches a growth of 1.8 meters. The leaf blades are usually medium in size, broadly oval, green in color, slightly dissected at the edges. The calyx is colored green. Eggplants are cylindrical in shape, reaching a length of 17 centimeters and a diameter of 5.3 centimeters.

When removed, which must be carried out in technical ripeness, they are painted in white, with a slight gloss, color. The eggplant pulp is very dense, devoid of bitterness, white. The maximum eggplant weight reaches 134 g, and the yield is up to 8 kilograms per square meter. This is a hybrid F1, it makes no sense to collect seeds from it, its positive qualities: compact size, reduced prickling, uniformity of marketable products, excellent keeping quality and excellent transportability of fruits.

Cultivar Ping Pong F1, the originator Gavrish, is intended for growing in a greenhouse, you can harvest it 116-117 days after the formation of seedlings. The plant itself is characterized by semi-spreading, forms an average amount of leaf mass, reaches a height of 0.8 meters. The leaf blades are usually medium in size, broadly oval, green in color, slightly dissected along the edge. The calyx is colored green. Eggplants are spherical in shape, reaching a length of 7.0 centimeters and a diameter of 6.8 centimeters.

When removed, which must be carried out in technical ripeness, they are painted in white, with a slight gloss, color. The eggplant pulp is very dense, devoid of bitterness, white. The maximum eggplant weight reaches 95 g, and the yield is up to 9 kilograms per square meter. This is a hybrid F1, it makes no sense to collect seeds from it, its positive qualities: compact size, reduced prickling, uniformity of marketable products, excellent keeping quality and excellent transportability of fruits.

Cultivar Baikal F1, the originator Gavrish, is intended for growing in a greenhouse, you can harvest the crop 100-110 days after the formation of seedlings. The plant itself is characterized by semi-spreading, medium in height. The leaf blades are usually medium in size and have a green color. The eggplants are pear-shaped, reaching a length of 15 centimeters and a diameter of 5.3 centimeters.

When removed, which must be carried out in technical ripeness, they are painted in dark purple, with a slight gloss, color. The eggplant pulp is greenish. The maximum weight of eggplant reaches 345 g, and the yield is up to 8.5 kilograms per square meter. The hybrid is ideal for fresh and processed applications.

Cultivar Baron F1, the originator Gavrish, is intended for cultivation in a greenhouse, you can harvest it 100 days after the formation of seedlings. The plant itself is characterized by semi-spreading and medium growth. The leaf blades are usually medium in size and have a green color. Eggplants are cylindrical in shape, reaching a length of 14 centimeters and a diameter of 5.4 centimeters.

When removed, which must be carried out in technical ripeness, they are painted in dark purple, with a slight gloss, color. The eggplant pulp is greenish. The maximum eggplant weight reaches 325 g, and the yield is up to 8 kilograms per square meter. The hybrid is ideal for fresh and processed applications.

Cultivar Bernard F1, the originator Gavrish, is intended for growing in a greenhouse, you can harvest it 120 days after the formation of shoots. The plant itself is characterized by semi-spreading and medium growth. The leaf blades are usually medium in size and have a green color. Eggplants are cylindrical in shape, reaching a length of 13 centimeters and a diameter of 5.3 centimeters.

When removed, which must be carried out in technical ripeness, they are painted in purple, with a slight gloss, color. Eggplant pulp is white. The maximum eggplant weight reaches 380 g, and the yield is up to 6 kilograms per square meter. The cultivar is ideal for fresh and processed applications, while being noted as the excellent taste of processed products.

Cultivar F1 bonus, the originator Gavrish, is intended for growing in a greenhouse, you can harvest 102 days after the formation of shoots. The plant itself is characterized by semi-spreading and medium height. The leaf blades are usually medium in size and have a green color. Eggplants are cylindrical in shape, reaching a length of 11 centimeters and a diameter of 5.4 centimeters.

When removed, which must be carried out in technical ripeness, they are painted in purple, with a slight gloss, color. Eggplant pulp is white. The maximum weight of eggplant reaches 280 g, and the yield is up to 5 kilograms per square meter. The hybrid is ideal for fresh and processed applications and is noted for its excellent taste in processed products.

Cultivar Black Moon F1, the originator of SeDec, is intended for cultivation in a greenhouse, you can harvest the crop after 110-120 days after the formation of seedlings. The plant itself is characterized by semi-spreading, reaching an average height. The leaf blades are usually medium in size, green in color, with a slightly notched edge. Eggplants are oval in shape, reaching a length of 12 centimeters and a diameter of 6.0 centimeters.

When removed, which must be carried out in technical ripeness, they are painted in dark purple, with a strong gloss, color. The eggplant pulp is devoid of bitterness, whitish color. The maximum weight of eggplant reaches 280 g, and the yield is up to 6 kilograms per square meter. Excellent taste of processed products is noted.

Cultivar Black Dragon F1, the originator of SeDec, is intended for growing in a greenhouse, you can harvest it 110-115 days after the formation of seedlings. The plant itself is characterized by semi-spreading and medium vigor. The leaf blades are usually small in size, have a green color and an even edge. Eggplants are cylindrical in shape, reaching a length of 15 centimeters and a diameter of 3.3 centimeters.

When removed, which must be carried out in technical ripeness, they are painted in dark purple, with a gloss, color. The eggplant pulp, devoid of bitterness, is greenish in color. The maximum eggplant weight reaches 200 g, and the yield is up to 5 kilograms per square meter. Excellent taste of processed products is noted.

Cultivar Scimitar F1, the originator of SeDec, is intended for growing in a greenhouse, you can harvest 108-112 days after the formation of seedlings. The plant itself is characterized by semi-spreading and medium vigor. The leaf blades are usually medium in size, have a green color, slightly notched along the edge. Eggplants are cylindrical in shape, often curved, reaching a length of 15 centimeters and a diameter of 4.0 centimeters.

When removed, which must be carried out in technical ripeness, they are painted in dark purple, with a strong gloss, color. Eggplant pulp, devoid of bitterness, whitish-greenish color. The maximum weight of eggplant reaches 200 g, and the yield is up to 5 kilograms per square meter. Excellent taste of processed products is noted.

Cultivar Almalik F1, the originator Gavrish, is intended for growing in a greenhouse, you can harvest it 120 days after the formation of shoots. The plant itself is characterized by semi-spreading and medium vigor. The leaf blades are usually medium in size and have a green color. Eggplants are cylindrical in shape, slightly curved, reaching a length of 18 centimeters and a diameter of 5.3 centimeters.

When removed, which must be carried out in technical ripeness, they are painted in dark purple, with a gloss, color. Eggplant pulp is white. The maximum eggplant weight reaches 370 g, and the yield is up to 8 kilograms per square meter. The hybrid is ideal for fresh and processed applications, and the processed products taste excellent.

Varieties and hybrids of eggplant for growing in the open field

Eggplant variety Black handsome, originator Search, is intended for growing in the open field, you can harvest the crop after 120-140 days after the formation of seedlings. The plant itself is characterized by semi-spreading and medium vigor. The leaf blades are usually medium in size, have a green color, are slightly serrated and have thorns. The calyx is colored green. The eggplants are pear-shaped, reaching a length of 20 centimeters and a diameter of 3.5 centimeters.

When removed, which must be carried out in technical ripeness, they are colored brown-violet, with a gloss, color. The eggplant pulp, devoid of bitterness, is yellowish-white. The maximum eggplant weight reaches 200 g, and the yield is up to 336 centners per hectare. The variety is ideal for fresh and processed applications, while the excellent taste of processed products, especially caviar, is noted.

Eggplant variety White Night, the originator of SeDec, is intended for cultivation in the open field, you can harvest the crop after 120-125 days after the formation of seedlings. The plant itself is distinguished by its closeness and high growth. The leaf blades are usually large in size, have a green color, and a slight indentation along the edge. Eggplants are cylindrical in shape, reaching a length of 14 centimeters and a diameter of 4.8 centimeters.

When removed, which must be carried out in technical ripeness, they are painted in white, with a gloss, color. Eggplant pulp, devoid of bitterness, whitish color. The maximum eggplant weight reaches 220 g, and the yield is up to 6 kilograms per square meter. The variety is ideal for fresh and processed applications, while the excellent taste of processed products is noted. Fruit setting occurs even with temperature fluctuations, it is considered one of the most hardy varieties of eggplant to the vagaries of the weather.

Cultivar Bourgeois F1, the originator of SeDec, is intended for cultivation in the open field, you can harvest the crop after 110-115 days after the formation of seedlings. The plant itself is characterized by semi-spreading, reaching an average height. The leaf blades are usually medium in size, have a green color, a slight indentation along the edge. Eggplants are spherical in shape, reaching a length of 16 centimeters and a diameter of 10 centimeters.

When removed, which must be carried out in technical ripeness, they are painted in dark purple, with a slight gloss, color. The eggplant pulp, devoid of bitterness, is greenish in color. The maximum eggplant weight reaches 300 g, and the yield is up to 5 kilograms per square meter. Excellent taste of processed products is noted.

Cultivar Bull Heart F1, the originator of SeDec, is intended for cultivation in the open field, you can harvest the crop 130-145 days after the formation of seedlings. The plant itself is distinguished by its closeness, it is very tall. The leaf blades are usually small in size, have a green color and are notched along the edge. Eggplants are oval in shape, reaching a length of 10 centimeters and a diameter of 4 centimeters.

When removed, which must be carried out in technical ripeness, they are painted in dark purple, with a gloss, color. Eggplant pulp, devoid of bitterness, whitish color. The maximum eggplant weight reaches 300 g, and the yield is up to 5 kilograms per square meter. Excellent taste of processed products is noted.

Cultivar Galina F1, the originator of SeDec, is intended for cultivation in the open field, you can harvest the crop after 120-125 days after the formation of seedlings. The plant itself is characterized by semi-spreading, it is quite high. The leaf blades are usually large in size, have a green color and an even edge. Eggplants are cylindrical in shape, reaching a length of 15 centimeters and a diameter of 4.2 centimeters.

When removed, which must be carried out in technical ripeness, they are painted in dark purple, with a gloss, color. Eggplant pulp, devoid of bitterness, whitish color. The maximum eggplant weight reaches 220 g, and the yield is up to 7 kilograms per square meter. The hybrid is ideal for fresh and processed applications, and the processed products taste excellent. Fruit setting occurs even with temperature fluctuations, it is considered one of the most hardy eggplant hybrids to the vagaries of the weather.

Cultivar Esaul F1, the originator of SeDec, is intended for growing in the open field, you can harvest the crop 130-145 days after the formation of seedlings. The plant itself is characterized by semi-spreading and medium vigor. The leaf blades are usually medium in size, green in color, with a slightly notched edge. Eggplants are cylindrical in shape, reaching a length of 15 centimeters and a diameter of 2.9 centimeters.

When removed, which must be carried out in technical ripeness, they are painted in dark purple, with a gloss, color. The eggplant pulp, devoid of bitterness, is greenish-white in color. The maximum eggplant weight reaches 200 g, and the yield is up to 6 kilograms per square meter. Excellent taste of processed products is noted.

Cultivar Emerald F1, the originator of SeDec, is intended for cultivation in the open field, you can harvest the crop after 118-125 days after the formation of seedlings. The plant itself is distinguished by its closeness and high growth. The leaf blades are usually large in size, have a green color, slightly notched along the edge. Eggplants are oval in shape, reaching a length of 13 centimeters and a diameter of 4 centimeters.

When removed, which must be carried out in technical ripeness, they are painted green, with a gloss, color. Eggplant pulp, devoid of bitterness, whitish color. The maximum eggplant weight reaches 300 g, and the yield is up to 8 kilograms per square meter. The hybrid is ideal for fresh and processed applications, and the processed products taste excellent. Fruit setting occurs even with temperature fluctuations, it is considered one of the most hardy varieties of eggplant to the vagaries of the weather.

Cultivar Lava F1, the originator of SeDec, is intended for growing in the open field, you can harvest it 123-135 days after the formation of seedlings. The plant itself is distinguished by its spreading and high growth. The leaf blades are usually medium in size, have a green color, even along the edge. Eggplants are cylindrical in shape, reaching a length of 15 centimeters and a diameter of 4.1 centimeters.

When removed, which must be carried out in technical ripeness, they are painted in dark purple, with a gloss, color. The eggplant pulp, devoid of bitterness, is greenish-white in color. The maximum eggplant weight reaches 150 g, and the yield is up to 7 kilograms per square meter. Excellent taste of processed products is noted.

Eggplant variety Maria, the originator of SeDec, is intended for cultivation in the open field, you can harvest the crop after 118-125 days after the formation of seedlings. The plant itself is characterized by semi-spreading and high growth. The leaf blades are usually medium in size, have a green color, even along the edge. Eggplants are cylindrical in shape, reaching a length of 14 centimeters and a diameter of 3.3 centimeters.

When removed, which must be carried out in technical ripeness, they are painted in dark purple, with a low gloss color. Eggplant pulp, devoid of bitterness, whitish color. The maximum eggplant weight reaches 210 g, and the yield is up to 5 kilograms per square meter. The excellent taste of processed products and the resistance of the variety to changes in air temperatures are noted.

Eggplant variety Prince, the originator of SeDec, is intended for growing in the open field, you can harvest the crop after 117-120 days after the formation of seedlings. The plant itself is characterized by closeness and high growth. The leaf blades are usually medium in size, have a green color, notched along the edge. Eggplants are cylindrical in shape, reaching a length of 15 centimeters and a diameter of 3.4 centimeters.

When removed, which must be carried out in technical ripeness, they are painted in dark purple, with a gloss, color. Eggplant pulp, devoid of bitterness, whitish color. The maximum eggplant weight reaches 160 g, and the yield is up to 6 kilograms per square meter. The excellent taste of processed products and the resistance of the variety to changes in air temperature are noted.

We have provided our vision of the best varieties and hybrids of eggplant for the greenhouse and open field. If you have your own experience of using these or other varieties, then describe it in the comments, I think everyone will be useful and interesting.