Repairs Design Furniture

How to make a vase from the light bulb. How to make a table lamp from a ceramic vase. VAZochka can not only put it, but also suspend

VAZochka from the light bulb do it yourself + photo

As a rule, flower vases are very large or medium sized. Today on Tutdizain. Raging the creation of small vases, in which, for example, you can put a small bunch of snowdrops, presented for March 8 - a vase from the light bulb with your own hands. To create their creation, used primary tools and inexpensive materials.

To create a vase from the bulb, you will need:

Light bulbs (use already distorted)

Floors or pliers

Something suitable for extracting internal parts (for example, a screwdriver)


The process of creating a vase from the light bulb:

It is important when opening the bulb and the extraction of "internships" is not injured. This is the first stage of the workflow, for which pliers or nippers are used.

Take a light bulb towel, cloth or you can just hide it in a thick sock. This is the case, if she suddenly breaks or burst, and you did not parse your hands.

So, remove the nipples or unscrew the bottom of the bulb, it is likely to need a male force.

Remove the inner parts of the bulb, while helping a screwdriver or another suitable tool. Work carefully, because the glass is a very fragile material!

After you extract everything, you need to thoroughly rinse the inside of the light bulb under the crane and wipe out the napkin.

After that, you can make a light bulb on a plastic ring, so fasten the "handle" to make it conveniently suspended. To do this, use the wire or any ropes, ribbons. And to determine the relative humidity, the dew point and the temperature we offer to buy a thermohygrometer.

Well, then let the will of his fantasy! Insert a light wild flowers into the vases, pouring the grains of coffee or beads ... Not only small, but also big flowers will look original and beautiful in a similar vase from the light bulb (the main skeleton is shorter).

Useful advice

Note that all crafts are made of incandescent lamps, and not a lamp of another kind. Be careful I. do not use other types of light bulbs..

If you look closely simple incandescent bulb, we can see that it is quite interesting.

Its graceful shape made of thin glass can be used for production of various craftsAfter the light bullet is.

Closed terrarium

After you decorated the inside of the light bulb, you can close it, thereby creating a mini ecosystem. The main thing is that the light fell inside.

Mini Vase

Little light bulb can be used as a vase for one small flower.

But you can create several VAZ, and store them together, as one as one work created from several parts.

What cradle to do for home: containers for pepper and salt

For this craft, it is better to use a light bulb with thicker glass.

Containers for spices

If it seems to you that the use of light bulbs for the storage of spices is too unusual, you can buy containers that in shape resemble a light bulb.

Oil lamp

Old lamps can again lit up, only in a less modern version.

Packers of light bulbs

You will need:

Light bulbs

Yellow paint.


Black marker

White rams

Black paper

Plastic eyes


1. Color light bulb in yellow. Let the paint dry, and then add the second layer of paint.

2. Start drawing strips with a black marker. The same marker is colored the metal part of the light bulb.

3. Adjusted plastic eyes to the metal part of the bulb.

4. White rash Cut in half, and the ends of the parts obtained are connected to form the wings. Use the glue to attach the wings to the body of the bee.

5. From black paper cut two strips, long about 5 cm. Twist the ends of paper strips to get antennas. Stick these antennas just above the eye of the bee.

6. From the white paper, cut a small piece and twist it into the cone, which is then sticking to the light bulb - it will be a sting of a bee.

What cradle to do for the holiday: a festive wreath

Such a wreath can be made from multicolored light bulbs attached to a circle of cardboard, dvp or thick wire.

Light bulbs can be painted or buying already multicolored.

Optionally, you can decorate the wreath of Mishur and / or other details.

Festive decoration

Such an exercise will look very nice on the holiday table. To stood the light bulbs, you can put them in a small bowl, filled with sand, salt or rice.

Often old light bulbs burn out and you have to throw them out in the trash can. But the elegant shape of the light bulb can be simply delightful if you give her another chance to bring the benefit to people who decorate their life. This time I'll see the video tutorial on how to make a flower vase from the blinking light bulb. It will be small, just for one - three flowers. But this does not diminish her practical utility for the house.

So, what do you need to work on this craft?

In addition to the lamp, the wire will need, rather durable, but at the same time quite flexible. This is used to make clothes hangers. You can take it, if there is no one at hand. Additionally, you can take another LED keychain. It will be the basis for the decoration of the vase. For secure work, the author recommends taking gloves. In this, he is well done, there must be a habit of not doing everything on Avos, but constantly, in every case you take care of your health. Useful installation.

Step-by-step instruction.

Starting actions, you need to take a light bulb in the hand in gloves, then smash the central part of the base, pushing it with a thin screwdriver. Carefully break all the glass socket and take out the insides. All this needs to be done slowly and carefully, so as not to break the basic glass part of the future vase. Now there is a basis - a blank for a decorative vase from the light bulb!

But it is not all, you need to take a hanger and straighten the wire from which it is made. By choosing a piece of 60 cm long, divide it into 5 equal parts, but you do not need to break the wire. You just need to bend it in the labels of it in a triangle that will fall into the base, one segment will be vertical, and one more will become the holder of the vase. The latter need to bend on the shape of the neck of the lamp.

Now it remains to clean the beauty, for this take the LED keychain, take parts from it, more precisely the battery and the LED. We will use only the LED, since the batteries are too large. While scraping the entire electrical circuit, carefully reflect it inside the base, so that you can close the contacts and light our vase in the evening or at night, turning it into the night light.

Such a simple in the manufacture, but very interesting on the idea and shaped bowl for flowers will be a good decoration of the living room or bedroom.

Many of us simply thrown into the garbage ordinary light bulbs, which have already emerged. We want to show you good ideas that can be implemented with the help of these useless trifles. Why not make a beautiful small vase for flowers from the light bulb? She will beautifully decorate your home, or will become an excellent decor element at a wedding or photo shoot.

How to make a vase with your own hands?

For such a craft, we will need the simplest things that can be easily found at home. And so, let's prepare the necessary materials and tools:

Light bulb.


Flowers of small size.


Let's start our master class!

1. The most important thing in this craft is very good to remove the interior of the light bulb so as not to beat the main part. Take the pliers and gently begin to pull the middle of the bulb. We start this business from the very edge. We remove the most extreme part.

2. Now we need to break the black part. I regain the pliers on it, and then bend it and we climb.

3. Very carefully pull out the inside. We do everything slowly, in this business should not be hurry.

4. When all the inside is elongated, carefully pliers clean the hole to remove the extra glass.

5 . And the last step - we take the rope and wind the metal part, as well as do not forget to make a loop so that you can hang our vase. We put flowers to our light bulb, and get a beautiful home decoration!

This is how the final result looks like!