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What glue glue collection models. The best glue for models is a review. Prices for plastic

If you are interested in creating plastic models (aircraft, cars, ships), then surely you are looking for high-quality plastic glue. After all, he must keep well even on a smooth surface, and this is not always easy to achieve.

Purpose of glue

When gluing parts of the product as fasteners of plastic elements, the corresponding glue for models is most often used. With it, you can easily embody any fantasy to build an airplane from a variety of different parts.

Anyone who wants to get a qualitatively assembled model, as in the photo, tries to carefully separate and work out every detail. If an error is made when assembling any element, then the whole design will look inactively or becomes insufficient.

Types of glue

So, you have acquired all the necessary plastic parts and spare parts for your future model, it remains only to collect it. What is the glue for aircraft models to choose?

Many masters prefer Russian manufacturers. One of these is a special glue for plastic models called "Star", used for assembling products. But do not rush to immediately acquire the proposed tool, first decide on the type of material from which your design consists. It can be:

  • cardboard or paper;
  • parts of the resin;
  • parts of plastic;
  • metal parts.

We now turn to the next step - we will decide with the means of fastening parts of the product from different types of material. The model can be glued using the following types of glue:

  1. Polystyrene - intended for work based on melting plastic parts.
  2. Adhesives made on the basis of water.
  3. Cyanacrylic.
  4. Epoxy-based drugs.

These are the most common options for fastening the spare parts of the model by means of their compound. Today, glue for plastic models is so common that it can be purchased in any specialized store.

Prices for plastic

There are a large number of firms engaged in the release of glue exclusively for plastic structures. Perfectly suitable for assembling models polystyrene type. Its release is actively engaged by manufacturers like a star, Tamiya, Italeri, Revell and others.

But they are all similar in their properties. However, depending on the density, they are customary to divide into groups:

  1. Liquid - produced mainly in polyethylene bottles and have a special, facilitating work, the applicator. Examples: Italeri, Faller, Star, Humbrom, Revell, Auhagen and Tamiya.

  2. The average density is available in durable glass bubbles, the kit also has an applicator in the form of a brush on a plug.

  3. Thick - produced in small tubes. The main advantage is such a glue hits much longer than others, which allows you to work without hurrying and not to think about how to replace the unsuccessful glued part.

As previously written, polystyrene glue operates on the melting principle of plastics. In other words, when applying the "star" or other other, its smallest particles penetrate inside the glued surfaces, and then harden, thereby engaging the plastic details of the model. Finally, spare parts dry out a day, but it is possible to use after 60-120 minutes.

Revell glue manufacturers make special needle springs to ensure maximum ease of use. How to use them, can be seen on the video. Tamiya manufactures brush cans. So the bottle is able to help you out if you are dealing with the slits. But the adhesive firm of the star does not include any other fixture to facilitate when using it.

Other types

As for other glue options, their use when connecting the parts of the model from plastic is quite doubtful. For example, a means intended for the adhesion of paper parts is not suitable for fastening the metal or the same plastic. The same can be said about the remaining types of glue. Therefore, when buying this material, it is better to maximize how to make sure that glue for plastic models will suit you.

For high-quality assembly of large-scale models, special glue is required. It reliably fixes the details and allows you to connect elements from different sets.

Types of adhesives for modeling

The choice of composition depends primarily on the material from which large-scale copies of tanks, ships, aircraft are made. The most popular solutions:

  • based on butyl acetate and polystyrene,
  • cyanoacrylate
  • epoxy.

Universal glue for prefabricated models connects plastic elements due to the partial dissolution of their surfaces and the formation of new molecular bonds with polystyrene particles. Such an impact is called the welding effect. The composition is applied to the connection of the details so that he can dissolve plastic, and only then the elements are joined.

Superfluid glue is characterized by an increased capillary effect. It easily penetrates the joint of the elements, quickly solidifies and practically does not leave traces.

Transparent glue is used to connect the same details. In its composition, it is similar to universal, but does not give the effect of welding and becomes invisible when drying.

Cyanoacrylate The composition (superchalters) is used to fix materials with different structure. It quickly collapsing and is able to firmly connect even non-porous and wet surfaces.

Epoxy glue is effective for precast models made of wood, fiberglass, metal with photographic metering. It provides a particularly strong connection of parts, but is not suitable for polystyrene elements.

Reasons to make an order from us

You can buy high-quality adhesives to modeling Russian and foreign production: "Star", Aurora Hobby, Revell, Tamiya, Airfix. Our range includes about 40 compositions, various viscosity, frost resistance and curing rates.

We directly cooperate with the main manufacturers. All products have a lifelong warranty. In our online store you can exchange defective gliding at any time.

the site accepts and sends orders without interruptions and weekends. We deliver products across the country and abroad. You can use the courier services, to pick up the purchase from the point of self-level or receive the goods in the mail.

We accept cash and cashless payments. The site collaborates with wholesale and retail customers and offers favorable conditions to each client.

Glue for assembling models is made as a specially developed means of the primary stage of the work of fans of a worldwide popular hobby, which is able to captivate both a child and an adult.

Means for gluing prefabricated models are divided into several species that differ in the chemical and physical properties.

The most famous and familiar, basic, or universal, glue with a jelly-like consistency is widely used by lovers of this hobby for many decades. This composition has a paired effect of two chemically active substances - butyl acetate and polystyrene. In short, the first substance melts the upper layer of the surface of the detail, and the second - enhances molecular ties, helping to create a single whole. When using such a means, it is applied on the surface of both stuck details before the connection.

Experienced experts are recommended to connect parts with an applied tool not immediately - it is better to wait 1-2 minutes to be partially dissolved. Then you need to docile and press the items to each other, and the surplus of plastic, which can drop a little, later, when it hardens, remove a special knife.

Many experienced pro use liquid, or superfluid, tool. As a rule, it is produced along with a synthetic tassel, as it is applied to the place of dusting already connected parts. It is necessary to get used to such a composition, as it is a little more difficult to use it - there is a risk to shed it to the model. However, in a dried state, it does not leave significant traces that can interfere with primer and painting. Its so-called capillary action, that is, independent and fast penetration directly into the joint, occurs instantly.

For gluing transparent details, of course, a third type of funds is needed - the so-called invisible composition. It has a transparent look and has no less powerful fixing properties. However, in contrast to the universal means, this species does not make the effect of welding, it simply freezes and turns into a transparent basis. When using it, you need to apply the composition on both parts, and then press them to each other.

Buy glue for assembling models, modern, suitable and efficient, you can in the online store site at a low favorable price with the possibility of delivery in Moscow, St. Petersburg and all regions of Russia!

- Your conductor of the world of large-scale modeling!

Work on a large-scale team model consists of the continuous connection of individual working steps - elements of construction and assembly. Just as the plane is created at the aircraft factor. First one stage, then another. On the largest air facilities in the world (such as Boeing), the plane is generally on the platform, which is continuously moving during the assembly (from the beginning of the assembly shop to the finish).

And if we want to get really standing model - We need to achieve an increase in the efficiency of each individual element of the assembly process. After all, if there is a bad one element - then the maximum to withdraw the following is much more complicated. If it makes sense at all.

Often, a large number of shortcomings are caused by the insufficient elaboration of previous stages.

For example, you can spend all the nerves withdrawing the joints of parts - glue seams, prepare the body of the model to painting. Often after such work will require the use of primer.

All this could be avoided Initially Qualitatively gluing the details. So that the joke turned out Neatconnection durable , and seam - mustotic.


Here it is necessary to apply various types of adhesives.

In general, until certain time I did not suspect the existence of various types of adhesives used in large-scale modeling. Usually using the simplest basic type of glue. That we glue models while union. And he absolutely did not pay attention to a fairly rich assortment of model adhesives in online stores.

And only looking at the work of Japanese models in Tamiya's video materials - Tamiya Custom, I decided to figure it out in this matter. I looked at what exactly they do. What adhesives are used, and at what stages. Then scales all the adhesives gradually. And started experiments.

Several models of different manufacturers were spent to take into account the differences in plastic. After all, for example, Italeri's plastic differs from Star. And at the same roar.

It turned out that all adhesives have their own specialization. What significantly improves the quality and efficiency of work. We just need to know the features of the composition and use of each individual glue. And break the assembly process in advance to the corresponding elements - substitution .

So, we will analyze all types of glue in order. And let's start with the most entry level.

Glue for plastic models: normal composition
Glue for prefabricated models: normal

This type of glue is known to each modelist, because familiarity with the creation of prefabricated plastic scale models begins with it. Actually, until a certain point, this type of glue was just this type of modellers. Japanese companies have already significantly later, the manufacturers have introduced others to their range - specialized types of glue.

In the Soviet Union, later Russia most of the modellers (especially the modelists of the average hand, collecting models from the case) in their work for all their many years of practice only them.

Because this type of glue can be designated as universal Standard .

Its main components are butyl acetate + polystyrene. Bonding is achieved at the expense of the total effect of two types of action.

The first is a partial dissolution of plastic on both glued surfaces. When we combine the glued surfaces together, and then leave to stick - the dissolved plastic is mixed with each other, connecting the edges of the parts together. As a result, "one-piece, unified detail" is formed. The joint is solid, durable. Ready for further processing.

This effect is also referred to. the effect of welding .

The second is an additional fastening of parts by polystyrene particles, which are included in the glue. They enhance molecular bonds in dissolved plastic, helping to form a new solid compound.

The peculiarity of this type of glue is that it is applied to the glued surfaces before connecting the parts. Those. You must first apply glue on each jammed surface. And then add them together. To better flow the gluing process, it is necessary to give a time to dissolve the platform of each part separately. Wait 1-2 minutes. And only then connect the items.

Working chip

While working on a model, many model stores have to deal with the situation on the site of the adhesive seam of a fine, shallow excavation. This is possible when the surface is not prepared enough, and the edges of the glued parts have an angle other than 90 degrees.

In order not to occur after drying such troubles bordering the use of putty, you need to do as follows. During gluing, it is necessary not easy to connect the details, but tightly press each other. Press one detail to another. As a result, the molten plastic will come out out. Fixing the details in this position, leave them to dry. Then simply remove the extra plastic from the joint surface with a model knife. And all - glue seam has an excellent form that does not require additional processing.

There is one condition. It is necessary to practice in advance on unnecessary details. Different plastic from different manufacturers has differences in its structure. But because the alone, the force of pressure can cause a completely different effect. By moving with pressure, you can easily spoil the details of the model.

Here, as always, care and accuracy are important. And preliminary preparation

Glue for team models: superfluid

In general, the name of this type of glue should sound like "glue with an increased capillary effect." This is a liquid glue, with a very high penetrating ability, with a good volatile effect, high fluidity, without a consistant filler (gluing is achieved due to the partial dissolution of plastic on the glued surfaces).

The main advantage of this type of glue is the possibility of penetration - flowing into the junction between folded details . In other words, working on the model you connect the details together, tie with glue on the junction. And he, due to its high yield, independently penetrates the junction. The action of this glue is fast. The effect of welding is manifested very quickly. Bonding and frozen also do not have to wait long.

Often, this glue is supplied in tanks with a built-in tassel. But if you use the "Akan Profi" glue - you need a brush. Normal brush, preferably synthetics. A single or zero.

Another interesting feature of high-tech glue is that it is practically no traces when frozen on the surface of the plastic. It evaporates quickly, leaving behind a cluttered rough surface. What is not critical for further staining, and does not require primer.

A separate word I would like to say about Clee "Akan Profi". He also refers to the category of high-flow. But working with it implies a high degree of caution. It - " nuclear". It not only easily penetrates the sequence of parts, but also very actively dissolves plastic. If this glue is pouring the surface with potholes and irregularities - it can cope with the task of aligning the spacure cleaner. It very good dissolves plastic. Tested on Italy and the star.

Also applying it you must be careful and not shed it to the model. The pros is only in very small doses leaves the prints. Even the average of the drop can be enough for the formation of molten excavation.

I could not get used to this glue for a long time, but I liked his power. Therefore, experimented on. Then finding out its features of application in practice, made it the main working glue in the process of assembling models.

In general, at the moment, high-flow glue is the main for me while working on the model. Whether it is Akan Profi, or Tamiya Extrathin Cement. Ordinary glue apply only to connect large parts.

Glue for prefabricated models: transparent

In general, having considered the above glue types could be stopped. After all, thanks to them, we will be able to achieve solid results. But it would be wrong. There is another very specific type of glue.

So-called "Transparent glue." His representative is "Contacta Clear" from Revell. His only purpose is to glue transparent details. Bathrooms and with plastic model itself. In essence, this kind of all the same universal glue. Only there is no welding effect. Bonding is carried out at the expense of the basis, which becomes transparent when drying.

The glue is applied with a thin layer on the surfaces of both parts glued. Then he needs to give dry for about 5-10 minutes (so that the adhesive layer still remains sticky). Then carefully squeeze the stuck details together.

Glue for plastic models: cyanacrylate universal glue
Glue for prefabricated models: cyanoacrylate

Cyanoacrylate glue, more famous as "superclauses", which is a translation into Russian SUPER GLUE trademark. This name in the former USSR has become a nominal one.

Super Glue glue was first received in 1942 (during World War II) by the American Chemist of Harry Kutuver, who worked at Eastman Kodak, during the experiments on finding transparent plastics for optical sights. However, the substance due to excessive stickiness was rejected. In 1951, American researchers during the searches of the heat-resistant coating for the fighter cabins accidentally discovered the cyanoacrylate property firmly glue various surfaces. This time, Kutouver rated the possibilities of the substance, and in 1958 the superchalter went on sale, "blowing up" the market.

In Russia, the superchalters are also sold under the brands of "Kleibieri", "Strength", "Cyanopan", "Skala", "Secund", "Monolith", "Elephant", "Super-Momit", etc. In the USSR glue was produced under the name " Caiacrine.

Cyanoacrylate-based adhesives easily withstand the load of 150 kg / cm2, and more advanced, type "Black Max" of Loctite is 250 kg / cm2. The heat resistance of the compound is low and comparable to the heat resistance of the acrylic plexiglass: from 70-80 ° C for conventional adhesives, up to 125 ° C for modified.

Cyanoacrylate is durable, quickly setting, instant glue. Easy gluits non-porous and water containing materials. Crashes in less than a minute, and the maximum strength is achieved in two hours. However, its strength to shift is low, so superchalters are sometimes used as a threaded retainer or for fastening the workpiece on the lathe.

Used Wikipedia portal information.

In large-scale modeling of cyanoacrylate, thanks to the property, glue completely different in its structure properties, also gained its place - took its niche. We use it for fixing products of photographicrants and conversions created from epoxy resin.

Often we use super-glue, bought in stalls of printing or shopping stores. At the same time, specialized cyanoacrylate model adhesives have long been in the range of manufacturers of model chemistry. Although essentially their difference only in the special hotel, convenient for the model store - scaler. So there is no special difference between them. And what to use - everyone solves itself, based on personal preferences.

It is worth considering that super glue has the consistencies of two types - ordinary and gel. The second is more dense, shore. It makes it easier to apply glue to exactly into the places of gluing, avoiding the flows.

Glue for prefabricated models: epoxy

Finally, it is necessary to mention two-component epoxy glues.

Their basic property is that epoxy resin mixed with the hardener, gets a strong and very strong connection of parts. But, in my opinion, they did not find wide use in the field of modeling using plastic prefabricated models.

This glue is suitable for wood and fiberglass models, wire parts, photographic patterns. But contraindicated polystyrene models, as the epoxy resin can not hold onto the plastic.

Epoxy two-component adhesives are also available in two versions, normal and modelist. One of the most interesting forms of packaging ordinary variants of cyanoacrylate has glue contact. The shape of the tube allows one movement to squeeze and resin and hardener of two departments in equal proportions. In the output hole, they are automatically mixed. From special modeling options I am known for only the glue from Tamiya.

But again, I personally do not see the point in the use of epoxy in our case. If anyone sees - please reflect your opinion in the comments. It will be interesting to all participants in our community.

At the moment, we looked at all types of glue used in large-scale modeling. What types of glue use is to decide of course you yourself. But to achieve a sustainable good result - the use of specialized funds is required.

And therefore different model adhesives - BE !

Today everything!
Good luck to you!
And beautiful models!
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For high-quality assembly of large-scale models, special glue is required. It reliably fixes the details and allows you to connect elements from different sets.

Types of adhesives for modeling

The choice of composition depends primarily on the material from which large-scale copies of tanks, ships, aircraft are made. The most popular solutions:

  • based on butyl acetate and polystyrene,
  • cyanoacrylate
  • epoxy.

Universal glue for prefabricated models connects plastic elements due to the partial dissolution of their surfaces and the formation of new molecular bonds with polystyrene particles. Such an impact is called the welding effect. The composition is applied to the connection of the details so that he can dissolve plastic, and only then the elements are joined.

Superfluid glue is characterized by an increased capillary effect. It easily penetrates the joint of the elements, quickly solidifies and practically does not leave traces.

Transparent glue is used to connect the same details. In its composition, it is similar to universal, but does not give the effect of welding and becomes invisible when drying.

Cyanoacrylate The composition (superchalters) is used to fix materials with different structure. It quickly collapsing and is able to firmly connect even non-porous and wet surfaces.

Epoxy glue is effective for precast models made of wood, fiberglass, metal with photographic metering. It provides a particularly strong connection of parts, but is not suitable for polystyrene elements.

Reasons to make an order from us

In you can buy high-quality adhesives for modeling Russian and foreign production: "Star", Aurora Hobby, Revell, Tamiya, AirFix. Our range includes about 40 compositions, various viscosity, frost resistance and curing rates.

We directly cooperate with the main manufacturers. All products have a lifelong warranty. In our online store you can exchange defective gliding at any time. accepts and sends orders without interruptions and weekends. We deliver products across the country and abroad. You can use the courier services, to pick up the purchase from the point of self-level or receive the goods in the mail.

We accept cash and cashless payments. cooperates with wholesale and retail customers and offers favorable conditions to each client.