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What you eat in a passionate Saturday. Great Saturday: what can and can not be done before Easter

Already quite a bit left until the biggest orthodox holiday - Light Easter 2018, which will be held on April 8. But, by tradition and the rules, to meet with a clean soul to meet such a bright holiday, you need to go through the great post, which ends with the last chaguant on the path of purification - the Great Saturday. The Great Saturday is the most strict day of the post, so on this day there are limitations not only in food. So, the passionate Saturday, which is impossible to do? It is very important to know, as this is the last and final stage of the Great Post.

To understand that it is impossible to do in a passionate Saturday, you need to understand the very essence of this day and its meaning. The Great Saturday is a sorrowful day, and even if it coincides in 2018 with a joyful celebration, this does not mean that you need to forget his essence.

If you turn to the story, then in Good Friday The Savior of mankind finished his life on earth. Every believer knows that the last days Christ on earth was not joyful. In Christ, he passed through the torture, a difficult path to Calvary with a cross behind her back and exhausted, and tragic crucifix. That is why, on this day it is customary to remember the suffering of Christ, about his victim in the salvation of mankind. But, together with this sorrow, you need and remember that the suffering of Christ gives hope for Sunday, as well as to save the human soul. And it is important.

Read interesting materials on this topic:

According to Scripture, Jesus was buried on the night from Friday to Saturday, his body was removed from the cross, washed, so much, so much incense, wrapped in a shroud and buried. On Saturday, the high priests of Pharisees came to Pontius Pilate, and they said that Christ would rise on the third day, so his grave should be protected as much as possible so that his students did not come, did not stole the body of Christ and did not let the rumor about what he would rise.

The tomb of Jesus was littered with stones, and at the entrance was the guard, and what happened everything further. Three days later the tomb turned out to be empty, and Christ was resurrected.

How to eat in Good Saturday

One of the rules that cannot be done in a passionate Saturday concerns the diet. This is the most rigorous day of the post from Saturday, which covers the period of the Great Post. Due to the fact that a passionate Friday was sufficiently strict in terms of food, some relaxation are already allowed to the Great Saturday, so that there are forces for the vigil service and Easter meetings.

You can eat food to the Great Saturday, which was thermally processed, can also add vegetable oil. It is impossible to eat fish, meat, eggs, dairy products. Also cannot be taken on the sample prepared on the eve of Easter cakes and other disassembly.

Other locked on this day

Since a passionate Saturday is a day of prayers, rest and immersing in their Duma, it is impossible to do hard work. That is why all Easter preparations, such as cleaning and cooking, better spend in pure Thursday. Previously, everyone who was taken for these cases in the Great Saturday, was condemned. Today, of course, not everything is so strictly, but it is better to refrain from work and pay more time to prayers and your soul.

You can not stove cakes, but if suddenly the hostess did not have time to do this, then she needed a kulich oven so that no one saw that, otherwise she would not get to bake a delicious and magnificent treat, one of the main attributes of the Easter table.

Bans also concern worldly life:

  • It is impossible to dance;
  • You can not sing;
  • It is impossible to laugh loudly;
  • You can not attend entertainment activities;
  • It is not recommended to watch TV;
  • Can not be taken in hand metal subjectsbecause on the Cross of Christ crucified with metal nails;
  • You can not sew and knit;
  • It is impossible to go hunting and fishing;
  • You can not remember the dead people and visit the cemetery.

The Great Saturday is an important and rigorous day, so it should be carried out according to all canons, then you can meet Easter with a clean soul and refer to the victory of life over death.

happiness will come to those who will awake all night

Day on the eve of the bright holiday Easter called Passionate or Greatsaturday. If Friday is a passionate week - this is just a sorrowful day, then Saturday is filled and sorrow? And joy at the same time. The body of the Savior is already in the funeral cave, but the resurrection of Christ is about to come. Another Saturday name is beautiful, because on this day many believers paint eggs - a symbol of a new life.

And what else do you need to do on this day?

1. Attend the all-sleeping. If there is no such possibility, you can simply try not to go to bed, light the candle in front of the icon and pray. Who will awake up until the morning, he will find happiness, health and good luck. After all, it is believed to be on the night of a passionate Saturday on Sunday, happiness wanders along the ground, but it comes only to those who do not sleep.

2. Prepare festive Easter dishes. It is desirable that they were twelve.

3. Fast. Some believers and are completely refused from any food on this day. But if you really want, you can eat bread, dried fruits, vegetables without oil.

4. Consecrate painted eggs in the temple, easter cakesSalt and other products.

5. Serving alms.

6. To put up with everyone, with whom you are in a quarrel, to take offense and forget any misunderstanding.

Passionate Saturday: what can you do

1. Try Easter dishes before the first star appears in the sky.

2. To eat meat and dairy products, eggs.

3. Give anything from home or lent money.

4. Celebrate birthdays, to protect weddings, have fun and laugh. It is believed that the couple who will play a wedding on this day long will not live together. And the one who will have fun on Saturday will cry the whole next year.

5. Drink and indulge in the carnal uteuham.

6. Do any kind of needlework.

7. Hunt or fish so as not to stick the misfortune.

8. Work on the garden, make repair or maintain construction.

9. Quarrel, swear and squander.

10. Wash in the bath, bath or walk to the sauna.

Signs on this day

On the weather on a passionate Saturday you can determine what summer will be. So, if the street is sunny and clear, then you should wait for the heat, if the rainy and zyabko, then the summer will be cold. A rich harvest promises a dark night from Saturday to Sunday.

The last day of the Great Post in front of the Light Easter - the Great Saturday - in 2018 it falls on April 7th. This is the day when Christians recall Christ in the coffin after the crucifixion when his soul went to hell to bring the righteous from him.

The post lasted 48 days, and during this time, believers had time to think over their lives, remember the acts of Jesus Christ when he was on Earth, and prepare for Easter.

If cooking is not yet finished, then passionate Saturday is the time to complete all the preparatory affairs.

For believers, the Great Saturday before Easter is a mournful, and a joyful day: Christ still lies in the coffin, the resurrection has not come yet, but everything is already filled with pre-joy.

The Great Saturday is popularly called a quiet Saturday, since this day is not accepted to have fun and have fun, it is worth staying from various quarrels. It is considered a big sin on this day foul language and swearing, so you need to follow your tongue. Another name for the Great Saturday is a beautiful Saturday - it says that it is time to be taken for the preparation of paint for Easter.

Biblical legend

According to the Bible and church teaching, on this day, the Lord goes to hell and will overthrow the power of death over humanity. He is part of paradise with a prudent robber, who crucified with him and as the Son of God, sits on the Divine Throne with God Father and the Holy Spirit.

After the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ, Joseph bought a relief - a long canvas, in which Jews buried the dead, came to Pilate and began to ask him the body for burial.

It should be noted that by the custom of the Romans, the crucified body remained on the crosses and became the prey of birds, but with the permission of their authorities, they could be betrayed.

The body of Christ was removed from the cross, so did incense, wrapped around and put in a new funeral cave belonging to Joseph. Pharisees who knew the prophecy of Christ about his resurrection, feared the abduction of the body and put in the coffin of the guard. This circumstance became an immutable proof of the truth of Christ of the Resurrection.

What can not be done in the Great Saturday before Easter

Well penetrate the atmosphere of the Great Saturday, learn short storyWhat lies in the traditions of this day, and what he means. Then it becomes clear what exactly should not be done in such a dramatic clock.

First of all, this is a day in which you need to try to restrain all the earthly passions. It is unacceptable to swear, all the more foul language and in general to annoy. So, all the clarification of the relationship is better to leave for later. After all, Easter is coming, and it's time to adjust on the bright waves of the holiday.

If possible, it is better not to devote time to fun parties, transfer the celebration of any dates. It is undesirable to do homework, hard work. It is better to plan your time so as to fulfill routine responsibilities before the sorrowful hour.

Of course, you do not need to laugh, you are unrestrained to have fun on Saturday before Easter. After all, we would probably not do this in the days of memory about our close. What if we are talking The fact that good half of humanity recalls the suffering and death of Jesus Christ, it is clear that it only increases our responsibility.

Great and passionate Saturday - the time of Christian repentance

On this day, all believers try to realize their sins, try to find the meaning of life, gain peace of mind. In the Great Saturday you must forgive all the resentment and ask for forgiveness from those who have been resentment.

Great post Ends on Sunday, so on Saturday it is recommended to eat only bread, water and raw vegetables, and fruits.

Night without sleep on a passionate Saturday

Orthodox Christians on the night from Saturday to Sunday awake. Even if you failed to get into the temple, at home you need to light the candle in front of the icon of Jesus Christ and devote to prayers for a while.

Last Saturday before Easter - a day of helping poor and needy. You can and need to hand out the treats familiar and unfamiliar people, as well as to provide charitable assistance to money. And relatives need to cook Easter gifts.

Signs, rites and beliefs of the Great Saturday

Orthodox sacred believe that days before Easter are things. And that's what was noticed by our ancestors:

What will be the weather in the Great Saturday, this will mostly be both in the summer of this year.

Born on this day, as in Easter, means being healthy, happy and self-sufficient. If the child was born in the Great

Saturday before Easter, often it has unique abilities.

Die to Easter and on the eve of a bright holiday - means being marked by God. These souls get straight to heaven.

If dogs are spent - to war.

If you wash all the rooms before Easter (especially nursery) water from the well, all evil springs, bad emotions and negative energy It will be "washed".

Swing will help to "blur" all sins per person.

It is impossible to make anything to the Great Saturday, and even more so to give out of the house. It is believed that you can give your well-being and wealth. On the weather on a passionate Saturday you can determine the weather for the summer. The hostess in the passionate Saturday always painted eggs and baked cakes.

The last day of the Great Post to the Light Easter - Great Saturday - in 2017 it falls on April 15th. On this day, deeply believing Christians are worried about the death of Christ in torment on the cross and grieve about him. This sorrow enlightens, makes it possible to gain peace of mind and calm. On this day there is no place and time to merry. Usually it is carried out in silence and peace, praying, configure your soul to the next holiday. To continue to adopt the grace of Sunday's bright Christ.

What can not be done on this day

Regarding the limitations, the Great Saturday is one of the most stringent days of the Great Post. Bans on this day are applied to food, and on the actions of a person.

  • It is impossible to deal with three nights of Saturday and until the morning of Sunday;
  • It is impossible to eat food prepared by heat treatment;
  • You can not eat alcoholic beverages (those in Great Friday I observed a strict post and was only on bread and water, you can drink some red wine to maintain forces);
  • It is impossible to laugh, dance and sing;
  • It is necessary to refrain from intimate intimacy with spouse;
  • You can not go fishing or hunting;
  • It is also forbidden to do at home cleaning, stroking and wash things;
  • It is impossible to wash;
  • Prohibited garden work;
  • There is also a ban on needlework;
  • It is worth refrain from construction work and other physical works;

Passionate Saturday 2017: Traditions, customs and signs (what can be done)

For weather on a passionate Saturday, you can determine the weather for the summer: clear and warm day promises warm and sunny summer. If on this day is overcast, then summer will be cold and rainy.

If the consecrated egg throw on this day into the water and wash it, it will make a person healthy and will extend the youth.

It is impossible to make anything to the Great Saturday, and even more so to give out of the house. It is believed that you can give your well-being and wealth.

The hostess in the passionate Saturday always painted eggs and baked cakes. The most common color for staining eggs is considered red. You can also give the will of your fantasy and paint eggs manually. Each woman has its own proven recipe for kulukhai, and each hosts they do in their own way. General rule The cooking of cakes is that the house should be the corresponding setting. In the room where the dough will bring, you need to walk quiet and eliminate from the verbal turnover of swearing and foul language, so that your Easter cakes were prepared in peace and love.

Passionate Saturday is the day of peace and kindness. Therefore, ask for forgiveness from your relatives and loved ones. Maybe you have offended someone in a word or affair. Do not pull the severity of the offense on this bright holiday.

Also on Saturday before Easter, it is necessary to distribute the alms to all in need that you meet in your path. Well, relatives and people close to you should stay without Easter gifts. Like throughout Passionate week, in the Great Saturday you can not handle weddings, birthdays, various celebrations and have fun in general.

According to the materials of the Internet media Klim Sokolov

Saturday, which comes in the passion week before Easter is a special day. Therefore, often interested in the question that you can and what can not be done in this watch. A detailed response and comments from the priests of first-hand are presented below.

What does the Great Saturday passionate

You can start the reasoning from what kind of Saturday comes in front of a bright Sunday. Interestingly, this day has several names at once:

  1. Great.
  2. Passionate.
  3. Drying.
  4. Quiet.

The main name is due to the fact that Saturday is the last day of the passionate week. These days were the last in the earthly life of Jesus Christ.

In the passionate Friday the Savior crucified, and all Saturday his body lay in the tomb. And the sorrow of close people in the coffin of Christ was very difficult, because hardly someone hoped for what he would rise.

That is why the Great (Passionate) Saturday is a very dramatic day. And therefore it is undesirable:

  • arrange
  • visit parties
  • sing dance,
  • organization of some celebrations (wedding, birthday, etc.)
  • put out the carnal joy.

In this regard, the day of Saturday is also called quiet - believers really better to refrain from worldly noise.

It is also better to abandon work in the garden, hunting and fishing.

What can not be done in the Great Saturday before Easter

Well penetrate the atmosphere of the Great Saturday, learn a brief story, which lies in the traditions of this day, and what he means. Then it becomes clear what exactly should not be done in such a dramatic clock.

First of all, this is a day in which you need to try to restrain all the earthly passions. It is unacceptable to swear, all the more fade away and even annoyance .. After all, Easter is coming, and it's time to adjust on bright waves of the holiday.

If possible, it is better not to devote time to fun parties, transfer the celebration of any dates. It is undesirable to do homework, hard work. It is better to plan your time so as to fulfill routine responsibilities before the sorrowful hour.

Of course, you do not need to laugh, you are unrestrained to have fun on Saturday before Easter. After all, we would probably not do this in the days of memory about our close. And if we are talking about the fact that a good half of humanity recalls the suffering and death of Jesus Christ, it is clear that it only increases our responsibility.

What can be done on Saturday after a passionate Friday

Because we are talking about the fact that on this day believers especially remember Christ, it is important to pay enough attention to their spiritual life. It will be correct to visit the church worship, which begins from early morning and continues throughout the day. And in the evening it moves to the vigil, and then the bright resurrection comes.

And the people of Saturday is also called beautiful (or red), since the hostesses are completing the latest preparations for light Easter. In the house there are eggs, baked cakes, bake bezhenin. Although traditionally it is customary to finish all homework also in Pure Thursday (Clear in the house, wash), the church does not prohibit engage in affairs and on Saturday.

Of course, on such a day you can read the Bible, to create prayers, to make good deeds, help the needy. Here you can focus on your inner voice. Perhaps someone has long needed your attention - then you should visit a person and to help him.

We will not be able to ask for forgiveness and forgive other people. After all, making even the smallest affairs, we really change the world for the better and fill it with joy.

What you can eat in a passionate Saturday in the post

And you can also take care of tomorrow's celebrations - traditionally hostesses begin to collect easter basketsTo consecrate the festive food in the church. In this regard, the question arises: what eating on Saturday before Easter?

In fact, this is the last day of the Great Post, so it is better to try to withstand restrictions. In addition, it is long to stand for a long time - tomorrow you can eat any dishes.

And in Saturday itself, you can only be content with such a menu:

  • bread (not satiest);
  • fruits and vegetables in any form;
  • water.

The Great Saturday is the last day of the Great Post, and it is very strict (bread and water). And if we talk about when Saturday meal is allowed before Easter, - then only after the end of the vigil in the temple. In fact, the Great Post ends on Sunday: After serving, believers solemnly pronounce: "Christ is risen! Truly Rissed! "

And then you can already taste the apartments, eggs and other food. After that, parishioners diverge down home, rest and go to bed. But the real holiday Easter comes a few hours after the Easter Night - and it lasts at least a week.

Folk signs and beliefs in the Great Saturday

As we know, this is a particularly dramatic day: the body of the Savior has already removed from the cross and put in the coffin. Of course, on such a day it is worth refraining from any quarrel, and even irritation is better to leave for later. And still need to pay attention to such folk signs And belief:

  1. On a passionate Saturday, it is better not to plan any noisy parties. If a birthday even falls, it should be noted as modest as possible. And if you arrange a feast to the whole world, then this is an unkind sign: a year can work out and not as well as you planned.
  2. Also, the people are believed that it is not necessary to endure garbage on Saturday and nothing (any item) from the house, including it is impossible to lend. Till Sunday - after all, if you disobey, it can produce small troubles, failures and harm you.
  3. If the cakes in the Great Saturday turned out to be fame, this is a very good symbol: the year will be formed and delights close to pleasant events.
  4. If you wake up during the Easter dawn and see it - a new light strip will come in affairs.
  5. If the late relative was dreamed of Easter at night, this sign is very good. It is believed that then in the coming year all family members will be healthy, and they will not touch them any misfortunes.
  6. It is better to try not to sleep the morning worship and generally get up early. Failed to church - an unkind sign.
  7. Interestingly, the original system of Easter symbols and signs even have hunters. If you describe all their signs, you need a whole book. But the most important rule - in such a day it is categorically impolve the blood of animals, it is considered a big sin. Therefore, with hunting (and fishing) you need to postpone.
  8. If on Saturday before Easter, it was clear and warm - then all summer will be clear and sunny. And if the cloudy weather was issued - to be cold and rainy summer.