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What can be prepared in Good Friday. Good Friday: what can and what can not be done

Why is a passionate Friday so called? Good Friday (in the church - the Great Heels) - the fifth, the sad day of the Great Post, in which the Lord was crucified on the cross.

This is the time of special prayer, when the church and all Christians remember sorrowful events, mourn Jesus, but at the same time, they are aware that Christ gave us the possibility of eternal life with her martyr's death.

On this day, it is customary to fast as much as possible, it is not allowed to participate in entertainment events, it is forbidden to indulge in passions and find out relations with loved ones. Believers should devote as much time as possible prayer, this is a period of silence and deepening in the feat of Christ.

In our country, the Great Friday is not a weekend, so many are forced to go to work on this day.

Orthodoxy does not consider this sin, but if you have the opportunity, it is better to stay from such things as:

  • Clean the house - for this purpose Pure Thursdaywhich was the day before. Prepare for a meeting of bright resurrection is better in advance.
  • Work in the garden or garden - you can not plant, sawing or chop trees. It is especially forbidden to drive iron rods or stakes to the ground.
  • Conduct cosmetic procedures - to trim or paint hair. The most stringent believers even try not to wash their head until Saturday.
  • Celebrate birthdays, anniversaries or other celebrations. You can not sing, dance, drink and use the spreadsheet.
  • It is unacceptable on the day of grief to indulge in the carnal uteuch. If conceived - the child will grow evil and with a cruel heart.

Note! No strict rules that would be forbidden on this day to cut, shave and wash. But, if there is such an opportunity - it is better to refrain from these procedures.

So that the Great Friday passed right - try to make good deeds. You can assist sick and suffering, visit the old relatives, allowed to visit the cemetery to pray for the souls of the ax.

Signs and customs of the Great Friday

Officially, Patriarchate does not recognize and superstition related to church holidays, Including with the Great Friday. This is due to the fact that many of them take their origin in the pagan rites. But most of us have been remembered since childhood, love and observe these traditions.

Customs and signs of a passionate Friday:

  • If you bake bread - it does not twist until the next Easter and will have healing properties. Travelers took a piece of such baking with them. It was believed that it would protect from storms and bad weather on the way.
  • Lingerie, wicked on this day, will not be clean. Fresh sheets will appear traces of blood like a symbol of crucified Christ.
  • In order to prevent wealth and calm in the family, the believers carried the burning candles from the evening service and left them to trample in their homes. And if the candle brought from the temple, began to crack loudly and the challenge - it means the dwelling was damaged.
  • A person who does not succumb to temptation and keep a strict post, the entire subsequent year no food and drinking will cause harm.
  • The ring, consecrated on this day in the church, will guard its owner from adversity and all sorts of birth.
  • Starry sky at night from a passionate Friday on Great Saturday predicts good harvest Wheat.
  • This day - best time For cessation of breast feeding. The child, retired from the mother's chest to the Great Heels, will grow healthy and strong.
  • He who will spend the sorrowful date in fun - will pay the whole year.

Some wives, suffering from drunkenness of their husbands, made a conspiracy on alcohol on this day. For this, the ash, assembled in the oven, is put on the intersection and throw in different directions, saying the words of the rite. The procedure needs to do three fridays in a row, starting with the passionate week.

Is it possible to eat cakes, paint eggs, wash and work on good Friday?

Best afternoon in order to complete the preparation for Great Easteris pure Thursday. It is then that preferably a bake of cakes and painting eggs. If you did not have time to finish all the preparatory affairs in time, you can do this on Friday.

Before you start - be sure to read the prayer "Our Father" and ask the blessings of the Lord. Preparations for Easter are not considered daily siety work, therefore there is no special sin in it.

Wash, sew, embroider, endure garbage and work around the house in the Great Friday is not very recommended.

It must be remembered that any occupation distracts a person from his main goal, which is persecuted by a passionate week. You need to devote my time to prayer, think about the Savior, rethinking your actions and repentance. All sorts of small, routine cases can be postponed on other days and not spend the hour of prayer for homemade troubles.

What prayers read in Good Friday?

According to church canons, before the removal of the shroud, it is prescribed to reconcile his professes and not confessional sins near the cross. To do this, you can go to the church, and you can pray and at home.

The main thing is that the words go from the heart, and the soul was cleaned. Self simple words "Lord, Jesus Christ, survive me!" We must sound as often as possible from your mouth, and the Savior will definitely give to feel your love and protection.

Hegumen Guri preached that "on this day everyone may have to repent, and contact the Savior. The Lord will forgive and help. "

Note! Services in Good Friday are not held twice, but three times a day. By visiting them, you can get great benefits for the soul.

When do you remove the doodle?

According to the Gospels, Christ crucified at noon, and after three hours the Savior died. This mournful event is determined by the order church service Great Friday. Solemn liturgy on the day of mourning is not held.

At the ninth hour of the day from the sunrise (at 15.00), the middle of the temple is removed by a glory. it big clothwhere the image of the deceased Jesus is embroidered.

Until this time, the shroud is stored in the altar. After that, the service begins, which is a symbolic friction of our Lord.

Good Friday is the fifth day Passionate weekWhen the heart of the believer experiences sadness, pride and joy at the same time. Sadness and sorrow - from the fact that Christ accepted the earthly torture was crucified and died in flour.

Pride - for courage, patience and kindness of the Savior. And joy - for the next Sunday for this. To this week, you need to realize all the greatness of the admirement of the Lord, repent of his sins and meet Easter an updated person with a kind heart and pure thoughts.

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Passionate Friday is the most sorrowful day of the pre-school week, because it was on Friday, Jesus Christ was susceptible to heavy flocks and executed. What traditions should be followed on this day, which can not be done in Good Friday, not to know the troubles for a whole year?

We collected 7 basic rules of behavior in Good Friday. Adhere to them and share the advice with loved ones!

1. Forgible Friday - the most strict day day throughout the Great Post. Even if you have not fastened before, but you wish to crash at least a little, you can start today. According to Christian canons, on this day, believers refuse any food before the removal of the shroud. After three hours of afternoon, you can quench the hunger with a sliced \u200b\u200bbread and a glass clean water. Believing says that if a person can endure thirst throughout the Good Friday, all the year no drink can cause him harm.

2. Do not last and maintain from visiting entertainment institutions and events. This is not coming, of course, about the reaction to a fun joke. But it is purposeful to have fun in Good Friday. It is believed that a person is overly joyful on this day, the whole next year will pay.

3. Do not wash, do not neck, do not cut. Any housework is prohibited in Good Friday.

4. Do not hide the land with iron objects - it's to grief and misfortune. Under this rule, our ancestors, of course, implied seasonal work In the field and in the garden. But even in modern conditions, there is something to think about: for example, from transplant indoor plants Or the seedlings are better to refuse.

By the way, there is one exception to this rule: the Slavs have long been thought that Parsley, planted in Good Friday, will give a double harvest. But keep in mind that the seeds will have to sow, without touching the ground with sharp and metal objects.

5. Consecrate in the Church Ring. It will protect you from all diseases. Not necessarily wedding, not necessarily precious - just a favorite thing with which you do not part every day.

6. In the old days they said: to make your kid rose strong and happy, it is necessary to overcome him from the chest it is in Good Friday. Controversial rule, of course, but if you think that folk signs - Not fiction, try still worth it.

7. From the church service, bring home twelve burning candles and let them light up. This will bring you material well-being, good luck and joy.

Folk Signals for Good Friday

In addition to the customs and traditions, at least somehow related to Christianity, the Great Friday tatt in its history a lot of frankly pagan beliefs. Among them are the most interesting are those.

1. With a passionate Friday, you can find out whether there is no "conspiracted" in your house (the one for which evil person brought damage). For this, the church is brought by a non-corrosive candle, light in the house and bypass with her all rooms, bringing to different corners. They say that it is in the place where the flame of the candle will begin to crack, and is a conspiracy.

2. On this day, traditionally wondered on the yield on the weather. If the sky is starry - wait for the crop of grain. If all day is overcast, "the bread will be with a bungyan," our ancestors spoke. What does it mean, wait for the cramming this year.

What does Good Friday mean

According to tradition, Christians believe that it was on this day Jesus was crucified on the mountain of Calvary. Therefore, the day of the memories of the Savior's passions is essentially a mourning for believers - this explains the abundance of strict prohibitions.

Passionate or great Friday has always been very revered in the people. After all, the death of Christ symbolizes the miscarriage of an innocent Lamb for the sins of all mankind - and gratitude Jesus for his act is not measures.

Of course, the Orthodox and pagan customs were mixed in this day. In Russia, for example, it was customary to drive out of the village of evil - for this guys and girls, armed with anyone, hiking and horses drove out from end to the end. These and many other traditions moved into the past, and some, on the contrary, were revived only now. In any case, to know the customs of their ancestors - a commendable thing, and to keep them - commendable doubly.

For those who are interested in the answer to the difficult question, what can be done in Good Friday, you should know that for a Christian this day - the reason to make a pause in the cycle of affairs, think about life and death.

Is it possible to endure garbage on Good Friday?

Great Friday is a day when most of the affairs are prohibited. Therefore, to take out the garbage, clean, sew, wash and cut something in Good Friday is prohibited. It is impossible to paint eggs on Great Friday and to do - it was necessary to do the day before, in the extreme case - on Saturday. It is also forbidden to perform ablutions even in hygienic purposes. Violation of this law is considered to be sin.

Is it possible to drink beer in Good Friday?

On some days of the Great Post, the church allows you to drink wine. However, it is not only forbidden to drink beer and wine to a runway Friday, but also to the rejection ceremony of the shroud. Yes, and then you can only eat rye bread and water.

Is it possible to stove a passing on Good Friday?

Pask is an Easter bread, which is also called cake. The difference between Paste and Kulich is that the first is traditionally decorated with lattices and other patterns from the dough, and the second is poured with icing. Folk wisdom says that the paste baked in Good Friday is not spoiled for a long time, protects sailors from shipwrecks, and at home - from the fire. And if you save the backed pass until the next Good Friday, it will heal from the cough.

Is it possible to make purchases on Good Friday?

Like economic matters, you are better not engaged in shopping on Good Friday. On this day, it is not necessary to perform transactions with money. Of course, in modern realities it is not always feasible, but if a person wants to do everything according to the rules, it is better to refrain from shopping.

Is it possible to get married to Good Friday?

During the strict church does not make weddings and does not bless the marriages. Of course, a pair can be registered only in the registry office only, and then get married, but it is much better to wait for a red slide, which will be a week after Easter (first Sunday).

Is it possible to give debt to Good Friday?

Wise signs to give cash deblies For good Friday prohibited. Together with money on this day, a person risks "to give" his health and financial welfare. In addition, it is also not recommended to take into debt to Good Friday.

What else can and can not be done in Good Friday?

Passionate Friday is the most rigorous day of the passionate week and at the same time the saddest. When there is a passionate Friday 2018, what prohibitions and rituals are related to this day, you will tell you .

When Good Friday in 2018

Great Good Friday precedes the holiday and is dedicated to the memory of the bottom of the crucifixion and the death of Jesus Christ. This is the day of the strict post. Good Friday 2018 falls on April 6.

Good Friday: Traditions and Bans of the Day

Friday- This is the day in which Jesus Christ was crucified. Therefore, passionate Friday is devoted to the memories of the court over Jesus Christ, his crucifixes and the godfather in Calvary, withdrawing his body from the cross and burial. The worship service of Great Friday includes a three-time reading of the Evangelical narration about these events.

In the morning, twelve gospels consistently read - twelve gospel passages, which in chronological procedure narrate on Friday events. On the great (royal) hours, they read the narratives of each of their four evangelists (Matthew, John, Luke and Mark). A. great Evening About the events of this day tells one long composite gospel.

Good Friday - an exceptional day, and its exclusivity (as well as the exclusiveness of the victim of Jesus Christ in Calvary) is emphasized by the fact that they do not commit liturgy on this day. However, if the passionate Friday coincides with the Annunciation, serve as Liturgy John of Zlatoust. In the evening they sing a special canon on the crucifixions of the Lord and bring the shroud.

Cloak - this is the boards in which full height Lord Jesus Christ, lying in the coffin. After the removal of the ship is installed on a special elevation in the center of the temple. It is customary to diminish incense and decorate the colors in memory of how the myrrheus wife anointed incense the body of the buried Christ.

Good Friday - a special day, which, according to the charter, you need to refrain from making food before the removal of the shroud, and then you can only eat bread and drink only water. All preparations for the Easter holiday must be finished into pure Thursday, so that nothing distracts the Great Friday from prayers and services. On this day it is impossible to deal with any economic affairs, especially to sew, wash and cut anything. Violation of this prohibition is considered to be a great sin. Those who follow the most stringent rules of the Great Post, on this day do not even wash.

IN Good Friday It is not customary to sing, walk and have fun - it is believed that a person who has fun in the Great Friday will pay all year. However, despite the fact that on this day, worship is imbued with sorrow, it is already preparing believers to the upcoming holiday of the Resurrection of Christ.

In folk consciousness Good Friday associated with a number of and superstition. It is believed, for example, that baked on this day bread never molds and healed from all diseases. Sailors considered bread baked in the Great Friday, a talisman against shipwrecks. A hot cross bun, baked on this day, will protect the house from fires until the next Great Friday.

In Russia, on this day, more wealthy neighbors treated their loved ones and acquaintances who are not affordable, festive swords, milk, eggs, cottage cheese.

Everyday Friday is very undesirable to work. So, according to accept, iron objects should not stick to the ground, for example, shovels and rake: it's to trouble. Therefore, plants planted on this day will die. Only sown to Parsley will give a double harvest. Filled in the mistress and posted for drying on Friday, the clothes will never be pure: bloody spots will be shown on the laundry.

After the Friday service, it is customary to bring twelve burning candles to the house, with which they stood in the church. Candles need to put in the house and let them burn to the end. It is believed that it will bring happiness and prosperity for the next twelve months.

Of course, many signs came from paganism, not from Christianity, and some of them even contradict Christian traditions. But believe in signs or not is a personal choice of every person. Passionate Friday is another reason to make a pause in our tense life and think: do we live?

Signs of Great Friday:

  • It is impossible to bake anything in Good Friday.
  • In no case, it is impossible to pushing the land with iron; of who will do it, will suffer trouble.
  • If the lingerie is wicked to dry into a passion friday, blood spots will appear on it.
  • If you transport bees to Good Friday, they will certainly die.
  • If you wipe your thirst for Good Friday, then no drinking will bring you the harm to the whole year.
  • Rings, consecrated in Good Friday, protect the one who wears them, from all diseases.
  • Easter dough, saved from one passionate Friday until the next, warns a cough.
  • Only parsley sowned to Good Friday gives a double harvest.
  • Relief babies from the chest to Good Friday - the sign says that the child will be strong, healthy and will live happily
  • If there is a passionate friday, the bread will be with a bunign.
  • If under good Friday Starry sky, then wheat will be a grainy.

Today, April 6, Good Friday of 2018. What rules of behavior are required from believers on this day that you can and what can not be done, you will tell you .

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Good Friday 2018: what date is this day

Great Good Friday in 2018 comes today, April 6th. This is the last Friday of the Great Post. As the church traditions and folk signs say, a passionate Friday, first of all, is a day of repentance, prayers and pondering over their own lives.

Good Friday: As noted in Orthodox Christianity


Great Friday - the most mourning day in the Christian year, since it was on this day that Jesus Christ was crucified and took martyrdom in the name of salvation of the whole human race. Passionate Friday is devoted to the commencement of the sufferings and death of the Savior. On this mourning day, the robes of priests should not be blond and festive.

There is no Liturgy in the Church of Good Friday. During the evening, which begins at about three o'clock in the afternoon - at the time of the death of Christ - from the altar, they bring the shroud with an image taken from the Cross of Jesus, which is covered in the middle of the temple. Then the prayers read over the ship, decorated with flowers, ignite candles and parishioners kiss the image of the Savior. This ritual symbolized the removal from the cross, position in the coffin and farewell with Jesus Christ.

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What can not be done in Good Friday: Church Traditions

It is impossible to work on this day. You can not sew, wash, cut, clean up, dig ground, plant plants, prepare food and even swim. These prohibitions are imposed on believers not because of laziness, but due to the need to devote their time in the family prayer and the reading of the Bible.

It is impossible to sing, having fun, laughing and conducting an active, enchanted lifestyle, and quarrel, scream and swear. This day should go in thought about his own life, in reflections on the suffering and death of Jesus Christ.

Cannot eat food. Good Friday is the most rigorous day of the Great Post. The abstinence in food should last to the church service of the evening and removal of the shroud. After that, it is allowed to eat bread and water, and some believers continue to fast until Easter.

It is believed that the church of pregnant women cannot be visited in Good Friday. In fact, there is no such ban. Pregnant should only rely on his feelings and do nothing through strength or against his will. If she wants to visit the temple and pray, then it can even do it, regardless of time and date. In the late period of pregnancy, it is advisable to walk not by himself, but accompanied by someone from loved ones so that she can count on their help if necessary.

Good Friday should not pass by an ordinary, unnoticed day. Each believer should be particularly acute to try to experience and think about the main thing in his life. Is it against his conscience? When the head of priorities makes the desire for wealth, profit and a successful career instead of mercy and humans? Isn't it looking for an enemies around him who seek to condemn? Is it like an example of those who betray Christ to death?

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What can not be done in Good Friday: Folk beliefs

The people believed that from the moment the body of Jesus Christ would put in the coffin, and until his resurrection devilry It owns a special power and feels his impunity, so comes to our world, wanders on the ground, scares the righteous inhabitants.

By popular beliefIf at this time a person will be vacated by a terrible person, you need to say three times: "God will resurrect, and the goals of him will rise," to protect against unclean power.

Also, while reading the Holy Scriptures, it is impossible to fall asleep, and not that unclean will take into hell.

On this day, it is impossible to work, especially sew, wash, dig, stick sticks to the ground and score nails.

It is impossible to laugh and rejoice in Good Friday. He who laughs on this day will cry all year.

We will remind, earlier we talked about traditions and forbar offs of a passionate week In 2018. Read more read