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Prayer to returned money debt. Prayer on the boss to give salary

Delivering any thing or a certain amount of money to anyone, we hope that this person will return everything, according to the agreement. In practice, unfortunately, everything happens differently and their property or money, leaning to others, have to beat with great difficulty or at all to say goodbye to him forever.

The fact that debts should be given and that this is a matter of honor, everyone knows, but themselves, being in a similar situation, more often come differently. Is there a method to make a person return debt? Yes, of course, however, not all methods of impact on it are permissible at the legislative level. It also happens that you have no witnesses to demand debt in court, in addition, the debtor may simply hide from you when the claims at all to someone to prevent anyone.

In such a situation, it is worth using the magical force of the conspiracy to refund money from the debtor. Some of them are in practice are quite effective and forced the debtor in the shortest possible time to return everything that you have been in debt. Monetary magic and conspiracy in the debtor is a very effective measure of the impact, in what you yourself will be able to make one day.

Money magic: properties and features

Any of rituals or conspiracies used to return debt or related to any material things belongs to the category of household magic. A person practices it for centuries, detecting features and honing the nuances of each her ritual. With the most interesting and effective of them, it should be found in detail.

  • Strong conspiracies should be carried out only during the growing moon, like rituals associated with attracting or multiplying money capital.
  • Before using strong magical conspiracies / rituals, you should make sure that a person does not give up the debt not because of his heavy material situation, but simply does not want to give it at all or maliciously evades his obligation.
  • Even in case of deliberate desire, do not return the debt you, use rituals against the debtor rituals from white magic. Remember that black magic is not so safe as in order against whom it is directed and against the one who uses it.
  • Having received debtor through a magic act, always mentally thank him. This simple reception will eliminate all the negative energy that surrounded you both during the whole process of returning things or cash debugged.

Observing these recommendations, you can not only quickly return debts, but also destroy negative consequences arising sometimes after using magical conspiracy.

Examples of conspiracy on the return of money

Ritual conspiracy with a broom

This is one of the most effective rituals with reading a conspiracy in the debtor. The effect of fighting the debtor will be especially obvious if he lives near your home.

What is necessary for the ritual:

  • absolutely new broom;
  • used and fairly old broom.

The new broom you need to clean the threshold of your debtor's houses in the direction of its threshold towards your threshold, repeating the words of the conspiracy:

Good broom! With you, I will sweep with you, the money of his debtor (his name) is taken to him from him!

Old broom! With you, I will sweep with you, I leave you on this threshold, to my debtor - (his name), I didn't give to sleep, I didn't leave anyone, I annoyed my thoughts for me to give me a duty! "

After performing all actions and reading these conspiracies, you should go home without turning around and not talking to anyone without joining a conversation with anyone. The debt will be returned to you within one month.

After receiving the debt from his debtor, over the course of several days, try to think about it positively and mentally thank it.

This will help you get rid of an unpleasant sediment who has forced you to turn to the power of magic.

Rite with a box of matches

Work, mentally presenting the debtor

What is necessary for the ritual:

  • candle (thin) church - 1 pc.;
  • new match boxes.

Every night, starting from the date of purchase of these items, you should be lit with a candle and settling one match from it, put it on a sieve and watch it burns. At the same time (while the match is burning) you must pronounce the following conspiracy into the debtor:

My friend, my brother, fire! Make God's slave (his name) to return to me a debt. Landsean to his conscience, Loggy His Soul so that I could not sleep, neither could not, until I return my duty!

It is better if this conspiracy will be pronounced several times since the beginning of the rite and before it is completed.

Ashes from each match in the other (empty) matchboxes or leave it on a saucer, not removing until the debts return to you. After that, it should be dispelled at the intersection with the words:

Wind friend, wind brother! From the castles from the four gates, we have a good news in all parties that I returned the debt that I really have!

Also come back home on another road, without entering anyone in a conversation. Do not forget to thank a person who has returning you debts.

Ritual with coin

This ritual refers to the category of lung magic rites and is intended for the impact on those people with whom you would like to maintain friendships. Such a ritual does not cause any harm to a person, but only slightly pushes him to the rapid return to you.

What is necessary for the ritual:

  • middle Advantage Coin, made of white metal - 1 pc.;
  • spruce or Christmas tree growing on the street (outside your home or yard).

A conspiracy coin will save from debts

After preparing a suitable tree, in the early morning it is necessary to symbolically bury the coin under it, saying:

"Accept, mother earth, for a time to coin!
Let the servant of God (his name) be on the light!
Let his legs about the Earth beats aimlessly,
While my duty will not return to me!
Like this fir protected coin,
So my image may hang over it!
Let him not know any rest or sleep,
Until I get a debt to my debt! "

This conspiracy should pronounce three times and leave home without turning around without entering anyone in the conversation and not answering questions from passersby. Preferably in a few days to ring the debtor to remind himself at the time, as he will no longer be calm in the soul.

This technique will make it hurt with the return of debt. In no case do not think about it bad and do not wish him evil, otherwise the debt he will not be able to return. After you get the desired result, go to the place where the coin burcks, dig it with the following words:

"Hello, mother-earth!
I came with gratitude I!
God's slave (his name) returned my debt in full,
I do not keep evil on him. "

Having touched the coin, it can be stored in a wallet or box, as a guard from the loss of money or to increase them. After the conspiracy debt is returned to you, it acquires twice the magic properties to preserve and multiply your capital.

Ritual with a burning green candle

If all levers and methods of impact on the debtor are already used, use the next magic ritual to return what belongs to you.

What is necessary for the ritual:

  • Green candle - 1 pc.

The decorative candle from the usual store will not suit, like green flavored. The candle for this ritual must be found in the specialized store of esoteric goods.

Green color - the color of money, the candle is an indispensable attribute of magical action. Together with the conspiracy, it will become a powerful sending to the debtor to return to you debt.

Daily before bedtime it is necessary to light the candle and read it once this plot:

"My money, I drove to you in my house to be abolished!
From the pocket of someone else, from someone else's threshold
Return to your owner!
Let my debtor - God's slave (his name),
Does not solve important cases, does not know rest
Lives the life of the sovereign,
As long as my will not return to me!

Ritual with church candle

For this ritual, you followed in the church to purchase (without bargaining and passing!) Candle from wax.

When sunset, left hand holding a burning candle and looking at the burning flame, say 13 times a conspiracy word:

"You, God's slave (his name) - the debtor is the old mine,
I won't remember a debt
How this candle is melting.
While the candle will burn for a long time,
Your life will slowly smooth.
I will return my debts, heal well!
My words are sealed. Amen!"

The next afternoon, go to the nearest church, where to put the grinding of the candle for the health of your debtor with the words:

"Most High, be my witness
That I forgive my debtor - the slave of God (his name),
Today's day,
During tomorrow
And so - on all the days of his life.
I myself will not judge, God will pray,
So that his court punished him
I ordered debts to return.
I am the slave of God (your name), baptized and prayer,
For his debtor
I pray in front of our Lord.

This rite and conspiracy in the debtor initially resembles a ritual from black magic, but in fact he refers to the category of white rites.

It should be necessary to comply with the condition for the phase of the Moon
An old conspiracy "so that the money is entrusted"

This ritual reached our days from the old days, he is spent on a growing moon after the order of the Sun. With it, you can not only return the money debt, but also speed up the process of paying wage debt.

What is necessary for the ritual:

  • candle (green) - 1 pc.;
  • honey - 1 tsp;
  • saucer - 1 pc.;
  • paper;
  • simple pencil;
  • matchbox.

Before holding a rite, it is necessary to close all the doors in the house and windows / windows, repay the light in the room where you will hold the rite. Next, you should deceive a candle with honey, install it on the table and light from the match (not to use a lighter!).

The next action you need to warm your hands over a hot flame of candles and sentence:

"How strong sticky on the candle of a naked
As very sweet in it sugar,
So let my hands
Money always adhered
Never hung! "

Now, after reading the conspiracy, the number of times, take a sheet of paper and a simple pencil write on it the amount of money that you owed. Below, under the numbers should be added:

"What is mine, hurry to me,
Nothing and no one afraid,
Do not delay anywhere!

After the completion of this magical ritual, the ashes of burnt paper should be poured under the rug on the flap of the debtor or dispel in his courtyard. Very soon your debtor will be announced and will revive you about his intention to return his duty. As soon as you get your duty from him, go to church. You need to put him in the health of the candle, reading one of the prayers known to you for such a case (the reading of the prayer "Father Our" is allowed).

It happens that people take into the duty of other people's money, but to give their own. And these money to give, oh, as I do not want. Therefore, those who give member, often can not wait for the debt. They say that if you want to put up with the other, lend him money.

Esoterics believe that money is categorically impossible to take money. It accumulates the energy responsibility of money taken into debt. It turns out that you have not earned money yet, but you have already accumulated a negative energy potential of the money taken, which have already become strangers. In addition, the person who gave you money will always be with good income, and you are not.

This is because you always ask for money egregor to send money to your debtor, so he sends, but not through you, but directly to worry you. In the esoteric world, everything happens very unusual and not at all as we want.

Therefore, if you ask for money from the highest strength, they need to ask for themselves, and not for others. Money comes only to someone who asks for money on themselves. And first of all, on yourself. Even having received money, you need to pay for a debt no more than 30%, and the other spend your pleasure or some projects. If you want a sense of conscience to give money to the one who lent you, you quickly lose your income.

If you do not delight yourself and live without joy, you generally block the receipt of any money.
If you do not give you a debt, think what lesson does the Universe teach you? Do not allow this situation to turn into a karmic war for many lives. Better stop thinking about your money, and the highest forces themselves will understand what to do with it.

Of course, a person may not be money to give them them, and sometimes there is money, but I really don't want to give. So usually do not do very decent people. Or those people who simply gain money, live on them and think that they deceived everyone.

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Before resorting to the help of the debt return magic, you need to ask the debtor several times to return. If you see that a person is not going to return money to you, then refer to magic.

However, it is strictly forbidden to use black magic. First, you do not know the rules and sputters in black magic. Secondly, you may not get the forces to command entities that there are inevitable satellites of black magicians. It must be remembered that the techniques of black magic are very dangerous, not only for the debtor, but also for the artist.

They threaten the breakdown of fate and the destruction of health. Some near people even fall into a crazy house, because demons simply drive them crazy. You need to be a magician at least in the 3rd generation to engage in black magic or go a right dedication.

Please note that the debtor is useless. And it is impossible. No need to give money in debt. If you do not give money, this is some kind of karmic lesson for you. And you will have to deal with this question.
If you independently can not understand what a lesson gives you a debtor, visit the psychologist. At the session, a psychologist will ask you that suggestive questions and will help unlock the situation that created.

It has been proven that when negative programs and blocks from the human psyche are leaving, the events in his life change incomprehensible way.
Of course, there are many conspiracies and prayers in order to force the debtor to return the money to you. Try, they work quite effectively.

Conspiracy to return debt with white magic

This conspiracy will help you to return your money even in the hard case. Even if you are already desperate.
To spend the ritual, you need to buy in the store of the boxes of matches and at the same time do not take delivery. We still need a regular candle bought in the church. Every evening you need to take one match and wait for the light from the candle.

Put a match on a saucer, and wait for it to dozhrit. So perform until the matches are running. During the burning of the candle to say: the candle is burning, helping slave (name) to return the money, let his torment suffer that the debtor gives me everything. My word is hard! " Matches need to be stored in an inaccessible place until you get your money back.

Conspiracy Stepanova on the return of debt

This conspiracy is recommended to read not 3 times, but for now they will not feel that the space was obedient and the highest strength heard. While you read, imagine that the debtor occurs what is said in the text. Then call and ask to return the debt, you need the first to come to the conversation.

You need to fulfill the whole ritual every day until you bring money. The conspiracy of Stepanova, like all its conspiracies, one of the most popular on the network and is considered very effective.

Prayers and rites for debt refund

Very strong prayer Nikolai Wonderworker. It is necessary to read it within 40 days. This prayer simply creates incredible things.

The strongest conspiracy on the return of money debt

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The green candle from wax will help you to return the duty, if every evening hesitated her and read a conspiracy on it: "Green candle, my mother-in-law, Turn my money from my wallet of someone else's. Let them return to his native house. Let them acquire peace and joy from return. "
This rite is considered fairly strong and always brings the necessary results.

The consequences of whom a conspiracy

It is very dangerous to use black magic during the ritual. Here the entities that are different ranks are always involved. These entities help you during rituals, but settle in the energy space of those engaged in magic. Along the way, they can drive crazy one who does not have enough strength to manage them.

Many customers and practitioners appear terrible diseases, type of cancer. They dry and get not clear from what, their relatives are dying, including children.
Even if you really want to revenge, it is impossible to revenge. You just need to contact light forces and ask them to help you punish the villains. You will definitely help, so so. That you yourself would never have been able to do.

Through prayer for a debt refund, you can contribute to the achievement of this goal. Attracted Higher Assistance, designed by a prayer for a debt return, will make it easily to get back data into loans money.

Almost everyone in the modern world came across circumstances when you gain money. This refers to familiar, friends or relatives. However, cases of forgetful debtors are also not rare. But money, data in debt, always want to return.

Prayer is a form of communication between man and the Most High. Help the heavens is free, but it comes not to everyone who praying and not always.

Prayer for the return of money by the debtor

Orthodox to contact God through prayers is recommended constantly. With the words of gratitude for a given life term.

But the Lord can ask for help in a variety of affairs, including about returning data to debt money.

Blessing from God will contribute to communicating with the debtor to encourage the return of employed funds. Supporting the Most High Important Patient in such matters.

There are no specific settings for prayer handling. You need to communicate with the Almighty, if possible, in naughty places. With domestic "red" corners where the images and candles are exhibited.

It is necessary to start prayer to cross and make bonds three times. In the same way, end the conversations with God and Saints. At the end of reading the prayer to pronounce "Amen!".

Its requests to heaven can not be limited to reading the prepared text. It may be freely outlined thoughts and requests. Prayer can be pronounced loud or whisper, as convenient. Knees can not be concerned. It is only required to pronounce prayer from icons when lit candles.

Orthodox popularity enjoy the prayer appeals to Jesus Christ and John the War, the martyr and the Christian saint. It is important to remember that when reading a prayer of the Most High or Holy, it is necessary to mention the name of the debtor's person.

After the process of communication with the Lord has occurred, it is necessary to gain strength to expect debts. If debt obligations were returned in the near future, this means that heaven heard the petitioner and agree with him.

The request for the return of debt facing prayer does not make the debtor immediately repay the debt. Most High appeals to the conscience of man, once again recalling him that he was in debt before praying.

An honest person who is in Ladakh with his conscience, after such reminders will make efforts to return employed cash.

Prayer to get rid of debt

Problems in financial matters are always accompanied by other difficulties who poison the joy of life. Debts lead to hopeless position, harm relationships with relatives and loved ones. However, it is necessary to remember that you can always talk to God and Saints, by asking for help and blessing.

Fews are able to praise the fact that they did not take into debt money. Friends, acquaintances, relatives, or from the bank. Not always this access to money improves financial condition in perspective. May lead to debt bole for many years.

In the Orthodox world there is a holy martyr who patronize those who are experiencing material difficulties. This is a thrimfuntie spiridon.

The Lord awarded him the ability to relieve those who suffer from poverty. Prayer this holy is able to assist in a difficult financial period, bring the disposal of debts.

To return earned money

Sometimes it's not easy to protect yourself from deception by an employer who is only interested in personal well-being. You can not always get honestly earned money from such people.

Moreover, not everyone can understand the content of the papers, under which the dishonest employer requires signature. This leads to the loss of earned funds, or in obtaining much less than the amounts.

To avoid such a situation, God must ask for help in the inspection, in intercession. Prayer to give daily. It must be pronounced before signing any financial documents and loan agreements.

Prayer from debts and loans Nikolai Wonderworker

Saint Nicholas The Wonderworker has long been considered the strongest and reliable patron of people.

Including when assisting to return debts and avoid them.

The prayer appeal to Nikolay gives the opportunity to settle financial problems most quickly and without difficulties.

Every year on December 19, the day of Nicholas Wonderworker is celebrated. It is in this date that it can be asked to fulfill the most intimate desires, as well as help in getting rid of debts and loans.

Religious reading: the strongest prayer for the return of debt to help our readers.

According to statistics, just a quarter of the population never enjoyed loans, the remaining three-quarters are actively gaining credit debts.

It is quite difficult to get out of this situation safely, and it often happens that it is not possible at all.

A strong prayer from debts and loans will help an Orthodox person to dig out from the "Debt Pit." According to the flame requests of the inevitable industries, many miracles are committed, including those related to material problems.

Orthodox prayers from debts and loans

ABOUT SPLATE SPIRIDON! The misconceptions of God's thoroughly, and they will not condemn us on our lawlessness, but will create with us for their grace. We succeed in us, the servants of God (names), Christ and God our peaceful serene lives, the health is spiritual and physical. Get rid of us from all sorts of mental and bodies, from all languages \u200b\u200band the diatoles.

Remember us at the throne of the Almighty and the mind of the Lord, but I will give many of our sins forgiveness, there is a soulless and peaceful life yes, the death of the abdomen of the restless and peaceful and bliss ever in the future will prompted us, yes incessantly releasing glory and thanks to Father and Son and Spirit The saint, now and is dreaming, and in the eyelids. Amen.

Oh kind of our shepherd and the Bogomdrome mentor, St. Nicholas, St. Nicholas! We hear us sinful (names), who are praying for you and calling on your assistance to your emergency presentation: the usriors of we are gentle, from everywhere caught, all slands deprived and mind from a malnuary stared. Fur, waters, do not leave us in the sinful captivity of life, so we will not be a joy of our enemy and do not die in our evil deeds. Moths about us unworthy of our own and the lord, you are with the facial faces of the prestige: it's a challenge to us with our god of our in the present life and in the future either, and we will not pay our hearts and on the uncleanness of our hearts, but for our goodness we will reward us . For your for the petition is hopefully, I call your concern, calling your assistance to the assistance, and at the MEDI DIRECTLY DISTRICT, AIDS RESPECT: REST YOU, HEADLY HOLSTRUES, DAYS WEEVING ON US, YOU SQUESS TO HOLY MY PRAYERS In the bunch of sinful and in the Tine of our passions. Moli, St. Nicholas, Christ of Our God, let us give us peaceful life and leaving sins, the souls of our salvation and great mercy, now and are also connected and forever.

Oh all of the saint and waters of Christ, from what our Tikhon! Angelic on the Earth, you are, Yako, the Angel of BlaHniy appeared and in a long-standing glorification: Believe from all the souls and thinking, Yako, you, the blessing of our assistant and prayer, your nozzles and gratefulness, from the Lord you are abundantly given to you, dreaming of our salvation. We will receive a recreation of Christ, and the hour of this is our unworthy prayer: our bodies of your intercession from the condesception of us consensus and Pemudria, the unlawfulness and anxiousness of the man-version; Fur, soon about us a concept that is favorable by your petition of the Lord, and I will try my own great and rich mercy on our sinful and unworthy slaves of your own (names), yes, he wakes his thanks the inexhaustive ulcers and stratas of the broken souls and the televisions of ours, and our fossil heart solutions tears of lunizing and crushing about the premium sins of ours, and it will save us from the eternal torment and fire of Geenskago; With all the true people of His, in the current European world and silence, health and salvation and in all the good harees, yes, tako, quiet and silent lives lived in every piety and clean, will be advised from the angels and with all the saints of Slaviti and chanting the all-name Father's name and son and saint spirit forever.

Oh Holy All-Said Mother Ksenia! Under the previations of the Musdhaligo, living, led and strengthened by the Mother of God, glad and thirst, the chloride and heat, the urgent and persecution, the gift of the witness and the wonderfulness of God, and under the sense of Almogsago, were resting. Now the Holy Church, Yako blunting color, glorifies the upcoming on the site of the burial of yours, in order to be your holy, Yako Live, Sun, with us, pray: We will accept our petitions and bring them to the throne of the Merciful Father of the Heaven, Yako Consciousness to him , I'm going to run to you eternal salvation, and on the benefit of affairs and undertakings, our generous blessing, from all sorts of troubles and sorrows, getting rid of the saints of your prayers before the Savior Savior Out of Us, unworthy and sinful, Pomso, Holy Blessed Mother's Ksenia, Babies, Saint The Baptism of the Ozarith and the sector of the gift of the Spirit of the Holy Administration capture, the rasters and the decklock in faith, honesty, the god budget and the chastity of education and progress in the teaching of them to give; The sore and illuminating heal, family love and consent of the low seeds, the monastic feat of the good, hurt the ward and from the stuffing of the fence, shepherds in the fortress of the Spirit approve, the people and the country in the world and serenesting the saints of the Saints of the Saints of the Saints Hope and hope, soon hearing and getting rid of, thanks to you, with you, with you, Slavs Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and in the eyelids. Amen.

Preparation for prayerful labor

Not every person enters into the walls of God's temple with a good heart and pure thoughts.

But in order for the Christians to hear the rehabils of the suffering, it is necessary to abandon pride, to be humble, have a good and all-friendly soul, bright thoughts and love in the heart.

It is necessary to understand that the financial test is sent over for something, so it is necessary to comprehend the real cause of trouble. You do not need to blame anyone in the established problems.

If a person sinned - he is obliged to reassure before God in the sacrament of confession and keep an answer for his actions.

Prayer for the return of debt will help not only relieve heavy wear from the shoulders, but also choose the path of cleansing the soul, find faith in justice and the kindness of Christ.

How to pray

Prayer petition is a comprehensive conversation of a man with saints, a request for help.

It is important to be a believer Orthodox Christian, to lead a pious life, participate in church sacraments, to be freed from the accumulated sins.

  1. Replacing requests should be sincerely, without deception and pretendation.
  2. Before the start of prayer, you must apologize for our sins, perfect or unwittingly.
  3. During the appeal to the Holy, you should be focused on your own words, not to be distracted by foreign conversations and thoughts (this is a goat of the devil, who dreams of getting a sinful soul).
  4. The text needs to be pronounced and clearly, with the desire to be heard.
  5. Do not read his words about yourself, it will not bring any benefit (you need to read in a whisper or loud).
  6. It is necessary to ask the Holy Assistance more than once, it happens that a person is waiting for a contempt for several years.
  7. If it fails to achieve the desired one, then you should not sin, to blame God and lose faith - the Lord will surely reward the patience and humility.
  8. It is desirable, in addition to prayer, read 40 days akathist holy, but this action can not be mastered each (on a prayer feat it is necessary to enlist the blessing of the priest).
  9. During the posts, the Akathist can not read, but it is necessary to pray daily.

Where do debts and loans come from

Of course, from the unreasonable use of finance, often in the case when the desire to spend money above the ability to earn their sufficient amount.

It often happens that man is convenient to have a thing that, in reality, is not yet considered his personal property, because the goods are bought on credit and "hanging" a debt in the bank. And suddenly the force majeure happens: a person is fired from work, he is seriously ill and becomes disabled, etc. He loses the opportunity to sleep peacefully, she disappears in the soul, he is disturbed by the very fact of debt, calls from the bank and the threat of collector agencies.

In a word, the Orthodox Christian is forbidden to live on credit. And with its availability, it is necessary to make every effort, physical and spiritual, to quickly get rid of the debt burden.

Debt Return Prayer

The borrower can be your closest comrade, with whom you do not want to spoil the relationship.

To begin with, visit the Orthodox Church

and serve a customized note about the health of the borrower.

Put 3 candles to the icon of Jesus Christ,

taking these prayer lines to yourself:

Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

Let the borrower return to me rather

and with affairs successfully will understand.

Digitly be baptized and returned back.

Additionally buy another 12 candles for home

Jesus Christ and Nicholas.

Reaching in the room, ignite candles.

Nearby put icons.

Mentally imagine a borrower

going to you with cash debt.

Get starting to repeat

facing God to the Lord.

Not from sinful korear appeal to you,

and for help in returning debt.

I went to me a speedy rupture,

and the borrower is a solid increase.

Let someone else's on the road be found,

Now you can not doubt: you will receive money "through the channels" of Saint Orthodoxy.

How to make a person return all debts with a conspiracy?

Friendship friendship, but all you need to return debts, everyone knows. But what to do if the debtor does not want to give the money that many not many people know. Some tried to forgive debts, others turn to magic to make a person return the fact that you lent him. For those who are interested, what are conspiracy to refund and conspires from debts, we publish this article.

Often, even the best friends may vouch if it comes to returning debt. Therefore, to protect yourself from such problems and not lose your expensive people, pay attention to the magical ways to return what is borrowed.

In solving the problem will help a broom

A conspiracy for the refund, which will require the most ordinary broom, is very popular. Despite its simplicity, this magical method is one of the most efficient. Especially if the person who has taken money from you live on the same street with you.

To hold the rite, you need to prepare 2 ordinary broom:

This conspiracy to refund is rather strong. If you want it to be more effective, hold a rite with brooms in the days of the growing moon. First, take a new metelka. Heated her threshold of his house, say a plot:

"Metallo Metallo Metow your threshold, let's call, call for my money."

Taking the old broom, go to the house of the debtor. Heat the threshold of his dwelling, pronounce words:

"The bad broom at the threshold will leave the debtor's debt about the debt torture, so that soon my money from someone else's home came back."

Completing the rite, you should pull out of a thin broom of a few twigs and throw them at the house of the person who has taken money. After that, go back home, reading prayers ("Our Father"). Within a few days after the ritual, do not think about the return of debt. It is also not recommended a bad response about the debtor. After performing everything, as described, you will soon get the entire amount back.

We speak boxes with matches

If you need a stronger conspiracy that will help return the old debt, use this rite. To do it takes:
  • matchbox box bought before ritual;
  • candle from the church (thin);
  • saucer.

To spend the ritual and read the magical words of the conspiracy on the return of debt, calculate the stage of the growing moon. In the evening, one of these days, sit at the table, install the candle on the saucer and burn it. To force a person who has taken the specific amount of money from you, return debt, ignite from the candle of matches. They need to be installed on one and wait until they store. At the same time, a conspiracy on the return of debt should be pronounced:

"Holy Fire, taking! Help the slave of God (name the name of the debtor) to return what should. While he won't give all the money, let his dooms suffer, they do not give sleep! In the fire force, the power of this will help me get the return! Amen"

The text of this prayer for a debt refund should be pronounced while each match is burning. When you burn all the boxes, collect ash. It should be removed into a secluded place and stored until the plot will work.

We speak the coin

Unlike the previous rite, this is not so strong. It can be used when you want to make the money back of a close friend. In this case, the ordinary coin will need for ritual. It is desirable to pre-prepare a penny of white metal and with dignity equal to the average equivalent.

"Under the Christmas tree, I order a coin, I return myself to myself that the servant of God (say the name of the debtor) gave me money. As soon as the debt returns and the coin dug out, and the insults will be forgotten. Amen".

This conspiracy to refund money debts must be repeated three times. After that, you should go home and call the debtor. The return of debt will not make himself wait. Using such words, you can push a person to return what belongs to you, and at the same time you will not lose a friend.

When the sum will occur, you will need to return for the coin. I dug it out of the ground, bring home. Put a penny in a secluded place and keep, not to mention the debtor.

Ritual for those who have made a poorly disabled way

There is another strong rite. It helps to distribute debts and roll out of poverty. Relief from debt occurs as follows.

The ritual needs to be carried out during the growing moon. Looking at dawn, read the prayers ("Our Father", "Most Holy Virgin"). Then go to church to defend the service and buy a candle. During the service you need to keep bills.

On the way to the temple and back, try to talk with anyone. Returning home, sit at the table, lay out the bill and burn the candle. Now read a conspiracy from debts:

"The Mother of the Virgin, Jesus Savior, help expel destruction and poverty from my house. Help change poverty for money, ruin - a modest one for life, and debts - the urgent bread. Who took my money with a dishonest way to return them. Please help me get mine. Amen".

In order for such a conspiracy to return the money, the bill stands for three days to remove from the eye, and then buy bread on them without passing.

Orthodox prayers ☦

4 strong prayers Ioanna War

Prayer John Warrior from the offender

"On the martyr of Christ, John the warrior! Brave Esi in Branch, and the enemy a voyage, and an offended intercession, with all Orthodox Christian. About the great intercession and waters, John militant! Mix us, sinful and unnecessary, and outstanding in troubles and in the sorrow, and in the cookie and in any evil attack, and from all the zlago and the distress of man, you are given to be such grace from God, hedgehogs pray for us, sinful, in troubles And the evil evil suffrage. Get rid of us from offended and hated, wake us a champion of strong on all visible and invisible enemies. O Great Charism, John Warrior! Do not forget us, always praying to you, asking for help and inaccessible mercy, and the controversial, sinful and unworthy, get an ineverance of the wrong benefit from God, it is helpful to those who love him. Iko likes him every glory, honor and worship, father and son and the Holy Spirit, now, and dreamily, and forever. Amen."

Prayer John Warrior about the lost thing and returning stolen

"Oh, the martyr of Christ John the Warrior! Brave brane, and the fast intercession of Orthodox Christians in the troubles and their misfortunes, on this grace from God!

We wake us a champion of strong on all visible and invisible enemies. To our enemies, the victory is given to the victory, let them argue with us and will be mistaken, and God is truthful and the Holy Orthodox church. We, sin, will you would like to glorify the Lord's Savior of our in the kingdom of his couple with you. Amen."

Prayer John Warrior about the return of debt

"On the great Christ Martyrchi John, Orthodox challenge, enemies a voyage and insidual intercessors! We hear us, in the troubles and chasing you are praying for you, Yako is given to you the grace of God sadly comforted, weakly helping, it is not enough from inadvertent death to delight and for all the evil suffering praying. Budi Welcome and we are a fastener for all visible and invisible enemies. The mind of our Lord, yes it will help us, sinful and unworthy slaves of their own ( names), get a non-involuntary blessing from him, it is helpful to those who love him, in the Trinity of Solimigo God, always, now and in the eyelids. Amen."

Prayer John Warrior Personal Passion

"On the Preslav of Christ, John the Warrior!

The brave was an enemy in the ramp, the enemy of the voyage and insidual intercession, now and all Orthodox Christian will be a fast assistant.

Remember us, sinful and unworthy, and outstanding us in troubles and sorrow and cookie and in any evil attack, and from all slander and offended man. name), evil suffering.

Oh, the great chase, enemies to the voyage, the Christ-lubbivigo hosts the patron and insultful intercession, John the warrior! Do not forget our sinful, praying for you and your help and the inaccessible grace of asking, and the controversial of the sinful and unworthy of the ineverance of God to get. Yako, this applies any glory, honor and worship, father and son, and the Holy Spirit, now and are confessed and forever. "

Prayer Lord God to return money debt

If you are leaving a large amount and can not get it back, be sure to read the prayer to the Lord God, helping returning money debt.

The borrower can be your closest comrade, with whom you do not want to spoil the relationship.

It is possible that he forgot about debts or decided to "play" on your goodness.

Do not hurry forever swear.

Just ask for help to Lord God, reminding your debtor about money for the means of light energy channels.

To begin with, visit the Orthodox Church and submit a customized note about the health of the borrower.

Put 3 candles to the icon of Jesus Christ, uttering these prayer lines to yourself:

Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Let the borrower return to me rather, and will understand with the affairs. Yes, there will be the will of yours. Amen.

Digitly be baptized and returned back.

Additionally buy another 12 candles for home and Orthodox icons of Jesus Christ and Nicholas.

Reaching in the room, ignite candles. Nearby put icons.

Mentally imagine a borrower in good health, going to you with cash debt.

Getting Starting a multiple read of the Orthodox prayer facing the Lord God.

Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Not from sinful korear appeal to you, but for help in returning debt. I left me a speedy rupture, and the borrower is a solid increase. Let someone else's on the road be found, and it will be back up. Yes, there will be the will of yours. Amen.

Now you can not doubt: you will receive money "through the channels" of Saint Orthodoxy.

Live in sufficiency!

Desperate to exist from the debtor, what was previously carelessly given, people often turn to magic. To solve the problem, special rituals are needed, which use conspiracies to refund. Nowadays, rites and spells are no longer a secret. However, it is difficult to find an effective and efficient. Let's figure out what conspiracy to refund, how to read them, so as not to be disappointed later.

How is the magic and who does everything work?

Magic, like any science, has the theoretical part. As a rule, beginner wizards pass it out, which leads to negative consequences. After all, to refund? Do you think, do you say the necessary words and everything goes by itself? This is not true. This is a magical effect on another person who has a certain (sometimes powerful) protection. To reach it, it is necessary to have an appropriate level of energy. All these are only Aza. You know, since a person does not give money, although he understands that his act calls, to put it mildly, discontent, it means that he is stronger. Conducting rites, reading conspiracies to refund, you change the balance, increase your energy level before your debtor has (or more). Only so the ritual will bring the result. And you need to remember when burning. Otherwise, there will be anything else and you will also scold someone who advised the rite.

The eternal question: what to do?

To any rite must be prepared. For this purpose, methods of increasing their own level of energy, magicians make it regularly. They recommend practicing post, asceticism, meditation. Still often sorcerers use the influence of nature on a man's aura. Phases of the moon, for example, riding, wind, lightning and other elements. We are with you so that conspiracies for the refund (debt) have worked from the first time, it would be nice to determine the impact on a person. If you want to use white magic, then it should be prepared accordingly. In this embodiment, in the case of the use of black energy spells, energy raises are increased by hikes on the graveyard, other special rites. It is strictly prohibited to contact religion. But you can use music, dancing and other exercises.

What are the conspiracy on the return of debt

Situations when you do not give a loan, different in content. Some gave money to relatives, others - unauthorized people, third goods provided with the condition of the subsequent fee. In all these cases, a corresponding rite is needed. We will give a few most popular. Namely a conspiracy on the return of debt:

  • on a coin;
  • broom;
  • candle;
  • grave;

It should be borne in mind that the black ritual leads to the fact that the victim gets damage. Naturally, it is undesirable to spend in relation to loved ones. Negative energy will impact anyway and on the unlucky wizard. Be careful. But the conspiracy to refund stolen money may well be black. What to regret the thief? Let him answer for their actions.

Conspiracy to refund: white magic

If the irresponsible borrower turned out to be a close person, quarrel with whom you do not plan, then choose the rite carefully. And it is better to use conspiracies and prayers to refund at the same time. Experts recommend go to the temple. But first forgive his close-distance to his closeness. Negative energy is not necessary in magical effects. In the temple, put a candle before asking it about support. Put another candle for the health of the debtor. Without this, the rite will not work. Its essence is to cause the conscience of that stoles, and not bend his will. On the first day of the new moon, find the white coin on the wallet. Go with her to the Christmas tree or pine. Skip the coin and words magic tell me. They are as follows: "I cry for the service for the service. You call from my friend. Let the Lord Slave (Name) falls until I can't deal with debt. Amen!"

Ritual with a broom

Many are looking for a strong conspiracy to refund. Effective rituals require contact with an object of exposure. For this it is necessary to buy a new broom, without taking surrender. Calm the twig from him. Still find the old pancake, preferably dirty and fearful. Also a small branch of ottomit. Go with them to the door of the debtor. By the way, the rite is suitable in order to "knock out" the employer's salary debt. Drive a branch from a new broom of a jamb and say such words: "Good Bible Metal Money Home!" Conspiracy must pronounce three times. Then you hit the second twig along the door handle and say that "I throw a thin broom, to the conscience of the Lord Slave (name) I call. Let him hurt and rolling, his fate will increase. How old should, in a hundred times will lose, and whom to thank, never know! " Throw the branch from the old broom at the threshold of the debtor, but carry a new home home. It should be burned when the money will return.

Ritual for a candle for debt

In hopeless cases, another ritual helps. It uses acquired during Friday morning service, and new boxes of matches. This conspiracy to refund from the debtor is also considered white, therefore it is held only after letting the offense, forgive man. Still make a saucer and white handkerchiefs without a picture. Pretty the time to burn into the full moon. So the force of impact on the debtor will be maximum. Sit in the evening at the table facing the window (you can use the window sill). Cextures do not close. Fit the candle from the old box, and not what is prepared for the ritual. Say prayer, ask the Lord about help. Then pull out a suitable box on the match and set up from the candle. Keep in your hands, while you can, then put on the saucer. All this time, say these words: "I speak fire to help. Let the Lord Slave (name) will return the debt. Fire his soul flames, about the rest calls. Until returns, which is obliged, will be eternally punished. Amen!" How one match will go out, take another. And so all the boxes spend. Ash and wrap in a handkerchief and hide.

Black ritual on the graveyard

This rite is carried out in a situation where the debtor does not just not give money, but also mocks. Take any thing to which this man touched (or his personal). On Thursday, go with her on the graveyard. Grab with member. Choose old, neglected grave. Put the pump. Near the question of a semicircuit. Say so: "Spirit, go out, yes to Lord Slava (the name of the debtor) go. Corey him and swear, yes about the taken memorial. Sleep and eat do not come on, close the way to paradise. Let him be neat, until the debt comes back to me! " These words are pronounced out loud. As soon as the last sound from the lips conveps, go home. On the way, do not talk to anyone. And when the money is returned, then again go to the grave. Thank the dead man, the Pomin will definitely bring again.

Ritual with Poppy

It is not recommended to apply beginners. It is better to burn on the basis of natural forces, then you will not get the returns. For example, buy in the poppy store on the growing moon. Do not take out of delivery. At the morning dawn, open the pack, bring it to the lips and read the prayer. Words are: "Lord Jesus! Forgive my sinful. Help cope with poverty and need, let the wealth come home to me. I change the deaths of sinful on happiness modest, bitter poverty is a lot of free. Who has robbed a deception, so that everything gave. My to come back to me, and someone else's misfortune will turn. Amen!" Conspired Mack should be wanted on the path of the debtor.

Impact through its energy

You know, when a person is offended, it can be in him itself. Reviews advise: before burning on the return of debt, you need to check your own energy. If you have a damage or evil eye, no rituals for a debt return will help. First you need to get rid of the negative. Spend a simple ritual with salt, and then look at the behavior of the debtor. It is likely that his greed is caused by black energy operating in your field.

By the way, that debts always return, you can take advantage of the old tradition of eastern merchants. They never just parted with gold, be sure to read the formula. She created a protective field in humans. No one could smooth him into or curse. So the current conspiracy has been working on the refund. When you pay, merchants told, they needed such words to mentally say: "That my, will not leave, and the house will remain. Never break with me with silver! " This formula uses whenever you give. She is quickly remembered and enters the habit. Such a simple ritual creates conditions so that people be honest and returned to be taken.

What are the results of magic?

Often, complaints about the ineffectiveness of conspiracies are caused by the fact that people do not understand exactly how the magic works. Inexperienced magicians are in naive confidence that the debtor will definitely bring money. In fact, everything is more complicated. Do not build plans on how busy funds return if you use a conspiracy to refund. Reviews of practitioners of wizards say that real miracles occur with them. Money comes from the most unexpected sources. And the amounts coincide with the busy. This is a rather subtle moment.

Before holding a rite, decide on the intention. If you want to get your money, it's one thing, and when the goal is to punish the offender - another. Magic energies themselves determine how to correct the situation. You have taken one person, for example, and they organize that this amount will come as a result of winning. But this does not mean that the debtor will not suffer. He will lose as much, but perhaps quite in a different situation. When Burn, trust magic and do not decide for it, how exactly the money will come. If you want to punish the unfair borrower, then use a black plot. But keep in mind, he may be double-edged. The person who has a ritual has its own defense. Do not be able to punch it, get yourself trouble. As a rule, an unsuccessful rite leads to even greater loss of funds.

How to strengthen conspiracy

Do you know who is a real wizard? This is a person who is capable of not focusing on the result of the rite. According to the reviews so that everything happens as you want, and quickly, you need to be able to be distracted. Specifically, this means that it should be forgotten about the ritual spent, as if he had already affected. Do not wait every second result. Attention is energy that makes it difficult for the work of magical forces. Best of all after the burning to do something interesting to not think about the debt. The better it turns out to switch, the faster you get the result. Try it yourself and write in the comments, as it turned out. Successes!