Repairs Design Furniture

What to fix the linen of a large mirror. We hide the mirror on the wall without fastening. Is it possible to attach the mirror with glue

A mirror for a long time is an obligatory attribute, without any house. If the mirror has a frame with fasteners or mounted in the furniture, it is not difficult to install it. However, few people know how to hang the mirror without frame on the wall. Regardless of its size and shape, the fastening method in this case is one. In this article we will tell you how to hang the mirror without frame and, accordingly, without mounting on the wall.

Selection of mirrors and design features

In addition to its main function, the mirror is often used to add design, visual increase in space. For example, a narrow corridor with a wide mirror in full growth on one of the lateral walls will seem a little wider. A large oval mirror visually will increase the height and width of any room.

A rectangular mirror stretched into width will increase the area of \u200b\u200bthe room, and the vertical is the height of the ceiling.

It is also recommended to hang the mirror strictly vertically. The mirror installed at an angle will be insignificant, but still distort the image. It is not recommended to hang the mirror in places that are constantly exposed to sunlight. From ultraviolet, the product can quickly hang out, the reflection in it will become muddy.

A large and high mirror in which you want to see yourself in full growth, it is better to hang up so that you can retreat from it by 1.5-2 meters. The lower edge of the product should be at an altitude of no more than 40 cm from the floor, and the top at height is at least 170 cm. So you will be great to see yourself in full growth.

Do not choose thin mirrors less than 5 mm - they distort the image. Also, when choosing, pay attention to the surface: it should not be irregularities, roughness and air bubbles.

Requirements for mounting

You will have to hang a mirror without a frame once and forever (well, or before the next repair), so you need to define exactly where you will hang the product.

As mentioned above, it is not desirable to place a mirror in front of the window itself so that the sun rays fall for a long time. Since you will have to hang the mirror without a frame on the wall forever, this place should be thoroughly think about, otherwise it will be impossible to change its location without damaging the finish.

The second equally important point is the evenness of the foundation on which the product will hang. Walls should be covered with finishing finish (wallpaper, paint, decorative plaster). Also, the surface should be as smoother as possible, without significant drops, so the product can tightly stick to the base with all its area.

Preparation of the foundation

The basis for the mirror can serve concrete, tile, chipboard or plastered wall. But still, plywood, chipboard or OSB is not recommended for gluing the mirrors, since the tree in the composition does not tolerate the temperature and humidity drops, it can be "a story", which is fraught with a mirror withdrawing.

The optimal base is a plastered or concrete wall. If there are roughness, cracks or irregularities on the wall, they must be eliminated by a spacing composition. Before gluing the mirror on the wall, it is pre-ground. The primer is an important stage of surface preparation and it is not necessary to refuse. It is the primer protects the wall from moisture and condensate, and that means that the appearance of mold and fungus.

What glue to use

To accurately determine the composition by which the mirror will be attached. For this use:

  • liquid Nails;
  • special glue for mirrors.

For mounting mirroring, it is necessary to choose a special glue, which contains components that damage the amalgam (mirror layer). The most popular and frequently used glue for the mirrors is Bostik 2750ms. The advantage of this glue is that the wall can be not primed under it. Glue has good performance characteristics and adhesion and can be used to glue various surfaces.

When installing mirrors on ceramic tiles in the bathroom glue better choose polymer and moisture resistant

How to hang the mirror without frame and without mounting on the wall

A mirror is hanging without frame on the wall using special adhesive mixtures or liquid nails. Regardless of the fixing material, the principle of gluing is the same. To make it easier for you to navigate, we have grouped all actions in a detailed step-by-step instruction.

  1. Marking. On the completed and smooth wall, you must put the mark on which you will further navigate, exposing an even position of the product. This is done with the help of a construction level and pencil. Easy strokes celebrate a flat vertical and horizontal. So you can easily hang a mirror without distortion.
  2. Pubs. This step is needed only when installing a large mirror, which is located starting almost from the floor itself. In the case of a small mirror located at the head level, this step is inappropriate. All you need is to take two wooden beams the same length and fasten under the future mirror. They are needed as supports that will keep the product until the glue is grab.
  3. Preparation of the mirror. At this stage, the mirror unfolds with the back side (you can use special devices for convenience - handrails on suckers). The surface of the product must be carefully cleansed from the slightest traces of dust using a bare wet rag. After that, there is a glue or liquid nails on the opposite direction of the product (necessarily with neutral composition, it will not spoil the amalgam). The adhesive composition is applied point, every 15-20 cm over the entire back side. If the product is heavy, for greater reliability, you can apply glipp.
  4. Between the strips of liquid nails is worth gluing two-way tape, which will help hold the mirror until the glue dry.
  5. Hinder the product. Now it remains to secure the mirror on the wall. We apply the mirror to the wall, not forgetting about auxiliary markup, which will help achieve an even position of the subject. Tightly press the mirror to the wall and keep it for 2-3 minutes. If the mirror is large, it will stand on pre-prepared wooden supports, you can additionally fix it with a scotch.

If the mirror is small, while you press it to the wall, another person must rest on it from the bottom and also fix it along the edges with the help of Scotch. It is necessary so that the mirror can keep motionless, until the glue is completely frozen. It will grab only after 30-40 minutes, so you are almost impossible to hold the mirror with my hands all this time.

Suckers for transferring mirrors and stalk

How to hang mirror on the wall of a ceramic tiles

In many houses and apartments, the bathroom is almost always finished with ceramic tiles. In this case, the mirrors are not mounted on the tile itself, and between it, as a result of which the smooth surface is obtained without protrusions. That is why it is worth choosing a mirror of the same thickness as the tile.

To hang a mirror without a frame on a wall of ceramic tiles use all the same glue. It is applied to the back of the product, only not exactly, but in the form of a lattice, retreating 1-2 cm from the edges. Further, the mirror is still pressed against the wall and adheres to the complete pouring of the adhesive composition.

For grouting seams between tiles and a mirror blade, it is necessary to leave the gap, which means that the mirror must have a little smaller dimensions than "niche" for it.

The edges of the mirror must necessarily be melted with a sealant or grout, since the bathroom is a room with an increased level of humidity, and the moisture ingress under the mirror is unacceptable.

In addition to mounting the mirror between tiles, it can also be mounted on the tile itself. The gluing technology is still the same, only in this case the mirror will be "applied" over the tile. At the end of the seams between the mirror and ceramic tiles, you need to smell a sealant.

There is no object in the house functionality than the mirror. Such an element of decor is present in every home or apartment. Buying it inseparable with the choice of fastening and mounting materials. The easiest way to attach the mirror is to glue it. For this, there are special means and adhesives, and then in the article we will understand in this matter more detailed.

How and with what makes two mirrors with each other?

Sometimes there is a need to combine two mirror surfaces. Many have a question: how to glue the mirror to the mirror, and how strong will this design be? To do this work, there is no need to buy special tools or study smart books, you will have to attach only a little effort.

There are only two ways to connect mirror planes among themselves. Let's break in more detail how to glue the mirror to the mirror.

Connection mirrors edge to edge

Such a connection method allows to significantly increase the area of \u200b\u200bthe mirror blade. This is a complex process, therefore requires special attention and accuracy. If in the future the connected mirror canvases you are going to stick onto the wall, then it is better to fix them on the vertical surface separately and only after that, having understood how to attach the mirror to the mirror, adjusting the height and gap, grind the canvases with each other.

If you do not plan to hang the design on the wall, then glue the mirror, applying a special glue composition on the verge. This method does not differ reliability and in practice it is used quite rarely, so consider another way how to glue the mirror to the mirror.

Connection of surfaces

Is it possible to glue the mirror to the mirror completely? Search response to ETT The question had to be short. And the most reliable way will be glued together with each other completely. The need for such an installation scheme occurs when you have an old mirror in the house, which is not suitable for the interior, and it is impossible to remove it. In this case, it is easier to stick from above a new and beautifully decorating it than to hammer the walls, and then try to correct the consequences of dismantling the old reflective surface.

Features of mounting mirrors on tile

Taking over the question, how to glue the mirror to the mirror in the bathroom, we must not forget that in such a room there is an increased humidity, and the finish is made by ceramic tile or mosaic coating. You can mount the mirror on a special farm, using a self-tapping screw for this, but you will have to do holes in it.

Not everyone can cope with such a task, therefore it is easier to glue the mirror to the tile. Make it is quite simple, almost just like glue the mirror to the glass, but there is one difference, which in no case cannot be forgotten.

At the final stage of work, it is necessary to close the gap between the mirror and the surface to be attached to the mirror. Mounting scheme consists of 5 steps:

  1. The special adhesive composition is applied on the back of the mirror throughout the perimeter of the canvas with a solid layer. From the edge it is desirable to make an indent of at least 2 cm.
  2. In the center of the mirror, the glue is applied in the shape of a grid.
  3. Applying the binding substance, tightly pressed against the wall and hold for a while.
  4. While the adhesive base does not dry the mirror must be maintained. For this suit any support.
  5. After complete drying of the glue, as mentioned above, the gap between the wall surface and the mirror must be processed and seal a sealant (white or transparent). Such a move will warn the injection of water and moisture under the decorative design, which in the future it might lead the detachment and damage to the reflective canvase.

Liquid nails or a special adhesive mixture are well suited for gluing the mirror.

How to strengthen a big mirror design

Having understood how to attach the mirror, think about how to strengthen it. If the design is volumetric, then this moment can not be missed, otherwise the mirror can fall off under the onslaught of its own weight.

Special fasteners are made using self-tapping screws. As an aid use a special composition designed for such purposes. We will deal with what glue glove the mirror, and what special blends for this exist in the construction market.

Special formulations for mounting mirrors

For gluing mirrors and ceramic, glass or other reflective surfaces, special glue is perfect. With it, it is easy to secure any decorative design in the bathroom. The most famous means include:

  • Tytan;
  • DoneDeal.

Consider them in more detail.

Glue "Titan" (TYTAN)

In the building mixtures and adhesives market, this composition has established itself as the best and most reliable. It is intended for working with different kinds of surfaces. Including tile coating. At the heart of rubber and natural resins. Thanks to these components, a dense adhesion of contacting planes is ensured. Features of the adhesive composition "Titan":

  • the formation of a seam with resistance to moisture;
  • easy to use and ease in applying;
  • high percentage of adhesion;
  • high strength;
  • availability.


Adhesive with two-component composition, in demand as a high-quality mounting agent. It consists of an adhesive composition and activator. One package of this dial is enough to mount 1-2 decorative elements, depending on their size. And the aerosol glue is enough to attach at least 20 reflective surfaces. By the way, the rear view mirrors in the machines are fixed on Locklight.

Other glue compositions

The lineup line for fixing the mirrors is represented by 3M, permatex, donedeal products. These are high quality tools available for a wide range of consumers.

Now you know how to properly glue the mirror to the surfaces of a different type, and you can cope with this task without problems by performing a robot yourself, quickly and neatly. As a result, you will get a reliably attached decorative mirror design, pleasing an eye.

Since for the first time in the Universe in 1373, the first mirror workshop opened in Nuremberg, the mirrors were launched with inseparable satellites of man. However, in those distant times of the mirror could afford only wealthy people. In this case, the technology of manufacturing mirrors, which means their properties to reflect, were somewhat intended. Now it is nothing more than consumer goods, while with an excellent reflectivity, which one can afford to afford everyone. It would only be thirst.

The significance of mirrors in our life and their amazing properties

Indeed, the use of mirrors is hard to overestimate. They are used in our everyday life, in science, medicine, optics, etc. Without them, it would be possible to pronounce the world would be different. But we will not fall into some kind of paranoia about their amazing properties, because in essence, what we are now well deserved by our progress. And if so, the everyday unconscious use of the mirrors has already become our norm. In our apartment, you can often find one mirror: in the bathroom, in the corridor, in a wardrobe. At the same time, all these mirrors are somehow fixed on their items. Here, due to the fact that our site, above all, construction subjects, we already flare up professional interest. How is the mirror fastening in various variations, whether it is a tile, wall, chipboard? It is this topic that our article will be allowed, how to fix the mirror without a framework on various surfaces.

Mirror fastening methods

Without looking at the fact that in the previous paragraph of our article we allocated types of surfaces, which mirror can be mounted. It also needs to pay attention to the likely way of fastening them. What can be more relevant. And if you report these most methods of fastening the mirrors, they are essentially three: - using the assembly bilateral tape; - With the support of glue. Often in this case, liquid nails are used; - Mechanical method of fastening the mirror. Actually about these all methods for fastening the mirrors, and the possibility of using any of them for a particular surface, we will also describe. In this case, we present specific samples.

How to fix the mirror with the help of bilateral mounting scotch

The first and most simple is the use of mounting bilateral scotch. This material began to be used as long ago. Moreover, for the attachment of everything in a row, including mirrors. However, there are no, conditions and limitations. First, double-sided adhesion should be foam. That is, to have a certain thickness of 0.8 - 2 mm. This is necessary in order to compensate and smooth irregularities. In this case, the thickness of the tape should be exemplary twice as many of these most irregularities on the surface to which we strengthen the mirror. Although it is difficult to determine, but still ... Secondly, the technological process of mirror mounting should be observed. In order not to be unfounded, I will turn the specific example of mounting the mirror on the Fiberboard plate. Usually such plates are used to make furnishing. Before proceeding to the description of the mirror mounting process, it is necessary to say about the tape used, as well as on installation conditions. The mounting tape for fastening the mirrors can be used in the temperature range from +10 to + 25 degrees. A lot of low or high temperatures will not provide proper adhesion tapes with the surface. For installation it is better to take a proven high-quality tape, so firms ZM. This may be: - 9508W (base polyethylene, thickness is 0.8 mm); - 4492 (base polyethylene, thickness is 0.8 mm); - 4032 (base polyurethane, thickness is 0.8 mm); - 4026 (base polyurethane, 1.6 mm thick). The ribbon consumption is taken at the rate of 60 square centimeters per 1 kg of weight. Provided that the mirror will hang steeply, and not on the ceiling or under a slope. In order for you to be easier to navigate with the cost, you can look at the table. It is attracted by the ratio of the ribbon consumption depending on its thickness, the length and weight of the mirror. Now directly to the action. The reverse surface of the mirror and the fiberboard, on which the mirror will be pasted, should be cleaned with the use of veosals and solvent (isopropanol, hexane). The use of other solvents for cleaning can say on adhesion between ribbon and glued material.
Now glue strips of tape. Strips should be located point, that is, along the edges of the mirror, while evenly distributed over the surface. This is necessary in order to compensate for the surface irregularities, which can be in the space between the dots of the tape mounting on the surface of the mirror. The figure is awesome shown and exaggerated, but it is quite right that we have a mind. We try the mirror to the item, while the protective film from the mounting scotch is not yet cleaned. We make the markup to impose a mirror in place from the first time, as it does not work after moving. Next, it is necessary to remove the protective film from the assembly tape and apply the mirror to the surface. Class glue on the mounting tag should be taken with a horizontal mirror position. If you can, then you can load evenly mirrors with dimly distributed items on it. At least, click on the mirror you must certainly. After a few hours, the fiberboard with the mirror already fixed on it can be used for the production of furnishing.
This method of fastening the mirror can be applied for already available furnishings, that is, when the mounting tape will be captured vertically. At the same time, the consumption of mounting ribbons increase by 20 percent. Now about the ability to use the assembly tape for other surfaces and materials. Scotch can be used, and respectively fix the mirror on metals and metallized surfaces, most plastics (ABS plastic, polycarbonates, polyvinyl chloride, polyacrylates, polyesters), glass, ceramics, painted, primed and lacquered materials, treated wood, laminated chipboard. It is impossible to use for silicone and rubber coatings, polyethylene, polypropylene, teflon, plasticized polyvinyl chloride, as well as non-toned concrete or DVP surfaces or if the surface is prone to resolving. What why we think it is clear and without our explanations. Now about the second embodiment of the mirror when it is attached to the support of glue.

How to fix the mirror with glue (sealant)

Again, not to report something surreal. We give a specific example, which can also be used for other cases when the mirror is glued to glue. In our case, the mirror will be glued on the door. But before forever about the materials used, that is, about the glue used. No grippy composition is suitable for use, which will not react with primer and amalgam on the mirror. It is significantly not to spoil the appearance of the mirror on the front side. Usually, acrylic glue is ideal for this, essentially acrylic sealant. It can be drilled in tubes under the gun. Accordingly, all circumstances of the use of sealant must comply with its packaging requirements. Now about the installation of mirrors with adhesive support. If it is possible, it is necessary to bring the surface to which mirror will be glued into a horizontal position. In our case, remove the door and put it on the floor.
Merim where the mirror will be located, and make marking.
Now we apply the sealant, you can point dot, you can in the guise of the strips. Do not apply a lot of glue in one place, distribute it dimly throughout the surface. You should also not apply glue on the edges of the mirror installation area, so as not to squeeze it when laying the mirror outside.
We put the mirror on the door, pre-informy glue, and we wait until the sealant freezes.
Next, so that the mirror looks more original, we mount the decorative frame. In fact, this is a frame with a chosen quaternary and with corners under 45 degrees.
It is fastened for the same acrylic sealant as a mirror, we strengthen with the help of tape, before drying the glue.
Usually glue dries near the day.
Then remove the scotch, and you can hang the door to the item. Actually, this option can also be applied for other options when the mirror is glued to the wall. But in this case it will be necessary to hold the mirror before drying the sealant. This can be done with the support of the assembly tape, that is, in the way, about which we told in the previous paragraph.
As a result, the mirror is found on the mounting tape and glue. This is relevant when the mounting tape may not manage with its tasks. Let's say in the bathroom, where it is wet and sometimes hot. Also, if it is a primed wall of concrete or drywall, then it is better to apply the sealant and it's time to dry out to "progress" with scotch. Now about the last method of fastening the mirror, about mechanical mount.

How to fix a mirror with support for mechanical mounts

It should be noted that in today's construction market there are many accessories, fittings and fittings, in order to use as fasteners for mirrors. Pretty look in the photo.
We will give only one example using the fastening in the appearance of the dowels, with decorative caps. All other mounting options with mechanical fasteners will be similar. Is it really that fasteners themselves will differ slightly. Initially, I put the mirror to the wall and mast the markup, where the fastener will be installed and how the mirror will be installed. Then we remove the mirror on the side.

In order to drill the hole of the desired depths, we use the tape that we wake on the drill.
So it will see, to which depth to drill the wall under the dowel. Drills holes.
Insert the dowels in the wall.
We install plastic dampers on the mirror from the return side. In fact, it is the pucks under the self-tapping screw on the other side of the mirror. They are needed to compensate for the fastener effort when tightening it, and avoid the mirror breakdown. Now we install the mirror in place and screw the screws.
Top on the self-tapping screws taking a hat.
That's all - the mirror is fixed. As you can see, this option is not so complicated and quite acceptable.

We summarize how to fix the mirror without frame on the wall, on the wall of the cabinet, on the scene

Summing up, it can be said that the options to consolidate the mirrors at least three main, with the support of assembly tape, glue and fasteners. And there are many of their private variations. If you report the advantage of choosing any of the options, then it is necessary to say that any of your advantages and disadvantages. When mounting with the assembly tape and glue, the mirror is attached so that it does not see what it is hanging on. This also does not require a special tool. In this case, the use of sealant is wounded in cases of high humidity, but the scotch moisture is afraid. By cons of the use of glue or assembly tape can be attributed to their disposable. If you cut the scotch or glue with a metal string, then fasten the mirror back will be much more complicated. It will be necessary to clean everything and all procedures to stumble at first. Mechanical fastening is good when you have a nosed surface, which is predisposed to resolving. Say the wall with whitewash. However, this fastener is seen, as well as it can begin to corrosive over time. What rules the appearance, which means it is a certain minus. But reset and put the mirror in place, during cosmetic repair will not be difficult. So, to use which of the options for fastening the mirror to solve you, we just have to hope that the choice will be unchanged and the mirror will take long and at the same time reliably.

If you need to glue the mirror to any surface in an apartment or house, and you do not know how to do it - this article is specifically for you.

The mirror is an element without which is not one of the interior of modern home. The mirror is needed in the wardrobe, in the lobby, in the bathroom and much where. The mirror can perform as soon as practical functions and to be part of the design of the room or serve both for the other. Setting the mirror is quite simple when it is part of furniture or a ready-made mirror with a frame and fasteners. But sometimes when finishing the room or later, it is necessary to simply stick the mirror on the wall, it can be like a small and huge mirror, let's say on the floor to the ceiling. The task is not simple, let's talk to how to glue the mirror correctly.

To begin with, we define with the size of the mirror, before ordering it from the masters. We measure the dimensions of the future mirror with an accuracy of a millimeter, leaving the stock over the entire perimeter of 4-5mm. If you have conceived glue the mirror in the bathroom on the wall, I advise you to leave at least 4 mm gap for further grout.

The main thing is to remember, the edges of the mirror should not touch other elements of the finish. Otherwise, the mirror will crack. The mirror is very hard to cut at home, the work performed by the masters will be distinguished by the correct geometric shape.

When you take a mirror with a workshop, pay attention to its edges. They must be processed, rounded. It is necessary that the mirror sticker would be safe, and we did not cut.

Depending on which the mirror is gathered, various methods of consolidation are used.

Glue mirror on the wall

First of all, we prepare the wall for gluing the mirror. We clean all the irregularities, process the primer of deep impregnation, to ensure the best adhesion with glue.

We use certain adhesive, and the glue is called mirror (it looks like liquid nails, but guaranteed, has adhesion to the amalgam mirror).

Next, proceed directly to the process of gluing the mirror. We will need thick, double-sided scotch, segments of 10-15 cm., Which we stick, about 60-70 cm. On the back side of the mirror. Scotch is needed to keep our mirror while glue is grab. When the tape is pasted, remove the protective part from it and then use the gun with the gun, along the edges and throughout the rear surface of the mirror, at least 15-20 cm. Between the strips. And immediately apply the mirror to the wall.

The lower part of the mirror must necessarily, on what to rely on, to give adhesion to dry. Also follow that the gap remains around the perimeter. The entire surface is needed carefully and carefully press the wall. Classification of glue occurs within 20-30 minutes, complete drying no earlier than 24 hours.

The mirror can be glued on the cabinet door, thereby updating the room interior. Because the mirror will be used not a large size, the two-sided adhesive mirrors are used. First passes around the perimeter on the rear wall of the mirror, then at an equal interval in centimeters 40 is supplemented with vertical strips of tape. After that, the mirror is neatly glued to the cabinet door. We advise you to mention in advance the boundaries of the future mirror on the closet.

Glue mirror on ceramic tiles

The mirror glues calmly and on ceramic tiles. Used in this case all the same special glue for the mirror. The glue is applied with a solid layer around the perimeter of the mirror. The indentation from the edge should be at least 2 cm. The middle of the mirror is also defined by glue with a lattice view.

The procedure for gluing a mirror on ceramic tile is very similar to the mirror fixing procedure to the wall. Only in this case, after drying the edge of the edge, they smear the sealant. It is transparent or white. We select such that it will be better to look.

If the mirror is very larger, right on the whole wall, we recommend to secure it mechanically for security purposes. We drill on small turns with a tubular drill with a diamond spraying or a special feathers on the glass itself mirror. The wall in these places are drilled by a perforator. And fasten the decorative glossy bolt our mirror.

Remember that for working with large mirrors you need 2 people and handicraft protection from cuts (conventional fabric gloves).

Now you know how to glue the mirror, you can safely begin to implement your designer ideas.

Mirrors in modern interiors play a very important practical and decorative role. Quite often, the mirrors combine several functions in themselves, so it is difficult to imagine the hall, a wardrobe, a bathroom without this item. For example, designers willingly use in the interior of the mirror to visually expand the space, make the room lighter, etc.

If the mirror is part of the furniture or is purchased ready in the frame, then its installation does not cause any difficulty, but if you just need to fix the mirror on the wall, then a special approach is needed. In this article, we will look at how to glue the mirror to the wall, and what additional materials will be required for this. So, if there was a need to decorate the interior mirrors, you must first determine the size and thickness of the mirror. Here it is necessary to take into account the following nuances:

  • by ordering a mirror in the workshop, specify its size up to a millimeter. The size of the future mirror must be measured by leaving the reserve throughout the perimeter of 4-5 millimeters, and if the mirror is intended for the bathroom, then it is necessary to leave a small gap, because in the future it will take a grout;

  • the size of the mirror should be such that its edges do not touch other elements of the finish, because when installing the mirror can crack;

  • at home, cut off the piece of the mirror you need is very difficult, so you need to immediately put the correct task before the masters.

You can glue the mirror to the wall in several ways:

  • With the help of "liquid nails" or a special glue.
Glue or "Liquid nails" is applied with one layer (by contour, if the mirror is not very large) on the back surface of the mirror. Then the mirror is tightly pressed against the wall and withstands a certain time. For additional fasteners, double-sided adhesive tape is often used, which is glued next to the applied glue.
  • By applying liquid sealant.
The sealant should be applied to the rear surface of the mirror (if the mirror is not very large, the means is applied only along the contour, and if the entire rear surface is treated). After applying the sealant, the mirror need to quickly lean to the wall until the tool dried.
With the help of special holders.

To do this, first fix the mounting on the wall, and then insert the mirror into special notches.

Let us dwell on how to glue the mirror to the wall with special glue or "liquid nails". When the glue is selected, it should be borne in mind that this tool should not interact or have any effect on the coating of the rear side of the mirror, otherwise it can sweep. The glue must be resistant to withstand the effects of condensate. And most importantly - he must securely fasten the mirror with the basis.

So that the mirror is firmly attached to the wall, the wall surface, like the back of the mirror, you need to carefully prepare. The wall should be perfectly smooth, because if it is pasted a thin mirror, then irregularities even a couple of millimeters, it can cause distortion. The wall needs to be cleaned, dry and primed a deep impregnation tool so that the adhesion with glue was perfect. The primer will also protect the moisture from entering the moisture, and therefore protects the mold and bacteria from reproduction. It should be remembered that if it is thoroughly not cleaned with pollutants, gluable surfaces, it may worsen adhesion adhesion with the amalgam, and lead to the rope of the canvas.

The best base under the mirror is a concrete wall or a ceramic tile, because from OSCE slab or DVP, it can be lagging behind if the temperature difference is. The technology of gluing mirrors to the wall is as follows:

  • you need to take pieces of thick bilateral tape and glue them to the back of the mirror.

  • remove the protective film from the tape and apply glue pyramids along the contour to the entire surface of the mirror (from the back side). The glue should be applied by stripes, the distance between which should be at least 15-20 centimeters.

  • immediately after applying glue, the mirror is tightly pressed to the base (wall).

Because the glue takes not immediately (it will be needed for it thirty minutes), the mirror should rely on the bottom with something stable. While the glue does not harden, the tape will hold the mirror in the desired position.

Video: how to glue a mirror with a sealant mirror