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1 week post What can I eat. Post before Easter - Rules for compliance with the Great Post

The start and end dates are different every year. They depend on the date of the Easter celebration. The duration of the Great Post is 48 days. It begins on Monday, for seven weeks before Easter and ends on Saturday, before this great holiday. In 2019, lasts from March 11 to April 27 (inclusive).

Consists of two parts - the holy quarter (the first 6 weeks) and passionate weeks ( the last week - 6 days).

What can be a great post: power rules

Great post Strict. The main foods in this period are pickles and boats from vegetables and fruits, onions, carrots, cabbage, beets, legumes, apples, oranges, nuts, dried fruits.

The first week adheres to a particularly strict post. On the first day (Clean Monday), it is necessary to completely refrain from making food. Then, from Tuesday to Friday, you can eat bread, salt, raw fruits and vegetables, dried fruits, nuts, honey, drinking water (permitted dry), and on Saturday and Sunday - hot food with butter.

In the second six weeks of the post on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, a trunk is prescribed, on Tuesday and Thursday - hot food without oil, and on Saturday and Sunday - hot with butter.

In the period of passionate weeks adhere to strict post. All days of this week are permitted dry, and on Friday it is impossible to eat food before the removal of the shroud.

IN religious holiday Annunciation Blessed Virgin Mary (April 7) (if he does not fall into a passionate saddemits) and in Palm Sunday (7 days before Easter) you can eat fish. In Lazarev Saturday (before Verbo Sunday) allowed to eat fish caviar.

The post before Easter for the Russian people is the time of purification of not only its body, but also the Spirit. But not the whole Russian people visits the church and understands the deep essence of the Great Post to Easter.

What value is the abstinence from some products to cleanse directly our spirit? Under simple word "Post" means the transition from more nutritious food to less nutrient, you can even say easy.

So, thanks to this "ease" we make ourselves more moving and capable of spiritual life. A tremendous influence has food on our body, but you can only check it on your own experience.

The great post lasts usually 40 days. These 40 days symbolize the wandering of Jesus on the hot desert.

General Flight Compliance Terms before Easter

Prayer and visiting the temple. Prayer is an inseparable part of the Great Post, so it should be prayed in the morning and in the evening to purify your spirit.

Visit the temple in the post follows Sundays to better enlighten

Refusal of temptations, including entertainment and confession. Confessions need at least once for the entire post, it also contributes to the cleansing of the Spirit.

On Monday, Wednesday and Friday you need to eat only raw products, that is, bread, vegetables, fruits, water. Tuesday and Thursday, as well as on weekends, the abstinence is not strict: you can eat twice a day and you can also drink church wine. These days the food is served hot.

Should be taken into account: Compliance with the post is always a big stress for the body, so before you begin to observe it, you need to carefully prepare the body to a new diet. Pregnant women, children and sick post is better not to observe.

Such an abstinence from animal products is complied with the memory of the feat, which Jesus performed. For 40 days, he wandered around the desert, refusing the temptation in the form of bread, the father remained faithful. That is why in this period of time, Christians adhere to particularly strict rules.

Observe the post stands with special severity, at this time the rules for all are the same. IN Good Friday and Great Saturday It should not eat anything, and on ordinary days you should eat once a day.

Permitted products, as it seemed not so much. You can eat fruits and vegetables such as stewed, boiled and baked, but in no case fried. Do not abuse salt, sugar and spices.

There may be vegetables such as: carrots, cucumbers, beets, potatoes, corn. From fruits there can be bananas, apples, citrus fruits, it is also worth remembering the grenade, it can also be eaten on benchmarks. The more diverse your food will be, the better you will be. In its diet, it is also worth turning on porridge, but necessarily cooked on the water.

At this time, it is necessary to abandon meat - this is the main component. For meatseeds there is an excellent replacement for real meats - this is soy meat, from vegetable protein your body will not suffer at all, and it may even feel better.

The eternal restless question of newcomers who are going to adhere to the post "Is it possible to eat bread?" Answer to this question Absolutely ambiguous. On the one hand, bread is a flour product, which add animal products, such as eggs, but on the other you can only have certain types of bread.

Under the strict ban is white bread, as it contains oil and eggs, and these products are strictly prohibited, prepared for Easter. But the black bread can eat in food - it is an excellent alternative to any type of proportion.

Fans of flour products should be gradually abandoning this type of product, especially if they decide to abide abstinence in strict prohibitions.

The main feature of the post is the refusal to meat productsas well as from eggs, white bread, candies and dairy products.

Here is a list of products that are desirable to eat during the post.

  • Mushrooms. They can be consumed in absolutely any form, the main thing is not in fried.
  • Corn. Be oatmeal, buckwheat, barley - any cereal can be consumed.
  • Solutions.
  • Any greens.
  • Vegetable fats.
  • Soy products.
  • Bib bread or black.
  • On the replacement of sweets - fruits, even citrus, dried fruits, jams and honey.
  • Olives both black and green.

To understand how to replace and add these products to your new diet, we give an example of a set menu.

Breakfast: oatmeal, prepared only on water. You can add jam, honey, dried fruits into porridge. From drinks will be preferable to green tea.

Dinner: Broccoli soup and fresh salad of cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage and grated carrots.

Afternoon person: Fruits and compote from apples.

Dinner: vegetable stew. From drinks, it is preferable to drink tea with jams, and a cranberry dessert, which can be mixed with honey to taste.

According to the monastery charter, on which the traditions of Russian post are based Orthodox church To the great post, as already mentioned earlier, it is impossible to eat foods of animal origin, namely meat, eggs, butter, fish.

Also cannot be used alcoholic beverages, only 50 mg of wine is allowed in certain days. Everything else, during this period, it is impossible to be marred, because these days it is desirable to remove from proximity at all and devote time to prayers.

It is impossible to walk on bars, discos and clubs, in other words, to remove in your free time from entertainment, and dedicate this time to fight with your sins. The smoking should also refrain, for the use of alcohol and nicotine addiction, the church also equates to sin.

Help get rid of nicotine addiction can daily prayerAnd if the smoker can not quit smoking at all, then the church advises to refrain from tobacco at least 2 times a week - this is the environment and Friday. However, it is allowed to cut into the post, it is believed that this is not rebiring. But earlier, the priests were taken to face before the post.

The last week of the post is preferably cutting into Pure Thursdaybecause it was on this day that the Orthodox it was customary to complete the work launched, wash and cut. Cropped to the ends in girls in pure Thursday promises growing stronger and healthy hair, and also say that this leads to the improvement of the entire body as a whole.

Take into account: Also, it is not worth cutting into a good Friday, as it is considered the most sorrowful and strict day, on this day, people even refuse food. It is also impossible to clean and wash.

Everyone really a believer should stick certain rulesto remain a righteous person.

So let's figure out how to observe the post before Easter in 2017, what to do, how to behave correctly, so that the post would go for us, and did not turn out to be another profanation and undermined health.

Each post is adopted by a church for our good, but he should not bring harm. Therefore, before starting with the zeal to starve, likening the monks, with the risk to go to the hospital, you need to understand for myself - what it is for what, in fact, you need to keep what kind of result we want to get and so on.
A good recipe in the days when the fish is allowed :.

What is post

Actually, the post is an abstinence, it is so to speak, the verification of the truth of our faith, the proof of our love. It is an effort that a Christian is taking into order to refrain from sin, giving away from passions, destructive habits, evil, condemnation, and so on. And the post is only called to strengthen the prayer state, not to give the flesh to you have fun and combat - otherwise what is the abstinence? Memory should fast from the evil, the mind - from the fuss, language - to strive to avoid, the body is from commercial coming. In addition, the momentary food burns passions, therefore, a physical post is installed as a refusal of animal food. It is so easier to focus on cleansing the soul. What is it like spring-cleaning Before the holiday - cleansing all the shrouds of soul from any dirt, passions and evil thoughts.

The main thing is to show love, compassion, to be mortal and helping your neighbor. All together with prayer and abstinence in food, entertainment. idleness - leads to a good result: a bright threshold we meet with a clean blow and the same bright conscience, with joy and reverence.

Where did post come from?

Actually, the early Christians just one week have kept the post before Easter - that sadmitz that we are passionate. 40 days before that were joined, that is, the pagans who were preparing to take baptism. And the Christians, in solidarity with them, also set themselves such a post. Because it turned out very not good - a person comes to visit, who has already fledged, which is called, and you at this time the meat of the migration. Well, how will it look like? And the post, and prayers for the announced church were taken to help them, and they were entrenched in church charter.

Food post

The monasticism then brought his food charter, which also arrived in the church, it is called typicon, and it looks like this:
For the first week (then you mean the saddimitsa) keep the post most strictly - the first day do not bother food, the second-third is dry.
The next 2 days - you can cook food, but the oil does not add, it can be boiled with a olive.
The next week is a little climb, in the weekend of grapevine a little can be and oil.
On the third (crescent) - also more stringent restrictions, then again, the latter, the last, seventh week, following the first, is also very strict, you don't eat anything to the passion friday, while you cannot deliver anything.

This is what concerns monastics. The lame should be poisoned with their health, disadvantaged, measure of churching, the severity of labor, and so on. Because if one lift 50 kg to one - once spit, then the other is death. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to consult with a priest, especially sick, pregnant women, nursing, kids and old men.
It happens - the grandmother came to the guests and says: and the father of the post blessed not to keep, we are old people. And sits, Salo Smoked Farmets. Well, where is it good? Does the old people such a meal for the benefit that the father blessed him?
You can have such a dish on the weekend.

Abstinence spouses

In some families who began to harvest, but come on the full coil to keep the post, even serious problems occurred when a husband left without holding sin, left. This is again excessive abstinence. Even the apostle Paul said - at the time of fasting to give off his spouses, but moderately, Ababy Dulky did not turn off the way. Everything should be coordinated by both spouses, and if the woman sees that evasion is fraught with the consequences - should give way to her husband, family conservation.

The essence of the post

By big account, the essence of the post can be expressed in several lines:

Avoid everything that is not useful to salvation;
go away from idle talk and entertainment;
remember how Jesus struggled with the temptations of 40 days, and at least a small fraction to follow him;
Be sure to start communion without it, the holy fathers say, the post of all that diet is not more;
Strengthen the prayer rule.

And still - remember the purpose of the post. This is how the motorist is driving on the highway - the meaning of the trip is not the number of kilometers, which he will pass, but in achieving the end item? So in the post, the goal is to achieve the cleansing of the soul, so that we will gladly meet the light Easter.
Annunciation can create such a dish.

The Great Post is the most important and worst multi-day post in Christianity. It is believed that the Great Post is the most instructive, beautiful, touching and bright time in everything orthodox calendar. This forty-day period is entirely aimed at preparing for the Chief Christian holiday - Light Christ the Sunday Or, as it is also called.

The essence of the great post for believers

Jesus Christ himself was heard in the desert, where he was sacred by the devil all forty days, during which the Savior did not eat anything. That is, the post of Christ began to save our souls. The great post is a strict post in honor of the Son of God, and the last week of fasting, passionate saddimians (week), established in honor of the last days of earthly life, torment, frantic suffering and death of Jesus Christ.

The main goal of the Great Post - Complete eradication of the destructive manifestations of the soul of human and the compassion of virtues. This contributes not only to the restriction in food, but also prayer, permanent visits to church services and a complete renunciation of lies, hypocrisy, foul language, etc.

Not 40, and 48 days

In fact, the Great Post consists not of forty days, it includes all forty-eight days of strict preparation for Easter as a soul and body.

Parts of the Easter Great Post:

  1. Full agents (the first 40 days);
  2. Lazareva Saturday (1 day - Palm Saturday before Verbal Sunday);
  3. Entrance of the Lord in Jerusalem (1 day - Palm Sunday, a week before Easter);
  4. Passionate Week (6 days - the whole week from Monday to Saturday before the holiday of Light Easter).

Power calendar by day during the Great Post 2017

The litrolery charter, describing the basic traditions of the life of the Church (Tipikon), describes the rules of meals during the Great Post:

  • From rapid products (food of animal origin - meat, fats, milk, oil, eggs, etc.) should be completely abandoned throughout the post.
  • In the first saddime and the last week Great Post It is necessary to observe the power mode especially strictly. Spirit, soul and body need to keep in a special severity in these two weeks.
  • On Monday, Wednesday and Friday Each week of the great post food can be used only in a cold form (called this crude) without oil (it is impossible even vegetable), and the trapes allowed only once a day, in the evening.
  • Tuesday and Thursday of each week The Great Food post is accepted only once a day - in the evening. These days, hot food is permitted, but the oil is impossible to add.
  • On weekends - Saturdays and Sundays - The fasting will receive some relaxation: you can eat food with the addition of vegetable oil and twice a day to use some red wine.
  • On Friday the final post of the week (Passionate saddimians) from food refrain.
  • On Saturday Passionate week Believers, Christians do not eat at all.
  • It is allowed to eat fish on the holiday, but only if this church holiday falls on the passionate saddemit.
  • Fish is also allowed.
  • If the holidays of saints fall for the period of the Great Post, then these days also make lightness in the form of wine and hot food with vegetable oil.

The desire to keep the great post is very commendable, both from a spiritual point of view and in terms of health. Doctors in one voice say that abstinence from heavy food in the spring will only benefit the body.

However, many, especially newcomers, mentally shudder: Do they have to survive these complex 7 weeks to not only think about food all the time? After all, the lion's share need to pay pious thoughts and prayer. Let's deal with together which products are allowed for use during the Great Post.


To vegetables, of course, refers to cabbage that happens different species And the taste is absolutely different: broccoli, blonde, color, Beijing and Brussels.

You can also eat potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, celery, bell pepper, Pold beans, carrots. Do not forget about fresh greenery - dill, parsley, green onions, spinach, sorrel, basil, kinza, leaf salads, etc.


Agree, usually the family stops your choice on two or three favorite porridge, but at the same time, the choice of a variety of cereals in the stores is very large. Try to look around and diverse your nice menu porridge from new croup.


Peas, beans and beans are essential sources of protein in the days of the Great Post. And if you or your family members are engaged in sports, be sure to include these useful ingredients. They can be added to the vegetable stew or make mashed potatoes. Lobio from beans, carrots and sweet peppers is very tasty.


Of course, you can and need to use fruits: citrus (oranges, grapefruits, tangerines, lemons), grapes, grenades, cranberries, apples.

Fruits during the post period can be included in the family menu in any form: and squeeze juice from them, and add to salads.


Meat and fish will be replaced with the great post mushrooms. From thoroughly washed and purified mushrooms prepare soup, snack, schnitzel, roaster sauce for porridge and deununov, roast, etc.

A fish

According to the strict rules of the Easter post, the fish falls under the ban, but it can be used, as mentioned above, on the holidays of the glooming of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the entrance of the Lord in Jerusalem. And in Lazarev Saturday, fish caviar is allowed.


For sweet tooths there good news: In the days of the Great Post, you can eat sweets, but they should be prepared without the use of frozen products.

You can: oatmeal, halva, bitter chocolate without adding milk, lollipops, kozinaki, cranberries in sugar powder, honey and sugar.


If you were very bored in Moloka - try to find soy or coconut in stores. And you can also find soy yogurts and soy tofu.

It is possible: cocoa (real, non-instant mixtures containing powdered milk), coffee, tea, compote, spawning, juice, juice, kissel, red wine on weekends (not on the days of a passionate week).

Other products

You can also include in your diet:

  • seaweed;
  • korean salads;
  • seeds;
  • nuts;
  • makaroni, which contains no eggs;
  • flour products from flour, water and salt;
  • bread (without the use of milk and eggs), fresh pita, crisses;
  • sauces (ketchup, lean mayonnaise, adjika, soy sauce, tomato paste);
  • balsamic, apple, table vinegar.

The system of posts exists in the world for a very long time. At first days, a person needs to take care of his soul, first of all, to be cleaned both from meat nutrition, and from bad thoughts, bad feelings and actions.

Of course, the second aspect, from the point of view of True Christianity, has more important and most importantly. But today I propose to talk about the physical aspect of the post, namely, about the features of food in the post. What can be in the post, and what is impossible. Are there relaxing in the post calendar in terms of food? What is the benefit of a quantity for a commonly nutritional person?

Here with the last and let's start.


Food in the post - what does it give our health?

What is the value of the transition from meat food to the lean , Why is it important for the body in the post?
The post in our understanding is a restriction, refusal to anything. In terms of food, it is, first of all, the refusal of animal products. It is these products that give our taste receptors to the maximum pleasure, but they also force our body to work with the permanent "overload" ...

According to some studies, eating meat protein causes constant detoxification in the body, a kind of self-defense! Therefore, when we give up meat dishes for a while, we begin to experience something like a "breaking of drug addicts."

At the biologist, the researcher Frolova Y.A. . There is even a whole theory on this. If briefly, then the organism-fused with a constant toxic emission during the transition to natural food (in its research - on crude food, we are talking about raw food) as if "sober". Toxic grading into our blood stops sharply and the body begins to "depart" gradually from toxic shock ... All this is not glossal statements, but the results of the study of blood cells when different types Nutrition.

With use large number High supply food, such as meat, milk, cheeses, etc., the body lacks enzymes for its complete digestion, as a result of which a constant rotting process occurs in a thick intestine. This process Not only causes dystenzion (driving) abdominal pain due to increased gas formation, but also causes the proceeds of rotting products (toxins) into the bloodstream, which is a serious load for the liver and kidney, which neutralize these substances.
What is already talking about the harmful cholesterol, forming atherosclerotic plaques and deposits in the blood vessels, with frequent use of oily animal food.

And because of the fact that we have become undoubtedly referring to live and richer than our ancestors lived for some other years ago, there are similar products in our diet, almost daily and more than once a day ..
Here is from such an impact, our body and rests in the days of the Great Post! And it is extremely useful for the health of all organs and systems! Therefore, do not deny your body in a similar "diet" these days.

On the contrary, configure yourself to clean and ease.

Such a mood, as well as awareness of what you do not "do nonsense in the pride of loneliness," and follow the old orthodox traditions Together with thousands of other people at the same time, give you the proper determination and necessary forces.
During the post -

  • there is a cleansing of all organism systems
  • Improves the work of internal organs
  • Immunity increases, overall health improves

If for you such a kind of food in a novelty - then the well-being will not improve immediately, there will be likely crisis within one or two weeks.

Seven weeks of the great post - pretty long term. If you have never limited yourself in food, you may not be able to fast all these days. For samples, start limiting your menu on Wednesdays and Fridays. Look at the body's reaction - is there any weakness and ailments these days?

If health is not very good - return to food fish or dairy products. But from meat, still try to refuse all the time of fasting.

If the well-being does not improve - try to abandon one thing - or from meat, or from dairy products.

But, as a rule, one or two weeks the body is enough for restructuring and your well-being will improve with time.

there is serious diseasesIn which allowing food to be introduced with caution, as doctors advise. For example, diabetes, or stomach problems.

Food in post and raw food - Can I combine?

Sometimes a person inspires the idea of \u200b\u200bquantity nutrition and decides to move not just on plant food, but also on raw products, without heat treatment. So to speak, to improve "in full program", because so much tempting and interesting information Now issued about the benefits of raw food ...

Here are the problems with gastrointestinal tract Can manifest and sharpen quite unexpectedly.

I am writing based on my personal experience - That is how I had a year ago. I decided to combine the post with the beginning of raw food, and it was done at one moment. Yesterday I still ate, conventionally speaking, sausages in the dough, and today I already sit on alone apples ... Not very, I tell you. The stomach in 2 weeks began to root and "rebel" from such an unceremonious appeal with him. Moreover, before that, I did not even know where I was located this most stomach!

Therefore, my sincere council is to do everything gradually and stages, not to be carried away. You can use some of the vegetables and fruits in the raw form (salads, snacks between food), and a part - in the form of pitch, baked in the oven, vegetables, etc.

Very good any fresh juices from any vegetables and fruits - beautiful food and drink in one, no problems with digestion, and only solid vitamin and mineral benefit for the body!

Raw radish, radish repa, as well as mushrooms in any form - Heavy food for the stomach.

During the post it is better to eat small portions, but more often.

Drink a lot of clean raw water, but try to remove the coffee-tea from the diet at all - they dragged the habit of getting all this with a cookie-cake and the like.

Why do you need to drink a lot of water? For reinforced output of slags, which are inevitable when moving from a conventional meat-diet to vegetarianism. The body is cleaned - help him withdraw all this!

Excellent drinks, except for water, - vitamin teas with raspberries, rosehip, with herbs.

And a separate warning -

Easter holidays ending the Great Post

When the post ends is allowed to have the so-called spear food. Almost this means that there are everything, but also festive, that is, it is especially tasty, especially saturated and "quite officially". Here, a person can seriously suffer if everything is understood literally and in one day sharply throws on such products as fat sweet cottage cheese (Easter), satisfying sdobu (cakes). Wine, eggs, etc. Even a banal indanguing stomach can be obtained!

Therefore, eat everything, but little by little, as if taste. Believe me, even trying each dish with festive table. At all in a little bit, you risks it to truly. Just be careful to yourself and everything will be fine.

Power during a great post is limited to vegetable food - grain, vegetables, fruits, mushrooms and nuts. This is the allowed products during the post.
There are special days when you can use fish and even red wine. there is special dayswhen it is impossible to eat even vegetable oil, and in the most stringent days - the first and last days The post is recommended not to eat any products in general.

If you are interested in strictly followed by the Orthodox traditional nutritional guidelines at each day of the post - you can use the special calendar of the post of 2017, there are all limitations and relaxation in the daily permanent diet.

If you want to benefit from these lean days And the week of restrictive food, you need to remove all the "loopholes" in your head about those products that formally may have vegetable origin, but to be extremely harmful. We are talking about different chips, crackers, cakes, etc.

They need to be unambiguously removed from the menu.
Look at how much delicious fruits, nuts, dried fruits are at your disposal! Take the same dates - a complete set of balanced useful micro and macro elements, vitamins, delicious glucose and fructose. They will help you do not fall into depression about the abandonment of ordinary sweets, they will raise the mood and will not allow the reserves of the necessary and important for the health of minerals and substances.

An important rule of any post (And not only fast!) - Do not abuse! Even the most useful and wonderful plant can provide negative influence On health, if you eat too much!
Treat meals not as a source of infinite pleasure, but as a kind of "fuel" for the body.

List of lean products

  1. Ceres. Any.
  2. Vegetables and mushrooms. Also any.
  3. Peas and all legumes.
  4. Vegetable fats. We are talking About any vegetable oils.
  5. Products of quay. From traditional cabbage to ureaged grapes.
  6. Greens in any form (fresh and dried) and any quantity.
  7. Soy and soy products.
  8. Bread and pasta.
  9. Olives and olives.
  10. From desserts is jam and jam, dark chocolate, marmalade, halva and kozinaki.
  11. Any fruit. Both our and exotic, including fruits in a dried form (raisins, candied and ts.)

Orthodox post 2017 - calendar nutrition by day

Days of the post, from the point of view of nutrition, are interpreted in different ways. There are particularly strict late days - the days in which it is not recommended to eat at all. This is the first and penultimate day of the 40-day post. Below, in another embodiment of a lean calendar for 2018 these days are marked.

Which days are recommended to eat, literally, "bread and water". Apparently, these are the most stringent recommendations from all possible. For ordinary person It is enough just not to use any foods containing animal food. The same bread should be made without eggs and butter.

This concept is also introduced as "drying" is the use of bread, greenery, vegetables (raw or quashen), fruits and dried fruits, olives, honey, berry or fruit decoctions, kvass, herbal teas.

Here is a detailed calendar of lean days of 2018Where every day has its own features of nutrition. You can adhere to these recommendations if you want to reproduce the Orthodox Christian traditions during this period.

Questions for individual products in the post

  • Bread. Frequently fasting, especially belonging to the older generation, completely refuse bread, explaining that it is there there is oil and eggs ... Here they say, knowing modern food industry, you also think that the creamy oil and real chicken eggs? However, there is an alternative - now produce many loafs. not containing anything like this. They may well replace us with the usual bread, which, by the way, is not very useful and many advise to refuse him at all, regardless of the calendar ..
  • Pasta. They contain only flour, water and salt. The composition does not have an egg powder. For launch food - the most it is. Only here to squeeze them will not have creamy, but sunflower or other floral, butter.
  • Varenniki, lean dumplings. If you like such dishes - it is possible to continue them to be in a post with appropriate changes: dough without eggs, filling - without oil, meat, cottage cheese. Replace cabbage, carrots, mushrooms, potatoes and similar vegetable fillings.
  • "Meat" products from soy. The idea itself is not bad. It seems that the rules are met and the usual piece of sausages can be eaten .. But just think, due to which the habitual taste of meat is achieved where the meat never "never overnight"? At the expense of dyes, taste and flavors amplifiers, in short, due to chemistry .. Is it worth it? Decide yourself.
  • Mayonnaise. Now they do, the so-called "Lean Mayonnaise". Lachy, it means without eggs, it means again they replaced them with something and it is unlikely that it is something natural ...
  • Lent baking and sweets. Yes, now you can find it both in our stores or. Probably it has the right to exist. But I would better advise you to replace it with natural sweets - the same, dried fruits, halva, marmalade, kozinaks.

Balanced food during post

How to balance your product list at the time of fasting so as not to get health problems due to lack of any substances?

Animal protein replace vegetable. On some days, it is possible to fish, but this is an exception to the rules. Other time - mushrooms, beans, peas, nuts, lentils.

Iron deficiency In the absence of meat, you can fill with apples, buckwheat, bananas, cocoa.

Vitamins and Minerals Excellent digested from fruit and vegetable freshly cooked juices. Take a rule - drink one glass of fresh juice a day, and you will not suffer from avtominosis.

The main thing is the right attitude! Do not perceive everything too serious and even tragic. Thousands and even millions of people on the globe for years do not eat meat, do not drink milk and do not even cook and do not fry any of their food. To get some harm from such a nutrition, for example, the same vitamin B12 deficiency, which are so like to scare raw foods and vegans, you need to exist on such a nutrition continuously not one year! We are not exactly threatened with us.

And "threatens" to us only vigor, slimness, excellent well-being and even possible, getting rid of some diseases.

Do you follow the post in the present, 2017? What do you eat at this time? How do you feel in terms of spirit and in health plan? What do you think about the system orthodox posts It is in the health plan?