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How to grow a good pepper harvest. Pepper, proper cultivation and care in the open soil Sweet pepper in the open ground

2017-01-16 Igor Novitsky

Sweet pepper is a rather whimsical plant, but this quality does not prevent hundreds of thousands of gardeners, to collect hundreds of a kilogram of this amazing plant every year. In order for the sweet pepper juicy, ripe and not succumbed to the impact of pests, you will have to explore the features of planting, care, growing seedlings and its subsequent landing!

Growing pepper - the case is quite troublesome. Nevertheless, this garden culture is considered one of the most popular. Still, because it opens endless expanses for culinary fantasies! Juicy and fragrant sweet pepper can be added to salads, borshs, soups and sauces, stuffing, bake, marinate and use for cooking delicious vegetable stew!

Motherland Sweet pepper South America with her tropical climate. Today it is grown worldwide in various climatic conditions. We, in Russia, grow pepper for culinary purposes began only in the XIX century. Prior to that, it was used exclusively in medicine. It should be noted that the content of vitamin C in this vegetable is greater than in oranges. In addition, its regular use improves the work of the liver and gallbladder.

Where to plant and how to care?

Pepper is extremely warm and lightly. Comfortable temperature for it is not lower than + 20-25 ° C.
Place the pepper on the south side of your garden so that other plants will not cover it from sunlight.
Pepper care during growing in a greenhouse or open soil lies in the right watering, constant feeding, weeding and loosening. Pouring the pepper bushes as the upper layer of soil drying. At the same time, it is impossible to dry out completely, plants may die. After irrigating the land, it is desirable to burst.

How to grow seedlings?

Pepper is the culture of late maturation, so they grown by a seedy. Seed seeds at the end of February early March.

Before planting seeds prepare the soil. If she was kept in a cold place, a few days before the landing, we entered her house so that she was well warmed up. Previously, per day before landing, shed the soil with a pale pink solution of hot water with manganese. This is necessary for disinfection from harmful microflora, as well as final warming up.

For better growth in pepper seedlings. An ordinary earth from the garden mixes with a peat-based soil in a 1: 1 ratio.
This will benefit on the further development of plants. To the resulting mixture, add wood ash in proportion 1:15. The ash is a magnificent source of potassium, which is so necessary for the full development of plants. Then fill the container for seedlings prepared soil and water. In principle, you can plant seeds and in the finished purchased ground, if you are not afraid of additional costs.

In the container where many plants will grow, sowing the seeds at a distance of 3- 5 cm from each other. Then, in the future, there will be no need to recruit seedlings. Seeds sprinkle the earth and pour warm water again. To accelerate shoots, create a "greenhouse effect": cover our crops with a film (the usual cellophane package is suitable).

Immediately after the appearance of shoots, we remove the film. Otherwise, pepper sprouts will turn out and will be very weak. Capacities with seadade must be put in a warm and light place with air temperature not lower than + 18-20 ° C. Seedlings water with an interval of 1-2 days so that the soil has always been wet.

In the first days - necessarily warm water with a temperature not lower than + 25-30 ° C. Watering plants best in the morning or evening. Before watering, periodically loose the soil at a depth of 5-7 cm.

After our peppers are slightly fixed, the air temperature is raised to + 22-27 ° C. This will contribute to their better growth. Then, in the formation phase of 3-4 main leaves, we support the following temperature: + 22-25 ° C in sunny weather, + 19-22 ° С in overcast, + 16-18 ° C at night.

For the period of cultivation, the seedlings will need to be contacted 3 times.

We spend the first feeding 2 weeks from the beginning of germs, when the plant is already formed 3-4 sheets. During this period, peppers must be provided with nitrogen so that it is fully grew and developed. To do this, in 10 liters of water, add 1 tablespoon of urea, stirred and water our seedlings. Before watering, you can sprinkle the soil around plants ashes.
I spend the second feeder 2-3 weeks after the first, according to the same scheme.

The third feeding of seedlings are made 4 days before landing in the ground. In 10 liters of water, add 1 tablespoons of urea and 1 tablespoon of superphosphate.

Where to grow: in a greenhouse or in the open soil?

We know that the pepper is a thermal-loving culture. Therefore, when growing in the greenhouse you will receive a more high harvest than in the open soil. Caring for plants is the same everywhere. But it is in the greenhouse that ideal conditions for pepper growth are created.

In the spring or at the beginning of the summer, it is not worth a hurry with the planting of pepper seedlings to a permanent place. This culture requires a good warmed soil and stable warm weather. In addition, the threat of night frosts must completely avoid the threat. For areas with a warm climate, the best time to land pepper into open ground is the end of May - the beginning of June. For cold - middle or end of June.

2 weeks before disembarking in an open ground or a greenhouse, start hardening your pits. What it is? In the first days simply open the window. Then we take the seedlings to a balcony or a veranda in such a place where the plants will be protected from the effects of direct sunlight. If the temperature on the balcony or veranda at night does not fall below +14 ° C, seedlings feels quite comfortable. Then he is no longer in her house.

Seedlings are planted according to the 30x30 scheme, carefully removed from the glass so as not to damage the roots. Squeeze on the same depth as in the pot! Diagram 30x30: Next to a separate bush should not be another, approximate to it at a distance less than 30 cm; Seedlings can be planted in the "line", and in a checker order.

How to grow Bulgarian peppers? Science is not complicated. There will be only a lot of time, patience and a little effort. It is impossible to just take the seeds and put them in the ground. Bulgarian pepper has a very long vegetative period. Therefore, he just will not have time to grow.

In general, those who plant peppers on their plot are not the first year, they know all the subtleties and nuances. We list the most basic. In order for both newcomers in agriculture, without errors and losses to rejoice in their crop.

What is important for Bulgarian pepper? Yes, a lot of things. The main questions are always concerned:

  • selection of seeds
  • soil preparation for seedlings and landing in the ground
  • growing seedlings
  • landing time
  • care and subordinate

Each list item matters. Let it just look impressive. In fact, any of the stages will not need a lot of effort. It is much more important to accurately comply with the recommendations and you will be happiness and whole baskets of sweet pepper.

What seeds of Bulgarian pepper choose

The most important thing in this business is the shelf life of seeds. Do not believe the manufacturers who write on batches of double or triple time. Whatever Superopacker was, the shelf life of Bulgarian pepper seeds is only 12 months old. With further storage, the germination drops sharply. Therefore, buy only fresh.

Another important factor is the time of ripening. There are varieties with a vegetative period up to 150 days. Edak and for New Year's holidays, harvest will not wait. Choose ultra-spaced varieties. They will manifest in all their glory after 70-80 days.

Council. Do not be afraid to try different varieties and experiment. Perhaps you will collect a whole collection of your favorite Bulgarian peppers.

How to prepare the soil for sweet peppers

For seedlings. Yes, the Bulgarian pepper is grown through seedlings. For this you need to pre-cook the Earth. You can independently make a mixture of loose land, sand and humus. Proportions 2 to 1 to 1. or purchase a special soil in the store.

In any case, it needs to be processed. First, the soil is exposed to the frost. After 3 days are entered into heat, give it off. Then lay out in wide metal containers, which will freely enter the oven. The ground is shed a good solution with a strong solution of manganese, then calcined in the oven at 110-120 ° C until complete drying.

Thus, it is possible to get rid of almost all larvae of pests and pathogenic microorganisms. Which, by the way, can be quietly sitting in the shop soil.

For landing in the ground. Earth is prepared in autumn. Organic or mineral fertilizers are introduced under the people. It may be overwhelmed with a ripe compost, fat humus. Mineral Potassium sulfate, superphosphate.

In the spring, 5 days before the estimated plant disembarking, process the soil for the prophylaxis of phytoofluorosis. For this, the preparations of copper (vigor, burglar mixture) or phytosporin are suitable.

So, the soil prepared. What will be further actions? The right routine is:

  1. The seeds of the Bulgarian pepper are soaked for 20 minutes in a warm roughening solution. Then washed with clean water. This will allow them to be disinfected.
  2. The seeds are soaked 12 hours in a biostimulant solution. If it does not turn out to be at hand, it is simply in warm water. Only add a small piece of aloe leaf cut along.
  3. After this procedure, the seeds are not washed. They are laid out on a wet fabric or toilet paper, covered with glass, package. And put in a warm dark place. Approximately during the day, the seeds with the normal germination should be processed. Now they are ready for sowing.

Sowing quite simple. Prepared containers fill the soil to a height of 3-4 cm. The surface is aligned and slightly adjusted. The attracted seeds are neatly folded, then top with a layer of land with a thickness of 1-1.5 cm. A little moisturizes, they put in darkness and warmth.

After 6-7 days, the maximum Bulgarian pepper is coming together. From now on, he needs good coverage from 7 am to 9 pm, the temperature is not lower than + 22 ° C. As you have managed to notice, the pepper loves warmth. It is even necessary to water it only with warm water.

Sweet pepper does not like picking. He does not like him when he is worried. Touch, transplant, break. But some measures are needed. For example, the picking must be carried out. Otherwise, the roots in the process of growth are descended, and the rabid themselves will be long, thin and weak. Make it when two real sheets are clearly visible. Semi-siards do not count.

Seat Bulgarian pepper into cups for two pieces at the same time. And they are not more trying not to conntove the transplant to the open ground.

Watch the soil carefully. It should always be in moderation wet, but not raw. If necessary, periodically splash the shooters from the spray gun. This water is quite enough for watering. Nutrient mixtures are also used on the leaves. The root system of sweet pepper is still too weak, but the leaves are completely able to absorb the desired amount of feeding.

Sweet pepper seedlings must be gradually hardening. Otherwise, it will be painful and weak. To do this, gradually reduce the air temperature to 15-16 ° C. This can be achieved, for a while, take out sprouts to the balcony or into the unheated terrace.

Council. If you have a greenhouse or guy, you can put the cups on the day. Nights in April are still cold, so put the seedlings in the house.

When to plant bell pepper

Exact landings are always interested in both newcomers and experienced gardeners. It is not difficult to calculate the first sowing time. The age of the devices of sweet peppers when disembarking in open ground should be 76-79 days. In most regions, peppers are planted after the threat of return freezers. This time falls on the third decade of May. Squeeze back and get a day when it is necessary to sow seeds.

If landing is planned to a greenhouse, it usually happens in mid-April. Accordingly, the deadlines are moved back. Some owners are not able to sow sweet pepper seeds. Therefore, they do it for a regular period, but they dive plants immediately into a greenhouse or greenhouse.

By the way, the classic planting scheme of Bulgarian pepper is 40 per 40 cm.

Council. The people there are signs. If any seedlings are planted on a certain day, then allegedly no subsequent frosts will bring harm to it. This day is May 13th. The weather may be still cool, but it should not stop you. Try on several bushes. According to reviews, the secret works for 100%.

Standard care for sweet pepper landings includes:

  1. War gun. Weeds are still lying to sharpen the peppers and select the lion's share of the useful substances. Therefore, they are mercilessly pulling them. You can add them right in the aisle, as a mulch. Let it be beneficial instead of harm.
  2. Loosening. Earth crust breaks necessarily after each watering or rain. This contributes to the best conservation of moisture in the soil. Only to do it is very careful not to damage the root system. It has a very capricious pepper and is located close to the surface.
  3. Watering. Bulgarian pepper is very responsive to the timely watering. Without water, he can grow, but it will be larger, painful and will not give a crop. At the same time, with excessive humidity of the soil roots can start rot. Therefore, it is watered only in the threat of drought. In the normal climate, then water is poured when the upper layer of soil is dry at a depth of at least 10 cm.
  4. Formation. Most often, sweet pepper is allowed to grow in two stems. That is, pinch the top of the central svolka. After that, pepper gives several stepsings. Of these, they leave the two most powerful, the rest are broken. And some do not form bushes at all. And also get good crops.
  5. Feeding. Sweet pepper begin to feed the organica only with the beginning of flowering. Up to this point, it is desirable to use mineral fertilizers. If you change them in places, there will be powerful lush bushes, and there will be little colors. It is very good to use green liquid fertilizer or a bird litter, diluted with water in proportions of 1 to 20. There is enough one contribution to 15 days. Fertilize preferably under the root.
  6. Mulching. Very important aspect of pepper care. It allows you to preserve in soil moisture, which means there is a need for frequent irrigations. And does not give to grow by mild grass, and it facilitates all departure in the complex. To achieve the best results, the mulch layer should be at least 10 cm. Otherwise, the whole sense of the ventilation is reduced to zero.
  7. Getting rid of pests. As a rule, pepper bushes are very loved by many pests. And the infusion of garlic does not help from them. Insecticides are much more effective. But, if the landing is categorically against the use of chemistry, then the network is full of popular recipes. Perhaps there will be the most suitable. Among them, the most good reviews received infusions of tobacco (the average handful on liter of boiling water, strain, dilute in 5 liters of clean water) and a mixture based on birch tar (a tablespoon of diluted in 10 liters of water).
  8. Prevention of diseases. The hands of the sweet pepper are often caused by a shortage of any elements or their re-free. Therefore, it is necessary to periodically carefully examine bushes on the subject of various suspicious stains or points. In any case, the disease is easier to prevent than then try to get rid of them. There are recommendations to alternate spraying with a solution of hydrogen peroxide with a solution of ammonic alcohol. Both fluids take 2 tbsp. l. 10 liters of clean water.

As can be seen from the list, care for the Bulgarian pepper is not difficult. However, it is regular.

Multiple tricks

  1. Now in pharmacies do not sell manganese. And it is required in several periods of work with Bulgarian pepper. Feel free to keep it in any store where fertilizers and feeding are sold. There is not even a recipe.
  2. Try to plant different varieties of sweet pepper away from each other, because they are prone to resellers. And even more so, it is impossible to have them next to the sharp pepper.
  3. Always when picking or transplanting peppers try to at a minimum damage the earthen com with the root system. So the plants are less sick and better come true.
  4. It is believed that young sweet pepper plants can not be plugged. This is wrong. Numerous experiments of the gardeners have proven - additional roots develop on a swampy pepper. Therefore, you can safely plant the peppers rejected them to seedy leaves.
  5. For better pollination of flowers use sweet water. On 300 ml of pure water takes 1 tbsp. l. Sugar, carefully stirred and spray future marks. Bees with pleasure flying to such flowers.

How to grow Bulgarian peppers? After reading this article, you can safely answer this question - very simple!

Video: 10 Errors when growing sweet pepper

The cultivation of Bulgarian pepper in the open soil is possible not only in the regions with a warm climate. Therefore, in the garden, many vegetable breeds can be found a bed with this cultivated plant. In order for each Kuska to have a strong stem and strong roots, and the fruits began to be formed in a timely manner, it is necessary to plant the retained seedlings grown at home.

How to plant peppers into open soil, seedlings or seeds selection of each. But more likely to get a good result in the first case. Seeds are independently extended at home in compliance with several rules.

The cultivation of sweet peppers in the open ground begins three months after seeding. Therefore, it is necessary to plant grains in early February. For the rapid appearance of healthy sprouts, the seeds must be subjected to various manipulations.

Behind the sweet pepper, care begins with seeds. The preparatory stage in the technology of growing pepper in the open ground is based on the processing of seeds. To remove fungal and bacterial infection with the seed shell, the disinfection procedure is carried out. A weak solution of manganese is useful.

It is enough to add 1 g of substance into water, the solution should be a weak pink shade. The time of grain exposure in such a solution should be about 25 minutes.

After disinfection, it is recommended to spend care of seeds. How to spend the procedure? To this end, the seeds for three days alternately placed in a cold and warm place. Hardening will allow in the future to withstand bushes with adverse weather conditions.

In order for seedlings to grow faster, and in the future he pleased the qualitative harvest, it was recommended not to skip the soaking procedure. For this purpose, you can buy special drugs or make natural components yourself. You can use a recipe based on wood ash or aloe juice. Aloe juice will additionally increase the resistance to various diseases. In juice of two fleshy leaves, a fabric bag with pepper seeds are placed.

Landing seeds

Rast the peppers turns out faster if the seeds are wrapped in wet matter and remove into a warm place. Two days later, the seeds can already be heated in the prepared container with soil. The distance between the wells should be at least 1.5 cm. In each recession should be put on one seed. Capacity is closed with polyethylene or glass film. As soon as most of the shoots appear, the seedlings open.

Soil for peppers need to choose light. You can independently mix black soil, humid and sand. Useful to add charcoal. Soaps with seedlings are watered with water, which defended at least a day.

Seedlings should be protected from drafts and provide sufficient light access. Be sure to bring mineral or organic fertilizers. The first time feeding the seedlings is made immediately, how the first leaves will dissolve. The last feeding is held two weeks before replancing in the open area.

The peppers are very hard to transfer a transplant, so many experienced gardens lower the stage associated with the picking (pitching of long roots). But if the planting of pepper seedlings is accompanied by correct and careful picking, the root system will be branched and strong. In one of the experiments, a positive result of this procedure is described: "I grow peppers not the first year. The recording procedure increases many times with the power of each bustle and allows you to quickly adapt the seedlings in a new place. "

If it is decided to plant pepper seeds into open ground, then sowing starts three weeks earlier than the sedale. In the wells depth of about 4 cm, it is recommended to lay 4-5 grains. The method of a bunch location of the seed allows to facilitate the process of developing shoots. Sowing seeds should pay more attention.

Features of landing under the open sky

There are many secrets how to grow a good pepper harvest in the open soil.

How to plant a sweet pepper into open soil sedale? Before planting pepper seedlings to open ground, you need to choose a place and cook a bed. The landing of the Bulgarian pepper should be carried out in place where there will be no piercing wind. In the autumn, the right plot of land jump and fertilize. Planting pepper and outdoor care does not cost without feeding from potash and phosphate substances.

Also, sweet pepper in the open soil does not tolerate too hot air and direct sunlight. It is necessary to take care of the shading of beds in hot weather.

In the spring you need to break the earth again, with the introduction of ammonium nitrate. The planting scheme may be diverse, but the variety is always taken into account. At what distance from each other, the seedling landing in the ground is recommended? The wells are digging at a distance of 35 cm. The distance between the rows should be approximately 45 cm. If two pieces are seated in the well, then the distance should be increased to 60 cm.

Known and often used square-nesting way to landing. The well should have equal side, at least 60 cm. To plant pepper can be in every recess of two bustle. How to plant a plant if there are three pieces in the nest? In this case, the sizes of the parties should be 70 cm. More about such a plant planting method can be viewed on video.

Planting pepper into the ground falls at the end of the spring. If the weather has not been established, then the pepper landing is transferred to the beginning of June. It is better to plant pepper into the ground in the evening or on cloudy days.

The seedlings are thoroughly watered and carefully removed by one bush from the tank along with an earthen room, which enveloped the roots. What fertilizers to enter when planting pepper? In the Lunka, when landing, it is useful to add a composition with a humus and nitroposka. The plant is placed on the depth to the first pair of leaves.

Useful layer

The valuable phase of care is pepper mulching. The peculiarities of cultivation in the coating of the soil organic or inorganic layer, which is called mulch. Mulching Earth is necessary to reduce weeds, saving moisture, heat protection and cold. In the soil, which is covered with mulch, the useful flora is spread, and it becomes fertile.

To climb the plot where the pepper can be planted with the following substances.

  • The organic layer of straw is able to quickly cool the Earth, reduces the number of weeds, allows you to get a good harvest. The depth of the muffin layer is at least 10 cm.
  • For the cultivation of sweet pepper, useful and nutritious mulch is humid and compost. Their composition has useful microorganisms that are struggle with pathogenic microorganisms. Pepper grows better, the fruits are faster and become juicy.
  • Mulch the earth sliced \u200b\u200bgrass. Any grass can be used. Planting sweet peppers in such a place will only benefit. The layer keeps moisture well, contributes to the rapid development of the plant and the formation of fruits. Mulch thickness should be at least 30 cm.
  • You can plant seedlings when using inorganic mulch. It includes a black film. Soil under the black film retains moisture well and protects against weeds. Many experienced vegetable vegetables plant peppers precisely under the film, since the need for a constant watering and a musting bed is lost.

On the Internet pages you can find detailed information about each form of mulch, as well as watch a video.

In addition to the use of mulching can lead to problems. Most often it occurs when the mulch thick thick layer is established. Stagnation of moisture in the soil can lead to rotting roots. Periodically, you should change the old layer on the new one.

To avoid mistakes, each type of mulch needs to be laid such a thickness that is recommended by agronomas. The layer is stacked on a well-hot, dry land. Each spring the old mulch interlayer should be removed.

Thoughtful attitude

The first days after transplantation growth of pepper slows down, the leaflets are sluggish and omitted. After a few days, when the bushes are rooted, a strong stem will begin to develop. The care of pepper in the open soil is accompanied by regular irrigation, soil fertilizer and weed struggles.

Growing and care in open pepper ground must be accompanied by the right, regular irrigation. The first irrigation is carried out at the time of disembarking, and then 5 days later. If the weather does not indulge the rains, then water before the appearance of the first fruit, recommended every week. During violent fruiting, watering is reduced. As soon as the first harvest is assembled, and new flowers will appear on the plants, the previous irrigation regime is resumed.

As soon as the height of the plant reaches 35 cm, the top pinch. Thanks to this, new side sprigs will go. In order for the flowering to be plentiful and formed a lot of barriers, remove the flower, which is located in the center.

Throughout the time the Bulgarian pepper grows, you need to tear extra leaves and twigs. It provides the best access of sunlight and air to the stalk.

Pepper loves a soft, well-hazardous land. Therefore, it is impossible to allow solid crust. During the loosening of the soil is enriched with oxygen, the plant grows faster, the activities of useful bacteria improves. At the same time, the struggle with weeds. The first loosening should be carried out not deeper than 6 cm. In the future, loosen the soil is useful after each watering or rain.

Since peppers are thermal-loving plants, they can hardly move the unfavorable weather surprises. Protect peppers from frosts as follows. Cardboard, warm fabric over the beds are constructed shelters. If the cold nights continue for a long time, it is better to cover with a film.

Additional nutrient components

Pepper Bulgarian cultivation is not necessary without making nutrients. The frequency of the delivered fertilizer should be every 12-14 days. Fertilize the plant needs at least three times. Especially acute pepper needs a feeding during flowering and fruit formation.

The first feeding of the nutritional elements occurs 14 days after disembarkation. During this time, peppers are rooted, and get used to a new place. The best compounds at this stage are those that contain a korovyat. Water is added to the manure in proportion 1: 5, they insist and stir 1: 2 with water before irrigated.

When flowers appear, you can use the following recipe based on herbal infusion and cowboy. The nettle, the leaves of the plantain and dandelion are poured with water, add a korlard and insist during the week. Make the finished solution to the root of each bustle. You can repeat watering every 2 weeks. Nutrients obtained during this feeding contribute to the increase in growth and better formation of fruits.

To attract insects during flowering, which are pollinated, you can use sugar mortar. Sugar and boric acid dissolve in water. The resulting composition spray bushes. As a result, rapidly formed faster.

During the formation of fruits, you can take care of a fertilizer based on chicken litter and nitroamophos. Components are mixed and left to incande all week. A fertilizer between rows is transferred to bed.

Behind the Bulgarian pepper can be careed with a valid infusion. The infusion from one strap is stimulated by the growth and development of pepper. Best of all, young nettle is suitable for infusion. It contains magnesium, iron, potassium and other essential trace elements. The stalks are crushed and insist in a barrel with water, covering the lid for two days. Before the feeding solution is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10.

Before you bring organic or mineral feeding, the beds should be poured with conventional water. Such care will allow evenly distributing the nutrient components and avoid burning the root system.

Pepper growing agricultural equipment does not allow for use as a fertilizer of fresh manure. The manure contains a lot of nitrogen, therefore the risk of oversupply of this element increases. Starting the mass and strength of the stem, leaves, and the fruiting is suspended.

The emergence of problems

If it was seen that the leaves change the form, the color, the stems look sluggish or other signs appeared, often the shortage of mineral components becomes the reason:

  • with a lack of potassium, the leaves are twisted, and their tips dry and yellow;
  • nitrogen fertilizers should be made when the leaves lost the rich green color and became gray;
  • if the leaves are pressed against the stalk and purchased a bluish shade, it means there is not enough phosphorus;
  • white spots talk about magnesium deficiency;
  • leaves and wounds fall when the nitrogen is re-published.

To grow sweet pepper, you need to create conditions. With incorrect care, it is subject to the development of various diseases. The most common disease is a black leg, which develops in too damp soil. It is possible to notice the problem on the dark part of the stem with a bloom, which passes near the ground. If you do not take action, then rotten all the roots and the plant dies.

For information on the risk of developing a black leg, seeds are planted only in the processed soil, only strong, healthy seedlings are transplanted into open soil. The distance between the bushes must necessarily be large, this will reduce the rate of dissemination of the disease. In addition, closely planted bushes will be bad for air, light.

The phytoofer is a fungal infection that affects the green part of the plant. You can find out on the appearance of brown spots on the stem and leaves. To avoid this disease, care should begin with seeds. They are soaked in manganese before landing, spend an extraxanle spraying of seedlings in open ground with protective solutions. Also avoided the neighborhood of pepper with tomatoes and potatoes.


Landing at the right distance provides a plant with comfortable conditions for obtaining a good crop. Beginner gardeners plant vegetable culture for a ruler, experienced - on the eye. Pepper - Culture Capricional, should comply with some recommendations for its cultivation. In this review, we will look at how it is right and at what distance to plant seedlings of this vegetable.

Pepper seedlings - whimsical culture, so it is very important not to miss important points. By the time of the landing on the seedling bed should have 8-10 leaves. It is allowed with the resulting buds when the pipper will bloom, it is impossible to transplant. This is due to the fact that during the flowering period, the plant will be difficult to take root in a new place.

Flowers can fall, and seedlings will not accepted. There are also time periods when you need to start planted, and when it is too late. Depending on the region, these deadlines may differ. For landing on open beds, the average temperature should be at the level of 15-18 ° C heat.

You need to wait for the threat of spring frosts, otherwise, because of the low temperature of the soil, the plant will develop weakly. It will increase the likelihood of diseases. The seedlings of the Bulgarian and Gorky pepper plant at the end of May. In order not to fear night frosts, be sure to cover with a film or diaper.

It is better to be late than hurrying, night frosts can destroy the entire future harvest.

Is it possible to plant a bitter and sweet pepper two pieces in the hole

Gardeners often ask the question, how many peppers are in the hole? It is profitable to plant for 2-3 pieces, many gardeners practic this technique. Having tried this method once, usually stopped on it. The pair method gives good crops. The method of landing pairs in one hole has many advantages:

  • of two bushes more likely, that one is taken on if the second is damaged by the polar;
  • the pair of seedlings are tightly held, binding among themselves, in the process of growth, does not require garter;
  • in this way, plants are greatly pollinated, The people used to say "Pepper likes to sput";

Planting peppers in two or three pieces in the well - this is a great way to grow rich crop of fruits, especially in hot climatic conditions

Growing a pair of seedlings, it is necessary to take into account the fact that growth in one root can give minor fruits. If two different varieties will grow nearby, hybrids may turn out. Both options have their advantages. Gardeners make a decision from personal considerations.

Preparatory work when landing

Any plant in the garden requires nutritious soil, it must contain a sufficient amount of humus. How to understand whether homemade soil is suitable on the garden and where to plant? Earth with beds need to be in hand. If it is loose and crumbly, it means that the plant will be comfortable. Preparatory work provides for the following actions:

  1. Necessary well explode soil Stripping, remove the grass and trash.
  2. Place the place of the future bed. Measure the desired distance between rows.
  3. Plentifully pole Trays with seedlings for the night before landing, it will be easier to separate from containers.

On loam and acidic soil, a good harvest will not grow, as the roots need moisture and air.

What to put in the hole

So that the plant is fed from the root, it is best to put the garden mixture inside each well. Prepare it from ash, sawdust and organic fertilizer (manure, bird litter). Manure take autumn. It is necessary for him to be trapped and several times freezing. If you take fresh fertilizer, it can get seedlings. Inside the wells are enough to add one zhmy of the garden mixture.

Some simply bring to the root of ammonium Selitra. Experienced gardeners, to scare from the root of the Medvedka, lay broken eggs. In addition to the protective function, the shell feeds Calcium bushes. So that the roots do not start, if the soil is not loose, the peat is rawped or humus.

Before adding a nutrient mixture to the well, it must be pouring it. If you do it before, useful substances can leave deeply underground.

Rules for disembarking seedlings in open ground

  1. It is better land closer in the evening When the sun sits. If you do it in the heat, the seedlings will quickly start, its recovery will be difficult.
  2. Well, if during this period it rains, Then the soil will be wet. Vegetable culture will be easier to adapt.
  3. If sowing your own cultivation, before landing the trays you need to put out in advance. Let it get used to the open atmosphere.
  4. Peppers must be well politicians, Then they will be easy to get from the pots.
  5. You need to remove bushes from pots gently. Landing to produce with soil, in which she grew. This will help the plant easier to move stress.
  6. If the seedlings are purchased, it is necessary store in a cool place. Roots should be wounded into wet cloth.
  7. If desired roots can be treated with growth amplifier. Stimulants will help to quickly root and develop correctly.

At what distance to plant

The distance between the rows should be 50-60 cm for low-speed varieties, and about 70 cm for volumetric hectares of pepper. Between bushes 25-30 cm. If landing is thick, the plant will not receive the desired amount of light. I find it difficult to care by bushes, it will be difficult to loosen the soil and fertilize.

At the right distance, landing will provide a good harvest and convenience in care.

Conditions Content of pepper and care

From the moment of landing, careful care is required when the bushes root will be easier. If the bushes eat the Medvedka, you need to fight it. In the place of the missing bushes to plant new ones. In the future, care consists of the following moments:

  • soil should not disarma;
  • provide regular loosening;
  • once every 2 weeks make feed;
  • water in the morningor in the evening;
  • plant loves sprinkle, But only not in the heat;
  • if their diseases are seen, need to be treated;
  • tear peppers with a bush neatly, to damage it;
  • large bushes and blood abundant it is better to tie.

The basis of care and content in the garden requires a certain skill that comes over the years. Studying useful recommendations, you can even start the native garden to grow this culture from the seed and collect a good harvest from the bed.

A good result depends on planting seedlings, if everything is done correctly, problems with growing will not arise.

If you do not take into account the importance of the distance between rows and plants, it is impossible to achieve rich yields. It is impossible to plant too close. Landshed bushes will stretch up. On rarely planted peppers as acute and sweet destructively affects drought. In all, the existing distance among the gardens distance for planting should be observed.

Pepper is a rather demanding culture, and it is possible to get a harvest only with appropriate care. Gardeners with experience are achieving excellent results without problems, but newcomers often have difficulties in growing pepper. It often happens that strong healthy bushes give 2-3 fetus not the very best quality or binding is falling out without visible causes. But so I want to collect pepper buckets, so that it is juicy, big, fragrant! In fact, it is not so difficult to achieve a good harvest, you only need to carefully examine several important rules of agrotechnology of this wonderful culture.

When going to grow pepper in the open soil, first of all you need to choose the right grade. The period of vegetation in pepper is very long, and even in early grades, the first fruits ripen days after 100 after the appearance of germs. Therefore, in order to have a harvest, you need to pay attention only to early and secondary varieties. In addition, the climatic features of their region should be taken into account. For example, in the south of the country, peppers of different maturation terms are successfully grown, since the conditions there are the most favorable, and in the Northern and Eastern regions the best results show mainly cold-resistant early grades.

The shape and size of fruits also matter. For stuffing and canning it is worth choosing varieties with cone-shaped small fruits, large thick-walled fruits of a cubic form are more suitable for fresh use.

If you are going to grow pepper for sale, take a look at the hybrids of Dutch selection: they are cold-resistant, early and friendly ripen, less often affect diseases.

The novice gardener is difficult to understand the abundance of varieties, so the most popular and reliable are below:

Preparation of place

Select and preparing a plot for pepper follows from autumn. Qualitatively prepared soil is a guarantee of normal growth and fruiting plants for the next year. The perfect place is a gardening from the south side of the house or household buildings that are in the light shadow of the afternoon. Such a location provides protection from the wind, and from the burns of the leaves in the July heat. Do not land pepper where tomatoes, potatoes, eggplants and other grained cultures have grown over the past three years. Bean and pumpkin cultures, cabbage, fringe, siturats are considered the best predecessors of pepper.

Preparation of beds for peppers

Soil for pepper should be neutral or weakly acid. On the beds with a sour ray plant for a long time of transplanting, weakly develop, almost do not bloom and do not fruit.

Tip! Check the acidity at home is very easy: you need to take a little land and moiste with ordinary cutlery. If no reaction follows - the soil is acidic and needs lime, if bubbles appeared on the surface - this indicates neutral acidity.

So, if the earth on the chosen area is sour, with a permeated lime (1 cup per square meter) or wood ash (1.5-3 kg) are made. If the soil is neutral, it is necessary to make a recoverable organic (from 5 to 10 kg per m2) and switching a garden to a depth of 20-25 cm. In the spring, it is additionally introduced by 40 g per meter of potash-phosphoric fertilizers, the soil is well loose and align.

Growing seedlings

Severy pepper seeds into open soil is inappropriate, plants will not have time to enter fruiting to cold weather. That is why sweets and sharp grade pepper grown through seedlings. The secondary and average varieties are sown around in early February, early - in early March. Note that the overgrown seedlings adapts for a very long time in the open soil, especially if there are already flowering plants.

Step 1. Seeds are immersed in warm water for 5-6 hours for swelling. Then lay them on a wet fabric, wrapped and leave in a warm place for 2-3 days until the sprouts will be processed.

Step 2. Mix 1 part of the garden land, 1 part of the sand and 2 parts of the revolted organic, warmed in the microwave or ordinary oven for disinfection. Then, 1 kg of the mixture add a tablespoon of wood ash and mixed thoroughly.

Step 3. Torn potatoes or disposable cups with a capacity of 0.5 l and fill them with prepared soil. You can suck seeds and into a common capacity, but as it becomes closely, the pepper does not like the pepper picking.

Step 4. The proceeding seeds lay down one in each pot, the ground is slightly poured, moisturized through the sprayer. Then the containers are covered with glass or film and put in a warm place. Temperature must be maintained within 22-24 degrees.

Sprouts appear for 2-3 days after sowing. At this time, they need to provide at least 12 hours of lighting, so prepare phytolamba in advance. Film from the pots are removed that the elevated humidity does not destroy tender sprouts. Pepper seedlings are very moderately, only when the substrate begins to push. Water is used only warm and resistant, the development slows down from cold water.

If there is too dry air in the room, seedlings should be sprayed in the morning (too warm water). After checking the room, be sure to clean the seedlings from the draft, avoid sudden temperature drops. A week after the shootings, the night temperature is recommended to reduce to 15 ° C. Thirsty and hardened seedlings should be gradually hardening. On warm days, when the temperature outside the window rises to 13 ° C, the pepper needs to be placed on an open air, providing wind protection. The first time is enough half an hour, then the time of staying in the air is increased daily. In cold days, seedlings do not endure, since already at 10 ° C plants may be damaged.

Landing in the primer

Before planting seedlings, the beds are stolen from weeds, looser and smash. The wells are made at a distance of 30 cm in the row, there are 60-70 cm. It is necessary to plant peppers in the evening or in cloudy weather, as the daily heat is an additional stress for the plant. Approximately 5-6 hours before transplanting, the seedlings are abundantly watered so that the root system is easier to adapt in new conditions. Water for watering is also prepared in advance: dial in buckets or a large container and put in the sun for heating.

Step 1. In each well, 2-3 liters of water are poured and allowed to absorb a little.

Step 2. Seedlings are neatly removed from the tanks so as not to break up the earthen com. If peat pots were used, peppers planted with them.

Step 3. Plants are lowered in the hole slightly deeper than they grow in cups, sprinkle from all sides of the earth, seal with their hands.

Tip! Pepper is easily overstated, so if you plan to collect seeds, plan different varieties as far as possible from each other. Additionally, it is possible to broadcast their tall cultures, such as corn, sunflower, Topinambury and others. Acute and sweet peppers should also be planted at the maximum distance, otherwise all the fruits will have a sharp taste.

Pepper care in open soil

Watering and feeding

2 days after disembarking, peppers watered and pour out the ground with shallow straw, dry grass or sawdust. In the future, watering plants need once a week until the ovary is formed, after which the watering is raised - 1 time for 5 days. In order not to water so often, you can increase the mulch layer to 10 cm.

Feed the landing three times:

  • for the first time, fertilizer is brought 10 days after landing. Used for this bird litter, diluted in the proportion of 1:10, with the addition of 200 g of ash and 40 g of superphosphate by 10 liters of solution. The specified volume is enough about 10 bushes;
  • the second time the pepper is fed at the beginning of the fruiting of a cowbling solution in a ratio of 1: 5 or divorced bird litter (1:10);
  • the third time fertilizer is brought during the mass formation of fruits when plants need the most replenishment of nutrients.

In the appearance of pepper it is easy to determine which substances it is not enough. If the leaves are dried around the edge, and then twist, it indicates a lack of potassium. The lack of nitrogen is expressed by the mattiness of the leaves, the presence of a grayish shade. In addition, the leaves become small. But when an overlapping nitrogen is beginning to fall off the wounds and flowers. A rich purple color of the back side of the leaves indicates the lack of phosphorus, the marble pattern occurs with a lack of magnesium. Fill it all helps the use of mineral fertilizers, but do not forget to accurately observe the dosage, otherwise all excess will be fruitful.

If the autumn was warm, with the help of another feeding, you can extend the fruiting early varieties. To do this, 50 g of superphosphate is divorced in 10 liters of water, 15 g of ammonia nitrate and potassium chloride.


The soil in the aisle should be regularly loosened to a depth of up to 10 cm. The formation of soil crust slows down the development of peppers, causes oxygen fasting root system. It is best to carry out loosening on the outflow after irrigation, while the earth is still quite wet. If the mulch is not used, the loosening is carried out under the most bushes, but very carefully, since the roots are located very close to the surface. During the period of bootonization and flowering, each plant is desirable to extinate at a height of 10-12 cm.

Formation of bush

To get large overwhelmed fruits, the plant should remove unnecessary shoots (stepsing). All the processes below the first branching are completely removed, since they only pull the juices from the plant and interfere with fruiting. In addition, it is necessary to cut forward the crown so that each branch receives enough air and light. Too thick bushes form little barring, the fruits grow small and thin-walled fruits.

On average, trimming is held every two weeks, but if summer rainy, the steps will have to be removed more often - about once every 10 days. Pruning is desirable to combine with loosening soil to disturb the plant less.

The shoots from pepper are quite fragile, and any careless movement can damage the stalks. To avoid this, it is recommended to tie tall grades to supports.

Diseases and pests

This culture is subject to phytoofluorosis, white and vertex rot, tobacco mosaic and some other diseases. The best way to combat them is prevention and proper care. Compliance with the landing scheme, timely thinning and trimming, the right watering, the removal of patients with the beds will help you keep fitting healthy and get a crop in full.

From pests effectively acts dusting of wood ash rustic. It is necessary to do this at least 5 times per season, preferably in the morning clock while the leaves are wet. The spraying of peppers with garlic influence also helps the spraying of pepper with a spraying tick. Slugs that do not mind to enjoy fresh leaflets are collected using traps or scare saline, lime, mustard, pepper powder, filled with rustles.

Video - Pepper: Growing and Care in Open Ground

Video - Pepper seedlings landing

Video - Formation of the Bush Pepper