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What knows dreams in Palm Sunday. Dreams from Saturday for Sunday - What do you mean? Come true or not

It has long been believed that Sunday is the day of the Sun. And the sun, as you know, makes our life joyful! Therefore, the dreams that dream on Sunday are usually predicted good news. They can concern both ordinary things and love, as well as talents that a person keeps in itself until time.

The interpreters of dreams in their theories adhere to the designation of the Sun, as the planets, where love is reigning, inspiration and limitless creativity. In the hearts of people, the sun brings happiness and joy. So dreams that come to people on the night on Sunday show various situations Or people, the purpose of which is to illuminate the lives of other special, happy light. However, other people meet, and it should be understood that in life there can be no endless cloudless.

In cases where Sunday's sleep is characterized by beauty, it may mean that the dream should be waiting for the arrival of new interesting ideas Or the appearance of acquaintances with unique abilities that can hit everyone around. However, there is another interpretation in case the dream dreamed on Sunday, colorful and sunny. This may mean the premonition of the arrival strong love. The interpreters do not exclude that the phenomenon of a beautiful Sunday sleep can precede the disclosure in the dream of extraordinary talents, which he once could only guess!

Such a wonderful dream perfectly motivates a dream to active work in creativity. But if the sleep is stingy and monotonous, there is no sun rayThis may be the foresight of trouble. The only thing that remains to do in this situation is to extract lessons and see any positive parties in the accomplished event.

Interestingly, the faded, in gray paints, Sunday dream is interpreted by some specialists, as an inefficient waste of energy out of pity for a friend, a native person or just familiar. The same dream can be interpreted as the presence of excessive nervous tension. Interestingly, the abundance of different animals in Sunday dreams can mean absolutely different perspectives. The deer runs on the dream - it means that there are no everyday adversity, but you should not worry, they will pass the party. Seen cockroach - to the ambiguous incredible events.

So, from Sunday sleep as the main component is not his plot and something that seemed or heard in it, but what is this dream in itself, how does the dreams perceive him. If there is something pleasant in a dream, giving a bright and joyful feeling of a dream, then events are waiting for the events in their own way. It can be anything! The children will delight with their successes, good feelings from something, already accomplished, will enter new acquaintances, from communication with which only one will remain positive emotions. This may also mean a long-awaited trip.

If you fully analyze, which means sleep on Sunday, especially if it is colorful, you can unambiguously state the fact of having a dream of a great mood and excellent arrangement of the Spirit. Of course, it will help in new accomplishments. At the same time, Sunday dream, bringing heaviness, can talk about the overall overwork of the body. And in this case it is necessary to take leave and make a trip that distract the dream from the everyday fuss will help restore forces.

If a hunting leopard appeared in a dream, eating prey, it can be the foresight of overcoming existing family troubles. Cuckoo in a dream - will long life. If the sound of the cooking is not heard - the ears will be sick. The cuckoo flies - to be a fire. If the dreams just saw the cuckoo - it means that the beloved dog will soon leave his life forever.

It is very important to understand that Sunday Dreams, unlike dreams, who appeared on other days of the week, have a general trend to quickly come true. This may occur or on the same day, or the day after tomorrow, on Tuesday, in the morning. And since these dreams relate to close friends and relatives, they need to immediately memorize and remember in the future until they come true.

Sometimes it happens so that man comes bad Son.. How to be? There are many ways to change your future: to hold yourself for your head, to look at the flames of the candle for a long time, told three times in window glass. Among the night you can turn the pillow, turn the pillowcase or tell this dream to the dinner to the maximum possible number of people.

On the sixth week of the Great Post accounts for a big religious holiday - Palm Sunday . He is dedicated to the entry of Christ in Jerusalem. Urban residents met Jesus with palm leaves in her hands. They were abandoned and the road, according to which Jesus Christ was driving on a donkey. In medium latitudes, blurred palm leaves over time were replaced by willow sprigs. This tree in the spring blooms the first and pleases the eye with golden earrings.

On Sunday, parishioners carry recruitment bouquets in the temple. In Starina, they believed that the sophisticated in the Church of the Verba protects the house from the enemies and sorcerers, heals the disease, he drives away and misfortune. Willow twigs kept on the ship, next to icons. The dried last year's bouquets were not thrown away, they were buried in the garden or they were allowed along the river.

Signs and Traditions of Palm Resurrection

This holiday is very loved in Slavic countries. There are Verbal Sundays and their signs and traditions, which, of course, are associated with a plant by Verba.

On this day, the Willow Spreads are sanctified in the church, and after the service they keep them all year around the icons. It is believed that it is the consecrated willow that becomes wonderful power, eliminating diseases, damage, evil spirits and other troubles.

In order to protect your domestic cattle from diseases, the sanctified sprigs feed him, and also sprinkle with animals with branches, moistened with holy water.

People also believe that the willow will save from sore throat, dental pain, from infertility and other diseases, and eat 9 kidneys of the Willow, and kidney kidney in loafs.

Verba is made to decorate at home and apartments. It is believed that the sanctified twigs of the willow have a cleansing force. And even just to block the branches of the Willow and put them in a vase or give to play children, it is considered a good sign.

Also on this day, verbal lambs (or earrings) possess healing powerThey can eat them (a few pieces), however, as the kidney willow.

During the day, they remember the deceased and go to the cemetery.

In the evening, it is customary to go to the church and stand at worship with a candle and a vessel in her hands.

Dreams on Palm Resurrection

  • Dreams that night on Palm Sunday They dreamed, no attention left, interpreted yes, they solved.
  • Greeting the Motherwear - wait for an unpleasant conversation.
  • Sausage pork yes Salo see to illness.
  • Postman - to Skyatitsa, disorder in affairs and actions.
  • Beer with a thick foam cap - to wealth.
  • A big white mouse - to the robbery.
  • Hear in a dream of a roronier carcass - to family quarrels.
  • Coloring hair - in reality Love losing.
  • Hide under the pillow paper money - to a significant, large purchase.

Some proverbs are connected with Verbim Sunday:

"Present by the Tijan of Verbovy - Take Vіz on the road Dubovy."

"DMA Verbits - Terbic Casing."

"Verbits - two terbic covers."

began to celebrate from the 10th century. This year is April 13th. In fact, in the last resurrection before Easter, the Entrance of the Lord in Jerusalem is celebrated. When Jesus was part of the city, many residents went to the goal to meet him. All in the hands were palm branches. Insofar as

in Russia, palm trees are rare, and the willows and willows are much, and even this is the first tree, which in the spring dismisses amazing beautiful fluffy, took the sprigs of the willow. So threatened to celebrate the entrance of the Lord in Jerusalem with Verba branches. People carried the twigs in the temple, the father sanctified them, and the satisfied flock carried out the value with him to the house.

Palm Sunday is a big bright holiday. Behind him follows the most strict week of the Great Post. Folk signs and rites.

Knock on the body of the Willow Spark - There will be health for a whole year. At first the Willow twig is sanctified on this day in the church, and after that he told the branch on the body and sentenced: "Be as strong as the willow, as healthy as her roots and the same rich as the earth" .

Parents are sure to joke "Stegaly" by the verbal branches of their children. Such preference is given to the Verba because it is perhaps the most lively tree, which is only in nature.

It is believed that even if the Willow stick stick up in the ground up "legs", it will still be accepted, and will grow. It is for this reason that the willow will be able to give health to a person, because she herself is very strong. For example, a sick person can take the ward branch consecrated in the church and led it on those points of the body, which are particularly worried, saying: "The Holy Spirit, through the willer, go away. Verba will come - the disease will take away. "

And if the insomnia suffered, then you need to put a twig of the Willow from the head of the bed and before bedtime, looking at her, sentence: "Holy angels, a dream of my bank, holy willow, undead driven out." In Russia, it was believed if you swallow nine verbal earrings (from a branch, consecrated in the temple), then you can protect yourself from fever, and in general to drive any illness.

If a woman could not get pregnant She was advised to eat the bid of sanctified Willow in food again - they were considered a faithful tool from infertility.

Eat the kidney of the willow - the important thing will be solved. Consecrated Willow Spots was taken to keep a whole year near the icon. If you have to go to important negotiations, or you are going to start a very important thing for you, and you are not sure as a result, the willow will help you here. But only the willow will help, which in Palm Sunday was consecrated in the church.

Going to an important thing, you need to tear three kidney from the twig and eat them, drinking with holy water, while thinking about your business. True, you can use this property of the twig only in the most extreme case. Permanently, you do not need, the willer is better not to disturb, it can get sideways.

On Palm Sunday think about your loved one, He will come.Young girl, if she liked some guy, and he did not pay any attention to her, waited for this one day. Starting from the morning, she began to think about who dear to her heart. Her thoughts were somehow incomprehensible to be transferred to this guy. And in the evening he came to her to call her to walk. In principle, it has long been proven that the human thought is material. Everything we think about, sooner or later be sure to happen in real life. Perhaps the Verbal Sunday has such an energy that allows you to embody our thoughts into life much faster than any other day.

Posadi houseplant on Palm Sunday - you will be rich.It used to be believed that if it was this day to plant room flower, he will attract money to your life. In cities, of course, kept houseplantsAnd in the villages it was not before. But those who knew about this take, and planted houseplants, very quickly got up to their feet. But this sign there are several features that few people know about.

First, if the flower starts up for a month, then you have to live all your life in poverty.

And secondly, only plants with large and fleshy sheets need to be planted. Best for this suitable plant with the name " Money Tree" Rain, even small, on Palm Sunday - to a good crop.

The main tradition of Palm Sunday - consecration of branches Willow in the church. It is believed that these twigs throughout the year will protect home from fires and floods, and their owners are from poverty, diseases and adversity.

If you are not prepared in advance twigs and did not sanite them in the church, but you are very I want to have consecrated Verq. , do not despair. There are two ways:

1. Go in the morning in any temple, and buy twigs there.

2. If you all slept, feel free to go for a walk and look for bushes with burgundy branches and fluffy on them. If you do not find with burgundy, and you will see a tree, with gray branches and yellow fluffs - it's Iva. Also good. Since it is not really important important: Verba or Iva, consider that this is the same.

Bring the branches into the house and let everything be safe for you! Signs of the holiday, of course, are also associated with magical propertieswho are attributed to the willow. It is believed that if a lot of "earring" will appeared before Verbal Sunday (kidneys broke), then the whole year will be a crop, fertile and rich in good events.

There are some Simple rituals, which you can perform on Palm Sunday.

First, "let consecrated. The twig will float - good and prosperity "sail" to the house.

The burning of the consecrated willow sprig protects the house from the fire. And the consecrated twig, stuck in the roof of the house (you can attach it and in the upper corner of the ceiling) will be a faithful of your health and peace of mind.

If you want to wish a person Good and good luck, gently whipped his willow branch. At this holiday, the best blessing is not found. On Palm Sunday, it is customary not only to perform rituals, but also to talk.

If you want to improve Health and get rid of headaches, day beforeholidays spread your hair, lower a couple of hair lines into the water and pour her will. Diseases will go to the ground with water.

Also using a conspiracy on the willow can attract money. On the eve of the holiday (in Lazarev Saturday) Take left Willow Spray, and right cross and read ours "Father". Then ask the Most High to save you from financial problems and send wealth to your home. The conspiracy twig must be consecrated in the church on Sunday.

Family charm (on Palm Sunday)It is done once a year on Palm Sunday. To do this, you need so much verbal branches as people in the family. Early in the morning, on the dawn, cut the branches, then go to the morning service and sanctify them. Having come home and drinking the holy water, starting to weave the braid from the vines, mentally presenting at this time, as all the households took the hands and formed a circle. After completing the work, let the most senior family member, holding a wreath before icon God's MotherRead:

"The Verba Saint Paul Mahal, who was driven out of our enemies. As the truth that the Verbal Sunday is honored and the truth is that evil people Not head. Amen". 3 times. Wreath Store year with icons. Amen.

What can not be done in Palm Sunday?

Palm Sunday is a great holiday. On this day it is impossible to work. Also do not prepare hot dishes (all the eats should be made in advance). Do not forget that Palm Sunday is celebrated in the Great Post. The table should be very moderate: besides the eats permitted by the post, you can only eat fish. And even on Palm Sunday, it is impossible to comb your hair. Therefore, the ritual for the health, which was mentioned above, must be performed only on the eve of the holiday

And what signs on Palm Sunday still exist?

* The wind blowing on such a day will accompany all summer.

* If the weather is clear and warm, one of the following, the harvest of fruits and cereals will be good.

* There is a belief that the willow can pacify fire, hail and drive a storm. It is worth the twigs only to put on the windowsill or throw against the wind, or throw it into the fire.

* Palm Sunday adopted cookies or making nuts from the dough. On ready-made desserts, households and even animals are treated.

* And if you put the kidneys from willow in the dough, thereby adding health to everyone.

* If you are a timid man and always afraid of something, then in Palm Sunday, coming from the church, take the consecrated Willow branches into the wall, thus will help you get rid of obsessive fears, cowards and timidity.

Signs for Palm Resurrection In 2014, no difference from those will adopt that there were many centuries ago, on the contrary, such signs have gained great strength and faith of Christians. Do you believe in them, decide to you, but I believe, because miracles happen.

It has long been believed that Sunday is the day of the Sun. And the sun, as you know, makes our life joyful! Therefore, the dreams that will take off on the night on Sunday, as a rule, predict good news. They can concern both ordinary things and love, as well as talents that a person keeps in itself until time.

The interpreters of dreams in their theories adhere to the designation of the Sun, as the planets, where love is reigning, inspiration and limitless creativity. In the hearts of people, the sun brings happiness and joy. Therefore, dreams that come to people on the night on Sunday show various situations or people, the purpose of which is to cover the lives of other special, happy light. However, other people meet, and it should be understood that in life there can be no endless cloudless.

In cases where Sunday's sleep is characterized by beauty, it may mean that the dream should be waiting for the arrival of new, interesting ideas or the appearance of acquaintances with unique abilities that can hit everyone around. However, there is another interpretation in case the dream dreamed on Sunday, colorful and sunny. This may mean the premonition of the arrival of strong love. The interpreters do not exclude that the phenomenon of a beautiful Sunday sleep can precede the disclosure in the dream of extraordinary talents, which he once could only guess!

Such a wonderful dream perfectly motivates a dream to active work in creativity. But if the sleep is a stingy and monotonous, there is no sun rays in it, it can be the foresight of trouble. The only thing that remains to do in this situation is to extract lessons and see any positive parties in the accomplished event.

Interestingly, the faded, in gray paints, Sunday dream is interpreted by some specialists, as an inefficient waste of energy out of pity for a friend, a native person or just familiar. This same sleep can be interpreted as the presence of an excessive nervous voltage. Interestingly, the abundance of different animals in Sunday dreams can mean absolutely different perspectives. The deer runs on the dream - it means that there are no everyday adversity, but you should not worry, they will pass the party. Seen cockroach - to the ambiguous incredible events.

So, from Sunday sleep as the main component is not his plot and something that seemed or heard in it, but what is this dream in itself, how does the dreams perceive him. If there is something pleasant in a dream, giving a bright and joyful feeling of a dream, then events are waiting for the events in their own way. It can be anything! The children will delight with their successes, walked good feelings from something, already accomplished, new acquaintances will be enabled, only positive emotions will remain to communicate with whom. This may also mean a long-awaited trip.

If you fully analyze, which means sleep on Sunday, especially if it is colorful, you can unambiguously state the fact of having a dream of a great mood and excellent arrangement of the Spirit. Of course, it will help in new accomplishments. At the same time, Sunday dream, bringing heaviness, can talk about the overall overwork of the body. And in this case it is necessary to take leave and make a trip that distract the dream from the everyday fuss will help restore forces.

If a hunting leopard appeared in a dream, eating prey, it can be the foresight of overcoming existing family troubles. Pubs in a dream cuckoo - will be a long life. If the sound of the cooking is not heard - the ears will be sick. The cuckoo flies - to be a fire. If the dreams just saw the cuckoo - it means that the beloved dog will soon leave his life forever.

It is very important to understand that Sunday Dreams, unlike dreams, who appeared on other days of the week, have a general trend to quickly come true. This may occur or on the same day, or the day after tomorrow, on Tuesday, in the morning. And since these dreams relate to close friends and relatives, they need to immediately memorize and remember in the future until they come true.

Sometimes it happens so that a man comes bad sleep. How to be? There are many ways to change your future: to hold yourself for your head, to look at the flames of the candle for a long time, told three times in the window glass. Among the night you can turn the pillow, turn the pillowcase or tell this dream to the dinner to the maximum possible number of people.

One of the brightest and vibrant Christian holidays. This is a portable celebration, which is celebrated a week before Easter. This holiday always falls at different times, but in the same one and the same day of the week - Sunday. This year is celebrated on April 1, 2018 Palm Sunday. What is this holiday and how to celebrate it?

History of glorification

Christians have this holiday associated with the glorification of Christ when he entered the Israeli city on the donkey. By this time, his miracles and sermons allowed to find a lot of fans who walked behind him. Healing good words And Help B. different needs Allowed Jesus to become the most righteous and bright preacher who crushed the Old Testament truths. It did not like the high priests who believed that if Christ was healing and makes good deeds on Saturday, he acts from unclean power. Christ gave the basis of a new religion, more precisely, an updated understanding of God. If only the Jews had monothee to him, following the commandments, this Moses, which were 10. They are known to all Christians, and Jews based on this law created a large set of their rules. However, Christ went further and gave a more perfect form to the commandments "yes love each other", on the basis of which the conclusion of previous postulates Old Testament. After all loving man Does not envy, ceases to steal, change your beloved and - all the more, to kill, rob, rape and make atrocities. Only, if Jews followed the commandments of Moses without an inner sense of love (in this religion, and so many prohibitions and commandments of the Torah are about 631). Therefore, Palm Sunday has become for Christians a special holiday, weakening the course of the Great Post.

Customs and traditions

Palm Sunday is one of the brightest and clean holidays of the Great Post. Usually on this day or on Saturday to it, it is customary to go to the temple and sate the willow. Consecration occurs on the street under special prayers. On the same day, the service goes to the temple, during which light chants sing.

This bright holiday is made by fish, seafood and drink some wine, but not to get enough. The post is a little weakened. In the old days of young children, they easily beat the Verba with the words: "The escalest Bay Before Tears do not be sad, the Red Egg has been doing." However, meat, dairy products, oil, cottage cheese and eggs are impossible on this day. Although, if you die in the oven, you can afford a little creamy garlic sauce. But not all Christians are solved this way to break the great post.

Many traditions of Palm Sunday are local. The girls on this day often walked, sang songs, drove dance. Modern parties usually try to tune in for a holiday and find out the future. However, it is not worth guessing on the maps on this day, it is believed that it is a big sin and, if the prediction is negative, you can do yourself, thus damage. However, there is alternative methods Find out the future or get a hint in the resolution of a difficult situation or choice.

Protect dreams

Various signs and tips can come on the night from Saturday to Sunday. And, although dream interpreters write that the visions from Saturday are not coming true on Sunday, on some dreams worth paying attention to. The prophetic dream is different from the usual as follows:

Suddenness of appearance;
- the surprise of characters and circumstances. As a rule, the action unfolds not in fantastic grades, but in a real setting. This is an important sign of a dream of a dream, even if the place of action differs from similar in life;
- You did not think about a person, and he dreamed;
- The action can be organically fit into reality. This can actually be.

Usually, the prophetic dreams are negative. But on the night of a Palm Sunday, they may contain a hint, how to act. They come to believers, loving and sincere people who keep well in their soul and sincerely want to get an answer to the exciting question. For example, for whom I will marry? Enter the acting university or economic? Is it worth making a decision and decide on moving to relatives to another city? Divorce or establish relationships with your husband? If a person sincerely wants to know the answer, after evening prayer, even just just in his own words, you can get it in a dream. Usually he is so obvious and promoted that the dream of the dream interpretation does not make any sense. And, although the church is against properties, believing that they are seen only the saints, God more gracious and far-sighted, and can tell through the dream what to do. Only specifically make a dream not worth it - it can give a completely different result you want.


Everyone has their own people. Through various individuals, God can give an answer to the question and send a person. For example, a nonsense drunk, who can't quit harmful habitmay see the drinking and dirty homeless in the ditch dying from the last stage of alcoholism and get frightened that it can also happen to him. And it will make him throw a drink once and for all. Another sign - a girl may not know whether to marry a marriage with a guy or not. And now it is quite by chance that he recently backed up to her friend and does not differ in loyalty at all. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to words, coincidences, meetings and various individual signs on this day, since God can tell through them an important life solution.

Meetings with people

Those who you saw, and they remember you on this day, may not be just like that. They contain tips, which can happen if you accept the wrong decision and will not refuse a bad habit or sin. For example, a girl can make a guy treat her and whether to build relationships with it, and go to the first tip store. What to rush immediately into the eye is a thing, a conversation conversation, especially with the mention of his name, an animal or a word can show her a solution or attitude of a loved one. For example, she immediately saw a drunkard. This may mean that the beloved drunk from love for her or because of this habit changes. But here it all depends on specific situation and man. So blindly believing all the signs on this day is not worth it.

People's Mille binds the willow with something light and joyful. The appearance of this tree in a dream - good sign. You will gain peace of mind, spirituality, things will argue in hand, and possible problems They disappear by themselves - this is what the willow is dreaming. But it is necessary to take into account the nuances of the vision. In some cases, the interpretation may vary on the opposite.

Predicting Miller

Psychologist, if he had a chance in the dreams to take the willow, indicates your high moral qualities and honor.

The twigs kept a friend - Dream Interpretation predicts good health in the near future.

But when the willow broke down in his hands, Miller says: if you want to succeed, you will have to negotiate with the enemy.


See flowering Verq. - Wait for happiness and well-being in reality.

Dream Interpretation Hasse speaks about the possibility of redeeming sin, pour forgiveness, committing righteous actions, sacrificing in favor of those in need. That is how the medium decrypts what the flowering tree is dreaming.

The plant bent over the river or other reservoirs. Gosza foreshadows the offensive period. Young woman This scenario promises conflicts with a loved one and many experiences because of this.

Stood under weekly Yoya? Dream Interpretation Warns: Incidentally try to share you, saying compliments, will imperceptibly manage to manage your actions.

Broken shrub, seen in a dream, foreshadows the death of a native person.

Destroy the plant

Did someone break down, how does someone break, rubs the willow? You feel guilty before relatives, feel yourself obliged to them. But the dream book shows that you can't understand the real cause of this mood.

Modern combined dream book if you climbed the tree branches, get ready for disagreements with a partner. Most likely, in reality, do it stupid than hurt your beloved person.

Fedorovskaya, why dreams to break the Willow branches itself, treats more positive. Do not be afraid of the troubles in reality, the situation is normal soon.

Actions surrounding

Another person in a dream sells cut-up verbal branches - in reality you will see the wrong misfortune and want to help outsiders, console and relieve their situation.

Retained windows at home in a dream - it indicates your nervous behavior surrounding will be annoying and nervating you. Provons recommend to concentrate on the performance of the main tasks and not distracted by the little things.

In a dream, given the verbal twigs near - the relative will need your help. Most likely, it will be a character from dreams.

A young woman to what dream of a bouquet of roses and willow? She is awaiting a pleasant pastime. The company will make a favorite or new acquaintance.

Went that we present roses in Palm Sunday? Soon you will call you married.

Dream Interpretation, if you noticed the Willow Spreads in others, predicts a decent payment for the work done. For patients, this Gosset is a harbinger of recovery.