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When will the willow bloom? Iva and Verba. How to distinguish the willow from Willow? What does a real willb look like and where it grows

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How is it called?

Verba, this is the folk name of Willow. Different areas are called different trees.

  • The second name of Willow White Verba. But Iva and Verba still vary.
  • SM.);
  • Salisb.) And others.


Botanical features

Willowing (
Resistant to most diseases and pests;


The population of most of our country believes that the willow is a tree, but here it is called it more often. It occurs in almost any corner of our Motherland, next to the reservoirs and in the river valleys, along the roads and in the forest. In addition, the ability to quickly and easily rooted, as well as rapid growth, allows you to widely use this plant to landscap the cities. In this article, we will tell you more intelligible and clearly about the Verba Plant: This is what tree, its quality and properties.

Optimal conditions

And nothing will append on Ukrainian Iva in Russian

Verba Tree: Description and Features

Willow blooms early and the color of her earrings is white, and the willow is light yellow. And you can distinguish the flexibility of the branches. If you try to tilt the branch of the willow, then it will begin to bend almost without resistance, and the willow almost never bends, bends, but with difficulty. This is how two similar plants can be distinguished.
In accordance with the distribution of the zero on this area, distinguish landings:

  • Salix Capraea.
  • Salix Uralensis
  • Basket, basket, bodies, whital, verbulosis, vine, mound, thalazter (
  • In the leaves of certain species contains saidrosis, flavonoids, tanning substances. Flavonoids predominate derivatives of Lutheolin, which have antiviral action. In medical practice, use the leaves of ostolistic willows (

Folk signs

Cora Willow and Ponds of many shrub IV (twist-shaped, purple (yellow polyornist), threehood and others) are used for the manufacture of wicker products (dishes, baskets, furniture, etc.). Rods for sloping shorter 60 cm, branched and with damaged bark, called "green goods", the rest, the best, "white" - purified from the bark in various ways. The highest grade of white goods is obtained from the willow purple, prudoid, gemlin, a wolf, breaking; Hoops are prepared mainly from the prudoid, Smith and Ostroland; On the garter of the vine in France used rods

Healing properties

Salix Fragilis.

Winter hardy.

Iva - Wikipedia

History of learning willow

The names of this plant have many, and all of them are invented by the people who subtly noticed its features. Unlike ordinary people, nerd scientists do not know such a tree - willow. For them, this is one of the types of plants belonging to the clan of Willow, in which there are about 300 species. But the people who loved this tree gave him many of the most different names, however, they call the plants that are located on the shores of the reservoirs or near the water, but the versions are shrubs or trees growing at dry conditions. People living in different regions of Russia have come up with many names for willow:

This is the same

The willow is one of the platforms called Iva. But the IVA's usual IVA from the willow is pretty simple. Willow have very thin and easily curved branches at the same time it will grow large as a whole deroid. And the willow looks more like a tree shrub. During the flowering of the willow to distinguish even easier by her shaggy kidneys.

Solid, or field, when the entire area is given to it, except the gallery and roads;

Salix Viminalis

Salix Acutifolia.

Salix Alba.

) Applies to decorative purposes

The ancient Slavic tribes, which was absolutely anyway, the willow is a tree or shrub, dedicated it to one of the Supreme Gods - Perun and called the Purunov Loza. The plant associated with such a powerful creature was endowed with mystical and magical properties. Many household items were made from this tree. Small children bathed in a verbal brave. Willow twigs in the house prevented the trunks of the dark forces against the owners, and stuck in the ceiling - they were removed from the lightning. To obtain an abundant yield, the kidney of this tree was taken in beds, also stuck in the field of individual branches in the field to protect the crops from rainy weather and move the rodents. In the spring, the first time kickering the cattle in the field after the winter, did it with the branches of the Willow to protect animals from diseases, help them grow and produce healthy offspring. In Khlev, there was also a place for this plant, which, according to believing, was able to protect the cattle from diseases. With the adoption of Christianity, some of the pagan rituals and rituals moved to a new religion. Due to the lack of palm trees in our climate, one of the main Christian holidays (the entrance of the Lord in Jerusalem) acquired a new symbol - willow sprigs with blossomed kidneys.



We look here In fact, the willow, it is the national name of the Wood Plants of the genus Iva. The most common trees and shrubs of this kind - Iva Volchnikova, Iva Goat and Iva Ostyoloye. These plants are characterized by good surgery on any wet soil.Ordinary, very different kind: a)

Salix Viminalis Shelyuga, Verbulosis (Khark.), Krasnotal (L., with a variety Willd.) To obtain Lutheolina-Standard and Lutheolin-7-glucoside standard.Var. Many species are decorative, for example: Willowing (In folk medicine, the Willow bark, as well as other trees of the IV family, is used in the treatment of various infectious diseases. In the 19th century, the French researcher Lero highlighted such a substance from it as Salicin. In the future, scientists were able to synthesize it, which made it possible to create acetylsalicylic acid, more well-known as aspirin.


Verba is Iva. Just another plant name. In the Ukrainian language, the words "Iva" are not at all. There is only the willow.

How to distinguish the willow from Willow. Yes, very simple. I know that Willow is a huge tree branchist, and the willow is a shrub. Willow "Flowers" are oblong and practically not fluffy, and the Willow has round and very shaggy.


Salix Acutifolia.

Salix Molissima Cora Willow has an antibiotic action. In folk medicine, the decoction of the bark is used in the treatment of colds. The bark of some species contains glycoside salicin, having a drug importance. Extracts of the JV Corn, due to the presence of salicylates, have anti-inflammatory effect. Salicylic acid was first discovered in IWA, hence its name.

Vitellina. Salix Fragilis.Today, the decoction of the bark of the Willow is used in the rheumatism of the joints and gout. Cooked from the leaves and bark of infusion helps with various skin diseases. It is important to remember that any pregnant women with any infusions, decoctions and drugs with any components of the willow are categorically contraindicated. Milk;Verba is a view from the genus Iva, Iva Goat, Salix Caprea

Application in medicine

Verba is Iva. These shaggy kidneys are like flowers, pollen on them, so willow "bloom." There is no such wine plant. We just call the Willow when they start waking up after the winter))))) Iva Gray, Iva Purple, Ostroland, White ... But the Verba is most often called the IVI brushing (Salix Fragilis), it has strongly pubescent kidneys of yellowish color with black such "belt" at the base ...

- strips, width of 1-3 m alternating with fields or vineyards; b) Machine:Wild., ​);​ Of the numerous species and varieties of IV in a timber relationship, attention is deserved: , More large materials - arc forest - deliver Iva white and its hybrids. Especially good material for weaving gives Iva Ostroland. For this purpose, not only its overhead shoots are used, but also the roots reaching 15 m. The basket is given by many other species: Caspian, Turanskaya, Wilhegelms, rosemary and other, as well as their numerous hybrids.), Iva basket ( The Botanical History of Willow begins with the I century. Pliny Senior, the author of the famous "natural history" in 37 books, the first of the scientists described eight types of willow.Nonsense; Verba - this is a wood seven treeNationality!

Groovo Salix Purpurea.Salix Caspica.

Almond, Svetla, Krasnoloz, Tala, List (

White, Light, Grandmaker, Rakita (

  • For research in Nikitin (in the fall) and Smirnova (spring), in the cortex of IV contains a tannin: in the random - 12.12% and 6.43%, ash - 10.91% and 5.31%, waste - 9.39% and 4.37%, rockets - 9.39% and 4.68%, yellow polyornic - 9.39% and 4.62%). According to the content of plant glycoside, Salicin is the richest of the shroud of Zheltoloznik. Salix ViminalisStarting from the XVIII century, scientists attempt to develop a single classification of IV. Famous Botanist Karl Linney set twenty-nine types of IV. At first, he agreed with him, but after a few years the scientist sorcelain challenged the conclusions of Lynnei. Choleuga;Approximately the same than Karakurt from spider. She is in the Palm Resurrection Oh, how to get!)))- on quags and peatlands, when willows are grown on the ridges formed between the ditch of earth, taken out of the latter; c)
  • ​×​ ​);​ Salix amygdalina. Salix Alba.Industrial importance as a source of "Ivov Kory" have many other willows, including Iva Tёchtchychynova (
  • ). Thanks to large earrings that bloom long before the appearance of leaves, and the reddish color of the bark with waxing is very decorative willow shoots ( The beginning of the study of Yves in Russia we find in the works of Gmelin. In Flora Sibirica, from 15 types of IV, described by Gmlin (1747), quoted only seven hundreds that are common in Europe: in notes to some species of Lynne (1753) indicated the use of copies and materials sent by I. G. Gmlin .Lights. Verba is the folk name of the Waja Ostrehiste (Salix Acutifolia). She is the Shelyuga Red, Krasnotal. It is this plant that has the very complex of properties that allocate it from a number of similar. It is the rope that the house is best to sweep the house with a thorough cleaning, it is the stage that blocks the path of the unclean.Verba Roda Family IV
  • Dwalle Salix ViminalisHusky ( L.L., with a variety
  • Salix Triandra. Salix Acutifolia.Subsequently, the species on the species composition of the genus for the territory of Russia are given by P. S. Pallas. The Flora Rossica Pallas presents 35 species of the genus Salix. As a rule, speaking that the willow is a tree, implies such types of willows, like an ostrothistic, white, goat and typical. All these varieties under favorable conditions can grow up to 30 meters in height.As for other species, for example, Ways goat, or Rakita (S. Caprea); Willow (S. Fragilis); Willow by white wooch (Salix Alba f. Vitellina Pendula), then they cannot boast such a set of properties. They have their own. ​:-)​ - in which the rod curved rings stick to their ends in the walls of the ditch, etc. ​.​ Salix Hyppofaefolia.
  • Salix Triandra. Salix Alba.L.), Iva five thousandths ( ), Because of which they are, unfortunately, we have in the spring.The authors of the British Flora offered forty-five types of IV. Karl Ludwig Wildenov - 116 species. Wilhelm Koh describes 182 species. Further, Michel Ganding, which determined 1600 species. Works of European Researchers Smith (Smith, 1804) Wildenova (Willdenow, 1806), Schleicher (Schleicher, 1807, 1821), Wade (WaDe, 1811), Valenberg (Wahlenberg, 1812, 1826), Seringe (Seringe, 1815), Fries ( Fries, 1825, 1828, 1832, 1840), Koch (Koch, 1828), Host (Host, 1828), Forbes (Forbes, 1829), Sadler (Sadler, 1831), Hooker (HOOKER, 1835) differed in a tendency to description narrow species. The mistake of many scientists was the allocation of numerous Hybrid Yves as independent species.
  • Taking over the question about whether the willow is a tree or shrub, let's consider the characteristics of the plants that we call the willow. All willows, as well as other representatives of IV, have a long root system capable of germinating to a depth of 15 meters. This feature is used by the person, planting a variety of willows along the banks of the rivers, thereby strengthening the coastline and not allowing soil erosion. Young Willow Plants really more like shrubs than on trees. But over time, growing, thin sprout turns into a large tree, the diameter of the trunk of which can reach 1.5 m and which is covered with a gray, strongly crammed bark. Tint of the cortex depends on age. So, the young willow is a tree with a light gray trunk, but the older plant will have a dark color. It is clear that "for non-dissimilarity" take some other branches with fluffy "shaggy" inflorescences, especially since over time for various reasons, the local set is that - wild plants, which is cultivated. Just fluffy "mittens" as a symbol of the end of winter is also joy.From the transfer of the places of the terms, the amount does not change))) The nesting used in strengthening the skates, slopes, the banks of rivers and so on., Consisting of landing on the playground of the lacked soil, a group, a few cuttings, or in the layout of them on the walls of the pit, falling asleep on the ground, or in the room of two rods, curved arcs and Crossing between them in a hole made by a stake, and so on.Although the willows are growing at all soils, but more for them are a deep loam or sovereok, loose and moderately wet. Most demanding to soil ​,​ L.);
  • Var. Salix Pentandra.Roots Willow are distinguished by abundant development and numerous branching and therefore are particularly suitable for strengthening loose soils and sands (Shelyuga, Iva Caspian). The dilution of Willow is successfully used when regulating mountain streams, fixing the banks of the canals and rivers, dusts of the dam (Iva Belaya, Iva blurry) cliffs and skates. In anti-erosion plantings in the forest-steppe and steppe areas (Iva Belaya, Willow, Break, IVA Prutyevoid), for struggling and roadside forest stripes on more wet soils, to deset the movement of volatile continigious sands. V. L. Komarov for Flora Manchuria (1903) shows data on distribution, morphology, ecology for 16 species of the genus Salix - from them for one of the trees Chamaetia: S. Myrtilloides. It is described new for science. View: endemic of the Kamchatka Peninsula - S. Erythrocarpa (Novitates Asiae Orientalis, 1914).The scattered crown of this tree consists of drooping, thin and flexible branches, the length of which can exceed 2 m. Young twigs hanging, thin, with a gentle silver flush on the tips. Old shoots are more bare and painted in a reddish-brown or yellow-brownish color. On the branches there are regular lancing silky and silver leaves, the length of which can reach 12-15 cm. Spring, simultaneously with the development of leaves, the disclosure of floral earrings consisting of very small flowers. The willows the willow in April, and the fruits ripen to May - small bivalve boxes with small seeds covered with hairs. But still, in the beliefs of the middle and northern zones, it seems like the Verba. Believe these are very much, but they all retain the memory of the willow as a plant of protection and purification.Beauty she is or there or not it .. I'm about the willer and about IVU))))
  • Care of Evnyakov consists of a manual bursting of the soil between the rows, with the removal of weed herbs, the extracts of the earth and even the soil fertilizer - Peruvian Guano, the Straspure salts or a compatruting year. Adversely affect the management of the economy in Evnyakov: Grad, late spring frosts, grazing of livestock. Salix ViminalisSalix Viminalis Yolmolotornik, LOWN, LOOK (Vitellina.

L.), Iva eared ( Wood Yves is very easy and soft, quickly loads, goes to many crafts.E. L. Wolf made a significant contribution (relative to SALIX and VETRIX pods) to the study of IV. They were described (Wolf, 1903, 1905, 1906, 1907, 1908, 1909, 1911, 1912, 1929) 18 types of IV; Of these, five species remained, the rest are reduced in synonyms or are attributed to hybrids. After entering the light of the USSR Flora (1936), data on morphology, ecology, the distribution of IVov was enriched at the expense of scientific research in various regions of Russia. The willow - a tree, widespread in the European part of our country and growing in the south of Western Siberia, in Central Asia and the Caucasus. Quite often occurs in the floodplains of such major rivers, like the Urals, Volga, Volga, Kuban, Dnieper and Don and forms there IVA forests. Usually they grow together both the willow and several other types of willow, forming various hybrids together.With a serious cleaning of the house, it is necessary to clean everything clean, and already on the washed walls and the flooring, everything is complaining - hesitated by a broom of the willow. If you find that a broom is hooked - he hooked and pull out. Then what is entrusted, to roll up a broom on paper and burn along with a broom in the furnace. For urban - all on paper Move the Verba, to complete the paper, without touching the paper, and - to go violate the rules of fire safety to the nearest garbage. But before the sun goes! Out of the night, this demon in the house is already impossible. Willow is reddish.You can have a photo with branches as an example; Shelyuga prefers light sandy soil, and on peat grounds successfully grow only

  • Salix Purpurea.
  • ​);​Salix Aurita.The desirable branches will go to feed animals, especially goat and sheep. Valuable turbines. In the study of IV Sakhalin, as well as all shrub and woody plants of the island, a certain contribution of A. I. Tolmachev (1956).Well-moistened areas with sour soils, a lot of water - it is the same conditions prefers the Verba Tree. The description of it will be incomplete, if not to mention that this plant is first actively mastering abandoned or unused land. In the forests, however, it is quite rare, you can find this tree growing next to other species. The distinguishing feature of the willow - in touching with water or land, its branches are rather quickly rooted. Thanks to this, the trees grow quickly and form whole forests occupying extensive areas. Willow sprigs that stand in the red corner will not allow evil intent in the house of attacking, an evil person on the floors of non-uniforms in the house to ride. Also, even if you keep them over the entrance, over the proloce.IV Sunday does not happen!
  • The willow is one of the types of willow. The willow is either Iva is ostolist, either Iva goat, or Iva is a volcinic. It can be a tree or shrub.

Salix Purpurea.

How to distinguish the willow from Willow? What are their differences?

Salix amygdalina.

pani Monica

Breaky, vehicle, black (

L.), Iva Rosoye (

lady V.

The bark of many Yves (for example, gray, goat, white) is used for taking skin.


L. F. Pradidina In 1951, the work of "Trees and Shrubs of the USSR" was released.

As noted above, the plant forms a rather powerful root system, which, moreover, is greatly branched and forms the apparent roots.


Willow branches for spring, from spring to spring. If the holiday is collected - then up to two years, but not longer. Former when replacing it is better to burn, but if there is no lomit from them, you can simply remove, throw it away with the spring garbage (just to complete in paper).




..What is there a willow from willow ???


Eduard Sorochinsky


Salix Helix.


Salix Fragilis.
Salix Rorida.


Twigs of a young willow are used in Orthodox tradition on Palm Sunday instead of palm leaves.
The most fully systematics of IW outlined by the Russian scientist Alexey Konstantinovich Skvortsov in his book "Willow of the USSR", published in 1968 they were critical revision of all accumulated data. Specified species composition in the Flora of the USSR. The nomenclature of all taxes described from the territory of Russia was studied, typification was carried out, priority names were chosen. The diagnostic signs of species were updated, subspecies were allocated, determined keys were drawn up.


Thus, the willb can multiply both cuttings and root fades. In addition, it should be noted that the trees of this type:

Julia Babich

Even before the adoption of Christianity, the verb branges had a religious importance from the Slavs, perhaps because the booms of the first spring come to life and give fluffy peaks. Extremely ancient customs and beliefs are associated with these recruitment bars. They are considered a healing agent against different ailments: who will swallow a few holes, he is provided against fever and throat pain in the continuation of the whole year; The verbal branch thrown against the wind drives a storm, and the fire thrown into the flame - reduces its destructive action; According to Afanasyev, in all these cases, the verbal branch plays the role of a Perunova vine (see Great Day). An interesting Lithuanian legend about a woman named the name of the blond, which, with an amazing ease, gave birth to children and, moreover, not only from womb, but also from all parts of the body. She envied the Earth, and once, when she was inappropriately blinded in a swamp, the earth firmly covered her legs, and the blond turned into V. Of course, here we have a poetic image of the amazing vitality of the Willow, as a result of which each branch, planted in Earth, is easy May grow a separate tree. The willow in the ancient Lithuania was considered the goddess Chadorodia, and the childless peasants brought her prayers and sacrifices to give her children.


What is the rod, what the topics on the ass will be the same)))))))

Natasha Titova

Visual example of willow (Willow is ostoloy):

what is the difference between Willow

*** Katyusha ***

Salix Alba.

Cat came

Roman (


KOCH, with varieties

valery Radchenko

L., with a variety


LACKSH.), Iva Mirious (


In brazed areas, IVA is used as a building material.

What is the difference between the willow from willow ???

Evgeny Epifanov

Disputes about the systematics of IW are not over yet. In many countries, their schools have their own schools.

Scottish hammer

Uncomplicated soils;

Alexander Zatzarina

Verba - the first blooming tree after winter ... Look: still snow, and there are already flowers on it. The symbol of rebirth. In the Christian Rus Willow Spreads, this is exactly this replaced palm leaves that are taken to decorate temples for Easter in hot countries

El Chupacabra

Differ exclusively by intelligence and smartness))

What is the meaning of the Verba in Russia in the old days?

Lina Ya

Botany do not distinguish these two plants, because in the botanical classification of a tree under the name of the willow does not exist. There is a numerous genus of trees or shrubs called Willow, and it includes a variety of species that the people who loved this plant is either formerly blossoming, or for emotionality, gave a variety of names - from the willow, to Krasnutala or Rakita. Therefore, choosing a twig of the Willow should be focused only on its own taste, because these trees differ in color and shape of earrings and the form of leaves. Also in the people of the plant growing close to the water, it is customary to be called willow, and the other terrain - willow.
; Stressing water in the soil is harmful reflected in the growth of Yves. When the "Ivnyakov" is embedded, or the "ventilatry", the soil is processed in the fall at a depth of 30-80 cm, depending on its fertility and dryness, so that the upper vegetable layer is turned downward, which is achieved by hand-handing in 1-3 bayonet shovel, or Holding a furrow by two walks one by one by other plows, with a soil bunch. The planting is made in spring cuttings - parts of one-year-old rods, 25-30 cm long, cut in autumn and stored until spring in the cellar. The cuttings are placed by rows that are from the south-east to the north-west, with a distance between them 30-40 cm and in a row of 10-20 cm, which will be from 125,000 to 333,333 cutters per hectare, while on loose soil they stick through right hand, and on dense - in a hole made by iron rod, floss with the surface of the soil, not leaving the cutting tip outside. But during the breeding of some Yves, for example, when bookmarking on the bulk sands of the "Geondniks", directly put into the plow furrows of the sheluga branches, one after another, covering their sand layer raised when holding a neighboring groove. In the same way, for a missing farm, they are breeding zevolds - 2-3 Arshina Length and 1-3 Tip of thickness, 1 /
Salix Smithiana.
Salix Lambertiana.

Salix Russeliana.

Salix Myrsinifolia.
Main article:

The largest IV Herbaries are US Germans, the Herbarium of the Royal Botanical Garden in England, the exhibits of the Museum of Natural History in Paris, dozens of university botanical collections.

i am

Well tolerate environmental pollution;


There is a belief that the willow has magical properties - protects from troubles, misfortunes and evil spirits. Therefore, before her sanctified branches were kept in homes. Who will sit down with their own hands at home, he prepares a journey. - It is meant that this person will die when the willow-planted will be replaced by a shovel. Believement refers to the number of gentlemen: the willow grows for a long time, and by that time you can really die from old age. Unlike the young willow, symbolizing health and fertility, the old willow is universally considered "damned," because neither the fruit, nor the shade she gives. The proverb "fell in love as the hell in the old version" confirms a negative attitude. Such a tree, especially absolute, was heard by the refuge of the unclean power. One of the explanations can be wounded in the forgotten legend of the nails, which crucified Jesus: they were not iron, but made from the willow.

Than the willow differ from Willow

    Verba flowers in spring. Call Willow blossom - quotes. It is the Catics of Willow we carry on the Palm Sunday to the Church. As from trees, the willba blooms the very first in the spring in April.

    At the beginning of the Vita Willow just fluffy:

    If the spring is warm and early, Willow's seams in mid-April have yellow stamens:

    Verba, or Willow, blooms when it felt that the heat came after the cold. If after the winter is holding warm weather with a temperature of the positive day and around zero at night, then the will wakes up. Is that alder before the Willow blooms. And so - the shaggy fluffy will always foreshadow spring. For information: Gray, and then yellow inflorescences are inflorescences of men's tight flowers. If you drew attention, then not all widers have such chickens. Willow is a downtown plant, so male instances look beautiful in the spring. And women's trees and bushes have unbroken green inflorescences.

    And it happens that the willow throws its inflorescences and a warm late fall, and in the middle of winter, when there are positive temperatures about a week.

    I really like this plant. The willow blooms when spring begins. She is one of the first blooms, telling us about it. It usually happens in April, but sometimes it may be at the end of March. The warmer the weather, the earlier it flourishes.

    Verba blooms very early if they saw the blurred kidneys of the Willow, then you have seen the arrival of spring. Kidney Willow Real delicacy for bees, and if there are bees, then, uniquely, spring has already come.

    The willow is called Krasnutyl, but many know that the willow and Line, Rakita and Willow are the same name.

    We will be blossoming not yet earlier than April, in March it is still cold enough, and in April and warmth on the street and Easter approaching.

    The willow can bloom without the appearance of leaves, and can bloom and at the same time dissolve green leaves.

    Verba Symbol Spring, each in almost the house there are bunches of willow branches, the fragrance of the Divine!

    The willow begins to bloom from mid-April. Very nice. I always like it. And in whatever numbers there were no Palm Sunday, the dressing is always blocked. This is a symbol of spring, purity and beauty.

    It all depends on the region of Willow's growing, somewhere it begins to bloom at the end of March, and somewhere from mid-April and blooming continues until mid-May. The willow wind-sour plant and does not need pollination by insects, so such early bloom is needed until there is no foliage on trees.

    Willow blossom Captures: the very end of March, all April, beginning of May (Sometimes until the middle).

    Willow bloom depends on weather conditions. It can start earlier - if it is warm or later - if the cold and freezing.

    The willow is the folk name of the willow (different types of species, but in the main guise of goat or willow ostoliste).

    Willow Iva-Verba: Yellow Fluffy - Boys (staggering inflorescences), green and hard brushes (pestile inflorescences) - Girls.

    The wind is pollinated.

    On Palm Sunday, always twigs of the willow can be found with fluffy white lumps, so pleasant to the touch. Depending on the terrain of growth, weather and climatic conditions blooms the willow from the last decade march to April And even in early May, you can sometimes find the twigs of the willow, but already with yellow from pollen with balls.

    The willow call the Ostromatte Wang. It refers to the IV family. This is a wind-sour plant. This means that the pollen of men's colors is spread and reaches women's flowers with wind. The beginning of the awakening of flower kidney begins at the end of January, so they bloom before other plants, namely early in spring. For example, in the Urals, the Verba begins to bloom in early February.

    Verba is the best source of honey. The plant very attracts all insects fragrant nectar. Unfortunately, the people themselves spoil the trees in a Christian holiday (Verbal Resurrection), they break the branches to put them at home.

    In general, the willow is always associated with the spring and with the holiday of Palm Sunday. As they say, if the Verba blooms, hence the spring came. And the will bloom before all trees - approximately in April and in early May.

In general, there are about 600 types of will

Photo: Natalia Foktistova, "Evening Moscow"

But the holiday is real, and therefore I don't want to be deceived on this day, even in trifles. Therefore, we decided to tell how to distinguish the willow from Willow, which is often issued for it.

The will also call the Krasnutyl and Shelyuga, as well as Verboloz. Willow is a deciduous plant (shrub or tree). Its species differ from each other mainly by external signs. In general, there are about 600 species of plants of this kind. So, immediately about the main mistake: no, Iva and the willow is not at all the same plant under two different names. These plants are different, and the willow from Willow, despite the fact that they are relatives, differs at least four signs, remember which is very easy. So, both plants belonging, of course, can be distinguished by the general family of IV

* Externally - in the color of floral kidney and bark;

* at the place of growth;

* in the form of the crown;

* According to the features and time of flowering.

Some signs, however, will use only those who decide to go for the willow on their own. Previously, by the way, no one would even think that the willow should be bought - they were sent behind her, with their feet, since the rite of "climbing" willow organically entered the ritual part of the holiday.

So where can I find the willow? The answer will surprise you: everywhere. She is unpretentious so that envy takes. It is satisfied with everything - the "pure field" and the banks of the river, swamp, the outskirts of the forest and the village. Absolutely not picky creation! But the main thing - its branches make up a sufficiently dense crown of the conditionally thick shoots of red-brown color. Willow branches are bad, leaflets give round.

Krona Willow - Other. It is transparent, lace, Willow run down, go down down, which looks very picturesque. And Zva grows mainly in ponds and rivers. When the write leaves bloom, it is immediately clear that they are elongated, long, with a pointed tip. Willow's branches are very flexible, ideal for weaving, and if they put them into the water, they very quickly give roots. Moreover, if the Yves branch just stick to the ground, without waiting for the roots, it is most likely to come true, and in a short time everything surrounding space will flood. Cora Willow - Bright, gray, sometimes greenish, sometimes - almost golden.

The Verba is not different as high. It can start the roots, but simply in the ground emanates hardly.

In addition, plants are distinguished by blossom. Verba blooms the first. Even the goals of the branch in all trees, and snow-white, sometimes with pearls or a slightly gray-angled twist of the kidney are already revealed on its dense branches. Willow blooms later, her floral kidney is smaller, not so expressive, although too fluffy. But the main difference is, in contrast to the willow, they have golden-olive or golden yellow color. So, once again - the main thing: the willow blooms in a delicate condition, Iva - when the tree is already covered with leaves.

Verba blooms the first. More goals of the branch in all trees, and snow-white, sometimes with pearls or a slightly grayish tide with pearls are already revealed on its dense branches.

Photo: Anton Gerdo, "Evening Moscow"

If you choose the willow on the market, see first on the color of her bark: take the one that is red or brown, with a slight wax on the crust. Wavi may offer not too honest vendors, but you can easily distinguish her and on "sleeping" kidneys, and in color of the bark, and in flexibility.

What if you bought not those sprigs that you need? Everything is simple: forgive it to the cunning. It is hardly for a modest bouquet with you a lot. Well, forgive the deceivers, this deception from the bottom of my heart is God with them, because in forgiveness - grace. In addition, it may have been an incomplete deception - not many dealt with all these botanical subtleties. And buy the real willow, do not worry.


Verba (Verbene) The name of this tree indicates its sacred significance - "Sacred branches". Etymology of her Vine Slavic name, binds to leisure, rotation (spindle), as well as the Veremier (time "I- time,).

The origin of the willow will explain in different ways. There is a legend that the willow was delivered from China: they brought some goods once in wicker baskets, unloaded, and the baskets were thrown out. One of the branches began and grew into a wonderful tree.

In a beautiful fairy tale, Olesya Berdnik "Verba Ta Water Tsar" The origin of the willow is explained by this. I once lived in the light of the girl of unprecedented beauty, and so admired himself, everything watched in the mirror:

Is it really a miracle once? Do you really make eyebrows, the eyes will die, the skin wrinkles and I will become a horn old woman?

Frolov, illustration

A lot of guys walked to her, and it demanded from all:

Give me eternal beauty, then I will love you. Who will the secret of unfading youth, will be my chosen one.

One day the Water Tsar appeared to her, began to admit to love, promised any desire for the beauties to fulfill.

Excellent, she caught fire, ideas, however, to deceive water.I will be yours, but ... do that forever my beautiful image reflects in the mirror of your waters so that from year to year it becomes more beautiful and more beautiful.

The king frowned, thought. I realized that he gave him a cunning riddle to him, deceived him. Be forever young, be reflected in the lake and at the same time not to go to him? But the word was said, the dignity of the ruler of the Waters did not allow him to abandon the promised.

It will be as you demanded, "the king sighed. - Eternally your magic image will be reflected in this lake, but you will become a loaferwooden and thoughtful tree. Kissing I will become your roots, which will swim in the waters of mine will, undead braids your green waves of violent ...

That's how a new glorious tree appeared in Ukraine - the willow.

By the place that she occupies in popular culture, the willow rightfully can be called a Ukrainian tree-totem, which, as they believed in the old days, people occur. Probably in ancient times, the willow symbolized the goddess that was engaged in confusion. No wonder in the Ukrainian people to this afraid there is a belief that "children are at the Verba." It is a symbol of vitality, rapid growth, fertility: from a twig, without a root, the willow grow on any basis. And most importantly - it is a symbol of Ukraine: "There is no Ukraine without willow and Kalina"

A lot of legends are folded about the arrows, in which it also serves as a symbol of sadness, regret, a difficult female share, which a lot has to tolerate, bent, but do not break.

Mother Willow's daughter Kalina. She worked in the field, wanted to drink. I saw Krinitsa, buried the water. The first drop gave Ptashka and just gathered to drink, as the distant voice of the mother heard - "Do not drink, daughter." Kalina did not obey, again buried the water, brought to her lips, but the Ptashka brightened her with his wing. The girl's water jumped again, got drunk and turned into a Kalini bush.

Mother fled to break her daughter, but did not have time and from grief turned into a weak tree. Since then, the Verba's mother protects all water sources so that people never recognize the evil spell.

Even legend. One woman had so many children that she, he, was ready, was ready to argue with the mother himself - the earth with his fertility. She was angry and turned her to the willow.

In folk poetry, two properties of the Willow were celebrated - her special noise and what she stands over water.

Willow's noise is a sign of conducted or surprises, girlish sadness.

In KINTSI rowing to noise Verby,

Scho I planted ...

Maja is the naughty

Scho I loved ...

Tried to grow the willow near the house. Notes, I will take it - the girl marry will come out, and the drain marries. In the folk speech, many proverbs have survived, adopted by the Verba: "The willow, that the German, where neither TKNI, here and hurt", "Verba Krasnaya - beats in vain", "Verba Bela - beats a business." "Wait like from the willow of apples." "You have both a pear on your arrows."

Especially marked her connection with water. "Where is the willow, there is water where water, there and the willow." "Where Silver is Vorbitsa, there is a healthy driver." Cryclica, rates (ponds) attacked the Verba, so that the water "was ajeed and healthy".

It was planted over the cops, places where the laundry was washed, so that the water was cleaned into them.

Many believed that the consecrated willow can stop the summer thunderstorm, and abandoned in the flame - to help in a fire. "Be greati. y, Yak Verba, Health, Yak Water, and Bogati, Yak Earth. " "No willow is not spring." "Verba Rasputitz leads, drives from the river last ice" believed that the Spring Verba transmits people health and power from himself.

The willow was considered a sacred tree, a symbol of continuity and constancy of life. It was the Verba that symbolizes the Old Slavic pagan god Yaril. To this day in the summer on Podolia, Volyn, in other areas the beautiful custom is preserved to choose "Kupailice" (Kupalskoye tree).

Girls and guys chose a small, but luxurious Willow Trevia, put it on the meadow, on the banks of the river and decorated with ribbons, "rocking places" (ripe cherries with tails woven on a small stick with the help of threads), later and candy. Girls drove around the Kupali tree rounds, sang songs, often joking, flirting with the guys.

In the evening, the guys were suitable for a tree, burst "guarded" - the circle of girls - and disassembled Kupalytia. Everyone broke his ribbon, the girls knew whose whose. Sometimes the guys, thoring several verbal twigs, did the disbelief (usually it is harnessing from the twisted straw to dressing the sheafs) and tried to crush the girl - hinted to love and have from a cute child. So created pairs.

The encouraged Kupalskiy village was burned or threw into the water. At the end of the holiday, the Willow branches were planted in the courtyards.

With the arrival of Christianity, the attitude towards the willow became ambiguous. The old Verq was considered the damned tree, since, according to the legend, nails were made from the willow, which was crucified by Christ. In the punishment for this, the Verba became a barren, drunk and with a curve barrel. Believing that the unclean forces in the spring are saved at the willow from late cold, and after the Palm Sunday they fall right into the water, so from the Verbal Sunday, and to the Easter itself it was forbidden to draw water under the Verba.

And there was such a belief: the willow at home to plant is to prepare myself. It was believed that a person who had planted the willow would die when from her branch could be supplanted to a shovel. This belief is not so pessimistic: so far a branch of sufficient thickness grows, a person can naturally comprise and die.

Mermaids will like to swing at the willow (according to the belief that existed in Kharkov region, they can run on it in the form of proteins). Sometimes, people say about strange love: "Fell in love, like damn in the dry willer."

On the other hand, the willow was for Christians with a sacred tree. At the holiday of Palm Sunday, it is customary to sanctify the willow and keep her houses all year in the front corner for icons.

The people closely intertwined the old traditions with Christian. Icestari believed that the willow gives his health. Parents, having come from the church with a sanctified Verba, began to symbolically swaying their children, while saying: "Verba - His, beats to tears, Verba Krasnova, beats not in vain." They whipped with a sanctified loose and herself to gain health, while sentencing: "I'm not biting, the willow beats." Lighted by Verba still steal and newlyweds or young girls, so that they have a lot of healthy children.

Holy Verba enjoys great respect among our people. "The sin of the holy IVA will be trampled with his feet", and therefore even small twigs, if they stayed after consecrated, burned to, do not give God, did not fall under the legs.

Believing that from the willow growing in the depths of the loose forest, in the most common trees, where no ray of light penetrates, you can make a magic shoe: Her music will delight and make her sad man laugh in the world, and an evil man, having heard her It is recognized and shown in all its atrocities.

And in the old days they believed: if in the dark forest to find a green willer, who never heard the noise of water and singing the rooster, make a swell from her and wake, then the dead will come to life, stand out of the graves and return from the light

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  • #1

    thanks for the article, very interesting

  • #2

    thank you for your feedback, I am pleased that you were intern

  • #3

    thanks for the article, I learned a lot for yourself, this is also our story

  • #4

    i agree with you, Olga. I advise you to read the article "Cherry": at the end it has very curious historical information.

  • #5

    I want to land near the house of the Verqu, and the neighbors dissuade: they say to tears. Thank you for the article. Now I will certainly show.

  • #6

    It's nice that my article helped you. This is a very beautiful tree, loved by the people. But it is better to plant it there, where the willow will be abolished: it is very magnificent growing up, and under it - a shop.)))

  • #7

    The trees giving fruits should grow directly near the housing (revenue, benefits)

  • #8

    Hello, Oleg. In the villages and in country areas, except for the fruit, quite often you can meet the willow, molding willow, pine. Spruce, maple and other non-fruit trees, decorative bushes. They are just beautiful and please the eyes.

  • #9

    thank you, I will blindly made a d / s

  • #10

    Good day, Masha. I am very pleased that my article helped you.

  • #11

    Very interesting article!

  • #12

    Thank you, Guli.

  • #13
  • #14

What is the difference between his willow? Rarely who wondered over this question, as it seemed to everyone that these were just two names of the same plants. However, it is worth learn more than you know.

Family IV

Everyone is beautiful and something like Verba and Iva. There is still a difference between them.

Willow is a deciduous plant (shrub or tree). Its species differ from each other mainly by external signs. In general, there are about 600 species of plants in this genus.

The entire family of IVV in Russia has more than 120 species: Chernotal, Walking Iva, Rakita, Bellotal, Moklokita, Stencil, Shelyuga, Goat Iva and many others.

This plant has an unimaginable desire for life: any process, a twig or pennies, stuck in the ground, are quite quickly covered by numerous young shoots.

And how to distinguish the willow from Willow? Speaking about these two plants, many believe that we are talking about one plant, but it is not. They relate to one family (family) - IVV. There are differences.

Some types of plants from the genus IV are called Verba. For example: Iva island, Iva goat, Iva is a volcinic, etc.

Signs associated with ever. What do people believe?

Many hopes people associated and tied with dicks:

- Against the wind abandoned branch will help to pacify the storm, and the fire thrown into the flame - the fire will calm down.

- IV branches attached to the gate will distil all evil spirits.

- With the help of the Yves branch, you can even find a treasure.

- Previously, the very first foot feed cattle was killed by willow.

Ancient and other beliefs

  1. The Slavs are ancient called the Verq Purunova Lose.
  2. Children used to bathe for health in the brave of verbal twigs.
  3. The real old Slavic rite is wedding around Rakita.
  4. Lithuanian peasants prayed to Ivu in the old days so that she helps them - gave a child.
  5. Also in antiquity, it was believed that Willow helps in eloquence. In this regard, it was called the tree of poets and singers.
  6. In China, Iva is a symbol of spring and female beauty, fuel and softness.
  7. And the Jews in antiquity called the WITH symbol of misfortunes, sadness, sadness, death, funeral (it was a mold IVI).
  8. In Japan, this plant also carries sadness and weakness. However, it bears and tenderness, and grace, and calm, and constancy.

Verba (Krasnotal) - Sunday Tree Verbal. This is a Christian spring holiday dedicated to the entry of Christ in Jerusalem. Jews met him with the branches of Jerusalem Wawa - or the branches of the palm tree.

In the spring, when the kidneys appear on the trees, there is not a single leaflet, the first will respond to the spring rays of the sun. She all pleases with her gentle, surprisingly soft and fluffy kidneys of white. And Iva begins to bloom together with the rest of the plants. And unlike the willow, she has small yellowish green kidneys.

They differ in the color of their bark. Willow she has a reddish-brown, and Willow have a grayish green.

How to distinguish the willow from Willow in other ways? Willow has thin and flexible twigs are covered with elongated sharp leaves. And the Willow has short and thick branches have wide and semicircular leaves.

They are also different with their habitats. The willow can grow almost everywhere, and Iva - mainly near the lakes, rivers, swamps, canvas, i.e. Where there is water.

Types and grades

We continue to talk about how to distinguish the willow from Willow. Willow have a deported, transparent crown, with flexible, thin and delicate branches, on which narrow, pointed, elongated leaves bloom. Mostly, these plants are high up to 15 m, but they can be higher - up to 40 m. There are also dwarf, small willows.

Some varieties of IV:

1. Willow is broken - a tree to 15 meters in height and 8 meters in width. Sometimes it has a slightly curved shape and even with two trunks. It grows in the territories from Europe to Asia.

2. IVA goat is a rather large shrub or a tree up to 12 m high and a width of up to 6 m with a short barrel and a round crown. It grows mainly in Central Asia and in Europe.

3. Iva Purple - a large 10-meter tree. In nature, grows in Central Asia and in Central Europe.

4. Iva creeping. The inflorescences of this charming willow have pink, silver and fluffy (woolly) scales. It can be grown in the garden, and in the container or in the container - on the balcony.

5. Willow is a large tree to 25 meters in height and up to 15 meters wide. Meets throughout Europe. This plant has not only an unusually beautiful crown, but also the original coloring of shoots: in summer - brown-red, spring is bright yellow.

6. Iva Babylonian is a wonderful tree shape of a womb. One of the most beautiful decorations of the gardens and parks in the south of Russia. It comes to this Iva from the North and Central China. Height - no more than 15 meters, width - 9 meters.


This willa, as well as several other types of IV (named above), and called the Verba. IVA is a ostrobist - a shrub or a tree with a height of up to 8 meters from a crown of oval shape. Shooting willow delicate and flexible, purple-reddish color with a pleasant Sizem Rock.

Shees from her linear lanceal, long and pointed. They are shiny, in the top of the green, in the bottom - nine.

This type of plant is one of the most unpretentious to any cultivation conditions. Breeding with cuttings and even rods.

The answer to the question of how to distinguish the willow from Willow, Dan. But this plant not only looks great in nature, but also useful.

From the IV branches, it is convenient to weave beautiful baskets, furniture, mats, various decorations for designing house and garden design. From the willow earlier they did hoops for barrels and the most magnificent arcs for horses, on which silver bells were perfectly ringing ...

Willow: landing and care, types and varieties, photos.

And you They are deciduous trees or shrubs, some species of which can differ from each other by external signs. The genus "IVA" includes about 600 species, of which some are found in culture.

Types and grades

Usually, willows differ in a casual, transparent crown, flexible, thin shoots and pointed, narrow elongated leaves. Flowers are small. Most of the IW reaches a height of up to 15 m, but there are high trees - up to 40 m high, also dwarf admins.


A tree is about 15 m in height and up to 8 meters wide. Willow Breaking Sometimes has a curved shape with two trunks. Crown rounded, openwork, asymmetric. Willow is growing fast. Leaves elongated, long, lanceal; on top of green, bluish bottom; In the autumn period, green-yellow.

Willow has a brittle flowers green-yellow, bloom in May. The shoots of Willow are brown with brownish or yellowish, fragile, glossy, easily rooting. Winter hardy. In nature, Willow is growing from Europe and to Asia.

Iva goat

A large fast-growing shrub or a small village of up to 12 m in height and up to 6 m wide with a twisted short barrel and a rounded crown. Goat Willes grow vertically, side shoots raised and open. Goat leaves are widespread elliptical or rounded, green, gray, slightly pubescent.

Flowers yellow-silver with honey aroma. Iva goat after 20 years of growth becomes breaking. In natural conditions, the tree is found in Central Asia, Europe. Iva seeds multiplied by the seeds, and the decorative forms of Willow of goat vaccine.

Iva purple

A large tree is about 10 m high. The form of willow purple can be different - density, domestic, umbrella. The shoots are easily rooted, denselying. Purple leaves on top of green, duct bluish, narcolatular; Autumn yellow.

Flowers at Willow Purple with a pleasant aroma, a little curved, reddish, then become yellow. Root system at Willow Purple Deep. Perfectly transfers pruning. Winter hardy. In nature, Iva Purplenaya is found in Central Europe, in Central Asia.

Iva crawling

In the nurseries there is a plastic grade 'Armando' in a strambo form.

Early spring Fluffy inflorescences of Willow Czczuchka 'Armando' have pink and silver woolly scales. This charm will not leave anyone indifferent. Then yellow anthers appear, and Iva is already different. After flowering, the shrub need to trim strongly to cause the growth of new young wrapping of shoots.

Leaves at Willow Crawling 'Armando' brilliant, green, and they are gray-green below. This willow grade can be raised in the garden, and in the container.

Iva creeping 'argentea' - an open bush with small silky leaves. Rounded leaves sometimes be with a blue tint. Round yellow inflorescences are small and few, on a bush appear to the dissolution of the leaves. Perhaps the formation of willow crawl'Argentea 'in a strambo form. In this case, it turns out a beautiful, miniature wreling tree.

Willow Belaya

A large plant is up to 25 m in height and up to 15 m wide. The trunk at Willow is a white powerful, grain bark. First, the crown is narrowocolonenovoid, then spread, widely rounded. The branches are "watching" up, and the side shoots hang a bit. The leaves at Willow are white with a silvery-gray dissolution, then gray-green.

This willow flowers are yellow, with aroma that bloom at the end of April. It is growing white on the sun and in a half, winter-hardy. It grows quickly, lives up to 100 years. In nature can meet throughout Europe.

Willow has a mold form ('pendula'). It is distinguished by wasting whale not only a beautiful crown, but also the coloring shoots: in the summer, the bark is red-brown, and the spring is bright yellow. The leaves of the Willow of Willow are also very decorative - light green, narrow, pointed.

Iva Babylonian

The beautiful tree of the shape of the form is one of the most beautiful decorations of the parks of the south of Russia. Right from the districts of Northern and Central China.

A tree is not more than 15 m in height, with a large, crying crown of about 9 m in diameter formed by hanging up, thin, flexible, yellow-green, bare, shiny branches.

Willowing leaves Babylonian pointed, narcolatory, small-populated around the edge. Young foliage is green, weakly shiny, bottom - sisaya. Floral earrings willows Babylonian thin, short-sized. Flowers Iva Babylonian after the dissolution of foliage.

Grows quickly. Very effectful in single group landings in reservoirs and lawn.

Iva island

Shrub or wood up to 8 m in height with an oval crown. Willow willow shoots flexible, purple-red, with a sizh rapt.

Foliage at Willow is a ostolistic linear lancing, long, pointed; Brilliant, on top of the green, below sisaya. This willow is one of the most unpretentious conditions for growing a kind of willow. Willow will breed with cuttings and rods.

Iva Solnoliste

In Natural Floor, it is found in the south of Primorye and Japan. Spacious shrub up to 3 m in height with curved trunks at the base. The leaves of the wings of solidistic narrow-line, with both ends of oval, practically sitting.

Due to the soft green tone of the leaves and their location, the shoots of this willow, the departing obliquely and arcuate on the sides, are similar to the fern leaves, which gives the IWA an unusually beautiful view. It blooms IVA solisted in May. During flowering, it smells like a hyacinth aroma.

It looks beautiful in water bodies in group and single landings.

IVA is a solid's 'Hacuro-Nishiki' (Hakuro nishiki) -crue spreaded bush or a tree with dowel branches. Young foliage has white and pink stains. On old leaves, pink color disappears, and only some white strokes remain on some.

Iva rosemaryoliste

Semi-class wide shrub up to 2 m in height and width. Initially, the side shoots are vertically growing, then arcuate. This will grows slowly. Leaves on top of green, bottom - white.

Flowering begins in April, fragrant flowers, yellow. Frost resistant, wind resistant. In natural conditions, Iva Rosmaryaliste is found in Central and Central Asia, in Europe.

Willow Matsudi

Widged in Korea and China.

A tree up to 13 m in height, with a wide-bridal crown, smooth trunk. The shoots are straight, thin, young - pubescent, yellow-olive, then naked, brown. Willow Mattsouds are narrow, long-edged.

Svetigubiv, grows quickly, demanding of soil moisture. Willow Matsudi is multiplied with weathered cuttings.

It has a decorative shape - with snake-shaped, green escapes growing in the form of a small shrub with an openwork crown.

What is the difference between the willow from Willow, what's the difference?



The IVov family is characterized by a large variety of copies, combined into three major sorts. Willow belongs only to one of them. The plant is deciduous, presented in the form of a tree or shrub, very much love.

We can say about the willow that it is a kind of willow. The plant has its own characteristics.

The difference between the Verba and Eve

What is the difference between the willow from Willow, or rather, from other types of willow? Pay attention to the following signs:


Let's start with earrings: Willow are narrow, elongated, yellow; Willow - short, more rounded, light gray. Leaves: Willow - Long, pointed; Willow is wide, with rounded ends, medium size. Branches: Compared to the Verva, IVA bends much easier. Corn color: gray or greenish is characteristic of willow; With red, brown tint - for willow. If you look at each of the plants from afar, then the willow will appear stretched, and Iva, with its spreading risks, spherical.

Flowering time

This is another sign explaining what is the difference between the Verba and Eve. When Iva is still dorming, the willow is already awakened after the winter and begins to release his earrings. In Willow, this process begins after time, simultaneously with the dissolution of the leaves.

Place of growth

Willow is a lover of reservoirs. You can meet the plant on the river bank, at the pond or lake. It is justified by IVA and on swampy locations. The willow is not distinguished by attachment to water. You can detect it almost everywhere.

How to distinguish the willow from Willow? What are their differences?

you can photo with branches as an example

pani Monica

The willow is one of the types of willow. The willow is either Iva is ostolist, either Iva goat, or Iva is a volcinic. It can be a tree or shrub.

Visual example of willow (Willow is ostoloy):

lady V.

Botany do not distinguish these two plants, because in the botanical classification of a tree under the name of the willow does not exist. There is a numerous genus of trees or shrubs called Willow, and it includes a variety of species that the people who loved this plant is either formerly blossoming, or for emotionality, gave a variety of names - from the willow, to Krasnutala or Rakita. Therefore, choosing a twig of the Willow should be focused only on its own taste, because these trees differ in color and shape of earrings and the form of leaves. Also in the people of the plant growing close to the water, it is customary to be called willow, and the other terrain - willow.


The second name of Willow White Verba. But Iva and Verba still vary.

Willow blooms early and the color of her earrings is white, and the willow is light yellow. And you can distinguish the flexibility of the branches. If you try to tilt the branch of the willow, then it will begin to bend almost without resistance, and the willow almost never bends, bends, but with difficulty. This is how two similar plants can be distinguished.


The willow is one of the platforms called Iva. But the IVA's usual IVA from the willow is pretty simple. Willow have very thin and easily curved branches at the same time it will grow large as a whole deroid. And the willow looks more like a tree shrub. During the flowering of the willow to distinguish even easier by her shaggy kidneys.


In fact, the willow, it is the national name of the Wood Plants of the genus Iva. The most common trees and shrubs of this kind - Iva Volchnikova, Iva Goat and Iva Ostyoloye. These plants are characterized by good surgery on any wet soil.


How to distinguish the willow from Willow. Yes, very simple. I know that Willow is a huge tree branchist, and the willow is a shrub. Willow "Flowers" are oblong and practically not fluffy, and the willow has round and very shaggy.