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What day you need to cover the willow. When to sate the willow, on Saturday or Sunday. Palm Sunday - Traditions

Usually it is done in Lazarev Saturday, before Verbal Sunday. She is celebrated a week before Easter, as well as the next day. In 2017, Lazareva Saturday falls on April 8, but those who did not have time to consecrate the willow, you need to go to the temple and do it on Sunday. It is better to know in advance in the temple, what time it costs to light up the willow, as in all temples the time is different. To find out exactly when the willorse is sanctified in the church in the priest or parishioners, which are often on the services. These are usually women of retirement age that do not miss any worship service. The priest on the eve of the holiday usually says when it is worth highlighting the willow and how much to come to the temple. Some parishes write a major ad. In any case, information is available almost everywhere.

What is the will burst

This tradition is associated with the Christian holiday, when Jesus came on the downturn in Jerusalem and won it and put her palm branches and flowers to his feet. However, since in our country palm trees do not grow, they used willow branches. In the spring it is one of the first trees that foliage. Sometimes use the willow with the bumps. The principal difference what exactly to choose for lighting is not. The main thing is the very emergence of a person in the temple and what he decided to sanctify the willow.

Many on this day are served in the temple. However, not all as a state of health will be able to survive two-hour worship. It is for this reason that people working on this day, those who are engaged in various matters or concerns, can simply come only to consecration. To do this, buy a candle in the temple, make a small donation to the temple, buy a version and get into a row with other believing people. When a priest appears, you need to light the church candle and substitute your willow, so that the water drops fall on it. After the priest goes away, you need to go home with the Verba. Good sign, if you can convey the candle to the house so that it does not go out. It is believed that after that in the house will be grace from the temple, and no one will be sick throughout the year.

It can not be thrown into any way. During the year, dried branches are stored until the next Palm Sunday. A day when you brought branches home, you need to put them in a vase and place on the table or in a red corner with icons. After that, all family members sit at the table or believers to celebrate the holiday.

On the day of the Palm Sunday, the post weakens: you can drink a moderate amount of wine and eat fish and seafood. However, cottage cheese, milk, eggs or cream should not have a week. The fish table can also be very tasty and healthy health. Here are the main dishes and products that can take place on the festive table.

1. Dried Sudak. It can be used as an addition to potato dishes. It is very tasty and combined well with various food.
2. Mussels in oil. You can use as an independent snack and just an addition to various salads and snacks. They have a bright taste and give piquancy to any salad.
3. Steak made of red fish under garlic sauce. Appetizing and very tasty dish Fast preparation for microwave. Just need to warm the steak for 5 to 10 minutes so that its fragrance is heard in the room, then buy a creamy garlic or cheese sauce, squeeze a little garlic in it and add chopped olives. Serve portion as an independent dish. Sets of such steaks are in supermarkets and large hypermarkets. Of these, you can cook an appetizing dinner for the whole family. Such a fish is rich in various amino acids and omega-3, allowing you to restore the strength before the completion of the post.
4. Crab sticks. You can use as an independent dish or simply add them to your favorite salad. The dish will be very tasty and appetizing with them. They are perfectly combined with rice, dill, canned corn and soy sauce.
5. Shrimp. You can use as an independent dish (kebab in the microwave), fry in a frying pan or simply weld in dill, like crayfish. Beautiful dish, giving a sense of saturation and at the same time normalizing protein level in the body.
6. Fish baked with spices. Beautiful festive independent dish. There are many lean recipesHow to cook it quickly and efficiently.
7. Wine. From alcoholic beverages, on Palm Sunday, it is best to use red wine, expensive champagne or liqueur.

What not to do with

First of all, the sanctified branches do not need to be thrown into a trash can or give, especially to unauthorized people. Otherwise, from the house can leave grace. The willow, who already stood a year in the house, are not thrown into the garbage, but burn in a fire, like many holy things and objects. Do not give her little children or use in economic needs. What else can not be done on this day - read in our article

From the editorial What do we know about the sanctification of the willow on the holiday? - So, withliving Piecely Tradition ...

What to do with consecrated Verba / Greens on the Trinity / Bouquets on Makovo? - Here, in fact, all the questions that we in this regard arise.

Our contemporaries are theologian from the Society of Skaballanovich - in their missionary publication pay attention to when and why the willow is being consecrated for a divine service on the day of the holiday.

Do you know that…

Fact number 1

Consecration of the Spirits of Willow takes place at the evening worship on Saturday

During the Polyeleray - the most solemn part of the festive evening worship, after the Gospel, while reading the concentrated 50th Psalm, the priest knew the people standing with the branches of trees and greens.

After that, prayer is read:

Lord God, Sedyai in Cherubih, the sovereign power of your son, the Lord of our Jesus Christ, and save the world of the cross, and the burial, and the resurrection of his own. Eagle and now coming to Jerusalem for a free passion, the people of the seeds in the darkness, and the Seni of Mortals, the successful of the resurrection of the sign, the branches of the wood, and Vaia Pinik, the resurrection meaning of the sinosh. Vladyko himself and us to imitate Oneh, in the pre-advertising this day, Vaia and branches of the woods in the hands of wearing observance and save. Yes, oni, oni Naodynia and the children are guarded with you, and we will turn the Surveys and Treidnevnago Surveys, the Survend, in Tomsel, Jesus, the Lord of our Lord: with Himself blessed, with the Most Holy, and Good, and Life-Giving Spirit, now and Connected, and in the eyelids, Amen.

My God God, ascending on Cherubim, the vigorous power of yours and sent the only beast of your son, the gentlemen of our Jesus Christ, and he will save Mir Cross, the burial and resurrection to his own. His who came to Jerusalem on voluntary suffering, people who stayed in the darkness and shadow of the mortal met, taking the victory symbols - the branches of trees and shoot palm trees - and the resurrection of those predicted.

Himself, Vladyka, and us, in this holiday, palm and wood branches in imitating them in the hands of holding and, like those crowds and children, the exclamations of "Osna" bring to you, observe and save.

In order for us with the hymns and songs of spiritual to allocate the life-giving and thirteen resurrection in Christ Jesus, our Lord, with whom you are blessed, with all, and good, and life-giving your spirit, now, and forever. Amen.

After this prayer standing in the temple of people with a sprigs of willow in their hands sprinkle with holy water.

Fact number 2.

It is not consecrated by the willow, but people standing in the temple.

Although it is believed that the branches of the trees are consecrated (most often willow), but in prayer we are talking about a completely friend, namely: we ask the Lord to sanctify us, give us our saving grace so that we, holding branches, like kindle children when meeting the Lord In Jerusalem, those remained, so that they did not become such as those that first shouted "Osanna!", and then began to shout "Cutting it!" Even if we do not say such words, it's all the same as our sins, with their heaven and laziness and lazy and take the crucification of Christ and make His sacrifice for us in vain.

Fact number 3.

It is important not to carry out the temple consecrated Verq., And come with her to the temple.

The twig in the hands is a sign that the entrance of the Lord in Jerusalem for free suffering is as important for us and is touching, as well as for those who two thousand years ago welcomed it with palm branches and shouted "Osanna!".

That's how it goes in the trapar holiday:

The church is generally random. In worship services, it is almost impossible to hear anything about the sacred events in the past time, for example, the Lord entered Jerusalem. It is less likely to hear that he "spacked in Jerusalem", but most often - "enters", and the "go", now. In the souls of people, gospel events are experiencing every time in a new way. Therefore, will be brought to the temple, stand with them during worship, to show that we welcome the Lord as your king and the Messiah.

Unfortunately, this excellent tradition eventually was rethought in external ritual categories. If the liturgical texts, the whole focus was made on the "coming in the name of the Lord" - Christ and People, who were encountered, then folk tradition The whole sense of the holiday brought to consecrate the willow. To bring to the temple of the willow (and, rather, to carry out of the temple), it turns out, it is not necessary to test my love before the Lord, but in order to stock up a good faith.

Fact number 4.

If you did not stand with a rude in the service, glorifying the Lord, "coming to the free passion," then go with her to the temple just to be able to consecrate, do not need.

From year to year, the same story is repeated: throughout the day, when the festive liturgy has long over long, a lot of people come to the temple with a question: "And where are the willow distribute here?" Willow is not a pity, but for some reason it always becomes sad.

In the books and oral conversations, you can find a lot of tips, what to do with the Verba, where to put it, how many years to store, even in what cases it is desirable to eat recreation kidney.

People hope to get help from the willows, because the willow is consecrated. But if you disassemble the text of the prayer, it turns out that there is not a single word about what the willow is being consecrated, its meaning is reduced to the phrase: "... And us, to imitate oneh (ie us, in imitation of people, We encountered the Lord branches), in the pre-advertising this day, via and branches of the wood in the hands of wearing, observe and save. "

The object of consecration, the church did not see the willow, but the person himself. In the demandsman, the collection of a priestly prayer containing the follow-ups of the sacraments and rituals - there is not even an indication of the sprinkle of the Holy Water. This indication is in the official - a book containing the follow-up of Liturgy, Evening, morning, but there it appeared already later, as a reflection of the steady practice.

FACT number 5.

In the morning on the day of the holiday, the willow sprinkled with holy water, but the prayer for sanctification is no longer read.

Usually the sprinkling is repeated on the day of the holiday, after the liturgy.

When consecrated by the version, prayer is read: "The Willow of Seia is consecrated, the grateful of all the spirit of the Spirit and the sprinkling of the water is Siaia sacred, in the name of the Father and Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen

But when performing this rite, it is impossible to forget his inner meaning. The main thing is where the Lord goes and for what.

The holiday of Palm Sunday begins for us a passionate week. During these few days, the Lord will complete his terrestrial life. This completion will be the complete. How he himself will say in his recent words On the Cross: "Made!"

In the church there are various traditions that have gained widespread in the Russian people. One of these is the sanctification of the shipyard on the holiday of the entrance of the Lord in Jerusalem in Orthodox churches.

It is worth noting that the very triumph of the entrance of the Lord in Jerusalem is not reduced exclusively to the practical side of the consecration of the branches of the tree, which is the first to bloom in the spring (willow and Willow). The main essence of the celebration is the memory of the march of the Savior on free suffering and death for the sake of the rescue of man and reconciling the latter with God. Therefore, visiting the temples is exclusively in order to sanctify willow, is not correct from the point of view of the Orthodox faith. The consecration of the will do not impose special mystical significanceThis action should not be an end to the Orthodox Christian.

During the entrance to the Savior Jerusalem, the Lord was cast under the feet of the palm branches. In Russia, the Willow was replaced by palm trees. This tree has become a symbol of spiritual joy and awakening, just as the nature awakens through the blooming of the kidney willow and willow.

Consecrated is a shrine for orthodox man, Evidence of the grace of God, sent during consecration. These shrines believers are stored during the year, after which the branches burn or insert into the ground on garden sites In place, unexpressed legs.

When and how the willow is consecrated

Many mistakenly believe that the consecration of the Willow takes place on the holiday itself on Sunday. However, the church charter does not provide for such a chin on liturgy or after it on the day of the entrance of the Lord in Jerusalem. The consecration of the willow occurs on the eve of the evening for the Saberly Savory of the Vigil Vigil.

In church tradition, the service starts the eve of the event celebrated in the evening. All-night vigil on Saturday Before Verbal Sunday is already following the festive logistics of the Lord in Jerusalem. Therefore, there is nothing surprising that the willows are sanctified in the temples during this worship, and not with the ministry of Liturgy on Sunday.

The consecration of the willow takes place on the utensils after reading the texts of the Gospel. PPO reading Scripture It is read in the fiftieth psalm, during which every day of the prepared branches of Willow and Willow are performed. The priest reads a prayer for the consecration of the Willow and sprinkles the branches of holy water. After that, worship continues its festive rank.

The emergence of all rituals and rituals that believers are spent before Easter, directly related to the events described in the Bible. So after Jesus Christ was able to resurrect Lazarus, people wanted him to become a king. Therefore, when Jesus went into Jerusalem on a donkey, he was welcomed as a ruler. People showed their respect and respect with palm branches. People laughed with branches and leaves of these plants, and also cast them on the road at which Christ was passing.

In honor of this event, more than seven days before Easter, another bright holiday is celebrated. Catholics is called Palm Sunday, and the Orthodox name is Other - Palm Sunday. The name was decided to change because the palms are growing only in warm countries, and in the northern latitudes of these plants you can not meet at all. Therefore, the symbol of this holiday was the tree, which the first comes to life and dissolves the kidneys, that is, the willow. That is why Sunday and began to be called verbal.

All religious people know that a few days before the holiday, it is necessary to narrow several vessel branches and if at least acquire them. But not everyone knows when to sip the willow in the church in 2018.

This time Easter will be celebrated on April 8, and therefore, Palm Sunday falls on April 1st. We'll figure it out in all the intricacies of this day and try to find answers to the most popular questions.

Easter, as well as Palm Sunday, every year falls on different dates. Therefore, sometimes on the branches of the Willow have already managed to form fluffy balls, and sometimes not. It also depends on climatic conditions. If the Verba has not yet blocked, then it is better to narrow it in five to six days before the holiday and put into the water. To the verbal Sunday of lumps, or earrings, as they are called, should appear. If the weather is already warm, and the willow already gave kidney, it is better to tear it the day before the holiday. Torn or purchased branches should also be put into the water, so they will be saved until Sunday.

When to sip the willow on Saturday or Sunday

Many people can not understand when to sink the willow in Palm Sunday. There is no unambiguous answer to this question. It all depends on the temple. In some churches, the ritual of consecration is carried out after Saturday evening service, and in some temples, the willow sprinkle with holy water only on Sunday early in the morning.

After the willow is consecrated, the branches need to bring home and lightly beat them all family members, it is believed that then everything will be happy and healthy all year.

What do with the Ripper after Palm Sunday

After the holiday, the willow put in the house for a prominent place or placed in front of icons. You can hang branches, and you can put them in a vase without water.

Also people believe that if you bury several branches in the garden, it will be good harvest. And people used to eat the kidney of consecrated willow to recover from various ailments. It is known that so women tried to cure from infertility. Also, if a person is ill, relatives can spend on his body branches of consecrated willow. It is believed that he will rather recover.

What to do with the will since last year

The consecrated willow is stored in homes for a whole year, that is, until next holiday. To the twigs need to be taken carefully. And in no case they cannot be thrown away. When new consecrated branches appear in the house, then the old can be burned and dispel the ashes on located plot. If there is no such possibility, then the will then be buried in the garden.

March 31 and April 1, 2018 are important dates In the life of Orthodox Christians. These days there are two important events - Lazareva Saturday and the Entrance of the Lord in Jerusalem. In the people, this holiday is called Palm Sunday.

On Saturday evening, on the eve of Palm Sunday, transformed orthodox churches. Because the parishioners flock into the service and bring the Willow twigs with them. Palm Sunday: When you light up the willow, on Saturday evening, immediately after church service. You can also sanctify the will and the next day.

Why Verba

Where did the custom come from this day to sanctifying the willow and what does this custom mean? Everything went from the traditions of the Jewish people. They have been made to meet the king of the winner, who is in the city, palm branches and flowers. So they met Jesus, the king of heaven. In warm countries, a custom is preserved this day to sanctify the palm branches.

But, in Russia Palm, especially in early springwas not to find. Therefore, Verba and Willow branches are the first to produce kidneys, have become a substitute for a symbolic palm branch. Therefore, now believers are wondering when they sanctify the willow, and not when to sanctify palm.

The best time when the willow is sanctified in 2018 is the evening after Saturday service. From the time of the entrance of Jesus Christ in Jerusalem, two thousand years have passed. But believers every year meet this big holiday with branches, as it was once. The willow in Russia has always been considered a symbol of spring, and thanks to Christianity, she also became a symbol of spiritual revival.

The consecration of the Willow takes place during a festive worship, which is called all-part vigils. After reading the gospel, the priests make a consecration of the Verb Fimyam, read prayer, and then sprinkle the branches of holy water.

Sometimes people are worried if the water hit the twigs, and try to sprinkle them again and again. But each person must understand that the willow is sanctified without water, but the grace of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, it doesn't matter at all, a drop of water has fallen on the version, or a liter of holy water was thrown onto it: all the consecrated branches brought from the temple can be considered a spelled Sunday symbol.

If it did not manage to get to the service on Saturday evening, then re-consecration is carried out after the liturgy on the day of the holiday. Therefore, there are two time when you light the willow: on Saturday evening or already on Sunday after the festive liturgy.

It should also be remembered that the consecrated willow must be brought home and put to icons. It is believed that it has a magical action and protects the house throughout the year from the troubles and misfortunes. Old branches must be burned, attributed back to church or throw to the river with a rapid flow.

When to highlight the willow in 2018? This should be done either in the evening in Lazarev Saturday, March 31, or after a festive liturgy on the day of Palm Sunday - April 1.