Repairs Design Furniture

Preparation of the USE history of the date. The most important dates in the history of Russia, which must be remembered when passing the exam

Approximate list of dates for preparation for the history of history

862 - "Calling" Rurik

882 - Capture Oleg Kiev

907 - Camping Oleg on Constantinople

911 - Rus agreement with Byzantium

941 - Igor's campaign on Constantinople

944 - Contract of Russia with Byzantium

964-972 - hiking hikes

978/980-1015 - Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavich in Kiev

988 - Epiphany Rus

1015-1026 - Graces between the sons of Vladimir

1016-1018 and 1019-1054 - the reign of Yaroslav Wise

XI century - True Russian (brief editors)

1068 - uprising in Kiev

1097 - Lubache Congress

1113 - uprising in Kiev, "Charter" Vladimir Monomakh

1113-1125 - Prince in Kiev Vladimir Monomakh

1125-1132 - Prince in Kiev Mstislava Great

1130s - Completion of the separation of Russia on the Earth

The beginning of the XII century. - "Tale of Bygone Years"

XII century - True, Russian (extensive edition)

1147 - the first mention of Moscow

1185 - Camping Igor Svyatoslavich in Polovtsy

1199 - Association of Galician and Volyn Earth

1223 - Battle on r. Rolling

1237-1241 - conquest of Russia Mongol Empire

1242-1243 - Education of the Golden Horde

1325-1340 - the reign of Ivan Kalita.

1327 - Antiordan uprising in Tver

1359-1389 - Dmitry Don district

1382 - the ruin of Moscow to Tukhtamiam

1383-1389 - Fastening the Grand Due to Vladimir for the Moscow Princely House

1389 - 1425 - Prince Vasily I

1395 - the defeat of the Golden Horde Timur

1425-1453 - Internecine War in the Moscow Principality

1425-1462 - Prince Vasily II

1448 - Establishing the autochefali of the Russian Church

1462-1505 - Prince Ivan III

1472 - Termination of the payment of Dani in the Horde

1478 - Joining the Novgorod land to Moscow

1480 - "Standing" on r. Those

1485 - Joining the Tver Great Principality to Moscow

1487-1503 - the accession of the Chernigovo-Seversk and part of Smolensk lands

1497 - The adoption of the communional judiciary

1505 - 1533 - Prince Vasily III

1510 - Joining Moscow Pskov Land

1514 - Return of Smolensk

1521 - inclusion in the Moscow state of the Ryazan land

1533 - 1584 - Prince (reign) Ivan IV Vasilyevich Grozny.

1533 - 1538 - Elena Glinsky Regency

1538 - 1547 - Boyar Board

1547 - The adoption by Ivan the Terrible Tsarist title

1549 - First Zemsky Cathedral

1550 - The adoption of the "Tsarist Island" (Faith)

1552 - Taking the Russian troops of Kazan

1556 - Accession to Russia of Astrakhan Khanate.

1556 - Cancel feeding

1558 - 1583 - Livonian War

1564 - Edition of the first Russian printed book

1565 - 1572 - Okrichnina

1581 - 1585 - Conquest Siberia Ermac

1584 - 1598 - The reign of Fyodor Ivanovich

1589 - Institution in Russia Patriarchare

1598 - termination of the Rurikovsky dynasty. Election to the kingdom of Boris Godunova

1598 - Completion of accession to Russia of Siberian Khanate

1598 - 1605 - The reign of Boris Godunova

1601-1603 - Motion "Razbean".

1604 - 1618 - Dispute in Russia

1605 - 1606 - False Deadmitria Board I.

1606 - 1610 - The reign of Vasily Shui.

1606-1607 - the uprising of Ivan Bolotnikov.

1607 - 1610 - Flashing Movement II.

1610 - Agreement with Sigismund III on the invitation to the Kingdom of Kingdom Vladislav and joining Moscow of the Polish garrison

1611 - 1612 - I and II militia. Liberation of Moscow.

1613 - 1645 - The reign of Mikhail Fedorovich.

1617 - Pillar World with Sweden

1618 - Deulin a truce with a response.

1632 - 1634 - Smolensk War.

1645 - 1676 - The reign of Alexei Mikhailovich

1648 - Salt Bunk in Moscow

1648 - Camping Seeds Dezhnev

1649 - The adoption of cathedral deposition. Registration of serfdom in the central regions of the country

1649 - 1653 - Hiking Yerofey Khabarova

1653 - Patriarch Nikon reforms, the beginning of the church split

1654 - Pereyaslavskaya Rada. Transition to the authority of Russia of the Left Bank Ukraine

1654 - 1667 - war with the speech of the compulcancy.

1656 - 1658 - War with Sweden.

1662 - Copper Riot

1667 - Andrusovsky truce

1670 - 1672 - the rebellion of Stepan Razin.

1676 - 1682 - The reign of Fyodor Alekseevich

1677-1678 - Chigirin hiking.

1682-1725 - Peter I reign (up to 1696, together with Ivan V)

1682-1689 - The Board of Sophia

1682, 1689, 1698 - Archerters' uprisings

1686 - the eternal world with a response

1687 - Foundation of the Slavic Greco-Latin Academy in Moscow

1687, 1689 - Crimean Hiking

1689 - Nerchinsky Treaty with China

1695, 1696 - Azov campaigns

1697-1698 - Great Embassy

1700-1721 - Northern War

1700 - defeat near Narva

1705-1706 - uprising in Astrakhan

1707-1708 - Bulavina Kondrati Upper

1708-1710 - provincial institution

1711 - the establishment of the Senate; Protian hike

1714 - Decree on Union

1718-1721 - Building colleges

1718-1724 - Conducting a census and first revision

1720 - Battle of about. Grengam

1721 - Nesteadt world

1721 - Russia's proclamation to the empire

1722 - Introduction Tabel about ranks

1722-1723 - Caspian (Persian) Hike

1725 - Institution of the Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg

1725-1727 - Ekaterina I

1727-1730 - Peter II

1730-1740 - Anna John

1733-1735 - War for Polish Inheritance

1736-1739 - Russian-Turkish War

1741-1743 - Russian-Swedish War

1740-1741 - John Antonovich

1741-1761 - Elizabeth Petrovna

1756-1763 - Seven-Year War

1761-1762 - Peter III

1762 - Manifesto on the liberty of the noble

1762-1796 - Catherine II

1769-1774 - Russian-Turkish War

1774 - Kychuk-Kainardzhi World with the Ottoman Empire

1787-1791 - Russian-Turkish War

1788-1790 - Russian-Swedish War

1791 - Yaski World with the Ottoman Empire

1773-1775 - Umelyan Pugacheva's uprising

1775 - provincial reform

1785 - Plotted diplomas nobility and cities

1783 - the accession of the Crimea to Russia

1772, 1793, 1795 - Sections of the Commonwealth

1796-1801 - Board of Paul I

1799 - Italian and Swiss goas of the Russian army

1801-1825 - years of the reign of Alexander I;

1809 - Friedrichsgam Treaty with Sweden;

1811 - the institution of the Tsarskoil Lyceum;

1812 - Bucharest World with the Ottoman Empire;

1812 - Gulistan peace with percia;

1813 - 1814. - foreign hiking of the Russian army;

1815 - Vienna Congress;

1816 - Education of the Union of Salvation;

1818 - the formation of a welfare union;

1821 - the formation of the Northern and South societies;

1822-1823. - Writing A.S. Griboedov Comedy "Woe from Wit";

1824 - Opening of the Small Theater in Moscow;

1825 - the opening of the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow;

1825-1855 - years of the reign of Nicholas I;

1826 - the formation of his own office of his imperial majesty;

1826 - Opening of Neklidova Geometry N.I. Lobachevsky;

1826-1828. - war with percia;

1828 - Turkmanchai peace with percia;

1828 - 1829 - War with the Ottoman Empire;

1829 - Adrianopol World;

1834 - 1864 - War in the Caucasus;

1837 - 1841 - Reform of the management of state peasants P.D. Kiseleva;

1842 - Decree of the obligations of the peasants;

1849 - Arrest members of the Mug of Petrashevtsev;

1853 - 1856 - Crimean War;

1856 - Paris Treatise;

February 19, 1861 - the publication of the manifesto on the release of peasants and the "Regulations on the peasants who came out of the fortress dependence";

1862 - institution of the St. Petersburg Conservatory;

1863 - 1864. - uprising in Poland;

1864 - judicial reform;

1864 - Zemstvo reform;

1866 - the attempted Karakozov at Alexander II;

1866 - the establishment of the Moscow Conservatory;

1867 - USA sale Alaska:

1869 - Opening of the Periodic Law of the Chemical Elements D.I. Mendeleev;

1870 - the emergence of the "Partnership of Mobile Art Exhibitions";

1870 - urban reform;

1877 - 1878 - Russian-Turkish war;

1878 - Berlin Congress;

1878 - Attempt by V.I. Zasulich at the St. Petersburg city street F. F. Trepova;

1881 - 1894 - years of reign of Alexander III;

1881 - the publication of the "Regulations on measures to protect state order and public peace »;

1883 - education of the Labor Liberation Group;

1884 - the publication of a new university charter;

1890 - the publication of the new Zemsky State;

1891 - 1892 - Hunger in Russia;

1892 - the creation of the Tretyakov Gallery;

1894 - Conclusion of the Union with France;

1894 - 1917. - years of reign of Nicholas II;

1897 - the introduction of the Golden Ruble;

1898 - the formation of the Moscow Art Theater (MHT);

1903 - the second congress of the RSDLP;

1904 - 1905 - Russian-Japanese war;

October 17, 1905 - the highest manifesto on the granting of freedoms and the establishment of the State Duma;

1907 - the final design of the Entente;

1907-1912 - work III of the State Duma;

1908 - the first Russian film "Wall of Razin and Princess";

1909 - the publication of the collection "Milestones";

1912-1917 - work of the IV State Duma;

1915 - the formation of a progressive block;

may 1916 - Brousilovsky breakthrough;

February 26, 1917 - shooting demonstrations on the Znamenskaya Square of Petrograd, the transition of part of the military units to the side of the rebels;

Kronstadt rebellion - March 1921

The adoption of the Plan of Goello - 1920

Hunger 1921

Creation of Gosla - August 1923

Financial reform Sokolnikova - 1923-1924.

The beginning of the development of annual national economic plans - 1925

"Military Alarm" - 1927

Cutting NEPA - 1928-1929

Shakhtinsky Process - 1928

Year of "Great Fraz" - 1929

The first five-year plan - 1928-1932.

The second five-year plan - 1932-1937.

Transition to solid collectivization of agriculture - 1929

Liquidation of mass unemployment, closure of labor exchange - 1930

Card system of public supply - 1930-1935

Introduction of the passport system - 1932

Hunger 1932-1933.

Adoption of the new Constitution of the USSR - 1936

First elections to the Supreme Council - 1938

Mass repressions - 1937-1938.

Opening of the Allies of the "Second Front" in Europe - June 1944

Offensive operations of the Soviet Army 1944-1945.

Exemption of the territory of the USSR from the enemy - 1944

June 1945 - the creation of the UN

March 1946 - Fulton Speech W. Churchill

1946-1991 - Cold War period

1947 - Marshall Plan

1946-1947 - Hunger in the USSR

1946 - Decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) "On the magazines" Star "and" Leningrad ".

1947 - Cancellation of products for products and monetary reform

1947-1956 - Activity Cominformbüro

1948 - the case of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee

1949 - Creation of the Council of Economic Mutual Assistance (CEV)

1949 - Organization of the North Atlantic Treaty (NATO)

1948 - 1949 - Berlin crisis

1949 - the creation of the People's Republic of China

1949 - the first successful test of the Soviet nuclear bomb

1949 - Leningrad

1950-1953 - War in Korea

1952 - XIX Congress WCP (b). Renaming VKP (b) in the CPSU

1953-1964 - Period of leadership by N.S. Khrushchev

1954 - the beginning of the development of virgin lands

1955 - the creation of the organization of the Warsaw Treaty (WDD)

1956 - XX Congress CPSU, exposing the cult of the personality of Stalin

1956 - Suez and Hungarian crises

1957 - International Festival of Youth and Students in Moscow

1957 - the launch of the USSR first in the world of an artificial satellite of the Earth

1961 - the second Berlin crisis. Construction of the Berlin Wall

1961 - XXII Congress Congress. Adoption of the Communism Construction Program

1962 - Events in Novocherkassk

1962 - Caribbean Crisis

1962 - Publication of Tale A.I. Solzhenitsyn "One Day Ivan Denisovich"

1964 - displacement N.S. Khrushchev

1964-1982 - Guide to the country L.I. Brezhnev

1965 - the beginning of the reform A.N. Kosyigina

1965 - the case of writers A.D. Sinyavsky and Yu.M. Daniel.

1968 - "Prague Spring" and the input of the ATS countries in Czechoslovakia.

1969 - Border Soviet-Chinese conflict

1972 - Soviet-American Agreement on the limitation of missile defense systems (pro) and a constraint of strategic arms restrictions (ASS-1)

1975 - the final stage of the Security and Cooperation Meeting in Europe (CSCE) in Helsinki.

1977 - New Constitution of the USSR

1979 - Treaty with the United States on the restriction of strategic armaments-2 (ASS-2)

1979 - Enter Soviet troops to Afghanistan

1980 - Summer Olympic Games in Moscow

1982 - Death of L.I. Brezhnev

1982-1985 - Guidance of the country Yu.V. Andropov and K.U.Chrenhenko.

1990 March 15 - Election by M.S. Gorbachev President of the USSR on the III Sewage of People's Deputies of the USSR

1990, May- June - Congress of People's Deputies of the RSFSR, the adoption of the Declaration on the State Sovereignty of Russia.

1991, December - the collapse of the USSR (Belovezhskiy agreements between the leaders of the Russian Federation, Ukraine and Belarus). The signing of the same declaration on the creation of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). Alma-Ata Declaration on the goals and principles of the CIS (December 21, 1991)

1992 - Decree of the President of the Russian Federation on the introduction of a system of privatization checks (vouchers), the beginning of the privatization of state property

1993, September 21 - Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1400 "On Phased Constitutional Reform", announcement of the dissolution of the congress of People's Deputies and the Supreme Council and holding December 12 referendum on the new Constitution

1996 - Election of the President of the Russian Federation.

2000 - entry into the position of President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin

2000 - Creation of the Institute of Plenipotentiary Representatives of the President of the Russian Federation in federal districts, the creation of the State Council of the Russian Federation

2000 - approval of the new Russian Foreign Policy Concept

2003 - Elections to the State Duma

2004 - Election V.V. Putin by the President of the Russian Federation for the second term

2005 - the law on elections to the State Duma for Party Lists

2005 - Law on the new order of election of the governors

2005 - proclamation of priority national projects, the beginning of their implementation (2006)

2006 - Iraqi crisis, aggravation of relations between Russia and the USA

2008 - Election D.A. Medvedev President of the Russian Federation

2008 is the global financial crisis. Adjustment of the tactics of socio-economic development in the context of the financial and economic crisis in the Russian Federation (2008)

2008 - approval of the concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020

2008 - Law on the increase in the term of office of the State Duma up to 5 years and the President of the Russian Federation up to 6 years

2012 - election V.V. Putin by the President of the Russian Federation

2012 - Formation of the Government D.A. Medvedev. "Open Government."

Must be sure to include memorizing several of the most important dates in the history of Russia. We offer to memorize a list to memorize the most important of them:

Brief chronology of Russia's history.

  • Vi in. n. er, since 530 - the great resettlement of Slavs. First mention of the people of RES / RUS
  • 860 - the first trip of Rus on Constantinople
  • 862 - a year to which the "Tale of Bygone Years" refers the "calling of the Norman Konong" Rurik.
  • 911 - the campaign of the Kiev prince Oleg on the Tsargrad and the contract with Byzantia.
  • 941 - the campaign of Kiev Prince Igor to Constantinople.
  • 944 - Igor's contract with Byzantia.
  • 945 - 946. - submission to Kiev Drevlyan
  • 957 - Trip Knyagini Olga to Tsargrad
  • 964-966 - Hikers of Svyatoslav on Kamsky Bulgarians, Khazar, Yasov and Kasov
  • 967-971 - War of Prince Svyatoslav with Byzantium
  • 988-990. - the beginning of the baptism of Russia
  • 1037 - Bookmark of the Sofia Temple in Kiev
  • 1043 - the campaign of Prince Vladimir on Byzantium
  • 1045-1050 - Building Sofia Temple in Novgorod
  • 1073 - "Exponna" Prince Svyatoslav Yaroslavich
  • 1100 - The Second Congress of Princes in Guisix (Vitichev)
  • 1147 - the first chronicle mention of Moscow
  • 1158-1160. - Building the Assumption Cathedral in Vladimir-on-Klyazma
  • 1169 - Taking Kiev by the troops of Andrei Bogolyubsky and his allies
  • 1170 February 25 - Victory of Novgorods over the troops of Andrei Bogolyubsky and his allies
  • 1188 - Approximate date of the appearance of "Word about the regiment of Igor"
  • 1202 - the basis of the Order of the Middle Eastern (Livonian Order)
  • 1206 - the proclamation of Techurian "Great Khan" Mongols and the adoption of the name of Cenghis Khan
  • 1223 May 31 - Battle of Russian princes and Polovtsy on r. Rolling
  • 1224 - Taking Yuryeva (Tartu) by the Germans
  • 1237 - Association of the Order of the Middle Eastern and Teutonic Order
  • 1237-1238 - the invasion of Khan Batya to Northeast Rus
  • 1238 March 4 - Battle on r. City
  • 1240 g..15 July - Victory of Novgorod Prince Alexander Yaroslavich over Swedish knights on r. Neve
  • 1240. December 6 (or November 19) - Taking Mongol-Tatars Kiev
  • 1242 on April 5 - "Ice Battery" on the Church of the Lake
  • 1243 - Education of the Golden Horde.
  • 1378 - The first victory of the Russian troops over the Tatars on the river. Very
  • 1380 September 8 - Kulikovskaya battle
  • 1382 - a campaign to Moscow Khan Tokhtamysh
  • 1395 - the defeat of the Golden Horde Timur (Tamerlane)
  • 1410 July 15 - Grunwald Battle. Ragrome of German knights by Polish-Lithuanian-Russian troops
  • 1469-1472 - Journey Athanasius Nikitina to India
  • 1471 - Camping Ivan III to Novgorod. Battle on r. Sheloni.
  • 1480 - "Standing" on r. Ugra. The end of the Tatar-Mongolian yoke.
  • 1484-1508 - Construction of the Moscow Kremlin. Construction of cathedrals and grain chamber
  • 1507-1508, 1512-1522. - Wars of the Moscow State with the Grand Durability Lithuanian. Scope of Smolensk and Smolensk Earth
  • 1510 - Joining Pskov to Moscow
  • 1547 January 16 - Wedding Ivan IV for the kingdom
  • 1550 - the judiciary Ivan Grozny. Creation of Streletsky Troops
  • 1550 October 3 - Decree on the writage of "Selected Thousand" in the villages adjacent to Moscow
  • 1552 - Taking Kazan by Russian troops. Accession of Kazan Khanate
  • 1556 - Accession of Astrakhan to Russia
  • 1558-1583 - Livonian War
  • 1565-1572 - Oprichnina
  • 1569 - Lublin Sania. Speech formation compulculated
  • 1582 January 15 - a truce of the Russian state with a response respondent in the Sapolsk
  • 1589 - the establishment of the patriarchate in Moscow
  • 1590-1593 - War of the Russian state with Sweden
  • 1591 May - the death of Tsarevich Dmitry in Uglich
  • 1595 - Conclusion of the Tankinsky World with Sweden
  • 1598 January 7 - Death of King Fedor Ivanovich and the cessation of the Rurikovsky dynasty
  • 1604 October - Intervention of Lhadmitria I within the limits of the Russian state
  • 1605 June - the overthrow of the Godunov dynasty in Moscow. Flawing of Falsmitria I.
  • 1606 - uprising in Moscow and the murder of Falsmitria I
  • 1607 - the beginning of the Intervention of Falsmitria II
  • 1609-1618. - Open Polish-Swedish Intervention
  • 1611 March-April - the creation of militia against the intervention
  • 1611 September-October - the creation of a militia under the leadership of minin and a fire in Nizhny Novgorod
  • 1612 October 26 - the capture of the Moscow Kremlin Militia of Minin and Pozhal
  • 1613 - February 7-21 - Election of the Zemsky Cathedral for the Kingdom of Mikhail Fedorovich Romanova
  • 1633 - Death of Patriarch Filaret, father of King Mikhail Fedorovich
  • 1648 - the uprising in Moscow - "Salt Bunk"
  • 1649 - "Cathedral Code" of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich
  • 1649-1652 - Hiking Yerofey Khabarova in Daurgy land on Amuru
  • 1652 - Dedication to Nikon in Patriarchs
  • 1653 - Zemsky Cathedral in Moscow and the decision to reunite Ukraine with Russia
  • 1654 January 8-9 - Pereyaslavskaya Rada. Reunion of Ukraine with Russia
  • 1654-1667 - War of Russia with Poland because of Ukraine
  • 1667 January 30 - Andrusovsky truce
  • 1670-1671 - The peasant war under the leadership of S. Razin
  • 1676-1681 - War of Russia with Turkey and Crimea for the right bank
  • 1681 January 3 - Bakhchisarai truce
  • 1682 - Cancellation
  • 1682 May - Streletsky uprising in Moscow
  • 1686 - "Eternal World" with Poland
  • 1687-1689. - Crimean CN hiking. V.V. Golitsyn
  • 1689 August 27 - Nerchinsky Treaty with China
  • 1689 SEPTEMBER - overthrowing sofya prison
  • 1695-1696 - Azov campaigns of Peter I
  • 1696 January 29 - Death of Ivan V. Establishment of a Petter I
  • 1697-1698 - "Great Embassy" Peter I in Western Europe
  • 1698 April-June - Streletsky Bun
  • 1699 December 20 - Decree on the introduction of a new summer from January 1, 1700
  • 1700 on July 13 - Constantinople truce with Turkey
  • 1700-1721. - Northern Russia War with Sweden
  • 1700 - Death of Patriarch Adriana. Appointment of Stephen Yavorskoye Location of the Patriarch
  • 1700 November 19 - the defeat of Russian troops near Narva
  • 1703 - the first stock exchange (merchant assembly) in St. Petersburg
  • 1707-1708 - uprising on Don K. Bulavina
  • 1709 June 27 - the defeat of the Swedish troops in Poltava
  • 1711 - Peter's Prut Camping I
  • 1712 - Decree on the establishment of trading and industrial companies
  • 1714 March 23 - Decree of the Union
  • 1714 July 27 - the victory of the Russian fleet over Swedish during Ganguta
  • 1721 August 30 - Nesteadsky World of Russia with Sweden
  • 1721 October 22 - the adoption by Peter I Imperial Titula
  • 1722 January 24 - Tabel about ranks
  • 1722-1723 - Persian campaign of Peter I
  • 1724 January 28 - Decree on the establishment of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • 1725 January 28 - Death of Peter I
  • 1726 February 8 - the establishment of the Supreme Secret Council
  • 1727 May 6 - Death of Catherine I
  • 1730 January 19 - Death of Peter II
  • 1731 - Cancellation of the Declaration of Union
  • 1735-1739. - Russian-Turkish war
  • 1740 From November 8 to November 9, a palace coup, the overthrow of the regent of the Biron. Anna Leopoldna Regenist announcement
  • 1741-1743 - War of Russia with Sweden
  • 1741 November 25 - Palace coup, erection of the Guard to the throne Elizabeth Petrovna
  • 1743 June 16 - the Abosky World with Sweden
  • 1755 January 12 - decree on the basis of Moscow University
  • 1756 August 30 - Decree on the establishment of the Russian Theater in St. Petersburg (Troupe F. Volkov)
  • 1759 1 (12) August - Victory of Russian troops at Kunnersdorf
  • 1760 September 28 - Taking by Russian troops of Berlin
  • 1762 February 18 - Manifesto "On the Validity of the Noble
  • 1762 July 6 - the murder of Peter III and the entry into the throne of Catherine II
  • 1764 - the establishment of the Smolny Institute in St. Petersburg
  • 1764 from 4 to July 5 - attempted coup V.Ya. Mirovich. Killing Ivan Antonovich in the Shlisselburg Fortress
  • 1770 June 24-26 - the defeat of the Turkish fleet in Chesmen Bay
  • 1773-1775 - the first section of the Commonwealth
  • 1773-1775 - The peasant war under the leadership of E.I. Pugacheva
  • 1774 July 10 - Kuchuk-Kaynarzhi World with Turkey
  • 1783 - the accession of the Crimea to Russia 1785 on April 21 - the humble diplomas nobility and cities
  • 1787-1791 - Russian-Turkish war
  • 1788-1790 GG-Russian-Swedish War 1791 December 29 - Yaskaya World with Turkey
  • 1793 - the second section of the Commonwealth
  • 1794 - Polish uprising under the leadership of T. Koscinchenko and his suppression
  • 1795 - Third section of Poland
  • 1796 - The formation of the Malorossiysk province of 1796-1797. - War with Persion
  • 1799 - Italian and Swiss campaigns A.V. Suvorov
  • 1801 January 18 - Manifesto on the accession of Georgia to Russia
  • 1801 from 11 to 12 March - Palace coup. Murder Paul I. Entry into the throne of Alexander I
  • 1804-1813 - Russian-Iranian war
  • 1805 November 20 - Battle with Austerlice
  • 1806-1812 - War of Russia with Turkey
  • 1807 June 25 - Tilzite World
  • 1808-1809 - Russian-Swedish war
  • 1810 January 1 - the establishment of the State Council
  • 1812 - the invasion of the "Great Army" of Napoleon to Russia. Patriotic War
  • 1812 August 26 - Battle in Borodino
  • 1813 January 1 - the beginning of the foreign hike of the Russian army
  • 1813 on October 16-19 - "Battle of Peoples" at Leipzig
  • 1814 March 19 - Joining the Allied Troops in Paris
  • 1814 on September 19-1815 May 28 - Vienna Congress
  • 1825 December 14 - the uprising of the Decembrists in St. Petersburg
  • 1826-1828. - Russian-Iranian war
  • 1827 October 20 - Battle in the Navarino Bay
  • 1828 February 10 - Turkmanchai peace treaty with Iran
  • 1828-1829. - Russian-Turkish war
  • 1829 September 2 - Adrianopol Mirny Treaty with Turkey
  • 1839-1843 - Monetary reform of the graph E. F. Cankrin
  • 1853-1856 - Crimean War
  • 1854 September - 1855 August - Defense of Sevastopol
  • 1856 March 18 - Paris Treaty
  • 1860 May 31 - State Bank's institution
  • 1861 February 19 - Cancel of Serf Law
  • 1861 - institution of the Council of Ministers
  • 1863 June 18 - University Charter
  • 1864 November 20 - a decree on judicial reform. "New judicial charters"
  • 1865 - Military Reform
  • 1875 April 25 - St. Petersburg Treaty of Russia with Japan (about southern Sakhalin and Kuril Islands)
  • 1877-1878 - Russian-Turkish war
  • 1879 August - split "Earth and Will" on "Black Redone" and "People's Volay"
  • 1881 I am Martha - the murder of revolutionary populists Alexander II
  • 1885 January 7-18 - Morozovskaya strike
  • 1892 - Russian-French Secret Military Convention
  • 1896 - invention of radio telegrapher A.S. Popov
  • 1896 May 18 - Khodynskaya tragedy in Moscow during the coronation of Nicholas II
  • 1898 March 1-2 - I Congress RSDLP
  • 1902 - Education of the Party of Socialist Revolutionaries (ECOMOV)
  • 1904-1905 - Russian-Japanese war
  • 1905 January 9 - "Bloody Sunday". The beginning of the first Russian revolution
  • 1905 April - the formation of the Russian Monarchic Party and the "Union of the Russian People".
  • 1905 May 12 - June 1 - Universal strike in Ivanovo-Voskresensk. Education of the First Council of Workers Deputies
  • 1905 May 14-15 - Tsushimsky Battle
  • 1905 June 9-11 - Uprising in Lodz
  • 1905 June 14-24 - the uprising on the battleship "Potemkin"
  • 1905 August 23 - Portsmouth Mirny Treaty with Japan
  • 1905 October 12-18 - the constituent congress of the Constitutional Democratic Party (Cadets)
  • 1905 October 13 - the creation of the St. Petersburg Council of Workers Deputies
  • 1905 October 17 - Manifesto Nicholas II
  • 1905 November - the emergence of the "Union on October 17" (Octobrists)
  • 1905 9-19 December - Moscow Armed Rise
  • 1906 April 27-July 8 - I State Duma
  • 1906 November 9 - the beginning of the agrarian reform P.A. Stolypin
  • 1914 on July 19 (August 1) - the announcement of Germany of the Russian war. First World War
  • 1916 May 22-July 31 - Brousilovsky breakthrough
  • 1916 December 17 - Murder Rasputin
  • 1917 February 26 - the beginning of the transition of troops on the side of the revolution
  • 1917 February 27 - February Revolution. Solving autocracy in Russia
  • 1917, March 3 - renunciation led. kn. Mikhail Alexandrovich. Declaration of temporary government
  • 1917 9-24 JUNE - I All-Russian Congress of Councils of Workers and Soldier Deputies
  • 1917 August 25 - September 1 - Cornilovsky rebellion
  • 1917 October 24-25 - Armed Bolshevik coup. Problem of temporary government
  • 1917 October 25 - Opening of the All-Russian Congress of Soviets
  • 1917 October 26 - decrees of the Councils about the world, about Earth. "Declaration of the Rights of the Peoples of Russia"
  • 1917 November 12 - elections to the Constituent Assembly
  • 1917 December 7 - SNKO decision to create an All-Russian emergency commission to combat counter-revolution (PEC)
  • 1917 December 14 - Decree of the WTCIK on the nationalization of banks
  • 1917 December 18 - Independence of Finland
  • 1918-1922. - Civil War in the territory of the former Russian Empire
  • 1918 January 6 - Overclocking of the Constituent Assembly
  • 1918 January 26 - Decree on the transition to a new calendar style with I (14) of February
  • 1918 G- March 3 - Conclusion of the Brest World
  • 1918 July 10 - adoption of the Constitution of the RSFSR
  • 1920 January 16 - Cancellation of the Blockade of Soviet Russia Entente
  • 1920 - Soviet-Polish War
  • 1921 February 28-March 18 - Kronstadt uprising
  • 1921 March 8-16 - X Congress of the RCP (b). Decision on "New Economic Policy"
  • 1921 March 18 - Riga peace treaty RSFSR with Poland
  • 1922 April 10-May 19 - Genoese Conference
  • 1922 on April 16 - Rappal Separate Treaty of the RSFSR with Germany
  • 1922 December 27 - USSR education
  • 1922 December 30 - I Congress of the Councils of the USSR
  • 1924 January 31 - approval of the USSR Constitution
  • 1928 October - 1932 December - the first five-year plan. The beginning of industrialization in the USSR
  • 1930 - the beginning of solid collectivization
  • 1933-1937 - the second five-year plan
  • 1934 December 1 - Murder S.M. Kirov. Deploying a mass terror in the USSR
  • 1936 December 5 - adoption of the USSR Constitution
  • 1939 August 23 - Soviet-German Pact for nonsense
  • 1939 September 1 - German attack on Poland. Beginning of World War II
  • 1939 on September 17 - the input of the Soviet troops to Poland
  • 1939 September 28 - Soviet-German treaty "On Friendship and Borders"
  • 1939 November 30 - 1940 March 12 - Soviet-Finnish War
  • 1940 June 28 - the input of the Soviet troops in Bessarabia
  • 1940 June-July - Soviet occupation of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia
  • 1941 on April 13 - Soviet-Japanese neutrality treaty
  • 1941 June 22 - the attack of Nazi Germany and its allies in the USSR. The beginning of the Great Patriotic War
  • 1945 May 8 - the act of unconditional surrender of Germany. The victory of the USSR in the Great Patriotic War
  • 1945 September 2 - Act on the unconditional surrender of Japan
  • 1945 November 20 - 1946 October 1 - Nuremberg Process
  • 1946-1950. - The fourth five-year plan. Restoration of the destroyed national economy
  • 1949 January 5-8 - the creation of CEV
  • 1949 August 29 - the first test of the atomic bomb in the USSR
  • 1954 June 27 - Start of the world's first nuclear power plant in Obninsk
  • 1955 14m; 1st - Creation of the organization of the Warsaw Treaty (ATS)
  • 1955 July 18-23 - Meeting of the heads of governments of the USSR, Great Britain, USA and France in Geneva
  • 1956 February 14-25 - XX Congress CPSU
  • 1956 June 30 - Decree of the Central Committee of the Central Committee
  • 1957 October 4 - launch in the USSR first in the world of the artificial satellite of the Earth
  • 1961 April 12 - Flight Yu.A. Gagarin on the spacecraft "East"
  • 1965 - reform of the economic mechanism of economic management in the USSR
  • 1968 August 21 - Intervention of ATS countries in Czechoslovakia
  • 1971, March 30 - April 9 - XXIV Congress Congress
  • 1972 May 26 - signing in Moscow "Fundamental relations between the USSR and the United States". The beginning of the policy of "discharge"
  • 1977 October 7 - the adoption of the Constitution of "Developed Socialism" of the USSR
  • 1979 December 24 - the beginning of the intervention of Soviet troops in Afghanistan
  • 1986 April 26 - Accident at the Chernobyl NPP
  • 1987 June-July - Start of Perestroika Politics in the USSR
  • 1988 June 28-July 1 - XIX CPSU Conference. The beginning of political reform in the USSR
  • 1989 May 25 - June 9. - I Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR, elected on the basis of changes in the Constitution of the USSR
  • 1990 March 11 - adoption of the independence of Lithuania.
  • 1990 March 12-15 - III Extraordinary Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR
  • 1990 1BMA-12 JUNE - Congress of People's Deputies of the RSFSR. Declaration on the State Sovereignty of Russia
  • 1991 March 17 - a referendum on the preservation of the USSR and the introduction of the post of President of the RSFSR
  • 1991 June 12 - the election of the President of Russia
  • 1991 July 1 - the dissolution in Prague ATS (organization of the Warsaw Treaty)
  • 1991 August 19-21 - an attempt of the state coup in the USSR (the case of the GCCP)
  • 1991 December 8 - Signing in Minsk by the heads of Russia, Ukraine and the Belarusian Treaty on the "Commonwealth of Independent States" and the dissolution of the USSR
  • 1993 Mart - VIII and IX Congres of People's Deputies of the Russian Federation
  • 1993 April 25 - All-Russian referendum on the confidence of Russian President's Policy
  • 1993 September 21 - Decree B.N. Yeltsin "On the phased constitutional reform" and the dissolution of the Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation
  • 1993 on October 3-4 - demonstrations and armed performances of the prommunist opposition in Moscow. Storming the building of the Supreme Council by the troops, faithful to the President
  • 1993 December 12 - elections to the State Duma and Federation Council. Referendum about the draft new Constitution of the Russian Federation
  • 1994 January 11 - the beginning of the work of the State Duma and the Council of the Federation of the Russian Federation in Moscow

Dates of the history of Russia

This section presents the most important dates of the history of Russia.

Brief chronology of Russia's history.

  • Vi in. n. er, since 530 - the great resettlement of Slavs. First mention of the people of RES / RUS
  • 860 - the first trip of Rus on Constantinople
  • 862 - a year to which the "Tale of Bygone Years" refers the "calling of the Norman Konong" Rurik.
  • 911 - the campaign of the Kiev prince Oleg on the Tsargrad and the contract with Byzantia.
  • 941 - the campaign of Kiev Prince Igor to Constantinople.
  • 944 - Igor's contract with Byzantia.
  • 945 - 946. - submission to Kiev Drevlyan
  • 957 - Trip Knyagini Olga to Tsargrad
  • 964-966 - Hikers of Svyatoslav on Kamsky Bulgarians, Khazar, Yasov and Kasov
  • 967-971 - War of Prince Svyatoslav with Byzantium
  • 988-990. - the beginning of the baptism of Russia
  • 1037 - Bookmark of the Sofia Temple in Kiev
  • 1043 - the campaign of Prince Vladimir on Byzantium
  • 1045-1050 - Building Sofia Temple in Novgorod
  • 1054-1073 - Presumably during this period appears "True Yaroslavichi"
  • 1056-1057 - "Ostromiro Gospel"
  • 1073 - "Exponna" Prince Svyatoslav Yaroslavich
  • 1097 - First Congress of Princes in Lishech
  • 1100 - The Second Congress of Princes in Guisix (Vitichev)
  • 1116 - the appearance of the "Tale of Bygone Years" in the editorial office of the Sylvester
  • 1147 - the first chronicle mention of Moscow
  • 1158-1160. - Building the Assumption Cathedral in Vladimir-on-Klyazma
  • 1169 - Taking Kiev by the troops of Andrei Bogolyubsky and his allies
  • 1170 February 25 - Victory of Novgorods over the troops of Andrei Bogolyubsky and his allies
  • 1188 - Approximate date of the appearance of "Word about the regiment of Igor"
  • 1202 - the basis of the Order of the Middle Eastern (Livonian Order)
  • 1206 - the proclamation of Techurian "Great Khan" Mongols and the adoption of the name of Cenghis Khan
  • 1223 May 31 - Battle of Russian princes and Polovtsy on r. Rolling
  • 1224 - Taking Yuryeva (Tartu) by the Germans
  • 1237 - Association of the Order of the Middle Eastern and Teutonic Order
  • 1237-1238 - the invasion of Khan Batya to Northeast Rus
  • 1238 March 4 - Battle on r. City
  • 1240 g..15 July - Victory of Novgorod Prince Alexander Yaroslavich over Swedish knights on r. Neve
  • 1240. December 6 (or November 19) - Taking Mongol-Tatars Kiev
  • 1242 on April 5 - "Ice Battery" on the Church of the Lake
  • 1243 - Education of the Golden Horde.
  • 1262 - uprising against Mongol-Tatars in Rostov, Vladimir, Suzdal, Yaroslavl
  • 1327 - uprising against Mongol-Tatars in Tver
  • 1367 - Construction of the Kremlin in Moscow
  • 1378 - The first victory of the Russian troops over the Tatars on the river. Very
  • 1380 September 8 - Kulikovskaya battle
  • 1382 - a campaign to Moscow Khan Tokhtamysh
  • 1385 - Krevskaya Union of the Grand Principality of Lithuanian with Poland
  • 1395 - the defeat of the Golden Horde Timur (Tamerlane)
  • 1410 July 15 - Grunwald Battle. Ragrome of German knights by Polish-Lithuanian-Russian troops
  • 1469-1472 - Journey Athanasius Nikitina to India
  • 1471 - Camping Ivan III to Novgorod. Battle on r. Sheloni.
  • 1480 - "Standing" on r. Ugra. The end of the Tatar-Mongolian yoke.
  • 1484-1508 - Construction of the Moscow Kremlin. Construction of cathedrals and grain chamber
  • 1507-1508, 1512-1522. - Wars of the Moscow State with the Grand Durability Lithuanian. Scope of Smolensk and Smolensk Earth
  • 1510 - Joining Pskov to Moscow
  • 1547 January 16 - Wedding Ivan IV for the kingdom
  • 1550 - the judiciary Ivan Grozny. Creation of Streletsky Troops
  • 1550 October 3 - Decree on the writage of "Selected Thousand" in the villages adjacent to Moscow
  • 1551 - February-May - the Stallow Cathedral of the Russian Church
  • 1552 - Taking Kazan by Russian troops. Accession of Kazan Khanate
  • 1556 - Accession of Astrakhan to Russia
  • 1558-1583 - Livonian War
  • 1565-1572 - Oprichnina
  • 1569 - Lublin Sania. Speech formation compulculated
  • 1582 January 15 - a truce of the Russian state with a response respondent in the Sapolsk
  • 1589 - the establishment of the patriarchate in Moscow
  • 1590-1593 - War of the Russian state with Sweden
  • 1591 May - the death of Tsarevich Dmitry in Uglich
  • 1595 - Conclusion of the Tankinsky World with Sweden
  • 1598 January 7 - Death of King Fedor Ivanovich and the cessation of the Rurikovsky dynasty
  • 1604 October - Intervention of Lhadmitria I within the limits of the Russian state
  • 1605 June - the overthrow of the Godunov dynasty in Moscow. Flawing of Falsmitria I.
  • 1606 - uprising in Moscow and the murder of Falsmitria I
  • 1607 - the beginning of the Intervention of Falsmitria II
  • 1609-1618. - Open Polish-Swedish Intervention
  • 1611 March-April - the creation of militia against the intervention
  • 1611 September-October - the creation of a militia under the leadership of minin and a fire in Nizhny Novgorod
  • 1612 October 26 - the capture of the Moscow Kremlin Militia of Minin and Pozhal
  • 1613 - February 7-21 - Election of the Zemsky Cathedral for the Kingdom of Mikhail Fedorovich Romanova
  • 1633 - Death of Patriarch Filaret, father of King Mikhail Fedorovich
  • 1648 - the uprising in Moscow - "Salt Bunk"
  • 1649 - "Cathedral Code" of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich
  • 1649-1652 - Hiking Yerofey Khabarova in Daurgy land on Amuru
  • 1652 - Dedication to Nikon in Patriarchs
  • 1653 - Zemsky Cathedral in Moscow and the decision to reunite Ukraine with Russia
  • 1654 January 8-9 - Pereyaslavskaya Rada. Reunion of Ukraine with Russia
  • 1654-1667 - War of Russia with Poland because of Ukraine
  • 1667 January 30 - Andrusovsky truce
  • 1670-1671 - The peasant war under the leadership of S. Razin
  • 1676-1681 - War of Russia with Turkey and Crimea for the right bank
  • 1681 January 3 - Bakhchisarai truce
  • 1682 - Cancellation
  • 1682 May - Streletsky uprising in Moscow
  • 1686 - "Eternal World" with Poland
  • 1687-1689. - Crimean CN hiking. V.V. Golitsyn
  • 1689 August 27 - Nerchinsky Treaty with China
  • 1689 SEPTEMBER - overthrowing sofya prison
  • 1695-1696 - Azov campaigns of Peter I
  • 1696 January 29 - Death of Ivan V. Establishment of a Petter I
  • 1697-1698 - "Great Embassy" Peter I in Western Europe
  • 1698 April-June - Streletsky Bun
  • 1699 December 20 - Decree on the introduction of a new summer from January 1, 1700
  • 1700 on July 13 - Constantinople truce with Turkey
  • 1700-1721. - North War of Russia with Sweden
  • 1700 - Death of Patriarch Adriana. Appointment of Stephen Yavorskoye Location of the Patriarch
  • 1700 November 19 - the defeat of Russian troops near Narva
  • 1703 - the first stock exchange (merchant assembly) in St. Petersburg
  • 1703 - the publication of the textbook "Arithmetic" of Magnitsky
  • 1707-1708 - uprising on Don K. Bulavina
  • 1709 June 27 - the defeat of the Swedish troops in Poltava
  • 1711 - Peter's Prut Camping I
  • 1712 - Decree on the establishment of trading and industrial companies
  • 1714 March 23 - Decree of the Union
  • 1714 July 27 - the victory of the Russian fleet over Swedish during Ganguta
  • 1721 August 30 - Nesteadsky World of Russia with Sweden
  • 1721 October 22 - the adoption by Peter I Imperial Title
  • 1722 January 24 - Tabel about ranks
  • 1722-1723 - Persian campaign of Peter I
  • 1724 January 28 - Decree on the establishment of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • 1725 January 28 - Death of Peter I
  • 1726 February 8 - the establishment of the Supreme Secret Council
  • 1727 May 6 - Death of Catherine I
  • 1730 January 19 - Death of Peter II
  • 1731 - Cancellation of the Declaration of Union
  • 1732 January 21 - a decision of the Persia
  • 1734 - "Treatise on Friendship and Commerce" of Russia with England
  • 1735-1739. - Russian-Turkish war
  • 1736 - Decree on "Eternal Fastening" Masters on Manufactory
  • 1740 From November 8 to November 9, a palace coup, the overthrow of the regent of the Biron. Anna Leopoldna Regenist announcement
  • 1741-1743 - War of Russia with Sweden
  • 1741 November 25 - Palace coup, erection of the Guard to the throne Elizabeth Petrovna
  • 1743 June 16 - the Abosky World with Sweden
  • 1755 January 12 - decree on the basis of Moscow University
  • 1756 August 30 - Decree on the establishment of the Russian Theater in St. Petersburg (Troupe F. Volkov)
  • 1759 1 (12) August - Victory of Russian troops at Kunnersdorf
  • 1760 September 28 - Taking by Russian troops of Berlin
  • 1762 February 18 - Manifesto "On the Validity of the Noble
  • 1762 July 6 - the murder of Peter III and the entry into the throne of Catherine II
  • 1764 - the establishment of the Smolny Institute in St. Petersburg
  • 1764 from 4 to July 5 - attempted coup V.Ya. Mirovich. Killing Ivan Antonovich in the Shlisselburg Fortress
  • 1766 - Accession to Russia Aleutian Islands
  • 1769 - the first external loan in Amsterdam
  • 1770 June 24-26 - the defeat of the Turkish fleet in Chesmen Bay
  • 1773-1775 - the first section of the Commonwealth
  • 1773-1775 - The peasant war under the leadership of E.I. Pugacheva
  • 1774 July 10 - Kuchuk-Kaynarzhi World with Turkey
  • 1783 - the accession of the Crimea to Russia 1785 on April 21 - the humble diplomas nobility and cities
  • 1787-1791 - Russian-Turkish war
  • 1788-1790 GG-Russian-Swedish War 1791 December 29 - Yaskaya World with Turkey
  • 1793 - the second section of the Commonwealth
  • 1794 - Polish uprising under the leadership of T. Koscinchenko and its suppression
  • 1795 - Third section of Poland
  • 1796 - The formation of the Malorossiysk province of 1796-1797. - War with Persion
  • 1797 - April 5 - "Establishment of the Imperial Familia"
  • 1799 - Italian and Swiss campaigns A.V. Suvorov
  • 1799 - Education "United Russian-American Company"
  • 1801 January 18 - Manifesto on the accession of Georgia to Russia
  • 1801 from 11 to 12 March - Palace coup. Murder Paul I. Entry into the throne of Alexander I
  • 1804-1813 - Russian-Iranian war
  • 1805 November 20 - Battle with Austerlice
  • 1806-1812 - War of Russia with Turkey
  • 1807 June 25 - Tilzite World
  • 1808-1809 - Russian-Swedish war
  • 1810 January 1 - the establishment of the State Council
  • 1812 - the invasion of the "Great Army" of Napoleon to Russia. Patriotic War
  • 1812 August 26 - Battle in Borodina
  • 1813 January 1 - the beginning of the foreign hike of the Russian army
  • 1813 on October 16-19 - "Battle of Peoples" at Leipzig
  • 1814 March 19 - Joining the Allied Troops in Paris
  • 1814 on September 19-1815 May 28 - Vienna Congress
  • 1825 December 14 - the uprising of the Decembrists in St. Petersburg
  • 1826-1828. - Russian-Iranian war
  • 1827 October 20 - Battle in the Navarino Bay
  • 1828 February 10 - Turkmanchai peace treaty with Iran
  • 1828-1829. - Russian-Turkish war
  • 1829 September 2 - Adrianopol Mirny Treaty with Turkey
  • 1835 July 26 - University Charter
  • 1837 October 30 - Opening of the Railway St. Petersburg Tsarskoe Village
  • 1839-1843 - Monetary reform of the graph E. F. Cankrin
  • 1853 - Opening of the "free Russian printing house" A.I. Herzen in London
  • 1853 - Cocaid Caming Gene. V.A. Perovsky
  • 1853-1856 - Crimean War
  • 1854 September - 1855 August - Defense of Sevastopol
  • 1856 March 18 - Paris Treaty
  • 1860 May 31 - State Bank's institution
  • 1861 February 19 - Cancel of Serf Law
  • 1861 - institution of the Council of Ministers
  • 1863 June 18 - University Charter
  • 1864 November 20 - a decree on judicial reform. "New judicial charters"
  • 1865 - Military Reform
  • 1874 January 1 - "Charter on Military Means"
  • 1874 Spring - the first massive "walking in the people" of revolutionary population
  • 1875 April 25 - St. Petersburg Treaty of Russia with Japan (about southern Sakhalin and Kuril Islands)
  • 1876-1879. - The second "land and will"
  • 1877-1878 - Russian-Turkish war
  • 1879 August - split "Earth and Will" on "Black Redone" and "People's Volay"
  • 1881 I am Martha - the murder of revolutionary populists Alexander II
  • 1885 January 7-18 - Morozovskaya strike
  • 1892 - Russian-French Secret Military Convention
  • 1896 - invention of radio telegrapher A.S. Popov
  • 1896 May 18 - Khodynskaya tragedy in Moscow during the coronation of Nicholas II
  • 1898 March 1-2 - I Congress RSDLP
  • 1899 May-July - I Hague Conference of the World
  • 1902 - Education of the Party of Socialist Revolutionaries (ECOMOV)
  • 1904-1905 - Russian-Japanese war
  • 1905 January 9 - "Bloody Sunday". The beginning of the first Russian revolution
  • 1905 April - the formation of the Russian Monarchic Party and the "Union of the Russian People".
  • 1905 May 12 - June 1 - Universal strike in Ivanovo-Voskresensk. Education of the First Council of Workers Deputies
  • 1905 May 14-15 - Tsushimsky Battle
  • 1905 June 9-11 - Uprising in Lodz
  • 1905 June 14-24 - the uprising on the battleship "Potemkin"
  • 1905 August 23 - Portsmouth Mirny Treaty with Japan
  • 1905 on October 7 - the beginning of the All-Russian political strike
  • 1905 October 12-18 - the constituent congress of the Constitutional Democratic Party (Cadets)
  • 1905 October 13 - the creation of the St. Petersburg Council of Workers Deputies
  • 1905 October 17 - Manifesto Nicholas II
  • 1905 November - the emergence of the "Union on October 17" (Octobrists)
  • 1905 9-19 December - Moscow Armed Rise
  • 1906 April 27-July 8 - I State Duma
  • 1906 November 9 - the beginning of the agrarian reform P.A. Stolypin
  • 1907 February 20-22 - II State Duma
  • 1907 November 1 - 1912 July 9 - III State Duma
  • 1908 - Education of the reactionary "Union Mikhail Archangel"
  • 1912 November 15 - 1917 February 25 - IV State Duma
  • 1914 on July 19 (August 1) - the announcement of Germany of the Russian war. First World War
  • 1916 May 22-July 31 - Brousilovsky breakthrough
  • 1916 December 17 - Murder Rasputin
  • 1917 February 26 - the beginning of the transition of troops on the side of the revolution
  • 1917 February 27 - February Revolution. Solving autocracy in Russia
  • 1917, March 3 - renunciation led. kn. Mikhail Alexandrovich. Declaration of temporary government
  • 1917 9-24 JUNE - I All-Russian Congress of Councils of Workers and Soldier Deputies
  • 1917 August 12-15 - Public Meeting in Moscow
  • 1917 August 25 - September 1 - Cornilovsky rebellion
  • 1917 September 14-22 - All-Russian Democratic Meeting in Petrograd
  • 1917 October 24-25 - Armed Bolshevik coup. Problem of temporary government
  • 1917 October 25 - Opening of the All-Russian Congress of Soviets
  • 1917 October 26 - decrees of the Councils about the world, about Earth. "Declaration of the Rights of the Peoples of Russia"
  • 1917 November 12 - elections to the Constituent Assembly
  • 1917 December 7 - SNKO decision to create an All-Russian emergency commission to combat counter-revolution (PEC)
  • 1917 December 14 - Decree of the WTCIK on the nationalization of banks
  • 1917 December 18 - Independence of Finland
  • 1918-1922. - Civil War in the territory of the former Russian Empire
  • 1918 January 6 - Overclocking of the Constituent Assembly
  • 1918 January 26 - Decree on the transition to a new calendar style with I (14) of February
  • 1918 G- March 3 - Conclusion of the Brest World
  • 1918 May 25 - the beginning of the uprising of the Czechoslovak Corps
  • 1918 July 10 - adoption of the Constitution of the RSFSR
  • 1920 January 16 - Cancellation of the Blockade of Soviet Russia Entente
  • 1920 - Soviet-Polish War
  • 1921 February 28-March 18 - Kronstadt uprising
  • 1921 March 8-16 - X Congress of the RCP (b). Decision on "New Economic Policy"
  • 1921 March 18 - Riga peace treaty RSFSR with Poland
  • 1922 April 10-May 19 - Genoese Conference
  • 1922 on April 16 - Rappal Separate Treaty of the RSFSR with Germany
  • 1922 December 27 - USSR education
  • 1922 December 30 - I Congress of the Councils of the USSR
  • 1924 January 31 - approval of the USSR Constitution
  • 1928 October - 1932 December - the first five-year plan. The beginning of industrialization in the USSR
  • 1930 - the beginning of solid collectivization
  • 1933-1937 - the second five-year plan
  • 1934 December 1 - Murder S.M. Kirov. Deploying a mass terror in the USSR
  • 1936 December 5 - adoption of the USSR Constitution
  • 1939 August 23 - Soviet-German Pact for nonsense
  • 1939 September 1 - German attack on Poland. Beginning of World War II
  • 1939 on September 17 - the input of the Soviet troops to Poland
  • 1939 September 28 - Soviet-German treaty "On Friendship and Borders"
  • 1939 November 30 - 1940 March 12 - Soviet-Finnish War
  • 1940 June 28 - the input of the Soviet troops in Bessarabia
  • 1940 June-July - Soviet occupation of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia
  • 1941 on April 13 - Soviet-Japanese neutrality treaty
  • 1941 June 22 - the attack of Nazi Germany and its allies in the USSR. The beginning of the Great Patriotic War
  • 1945 May 8 - the act of unconditional surrender of Germany. The victory of the USSR in the Great Patriotic War
  • 1945 September 2 - Act on the unconditional surrender of Japan
  • 1945 November 20 - 1946 October 1 - Nuremberg Process
  • 1946-1950. - The fourth five-year plan. Restoration of the destroyed national economy
  • 1948 August - Session Vaschnil. Start campaign to combat "morganism" and "cosmopolitanism"
  • 1949 January 5-8 - the creation of CEV
  • 1949 August 29 - the first test of the atomic bomb in the USSR
  • 1954 June 27 - Start of the world's first nuclear power plant in Obninsk
  • 1955 14m; 1st - Creation of the organization of the Warsaw Treaty (ATS)
  • 1955 July 18-23 - Meeting of the heads of governments of the USSR, Great Britain, USA and France in Geneva
  • 1956 February 14-25 - XX Congress CPSU
  • 1956 June 30 - Decree of the Central Committee of the TsKPSS "Decoration of the Deputy Personality and its Consequences"
  • 1957 July 28-August 11 - VI World Festival of Youth and Students in Moscow
  • 1957 October 4 - launch in the USSR first in the world of the artificial satellite of the Earth
  • 1961 April 12 - Flight Yu.A. Gagarin on the spacecraft "East"
  • 1965 March 18 - the exit of the pilot-cosmonaut A.A. Leonov in open space
  • 1965 - reform of the economic mechanism of economic management in the USSR
  • 1966 June 6 - Decree of the Central Support and CM of the USSR "On the public call of young people on the most important buildings of the five-year plan"
  • 1968 August 21 - Intervention of ATS countries in Czechoslovakia
  • 1968 - Open letter of academician A.D. Sakharov Soviet leadership
  • 1971, March 30 - April 9 - XXIV Congress Congress
  • 1972 May 26 - signing in Moscow "Fundamental relations between the USSR and the United States". The beginning of the policy of "discharge"
  • 1974 February - expulsion from the USSR A.I. Solzhenitsyn
  • 1975 July 15-21 - Joint Soviet-American Experiment on the Soyuz-Apollo program
  • 1975 July 30 - 1 August - Meeting on Safety and Cooperation in Europe (Helsinki). Signing a final act of 33 countries in Europe, USA and Canada
  • 1977 October 7 - the adoption of the Constitution of "Developed Socialism" of the USSR
  • 1979 December 24 - the beginning of the intervention of Soviet troops in Afghanistan
  • 1980 January - Link A.D. Sakharov in Gorky
  • 1980 July 19-3 August - Olympic Games in Moscow
  • 1982 May 24 - Adoption of the Food Program
  • 1985 November 19-21 - Meeting M.S. Gorbachev and US President R. Reagan in Geneva. Restoration of the Soviet-American political dialogue
  • 1986 April 26 - Accident at the Chernobyl NPP
  • 1987 June-July - Start of Perestroika Politics in the USSR
  • 1988 June 28-July 1 - XIX CPSU Conference. The beginning of political reform in the USSR
  • 1989 May 25 - June 9. - I Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR, elected on the basis of changes in the Constitution of the USSR
  • 1990 March 11 - adoption of the independence of Lithuania.
  • 1990 March 12-15 - III Extraordinary Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR
  • 1990 1BMA-12 JUNE - Congress of People's Deputies of the RSFSR. Declaration on the State Sovereignty of Russia
  • 1991 March 17 - a referendum on the preservation of the USSR and the introduction of the post of President of the RSFSR
  • 1991 June 12 - the election of the President of Russia
  • 1991 July 1 - the dissolution in Prague ATS (organization of the Warsaw Treaty)
  • 1991 August 19-21 - an attempt of the state coup in the USSR (the case of the GCCP)
  • 1991 September - Enter of troops in Vilnius. Attempt of the state coup in Lithuania
  • 1991 December 8 - Signing in Minsk by the heads of Russia, Ukraine and the Belarusian Treaty on the "Commonwealth of Independent States" and the dissolution of the USSR
  • 1992 January 2 - Liberalization of prices in Russia
  • 1992 February 1 - Declaration of Russia and the United States on the termination of the Cold War
  • 1992 March 13 - the paraffin of the federal agreement of the republics in the Russian Federation
  • 1993 Mart - VIII and IX Congres of People's Deputies of the Russian Federation
  • 1993 April 25 - All-Russian referendum on the confidence of Russian President's Policy
  • 1993 June - the work of the Constitutional Meeting on the preparation of the draft Constitution of Russia
  • 1993 September 21 - Decree B.N. Yeltsin "On the phased constitutional reform" and the dissolution of the Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation
  • 1993 on October 3-4 - demonstrations and armed performances of the prommunist opposition in Moscow. Storming the building of the Supreme Council by the troops, faithful to the President
  • 1993 December 12 - elections to the State Duma and Federation Council. Referendum about the draft new Constitution of the Russian Federation
  • 1994 January 11 - the beginning of the work of the State Duma and the Council of the Federation of the Russian Federation in Moscow

The most important dates in the history of Russia,

which need to remember when passing the exam

  • Vi in. n. er, since 530 - the great resettlement of Slavs. First mention of the people of RES / RUS
  • 860 - the first trip of Rus on Constantinople
  • 862 - a year to which the "Tale of Bygone Years" refers the "calling of the Norman Konong" Rurik.
  • 911 - the campaign of the Kiev prince Oleg on the Tsargrad and the contract with Byzantia.
  • 941 - the campaign of Kiev Prince Igor to Constantinople.
  • 944 - Igor's contract with Byzantia.
  • 945 - 946. - submission to Kiev Drevlyan
  • 957 - Trip Knyagini Olga to Tsargrad
  • 964-966 - Hikers of Svyatoslav on Kamsky Bulgarians, Khazar, Yasov and Kasov
  • 967-971 - War of Prince Svyatoslav with Byzantium
  • 988-990. - the beginning of the baptism of Russia
  • 1037 - Bookmark of the Sofia Temple in Kiev
  • 1043 - the campaign of Prince Vladimir on Byzantium
  • 1045-1050 - Building Sofia Temple in Novgorod
  • 1054-1073 - Presumably during this period appears "True Yaroslavichi"
  • 1056-1057 - "Ostromiro Gospel"
  • 1073 - "Exponna" Prince Svyatoslav Yaroslavich
  • 1097 - First Congress of Princes in Lishech
  • 1100 - The Second Congress of Princes in Guisix (Vitichev)
  • 1116 - the appearance of the "Tale of Bygone Years" in the editorial office of the Sylvester
  • 1147 - the first chronicle mention of Moscow
  • 1158-1160. - Building the Assumption Cathedral in Vladimir-on-Klyazma
  • 1169 - Taking Kiev by the troops of Andrei Bogolyubsky and his allies
  • 1170 February 25 - Victory of Novgorods over the troops of Andrei Bogolyubsky and his allies
  • 1188 - Approximate date of the appearance of "Word about the regiment of Igor"
  • 1202 - the basis of the Order of the Middle Eastern (Livonian Order)
  • 1206 - the proclamation of Techurian "Great Khan" Mongols and the adoption of the name of Cenghis Khan
  • 1223 May 31 - Battle of Russian princes and Polovtsy on r. Rolling
  • 1224 - Taking Yuryeva (Tartu) by the Germans
  • 1237 - Association of the Order of the Middle Eastern and Teutonic Order
  • 1237-1238 - the invasion of Khan Batya to Northeast Rus
  • 1238 March 4 - Battle on r. City
  • 1240 g..15 July - Victory of Novgorod Prince Alexander Yaroslavich over Swedish knights on r. Neve
  • 1240. December 6 (or November 19) - Taking Mongol-Tatars Kiev
  • 1242 on April 5 - "Ice Battery" on the Church of the Lake
  • 1243 - Education of the Golden Horde.
  • 1262 - uprising against Mongol-Tatars in Rostov, Vladimir, Suzdal, Yaroslavl
  • 1327 - uprising against Mongol-Tatars in Tver
  • 1367 - Construction of the Kremlin in Moscow
  • 1378 - The first victory of the Russian troops over the Tatars on the river. Very
  • 1380 September 8 - Kulikovskaya battle
  • 1382 - a campaign to Moscow Khan Tokhtamysh
  • 1385 - Krevskaya Union of the Grand Principality of Lithuanian with Poland
  • 1395 - the defeat of the Golden Horde Timur (Tamerlane)
  • 1410 July 15 - Grunwald Battle. Ragrome of German knights by Polish-Lithuanian-Russian troops
  • 1469-1472 - Journey Athanasius Nikitina to India
  • 1471 - Camping Ivan III to Novgorod. Battle on r. Sheloni.
  • 1480 - "Standing" on r. Ugra. The end of the Tatar-Mongolian yoke.
  • 1484-1508 - Construction of the Moscow Kremlin. Construction of cathedrals and grain chamber
  • 1507-1508, 1512-1522. - Wars of the Moscow State with the Grand Durability Lithuanian. Scope of Smolensk and Smolensk Earth
  • 1510 - Joining Pskov to Moscow
  • 1547 January 16 - Wedding Ivan IV for the kingdom
  • 1550 - the judiciary Ivan Grozny. Creation of Streletsky Troops
  • 1550 October 3 - Decree on the writage of "Selected Thousand" in the villages adjacent to Moscow
  • 1551 - February-May - the Stallow Cathedral of the Russian Church
  • 1552 - Taking Kazan by Russian troops. Accession of Kazan Khanate
  • 1556 - Accession of Astrakhan to Russia
  • 1558-1583 - Livonian War
  • 1565-1572 - Oprichnina
  • 1569 - Lublin Sania. Speech formation compulculated
  • 1582 January 15 - a truce of the Russian state with a response respondent in the Sapolsk
  • 1589 - the establishment of the patriarchate in Moscow
  • 1590-1593 - War of the Russian state with Sweden
  • 1591 May - the death of Tsarevich Dmitry in Uglich
  • 1595 - Conclusion of the Tankinsky World with Sweden
  • 1598 January 7 - Death of King Fedor Ivanovich and the cessation of the Rurikovsky dynasty
  • 1604 October - Intervention of Lhadmitria I within the limits of the Russian state
  • 1605 June - the overthrow of the Godunov dynasty in Moscow. Flawing of Falsmitria I.
  • 1606 - uprising in Moscow and the murder of Falsmitria I
  • 1607 - the beginning of the Intervention of Falsmitria II
  • 1609-1618. - Open Polish-Swedish Intervention
  • 1611 March-April - the creation of militia against the intervention
  • 1611 September-October - the creation of a militia under the leadership of minin and a fire in Nizhny Novgorod
  • 1612 October 26 - the capture of the Moscow Kremlin Militia of Minin and Pozhal
  • 1613 - February 7-21 - Election of the Zemsky Cathedral for the Kingdom of Mikhail Fedorovich Romanova
  • 1633 - Death of Patriarch Filaret, father of King Mikhail Fedorovich
  • 1648 - the uprising in Moscow - "Salt Bunk"
  • 1649 - "Cathedral Code" of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich
  • 1649-1652 - Hiking Yerofey Khabarova in Daurgy land on Amuru
  • 1652 - Dedication to Nikon in Patriarchs
  • 1653 - Zemsky Cathedral in Moscow and the decision to reunite Ukraine with Russia
  • 1654 January 8-9 - Pereyaslavskaya Rada. Reunion of Ukraine with Russia
  • 1654-1667 - War of Russia with Poland because of Ukraine
  • 1667 January 30 - Andrusovsky truce
  • 1670-1671 - The peasant war under the leadership of S. Razin
  • 1676-1681 - War of Russia with Turkey and Crimea for the right bank
  • 1681 January 3 - Bakhchisarai truce
  • 1682 - Cancellation
  • 1682 May - Streletsky uprising in Moscow
  • 1686 - "Eternal World" with Poland
  • 1687-1689. - Crimean CN hiking. V.V. Golitsyn
  • 1689 August 27 - Nerchinsky Treaty with China
  • 1689 SEPTEMBER - overthrowing sofya prison
  • 1695-1696 - Azov campaigns of Peter I
  • 1696 January 29 - Death of Ivan V. Establishment of a Petter I
  • 1697-1698 - "Great Embassy" Peter I in Western Europe
  • 1698 April-June - Streletsky Bun
  • 1699 December 20 - Decree on the introduction of a new summer from January 1, 1700
  • 1700 on July 13 - Constantinople truce with Turkey
  • 1700-1721. - Northern Russia War with Sweden
  • 1700 - Death of Patriarch Adriana. Appointment of Stephen Yavorskoye Location of the Patriarch
  • 1700 November 19 - the defeat of Russian troops near Narva
  • 1703 - the first stock exchange (merchant assembly) in St. Petersburg
  • 1703 - the publication of the textbook "Arithmetic" of Magnitsky
  • 1707-1708 - uprising on Don K. Bulavina
  • 1709 June 27 - the defeat of the Swedish troops in Poltava
  • 1711 - Peter's Prut Camping I
  • 1712 - Decree on the establishment of trading and industrial companies
  • 1714 March 23 - Decree of the Union
  • 1714 July 27 - the victory of the Russian fleet over Swedish during Ganguta
  • 1721 August 30 - Nesteadsky World of Russia with Sweden
  • 1721 October 22 - the adoption by Peter I Imperial Titula
  • 1722 January 24 - Tabel about ranks
  • 1722-1723 - Persian campaign of Peter I
  • 1724 January 28 - Decree on the establishment of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • 1725 January 28 - Death of Peter I
  • 1726 February 8 - the establishment of the Supreme Secret Council
  • 1727 May 6 - Death of Catherine I
  • 1730 January 19 - Death of Peter II
  • 1731 - Cancellation of the Declaration of Union
  • 1732 January 21 - a decision of the Persia
  • 1734 - "Treatise on Friendship and Commerce" of Russia with England
  • 1735-1739. - Russian-Turkish war
  • 1736 - Decree on "Eternal Fastening" Masters on Manufactory
  • 1740 From November 8 to November 9, a palace coup, the overthrow of the regent of the Biron. Anna Leopoldna Regenist announcement
  • 1741-1743 - War of Russia with Sweden
  • 1741 November 25 - Palace coup, erection of the Guard to the throne Elizabeth Petrovna
  • 1743 June 16 - the Abosky World with Sweden
  • 1755 January 12 - decree on the basis of Moscow University
  • 1756 August 30 - Decree on the establishment of the Russian Theater in St. Petersburg (Troupe F. Volkov)
  • 1759 1 (12) August - Victory of Russian troops at Kunnersdorf
  • 1760 September 28 - Taking by Russian troops of Berlin
  • 1762 February 18 - Manifesto "On the Validity of the Noble
  • 1762 July 6 - the murder of Peter III and the entry into the throne of Catherine II
  • 1764 - the establishment of the Smolny Institute in St. Petersburg
  • 1764 from 4 to July 5 - attempted coup V.Ya. Mirovich. Killing Ivan Antonovich in the Shlisselburg Fortress
  • 1766 - Accession to Russia Aleutian Islands
  • 1769 - the first external loan in Amsterdam
  • 1770 June 24-26 - the defeat of the Turkish fleet in Chesmen Bay
  • 1773-1775 - the first section of the Commonwealth
  • 1773-1775 - The peasant war under the leadership of E.I. Pugacheva
  • 1774 July 10 - Kuchuk-Kaynarzhi World with Turkey
  • 1783 - the accession of the Crimea to Russia 1785 on April 21 - the humble diplomas nobility and cities
  • 1787-1791 - Russian-Turkish war
  • 1788-1790 GG-Russian-Swedish War 1791 December 29 - Yaskaya World with Turkey
  • 1793 - the second section of the Commonwealth
  • 1794 - Polish uprising under the leadership of T. Koscinchenko and his suppression
  • 1795 - Third section of Poland
  • 1796 - The formation of the Malorossiysk province of 1796-1797. - War with Persion
  • 1797 - April 5 - "Establishment of the Imperial Familia"
  • 1799 - Italian and Swiss campaigns A.V. Suvorov
  • 1799 - Education "United Russian-American Company"
  • 1801 January 18 - Manifesto on the accession of Georgia to Russia
  • 1801 from 11 to 12 March - Palace coup. Murder Paul I. Entry into the throne of Alexander I
  • 1804-1813 - Russian-Iranian war
  • 1805 November 20 - Battle with Austerlice
  • 1806-1812 - War of Russia with Turkey
  • 1807 June 25 - Tilzite World
  • 1808-1809 - Russian-Swedish war
  • 1810 January 1 - the establishment of the State Council
  • 1812 - the invasion of the "Great Army" of Napoleon to Russia. Patriotic War
  • 1812 August 26 - Battle in Borodina
  • 1813 January 1 - the beginning of the foreign hike of the Russian army
  • 1813 on October 16-19 - "Battle of Peoples" at Leipzig
  • 1814 March 19 - Joining the Allied Troops in Paris
  • 1814 on September 19-1815 May 28 - Vienna Congress
  • 1825 December 14 - the uprising of the Decembrists in St. Petersburg
  • 1826-1828. - Russian-Iranian war
  • 1827 October 20 - Battle in the Navarino Bay
  • 1828 February 10 - Turkmanchai peace treaty with Iran
  • 1828-1829. - Russian-Turkish war
  • 1829 September 2 - Adrianopol Mirny Treaty with Turkey
  • 1835 July 26 - University Charter
  • 1837 October 30 - Opening of the Railway St. Petersburg Tsarskoe Village
  • 1839-1843 - Monetary reform of the graph E. F. Cankrin
  • 1853 - Opening of the "free Russian printing house" A.I. Herzen in London
  • 1853 - Cocaid Caming Gene. V.A. Perovsky
  • 1853-1856 - Crimean War
  • 1854 September - 1855 August - Defense of Sevastopol
  • 1856 March 18 - Paris Treaty
  • 1860 May 31 - State Bank's institution
  • 1861 February 19 - Cancel of Serf Law
  • 1861 - institution of the Council of Ministers
  • 1863 June 18 - University Charter
  • 1864 November 20 - a decree on judicial reform. "New judicial charters"
  • 1865 - Military Reform
  • 1874 January 1 - "Charter on Military Means"
  • 1874 Spring - the first massive "walking in the people" of revolutionary population
  • 1875 April 25 - St. Petersburg Treaty of Russia with Japan (about southern Sakhalin and Kuril Islands)
  • 1876-1879. - The second "land and will"
  • 1877-1878 - Russian-Turkish war
  • 1879 August - split "Earth and Will" on "Black Redone" and "People's Volay"
  • 1881 I am Martha - the murder of revolutionary populists Alexander II
  • 1885 January 7-18 - Morozovskaya strike
  • 1892 - Russian-French Secret Military Convention
  • 1896 - invention of radio telegrapher A.S. Popov
  • 1896 May 18 - Khodynskaya tragedy in Moscow during the coronation of Nicholas II
  • 1898 March 1-2 - I Congress RSDLP
  • 1899 May-July - I Hague Conference of the World
  • 1902 - Education of the Party of Socialist Revolutionaries (ECOMOV)
  • 1904-1905 - Russian-Japanese war
  • 1905 January 9 - "Bloody Sunday". The beginning of the first Russian revolution
  • 1905 April - the formation of the Russian Monarchic Party and the "Union of the Russian People".
  • 1905 May 12 - June 1 - Universal strike in Ivanovo-Voskresensk. Education of the First Council of Workers Deputies
  • 1905 May 14-15 - Tsushimsky Battle
  • 1905 June 9-11 - Uprising in Lodz
  • 1905 June 14-24 - the uprising on the battleship "Potemkin"
  • 1905 August 23 - Portsmouth Mirny Treaty with Japan
  • 1905 on October 7 - the beginning of the All-Russian political strike
  • 1905 October 12-18 - the constituent congress of the Constitutional Democratic Party (Cadets)
  • 1905 October 13 - the creation of the St. Petersburg Council of Workers Deputies
  • 1905 October 17 - Manifesto Nicholas II
  • 1905 November - the emergence of the "Union on October 17" (Octobrists)
  • 1905 9-19 December - Moscow Armed Rise
  • 1906 April 27-July 8 - I State Duma
  • 1906 November 9 - the beginning of the agrarian reform P.A. Stolypin
  • 1907 February 20-22 - II State Duma
  • 1907 November 1 - 1912 July 9 - III State Duma
  • 1908 - Education of the reactionary "Union Mikhail Archangel"
  • 1912 November 15 - 1917 February 25 - IV State Duma
  • 1914 on July 19 (August 1) - the announcement of Germany of the Russian war. First World War
  • 1916 May 22-July 31 - Brousilovsky breakthrough
  • 1916 December 17 - Murder Rasputin
  • 1917 February 26 - the beginning of the transition of troops on the side of the revolution
  • 1917 February 27 - February Revolution. Solving autocracy in Russia
  • 1917, March 3 - renunciation led. kn. Mikhail Alexandrovich. Declaration of temporary government
  • 1917 9-24 JUNE - I All-Russian Congress of Councils of Workers and Soldier Deputies
  • 1917 August 12-15 - Public Meeting in Moscow
  • 1917 August 25 - September 1 - Cornilovsky rebellion
  • 1917 September 14-22 - All-Russian Democratic Meeting in Petrograd
  • 1917 October 24-25 - Armed Bolshevik coup. Problem of temporary government
  • 1917 October 25 - Opening of the All-Russian Congress of Soviets
  • 1917 October 26 - decrees of the Councils about the world, about Earth. "Declaration of the Rights of the Peoples of Russia"
  • 1917 November 12 - elections to the Constituent Assembly
  • 1917 December 7 - SNKO decision to create an All-Russian emergency commission to combat counter-revolution (PEC)
  • 1917 December 14 - Decree of the WTCIK on the nationalization of banks
  • 1917 December 18 - Independence of Finland
  • 1918-1922. - Civil War in the territory of the former Russian Empire
  • 1918 January 6 - Overclocking of the Constituent Assembly
  • 1918 January 26 - Decree on the transition to a new calendar style with I (14) of February
  • 1918 G- March 3 - Conclusion of the Brest World
  • 1918 May 25 - the beginning of the uprising of the Czechoslovak Corps
  • 1918 July 10 - adoption of the Constitution of the RSFSR
  • 1920 January 16 - Cancellation of the Blockade of Soviet Russia Entente
  • 1920 - Soviet-Polish War
  • 1921 February 28-March 18 - Kronstadt uprising
  • 1921 March 8-16 - X Congress of the RCP (b). Decision on "New Economic Policy"
  • 1921 March 18 - Riga peace treaty RSFSR with Poland
  • 1922 April 10-May 19 - Genoese Conference
  • 1922 on April 16 - Rappal Separate Treaty of the RSFSR with Germany
  • 1922 December 27 - USSR education
  • 1922 December 30 - I Congress of the Councils of the USSR
  • 1924 January 31 - approval of the USSR Constitution
  • 1928 October - 1932 December - the first five-year plan. The beginning of industrialization in the USSR
  • 1930 - the beginning of solid collectivization
  • 1933-1937 - the second five-year plan
  • 1934 December 1 - Murder S.M. Kirov. Deploying a mass terror in the USSR
  • 1936 December 5 - adoption of the USSR Constitution
  • 1939 August 23 - Soviet-German Pact for nonsense
  • 1939 September 1 - German attack on Poland. Beginning of World War II
  • 1939 on September 17 - the input of the Soviet troops to Poland
  • 1939 September 28 - Soviet-German treaty "On Friendship and Borders"
  • 1939 November 30 - 1940 March 12 - Soviet-Finnish War
  • 1940 June 28 - the input of the Soviet troops in Bessarabia
  • 1940 June-July - Soviet occupation of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia
  • 1941 on April 13 - Soviet-Japanese neutrality treaty
  • 1941 June 22 - the attack of Nazi Germany and its allies in the USSR. The beginning of the Great Patriotic War
  • 1945 May 8 - the act of unconditional surrender of Germany. The victory of the USSR in the Great Patriotic War
  • 1945 September 2 - Act on the unconditional surrender of Japan
  • 1945 November 20 - 1946 October 1 - Nuremberg Process
  • 1946-1950. - The fourth five-year plan. Restoration of the destroyed national economy
  • 1948 August - Session Vaschnil. Start campaign to combat "morganism" and "cosmopolitanism"
  • 1949 January 5-8 - the creation of CEV
  • 1949 August 29 - the first test of the atomic bomb in the USSR
  • 1954 June 27 - Start of the world's first nuclear power plant in Obninsk
  • 1955 14m; 1st - Creation of the organization of the Warsaw Treaty (ATS)
  • 1955 July 18-23 - Meeting of the heads of governments of the USSR, Great Britain, USA and France in Geneva
  • 1956 February 14-25 - XX Congress CPSU
  • 1956 June 30 - Decree of the Central Committee of the Central Committee
  • 1957 July 28-August 11 - VI World Festival of Youth and Students in Moscow
  • 1957 October 4 - launch in the USSR first in the world of the artificial satellite of the Earth
  • 1961 April 12 - Flight Yu.A. Gagarin on the spacecraft "East"
  • 1965 March 18 - the exit of the pilot-cosmonaut A.A. Leonov in open space
  • 1965 - reform of the economic mechanism of economic management in the USSR
  • 1966 June 6 - Decree of the Central Support and CM of the USSR "On the public call of young people on the most important buildings of the five-year plan"
  • 1968 August 21 - Intervention of ATS countries in Czechoslovakia
  • 1968 - Open letter of academician A.D. Sakharov Soviet leadership
  • 1971, March 30 - April 9 - XXIV Congress Congress
  • 1972 May 26 - signing in Moscow "Fundamental relations between the USSR and the United States". The beginning of the policy of "discharge"
  • 1974 February - expulsion from the USSR A.I. Solzhenitsyn
  • 1975 July 15-21 - Joint Soviet-American Experiment on the Soyuz-Apollo program
  • 1975 July 30 - 1 August - Meeting on Safety and Cooperation in Europe (Helsinki). Signing a final act of 33 countries in Europe, USA and Canada
  • 1977 October 7 - the adoption of the Constitution of "Developed Socialism" of the USSR
  • 1979 December 24 - the beginning of the intervention of Soviet troops in Afghanistan
  • 1980 January - Link A.D. Sakharov in Gorky
  • 1980 July 19-3 August - Olympic Games in Moscow
  • 1982 May 24 - Adoption of the Food Program
  • 1985 November 19-21 - Meeting M.S. Gorbachev and US President R. Reagan in Geneva. Restoration of the Soviet-American political dialogue
  • 1986 April 26 - Accident at the Chernobyl NPP
  • 1987 June-July - Start of Perestroika Politics in the USSR
  • 1988 June 28-July 1 - XIX CPSU Conference. The beginning of political reform in the USSR
  • 1989 May 25 - June 9. - I Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR, elected on the basis of changes in the Constitution of the USSR
  • 1990 March 11 - adoption of the independence of Lithuania.
  • 1990 March 12-15 - III Extraordinary Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR
  • 1990 1BMA-12 JUNE - Congress of People's Deputies of the RSFSR. Declaration on the State Sovereignty of Russia
  • 1991 March 17 - a referendum on the preservation of the USSR and the introduction of the post of President of the RSFSR
  • 1991 June 12 - the election of the President of Russia
  • 1991 July 1 - the dissolution in Prague ATS (organization of the Warsaw Treaty)
  • 1991 August 19-21 - an attempt of the state coup in the USSR (the case of the GCCP)
  • 1991 September - Enter of troops in Vilnius. Attempt of the state coup in Lithuania
  • 1991 December 8 - Signing in Minsk by the heads of Russia, Ukraine and the Belarusian Treaty on the "Commonwealth of Independent States" and the dissolution of the USSR
  • 1992 January 2 - Liberalization of prices in Russia
  • 1992 February 1 - Declaration of Russia and the United States on the termination of the Cold War
  • 1992 March 13 - the paraffin of the federal agreement of the republics in the Russian Federation
  • 1993 Mart - VIII and IX Congres of People's Deputies of the Russian Federation
  • 1993 April 25 - All-Russian referendum on the confidence of Russian President's Policy
  • 1993 June - the work of the Constitutional Meeting on the preparation of the draft Constitution of Russia
  • 1993 September 21 - Decree B.N. Yeltsin "On the phased constitutional reform" and the dissolution of the Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation
  • 1993 on October 3-4 - demonstrations and armed performances of the prommunist opposition in Moscow. Storming the building of the Supreme Council by the troops, faithful to the President
  • 1993 December 12 - elections to the State Duma and Federation Council. Referendum about the draft new Constitution of the Russian Federation
  • 1994 January 11 - the beginning of the work of the State Duma and the Council of the Federation of the Russian Federation in Moscow