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Calculate the date of death by date of birth. Learn the date of death by date of birth - reality or fiction? Steps to long life

In everyday life, when we talk to someone from friends, and he says: "You know, this is so died," the usual reaction to it is the question: as Died? Very important, as A man dies. Death is important for human self-assumption. It has not only a negative character.

If the philosophically look at life, we know that there is no life without death, the concept of life can be appreciated only from the position of death.

I somehow had to communicate with artists and sculptors, and I asked them: "You depict various sides of the human life, you can portray love, friendship, beauty, and how would you depict death?" And no one gave immediately a clear answer.

One sculptor who perpetuated the blockade of Leningrad promised to think. And shortly before death, he answered me like this: "I would depicting death in the image of Christ." I asked: "Christ crucified?" - "No, the Ascension of Christ."

One German sculptor depicted a flying angel, the shadow from whose wings was death. When a person got into this shadow, he fell into the power of death. Another sculptor depicted death in the form of two boys: one boy sits on the stone, putting his head on his knees, he is all directed down.

In the hands of the second boy, Swirl, his head is trapped, he is all directed after the motive. And the explanation of this sculpture was: it is impossible to portray death without concomitant life, and life without death.

Death is a natural process. Many writers tried to portray the life of the immortal, but it was a terrible, terrible immortality. What is an endless life - an endless repetition of earthly experience, stopping development or infinite aging? It is difficult to even imagine that the painful state of a person who is immortal.

Death is a reward, the passage, it is abnormal only when it comes suddenly when a person is still on the rise, full of strength.

And the elderly people want death. Some old women ask: "That's, he healed, it would be time to die." And the samples of death we read about in the literature when death has suffered peasants, they were regulated.

When a rustic resident felt that he could no longer work, as before he became a burden for the family, he walked into the bath, put on clean clothes, went down to the image, rushed with his neighbors and relatives and calmly died. His death fell without those pronounced suffering arising when a person fights death.

The peasants knew that life was not a dandelion flower, who grew up, dismissed and scattered under the blow of the wind. Life has a deep meaning.

This example of the death of peasants dying, leaving permission to death - not a feature of those people, such examples we can meet today. Somehow we did an oncological patient. Former military, he kept himself well and joked: "I passed three wars, he pulled death for the mustache, and now it came to pull me out."

Of course, we were supported, but suddenly one day he could not climb from bed and perceived it completely definitely: "Everything, I'm dying, I can't get up." We told him: "Do not worry, it is metastasis, people with metastases in the spine live long, we will care for you, you are accustomed." "No, no, this is death, I know."

And imagine, a few days later he dies, not having any physiological prerequisites to it. He dies because he decided to die. It means that this kind will to death or some kind of projection of death is committed in reality.

It is necessary to provide a natural death of life, because death is programmed at the time of conception of a person. A peculiar experience of death is acquired by a person in childbirth, at the moment of birth. When you do this problem, it can be seen how the life is reasonably built. As a person is born, it dies, it is easily born - it is easy to die, it is hard to be born - it dies hard.

And the day of the death of man is also not accidental as a birthday. Statists are the first to raise this problem by opening the frequent coincidence in the dates of death and date of birth. Or, when we remember some significant anniversary of the death of our relatives, suddenly it turns out that the grandmother died - granddaughter was born. Here is this transmission to generation and nonasundability of the day of death and birthday - striking.

Clinical death or other life?

No sage still did not understand what death is what is happening during death. It is almost disregarding such a stage as clinical death. The person falls into a comatose state, he stops his breath, heart, but unexpectedly for himself and for others he returns to life and tells amazing stories.

Natalia Petrovna Bekhtereva recently died. At one time, we often argued, I told the cases of clinical death that were in my practice, and she said that it was all nonsense that changes were simply in the brain and so on. And once I brought her an example, which she then began to use and tell.

I worked for 10 years in the Oncology Institute as a psychotherapist, and somehow I called me to a young woman. During the operation, her heart stopped, he could not start it for a long time, and when she woke up, I was asked to see if her psyche changed due to a long oxygen starvation of the brain.

I came to the intensive care chamber, she just came to my senses. I asked: "Can you talk to me?" "Yes, just I would like to apologize to you, I causing you so much trouble." - "What are the troubles?" - "Well, how. I also stopped my heart, I survived such stress, and I saw that for doctors it was also a big stress. "

I was surprised: "How could you see it, if you were in a state of deep narcotic sleep, and then you have a heart stopped?" "Doctor, I would tell you much more if you promise not to send me to a psychiatric hospital."

And she told the following: when she plunged into a narcotic dream, then suddenly felt that as if a soft blow was forced something inside her turn around, as the screw turns out. She had a feeling that the soul was turned out and went into some kind of foggy space.

Looking around, she saw a group of doctors bouncing over the body. She thought: what a familiar face of this woman! And then suddenly remembered that it was she herself. Suddenly there was a voice: "Surrender the operation immediately, the heart stopped, you need to start it."

She thought that she died, and with horror I remembered that I did not say goodbye to any mother or a five-year-old daughter. Anxiety for them literally pushed her in the back, she flew out of the operating room and at an instant he found himself in his apartment.

She saw a rather peaceful scene - the girl played in the dolls, grandmother, her mother, she sewed. There was a knock on the door, and a neighbor entered, Lydia Stepanovna. In her hands she had a small dress in polka dot. "Masha," the neighbor said, "you tried to be like a mother all the time, so I sewed the same dress for you as my mother."

The girl gladly rushed to the neighbor, on the way the tablecloth began to the tablecloth, fell an old cup, and the teaspoon fell under the carpet. Noise, girl crying, grandmother exclaims: "Masha, like you awkward," Lydia Stepanovna says that the dishes be happy to happily - the usual situation.

And mom girls, forgetting about themselves, went to her daughter, stroked her head and said: "Masha, this is not the worst grief in life." Masha looked at Mom, but not seeing her, turned away. And suddenly this woman realized that when she touched the girl's head, she did not feel this touch. Then she rushed to the mirror and did not see herself in the mirror.

In horror, she remembered that he should be in the hospital that her heart stopped. She rushed away from home and found himself in the operating room. And immediately heard the voice: "The heart started, we make an operation, but rather, because there may be a re-stop of the heart."

After listening to this woman, I said, "And you do not want me to come to your home and told my native that everything is in order, they can see you?" She gladly agreed.

I went on the address given to me, the door opened the grandmother, I handed over how the operation was going, and then I asked: "Tell me, and in half the eleventh, didn't the neighbor of Lydia Stepanovna come to you?" - "Come, and what are you familiar with her?" - "Does she bring a dress in polka dot?" - "Are you a wizard, doctor?"

I continue to ask, and all before the details came out, except for one thing - a spoon was not found. Then I say: "Have you watched under the carpet?" They raise the carpet, and there is a spoon.

This story was very focused on Bekhterev. And then she herself survived a similar case. In one day, she lost both the stepper, and her husband, both committed suicide. For her it was a terrible stress. And once, by going to the room, she saw her husband, and he turned to her with some words.

She, an excellent psychiatrist, decided that it was hallucinations, returned to another room and asked her relative to see what the room was. She approached, looked and staggered: "Yes, there is your husband!" Then she did what her husband asked, making sure that such cases were not fiction.

She told me: "No one knows the brain better than me (Bekhtereva was the director of the human brain institute in St. Petersburg). And I have a feeling that I am standing in front of some huge wall, behind which I hear the voices, and I know that there is a wonderful and huge world, but I can't convey the surrounding what I see and hear. Because in order for this to be scientifically reasonable, everyone must repeat my experience. "

Somehow I sat near the dying patient. I put a music box that played a touching melody, then asked: "Turn off, it interferes with you?" "No, let him play." Suddenly, her breathing stopped, relatives rushed: "Do something, she does not breathe."

I drove to her the injection of adrenaline, and she came again to himself, turned to me: "Andrei Vladimirovich, what was it?" "You know, it was a clinical death." She smiled and says: "No, life!"

What is this condition in which the brain goes under clinical death? After all, death is death. We fix death when we see that the breath stopped, the heart stopped, the brain does not work, it cannot perceive the information and, moreover, send it out.

So, the brain is only the transmitter, but is there anything in a person deeper, stronger? And here we are faced with the concept of the soul. After all, this concept is almost displaced by the concept of the psyche. The psyche is there, and there is no soul.

What would you like to die?

We asked both healthy and patients: "What would you like to die?" And people with certain characteristic qualities have built a model of death in their own way.

People with a schizoid type of character, like Don Quixote, were rather strangely characterized by their desire: "We would like to die so that none of those surrounding did not see my body."

Epiletoids - considered unthinkable for themselves to lie calmly and wait for death when death comes, they had to be able to somehow participate in this process.

Cycloids are people like Sancho Pansa, would like to die surrounded by relatives. PsychoShenics - people alarming, disturbed, how they will look like when they die. Estroids wanted to die at sunrise or at sunset, on the seashore, in the mountains.

I compared these desires, but I remember the words of one monk who said so: "I am indifferent to me that I will surround me, what will be the situation around me. It is important for me that I die during prayer, thanks to God for sending me life, and I saw the power and beauty of his creation. "

Heraclit Efesse said: "A man in a death night light lights himself; And he is not dead, having extinguished the eyes, but alive; But he comes into contact with the dead - slept, awake - in contact with the dormant, "- the phrase, over which you can break your head almost all your life.

Being in contact with the patient, I could agree with him, so that when he dies, he tried to let me know if there was something behind the coffin or not. And I received such an answer, more than once.

Somehow I agreed with one woman, she died, and I soon forgot about our contract. And once, when I was at the cottage, I suddenly woke up from the fact that the room was lit in the room. I thought that I forgot to turn off the light, but then I was sitting on the bed in front of me. I was delighted, I began to talk to her, and suddenly I remembered - she died!

I thought that I had all this dream, turned away and tried to fall asleep to wake up. Some time passed, I raised my head. The light was burning again, I looked around with horror - she still sits on the bed and looks at me. I want to say something, I can not - horror. I realized that in front of me a dead person. And suddenly she, sadly smiling, said: "But this is not a dream."

Why do I bring similar examples? Because the ambiguity of what awaits us makes us return to the old principle: "do not harm."

That is, "not tormented death" is a powerful argument against euthanasia. How much do we have the right to interfere in a state that is experiencing a patient?

How can we accelerate his death when he is perhaps at this moment going through the brightest life?

Quality of life and permission to death

It is important not the number of days we lived, but quality. And what gives the quality of life? Quality of life makes it possible to be without pain, the ability to control your consciousness, the opportunity to be surrounded by relatives, families.

Why is it important to communicate with relatives? Because children often repeat the plot of the lives of their parents or relatives. Sometimes in detail, it is amazing. And this repetition of life is often the repetition of death.

It is very important for the blessing of relatives, the parent blessing of the dying children, it can even save them, save them from something. Again, returning to the cultural heritage of fairy tales.

Remember the plot: the old man dies, he has three sons. He asks: "After my death, three days go to my grave." The older brothers or do not want to go, or afraid, only the youngest, fool, goes to the grave, and at the end of the third day the father opens him some kind of secret.

When a person leaves life, he sometimes thinks: "Well, let I die, let me get sick, but my family will be healthy, let the disease break on me, I will pay the bills in the whole family." And so, putting the goal, it does not matter, rationally or affective, a person gets meaningful care from life.

Hospice is a house in which high-quality life is offered. Not easy death, but high-quality life. This is a place where a person can complete his life meaningfully and deep, accompanied by relatives.

When a person leaves, he doesn't just get out of the air, like a rubber ball, he needs to make a jump, he needs forces to step into the unknown. A person must solve this step.

And he receives the first permission from relatives, then from medical personnel, from volunteers, from the priest and from himself. And this permission to death from himself is the most difficult.

You know that Christ in front of suffering and prayer in the Greater Garden asked his disciples: "Stay with me, do not sleep." Three times the disciples promised him to be awake, but fell asleep, without providing support. So, the Hospice in the spiritual sense is such a place where a person may ask: "Stay with me."

And if such a greatest person - embodied God - needed help of a person if he said: "I do not call you slaves. I called you friends, "referring to people, then follow this example and saturate the spiritual content of the last days of the patient - it is very important.

If you do not indifferent questions of life and death,

Would you like to know how much time you live and when you die? It is necessary to admit that the desire to learn the date of death is not visited by everyone. Many are afraid to know their future. On the one hand, it is reasonable - why burden yourself with excess information? But on the other hand, knowing his death date, you will be morally ready for what awaits you. We offer you to learn the date of death for free using a numerological calculation.

Calculation of the date of death by date of birth

Take a piece of paper and write the date of your birth on it. Then fold all the components of its numbers. The resulting number will help you calculate the date of death. The result of the calculation must be unambiguous (that is, there should be a number from 1 to 9). If you have a two-digit number, you need to fold its composite figures.

Let us give an example: 13.01.1969 \u003d 29 \u003d 2 + 9 \u003d 11 \u003d 1 + 1 \u003d 2. The number 2 is the key to the date of death in the given example of the date of birth.

When you calculate your number, you will only have to decrypt the value. So, what do the numbers in the death number mean?

The value of numbers in death numerology

1 - You will die in deep old age aged from 80 to 95 years. Your death will be easy and fast, as you will live happy and bright life.

2 - The likelihood is great that death will overtake as a result of an unhappy case. Be careful, since this number in the death numerology predicts danger not by your fault. Dangerous years of life when you can die: 7, 19, 29, 45, 67.

3 - You will live to old age, but in old age you will be overcome the diseases that will speed up your death. Dangerous years of life: 44 and 73.

4 - You are a long-liver. According to numerology, death will overtake you at the age of 100. Moreover, in old age you will feel very good.

5 - Death goes for you on the heels, but you are a lucky one! Fate will constantly take away from accidents, accidents and dangers. You are very successful and you have the opportunity to live a long and happy life if you do not cause harm to others. Dangerous years of life: 3, 15, 24, 48, 62, 76.

6 - You depend on your karma. Learn the cause and date of death on this numerological number of birth is very difficult. You should first find out your karmic debt, and on the basis of this, the assumptions regarding your death date. Dangerous years of life: 13, 22, 47, 68.

7 - You have a strong guardian angel. However, even he sometimes can't sleep for you. Be careful next to fire and water. The likelihood of the fact that your life will take the power of natural elements. Dangerous years of life: 24, 36, 61.

8 - You play with death. You are dangerous to risk. Be more restrained and prudent, then you live long. Age to which you live - 65-70 years old.

9 - Your life can break into a fairly young age. According to a numerological calculation, people with such a death rarely live up to 50 years. You should carefully approach your health. Alcohol and tobacco are categorically contraindicated. Dangerous years of life: 16, 23, 38, 47.

Do not be afraid if during the calculation you got unpleasant. Remember that your life is in your hands. Every minute you make a choice, make decisions, make actions that forms your future. Take the responsibility for your life in your hands and then you will live as much as you want. Be happy and do not forget to press and

23.03.2014 15:26

On June 8, the famous progress and healer of Juna died in Mosvka. The whole country grieves about the loss - Juna davitashili was one ...

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How to find out when death will overtake me? I have to die young or in deep old age? What are the circumstances of death - from a knife or from illness? - All these questions excite the human mind, and curiosity incites the answers.

Test: How to calculate the date of death?

Numerologists are confident that the tip to the date of death is the date of birth of a person. These two dates are closely related to each other, no wonder for many fortune tellers and psychics need to know the date of birth of the client to make the prediction.

In order to get the estimated time, you need to fold all the numbers in the date of birth so that the figure from one to nine. For example, take the date 12/17/1992. Summing up this date, we turn out the number 32, and after another addition, we get a number-tip to the date of death - this is a digit 5. After finding out the number, it is necessary to know the meaning of this tip.

Decoding values \u200b\u200bof numbers

Figure 1. Means that you will live a long life and die in deep old age (from 80 to 100 years and even more). Life you will be bright, but the eligible eeener will be accompanied rather an emotional experience (feeling of guilt, shame, love) than pain and illness.

Figure 2. There is an unexpected death, high probability of auto and plane crash and natural disaster. People who are born under this digit must be extremely careful, and then the danger can amiss. The average age of death is 47 years old.

Figure 3. It suggests that the cause of your death will be exhausting diseases. Man - Troika usually lives to deep old age (70-80 years old), but his life overshadows permanent diseases and medications.

Figure 4. - This is a harbinger of longevity. Such people even in old age feel great and do not complain about health. A high probability of celebrating 100 and 110-year-old anniversaries.

Figure 5. Speaks about people who are constantly the target for death, but they somehow manage to escape from her. About such people usually say that they miraculously escaped an accident or disaster, they are late for a plane, which should fall. "Five" is contraindicated to risk, and then they will be able to live to old age and die their own death.

Figure 6. means a strong karmic effect. Such a person is constantly in the hairs, and his life can cut into any minute. First you need to find out what your worst, and turn fate into a favorable direction.

Number 7. Predicts from water and from fire, as well as from natural and natural phenomena. Despite the fact that you have a strong protection of the genus and the guardian angel, you still need to be careful and follow every effect. Especially dangerous age is adolescence.

Figure 8. Means death from your constant risky game that you lead with life. If you stop risking, it is quite possible to live to the middle elder - 70-75 years.

Figure 9. Speaks about mild death at a young age. Such people, as they say, are very often not at that time not in the place, grab the strange disease, as a result of which they quickly burn, and rarely live up to 40 years. "Nines" need to follow health more and avoid detrimental habits.

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Are you wondering how long will you live and how will death come soon? You are not alone in this world. Many people are asked by this issue, and someone is afraid to find out how much it remains to live. And it is quite logical. After all, knowing when you die you can simply go crazy. And if you look at this from the side, I learned to learn the planned date, you can prepare in advance. The answer to the assigned question can be found in numerology.

First method

Date of birth and death date are directly related. They concluded a special algorithm, where the beginning is the birth of a person, and the end is his death. After conducting some research, it can be said with an accuracy of the fate of a person. But it is impossible to say that this is how everything will be. Life is so unpredictable that it is practically impossible to assume what event is almost impossible.

To make a calculation and find out the estimated date of your death you will need a clean piece of paper. Write to the date of your birth. Then fold all the numbers of the date of birth on one so that it turned out an unambiguous number. You must have a figure from one to nine. In it and lies the date of your alleged death. Numerology of the resulting numbers is as follows:

    • The figure alone means a sacred death. It is most likely that the date of your death will be in deep old age. You will live a very long, bright and happy life. And your death will not be long and painful, it will be mild and rapid.
    • A man with a number two is waiting for a sudden death. Numerology of this number indicates the high probability of an accident. Such people are encouraged to beware of dubious events. And the most unhappy years of life are the age of seven, nineteen, twenty nine, forty-five and sixty seven years.
    • Troika talks about diseases in deep old age. You will be able to live to old age, but die from the concomitant diseases. The most dangerous for you can be considered forty-four and seventy-three years of life.
    • Four are people long-livers. If you believe numerology, they will overtake death not earlier than in a century of age. And even at that age you can feel great.

"Fours" are people long-livers

  • Behind the five death walks literally on the heels. But you are lucky. You all the time removes invisible power from various troubles, accidents and so on. You are lucky. You will live long and happily in the event that you do not harm others. The most dangerous years for you are three, fifteen, twenty-four, forty-eight, sixty-two and seventy-six years.
  • For six, karma is very important. For them, in numerology will not be difficult to learn about the date of their own death. Initially, it is recommended to learn about the karmic duty, and then calculate the deadly date. Thirteen, twenty-two are considered complex years of life, twenty-two, forty-seven and sixty-eight years.
  • When adding numbers from the date of birth and you have a seven, this means that you are the owner of a strong guardian angel. You should be careful with water and fiery elements. Numerology suggests that your death will directly depend on them. It is recommended to be careful of twenty-four, thirty-six and sixty one year.
  • Eight in life play with death. It is strictly forbidden to risk. If you adhere to this rule, you will live much longer.
  • For nine, life can break off suddenly. The calculation of numerology speaks of young age. Such people rarely live up to the fifty-year-old age. They are recommended to carefully monitor the state of health, do not abuse alcoholic beverages and tobacco smoking. And to the age of sixteen, twenty-three, thirty-eight and forty-seven years to treat with caution.

Do not be afraid if after having spent the calculation by date of birth, you had the opportunity to know that you will soon die. Numerology is science. She can be wrong. Each person has a prediction individually. It can only be calculated in conjunction with other indicators. You are responsible for your own life and live as much as the destiny is assigned to you.

Second way

Here is another way to determine the deadly date. It differs slightly from the previous method. It is also based on the addition of numbers from the date of your birth. There are all numbers to obtain a double-digit number. The resulting number is fatal. And when you fold both numbers, you will have a birth number. So, you will have two absolutely different values. After their definition, you can proceed to calculate the dangerous age.

The first key date that takes the start of life is the number denoting the month of your birth. To calculate the second dangerous date, fold twice the first key value. Third key values \u200b\u200bcan be founded to see the deadly number and the second dangerous date. To calculate the deadly date, fold the third key value and the month when you were born.

In such years, it is strictly not recommended to go to risky events. You should care yourself and listen to inner voice. These years will turn out to be swivel for you, they are able to change your life beyond recognition - it's better or worse. It all depends on how you behave in one way or another.

It is important to remember: when you calculate key dates pay attention to the month of human birth. If he was born from January to May, the nine is added to the death rate. And the number of nine is also added to the first dangerous number.

The death date of a relative or a distant relative may be needed for the design of the inheritance, restoring historical data or systematizing a pedigree family. For legal documents and creating a genealogical tree, accurate data on the birth and death date of the person are needed. You can find out the date of death of a person according to the famous name.

How to find out the date of birth and death of a relative?

If the name and surname of a person are known, then find out the data on his birth and can be in the district or urban registry office. To submit an application, you will need to contact the registry office at the place of residence of a person or send a request by mail. The statement indicates the applicant's personal data:

  1. Full Name.
  2. Mail address or registration data.
  3. In some cases, the photocopy of the passport is attached.

If possible, in the request, you must specify all the well-known data of the deceased person - the date of birth (at least a year of birth), an estimated or accurate place of residence, occupation or a specific place of work.

How to find out the date of death of a person by last name if a person died for a long time? For example, if it is necessary to establish the relative data, which survived only remote and approximate information, it is necessary to contact the urban or district archive. In some cases, to obtain such information you need to confirm your relationship or issue a lawyer.

Another option, how to find out the death date of man is the appeal to the local parish to the priest. In pre-revolutionary times, all the acts of birth and death were recorded in the metric church book, which represents a chronological list of events for a certain period. In the metric book of the Church, records of birth, marriage and death of all parishioners for each year are preserved. These books are usually stored in the church or city archive.