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Magic properties of artificial man-made colors. Magic houseplants. Erotic dream book Danilova

Love magic of indoor plants.To charge your apartment atmosphere of love, please contact plants, subject to Venus love goddess. These are roses any color, flowers pink, as well as myrtle. Keep flowers in the house, subject to patroness Magic - Moon. White daffodils and lilies, as well as other white flowers at night, can be left on the windowsill so that they are lit by the moon. Pilot flowers can be dried, folded into a silk sachet pale blue or emerald and wearing a chest. Aura awaken and dry aromatic mixes with a rose, lavender, thyme, sage and rosemary. It should be seriously related to the selection of colors for the bedroom.

Agava, Anthurium with red bustal leaves and guesnia give a person sensuality and eroticism. Acalifa and Chrysanthemum make men more courageous, and women are more feminine. Assistants in love are also considered Zaltenfish (bedroom Calla), Camellia, Balzamin, Mimosa, Pelargonium, Hibiscus (Chinese Rosa).

The most common plant with magical properties is considered to be geranium. Her bright red flowers emit vital energy and strength she can give you when you feel powerless and tired. Pink geranium favorable for love affairs, and white contributes to the birth of children.

You can grow a homely rose in the house, gets in the apartment and fern. Cyclamen grown on the window will drive bad dreams. Zanteneshiya, or room calla helps to preserve family happiness, it successfully processes the negative emotions of the disputes and stubborn, turning them into joy, retains tenderness and goodwill and encourages mental conversations. Calla actively drives out the depressure and despondency from the house and helps those who are painfully reacting to criticism. It fills the house with heart heat, protects from ridicule and premature disappointments. Calla is suitable for insecure creative people. The plant develops fantasy, teaches beautifully and emotionally to speak.

Floxes awaken emotions, make it feel more subtle and at the same time saturated. It is said that, if you put a pure or cherry phlox flower on the pillow of a sleeping beloved flower, which began to cool feelings flashed with a new force. And in order to leave the ruin of her husband, it is necessary to burrow near her house dried in the sun inflorescence of pale blue phlox.

If everything falls out of the hands, pursue failures and mood on zero, magic advises to gain a handful of white phloxes and pour them with cold boiled water, cover gauze and leave for the night. In the morning, wash this water and pronounce three times: "All my sadness took away from the night." It is necessary to wash over a basin without soap, the water then you need to throw this out on the ground outside your home and your garden plot.

The cherry and scarlet phlox on the windowsill in the bedroom ignite the passion. It will strengthen the marriage alliance and make it a variety of bouquet of seven phloos of different color. White phloxes in the kitchen and in the living room will bring peace and consent to the house. Yellow Floxes Dormand plant on the balcony to attract cash flow. Lilac phloxes help creative people, awakening fantasy and giving a new vision of the world. Any phloxes grown with their own hands are packed and bring happiness.

It was believed that Barwin had a big magical force. This is obliged to his amazing life - he lives, while there is still a drop of water in a vase, and if you leave him from the vase and stick to the ground, he quickly emits the roots. It is believed that Barwin, planted in the garden, brings happiness and eternal love ... Barwinka, hidden under the pillow, attracts the grooms. On this Barquinke must be 2 flower. And if you needed to leave the annoying Uhager, then in the old men's shoes put the leaves of Barwinka and put this shoe nose towards the road.

If the family does not fit, that is, an easy way to help unhappiness. Spring put in the ground in different places. Flowers. If there is no cottage, put them near all the entrances of the house in which you live. Flowers should be called the names of the people of Vasilek, Pansies, Maryan Root, etc. When you put flowers - tell me: "You grow, and before a slave (the name of your beloved) blossom. How people will look at you, so the slave (name) will look at me. Like these flowers, people will admire and we Slave (name) will be merged. Key. Castle. Language. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Magic room plants

Indoor plants - one of the ways to gently affect the energy of the dwelling, bringing a little love or cash energy there, amplifying protection or giving peace and harmony.

It should be noted that since these are alive and continue to live and develop in the process of "use", their strength can be very large. Note that if you don't live plants, die, despite careful care, it can talk about a very unfavorable energy in an apartment or at home - it means that plants simply do not cope with it, they are destroyed, how the talismans from dry Herbs

Uzambar violet is energetically connected with the planet Venus. However, passionate love or new love in your life This plant will not bring - it will save already existing relationships, it will be possible to effectively cope with constant discords in the family. In addition, the violet has both protective properties.

Drazen or Dragon Tree is another plant that perfectly cleans the atmosphere of the house from scandals and quarrels. In addition, the drazes in the bedroom contributes to the revival of sexual life, and it is particularly well affected by men.

Geranium with red or pink colors is recommended to grown at home to protect it from evil forces. White geranium is useful if you plan to acquire offspring - it contributes to childbirth. All Gerani's varieties without exception are beneficial on a marital life, bringing peace and harmony into it. If you collect geranium flowers and put it, then you will get a great amulet attracting love in your life.

Rooming rose - universal "attractive" love. Check this plant if there are not enough romance and new feelings in your life. Naturally, it is necessary to put it in the bedroom.

Christmas rose or poinsettia - a plant that is worth putting in the living room. It revives the atmosphere at home, making it easier and hospitable. If you want the doors of your home have always been open for guests, and so that this guests were comfortable and fun - be sure to purchase this plant!

Near Puansettia, you can put the scarlet faith - a plant that protects the house from uninvited guests, and at the same time from accidents and failures. At the same time, the scarlet brings good luck to all the inhabitants of the house.

Cactus is a famous defender of the house. Cacti literally "eat" negative in the apartment, in addition, they are very useful to computerists: these plants absorb electromagnetic radiation, somewhat neutralizing the harmful effect from the neighborhood of these complex mechanisms. Note that it is supplied to the bedroom, cactus can slow down your personal life - it is believed that the cactus in the bedroom will guard your chastos.

Ivy and other indoor curly plants are also defenders, and their properties are mainly directed locally. Therefore, in the office, put a pot with a liana or spitting near your desk, at home - in the bedroom, from the headboard.

Cyclamen put in the bedroom so that he protects you during sleep. Especially effective for this red cyclamen. Interestingly, it is believed that cyclamen protects not only from the negative and evil as a whole, but also from weather cataclysms. And the flowers of this plant, dried and wrapped in white or purple fabric, will become a talisman that helps to cope with the consequences of parting or unhappy love.

Orange tree brings happiness and love for all his inhabitants. And plant-succulents and dwarf Mirt is abundance. The lemon tree - the defender of the house, cleansing the atmosphere.

Araucaria protects from evil and hunger. In general, all kinds of homemade palm trees - plants guarding prosperity in the house introducing "male", projective, solar energy.

edited news .: Velvet :. - 10-01-2013, 19:43

In real life, this dream means your admission to the knowledge and understanding of the world.

Sleep, in which you pour your hand about the flowers presented to you - Means that in reality you will experience severe spiritual and heart pain due to the treason of a loved one or your loved one.

If you dreamed that someone outdo it in your garden flowers - It foreshadows the goats of enemies that will do everything possible so that you do not get the necessary information for you.

In a dream, you saw a large number of indoor colors in your home - It symbolizes the feelings of feelings.

You dreamed of a wonderful garden full of unusually beautiful colors. - You breathe their wonderful flavor. This dream foreshadows you an unusual, romantic meeting.

Fad flowers in a dream - predict health problems and separation.

Means that in reality you make a noble and wise act.

If in a dream you see how fans literally shive you with flowers - In real life, this indicates that your sincere solitude can delay. Your overestimated claims will most likely remain unrealized.

In a dream, you weave yourself a wreath of wildflowers - This dream suggests that soon you will meet your love and create a happy family.

Sleep in which you get a gift in a room pot flower - Means you get news about the dead person.

Dmitry Dream and Winter Dream

Flowers in a snow - These are our feelings, as well as related hopes and plans.

Good dream - In which you dream of a pleasant view of flowers growing in the garden. Such dreams foreshadow joy and say that your hopes are not in vain.

If the flower petals look fragile, like poppy, tulip or rosehip - It is a sign of false illusions. Seeing such a dream, in reality you should not blindly trust your feelings.

Give a bouquet of pleasant and strong on the type of colors or getting such a bouquet from anyone - A sign of mutual understanding and friendship. Love such dreams are foreshadowed by divided love.

At the same time, if the flowers are in a dream - They have too strong aroma as jasmine or cherry, it is a sign of temptation and passion. Sleep suggests that feelings are ready to turn your head, and it threatens to turn around broken dreams and deep sadness.

Jewish dream book

Flowers alive - the flourishing of life, successful days; yellow flowers - treason in love; basket of flowers - happiness in love; decorated with flowers cross - happiness in the house; purple flowers - unrequited love; flowers -Had in life; flowers blue- unrequited love.

Female dream book

If you dreamed that you keep a bouquet of a variety of colors in your hands - You are waiting for pleasant entertainment and caressing many fans.

Dream D.Luffa

Flowers - This is a universal symbol of beauty. For an accurate interpretation, it is important to analyze the color of the flower. This is especially true of dreams in which the flowers appear with an uncharacteristic color for them (for example, green roses). Do not be surprised if in a dream your friend / girlfriend will give you green roses. This means that in real life you either meet with the passage of your friend / girlfriend, or they are jealous of your romantic affections. In your consciousness, a certain experience of handling the colors, which the subconscious is now trying to use to present the situation. This, in particular, belongs to the cases when you give flowers to someone or someone gives flowers to you. Are certain memories connected with some colors related to you - for example, your favorite children's flowers, the death of a loved one, school date or love relationship?

Here is interpretation for some dreams figurative in dreams: lilac - poison, disease, death; daisy - indecision in feelings; the one who gives is an object of interest; orchid - sexuality, sensuality; red rose - love; yellow - friendship; white - purity; black - death; lily - Update, Spring Freshness, Revival; narcissus - Love for yourself, reflection of your own Ya.

Dream interpretation for the whole family

See flowers growing in the garden - Symbol of something new, most often pleasant (joyful news, long-awaited purchase, an unexpected meeting with a person you would like to see).

If the flowers are faded, drying, falling - This is a symbol of loss and chagrin.

White flowers - Meaning longing and loneliness, although on Thursdays and Tuesdays, they foreshadow a meeting with a beautiful woman.

Dream interpretation for bitch

Flowers - You will soon reach well-being.

Collect - Deserve approval from the authorities.

New family dream book

Sleeping about growing bright colors - foreshadows various pleasures and acquisitions.

White flowers - Shot to sadness.

Rady and dried - To trouble.

The girl who in a dream received a bouquet of different colors - There will be many fans.

Modern combined dream book

See flowers blooming in the garden - Enjoy and profit promises, if the flowers are fresh and bright.

White flowers - Symbol of sadness.

Dried and faded flowers - bring you disappointment and gloomy perspectives.

Sleep, in which a young woman gets a bouquet of different colors - Many fans are promulit.

See flowers blossomed on fruitless soil devoid of all vegetation - Prediction of sad life experience, but thanks to its energeticness and cheerfulness, you will overcome all the difficulties and achieve fame and happiness.

Eastern female dream book

Bright, Fresh Live Flowers - Shot to joy and pleasure.

White flowers, especially white chrysanthemums - To death.

Newest dream book G.Ivanova

Flower - Pleasant acquisition.

If the flowers are torn or cut - To the disease.

Children's dream book

Flowers - To concern, troubles.

Full dream of a new era

Flower - Reflection of beauty (also the need for it).

Dream Birthday Birthdays May, June, July, August

See wax flowers - Long cry.

See in dream fragrant flowers and hear their smell - To the joyful event in your life.

Presented to you in a dream ohaper colors - suggests that you will cope a birthday in a circle of friends and get a lot of gifts.

Throw flowers "You will try to deceive someone, using them by Truster, and maybe they deceive you."

Fad flowers - Everything is bad for you behind.

Dictate - means you never be happy; You will be fine.

Dream Birthday Birthdays January, February, March, April

Fragrant flowers - By spring, to good in your life.

Wax flowers - To the funeral of a friend or girlfriend.

Oakhka flower - To interrupt pregnancy.

Throw flowers - To treason.

Fad flowers - You will regret passing youth.

Dial flowers in a shock - To joy.

Dream Khasse

Beautiful flowers - joy in life; receive - you are loved; to knit - soon there will be a big joy; faded - disease.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Flowerbed with flowers or flower garden - A pleasant event will not slow themselves to wait. Flower Orangery - foreshadows the acquisition of works of art. Field or Forest Flowers - Sign of sadness and loss; home in pots and vases - gaining hope; unpainted flowers in buds - soon the cherished desire will be fulfilled; flowers in bouquets - There will be no feather from fans; faded and shrouded flowers - forever the disease. Tear flowers - to well-being and satisfaction, to sniff - You are waiting for joyful news.

See flowers in greenhouse or pinned to dress either a hat - frivolous pastime that will bring frustrated in the near future. Weave the wreath of flowers - It will be introduced to get married favorably. Climbing petals - you will be dedicated to someone else's mystery.

Seen in the dream of Astra - Sign of non-optical hopes. Vasilki - Change in affairs for the better. Georgina - Favoriting in everything. Geranium - Addition in the family. Hyacinths - separation with a friend. Jasmine - fleeting love. Cactus flower - Change the situation. Margaritka - Significant news. Daffodss - infidelity and treason. Forget-me-not - Cardiac joy. Marigold - (calendula) - Successful completion of the case. Dandelion - Strong family bonds. Pion - Wait for happiness in love. Sunflower - Forky feelings, hot passion. Primula (primrose) - Quarrels and scandals. Chrysanthemum - obstacles and loss.

Sonner Simon Kananita

Faded flower - Change for the better ..

Female dream book

See in a dream Flowers in the garden - foreshadows pleasure and new acquisitions, an unusual, romantic meeting in reality (if the flowers are bright and fresh).

Wondered and dried flowers - Slaht the troubles, health problems, separation.

White - carry sadness.

Sleep in which you plant in your garden flowers - Means that soon you will make a noble and wise act.

If in a dream you tear flowers to make a bouquet of them - Incidentally, will become acquainted to the knowledge and understanding of the world.

In a dream weave yourself a wreath of wildflowers - Soon, meet your love and create a happy family.

Sleep, in which you pour your hand presented with your colors - Means that in reality you will experience severe spiritual and heart pain because of the treason of a person close to you.

If a girl gets a bouquet of a variety of colors in a dream - This suggests that she will have a lot of fans.

On the contrary, if in a dream she sees how fans literally shook her with flowers - In reality, her sincere solitude can delay.

Total dream book

You dreamed of a bouquet of flowers, but you could not recognize them - In the near future you will be happy, and the more bouquet, the stronger you will be happy.

If you dreamed of a faded bouquet - Your happy days in the past.

In a dream, someone from your friends or relatives gave you a bouquet of flowers - You will be happy with the efforts of this person.

If you dreamed that you gave someone from your friends or relatives a bouquet of flowers - This person will be happy with your efforts.

Smell the flowers - To light hobby.

If you dreamed that you trampled flowers - You will have a slight passion for some kind of lady (young man), but you will ruin any relationship.

Dance Deniz Lynn

Flowers - Usually the beautiful sign of beauty and heyday. Certain colors have special values.

For example, roses - There may be a symbol of love and romance, daisies - a symbol of freshness and innocence.

Sometimes flowers - Meaning the funeral.

Dream of white magician

The appearance of flowers in dreams - foreshadows only good and joyful events.

If you dreamed of a meadow, covered with flowers - Soon happy events await you. Literally every day will be full of small joys, which, in fact, give us a feeling of happiness.

If in a dream, being on a flowering meadow, you decided to score a bouquet and took up the case - In reality, you attach the maximum effort to not only rejoice yourself, but also to deliver joy to others. How long is idyll, it depends only on you. With a constant good attitude to loved ones for you will turn the bright side for a long time. For the sake of peace and mutual love, you can try, because our difficulties have plenty of all.

Stretch someone from close bouquet of flowers - Soon you will have the opportunity to show your feelings for these people and you will take advantage of this.

Present in a dream a bouquet to a person unfamiliar, and the representative of the opposite sex - To the decisive meeting, when you finally understand that we found our half. However, to find the only person - only half the way, it is necessary to admit to his feelings. It can happen soon, and the sooner you are determined and tell the most important words, the more likely you will find happiness.

Put a wonderful bouquet in a vase - You are waiting for a quiet life without excitement and anxiety. You will have the opportunity to give more time to you dear people. Do not miss attention and love for them, and they will answer you the same.

English Dream

If you dream that you are tight beautiful fragrant flowers - This dream to well-being. You will be lucky in all your endeavors.

If in a dream you make a bouquet - Sleep foreshadows very desirable marriage for you.

If the bouquet does not work or the colors are scattered and you can't collect them - So, your rainbow hopes for a brilliant future are not destined to come true.

If you see faded flowers - It foreshadows the deterioration of the state of health or the approaching death of someone from loved ones.

Medieval dream book Daniel

Get flowers - It foreshadows the goats.

See flowers on trees - To joy.

Italian dream book

Flower - symbol of superiority, promises or pledge - guarantee, guarantees.

Flower - This is a promise of a fruit, the possibility of fruit, but not fruit. This is an image of female charm, attractiveness with the promise of genital eroticism, which actually does not take place.

Flower - As a fake feminost, which subsequently has a negative effect.

Lunar dream book

Flowers - Pleasure.

Chinese dream book

With someone sharing flowers - foresaw parting with this person.

Mashed flowers - A wife or concubine is going to change.

Flowers are revealed on the grave - Fortunately.

Vedic dream book from Sri Swami Shivananda

If in a dream you collect flowers - This is a harbinger of prosperity. You will be lucky in all your endeavors.

Dream Veles.

Bouquet of black primulus on a school desk - Your child or other close little man will not pass the exam.

Bouquet of roses - Close happiness in personal relationships, in love, love confession

Psychoanalytic dream book

Flowers - life, beauty; Flowering Individual, often through new relationships, including love and tenderness.

Dream interpretation of dreams

Flowers rip - means great happiness; flowers see, hold in hand or sniff in an unusual time - it means bitterness, annoyance, and sometimes a disease; In the proper time means this dream consolation, pleasure and joy; field colors to collect and sniff - marks the bitterness, loss, body weakness and mind; in general, it should be noted about the colors that white - mean innocence, sincere and good morals; yellow - It is a small difficulty and obstacle; and red - Almost always knows the disease, and sometimes even death.

Symbolic dream book

Flowers - are the sign of events and relationships.

Flowers - symbolize holidays, funerals, meetings, parting, anniversaries, love relationships.

Flowers in a snow - symbolically reported on the corresponding upcoming domestic and external processes in the life of the sipping itself. They narrate about possible joy or sadness.

Wildflowers - More often, to joy and good luck.

Indoor, blooming or fading flowers - Mean the appropriate family joys or sorrow.

Fading or artificial flowers - In general, definitely indicate the deterioration of human relations or cases.

Dream Stranger

Flowers in general - feelings, mood, emotions of sleeping and events, their causing; The state of his relationship with others.

Lot - sadness, separation, quarrel.

One handsome, not black - loyalty.

Give - sentence; parting.

Flowers Black, Brown, Yellow - mourning, misfortune; Treason, divorce.

To sniff - losses, trouble, but pleasant, not sharp smell - A favorable sign.

Wallowing flowers - deterioration of relationships, affairs; old age; Demunning feelings.

Artificial flowers - False in the relationship; Stagnant hopeless period.

Modern universal dream book

See flowers - So be in high spirits.

If in a dream you get or give flowers "So someone shows love and care for you, or you love and take care of some kind of person."

Flowers - It is also a symbol of forgiveness. Do you give flowers or do you give flowers in forgiveness?

Red roses - symbolize romance; yellow - friendship; chrysanthemum - love for mother; jasmine - Spring approximation. What is the flower in a dream with you?

If you dream Lilia - This may mean your desire to make better what is already good enough.

If in a dream you see flowers that bloom - Sleep says that you are in the very primestream.

If in a dream you see buds - This is a sign of tender beauty or youth. What should "reveal" in your life?

Flowers exude amazing flavors - What do you want to teach?

Flowers also - symbolize the solution. Do you want to reconcile with someone or something?

Dream of Gypsy

Flower - Symbol of hope, especially in love relationships.

Flowers Orange - The world will come and calm, but it will not be long.

Noble dream book N.Grishina

Flowers in general (especially white and red) - Joy, fun.

Sat on a garden - Something unpleasant.

Smell the flowers - Losses.

Collect - Joy.

Pick a flower - Friend to find / take a step to the proximity, get a kiss, get a date, etc. / Mystery enjoyment to deprive or lose innocence.

Buds of them see - OK.

Fad flowers - disease.

Lonely flower in a vase - The desired girl and what happens to her is associated with her.

Flying flowers see - A kind of fantastic condition caused by the Gresses, drugs / dreams waiting for you.

Flowers sucking blood - Cunning from the beloved person / danger from excessive joy.

Artificial flowers to see or receive - Sad event / danger to your life or a loved one.

Do them - Lying to weave.

They burn them - The desire to resolutely break with the previous relations, to start a new life.

Small Velezov Sonnik

Flowers - to good, joy, wedding, acquaintance (maiden), pregnancy, daughter to give birth to / gossip, bad, sadness, death; on the window - to Huda; not at the time - Mountain, disease, annoyance; rip - Praise will be, good, joy, happiness / crying; plant - Loose; water - home joy, happiness; white - fun, wedding, joy / gossip; yellow - difficulties, obstacles; red - Wedding, success / difficulty, illness, death; dry - to Huda; savory - danger; flowers head decorating - at the wedding dance, success in business / bite; see whom in colors - That will die; bouquet - pleasant acquaintance, change in life; many bouquets - sadness; receive - constancy in love; fresh bouquet - joy, success; sloggy - betrayal in love; fold bouquet - Pleasant news; flowers in Russia - Everything will end in trouble.

Erotic dream book Danilova

Fresh flowers seen in a dream - They promise you the joy of love and prosperity in the house.

Faded - predict the end of a long novel.

If a girl in a dream get a bouquet made of different colors - It promises her an abundance of fans.

Flowers growing on non-ground soil - foreshadow saddable love sorrow, to cope with your will and optimism help you.

If you are shooting blooming roses - You are waiting for a joyful event in the life and loyalty of your loved one.

If the girl dreams that it cuts fresh roses "So soon she will offer her hand and heart, and it will take the offer.

Poppies in Sops - personify seductive pleasures and a pleasant pastime, which, however, harm you.

Feel the aroma of poppy in a dream - Means the fall of the false and selling person.

Dinking meadow, covered with daisies - promises you the love of innocent creature.

Bouquet of white chrysanthemums - Means that because of pride you will donate love.

Sleep, in which you go along the Alley, ashamed by White and Yellow Chrysanthemums - foreshadow nostalgia for long-standing love.

Lilies with lush foliage seen in a dream - Early marriage and ambulance-related separation associated with loss are fed.

Sleep, in which a young woman collects lilies or admires - foreshadows the death of his beloved seriously sick person.

Weave a wreath of daisies in a dream - To success in relations with your loved one.

If you dreamed of a bouquet of daisies - You are waiting for happiness in your personal life.

But if the flowers in the bouquet started - Your hopes for happiness are in vain.

Dreams, in which a man sees a flower - Denote him to a new, more troublesome and difficult, but at the same time interesting life. Another dream means peace of mind, dissatisfaction with himself and life. Seeing this dream wishes to break out of real life, rushing to perfection.

Lotus flower - Dreamed Siddharthe Gautam, who later became a Buddha (enlightened) - the Diviety of Buddhist religion.

Sleep about an unusual flower - Also often meets in other legends.

Esoteric dream book

Flowers to collect, see, get fresh - To good luck and joy, if they are in a bouquet or flower bed.

Dried, faded - To boredom, devastation after joyful events.

Give, giving - The same, but thanks to whose obvious intervention.

Close the petals "Do it yourself to make yourself unhappy, but to give will feelings."

Ukrainian dream book

Flower flowers - on good.

How to dream flower - There will be some kind of joy for you; wedding.

White flowers - Joy big.

How a bouquet of flowers will dreamed - Change of life.

If the girl dreams of flowers - She will meet the cavaliers (flowers - this is the maiden fate).

How dream flower - Good, and as dark - badly.

If flowers with dew - end in trouble; table flowers - warning about danger; flowers dry - on unkind.

Kvitka beautiful, and then fall - Unknown, will not be killed.

How to dream that tear flowers - Good, and how are Sadish - This is bad.

The same tree: grows - Good, fall - badly.

Flowers flowers - To death.

Flowers collect - To cry.

Red flowers - before wedding.

Someone gave, gave a bouquet of flowers - Joy, acquaintance.

Flowers water - Houses joy, happiness.

Dream of flowers

Flowers - sadness (if there are many bouquets), joy; white - To the wedding.

Collection of Sonnikov

Flower - Beauty and flourishing.

Flower see or tear - To harm.

Flowers - trouble; field - grief; artificial - To sorrow, tears.

Flower - happiness; but field - to loss; flowers faded - To adversity.

Flowers to give - From you are waiting for attention and gift.

Wildflowers - waiting for a quiet period of life.

See fresh, fragrant flowers - to positive emotions; fad flowers - to the disease; give flowers to a pretty person of the opposite sex - To sexual dissatisfaction.

Sniff fragrant flowers - to a date.

See wax flowers - To Trawra.

Collected in the field of the ohaper colors - To the funeral.

Disrupt - To love progress.

Fad flowers - You will have a dull mood.

If the girl dreams that she collects flowers - This is good, foreshadows a love meeting.

Flowers, especially - White to bad.

Device - Can dreamed to the narrowed.

Flowers - Celebration, holiday.

If you see in a dream that you buy yourself flowers or someone gives you to you - The primary importance should be paid to the fact that this flower means it is for you. Most often interpretation of the flower image is associated with the love topics, and in many respects it is determined by the adopted magic value of this plant.

The color of the flower itself is of great importance - Since the color always very brightly characterizes the mental state of the soul and is very symbolic. Flowers reflect not only our feelings, but also the degree of flourishing or withering our mental or physical life.

Indoor plants: magic properties. Photo:

Not all homemade colors harmless. If you dream of getting married, you do not need to keep in the apartment of violet, but Cyclamen, Amarallis will certainly acquire. It is not recommended to breed vampire plants that can take energy. If you still want to grow them, do not put in the bedroom and the children's room.

If the Greens about family life fails to come true, think, maybe the violet does not want a man in the house? Like Camellia, which is also considered a solitude flower. Family couples with children these flowers will bring more happiness. Violets due to their magic energy will not let depressive mood in the house. Copies blooming with lilac shades can clean the house by removing negative energy from it.

Closed and shy people need to be put in the flower pot of Camellia, it will help get rid of the complexes, become more confident, believe in your attractiveness. To attract the opposite sex like a magnet, set in your home the Chinese rose.

Orchid will increase the mood and cleanse the energy of the house. Photo:

Put a spatiff in the bedroom, it is not reasonable to be a plant of love. If a lonely woman wants to find a soul mate, let him post in his overtaking anthurium. It is believed that he attracts men, like a Chinese rose. Therefore, these flowers will certainly settle at home.

Orchid also belong to a group of love colors. This elegant plant will increase the mood, cleanse the energy of the house, as well as Balzamin, who in the people nicknamed with a vanka wet. It will help the home atmosphere to be positive and will clean the air.

Violets due to their magic energy will not let depressive mood in the house.

Possesses magic properties and indoor white lily. It must be positioned so that the light from the moon fell on buds. Then he will feed them at night, and during the day the plant will give his magical forces to a woman who is the hostess of the plant.

In addition to useful, from an energy point of view, home plants, there are also harmful. So, the majestic monster is a powerful vampire, like the diffenbachy. These apartment lianas are able to take energy from people. Especially manifested by their negative in small rooms, where to put these indoor plants is extremely undesirable. It is better to place in large offices, medical institutions, where many people pass every day. Here these plants can even become useful, as they will cleanse space.

For home, choose plants with positive energy. Photo:

Ferns are also unwanted to place at home, if there is a great desire to breed such plants, do not put them in the bedroom, children's and where family members spend a lot of time. It is better to take them into a winter garden or put on a glazed balcony heated in winter.

Cacti is better to breed those who have a calm character. Too active people can become aggressive, being in the neighborhood with homemade needle-free plants.

When breeding flowers, it is important to know which plants on the appearance can be breed in one or another room. So, Feng Shui does not recommend putting in the living room, the bedrooms are those of them that have leaves and flowers with pointed and torn edges. It is believed that these representatives of Flora are able to radiate negative energy. Published

Love for plants is a wonderful feeling of people inherent in people around the world. Surrounding yourself with representatives of the flora, it is quite often not the energy of these living beings. We should not forget about the forces of nature capable of affecting a person. The magical properties of houseplants are known for a long time.

Errors when choosing indoor plants

It is difficult to imagine a dwelling without plants. But how they choose plants that are placed in apartments and offices. Quite often prefer bright and beautifully flowering plants. And sometimes more attention is paid to Kashpo, in which the plant grows than the characteristic features that it possesses. An erroneous will be attributed to the living representative of the flora, as the decorative component of the room.

First of all, we should not forget that any plant has its own special energy capable of affecting others. And before proceeding to landscaping the rooms, it is necessary to clearly imagine that indoor flowers are able to have a strong impact on the well-being of the house, on the relationship and health of households. How to choose plants for residential premises

Representatives of the Flora of the whole world can settle in the house or apartment. The decorative component of the apartment will purify the air and have a beneficial effect on the human biopol under the condition of the proper selection of plants. Better than others are suitable plants with a rounded form of leaves. They will not repel good luck as those whose flowers and leaves have pointed forms. Therefore, geranium and sensipolia became frequent inhabitants of the apartments. It is undesirable to grow all sorts of lianas - Loneliness messengers. Fill the house with positive energy will help plants with rattled up foliage.

How to achieve an energy balance?

When choosing colors for residential premises, in which the family lives, you should know that in addition to other plants, all plants can be divided into those that possess the male and male energy. For home comfort, prosperity and tranquility of such plants should be equal. Plants with female energy can be attributed to: SENPOLIA, BEINGS, TOLSTEANS AND CYCLAMES. And balance them is possible by plants with male energy: lemon, asparagus, drasa, chlorophytum. To preserve the energy balance, the flower collection must have a mixed composition.

The energy of the house can accurately determine the state of green pets. A positive atmosphere can be accurately defined for beautiful healthy vegetation, carefully placed on all residents of the dwelling. The premises filled with a negative can destroy plants. And if suddenly, earlier beautiful and blooming flowers suddenly begin to dry out it is worth paying attention. This, first of all, means a change in energy, which can be the first call of impending problems.

Keepers of family happiness

The leader in the list of plants that have a beneficial influence on family relations is considered spathifylum. In the people, he was made by "female happiness." An unpretentious perennial plant will not only be an interior decoration, but also will help in solving family issues. Love and mutual understanding will be filled with houses in which he grows. Avoid quarrels will help beauty SENPOLIA. She is a bit caprip. But if these flowers grow on the apartments, which will delight with bright multi-colored flowers, love settles in the home.

Donors and vampires

Plants are capable of providing not only positive, but also negative impact. Positive energy impact is influenced by begonias, ficuses, calangeans, spathiflow, sensipolia and others. An unwanted effects can possess: monster, fern and ivy.

Indoor plants carry a part of their homeland. They may be unpretentious or capricious. For them, it is necessary to create certain conditions for growing. And each of them is endowed with certain capabilities. Proper use of indoor plants will help balance home energy.