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What to eat on Palm Sunday fast. Of course, almost all dishes are prepared the day before. How to celebrate Palm Sunday

Orthodox Christians know that traditionally Palm Sunday is celebrated exactly one week before Easter. These religious celebrations are the most important in the canons of the Church. Since Easter in 2018 will be celebrated on April 8 (eighth), then Palm Sunday 2018, respectively, falls on 1 (first) April.

This day belongs to the category of twelve holidays, it also has another name - the Orthodox call it Palm Sunday or the "Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem."

Lazarev sabbath - the story of the resurrection of a righteous man

So, we answered the question "what date is Palm Sunday in 2018", it is April first... And on the eve, the clergy remember the miracle performed by Jesus Christ - the resurrection of the sick and deceased righteous man Lazarus. This day is called Lazarev Saturday. This event, as it were, precedes the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem.

According to the writings of John the Evangelist, Jesus loved Lazarus very much. Hearing about his grave mortal illness, he set off on a journey to Bethany, where Lazarus lived with his sister Martha. On the way, Jesus learned that Lazarus had died, but he urged his disciples to believe in the resurrection and life, that is, in Christ. Coming to the tomb of the deceased Lazarus, Jesus ordered to roll away the stone at the entrance and began to pray to the Father for the resurrection of the righteous. After accomplishment short prayer Jesus exclaimed - "Lazarus, get out!"

And a miracle happened - the righteous man came out of the tomb, still entangled in funeral sheets. Since that time, many witnesses of this miracle believed in the holiness of Jesus, and called him "Messiah." And Lazarus, after his resurrection, lived for another 30 years, he served as Bishop of Kitia on the island of Cyprus, where he later died.

The news of the revived Lazarus spread far beyond Bethany, and when Jesus arrived in Jerusalem, he was greeted by a joyful crowd, throwing palm branches at the feet of the Son of the Lord. So simple people expressed their love and faith in the power of Jesus. Since then, it has been customary to celebrate Palm Sunday, to decorate the church and dwellings with palm branches. Since in Russia and in European countries palm trees do not grow, then instead of leaves exotic plant the Slavs use a fluffy willow. It just blossoms in April. Hence the name of the holiday - Palm Sunday.

When and how to hallow the willow

In April, the sun warms up more and more, forcing the buds to swell on the branches of the trees. The first snowdrops are already peeking merrily out from under the snow, bird trills are heard everywhere. Streams murmur, willow blossoms. Spring is finally awakening!

It is customary to break willow branches on the eve of Sunday, that is, on Lazarev Saturday. In the evening, believers go to the temple, where night services and blessing of water take place, and the priest consecrates the willow branches with holy water. You can also pray, listen to the singing of clergymen and consecrate branches in the morning of the next day. This ritual has been observed for many centuries, and it has survived to this day unchanged.

Did you know that ...

It is necessary to collect (buy) such a number of pussy willow branches, which corresponds to the number of family members.

Upon returning from the temple, the consecrated willow is placed in small vases, distributing them in the corners of their house or apartment. This is done.

It is customary to lightly tap (beat) your relatives and friends with branches, as well as any person you wish good and good health. It is believed that this plant helps to heal from various ailments, to give the body vitality and energize for a whole year. Most of all attention was paid to children - the willow became their protector not only from diseases, but also from the evil eye. Striking with a twig, they said “Not my hand, but a willow beats”, “Be healthy as a willow” and similar jokes.

According to legend, vervain used to be a very large woman. She was so fertile and had such numerous offspring that she took pride in Mother Earth herself. The woman stated that she is more fertile than Mother Earth. And she, angry at the words of a stupid and self-confident woman, turned her into a willow forever.

Earrings and pussy willow buds are given healing properties... It is believed that if you eat nine buds from the consecrated twigs, you can be cured of a chronic disease, from dental ailments and fever.

Women who cannot get pregnant should also consume pussy willow buds, which were previously consecrated in the temple. This will help them conceive and give birth to a healthy baby.

In ancient times, the Slavs believed that willow branches sprinkled with holy water were able to calm the flames in a fire or stop a summer thunderstorm.

The icons are decorated with palm branches, and they are kept throughout the year.

In general, this plant was endowed with magical (magical) power. For example, verbena branches were used to cure cowardice. A person who wanted to find courage had to go to church on Palm Sunday, and then, having come home, hammer the lignified stem of a consecrated plant into the wall. This ritual helped a naturally timid person to become more courageous and brave.

What can you eat for the holiday?

Since Palm Sunday falls on, no special culinary delights are prepared on this day. In addition to lean dishes, it is allowed to eat fish caviar and fish dishes.

In addition, believers eat fresh fruits and vegetables on this holiday, as well as various dishes from them. You can drink red wine. But a little - one glass, to strengthen the strength and so that the heart rejoices.

The basis of the table is made up of:

  • Any porridge
  • Pea, corn dishes
  • Mushrooms
  • Buckwheat pancakes
  • Lean baked goods
  • Vegetables and fruits
  • Kissels, uzvars, compotes

Such a menu is considered correct during the period of Orthodox Lent. But meat and poultry, milk, smoked meats, baked goods and strong alcohol are unacceptable. Keep in mind that you should prepare food for the festive table in advance, preferably on Friday. On the day of the celebration, it is undesirable to engage in cooking, as well as other household chores (washing, ironing, cleaning). This is not connected with the prohibitions of the church, just on this day you want not to get tired of business, but to devote time to a pleasant rest with your family and friends.


Palm Sunday is one of the main Christian holidays dedicated to the remembrance of the Lord's entry into Jerusalem. In order to properly spend this day, you need to know what deeds will contribute to spiritual self-improvement, and what is better to refrain from.

Palm Sunday 2017 will be celebrated on 9 April. At this time, all Orthodox Christians stock up on willow branches, a symbol of the rebirth of life, and go to services to consecrate them. During Great Lent, there are some prohibitions and indulgences established by the church. Also, this day is closely related to folk traditions and beliefs.

What you can do on Palm Sunday

The main activity is going to church and praying for the glory of the Lord. On this festive day, a liturgy is performed, during which the clergy illuminate the willow branches. Orthodox Christians take them home and place them next to the icons. Bouquets protect the house and those living in it from negativity, poverty and adversity.

After the festive liturgy, many go to the cemetery to honor the memory of their ancestors, paint the fences and clean up the churchyard. Several branches of willow are also left there.

According to legends, on this day you need to lightly beat each other with willow branches in order to drive out the ailment and negativity from the body.

It is believed that if you eat several buds of pussy willow, you can heal sore throat and boost immunity. Our ancestors baked bread with the addition of kidneys and fed it to domestic animals and cattle so that they would be healthy and bring rich offspring.

After visiting the church, families gathered for a festive dinner and devoted time to prayer and leisurely conversation.

What not to do on holiday

The Church reminds that Palm Sunday is the time of Great Lent, so you should refrain from active entertainment, alcohol abuse and entertainment.

During a church holiday, you should also not get carried away with work, but pay more attention to prayers and reflections on your own life.

Food on the table should be modest, without frills and forbidden foods during the fast. Exceptions are fish, vegetable oil, a little red wine.

You cannot cook hot dishes on Palm Sunday, so the hostesses do all the meals in advance. On the eve of the holiday, cereals, buckwheat pancakes are prepared, lean bread and cookies are baked for a treat at the festive table.

According to legends, on this day, you should not comb your hair, so as not to diminish your health and not to incur trouble.

Each religious holiday are accompanied by the signs and traditions that our ancestors followed. The church disapproves of some customs: for example, fortune-telling and rituals are also included in the list of forbidden things. We wish you all the very best.

Everyone knows that Great post, this is the strictest fast of all on the church calendar. It is the longest one and indulgences in nutrition are allowed only on the great holidays that fall on the period of the fast.

One of these holidays is Palm Sunday, which marks the entrance to Jerusalem of Jesus Christ, whom the inhabitants greeted as the Messiah, having learned that he had resurrected Lazarus, and also with the hope of saving the city from the Roman Empire.

Palm Sunday 2018 what you can eat: what is Great Lent

In order to figure out what you can and cannot eat during Great Lent and on its special days, let's figure out what Great Lent is and how we are connected with it.

Every believing Christian knows that Jesus Christ during his short life underwent many trials and hardships for the sake of humanity and eternal life for us, Wordyou reports. One of these tests is the fasting of Jesus Christ for 40 days in the wilderness, carried out in the struggle against temptations and the perception of repentance.

Accepting Great Lent, a person, first of all, must spiritually tune in and accept repentance, restrain his emotions and endure many hardships. During this period, turning to God in prayer should be humble and trembling. All this is a kind of stepping stone to heaven to eternal life.

During the period of Lent, there are also many church holidays, and Palm Sunday is one of them.

Palm Sunday 2018 what you can eat: the basics of nutrition in Lent

Great Orthodox fasting has a duration of 7 weeks, the most stringent of which are the first week and the last, called Holy Week.

The menu of each person during the period of Great Lent should be composed in such a way as not to harm health. With proper observance of nutrition and obtaining all the components necessary for a person, namely proteins, fats and carbohydrates, food during the post will be of a health-improving nature.

Observing the Fast, a person will have to give up all meat and dairy products, i.e. these are all animal products. Also, you should not eat eggs, pastries, chocolate and alcoholic beverages. The most difficult days are Monday, Wednesday and Friday, these days food is reduced to dry eating. You can eat boiled food on Tuesday and Thursday. The most delicious days are Saturday and Sunday, here you can already eat hot dishes with the addition of vegetable oil.

And, of course, it is worth noting that during Great Lent there are great holidays, such as the Annunciation and Palm Sunday, where indulgence in food is allowed.

Palm Sunday 2018 what you can eat: one of the "well-fed" days

Palm Sunday by church calendar is a great holiday that falls on Great Lent, in connection with which there are small indulgences in nutrition on this day. Such a relaxation is the permission to eat fish.

Taking into account the above, on Palm Sunday, you can create a very tasty and healthy menu. A signature dish festive table of course, there is fish, it can be cooked in any form, fried, baked, with vegetables, with potatoes. It is allowed to eat all types of vegetables and fruits, prepared at your own discretion. For dessert, you can make pastries such as buckwheat pancakes or yeast balls with powdered sugar.

It should be noted that Palm Sunday is not a holiday for gluttony and should be spent in the company of loved ones, having tasted the prepared dishes and drinking a glass of red wine.

Palm Sunday is one of the main Christian holidays dedicated to the remembrance of the Lord's entry into Jerusalem. In order to properly spend this day, you need to know what deeds will contribute to spiritual self-improvement, and what is better to refrain from.

Palm Sunday 2018 will be celebrated on April 1st. At this time, all Orthodox Christians stock up on willow branches, a symbol of the rebirth of life, and go to services to consecrate them. During Great Lent, there are some prohibitions and indulgences established by the church. Also, this day is closely related to folk traditions and beliefs.

What you can do on Palm Sunday

The main activity is going to church and praying for the glory of the Lord. On this festive day, a liturgy is performed, during which the clergy illuminate the willow branches. Orthodox Christians take them home and place them next to the icons. Bouquets protect the house and those living in it from negativity, poverty and adversity.

After the festive liturgy, many go to the cemetery to honor the memory of their ancestors, paint the fences and clean up the churchyard. Several branches of willow are also left there.

According to legends, on this day you need to lightly beat each other with willow branches in order to drive out the ailment and negativity from the body.

It is believed that eating a few willow buds can heal a sore throat and boost immunity. Our ancestors baked bread with the addition of kidneys and fed it to domestic animals and cattle so that they would be healthy and bring rich offspring.

After visiting the church, families gathered for a festive dinner and devoted time to prayer and leisurely conversation.

What not to do on holiday

The Church reminds that Palm Sunday is the time of Great Lent, so you should refrain from active entertainment, alcohol abuse and entertainment.

During a church holiday, you should also not get carried away with work, but pay more attention to prayers and reflections on your own life.

Food on the table should be modest, without frills and forbidden foods during the fast. Exceptions are fish, vegetable oil, a little red wine.

You cannot cook hot dishes on Palm Sunday, so the hostesses do all the meals in advance. On the eve of the holiday, cereals, buckwheat pancakes are prepared, lean bread and cookies are baked for a treat at the festive table.

According to legends, on this day, you should not comb your hair, so as not to diminish your health and not to incur trouble.

Every church holiday is accompanied by signs and traditions that our ancestors followed. The church disapproves of some customs: for example, fortune-telling and rituals are also included in the list of forbidden things. We wish you all the very best.

Palm Sunday in 2019 is just around the corner, what can you eat on this holiday? V recent times more and more people are trying to adhere to the rules of Great Lent, and so that these rather complex restrictions are not in vain, you need to carefully compose the menu for the palm week, and in particular for Palm Sunday.

Also check out the materials on this topic:

What can be eaten on Palm Sunday

Lent is the longest of all Orthodox Christians. Starting after Maslenitsa, it ends on Easter. There are many restrictions on food and not everyone will be able to withstand them to the end. During the fast, it is forbidden to eat dairy products, meat products and eggs. Even vegetable oil may not be consumed on all fasting days. You can eat fish dishes only twice during the fast.

What to eat during palm week? On Monday, Wednesday and Friday, permitted foods are not cooked. That is, you can eat raw vegetables and fruits, dried fruits, nuts, honey and bread.

Important! Not all bread is allowed to be eaten during Great Lent. During this period, it is worth giving preference to gray or black bread. Better yet, learn how to bake yourself, just keeping in mind that eggs, butter and margarine are prohibited.

On Tuesday and Thursday of Palm week, it is allowed to add porridge to the previous listed products, but without oil (even vegetable).

The sixth day of the palm week is. It is a public holiday and there are a number of small fasting favors. So, on this day, it is allowed to add vegetable oil to food. Lazarev Saturday is the only day of Great Lent when caviar can be consumed. It is even allowed to sip a little wine.

And now we get to the question: when is Palm Sunday in 2019, what can you eat? Fish can be the main dish of this day. Because this is one of the days when it is permitted by fasting. Holiday .

Interesting! On Palm Sunday, for the second time during fasting, it is allowed to eat fish. Fasting people can pamper themselves with a dish from it on the Annunciation, that is, on the seventh of April.

Since Sunday on Palm week you cannot stand at the stove, it is better to cook the fish in advance. Whether you bake it, fry it or boil it - it's up to you. However, it is worth noting that the body of the fasting person should avoid food shocks. What a fried fish can be. In the dishes prepared on Palm Sunday, the presence of vegetable oil is allowed. Some wine is also allowed.

Interesting! In general, during Great Lent, they are encouraged to eat once a day. But very few adhere to such strict rules. During such a big holiday as Palm Sunday, it is allowed to sit at the table twice a day.

Palm Sunday Traditions

It is customary among the Slavs to consecrate not palm leaves, but willow twigs in the church. Therefore, they are the "main characters" of this holiday. No wonder the kidneys consecrated willow added to some dishes. It was believed that this promises all sorts of benefits. So, sick people should sooner be cured, women who cannot get pregnant in any way will finally know that they will become a mother.

Anyway, every family member was supposed to eat at least one pussy willow bud. For this, the hostesses added this "magic" ingredient to baked goods or salads. But you understand, baked goods should be prepared from the products allowed during the post. In honor of the holiday, can you prepare a suitable?

If you honestly followed the rules of Lent (at least in nutrition), then Palm Sunday in 2019, what you can eat, you probably know. Pamper yourself and your household with a “signature” fish dish. After all, the most difficult is waiting for you in front Holy Week, which can be a rather difficult test for the whole family, given its limitations.