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Is it possible to plant at the Easter week? Palm Sunday - Citizens for Health, Love and Sleeping Can I transfer flowers to Palm Sunday

Continues Great postbut every day we get closer to the christian holiday - a bright day Christ Sunday. Truly believers live in anticipation of a bright miracle and hope, while they remain people with all harvesting and problems.

The essence of the problem: to be or not to be crop?

One of the main problems appears in the spring before the happy owners of their own square meters Earth, six acres of cottages or several hectares of Pashnya. Insofar as Holy Week And the Easter Week unequivocally falls on the spring days, the important problem arises, what to do with the ground? Is it possible to carry out any agricultural work: to dig, plant vegetables, replant?

Works in fact these days a lot, people want, on the one hand, everything is done on time to get a rich harvest. On the other hand, many are afraid of violating important church commandments, in particular, concerning the rules of behavior in the days of the Holy Sedmian.

Holy Week - Recreation and Work

According to folk traditions, the whole week must be assigned to the celebration of the Resurrection. In churches are solemn services, longer in time. People at this time should go to visit, share herrocks and painted eggs.

Each hostess was preparing for celebrations: baked cakes and made cottage cheese Easter, painted eggs and baked meat. The table was covered rich, abundant, with large quantity dishes. The treats were served by everyone who came to visit.

The church says nothing about ban on physical work, but in folk tradition There is a belief that this should not be done in Holy Week, especially in the first three days. The same belief concerns work on the garden or in the garden. It was believed that sown immediately after Easter big harvest It will not give, so prudent people and tried to distribute forces to such a way so that sowing work was held before Easter. If the forces did not allow either bad weather conditions that prevent landings, then the work was transferred to the time after the Easter week, as a last resort, began to work from Thursday (although this day was considered the fifth after the holiday).

In many places, the medium was called dry (another name - Gradov), so on this day they also tried not to work. On the contrary, a rite was carried out when the fields and vegetable vegetable gardens went around, holding the so-called loud candle in their hands, consecrated for the feast of the Lord. It was done with the goal of saving sowing from hail and shower.

Thursday could be started at the garden, although many preferred to continue the celebration of the Holy Week. Also on this day, people cleaned the graves, preparing for antipasche, painted the fences, polol the grass, corrected the crosses and changed the handbones on them.

The general conclusion is: trying to observe the church rules need, tradition is a great thing, you will not leave anywhere from them. Therefore, it is best to plan work on the garden to the Easter week or closer to its completion. Although, if there is no other possibility, for example, in the case of assistance to the elderly parents or elderly neighbor, then you can safely work, despite the festive day!

So that our favorite plants can develop well, they need to create favorable conditions. They always need to water in time, feed and, of course, do not forget to update the soil, change the pot to the more spacious. From time to time, indoor flowers should be replant, but when you need to do, we will try to learn more detail.

Room transplanting

Any plant is gradually growing, developing it root system. She over time becomes the biggest, absorbing from soil mixture All useful substances. As the roots grow becomes close in the same capacity. Even if the "pets" feed and keep for several years in one pot, their full development will suspend.

Often it is possible to observe when the flower is often watering, and the soil dries in it very quickly. So, due to the intensive growth of the root system. Another factor - through the drainage opening you can see part of the roots that make your way out. If this happens, it means it is time to change the close pot on a more spacious one.

Specific species exotic plants Do not need an annual resettlement. Changing the pot on them adversely affects, they are experiencing stress. They must be transplanted only when the root system completely overlooked the entire pot.

The transplant helps to solve various problems as they are often prevent full-fledged development:

  • not enough free place in the pot;
  • if pests appeared, diseases;
  • lack of nutrients in the soil.

Plants should have time to have a good root before the start of flowering, so best time - People period.

When to transplanted flowers?

After winter, the time of peace, the inhabitants of the pots begin the process of active development. They need renewed soil, it will be able to give the necessary meals. Experts believe that the most favorable time for transplantation is spring. If buds appeared, they prepare for flowering, then the process should be postponed until next year.

Perennials It is recommended to transplant at least 1 time in 2 years. Indoor flowers growing very slowly need this procedure once every three years. Cactic and succulents can calmly develop in it container up to 6 years.

It is advisable to get acquainted with the lunar calendar to choose the most favorable days. Enough to buy moon calendar for a year to understand what moon days Conduct. It is believed that it is impossible to disturb them during the full moon. It is best to do this in the days when the moon is growing. Very good period when the moon is in fertile signs - fish, calf, cancer. These signs remarkably affect the development of plants, even at a decreasing moon.

How correct?

For a start, it is necessary to determine what kind of flower belongs to a transplant. Thereafter pick up a new container. It should not be too big, only 2-3 cm in diameter is more former. New or old capacity It should be well treated with boiling water. If the pot is clay, then put a couple of hours into the water so that all harmful substances come from there. At the bottom of the tank, it is necessary to put drainage with a layer of 3 cm. As a drainage is suitable:

  • coals;
  • ceramzit;
  • gravel;
  • sharpets.

Some need a thicker layer, It can take 1/3 or half a pot. Soil mixture should always meet the following criteria:

  • be nutritious;
  • pass the air to the root system;
  • contain the necessary% acidity for a specific type;
  • without the maintenance of pests and causative agents;
  • do not delay the extra moisture.

How to check the need for a transplant?

If there are doubts about the renewal of the tank, they can be checked by delivering from the pot of its inhabitant. Make it need carefully and necessarily together with the Earth. If all the soil is embodied by the root system and almost not visible land, it means that it is time to transfer the plant into a more spacious container.

When the roots are not completely capacitance, there is still a free space for further development, then it is worth a little wait. The flower easily returns to the previous place and continues to grow further.

If the plant has no new shoots, it does not throw away buds, yellow leaves, and can also write off the earthen com with the root of the pot - it must be replant.

Process description

The plant chosen for resettlement during the day it is necessary to pour to make it easier to remove it from the old pot. Soil for planting is better to buy in the store, picking up a certain soil mixture. In such a soil, the most appropriate composition for full-fledged development is selected. Earth from his own garden is better not to take, because various fertilizers are often made there, such a composition can harm the flower.

Having removed the root with a lump of land, follows pay attention to the presence of pests. If so are there, then you will have to get rid of the ground and rinse the roots. Digitable roots must be removed, to treat them with a solution of mangartee and sprinkle slices ashes.

After the drainage layer in the pot, it is necessary to pour a little soil mixture with a layer of approximately 2 cm. After that, the plant is transferred to a new pot and the free space is falling asleep. The soil must be slightly rolling, pouring and pouring a light layer loose soilTo provide air access to roots. Over time, the soil irrespension will fall and then you can still add a little fresh land.

Correct care

Immediately after the resettlement, a resident cannot be put in a solar capacity. It is better to put a pot in the shadow side of the room for five days, while his new "tenant" adapts. After that, if everything is in order, return to the usual place. The first week the plant should not watered. In the future, also watering to limit the roots because of the lack of moisture sought to look for it, racing in a new substrate.

Indoor flowers in the feeder do not need immediately. You can make fertilizers not earlier than 4-8 weeks after a transplant. It is recommended to spray the deciduous mass almost daily. Lovers with extensive experiences are recommended to quit or trim the ends of the stems. So the flower nutrition improves and his development is activated.

All these simple rules Surely become useful to know when to transplant plants. They will help create more comfortable conditions for their relocation and development. Our favorite flowers will soon be surprised by an abundance, if the entire procedure is careful, in a timely manner and correctly.

Need regular resettlement. Alas, otherwise they will not be good enough! And it is very important to coordinate such an important effect as resetting domestic flowers, with a lunar calendar, clarifies the site!

So when they need to be transplanted?

It is the spring that the root system is very actively growing, therefore it is best for spring and focus. The best phase of the moon will be the moon growing or new moon. After the newest, the period of the growing moon lasts for another twelve days, so much time remains. The main thing, clarifies the journalist Joinfomedia Diana Lynn, do not forget that in this period the moon decreases, so follow the lunar calendar and do not have enough for the transplantation right now!

By the way, it makes sense and a sign in which the moon is located, take into account. Best plants bloom in the sign, weights, calf, cancer and scorpion. Nevertheless, to choose constellation makes sense only when everything is in order with the plant. If it is worse and yellowing, then do not care if the moon does not decrease in an hour - transplane immediately!

What should be a pot?

As a rule, the transplant is carried out because the flower from its pot has grown trite, and the roots are visible on the surface. Choose a new pot very simple: put an old pot into a new one, and so that the gap of one centimeter remains between the pots, you can slightly more, but not too: a violet, for example, should take the root of the whole pot, only after that will bloom again, so that bloom may slow down. In addition, the earth in a large pot can simply "scribble", because the plant will simply not be able to "pump" moisture ...

Photo: pxhere

And how to replant directly?

You can choose a universal soil, but much better is a special mixture. Cactus need soil, poor organica, but in order to breathe well. Violets are neutral, moisture. Fikus - saturated with oxygen, with peat, sand, turf and leaf ground. Fortunately, a specially prepared mixture in stores is always for sale. It is also important to take into account the drainage: the best is a centimeter layer of clay. For savings, a foam drainage is needed, that is, the foam packaging should be reckoned, but large. You can take a broken brick.

Photo: pxhere

We abundantly water the plant, waiting for a day, take out the earth from the pot. If you are satisfied with the soil, in which your flower rose - transplan along with the old room of the earth, it is less injured roots. In any case, place a centimeter layer of clay on the bottom of the pot, then a peat or moss, so that the earth so that the earth is not washed, then a little soil and plant. It is very important to shed well, and for the week to put on the shadow side.

Photo: pxhere

We told you already ,. And in general houseplants Refresh air and are generally very useful. Do not forget that care must be thorough enough! And then everything will be fine, and flowers will please the eyes.

Review of the transfer of indoor plants and colors. Consider how to proper plants at home when you can and when is it better? See recommendations from experienced flowerflowers and specialists, as well as detailed descriptions of the transplant process itself.

Plotting plants:

Each room plant needs a transplant, since the amount of nutrient elements in the soil substrate gradually decreases.

Different types of domestic flowers need various transplant periodicity, which depends on many factors. Often, the transplant of indoor plants is used to save the flower.

In the process of transplanting, the choice of capacity, soil mixture and compliance with the rules plays an important role. We present recommendations and annoy some myths about the transfer of room colors.

  • Separately, consider the transshipment of home plants, trimming and action plan with a copy-bought in the store.

When does a plant need a transplant?

  1. During March, the plant did not release new leaves and flowers.
  2. The plant grows slowly, and its leaves become smaller.
  3. Roots are visible in drainage holes Or the earthen com fully wrapped the roots.
  4. Root system in poor condition.
  5. Unsuitable soil mixture.

Earthwomen wore roots - the plant needs a transplant.

When is it better to transplant indoor plants?

The best time to transplant houseplants - Spring (from the end of February to April), the plant came out of winter peace, and he only starts to appear new leaves and shoots.

The transplantation of plants in the spring gives them a powerful charge for powerful growth and development in the new vegetation season: from spring to autumn.

Can indoor plants transplanted in summer?

Indoor flowers can be transplanted in summer if necessary: \u200b\u200bneatly and with the compliance with the recommendations. In the stage of active vegetation, the plant most often easily tolerates a transplant.

  • The magazine "Flower holiday" believes that in the fall / winter you can only make the transshipment of the plant.


  • cacti and succulents better replant (pass) at the beginning of winter.
  • Plants of early-sighted species need to be transplanted after flowering.
  • The bulbous types of domestic flowers are transplanting after the completion of the rest period.
  • Coniferous species - better replant in February or in summer, when the plant growth will end.

When can not reset the houseplants?

  1. The acquired plant - why you can not transplanted, read at the end of the article.
  2. Plants at the time of flowering - the transplant will lead to the dejudation of buds and colors.
  3. The plant during the rest - at this time damaged roots will not be able to quickly recover and start to start, and the fresh substrate without roots will begin to scatter.
  4. The patient plant (if it does not have renovated roots). The transplant causes stress at the plant, and if it is complemented by the disease, it only aggravates the situation.

IMPORTANT! A room plant transplant does not save him from pests, as the larvae, eggs or adult individuals will still remain in the soil or on the roots.

Protect flower from pests will help with special preparations or means. Washing roots is often inffective and injured them.

How often do you need to transplant?

Most of the facilities are transplanted: the young (up to 3 years) annually, and adults - once every 2-3 years.

Types of indoor transplant:

In terms of the volume of replaced soil mixture, transplants are divided into such types:

  1. Replacing the upper layer of soil. This type of transplant is mainly used for large room plants. Break and remove up to 5 cm of the old substrate and on top they fall asleep new, sealing it.
    Change upper layer The soil is useful for most room plants and colors every 3-6 months. With the substrate, deposited salts and soil mushrooms are removed, and the new soil brings additional substances.
  2. Incomplete transplant - on the root system there is a little soil mixture
  3. Full transplant - Replaced the entire substrate with root cleansing

Full transplant plants in a new pot.

Turning indoor plants

Prelimal of the room plant Many specialists do not refer to a separate type of transplant.

  1. Tanning of the plant is the transfer of an earthen coma to a more spacious tank (by 2-3 cm of greater diameter) with the addition of soil mixture from above and on the sides.
  2. After transshipment, the room plant is watered.

Turning the safest option for the plant, it is often used when the root system is no longer placed in the old pot and is visible in drainage holes.

It does not provoke the growth delay in plants, so at any time of the year you can pass.

  • It is recommended to conduct a transshipment for young actively growing copies and for those species of plants that poorly carry a transplant (palm trees).

An example of transshipment of a room plant.

What size do you need a pot when transplanting a room plant?

Selection Pot in depth and width depends on the type of structure of the root system. During the transfer of domestic flowers, it is recommended to choose a pot of this size so that it is easy to enter it.

For young plants by 2-3 cm more, and for adults by 3-5 cm.

  • It is better to transplant a slightly larger plant in pots and more often than immediately in large.

The regular update of the substrate benefits the plant, and with an excessive size, the pot - the properties quickly deteriorate from the roots.

Selection Pot in size for plants transplantation

IMPORTANT! Some species of plants are preferred in a pot: epiphytic orchids, hypadastrum. Excessive large pot Hippeastrum has one of the main causes of lack of flowering.

We considered this aspect in detail in the article:

What is the soil mixture for transplant?

The indoor plant of a certain type has individual needs and needs a special soil mixture.

As a rule, the same soil mixture is prepared, which is complemented by drainage and fertilizers ( wood ash, Banana peel powder).

See the article in more detail: and.

If you bought a specially intended mixture for your plant finished video, Discover the packaging to the transference to destroy the nitrogen, and the roots were not injured.

  • If you cook the soil mixture yourself, then sterilize garden earth necessarily!

Instead, it is better to type soil under coniferous trees, it will be lighter and loose. It is also recommended to disappear in the oven 50-60 minutes at a temperature of 80-100 ° C, warmer on the water bath or in the microwave.

  • IMPORTANT! Recommended Comprehensive Composition See for each type of plant separately in the rules for plant care.

Sterilize better and purchased soil mixture, so you get rid of you from possible unpleasant consequences in future.

Sterile substrate - required condition Successful transplant!

Rooms & Color Transplant: Instruction

  1. Preparation pot for transplantation. New ceramic and clay pots wash and soaked in water for 2-3 hours so that the walls are soaked with water. Old pots are removed from the plates of salts, covered with boiling water and wash well.
  2. Make a drain layer at the bottom of the pot from the clay, pieces of clay shards or bricks. The layer thickness depends on the depth and diameter of the pot, on average - 2-3 cm.
  3. Usefully pour the flower per day before the transplantation or put in the container with water and in 40-50 minutes gently get it out of the pot together with the earthen room. Turn the plant in the pot up and the left hand support the earthen com, and right hand Gradually remove the container.
  4. Clean the roots until half of the earthen coma. Removed roots removed, and damaged pounce wood coal or ash.
  5. From above drainage pour a layer of sterile soil mixture so that upper region The pot was above 1-2 cm base of the plant stem. Fill out the gradually a potted pot sterile soil mixture evenly from all sides to the base of the stem. Constantly slightly seal the soil mixture around the plant, tapping along the walls of the container so that no emptiness remains.
  6. Pour the houseplant 2-3 days after the transplant and suprinate with a loose soil mixture.

IMPORTANT! Types of plants that do not carry an excessively wet substrate transplant without watering into a little wet substrate. For example, cacti, succulents, orchids, vallotes, Tolstanka and others.

Gently free the roots from the old soil mixture.

ATTENTION! Fully release the roots from the ground, and even more so rinse from the old soil mixture, they recommend, as a last resort. If the roots of the flower have fallen and the land of zakisl.

Many species live in symbiosis with bacteria or mushrooms living on their roots. Washing the roots destroys the microflora, which often leads to the death of a home plant.


  • the first 3-4 weeks after the transplantation, the plant is watered less often than usually - the roots are looking for water and better grow.
  • The feeder cannot be carried out within 4-8 weeks.
  • After the transplant is useful to spray the plant with epinoma or zircon once a week.
  • Transplantation - best moment For the reproduction of many species of plants by dividing or separating the "kids" in bulk.

Transplant and trimming:

However, ampel (ivy, tradescation, phyloodendron) and curving plants can be shortened to shoots to the so-called "last year's increase" - before the leaves, which were formed at the end of last year.

  • Such trimming stimulates the side branch and helps to make more decorative shapeand also contributes to a faster recovery after transplanting and abundant blossom With accelerated fruiting. Cropped shoots can be cut on the cuttings and root.

To rejuvenate the plant (for example, Ficus grew into one stem 2-3 years, overwhelming house Roses, Fuchsia, geranium) cuts off most of the shoots, leaving 4-5 kidneys.

Instead, pruning pinching shoots with a slight increase or to give shape. Remove the tip of the escape during the active growth of the plant from April until the end of July, so that young shoots have managed to form before the onset of decreasing light days.

IMPORTANT! The main rule - the trunciation of escape is finished on the kidney, which is directed to the outside so that it grows strong and beautiful. Otherwise, shoots will grow inside the bush - low decorativeness and weak development.

Frequent errors in the transplantation of indoor plants:

  1. Transplanting at an inappropriate time
  2. The transplant is much larger than the pot.
  3. Use not suitable soil mixture.
  4. Lack of drainage layer.
  5. Failure to comply with the rules for transplanting room colors.

How to transplant the purchased plant?

For adaptation to a new plant, time is necessary - 2-4 weeks. If you bought in the fall or in winter, it is better to transplant the plant already in March. Instead of a complete transplant, carefully make the flower transshipment into a slightly wet substrate.

IMPORTANT! Many flower products believe that the purchased plant needs to quickly remove the transportation land.

The transport substrate is not harmful, and if com will seriously wrap roots, the plant grows perfectly in it for quite some time.

This substrate is actively saturated. nutrient substanceswho grabs for 2-3 months. At the same time, it possesses good breathability, perfectly absorbs water and feeding.

  • ATTENTION! In the case of buying a room plant on the sale or if you are worried about the state of the root system, then carefully consider it, drove out with an earthen one of the pot.

If you notice black and soft roots with an unpleasant aroma:

  1. Replace the soil mixture.
  2. Cut the affected roots, and the cutting place is treated with wood coal powder.
  3. Peread plant to a new nutrient mixture.
  4. Transplanted plant Place under the film or glass to increased humidity helped the formation of new roots.

Lunar calendar for containment of indoor plants:

Many room-containing specialists choose special days in which the moon is in the growth phase. Growing moon promotes hermit and the development of a transplanted home plant.

Every year the lunar calendar changes and need to follow the onset of a good day to transplant houseplants.

  • INTERESTING! In turn, many experienced flowerflowers It is believed that your own mood and attitude to the plant plays a major role in the transplant.

If you are gently applying to a flower, talking like a living thing, truly love it, then the plant will be easier to adapt to a new house. In response, the flower will delight with its beauty, and to benefit.

Supplement to the article:

We wish you only successful transfers, and let the plants fill the heart with love and warmth!

Palm Sunday Began to celebrate only from the 10th century. Previously, this holiday was not. And this holiday is confined to what it is on this day, a week before Easter, Jesus Christ entered Jerusalem. It is from the 10th century that our ancestors began to save their knowledge about this day.
Palm Sunday is celebrated a week before Easter.

He will knock on the body of the Willow Spark - there will be health for a whole year. At first, the Willow Spray is sanctified on this day in the church, and then they tap the branch over the body and sentenced: "Be as strong as the willow, as healthy as her roots and the same rich as the Earth." Such preference is given to the Verba because it is perhaps the most lively tree, which is only in nature. It is believed that even if the Willow stick stick up in the ground up "legs", it will still be accepted, and will grow. It is for this reason that the willow will be able to give health to a person, because she herself is very strong.

Eat the kidney of the willow - the important thing will be solved. Consecrated Willow Spots was taken to keep a whole year near the icon. If you have to go to important negotiations, or you are going to start a very important thing for you, and you are not sure as a result, the willow will help you here. But only the willow will help, which in Palm Sunday was consecrated in the church. Going to an important thing, you need to tear three kidneys from the twig and eat them, drinking with a hunger water, while thinking about your business. True, you can use this property of the twig only in the most extreme case. Permanently, you do not need, the willer is better not to disturb, it can get sideways.

At the Palm Sunday, think about your loved one, he will come. Superstition? Most likely. But earlier, a young girl, if she liked some guy, and he did not pay any attention to her, waited for this one day. Starting from the morning, she began to think about who dear to her heart. Her thoughts were somehow incomprehensible to be transferred to this guy. And in the evening he came to her to call her to walk. In principle, it has long been proven that human. All about what we think, sooner or later, it is necessary to happen in real life. Perhaps the Verbal Sunday has such an energy that allows you to embody our thoughts into life much faster than any other day.

Posadi houseplant on Palm Sunday - you will be rich. It used to be believed that if it was this day to plant room flower, he will attract money to your life. In the cities, of course, kept indoor plants, but in the villages it was not before. But those who knew about this take, and planted houseplants, very quickly got up to their feet. But this sign there are several features that few people know about. First, if the flower starts up for a month, then you have to live all your life in poverty. And secondly, only plants with large and fleshy sheets need to be planted. By the way, one of these plants is now called cash tree. In order to do not start and grow well, you need to know the special rules for its landing and care.