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Lunar calendar how to calculate. Lunar birthday feature


Take the data from the tear-off calendar. Almost each of them contains information about the lunar day of the cycle and the phase of the celestial body during this period.

Use to calculate the lunar day special computer programs. Since differences from daylight hours also occur at the level of calculating the day, the program will need to specify not only the date, but also the time, as well as geographical coordinates. This is especially important if you are compiling by time. The system will give you data not only about the lunar day, but also about the new moon and full moon closest to the date, as well as about the rising and setting of the moon in a specific period.

Find out for yourself. The lunar cycle begins with a new moon, which you can fix yourself, and lasts about 29 days. Thus, the fifth day after the new moon will be the fifth day of the lunar cycle. But this calculation does not take into account that one day after Gregorian calendar may fall on two lunar days. You can fix this by counting the new day from moonrise.

Get information about the lunar day for various calendars. The Islamic year consists of 354 days, so its dates are constantly shifting relative to the solar calendar. In this case, it is best to use comparative tables of calendars. For example, one of them shows that the first day of the first month of Muharram in 2012 will come on November 15 according to the solar calendar. Please note that the dates of the beginning of the year differ in lunar calendars. For example, in 2012, the year starts on January 23rd in the Gregorian calendar.

Use the received information about the lunar day for. Its accuracy will be higher if, in addition to the date, you also indicated the time and place of observation of the moon or any event.

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Influence lunar phases on human life has been known since ancient times. Following the lunar calendar helps to bring life into harmony with natural cycles, plan your actions for several days and even weeks in advance, choose the most favorable moments for starting or completing important things, and survive difficult periods with less loss.

Characteristics of the lunar day

On the fourteenth lunar day, the period of the full moon begins. The symbol of the day is a trumpet calling for an offensive, for decisive action.

14th lunar day favorable for starting serious business that requires the exertion of all forces. On this day, you can take a step that you have not decided for a long time, an effort to complete a long and difficult work. The energy of the day favors both physical and mental stress. Passivity and are contraindicated. Whatever you have in mind - renovation, opening own business, travel - try to coincide with the beginning of active operations by the first half of the 14th lunar day.

This day is considered especially successful for businessmen, people dealing with finances and other material resources. A deal concluded on the fourteenth lunar day will bring a win to both parties.

It's a good idea to ask for a raise, to offer your boss your own plan of action. Dating promises a long-term mutually beneficial relationship.

In the second half of the day, it is better to limit communication somewhat - people become prone to manipulation, shifting their problems onto other people's shoulders. It is better to listen to yourself, take stock of the first half of the month, prepare for the full moon - the time of transition to a qualitatively new state.

Life, health, food

The 14th lunar day is characterized by a craving for salty foods - do not deny yourself this pleasure. It is better to limit fluid intake, especially alcohol.

The spleen, pancreas and intestines are vulnerable, so if you suffer chronic diseases these organs, measures should be taken to prevent their exacerbation. Recommended procedures for cleansing the intestines, music treatment and vocal therapy, intensive sports. Increased eye strain should be avoided.

Although marriages are recommended to be concluded in the first half lunar month, The 14th lunar day is not suitable for marriages. It is also better to postpone courts and divorces for a better time.

On this day it is desirable

A lunar birthday is another way to find out the characteristics inherent in a person born on a particular lunar day. It is responsible for the subconscious and human instincts, even the ancient peoples knew about it.

The rhythm of an individual lunar day is with a person from the moment of birth until death. Many researchers claim that it is this rhythm that helps everyone get the most energy from the world around them and protects them from dangers.

Ways to find out your lunar birthday

There are several options for how to calculate a lunar birthday. One complete lunar cycle consists of thirty days. The cycle is calculated from one new moon to the next. Therefore, in order to find out a birthday by the moon, you need to know on what day from the new moon a person was born.

Ways to calculate a person's lunar birthday:

1. Find the lunar calendar for the year of interest and see the calculations. It must be understood that lunar calendars began to be compiled not so long ago. If a person was born more than 30 years ago, it will be difficult to find a calendar for that year of birth;

2. The lunar calendar repeats every 19 years. Therefore, you can simply look at the current lunar calendar for this year and add 19 to it;

3. Find ready-made tables for calculating lunar days and find out your birthday by the moon;

The formula for calculating the lunar birthday: N=(L*11)-14+D+M, where N is the number of the lunar birthday, L is the lunar year of birth, D is the date of birth, M is the month of the person's birth. From the resulting number of lunar birthdays, subtract the number of days of full lunar months, equal to 29.5 days.

The lunar year of birth is calculated by the formula L=Y - (2013-19n), where Y is the person's birth year, 2013-19n is the first year of the lunar cycle, which repeats every 19 years (the first year of the lunar cycle must be less than the person's birth year), n - total number lunar cycles after the birth of a person.

An example of calculating a lunar birthday

The man was born on January 20, 1965. The calculation of his lunar birthday will be as follows: L= 1965-(2013-19*3)=9 The number of the lunar birthday will be: N=(9*11)-14+20+1=106 Thus, the lunar birthday will be equal to 106 - 29.5*3=17.5 or 18 lunar day.

Characteristics of people by their lunar birthday

These people are little children all their lives, constantly dreaming and waiting for something. They are capable of a feat, but they can also live their lives passively, only dreaming of feats and great achievements. People born on this lunar day are considered to be long-lived. To live to old age, they need to take care of their health. People on the 1st lunar day are advised to control their violent emotions and an endless stream of thoughts.

People of the 2nd lunar day strive to transform the world that surrounds them. They are usually patient and very purposeful. If such a person decides something, then everything will be done. They like to stick to their own style in everything. They are calm and balanced, have a strong creativity. Their main shortcomings include greed and distrust of people.

Home calling card people of this day is increased vital activity, they quickly make decisions and know how to act immediately. They do not like to stop and constantly move forward. If long time people on the 3rd lunar day are idle, this leads to depression and anxiety. People on the 3rd lunar day should not accumulate their energy, it should always be given an outlet. The weaknesses of the people of this lunar day include uncontrolled anger, possible overeating and alcohol abuse.

Knowledge for people of the 4th lunar day is the key to personal happiness. The nature of these people is complex and full of contradictions. Despite this, others are constantly drawn to these people. They are tempted at every turn, so it is important for them to talk about “good” and “evil” from childhood. With the help of words, people born on the 4th lunar day can change the course of time and greatly influence others.

People born on the 5th lunar day are endowed with a pronounced magic power. Even if they do not develop their abilities, they still help people. It is important for them not to succumb to negative emotions. The digestive organs are weak in the body, therefore, people on the 5th lunar day should be especially vigilant when compiling a diet.

The people of this lunar birthday will have a long life, they are ways to leave a mark. For the most part, they have the gift of prediction, endowed with excellent intuition. The inner world of these people is very rich, they are dreamers and dreamers. In relationships, special attention is paid to freedom, they do not accept any pressure. Used to rely on their feelings, not reason. People on the 6th lunar day should be careful about their words, because they carry a strong emotional load. For many years they maintain excellent health and clarity of mind.

They have an excellent memory, sense of humor and good health. Such people are not capable of a deep understanding of the world and serious feelings, usually they do not have their own opinion. The positive features include strong character and will. People of the 7th lunar day are ways to conquer peaks. These people will feel great in those areas of activity where it is required to think hard. For those born at this time, it is important to believe in yourself and not listen to unfamiliar people.

Even if a person of this lunar day is not handsome, he has a strong charm, he knows how to attract attention with intelligence, knowledge and kindness. People born on the 8th lunar day look at the world philosophically, constantly improve themselves. People on the 8th lunar day will bring many benefits to others in their lives. Doctors and healers are often born on this day.

A person on the 9th lunar day from childhood must learn to bypass sharp corners. At the same time, these people create most of these piquant and controversial situations for themselves. It is difficult for them to boast of good health, but among the people of the ninth lunar day there are still many centenarians. They should try to avoid negative thoughts and emotions, not overload the psyche and try not to succumb to stress.

The people of this lunar day are a real source of energy for everyone around. They have an excellent spiritual and energetic connection with their ancestors. Intuition never fails such people, they are charming and have power over others. They love family and honor traditions. Sometimes there are among people born on the 10th lunar day, selfish and superficial personalities, but this is only when there is no proper spiritual development.

People born on the 11th lunar day have a clear mind and are distinguished by non-standard thinking. It is difficult to predict the behavior of such people. They have power, but they don't always know how to use it. A significant role in their life is played by a mentor who can teach them everything. People on the 11th lunar day keep a healthy clear mind until old age. The key to success for these people is total concentration.

The people of this lunar day are very merciful, bring good to others. Their interests are concentrated in the field of religion, spiritual practices. The main task of the people of the 12th lunar day is to bring as much good into the world as possible. Often they are very trusting and shy, they know how to forgive. TO negative aspects can be attributed to the lack of a measure of attachment. Often have birth defects or chronic diseases.

People of this day have well-developed creative talents, they have great potential to become artists, musicians, poets and innovators in general. Able students like to give ordinary things new colors. They perceive the world very subtly and are constantly drawn to knowledge. Such people should pay great attention to nutrition, because health problems are mainly associated with the gastrointestinal tract. People born on the 13th lunar day will live to a ripe old age.

They have excellent mental abilities and strong-willed qualities that make leaders out of these people. It is important for them to develop spiritually in order to realize the meaning and value of their lives. Often people on the 14th lunar day have health problems. They are ways to inspire other people, not amenable to the opinion of the crowd. People on the 14th lunar day have excellent intuition and do not deviate from their principles.

Naturally smart people with excellent creative data. They may have problems of a social nature due to the difficulties of being under someone's leadership. People of this lunar day should pay due attention to spiritual improvement, because only in this way can harmony be achieved. People on the 15th lunar day need to learn how to control their emotions and instincts.

Those born on the 16th lunar day love nature and are able to understand the language of plants and animals. The people of this lunar day have a well-developed imagination, which helps to live in harmony with the outside world. Many are able, talented and benevolent. They do not like to condemn and gossip, for which they have earned the respect of others. Health is strong, but they can hardly control emotions.

emotional natures. The people of this lunar day do not have a dilemma of what to follow: the mind or the heart. People on the 17th lunar day will always choose the latter. It must be borne in mind that sometimes emotions fail. As many as possible, such people should meet with friends, try to shock people as little as possible. People of this lunar day should not be led by circumstances, because low self-esteem can turn into depression.

People born on this lunar day serve a high idea. They are capable of a feat, even if it requires self-sacrifice. By nature, people on the 18th lunar day are modest, and do not like to attract attention. They are hardworking workers, can count on financial stability in life. Often people of this lunar day can get confused in their illusions.

This day of the lunar calendar is also called "critical". People of the 19th lunar day always see two paths in front of them: good and evil. The chances that they will choose are equal among themselves. Upbringing and environment play a big role in the choice. People of this lunar day are ready to help, but are also prone to constant irritation and apathy. They need to keep their emotions under control.

People with pronounced creative abilities. They like to tower over others in a good way and a bad way. People of this lunar day are able to understand the meaning of life, they are sympathetic to changes in themselves and others. Truth plays an important role in their lives, they always show individuality and develop thinking. They have excellent strong-willed qualities and a strong spiritual beginning.

People on the 21st lunar day consider themselves the defenders of truth and justice. They have an excellent sense of beauty, often endowed with certain talents. Very hardworking and assertive. Sometimes, in a rush to justice, many essential things may not be noticed.

Secrets are available to these people, and they themselves are the bearers of wisdom. The purpose of people's life on the 22nd lunar day is to increase spiritual knowledge and the desire to convey it to people. Until old age, they retain clarity of mind and often become philosophers. These people need to fight laziness.

They do not differ in external beauty, but they have deep knowledge with which they help the world. The positive qualities include tenacity and the ability to complete any business. They have a difficult character, it is difficult for them to sit in one place. People on the 23rd lunar day need constant and affection. They often fail to find application for their knowledge.

People on the 24th lunar day do an excellent job with business, they have a strong character and are full of internal energy. For the most part, kind and peaceful personalities. They cannot open up to others to the end, because they are quite secretive. To get by long life they need to be active in sports.

The most suitable lunar day for spiritual reflections. People love loneliness, a measured way of life. From childhood, those born on the 25th lunar day prefer to be alone, because in this way they comprehend rare wisdom. Slowness is manifested not only in thoughts, but also in many reactions to surrounding events.

Such people are attracted by the charms of the material world, but they are far from the laws of the spiritual. This leads to confusing and difficult life. Harmony with oneself and those around these people is difficult to find. But people on the 26th day quickly gain confidence and reach a position in society.

People born on this lunar day are capable of perfect love, they are always lucky and happy. They like to be in a state of vibration and constant change due to their weak nature. If people on the 27th lunar day do not develop spiritual world they are at risk of developing severe addiction. People born on this lunar day do not talk much and like to be silent.

Altruists who are drawn to other people. They prefer contemplative activities and are very fond of tranquility. They are attached to the family, have high moral qualities. Financial support is guaranteed throughout life.

People on the 29th lunar day have complex karma that makes life rich. From the moment they were born, they contain dark force, but there are all the prerequisites to fight it. Always fight with someone and live long. Life is lived to atone for the sins of one's own and one's kind, and not to rejoice. They often make mistakes and give in to temptations. Helps the people of this lunar day positive thinking throughout life.

Beautiful and good people they are spiritually mature from birth. People of this lunar day fall in love only once and are happy every day. There are practically no negative qualities in the personality traits of people on the 30th lunar day, only health can upset them.

Astrology has become a part of our lives today. And even those who know practically nothing about astrology and esotericism have an idea about their zodiac sign. Each of us seeks to know ourselves and our personal characteristics.

The easiest way to find out what kind of character you or your child has is to refer to the usual zodiac horoscope. But it often happens that the presented characteristic does not reveal all facets of personality. The fault is that we define our own by finding the sun at the time of birth, but in our solar system a huge number of planets move, and each of them affects us in a certain way.

One of the most influential celestial bodies is the Earth's satellite. Therefore, if you are eager to learn something new about yourself, then you should first look at the lunar calendar.

Determining which lunar day you were born is not at all difficult.

You need to find the lunar calendar of the year in which you were born.
In it, you need to see which lunar day corresponds to your date of birth.
It is important to pay attention to the fact that lunar days can replace each other in the middle of a normal sunny day, so you need to know not only the date, but also the time of your birth.

For example, if you were born on April 12, 1987, then the lunar calendar shows us that this is the fifteenth lunar day.

Lunar birthday feature

So, the lunar birthday will explain to you the features of your character, and also give a description of your child or loved ones. Now let's look at the calendar and understand in more detail the meaning of each day.

If you were born in, then you are a born analyst, you have a penchant for the exact sciences, and if you have avoided them so far, then it's time to try yourself in this. Also, such a person needs a strict routine and daily routine.

Those born in are usually distinguished by remarkable patience. If such a person sets a goal for himself, he will definitely achieve it. It is noticeable already in childhood, with what perseverance and diligence such children achieve results.

Birth gives the world active people. They have so much energy that it would be enough to light a small town. It is important here where this energy will be directed, because such a person can become both a great creator and a great destroyer.

The day when scientists are born. These people are so eager for knowledge that, in fact, their characteristics are not important to them - whether they are harmful or useful. Such people know everything about penicillin and dynamite.

Future psychics come to earth. Such people strive to comprehend the mysteries of the other world and gain secret knowledge. They are attracted by other matters, and they early age become interested in mysticism.

Birth brings dreamers into this world. They are the exact opposite of those who were born on the first day, it is difficult to drive such people into frames and organize - they will still do everything in their own way.

According to the calendar - the time of birth of real singers. Even if a person born on this day does not sing professionally, he is naturally endowed with a beautiful voice and a sense of rhythm.

Cheerful philosophers appear in Such people suits simple characteristic: they see the meaning in everything, so it is absolutely impossible to upset them with something.

A revolutionary, nihilist and oppositionist will celebrate his lunar birthday on Such a person will always be attracted by opposites and extremes, he likes to walk on the edge of a knife, the main thing is not to forget about caution.

In this world come admirers of the family. Since childhood, they dream of a big and strong family, which will soon be implemented. They, like no one else, feel their family, honor their ancestors and respect the older generations.

The 11th day is the time when active people appear in the world. They perfectly realize themselves in sports, tourism, as well as in various extreme activities.

If your lunar birthday fell on - then you are a born mystic. People born on this day are distinguished by the ability to find an approach to other people, to feel their nature, desires, and sometimes see the future.

Most often, gifted children are born in. They are able to see the unusual in the ordinary, the simple in the complex, this helps them create something fundamentally new.

Calm, balanced people are born during everything. Their calmness allows them to feel the world and people, they can see both the past and the future. It is good if such a child begins to communicate with an experienced medium at an early age.

As the calendar says, it is the day when predictors or just people with a very developed intuition are born. But if these abilities are not developed from an early age, then in adulthood the gift will make itself felt only periodically, which will frighten its owner.

People who have appeared in may have difficulties associated with responsibility. They have weak contact with reality, they live in dreams, so it’s good if they are engaged in creative activities, otherwise they may simply not find themselves in life.

The time when actors and dancers are born. Such people are very, very artistic, from childhood they are in the center of attention and demonstrate to everyone their wonderful dramatic gift.

Good doctors, as well as healers, are born in These people physically feel human pain and are able to easily cure anyone. If such a child is properly developed, then the gift of healing will open in him.

Not all people are drawn to others, there are those who are not alien to loneliness, they are born into. You should not impose yourself on such people or try to arrange their fate - in solitude they feel much more comfortable than among people.

Everyone around feels a leader in a person who was born on. These people become good managers, politicians and military men. A brilliant career is guaranteed to them.

A writer from God can be born in If such a person has not been forbidden to create since childhood, then with the help of his talent he will reach serious heights. So create for your child all the conditions for creativity, if he was born on this day.

Harmonious people are born in the first half. They manage to combine an interest in science and the ability to implement knowledge in practical activities. They become scientists and practitioners who can turn the world around.

People with a complex and ambiguous character may appear in. With the wrong upbringing, they become ironic and sarcastic cynics, but if they are given warmth and love, they will become responsive and sensitive.

Very early interest in sexuality in children born in In order to warn the child from problems in this area, you should not interfere with his self-knowledge. The main thing is to always be aware of the interests of your child.

Wise men come into this world exactly on the 26th day. They are passive, somewhat inert, but they do not need excessive energy. They manage to achieve what they want in other ways.

Shamans come to this world during everything. According to what the calendar says, real magicians and priests are born on this day. And even if they do not engage in magic in life, this gift will help them in any other field of activity.

Gives you peace and home child. Such people maintain comfort in the house, love their family and are prone to needlework.

In the 29th days, difficult people are born. Their fate is uncertain, they can become anyone, because it will depend on education. The more tender and loving parents are, the more decent a person will become.

But on the last day, we note that it is a very rare day, and this last day of the lunar month contributes to the appearance of curious and smart people. They have an eternal thirst for knowledge, they strive for truth and understanding of their place in this world.

Lunar birthday is another path to self-discovery. You can study the information about what characteristics are given to these days, what symbols are inherent in them, in order to understand how this influenced your character.

People who know astrology understand the importance of a lunar birthday. Knowing this date, any person can learn a lot about his character, life preferences and destiny. Calculating the lunar day by date of birth is not too difficult - there is special ways allowing you to do this.

The moon is responsible for intuition and the subconscious, allows you to reveal inner world and bring out hidden instincts and potentialities. Thanks to this, a person is able to discover a new, often unexpected potential in himself, to correctly arrange his life values and priorities, to build future steps and actions based on the revealed knowledge.

This will help:

  1. In personal life.
  2. In a career.
  3. In communication with the environment and people.
  4. In knowing yourself.

Each such day has unique energy effects that depend on the distance and position between the Moon and the Sun, and this changes daily. Accordingly, for each lunar day, the meaning and influence of the moon will be different. These data give more detailed description than the zodiac sign and sunny birthday.

If you use lunar energy correctly, it will help both in restoring health and in building the correct movement of energy flows in your life. Each being has its own individual rhythm, which begins on the day of its birth and remains until its death. Only by acting in harmony with it and with its own internal energy, a person can achieve the greatest agreement with the world around him.

Finding out where the moon was at the time of birth: calculating this is not as difficult as it might seem.

The calculation of the lunar birthday is done as follows:

  1. On one's own.
  2. Or with the help of an astrologer.

There is a lunar calendar, thanks to which it is quite simple to calculate the necessary information. According to it, a person can quite independently find out his moon in the birth horoscope by calculating this information and get a definition of his character and capabilities.

In addition, there are now many online forms on sites that allow you to determine your lunar horoscope by date of birth. Calculating this through such forms has become quite easy. To do this, you just need to enter your full date of birth, up to hours and minutes.

Many are faced with do not know their time of birth so accurately. The easiest way to clarify this information is with parents, who usually know the time to the nearest hour. The more accurate the information is, the more correctly the lunar day on which the person was born will be determined. And also to determine the date, you will need the city in which he was born, since the rise of the moon depends on geography.

Don't despair if exact time up to the minute is unknown. Even approximate data can provide a lot of comprehensive information that will allow you to know yourself much better than before. In the same way, you can determine not only your day of the moon, but also other people. Knowing this day for your loved ones will help them to know and understand them better.

The value of the acquired knowledge

Many people evaluate themselves and loved ones Zodiac sign, as well as the information which planets were in the sign at the time of birth. This gives a deep understanding of the character of a person, his inclinations and life goals. Knowing the lunar birthday will help you to know even more deeply the root causes of certain actions of yourself and your loved ones, help you realize the features that used to seem vague and incomprehensible and discover new opportunities in yourself and those around you, learn how to apply them.

This information will help to predict to some extent what obstacles and lessons can be expected in the future, what will have to go through and what will be overcome. It will also tell you what needs to be done to avoid the most unpleasant moments or emerge victorious from them. Many people, having only learned the lunar birthday, understood why they made certain mistakes and how they could have been avoided. This knowledge greatly helped them in the future.

Such knowledge perfectly helps to better understand the closest people and relatives, to accept their strengths and weaknesses come to terms with certain shortcomings and even learn how to get around them . If both partners in the family know this date for each other, it is easier for them to find harmony and build the right creative relationships.

There are also anti-phase lunar days - they can be calculated using a special table. These days stand in it opposite each other. Such days are negative for a person and it is better for him not to practice on them. important things and new beginnings. Caution should also be taken with people born on an anti-phase lunar day. This knowledge will also help you plan your life and relationships in the future.

Attention, only TODAY!


To find out the moon day, you will need to calculate the so-called lunar number of the year. Each year has its own lunar number, for example, 2001 corresponds to the number 7, 2002 - 8, 2003 - 9, and so on. The lunar number of the year increases in order and can be from 1 to 19. If the number of the year is 19, as in 2013, then the number of the next year is again 1, and so on. So, the number of 2014 is 1. That is, if you count, the lunar number of 2020 will be 7. Let's denote it as L.

Now to lunar day, it remains only to substitute all the numbers in:
For the date March 2, 2020, the preliminary result of the calculation will be: N=(7*11)-14+2+3=68.
Why preliminary? Because there are 29.5 days in the lunar. Therefore, you need to subtract 30 from the resulting number several times until the result becomes less than 30. 68-30 \u003d 38, subtract 30 again, it turns out 8. So, March 2, 2020 will be the eighth lunar day.

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The lunar calendar does not coincide with the solar calendar. The new lunar day does not come at 24:00, but at some time during the solar day. Therefore, on March 2, 2020, at some time of the day, the eighth lunar day will be replaced by the ninth.


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  • how to calculate monthly calendar
  • Lunar birthday

Each day of the lunar cycle has a certain energy, carries its own information. How to dispose of this information depends only on the person himself. Lunar rhythms can be used for the benefit of yourself and loved ones, increasing or restraining activity depending on the phase of the cycle, directing your energy in the most appropriate direction.

20th lunar day: what is it?

This day is associated with inner transformation, discoveries and insights, it is not for nothing that the eagle is considered its symbol, looking at the world from an inaccessible height and seeing what is hidden or indistinguishable for others.

On the twentieth lunar day, it is good to make especially important decisions that require overcoming internal barriers, to move to a new stage in development, whether it is the beginning of training, entering a new position, changing the field of activity. It is also a day of results - all the efforts and measures taken earlier lead to natural results. Perseverance and perseverance will bring good results, but you should not put excessive pressure on other people so as not to make envious and ill-wishers.

The 20th lunar day is suitable for concluding any kind of contracts and for public speaking.

The 20th lunar day is good for both solitude and teamwork - find mutual language environment will be easier. Conflicts are best avoided - a quarrel started today risks dragging on and bringing a lot of trouble to both warring parties. Avoid pride, arrogance, accept the recognition of others with a certain amount of humility.

A variety of spiritual practices are recommended - for example, meditation on this day will help you see an unexpected decision, find a way out of a difficult situation. Contacts with teachers and mentors will be successful - on this day you can get unexpected, but helpful tips and recommendations, important information.

Moderate physical activity, staying on fresh air on the twentieth lunar day are especially useful. Any abuses and extremes should be abandoned - it is better not to eat heavy food, especially of animal origin. Alcohol and smoking on this day are especially harmful, but if you decide to give up alcohol or tobacco, give up bad habit today is the best.

It is believed that on the twentieth lunar day, the organs of vision and the back are vulnerable - do not make significant physical efforts, do not strain your eyes.

Give preference to fresh food, products that do not require heat treatment. The day is favorable for fasting, fasting, starting a diet. Any cleansing procedures will benefit, you can visit a bath or sauna. A haircut made on this day will lead to a long period of reduced interest in life, a deterioration in mood. But it is possible to plan operations and medical procedures associated with a violation of the integrity of the skin - wounds inflicted with a scalpel during this period heal faster.

The twentieth lunar day is the time of the waning of the moon. At this time it should