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Grigorian calendar year is longer than sunny. The difference between Julian and Grigorian calendar. From Caesar to this day

Since by this time the difference between old and new styles was 13 days, then the decree was prescribed after January 31, 1918. It was not considered on February 1, but on February 14. The same decree was prescribed until July 1, 1918. After each day of each day, in a new style in brackets, write a number on old style: 14 (1) February, 15 (2) of February, etc.

From the history of the summer in Russia.

Ancient Slavs, like many other peoples, the basis of their calendar initially laid a period of change lunar phases. But by the time of the adoption of Christianity, i.e. by the end of the city. n. E., Ancient Russia used a moon-sunny calendar.

Calendar of the ancient Slavs. Install, which was the calendar of the ancient Slavs, was finally failed. It is only known that the initial time account was conducted on the seasons. Probably, the 12-month lunar calendar was also applied. In later times, Slavs switched to a lunar-sun calendar, in which the added, 13th month was inserted seven times every 19 years.

The oldest monuments of Russian writing show that the months had purely slavic nameswhose origin was closely connected with the phenomena of nature. At the same time, the same months, depending on the climate of the places in which various tribes lived, were obtained different names. So, January was called where the seven (the time of cutting down the forest), where the plane (after the winter clouds, a blue sky appeared), where the jelly (as students became cold), etc.; February - Schenchen, snowflage or lutchy (laid frost); March - Berezozol (there are a few interpretations: begins to bloom birch; they took the juice from Bereza; Zhgley Birch on coal), dry (the poorest precipitation in ancient Kievan Rus, in some places the Earth has already dried, the juice (reminder of the juice of birch); April - pollen (gardens blooming), birch (beginning of birch blossom), Duben, Kviten, etc.; May -Traven (green grass), pilot, bloom; June - Cherven (blush cherries), ignitions (smoking grasshoppers - "Ice"), Mosec; July - Lipes (linden bloom), a cherry (in the north, where phenological phenomena are delayed), serpen (from the word "sickle" pointing at the time of harvest); August - Sherry, Znizen, glow (from the verb "Zarek" - a roar of deer, or from the word "glow" - cold zori, and possibly from "Paramin" - polar radiances); September - Vessel (heather bloom); Penius (from the Slavic root of the word meaning a tree giving yellow paint); October - leaf fall, "Pazdernik" or "Castrychnik" (Pazders - Konopley Firecans, name for the south of Russia); November - breast (from the word "pile" - a frozen track on the road), leaf fall (in southern Russia); December - jelly, breast, millet.

The year began on March 1, and about from this time proceeded to agricultural work.

Many ancient names of months later moved into a number of Slavic languages \u200b\u200band were largely kept in some modern languages, in particular in Ukrainian, Belarusian and Polish.

At the end of the city. Ancient Rus took Christianity. At the same time, the announcing used by the Romans was transferred to us - Julian calendar (based on a sunny year), with Roman naming months and seven-day weeks. The account of the years in it was conducted from the "Creation of the World", which allegedly occurred 5508 years before our chronicles. This date is one of the numerous ER options from the "Creation of the World" - was adopted in the VII century. in Greece and. for a long time Used by the Orthodox Church.

For centuries, the beginning of the year was considered to be March 1, but in 1492, in accordance with the church tradition, the beginning of the year was officially postponed on September 1 and was noted so more than two hundred years. However, a few months after September 1, 7208, Muscovites celebrated their next New YearThey had to celebrate to repeat. This happened because December 19, 7208 was signed and published by the registered decree of Peter I on the reform of the calendar in Russia, according to which the new beginning of the year was introduced - dated January 1 and the new era - Christian christianity (from the "Nativity of Christ").

Petrovsky Decree was called: "On the Scripture in the future of Genwar from 1 day of 1700 in all papers of summer from the Nativity of Christ, and not from the creation of the world." Therefore, in the decree, the day after December 31, 7208 was prescribed from "Creation of the World" to count on January 1, 1700 g from the "Christmas of Christ". In order for the reform to be accepted without complications, the decree ended in a prudent reservation: "And who will want to write both of those summer, from the creation of the world and from the Nativity of Christ, Freshly."

Meeting of the first civilian new year in Moscow. The day after the announcement on Red Square in Moscow, Petra I on the reform of the calendar, i.e. on December 20, 7208, a new decree of the king was announced - "On the celebration of the New Year". Considering that on January 1, 1700 is not only the beginning of the new year, but also the beginning of the new century (a significant error is allowed in the decree: 1700 is recently XVII century, and not the first year of the XVIII century. New century From January 1, 1701, the error sometimes repeats in our day.), Decree prescribed to celebrate this event especially solemnly. In it, detailed prescriptions were given, how to organize a holiday in Moscow. On the eve of the new year, Peter I he himself lit on the Red Square the first rocket, giving it a signal to the opening of the holiday. The streets were illuminated by the illumination. Bell ringing and cannonal pallets began, the sounds of pipes and Litavr rang out. The king congratulated the population of the capital with the New Year, the guys continued all night. Multicolored rockets flew out of the courtyards in the dark winter sky, and "along the streets large, where there is space," the lights were burning - bonfires and bodies attached panels.

The houses of the inhabitants of the Wooden Capital were detained in the hives "from the trees and branches of pine, spruce and juniper." A whole week of houses were decorated with decorated, and with the onset of the night lights. Shooting "From small guns and from muskets or other small guns", as well as the launch of "rockets" were assigned to people, "who do not consider gold." And "people are scanty" suggested "to everyone although the antifreeze or branch on the gate or over the chramine to put it." From this time, in our country there was a custom annually on January 1 celebrating the Day of the New Year.

After 1918, calendar reforms were still in the USSR. In the period from 1929 but 1940, calendar reforms caused by production needs were held three times in our country. Thus, on August 26, 1929, the USSR SNK adopted a resolution "On the transition to continuous production in enterprises and institutions of the USSR", in which it was recognized as necessary since 1929-1930 of the economic year to begin a planned and consistent translation of enterprises and institutions for continuous production. In the fall of 1929, a gradual transition began to "continuous", which ended in the spring of 1930 after the publication of the Resolution of the Special Government Commission under the Board of Labor and Defense. This resolution was introduced a single production table calendar. In the calendar year, 360 days were envisaged, i.e., 72 of the five days. The remaining 5 days was decided to consider festive. Unlike the ancient Egyptian calendar, they were not located together at the end of the year, and were confined to Soviet memorable days and revolutionary holidays: January 22, May 1 and 2, as well as 7 and 8 November.

Employees of each enterprise and institutions were divided into 5 groups, and each group was installed a day of rest in each five days for the whole year. This meant that after four working days came the day of rest. After the introduction of "Continutors", there was a need for a seven-day week, since the weekends could have to come not only on various numbers month, but also on different days of the week.

However, this calendar existed for long. Already on November 21, 1931, the SNK of the USSR adopted a resolution "On the interrupted production week in institutions", which was allowed to add commits and other institutions to switch to a six-day discontinued production week. For them, permanent weekends were installed in the next numbers of the month: 6, 12, 18, 24 and 30. At the end of February, the day off was on the last day of the month or postponed on March 1. In those months, which contained but 31 days, the last day of the month was considered sophisticated month and paid for especially. The ruling on the transition to the terminal six-day week entered into force on December 1, 1931

Both five days and six days completely broke the traditional seven-day week with a common day off on Sunday. The six-day week was used about nine years. Only on June 26, 1940, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR issued a decree "On the transition on an eight-hour working day, for the seven-day working week and on the prohibition of unauthorized care of workers and employees from enterprises and institutions," in the development of this decree on June 27, 1940, the USSR SNK accepted A decree in which it established that "over Sunday days non-working days are also:

January 22, May 1 and 2, November 7 and 8, December 5th. The same resolution was abolished in rural areas six special days Recreation and non-working days on March 12 (day of autocracy) and March 18 (day of the Paris commune).

On March 7, 1967, the Central Committee of the CPSU, the Council of Ministers of the USSR and the WCSPS adopted a resolution "On the transfer of workers and employees of enterprises, institutions and organizations for a five-day working pedil with two days off," but this reform did not concern the structure of the modern calendar. "

But the most interesting thing is that passions do not subside. Another round will happen in our new time. Sergey Baburin, Viktor Alksnis, Irina Savelyev and Alexander Fomenko introduced in 2007 in State Duma The bill is about the transition of Russia from January 1, 2008 for the Yulian calendar from the Yuliansky calendar. In an explanatory note, the deputies noted that the "global calendar does not exist" and proposed to establish the transition period from December 31, 2007, when, during 13 days, the summer will be carried out simultaneously on two calendars at once. Only four deputies accepted participation in the voting. Three - against, one - for. Abstaining was not. Other elects voting ignored.

Since by this time the difference between old and new styles was 13 days, then the decree was prescribed after January 31, 1918. It was not considered on February 1, but on February 14. The same decree was prescribed until July 1, 1918. After each day of each day, in a new style in brackets, write a number on old style: 14 (1) February, 15 (2) of February, etc.

From the history of the summer in Russia.

Ancient Slavs, like many other peoples, the basis of their calendar initially laid a period of change in lunar phases. But by the time of the adoption of Christianity, i.e. by the end of the city. n. E., Ancient Russia used a moon-sunny calendar.

Calendar of the ancient Slavs. Install, which was the calendar of the ancient Slavs, was finally failed. It is only known that the initial time account was conducted on the seasons. Probably, the 12-month lunar calendar was also applied. In later times, Slavs switched to a lunar-sun calendar, in which the added, 13th month was inserted seven times every 19 years.

The oldest monuments of Russian writing show that the months had purely Slavic names, the origin of which was closely connected with the phenomena of nature. At the same time, the same months, depending on the climate of the places in which various tribes lived, were obtained different names. So, January was called where the seven (the time of cutting down the forest), where the plane (after the winter clouds, a blue sky appeared), where the jelly (as students became cold), etc.; February - Schenchen, snowflage or lutchy (laid frost); March - Berezozol (there are a few interpretations: it starts to bloom birch; they took the juice from Berez; Zhugley Berezu on coal), dry (the poorest precipitation in the ancient Kiev Rus, in some places the land already dried, the Sockerel (reminder of the birch juice); April - pollen (blooming gardens), birch (Beginning of birch blossom), Duben, Kviten, etc.; May -Traven (green grass), pillar, bloom; June - Cherven (blush cherries), izoks »), Male; July - Lipes (Linden blossom), Cherven (in the north, where phenological phenomena are delayed), Sherry (from the word" sickle ", pointing at the time of harvest); August - Sherry, Znizena, Zarla (from the verb" "- the roar of deer, or from the word" glow "- cold zori, and possibly from" Paramina "- Polar Lights); September - Vessel (Vesk flowering); Hellen (from the Slavic root of a word meaning a tree giving yellow paint); October - leaf fall, "Pazdernik" or "Castrychnik" (Pazders - Konopley Firecans, name for the south of Russia); November - breast (from the word "pile" - a frozen track on the road), leaf fall (in southern Russia); December - jelly, breast, millet.

The year began on March 1, and about from this time proceeded to agricultural work.

Many ancient names of months later moved into a number of Slavic languages \u200b\u200band had largely kept in some modern languages, in particular in Ukrainian, Belarusian and Polish.

At the end of the city. Ancient Rus took Christianity. At the same time, the announcing used by the Romans was transferred to us - Julian calendar (based on a sunny year), with Roman naming months and seven-day weeks. The account of the years in it was conducted from the "Creation of the World", which allegedly occurred 5508 years before our chronicles. This date is one of the numerous ER options from the "Creation of the World" - was adopted in the VII century. in Greece and. For a long time was used by the Orthodox Church.

For centuries, the beginning of the year was considered to be March 1, but in 1492, in accordance with the church tradition, the beginning of the year was officially postponed on September 1 and was noted so more than two hundred years. However, a few months after September 1, 7208, Muscovites celebrated their next new year, they had to celebrate the celebration. This happened because December 19, 7208 was signed and published by the registered decree of Peter I on the reform of the calendar in Russia, according to which the new beginning of the year was introduced - dated January 1 and the new era - Christian christianity (from the "Nativity of Christ").

Petrovsky Decree was called: "On the Scripture in the future of Genwar from 1 day of 1700 in all papers of summer from the Nativity of Christ, and not from the creation of the world." Therefore, in the decree, the day after December 31, 7208 was prescribed from "Creation of the World" to count on January 1, 1700 g from the "Christmas of Christ". In order for the reform to be accepted without complications, the decree ended in a prudent reservation: "And who will want to write both of those summer, from the creation of the world and from the Nativity of Christ, Freshly."

Meeting of the first civilian new year in Moscow. The day after the announcement on Red Square in Moscow, Petra I on the reform of the calendar, i.e. on December 20, 7208, a new decree of the king was announced - "On the celebration of the New Year". It is believed that on January 1, 1700 is not only the beginning of the new year, but also the beginning of the new century (a significant error is allowed in decree: 1700 is the last year of the XVII century, and not the first year of the XVIII century. The new century has come from January 1 1701 The mistake, which sometimes repeat and today.), Decree prescribed to celebrate this event especially solemnly. In it, detailed prescriptions were given, how to organize a holiday in Moscow. On the eve of the new year, Peter I he himself lit on the Red Square the first rocket, giving it a signal to the opening of the holiday. The streets were illuminated by the illumination. Bell ringing and cannonal pallets began, the sounds of pipes and Litavr rang out. The king congratulated the population of the capital with the New Year, the guys continued all night. Multicolored rockets flew out of the courtyards in the dark winter sky, and "along the streets large, where there is space," the lights were burning - bonfires and bodies attached panels.

The houses of the inhabitants of the Wooden Capital were detained in the hives "from the trees and branches of pine, spruce and juniper." A whole week of houses were decorated with decorated, and with the onset of the night lights. Shooting "From small guns and from muskets or other small guns", as well as the launch of "rockets" were assigned to people, "who do not consider gold." And "people are scanty" suggested "to everyone although the antifreeze or branch on the gate or over the chramine to put it." From this time, in our country there was a custom annually on January 1 celebrating the Day of the New Year.

After 1918, calendar reforms were still in the USSR. In the period from 1929 but 1940, calendar reforms caused by production needs were held three times in our country. Thus, on August 26, 1929, the USSR SNK adopted a resolution "On the transition to continuous production in enterprises and institutions of the USSR", in which it was recognized as necessary since 1929-1930 of the economic year to begin a planned and consistent translation of enterprises and institutions for continuous production. In the fall of 1929, a gradual transition began to "continuous", which ended in the spring of 1930 after the publication of the Resolution of the Special Government Commission under the Board of Labor and Defense. This resolution was introduced a single production table calendar. In the calendar year, 360 days were envisaged, i.e., 72 of the five days. The remaining 5 days was decided to consider festive. Unlike the ancient Egyptian calendar, they were not located together at the end of the year, and were confined to Soviet memorable days and revolutionary holidays: January 22, May 1 and 2, as well as 7 and 8 November.

Employees of each enterprise and institutions were divided into 5 groups, and each group was installed a day of rest in each five days for the whole year. This meant that after four working days came the day of rest. After the introduction of "Continutors", there was a need for a seven-day week, as the weekends could have to come not only on different numbers of the month, but also on different days of the week.

However, this calendar existed for long. Already on November 21, 1931, the SNK of the USSR adopted a resolution "On the interrupted production week in institutions", which was allowed to add commits and other institutions to switch to a six-day discontinued production week. For them, permanent weekends were installed in the next numbers of the month: 6, 12, 18, 24 and 30. At the end of February, the day off was on the last day of the month or postponed on March 1. In those months, which contained but 31 days, the last day of the month was considered sophisticated month and paid for especially. The ruling on the transition to the terminal six-day week entered into force on December 1, 1931

Both five days and six days completely broke the traditional seven-day week with a common day off on Sunday. The six-day week was used about nine years. Only on June 26, 1940, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR issued a decree "On the transition on an eight-hour working day, for the seven-day working week and on the prohibition of unauthorized care of workers and employees from enterprises and institutions," in the development of this decree on June 27, 1940, the USSR SNK accepted A decree in which it established that "over Sunday days non-working days are also:

January 22, May 1 and 2, November 7 and 8, December 5th. The same resolution was canceled by the six special days of rest and non-working days on March 12 (the day of autocracy) and March 18 (the day of the Paris commune) were abolished in rural areas.

On March 7, 1967, the Central Committee of the CPSU, the Council of Ministers of the USSR and the WCSPS adopted a resolution "On the transfer of workers and employees of enterprises, institutions and organizations for a five-day working pedil with two days off," but this reform did not concern the structure of the modern calendar. "

But the most interesting thing is that passions do not subside. Another round will happen in our new time. Sergey Baburin, Viktor Alksnis, Irina Savelyev and Alexander Fomenko made a bill in 2007 to the State Duma - about the transition of Russia from January 1, 2008 for the Yulian calendar from January 1, 2008. In an explanatory note, the deputies noted that the "global calendar does not exist" and proposed to establish the transition period from December 31, 2007, when, during 13 days, the summer will be carried out simultaneously on two calendars at once. Only four deputies accepted participation in the voting. Three - against, one - for. Abstaining was not. Other elects voting ignored.

Julian calendar

Julian calendar- Calendar, developed by a group of Alexandrian astronomers led by a coin and introduced by Julia Caesar in 45 BC.

The Julian calendar reformed an outdated Roman calendar and was based on the culture of the annoying of ancient Egypt. IN Ancient Russia The calendar was known as the "peace-made circle", "Church Circle" and "Great Indiction".

The year for the Julian calendar begins on January 1, since it was on this day from 153 to n. e. Favorites Comicies Consuls have come to position. In Julian calendar, an ordinary year consists of 365 days and is divided by 12 months. Once at 4 years old is announced a leap year, in which one day is added - February 29 (a previously similar system was adopted in zodiac calendar by donia). Thus, Julian year has a duration of an average of 365.25 days, which is more than 11 minutes of duration of the tropical year.

365,24 = 365 + 0,25 = 365 + 1 / 4

Julian calendar in Russia is usually called old style.

Monthly holidays in the Roman calendar

The calendar was based on static monthly holidays. The first holiday from which the month began, were calends. The next holiday falling on the 7th number (in March, May, July and October) and on the 5th number of the remaining months, were non-Non. The third holiday, who came to the 15th number (in March, May, July and October) and the 13th number of the remaining months, were idiot.


Exists mnemonic rule Memorizing the number of days in a month: the hands are folded into the fists and, going left to right from the blackhead bone of the left hand to the index finger, alternately touching the bones and pits, list: "January, February, March ...". February will have to remember separately. After July (the bone of the index finger of the left hand) you need to go to the bone of the index finger right hand And continue the score to the Mizinz, since August. On the bone - 31, between - 30 (in the case of February - 28 or 29).

Matching out the Grigorian calendar

The accuracy of the Julian calendar is low: every 128 years accumulates an extra day. Because of this, for example, Christmas, originally almost coincided with the winter solst flow, gradually moved towards spring. The most noticeable difference in the spring and autumn near the days of the equinox, when the rate of change in the duration of the day and the position of the Sun is maximum. In many temples, on the plan of the creators on the day of the spring equinox, the Sun should be in a certain place, for example, in the Cathedral of St. Peter in Rome, this is a mosaic. Not only astronomers, but the highest clergy led by the dad could make sure that Easter, no longer falls into the previous place. After a long discussion of this problem in 1582, the Julian calendar in the Catholic countries by the decision of Pope Gregory XIII was replaced by more accurate calendar. At the same time, the next day after October 4 was announced on October 15. Protestant countries refused to Julian calendar gradually, during the XVII-XVIII centuries; The latter were the United Kingdom (1752) and Sweden.

In Russia, the Gregorian calendar was introduced by the decree of the Council of State, adopted on January 24, 1918; in orthodox Greece - In 1923. Grigorian calendar is often called new style.

Julian calendar in Orthodoxy

Currently, the Julian calendar is used only by some of the local Orthodox Churches: Jerusalem, Russian, Serbian, Georgian, Ukrainian.

In addition, he adheres to some monasteries and parishes and in other European countries, as well as in the United States, monasteries and other institutions of Athos (Constantinople Patriarchate), Greek Starrows (in the split) and other Raskolnikovaya Starrows, who did not accept the transition to the Novoyulian calendar in Elaladskaya churches and other churches in the 1920s; As well as a number of monophimitsky churches, including in Ethiopia.

However, all the Orthodox Churches, except for the Finnish Church, still calculate the day of the celebration of Easter and holidays, the dates of which depend on the date of Easter, in the Alexandrian Easter and Julian calendar.

The difference between Julian and Gregorian calendars

The difference between Julian and Gregorian calendars is constantly increasing due to different rules The determination of leap years: in the Julian calendar leaps are all the years, multiple 4, whereas in the Gregorian calendar a year is a leap, if it is Katten 400, or Koint 4 and not Cathedral 100. The jump occurs at the final year of the century (see leap year ).

The difference between the Gregorian and Julian calendars (dates are given in the Gregorian calendar; October 15, 1582 corresponds to October 5 in the Julian calendar; Other dates of the start of the periods correspond to the Juliansky on February 29, the date of graduation - February 28).

Datage Date yuliansky and Gregorian calendar:

Century Difference, days Period (by Julian calendar) Period (in the Gregorian calendar)
XVI and XVII 10 29.02.1500-28.02.1700 10.03.1500-10.03.1700
XVIII 11 29.02.1700-28.02.1800 11.03.1700-11.03.1800
XIX. 12 29.02.1800-28.02.1900 12.03.1800-12.03.1900
XX and XXI 13 29.02.1900-28.02.2100 13.03.1900-13.03.2100
XXII 14 29.02.2100-28.02.2200 14.03.2100-14.03.2200
Xxiii. 15 29.02.2200-28.02.2300 15.03.2200-15.03.2300

Do not mix the translation (recalculation) of real historical dates (event in history) to another calendar style with recalculation (for ease of use) to another style of Julian Church Monasselov, in which all days of celebrations (saints and other memory) are fixed as Julian - regardless of which Gregorian date is the specific festive or memorable date day. In connection with the growing change in the difference between the Julian and Gregorian calendars, using the Julian calendar of Orthodox churches, starting from 2101, Christmas will celebrate not on January 7, as in the XX-XXI centuries, and on January 8 (translated into a new style), but For example, since 9997, Christmas will be celebrated on March 8 (according to a new style), although in their liturgical calendar this day will still be marked as December 25 (according to the old style). In addition, it should be borne in mind that in a number of countries, where, before the beginning of the 20th century, Julian calendar was in the course (for example, in Greece) dates historical eventsWhat happened before moving to a new style, continue to be celebrated in the same numbers (nominally), in which they occurred in the Julian calendar (which, among other things, is reflected in the practice of the Greek Wikipedia section).

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Calendar December 25th. Stride. Winter solstice. According to astronomical data, 21 (22) December comes. (Fourteenth tangle.) According to the Roman calendar, known in the ancient Rus, from the calendian carriage took the beginning of the New Year. Next - the shints. Remosed by Merry Christmas.

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1. What is the Julian calendar? Julian calendar was introduced by Julia Caesar in 45 BC. It was universally used until the 1500s, when many countries began to go to the Gregorian calendar (see Section 2). However, some countries (for example, Russia and Greece)

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The calendar is one of the most terrible things - these are diaries, electronic reminders and e-mail. Did a funeral, and a reminder pops up in a calendar - pay a trip to the sea. Outlook after the funeral comes a letter confirming for your favorite

On the threshold new MebietiaWhen one year replaces the other, we are not thinking about what style we live. Surely from the lessons of history, many of us remember that once there was another calendar, later people moved to a new one, and began to live in a new way Styla.

Let's talk about what these two calendars differ: julian and Grigorian .

The history of the creation of Julian and Gregorian calendar

To make settlements of time, people came up with the system of the summer, which was based on the frequency of the movement of the celestial bodies, so was created the calendar.

Word "the calendar" happened from the Latin word calendarium.What means "Debt". This is due to the fact that the debtors paid their duty per day calendso called the first days of each month, they coincided with new Moon.

So, U. ancient Romans Every month had 30 days, More precisely, 29 days, 12 hours and 44 minutes. First in this calendar was ten months, hence, by the way, and the name of our last month of the year - december (from Latin decem. - Tenth). All months were named after the Roman gods.

But, starting with the III B to AD, another calendar based on four-year was used in the ancient world. lunarly solar cycleHe gave an error in the size of a sunny year in one day. In Egypt used sun calendarcompiled on the basis of observations of the Sun and Sirius. Year on it was three hundred sixty five days. It consisted of twelve months to thirty days everyone.

It was this calendar that became the basis julian calendar. He is named after the emperor Guy Julia Caesar and was introduced in 45 G.D.N.. The beginning of the year on this calendar began 1st of January.

Guy Julius Caesar (100 g. BC- 44 BC)

Existed julian calendar more than sixteen centuries while in 1582 G. Pope Gregory XIII not suggested new system Saved. The reason for the adoption of a new calendar was a gradual displacement towards the Julian Calendar of the Spring Equinox Day, which was determined by the date of Easter, as well as the disagreement of Easter full moon with astronomical. The head of the Catholic Church believed that it was necessary to determine the accurate calculation of the celebration of Easter so that it would fall on Sunday, as well as to return the day of the spring equinox to date on March 21.

Pope Gregory XIII (1502-1585)

However B. 1583 year Cathedral of Eastern Patriarchs In Constantinople, he did not accept a new calendar, since he contradicted the main rule, according to which the day of the celebration of the Christian Easter is determined: in some years, Christian Easter would have occurred before the Jewish, which was not allowed by the canons of the church.

However, most european countries followed by the call of Pope Gregory XIII and moved to new style Saved.

The transition to the Gregorian calendar is the following changes :

1. To correct the accumulated errors, the new calendar at the time of adoption immediately moved the current date for 10 days;

2. It became a new, more accurate, rule about leap year - a year leap, that is, it contains 366 days if:

Number of the year Katten 400 (1600, 2000, 2400);

Number of the year Koint 4 and not Katten 100 (... 1892, 1896, 1904, 1908 ...);

3. The rules for calculating the Christian (namely Catholic) Easter changed.

The difference between the dates of Julian and Gregorian calendars increases on three days for every 400 years.

The history of summer in Russia

In Russia, before baptism, the new year began in March, but since the X century, the newly began to celebrate in September, According to Byzantine church calendar. However, people who are accustomed to the centuries-old tradition continued to celebrate the New Year with the awakening of nature - in the spring. While king Ivan III in 1492 year did not publish a decree, where it was reported that the new year was officially postponed to beginning of autumn. But it did not help, and the Russian people celebrated two new years: in spring and autumn.

King Peter the First, striving for everything European December 19, 1699. years issued a decree that the Russian people, together with Europeans, celebrated the New Year 1st of January.

But, at the same time, in Russia, remained in force Julian calendarAccepted from Byzantium with baptism.

February 14, 1918, after the coup, all Russia moved to new style, now the secular state began to live by grigorian calendar. Later, B. 1923 year, the new authorities tried to translate to a new calendar and church, however Holy Patriarch Tikhonu managed to maintain traditions.

Today julian and Gregorian calendars continue to exist together. Julian calendar Enjoy Georgian, Jerusalem, Serbian and Russian Church, whereas catholics and Protestants Guided Grigorian.

Julian and Gregorian calendars

The calendar - The usual table of days, numbers, months, seasons, years is the oldest invention of humanity. It fixes the frequency of natural phenomena, based on the laws of the movement of heavenly shining: the sun, the moon, stars. The land rushes at its sunny orbit, counting years and centuries. During the day, she makes one turn around her axis, and for the year around the sun. Astronomical, or sunny, year lasts 365 days 5 hours 48 minutes 46 seconds. Therefore, there is no integer number of days, here comes from the compilation of the calendar, which should lead the correct countdown. Since the time of Adam and Eve, people used the "Createness" of the Sun and the Moon to refer time. The lunar calendar who used the Romans and the Greeks was simple and comfortable. From one revival of the moon to the next, about 30 days passes, or rather, 29 days 12 hours 44 minutes. Therefore, by changes in the moon, it was possible to account for days, and then months.

IN lunar calendar At first it was 10 months, the first of which were devoted to the Roman gods and supreme rulers. For example, month March was named after the God of Mars (Martius), month Mai dedicated to the goddess Maya, July is named after the Roman emperor Julia Caesar, and August - by the name of Emperor Octavian Augustus. In ancient world from the III century to the Nativity of Christ, the calendar was used, which was based on a four-year lunar-solar cycle, which gave a discrepancy since the value of the solar year for 4 days in 4 years. In Egypt, a sunny calendar was drawn up in Egypt on Syria and the Sun. The year in this calendar lasted 365 days, it was 12 months to 30 days, and at the end of the year it was added another 5 days in honor of the "birth of the gods".

In 46, before the Nativity of Christ, the Roman dictator Julius Caesar introduced an accurate solar calendar in the Egyptian sample - julian. For the magnitude of the calendar year was accepted sunny yearwhich was a little more astronomic - 365 days 6 hours. January 1 was legalized as the beginning of the year.

In 26 BC e. The Roman Emperor Augustus introduced the Alexandria calendar, in which once every 4 years added 1 day: instead of 365 days - 366 days a year, that is, 6 extra hours annually. For 4 years, this was the whole day, which was added every 4 years, and the year in which one day was added in February, was called leap. Essentially, this was the clarification of the same Julian calendar.

For the Orthodox Church, the calendar was the basis of a one-year circle of worship, and therefore it was very important to establish the lumpiness of the holidays throughout the church. The question of the time of the celebration of Easter was understood at the I universal. Cathedral *, as one of the main. Installed at the Easter Cathedral (the rules for calculating the day of Easter), along with its basis - the Julian calendar - cannot be changed under the fear of anathema - excommunication and rejection from the church.

In 1582, the head Catholic church Pope Gregory XIII introduced a new calendar style - gregorian. The purpose of the reform was supposedly more precise definition Easter celebration of the Day, so that the spring equinox returns to March 21. The Cathedral of the Eastern Patriarchs of 1583 in Constantinople condemned the grigian calendar as violating the entire liturgical cycle and the canons of the universal cathedrals. It is important to note that the Gregorian calendar in some years violates one of the main church rules of the date of the celebration of Easter - it happens that catholic Easter accounts for the time before the Jewish, which is not allowed by the canons of the Church; Also, sometimes "disappears" by Petrov post. At the same time, such a great scientist Astronomer as Copernicus (being a Catholic monk) did not consider the Grigorian calendar more accurate than Julian, and did not recognize it. The new style was introduced by the power of the Roman Pope instead of Julian calendar, or an old style, and was gradually adopted in Catholic countries. By the way, modern astronomers use Julian calendar in their calculations.

In RussiaSince the X century, the new year celebrated on March 1, when God created the world on biblical legend. 5 centuries later, in 1492, in accordance with the church tradition, the beginning of the year was postponed to September 1, and noted so more than 200 years. Monsters had purely Slavic names, the origin of which was associated with the phenomena of nature. The years considered the creation of the world.

December 19, 7208 ("from the creation of the world") Peter I signed a decree on the reform of the calendar. The calendar remained Julian, as before the reform adopted by Russia from Byzantium, along with baptism. The new beginning of the year was introduced - January 1 and the Christian Souluscript "from the Nativity of Christ." In the decree of the king, it was prescribed: "The day after December 31, 7208 from the creation of the world (the Orthodox Church considers the date of the creation of the world - September 1, 5508 years to R. X.) To count on January 1, 1700 from the Nativity of Christ. The decree also prescribed to celebrate this event especially solemnly: "And as a sign of a good undertaking and the new century century in the weights of each other, congratulate each other with the New Year ... It's notable and drive to the streets at the gates and houses to teach some decoration from the trees and branches of pine , spruce and juniper ... repair the shooting of small guns and guns, let the rockers, how many people have, and light the lights. " The account of the years from the Nativity of Christ adopted by the majority of the states of the world. With the spread of worn among the information and historians, they began to avoid mentioning the name of Christ and replace the countdown of the centuries from his Christmas to the so-called "our era".

After the Great October Socialist Revolution and in our country, on February 14, 1918, the so-called new style (Gregorian) was introduced.

The Grigorian calendar excluded within each 400th anniversary of three leap year. Over time, the Gregorian difference with Julian calendar increases. The initial in the XVI century the value of 10 days in the subsequent increases: in the XVIII century - 11 days, in the XIX century - 12 days, in the XX and XXI centuries - 13 days, in the XXII - 14 days.
Russian Orthodox Church, Follow Ecumenical cathedralsEnjoying the Julian calendar - unlike the Catholics who enjoy the Gregorian.

At the same time, the introduction of the Gregorian calendar with civil authorities led to some difficulties for Orthodox Christians. New Year, which celebrates everything civil societyIt turned out to be moved to the Christmas post, when not fitting. In addition, according to the church calendar, January 1 (December 19, the old style), the memory of the Holy Martyr of Wonifati is noted, which patronizes people who wish to get rid of abuse of alcohol drinks - and the whole of our huge country meets this day with glasses in the hands. Orthodox people Celebrate the new year "Elder", January 14th.