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The origin of the vocabulary of the modern Russian language. Vocabulary from the point of view of origin. The lexical system of the modern Russian language. New words

The origin of the vocabulary of the modern Russian language

The vocabulary of the modern Russian language passed a long way of becoming. Our vocabulary consists not only of the original Russian words, but also from words borrowed from other languages. Inowaging sources replenished and enriched Russian throughout the process of its historical development. Some borrowings were made in antiquity, others - relatively recently.

Replenishment of Russian vocabulary went in two directions.

  1. New words were created from the languages \u200b\u200bof word formation elements (roots, suffixes, consoles). So expanded and developed by the original Russian vocabulary.
  2. New words were poured into Russian from other languages \u200b\u200bas a result of the economic, political and cultural relations of the Russian people with other peoples.

The composition of the Russian vocabulary from the point of view of its origin can be schematically submitted to the table.

Vocabulary of modern Russian language

Ordon Russian vocabulary

The original Russian vocabulary for its origin is heterogeneous: it consists of several layers that differ in the time of their formation.

The most ancient among the original Russian words are Indo-europeisms - the words preserved from the Epoch of Indo-European Language Unity. According to the assumptions of scientists, in the V-IV millennia BC. e. There was an oldest Indo-European civilization, which united the tribes who lived to a voluntarly extensive territory. Thus, on research on some linguists, she stretched from Volga to Yenisei, others believe that it was the Balkano-Danube, or South-Russian, Localization1 Indo-European language community gave rise to European and some Asian languages \u200b\u200b(for example, Bengal, Sanskrit).

The words denoting plants, animals, metals and minerals, tools, tools, form of management, types of kinship, etc.: oak, salmon, goose, wolf, sheep, copper, bronze, honey, mother, son, son, son, softening Daughter, night, moon, snow, water, new, sew, etc.

Another reservoir of the original Russian vocabulary is the words of the Slavonic, who inherited by our language from the Slavonic (Praslavyansky), which served as a source for all Slavic languages. This language basis existed in the prehistoric era on the territory of the interfold of the Dnieper, Bug and Vistula, populated by the ancient Slavic tribes. By the VI-VII centuries. n. e. The Slavonic language collapsed, discovering the path to the development of Slavic languages, including Old Russian. The general Slavonic words easily stand out in all Slavic languages, the generality of the origin of which is obvious and in our time.

There are a lot of nouns among the general Slavonic words. This is primarily specific nouns: head, throat, beard, heart, palm; field, mountain, forest, birch, maple, ox, cow, pig; Sickle, forks, knife, nemid, neighbor, guest, servant, friend; Shepherd, sparkle, potter. There are also distracted nouns, but their less: faith, will, wines, sin, happiness, glory, rage, thought.

From other parts of speech in the general Slavonic vocabulary, verbs are presented: see, hear, grow, lie; Adjectives: kind, young, old, wise, cunning; Nutritive: one, two, three; Proponation: I, you, we, you; Wosening adverbs: where, as not that the service parts of speech: Over, A, and, yes, but, etc.

The general Slavic vocabulary has about two thousand words, nevertheless, this relatively small lexical supply constitutes the core of the Russian dictionary, it includes the most common, stylistically neutral words used both in oral and in writing speech.

Slavic languages \u200b\u200bwho had an ancient Praslansky language, on sound, grammatical and lexical features, were aligned with three groups: southern, western and eastern.

The third reservoir of the original Russian words consists of East Slavic (Old Russian) vocabulary, which developed on the basis of the Language of the Eastern Slavs, one of the three groups of ancient Slavic languages. East Slavic language community has developed to VII-IX centuries. n. e. On the territory of Eastern Europe. Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian nationalities go to the tribal unions inhabited here. Therefore, the words remaining in our language from this period are known, as a rule, in Ukrainian, and in Belarusian languages, but are absent in the languages \u200b\u200bof the Western and South Slavs.

As part of the Eastern Slavic vocabulary, you can allocate: 1) the names of animals, birds: a dog, squirrel, daw, spleen, bullfinch; 2) Names of labor instruments: ax, blade; 3) names of household items: boots, bucket, casket, ruble; 4) the names of people by profession: carpenter, cook, shoemaker, miller; 5) Names of settlements: village, Sloboda and other lexico-semantic groups.

The fourth reservoir of the original Russian words is the person's vocabulary formed after the XIV century., I.e., in the era of the independent development of Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian languages. In these languages \u200b\u200balready have its own equivalents for words belonging to the Russian vocabulary. Cf. Lexical units:

Actually, Russian words are allocated, as a rule, a derivative basis: Mason, leaflet, changing room, generality, intervention and under.

It should be emphasized that in the composition of the actual Russian vocabulary, there may be words with foreign-speaking roots, which have passed the path of Russian word formation and entrusted with Russian suffixes, consoles: party, non-partisan, aggressiveness; ruler, wineglass, kettle; Words with a complex basis: Radiozel, locomotive, as well as many comprehensive words that have replenished our tongue in the XX century: MHAT, Lespromhoz, Wall newspaper, etc.

The original Russian vocabulary and now continues to be replenished with words that are created on the basis of word-forming language resources, as a result of a wide variety of processes characteristic of Russian-word formation.

See also the new theory of the Pranodina Indo-European Gamkrelidze T.V., Ivanov V.V. Indo-European language and Indo-Europeans. Reconstruction and historical and typological analysis of the defense and protoculture. Tbilisi, 1984.

Borrowing from Slavic languages

A special place in the composition of the Russian vocabulary among Slavic borrowing is occupied by Old Slavic words, or old elements (church salons). These are the words of the ancient Slavic language, well known in Russia since the spread of Christianity (988).

Being the language of liturgical books, the Old Slavonic language was initially far from being speech, but over time he experiences a noticeable influence of the Eastern Slavic language and himself, in turn, imposes an imprint to the language of the people. Russian chronicles reflect numerous cases of mixing these related languages.

The influence of the Old Slavonic language was very fruitful, it enriched our language, made it more expressive, flexible. In particular, the Russians became used in Russian vocabulary, which denoted abstract concepts for which there were no more names.

As part of the old groups that replenished Russian vocabulary, several groups can be distinguished: 1) the words, ascending to the Overall Slavonic language, having East Slavic options for other sounds or affixing design: Zlatto, Nost, Rybar, Rye; 2) old elements that have no consonant Russian words: finger, mouth, lounges, percy (cf. Russians: finger, lips, cheeks, chest); 3) semantic starms, i.e., the general Slavonic words, who received a new meaning in Starlistanist, associated with Christianity: God, sin, sacrifice, forn.

Old Slavonic borrowing have characteristic phonetic, word-forming and semantic signs.

The phonetic signs of old-places include:

  • involvement, i.e. The combinations -Re-, -Le-, -re, -Le- between consonants at the scene of full--Russian Russian, - ,-, -er-, -thel, - as part of one morpheme: brother - beard, beast - youth, Chered - a series, helmet - shell, Malko - Milk,
  • the combinations of the beginning of the word on the site of the Russians, Lobab, Rye; cf. East Slavic robin, boat,
  • the combination of the railway train on the site of Russian, ascending to the Unified Slavonic Conscious: Clothing, Hope, Between; cf. East Slavic: Odsezh, Nare, between;
  • i agree on the place of Russian h, also ascending to the same general Slavonic consonance: Nostan, dashing; cf. East Slavic: Night, Daughter,
  • vowel E at the beginning of the word on the site of Russian about the Even, one, cf. East Slavic: deer, one;
  • vowed ends under the firm consistent on the place of Russian O (E): Cross, sky; cf. Cross, packed.

Other starlisles retain the old Slavonic consoles, suffixes, a complex basis characteristic of the old Slavonic word formation:

  • the prefixes are obtained from-, bottom, it is possible to predict, expulsion, send, emergency, transmit, predict;
  • subfixes (E), -News (E), -Ani (E), - SN, -TV (A), -H (s), -, -, - ,-, -, coming, prayer, torment, execution, prayer, feed, lead, who knows, screaming, separating;
  • complex bases with typical elements typical with elements: God-fearing, favorance, maliciousness, superstition, curious.

The classification of old-places, based on their semantic and stylistic differences from Russian words, is possible.

  1. Most old plants are highlighted by book coloring, solemn, raised sound, infinity, Breg, garbage, touch, sacred, non-permanent, omnipresent and under.
  2. Those who are stylistically distinguished against the background of the rest of the vocabulary are sharply different from such old plants (many of them ousted the corresponding East Slavonic options, having duplicated their value) helmet, sweet, work, moisture; cf. Outdated ancient Russian: shell, malt, volga.
  3. The special group consists of old elements used along with Russian options, which received other importance: dust - gunpowder, betray - transfer, head (government) - head, citizen - citizen, etc.

The starms of the second and third group are not perceived by carriers of the modern Russian language as alien, they are so blizzard that they practically do not differ from the original Russian words. Unlike such genetic, styrersmissions, the words of the first group retain communication with Staroslavlyansky, book language; Many of them in the last century were an integral part of the poetic vocabulary: Perse, lounits, mouth, sweet, vlas, Vlasa, Child, Judy and under. Now they are perceived as poets, and G.O. Vinokur called their stylistic satelms1

From other nearby Slavic languages \u200b\u200bin Russian, individual words came, which practically do not stand out among the original Russian vocabulary. From the Ukrainian and Belarusian languages, the names of household items were borrowed, for example, Ukrainisms: borsch, dumplings, dumplings, hopak. A lot of words came to us from Polish: place, monogram, giving out, zrazy, gentry. Through Polish, Czech and other Slavic words were borrowed: Papor, brazen, angle, etc.

1 cm .. Vinokur G.O. About the Slavs in the modern Russian literary language // Selected works in Russian Language M., 1959. P. 443.

Borrowing from non-Slavic languages

In borrowing by the Russian language of foreign language words, the history of our people reflected in different epochs. Economic, political, cultural contacts with other countries, military collisions superimposed their imprint on the development of the language.

The very first borrowings from non-Slavic languages \u200b\u200bpenetrated into Russian yet in the VIII-XII centuries. From the Scandinavian languages \u200b\u200b(Swedish, Norwegian), we came to the words related to sea fishing: Schhers, Anchor, Hook, Baggore, Names Own: Rurik, Oleg, Olga, Igor, Askold. In the official-business speech of ancient Russia, the words of Vira, Tiun, Yabeda, stigma used are used. From Finno-Ugric Languages, we borrowed fish names: Sig, Navaga, Salga, Salaka, Shark, Koryushka, Herring, as well as some words related to the life of the Northern Peoples: Sani, Tundra, Purga, Narts, Pelmeni, etc.

Ancient borrowing includes individual words from Germanic languages: armor, sword, shell, boiler, hill, beech, prince, boron, pig, camel and others. Regarding the origin of some words, scientists argue, therefore the number of borrowing from the ancient German languages \u200b\u200bto different researchers is ambiguous (from 20 to 200 words).

The close neighborhood of Turkic peoples (Polovtsy, Pechenegov, Khazar), military clashes with them, and then the Mongol-Tatar invasion left Turkic words in Russian. They include mainly to the nomadic life of these peoples, clothes, utensils: Quiver, Arkan, Blind, Shalash, Beshmet, Kushak, Heel, Komach, Kumach, Chest, Kysten, shackles, Kabala, Treasure, Karaul, etc.

The most significant influence on the language of ancient Russia was the influence of the Greek language. Kievan Rus led lively trade with Vizantia, and the penetration of Greek elements in Russian vocabulary began before the adoption of Christianity in Russia (VI century) and intensified under the influence of Christian culture in connection with the baptism of the eastern Slavs (IX century), the distribution of liturgical books translated From Greek to Staroslavyansky.

Greek on the origin is the many names of household items, vegetables, fruits: cherry, cucumber, doll, ribbon, laghan, beets, lantern, bench, sauna; Words associated with science, enlightenment: grammar, mathematics, history, philosophy, notebook, alphabet, dialect; Borrowing from the field of religion: Angel, Altar, Ambon, Anathema, Archimandrite, Antichrist, Archbishop, Demon, Rods, Gospel, Icon, Ladan, Clay, Schima, Lampada, Monk, Monastery, Ponoloire, Archpriest, Panhid, etc.

Later borrowing from the Greek language belongs exclusively to the science of sciences, art. Many Grecisms came to us through other European languages \u200b\u200band are widely used in scientific terminology, which has received universal recognition: logic, psychology, department, idyll, idea, climate, criticism, metal, museum, magnet, syntax, lexicon, comedy, tragedy, chronograph, Planet, stage, scene, theater and under.

Latin also played a significant role in the enrichment of Russian vocabulary (including terminology), which is mainly related to the sphere of scientific and technical and socio-political life. Words to Latin source are upset by the words: author, administrator, audience, student, exam, exunun, minister, justice, operation, censorship, dictatorship, republic, deputy, delegate, rector, excursion, expedition, revolution, constitution, etc. These lynism They came to our language, as in other European languages, not only with the direct contact of the Latin language with any other (which, of course, was not expelled, especially through various educational institutions), but also through other languages. Latin language in many European states was the language of literature, science, official securities and religion (Catholicism). Scientific essays until the XVIII century. often written in Latin; Medicine still uses Latin. All this contributed to the creation of the International Fund of Scientific Terminology, which was mastered by many European languages, including Russians.

Nowadays, scientific terms are often created from Greek and Latin roots, denoting concepts unknown in the era of antiquity: astronaut [c. KOS-MOS - Universe + gr. Nautes - (Sea) - Blood]; Futurology (Lat. Futurum - Future + gr. Logos - Word, Teaching); Aqualang (Lat. Aqua - Water + English. Lung - Light). This is due to the exceptional productivity of the Latin and Greek roots, which are part of various scientific terms, as well as their international character, which facilitates understanding of such bases in different languages.

Later the lexical influence of European languages \u200b\u200bin Russian began to be felt in the XVI-XVII centuries. And especially intensified in the Petrovsk era, in the XVIII century. Transformation of all sides of Russian life under Peter I, his administrative, military reforms, the success of the enlightenment, the development of science - all this contributed to the enrichment of Russian vocabulary by foreign language words. These were the numerous names of the new items of life, military and sea terms, words from the field of science and art.

From the German language, such words were borrowed: sandwich, tie, decanter, hat, office, package, price list, percentage, accountant, bill, promotion, agent, camp, headquarters, commander, junker, corpoite, boat, patrontas, workbench, fuganok, Nickel, Quartz, Selith, Wolfral, Potatoes, Onions.

Sea terms came from the Dutch: shipyard, harbor, pennant, bed, drift, lotsman, sailor, raid, rhea, steering wheel, fleet, flag, fairway, skipper, navigator, boat, ballast.

Sea terms were also borrowed from English: Bot, Brig, Barge, Schunun, Yacht, Michman. The influence of English turned out to be relatively stable: the words penetrated into the Russian language throughout the XIX century. And later. So, to this source, words from the sphere of public relations, technical and sports terms, the names of household items: leader, department, rally, boycott, parliament, station, elevator, dock, budget, square, cottage, trolleybus, rail, Makintosh, Beefstex , pudding, rum, whiskey, grog, cake, plaid, sweater, jacket, french, finish, sport, athlete, football, basketball, volleyball, boxing, crocket, poker, hockey, jockey, bridge, spinning, etc.

A significant trail in Russian vocabulary left French. The first gallisms penetrated into it in the Petrovsky era, and then at the end of the 18th - early XIX century, in connection with the Galomania of the secular borrowing society from French became particularly popular. Among them - domestic words: costume, hood, corset, corsage, jacket, vest, coat, manto, blouse, fracture, bracelet, veil, jabin, floor, furniture, chest, office, buffet, salon, toilet, tremor, chandelier , lampshade, porter, service, lacquer, broth, cutlet, cream, stew, dessert, marmalade, seal and under.; Military Terms: Avangard, Captain, Sergeant, Artillery, Marsh, Manege, Cavalry, Reduce, Attack, Break, Battalion, Salute, Garnizon, Courier, General, Lieutenant, Dropping, Recruit, Supper, Cornet Corps, Troop, Fleet, Squades.

A lot of words from the field of art will also be torn to the French language: Belt, Parter, Piece, Actor, Sufller, Director, Intermission, Foye, Plot, Amplua, Ramp, Repertoire, Fars, Ballet, Genre, Role, Estrada. All these words became the affiliation of our language, therefore, there was borrowing not only names, but also the concepts necessary to enrich Russian culture. Some French borrowing, reflecting the narrow circle of interests of the exquisite noble society, did not intensive in Russian soil and went out of use: Randevo, Plesyr, Polytes and under.

Through French, some Italian words got to us: Baroque, carbonaries, dome, mezzanine, mosaic, cavalier, pantalona, \u200b\u200bgasoline, arch, barricade, watercolor, credit, corridor, bastion, carnival, arsenal, gangster, balcony, charlatan, basta , balustrade, etc.

From the Italian language in all European languages, including in Russian, came musical terms: Adagio, Arioso, Aria, Alto, Bass, Cello, Bandura, Chapel, Tenor, Cavatina, Chancend, Mandolina, Libretto, Forte, Piano, Moderato, etc. To the Italian source, spent the words: Clavsine, Ballerina, Harlequin, Opera, Impresario, Bravo.

Single borrowing from Spanish, which in Russian penetrated often through French media: Alcovka, guitar, castaints, mantle, serenade, caramel, vanilla, tobacco, tomato, cigar, lemon, jasmine, banana.

Not only individual words should be attributed to the number of foreign language borrowings, but also some word-forming elements: Greek prefixes A-, anti, Arki-, Pan-: immoral, antipersky, Archinlepene, Pangerman; Latin prefixes: de, counter, trans-, ultra-, inter- Degradation, Pobrong, Trans-European, Ultrahal, Intervocal; Latin suffixes: -ism, -r., -or, -the and other tail, harmonist, combinator. Such consoles and suffixes entrenched not only in Russian, they received international distribution.

It should be noted that Russian words are borrowed by other languages. And in different periods of our history in other languages, not only such Russian words like samovar, borsch, soup, cranberries and under., But such as satellite, tips, restructuring, publicity. The successes of the Soviet Union in the development of space contributed to the fact that the terms born in our language of this sphere were perceived by other languages. Cosmonaut, moonport.

Mastering the borrowed words by the Russian language

Inactive words, getting into our language, are gradually assimilated by them: adapt to the sound system of the Russian language, they are subject to the rules of Russian word formation and word, in one way or another, thus losing the features of their non-Russian origin.

First of all, the other-language features of the sound design of the word are usually eliminated, such as nasal sounds in borrowing from French or a combination of sounds, characteristic of the English language, etc. Then the non-Russian endings of words, form of the kind. For example, in words, the postman, the sidewalk, the sidewalk no longer sounds characteristic of the French sounds (nasal vowels traced [r]; In words, the rally, pudding no English poster-speaking H, pronounced by the back of the back of the language (in transcription [* NG], in addition, the first of them lost Difthong; initial consonants in the words jazz, Jean pronounced with the characteristic Russian articulation, although their combination for us Unusual. The Latin word seminarium has become a seminary, and then to the seminar; Greek Analogos - in An` alogy, a analogikos - to a similar. SEUKLA noun, having a multiple number in Greek, has become perceived as a noun one, and Not average, but a female kind: Beet. German Marschiep receives Russian suffix and converted to marching.

Flowing in word-forming affixes, borrowed words are included in the grammatical system of the Russian language and are subject to the appropriate norms of the provision: form declosion paradigms, hinge.

The development of borrowed words usually leads to their semantic changes. Most foreign language words in Russian lose these etymological relationships with the related source language roots. So, we do not perceive the German words of the resort, sandwich, hairdresser as words of a complex foundation (the resort from Kurie-Rug - "Treat" + Ort - "place"; hairdresser - literally "making a wig"; sandwich - "oil" and "Bread" )

As a result of the deetimalization, the values \u200b\u200bof foreign language words become unmotivated.

However, not all borrowing is assimilated by the Russian language equally: there are those that are so blistering that they do not discover their foreign origin (cherry, notebook, party, salas, soup, cutlet), otherwise retain certain features of the original language, thanks to which allocated In Russian vocabulary as aliens words.

Among the borrowings, there are words not mastered by the Russian language that dramatically stand out against the backdrop of Russian vocabulary. Special place among such borrowings are exotic - words that characterize the specific features of the lives of different peoples and are used in the description of non-Russian reality. So, in the image of the life of the Peoples of the Caucasus, the words of Aul, Saklya, Djigit, Arba, and others are used. Exotics do not have Russian synonyms, so the appeal to them when describing the national specificity is dictated by the need.

Varvarisms are allocated to another group, i.e. Foreign words transferred to Russian soil, the use of which is individual. In contrast to other lexical borrowing, Varvarisms are not recorded with dictionaries of foreign words, and even more so in Russian dictionaries. Varvarisms are not mastered by the language, although in time they may consolidate in it. Thus, almost all borrowing before entering the permanent composition of vocabulary, for some time were Varvarms. For example, V. Mayakovsky used as Varvarism, the word Kemp (I was lying, - a tent in Kepe), later the property of the Russian language was borrowing camping.

Warmarms are adjacent to other-language engines in Russian vocabulary: about Kay, Merse, Happy End, Pater Familias. Many of them retain non-Russian writing they are popular not only in our, but also in other languages \u200b\u200bIn addition, the use of some of them has a long tradition, For example Alma Mater.

Phonetic and morphological features of borrowed words

Among the phonetic will accept borrowed words, you can allocate the following.

  1. Unlike the original Russian words, never started with the sound [A] (which would contradict the phonetic laws of the Russian language), borrowed words have an initial A: questionnaire, Abbot, paragraph, Aria, Attack, Abajore, Arba, Angel, Anathema.
  2. The initial ehm distinguishes predominantly Grecizma and Latinism (Russian words never start with this, neootted, sound): era, era, ethics, exam, execution, effect, floor.
  3. The letter F shows the non-Russian source of the word, since the Eastern Slavs had no sound [f] and the corresponding graphic sign was used only to designate it in borrowed words: forum, fact, lantern, sofa, film, scam, form, aphorism, ether, profile and under.
  4. The combination of two and more vowels in the Word was unacceptable under the laws of Russian phonetics, so borrowed words easily stand out for this feature (so-called gaping): poet, halo, out, theater, veil, cocoa, radio, punctuation.
  5. The consonance of the GE, KE, Xe, which was subjected to phonetic changes in the original words, were possible in the words of borrowed: cedar, hero, scheme, agent, ascetic.
  6. The sequence of vowels and consonant sounds inherent in the Russian language, in which the means of the Russian phonetic system are transmitted unusual for it to consonate parachute, puree, communiqué, jeep, jury.
  7. The special phonetic sign of the words of Turkic origin is the harmony of vowels (Syngarmonism) - natural use in one word vowels only one row: rear [A], [y] or front [E], [and]: Ataman, caravan, pencil, shoe, arcan , chest, sundush, drum, heel, Kushak, ulus, mosque, beads.

Among the morphological will accept borrowed words, the most characteristic is their immutability, lack of flexions. So, some foreign language nouns do not change according to cases, do not have correlative forms of the only and multiple number: taxis, coffee, coat, beige, mini, maxi.

Body-forming borrowing signs include foreign language consoles: interval, deduction, individualism, regression, archimandrite, contragmiral, antichrist and suffixes: Deanat, student, technical school, editor, literature, proletariat, populism, socialist, half alarm, etc.


One of the methods of borrowing is calculation, i.e., the construction of lexical units according to the sample of the corresponding words of a foreign language by accurate translation of their significant parts or the borrowing of certain values \u200b\u200bof words, according to the lexical and semantic tract

Lexical tanks arise as a result of a literal translation into Russian language of a foreign language word in parts: console, root, suffix with an accurate repetition of the method of its formation and value. For example, the Russian word looks formed by the German model Aussehen as a result of calculating the prefix you \u003d German AUS-; The verb base is to look \u003d the German sehen. Words hydrogen and oxygen - Greek hudor tracing - "Water" + Genos - "Rod" and Oxys - "sour" + Genos - "Rod"; Similarly, the German Halbinsel served as a sample for tracing peninsula; The English Sky-Scraper in Russian has a skyscraper (Wed Ukrainian Homanor). By calculation, such borrowings came to us: the life appearance (gr. Bios + Grapho), superhumans (it. Иber + mensch); Welfare (FR. BIEN + KTRE), spelling (gp. Orthos + Grapho) and many others. Such trackers are also called word-formative, or rather lexico-word-formative.

Semantic tracks are the original words, which, besides them in the Russian lexical system of values, receive new meaning under the influence of another language. For example, the Russian word painting, denoting - "The work of painting", "spectacle", under the influence of English has also become used in the meaning of the "movie". This is a tracing in the English multi-valued Picture word in the language language: "Picture," Figure "," Portrait "," Film "," Edit Frame ".

A lot of semantic crips from the French introduced the use of N. M. Karamzin: touch, touching, taste, refined, image, etc. Appeal to them at the beginning of the XIX century. It was a distinctive feature of the "new syllable", developed by the Karamzin school and approved by Pushkin and his like-minded people.

Lexico-word-forming calculation was used in replenishing the Russian lexicon from Greek, Latin, German, French sources.

Another type of borrowing is lexical semi-shutters - words in which literally translated foreign language and Russian word formation elements are combined. For example, the word humanity has a Latin root of Human-US, but the Russian suffix is \u200b\u200badded to it (cf. humanism) or in a complex word television is connected by Greek (Tele) and Russian (Vinji) bases.

Attitude to borrowed words

In relation to borrowed words, two extremes often face: on the one hand, the oversaturation of speech by foreign words and turnover, on the other - the denial of them, the desire to use only the original word. At the same time, in the controversy, they often forget that many borrowings completely bliss and have no equivalents, being the only names of the relevant realities (remember Pushkinskoye: but Pantalonians, Frak, Vest - there are no all these words in Russian ...). The lack of a scientific approach to the problem of the development of foreign language vocabulary manifests itself in the fact that its use is sometimes considered in the separation from the functional and style consolidation of language funds: it is not taken into account that in some cases the appeal to foreign language book words is stylistically not justified, and in others it is necessary, Since these words constitute an integral part of the vocabulary, enshrined at a certain style serving this or that sphere of communication.

In different periods of development of the Russian literary language, the assessment of the penetration of foreign-language elements was ambiguous. In addition, the activation of the process of lexical borrowing is usually intensified and countering him. So, Peter I demanded from his contemporaries to write "as intelligible", not abusing non-Russian words. M. V. Lomonosov in his "theory of three hundred", highlighting the words of various groups as part of the Russian vocabulary, did not leave places for borrowing from non-Slavic languages. And creating Russian scientific terminology, Lomonosov sequentially sought to find equivalents in the language to replace foreign-speaking terms, sometimes artificially transferring such formations into science. Against the clogging of the Russian language, both A. P. Sumarokov, and N. I. Novikov appealed against French words.

However, in the XIX century. accents shifted. Representatives of the Karamzin school, young poets led by Pushkin were forced to fight for the use of lexical borrowing in Russian soil, as they reflected the advanced ideas of French enlightenment. It is not by chance that the royal censorship etched such borrowed words as a revolution, progress from the language.

In the first years of the Soviet rule, the most pressing cultural and educational task was the introduction of broad masses to knowledge, the elimination of illiteracy. Under these conditions, large writers and public figures have advanced the requirement of simplicity of the literary language.

Nowadays, the question of the feasibility of using borrowing is associated with the consolidation of lexical means for certain functional styles of speech. The use of foreign language words having a limited sphere of distribution can be justified by the reader's circle, the style of the work. Foreign terminological vocabulary is an indispensable tool for concise and accurate transmission of information in texts intended for narrow specialists, but may also be an irresistible barrier to understand the popular science text by an unprepared reader.

It should be taken into account and the trend towards the creation of international terminology, the uniform names of concepts, the phenomena of modern science, production, which also contributes to the consolidation of borrowed words that have received an international character.

Questions for self-test

  1. What explains the replenishment of Russian vocabulary by foreign words?
  2. What are the ways of penetrating lexical borrowing in Russian?
  3. What lexical layers are allocated in Russian, depending on the origin of the words?
  4. What place in Russian vocabulary occupy the old Slavonic words?
  5. How are foreign words are mastered by Russian?
  6. By which phonetic and morphological signs, you can allocate borrowed words from the composition of Russian vocabulary?
  7. What is tracing?
  8. What types of cripples in Russian are you known?
  9. What are the criteria for consuming foreign words in speech?


24. Analyze the composition of vocabulary in the text in terms of its origin. Highlight foreign language words, noting the degree of their assimilation by the Russian language. Specify the starms. For certificates, refer to these etymological dictionaries and dictionaries of foreign words.

The southern facade of the House of Saltykov is facing a Marso field. Before the revolution, the current smaller park was a huge area, where the parades of the troops of the Guards Corps were held. There was a gloomy engineering castle behind her with her gilded spire. Now the building is closed with old trees. In Pushkin times they were just a dozen three years.

The facade of the Embassy Mansion was not yet spoiled by the later superstructure of the fourth floor.

The eight windows of the Ambassador, one of which laid; Extreme windows on the right and on the left of the triple. In the middle of the floor, the glass door leads to the balcony, designed in the strict proportions of the Alexandrovsky Ampire. His massive cast iron grille is very beautiful. The balcony was delivered, probably in 1819 simultaneously with the entire third floor on the part of Marsov fields. ... Coming to Leningrad, I asked permission to explore the southern part of the third floor of the Institute of Culture.

Now here is mainly placed his library. Book Wealth (Currently, more than three hundred thousand volumes) are already closely in the Avtilade of former Dolly Countess Rooms ...

Five apartments that came to the Marso field are bright and invariably warm rooms. And in the strongest frosts here is never fresh. Favorite Camellia Countess and other flowers probably felt good in these rooms even into the cloudy Petersburg winter. There was a cozy and Darius Fedorovna, which, as we know, in some respects herself was like a greenhouse flower.

In terms of real Countess, having lived for many years in Italy, at least in the early years after arriving in St. Petersburg, the domestic frosts struck hard. Her and the most arrival of the northern winter.

Settling in the House of Saltykov, she records on October 1 of the same 1829: "Today the first snow fell - winter, which will continue with us seven months, forced my heart to squeeze: very much the influence of the North on the mood of a person, because among such a happy existence, as mine, I have to fight my sadness and melancholy all the time. I reproach myself for it, but I can't do anything here - the wonderful Italy, joyful, glittering, warm, turning my first youth in the picture, full colors, coziness and harmony, is to blame. She sketched as it were to cover the rest of my other life, which will pass out! Few people would understand me in this respect - but only a person, brought up and developed in the south, truly feels what life is, and knows all her charm. "

No words, a young estuary, as a few, knew how to feel and love life. Just felt it - we repeat once again - one-sided. So it was before, in Italy, and in the Red Living Room of the Saltykovsky House, where it probably filled out the pages of her diary ... But in the ex-her personal rooms it is difficult to walk without excitement. Probably, they are no less than the front apartments of the embassy, \u200b\u200bthe fact that it has long been called "Fiemelmon Graphant Salon", where, according to P.A. Vyazemsky, "and diplomats, and Pushkin were at home."

(N. Raevsky.)

25. In offers from the works of A. S. Pushkin, highlight old-melanies. Specify their stylistic functions, name where, Russian compliance is possible.

1. Inclusive on an alien plow, conquering Ticham, here slavery keeps the brazdes of the inexorable owner. Here, a painful jar to the coffin, everyone is enthusiating, hopes and inconsistencies in the soul do not dare, here the Virgo young bloom for the whims of an insensible villain. 2. Fearfully, Out of Ingrement! Russia has moved their sons; rebelled and old and young; We fly on dorned, hearts of them are lit. 3. I love my mad javity ... 4. ... there is a junior day, my junior days rushed. 5. Make my sad voice ... 6. I did not want to pour a journey of a junior armid, il roses of fiery lountes, Ile Persi, full of tomlets ... 7. It's time to leave the boring brag ... 8. ... Fields ! I am devoted to you soul. 9. But thank God! Alive you, unharmed ... 10. Hello, tribe young, unfamiliar! 11. And I always considered you faithful, brave knights ... 12. I once assured the residents, I got sick with them, I was played by ... 13. Neither the power, nor life I am funny ... 14. Then - is not it? "In the desert, away from the fumes, I didn't like ... 15. I listened and heard - the tears are invalid and sweet tendeys.

The vocabulary of the modern Russian language passed a long way of becoming. Our vocabulary consists not only of the original Russian words, but also from words borrowed from other languages. Inowaging sources replenished and enriched Russian throughout the process of its historical development. Some borrowings were made in antiquity, others - relatively recently.
Replenishment of Russian vocabulary went in two directions.

1. New words were created from the language of word formation elements (roots, suffixes, consoles). So expanded and developed by the original Russian vocabulary.

2. New words were poured into Russian from other languages \u200b\u200bas a result of the economic, political and cultural relations of the Russian people with other peoples.

The composition of the Russian vocabulary from the point of view of its origin can be schematically submitted to the table.

Vocabulary from the point of view of its use.

Nude vocabulary- This is a common vocabulary of all speakers in Russian. These words are used in any style of speech.

Vocabulary of limitedwords, the use of which is limited in accordance with the territorial and social division of the National Language.

Dialectisms are Expressions or methods of speech used by people in one area or another. Differ phonetic, grammatical, word-forming, lexicaldialectisms.

Phonetic dialectisms Characterized by certain sound features, reflect the features of the sounding system of the dialect.

Grammatical and word-formative Dialectims reflect the features of the formation and word formation.

Lexic dialectisms - These are words that are dialectically not in some part (sound, suffix), but in general. Lexical dialectisms disintegrate on actually lexical, ethnographic, semantic.

Actually lexical Dialectims are the local names of nationwide concepts, phenomena, items. These words, being non-temporary, have synonyms in the literary language.

Ethnographic dialectisms- Words that call objects, phenomena not included in the national use. These words reflect the features of the local life, the specifics of the labor of people living on a certain territory.

Semantic dialectisms- These are local values \u200b\u200bof nationwide words. In relation to them, the words of the literary language act as homonyms.

Special vocabulary - These are words and expressions that are used in special areas of human activity. Special vocabulary is divided into 2 groups: terms and professionalism.

Term (from Lat.Terminus - border, limit) - Word or phrase, which is the exact name of any concept used in science, technique or art. Professionalism- The semi-official word, common (more often in colloquial speech) among people of a vocational group and is not strict, scientific designation of concepts.

11 Active and passive vocabulary. Russian proverbs and sayings. Phraseologism. Aphorisms

Active vocabulary

The active stock includes familiar, daily-like words that do not have a shade of outdars or novelty.

Passive vocabulary

Passive stock includes outdated words and neologisms. Outdated divided into historians and archaisms.

Historisms - Words calling not found objects, phenomena, creatures.

Example: king, verst, husli, hussar.

Archaisms - Words that are outdated names of objects, phenomena, creatures that exist and now.

Example: mouth-mouth, beer-very.

Neologisms - Words arising in the language for the designation of new, previously not existing concepts, phenomena, items. Newly they remain as long as the talking feels his novelty, unusuality.

"Talk" and "Proverb"- It is figurative and briefly expressed folk wisdom.
for example: "Wolves fear - not to walk into the forest", "what cover, such and autumn", "there is no truth in the legs."

If we open a brief dictionary of literary terms, you will find that "Saying" They call one of the types of folk oral creativity, the expression that defines one of the vital phenomena.
"Proverb" It is a brief realization about different life situations, as well as one of the types of oral folk creativity.

Examples of proverbs:

· "Your shirt closer to the body"

· "Tears of sorrow will not help"

Examples of sayings:

· "Found a braid to stone"

· "Gruzdev called himself get in the body"

Phraseologism- It is a stable composition and structure and a holistic value of a combination of two or more words.

Types of phraseologism

Several types of phraseological units are isolated: phraseological combat, phraseological unity, phraseological combinations.

Frameological battle (Idioma)- This is a steady turn, whose value cannot be derived from the values \u200b\u200bof the components of its words.

Example: after the rain on Thursday - Never or is unknown when. If you do not know what this phraseology means, it is practically impossible to guess his meaning.

Phraseeological unity - This is a steady turn, whose value can be derived from the values \u200b\u200bof the components of its words. For phraseological unity, a picture is characterized: all the words of such a turnover, uniting, acquire a figurative meaning.

Example : Slow downstream - obey circumstances, not to take active actions.

Frameological combination - turnover, in which there are words of both with a free meaning and a phraseologically related value. The value of the phraseological combination can be derived from the values \u200b\u200bof the components of its words.

As a rule, one of the words in the composition of the phraseological combination is constant, and the remaining words allow replacement.

Example: For example, you can say glowing joy, glow with happiness, loving love. All these are phraseological combinations.

Signs of phraseologism:

  • Contains at least two words.
  • It has a steady composition.
  • Not name.

Aphorism - Original completed thought, the extended and recorded in a laconic memorable text form and subsequently repeatedly reproduced by other people.

Examples: "Everyone hears only what he understands";
"Knowledge is power"

Seven times - Example and no sense.

12.Foundism. Sound speech. Open and closed syllable. Phonetic word parsing. The stress is verbal and logical. The role of emphasis in poetic speech.

phonetics-This science studying sounds.

Example:Skiing- skiing - 4 b., 4 star.

Sounds of speech - These are the smallest sound units, from which words are formed. Sounds we hear and pronounce.

Sounds Like material signs - perform two functions:

but) perceptive - the function of bringing speech to perception

b) significtive - The function of distinguishing significant units of the language of the morpheme and words.

They can be described in three aspects:

Ø with acoustic (physical) aspect in which the sound is considered as oscillatory movements caused by speech bodies;

Ø with articulation (physiological) aspect in which the sound acts as a product of the workpower of human (articulation apparatus);

Ø with functional (senseless) side (linguistic) aspect, where the sound is considered as one of the possible optionalization of the phonam (sound type) in the process of functioning that is self-esteem and construction function.

Words are divided into syllables. Syllable - This is one sound or several sounds, pronounced by one exhaling air impetus

. Sounds are open and closed.

· Open syllable ends on a vowel sound.

Due, country-on.

· Closed syllable ends on the consonant sound.

Sleep, Lai-Ner.

· Open syllables in Russian more. Closed syllables are usually observed in the end of the word.

Wed: no-Check (the first syllable open, the second is closed), o-bo-dock (The first two syllables are open, the third is closed).

· In the middle of the word, the syllable, as a rule, ends onto a vowel sound, and a consonant or group of consonants standing after the vowel, usually depart to the subsequent syllable!

No-cynic, in hand, di-ktor.

In the middle of the words, closed syllables can form only uncapar ringing consonants: [j], [p], [p '], [l], [l'], [m], [n '], [n], [n' ]. (example)Ma.j. -Yo, sny -Yo, co-lom. -Yo.

Phonetic analysis - This is the characteristic of the structure of the syllables and the composition of the word from the sounds.

The phonetic analysis of the word is carried out according to the following plan:

1. To recruit the word spelling correctly.

2. Share the word on the syllables and find the place of accent.

3. Note the possibility of transferring words by syllables.

4. Edvetical word transcription.

5. In order to characterize all the sounds: a. consonant - the ringing - deaf (paired or unpalaring), solid or soft, which letter it is designated; b. Vowel: shock or unstressed.

7. Notify cases if the sound does not match the letter.

Phonetic analysis of the word carrots:

1. Mismakov

2.Mor-coil (on the second syllable the emphasis falls, 2 syllables).

3.New: Maja

4. [MARKOF "]

5.M - [M] - consonant, solid, ringing and unpalaring.

O - [A] - vowel and unstressed.

P - [p] - consonant, solid, ringing and unpalaring.

K - [K] - consonant, solid, deaf and steam room.

Oh - [o] - vowel and shock.

In - [f "] - consonant, soft, deaf and steam room.

6. In the word 7 letters and 6 sounds.

7.O - A, in - a deaf sound f, b softens in.

ACTNOLOGY- Science studying verbal emphasis.

Stress It is called the selection of a group of words, a separate word or a syllable in the word.

This is the allocation of a word or a group of words that are important in terms of meaning in this phrase. For example, in the poem A. Akhmatova "Courage" (1942) lines We know that now lies on the scales and what is done now ... pronounced with a logical emphasis on union words - pronouns whatwhich must necessarily be highlighted by the power of the voice, since it is them that determine the content of this entire phrase. This is the selection of a syllable in the word. If the word consists of two or more syllables, then one of them is pronounced with a greater force, with more durability and more clearly. A syllable that is pronounced with more power and durability is called a shock syllable. The vowel sound of the shock syllable is called vowels. The remaining syllables (and vowels) in the word - unstressed. The stress sign "" is put over the voice of the shock syllable: wall, Field.

13Morfemic. The concept of morpheme as a significant part of the word. Morphem word parsing. Word formation. Word formation methods.

Morfemica - This is a significant part of the word. (Prefix, root, suffix, ending, base)

Root- This is a significant part of the word in which the lexical meaning of all single words is. Without the root of words, there are no difficult words with several words. (Power station - root1 (electro), root1 (stanz))

To find the root in the wordyou need to pick up single words and allocate in them the same part.

Example: Water, water, water, water supply. All these words have the root-water.

Console- This is the significant part of the word, which serves to form new words. The consoles in the Word may not be and maybe several.

Example: Praprababushka- Two consoles -Fra-.

Example: Grandma - the consoles are not.

Some consolespress the word additional lexical values.

Sufist -this is a significant part that serves to form new words and stands after the root sign.

Example:House house (soffix -ik-)

Some suffix5sgive the word an additional lexical shade.

Ending-this is a significant part of the word, which is located at the end of the variable parts of speech and serves to form grammatical forms of the word.

Example:grandmothers (ending-and -), Praprababushka (ending -A-).

The foundation-this is part of the word without end and interfix. To allocate in the word basis, you need to change the grammatical form to determine the end. The base may be interrupted, for example, return verbs.

Example: Pedestrian (base-and-and-and-)-)

Identify the basisit is necessary to determine the way the word education.

Example:Winter (ending -A-, root -zim-, the basis -zyme -) - winter (ending - Xu, suffix -n-, root -zim-, base -zimn-).

Postfix- This is a significant part of the word, the recovery form is formed by the verbs, the communities, verbalism and is in the end of the word (after graduation).

Example: Verb - learn, the sacrament-student, the need.

Interfix (connecting verbs) - This is a significant part of complex words that serves to form new words by narrowing the wasp.


The order of morpheme analysis

1. Determine a part of speech.

2. The variable parts of the speech find the end. To do this, change the word form.

3. Find words. Pick up at least 2 single words.

4. Console.

5. Suffix.

6. Ending.

7. The foundation.

Example: Premonition.


Word formationthis section of the language science, which studies the methods of education of new words.

1. Install


2.Suffixal-this is a way to form a new word by adding to the original console.

Example:Doming. Kottik.

3. Required and suffixthis is a way to form new words by adding suffix.

Origin vocabulary of the modern Russian language

Borrowing in Russian

Lexic lesson in grade 10.

The composition of the vocabulary of the modern language

non-Russian Borrowed

Ordon Russian vocabulary

1) Indo-europeisms; 2) Overall Lamika ( about 2000 words, nevertheless, this relatively small lexical stock is the core of the Russian dictionary, it includes the most common, stylistically neutral words used both in oral and in writing); 3) East Slavic vocabulary; 4) actually Russian vocabulary

1) Indo-europeisms - Words preserved from the Epoch of Indo-European Language Unity

The Indo-European Pravocyku is put up with words denoting plants, animals, metals and minerals, tools, tools, form of management, types of kinship, etc.: oak, salmon, goose, wolf, sheep, copper, bronze, honey, mother, son, daughter, night, moon, snow, water, new, sew, etc.

2 ) General Slavic vocabulary - Words inherited by our Language from the Slavonic (Praslavyansky), which served as a source for all Slavic languages \u200b\u200b( ukrainian, Czech, Polish, Bulgarian, etc.) .

Among the general Slavonic words a lot nouns :

concrete Nouns : head, throat, beard, heart, palm; field, mountain, forest, birch, maple, ox, cow, pig; Sickle, forks, knife, nemid, neighbor, guest, servant, friend; shepherd, sparkher, potter;

distracted Nouns (their less): faith, will, wines, sin, happiness, fame, rage, thought.

Other parts of speech are also presented in the Slavonic vocabulary:

verbs : see, hear, grow, lie, learn, write, rush;

adjectives : kind, young, old, wise, cunning;

nUMBER : one two Three;

proponation: i, you, we, you;

playless adverbs : where, how

some service part of speech: over, and, and yes, but ...

Overall Language to VI - VII V.V. broke up into three groups: south, Western, Eastern

On the east Slavic (Old Russian) The population of Kiev Rus said the language.

As part of the Eastern Slavic vocabulary, you can allocate:

1) animal names, birds: dog, squirrel, daw, spleen, bullfinch;

2) Names of labor instruments : ax, blade;

3) the names of household items: boot, bucket, casket, ruble;

4) names of people by profession : Carpenter, cook, shoemaker, miller;

5 ) Names of settlements : Village, Sloboda

and other lexico-semantic groups.

Due to the collapse of the ancient Russian language to the XIV - XV V.V. Three independent closest languages \u200b\u200bare formed: russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian.

In these languages \u200b\u200balready have its own equivalents for words belonging to the Russian vocabulary. Cf. Lexical units

actually Russians sad highly need to currant printer

ukrainian sumy shower tribo pitch drikar.

belarusian sumbers velmi. required parechki. drikar.

Words appearing in our language after XIV - XVV.V., called actually Russians

In fact, Russian words are almost all noun Sufifixes formed -Cheel, -Orker, alert, " (Bricklayer, Undeller, Clear, Evaluation, Manicure) , Using a suffix Hotel with the meaning of the current item ( fire extinguisher, fuse) , from prefix verbs with help besafifix fashion word formation ( running, clamp), Using a suffix - ost from adjectives ( party). Actually, Russians in the origin are the adverbs of the type maternity , foreign one ,

dispaptations on -E. Type triumphant , comprehensive nouns ( TSU, Lespromkhoz) and many others.

Formation of Russian vocabulary

The vocabulary of the Russian language consisted over the centuries. There are two main ways to form a vocabulary:

1) straight way in which the so-called typical words of the language arise from the language of the elements;

2) the path of borrowing in which new words come from the side from other languages .

Learning borrowed words

When moving words from another language in Russian occur mastering processes. Words are mastered:

1) phonetically;

2) graphically;

3) grammatically;

4) lexically.

  • 1) phonetically; 2) graphically; 3) grammatically; 4) lexically.

Signs of borrowed words

1. Initial BUT

  • 1. Initial BUT almost always testifies to the non-Russian origin of the word: ajazhur, Scarlet, Army, Questionnaire, Diamond, Pharmacy, August, Astra, Agent, Aria, Aviation.
  • Initial and Russian words - rarity. These are words: ah, ah, yeah, beyond, auch.
  • Initial and Russian words - rarity. These are words: ah, ah, yeah, beyond, auch.

2. The presence in the word letter F -

bright foreign language feature. With the exception of few interjections and sound-speaking words (Fu, Fi, UV, snort) words with the letter f borrowed:

coffee, Photographer, February, Fact, Lantern, Graphics, Form, Spawner, Film, Defense, Fountain and Others .

3. Combination ke, ge, he

These combinations of letters indicate the borrowed nature of the word : Rocket, cedar, skeleton, coat of arms, sneakers, hairdresser, orchestra, package, trachea, hero, helium, agent.

At the junction of the foundation and end of the ge, ke, haze there are out of foreseen words: hand, sand, south, road, ravine

4. Exchange

Foreign appearance give the word so-called gaping (Neighborhood two or more vowels in the root of words)

p oE t, as aO. , aU t, D. iE tA, B. aU l, Kar. aU l, OR. eO l, T. eA tr, D. uE l.

At the junction of Morpham, such combinations are possible in Russian: science, irregular, to teach, go.

5. Letter E.

Letter E. it is found exclusively in borrowed words: era, Epoch, Floor, Evolution, Canoe, Effect, Ethics, Aloe, Mayor, Par, Echo, Element.

eh, e, this, such, so .

  • In Russian words, the letter E is rarely: eh, e, this, such, so .

6.Comotion pU, BUB, VU, KY, SY

The words: puree, billboard, carburetor, bust, bulletin, debut, engraving, cuvette, communiqué, engraving, bureau - Borrowed character.

1) Primary J: Jumper, Jazz, Jam, Joule, Gentleman, Joker;

2) Eltimate-ing: rally, pudding, pressing, tuxedo, browning.

3) Eltimate-shall or -man: Athlete, Showman, Businessman

4) finite shock (-E), - and, - oh: Kushn, Pensne, Tour, File, Necklace, Blinds;

5) Eltimate - AZH: aerobatics, sac bath, beach, turn. floor, luggage, massage, venice;

6) Final-ass: Assonance, Dzonuson, Advance, Romance, Session, Decadence.

Sources of borrowing

The earliest borrowings from Germanic, Finno-Ugric and Turkic languages.

Of germanic Languages: Words of household vocabulary: baggore, casket, anchor; Own names : Igor, Oleg

Of finno-Ugric : names of fish, rivers, settlements: Kilka, Navaga, Salaka, salmon; Tsna, Istra

Of turkic : Words associated with the household sphere: shoe, felt, noodles, chest, suitcase, cast iron, stocking

Words of Greek origin

1 ) names of household subjects (bed, lantern),

2) church-religious concepts (Angel, Gospel, Bishop, Ladan, Monk),

3) scientific terms (alphabet, dialect, lexicon, syntax, history, mathematics, astronomy, grammar, geography, geometry),

4) own names (Eugene, Elena, Vasily, Sophia)

5) political terms (monarchy, democracy, hegemony, proletariat),

6 ) Terms of art, literature ( monologue, epigraph, epigram, symphony, jamb, stanza, etc.)


Latin - the language of the ancient Rome (5 - 6th century BC)

  • Latin Word Signs - Finite -Mom, -We, -, -Ther, -pal, -t: plenum, aquarium, opium, housing, Lyapsus, reaction, constitution, author, innovator, equator, document, incident, cone, nation, section, fittings, censorship, dictatorship.

Turkic borrowing

Most of the words of Turkic origin are borrowed during the Tatar invasion (13-14th century).

Turquisms entered our language in orally.

it names of clothing : Tulup, Sarafan, stocking, Basholyk, Armyak;

words associated with household, life : barn, shed, hearth, cast iron, pencil.

names of disgusting : Raisin, Balyk, Skewers, Watermelon, Eggplant, Noodles;

"Trading words": money, heartless, Arshin, product.

Staroslavyania (Words that came from the Old Slavonic language, an anneal-baulian language dialect)

Many of the old Slavonic words had parallels in Russian, so they were understandable. Old Slavonic words, due to their book, expressed more distracted concepts.

1. Old Slavonic: glaz, voice, head, gate, captivity, power, country - Russians: hunger, voice, gate, full, parish, side (Old Slavonic Increase Combines - ra-, -, -re-, _ on the site of the Russians - oro-, -, - -er-. -).

2. Old Slavonic: rye, equal, difference - Russians: boat, smooth, retail

3. Old Slavonic consoles : Pre-, bottom, too, from, wheels, etc.,

4 . Suffixes : -Ship, - caution, Yusch, - Eish aish, -Te, - Yusch and others.

The words: nature railway a, Prime sh ho. railway , consent, grace By the origin of Staroslavyansky

Borrowing from german

German words replenished Russian military vocabulary : Shnyk, front, soldier, shrom, assault.

A lot of words came from the language of German artisans : locksmith, planer, chisel, workbench, plank, hobster .

  • Other German borrowing: wafer, vane, avalanche, tour, template, route.

Signs of the words of German origin :

- finite -Mister : grossmaster, Politzmeister, Kappelmester, Concert Makester, Balletmaster, Email Master.

- Primary pC : stamp, bayonet, penalty, curtains, rod, spy, syringe, state, gallery ...

French words

Borrowed mainly in the era of Peter the first and in the afternoon. Themed French vocabulary, presented in Russian, is diverse:

1) Words associated with art: genre, conference, plot, director, amplua, foyer, repertoire, lodge, feuilletone;

2) domestic words: costume, Hood, Corset, Corsage, Jacket, Vest, Coat, Manto, Blouse, Frak, Bracelet, Veil, Jabin, Furniture, Furniture, Dresser, Cabinet, Buffet, Salon, Toilet, Tremo, Chandelier, Abazhur, Porter, Service, lacquer, broth, cutlet, cream, stew, dessert, marmalade, seal;

3) military terms : Avangard, Captain, Sergeant, Artillery, Marsh, Manege, Cavalry, Reduce, Attack, Break, Battalion, Salute, Garnizon, Courier, General, Lieutenant, Dropping, Recruit, Supper, Cornet Corps, Troop, Fleet, Squades.

From the Dutch language

came mostly words maritime : Harbor, Boatsman, Lotsman, Compass, Cruiser, Tug, Sailor.

Other words .

  • Other words : pants, umbrella, sitts, cable, cable, receipt .

English words

also replenished our marine vocabulary : abl, Yacht, Michman, trawl, tanker, boat;

social and political vocabulary : rally, speaker, etc.

Especially many words of English origin in Russian sports terminology: football, Volleyball, Knockout, Record, Time, Round, Tennis, Hockey, Finish, Referee .

Ukrainian borrowing

Exotic borrowings : Bandura, Flubs, Divalina, Galushka, Karbovanese, Hryvnaya .

Other words:

  • borsch, Girl, Devora, Bublik, Herborob, Scholyar.

V. G. Belinsky, 1847

There is no doubt that the hunt to shoot Russian speech by foreign words without need, without a sufficient basis, it is opposed to common sense and sound taste, but it harms not Russian and not Russian literature, but only those who obsessed it.

Training exercises

1) write down the borrowed words from the row : apparatus, cosmodrome, scrambler, veche, wardrobe, pasta, architect, dozen, cantata, romance, leatherhead, vinaigrette, noble, manager, casting, rally, menu, subbotnik, lunits, arba, syntax, phonetics, museum, alphabet, mayor , College, Hobbies, Tulup.

2) Spariate, define on various features, from which language the word came.

Filming, telescope, thermometer, prototype, parameter, argonaut, zoo, agronomist;

  • sarafan, Shed, Treasury, Drum, Balagan, Tarakan, Alycha, Noodles;
  • paris, chassis, blinds, pavilion, medallion, reservoir, sidewalk, silhouette, avenue, aerobatics, makeup;
  • briefing, Pressing, Spinning, Pudding, Breeches, Budget, Killer, Broker

check yourself

2) Wide well-known international elements of Greek.

3) Sigarmonism (consonance) vowels - phonetic signs of Turkic languages

4) The finite shock-it, -E, -o, with the immutability of words, combinations -Ue, -U, finite-yuzh in french.

5) Eltimate-ing, -er, combination -J- - signs of English.

Used materials

  • ,-slovoBrazovanie ,-leksika ,-stilistika/formirovanie-russkoj-leksiki
  • N.G. Goltsova, I. V. Shamshin, M. A. Mistherina. Russian language.11-11 Classes - M.: LLC "TID" Russian Word - RS ", 2011

Lecture 10. Russian language vocabulary and its description

Educational questions:

    Lexica of the Russian language from the point of view of its origin.

    The vocabulary of the Russian language in terms of its active and passive stock.

    Lexica of the Russian language from the point of view of its use.

    Lexica of the Russian language from the point of view of its stylistic differentiation.

1. Russian language vocabulary from the point of view of its origin. The vocabulary of the modern Russian literary language was formed for many centuries, and its own resources were always the main source of replenishment - the Russian words, which in the vocabulary of the Swirl of more than 90%. From the point of view of the formation of the original Russian vocabulary, it can be found several historical layers:

    The words of the General Education Foundation (the most ancient layer) are the words that have moved from the general-European language to Praslavyansky, from Praslavyansky to Old Russian, and from Old Russian - to Russian in the modern sense - terms of kinship, animal names, trees, substances, mineral names, Nature phenomena (mother, brother, daughter, sheep, bull, willow, meat, bone, told, see, bass, dilapidated);

    The words of Praslavyansky (National Slavic) language (up to 6th century) - words known for all Slavic peoples (oak, pine, peas, branch, violent, rust);

    Words of the Old Russian language (General Design Slavic) (from 6 to 14-15 V. AD) (Uncle, nephew, blond, selfless, ferret);

    The words of the modern Russian language (after 14-15 centuries. AD)

In the formation and development of the Russian literary language played a big role played staroslavyansky - Language of Slavic translations of Greek books, translations made by Cyril and Methodius and their students in the 2nd half of the 9th century.

Staroslavyania have their own signs:

1) phonetic:

    inspection combinations of RA, La, Ree, Le (in correlation with Russian Full-Make Oro, Oro, Ere);

    initial combinations of RA, LA (with Russian RO, LO);

    i agree (alternating usually with st) (in Russian h);

    initial E with Russian O (Esensen);

    sound e under the emphasis before solid consonants in Russian E (O);

    the combination of railway railway (with Russian g);

2) word-forming:

    prefixes: Pre-warded (with Russian transitions, through);

    suffixes: -Sure, -I, -zn, -yn (me), -the (a), -In);

    parts of complex words: kind (o) -, benefits (o) -, victims (o) -, evil (o) -;

3) Morphological:

    sufifixes of an excellent degree -Esh-, -Ash-;

    surchase suffixes - (-schess-), - (-b-)

(with Russian-person-(-yach-), --- (-ych-)).

The fate of the old-melanies in Russian has developed in different ways: in some cases they completely displaced the original Russian words, in the other old elevations are used along with Russian words.

With the direct contact of the peoples, borrowing occurred orally. It was these ways that the words from Scandinavian, Finnish and Turkic languages \u200b\u200bcame to Russian. Writing words from the Latin language were borrowed. Grecizma borrowed both oral and written.

The earliest borrowings rise to Scandinavian (Swedish and Norwegian) languages, to Finnish, Turkic, etc.

In 11-17 centuries from turkic languages Borrowed names of household goods, clothes, fabrics, animals, plants, words associated with military affairs, trade, etc. These include such as Shmak, Chest, Ataman, Basurman, etc.

Greek words (borrowed at the end of the 10th century) through the liturgical books: Altar, Bible.

Latinians (borrowed in 15-17 centuries through the Polish and Ukrainian languages \u200b\u200bafter the adoption of Russia of Christianity). Currently, widely used in international terminology (quorum, colloquium, accommodation).

Borrowing from Western European languages

German Languages \u200b\u200bRomanesque Languages

It. Goll. English Fr. IT. Span.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

    The emergence of this layer of vocabulary is associated with reforms of Peter I (bridgehead, soldier);

    The emergence of this layer of vocabulary is associated with the development of the maritime case under Peter I (shipyard, pilot, flag, fleet);

    The emergence of this layer of vocabulary is associated with the development of shipbuilding in Peter I (Barge, Brig, Schuna, Michman);

    These words have finite shock vowels in unchangeable nouns, combinations - -, - in the middle of the word, finite-yuzh, etc. (luggage, stained glass, blinds, cough);

    From the Italian language to the Russian language, art historical terms (aria, bravo, solfeggio) were transferred primarily;

    A little in Russian words that have passed their Spanish language (Corrida, Torroo, Guitar, Kastagnay).

The words transferred to the Russian language differ in the degree of development:

    Words that are firmly included in the lexical system of the Russian language and perceived as originally belonging to him;

    Exotic - words felt by the borrowed language as strangers and for the most part are not translated (Spaghetti, Sir, blinds);

    Varvarisms are foreign language words. Not fully mastered the borrowed language, most often due to the difficulties of grammatical development.

Calca - The word built according to the sample of the corresponding alien word by transmitting its component parts with the help of Russian word-forming elements (spelling spelling).

Word-forming tracing - Words borrowed from their foreign language equivalents of semantics of certain word formation parts.

Semantic tracing - Words borrowed from their foreign language equivalents one of the lexical values \u200b\u200b- usually portable (nail, touch).

Polokalki - Words consisting of borrowed and primordial elements, but according to the word-forming structure, the corresponding prototype corresponding to the foreign language word (humanity, radio transmission, television).

2. The vocabulary of the Russian language in terms of its active and passive stock. The central part of the vocabulary is compiled words, relevant for modern carriers of a given language. These include above all common vocabulary. Such words determine the composition active language vocabulary .

However, there are not only common words to active vocabulary: it also includes special terms and professionals, book words, emotional and expressive vocabulary, etc. The words of active vocabulary do not have a shade of outdars, not a shade of novelty.

Passive vocabulary - part of the vocabulary, which includes words that are rarely used in everyday communication and not always understandable to native speakers. They have stopped being relevant necessary in the process of communication, outdated (outdated words), or vice versa, relatively recently appeared and have not yet become familiar, relevant, finally not included in the general consumption (neologisms).

Outdated - Words that have come out of active use, but preserved in passive vocabulary. They are divided into two groups: historisms (words that came out of use due to the fact that the objects or phenomena denoted by them were left) and archaisms (Outdated the names of modern items, phenomena, displaced synonyms from the composition of active vocabulary).

Types of Archaisov : Phonetic, accentological, morphological, word-forming, actually lexical, semantic.

Neologisms - New words created to designate new items, phenomena to express new concepts. At the time of its appearance, they enter the passive dictionary and remain neologisms until now, until they lose the shade of novelty and freshness. Next, they become commonplace and enter into active vocabulary, ceasing to be neologisms.

Lexical neologisms - These are newly created and borrowed words.

Semantic neologisms - Words that have received new meanings in a certain historical period.

Okkazionalism - Words formed "in case" and used once. They are also called individually copyright neologisms created with some violation, deviation from the word-formational norm.

Potential - Words created according to the laws of systemic word formation and opposed words real. Okkazional words are opposed to dodgedly adopted in this society.

3. Russian language vocabulary from the point of view of its use.In the vocabulary of the modern Russian language, from the point of view of its use, two main reservoirs are distinguished: nationwide words and words limited in their use (functioning) by a dialect and social environment.

Nude vocabulary - This is a common vocabulary for all speakers in Russian. It is a necessary material for expressing concepts, thoughts and feelings. The bulk of these words is stable and is consumed in all style styles.

Dialectic vocabulary is characterized by limited use. It is not included in the lexical system of the nationwide language. This or that dialect word is the affiliation of one or more nationwide govors.

Dialect - a variety of language operating on a certain territory and characterized by specific dialect features (besides the features inherent in the whole language).

Dialectic vocabulary - These are words that are peculiar to some one govor. According to the nature of differences in dialectic vocabulary, opposed and non-counter-resistant words are allocated (words that are in some dialects and not used in others due to the lack of relevant items, concepts, etc.).

Terminology - A combination of special words (terms) of various areas of science and techniques operating in the field of professional communication.

Term - This is a word or phrase, which is the name of a scientific or technical concept.

Functions of the term : 1) nominative (called); 2) definitive (determinant).

Methods of term formation :

    Semantic: Metaphorical transfer of the values \u200b\u200bof ordinary words for the name of special concepts - at the same time, one of the meanings of the meaningful words Terminologized;

    Morphological: Methods of suffixation, prefixation, suffixionally prefix, addition, abbreviations;

    Syntactic: The formation of thermal terms that can consist of two, three or more words.

Nomenclature - This is a combination of special terms of the titles used in this scientific field, the names of typical objects of this science (in contrast to terminology, including the designation of abstract concepts and categories).

Professionalism - Words or expressions, characteristic of the speech of the collective, combined by any profession.

Jargon lexica - words or expressions peculiar to the speech of a social or other group of people, united community of interests, classes. Jargonisms are deprived of structural-language amateurness and differ from the commonly used vocabulary of vocabulary and phraseology.

Argotic vocabulary - This is a vocabulary of groups of people who want to make their tongue "secret", incomprehensible to others. The main purpose of the Argo is to classify the content of speech, the desire to consume specially invented or artificially deformed words, completely incomprehensible to others. This "language" served as one of the ways to protect professional interests or a means to self-defense in the conditions of stray life, for example, in the environment of wandering artisans and merchants, poor musicians. The argotic vocabulary includes words from the speech help of the declacial groups (thieves, vagrants, cardschulers).

4. The vocabulary of the Russian language from the point of view of its stylistic differentiation.Language exists as a styling system, i.e. Its functional varieties, each of which is characterized by a certain choice and use of language means, corresponding to one or another sphere of communication.

The following functional styles are usually allocated in the style of the Russian language: journalistic, official-business, scientific and collaborative household.

Vocabulary divided by interstile (neutral use in all styles) and stylistically painted (Peculiar to the use of a completely defined style and not capable of consolidation after it is used in another).

The reference point in the stylistic differentiation of the vocabulary - neutral vocabulary which is the main array of words, against which other lexical units are perceived as stylistically painted, enshrined in their use for a certain style, a functional type of writing or oral speech.

Vocabulary written speech Wears a pronounced letterprint of the book and is an affiliation of exclusively or mainly a written speech.

High vocabulary Used in the sphere of journalism and speech speech. It represents an integral part of the expressive means of fiction, where, implements special aesthetic functions. Such words are characterized by an estimated value that explains their expressive impact.

Official-business vocabulary - makes up the characteristic affiliation of the language of official documents and stationery-administrative speech. Official-business vocabulary turns out to be a limited certain sphere of communication and does not go out of its limits.

Lexik oral speech It is stylistically labeled. It is not used in special forms of writing speech and has a spoken flavor.

Spoken vocabulary - These are words that are used in unofficial, relaxed communication. Being a stylisticly painted vocabulary formula, the colloquial vocabulary does not go beyond the vocabulary of the literary language.

Spacious lexica - Stylistically reduced words that are in contrast to colloquial vocabulary outside of a strictly normalized literary language.

Spoken and spacious vocabulary serve as an important constructive element of the organization of colloquially style.

Russian language


9. Russian language vocabulary in terms of origin

Two ways to form vocabulary in Russian.

The vocabulary of the modern Russian language was formed many centuries. Two ways to replenish the vocabulary of the Russian language can be distinguished:

1) Borrowing from other languages.
The Russian people have long been engaged in political, trade, scientific and cultural ties with other peoples, thanks to which the Russian language has been enriched with words from other languages. The development of zonomics and culture, technical progress and the active political life of the global community largely contributed to this process. At the moment, the vocabulary of the modern Russian contains about 10% of borrowed words;

2) Use your own resources.
The main source of replenishment of vocabulary has always been its own resources. In other words, most words were created on the basis of Russian roots and affixes. There are currently about 90% of such words in Russian.

Original Russian words.

From a historical point of view, the formation of the original Russian vocabulary took place in several stages:

1) Many words were inherited by the Russian language from the Indo-European language, so that we now use the terms of kinship in the speech ( mother father ), animal names ( wolf ), Nature's phenomena names ( shore, moon, sea );

2) A little later, a large number of words were inherited from Praslavyansky language (before the VI century AD). This vocabulary covers different areas of life: the name of the body parts ( hand leg ), time of day and year ( morning, Winter ), numeral ( three four ) and etc.;

3) Some words appeared during the existence of the general Slavonic language, as well as at the stages of Eastern Slavic unity (VI - XIV - XV centuries). At this time, these words were used as good, simple, man ;

4) A significant part of the words arose after the formation of the Great Russian language (XIV - XV centuries). These words are characteristic of the Russian language and are known from other Slavic peoples only as Russian borrowed. These include almost all nouns formed by suffixes -Chist, -Work, , Prefix, selected nouns (run, clamp), nouns formed from adjectives with suffix Before (Nature), reciprocating adverbs (exciting).

Borrowed words.

Words are called borrowed if they were taken from other languages. For the Russian language, borrowing sources served:

1) slavic (Ukrainian, Polish, Czech) languages. For example: from the Ukrainian language, a little words came to us. Among them, such as borsch, Bublik, Devora . From Polish Russian adopted household vocabulary, for example: apartment, Draw, Cheat Sheet . Single borrowing from Czech language, for example: refugee, robot ;

2) nestlavian (Latin, Greek, German, French, English, etc.) languages. A large proportion of words in our vocabulary occupy Latinians, which have penetrated into Russian after the adoption of Christianity ( accent, hyphen, intonation, punctuation ). Greek words were actively penetrated into the vocabulary after the adoption of Christianity through the liturgical books ( altar, Anathema, Satan, Patriarch ). In addition, we owe a Greek language and household vocabulary ( bed, ship, doll, sail ). During the reforms of Peter I in the XVIII century, German was actively penetrated into Russian ( soldier, Officer, Lobzik, Lazare, Bandage, Scar ) and Dutch ( boat, yacht, sailor, jung, hatch, gateway ) the words. In the XIX century, the Russian language rapidly borrow French words, covering various areas of life (domestic words: corset, costume, coat ; Art historical terms: Piece, actor, sketch ; Military terms: garrison, partisan, attack ). Italian language we owe such words as pasta, Newspaper, Aria, Soprano, Bass, Libretto . Some words came to us from Spanish, for example: serenade, caramel, grazing .

It should be noted that borrowing is not a simple "transplant" of someone else's word in a different language. During this process, adapting words to the phonetic system, morphological and graphical systems of the borrowing language, it seems to be transformed. For example, the Russian word may not coincide on the schedule and pronunciation with the word in the language of the source (IMPOў RT - and mport , Sport - sport ). Or the Russian word may have a difference with the word in the language of the source in morphology, for example: word silage It came to us from Spanish. In Spanish the ultimate consonant from - This is the indicator of the plural, and in Russian the word silage it has the form only the only number. And some borrowed words are not at all vary by cases and numbers, for example: coat, Depot, Radio, Cocoa . In addition, when borrowing usually, the process of narrowing the words of the word, for example, in French the word powder meant and " powder" , and " powder" , and " dust" , and " sand" , and in Russian, it has saved only the meaning of the above values \u200b\u200b" cosmetic .