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Zodiac calendar for March. Magic numbers

Phases of the moon affect all people. During its growth, active actions will help succeed, but there are cases that at this time are unsuccessful. Astrologers will prompt how to attract benefit.

The beginning of the first spring month is marked by the growth of the Moon, but Aries, in the constellation that it is located, negatively affects the mood and emotion. At this time, it is worth avoiding conflicts and quarrels. So that March began successfully, use positive installations. They will help tune in to combat way and feel unprecedented self-confidence and their own power.

Love and relations

The growth of the moon will last from March 1 to the 11th. At this time, the rise of the forces favors active courtships, as well as the search for a partner. According to astrologers, the period from March 2 to March 4 is most successful for the conquest of the heart of the person liked. Emotional bursts and spring mood helps to free up sexual energy.

The effect of the moon in the period of growth is very strong that several destabilizes emotional state. To avoid quarrels and conflicts, you will be able to keep yourself in your hands and listen to the words of the second half. For harmonious relations, mutual understanding is important, to achieve which in your power. Arrange the trips to nature. She is beneficial to the mood and gives life strength, leading to the balance of thought and feelings.

By those who are not lucky in love, it can help simple, but very attracting love\u003e love spells "\u003e Effective conspiracy. The successful location of the growing moon in Zodiac Lion from March 9 to March 10 will allow to use all its potential to attract the attention of the opposite sex.

Love dust should be tangled before the full moon on March 12. At this time, the energy is unstable, which leads to misunderstanding. Try to actively relax, but do not find out the relationship. Otherwise, you risks to join the war path.

Finance and Career

This month, for the period of growth of the Moon, the days of force come. 2, 3, March 4 - time for active actions in the business sector. The constellation of the Taurus, the sign of material well-being and stability, as well as the energy of the growing moon allow you to seek unprecedented heights confident and purposeful people. Active position and desire to increase their prosperity will be the key to success.

During this period, all sorts of financial transactions will be successful. The search for business partners, the preparation of the estimation, business plans, as well as collaboration, we succeed with extraordinary ease. It is fear of ill-wishers and envious. Defend their negative will help amulets bringing good luck. Saturday March 4 is ideal for obtaining new knowledge and applying them in practice. It will contribute to the career growth. Also, your diligence will not be reached from the bosses that your aspirations will appreciate.

To beware during the growth period of the moon is unreasonable and unplanned spending. Adventure offers and dubious financial operations require careful analysis. Also should not be given large sums to not stay without cash at the most inopportune moment. In the period from March 29, a successful choice will be investments in large projects, as well as the purchase or sale of real estate.

Health and emotions

The growth of the moon has to peak activity. In the period before the full moon, accumulated energy will require a splash. These days, from March 9 to March 11, astrologers recommend to increase exercise, as well as actively play sports to strengthen the body. In terms of emotions, the deterrent factor is sometimes necessary, so use meditation to harmonize the inner world.

A successful choice during the growth period of the Moon will be supporting the immunity of the procedure. These are herbal infusions, and active walks in the fresh air, and swimming. In order for the overwork does not confuse your plans, take baths with essential oils in the evening. They will restore the energy and return the clarity of the mind.

Operations and any other interventions should also be planned for the period of growth of the lunar disk. However, before the full moon it is better to refrain from taking potent drugs to not harm the excited nervous system. To engage in health in the period from March 2 to 5, it is worthwhile in the spring, the exacerbation of chronic diseases occurs. This period is favorable and the fact that he accelerates recovery and increases the resistance to bacteria and viruses.

Energy of the growing moon is able to strengthen emotions, so it is unnecessary sensitive people will not prevent listening to the voice of the mind so that under the influence of the impulse does not make mistakes. This is a favorable and at the same time dangerous time will be successful for the volitional people who clearly plan their actions, not to doubt and fear. We wish you success in all endeavors, and do not forget to click on the buttons and

The location of the planets this month indicates both positive and for rather crisis health situations. Uniquely very favorable this month is impossible to call. In addition, the offseason often gives us a number of unwanted symptoms and exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Negative aspects that affect different points of personal horoscopes can work with varying degrees of force. For some, it is simply ailments, light runny nose, for others - serious severe diseases. In any case, you must be careful if you want to avoid serious consequences. For example, in time to go to the doctor or take security measures.

Health and general condition: what do we expect from March 2017?

The sun is our vital energy. This month the sun will go most of the month on the sign of the fish, and on March 20, a new round of the zodiac will begin in the sign of the Aries. The first three weeks of March sentimentality and dreaminess will be quite common, and after March 20, the activity of many of us will be more noticeable.

1-3 March - Pretty unfavorable days when you can torment longing and depression, unpleasant premonition and incomprehensible concern. Dispelness and vitations in the clouds can lead to different kinds of injury. Especially on March 1, when the moon will make negative aspects.

For these days, it is good to set any relaxing and soothing practices aimed at keeping the balance, strengthening immunity and maintain good mood. For example, you can go to the sauna, swim in the pool.

March 5-8. A little nervousness and anxiety can be intensified, there may be an unpleasant feeling in their hands. These days are as much as possible in the fresh air, make breathing exercises and come to meals with caution.

March 9 and 10 Promise to be pretty good days. The vigor of the spirit and a good mood will be supported by themselves, you can breathe a little easier, will not be an unpleasant feeling that often happens when the holidays have come and again. Even those who are sick by severe diseases must feel better these days. A good period for the treatment of various tumors, nervous diseases, infectious diseases and other diseases.

from October 12 to 17: This month wait for sharp and unexpected mood drops, and your health can also fluctuate from one extreme to another. Do not risk, do not engage in extreme sports, carefully take care of your health. There may be electric shocks, falling from height, nervous breakdowns.

Your date of birth comes from from October 23 to November 8: This month will bring you quite a few nerves and experiences that may not be better to reflect on your health. Be careful when handling acute objects. There may also be burns and various household injuries for inattention and impulsivity.

Your date of birth comes from from 11 to 16 January: Your condition can deteriorate sharply if you are sick. Unrest for different reasons and changes in other areas of life can affect both the general condition. There may be violations of cardiac rhythm. It is worth a care nerves.

Calendar of favorable days in March 2017

When is it best to do surgery in March 2017? The best days for operations - the days of the decreasing moon, when the moon is more or less harmoniously located: 13, 14, 16, 19, 21, 22, 24, 25, and 26 March 26, Operational intervention can bring a number of unwanted complications, strong bleeding and other side effects in the following days: 1, 5, 8, 12, 15, 20, 23, 27, March 28, and 30, 23, March 27, and 30.

When is it best to start treatment in March 2017? It depends on what kind of body you are going to treat. But the best days of March, when we can say that things will be able to succeed much better, it is 9, 10, 18, 24, March 31.

When is the best way to start the weight loss process? It is best to start serious measures for weight loss a few days before full moon, for example, on 9 or 10 March, that is, after the holidays. In the first week of March there is a fairly rapid weight gain, so watch not to overeat. It is better not to eat carbohydrates overnight, and reduce portions. On holidays, many will simply be able to deny themselves in sweets, as well as calorie dishes. Treat yourself to something special, and after the holiday you can start serious steps towards ideal weight for you.

Calendar of unfavorable days in March 2017

Is there a risk of serious injuries and accidents, and when? This month may be pretty attendant. Although Mars, the planet, which often launches various traumatic situations, this month will not make negative aspects, uranium will be still quite tense, and at the end of the month will make a negative aspect with another dangerous planet - Pluto. Therefore, danger on the roads exist, the risks of accidents and accidents are quite high. It is especially attentive to be at the beginning of the month and in the 20th of March.

The risks of various accidents and injuries this month are quite high, especially in its very beginning. Stands with special care to approach safety technique On the next days of the month: 1-3, 5, 7, 12, 14, 15, 20, 22, 23, 27, 28, March 30.

Poisoning, infectious diseases, allergies: 4, 11, 18, March 26.

Colds of varying severity: 5, 12, 20, 21, March 27.

Serious problems due to the use of alcoholic beverages May be 1, 7, 8, 13, 15, 23, 26, March 30.

March is a special month, symbolizing the liberation from the shackles of winter. The strength of this month is emphasized by a decreasing moon. The lunar calendar will tell me that it will bring good luck during the level of decrease in the lunar disk.

Astrologers allocate the 7 most important cases that need to be done on a decreasing moon, but in March, any clichés and rules are divided into spring energy. Oils in the fire adds the fact that the patron of 2017 is a fiery rooster. This means that the energy of any strong period increases at times.

Finance, career and business on a decreasing moon

In March, the moon will decrease from 13 to 27. For the financial sector of life, it would be better for a period of descending to take place at the beginning of the month, but do not forget that spring is also just beginning. During this period, you can proceed to find new sources of income, continue to develop rapid activities. The moon almost the entire period from March 13 to March 27 will be in harmony with the stars. It is a huge rarity, when in a lunar calendar in a row there are as many as more favorable days. From March 14 to March 20, there will be no even weak dissonance, so do not try to hide from your duties and work. Go towards difficulties - you will successfully overcome them.

The financial sphere of life during the desire of the moon will require maximum concentration from you. Do not be distracted by trifles - concentrate on the most important affairs, the most acute problems.

Love and relationship from March 13 to March 27

In love, despite the wreck of the lunar disk, you will be waiting for a general increase in sexual energy. Thanks to the harmony of the Moon and stars, relationships that are just beginning to be born, will have a big support. You may not even determine for yourself the path of development in this area of \u200b\u200blife - everything will happen by itself.

Be sure that you are on the right track in love to get rid of negative thoughts. Long-term relationships can be tested for strength, but do not be afraid of difficult situations. Believe your heart and come to the aid of your second half.

As for relations with people as a whole, then problems may arise from those who closes from the world. During this period, each person will have a chance to find a friend, a soul mate or just someone who listens and will have psychological support. Be open and ready to forgive people.

Health and mood in mid-March

This period may be incredibly positive. The bloom of nature, supported by a good lunar mood - is that the doctor prescribed. The mood on a decreasing moon sometimes goes into minus, but this time the depression will be short-lived. Everything will strive to upgrade, good and light.

If you decide to radically change your life, then here you also do not meet any special resistance from the moon and stars. The lunar calendar is favorable, so you only need to decide with your desires and show activity.

Positive thinking will allow you to learn the materialization of thoughts. Try not to go to the negative so that you are surrounded only good and good luck in everything. The period of decrease in the moon in March 2017 will help you find the shortest path to success. Be happy and do not forget to click on the buttons and

28.02.2017 15:46

Our life is inextricably linked with lunar cycles. In order for the difficult period of decreasing moon, it was smooth and ...

Growing and decreasing moon in March 2017

March 1 0:00 - March 2 10:42 Growing moon in Aries will give you a big charge of emotional energy.

March 2 10:42 - March 4 13:05 - The growing moon in the Taurus will calm your emotions and will configure practical way. These days it is recommended to do everything without hurrying and paying attention to the practical side of the case.

March 4 13:05 - March 6 15:54 - The growing moon in the twins makes it possible to quickly switch from one to another. These are beautiful days for walking and sharing news. You will succeed in visiting all the right places and solve all your questions.

March 6 15:54 - March 8, 19:45 - The growing moon in cancer will set you on the solution of domestic questions.

March 8, 19:45 - March 11 1:07 - The growing moon in Lev will bring you joy and raised mood. These are the best days for some big undertakings.

March 11 1:07 - March 13 8:28 - Moon in Virgin. March 11, you will feel on a platoon all day. In full moon on March 12, you discard myself a part of this burnt, and in the liberated time, you can prefer to engage in health.

March 13 8:28 - March 15, 18:10 - a decreasing moon in the scales brings a peace. I want peace and pleasant impressions.

March 15 18:10 - March 18 5:59 - Descending Moon in Scorpio. These are alarming and gloomy days. It is recommended to read bright, kind books, listen to good music.

March 18 5:59 - March 20, 18:30 - a decreasing moon in Sagittarus focuses on hierarchical relationships between people. It is important to behave with superior. If you behave everywhere in accordance with your status, supporting influential people and social progress will not make yourself wait. March 20 in the middle of the day everything will be able to hardly.

March 20, 18:30 - March 23, 5:28 - a decreasing moon in Capricorn. You need to get together and focus. You may encounter problems caused by credulity and negligence. The rational attitude will not give you a panic. On the morning of March 22, the nerves will be particularly tense.

March 23 5:28 - March 25 13:06 - decreasing moon in aquarius. Communication takes too much strength. It is best to devote yourself to reading, loved ones and rest.

March 25 13:06 - March 27 17:10 - a decreasing moon in the fish. It is necessary to avoid meditation, attempts to pay on the future. The first half of March 26 will be dangerous.

March 27 17:10 Moon enters the Sign of Aries. This is the last day of the lunar month, which is recommended as calm as possible. On the evening of March 27 rises financial spending. After the new moon there will be a lot of internal activity and restlessness.

March 29 18:47 - March 31, 19:40 - the growing moon in Taurus contributes to the growth of material well-being. It is recommended to go shopping and do homemade blanks.

March 31, 19:40 - 24:00 - The growing moon in the twins will make you mobile, will strengthen the intelligence and intelligence.

Phases Moon March 2017

Last quarter in March 2017 - March 20, 2017 at 02:09:48; March 31, 2017 at 18:57:09.

Spring time comes, update time and heyday. The moon has its influence, both on the inner and the external life of every person. Even on those who are not a super-sensitive person. Despite the fact that the new cycle begins, and the vital energy is on the rise, you still need to try to take emotions under control and act intelligently. This will help to achieve good results and great success. The conductor at a particularly critical point of the month will be the lunar calendar for March 2017.

In March, the moon passes the entire cycle of the following phases:

March 14th - moon in the growing phase;
the 5th of March - The moon goes into the first quarter;
March 6 - March 11 - the growing phase continues;
March 12. - The moon goes to the full moon phase;
March 13 - 19 - moon in a decreasing phase;
20th of March - The moon goes to the third quarter;
March 21 - 27 - decreasing phase continues;
March 28. - The moon goes to the new moon phase;
March 29 - 31 - Moon in the growing phase.

Moon Calendar for March 2017: Holistic Picture

Since there are many gaps between the shift in the lunar cycle between the phase change, then throughout the month periodic changes are possible. The month is unstable, he carries a lot of unpredictable events and surprises. It is important to be easy to adjust the situation. This period is characterized mainly by changing the "scenery", places, people and lifestyle. Be prepared for change.

For better perception, the table containing information about the phases, sunrises and the moon, as well as the signs of the zodiac, which the lunar calendar is in March 2017.

Moon calendar for March 2017

In addition to this table, you can use a detailed description of each day of the month, which will make it possible to correctly distribute strength and plan many things and meetings.

March 1 - Today, the lunar calendar shows that headaches may occur and weakening immunity, therefore it is worth aware of health. It will be useful to visit the sauna, get into the bath or take a contrasting shower to strengthen the vessels. Haircuts are undesirable, try to move the shift of the image on another day.

2nd of March - With important and responsible decisions, it is better to pay better, and a day to devote to planning for the upcoming period. The lunar calendar marked a good time to travel, but should be careful with food used - poisoning, problems with digestion are possible.

March, 3rd - Day for rejuvenating procedures. You can afford to visit the spa or cosmetologist. Also, the day favorably affects personal and social life, so you can appoint a date, meet friends. If staining or haircut is scheduled - it is better to transfer them to a more suitable time.

March 4. - If a long time planned to get to the dentist - today the most suitable time for this. In general, the lunar calendar for March 2017 shows that the day is excellent for making large purchases, making serious decisions, marriage. The lie, uttered today, can subsequently lead to great trouble.

the 5th of March - On this day you need to learn to control your emotions, it will help to overcome some obstacles to communicating with the surrounding people. The day requires activity, a positive attitude. Suitable moment for cardinal shift of appearance, haircuts or staining. Fresh appearance will bring happiness and comfort. Bright colors in clothing will add energetic.

March, 6 - The lunar calendar indicates a measured day that does not require activity and hurry. This time is better to devote work on nature, walks or long-distance travel and travels. Today, the appearance of sudden fears, a feeling of anxiety. Therefore, you should pay more attention to your mental state, try to relax.

March 7. - In no case should not tear up the previous relationship, even if they are too tense. As a result, you can lose much greater. A very good day for haircut, tinting or hair coloring - it will make them thick and obedient.

March 8 - The lunar calendar pointed out the appropriate period to complete the starting, summing up, evaluating the work done. New things to start today is not recommended. However, the day is favorable for movements, shifts of work, new travel, as well as the perfect time to go to the hairdresser. Changes in appearance positively affect personal life. On the way from the salon you can buy a stylish hair accessory.

9th of March - A very favorable day for mutual assistance and charity. Expect happy coincidence. It may come true or there will be an answer to the long-standing issue.

10th of March - The lunar calendar for March 2017 suggests that it was time to go shopping. Acquisition of this day will be profitable and successful. Also, today patronizing schools, acquaintance of experience and new skills. Advanced changes in existing relationships. You should refuse trips and travels.

11th of March - Today it is important to meet with optimism, bouts of sadness and apathy is better to avoid, because they can become a serious obstacle to the goal to achieving the goal. The lunar calendar says that this day is favorable for all large-scale and important cases, business or commerce. Do not forget to visit the hairdresser - the new haircut will bring material well-being.

March 12. - This day is the obstacles in yourself, you should be attentive and careful. There is a risk of injury, the occurrence of quarrels, conflicts almost from scratch. Therefore, you should take your emotions for tight control.

March 13 - The negative impact of the moon will provide today, first of all, on the inner state of a person. It should not be aggression or anger to others - this may return "boomerang". The day is designed to achieve internal equilibrium and calm.

March 14th - The lunar calendar calls for calmness. Since the psyche is already at the limit, it is important to avoid stress and overstrain. The main thing is to prevent the nervous breakdown. It is necessary to make a little diversity in everyday life - communication with friends, visiting cultural events and parties today will have a beneficial effect on you. Take advantage of light tones in the wardrobe to tune in to a positive way, to fall from yourself oppressive thoughts.

March 15th - For a successful start of the day, it is recommended to get up early today. This day is perfect for wellness and rejuvenating procedures. Boldly go to the massage, to the Finnish bath or sauna. Cleaning the skin today will bring much benefit.

March 16. - The lunar calendar warns from rash actions. All serious radical solutions should be postponed on a more suitable day. Critical time for people exposed to the strong influence of the moon. Today it is useful for walking in the fresh air, communication with nature. Casual business activities to get acquainted especially well.

March 17 - Extremely undesirable day for haircuts and changes in appearance - there is a chance to attract empty spending into the house, losses. Today it is better to spend the day in a calm peaceful atmosphere, on the lap of nature. For complete harmony, choose gentle pastel shades in the wardrobe. Heavenly, herbal and woody colors will be very by the way.

March 18 - The lunar calendar resembles the most important. The day is favorable for the pastime among relatives and loved ones, at home. Surround your relatives of your relatives, pay them a little more attention than usual and see that the family will answer you reciprocity.

March 19. - Suitable moment for changing the work or search new. Do not give up the proposed assistance, because alone there is a chance to get a lot of stress. The day favors teamwork, communication and active activities. Repeated a favorable period for haircut or staining.

20th of March - The lunar calendar for March 2017 calls for mental activity. Good time to start learning, receiving new skills. Experience acquired on this day will help advance in life. It is undesirable to start new affairs, you should not build plans for the future, work on the upcoming projects.

21 March - It is better to devote to ordinary everyday matters. It is undesirable to visit public places and mass events. Pay attention to the spine, you can do yoga or fitness. Cozy sportswear will set up on the right way.

March 22. - The lunar calendar has shown the right time to go on the foundation (long-term relationship, the beginning of work on large projects, self-development). The day is unfavorable for travel or business trips.

March 23. - peace and self-improvement on this day are simply necessary to achieve inner harmony, accumulation of vital energy. The day does not tolerate hasty conclusions or rampant deeds. White and bright colors in the wardrobe will help concentrate on pleasant.

March 24 - Lunar calendar favors to booklers. This day is desirable to devote to mental work that does not require large loads or tension. If you do not calculate your own forces, you can spend energy wasted, which will lead to exhaustion. The book of your favorite genre in the fresh air or in a secluded place will be the best companion.

March 25 - Lunar calendar for March 2017 reminds of love for himself. From this point on, you can go to a moderate lifestyle - more rest, pay attention to your health, relax. You can visit the masseur, go to the hairdresser - the change of hairstyle or haircut will be favorable.

26 March - Today you can open your own business, start working on a new project. However, despite the beneficial effect of the Moon, it is important to keep emotions under control. Do not be afraid to trust the wigmael master - the haircut will make you more attractive. With the new hairstyle, you can conduct an audit of the old wardrobe or get a new one.

March 27. - Lunar calendar does not complain of change. It is impossible to take anything new, any changes can negatively affect the further outcome of the events. It is better to do conventional routine affairs. It is also desirable to protect health from stress and negative impact.

March 28. - A favorable time for creativity, planning. By this time it is worth trying to fulfill the promise data, complete the work started. An unfavorable day for any hair manipulations.

March 29 - The lunar calendar shows that now is not the time to conclude marriages, making serious responsible solutions or large acquisitions. The day is perfect for exercise, oriental practitioners or visiting the gym.

30th of March - Today it is better to spend in nature. Very suitable time to teach something new, outlook expansion. Perhaps there is what was lost for a long time.

March 31 - Lunar calendar opens a favorable period for changing the image, updating the wardrobe, searching for a new image and style. Haircut will bring wealth and success in affairs. The day is suitable for starting a new travel or business trip.

Despite the fact that using this description, you can plan and prepare for various events turns, you need to take into account that the lunar calendar for March 2017 is only an additional tool for recreating a holistic picture of the month. Application of adjustments are available only to you, which is why it is not entirely necessary to fully rely on the specifications of the characteristics - much depends on the decisions of the decisions and the directions you have chosen. We wish to find the right way and, of course, success!

See forecasts for lunar calendars for other months:

Lunar calendar for 2016

(Select a month that interests you and click on the link)