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How often there is a leap year. Leap years

Did you know that not every 4th year is a leap? Why is the leap year is considered unfortunate, and what signs are related to this?

What does leap year mean?

1. The leap year is a year in which 366 days, and not 365 as usual. Additional day in the leap year is added in February - February 29 (leap day).
Additional day in the leap year is necessary because the full turn around the Sun takes a little more than 365 days, or rather 365 days, 5 hours, 48 \u200b\u200bminutes and 46 seconds.
Once people followed a calendar of 355 days with an additional month out of 22 days every two years. But in 45 BC. Julius Caesar, together with astronomer, decided to simplify the situation, and a Julian 365-day calendar was developed with an extra day every 4 years to compensate for additional hours.
This day was added in February, since once he was the last months in the Roman calendar.
2. This system was supplemented by Pope Gregory XIII (which introduced the Gregorian calendar), which introduced the term "leap year" and announced the Sudoda, a multiple of 4th and multiple 400, but not a multiple 100, is a leap year.
So in grigorian calendar 2000 was a leap, but 1700, 1800 and 1900 were not.

What are the years leaps in the 20th and 21st century?

1904, 1908, 1912, 1916, 1920, 1924, 1928, 1932, 1936, 1940, 1944, 1948, 1952, 1956, 1960, 1964, 1968, 1972, 1976, 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020, 2024, 2028, 2032, 2036, 2040, 2044, 2048, 2052, 2056, 2060, 2064, 2068, 2072, 2076, 2080, 2084, 2088, 2092, 2096

February 29 - Leap Day

3. February 29 is considered the only day when a woman can make an offer to marry a man. This tradition originated in the 5th century in Ireland, when the Holy Brigitt complained to St. Patrick that women had to wait too long from proposals from fans.
Then he gave women one day in a leap year - the last day in the shortest month so that the representatives of the beautiful sex could make an offer to a man.
According to the legend of Brigitt immediately embarked on his knees and made a proposal to Patrick, but he refused, kissed her on his cheek, and offered her a silk dress to soften the refusal.
4. In another version, this tradition appeared in Scotland, when the Queen of Margarita at the age of 5 years announced in 1288 that a woman could make an offer to any man you like February 29th.
She also set the rule that those who refused should have paid a penalty in the form of a kiss, a silk dress, a pair of gloves or money. To warn fans in advance, the woman was supposed to wear pants or a red lower skirt on the day of the sentence.
In Denmark, a man who refuses the woman in the proposal of his arms and heart should provide her with 12 pairs of gloves, and in Finland - a tissue for a skirt.

Wedding Biscuit Year

5. Each fifth couple in Greece avoids the conclusion of marriage in a leap year, as it is believed that it brings fails.
Italy believes that a woman becomes unpredictable in a leap year, and at this time no need to plan important events. So, according to the Italian saying "Anno Bisesto, Anno Funesto". ("Leap year is a doomed year").

Born February 29th

6. Chances to be born February 29 make up 1 at 1461. Worldwide, about 5 million people were born in a leap day.
7. For many centuries, astrologers believed that children born in a leap day possess unusual talents, a unique person and even special forces. Among famous peopleBorn on February 29, it is possible to name the poet of Lord Bayron, composer Joakino Rossini, actress Irina Kupchenko.
8. In Hong Kong, the official birthday for those born February 29 is considered to be March 1 during ordinary years, and in New Zealand - February 28. If you correctly calculate the time, then traveling from one country to another, you can celebrate the longest birthday in the world.
9. The city of Anthony in Texas, the United States is the self-proclaimed "world capital of a leap year." Here every year a festival is arranged, where those who are gathered from all over the world, born on February 29th.
10. The record of the greatest number of generations born in a leap day belongs to the Keo family (Keogh).
Peter Anthony Keogh (Peter Anthony Keogh) was born on February 29, 1940 in Ireland, his son Peter Eric (Peter Eric) was born on February 29, 1964 in the UK, and the granddaughter of Bethanie Wels (Bethany Wealth) - February 29 in 1996.

11. Karin Henrixen (Karin Henriksen) from Norway belongs to the world record of the birth of the greatest number of children in a leap day.
Her daughter Haidi (Heidi) was born on February 29, 1960, the son of Olav (Olav) on February 29 in 1964 and the son of Lift-Martin (Lief-Martin) on February 29 in 1968.
12. In traditional Chinese, Jewish and Old Indian calendar, they add not a leap day by year, and a whole month. It is called the "plug-in month." It is believed that children born in a leap month are harder to educate. In addition, it is considered unsuccessful to start serious affairs in a leap year.

Lecked Year: Signs and Superstition

Since ancient times, the leap year has always been considered difficult and bad for many undertakings. In popular beliefs, the leap year is associated with Saint Kasyan, who was considered an evil, envious, stingy, unpleasant and brought people unhappiness.
According to legend, Kasyan was a bright angel to whom God trust all the plans and intentions. But then he switched to the side of the devil, told that God intends to overthrow the entire Satanian power from heaven.
For a betrayal, God punished Kasyana, ordered him to beat him in the forehead with a hammer for three years, and for the fourth year they let go to the ground, where he committed unkind actions.
There are many will adopted with a leap year:
First, in a leap year it is impossible to start anything. This applies to important cases, business, large purchases, investments and construction.
Also in a leap year, it is not recommended to change something, as this will not bring the desired result and can even become destructive. At such a period, you should not plan moving to new house, shift work, divorce or marriage.

Is it possible to get married or marry a leap year?

A leap year is considered extremely unsuccessful for marriage. From a long time, it was believed that the wedding played in a leap year will lead to unhappy marriage, divorce, treason, widow, or marriage will be short-lived.
Such a superstition may be due to the fact that the girls could be wrapped in a leap year, who could not refuse a sentence. Often, such marriages were forced, and therefore family life Not asked.
However, it is reasonable to relate to these signs and understand that everything depends on the spouses themselves and on how they will build relationships. If you still planned the wedding, there are several ways to soften the "consequences":
Brides are advised to wear long dress For a wedding, covered knees to make marriage durable.
Wedding dress and other wedding accessories are not recommended to give anyone.
The ring must be put on the arm, not a glove, since the wearing rings on the glove will lead to the fact that the spouses will be frivolous to marria
To protect the family from the troubles and misfortunes, in the shoes of the bride and the bride put the coin.
The bride should keep the spoon, from which the bridegroom, and on the 3rd, 7th and 40th day after the wedding, the wife had to give her husband to eat exactly from this spoon.

What can not be done in a leap year?

· The leap year does not block the shields, as it is believed that you can lose your happiness. Also by challenge, which dresses in an animal or a monster, can be permitted unclean power.
· Pregnant women can not be cut to childbirth, as the child can be born unhealthy.
· The leap year should not begin the construction of the bath, which can lead to a little gland.
· The leap year does not recommend talking to others about their plans and intentions, as luck can turn away.
· Do not recommend selling or exchangeing animals and cannot be trampled kittens, as it will lead to poverty.
· You can not collect mushrooms, as it is believed that they are all becoming poisonous.
· The leap year does not need to celebrate the appearance of the first tooth in the child. By take, if you call guests, the teeth will be bad.
· Cannot be changed and apartment. By accepting a new place will be insane and restless.
· If a child was born in a leap year, he needs to be baptized as quickly as possible, and the godfather choose among the blood relatives.
· Elderly people can not buy things in advance for funerals, as it can bring death.
· Cannot be divorced, as in the future it will not be able to find his happiness.

Read: 3 min

Once every four years, mankind, living in the Julian calendar, meets and escorts a leap year, which differs from the three previous and three subsequent days.

How to determine which year it will be so how many days in the leap year actually?
Understand this will help historical facts associated with the establishment of the Julian calendar, and a special algorithm.

Leap year: a little of the story

The leap year must be the appearance of an institution of the Julian calendar in the first century to our era. Alexandrian starmen counted that the astronomical year is equal to 365 days and 6 o'clock.

In accordance with these calculations, the famous Roman emperor, dictator and commander Julius Guy Caesar in 445 to Christ christ It established a calendar called in honor of him - Julian.

What was done with 6 hours, which could not be entered into the total number of days a year? It was decided that three years will go 365 days. And these notorious 6 hours accumulated in four years will be assessed by one additional day in the next, the fourth year.

So there was a leap year consisting of three hundred sixty-six days, due to one added day in February.

Thus, from 445 years before our era, every fourth year - leap, but how to determine for some concrete year?

Define what year leap

To determine exactly what year leapingBe sure to know the algorithm specially designed for this.

1. Numeric value You need to divide your interest in 4. If there is no residue during division, the year may relate to the leap. If the residue was formed, the year is definitely not a leap. For example: 2 012 Year: 4 \u003d 503 (leap, as it is divided without a residue). 2 013 Year: 4 \u003d 503.25 (not a leap, as it turned out the remainder).

2. If the year shared without a residue, it is necessary to divide it by another 100. If the residue was not formed, the year will not be leap. For example: 2 012 Year: 100 \u003d 20, 12 (leap). 2 100 year: 100 \u003d 21 (not leap, despite the fact that it is divided into 4 without a residue).

3. For greater confirmation of the "visibility" of the year, divide it by another 400. It is divided without a residue - leap: 2 100: 400 \u003d 5.25. So 2 100 years is definitely not a leap.

The algorithm is very simple, so to determine on it, a leap year or not, can even a schoolboy.

Features of a leap year

Knowing how many days in the leap year, And how it is determined, it is easy to understand its distinctive features for himself:

  • the number of days in it is one more than in ordinary years: their 366, and not 365;
  • there is February 29 in him, whereas in all other years February ends with 28 numbers;
  • by people beliefsnot confirmed by statistics, this year mortality and accidents increase compared to the rest of the years.

The listed features of leap years help to figure out what year it is such that it is expected from him and how to plan the outlined cases according to this unusual phenomenon of the Julian calendar.

A leap year gives rise to a lot of superstitions and rumors that are reduced mainly to the fact that this year is unhappy and rich in negative events. Let's see if it is.

Leap year: a little story

The word "leaping" Latin origin, translates as the "second sixth". According to the Julian calendar, the year lasted 365.25 days, while the day was shifted annually for 6 hours. Such an error could confuse the ancient husbands so that this did not happen, it was decided that every fourth year will consist of 366 days, and February will become longer on the day. Called such a year leap.

In Russia, there were many legends about the appearance of leap years, each of whom was considered unfortunate.

Legends about the appearance of a leap year in Russia

February 29 is also called in honor of Holy Kasyan Kasyan Day. Being a bright angel, he was seduced by the tricks of unclean strength and moved to the side of the devil. However, she subsequently repent and praised the Lord about mercy. Masswording over the traitor, God put an angel for him. He fermented Kasyan in the chain and, attendant over, beat him with iron hammer in the forehead for 3 years, and went to the fourth.

On another legend Kasyanov, the day is his name. However, the saint every time the dead was drunk for three years and was formed only for the fourth year. Therefore, it is relying him his day so rarely celebrate.

There is a third legend: Holy Kasyan walking on the road and Nikolai, a peasant met. He asked for help, as it was stuck it in the mud. What Kasyan replied that he was afraid to get dirty, and Nikolai helped. Sainted to paradise came, God noticed that Riza Nicholas databa asked what was the matter. He told him the wonderworker, what happened. Then God noticed that Kasyan Riza was clean, asked, didn't they go together together? Kasyan replied that he was afraid to stain clothes. I realized the god that I had saintly and did so that his name was once every 4 years coming. And the name of Nicholas for his kindness - a year twice.

Lesome glory in Russia used leap years: the list of legends will not continue for a long time, here is one example: honest people tried to complete all the affairs until February 29. Many were not solved to get out of the house, the sun was called the "eye of Kasyan" on this day, they were afraid to get under the sun, in order not to smooth their kasyan and did not send illness and suffering.

Superstition about leap year

As in the old days, there are often signs and superstitions in the modern world, not best side Characterizing leapsters (list is shown below):

  • We need to postpone with marriage in a leap year. Such a marriage will not be durable, the young will quarrel, and the newly created family will bring the troubles and misfortunes.
  • We need to postpone from the sale, purchase, real estate exchange or construction of the house. The transactions concluded this year will not be profitable and inevitably entail the ruin of the parties. And the new housing does not last long.
  • Dangerous any undertakings are dangerous - a change of work, moving, starting business. Snacks explain: the presence of the 29th day in one of winter months It can characterize the whole year as not as it should be. Therefore, insecure B. own power It's easier for a person to give up something new than to make efforts to start and develop the case.
  • It is impossible to be pregnant and give birth, as the birth will pass hard, the baby can be born unhealthy. Or his life will be heavy and insane.
  • The leap year "mowers" people, that is, takes them. It is believed that mortality increases every fourth year, although statistically, this superstition is not confirmed.
  • It is impossible to collect mushrooms, there are them or selling people to not raise bad from the ground.
  • It is believed that leap years entail natural cataclysms and disasters: fires, floods, drought.

What years are leaps? List of leaps in the 20th century

In the past century, as well as in the 21st century, on superstitious people, fear of leap leaps. The list is below:

  • 1900s: -00; -04; -08; -12, and so on, every fourth year.
  • The two thousandth year was also a leap.

Lecked year: list of 21 centuries

To this day, many people wait for a leap year with fear, psychologically tuning themselves to trouble and explaining the misfortune of every day in February.

Leap years, list since 2000: -04; -08; -12; -16, and further - every fourth year.

Instead of imprisonment

If you believe statistics, only not a large number of All the troubles and disasters fall on leap years. Existing superstitions can be explained by the fact that people who closely follow the troubles and misfortunes who happened during the leap years, attached to the existing meaning exclusively due to the non-extended glory of the latter.

People who are too believed in the superstition of a leap year, would like to wish to pay more attention to positive changes and events. And then, maybe there will be a rehabilitating leap year a list of good adoption.

2019 leap year or not? 2019 will be innocent. From year to year, the approach of the New Year causes excitement from superstitious people. What will be the coming 2019 the year of the pig, leap year or innocent.

Interest is based on folk signs and superstitions associated with adding in an additional February 29. One day on February 29 is added to the calendar every four years. Previous leap year was 2016. When the next leap year? The next will be in 2020, four years later.

Ripathyamus considers informative. How many days in the leap year? A leap year (or the people called it high) is considered every fourth year. Its duration is 366 days, one more duration of the innocent year, thanks to the additional day - February 29. In ordinary, innocent years in February 28 days.

What are the years leaps: calendar

Horoscope for every day

1 h. Ago

Table of past years until 2000

Table after 2000

How many days in 2019

Get the answer to the question how many days will be in 2019, 365 or 366, you can see. If 2019 will be innocent, consequently, the duration of 2019 will be 365 days.

2019 the year leap or not, causes anxiety from the superstitious people and interests the first of the people who have a birthday on February 29. It turns out that on February 29 born in the leap year, it is necessary to celebrate a birthday every four years or to transfer the celebration on March 1.

The leap year from the usual is distinguished by a duration, it is longer on 1 day. But with ancient times, people are afraid of the onset of such a four-year-old, who fresses the fear of the coming misfortune.

Exist folk signsFor which the arrival of a leap year means the offensive of an unlucky period of time in the life of every person for four years.

Signs in a leap year: what can and what can not be done

Believe in signs or not? February 29, the people call the Day of Kasyan (or Kasyanov day), and he is considered unfortunate for the birth of a child.

  • It is not desirable to plan the birth of a baby, but if the pregnancy has come, then the future mother will have to refrain from haircuting hair to the birth.
  • If the child was born in a leap year, you need to speed up the ceremony of baptism, so that the baby gets protection.
  • It is impossible to start new affairs, any financial attachment In business is doomed to failure.
  • People who believe in signs, they advise not to sell and not buy real estate, not to change the place of residence.
  • According to the signs, it is not recommended to start a pet.
  • Travel is better transferred to better times.
  • Highly bad sign Plan a wedding in a leap year. The sign says that the marriage prisonered in a unlucky period of time will decay, the family will persecute misfortune, illness, treason of spouses, evil rock.
  • It is not recommended to change the job, start doing repairs in the house.

Our ancestors adhered to the rules that the unfortunate marriage year should be immediately behind the leap and the ban on the conclusion of marriage remains for another year. If you believe accept, then after 2016 (he was a leap) next 2017 - the year of the widow, the year of Widset - 2018.

2019 - year of widow or widow

For years of widow and widow, the first and second year after a leap, previous was 2016. If you believe, then 2017 is the year of the widow, the year of Widset - 2018, both dates for the wedding are not suitable. And married couples who have appointed wedding in 2019, waiting for prosperity and well-being.

Our grandmothers did not marry, they were afraid to get a mystical curse on their family from the highest strength and stay widow or to be among the dead.

Astrologers consider folk signs by prejudice and the remnants of the past, recommend not to believe in such predictions and not follow them.

The priests advise to follow the call of the heart, create a family, enter into marriage, according to church canons and appoint a wedding date for 2019 is out of any doubt. According to the year of the pig - an animal, symbolizing calm and harmony.

Years of widow (list): 2001; 2005; 2009; 2013; 2017; 2021; 2025; 2029; 2033; 2037; 2041; 2045; 2049; 2053; 2057; 2061; 2065.

Years of widow (list): 2002; 2006; 2010; 2014; 2018; 2022; 2026; 2030; 2034; 2038; 2042; 2046; 2050; 2054; 2058; 2062; 2066.

Is it possible to marry in 2019 or married? Can. Signs and superstitions are usually based on folk rumors, but in fact there are no confirmed data or real statistics about the years of widow or widow.

How to determine the leap year: calculation

  1. Determine the leap year or not easier if the date of the previous one is known. Every four years the leap is repeated.
  2. You can calculate the visquosity, knowing how many days a year - 365 or 366.
  3. Year leap, if it is divided into 4 without a balance; If it can be divided into 100 without a residue, this is a nonful year. But if it is divided without a residue by 400, then he is a leap.

What to expect from 2019

Due to the fact that 2019 will be innocent and passes under the leadership of yellow Earthy pigAstrologers give a peaceful forecast for all 365 days of 2019. Pig - the symbol of the future 2019. This patient animal symbolizes well-being, peace, calm and wisdom.

The personal life of many lonely people will change in 2019, loneliness will end and will have a happy opportunity to find a friend, meet a loved one. Greetings a favorable period for the birth of children, creating a family union. Stubborn and purposeful will be accompanied.

Astrologers argue that the chance of becoming happy in his personal life will fall, to achieve success in work, to move on career stairs Or open your own business.

The pig, as is known, refers to animals with enviable persistence, and those who will show persistence, hardworking, will take responsibility in difficult circumstances, it will not be afraid of difficulties, it will achieve the desired one.

Folk signs for 2019, beliefs and forecasts of various astrologers agree in one - the year of pig, the beginning, middle, end and all 365 days - a favorable and successful period. Regardless of how many days in 2019, every day you need to strive for the intended goal, to think positively, not paying attention to bad signs.

Every 4 years, humanity lives in a leap year. This year, in February, magically gets 29 days.

With it, many will accept and believes, many of which have pagan roots, but there are both Christian elements. Sometimes, it comes to the point that people are abandoned by such familiar events as resting at sea or regular trips to the cottage.

What is a leap year and how justified the signs associated with it?

Lecked Year: Where did you get an extra day?

Do you think the earth makes the full turn exactly for 365 days? No, it's not like that - the earth makes the full circle around the Sun a little longer, namely, 365 days and 6 hours.

In other words, every year an extra quarter of a day is added. For 4 years, such quarters come out for 24 hours. So it turned out that the year, which is Koint 4 (2008, 2012, 2016, the leaf calendar is based on this principle), differs from the rest.

The leap year is designed to eliminate this surplus and make a balance in the summer. If it were not for a leap year, then for a couple of centuries new Year Would move to the beginning of March, and it is quite serious!

Differences leap year

Differences of the leap year from the remaining years, from the point of view of material, is limited to the number of days. In addition, people have to work for one day. Sometimes, however, it turns out and rest once again, but it happens quite rarely.

From an astrological point of view, during the track of the land around the Sun in a leap year, there is a large number of troubles:

  • household problems in humans;
  • man-made catastrophes;
  • natural cataclysms;
  • relatively high mortality.

However, it is possible to argue with the latter - there are no comments from the ritual service workers about raising mortality. Unless the elderly die slightly more.

Leap year: hello from antiquity

For the first time, the challenge of the calendar of the real flow of time was concerned with ancient Romans. In this country, it was forbidden to transfer significant dates at another time of the year. Oriented people on the movement of the sun in the sky.

Guy Julius Caesar solved the problem quickly and radically - from the moment of his reign, people began to live by Julian calendarwhich, just added one day by February once every 4 years. To the new calendar began to move gradually, not all accepted it, but time took her.

Over time, the pagan calendar swore into Christian culture. But in some regions this year is associated with Kasyan Visokosom, one of the saints, the patron of monastic.

Allegedly, for three years he is dying dysfascious, and 4 out of Zayny comes out on the people for the fact that his day is celebrated only every 4 years.

Here, however, a failure - the Christian sacred for definition cannot be a winding drunk, plus there is no record in the church that the lecocos loves to drink.

Signs and beliefs associated with a leap year

Now the leap year is relatively simple, and before, some people were afraid to get out of the house on February 29 in a leap year. For example, it was noteworthy that if on this day to freeze it, and at the end of February, frosts can stand a lady, then the person will certainly be very cold and die.

The same refers to a cattle. People's belief reads that any mistake in pets, on this day, can cost animals of life. For example, malnutrition or stubble.

The beginning of a new case in the leap year of special success, according to popular beliefs, can not bring.

Be sure to all go awry: even though the house is building a man, even though business opens. In addition, all major things should be postponed at least before the onset of February 29 - this time is considered the most unsuccessful since the beginning of the year.

To die a bit of a leap, you need to do the following:

  • under the fight of the chimes, throw out a stack of vodka from the window (other alcohol is suitable, but it should be strong);
  • drink, not choking when it is exactly midnight;
  • if they still have chocked, then before having to hurt, you need to put glasses on the table.

According to the people's beliefs, the wrath of the whocos will slightly fall until the end of the next track around the sun.

One more interesting sign associated with the collection of gifts of nature. Usually, collecting mushrooms and berries is difficult on February 29, but things found on the street, for example, money can bring trouble if they fall into the house.

And if at the same time the dog will conquer (a dog day on February 29 itself is a bad sign), then be a misfortune. He needs to not pay attention to him, saying "Chur me."

Bans leap year

Since this year is so unhappy, then the people came up with many prohibitions, observing which, you can get away from your home. By the way, nature also "participates" in these prohibitions.

For example, according to the memoirs of old-timers, during the years that are leaps, usually weak harvest of apples.

So, what can not be done in the leap year:

  • It is impossible to rank on baptism. This ritual itself is relatively connected with the evil spirits, and once every four years it is particularly "attentive" to people. It is better not to attract any rubbish. So no matter how much sweets did not offer, the carols are better to avoid.
  • It is not recommended to sell products produced in our own farm. It is believed that, together with them, happiness and wealth goes from the house.
  • It is impossible to show anyone the first cutting chisel at the kid, except that the closest relatives. If you break a ban, then the child will have the teeth curves.
  • It is impossible to start new big things, including marrying / marrying. Everything will go awry, it was already mentioned above.
  • It is impossible to buy "sobls". It sounds strange, but for some old-age people is the norm to buy things to yourself for the funeral. Such an action in the leap year will speed up death.
  • Women are strictly forbidden to repaint hair. This may lead to the fact that the lady will play.
  • It is forbidden to change the place of work or place of residence. In a new place, a person simply does not come true, it will have to start with scratch (this item is sometimes impossible, because there are different circumstances in life).

This forbidden group joins the birth of children, but not everyone belongs to such a restriction seriously.

Maybe it all sounds archaic, but the fact remains a fact - people are often complaining of astrologers and psychics for misfortunes that began just after the violation of such prohibitions.

Conclusion - while the Earth does not make a complete turn around the Sun per year, which is a leap, from some activities should be abandoned.

What do astrology think?

In 2016, I made an anonymous personal calendar for young man. He was going to give start a new business project, but Numerology showed that the undertaking would not only become extremely unsuccessful, but could lead, even to the death of my client.

Unfortunately, he did not listen to me, did it all the opposite. The result is crying - although he stayed alive, but he lost everything to a penny, now begins a new life.

Surprisingly, most of such calendars for different peopleMade in leapy years showed similar results. I do not really believe in involvement in the problems of negative entities, but the influence of the planets in these years is a negative crane.

A leap year should pass calmly and without unnecessary movements, I tell you exactly!

Irina, Moscow

All the forecasts that I did for people wishing to get married in a leap year, did not speak anything good. This time is the time of failures, misunderstanding, conflicts and contradictions, what kind of marriage can we talk about?

At the same time, many of these "marriages" diverged before the wedding. Since 2016, only 5-10% of those families have been preserved.

Mortality, by the way, also rises! Older people murut packs in a leap year. Pray more often, do not angry higher power! And go to church, every day about 7.

Svyatoslav, Yaroslavl

I believe that leap year is the pagan Slavic belief. The rapustians endowed February without the power, they were afraid of him like fire.

So it reached this belief to us in a highly modified form. There is nothing terrible in the leap year, but a little attentiveness still does not hurt.

Irma, Moscow

High mortality, that's what a leap year is. Rarely when it comes, at this time, making favorable forecasts.

Basically, people have to solve any problems. I advise you not to violate bans of the leap year and often pass the clarification rites.

Svetlana, Samara