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Income from various sources. Tax on passive income. Financial investments and real estate

What are the ways of passive income? Many people have heard of the term passive income. Many people imagine this as something magical, when you don’t have to do anything, and the money will fly into your pocket on its own. Others do not believe in the existence of passive income at all. In their understanding, there is no place for the fact that you can earn money without doing anything. Today we will analyze in detail whether there are ways to passive income, and if so, how you can get it.

How To Create Passive Income That's Right For You!

First you need to understand the very concept passive income. At its core, this is a long-term receipt of dividends from previous work or investments. At its core, it turns out that passive income is not so passive. To make a good profit, you will need to do a lot of quality work, spending a lot of time and effort in doing so. The second option is to make large monetary investments, in which case the money will work for you.

The amount of profit will depend entirely on the amount of money invested. But if you approach this process wisely and create several sources of passive income, and gradually increase the most profitable and successful ways of them, then at one fine moment it will be possible to completely abandon active income. If you want to switch immediately to passive income, then you need to operate with very large amounts.

passive income methods. Top 15 ideas for quick money!

Today we will consider a fairly large number of ways to receive passive income that will suit all categories of people. Everyone will be able to choose several ways of the most interesting and suitable specifically for him.



REIT investment. Money work for you!

REITfunds are a type of mutual funds. The main direction of such organizations is work with foreign real estate. The principle of operation is quite simple:

  • - The management company creates a common fund and attracts investors to it.
  • - In the future, commercially attractive real estate is acquired.
  • - Income from the sale of real estate and renting it out is divided among all participants in the investment fund.

The simplicity and transparency of the work of such REIT funds ensures their efficient operation.

Traditionally, real estate is considered one of the most reliable assets, which not only does not lose value, but over time, the price only grows. All this ensures the attractiveness and reliability of such investment methods.

If we talk about passive income, then a lot depends on the specific fund and its conditions. If we take the largest Russian fund REITINVEST as an example, then we will see the following conditions:

  • - Deposits are made in British pounds.
  • - Payments are 5-7%, depending on the amount of the deposit.
  • - Payments are also made in British pounds.
  • - Shareholders of the fund, whose investments amount to more than 10,000 pounds, are given the opportunity to use the resort facilities of the fund.
  • - All fund participants are exempt from real estate taxes.

The offer is interesting enough for anyone who wants to receive a high, stable income in a reliable foreign currency. For more details, you can follow the link

Minimum costs! Create your own blog

The previous method requires you to make a financial investment. But what if you simply physically have no way to tear off part of the funds from the budget? You can try to create your own blog and lead him.

At first, the costs will be minimal and absent altogether. You can take advantage of free offers, of which there are a fairly large number on the Internet. All this is not the main thing, the main thing is what will be in your blog.

You must be able to write beautifully and interestingly. It is necessary to choose not only a relevant topic, but also to present it in such a way that it would vividly interest the reader, so that it would be interesting to him. The most striking indicator of this will be comments and discussions under your blog.

If you manage to interest readers and get a permanent audience. Then you can start monetizing your blog, there are a lot of ways. It can be both direct advertising integrations and displaying advertising banners.

If we talk about any specific amounts, then it is quite difficult to estimate the income of the most popular bloggers. But you can go in and see how much they charge for advertising or mentioning themselves in an article. The amounts there will be very large.

This way of getting passive income is suitable for those who have something to talk about, who want to write and who have time for this. In any case, the method is very interesting and attractive and does not require any cash costs at the start.

bank deposits. Income deposits

If we talk about passive income, then it is impossible not to touch on the most popular and most affordable way - bank deposits. Almost everyone has their own bank deposit: salary cards, credit cards, savings for a rainy day. Only now Russian banks have begun to introduce such a thing as an account balance. As a rule, it fluctuates around 2-3% for ordinary debit accounts. This is an extremely small amount, let's consider whether it is possible to get higher interest from banks.

You can get them, and they are available on special profitable deposits. Yes, there are a number of restrictions on such deposits, for example, simply withdrawing your money at any time may not work, you should always remember this. Let's see what kind of passive income you can get from such bank deposits:

  • - If we talk about deposits in Russian rubles, then the average interest rate is from 7.5 to 9.5%.
  • - Deposits in more stable currencies have a lower interest rate. It ranges from 1 to 4.5% depending on the currency and bank conditions.

In general, bank deposits are a fairly reliable way to get a stable income. But when compared with REIT funds, then in order to receive a profit of the level of mutual funds, it is necessary to invest much more money.

Popular Internet way! Create your own video blog

A little higher, we examined the possibilities of a text blog, but video blogs are no less popular on the modern Internet. Unlike their textual variants, they require a much more serious approach:

  • - you need good camera to shoot content for your blog. A few years ago, a good camera from a phone was enough, but in modern realities it is no longer suitable.
  • - You must pick interesting material which is sometimes more difficult than with text blogs.
  • - In addition to the fact that you should be able to write scripts for your videos well, you should also be able to speak well and beautifully.

You can choose any topic for a video blog: games, travel, health and beauty, music, movies. There are a lot of options.

If we talk about possible earnings, then here you can operate with more real numbers provided by the YouTube service. According to these data, the largest earnings of a video blogger amounted to more than 50 million dollars, if we talk about the Russian-speaking segment of the Runet, then the maximum earnings are about 10 million dollars. All these figures do not take into account direct advertising integration, which is quite often present in the video.

Highly liquid shares. Investment

Speaking of passive income, one cannot fail to mention valuable papers ah, and more specifically about the shares of companies. A lot of films have been made, a huge number of books have been written. And in fact, anyone can earn on highly liquid stocks.

The principle of earning is quite simple. Such companies have a high capitalization, while showing constant stable growth, thereby ensuring an increase in the price of their shares.

It is rather difficult to name any figures, since this market is influenced by a large number of different factors. It is simply impossible to predict them all. At some point in time, the shares of such companies may show rapid growth, in which case the income may be 15-20%, but after a while a sharp decline may begin and you will lose 5-10%.

In order to protect your passive income from such fluctuations, it is worth working with shares of several companies at the same time, this will secure your money. Professional investors call this risk diversification. In this case, you can count on a stable passive income of 5-10%.

Get a good shot! Earnings on photos

This may seem surprising to many, but you can really earn money from your photos by receiving passive income. It should be understood that your family photos can be very good, but no one will pay for them. First of all, we are talking about professional photographs.

There are several services that provide the opportunity to post professional photos. In the future, they can be used in various print and online publications. And you will receive the deductions due to you for this.

In order to make money in this way, you need to have high-quality photographic equipment and the talent of a photographer. In this case, you can fully realize yourself - Do what you love and earn passive income from it. There are many photographs that brought millions to their owners, just enough to catch a good shot.

Renting out real estate. From passive income to reliable investments

As mentioned above, real estate is one of the most reliable investment assets. You can earn passive income from real estate on your own. There are several options here:

  • - Rent out real estate that you own. Most often these are apartments inherited.
  • - If you have a large amount of free funds and can invest them in the construction of new real estate or purchase on the secondary market. In the future, it is also rented out, and you receive passive income.
  • - Sublease work. Here the principle is quite simple: you can rent large areas and rent them out in parts on more favorable terms. For example, renting a floor in mall and hand over trade pavilions separately. In the case of residential real estate, this has a slightly different connotation. The apartment is rented for long term and is rented daily.

The first method can be called ideal, since you do not need any financial investments. In the second one, you will have to spend quite a serious amount, but this can be considered a long-term investment, since gradually the apartment will pay for itself and you will gradually begin to receive only net income.

If we consider the option of subleasing, then calling it a full-fledged way of passive income will not work, since you will need constant work: finding customers. This can already be considered an active business. But with a successful scenario, this whole process can be minimized.

Income at the limit of risk! Earnings on bets

Sports betting, as such, cannot be called a full-fledged passive income, it is more gambling entertainment that helps to experience the thrill and at the same time earn money. But people who approach this issue with a cool head can earn good money.

There is such a thing as betting surebets. These are bets on a match in which, regardless of the outcome, the player remains in the black. Let's look at a simple example of how this works in practice. Bookmaker 1 gives odds of 2.1 for Team A to win. Bookmaker 2 gives odds for Team B to win of 2.05. Regardless of the outcome of the match, team A or B will win, the bettor will be in plus 5 or 10%, depending on the outcome. The process is described rather crudely, but it captures the essence.

In order to consistently make money on surebets, you need to be well versed in many aspects:

  • - the rules of the sport you are going to bet on;
  • - rules for accepting bets in each bookmaker's office;
  • - rules for calculating results.

Not knowing one of these points can lead you to lose all your savings. In addition, it is necessary to have enough large amount to be able to safely work with betting surebets. But for a knowledgeable person, this can be a good source of passive income.

Credit funds. Loans to organizations and individuals

Another type of mutual investment companies are credit organizations. The principle of operation is similar to REIT funds, only investments will not go into real estate, but into loans to various organizations and individuals.

If we talk about the profitability of this method, then a lot depends on who the organization works with and in which country, but in general, approximately the following conditions are offered:

  • - For ruble-denominated funds, the yield is 10-12%.
  • - For funds in foreign currency, it is significantly lower from 3 to 7%, depending on the currency in which loans are issued.

The only thing to remember when working with credit companies is liquidity in such companies is below average. If you decide to leave the fund, it may take some time for you to receive your assets. Since, unlike real estate, loans are not always so easy to sell to other credit organizations. But in general, credit funds provide their shareholders with a stable passive income.

Creative flight of thoughts! write a book

Is it possible to receive passive income with the help of your creativity - definitely, yes. You don’t have to go far, just remember the author of the book “50 Shades of Grey”. I want to remind you that initially it was a fan craft based on Twilight. But over time, it grew into an independent work and received a multi-million audience. And the author has multi-million dollar royalties.

But how can a novice writer make money on this? Everything is quite simple, there are a large number of sites on the Internet that will publish your works. You can earn income from reader donations or set a small fee for downloading the electronic version. You can also place your works in stores like Google Play.

The next step is to work with publishers. With successful publication on Internet resources, you yourself may be offered to publish in print, as was the case with the Metro 2033 book, but in most cases this will be an independent search for a publisher.

In any case, this way of passive income is only suitable for creative people who really love to write. For others, it may simply result in a waste of their time and effort.

Bonds. Long term passive income

Bonds are another type of securities. These are debt securities, but the main difference from stocks for us is fixed constant payments. At its core, bonds are a hybrid of securities and bank deposits.

That is, you will have securities on hand that have their own value, while you will receive fixed interest from them. In fact, the pricing mechanism is quite complex to calculate. But before you buy bonds, you need to carefully study them, as they are of several types:

  • - Bonds that can be easily traded on the market. This is the most convenient option, since in addition to receiving interest, there is a chance to profitably sell such loans.
  • - Bonds that cannot be traded, but the borrower can redeem them at any time.
  • - Bonds that can only be redeemed at the end of their term.

Therefore, if you buy the last type of bonds for a period of 30 years, you will be able to receive your assets only at the end of the term.

Let's look at the issue of payouts when they occur. If the bonds are issued for a period of up to one year, then the interest is paid in a lump sum along with the receipt of the principal amount. If the bonds are issued for a period of more than a year, then interest payments occur twice a year.

Become a teacher in your favorite field! Create your own online courses

Every person is an expert in some field. And why not try to earn income from it. There are several services on the Internet that allow you to monetize training courses. These can be courses in cooking, programming, trading on the stock exchange, embroidery - any topic can be in demand. But there are several factors to consider:

  • - Your courses should be interesting and in demand.
  • - The information should be interesting, useful and easy for your listeners to perceive.
  • - Everything should be designed accordingly: video and image quality, competent texts, the presence of all kinds of checklists.

One well-designed training course can bring you passive income for a long time.

Currency speculation. Forex trading

Buy low, sell high is a basic principle that applies to any kind of trading. But he acquired his ultimate form in the Forex currency market. Many have heard and know very well how such a system works. But for those who don't know, let's give a more detailed explanation. Unlike banks, where the exchange rate is fixed for a day, in the Forex market all changes in rates occur in real time. During the day, one currency can manage to go a few points into plus, and then sink by the same amount. It is on this difference that the earnings of speculators are formed.

You can trade for the long term, you can constantly engage in speculation during the day. But the Forex market lives according to its own specific laws, in order to learn how to consistently trade in a plus, you need to study it for a long time. In order to make your income truly passive, you can use the services of professional traders. They will take care of your account, trading currencies for you, while receiving a pre-negotiated reward.

Speculation in securities. Price difference income

We have already considered securities as a way to receive passive income. But speculation implies a radically different approach to this issue. In this case, we are not interested in the growth in the value of securities in the long term. Speculation means making a profit on the difference in rates. Anyone who decides to make money on speculation is faced with a choice:

  • - engage in speculation yourself;
  • - entrust it to a professional broker;
  • - invest in mutual funds specializing in working with securities.

We will not consider the first option, within the framework of the topic of passive income, since independent trading involves a large amount of time. It cannot be called full-fledged passive income.

A professional broker undertakes to trade for you on the stock exchange. You won’t get a fixed income, but if you are interested in a higher income, then perhaps this method will interest you. It is worth noting that experienced brokers start working with at least $10,000 deposits.

The third method is suitable for those who like to receive a stable income. The mutual fund employs many professional brokers. The failures of some are compensated by the successful transactions of others, which provides a stable passive income.

Invest in a young business! Venture investments

This is an investment in a young business. In fact, you not only create a reserve for the future, providing yourself with a full-fledged passive income, but also become a real investor.

In modern realities, the vast majority of venture investments are startups. A group of young, entrepreneurial people have an idea that will make a profit, but they do not have the funds to finance its implementation. They start looking for investors through various platforms and find them quite often.

If you want to try yourself as an investor in a real business, then you have two options:

The first option implies the possibility of making a big profit if the project "shoots". However, independent investments involve a much higher risk.

If you really want to organize passive income, then it is worth working with venture capital companies. They will not be able to provide you with such a high income, but at the same time you will receive your 5-10% consistently.


We reviewed 15 various ways receiving passive income. Some of them are very reliable, such as REIT funds or bank deposits. Others have high risks, but can bring big money. And the third are aimed at the realization of creative potential. In any case, passive income at an early stage involves time or financial expenditure.

A fairly large percentage of contemporaries are looking for options for passive income. People start caring about their future when they are young. Life on a small pension or, roughly speaking, "survival" no longer appeals to anyone. Preference is given to a certain amount of work done, for which long-term systematic payment is made in the future. This allows you to do what you love and not visit an unloved job, enjoy life and realize your potential, forever overcome the problem of all modern humanity - lack of time.

Deposit is the most common passive income

The most common investment instrument is a bank deposit. Depending on the size of the amount deposited into the account of a financial institution, passive income depends. Options for partnership schemes are very diverse, and each bank offers its own terms of partnership. The main essence of the partnership is that a person gives his capital to the bank for savings, and the institution pays its client a certain percentage of the amount provided for a specified period of using the funds.

Advantages: active participation of the investor in the process of capital increase is not required. High guarantees of safety and security of the deposit.

Disadvantages: a low percentage, which is completely absorbed by inflation. The rationality of the direction is justified only if the start-up capital is large enough.

Investment projects

Considering the options for passive income, it is worth noting Here, risks are added to the high probability of large profits. In this direction of investment, the purchase of shares of successful and developing companies dominates. There are only two scenarios for the development of events: the flourishing of the selected company and the accrual of solid dividends to the investor's account or the bankruptcy of the organization with all the ensuing consequences. In order to avoid adverse developments, investors are strongly advised to contact specialized professional investment centers, where experts will suggest the most profitable and less risky areas for investing.

Benefits: High return on investment.

Disadvantages: high risks, the need to have a large amount of funds.

Buying a property

Considering options for passive income in Russia, you can focus on the acquisition of real estate. You can consider not only the purchase of residential square meters, attention can be paid to commercial objects. The property can be rented out. A very promising direction is investing in the purchase of foreign real estate. In Western countries, almost 90% of the population lives by renting out their residential property. Incomes cover not only minimum expenses family, but also recreation, entertainment.

Advantages: complete absence of risks, each project pays off in full when it is re-sold by the investor.

Disadvantages: to buy square meters you need a lot of capital.

Secondary investment options

Secondary options for offline passive income are the creation of an intellectual product, network marketing, and each of the areas requires not only specific knowledge and professionalism in a particular area, but also significant efforts at the stage of primary construction of a source of profit.

A smart product means releasing something that people will be willing to pay money for all the time. It is enough just to formalize the discovery officially and patent it. Revenue will be a percentage of sales. Passive income without investments based on network marketing is only possible if you get to the top of the pyramid, but this will require a lot of time and effort, going from start to finish. Ultimately, you won’t have to work at all, since income will be generated from the labor of people from the very bottom of the structure.

Advantages: the ability to form a powerful one without the need to maintain it.

Disadvantages: high labor costs in the early stages of work.

Internet to help you

Thanks to the spread of the world wide web, there are a huge number of opportunities to form a permanent and stable source of good income without leaving home. The number of directions is unlimited. These are not only affiliate programs, own websites, but also investing in successful managers in the stock markets, and much more. Passive income on the Internet is remarkable in that it is available to almost everyone, including young parents and students who do not have the opportunity to work full time. A big plus is that all materials on organizing a source of profit can be found on the Internet, and by following the instructions clearly, the result will not be long in coming. In this case, no special education, and even more so diplomas from the university, is required.

Investments on the stock exchanges

Investing on stock exchanges is the simplest and least costly passive income. Options for inexperienced players in the foreign exchange market are not very diverse and are more limited to deposits in PAMM accounts. Simply put, the deposit is transferred to the management of a qualified trader, who, for a certain percentage of the profit, increases capital using trading instruments. Depending on the qualifications of the trader, the amount of profit from the money invested can vary from 150% or more per year. Funds can be reinvested or withdrawn. The main thing here is to study the principles of choosing PAMM account managers. There are risks of losing your deposit or part of it, but it is quite possible to minimize them by differentiating risks and allocating capital.

Advantages: the opportunity to receive income from the first month of investment.

Cons: wrong decision on the direction of investment may lead to the drain of the deposit.

Personal site

Studying passive income on the Internet, it is impossible not to say about creating your own website. A popular and interesting project can bring good profits. A resource that has traffic (a constant flow of visitors) is in demand for advertising, affiliate programs and network business. If at the first stages of project development you have to spend a certain percentage of the total income and a lot of time, in the future it is practically not necessary to spend energy on maintaining the profitability of the site.

Many argue that to create a website, you need to learn a programming language and the structure of SEO optimization. In fact, the finished frame can be ordered from an agency or a freelancer. SEO optimization can be carried out independently. As an alternative to creation and promotion, it is the purchase of a ready-made working portal with a certain profitability. All that remains is to maintain the existing one in working condition.

Advantages: the level of income is unlimited. It all depends on the activity of the project creator.

Disadvantages: It takes time to learn a new area.

Public pages

Creating a public page on a social network is another promising passive income. Options without attachments are not so common, but this is exactly one of them. Specialized skills for registration of a public are not required. The constructor is at the disposal of the network user. It is enough to fill the project interesting information and attract as much as possible large quantity group members. In the future, the prospects for earning the following: paid advertising, banners, informers, links. The most popular topics are women, men, relationships, sports and cooking.

Video blog on YouTube channel

The most popular options for passive income in the US are the creation of various kinds of video blogs, including on the YouTube channel. Profit will drip through advertising, which will be distributed within the blog. This prospect opens up opportunities not only for trading links and selling advertising, but also for direct cooperation with the advertiser. Customers are willing to pay impressive fees for reviews of their own products, for its description in a positive way. It is quite natural that the more subscribers there are on the channel, the higher remuneration its owner can count on.

Benefits: Unlimited profit threshold.

Disadvantages: the need to constantly maintain the popularity of the channel.

Why are people afraid of passive income?

Considering the options, users are repelled by the fact that there is a certain time gap between the work done and the pay. People are accustomed to constantly perform a certain amount of work and immediately receive their reward. Working for the future scares most. An important role is played by the fears associated with the fact that the resources expended will not be rewarded. No one is used to wasting time and investing money without knowing what the result will be.

In Western countries, passive income options are actively considered by millions of people. They prefer a one-time investment of funds and the loss of time in order not to think about the level of their material well-being in the future. Everyone wants to get away from daily, monthly and yearly visits to one workplace. stable wage, which is the guarantor of stability, is gradually losing its attractiveness. In fashion, the search for alternative ways to earn money, with big profits and minimal cost strength and time.

Each of us wants to receive passive income, while minimizing the risks of investments and not losing what has been accumulated by various efforts and labor. Today it is possible to do this if you pay attention to the investment blog, which has been following all the changes, novelties for almost 3 years and tries to regularly offer you useful articles, recommendations and advice.

Investment blog - all about ways to make money on the Internet

What is an investment blog? This is the platform where:

  • Articles about money, economy and finance;
  • Useful recommendations on how to make money without investments and where you can make a profit online;
  • Up-to-date descriptions of working with cryptocurrency, reviews of profitable crypto coins;
  • Current ways of earning;
  • Interesting news from the world of money that are important for everyone.

And it's far from full list where exactly a blog might come in handy. I am glad that both beginners, with whom we are going to the Olympus of financial independence, and experienced market sharks, who received their Oscar, are cooperating with me, approaching good indicators of total income. Many people choose GQ Blog Monitor, and they do it for 10 reasons:

  1. I share my own experience absolutely free of charge, which is rare in today's world;
  2. I blog regularly useful articles anticipating your information requests;
  3. I draw conclusions and analyzes, so I publish weekly detailed and complete reports on the work of the blog;
  4. I do not force anything, but only recommend;
  5. I always point out the pros and cons of specific proposals;
  6. I regularly offer a variety of contests where you can get financial rewards;
  7. I am open to new suggestions;
  8. I provide a platform for the publication of young and talented authors;
  9. I am glad for every comment under the materials;
  10. I am in touch with you in many social networks.

Ganesa Private Investor Blog

Having gone through many stages of the starting path on my own, I came across a rake that made me smarter, and set the work in a productive direction. And I know how important it is at the very start to have qualified and professional support from an investor who himself went through everything on his own.

“Why a blog?”, you ask, and I will hasten to answer that this is a convenient form of communication, content filling and communication. And in the financial world, where something changes every second, the bitcoin rate loses or gains up to a hundred dollars, and miners mine a new block, it is extremely important to be constantly in touch and respond quickly to everything. GQ Blog Monitor can boast of this. I do not just advise, I also simplify your life. Launched at the beginning of the year, the crypto portfolio is a convenient way to streamline investments and only follow positive updates. If earlier you kept records on your own, now everything is much simpler.

Investment articles on blogs appear every day, but I fill the content taking into account the desires, opportunities and interests of everyone. I do not have a separate blog dedicated to an experienced trader or a beginner, I do not write separate articles about investing in stocks, as in a highly specialized investor blog. My blog combines recommendations from a practical investor, reviews, tips, news from different financial areas. Together with me, you will not only be able to learn how to make money work, but also what needs to be done so that the slogan “Keep and increase” becomes the basic rule for all partners.

Taking into account the tastes and informational preferences of each investor, I propose to choose priority areas and follow the latest Hot Topics. The blog of a private investor is open to criticism and comments, and all your questions are answered without fail: prompt and in full. You can always see how I work and with what projects. The blog sections contain the most relevant articles about everything that will help you become a financially independent person: from the principles of the cryptocurrency mining algorithm and how to work with faucets and earn money on paid surveys.

In reviews and feedback on new projects, I offer HYIP monitoring with detailed analysis and regular reports on the work of the sites. Each investment project served from different sides to partners:

  • legend;
  • marketing;
  • information about the administrator;
  • my personal opinion;
  • technical part.

This is done so that the decisions you make and certain investments are objective and effective.

My conclusions about investment blogs and about my blog

In order to develop and follow all current trends, I read the blogs of partners “Keep money!”, A popular blog of a practical investor talks a lot about various bonus programs and plastic cards; and leafing through a blog from an experienced homebody investor, you can learn more about the forex market and the rules for working on it. I often visit the blog from Denis, a free investor who works with cryptocurrency. You can work with PAMM accounts and learn about investing in stocks and gold by reading the materials of a lazy investor who has been blogging for a long time. They learn a lot from me, I learn a lot from them. And this is good: the exchange of data and information always has a positive effect on each side.

Each blog is individual and interesting, and the investor's platform in its own way. I can say: the content of my blog is for everyone: investors, those who work online and are looking for ways of anonymity, who are interested in stocks and cryptocurrency, choose HYIPs, stocks, and look for options for remote earnings. For the convenience of accounting, the investor's portfolio functions.

I work for all investors, no matter what the total amount of your investments per week or month. GQ Blog Monitor is your guide, adviser and companion in the world of investments and financial literacy. I hope that when the next wave of voting takes place among readers and users for the best investment blog of the Runet, you will bet on my investment blog, which contains in one place recommendations on how to increase money during the Super Moon, tips on how to invest for a big profit are small sums and the best fresh HYIPs.

My investment blog is an encyclopedia, address book, reliable assistant and consultant with a news feed for everyone.

Subjects entrepreneurial activity, investors, owners of liquid assets and free cash are often interested in what sources of passive income can be used to improve financial position with minimal risk of losing your property or savings. In addition, even the most hardworking people at least occasionally dream of making a steady income and doing nothing at the same time.

But in the economy, everything is built on the basis of the laws of materialism, which exclude any miracles and magical transformations: in order to make a profit, you need to either work or have money (other resources) that can be invested in a profitable business. That is, you can make a profit in two ways: by taking an active part in some profitable business or by investing your money/property in projects that generate passive income.

The last option is main theme presented article, from which you will learn about what are the sources of passive income with examples from real life, how much money they bring, and what you risk by making a profit in this way. These recommendations will help readers to effectively use their savings and other assets, and you will also learn how to make a profit with minimal risk of becoming a victim of fraud.

Sources of passive income - popular types

Among the most common sources of passive income in Russia are the following::

    bank deposits. Simple, reliable, no need to calculate or analyze anything. The risk of losing savings is minimal if you open a deposit in a well-known bank. The main drawback is that your earnings, if you open a deposit in a serious bank, will be a penny, and taking into account inflation, almost zero. Some small, obscure financial institutions offer much higher interest on deposits than any average bank, but there is no guarantee that you will receive them. In a couple of months, this office may disappear along with your money. This type of profit makes sense when you have a large amount of money that you do not risk investing in other projects.

    The next source of passive income is created from scratch and requires your participation at the initial stage. We are talking about your own business, when you organize and improve its work, and then get a stable profit. The main disadvantages are related to the fact that at first (sometimes several years) it is necessary to work very hard, and then find a manager who can be trusted one hundred percent. Advantages - high reliability, stability, income is much higher than in other options passive income.

    Renting an apartment or other real estate. If you have a free apartment in a big city, then you do not need to worry about your financial condition. Many experts researching best sources passive income, this method is put in the first place. The risks are minimal, the main thing is to find a decent client and conclude an agreement with him that will take into account all the nuances. You need to invest money only in the repair and purchase of furniture. That is, you don’t need to do anything, just make a monthly profit and check how your tenants comply with the agreements. But this is provided that you already have a property. The situation when you need to buy an apartment does not look so attractive.

    Creation of your site. A good type of income, but like any other business, at the initial stage it requires some participation from you, and with further work, you need a reliable project manager. In addition, this activity is associated with huge competition, therefore, in order to make a profitable resource, you need a truly original idea. Some theorists of economic disciplines, analyzing possible sources of passive income, believe that the development and development of a web resource is impossible without the participation of its creator. The conditions of affiliate programs change, new advertisers appear, new content constantly needs to be added to the site, etc. In other words, this business can hardly be classified as passive income.

    Unlike the previous option, investing money in Mutual Funds allows you to receive passive income and can be considered classic example this type of income. You entrust your savings to professionals who know what securities will bring profit, so you don't have to worry about their safety. The main thing is to choose the right mutual fund, the size of your income depends on it. According to a similar scheme, you can transfer your money for trust management on stock exchanges, currency markets, etc. If you understand the mechanism of formation of exchange rates and know how to work with securities, you can earn money without the help of intermediaries.

    There are also sources of passive income without investing financial resources. These include renting real estate (described above), receiving royalties for a book or scientific work, as well as royalties for inventions, provided that you have the appropriate patents for them. The presented options look very attractive financially, but in order to receive money in this way, you must have the talent of a writer or inventor. Unfortunately, there are very few such people, but maybe it is you who have all the prerequisites to create something brilliant and receive a decent reward for it.

    In a separate group, it is necessary to allocate profit by leasing equipment and vehicles. The recipient of passive income runs the risk in this situation that his property will be brought into a state beyond repair. Of course, such things are necessarily discussed in the contract, but if the car costs millions of rubles, the owner will have to wait a long time until he is paid off. Therefore, do not forget about insurance companies that will help you solve such problems.

Many readers are interested in how the situation on this issue has developed in other countries. If you do not delve into some of the nuances, we can say that there is no difference, for example, the sources of passive income in Ukraine fully comply with the above list.

Differences in different countries may arise under a category that theorists call "legal" passive income. This includes cash transfers such as pensions, utility subsidies, scholarships, affordable housing, etc. This money is paid by the state to people who find themselves in a certain life situation when they need material assistance.

Practical recommendations for creating stable sources of income

Practice shows that a person who is completely focused on his work rarely thinks about getting passive income. Of course when we are talking about a favorite business that brings an adequate profit, which is enough to satisfy all needs, including the creation of a decent reserve fund, then there is no need to resolve this issue. But in the case when the salary is not enough, you need to look for free time to solve financial problems. A working person needs to focus on multiple sources passive income, which will insure each other, allowing you to count on a certain stability.

This week, one affiliate program does not work, which means that the other will bring more money, instead of 100 dollars they earned 50 dollars on referrals, but advertising on the site was 30% more profitable, etc. Take the time to create profitable assets that will significantly increase the cash flow to your personal budget. The more sources of income there are, the less likely it is to suffer, financially, from external adverse factors (for example, a sharp change in the exchange rate).

Never spare money for your own education. Improve financial literacy, learn the theory of entrepreneurship, pay special attention to the analysis of ways to make passive income using the Internet. Of course, not every person can independently create a site, then organize its promotion in the main search engines and ensure that the resource brings a stable profit.

But if you have an interesting idea, find the right people, start-up capital and start implementing the project. Analyzing the sources of passive income on the Internet, we can conclude that your web resource is one of the most promising in terms of profit and stability.

In addition, a personal website is the foundation for the following areas of profit:

    Banner and contextual advertising. If you are the owner of a promoted site with high traffic, advertisers will search for you and agree on the placement of their advertisements.

    Sale of links.

    Partnership programs.

If we talk about sources of passive income on the Internet without investments, then it must be said that this is a rather difficult, but doable task. Alternatively, you can direct your efforts to attract referrals to mailing list sites. Naturally, at the initial stage you will have to work, but then you will only make a profit without doing anything. For readers who are not familiar with mailers, in a nutshell about the mechanism of their work. On these resources, some users set simple tasks, while others perform them for a monetary reward.

This can be voting in contests, writing small reviews, chatting on forums, clicking on advertising links, and many other small tasks that do not require special qualifications. If you brought a performer to the mailer who will earn $ 50 every month, your profit will be five. Imagine that you have a hundred referrals on 2-3 sites. In this case, your passive income will be from 1000 to 1500 dollars. At the same time, you do not need to invest money, the main thing is to come up with effective methods for attracting referrals. Another option is trading affiliate programs where you need to attract customers, but this way of earning can hardly be called passive.

If you still doubt whether it is worth creating sources of passive income, we will comparative analysis this method with active methods.

Active income implies constant work, if you work, there will be money, if you don’t work, no one will pay anything. Passive income is accrued steadily and without your participation.

Sources of active income are limited: You cannot work in 5-10 places at the same time. Passive income can be received from 1-2, as well as from 50-100 sources.

Practice shows that active income choose people with low level financial literacy, which are influenced by stereotypes formed back in Soviet time. Passive income is of interest to educated, progressive people who strive for financial independence.

An analysis of the sources and methods of passive income showed that this topic is of interest to every hardworking person who is not going to work for someone all his life, giving his time, energy and health for a penny, the main thing is to think positively and not despair, if from the first not everything works out.

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Some passive income options, such as cryptocurrencies or securities trading, require a small amount of basic knowledge. Some require large time investments - for example, selling photos on photo stocks, others - financial, for example, all real estate transactions. The simplest methods, for example, cashback to a bank card, do not require anything from the user at all, but their profitability will not be high either.

Index funds

Suitable for those who want to make money on investments in stocks, but are not ready to spend a lot of time and energy on it. The fund frees the investor from the need to analyze what shares of which companies should be sold and bought in this moment time. This is decided by the fund itself, which forms an investment portfolio depending on the state of a particular index. The most famous index fund is the S&P 500.

Index funds include groups of stocks with similar characteristics - the size, value, profitability and geographical location of companies. When stocks go beyond these characteristics, as a rule, the fund sells them.

An investor can choose a fund operating in any industry, from banking to precious metals, and invest in it. After that, the stock portfolio will start working on its own. The main disadvantage is the same risks as in ordinary securities trading. Shares of companies may go negative or the company may decide not to pay dividends this year.

Individual investment accounts

Since 2014, individual investment accounts (IIA) have been operating in Russia, for which you can receive a tax deduction of up to 52,000 rubles. per year, but there are two conditions: the depositor must work, and his official income must not be lower than the amount he deposits into the account.

The main disadvantage is the limitations of the IIS. One person can open only one account for a period of at least three years and deposit no more than 400,000 rubles on it. If you initially deposited less, you can replenish your account during the year.

Opening an account is very simple - it can be done in the office of any broker offline and online, you only need a passport. There are two tax relief options to choose from: either a 13% income tax deduction or an exemption from tax on income from securities trading.

IIS works like a regular brokerage account: money can be invested in stocks or bonds or left on the account in rubles. You can connect the account to the strategies of management companies in order to choose a ready-made algorithm for increasing profitability.

Comment by Ilya Panteleymonov, International Financial Advisor, Partner of Logic Planning Group

Solid passive income options that are suitable for all people are, for example, passive income for retirement and rent. The annual yield of reliable passive income is 3-5% per annum in foreign currency, on average 4-5% per annum.

It is provided by conservative portfolios of securities funds - bond funds, stocks, real estate, alternative funds. The yield of such portfolios is approximately 4-5% per annum in dollars. Portfolio fluctuations are minimal. This method is used by 70-80% of people in Europe, USA and Canada. To receive an annuity of $1,000 per month, you need to invest $240,000.

Another way is annuities. They guarantee an annuity throughout life, for example, up to 120 years of life. The rent each year is on average 4-5% of the invested amount. This tool is also used as part of an old age pension plan. The vast majority of families in developed countries make annuities.

Annuities are insurance contracts with insurance companies and are a guaranteed annuity for life. One of the biggest fears of people aged 55-70 is that the accumulated savings may not be enough for a lifetime in old age. This is especially true today, when life expectancy is increasing. An annuity helps to solve this problem, as it guarantees payments up to 120 years to the owner of the contract and his spouse.

Cashback from credit and debit cards

The main disadvantages of this method are small size income and following the conditions of the bank. Most often, it is necessary that a certain amount of money be kept on the account or the amount of expenses on the card reaches a certain mark. Nevertheless, it will be useful to everyone who regularly makes purchases with a card, since no additional actions will have to be performed. This is the easiest way to passive income. Almost every bank has its own bonus program, allowing you to return to the account an average of 7% of the total amount of expenses.

For example, the Alfa-Bank MasterCars World card will be beneficial for motorists - the maximum amount of 10% is returned to the card for purchases at gas stations; Tinkoff Black All Games card - to gamers who will receive 5% back on the card for purchases on Steam, Origin, Xbox Games, Playstation Store and 1C Interest; entertainment card "Premium" of the bank "FC Otkritie" - for those who constantly pay in cafes, bars and restaurants. It will be possible to return from 5% to 10% to the card, depending on the total amount of purchases.

Real estate investment

Investing in real estate requires more attention from the owner than previous methods, but allows you to achieve a stable and relatively high income. In order to relieve your time as much as possible, you can hire a professional property manager for a small commission, and to increase income, you can rent real estate by the day, but this increases the risks, since each time you need to check the solvency and integrity of tenants.

By renting out the property, you can also gradually pay off the housing loan with the money of the tenants, eventually acquiring the property for your own use or for additional income in the future.

Commentary by Irina Zhigina, financial consultant and rentier

Many people call renting apartments a semi-passive source of income, since it is believed that the condition of the apartment needs to be monitored, tenants checked, and in case of termination of the lease, look for new ones, which requires personal participation. I myself have been renting apartments on my own for many years, refusing the services of realtors, as time has shown that I can rent an apartment much faster than they do.

Profitability and ease of renting depends on several factors: the region, the number of rented apartments, the rental format and the chosen tax regime. Now there are many companies that, for a fee, will take care of managing your property. In this case, you will not worry about how to find a client, what kind of contract is better to draw up, what to do if the tenants flooded the neighbors.

The main tip for renting out an apartment is to find good tenants. If you were able to find tenants with whom you speak the same language, who are completely satisfied with your apartment and who are ready to rent it long time, then renting out an apartment will be an excellent source of passive income for you.

The yield from renting apartments on average is only 6% per annum, and you need to understand that investing in real estate is always a long-term game. Of course, there are, so to speak, “aggressive” ways of the rental business, for example, renting apartments for daily rent. In this case, the profitability will be higher, but you will also get more risks. In this case, it is definitely better to use the services management company.

I know many examples when people at first wanted to receive passive income from renting out real estate, but then they got involved, bought several apartments, rented them all out on a daily basis, and at the same time hired a couple of people to manage the rented real estate. In this case, their initial desire to have a passive income grew into a business of renting out apartments.

In general, the option of passive income through renting out apartments is suitable for people who want to receive a low, but stable income from the money invested.

When buying property abroad on your own, I advise you to pay attention to the following:

1. It is important to learn the basics of the tax laws of the country where you are going to buy property.

2. It is not always possible to rent apartments with the help of a management company, and then you will have to look for tenants yourself.

3. In some cases, you will have to bear additional costs for the maintenance of your apartment.

4. You will need to open an account to receive rental property rent.

There is an alternative option that I used when buying apartments abroad. At first, I also wanted to do everything myself and save money, but I ran into a number of difficulties and almost lost money because the developer went bankrupt. After that, I hired a lawyer who acted on my behalf by proxy and formalized everything Required documents. In the end, I paid the agreed amount, which in fact turned out to be not so much. at a great cost for my peace of mind.

I would like to note that renting apartments abroad has even lower profitability if we are talking about seasonal demand. So, apartments located near the sea are rented out only a few months a year. I use my apartments a couple of months a year myself, so for me this species investment was profitable.

Receiving passive income by renting out apartments is practiced by a fairly large number of people. This option is suitable for beginners who do not understand investments and do not have special knowledge. Compared to other ways of earning passive income, the risks are minimal, and there are more and more opportunities to find tenants every year.

P2P loans

P2P loans (from the English peer-to-peers - "from person to person") - loans to individuals from individuals, and banks are completely excluded from this system. To complete the transaction, you can use online services that help reduce risks by checking potential borrowers. One of the most famous P2P services in the world is the American Lending Club, in which Yuri Milner, the owner of Group, invested $57 million.

For example, in the Russian "Credit Exchange" Webmoney, if you have an electronic wallet, you can specify the amount, term and interest of the loan, and the system will offer you borrowers. The average loan rate on such sites is 25%.

To ensure the safety of deposits, users are attested and a loan agreement is drawn up, which can be relied upon in court. The main disadvantage of this method is rather high risks, since the money invested can be lost if the borrower becomes insolvent.

Passive business partnership

Many start-ups need capital to launch or expand a business, and for a stake in the company, an investor can provide that capital. Then the founder and owner will take care of all operational activities, and you can become a passive partner who receives a part of the income. The main disadvantages are the human factor (after all, you need to find mutual understanding with the business owner) and a high risk that the company may go bankrupt.


Now the cost of one bitcoin - the most famous cryptocurrency - on August 17, 2017 was 263,617 rubles. It is expected that bitcoins will continue to rise in price, and in ten years their value could reach $100,000 per bitcoin. The advantage is that anyone can start issuing bitcoins, but for this the user needs a powerful computer.

Bitcoins are not well suited for short-term investments, as their exchange rate fluctuates rapidly. To feel the benefits of investments, you need to wait several decades. In addition, the legal status of cryptocurrencies in Russia is not defined: transactions with them are not considered illegal, but they are not regulated by law either.

Photo stocks

This method is suitable for those who take a lot of photographs while traveling or at home. There are many platforms for selling photos, from Shutterstock to Fotolia and Depositphotos. Such services are popular among designers, advertising companies and editors of publications - each of them prefers a certain style of work, but, as a rule, any topic remains in demand. For the sale of one photo, you can get from $0.25 to $50, monthly income can vary from $100 to several thousand dollars, subject to a large portfolio and demand for work.

As a rule, the more works in the portfolio and the higher their quality, the higher the income. A stable relatively high income begins after adding at least 200 photos to the service, and they must be accepted by the administration of the photo stock.

In some services, you need to pass an exam of works and provide documents. It's important to include keywords in your photo description so that users can easily find it.

affiliate marketing

This is a great way for owners of popular blogs and websites to earn money by advertising some products and services on their website and receive a percentage of sales from the owners.

This works best if what you are promoting is in line with the topic of the site. Let's say if you have a food blog, you can advertise kitchen appliances or aprons, and if the blog is about travel, talk about outdoor clothing and insurance options for traveling abroad. Accountants, webmasters, SMM-specialists involved in the promotion of services in social networks, as well as owners of portals and blogs about accounting and business can become partners of SKB Kontura and receive a commission of 8% to 30%. The amount of remuneration can reach 17,250 rubles. for one sale. on the promotion of high-quality and popular web services of SKB Kontur.

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