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MasterCard shares bonus programs. Bonuses on the MasterCard Rewards program. Various bonuses and shares on maps

Fascinating travel and gastronomic tours, perfumes from the online store, visiting a cafe - all this is possible with the help of the mastercard Rebord, where for each cashless payment the participant of the program receives points and can exchange them for gifts.

Whenever new exclusive offers and a variety of privileges provided for customers are a distinguishing feature of the company Mastercard, which confirms the recent launch to users of its plastic payment cards of the next program, which is known as the "Mastercard bonus program". This program in the implementation of non-cash payments not only in the country of residence of a plastic card, but also in any other country of the world charges the program to a special bonus account of certain prizes that can be exchanged for gifts.

Extensive list of prizes from traveling, tours of gastronomy of various regions and countries, entertainment and visits to cultural events and ending with beauty salons, sports, cooking goods, perfumes, home interior items, which can be selected and obtained in exchange for bonuses, presented in the catalog programs.

How to get into the program?

In order to become a participant in a free bonus program, you need to be a master of a plastic Card mastercard for the implementation of non-cash payments, which is released by one of the partner banks of this prize program.

Information on the banking institutions participating in the program is available on the company's portal, as well as in the branches of banks that serve the users of the mastercard.

As for the registration to participate in the bonus program, as already mentioned, it is absolutely free and can be carried out with the consent of the client with the rules and conditions of the program and confirmation of the bank issuer's card, which the participant is really its owner. After registering, the client becomes a full member of the bonus program and is able to both accumulate points accrued for financial transactions using a card and repay these prize points.

How to become a user mastercard?

Consider the procedure for designing a plastic card of non-cash calculation on the example of the ochdbank-issuer of the cards of the International Payment System Mastercard. This procedure is no different from the design of these cards in other banks.

To open an account and make the release of this plastic card in Oschadbank, it is necessary to contact any branch of the financial institution, where you need to provide your passport, a certificate of the presence of an indication code and arrange a certain package of banking documents.

Plastic card is issued to a customer for free.

Ideal for the implementation of both local and international payments, a tariff package called "Mastercard Standard". At the same time, the personal card makes it possible to protect money from possible theft and loss, with full payment control. In addition, payments for purchases and services using a card is carried out without commission fees, as well as the client gets the opportunity to receive discounts and bonuses when paying for accounts on the Internet.

How to accumulate bonuses? Features of the accrual of prize pools

The accrual of prize points is carried out at the special account of the program participant when it pays with the help of both the main and additional card non-cash bills for the goods and the services received. At the same time, the bank, which is the issuer of this plastic card, determines the number of prize points for a certain amount of payment. For example, a member of the MasterCard Rewards Program Oschadbank receives one score for every 10 UAH. Cashless payment.

Some banks - participants of the prize program to stimulate customers accrue the so-called welcome bonus in the amount of 300 points.

However, it should be noted that not all financial transactions occurs automatic accrual of prize points. The list of operations for which bonuses are not accrued, it looks like:

  • for cash withdrawal;
  • for financial operations that are associated with gambling;
  • for accrual interest;
  • for transfers of money between different accounts;
  • for various commission and tax payments;
  • for the purchase of both trap checks and checkbooks.

Automatic accrual of prize points under the conditions of the bonus program occurs only after paying any acquisition or purchase. However, there are some nuances of calculation points for payments made abroad. In such cases, the accruals of prizes can occur with a significant delay in time, which sometimes continues up to 5 weeks. What is connected with the rigid multi-level security control of the electronic financial system.

To learn about the number of accumulated prize points on the mastercard Revartes, it is necessary to authorize on the site of the bonus program or on the bank portal, which serves the participant in the section on this prize program.

How are the prize points come out? Features of the exchange of bonuses for prizes

The prize points accumulated during the payment process can be exchanged for the goods and services proposed by partners with partners, with which you can find on the personal page of the website of the Bank of the Issuer or in the participant's personalized office on the portal of this program. At the same time, the participant can independently determine the choice of gifts in the form of the most suitable tastes of goods and services, which are presented in the special catalog of the bonus program.

In addition to electronic communication to order the selected purchase, it is possible to do this in the telephone mode. The corresponding contact information is on sites and portals of the prize program partners.

The repayment process of prize points is very simple and accessible to each participant. To do this, on the Bonus Program portal, you should choose the service bank logo and log in to the directory offered by the Prize Bank, make a choice and order the selected gift position. At the same time, the write-off of prize points from the participant's account occurs in the order of the chronology of their accumulation.

The program's gift catalog includes the following sections:

  • travels. Here are certificates for travel, accessories and goods for various types of recreation, as well as video equipment samples;
  • leisure and hobbies. In this section a wide variety of books, phones, game consoles and sets for the game;
  • beauty and health. Sports prizes, gifts of sports stores, certificates of fitness clubs, beauty salons, subscription to sports and magazines mod, sets of prestigious perfume boutiques, etc.;
  • the world of childhood. Children's games, wheels with various cartoons, accessories intended for children, colorful children's magazines, as well as cards for gifts of children's stores;
  • house and interior. Here is a large selection of household appliances, items for decorating premises, gift maps of various shops, musical and video, etc.;
  • cooking. For lovers to host in the kitchen there is a wide variety of kitchenware and equipment, dishes, culinary literature, as well as certificates for the implementation of gastronomic tours.

Nuances in the implementation of the repayment of prize pools:

  • the selected gift cannot be replaced with any other prize. Therefore, you need to choose gifts carefully;
  • it is impossible to receive monetary compensation instead of a gift;
  • the delivery time of the selected gift is about 30 days. Therefore, if you choose a gift for any event or a significant event you need to do this at least for a month;
  • the term of bonus points is three years since the time when their accrual was made. It should not be too tightening the period of their accumulation. The process of canceling the prize points occurs monthly after the expiration of the three-year term.

As for the banks of partners of the prize program, it is involved in those banks whose logos are present on the portal of this program. At the same time, their number is growing, as they say, day by day, as the number of participants in this program from among the client audience of these banks is growing.

The MasterCard Rewards program is designed to encourage MasterCard payment system card holders decorated in partner banks. Making a shopping on the map you will receive bonus points. Accumulated points can be exchanged for goods from the directory of the program presented on the site.

To become a program member, you need to issue a MasterCard payment system card at a partner bank. The list of banks is indicated on the program website. Participation in the program is free.

How to get a

Bonuses are charged at the expense of the participant for paying goods and services using a primary or additional card. The number of points accrued by the participant is determined by the Card Issuer Bank (for example, 1 point for every 40 rubles of purchase).

According to some categories of operations (for example, cash removal), the calculation of points does not occur. Also, bonuses are not charged for transfers between accounts, interest accrual, purchase checkbooks and road checks, payment of commissions and taxes, as well as operations related to gambling.

Points are accrued in automatic mode after paying purchase. According to some transactions (for example, payments abroad), points can be reflected in a bonus account with a delay (up to 5 weeks).

How to spend

The accumulated bonuses can be exchanged for the proposals of the program partners on the participant's personal page ( You can independently choose products or services among the proposals presented in the directory on the program site. You can also order goods from the catalog by telephone service center. To spend points, you need to choose the logo of your bank on the program portal - the phone number for the appeal will be posted on its website.

Remuneration for program participants are presented in the following categories:

  1. Beauty and Health - Gifts and Gift Cards of Sports Stores, Subscribe to Magazines.
  2. Travels - Recreation Products, Accessories, Video Equipment, Travel Certificates.
  3. Leisure and hobbies - game sets and consoles, phones, books.
  4. World of childhood - DVDs with cartoons, games, accessories for children, magazines, gift cards.
  5. Cooking - dishes and kitchenware, culinary books, appliances, gastronomic tours.
  6. Home and Interior - Musical CDs and DVDs, Decor Items, Home Appliances, Gift Cards.

The selected offer is not subject to the exchange. Also, you can not get a cash reward instead. The delivery time of the order is 30 days from the date of its design.

MasterCard "Plus" is a program that provides discounts and special offers for MasterCard and Maestro card holders. Paying such a map you can receive discounts from partner companies, including shops, cafes, cinemas and other organizations.

To become a member of the Plus program, you need to issue a MasterCard or Maestro payment system card in any bank. Maps of any level participate in stock. Special connection to the program is not required, just make a purchase in the partner organization and get a discount or special offer.

How to get a

If the organization is a partner of the Plus program, then you will receive a discount or bonus when paying for the purchase. For example:

  • 15% discount on the coffee shop "Chocolate" when paying for an order with you (a discount can be summed up with other discounts), as well as 10% for desserts;
  • Cappuccino coffee as a gift when paying for the order in the amount of 400 rubles in Burger King and 30% discount for snacks;
  • Free shipping when ordering on the site;
  • 10% discount on the cinema cinema network;
  • 10% discount when paying tickets on the site;
  • 10% discount in the network of sports stores "INTERSPORT".

All applicable offers can be viewed on the website of the program. Sort by organizations and cities are available.

When buying goods or services on the Internet, but few knows that you can additionally save not only with Cashback services, but also when using international payment systems (MPS) - MasterCard or Visa.

With the onset of the financial crisis, shopping on the Internet is becoming increasingly harder, and all without exception will think about saving funds. Mastercard Revartes can help you save when purchases not only on the Internet, but offline.

How it works?
Unlike cachek services, you do not need to spend your purchases on special links or go to the cachek site in order for you to take a purchase.
It is enough to pay for your purchases of the Card mastercard or a visa in which there is the option "Bonuses", "Mile", "points" or "Revartes \\ rewards".

In order to get bonuses, which then can be exchanged for certificates, gifts, trips, SPA, gasoline - you just just pay your card on the Internet, in the store, at refueling. Bonuses \\ points will be automatically counted on you an account.

Can I combine cachek and mastercard rewards?
Yes, of course you can.


In Ukraine, there is a program from the MasterCard MPS called Revartes in which 6 banks participate: PrivatBank, Szubbank, Raiffeisen (He Aval), Ukrgazbank, Credit Agricol and Oschadbank.

In order to connect to the bonuses program, you must come to the bank and issue a card that participates in this program.

How many points is accrued and for what?
There are three main "tariff" accrual bonuses.

  • - For each spent 10 hryvnia in Ukraine you will be charged 1 point
  • - For each spent 20 hryvnia in Ukraine you will be charged 1 point
  • - For each spent 5 hryvnia on the Internet (on foreign sites), 1 ball is charged.

Naturally, the most profitable program is 1 point for every 5 hryvnia spent.

Let's look at the procedure for the example of all the hated bank PrivatBank.
* To view information about the advantages and disadvantages of the card, turn off the advertisement lock (AdBlock, Admuncher, etc.) and reboot the F5 page

There are several cards that should be issued to participate in the program (from the cheapest to the most expensive) or combine their use to obtain maximum savings:

Map activation

After you get the map you must activate it. It is best to make it by calling the MasterCard Hotline Revartes 0800301120, as well as go to your. On the non-activated card, points are not credited!

Is it possible to consolidate the relative points with yours?
Yes, you can. To do this, you need to call the hot line 0-800-30-11-20.

- How much does it cost and what can be taken to the received points?
GSM Certificates, Mobile Account Replenishment, Buy Certificates for Comfy, Trips, Flights, Amazon Kindle, Apple MacBook Air, Booking Hotels and Spa Salons.
Sample rates:

Going to your office on the REWARDS website, I strongly recommend checking email and phone number, if any.

Privatbank employees may kindly add their data instead of your, which actually happened.

Do scores burn?
Yes, burned in 3 years. For 3 years you can accumulate a very decent amount!

How many points managed to earn a month:

Not a lot nor little - 20504 points, which approximately equals ~ 2050 hryvnias that can be spent on fuels, Comfound certificates or take Amazon Kindle 6 points for 22,000 points.

The analogue of MasterCard Rewards from the bank "Aval" \\ RaiffAizen -Packet services (more details about the tariff), will especially be interested in those who often go abroad:

  • 1. The most important plus of this service package is interest-free replenishment and cash withdrawal in ATMs in Ukraine and abroad (+ 1% for currency conversion)! Commission is not at all! Forget about what you need to find Avale Bank.
    * (Pershі 3 Operations Sweatele Calendar Misiazia Summage)
  • 2. Participation in the SMARTSKY loyalty program - the accumulation of miles for the calculations of the Visa Premium card and the exchange of them for air tickets, travel, certificates of exquisite restaurants, elite stores and other valuable gifts.

The accumulation of points occurs according to the following scheme:

- 1 mile for every 10 hryvnia spent - for payment of daily purchases of the Visa Premium map from Painffaisen Bank Aval.

- 2 miles for every 10 hryvnia spent - when buying tickets on Smartsky website.

- 7 miles for every 10 hryvnia spent - during the order of tourist travel from the program partners.

- 500 miles for the first purchase!

  • 3. Personal service in comfortable premium zones. (zones outside Kiev is not so much ... For example, in the Dnipropetrovsk region there are only three and everything in Dnepropetrovsk. But where they are there - it is very convenient. Do not stand in the queues.). Convenient only for those who live in big cities.
  • 4. PRIORITY PASS Club Card - A sediment of more than 700 comfortable waiting rooms in international airports worldwide. Awesome thing. Since I often fly - I constantly use it. For the card holder, visiting business halls is free.
    The entrance for the accompanying 800g, but you can not pay this amount.
    Lifehak: In Borispol, go to Mastercard Lounge, go through Prioritypass, and do a friend / girlfriend on MasterCard Platinum. As a result - both go through free.
  • 5. Concierge service service - 24-hour personalized assistance in the execution of everyday and business requests (booking booking, hotel booking, visa support, reference information, etc.). A sufficiently convenient thing. You can book your tickets anywhere (the amount can write off from your card). May online registration for you can do in advance. Wake-Up Call. Try to answer stupid questions like "Weather forecast in Berdicheva on Friday."
  • 6. Insurance policy for traveling abroad in the amount of 50,000 euros. Yes, really make a worldwide insurance policy for 1 year free. Prolonged too for free. Therefore, you can save on insurance.
  • 7. Cards can be issued on family or proxies.
  • 8. Miles earned on other cards are not consolidated.

More details about (clickable).

What gives out and how much


- Tariff activation - 0
- A set of cards (Visa Premium Gold + MasterCard Platinum) for a relative or a trustee - 0.
- Tariff value per month - 0 UAH, if the following conditions are satisfied:

Calculation on the cards of this tariff is more than 5000 UAH per month.
The average daily balance is 10000 UAH.

If in some month both conditions are not performed - the cost of tariff 400 UAH per month, if one of the conditions is not performed - 200 UAH. Carts of cards from your first set or a set to a trustee - 100 UAH.
This service package is suitable only for those who have a sufficient turnover of money per month and who remains at least over 10000 UAH on the account!

The money that remains on the map is charged by interest on the following scheme. If you have 250k UAH in your account, then interest will be accrued as follows:

  • For the first 100,000 - 5% per annum
  • For the next 100,000 - 10% per annum

Activation Smartsky.

  • Open the Visa Premium map in the Raiffeisen Bank Aval Branch with Premium Zone.
  • Register on the site in the "Registration" section.
  • Paying for a Visa Premium map from Raiffeisen Bank Aval Products and services in retail outlets and on the Internet, and automatically accumulate miles to a personal account.

How is the exchange of miles?

Milk exchange is carried out in a personal account. If you are the owner of the Visa Premium card from Raiffeisen Bank Aval and for the first time visited the site Register in the Personal Account. For later entering the personal account, select the "My Account" menu.

The received miles you can exchange on flights, tourist services and certificates


In miles it was worth so much:

Do you still give money to the bank?

A huge request to click on the Share buttons: VKontakte, Facebook, Twitter and Google.
P.S. The method of obtaining points in Ukraine is described here, if you live in another country and know how to save - please add this information in the comments or send us to e-mail: [Email Protected].

Any information will help save not only to you, but also to other visitors to the site in the future!

LifeHack for PrivatBank Clients

The site is very buggy ... Order something for the points is very difficult due to constant failures, errors on the site.
LifeHack for PB customers:

  • 1. Go to the PB website
  • 2. Select in the MasterCard Rewards menu
  • 3. We look at how much points have accumulated or immediately go to the tab "Go to scoring management".

For Klієntіv Yaki, Abo has been recalled to the Returns of the Playzhnі card in Oschadbank, the bank Nadaє can take a fate in the bonus program of the Kompanії MasterCard.

  • 1 Yak Sorption Bali from Mastercard Revartes
  • 2 yak zarezdwatya in bonus sni
  • 3 Scho can be chosen for the accumulation of Bali I. Yak ї ї region

Yak Sorption Bali from Mastercard Revartes

Dana Program Dzvololi denyvati і storage Bali at Vchenchennі Be the shyless operations (roses Kartka in the trade points of Abo pay in Intterneti). Mastercard rewards Dzvololi Zmіnіnyuvati accumulating Bali on the rіznі grubble.

In order for the head of the chains of accumulating Bali, you are not prevented by Zmіnyuvati Yodnі my zvukchki.

Schedule of posture їx deregious:

Bali Further Naughty on Tіlki for purchases in the commercial reassembly, the merry. With Vikonna Web Bankіngu Oschadbank, for Zdіysnenna Perekazіv, Popovennya Іgrovich Akauntiv, payment of insurance, bonusi does not look like.

Yak Zarezodwatya in the bonus program

For the top of the Coffin of the Cabinet Site, the site of the bonus software, you are tasted by LoyaltyGateway site. In this way, you will take a touch of Іdidthifіkatsy, for a commercial one of the number of your card raffle of the annoyed in Oschadbank and the date of the nation. Pisl Choj Reosstratsky in MasterCard Rewards Wow to successfully passed, І vi you can save in Sviy, Cabinets.

You can overload the yaki of the gubrancy can be rejimmed by the І Skіlki for the Cywood Potterbno worship Baliv.

Scho can be chosen for the accumulation of Bali I. Yak їx

For the delimitation of the accumulation of RBIshe Bali, you can be chosen by the grooves of such CATGORIY:

Detail for the WartiSti on the TI Publishing, Yakі you Zatzіkvali Vi You can die on the Lynіji site of the Abo partner on the disobilization of Cabineti Pisl Reystorsії.

Dana propositisia is available for Tіlki for Vlasnikіv World MasterCard Debit MasterCard World, and so in itself for Spev_vkitniki UKRZALІZNITSI "Yaki give a salary in Oschadbank.