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Stable income 2. Types of multiple sources of income. Definitions and basics

Business entities, investors, owners of liquid assets and free cash are often wondering which sources of passive income can be used to improve the financial position with minimal risk to lose their property or savings. In addition, even the most hardworking people at least occasionally dream of receiving a stable profit and at the same time do nothing.

But in the economy, everything is built on the basis of the laws of materialism, which exclude any wonders and magic transformations: to profit need or work, or have money (other resources), which can be investigated. That is, you can make a profit in two ways: taking an active part in some favorable business or investing your money / property in projects that are passive income.

The last option is the main theme The submitted articles from which you will learn about which there are sources of passive income with examples from real lifeHow much money they bring, and what you risk, getting profit in a similar way. These recommendations will help readers to effectively use their savings and other assets, and you will learn how to make a profit with minimal risk to become a victim of fraudsters.

Sources of passive income - Popular views

Among the most common sources of passive income in Russia, the following can be distinguished:

    Bank deposits. Just, reliably, you do not need to calculate or analyze something. The risk of losing savings is minimal if you open a deposit in a famous bank. The main disadvantage is that your earnings, if you open a deposit in a serious bank, will be penny, and taking into account inflation, almost zero. Some small, little-known financial and credit institutions offer much higher interest on deposits than in any average bank, but there is no guarantee that you get them. After a couple of months, this office may disappear along with your money. This type of profit makes sense when you have a large amount of money that you do not risk investing in other projects.

    The following source of passive income is created from scratch, and on initial stage Requires your participation. We are talking about your own business, when you organize and establish his work, and then get a stable profit. The main disadvantages are related to the fact that the first time (sometimes a few years) it is necessary to work a lot, and then find a manager who can trust one hundred percent. Advantages - High reliability, stability, income is much larger than in other options for passive earnings.

    Lease rental apartments or other real estate. If you have a free apartment in a big city, then you do not need to worry about your financial condition. Many experts exploring best sources Passive income, this method is put in the first place. Risks are minimal, the main thing is to find a decent client and conclude an agreement with him, which will take into account all the nuances. Investing money only needs to repair and buy furniture. That is, it is not necessary to do anything, only to make a profit monthly and check how your tenants observe the agreement. But this, provided that you already have a real estate object. The situation when you need to buy an apartment looks not so attractive.

    Creating your site. Good view income, but he, like any other business, at the initial stage requires you to participate in the initial, and if further work, you need a reliable head of this project. In addition, this activity is associated with great competition, therefore, to make a profitable resource, you need a truly original idea. Some theorists of economic disciplines, analyzing possible sources of passive income, believe that the development and development of the web resource is impossible without the participation of its creator. The conditions of affiliate programs are changing, new advertisers appear, the site constantly needs to add new content, etc. In other words, this business can hardly be attributed to the category of passive earnings.

    In contrast to the previous version, the investment of money in mutual investment funds allows to obtain passive income and can be considered a classic example of this type of earnings. You trust your savings to professionals who know which securities will bring profits, so you can not worry about their safety. The main thing is to choose the right face, the size of your income depends on it. By a similar scheme, you can transfer your money in trust management on stock exchanges, foreign exchange markets, etc. If you understand the mechanism for the formation of exchange rates and know how to work with securities, you can earn money without the help of intermediaries.

    There are also sources of passive income without investment funds. These include rental properties (it was mentioned above), receiving fees for a book or scientific workAs well as deductions for the invention, provided that you have appropriate patents on them. The presented options look very attractive financially, but to receive money in a similar way, you must have a writer's talent or inventor. Unfortunately, such people are very small, but it can only have all the prerequisites to create something ingenious and receive a decent remuneration for it.

    In a separate group, it is necessary to allocate profit by transferring equipment and transport to rent. The recipient of passive income risks in this situation that his property will lead to a state not subject to repair. Of course, such things are necessarily discussed in the contract, but if the car costs millions of rubles, the owner will have to wait long until it is calculated. Therefore, do not forget about insurance companies that will help you solve such problems.

Many readers are interested in how the situation has developed on this issue in other countries. If you do not delve into some nuances, we can say that there is no difference, for example, the sources of passive income in Ukraine fully comply with the above list.

Differences B. different countries There may be in categories that theorists call "legal" passive income. This includes such cash payments as pensions, subsidies for payment. communal services, scholarships, preferential housing, etc. This money pays the state to people who found themselves in a certain life situation when they need material assistance.

Practical recommendations for the creation of stable sources of income

Practice shows a person who is fully focused on his work, rarely thinks about receiving passive income. Of course, when it comes to your favorite case, which makes an adequate profit, which is enough to meet all needs, including the creation of a decent reserve fund, then there is no need to solve this issue. But in the case when salaries are missing, you need to look for free time to solve financial problems. A working person needs to be focused on multiple sources of passive income that will insure each other, allowing you to count on certain stability.

This week does not work one affiliate program, it means that another will bring more moneyThe referrals instead of 100 dollars earned 50, but advertising on the site was more profitable by 30%, etc. Find a time to create profitable assets that will significantly increase money receipts into your personal budget. The more sources of income, the less likely to suffer, financially, from external adverse factors (for example, a sharp change of exchange rate).

Never spare money for your own education. Increase financial literacy, learn the theory of entrepreneurship, pay special attention to the analysis of the methods of passive earnings using the Internet. Of course, not every person can independently create a website, then organize his promotion in the main search engines And ensure that the resource brings a stable profit.

But if you have interesting idea, find the right people, start-up capital and deal with the implementation of the project. Analyzing the sources of passive income on the Internet, we can conclude that your web resource is one of the most promising, in terms of profit and stability.

In addition, a personal site is a foundation for the following directions of profit.:

    Banner I. contextual advertising. If you are the owner of the promoted site with high attendance, advertisers themselves will search for you and negotiate your advertising.

    Sale of links.

    Partnership programs.

If we talk about the sources of passive income on the Internet without investments, then you need to say that it is quite difficult, but performing the task. Alternatively, you can send your strength to attract referrals to postal sites. Naturally, at the initial stage will have to work, but then you will only make a profit, without doing anything. For readers who are not familiar with the mailers, in two words about the mechanism of their work. On these resources, some users set simple tasks, while others - fulfill them for money remuneration.

It may be a vote in contests, writing small reviews, communication on forums, transitions on advertising links and many other small orders that do not require special qualifications. If you led to the mailer of the artist, who will earn $ 50 each month, your profit will be five. Imagine that you have a hundred referrals on 2-3 sites. In this case, your passive income will be from 1000 to 1500 dollars. It does not need to invest money, most importantly, come up with productive methods for attracting referrals. Another option is trading affiliate programs that you need to attract buyers, but this method of earning hardship can be called passive.

If you are still in doubt whether to make the creation of sources of passive earnings, we will conduct a comparative analysis this method with active methods.

Active income implies constant work if you work, there will be money, do not work - no one will pay anything. Passive income is accrued stable and without your participation.

Sources of active earnings are limited: you can not simultaneously work in 5-10 places. Passive income can be obtained from 1-2, so out of 50-100 sources.

Practice shows that active income choose people with low level financial literacywhich are under the influence of stereotypes formed in soviet time. Passive income is interested in educated, progressive people who seek financial independence.

Analysis of sources and methods of passive income showed that this topic is of interest for every hardworking person who is not going to work for someone, giving her time, strength and health for a penny, the main thing - to think positively and not despair if from the first Not everything turns out.

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From the moment the work has been published Tim Ferrissa and Robert Kiyosaki Such a concept as " passive income"It turned into a kind of mystical thing, which makes it possible to start rich and free life to everyone who can get it.

It is not surprising that many people have a temptation to get this holy grail. But before you start acting, it is better to consider in detail what passive income is and how it works.

What is passive income and earnings

If we speak in simple language, passive income is Creating something ( material or intellectual value), What will allow you to receive money an indefinite period without further human participation.

How to create passive income?

Self simple examples Passive income is the authors of books. They can spend several months to write a novel, and then decades to receive money for each special copy of this book. They create value, which then works on them.

However, it was too narrow definition.

According to the authoritative publication Investopedia. Passive income is "Earnings that a person receives from rental property, a limited liability partnership or another enterprise in which he does not participate actively."

This passive income is an income that does not depend on the mandatory fulfillment of any regular actions and comes, even if its owner does nothing at all.

Popular culture in Russia determines passive income in rubles as " any money that can be earned, lying on the beach and sipping cold mojito», but this is a delusion.

For example, a financial coach and expert known in the US Todd Testzidder It notes that today with passive income can be considered any earnings that requires minimal effort after the initial contribution of time or money, and works in accordance with law Pareto - « 20% of effort give 80% of the result».

Before thinking how to create passive income, you need to understand about the active income.

What is an active income?

Active income is a reward that a person gets for the work he does. Regardless of the profession, if a person spends his time and strength in exchange for money - this is an active income. Earning options may be different ( lawyer, doctor, bartender, loader, copywriter, printed or online edition correspondent) But the principle remains unchanged.

  • Principle active income: worked - root.
  • The principle of passive income: I worked - it was walking today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow ...

The main essence of the creation of passive income is to thoroughly invest or work at a certain point, and then, without applying special efforts in the long run, reap the fruits of your work. Since various options for passive income are very much, it is worth a separately talking about each of them, having allocated the somewhat most common and accessible to everyone.

Types and sources of passive income

Today there are the very different ideas, examples and options for sources of passive earnings. However, it is immediately important to realize the fact that it will not be so simple. Otherwise, most of the hired workers who are forced to run "from call to call," would have long walked on freeze bread. For those who are still determined, it makes sense to pay attention to such sources of passive income as:

  • bank deposits;
  • valuable property and real estate;
  • securities;
  • participation in mutual investment funds;
  • creating intellectual property;
  • creating and optimizing your own business.

For each of these directions and ideas there are their ways of passive income. And choosing the closest path, everyone can familiarize themselves in detail.

IMPORTANT! At the desire of a person, it does not work the biggest and easy money, so on the Internet you can meet thousands of proposals from scammers, so when creating passive income, focus on its legality, adequacy, reliability and simplicity, where you can not be deceived.

Shares as a source of passive income on the Internet

For example, if you start with $ 3000. and monthly report on $ 300 under 50% per annum, after 11 years you will have $1 000 000 !

You invest $ 3,600 per year for 10 years, and you get a million dollars at the exit.

1 year $ 8,565
2 year $ 17 362
3 year $ 30,558
4 year $ 50 351
5 year $ 80 042
6 year $ 124 577
7 year $ 191 381
8 year $ 291 586
9th year $ 441 893
10 year $ 667 355
11 year $ 1 001 032

Watch a schedule of such a passive income over the Internet for clarity:

The stock portfolio is an excellent option of passive income, it is understandable and adequate, and most will be an interesting way.

Here you can find hundreds of European and American shares, commodity futures, energy carriers and other assets.

Anyway, stock prices are growing all the time, and companies of which will learn more and more people, grow hundreds of times.

Over the past 3 years, only one rose on 300% . This is the most advanced and legal passive income on the Internet.

Valuable property and real estate

To this type of passive income can be attributed:

  • the property;
  • precious metals and stones;
  • antiques;
  • art objects;
  • collectible things (coins, brands, books, vinyl records etc.).

But you need to understand that for the development of such a case you need to have not only start-up capital, but also the necessary knowledge. So you have to find experts and at first attract their cause.

How much can you earn in this way? Depending on the selected direction and market conjudation, the yield can be from 15 to 70%. It looks good, but it should be borne in mind that investing money in real estate, valuable metals, as well as luxury and collectible items are not passive income in classical understanding. Yes, it can match Law ParetoBut nevertheless, it takes from a person:

  • attentive study of current analytics in the market;
  • the ability to choose liquid assets;
  • careful observation of tax affairs;
  • the ability to find and attract customers.

There is another moment - to invest for a long time. Real "exhaust" can only be obtained in 5-10 years. During this time, the apartment purchased in the new building may rise in price by 30-40%and various antique values \u200b\u200band more. This type of passive earnings mainly does not require anything from you - bought and keep, and they sold the amount of time.

For example, the picture of Andy Warhol "Lemon Marilyn" was purchased by the investor in 1962 for $ 250. After 45 years she was sold for $ 28 million.

Earnings on PAMM investment

For those who are poorly understood in stock trade, there may be an excellent option to be investment solutions from offering such as or automatic copying of transactions of successful traders or.

The essence is to invest money in the control currency exchange. Traders will not take a big percentage of profits, but also earn money for you. So it is beneficial to all.

In order for users easier to choose the most suitable optionAll brokers provide a rating of profitability of managers, where you can clearly see their successes both in briefly and in the long run.

The profitability of investments in traders largely depends on the professionalism and the situation in the markets and can hesitate from 30 to 150% per annumAt the same time you do not need to do anything.

Creating intellectual property

The most meakty for those who want to create passive income from scratch.

People who have valuable knowledge, experience or good abilities for creativity, passive income without investments can be obtained due to

  • creating audio
  • video,
  • graphics
  • textual materials of art or scientific content.

The ideas on this part are embodied may be a presets:

  • writing books
  • scenarios
  • music
  • soft

with the subsequent receipt of both fees for the very work and copyright deductions that will be paid whenever your work will want to use others.

And although large amounts of earnings are shine here not everyone, the availability of ways makes this direction very attractive.

Bank deposits

The most popular and simple passive income in rubles is the opening of a bank deposit.

That is, in principle, you can put money in the bank and live on some percentages. The main advantages of this option:

  • limiting simplicity of the process;
  • do not do anything at all (just come to the bank, enter into a contract and give money to the cashier);
  • relatively low risks of losses.

However, negative points are also there. The first is more than a modest yield. The average rate of large banks is not more than 7-8% per annum. Less famous institutions offer 8-11% in rubles or 2-3% in dollars.

In order to earn at least $ 1000 per month at a bet in 2% per annum, you need to have 600 thousand dollarsthat will be on the deposit "dead cargo" all the time.

Creating and optimizing your own business

Any business is painstaking and hard work. But only until time. According to the American financier Tim Ferrissa, the success of any business is determined by its return.

  1. The first phase of its phase implies solid cash infusion and constant monitoring of the owner. It takes about 4-5 years. In some cases up to 10 years.
  2. After that, business evolves into the second phase and is in line with the Pareto law already mentioned - provides its owner with 80% of the result with 20% of the effort. At this stage, there are no problems with how to create passive income based on it.

The business owner can shift the lion's share of worries on managing staff, and to concentrate on interesting things for himself or other promising business.

How to receive passive income in Russia

Organize the creation of passive income in the territory of the Russian Federation is extremely harder than in any other country of the world. However, their nuances are also available. Russia, for example, can not be called " quiet harbor"Therefore, investing in the shares of Russian companies in the long run requires particularly thorough calculations and willingness to quickly look for new solutions. However, nothing prevents you from buying shares of foreign companies through or.

The real estate market here is also distinguished by its heterogeneity. For example, if 70% territory of the Russian Federation Prices for real estate behave predictably and in accordance with global forecasts, in such regions as MSKor St. Petersburgsometimes it is very difficult to predict the price movement. During the general boom, there may be a relative lull here, and vice versa, when there is a crisis and stagnation everywhere, the volumes of real estate transactions in the same Moscow can be overwhelmed.

As a conclusion

As can be seen, the passive income is real, however, it is not always passive on 100% How they love to argue some not too honest authors of various trainings and training materials.

Nevertheless, in any option passive income, it will not have a chief, work schedule, and in the case of passive earnings On the Internet as promotions or trust management - territorial binding.

At first, it will be necessary to make a lot ( originally unpaid) Work to exit in plus and get a stable influx of money.

Passive income has many advantages, but, like everywhere there is also no compromise. It is initially difficult to get great returns from him, so you have to put up with the need to go to the usual job, and maybe even not one to collect money for the start. And only the one who is ready to mobilize efforts can be achieved here and forget what laziness is.

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Going to work from 9 to 6 does not like many, and how to live without hired work, do not teach school at school. However, the idea of \u200b\u200blife support percentages and dividends exists in the minds of the masses. Financially competent people heard about the sources of passive income, and real purposeful dealers are looking for how to create passive income from scratch.

What is passive income?

The idea of \u200b\u200bpassive income arises in the study and study of the topic of financial independence. It is those who wondered to get rich or achieve financial freedom, seek to build a passive income, he - residual income.

Passive income is a profit gained by a person without the need to make a daily "active" job, conduct permanent professional activities. Namely: work from 9 to 6 in the office or engage in freelance (remote work), exchanging your precious time for money. In any embodiment, where the employee's time is to exchange for the money of the employer, you can talk about the work or "active" income.

The word "passive" hints: for profit, do not work regularly. That is, the person lives freely at his discretion, and the money "drip" to him. However, this understanding is deceptive. As will be shown later, to create sources of passive income, too, it is also necessary to sweat, however, it is often about it, or it takes quite a little effort to maintain a stable profitability.

Sources of passive income

The main sources of passive income by the type of ownership is:

  • bank deposits;
  • securities and bonds;
  • the property;
  • copyright.

Additional sources of passive income:

  • commodity resources;
  • business working "by itself";
  • franchise;
  • investments in third-party business system.

For an employee for hiring the possibility of possessing more than one source of income, salary, is a new and unfamiliar, so often suspicious. However, if you figure it out, the presence of more than one source of income is just a way to correct your own well-being and increase capital.

Those who are looking for how to create passive income are not always understood about the possibility of creating multiple sources of personal income. This means that it is not necessary to leave work to acquire passive income. You can build these income in parallel. Moreover, the options for passive income are numerous, and one person may have so many types of this income, how much is welcome and it turned out to be built.

Types of passive income

If all the residual income is divided by the type of profit, then the following types of passive income can be distinguished:

  • dividends - from investment in securities;
  • interest - from bank deposits and other investment organizations, from bonds (state valuable papers);
  • author's reward - for the created intellectual property objects or the resulting patent;
  • rental income - from lease of real estate objects;
  • royalty - For the franchise sold.

And several types of profit without special items. These are the following categories:

  • income from working business - (in the West is also called dividends) Profit from business, for which the founder or board of directors does not need to work personally;
  • profit from venture investment - income from investments in the business system built by other people; Here the investor invests money in a startup or an emerging business project, and after his promotion receives a return of funds with interest and / or regular profits from the activities of the new company.
  • interest from sales - A separate category of income, which may be present in freelancers and businessmen. We are talking about additional profits from the volume of sold goods without the participation of the income recipient. For example, a copywriter who has written the selling text is paid by the fee as a percentage of profit from sales from each use of this text by the customer during the year or other than the agreed period.

Passive income without investments

Is it possible to create passive income from scratch? From the considered types of passive income it becomes obvious that some sources are lined up without investing money, others do not allow.

4 ways to create passive income without investments:

  1. create an object of copyright;
  2. create a business system that does not require the participation of the founder;
  3. create a business and sell a franchise;
  4. accumulate capital to obtain residual income in other ways.

Creating a copyright object

This method, how to create passive income from scratch, suits people creative specialties: composers, authors of songs, writers, as well as inventors.

Having created a beautiful musical composition, a song, or writing a novel, the author receives a reward for the use of his work or its elements. The list of what belongs to the objects of copyright is in the relevant Law of the Russian Federation.

Patent also makes it possible to inventors to receive remuneration for the use of the result of their intellectual labor.

This method is good in that it takes every time to make efforts, and after receiving the fee. However, it is clear that it is not necessary to create a worthwhile work of art for everyone, and for compliance with copyright will have to follow.

Creating a business system without constant participation of the founder

This method is a business with passive income. Create a company that benefits people, and the owner and founder - income, really, although not just. The overwhelming part of small businesses refers to the type of enterprises, where the owners are employees at the posts of directors and managers.

Being a leader of his own company is not bad and even prestigious, but does not close to the goal - to create passive income from scratch. After all, what is passive income? This profit from the one-time attached effort, which a person receives stably for many months or years. And if the founder works in his organization, it receives a salary. Therefore, this method "will play" only if the business is built as a full-fledged system with all the necessary employees, including third-party Director-General. Then the founder can rightly be able to say that he created a passive income.

Creating business and sale of franchise

A royalties income from the sale of a franchise will be available only after creating a franchise, and for this you need either already have a ready-made and debugged business, or such a business to build.

The idea is realized from scratch, but the result is not fully falling under passive income without investments, because the strength and time to create your own company will have to invest a lot. From the point of view of what can be done only by the forces and time, without financial investments - yes, this is possible, even if you have to attract third-party investors in order to finance a new organization.

Capital accumulation: money make money

One of the most popular ideas of passive income in order to get rich and become financially independent is the thought: "Money make money." It describes a simple fact that it is not necessary to invest a person to earn more, even passively.

However, to invest money and they began to bring more profit, It is necessary to collect start-up capital. In a different way it will not work.

Therefore, technically it will be a passive income from scratch, because it is necessary to start with something, and in fact you have to save and postpone. You can start with 10% from each employment income, that is, salaries, or any other income that is available. So, a sufficient amount is gradually assembled for investments in bank deposits, the purchase of securities or bonds.

You can combine capital with someone from loved ones and invest a larger amount in rental property or venture investment. It is important to have a detailed idea of \u200b\u200bthe investment.

Top 10 ideas how to create passive income

Let us dwell on the most popular ways to create additional income without constant investment.

1. Bank deposit

With the most modest percentage and additional profits, this type of passive income remains and will remain very popular yet for a long time. There are several strong grounds for this: firstly, the banking system is growing and strengthened, the population is accustomed to trust the banks, their activities in most cases are understandable for citizens.

Secondly, banks provide guarantees - let it sound especially doubtful in Russian realities, still invested capital are protected against loss or theft. With the development of insurance companies, each contribution is either insured by default, or may be insured at the request of the investor.

The choice among banks is wide, deposit options are varied, so that the passive income is real, even with investments from 3000 rubles. There are special deposits with an increased percentage for pensioners.

2. Securities (PIFES)

Usually passive income, whose ideas are taken from Western scientific and popular publications, includes profits from securities. Provide access to them and make it convenient to such investments for the population. PIFES - PUB FUNDS.

Although the method was particularly popular before the crisis of 2008-2010, it does not have to count on an ambulance earnings, because investments in the shares are arranged in this way that such income becomes tangible through for a long time. Therefore, if there is no pair of millions in American currency, then investments will have to hold several years or decades.

3. Renting housing or offices

Can be received stable income from real estate for rent. It will be the residual income, since one-time efforts to search for the employer and repair of the premises are required, otherwise the maintenance of a good condition of residential or non-residential property will require a minimum of time.

This is perhaps one of the most walking methods for obtaining additional non-medical profits for the population, because it does not require special Educationand the amount of income can be very significant.

4. Opening your own business

To create passive income without investment of money, many former employees are retracted in businessmen and entrepreneurs. Indeed, if you create a business that works autonomously, with its managers and hired labor, then you can get a good income.

5. Venture investment

Passive income from business belongs to one of the most highly equity types of investment. At the same time, the risks are great, because any company can close or suffer losses. Moreover, not every person - nee entrepreneur.

For those who are interested in how to create a passive income with high percentages for invested capital, but does not think of themselves by an entrepreneur, the exit is investments in the company of other people. If you understand who invested in, the passive income of the investment will be very high.

6. Creating works of art

Having written a book, writing a song or music by making an invention, you can create passive income from zero. After all, the author's fee for the subject of intellectual property will act automatically, without requiring new creative surveys.

7. Investments in high-root companies

This includes Forex brokers, "Haipi" and other companies that take money money and promising high interest. Money will go to trade on the stock exchange, which can give a high increase, but is very risky, which does not like to communicate the firms themselves. If you make such an investment, passive income will be 18-70% per annum and even more.

8. Website creation

Own site can be used as a source of passive income. Here is the scripts for the development of a web resource with an excess. For example, to promote the information portal and make a platform from it in the form of an advertising platform. Advertising revenue is a passive income.

A fairly large percentage of contemporaries is looking for options for passive income. People begin to take care of their future being young. Life for a small pension or, roughly speaking, "survival" no one imposes. Preference is given to a certain amount of work done, for which a long-term systematic payment is carried out in the future. This allows you to engage in your favorite thing and not attend the unloved job, enjoy life and realize your potential, forever overcome the problem of all modern humanity - lack of time.

Deposit is the most common passive income

The most common investment tool is a bank deposit. Depending on the amount of the amount made to the financial institution and the passive income depends. Affiliate scheme options are very diverse, and each bank offers its partnership conditions. The main essence of the partnership is that a person gives his capital to the bank for saving, and the establishment for the established period of use of the means pays to its client a certain percentage of the amount provided.

Advantages: the active participation of the investor in the process of increasing capital is not required. High security guarantees and deposit preservation.

Disadvantages: low percentage, which is completely absorbed by inflation. The rationality of the direction is justified only if the starting capital is large enough.

Investment projects

Considering the options for passive income, it is worth noting here to the high probability of big profits are added and risks. In this direction, the investment of funds dominates the purchase of shares of successful and developing companies. There are only two options for the development of events: the flourishing of the selected company and accrual to the investor's account of solid dividends or bankruptcy of the Organization with all the ensuing consequences. To avoid the unfavorable development of events, investors are strongly recommended to contact specialized professional investment centers, where experts will prompt the most profitable and less risky directions of investment.

Advantages: High return on investment.

Disadvantages: High risks, the need to have a large amount of funds.

Buying a property

Considering the options for passive income in Russia, you can focus on the acquisition of real estate. You can consider not only the purchase of residential square metersAttention can be paid to commercial objects. Property can be leased. The investment in the purchase of foreign real estate is considered a very promising area. In Western countries, almost 90% of the population lives due to the fact that she leases its living property for rent. Revenue overlap not only minimum expenses Family, but also rest, entertainment.

Advantages: Complete lack of risks, each project fully pays off when it re-selling an investor.

Disadvantages: For the purchase of square meters, a large capital is needed.

Secondary investment options

The secondary options for passive income offline is the creation of an intellectual product, network marketing and each of the directions require not only specific knowledge and professionalism in a certain area, but also significant efforts at the stage of primary construction source.

The intellectual product involves the release of something, for which people will be ready to pay money constantly. It is enough just to make a discovery officially and patent it. The income will make a percentage of sales. Passive income without investments on the basis of network marketing is possible only if you get to the top of the pyramid, but for this you will have to spend a lot of time and strength by passing the way from the beginning to the finish. Ultimately, it is not necessary to work at all, as the income will be formed for people from the very nose structure.

Advantages: The ability to form a powerful without having to support it.

Disadvantages: big labor costs at the first stages of work.

Internet to help you

Thanks to the spread of the world cob, there has been a huge amount of opportunity to form a permanent and stable source of good income without leaving home. The number of directions is unlimited. These are not only affiliate programs, own sites, but also investing in successful managers in stock markets, much more. Passive income on the Internet is notable for the fact that it is available to almost every person, including young parents and students who do not have the opportunity to work full time. A large plus is that all materials on the organization of the source of profits can be found on the Internet, and clearly following the instructions, the result will not make himself wait long. No special education, and even more more diplomas from the university in this case is not required.

Investment on stock exchanges

Investments on stock exchanges are the easiest and not requiring considerable costs passive income. Options for inexperienced players in the foreign exchange market are not very diverse and more limited by deposits in PAMM accounts. Speaking easier, the deposit is transferred to the management of a qualified trader, which for a certain percentage of profits increases capital using trading instruments. Depending on the qualification of the trader, the amount of profit from invested money may vary from 150% or more per year. Means can both reinvest and remove. The main thing here is to study the principles for the choice of managing PAMM accounts. The risks of losing their deposit or part of it are available, but they are quite realized by differentiating the risks and distribution of capital.

Advantages: opportunity from the first month investment to receive income.

Disadvantages: Wrong decision On the direction of investment can lead to a decree of the deposit.

Personal site

Studying passive income on the Internet, it is impossible not to say about creating your own website. Popular I. interesting project Can bring good profits. The resource on which there is traffic (permanent flow of visitors) is in demand for advertising, affiliate programs and network businesses. If at the first stages of the project development will have to spend a certain percentage of funds from the total income and a lot of time, in the future spending the forces on maintaining the profitability of the site almost no need.

Many argue that to create a website you need to study the programming language and the structure of seo-optimization. In fact, the finished frame can be ordered in the agency or by freelancer. Seo optimization can be carried out independently. As an alternative to creating and promoting is the purchase of a ready-made working portal with a certain profitability. All that remains is to maintain in working condition.

Advantages: the income level is unlimited. It all depends on the activity of the project creator.

Disadvantages: time is required to study the new sphere.

Public pages

Creating a public page in social network - This is another promising passive income. Options without investments are not so often, but it is one of them. Specialized skills for registration Public is not required. The designer is at the disposal of the user's user. It is enough to fill the project interesting information And to attract as many participants in the group as possible. In the future, the prospects for earnings are as follows: Paid placement of advertising, banners, informers, links. The most sought-after subjects are women, men, relationships, sports and cooking.

Video Born on the Youtube Channel

The most sought-after options for passive income in the United States are the creation of a different kind of video blocks, including on the YouTube channel. Profit will drip by advertising, which will be distributed within the blog. This perspective opens up opportunities not only for trade links and sales of advertising, but also for direct cooperation with the advertiser. Customers are ready to pay impressive fees for their own products, for its description in a positive way. It is quite natural that the more subscribers on the channel, the more expensive the owner can count on the higher remuneration.

Advantages: An unlimited threshold of profits.

Disadvantages: the need to constantly maintain the popularity of the channel.

Why are people afraid of passive income?

Considering user options pushes the fact that there is a temporary gap between the work done and labor. People used to constantly perform a certain amount of work and immediately receive their remuneration. Work on the perspective scares the majority. Fears are playing a major role due to the fact that the resources spent will not be rewarded. No one is used to spending time and invest knowably not knowing what the result will bring it.

In Western countries, options for passive income are actively considered by millions of people. They prefer a one-time investment of funds and loss of time with the goal in the future do not think about the level of their material well-being. Everyone seeks to get away from the daily, monthly and annual visits to one workplace. Stable wage, which is a guarantor of stability, gradually loses its appeal. In fashion, search for alternative cases of earnings, with great profit and minimal cost Force and time.

Some options for passive income, such as cryptocurrency or securities trade, require a small amount of basic knowledge. Some require large temporary investments - for example, selling photos on the photologists, other financial, for example, all real estate operations. The most simplest ways, for example, cachek on a bank card, do not require anything from the user, but the yield on them will not be high.

Index Funds

Suitable for those who want to make money on investments in stocks, but not ready to spend a lot of time and energy for it. The Foundation frees the investor from the need to analyze what the shares of which companies need to be sold and buying at the moment. This is solved by the Fund itself, which forms the investment portfolio, depending on the state of a particular index. The most famous index fund - S & P 500.

Index funds include groups of shares with similar characteristics - the size, cost, profitability and geographical location of companies. When stocks go beyond these characteristics, as a rule, the fund sells them.

Investor can choose a fund running in any industry - from the banking sphere to precious metalsAnd invest money in it. After that, the stock portfolio will start working independently. The main minus is the same risks as with the usual securities trading. Shares of companies can go to minus or a company can decide not to pay dividends this year.

Individual investment

Since 2014, individual investment accounts (IIS) have been working in Russia, which can be obtained by tax deduction up to 52,000 rubles. per year, but there are two conditions: the depositor should work, and its official income should not be lower than the amount he puts on account.

The main minus is the restrictions of the work of the IIS. One person can open only one account for a period of no less than three years and put no more than 400,000 rubles on it. If initially you put less, you can replenish the score throughout the year.

Open the account is very simple - this can be done in the office of any Broker offline and online, only a passport is needed. You can choose two options for tax discounts: or deduct on income tax at 13%, or exemption from tax on income from securities trading.

IIS works as an ordinary brokerage account: money can be investigated in stocks or bonds or leave on account in rubles. You can connect an account to the strategies of management companies to select a ready-made increase algorithm.

Comments Ilya Pantelemonov, International Financial Counselor, Partner Logic Planning Group

Reliable options for passive income that are suitable for all people are, for example, passive income on pensions and rent. The annual yield of reliable passive income is 3-5% per annum in currency, an average of 4-5% per annum.

It provides conservative portfolios from securities funds - bond funds, shares, real estate, alternative funds. The yield of such portfolios is approximately 4-5% per annum in dollars. Portfias fluctuations are minimal. In this way, 70-80% of people in Europe, the USA and Canada are used. To receive a rente in $ 1000 monthly, it is necessary to invest $ 240,000.

Another way is annunts. They guarantee Rent throughout life, for example, up to 120 years of life. The rent every year is an average of 4-5% of the embedded amount. This tool is also used as part of the pension plan in old age. The vast majority of families in developed countries make annuities.

Annicets are insurance contracts in insurance companies, and this is a guaranteed rent for life. One of the largest fears of people aged 55-70, which created savings may not be enough for life in old age. This is especially important today when life expectancy is growing. Annuitu helps to solve this task, as it guarantees payments to 120 years to the owner of the contract and his spouse.

Cashbek with credit and debit cards

The main disadvantages of this method - small size Income and following bank conditions. Most often, it is necessary that a certain amount of money is kept on the account or the amount of expenses on the map reached a certain mark. Nevertheless, it will be useful to anyone who regularly makes purchases on the map, since no additional actions will have to do. This is the easiest way to passive income. Almost every bank has its own bonus programallowing you to return to the account on average 7% of the total amount of expenses.

For example, the Alpha Bank map Mastercars World will be beneficial to motorists - the maximum amount of 10% returns to the purchase card for gas stations; Map Tinkoff Black All Games - gamers that will get 5% back to the card for purchases in Steam, Origin, Xbox Games, PlayStation Store and "1C interest"; Map of entertainment "Premium" Bank "FC Opening" - Those who are constantly paying in cafes, bars and restaurants. The card can be returned from 5% to 10%, depending on the total purchase amount.

Investing in real estate

Real estate investments require more close attention The owner than previous ways, but allow you to achieve stable and relatively high income. In order to maximize their time, you can hire a professional property manager for a small commission, and to increase income - to take real estate for rent, but it increases the risks, since each time you need to check the solvency and conscientiousness of the valves.

Renting the room for rent, you can also gradually extinguish a loan for housing with the money by the tenants, as a result, having received accommodation for your own use or for additional income in the future.

Comment by Irina Zigina, financial consultant and order

For rent for rent, many are called a semi-grade source of income, as it is believed that the state of the apartment needs to be monitored, checking apartments, and in case of termination of the lease agreement, look for new ones, which requires personal participation. I myself, for many years I rent an apartment yourself, abandoning realtor services, as time has shown that I can rent an apartment much faster than they.

The yield and simplicity of delivery depends on several factors: a region, the number of apartments for rent, the format for renting and the selected tax regime. Now many companies have appeared, which for a certain fee will take care of your real estate management. In this case, you will not worry about how to find a customer, what an agreement is better to make something to do if the tenants poured neighbors.

The main council for renting an apartment for rent - find good tenants. If you were able to find tenants with whom we speak in one language, which your apartment is completely satisfied and who are ready to shoot it for a long time, then renting an apartment for rent will be an excellent source of passive income for you.

The profitability of rental apartments on average is only 6% per annum, and it is necessary to understand that real estate investment is always a game trip. Of course, there are, so let's say "aggressive" ways of rental business, such as renting apartments in the daily rent. The yield in this case will be higher, but also you will get risks. In this case, it is definitely better to use the services. management company.

I know a lot of examples when people first wanted to receive passive income from the delivery of real estate for rent, but then they were drawn, they bought several apartments, everyone passed them into the daily rent, and at the same time they hired a couple of people to manage real estate. In this case, the initial desire to have passive income from them turned into a business for renting apartments.

In general, the option of passive income by rent apartments is suitable for people who want to get low, but stable income on nested money.

With independent purchase of real estate abroad, I advise you to pay attention to the following:

1. It is important to explore the basics of the tax legislation of the country where you are going to buy real estate.

2. You can not always rent apartments with the management company, and then you will have to look for tenants.

3. In some cases, you will have to carry additional costs for the content of your apartments.

4. You will need to open an account for receiving the rent from the delivery of real estate.

There is an alternative, which I used when buying apartments abroad. At first I also wanted to do everything myself and save money, but I ran into a number of difficulties and almost lost money, because the developer broke. After which I hired a lawyer who acted from my name by proxy and designed everything required documents. As a result, I paid the agreed amount, which in fact it turned out to be not so big price For my calm.

I want to note that the delivery of apartments for rent abroad has an even less profitability if the conversation is about seasonal demand. Thus, apartments, located near the sea, are just a year per year. I use my apartments for a couple of months a year, so for me this species Investing was beneficial.

Getting passive income with the help of renting apartments for rent is a fairly large number of people. This option is suitable for beginners who do not understand investments and have no special knowledge. Risks Compared to other methods of obtaining passive income are minimal, and more and more opportunities for the search for tenants every year.

P2P credits

P2P loans (from the English. Peer-to-Peers - "From Man to Man") - Loans to individuals from individuals, and banks from this system are completely excluded. You can use online services that help reduce risks by checking potential borrowers. One of the most famous P2P services in the world is American Lending Club, which $ 57 million has invested the owner of Mail.Ru Group Yuri Milner.

For example, in the Russian "credit exchange" WebMoney in the presence of an electronic wallet, you can specify the amount, term and interest loan, and the system will offer you borrowers. The average loan rate at such sites is 25%.

To ensure the security of deposits, users are certified and the loan agreement is issued, which can be relying in court. The main minus of this method is quite high risks, since the invested money can be lost if the borrower turns out to be insolvent.

Passive Business Partnership

Many starters needed capital to launch or expanding business, and the investor's share in the company can provide this capital. Then all operating activities will be made by the founder and the owner, and you can become a passive partner who receives part of income. The main cons - human factor (after all, you need to find mutual understanding with the business owner) and the high risk that the company can go bankrupt.


Now the cost of one bitcoine is the most famous cryptocurrency - August 17, 2017 amounted to 263,617 rubles. Bitcoops are expected to go up, and in ten years their cost can achieve $ 100,000 per bitcoin. Plus, that every wishes can make the emission of bitcoins, but for this, the user needs a powerful computer.

Bitcoops are poorly suitable for short-term investments, since their course changes quickly. To experience the benefits of attachments, you need to wait several decades. In addition, the legal status of cryptocurrency in Russia is not determined: operations with them are not considered illegal, but not regulated by law.


This method is suitable for those who photograph a lot on travel or at home. Platforms for selling photos Set - from shutterstock to fotolia and depositphotos. Such services are popular with designers, advertising companies And edition editors - each of them prefers a certain style of work, but, as a rule, any topics remain in demand. For the sale of one photo, you can get from $ 0.25 to $ 50, the monthly income may vary from $ 100 to several thousand dollars, subject to a large portfolio and demand of work.

As a rule, the more work in the portfolio and the higher their quality, the higher the income. A stable relatively high income begins after adding no less than 200 photos to the service, and the Administration of the Photo Stocked should be taken.

Some services need to pass the work exam and provide documents. It is important to add keywords in the description of the photo so that users can easily find it.

Affiliate Marketing

This is a great way for owners of popular blogs and sites, which allows you to earn through advertising some products and services at your website and receive a percentage of sales from the owners.

It is best that works if what you promote, matches the subject of the site. Let's say if you have a culinary blog, you can advertise kitchen technique or apron, and if the blog about traveling is to talk about the clothes for outdoor activities and insurance options for travel abroad. Accountant, webmasters, SMM specialists engaged in promoting services in social networks, as well as owners of portals and blogs about accounting and business can become partners of the SCB contour and receive a commission in the amount of from 8% to 30%. The amount of remuneration can reach 17 250 rubles. For one sale. On promoting high-quality and sought-after web services SCB contour.

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