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How to ensure residual income. Passive income with investments. Do you need much money

By numerous requests for readers ... So get ready, pour yourself a seagull or a coffee house, arrange more comfortable - it will be a bulk, but very useful, article! 🙂

How would your life change if you have received several hundred or thousands of dollars monthly, while actively working actively?

You may have done the case, About which always dreamed. Maybe you would travel more around the world. Perhaps they would move to live in another country with the best climate and quality of life. Someone would have spent more time with her family and worked out her health more. And someone would compatizeeverything Forest! And passive income just allows you to realize these ideas.

The idea of \u200b\u200bpassive income is so attractive For people around the world, precisely because it allows a person more to do what he likes and minimize what does not like.


I want to immediately clarify one moment - I did not meet a very "passive" income. Almost every passive income requires a certain difficulty at least at the beginning, after which it can bring income very for a long timewithout requiring your active involvement.

So let's consider the main types of passive income.

Lease property

You can purchase a living or commercial real estate for renting, and you can rent a property already available to you (for example: apartment, house, cottage, garage, basement, attic, etc.). You can even lease part of your housing (for example, one of the rooms using the service . Can be confused and pass through).

Pass your housing for rent, but to move to the removable

Do not want to share your accommodation with anyone? You can pass your, more expensive housing for rent, and also to rent another, but cheaper. The difference in these rentals and will be your additional passive income.

Sell \u200b\u200baccumulated trash and junk

If you think it's a penny, which is not worth spending time - look at how my wife and my wife For thousands of dollars! Many of these things were stored since student times and lit up our house for years.

Turn your car into a means of earnings

You can rent your car to rent taxi services, and you can use it as an advertising media. Such services have long been present in big cities.


Deposits are one of the easiest And a way to save money and earning passive income for the public. Everything is simple - you give your money to the bank for a certain period, for which the bank charges you percentage. The profitability of deposits, as a rule, is low and does not cover inflation, therefore, this method of earnings is suitable only for short-term strategies.

If you know a subject (no matter what topic!), Write an e-book and sell it on your website or on special sites for selling e-books. Writing a book takes from several days to 2-4 months, but when you write it and post it on bookstores, it will be able to provide you with passive income years.

Create an educational video course

The idea is the same as with an electronic book. If you are an expert in some area - write down the training video course and sell it on special educational sites (see the full list of platforms for creating video courses ) or on your site.

Create or buy a ready online store

If you already have goods for sale or you know how to make the delivery, sales and delivery - it's time to think about your own online store. There are services that allow you to put on the machine delivery, storage, accounting, sales, reception of payments, discounts and promotions and even marketing.

Start your YouTube Channel and earn on advertising

You can shoot simple videos (including mobile phone) - Musical, training, comedy, movie reviews, equipment - anything!YouTube will show people advertising before or while playing your video, and you will receive money (when the monetization is enabled and connected. AdSence).

Earn on advertising on your site

If you have your own website you can (must) connect the advertisement (adsense or any other). It is done different ways (Read on the Internet) and in general is very simple. People enter your site, read something or watch, and they are automatically shown advertising. You get money for watching and / or clicks of your readers. See Examples of advertising on . Subscribe to my articles To see how it works in the articles :).

Credit Card Bonuses - NO NO NO!

My readers know my opinion perfectly plastic cards - Do not deceive yourself with installations "I extend a debt on the map" or "I earn a mile or cachek" and other Chushy. Just ask yourself a question, from what .... The bank gives you free money, miles, cacheki and other buns? 🙂 I explain in detail here: In 2 words, try to get rid of this source "income", because As a result, you lose much more than earning. Believe me to a person who has more than 20 mega-cool cards))) Also read and see:

Do you like to take pictures and is it cool? Then you can sell your pictures or videos through photo banks, such asShutterstock, depositphotos and iStockPhoto You will receive a percentage or fixed rate for each photo or video sold through these photobanks. You download your photos and videos to one or more platforms, and on this active actions end.

Microloons - No No No!

Microloans are a disgusting tool for the robbery of financial and illiterate and desperate people. People take a small amount "before salary" under 100-200 and more percent annual, thinking "think, percentages will make up only 500-1000 rubles. This is a penny. " There are platforms that offer you to become a lender and receive a certain percentage from this. I will not give links because It is categorically against earnings that robs other people into financial abyss.

Accelerated loan and debt refund

Each penny that you pay to the bank is a penny that could (passively) make money for you! Debts, as termites, devour and destroy the financial well-being of the family. It is important to understand that the dollar returned before earlier (ruble, etc.) will not be accrued interest (months or years in the future) and all these months or years you canearn interest yourself, and not pay his bank.

Example: if you were instead of a 20-year mortgage, in the amount of 3 million rubles. (~ 50 thousand dollars. This is a studio or odnushka in St. Petersburg), taken for 20 years, under 12%, was postponed the same money to pay a monthly bank (monthly payment will be 33 thousand rubles), under, say 8% - After 20 years, you would have accumulated the amount, approximately 20 million rubles (~ 300-350 thousand dollars) due to ! This amount would be enough to ensure you until the end of the life of the income of 1.5 to 3 thousand dollars per month! With this income, you would well live well in any country from the East to the West! By the way, this amount would put you in 5-10% of the richest people on the planet! Ensure .

Change job

If you are confident that you are paid below the market, Come on the interview and change the job! Thus, you for many years provide an additional income in the form of the difference of old and new salary. It happens very scary, because We, people, drag to the team, to work performed, to the status, to various bonuses, to stability, etc. We are afraid to risk and change something. However, every fear has a price! If you lose hundreds or thousands of dollars a year - it's time to stop afraid and start acting!

Request an increase

You can change the work on a new one, and you can ask for an increase. If you find out (and not just think so), which objectively stand more if you bring the benefit of the company that you can rate and show the manual if you are not just replaced - ask for an increase. Read: .

Get everything from the state!

Take everything from the state What it provides by law. You may not pay (i.e., you will return this tax to your family) tax for the acquired real estate (up to 260 thousand rubles. Or $ 4,300), percentage of mortgage (390 thousand rubles. Or 6.5 thousand . dollars), for training and treatment, etc.

My wife and I used a tax deduction when buying real estate. It returned to a family of 130,000 rubles (old money more than 5 thousand dollars). We have received all possible benefits for children, including maternity capital (450 thousand rubles. Or 7.5 thousand dollars).

In addition, you can getsubsidies (compensation) from the state for payment of Comuselug, on the creation / development of business, payments to mothers for certificates "maternity capital", try to get preferential housing (for some categories of citizens),social benefits for the birth of a child, etc.

You can buy a blog or ready online business

Every year thousands of blogs and online businesses are created, and many of them are abandoned after some time. If you can find and purchase a blog / online business with a sufficient flow of visitors - it means you can work well on it. Blogs are usually sold for the amount, 24 times higher than the monthly income, which gives 4.2% (100/24) yields (as a rule, in dollars) - which is not very much, but not very little, given the rates on dollar deposits in Banks. Plus, a blog or online business can be developed and increasing earnings.

Participation in reviews, clicks and other online manipulations

Many advertisers pay money for certain actions on the Internet, such as: click on the link, leave a review, put like, make a repost, fill out the form, etc., respectively, there are services (SEOSPRINT,,,,, etc.) that can automate the process and combine advertisers with people who want to earn in this way. However, it is possible to call such an earnings passive only conditionally.


The action is C paper, providing its owner right to a share in the company and to receive a part of the profits in the form of dividends.

Shares of companies can be bought through a broker. The entrance threshold is usually very low. Earnings will be folded from two components - the growth of the value of the action (bought cheaply, and sold more) and also from dividends, which companies (really not all) can pay the owners of their shares. However, I do not recommend nonprofessional investors to buy shares of single companies, because Without significant experience and knowledge, such purchases will be like bets in the casino. The best solution for an inexperienced investor will face or structural products offered by brokers. In such funds / products include a variety of shares, so a sharp drop in the value of one share will not affect the fall of the entire Fund / Product.

Bonds / Bonds

Bond is a fixed income bond.In fact, this is a loan agreement between the lender (as a rule, the governments of countries, municipal governments and private companies), according to which you give a certain amount of interest, for a certain period and under a certain percentage.

Riskiness of this tool, As a rule, very low, but also yield is also low. Nevertheless, you can earn on bonds (often) you can more than in bank deposits. You can also buy bonds through a broker, but the input threshold can be high, from tens of thousands of dollars to a pair of hundreds of thousands.


FIves or Mutual investment funds are a certain pool of money from a large number of investors (the same as you, for example), the management of which is engaged management Company In order to increase the value of this fund.

FIves can be chosen for every taste. - Industry, "Blue Chips", etc. The cost of your share (the part you bought in the Foundation) can go into a deep minus and rapidly grow up. Therefore, this is a long-term tool for investing by 5-10 or more years. The input threshold can start from several dozen dollars or thousand rubles.

ETF and index funds

In developed Western markets (for example, American or European stock markets) can be investing in ETF (Exchange Traded Funds. ) or in index funds (the same ETF, tied to a specific index). These tools are usually tied to a specific type of assets (for example, "blue chips", the shares of fast-growing companies, the company of the oil sector, the exchange index of the largest American companies (for example, "S & P500") and others. Their great set and choose for every taste And attitude to risk!

To buy data tools (in Russia) through brokers, Which provide access to overseas markets and tools.These are very cool tools.allowing earning from 5-10 and more percentin dollars and get rid of country risk, which is very relevant to us with you 🙂 like mutual, etf-sthese are long-term tools calculated for investment by 5-10 or more years. The entrance threshold is from a pair of hundreds to several thousand dollars. These are my favorite passive income tools!

"The dollar saved is the dollar earned!" B. Franklin.

Perhaps you did not approach any method described above, but there is one way of earning, which is available to everyone! it . Save on yourself unpleasant. However, to save "smart" when you save money, but do not change noticeably the style of life, to which you used to - even fascinating and gambling. Hundreds of ideas "smart" economy .

Investments in yourself love!

In all my materials I write and say that money is always a tool (as an ax, hammer or brick), but not an end in itself. Therefore, the most inexpensive investments with the largest short-term and long-term profitability are investment in yourself, such as:

- investment in relation with spouse, children, relatives, friends. For example, an unsuccessful marriage may have a cross for years and decades in all your investment desires and eventually ruin you. What do you do in order to support your relationship alive?

- Investments in health - these investments bring income, ranging from savings on costs for doctors and medicines, and ending with a healthy body very much affects the health of "brains", your thoughts, mood, motivation, which, in turn, affects everything in including the ability to earn more and better invest. See how I do sports for free.

- spiritual development - This aspect, we tend to leave at the very end, although in life it is almost the most important thing. Your Spirit, your mood, your attitude to life and other people, your life goals affect everything!

What kind of passive income to choose?

None separately! None of the tools described above will not be correct and good decision To form a confident and reliable passive income. Remember - "Do not hold all the eggs in one basket"! As a rule, it is necessary to combinesome The tools described above. Something like - part of the assets in the cache, part in bonds, part in the real estate, part in PIFAs / Foundations or structural products. At the same time, some of all assets should be in national currency, and part should be tied to a solid currency (for example. To the dollar).

Test Before Invest! And one more point - so that you do not choose - "Test Before Invest" & "Try Small" - What does it mean - "Test, then invest" and "try on small scales." You do not need to buy one tool for all money (for example, a company or mutual stock), which you have not previously tried. Buy it on a small amount, try, make sure everything works well and further increase your investment in a particular tool.

Slide the risks in time! An additional strategy may be the entrance to one or another tool gradually - for example, buying such an ETF for a certain amount every month. It will help you to reduce (but not exclude) the risks of what you join a bad tool and lose money.

When should I start creating passive income tools?

The earlier the better! It is desirable from school, student or, at least, first work. But if you didn't do it then never late to start doing it. Just than before you begin, the more powerful (instead of you) will work a complex percentage, whose power grows as a snowball, only after a while. Read the amazing story of Susan, Bill and Chris And you will understand what I mean.

BUT! There is one limitation.I recommend starting to engage in investment onlyAFTER how you pay off with all the debts (except for the mortgage) and form The size of 6 month incomes (or expenses, if it is so easier :). And only after that, you can and need to investment, earning money, etc.

One of the most effective tools To solve these two tasks (get rid of loans and form a fire supply) is.


As you can see, the types of passive income are a large set. Some of them are very simple in understanding and cheap to enter, some are a bit more complicated and more expensive. You do not need to limit yourself with one tool and do not need to try to fit into too much of their number.

The main thing is not to "sit" forever in the asset, Which earns less inflation (like cache under the pillow or money on the deposit), and learn to invest your money into profitable (and passive) tools. And then, one day, your passive income will begin to earn more than active, and you can have the rest of your life to do what brings you joy!

It will be useful!

Call to action

What can you do right now? Two things:

First.On your own or with the help of the annual budget of your family, put yourself a goal "accelerately return all debts, except for the mortgage" and "form a fire supply" size of 6 months and make these two goals part of your budget.

And the second! Meet with 2-3 large brokers in your country and city and ask them to tell you about the instruments described above, given your financial opportunities and attitude to risk. This conversation will be very useful and charges you by the desired motivation to engage in passive income!

Alexey Zenkov

When someone is looking for an opportunity to receive additional earnings, most often he advises to find a temporary part-time job. But what if you do not have time or forces on it? In this case, you need to find ways to obtain passive income - make money with a small attachment of time and effort on your part.

  1. Try index funds

Index funds allow us to receive income from investment in the stock market is absolutely passive. For example, if you invest in the S & P 500 index base, your funds will be invested in the overall market, and you will not have to think about how to dispose of your money and whether to sell or buy shares of certain companies. All of these moments will be managed by the Foundation, which forms its investment portfolio, depending on the state of a particular index.

You can also choose a fund running with any index. There are foundations involved in various business branches - energy, precious metals, banking sector developing markets and others. You only need to decide for yourself what you want to do it, then invest money and relax. From this point on, your stock portfolio will work on autopilot.

  1. Make videos for YouTube

This sphere is developing very quickly. You can shoot the rollers absolutely any category - musical, training, comedy, movie reviews - anything ... and then upload it on YouTube. Then you can connect Google Adsense to these rollers, and automatic advertising will appear in them. When viewers will click on this advertisement, you will receive money from Google Adsense.

Your main task is to create decent videos, promote them on social networks and maintaining their sufficient quantity to ensure their income from several clips. It is not so easy to remove and mount the video, but after that you will get a source of fully passive income that can serve a very long time.

Are you sure that you will succeed on youtube? Michelle Fan combined her love for cosmetics and drawing with video shooting, scored more than 8 million subscribers, and now opened its own company with capitalization of $ 800 million.

  1. Try affilable marketing and start selling

This is technique passive earnings, more appropriate owners of blogs and active Internet sites. You can start promoting any products on your website and receive a fixed fee or percentage of sales.

It is not so difficult to earn how you might think because many companies are interested in selling their products in how more places.

Find offers to partnership can either refer to manufacturers directly to manufacturers or profile sites. It is best if the advertised product or service is interesting to you or corresponds to the subject of the site.

  1. Make your photos make profit online

Do you like to take pictures? If so, you may turn out to turn it into a source of passive income. Photobanks, such as, can provide you with a platform for selling pictures. You will receive a percentage or fixed rate for each photo sold by the site client.

In this case, each photo is a separate source of income that can work again and again. You only need to create a portfolio, download it to one or more platforms, and on this your active actions will end. All technical sales questions photos are solved using a web platform.

  1. Buy high-yield stocks

Having created a high-yield portfolio, you will receive a source of regular passive income with an annual interest rate, much higher than the interest of bank deposits.

Do not forget that high-yield stocks are still shares, therefore there is always a chance of reassessing capital. In this case, you will make a profit from two sources - from dividends and arrived at the invested capital. To buy such actions and fill in the corresponding forms, you will need to create a brokerage account.

  1. Write an e-book

Of course, it can be a rather laborious process, but when you write a book and place it on shopping grounds, it will be able to provide you with revenue for years. You can sell a book on your own website or enter into an affiliate agreement with other sites suitable on the topic to the book.

  1. Write a real book and get the author's fee

As in the case of writing e-bookFirst, here you have to work hard. But when the work is completed, and the book will go on sale, it will become a fully passive source of income.

This is especially applicable to the situation when you will be able to sell the book to the publisher who will pay you a fee from sales. With each instance sold you will receive a percentage, and if the book is popular, these percentages can pour out solid amounts. In addition, these payments can last for years.

Mike Piper from recently did so. He wrote the book "Investments simple language"That was sold only on Amazon. The first book became so profitable that he created a whole series. These books are a total.

  1. Get caches from credit card operations

Many credit cards Provide caches in the amount of from 1% to 5% of the purchase amount. You still go shopping and spend money, right?

Such bonuses allow themselves to ensure their kind of passive "income" (in the form of a decrease in spending) from actions that make anyway.

  1. Sell \u200b\u200bon the Internet Products of own production

In this area, the possibilities are endless: you can sell almost any product or service. It may be something you created and manufactured by the personally or to be a digital product (programs, DVDs or training videos)

For trading, you can use a profile resource if suddenly you do not have your own site or blog. In addition, you can enter into an affiliate agreement, offering the goods with the sites of the appropriate subject or using the platform like (American marketer for selling information digital products - ed.).

You can learn how to sell goods on the Internet and make a lot quite much on it. Maybe this is not fully passive income, but it is certainly passive than the usual work, which should be sent every morning.

  1. Invest in real estate

This method falls, rather, in the category of semi-quality income, since real estate investments imply at least a small level of activity. However, if you have real estate that you already pass, mainly remains only to maintain its condition.

In addition, there are professional property managers who can manage your real estate for a commission of approximately 10% of the rent. Such professional managers help make the process of profit from such investments more passive, but take it into this part.

Another way to invest in real estate is the payment of a loan. If you take a loan to buy a room, which will be leased, every month your tenants will grab this debt. When the whole amount is paid, your profits will increase sharply, and your relatively small attachment will turn into a full-fledged care program from the main work.

  1. Buy blog

Every year thousands of blogs are created, and many of them are abandoned after some time. If you can purchase a blog with a sufficient number of visitors - and, it means, with sufficient cash flow - This can be an excellent source of passive income.

Most blogs use Google Adsense, which once a month pays for advertising posted on the site. To ensure additional income, you can also enter into partnership agreements. Both of these profits will be yours if you own a blog.

From a financial point of view, blogs are usually sold for the amount, 24 times higher than the monthly income that this blog can bring. That is, if the site can earn $ 250 per month, most likely, you can buy it for $ 3000. This means that by providing $ 3,000, you can receive $ 1,500 annually.

Perhaps you will get buy a site and for less money if the owner really wants to get rid of this asset. On some sites there are "eternal" materials that will not lose relevance and will bring income years after the publication.

Bonus Council: If you buy such a site, and then fill it with fresh content, you will be able to raise the monthly income, and you can sell the site after a while more more priceWhat you gave when buying.

Finally, instead of buying a blog, you can create your own. This is also a good way to earn.

  1. Create a selling website

If there is a product that you know a lot of enough, you can do its implementation on the profile site. The technique is the same as when selling a product of its own manufacture, not believing that the production itself does not have to do.

After some time you can detect that you can add similar goods. If this happens, the site will begin to bring substantial profits.

If you find a way to deliver goods directly from the manufacturer to the buyer, you don't even have to get suture. Maybe this is not 100% passive earnings, but very close to it.

  1. Invest in investment trust real estate (Reit)

Suppose you decided to invest in real estate, but at all you do not want to pay attention to this and time. Investment trusts will help you with this. They are something like a fund owned by various projects in the field of real Estate. Funds are managed by professionals, so you do not have to interfere in their work at all.

One of the main advantages of investment in Reit-trusts is that they usually bring higher dividends than stocks, bonds and bank deposits. You can also sell your share in the trust at any time, which makes such assets more liquid than self-possession of real estate.

  1. Become a passive business partner

Do you know a successful company that needs capital to expand business? If so, you can become someone like a short-term angel and provide this capital. But instead of giving a loan to the owner of the company, ask the share of shares. In this case, the owner of the company will manage the work of the company, while you will be a passive partner, also participating in business.

Each small business needs a source of recommendations to support sales. Make a list of entrepreneurs whose services you use regularly and which you can recommend for cooperation. Contact them and find out whether they have a recommendation payment system.

You can enter familiar accountants, landscape designers, electricians, plumbers, carpet cleaners, and anyone. Be prepared to recommend the services of these people to your friends, relatives and colleagues. You can receive a commission on each recommendation, just communicating with people.

Do not underestimate referral programs and in the professional sphere. If the company in which you work are provided for bonuses for the recommendation of new employees or new customers, take advantage of this. This is very easy money.

  1. Purchase unused housing on AirBNB

You may ask: if there are so many applications, why do you try to create another one. Is there too great competition? All this is so, but fresh creative ideas Can win. If you can come up with something unique, you can make money on it.

Do not know how to program? Not a problem, you can learn. On the Internet there are so many different courses, including free. In addition, you can hire a developer who will create an application based on your idea.

The end result is an application that will potentially bring relatively passive income.

  1. Create online courses

Each person is an expert in something. Why not create an online course about your hobby?

There are several ways to create and conduct their own online courses. One of the easiest ways is to use sites like

Hello, dear readers and subscribers of my blog about finance. Today we will talk about what types of passive income in Russia really work, consider the original, let's look at the question: in the conditions of a rapidly changing Russian market. Relying on experience, I will say that the options for additional earnings are a great set. About what passive income is in a separate thematic article. My goal is to help make a choice in favor of a suitable. you are Method for receiving passive earnings. I will not walk around and around and go right away.

Methods for obtaining passive income

First and the simplest solution to the issue with passive income is obtaining state payments. If you refer yourself to the number of socially disoriented citizens and do not have enough livelihood, contact a specialized regional service and write the appropriate statement. Disabled people, large families, pensioners the state has material assistance Under the article of one-time or permanent compensation payments. What not? For the possibility of obtaining compensation payments, many people do not recognize. Meanwhile, the person has the right to count on obtaining preferential conditions when buying an apartment, pension or disability payments.

Second Method of earnings bringing good additional money in addition to the wage of the usual clerk - bank deposit. Storage of funds on the depositary account - the most safe method Multipitation of existing savings, which does not require any knowledge, experience, skills from the owner. In one of the previous articles, I have already spoken about what a unpealing lot of banks is working on the territory russian Federation And everyone puts promotes interesting offers to the consumer.

Benefits of the Depository Deposit:

  • a simple and understandable procedure for opening an account;
  • attractive conditions in the form of percent with capitalization;
  • obtaining the expiration of the guaranteed amount of money.

The question arises: how much can you really earn on the deposit? As it seems strange and amazing, but practically no idea. Deposit is attractive in that preserves and does not multiply Funds posted on the bank account. Economists understand perfectly what I mean. Inflation - here back side contribution, which is good, but far from best view Passive income. Deposit, as passive income for a person in pensions - soft pillow Security and source of money for unforeseen expenses, but not for a businessman who wants to rise to the upper step of the pyramid of life and stop depending on the money.


Continuing to describe the types and sources of income, I will go to your favorite version of my friend-realtor friends - passive earnings on rental of real estate. Renting even the simplest one-room apartment For rent, my former classmates have a pretty decent increase to the salary. Not everyone knows that you can rent not only accommodation, but everything that has material value: car, construction, industrial equipment, retail space and even things. In practice, investing in housing and commercial real estate in Russia brings less income than buying and renting industrial equipment.

In our country, there are activities, engaged in which entrepreneurs buy construction techniques and earn it by rent. You will be surprised, but rental of a professional building perforator, the value of which is 30 000 rubles, costs tenants in 1000 rubles per day.
A simple mathematical calculation will help you understand how much you can get from the equipment, just passing it to rent. The advantage of this activity is fast recoupment As a rule, not exceeding thirty calendar days. It is not difficult to earn money on rental for rent, but this type of business requires a high return of the temporary and moral plan.

Currency market

PAMM-account - this is trading in the foreign exchange market committed by the trader; The investor invests his money in his trading account and receives% of profit on average 50/50 ratio: 50% Profit investor, 50% trader. If drawdown happens, the loss will be distributed in the same ratio.

Pros Pammam - The average yield of 40% / year, 4 times more deposit in the bank. Minuses:with such a profitability, losses in the amount of 15% / year may be losses. FROM Pifami., which is approximately the same, only ratio of 2 times less: 25% - income and 10% are an opportunity loss. Nobody will not give accurate guaranteed figures in income indicators and loss. It is necessary to understand the topic to choose decent accounts or funds and do not burn in this matter.

I, as an investor, is difficult to attribute this species Activities for passive earnings. Investing in this tool your money, you get a speculative income, at the same time exposing yourself to risk. PAMM account provides for the transfer of money to the management of a qualified specialist, which gives good profits, but with enough high levels risk.

Along with PAMM-accounts, there are other forms of passive earnings associated with trust management of money: less risky, medium-selling, more reliable. If you do not attract this type of earnings or you are only planning to start as a novice businessman, get acquainted with the ranking of brokers and companies specializing in trust management, putting forward sentences up to 20% per year. In my opinion, this optimal option For beginners, showing interest in stable safe earnings.

Another option is fast, but risky passive income - own trade in assets on the currency or stock exchange. Learn in detail about the speculative activity of the trader in the Forex market. As an experienced investor, I will note that this type of earnings have pros and cons who voiced by me in one of the past articles. I do not work on the currency exchange, preferring stock market as a highly profitable type of investment activity.

Network Marketing and MLM

This type of business is characterized by a minimum list of requirements for who starts it. To enter the market where MLM is working in Russia, it is enough to have one hundred dollars and a lot of free time. An important requirement for those who plan to engage the distribution of products on the principle of network marketing is availability organizational abilities . If you have experience with people, you know how to negotiate, your sales skills and people's beliefs are that you need to be at a good level and in addition to this you have large quantity Free time, network business is what you need.

My acquaintances, - owners of rare talent for finding common language With the unfamiliar people, they have an increase in salary in size five hundred dollars. The main thing in the search and selection of the network entrepreneurship vector is not to get on the bait of fraudsters-creators of the financial pyramid, carefully listed under the enterprise engaged in network sales. I will still be sure about this in one of the following articles. Next, I propose a brief excursion to the topic investing in businessembracing a fairly wide range of directions of passive entrepreneurial activities with good level Earn money.

Business courses and narrow-profile knowledge

Not bad view of passive earnings - creating a Business Course on the topic in which you understand better friends, colleagues and acquaintances. Especially attractive are courses on business themes in which you are not just an expert, but also have an impressive practical experience With confirmation of results. How to understand where you are an expert, but where not? Very simple. Analyze, find out and make up the main sources of income of your family. For money from what earnings you buy in family products, household appliances, essential items? You yourself will not notice how the finished business will be in front of your eyes on a sowing with a blue car.

Are you dealing in architectural design or art? Wonderful! Create your own course for those who do not want to corpe over fat institute textbooks. Write step-by-step instructions, remove, mounted a video with a learning course. Do you know about the secrets of the profession? Share them on your Yotube channel. Sell \u200b\u200byourself, your experience, information that is perfect. Fortunately, for this you have all the means. The only difficulty in solving this issue is the distribution of educational materials, but here I do not teach you.

Internet business

Excellent option passive income - creating your site or blog. Perhaps it will seem amazing for you, but millions of dollars are spinning in the global web. You need only some money for starting, preferably and responsible attitude to work. On the options for earning a blog I will briefly remind about them.

The most promising types of income on the Internet

  • accommodation On the site contextual advertising, banners;
  • participation in various affiliate programs, search and attract customers;
  • conducting advertising projects with income from increasing the number of units;
  • sale of own media products, video courses, audiobooks, textbooks.

The establishment, promotion and maintenance of own business projects is always profitable because you work for yourself. Open company, agency or large enterprise Today it is not difficult. Legislation is built so that you can become an entrepreneur almost anyone. Earnings, as I said, great many. For example, you can take the purchase / sale of individual units of goods, the provision of services in a certain area, the distribution of products on the principle of network marketing. On your site, you can advertise the product promoting you, thereby killing two hares with one shot.

Passive income without investments: myth or reality

Everyone with whom I talked on a side earnings, the idea of \u200b\u200bstarting a business without the initial contribution seemed to be crazy. Meanwhile, having small its own financial sources for investment, you can start a business from a zero point. In order not to confuse you with excess phrases and just dispel the myth, I will give an example of an outstanding American entrepreneur John Stitwho created the most popular and purchased drink in the world " Coca Cola.».
Few people know, but the guy started ten cents in pocketFor which I bought a recipe for an unknown drink consisting of twelve herbs. Today, the product called "Cola" does not need advertising and representation. You can start earning without investments. The main thing is to have a desire, some enterprise and a little more money.

Where to take money to develop a source of passive income?

This question today concerns every novice businessman and an investor, especially from among those who do not believe in a fairy tale about business from scratch. If you are solidar with these people and think that business from scratch is fairy tales, listen to the following recommendations.

There are two options for solving the question:

  • enlarge income;
  • reduce costs.

How to increase income?

The conversation is not about finding a second job or part-time, which is also not bad, but about creating passive income with help, it would seem completely not suitable for this tool. Make general cleaning, put on sale all unnecessary, for example, long dust coffee table Or an old fan that air conditioning has displaced the balcony. Believe me, you will be surprised when you learn how much cash is scattered in your apartment and just dust, taking an extra place.

How to reduce costs?

"Savings should be economical," said one wise man. There are such a reasonable set for saving options that if I take it to list them, a whole thematic article will be required. It is easier to reduce costs than to increase revenues, I talk about this with confidence, supported by personal experience.

Participation in the sale, the use of discount coupons, wholesale purchase of food, replacement of all bulbs with energy-saving analogues is not a complete list. Love beer, and do not want to refuse it? Reduce the number of bottles discarded on the output day. With smoking the same. Banal analysis of the income and expenses system - real savings and transition to a new level of business.

Instead of imprisonment

Well, that's all, dear friends. At the end, relying on experience, I want to recommend you a complete refusal, although it is difficult, from harmful habits: smoking, alcohol, gambling, slot machines. Sell \u200b\u200bunnecessary trash accumulated in the apartment. Having reducing the costs and increasing the income, you will go on the entrepreneurship stairs faster than expected and do not notice how you find yourself at the peak of financial freedom. Good luck!

Do not forget to subscribe a blog. Wait for new articles, reviews, reviews. Leave questions if something happened.

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Passive income is a dream of a huge number of people. Many are trying to come up with and implement schemes that would provide a stable profit without the participation of the Creator. And someone even succeeds.

In this article we will talk about how to learn how to get stable passive earnings on the Internet.

Is it possible to receive passive income on the Internet without investment?

Indeed, a large number of people achieved their dreams - learned to receive passive earnings. But when other people look at them, they see only the top of the iceberg. They see the Internet entrepreneurs or investors who do not work, travel and live in their pleasure, but at the same time they are missing from the species, what works they came to such a life.

I want to disappoint those who believe that there are reliable and highly profitable ways of passive earnings without investments, available for newcomers - there are no freebies on the Internet. In order to get money online you need:

  • To invest money.
  • Invest your own time.
  • Invest forces in self-education.

In order to increase your chances of success, you need to use all these 3 points. Success will be directly dependent on your cigarette and purposefulness.

How to come to passive earnings on the Internet?

Yes, passive income online is quite real. But we found out that nothing will happen without investments. Than more money You want to get in the future, the very harder you need to work at the beginning.

Honestly, fully passive income is unlikely. But, at a minimum, you will be able to delegate all your duties to hoc officers, paying only a few hours a week only for the analysis of your earnings.

Below we consider the 7 best ways to receive passive income using the Internet.

1. Sale of advertising on the site.

One of the most common ways to passive earnings on the Internet is the creation and promotion of one or more information sites. This method It has several advantages:

  • High probability of profit. If you do everything right, then getting need quantity Visitors are easy to predict and achieve.
  • Stable results. If the site is promoted by "white" ways, it will attract visitors without the owner's participation within one or two years. And with minimal administration and update for many years.
  • Simplicity. It is not very difficult to achieve results in promoting the information site. There are proven step-by-step instructions that will make a result without professional skills in SEO.

How to make money on the sale of advertising from the site?

One of the simplest and effective ways Earning on the site is to accommodate advertising blocks from Yandex and Google on its pages. You can see these blocks on most of the information sites that are presented on the Internet.

In these blocks will be shown advertising to site visitors, depending on which requests they have been injected into search engines and which sites visited before. It means that this advertisement will be relevant for visitors, which will ensure the high probability of clicking on the announcement.

As soon as the visitor clicked on the ad, with an advertiser's account, a certain amount is written off, which is divided into half between the advertising network and the owner of the site.

Earnings with contextual advertising highly depends on the subject of the site and on the number and location of the advertising blocks on the page. On average, with a resource with attendance, 1,000 people on the day of the webmaster can earn about 3,000 rubles per month.

  • Sale of links.

Search engines are actively struggling with buying and selling links. The result of this struggle was the fact that the market of rental reference was almost destroyed.

But the eternal links are still one of the most effective tools for website promotion. Therefore, a huge number of SEO specialists are ready to line up in a queue to buy a link from a high-quality site.

In order to sell a link, you need to register in one of the exchange of eternal references, for example: and, or sell them directly by placing information about this on your website.

Market Exchange Miralinks.

  • Direct sale banners.

2. Earnings on affiliate programs.

Another high-speed making on the Internet are affiliate programs. The essence of the partner is simple - attracting potential customers on referral links.

Many companies create multi-level affiliate programs. This means that if the referral attracted you will attract its referrals, then you will receive money from the company. Under such conditions, you can count on passive income, because the more partners you will attract, the more money you get with their partners.

Where to find referrals?

3. Investing.

It can be said that earnings with the help of investment is the most passive. After all, the concept of investment is that your money is working while you rest.

For those who want to try to attach their money and receive stable income from them, I collected all the best investment methods in one article and compared them with each other:

In fact, in order to become a successful investor need knowledge and experience. Therefore, for the beginner it is recommended to choose the least income and least risky ways to invest money.

4. Passive income on social networks.

As in the case of its own site, you can receive income on affiliate programs with the help of advertising, if you have a promoted group or account on social networks.

In today's competition, it is unlikely to do it, because social networks Enter a limit on the number of free additions to friends or invitations to the group.

How to recruit participants in a group in social networks?

5. Passive income on YouTube.

You can earn on YouTube, receiving money for watching, selling advertising on your channel or by placing referral links.

The first way of filling the channel content is an independent shooting of videos. For this you will not need professional technique. You can make high-quality video using a conventional smartphone.

The video recording method depends on your subject. You can simply make an entry from the screen. At the same time, you can shoot your face on the webcam and output it in the corner of the video.

Also, you can make your video in the form of a presentation. Put the voice separately and place it on the slides using the standard program for presentations or video editor.

6. Internet business.

Another way to passive earnings on the Internet is the creation and automation of business. The Internet makes it easy to automate business processes, which makes it easier to receive passive income.

Of course, at the first stage you will have to actively participate in the promotion and creating your online business. But gradually, you can give him less and less time, getting at the same time stable income.

What types of Internet business exist?

  • Online store.

In order to create an online store, you do not have to remove the warehouse and clog it with a commodity. You can use dropshipping and sell goods that have another online store.

To do this, you need to create an online store. After that, negotiate with another online store that you will regularly buy goods from them and agree on a discount for what you will buy constantly.

After that, fill your site with goods that are posted in an affiliate online store. Put the same prices and start attracting visitors.

To attract visitors, you can use SEO optimization, contextual advertising, social networks, etc. After the client orders the goods from you, you buy it in a partner online store and resell a customer, earning a discount.

You can arrange delivery yourself or agree that the partner online store will send the parcel from your name.

  • Services.

You can choose any service, even if you do not know how. You can do the design, legal services, repair, etc.

To do this, you need to create a selling site or a group or account on social networks. After that, find a specialist in the area in which you decided to create a business. You can hire it for salary like a worker, or take as a partner.

After that you are divided: you will engage the site or group promotion and generate customer stream. The specialist will perform work, providing services to customers.

If you can not find such a specialist, you can come or call any company and offer to attract them additional customers, getting a reward for it.

  • Service.

To do this, you need to be a specialist in the area in which you plan to build such a business. It may be access to a closed database or a useful service that solves the problem of users.

  • Infobusiness.

Sale of information via the Internet is one of the most profitable types of earnings. The fact is that the cash costs for the creation of info products are minimal, and it is possible to sell them an infinite number of times.

The most common type of information is training courses. In our overloaded information, the time is becoming more difficult to sell information. But with the right approach, this type of earnings is still very profitable.

7. Newsletter.

Many businessmen note that E-mail newsletter is the most efficient and profitable way to make money online. But it's not about spam, but about the case when users voluntarily leave their email address.

You can collect subscriber database using a subscription form on the site, advertising a capture page using paid advertising methods, changing e-mail to some useful information etc. And mailing is carried out using special services, such as,,,

In order for the subscribers willingly read your newsletter and have not unsubscribed from it, you need 70-90% of letters to send them useful information. And only 10-30% need to send letters with an advertisement or call.

Passive income on the Internet
Interested in a large number of citizens of our country. It is not surprising because the desire to improve their financial position It was in honor of all times. Earnings on the Internet causes a lot of questions, not everyone can get the desired profits. On the way to success will be obstacles and difficulties. It is important here not so much luck as the ability to learn and listen to the advice of professionals.

What should you know about passive income on the Internet and without it?

Passive earnings often requires the application of considerable effort and time. The user has to deal with insurmountable obstacles, to withstand that not everyone can. Because of this, insults arise and rumors that it is impossible to make money on the Internet. Today we are ready to debunk this myth, told about the most popular and easy ways of passive work.

Important!!! The implementation of passive earnings leads an unstable financial situation, frequent reductions and reduction wages. As long as there is similar trends, users will look for new sources of income.

Our article is aimed at collecting information about all the well-known facts earning through the Internet and without it, we will look at:

  • Which is passive income and what is his difference from active.
  • What is meant by the concept of "wealth" and how it can be achieved by a poor person.
  • Sources and types of passive income.
  • Creating and receiving passive profit via the Internet.

Thus, we will consider the entire financial component of a successful earnings through passive sources.

Our article is designed for those who want:

  1. Become independent of the routine work in the office.
  2. Associate yourself and show those surrounding their capabilities.
  3. Provide decent life yourself and your loved ones.
  4. Guarantee yourself a comfortable old age.
  5. To achieve a previously irresistible financial goal.

If at least one of the items fits our reader, the article will help answer all the questions.

What is passive income

Passive income, in contrast to active, does not require constant control and participation from the owner. It is created only once, while the owner receives income permanently.

Important!!! Success in endeavors largely depends on the preparation. Read thematic books, publishing, listen to the opinions and recommendations of professionals.
Never ignore reading additional information, it will help determine best sources income, as well as find the right approach to them.

What is the difference between the poor and rich

Kiyosaki believes that a rich man determines first of all how much it can earn, and how many funds remains in humans and whether they are enough to ensure subsequent generations. This statement is based on the inability of some people to spend money.

Instead of saving and creating savings, many spend them on entertainment and other unreasonable costs. As a result, a person remains beyond poverty and enters the financial abyss.

But all the extra funds could be put in a personal matter, creating a passive income.
Thus, it is possible to allocate the main difference between the poor and rich people - rational thinking and restraint in the waste of money.
A rich man spends less than earns. He can send the remaining money to self-development or own business. He also seeks to find ways of earnings that do not require constant control, while bringing a stable income.
Many may say that such statements do not belong to the realities of Russian life. But, in our country there are also many rich people who were able to rise from scratch. This is primarily talking about real capabilities, which can be used.

Sources of passive income

Sources of passive income can be divided into four groups:

  • Passive income from intellectual property. It means writing books, paintings, musical works, creation of inventions and other intellectual activity products. Profit will bring their publication and register of patents.
  • Passive income from financial investments. In the presence of savings, you can purchase securities, real estate or ready businessThe creation of deposit deposits is also not excluded. Such earnings will help to obtain a stable income with a slight infusion of the money supply.
  • Passive income from marketing activities. This type of earnings does not require material investments. Under it implies the promotion of third-party resources or products. Bright examples - Network Marketing (Oriflah, Avon) and sale of information. With the right approach, they will bring good profits.
  • Passive income from the state. A similar type of income is rarely considered, but has the right to exist. Some public benefits, scholarships, pensions, subsidies can be attributed to it. It is enough just to find the official ways to receive them.

The above list is a generalizing list of all possible methods of passive income. We suggest to consider the most real and profitable of them.

Best Passive Income Ideas

There are many interesting ideas for passive income. Each of them deserves attention, but it is simply impossible to tell about everyone. Therefore, it is worth separately discussing the most popular options today.

Top 7 profitable ideas for passive earnings

1. Developing your own website.

Requires the application of considerable effort and costs for creating and further maintenance. If you have your own experience and knowledge, the owner can create a resource independently. In the opposite case, you will have to contact a specialist. It is worth saying that any costs will be justified with the right approach.
The site is very created, it needs to be filled with thematic articles and pictures. They must be unique, attract the attention of users and force them to visit the platform again and again. With the growth of their number, the income of the site owner will grow.
You can earn on the site using:

  • Sales of eternal links.
  • Placing advertising from third-party companies.
  • Participation in affiliate programs.

The promoted site will be interesting for advertisers. They themselves will find a way to contact the owner to discuss the conditions for placing advertising on the site.
Affiliate programs will help earn money on attracting new users to the system, as well as making profit through the implementation of certain actions by visitors. For example, the online store advertising is possible, as soon as the user goes through it and make a purchase, the site owner will be charged a percentage of the total amount.
You can also make money on the site you can sell it. The final cost is usually at times exceeding the sum of the initial investments.
The site owner also should not forget about the need for its periodic promotion. Only this will give confidence that users will not lose interest in this site.

2. Creating an intelligent product.

A creative person can try to get a passive income from the fruits of his intelligence. As mentioned above, it may be a book, a scientific invention and other works from intellectual activity. They can be sold to one-time or apply a tricky marketing stroke and receive a stable income for a long time.

3. Rent property.

The owner of the apartment, houses, cottages, cars, can work perfectly on their rental. It will also relate to passive income, and with a practically not requiring additional infusion of money. You can even lease personal items (wedding or cocktail dress, suit), jewelry, furniture or building tools. It is not difficult to find customers, it is enough to determine with the price and put an advertisement on one of the electronic boards.

4. Receipt of payments from the state treasury.

Not many know that there are state programs to support a novice businessman. All you need to receive them - drawing up a profitable business plan and its presentation in the advantageous light. Money can be sent to the idea of \u200b\u200bpassive earnings. Also in this category can be attributed social payments, certificate for maternity capital and so on. If desired, they can be distributed and further spend on the development of passive business.

5. Financial investment.

Require availability of free cash (savings). Financial investment implies a serious approach to work, it is desirable to have economic education and analytical thinking.
Financial investments are always associated with risk, so the investor should soberly assess the situation. Means can be spent on:

  • Acquisition of real estate.
  • Buying securities or other enterprise assets.
  • Acquisition of a finished business.

Holders of small savings should be used by the second options, i.e. Buying securities. As a rule, the shares of newly created, but promising companies are inexpensive. In the future, they can bring good income.

6. Network marketing.

Refers to passive income without investment. It implies participation in the implementation of a certain product and receive a percentage of profits from it, it is also possible to attract new partners to the system.
Network marketing is gaining increasingly popular every year. It allows you to open my mini-business, having received an excellent source of passive income. The only thing you need to know is how to choose the company. Here it is necessary to remember that organizations with a good reputation will never ask for a prepayment.

7. Creating your business.

There is nothing profitable than its own business. It does not have to be a huge enterprise that requires large investments. You can start from scratch with a small primary capital. For example, the business on the Internet only began to acquire popularity. Today, there are still open some niches that can be occupied, successfully advertise and make a profit. We will talk about such ways to make such ways.

Options for passive income over the Internet

Considering the Internet as a subject of passive income should be chosen for itself. It may be obtaining a small profit of one-time or periodically. To achieve the first one by checking in social networks and fast-earning sites. They offer cliques, transitions and other steps. However, the profit will be insignificant.
Second option Provides a gradual increase in income, by developing his idea. It requires application effort. Here the user must understand that high income cannot be achieved without difficulty.

Internet earnings 2018 options:

  • Sale of advertising space on the site. In one of the sections of our article already mentioned this form of earnings. It is based on a paid placement of third-party advertising. Here you need to have a site with good attendance and reputation. Payment occurs one time, or monthly. The last option is most preferred.
  • Earnings on affiliate programs. Many online stores offer their customers to participate in the affiliate program. All you need is to go through a small registration and distribute partner links to the store. You can do this through social networks or thematic forums. The income size will be directly dependent on the total amount of the purchased goods by buyers who have passed through the affiliate link. It is enough to leave it on a platform once, while income will come on a long-term basis.
  • Investment. Here they mean diverse methods of earnings. It may also be the acquisition of the site, investing in its development, buying securities and other things. The most promising direction is to participate in trading on currency exchanges. They do not require constant control, it is enough to choose a convenient time to buy a currency, and then sell it at a favorable course.
  • Income from social networks. Contact, instagram, classmates and other social networks are a good option for earnings. You can get income by creating your own group. A large number of Subscribers will result in organizations wishing to advertise on a fee. All that need the owner of the group is to create it, fill out relevant information and maintain it in the future. At first, it is possible to have to invest in advertising on third-party resources, it will provide an opportunity to attract users' attention to public.
  • Profit from the canal on YouTube. Popular video blocks earn a few hundred dollars every day, this amount is thousands. To try this type of earnings will be able to each, you just need to open your channel and put interesting video on its expanses. With the growth of their viewing, the chances of profit will increase.
  • Creating an online store. Own business on the Internet, in contrast to real, does not require renting premises and investments in large costs of purchasing goods. Open your store can be in the form of a group in social networks. The goods will be purchased for the prepayment of customers. The difference between the prices remain in the pocket of the store owner.
  • Mailing information. Almost every popular site offers its visitor to subscribe to a free newsletter. It can be used as advertising its services or third party company. Many organizations are willing to pay for such a kind of advertising good money.

On the list presented above, the earnings on the Internet does not end. It is wide and diverse. We discussed the most profitable of them.