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What mini drills better opinions. Electric engravers: What of them is better to choose? The noise level and vibration of engraver

Today, one of the popular types of works in decorating and the production of jewelry is engraving. If we talk about the tool used, then in most cases an electric service is used for engraving, which is also called dremel, bormer or mini drill. Consider which there are electrical engravers, what to choose for a home, which for professional work, where the criteria for which they are separated are used.

Engrave design and characteristics

The tool is a modification of an electric drill, enclosed in a housing held by one hand. Something resembles a large fountain pen, at the end of which the work nozzle rotates. Anyone who has seen Bormashin in the dentist's office already represents the principle of this tool.

In the case of the apparatus collected: electric motor, gearbox, spindle. The spindle is fixed working tip (nozzle) or a flexible shaft of different lengths (in this case, the nozzle is at the end of the shaft). To cool the electric motor on the axis there is an impeller of the fan, blowing the engine through special air intake holes.

The principle of operation is almost similar to the operation of an ordinary drill. As a rule, electrical engravers have a mass near a kilogram, which allows you to work with one hand. Any tool has a set of characteristics by which the user chooses a specific model. And if the supply voltage of the device corresponds to, most often, network voltage, then such properties, as the frequency of rotation, the presence and length of the flexible shaft, mass may differ in fairly wide limits. Serious differences can be in the control system adjustment systems of the working tip, the quantities of the nozzles and other options.

Objectives and applications

With the help of an electrical engraver, many different operations can be performed. In general, its application covers many professional works and hobbies in various areas of activity, where the use of conventional power tools (drills, grinders, screwdriver) is limited due to their coarsest effect. For example, if you need to drill a hole with a diameter of 0.2-0.4 mm, not everyone can make it a standard tool carefully. With the help of an electric engraver, this work can be performed more accurately. The same refers to the operations of grinding, cutting, milling of various materials.

Several instrument use areas:

  • engraving almost on any material (jewelry, design, decoration);
  • modeling;
  • hourly;
  • production and improvement of fishing bait;
  • domestic use for various operations with small parts and objects;
  • stripping seams, polishing the surface in hard-to-reach places.

It is clear that the list of work, when performing an electrical engravers, can be much longer, but it makes no sense to describe all possible applications.

The intensity of use as one of the selection criteria

In the process of choice, the question is often raised: what is the main parameter to separate the tool? For some, the main criterion is the price for other - the manufacturer. However, the technical characteristics, worth and well-known brand is often forgotten by one point - how often and with what intensity the device will be applied? Sometimes the answer to this question determines the choice of a particular model required by the package, the need to preserve additional functions. It is clear because the device professionally used for engraving for metal, stone, glass every day for 5-6 hours should differ from what is used for crafts or a hobby maximum 1-2 times a week.

Since there is no deficiency today - the tool can be chosen so that it is perfectly consistent with the tasks set and did not have excessive, unnecessary functions. For amateur and domestic purposes, it is quite enough tool with a capacity of 100-200 W, the aggregates from 250 W are more suitable for professionals. You should also choose the functions inherent in the desired model - from the point of view of whether these opportunities will be needed. After all, the parameters, which can be equipped with electrical engrants today, how to choose is a difficult question. It should be guided by common sense. It's a shame when from the list of options consisting of three dozens of positions, 2-3 are most simple.

Exterior End of Engraver and Work Comfort

Not always, but quite often determining the choice factor becomes the appearance and ergonomics of the instrument. Before buying, it is necessary to hold the engraver in your hand, see how convenient to hold it. If in your hand the tool is convenient, is he too heavy? Is it possible to work with it for several hours, does the hand get tired? We will not look at the quality of the materials, the accumulation accumulation, whether the switch and controls controls are conveniently located. The comfort of use depends not only on the tool, but also from human data, working with it. Therefore, the device must be selected under a certain user to work it as convenient as possible.

It makes sense to also pay attention to the convenience and speed of shifts of nozzles, the density of the flexible shaft installation, softness and sacchability of work. If screens and stuffs are heard from the new tool - it is possible to think if it is necessary to buy it.

Of the two absolutely identical devices with identical characteristics and even the form of the body, a person in most cases will choose the one that looks better. Just because it is more pleasant to work with a beautiful tool.

Since electrical engravers have, as a rule, low weight and dimensions, noise level, vibrations are also small. Tool several times quieter than standard drill. Accordingly, the comfort of its use is higher.

Manufacturer and Cost

Power tools today are made by many companies. Many of them earned their outstanding reputation, due to the quality, reliability of the assembly accumulation. This is Defort, Makita, Bosch, Dremel, DWT. Good engravers produce Skil, Sturm, Einhell. Recently, domestic producers - bison, energy, whirlwind have been proven well.

It is clear that the price of the tool, depending on the class, the manufacturer and destination may differ much significantly. Here you need to decide on the necessary properties, compare several models, and then make a choice. If engraver is used infrequently, it makes no sense to overpay for a professional model. Caution needs to be taken only to very cheap devices, unknown manufacturers, without providing a guarantee.

As a result, the choice may be uncomplicated. It is necessary to spend some time on the reviews of the owners and the recommendations of professionals, to compare the necessary parameters with those that possess the models of the model, designate the cost limits - and the number of possible options will significantly decrease. Not a latter role is played by the equipment of the device, as well as the number of applicants supplied with the tool. Not bad if the engraver is completed in a case containing special nests for nozzles, a flexible shaft and other additional devices. It is convenient for transportation and storage, everything is in its place.

A mini-drill is an electric tool that is often used for various purposes of self-depleting radio amateurs. However, this device can be successfully applied to the fulfillment of other tasks in everyday life. With this tool, you can drill different holes, cut many materials (plexiglass, plastic, wood, metal).

It is used for stripping the surface, for milling, engraving, sharpening. Using a mini drill, you can grind, cropping and many other operations.

The device can operate both from a power grid that has a voltage of 220 V and from a battery with a voltage 12, 24, 36 V. Most often in the package of mini-drill includes a variety of replaceable tools that can insert into cam or collet cartridge. These additions include drills, various sizes and shaped grinding abrasive, cutting, polishing carved discs. In addition, the package may include grinding drums, polishing stones and felt, grinding discs, wire brushes, boron mills and other elements.

If necessary, you can make your own hands. One should only attach the working body to the metal rod to the metal rod, which can then be inserted into the collet or cartridge. To do this, in the middle of the nozzle, the hole is drilled or glued it to the surface of another suitable device existing in the master's arsenal.

Application makes it possible to hold only the working body with which various tasks are performed.

A mini-drill is equipped with a set of replaced Cang, which clamp nozzles, or cam miniature cartridge, which serves for the same purposes. The latter is much more convenient because it allows the use of various diameters nozzles with shanks.

Many craftsmen manage to make a mini drill with their own hands. To do this, they use a miniature electric motor that remains from old household appliances, for example, from or tape recorder. At the same time, it is important to be able to fix the cartridge or collet on the shaft. This mechanism is completely easy to do if there is

However, homemade devices are not so comfortable and practical than the adaptations made by the industrial way.

Today you can buy a mini drill of many well-known companies, and this tool is not so expensive. At the same time, it is very convenient and reliable. On the current market of electrical appliances, the leading positions for the production of mini drills occupies the company Dremel, which is a subsidiary of the company

By the way, due to the name of the manufacturer, this tool is often called "Dremel". Prices on it depend on the configuration and power. A simple drill "mini" will cost about one and a half thousand Russian rubles. A completely good functional model can be bought for three or four thousand rubles.

A mini drill with nozzles can be used where it is impossible to work with the help of an ordinary tool. This approach will allow to work even with the smallest details themselves. Visually is the same device that has fewer indicators than his older brother.


The electric mini drill can be called both a bormer and grinding machine. Nozzles on this device allow numerous work, such as polishing, drilling, grinding, milling, cutting, engraving, cleaning, sharpening and patterns of patterns.


Each mini drill is a sanding machine, and all the possibilities that were described are achieved at the expense of nozzles that are installed on the device. The main difference lies in the high speed of rotation, which ranges from 10 to 30 thousand revolutions per minute.

Some models have a flexible shaft that allows you to work even in hard-to-reach places. How to choose a mini drill, read in the continuation of the article.

Choosing a budget tool

If you want to choose a quality device that does not hit the pocket, the best choice will be Hammer MD050B.

Hammer MD050B.

With a power of only 8 watts and torque, which is 15 thousand revolutions per minute, we can say that this device is worth their money.

Light weight, which is only 0.4 kg, will not load hands. When buying the kit includes a fairly wide selection of nozzles, as well as additional components that simplify work with various materials and surfaces.

Whirlwind g 150.

The whirlwind of 150 is also considered to be a model of budgetary, however, it is often used even on an industrial scale. The power of this device is already 1500 watts, and 30 thousand revolutions per minute do their job as it is impossible. Such a device is also considered an engraver, since it performs the same functions. The weight of the device is already 1.15 kg.

Another model that possesses the same cartridge, but by a higher power, can already perform more serious tasks. In general, the characteristics of mini drills vary in one range.

Do it yourself

In some cases, when you want to carry out solitary operation, you can not buy the device, but make it yourself. For this, any knowledge or numerous details will not need.

To create a homemade mini-drill, only underdress components and engine are needed. For example, you can take the engine from under the old tape recorder, which is enough for small works. Consider in more detail how to make such a miracle technique.

Since the magnetophone motor runs from 6 volts, the battery is needed, which is embedded in the design. If it is not particularly strained, then you can buy a collet cartridge.

It is also better to come up with a certain building, where the entire design of the future mini-drill will be collected. The first thing you need to do is solder two wires to the engine. The drill of the desired size must be installed in the cartridge. On the shaft of the engine also need to install the cartridge.

By the way, the shaft can be two types: 1.5 mm and 2.3 mm. This mini drill will be ready, but will remain to connect the power and turn on the device. In general, such a device will keep fairly high rotation rates.

As a case, you can use the old antipersterant, where the whole design is perfect. Look at the photo of the homemade mini-drill, you will understand how to collect such a device.

On the housing you can position the power button, and you can gently output the cartridge head from the cap. On the other hand, where the bottom is, it is necessary to do a hole through which the power cable will be out.

When everything is prepared, you just need to put the entire design inward. This approach has the mass of advantages: no additional costs for the elements of the tool, minimalistic compact case, convenient control and operation, as well as a kind of appearance are not needed.

On the Internet, you can also find enough video instructions if something remains incomprehensible. Such a thing will be very practical, as well as productive, no longer need any skills to create such a device with your own hands.

Photo mini-drill

In the decor of the premises, elements with engraving are of great importance, create new directions and styles. A regular drill or an electric service will suit for this purpose. They can work almost any person. Of course, without the necessary skills and expensive tools, it is not worth talking about the high quality of work.

Constructive engraver- Small grinding equipment, which is used for small work on grinding, milling, cutting and drilling of products from different materials. In its case there is an electric motor, a collet cartridge in which the necessary nozzles are fixed. Separate models are equipped with a flexible shaft that transmits rotation to the nozzle. The functionality of the tool is determined by the number of nozzles used. Included their number may exceed 100 units.

Work with these devices is mainly the repairman of the exact equipment, designers and jewelers (used and when performing other small works). The tool is whimsically, for this reason, it is necessary to select it individually for specific work and material.

Engraver will help make patterns on exclusive gifts, souvenirs and jewelry. Now with it, you can handle any material. It is only necessary to take into account the hardness of the material, and apply suitable nozzles for it.

Types of engravers

The engraver in its design is not much different from the usual electric drill, only the dimensions of it are less, and more possibilities. The electrical drive of the mechanism besides what creates the required torque, provides the required number of nozzle revolutions. Most engravers work using the principle of rotation, but some devices turn electrical energy into the kinetic blow energy. The nozzle made from a very durable material knocks out unnecessary places of the workpiece, forming the desired inscription or pattern.

High-quality tool of the famous brand is worth a lot of money. Engraver the most famous manufacturers and their main characteristics:




Sturm GM2317FL.

The diameter of the nozzle 1.6, 2.4, 3.2 mm, the power of the device is 170 W, 8-32 thousand revolutions, the weight of 700 g, 120 nozzles and additional devices Master tool


Complete 2 Nozzles The power of the device is 35 W, 6 thousand revolutions, weight of 310 g For needlework

Skil 1415 LC.

Includes 25 nozzles and additional devices The power of the device 125 W, 15-35 thousand revolutions, nozzles 2.4, 3.2 mm, weight 730 g Optimal ratio cost - quality

Dremel 3000 - 1/25

Complete 25 nozzles Power 130 W, 10-33 thousand revolutions, nozzles 0.8, 1.6, 2.4, 3.2 mm, weight 550 g Designed for accurate works

There are still mini-drills that can perform the work of engraver.

From impact engravers, a small mini drill is distinguished by the possibility of use not only for engraving works. It allows you to polish, clean, drill and cut the material. Before the purchase, it is necessary to find out what is sold complete with a tool, otherwise for some types of work will have to separately buy the necessary nozzles, which will be no suited.

Choosing an engraver - what to pay attention to

The main qualities of engravers that need to be considered when choosing:

  • Tool mass;
  • The rotation speed of the shaft;
  • How many nozzles are included.

The masters often choose a light engraver, with turnover of the working part of about 20 thousand per minute, with a large number of nozzles. The weight of the engraver should not be more than 1 kg, otherwise the hands are tired with hand-made parts. A light tool will allow you to perform a larger amount of work without interrupting for recreation.

A variety of devices affects the range of tool functions. For this reason, the number of possible operations proportionally depends on their quantity. As nozzles in the kit can be:

  1. Cam clamps, couplings, collet;
  2. Announcements intended for engraving;
  3. Polishing and cutting circles;
  4. Small drills;
  5. Various bors.

Additionally, besides the nozzles, you can connect flexible shafts to the engraver, allowing you to carry out work in a hard-to-reach or uncomfortable place without feeling inconvenience.

Below are the main criteria that need to be taken into account when buying an engraver.

Frequency of use

How often do you use engraver? If you need to work every day, you need to buy the most reliable model. And for professional work it is advisable to provide a power supply of at least 250 W. This will make it possible to use low speed at work due to the high torque.

Processed material

When choosing a tool, it is necessary to consider which material you will process. Wood and glass products can be engraved without problems or polished mini-drill at a speed of about 20,000 revolutions. Sturdy steel, high hardness alloys and precious stones better process the tool at a speed of 30,000 revolutions and the possibility of adjusting them. Otherwise it is better to use the impact engraver.

When you decide, for what purpose you will use engraver, you need to decide on such characteristics as - the mass of the tool, the frequency of revolutions and power. At the last stage, in front of the purchase, there is a selection at the cost of the model, quality of manufacture, ergonomics and noise level.

Size and weight of engraver

Select a tool convenient for your size. Made engravers with minimal mass and size. Their small dimensions are possible only in the absence of a cooling system. As a result, the device is heated, and when used, it is necessary to take a break in the work in 10-15 minutes. It must be taken into account when buying a small device.

Power engraver

Engine power when choosing an engraver is very important. This characteristic affects the cost of using the tool and at its price.

For use in everyday life or in a small workshop, it is necessary to purchase an engraver with a capacity of no more than 200 W and at a speed of 20,000 revolutions per minute. Professional models produce 250 W.

Vala rotation speed

Also, when choosing a suitable tool, first of all, consider the maximum and minimum rotation speed of the shaft. This characteristic is the most important material for material processing. Polishing and grinding is performed on small engine speeds (otherwise you can steal the surface of the product). And cutting and sharpening the tool is made at high speed. The number of rollets of the shaft in modern models within 15000-35000 rpm.

Check the ability to adjust the number of revolutions. Ask for the presence of the engine speed regulator. Good products are equipped with electronic adjustment, and cheap models are manufactured with a device that simply reduces the engine voltage. Use such tools for high-precision work is impossible.

Nozzles for engraver

Ask how many different nozzles are complete, find out if there is a flexible shaft. Sometimes it is more profitable to purchase high-quality engraver with a minimum of nozzles, and if necessary, acquire them gradually. Basically, it depends on your wallet, the brand of the instrument and the firm of the device manufacturer.

Varieties of special nozzles have a huge amount. Among them there are devices with diamond spraying, cutting circles, polishing discs, grinding devices. We are treated with glass, metal alloys, stone, and other solid and soft materials.

Metal Nozzles. There are several varieties of such devices, they are made on the basis of high-speed steel or aluminum oxide. The form is individual for various types of work, there are cone-shaped nozzles, spherical, round, cylindrical.

Metal nozzles for engraver

Diamond nozzles Designed for the processing of solid metals, they are often manufactured with
using diamond spraying. To work on stone use nozzles made of silicon carbide. Dimensions and shape are the same as the diamond instrument, allow you to work with tiles, marble, glass.

Diamond spraying hooks

Nozzlesfor grinding material Made from rubber with splashes of abrasive crumbs. There are felt shag, they are used to polish the material using a special paste, it is applied to the disk from the felt. The paste is sold separately or comes complete with polishing nozzles. Nozzles made from sandpaper, allow working with metal products and wood. Sell \u200b\u200babrasive grinding stones for processing parts from ceramics, plastics and metal.

Sanding for grinding

Usually the most running nozzles are included in the engraver. Replaceable nozzles are fixed using a small quick-sample cartridge (it allows you to quickly measure the working tool). The collet cartridge requires more time when changing the nozzle, but in it the nozzle is accurately centered in Cangge. For this reason, the collet cartridges are optimal when performing accurate operations. For different types of work, it is desirable to have both types of cartridges.

Additional devices

The possibilities of small engravers managed to expand with various additional components. That's just some of them:

  • Corner nozzle It is necessary for performing work in an uncomfortable or hard-to-reach place, it is able to turn your engraver into an angular grinding machine;
  • Flexible with a special bracket or vice makes it possible to work in comfort;
  • Special rack Make a drilling machine from your engraver.

The noise level and vibration of engraver

Most device manufacturers do not indicate this characteristic in the description of the models, but it is possible to include it and find out its level of vibration and noise. Most often, there are small noise problems with medium price tools, cheap and weak devices are practically not vibrated and no noisy due to their weak power, and in expensive devices this deficiency is necessarily solved by the manufacturer. Note that compared to the usual grinding machine and a drill, engraver is noise very weak.

The cost of engraver

In most cases, at this moment look close attention, but each person has its own value-quality ratio. For one master it is more important to choose a productive and convenient tool, and for the other in the first place the fame of the brand or, on the contrary, is low price.

By purchasing the device of the famous manufacturer, you get the service (any tool can break), and the ability to read customer reviews. Here you need to understand that it is not necessary for everyone a multifunctional device at a high price - it depends on the use and time of continuous operation. Remember that the tool from the well-known manufacturers to buy inexpensively is unreal - if you have found such a proposal, then it is certainly a fake (most often Chinese manufacture).