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Passive income from the car. Passive earnings in Russia: myth or reality

How to create passive income - 14 working methods + 12 tips novice businessmen.

To answer the question: how to create passive income, It is necessary to understand how passive income mechanisms act, how the money accumulates in the account, and also, what to do to start earning without investing your time and strength?

Features of creating passive income and his difference from active

The main difference between passive income from the active - it does not require investments of time and labor.

Money arrive at the expense of themselves.

Of course, to ensure the receipt of profit to your account, efforts will have to make, but they pay off and in the future bring money.

The active income requires constant labor, visiting the workplace and fulfilling their duties.

To receive passive profits, you must once make certain actions to receive it.

Arrivals will occur throughout a certain time.

To get rich, it is necessary to have at least 1-2 sources of passive income, in addition to the main profit obtained at continuous operation.

This is spoken by many in their books and interviews.

When creating several sources of profits, it is possible to leave your work on the uncle at all and go to your own business.

How to create passive income: 14 best ideas

    Create your website or blog on the Internet and unwind it.

    In this case, passive income is achieved by paying advertising.

    On average, on one site, a beginner can earn about 12,000 rubles.

    And to sell the site, where the total number of visitors exceeds 5,000 people, it is possible for 200-250,000.

    This can not only passively earn money, but also to build a high-order business.

    An alternative site is the maintenance of the VKontakte group.

    One, well-promoted group can bring the owner from 8 to 15,000 rubles per month.

    And if there are five such groups?

    Sale of own seminars and training courses.

    This option is suitable for those who graduated from the Higher Educational Institution and has a diploma with the right of teaching.

    The most difficult thing is a set of listeners.

    However, if the topic is interesting, people themselves will find you.

    Write a book.

    Revenues from the product of "royalty" come to the author until the book is removed from the sale.

    Create an intelligent product.

    For example, a computer program.

    Having received a patent for her, you can also receive regular deductions from sales.

    Or car.

    Even a studio apartment can bring income comparable to the average monthly salary of a citizen in Russia.

    Rental of the cabin, hairdresser.

    The average price of one place in the cabin per month is 8,000 in a small town, and the cabin is more than 20,000 rubles.

    State payments.

    They can receive disabled people, large families or people who have retired by age.

    Deposit in the bank.

    Investing money to the bank under the deposit is not a big passive income, and for the most part it allows you to get money.

    However, still, with a large amount, it is quite possible to get at all extra 3-10 thousand per month.

    Sale of securities and face.

    A good option of long-term capital investment in order to profit.

    However, it is necessary to approach it very carefully.

    Collect all the information on the organization in which you invest your money.

    The income from the shares becomes greater only after about 7 years will be held from the moment of their acquisition.

    Own business.

    A very good option for receiving passive income, but it requires a lot of effort and time, before making a profit.

    Venture investment and profit.

    To receive venture deductions, it is necessary to invest in the newly opened company.

    A few years you can start receiving a very solid amount, depending on the amount of the contribution.

    Investment in investment and trusting organizations.

    Profit is formed by the redistribution of capital.

    However, in this case, high risk of losing their investments.

    The acquisition of housing under construction and its sale after the construction.

    The favorable option in the event that there are funds to buy one or more apartments under construction.

    Buy you for 500,000 rubles, and sell for 1,000,000.

    However, most likely, it will have to make repairs, at least cosmetic.

    When choosing a developer should be extremely attentive.

    Buy housing only in reliable, well-known developers working in the housing market is not the first year.

Search for the best option from a variety of existing is a matter of not one day.

It is necessary to thoroughly think about the actions, assess the initial capital and decide what is best suited.

Many people thinking about how to create passive income, do not want to do anything for this.

However, at the beginning will have to work hard in order to continue to reap sweet fruits.

12 tips novice businessmen to create passive income

To become a free person in terms of finance, not depend on the opinion and sentiment of the employer, you will have to work hard.

    Always are in finding a better option for investing and opening a business.

    Look for new assets that subsequently turn into liabilities.

  • To become a secured person, strive for creating several sources of passive income.
  • Increase your financial literacy.
  • Be an educated person, read the books, attend courses and lectures.

    You will behave such a life that rich people lead.

    Before you, or invest money, learn all the options, do not invest the money outflow.

    Always keep the necessary documents confirming your investments in the company or bank.

  • Slimming cash in several parts and put in different projects.
  • Squeeze the risks of the loss of invested money.

    If the risks are minimal, risk.

    However, if intuition and sound reason are shouting about the fact that the investment should not be done, stop, no matter how profitable the proposal seemed to.

    Think about your future every day.

    Decide what you want to achieve.

    Open your website on the Internet and develop it.

    With a lack of capital, the site can be sold for a good amount of money.

  • Find a mentor or coach, which has already passed your path and tells a few ideas.
  • Be prepared for creating a good passive income for some time to work, to invest not only money, but also time, strength.
  • Do not try everything at once.

    Focus on one project, and how to finish it, try another.

    Slowing immediately into several projects, you can get confused and lose attachments.

How to create passive income on the Internet?

The organization of its own financial project is an excellent way to create passive income.

You can open a business both in real life and on the Internet.

If there is no initial capital, or it is relatively small, the business creation option on the Internet is preferable.

Select the case that you best succeed.

It can be the creation of sites, administering a group on social networks, copywriting, trading on forex.

To start trading on the Forex Stock Exchange, you need to pass monthly training and conclude several trial transactions.

At the initial stage, insert the minimum amounts and develop.

About how to create a passive income, tells Robert Kiyosaki in the video:

How to create passive income and gain financial freedom?

In books on self-development, achieving success and wealth, millionaires give advice to achieve financial freedom.

We chose the best ideas:

    In order not to remain poor all my life, we find the time to create passive income, even working at the main job.

    After a month or year, these efforts will pay off.

    Always strive to create as much sources of passive income.

    Having profit, invest it again.


    Financial literacy - a prerequisite for those who wish to get rich.

    Start at least with reading books of world millionaires and billionaires and follow their advice.

People who are thinking about how to create passive incomealready stand on the step above the rest.

Move forward, apply the recommendations described by us and become a millionaire.

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Each of us dreams about financial independence. However, for the most part, we are forced to actively work from salary to salary, feeling the eternal fear of losing work as the main source of income.

Meanwhile, there are options for the so-called passive income, for example, we told in detail. Such earnings does not depend on the current activities, the funds come to the account due to the thoughtful investments made earlier. You can lie on the beach and get passive income As the only source of funds, and you can peacefully work in the office, passing a pleasant increment to income and without worrying about the possible loss of work.

In today's selection, the best sources of passive income are presented. Of course, most of the ideas from Top-10 require a certain starting capital, but there are such methods that allow you to lay the foundation of future income without investments.

In contrast to bank deposits, such investments bring higher income. However, the risks here will be much higher. Credit unions and trust funds really redistribute capital, thanks to which the money will work and generate income, but only if the management of the Fund puts them with the mind.

Investments in securities can bring stable income if the investment makes a specialist. Therefore, such investments require at least minimal knowledge and condition, trends and laws of the securities market. Otherwise, it is better to trust the means to professionals, paying attention to the mutual impacts, which will be discussed below.

8. Passive earnings on the Internet

- Investment project, created according to the principles of the financial pyramid, operating on the Internet. Investors' revenues are addressed from newly attracted investors. Investing in Haip will not allow you to relax - so as not to lose everything, you must regularly monitor the status of the project.

7. High-speed investment

If the investor does not attract an independent acquisition of shares or a game of the currency exchange, the means can be investigated to the most or conveyed to the experienced trader. Naturally, for its services, the owner of the PAMM account will hold the commission from income, but professionals are better oriented in the market and know the most profitable investment methods.

6. Forex game

For the game on Forex, you need to go through minimal learning to master the principles of trading. In addition, participation in the auction requires constant attention, which makes income no longer passive. However, with a combination of financial literacy with a certain share of intuition and the luck on Forex earn any states.

An excellent option for receiving passive income, however, it requires impressive investment at the initial stage. After all, not everyone has real estate for renting. If the object is available, it can provide a stable income from several tens to a few hundred thousand rubles per month.

4. Creating your business

If at the start stage, a new case requires a complete return of forces and time, then, after time, a successful business can earn, as a well-established mechanism that does not require the permanent presence of the owner. We presented earlier.

Sites allow their owners to earn advertising. However, the Internet page becomes a source of passive income, it must be fill in with interesting and useful content, promotion on the network, and then maintain in such a state.

Unlike a bank deposit, mutual funds offer higher income. True, and the risks here are higher, however, allow you to entrust the means to professionals, as well as determine the investment strategy. As a rule, large companies offer several PIF variants - from the most reliable with less income to high-riveted, but more profitable.

1. Bank deposit (deposit)

The list of sources of passive income is headed by the most simple and understandable way to invest. At the moment, deposit insurance extends to funds in the amount of up to 1,400 thousand rubles. If you plan to invest more money, it is better to distribute them between the most.

The content of the article:

What is passive income

According to Wikipedia, Passive income is earnings that do not depend on daily activities. But this is not a complete definition.

Passive income - This is the income you get even when you do not work. The easiest example is the delivery of the apartment for rent. You can work at the main job, but receive passive income from your real estate.

However, species and sources for the receipt of passive income are very much, and the essence of them is to create a passive income from scratch.

It is necessary to understand to get a permanent income and do nothing, the first time will have to work.

But 6-18 months of work can provide you with stable profits for many years ahead, even when you no longer work.

Difference of passive and active earnings

The principle of active work: Made the case - received payment. I wanted more money - I performed another job. For example, the driver Uber.He gets money until the people take people. If he stops riding - he will cease to earn.

The principle of passive income: created a source of earnings once - you get a profit on an ongoing basis.

Passive income is the dream of any normal person.

Ideas for the receipt of passive income so much that we will break them by type and try to understand how many profits can bring each option.

Sources of passive income

What can make a profit? The asset that we will create or buy. Most of the sources of passive income require certain investments, and absolutely all assets require an application effort at the initial stage.

Let's start with the options for creating passive income from scratch, without investments.

Passive income without investments. Creating intellectual property

Here, a great many ways to obtain passive income are available, and each of the options will be interested in a certain circle of persons.

1. Book, text material

Having written a book once, you can sell it for years. It is not necessary to write novels or detectives, educational books are also in great demand.

There are many services for beginner writers, for example, writing a book online. You will receive instant feedback, and if your idea is successful - a contract for the publication will be imprisoned with you.

E-book can bring $ 100-200 per monthBut the more interest will be, the more profits will be.

Do you think no one does it? Mike Piper wrote a book " Investments in simple language"And started selling it on. The interest was so high that he continued and wrote a whole series of books. Now they bring him six-digit amounts.

2. Sales of author's photos

Special services called microstokami allow you to buy and sell unique photos and images ( created in graphic editors as Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator ...).

If you like to take pictures, edit images, create interesting pictures in Photoshop, you can make it decently earned, simply selling your images.

The essence is that you exhibit your photos for sale, but the buyer does not buy it away, but just buys the opportunity to download it in higher quality. Thus, one photo can be sold to an infinite number of times.

  • Buyers are magazines, blogs, advertising agencies, designers and other businesses that are needed by images.

We will give an example of one of our familiar designer. Six years ago, he painted icons, pictograms and other web elements. He was engaged in this 3 months. All work he posted for sale on Shutterstock. In the first months, he got into the tops and earned about $ 1000 per month.

Over the next years, its earnings have fallen smoothly, but last year ( sixth) His profit is consistently held at the level $ 100 per month. This is despite the fact that for 6 years he has not added new images for sale. Since the policy of Shutterstock does not allow to talk about the earnings of the designer, we will not disclose the identity of the author.

The most famous and profitable microstocities in the world:

  1. Shutterstock (this is the leader among microstocks in the world, everything is here)
  2. Fotolia (here all Russia and the CIS, microtok belongs to Adobe)
  3. Depositphotos (the largest microstotes with good sales)

Videos on YouTube.

This type of passive income on the Internet brings big money: for example, YouTube Channel Mister Max shooting video about children, earns to his owner 2-7 thousand dollars a day.

To create a passive income from the video rollers, you need to create a series of useful and always actual videos. It may be instructions in the spirit of "how to do ...", "how to cook ...", which people will find and view in the long term.

To each roller you can connect Google contextual advertising, plus YouTube himself will pay you for each 1000 views.

3. Online courses and master classes

If you know what others do not know, you can run a series of training courses. The master class format can be different: video, audiobook, instruction on the site, offline school. It is important that your students are satisfied with the quality of the material and received new knowledge.

On video tutorials you can earn 20-50 and more dollars daily. For example, the Courses on the guitar and other musical instruments are very popular, drawing lessons, foreign languages \u200b\u200band others. More highly specialized knowledge can be sold more expensive. For example, trade courses on NYSE can cost $500 .

4. Music

On texts, photographs and videos, creativity, bringing passive income, is not limited.

Music is an interesting direction, also suitable for any user. To create musical tracks, it is enough to learn how to work with programs like Fruity Loop or Adobe Audition, Steinberg Cubase and etc.

All presentations, sales, video rollers ... accompanied by background music. These are the first buyers of your tracks, without them they will simply be able to.

As microstoki sell images, they also sell and audio. The most famous audience is Audiojungle.

Internet products

5. Website creation

Create your site can absolutely any person. Small money will have to spend on a domain name ( in - from 150 rubles. in year) and hosting that will display your website on the Internet ( from 900 rubles. in year).

The most important complexity is the search for interesting information that will really attract readers. It is not necessary to blog or live magazine, some resources are gaining popularity thanks to convenient tools: Calculators of complex interest, currency parcel, free SMS widget, an online translator and many others.

The average monthly earnings on the site varies from $ 50 to $ 1000, depending on the number of visitors, the popularity of the resource, the citation index, etc. For promotion of the site will be required from 6 months to 3 years.

Consider in more detail how you can earn on your own site.

6. Contextual advertising and banners

Almost on all sites you can find advertising blocks from Google and Yandex. Each click on them brings the site owner. from 20 cents to several dollars. The more visitors you have - the more clicks on advertising.

If you add 1000 useful articles to the site and stop going on it, you will continue to earn long years, since your site will remain online and will work around the clock.

7. Eternal Links

Many companies and just other sites ordered the purchase of links to other sites so that search engines see that many speak of their website, thereby raising the search rating. Customers buy paid reviews, laudatory articles or just place the links anywhere.

Sale on the space site for such reviews can bring the owner 100-300 $ per month. However, your site should have many visitors and good indicators in search engines. This method of earnings is suitable for the site, which has been more than a year or two, however, it will be an additional source of income that does not require special efforts.

8. SMM and social networks

Another way of earning, accessible to everyone: maintaining a group in social. networks. To create your own public, it is enough to register on the site and go through a simple procedure.

Here the content comes to first place. It is difficult to find interesting unique information: be prepared for the prolonged theft of your content. But if you attract 100 thousand subscribers, the monthly earnings will be calculated by thousands of dollars.

With a large number of subscribers, advertisers themselves will find you every day. For example, well-known bloggers advertising post in instagram from 500 000 rubles. Even if you have about 30 thousand subscribers, you can already sell advertising through special services.

Where to invest for passive income

9. Real Estate Rent

Here everything seems simple: we buy a house or apartment, exhibit it on Airbnb. or Booking, Rent and get a profit.

Such passive income from each room can bring 5000-30000 rubles per month And covers the costs of the LCA.

More advantageous ways to obtain passive real estate income are leasing garages and commercial real estate. The garage is cheaper than apartments 5-6 times, while the rental price is only 2-3 times.

That is, instead of one apartment, it is more profitable to pass 5 garages.

But the apartment is retrid. If you have a whole package of services - Linen, cleaning, Internet, TV, beautiful view, food, parking and so on, then the cost will be different here. Many people have several objects of such real estate, hire 1-2 people for service and get a decent passive income.

10. Renting equipment, car, other asset

By analogy with real estate, there are different options for earnings. If you have an unused property that can be surrendered to the rental, consider learning from it. After all, when the thing lies dead cargo - this is a passive if you get an income from its existence, it turns into an asset.

  • It can be a water bike, console Playstation. or Xbox, Auto or other equipment.

Thus, investing in the items that can be leased, you can recoup, and then get a clean passive income.

11. Trust management

Trust management in financial markets is one of the most favorable types of passive income. can bring on average from 60 to 120% per annum in passive mode.

Many brokers offer trustworthy management in the form of investment funds, PAMM accounts, coping control transactions.

12. Indices and ETF

If you look at the graphics of stock indexes, you will see that their profitability is not great, but always there. - These are shares of companies that buy stocks from the stock index basket and their cost dynamics completely correlates with stock indexes. Having bought one share of ETF Foundation - you buy the entire index shopping cart.

At the moment, ETF funds are very popular in the USA and Europe, because these are portfolio investments that are strongly protected from all kinds of risks.

In addition, there are sectoral ETFs, balanced and unusual, for example ETF whiskywhere in the basket shares of manufacturers of whiskey.

13. Creating a business for passive income

This is a promising way to earn money, because it allows you to fully control the attachments. We do not mean the active business, where you have to work yourself. You can organize or buy a firm with the established structure of work, with the director and its deputies.

If you contact the Internet, then there are even more examples. You can hire developers and create some kind of automatic service, a program or service, which will then bring you a stable passive income.

Now these species are the services to verify the uniqueness of texts, the analysis of sites, data collection, creation of presentations, logos, etc.

Other types of passive income

14. Benefits and government programs

Consult a lawyer: You may have the right to participate in the State Support Program. Deployed throughout the country, a housing lending project for young people can facilitate the purchase of an apartment. And maternity capital and families support will help in the content of children.

Find out if you may have the right to benefit from the state, just need to be issued?

15. Create passive income on your main work.

Many people do not notice the pros in their work, they get used to her and it seems to them that no one appreciates it.

Bright comparison - artists. Here they will draw a cat and everyone will say - wow, how beautiful ... And the artist considers that nothing special, everyone can.

Perhaps your job can provide many people a kind of bonuses, as it were, in the way of your main job. Perhaps it will be additional services or knowledge that people would come in handy.

If you work in the tax, then many consultations would be useful on the side. If you are working as a cook, then many of your recipe tips that you can sell are to conduct a column on the site, publish a book or lead your blog ... and so on.

Earn on what you would do in any case. For example, if you like to play games, then you can also earn it. By passing tournaments, there are many games where they sell characters, items ... which you can earn in the game, and sell for real money.

As we see, ways to obtain additional earning weight. But they are always associated with the use of available resources or creating a new product.. Before organizing a new source of passive income, ask yourself a couple of questions:

  1. What is your soul? Do you like to take pictures, write, shoot a video? Perhaps you have a traction to the financial sector, to mathematical calculations? Are you an enterprising person? Answers to these questions will determine the sphere in which you should develop.
  2. Do you have capital that can be investing? Free resources will greatly facilitate the search for sources of passive income.

The choice of a source of passive income in the end depends only on you, do not shift this responsibility on others. By all known ways, you can come up with something your own, and it will be even better.

And finally, a couple of tips:

  • Diversify sources of income. Try to create as many asset as possible that will bring your profits. So you will protect yourself from crisis and force majeure.
  • AND shield the best options for passive income, do not stop there. If you have found a stable high-order tool, translate part of the funds from the bank deposit to this source. Thus, you will increase the profitability and efficiency of the entire assets portfolio.
  • Increase financial literacy. Learn more about investment programs, working conditions of companies, do not be afraid to open new sources, experiment with the creation of options for investment.
  • Do not spray. Better to share one source all your time until you bring the case to the end. Work on multiple projects is not prohibited, but it can affect the quality of each product separately.


Passive income is the key to a good life. We listed a dozen ways to create your own source of additional earnings, but this list can be continued and continued.

The fact that you thought about the need to receive passive income, already elevates you over most people around you. Each of us is available many methods to improve your financial condition, but you need to work on them. We wish good luck in organizing sources of passive income and achieving financial independence.

Hello, dear readers! With you again and today we will disassemble the main topic for anyone who firmly decided to escape from the cappon of financial dependence on the employer and begin, finally create their small factory for the production of money. So, the topic of this material: passive income. By the way, if you still break your head, how to get to start an active income, I recommend reading an article :.
Probably, everyone heard this quotation of Rothschild:

Who owns information, he owns the world!

With regard to our topic, it can be rephrased:

Who owns information on how to make a passive income, he owns money!

And here there is a few paradoxical situation. Information about it on the network is more than enough, but what quality are they?
I am in surprise for myself discovered that the simplest passive income without investments is social benefits and, in particular, the pension. Imagine, we leaving your head with you, how to create a source of permanent profits, and it turns out everything is so easy - it's easy enough to build up! But this is not the only misconception that can be formed in the head from an unprepared reader.

Therefore, in its material, I will not just list the most common ways to extract income, but also give real numbers and facts about whether it is possible to earn and how much. Along the way, you will have to expose a couple of myths about the most popular methods: you will learn why the bank deposits and real estate not only do not earn, but also lose money. Surprised? Further will be more interesting.

So, go to the practical part of our opus. The first, most popular and simple passive income is the opening of a bank deposit.
There are more than 650 credit institutions in Russia, and almost all of them attract deposits from the population. In general, the assortment of deposits they have about the same. You can open deposits in rubles, euros, dollars, pounds sterling, less often in Swiss francs and even yuan. There are deposits with the possibility of replenishment and with a monthly percent transfer to a separate account. That is, in principle, you can put money in the bank and live on interest, although I do not advise this and then I will explain why.
The average rates of large banks are 7-8% per annum. At the players rank, the yield is slightly higher - 9-10%. But the real rate always depends on the size of the contribution and term. That is, the more the amount and longer period, the higher the bet.
Profitability, just say modest. At least in my opinion. I think so: why give money to the bank at 8% per year, if you can learn how to work with binary options and go on the yield of 80-100% per month. In general terms, this method of earnings I described in the article :. Here is an example of a successful deal:

Advantages of a bank deposit!

Even a child can receive such passive income in Russia. Of course, the child will not be able to open the contribution personally, but the procedure itself is extremely simple and does not require any special knowledge, because the contributions are suitable for everyone. This explains their popularity among the broad masses of the population.
Nothing needs to be done. You just come once to the bank, conclude a contract, give money to the cashier and in a couple of years you take them together with interest.
Reliability. First, your passive income is guaranteed, and you will receive a strictly defined profit specified in the contract. Secondly, it is believed that it is almost impossible to lose money on the deposit, that is, the risks are very low. It is simultaneously true, and to some degree of delusion. Next, I will explain, with what problems the depositor may face in the coming years.

How much can you earn?

The answer is not at all. Surprised? Yes, almost all materials that understand the examples of passive income tell you about how easy it is possible through bank deposits from 1,000,000 rubles an income of 100,000 rubles per year. But this is a superficial look at the situation.
To understand why the deposit is not able to bring substantial income, you need to disassemble several terms:
Money. This is a measure of the cost of goods and a means of payment.
The purchasing power of money is the number of services and goods that you can purchase for some amount.
Inflation. This term denotes the overall increase in prices for goods and services.
Devaluation. So call the decline in the course of the currency, in our case, the ruble.
Money themselves, that is, banknotes, for us they do not pose any value. They matter exactly so far, as we can buy something on them. Right?
And now look. In 2015, according to Rosstat, the official inflation rate was 12.9%. Since there are still storytellers in Rosstat, we make a correction for reality and we obtain actual lower inflation at a level of 20-25% minimum. With such pace, the purchasing power of your money is reduced. That is, a year ago you could buy 100% of some goods and services on your existing amount, and today you can buy by 20% less.

Care test: What is the average deposit rate? By the way, I pointed it above. In the largest banks of the country, it is only 7-8% per annum. So, if you discovered the contribution at the beginning of 2015 in the amount of 1,000,000 rubles, by the end of the year you would pay 1,080,000 rubles. And the purchasing power of money for the same period decreased only by official data by 12.9%. Thus, the purchasing power of your million fell by 129,000 rubles, and interest banks amounted to only 80,000 rubles. Net loss - 49,000 rubles.
Yes, the amount nominally increased by 80,000 rubles, but you can buy so many of the goods and services for this money at the end of 2015 as I would buy at the beginning of the same year by 951,000 rubles. So what is your sense from the fact that the bill (cut paper with watermarks) has become more if you can buy less on them?
Of course, such calculations are somewhat conditional, but I do not strive for mathematical and economic accuracy. I just want to show you that if the annual rate on the contribution does not overlap inflation, this deposit does not bring this deposit at all. Moreover, you actually lose money. Plus, if you open a deposit at once for five years and every month to remove interest, the purchasing power of the initial amount will be significantly reduced, and the monthly passive income will be converted from a modest to mezer relative to real prices for goods.
Another problem is devaluation. Depreciation in our case ruble relative to the Bivarny Basket, that is, relative to the US dollar and the euro. For the period 2014 - the beginning of 2015 The ruble depreciated to the dollar is about twice. This means that if earlier you could buy 100% of imported goods on your million, now their number has decreased by about 50% in just two years. And the rate on our deposit is still 8% per annum.
If the numbers given by me will seem implausible to someone, look at the dynamics of prices for imported electronics. For two more than a year from 2014, everything went up just about two times, and in places and more.

Why and how to open contributions not to lose money?

Despite all the above, deposits still can be used. First, this tool is suitable for temporary placement of free money. For example, you are postponing to open a business. If you postpone money under the pillow, they will depreciate faster than the deposit, since the contribution rate at least partially compensates for inflation. Secondly, you have to have a certain amount in case of unforeseen expenses. For example, it will be offered to buy a small package of shares of a new promising company, and you have all the money in the already invested in other assets. What to do? Here then your deposit will come in handy. In addition, currency deposits, unlike ruble, still capable of bringing passive income.
And now practical advice on choosing the conditions for placing funds in the bank.

Tip number 1. Only system-forming banks. These are the largest credit organizations in the country. The deposits on their deposits are lower than that of small banks, but the Central Bank will not definitely save the license from them. In addition, if such an institution begins to "fall", it will surely be supported at the expense of any national welfare fund or other state cubes. Specific names of banks do not disclaim - I do not engage advertising. But you yourself can see the ratings of credit institutions.

Tip number 2. Choosing a deposit currency. The ruble is extremely unstable and in the coming years will confidently roll down. Like you or not, but this is a fact. What conclusion? It is necessary to open a deposit in dollars or euros. Indeed, this dramatically increases the profitability of the contribution in ruble terms, allows you to completely overlap inflation and even get a small profit at the level of about 3-3.5% per annum.
But this is not the perfect option. Why? There is a risk that the authorities will decide to enforce all currency deposits into ruble at a fixed rate. You understand yourself, this course will not be in your favor. Output one - a multicurrency deposit. Under the operating conditions of such a contribution, you can, if it turns fried, convert currency into one click right in the Internet bank. Pay attention to the size of the commission for conversion.

Tip number 3. The option of early closure of the deposit. All deposits are urgent. The more period, the higher the yield. Therefore, it is much more profitable to open a deposit for 5 years than 6 months. But there is here and the reverse side. If you urgently need money, with early removal, all accumulated interest burns. Therefore, you need to choose a deposit with preferential early closure. Some contributions include fixing income after a certain period. For example, once a year, the accumulated interest is recorded and in the early closure of the deposit, they will no longer burn.
Another reason why it is better to choose contributions with such an option - this is the possibility of privatizing the amount of money. Something similar happened in 2013 in Cyprus. There, depositors were forcibly made by shareholders of banks and seized 6.75% from them - 9.9% of the deposit amount. So Russian depositors Laiki Bank lost about $ 10 billion. The possibility of applying such measures is already discussed in Russia. So, if the risk of falling the Russian banking system will arise, it is necessary to urgently withdraw money until you become a forced shareholder of bankrupt bank. This is where the option of preferential early closure of the contribution is useful.

Tip number 4. Confirmation of the source of income. In connection with the enhanced wagon of money laundering, the banks will have the opportunity not to pay their money to depositors if they cannot explain the origin of funds and prove documented that all the required taxes were paid from this amount. So, prepare documents in advance.

Method No. 2. Apartments. Gold. Diamonds. How to create passive income on valuable property?

The next passive income with investments after the bank deposit is real estate. But in fact, any property that usually has to go up as an asset. This can be attributed:
Art objects.
Precious metals and stones.
Collecting items from coins and brands to vinyl plates and comics.
Of course, to create a briefcase from antiques or painting, this needs to be deeply understood. I personally can't boast of knowledge. But if among my readers there are experts or even lovers, then you can try. The main principle is simple: to invest in what, in your opinion, will rise in price in a few years. Moreover, the yield can be just fantastic. So, a certain Darren Adams in 2014 sold on eBay the first issue of the Action Comic Comic for $ 3.2 million and, by the way, initially he cost 99 cents, however, it was already in 1938.
I will not turn the topics to me strangers, in order not to mislead you, and I will tell you about those types of property suitable for building passive income, which I do not know about.

How much can you make real estate?

If we talk about Russian real estate, then the answer is the same as with bank deposits - none. Remove passive income in Russia from Moscow and St. Petersburg real estate made sense a few years ago. But now the conjuncture is fundamentally different. In order not to be unfounded, I will explain in detail what real estate buyers and landlords usually earn.

At housing operations, you can get a residual income three times:
At the construction stage, the apartment costs 15-30% cheaper than by the time of delivery of the house. That is, for 1-2 years, while the construction is going on, without doing anything, you can increase the investment by a third. The only catch is a long-term. Therefore, it is necessary to choose only the objects of large developers and developers who have access to borrowed capital.
Rental income. Actually, this is the rental of housing for rent. Less expenses, the average annual yield is approximately 4-6%. Notice, it is even less than interest rates on deposits.
Appreciation of the object. If, in the case of contributions, inflation "eaten" our money, here she plays us on hand - real estate is becoming more expensive together with all other goods by about 10-12% per year. But in this case, not everything is so simple, what will tell further.

So, how much can you earn? If you successfully buy an apartment in the house under construction at the bottom of the pit, after 1.5-2 years, get an increase in the amount of 7-15% per annum. Little, but not bad. Further, every year the object, subject to growth in the real estate market as a whole, will increase in the cost up to 12% per year. Passive income from renting an apartment for more than 5% per year. Thus, in 5 years Ideally, you can beat off an average of 70% of the money invested. That is, the aggregate yield is obtained at the level of about 14% per annum.
This is hardly enough enough to overlap inflation. But in fact you will not get this income. Why?

There are several reasons:
New buildings no longer bring such high yields for the period of construction of the house, and the risks run into the long definition are constantly growing.
When renting housing, a mass of side expenses arises, including the cost of finding tenants, the purchase and periodic update of furniture, capital and cosmetic repair, taxes finally. In addition, do not forget to consider the idle periods when the tenant is not yet, and the fee for utilities continues to drip. As a result, the real profitability of rentals barely reach up to 3% per year.
Real estate markets around the world tend to the so-called splashing bubbles. While these bubbles were formed, Moscow new buildings were stably added in price of 10-12% per year. But in 2015, the holiday ended - the ball began to be blown away, and at a speed of 14.5% per year in rubles and as many as 33.6% in dollars.

Thus, in 2015, the owners of the Russian real estate received a negative yield. Profit from renting a kopeck, and the assets themselves fell by a third in dollar equivalent. As you can see, real estate is even less profitable than to open a bank deposit.
Does it mean that on real estate it is impossible to earn at all? Not really. You can create a good business passive income on housing in the EU, USA, Canada, as well as in popular resort regions.
In Europe, the average earnings Relier is 3-5% per year from a single object. The numbers seem to be the same as in the case of Russian apartments, but already in euros. This means that the profitability of European real estate will completely block not only the official, but also real ruble inflation and will even bring quite a tangible income. In addition, investing in housing allows you to protect your investments from the consequences of the ruble devaluation.

How to make passive real estate income correctly?

If you still decide to ever invest in housing, here are some recommendations:
In the coming years, buy accommodation only abroad;

Why do I advise you to use gold as a source of passive income?

Gold does not have a fixed price or some stable profitability percentage. Therefore, in some periods, you can observe a decline in the prices of yellow metal. However, if you take long-term dynamics, gold is stably growing in price, starting in 1938, when his course was sent to free swimming.
Now about the amount of profitability. In the period from 04/01/2015 to 04/01/2016, that is, exactly over the year, gold at the rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation increased from 2,185 rubles to 2,691 rubles per gram. Annual yield amounted to 23%. As you can see, this figure completely overlaps official inflation and gives good profits. Of course, in dollars or euro, the numbers are not so impressive, but also there you can also get a decent passive income.

If we consider the long-term perspective, then for 7 years from 04/01/2009 to 01.04.2016 gram of gold at the rate of the same Central Bank of the Russian Federation rose from 1,001 rubles to 2 691ruple. Cumulative price increase for the entire period of 169%! Thus, the average annual passive income is 24%. And notice, this is taking into account the local recession of the gold course.
In my opinion, this is one of the best tools for conservative investment. The purchase of gold, as well as the opening of the bank deposit, does not require special knowledge, while on the profitability, these tools are incomparable, and the risks of investments in the precious metal, it seems to me much lower than that of the deposits of Russian banks.
The only problem of gold is preferably to invest in it for a long time. That is, bought ingot or coins and forgot them in a safe or bank cell of 5-10 years. In essence, these are strategic investments. If you want to establish passive income right now and monthly, the precious metals are not suitable for this. Then it is better to try binary options :. Moreover, this tool allows you to earn and in gold, including, only by short-term speculative transactions.
In any case, gold is definitely worth using to diversify your assets portfolio. This will significantly reduce risks on assets with higher yield, but, accordingly, with elevated risks.
Let us turn to the practical side of the question: how to get passive income with investment in gold? There are two options: buy coins or bars or open an impersonal metallic account.
In the first case, the VAT will be laid in the price of 18% directly when buying coins or ingots. That is, at first it can be considered a pure loss. However, as I noted above, gold is suitable mainly for long-term investments. So, if we distribute these 18% for 10 years, it will work out 1.8% per year. With an average yield at the level of 24% per annum, this is quite acceptable losses. Plus, when selling, if you act in all the rules, you will have to pay personal income tax - 13%. This is 1.3% per year. Total cumulative passive income from taxes when investing in gold for 10 years will be 209%. In my opinion, it is not bad even with an annual inflation in the amount of 13%, you have a winnight by 79%.
Now silence the word about an impersonal metallic account. You can open it in most banks. The account will take into account your gold in grams. In theory, it can be taken at any time to pick up or sell the bank and immediately get cash. True, in fact, the banks are not very willing to issue a gold to the customer and often delay the execution of this legal requirement of the account holder. Again, the question of confidence in the banking system as a whole and a specific credit organization in particular. By the way, the Deposit Insurance Program on OMS does not apply.
And it would be possible to say that buying gold in nature is definitely better. Agree, it's nice to hold your own gold ingot in your hands. However, there are three "but". First, when opening the OMS does not have to pay VAT. Secondly, you can open an urgent account that implies interest accrual. That is, the passive income will be slightly larger, although interest rates on OMS are more than modest - on average 1% per year. Trifle, but still nice. Thirdly, the question of security arises. Ingots or coins must be stored somewhere. You can rent a bank cell, but these are additional costs and a meeting again with the bank. So it remains to burl your treasure on some island.
By the way, the strategic investment in gold has an alternative to speculation on fluctuations in the dragmetal courses. Such an opportunity is provided by Forex brokers, but there is one snag: to trade gold, need quite large capital, and errors in predicting changes in quotations can lead to a deposit drain in minutes. Therefore, I would advise you to choose binary options. They also allow working with gold, but the size of the input ticket and risks there is much lower, although the potential passive income remains at the same level. Find out what binary options represent, you can from this article :.

Method number 3. Creating an intelligent product!

Alas, create residual income without at least minimal investment, almost impossible. Actually, the method is only one: create something valuable. The choice seems to be limited, but in fact it is extremely wide. You can become earn on writing, inventions, photos, blog. Well now earn particularly successful mobile applications developers.
Of course, there is no single recipe for monetization for all listed undertakings, but in many cases you can find at least an approximate strategy for creating and promoting a popular product. The network literally disrupts the recommendations on how to receive passive income on the Internet by maintaining a blog or creating an information site or how to put the state of the IOS application developer. I confess, I'm far from a specialist in these cases, and the material format does not allow you to consider in detail all many well-explanatory recommendations for creative people who want to create a source of passive income.
Here I will give a few examples of how real people, such as we with you, create billion capital from scratch and how much they manage to earn:
Video of the blog of the blog on Youtube Felix Cielelberg regularly watch 40 million subscribers. The annual income from the channel is $ 12 million.
Ethan Nicholas, the developer from North Carolina, the United States, earned on a simple game of ISHOOT $ 800,000.
Canadian Daniel Fong came up with a new way to accumulate and preserve the energy obtained from wind generators and solar panels. Over $ 30 million Peter Til and Bill Gates have already been invested in its startup.
German photographer Andreas Gursky only from the sale of one of his photos managed to earn $ 4.3 million. Of course, its income is not limited.
The state of one of the most successful artists of modernity Damien Hirst is about $ 1 billion.
Probably, everyone's famous writer Joan Rowling on his wizard Harry earned $ 1.5 billion. This is the cumulative income from the sale of all copies of the Bestsellers series and film
Unfortunately, such methods of passive income do not imply any guarantees of commercial success. So engage in photography, painting or writing makes sense mainly for the soul, and the transformation of the results of creativity in millions and even billions of dollars is basically a case of a case.
As for the practical side of the question, do not forget about such little things as the design of copyright. In particular, to obtain a patent for an invention or useful model, you need to contact the Federal Institute of Industrial Property. And if you wrote a book and want to offer it to publishers, protect your interests, print it with the date and send yourself to yourself.

Method No. 4. How to become Warren Buffett: Passive Securities Income!

Where to take money to start your own business? It is with this problem that 95% of novice entrepreneurs are facing! In the article, we revealed the most relevant ways to obtain starting capital for the entrepreneur. We also recommend carefully examine the results of our experiment in the exchange earnings:

It was Warren Buffett that is the most successful investor in the world. The state of this Oracle from Omaha for 2008 was $ 68 billion. Repeat such success is perhaps genius, but the story knows thousands of other examples when multi-million states created on securities. Can you take advantage of this way? To answer this question, let's first make a general idea of \u200b\u200bthe main types of securities.
Stock. This type of securities of the company is used to attract investment capital. At the same time, each shares holder becomes, in fact, co-owner of the enterprise, although the share of most shareholders, of course, is negligible. Shares bring revenue in two ways. First, it is dividends. At the end of each reporting period (as a rule, the year), the company summarizes its financial activities and decides on the distribution of profits. The latter gets to shareholders in accordance with the size of their package.
Secondly, you can get a passive income from the rise in the cost of stocks for the period that has passed since the purchase of securities until their sale. Of course, there is a risk and quite high that the stock quotes will fall, that is, instead of profit, you will get losses.
Shares are two types: ordinary and privileged. The first give votes at the shareholders' meeting, the second provide their owners higher income, since they assume to pay either a fixed amount or a strictly defined percentage of profits.
Bonds. These securities are a debt obligation. In essence, the issuer (the person issuing securities) takes you money for a certain time, after which it undertakes to redeem your bonds, as a rule, with a certain fixed income. Bonds are also unlimited and from the periodic payment of the coupon (income) throughout the entire time of the division of debt obligations.
The advantage of this type of securities is that you are guaranteed to receive a certain yield. The risk is limited only by the solvency of the Issuer. That is, if the state or company does not decide to declare himself with bankrupt, you will definitely return paid money, and at the same time the income established by the issuer. It should be noted that the yield of bonds depends on the degree of risk, but it is usually small.
Now let's discuss derivatives - derivative financial instruments. These are securities on securities or goods. Unclear? Now consider everything in more detail, and you will understand.
Futures. These are contracts for the acquisition or sale of certain assets. They indicate the amount of goods, currency, shares or bonds, delivery time and price. Upon the occurrence of the execution of the contract, either the delivery of an asset or cash payments is carried out. That is, you do not need to take the goods itself, you can get monetary compensation.
The essence of futures operations is to buy a contract with the cost of execution below, and to sell it when the market price of the basic asset, and together with it and the contract itself will significantly increase. For example, you bought the futures on the Brent oil futures with the cost of execution $ 28 per barrel, and in a couple of months it grew to $ 35. Sell \u200b\u200ba contract, fix profits. By the way, oil futures are one of the most popular investor tools.
The advantage of futures is that the cost of contracts is much lower than the cost of basic assets. This allows you to do without a smaller amount of initial investments and get more passive income than, let's say, from direct investment of capital in stocks. Meanwhile, losses in the event of price changes to the base asset are not in your favor.
CFD. This is another contract, but this time it's not for the supply of a basic asset, but to change its price. One side makes a bet on raising quotations, the other is to downgrade. Upon the occurrence of the execution of the contract, one side pays another difference between the current value of the basic asset and its price at the time of the contract.
For example, at the conclusion of CFD, the cost of the basic asset (stocks, goods, bonds, etc.) was $ 100. You made a bet on the boost. Now, if by the time of the expiration date of the contract, the cost of the basic asset will be $ 110, the other party will have to pay you $ 10.
The list of existing securities, of course, is much wider, but the most popular types of assets I listed, and this is quite enough for everyone who is interested in how to receive passive income from investment in securities.

How much do you earn on securities?

Let's start with bonds. Profitability, frankly, modest. For example, according to the medium-term ruble bonds of Gazprom, the annual yield is only 7.55%. According to some Bonds "VTB 24" with a par value of 1000 rubles, income is 9% per annum with payments 4 times a year. A little better, but the problem is the same as with bank deposits - your passive income will not even block inflation.
Now in stocks. For example, I will take one of the most profitable shares in the world at the moment - Apple securities. The cost of one share of the company in April 2016 reached $ 108. Dividends for 2015 amounted to 47 cents per share. You understand yourself, there is no more than a few million dollars for investing.
In fact, dividends and are not big. The main profit brings the growth of quotations.

So, 6 years ago, that is, at the beginning of 2010, the value of the "apple" stock was only about $ 28. Thus, during this period, the company's shareholders received a passive income of 285%, not counting dividends. The average annual yield amounted to more than 47%. Not weak, right?!
But I emphasize once again, Apple shares are one of the most successful examples in the market. Most corporate securities should boast of indicators, alas cannot. In addition, there is always a high risk of a significant drop in quotations, and it is not always possible to predict it quite accurately.
Futures and CFD profitability depends directly from you and your skills forecasting changes in basic assets. So here concrete figures are meaningless. I will only say that successful traders on derivatives earn very and very impressive capital.

How to buy shares and bonds?

Some securities can be bought directly from the Issuer. In other cases, it will have to refer to the services of professional market participants - brokers.
All companies establish their minimum initial investment. Most brokers will not make his finger, if you come with a sum of less than $ 50,000, but you can find both the company with an entrance ticket from $ 200. True, with such a modest amount, it is not particularly sharing, and the pair of hundreds of dollars from the long-term investment of hundreds of dollars in securities does not have to count on.
Although it is possible to start with this, but I would recommend with a little capital, still engage in binary options. This tool allows you to work with shares, and with bonds, but attachments are required many times less than if you bought securities, and the yield is multiple times higher. In order not to be unfounded, I am public about my transactions.
It is very important when choosing a broker to check its reliability, quality of technical support, and most importantly, to inform about the amount of commissions for transactions, the input and withdrawal of funds.

Only truth: Can you earn money on securities?

For a private investor, the easiest way to invest in securities is to buy and forget for several years until the income is copied. This is a strategic investment. The problem is that for the long-term investment of capital on science, you need to look for a "quiet harbor", and now there is nowhere else in the world. So, in the first days of 2016, we could observe the largest collapse of the Dow Jones index since the times of the Great Depression. And, by the way, this index takes into account the prices of shares of 30 largest US companies, such as Coca-Cola, Boeing, General Electric, Intel Corp., Nike, etc. So investors received multi-billion dollar losses as a gift for the new year.
You can, of course, think that American companies are not limited to American companies. But in other countries, the situation is no better. In particular, on the same days, when Dow Jones, his Chinese comrade, Shanghai Composite, Shanghai Composite, was even stronger than the SHANGHAI COMPOSITE.
So, "calm harbors" for capital in the stock market today is actually no. True, you can try to determine the money in the shares of the company "New Economy". These include payment systems, search engines, social networks, software developers, Manufacturers of Daisians.
If you do not understand anything strongly in all this and not too burn with the desire to constantly monitor the economic and political news, it is easier to transfer money to trust management. Brokers and management companies offer different investment strategies, ensure the diversification of the package and its adjustment depending on the market situation. Of course, for all this happiness will have to pay the commission, but it is easier than to delve into all the debursion of the strategic analysis of the stock market.

Food investment funds.

This is an alternative to directly confidential management of your money on a personal account. Here we are talking about collective investment. The fund sells its shares, due to which a common investment capital is formed. This money is invested in assets: stocks, bonds, real estate, etc. The natural goal of the Foundation is to extract as much as possible from these investments. The income is divided between shareholders in accordance with the number of shares.
The main advantage of mutual impact is the possibility of investing in expensive assets in the presence of a small amount. For example, you have 30,000 rubles. You can buy only 4 Apple shares on this money. It seems to be not bad, but the risks are extremely high - remember, we talked about diversification. You can go in a different way: buy 3 pays worth 10,000 rubles each, choosing a muti from the investment strategy in the company "New Economy". There will be our favorite Apple, and Facebook, and Microsoft and a lot of interesting things. Of course, the presence of less profitable securities in the portfolio will reduce total profits. But, at the same time, risks will be reduced, and repeatedly, and we should always strive for a reasonable balance of risks and profitability.

Method: 5. Passive income from its own business!

I think it makes no sense to talk about how much a successful entrepreneur can earn, given that the brightest examples of everyone on hearing: Jobs, Gates, Branson or my kummy Ilon Mask. The only question is how to turn a business from active income when you disappear in the office or ride in the urban at night, visiting the representative offices of your company, it is in business passive income.
In general, there are no big science. First, it is necessary to clearly formulate a mission, basic values \u200b\u200band a company strategy. Secondly, it is necessary to adopt the process approach to the internal organization of the enterprise. That is, all the work of the company should be divided into separate simple processes and is prescribed in the form of job instructions for each employee. Such a system involves creating control points whose checks are enough to track the company's activities and its results. Similarly, you will get the opportunity to manage the company with minimal time costs. She herself will work like a clock. You will only need to adjust the course.
When the company has already been built and bred to cruising speed, there is no need to manage independently. You can hire a CEO (Chief Executive Officer) - the main executive director and reset the burden of leadership to it.
Of course, such methods of passive income suggest one pressing problem - the question of finding the initial capital is sharply. I outlined my reflections on this topic in the article:

How to create a business empire on franchising?

Imagine you created a company. Successful. Effective. Revenue. But I also want. Refuse Dream Translate Business to Passive Mode, and at the same time, and from your Dolce Vita for profits from the autonomous work company? Reduce the sleeves and take up the development of the enterprise, expanding its presence in other regions? To do this, you will have to disappear on business trips, build an administrative resource, and with it, by the way, will grow costs. In addition, the problem of attracting money to expand the business will rise. You can use my modest recommendations :. However, for the full development of the company, it is hardly possible to do without borrowed funds.
This way has a much more profitable and simple alternative - franchising. Its essence is that you sell your finished business model along with the right to use all technologies, brand, documentation templates to other entrepreneurs. They, in turn, discover the representative offices of your company in the regions at their own expense.
Thus three problems are solved immediately. First, funds in the company's expansion invest buyers of the franchise. Secondly, they also provide management of enterprise divisions without needing tough centralization and constant control from the center. Thirdly, unlike hired managers, the franchisee refers to the company's division as to its own business. He is personally interested in achieving the maximum efficiency and profitability of the enterprise. As a result, no need to inflate the management staff to control the work of regional divisions and break the head over the methods of stimulating managers.
What do you get? First, the buyer of the franchise pays a paustal contribution immediately. Secondly, from the profits of all branches you will receive royalty - this will be your passive income. The head company requires accurate step-by-step instruction on the opening of the company, the technology of creating a product and sales, marketing strategy, in a word, all that you should have done in the process of creating your company. Additionally, it is only necessary to organize a small department that will be engaged in promoting the franchise, interaction with potential buyers, as well as their consulting and help in solving problems.
How to create a passive income business on franchising, approximately clear. The question remains - how much you earn. It is hardly possible to estimate the potential yield of the network. It all depends on the quality of the development of a business model and development strategy. But in the order of the sample, I will list several well-known brands, the development of which is carried out by this technology: KFC, SUBWAY, Traveler's, 2GIS, Yves Rocher, Vell, Expedition, Sbarro.
Now a more specific example in numbers. The paustal contribution when buying Subway franchise is 600,000 rubles. The monthly payment in favor of the franchisor (royalties) is 8% of the revenue plus 1.5% of the turnover as an advertising fee. The turnover of one point range from 5-9.5 million rubles, and in total online in Russia 673. Thus, the total income from the entire network is more than 390 million rubles without taking into account advertising contributions.

MLM. Is it possible to create passive income on network marketing?

About 20% of American millionaires made their condition on network marketing. Here's the answer to the question of the possibility of making money on MLM. I think that today use this business building model even easier than 10-15 years ago. This is due to the relative simplicity and availability of tools that allow you to quickly develop a network of partners via the Internet.
Network marketing, in fact, is one of the embodiments of the business development strategy. The same franchise is just easier and much more affordable for partners. This option is suitable for products whose sale does not require a trading point or office.
Yes, many such examples of passive income cause some irony. But this is rather somewhat obsessive and even in places the topological nature of the work of distributors. In fact, the model is quite working. Without significant investments, you get a product that can trade without organizing the sales point, recruitment of personnel and other difficulties. Just make every partner's regular buyer, he continues to buy products himself and sell it with his acquaintances, and you receive income without the slightest gestures.
MLM benefits have enough:
Minimum initial investments. In most cases, you can do $ 200-300. That is, your risks are limited only by this amount.
No paper rolls, and, therefore, there is no need to spend money on the services of a lawyer, accountant, etc.
No need to explore the fineness of the art of managing staff. In fact, you have a lot of people, whose shopping and sales you receive income. At the same time, they all act independently without additional motivation, as in the case of a franchise.
No harves with tax service, numerous inspections of controlling authorities, economic disputes with counterparties, etc.
It is possible to create an extensive multi-level structure in 2-4 years, and then it will at least for several years without much effort to bring an impressive passive income.
Of course, much depends on the choice of the brand. I am, for example, I see no point to join such a painful structures as Avon, Amway or Herbalife. It seems to be better to bet on the brand, promoted abroad, but a new one for the Russian market. So you will have more chances to create a big pyramid from partners.

Method number 6. Do not know how to create your business? Earn on someone else!

We looked at almost all examples of passive income that I wanted to disassemble in this material. Last remained - investing in someone else's business. It will probably be more correct to call it investments in venture, that is, high-profile enterprises, since investing in stocks and bonds of developed stable companies we have already touched above.
The essence here is to find a promising startup, help him with money in exchange for stocks and either regularly receive some share of the company's profits, or wait when its securities will grow repeatedly in price and sell them. Examples of successful investment of capital in venture companies mass. Of course, major investors are most famous. So, Jim Getz turned $ 60 million at $ 3 billion on investments in Watsapp. Douglas Lyon made a state of $ 2.2 billion on Google, YouTube, Watsapp. About the same amount earned Peter Til on PayPal and Facebook.
All these distinguished people, as you understand, "graze" in a silicon valley, where with their $ 1000 will pass - they will be expelled as beggar. However, this does not mean that you can not, having a small amount, replenish the ranks of venture investors.

How to become a venture investor?

Touch the role of a business angel. In my opinion, for a non-professional investor with a small capital, it is better to choose other methods of passive income, since this option is the least profitable and at the same time extremely risky. The essence comes down to the fact that you find novice entrepreneurs among our friends or simply online and provide them with financing. The chances of success are extremely small, unless you yourself are an experienced businessman and are not ready to take part in the project.
Crowdfunding platforms. Angellist and StartTrack and other platforms allow you to attach a relatively small amount at several startups immediately, and the transactions are held through a special online service. Additional advantage is possible when choosing projects to focus on solving other investors, including professional.
Syndicated transactions. These are joint operations of investor groups that exist on the same crowdfunding platforms or in investment funds. This approach allows capital to invest together with professional players and access better and promising projects. Lack of syndicates - Commission for related services.
Venture funds. If you still do not, let's say $ 1 million, then this option will not work. But we work with you for the future, right? So this method is worth considering. It is good that you do not need to understand the existing projects and personally choose startups - everyone makes professionals for you. You only need to transfer money to the Fund for 5-7 years.
Considering venture capital investments as passive income, take into account that to ensure an acceptable risk level you need to distribute capital, at a minimum, between 10 projects. At the same time, it is necessary to select only high-quality startups. To do this, follow the contests of venture projects, as well as read the articles in the media with the selection of promising companies.

Passive income. How it works?

Each of us has an elementary set of resources: time, physical strength, the ability to perform simple tasks. Many can also boast of good education, experience in any area and just a smart head, which in itself is found not as often as I would like. So the difference between the dollar millionaire and the usual hurt, which lives from salary to the salary is how they are managed by these resources.
The hired worker, which is the overwhelming majority, in essence, makes a direct exchange of their time for money. At the same time, the cost of each hour or day directly depends on the value of its skills, knowledge, experience, performance. And this is called an active income. Rich people, in turn, directly or indirectly invest available resources in the creation of assets - values \u200b\u200bcapable of generating income without further investigations of their owner's resources. Therefore, passive income is also called Residuus residual from the Latin word - the remaining, preserved. The work has already ended, and the profit is maintained during an unlimited time.

Why is this method of extracting financial benefits bring more money more than normal employment? Everything is simple: you can create a package of assets whose total value for the market will be hundreds of times higher than the value of your personal time with all skills and knowledge taken together.

3 types of sources of residual income!

What can act as assets? I have already led to the specific options for passive income, and now I will try to clarify the essence. So all the assets would be divided into three categories:
The first type is things that are more expensive by themselves. That is, receiving passive income or other currency is an earnings on the difference between the price you paid when purchasing property, and its value, say, in a year or just by the time you decide this property to sell. For example, you bought shares for $ 15 per piece, and after 5 years they already stand all $ 115. Cumulative yield is 766%. This is a brilliant result, I tell you.
To the second group, I would take the property that you can sell an unlimited number of times. Example - patent for the invention. You can sell the right to use your invention a variety of companies throughout the patent action time. At the same time, you have worked only once - when you created your invention. A stable passive income it can bring for decades.
The third category is the assets that themselves create a new value, and you receive income from its implementation. An example will serve any company. Once by creating a successful business, you can move away from affairs, but the activity of the enterprise itself will not stop. It will continue to produce goods or provide services, extract profits from their implementation, and its part will safely settle in your fat pockets.
I want to note that this is not a free retelling of some kind of scientific classification, and my own look at the varieties of passive income. And I tell you all this so that you understand the general principles of the formation of assets and were able to find and choose the most convenient and interesting methods for creating sources of residual income, not limited to my or someone else's advice. In the end, it is necessary to deal with what you receive this pleasure, otherwise it will not be possible to achieve truly grandiose success.

What prevents you from creating passive income?

Sorry, but now I will be clever. Or rather demonstrate their modest knowledge in economic theory.
In the interpretation of the Austrian Economic School, capital is defined as resources that we do not consume right now, but we use them in order to get a higher level of consumption later, in the future. And profit, in turn, is a risk of losing these very resources, as well as for the fact that you have to suffer a little and postpone the moment of consumption for later.
Actually, these definitions lie four main problems that interfere with creating residual income.
Problem number 1. We strongly do not want to endure and postpone the sweet moment of consumption for the future. We want to eat all, drink, use right now. Life, in fact, constantly offers you a choice: Strip one dubious type of caramel with this minute or wait a week and get a whole box of delicious chocolate chocolates. And what do you usually choose? There will be no prompts here - answer yourself, just honestly.
Problem number 2. Bad time management. Instead of competently make a schedule and invest part of the time in your assets, that is, future consumption, we either give this time to the uncle, on which we work overtime and on weekends for "thanks", and often without any thanks, or bring precious hours And days sacrificing the gods of the sofana and TV. There is only one way to overcome this problem - time planning. I must say, the time management is a whole science, although it's easy to figure it out. I advise you to read the book of recognized Guru in this area Brown Tracy.
Problem number 3. Bad financial management. Remember the phrase of Matroskin: "To sell something unnecessary, you must first buy something unnecessary. And we have no money! " Here is the third problem of creating residual income. For this you need at least a small capital, and where to take it? I have already set out some of your reflections on this topic in the article. In general, you need to learn to plan your budget and postpone. Just take the rule every month from all your income to postpone, say, 10%, and whatever happens, adhere to this principle.

This rule is directly related to the third problem of residual income, that is, with risks, and is expressed in total in one word - diversification. The essence of this approach consists in the distribution of your capital into several assets with different levels of risks. For example, you can form a portfolio from stocks, bonds and precious metals.
Why do you need it? - So we achieve minimizing risks. For example, if you invest all your money in the promotion of a young promising company, then the likelihood of losing all the capital is extremely large if the company does not meet hopes. And you can do otherwise. Part of the money - in high-root securities. Another part is in gold. Risks here are an order of magnitude lower and in the long run, the yellow metal demonstrates a stable and very decent growth. And finally, some of the money determine the bonds that have a small but fixed.
Having such a portfolio, you, on the one hand, provide yourself with the opportunity to get a high and stable passive income from stocks. On the other hand, protect yourself from the full capital loss by bonds and gold. From the third - at least part of the invested funds will certainly bring some yield that compensates for potential losses from losing or falling in the price of other assets.

What options for passive income I chose?

You can learn about my entrepreneurial history from this small autobiography :. If briefly, I already built my business, and it is he who serves me the main source of passive income. But, since he was hugging in place at the place of the wrong entrepreneur, I, firstly, planned the expansion of my company, and secondly, mastered a new way to increase my capital - trade on the exchange of binary options.
This option is not quite suitable for the actual passive income itself, since it involves the personal participation of the trader in the commission of each transaction. However, I still silence a word about him, because in my opinion, binary options have several advantages at once before each of the methods listed above:
Low price of the entrance ticket. Unlike the minimum necessary costs for creating their own business or a diversified portfolio of shares and bonds, it is enough $ 300-500 to start working with binary options. Of course, to ensure good yield and minimizing risks, it is better to highlight a slightly large amount.
High yield multiplyingly exceeding inflation. Profit from speculation with binary options can achieve and even exceed 100% per month from the initial capital. Such income does not bring any of the listed ways.
Mastering work with binary options may each and for 1-2 months to reach a consistently high profit.
However, it should immediately upset Fans of freebies - there is no it here. It will not be possible to do without prior study and quite hard work at the very beginning. Learn more about how to start, you can from this article :. But then make a few profitable transactions on a day are quite easy, spending on it a total of no more than an hour. Here is one of the examples of my transactions:

I hope my recommendations on the creation of passive income will help you to determine how to develop our personal financial empire and avoid common mistakes. I wish good luck and all the best.
Yours faithfully, .

By numerous requests for readers ... So get ready, pour yourself a seagull or a coffee house, arrange more comfortable - it will be a bulk, but very useful, article! 🙂

How would your life change if you have received several hundred or thousands of dollars monthly, while actively working actively?

You may have done the case, About which always dreamed. Maybe you would travel more around the world. Perhaps they would move to live in another country with the best climate and quality of life. Someone would have spent more time with her family and worked out her health more. And someone would compatizeeverything Forest! And passive income just allows you to realize these ideas.

The idea of \u200b\u200bpassive income is so attractive For people around the world, precisely because it allows a person more to do what he likes and minimize what does not like.


I want to immediately clarify one moment - I did not meet a very "passive" income. Almost every passive income requires some difficulty at least at the beginning, after which it can bring income to a long time, without requiring your active involvement.

So let's consider the main types of passive income.

Lease property

You can purchase a living or commercial real estate for renting, and you can rent a property already available to you (for example: apartment, house, cottage, garage, basement, attic, etc.). You can even lease part of your housing (for example, one of the rooms using the service . Can be confused and pass through).

Pass your housing for rent, but to move to the removable

Do not want to share your accommodation with anyone? You can pass your, more expensive housing for rent, and also to rent another, but cheaper. The difference in these rentals and will be your additional passive income.

Sell \u200b\u200baccumulated trash and junk

If you think it's a penny, which is not worth spending time - look at how my wife and my wife For thousands of dollars! Many of these things were stored since student times and lit up our house for years.

Turn your car into a means of earnings

You can rent your car to rent taxi services, and you can use it as an advertising media. Such services have long been present in big cities.


Deposits are one of the easiest And a way to save money and earning passive income for the public. Everything is simple - you give your money to the bank for a certain period, for which the bank charges you percentage. The profitability of deposits, as a rule, is low and does not cover inflation, therefore, this method of earnings is suitable only for short-term strategies.

If you know a subject (no matter what topic!), Write an e-book and sell it on your website or on special sites for selling e-books. Writing a book takes from several days to 2-4 months, but when you write it and post it on bookstores, it will be able to provide you with passive income years.

Create an educational video course

The idea is the same as with an electronic book. If you are an expert in some area - write down the training video course and sell it on special educational sites (see the full list of platforms for creating video courses ) or on your site.

Create or buy a ready online store

If you already have goods for sale or you know how to make the delivery, sales and delivery - it's time to think about your own online store. There are services that allow you to put on the machine delivery, storage, accounting, sales, reception of payments, discounts and promotions and even marketing.

Start your YouTube Channel and earn on advertising

You can shoot simple videos (including mobile phone) - Musical, training, comedy, movie reviews, equipment - anything!YouTube will show people advertising before or while playing your video, and you will receive money (when the monetization is enabled and connected. AdSence).

Earn on advertising on your site

If you have your own website you can (must) connect the advertisement (adsense or any other). This is done in different ways (read on the Internet) and in general is very simple. People enter your site, read something or watch, and they are automatically shown advertising. You get money for watching and / or clicks of your readers. See Examples of advertising on . Subscribe to my articles To see how it works in the articles :).

Credit Card Bonuses - NO NO NO!

My readers know my opinion perfectly on plastic cards - do not deceive yourself by installments "I will yield a debt on the map" or "I earn a mile or cachek" and other Chushy. Just ask yourself a question, from what .... The bank gives you free money, miles, cacheki and other buns? 🙂 I explain in detail here: In 2 words, try to get rid of this source "income", because As a result, you lose much more than earning. Believe me to a person who has more than 20 mega-cool cards))) Also read and see:

Do you like to take pictures and is it cool? Then you can sell your pictures or videos through photo banks, such asShutterstock, depositphotos and iStockPhoto You will receive a percentage or fixed rate for each photo or video sold through these photobanks. You download your photos and videos to one or more platforms, and on this active actions end.

Microloons - No No No!

Microloans are a disgusting tool for the robbery of financial and illiterate and desperate people. People take a small amount "before salary" under 100-200 and more percent annual, thinking "think, percentages will make up only 500-1000 rubles. This is a penny. " There are platforms that offer you to become a lender and receive a certain percentage from this. I will not give links because It is categorically against earnings that robs other people into financial abyss.

Accelerated loan and debt refund

Each penny that you pay to the bank is a penny that could (passively) make money for you! Debts, as termites, devour and destroy the financial well-being of the family. It is important to understand that the dollar returned before earlier (ruble, etc.) will not be accrued interest (months or years in the future) and all these months or years you canearn interest yourself, and not pay his bank.

Example: if you were instead of a 20-year mortgage, in the amount of 3 million rubles. (~ 50 thousand dollars. This is a studio or odnushka in St. Petersburg), taken for 20 years, under 12%, was postponed the same money to pay a monthly bank (monthly payment will be 33 thousand rubles), under, say 8% - After 20 years, you would have accumulated the amount, approximately 20 million rubles (~ 300-350 thousand dollars) due to ! This amount would be enough to ensure you until the end of the life of the income of 1.5 to 3 thousand dollars per month! With this income, you would well live well in any country from the East to the West! By the way, this amount would put you in 5-10% of the richest people on the planet! Ensure .

Change job

If you are confident that you are paid below the market, Come on the interview and change the job! Thus, you for many years provide an additional income in the form of the difference of old and new salary. It happens very scary, because We, people, drag to the team, to work performed, to the status, to various bonuses, to stability, etc. We are afraid to risk and change something. However, every fear has a price! If you lose hundreds or thousands of dollars a year - it's time to stop afraid and start acting!

Request an increase

You can change the work on a new one, and you can ask for an increase. If you find out (and not just think so), which objectively stand more if you bring the benefit of the company that you can rate and show the manual if you are not just replaced - ask for an increase. Read: .

Get everything from the state!

Take everything from the state What it provides by law. You may not pay (i.e., you will return this tax to your family) tax for the acquired real estate (up to 260 thousand rubles. Or $ 4,300), percentage of mortgage (390 thousand rubles. Or 6.5 thousand . dollars), for training and treatment, etc.

My wife and I used a tax deduction when buying real estate. It returned to a family of 130,000 rubles (old money more than 5 thousand dollars). We have received all possible benefits for children, including maternity capital (450 thousand rubles. Or 7.5 thousand dollars).

In addition, you can getsubsidies (compensation) from the state for payment of Comuselug, on the creation / development of business, payments to mothers for certificates "maternity capital", try to get preferential housing (for some categories of citizens),social benefits for the birth of a child, etc.

You can buy a blog or ready online business

Every year thousands of blogs and online businesses are created, and many of them are abandoned after some time. If you can find and purchase a blog / online business with a sufficient flow of visitors - it means you can work well on it. Blogs are usually sold for the amount, 24 times higher than the monthly income, which gives 4.2% (100/24) yields (as a rule, in dollars) - which is not very much, but not very little, given the rates on dollar deposits in Banks. Plus, a blog or online business can be developed and increasing earnings.

Participation in reviews, clicks and other online manipulations

Many advertisers pay money for certain actions on the Internet, such as: click on the link, leave a review, put like, make a repost, fill out the form, etc., respectively, there are services (SEOSPRINT,,,,, etc.) that can automate the process and combine advertisers with people who want to earn in this way. However, it is possible to call such an earnings passive only conditionally.


The action is C paper, providing its owner right to a share in the company and to receive a part of the profits in the form of dividends.

Shares of companies can be bought through a broker. The entrance threshold is usually very low. Earnings will be folded from two components - the growth of the value of the action (bought cheaply, and sold more) and also from dividends, which companies (really not all) can pay the owners of their shares. However, I do not recommend nonprofessional investors to buy shares of single companies, because Without significant experience and knowledge, such purchases will be like bets in the casino. The best solution for an inexperienced investor will face or structural products offered by brokers. In such funds / products include a variety of shares, so a sharp drop in the value of one share will not affect the fall of the entire Fund / Product.

Bonds / Bonds

Bond is a fixed income bond.In fact, this is a loan agreement between the lender (as a rule, the governments of countries, municipal governments and private companies), according to which you give a certain amount of interest, for a certain period and under a certain percentage.

Riskiness of this tool, As a rule, very low, but also yield is also low. Nevertheless, you can earn on bonds (often) you can more than in bank deposits. You can also buy bonds through a broker, but the input threshold can be high, from tens of thousands of dollars to a pair of hundreds of thousands.


FIves or The mutual investment funds are a certain pool of money from a large number of investors (the same as you, for example), whose management is engaged in the management company in order to increase the value of this Fund.

FIves can be chosen for every taste. - Industry, "Blue Chips", etc. The cost of your share (the part you bought in the Foundation) can go into a deep minus and rapidly grow up. Therefore, this is a long-term tool for investing by 5-10 or more years. The input threshold can start from several dozen dollars or thousand rubles.

ETF and index funds

In developed Western markets (for example, American or European stock markets) can be investing in ETF (Exchange Traded Funds. ) or in index funds (the same ETF, tied to a specific index). These tools are usually tied to a specific type of assets (for example, "blue chips", the shares of fast-growing companies, the company of the oil sector, the exchange index of the largest American companies (for example, "S & P500") and others. Their great set and choose for every taste And attitude to risk!

To buy data tools (in Russia) through brokers, Which provide access to overseas markets and tools.These are very cool tools.allowing earning from 5-10 and more percentin dollars and get rid of country risk, which is very relevant to us with you 🙂 like mutual, etf-sthese are long-term tools calculated for investment by 5-10 or more years. The entrance threshold is from a pair of hundreds to several thousand dollars. These are my favorite passive income tools!

"The dollar saved is the dollar earned!" B. Franklin.

Perhaps you did not approach any method described above, but there is one way of earning, which is available to everyone! it . Save on yourself unpleasant. However, to save "smart" when you save money, but do not change noticeably the style of life, to which you used to - even fascinating and gambling. Hundreds of ideas "smart" economy .

Investments in yourself love!

In all my materials I write and say that money is always a tool (as an ax, hammer or brick), but not an end in itself. Therefore, the most inexpensive investments with the largest short-term and long-term profitability are investment in yourself, such as:

- investment in relation with spouse, children, relatives, friends. For example, an unsuccessful marriage may have a cross for years and decades in all your investment desires and eventually ruin you. What do you do in order to support your relationship alive?

- Investments in health - these investments bring income, ranging from savings on costs for doctors and medicines, and ending with a healthy body very much affects the health of "brains", your thoughts, mood, motivation, which, in turn, affects everything in including the ability to earn more and better invest. See how I do sports for free.

- spiritual development - This aspect, we tend to leave at the very end, although in life it is almost the most important thing. Your Spirit, your mood, your attitude to life and other people, your life goals affect everything!

What kind of passive income to choose?

None separately! None of the tools described above will not be the right and good solution for the formation of confident and reliable passive income. Remember - "Do not hold all the eggs in one basket"! As a rule, it is necessary to combinesome The tools described above. Something like - part of the assets in the cache, part in bonds, part in the real estate, part in PIFAs / Foundations or structural products. At the same time, some of all assets should be in national currency, and part should be tied to a solid currency (for example. To the dollar).

Test Before Invest! And one more point - so that you do not choose - "Test Before Invest" & "Try Small" - What does it mean - "Test, then invest" and "try on small scales." You do not need to buy one tool for all money (for example, a company or mutual stock), which you have not previously tried. Buy it on a small amount, try, make sure everything works well and further increase your investment in a particular tool.

Slide the risks in time! An additional strategy may be the entrance to one or another tool gradually - for example, buying such an ETF for a certain amount every month. It will help you to reduce (but not exclude) the risks of what you join a bad tool and lose money.

When should I start creating passive income tools?

The earlier the better! It is desirable from school, student or, at least, first work. But if you didn't do it then never late to start doing it. Just than before you begin, the more powerful (instead of you) will work a complex percentage, whose power grows as a snowball, only after a while. Read the amazing story of Susan, Bill and Chris And you will understand what I mean.

BUT! There is one limitation.I recommend starting to engage in investment onlyAFTER how you pay off with all the debts (except for the mortgage) and form The size of 6 month incomes (or expenses, if it is so easier :). And only after that, you can and need to investment, earning money, etc.

One of the most effective tools for solving these two tasks (get rid of loans and form a fire supply) is.


As you can see, the types of passive income are a large set. Some of them are very simple in understanding and cheap to enter, some are a bit more complicated and more expensive. You do not need to limit yourself with one tool and do not need to try to fit into too much of their number.

The main thing is not to "sit" forever in the asset, Which earns less inflation (like cache under the pillow or money on the deposit), and learn to invest your money into profitable (and passive) tools. And then, one day, your passive income will begin to earn more than active, and you can have the rest of your life to do what brings you joy!

It will be useful!

Call to action

What can you do right now? Two things:

First.On your own or with the help of the annual budget of your family, put yourself a goal "accelerately return all debts, except for the mortgage" and "form a fire supply" size of 6 months and make these two goals part of your budget.

And the second! Meet with 2-3 large brokers in your country and city and ask them to tell you about the instruments described above, given your financial opportunities and attitude to risk. This conversation will be very useful and charges you by the desired motivation to engage in passive income!