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Contextual advertising VS Targeted advertising. Buying target traffic: attract visitors through contextual and targeted advertising

The very concept of "targeted advertising" comes from english term "Target", which is translated as "purpose". Therefore, targeted advertising can be called target, because it sees the audience selected according to certain criteria. According to sales statistics, it becomes obvious that such an advertisement is the most efficient sales channel.

I use targeted advertising You can customize the display of advertisements for your audience. This announcement can lead to the company's website, or to a group in social networks or on a selling page or form. First of all, you need to make an advertisement, select the corresponding image and set special settings. Thanks to such settings, targeting will be eliminated by all users who are disinterested in your services or products.

MyTarget. - This is an advertising platform that will combine such social. Networks as VKontakte, classmates and my world. Those. After adjusting the advertising campaign once, we can immediately cover 3 social. network. But, of course, advertising in VKontakte is better to configure Vkontakte in the advertising office.

Advantages of targeted advertising

    The ability to receive customers without a website and a non-promoted group in social. networks.

Coverage exceptionally target audience

In social Networks users themselves provide us with information about yourself. This is the floor, age, interests, place of residence, work, university and much more. Therefore, the advertiser is easier to find potential customers with a certain set of targeting. Therefore, our task is to accurately determine the portrait of a potential client and set these parameters. And your ad will be shown only to the audience you have chosen.

For example, you are selling women's sunglasses in Moscow. Therefore, your target audience will be girls, for example, from 18 to 40 years living in Moscow and the Moscow region. Or, for example, you are a factory and produce kitchen furniture, then your audience will be people who were interested in furniture or recently bought an apartment, or repairs.

You can also choose a retargeting audience - it means that your advertisement will be shown to people whose contacts are in your database or those that came to your site.

The ability to personalize advertising ads

What advertising is closer to the target audience, the most likely attention will pay attention and the necessary action will be performed. After you have decided on your target audience, think over clinging headlines, solving specific problems / needs of CA, interesting creatives. For example, a personal discount, if your girl has a birthday within a week, then for you a 30% discount on a bouquet of roses.

Or an example - a clock for real men, laptops for businessmen, etc. This technique allows you to identify the user, indicating that this product specifically addressed to him as a student or businessman.

Convenient optimization of targeted advertising

To assess the effectiveness of targeted advertising as metrics are used: Coverage of the audience - traffic to a group, account or website, number of subscriptions to the community, the number of interactions (likes, reposits, comments), the volume of targeted, the price of 1000 shows, the price of clicking during the transition to the group or on the site, the conversion of visits in clicks and sales from the ad, the cost of the application, the sales comparison of the sales volume before, during and after promotion.

Also, you need to collect accurate statistics on Lidams who called or transferred to the site and made the target action, this can be traced using 2 methods:

    Connect CallTracking (Call Tracking)

    Customize goals in Yandex Metrics or Google Analytics

When analyzing advertising data, it is more important to watch not on clicks and their cost, but the number of purchases, turnover and payback. For example, the price of clicking may be 20 rubles, the price of an application is 1500 rubles, but in the end, if sales bring 500 thousand, then a good result. It all depends on what purpose you are haunting how much an advertised product or service is limited to whether the advertising budget is limited or vice versa, you can allow spending more budget if you need a certain amount of applications and sales.

Those. For example, here we can track down the dates on what day how much it was spent, how many leaders we have and how many price.

After analyzing data, you can understand what to do next.

For example, if we see that the CTR falls, then you need or change the audience, i.e. She could have satisfied with this announcement or increase the bid for clicking or transitions. What would the auction be more showing us.

Disadvantages of targeted advertising

Moderation Resource ads

When creating creative, it is necessary to take into account that the text in the picture should be no more than 20%. Otherwise, your announcements may not pass a modeling and will be rejected.

The need to continuously update advertising

The minus of targeted advertising is that we select the target audience and begin to show our advertisement, but over time we notice that CTR submits, this is mainly due to the burnout of the audience. In order to reanimate the audience, you need to show a new creative. Thus, you need to regularly monitor the indicators and respond quickly.

The need for personal setup for each resource

Tarated advertising in each social. Network needs to be configured again. Of course, the main points of the targeting setting are very similar, but in each social. Network, there are differences. For example, in Vkontakte, you can choose an audience for interests (limited number) and choose communities in which your target audience has. And on Facebook it is impossible to show advertising on certain groups, but on Facebook there is a very voluminous and diverse choice of interests, plus if you choose some kind of interest, then Facebook will select similar interests, it is very convenient.

Also in every social network of various reways creatives and must be taken into account.

What is the price of targeted advertising depends?

The more you wake up the audience, the higher the price of clicking, but you will show advertising to target users and it may bring more result.

Also, the system looks at the click of your ad (CTR), the more clicked your ad, the lower its cost. Try to make your ads better quality and pay for them much less.

If your ad has not yet been shown, then, for example, VKontakte takes the averaged CTR among other companies that have already spinning on these parameters and the price will be calculated from these conditions.

Usually, when you start a new announcement, the price for clicks and shows can be placed 10-20% less recommended and then when the announcement is started, to correct the price depending as often it is shown.

How to run from scratch, quick step by step guide to start in any social. network.

    Create akkut in social. networks or get administrator rights

    Select where to send users after clicking on advertising

    Set up targeting

    Write an ad text and insert creative

    Select the betting method and price rates

    Stop the day budget

The first stage of the start of the work of targeting advertising is monitoring to identify an interested audience from among potential customers. That is, a survey is conducted among users of online stores, what exactly is bought, on which sites, with what conditions, how is the purchase or order of services.

In parallel, we think where to lead our customers to the community page or site. But many customers have the site is not always convenient for order and the person switched to the site can distract or not understand how to make an order. Therefore, you can use the form of lidogeneration. When a person clicks on advertising it pops up a window with a specific proposal and the ability to send an application. In this case, the effect of distracting factors is minimized.

How to effectively receive leads and reduce their price,

How to start advertising on Facebook

Business page is your company page or personal brand on Facebook.

Without it, you will not be available to the most effective advertising formats. Therefore, it is necessary to create it.

This is our business page.

Create page You can literally in 2 clicks. This is enough to launch advertising. But I would recommend to arrange it first. It does not take much time.

After you have a business page, you need to go to the ADS Manader tab. To do this, click in the upper left corner on the pages and select the Ads Manader tab.

ADS Manager is a Facebook tool with which you can create advertising and manage it. You can:

    Touch the budget

    Check billing summary, payments history and payment method information

Let's start in order, with creating and setting up advertising.

Select the purpose of the advertising campaign

Choosing a goal, you say fb, what result from advertising you want to get.

On the this moment There are 3 categories that include 11 targets.

Consider all the goals more than more about what you understood when which goal and when it is better to choose:

    Brand recognition. As understandable by the title, this goal is needed in order for your company or brand to know people, and not everything is in a row, namely, from your target audience. It is best to use targeting on interests and hobbies in this case, so as not to spend the budget for non-target shows.

    Coverage. Advertising on the maximum number of people. Unlike brand's recognition, Facebook will not seek the most suitable for the interests of users - the announcement will be shown in a row. You yourself understand that such advertising will not always find a response from the audience, since many of your offer will be uninteresting. Best of all, this goal is suitable for mass market products and daily necessities, for example, toothpaste.

Lida - goals from this group are aimed at involving users to interact with your company.

    Traffic is the task of this goal - to provide a page or website with relevant traffic. Allows you to show advertising to those people who are more likely to be clicked on the link in the advertisement.

    Involvement - allows you to show advertising to people who will interact with your advertisement: to put likes, comment, click on the links, put "like" your page. For example, this goal is great for advertising important news or announcements of the event.

    View video - shows advertising to those who are more likely to look at your video. For example, you have the opening of the store, and it is best to tell about it with the help of video. Also be sure to set up targeting by location and others.

    Lida generation is the task of this goal - whatever people after the transition by reference in advertising filled their data in the form. But for this you need to offer them that something interesting, such as a 20% discount and limit the time of the action.

Conversion - goals from this group are aimed at getting sales / applications, both from new people and from those who already know your product and brand.

    Sales on the product catalog - allows you to download the catalog of products and show advertising depending on the actions of a person on the site: view the product card, adding to the basket, etc.

    Visiting points - shows advertising to people who can visit your company. This goal is ideal for shops, cafes, salons and so on. It allows you to cover people at a given distance from your sales point, and show ads that will help to get to this point.

Setting Targeting on Facebook

The basic parameters of targeting include: location, age and gender.

Targeting by location
You can customize targeting around the country, state or region, city, postal index, or even the address. In addition, you can customize advertising targeting on the audience within a certain radius around your company.

You can also choose multiple points at the same time - it is relevant when you have several stores or salons and you need to show advertising only near them.

Minimum area radius - one kilometer

    Age - gives a choice of age from 13 to 65+ years. The main thing to choose is correct and not mistaken with the extension or narrowing of the audience.

    Gender - allows you to choose men, women or both sexes to display advertising.

Look at the most profitable Central Asian groups in age and the floor and combine them. You can see for example in Google Analytics. Read more in my article how to do it. (About business analysis)

You can choose interest in 2 ways:

    Click on the "View" button

    Using a search string

After you choose the first targeting, you will have a tab, which recommends a similar Facebook on this interest.

It happens to give very interesting things to which it is difficult to guess.

If you choose a few interests, the system collects an audience under the condition "or".

If you add criteria in the "Enable People" field or "eliminate people", people will be included in your audience or people who correspond to at least one criterion will be excluded, and not everyone. Suppose you want to include people who:

    Interested in horticulture;

    interested in cooking;

    have children.

In this case, a person who likes to cook, but is fond of gardening and / or is not a parent, will be included in your audience. This is a targeting "or", since the audience will be made up of people who are interested in gardening or love to cook, or are parents.

If you need to narrow the audience, then you can enable or exclude only people who meet all criteria.

    Interested in gardening

    Click narrow the audience

    Turn on people who are interested in cooking

    Click Neck Figure

    Turn on parents

This audience will include only people who are interested in gardening and love to cook, and have children.

When you specify the audience, make sure not to make it too narrow. This may lead to the fact that your audience will be too small and therefore ineffective.

The next item is "links." You can choose only people associated with your group, an application or event. At best, you are taring advertising on friends who like your page.

Individually configured audiences are considered the most valuable, they include people who have already interacted with your company.

Create an individual audience for one of five directions:

After selecting the targeting to the right, you will see the size of the audience that Facebook found.

To control the specificization of the audience, use the "Audience Definition" panel to the right of the audience creation options. If the pointer is in the red part of the scale, expand the target audience.

If you have got a little coverage, then you can expand it by putting a tick "Expand Interests".

Choose advertising placement

You need to select the second option - "Edit Placements".

After that, select the devices where you will show ads:

    Only for mob. Devices

    PC only

Select the item you want and go to advertising places.

In total there are 12 types of plays broken into categories.

Here you choose the budget, the start date and the end date of the advertising campaign.

Facebook will spend the budget approximately equal parts everyday.

Advertising optimization

In this case, the goal was chosen - lidogeneration, optimization for each target is also different.

Select the setting method (rate amount):

Select the installation method, preferably a car, you will get the maximum result at the lowest price.

Type of delivery is the speed of your advertisement.

Creating an ad

Write an ad name and select the FB page from which you will run advertising.

Choose advertisement format

For the purpose of "lidogeneration", 4 formats are available:

    Slide show

It allows you to place from 2 to 10 images / video. Each image or video will contain a header and button.

Image aspect ratio: 1: 1

Text: 90 characters

Title: 40 characters

Allows you to create an ad with one image.

Aspect ratio: 1.9: 1

Allows you to create an ad with one video.

Video Parameters:

    Aspect ratio: from 16: 9 (landscape) to 9:16 (portrait)

    Resolution: from 720r

    File size: no more than 4 GB

    Video Compression Standard: H.264

    Format: MP4 or MOV

    Audio: AAC, 128 kbps / s

4. Slideshow

Slideshow parameters:

Then I choose the form of lidogeneration and keep an ad.

How to start advertising in instagram

In order to launch targeted advertising in Instagram, you need to have or create a business page on the FACEBOOK, because Setting up an advertising campaign occurs from the FACEBOOK advertising office.

Creating an advertisement in Instagram with Facebook - ADS Manager.

I signed this in the previous chapter.

The difference is only in the playments, i.e. In places of advertising.

In Instagram only 2 playt


Formats of announcements

    Slide show

The tape supports ad formats:

    Ring gallery (with 2 or more scrolling images or video)

    Slide show

In history, adware formats are supported:

How to start advertising on vkontakte

If there are no groups, then you create it if the group is there, then you ask you to give you the rights of the administrator.

Selection of announcement format

Vkontakte can be advertised different types Objects: Communities, VKontakte applications, external sites, as well as promote the records of your communities in the news feed. For each type, a selection of several most suitable commercial formats are available:

Carousel is an advertising card with cards. In each card, you can specify the name and short description, attach the image. Mostly used for the online store when we need to show 5-7 cards with a product so that a person can see not only 1 product when viewing the ribbon, and immediately somewhat and perhaps specifically something interest. And if you like it, it can go and order. Here you can specify here, the price of the goods, old and new, description of the goods and a link to the goods.

Universal recording - allows you to use all the possibilities of VKontakte: Add photos, video, survey, label on the map and much more. For example, you need to advertise the post from the group. We can take this post and use it within our advertising campaigns. If we have an interesting post and we will configure Targetyirg, and show it to the target audience, it stimulates people to order this product or service.

An entry with a button is a format when we can use a large picture and a button that will be guided by, for example, to the site, community or internally in VKontakte (for example: games, guests).

Appendix - You should choose to promote applications and games posted by VKontakte.

Community - With this format, you can run the promotion of the Vkontakte community: groups, events or public page.

Create a form of lidogeneration

If we have no site or the site is not adapted for the user, it is difficult to make applications, incomprehensible design. In such cases, I would advise you to make the form of lidogeneration and show to a specific proposal to users.

For this you need in our group

Then go to the community applications

And choose the form for collecting applications. If you do not have it there, then you need to add it from the list that is located below.

Go to the application window and create a new form

The open form must be fully filled, all fields are filled, immediately displayed on the right in the preliminary viewing form.

Fill over all tabs.

In the top, we enter the name of the form, it must be exactly the same as the name of your advertising campaign.

In the Description tab, write the title, description, select the cover, and write the name of the button.

privacy Policy (Enter the address of our site or page in VC), confirmation is the last screen that the user sees after sending its data.

Setting Tab:

Here you need to specify a pixel VKontakte if it is, if not, then I am in.

Set up a notice of new email applications

Allows you to receive notifications about the arrival of new applications on the specified email in real time.

    Highlight the checkbox option.

    In the Email field, specify one postal address.

After saving the shape.

In order to download Lida, you will need to click on the link (download) and the Excel file has the data file that you chose in the form of the Questions field.

How to use lidogeneration, and how with its help you can reduce the price of the lead ,.

Writing an ad

    Choose a picture, it must be the size of at least 537x240 pixels. More about why you need to consider the size of the image,

    Write a header text - Length can be from 3 to 80 characters

    Select the name of the button

    And create an ad.

Setting Targeting

VKontakte available various settings Targeting: geographical, demographic, interest, education and work. In the Interest Setup, you can choose a community or VKontakte applications, whose participants may be interested in your offer or, on the contrary, to exclude them. The counter on the right shows the number of registered users that correspond to specified settings And you can see your ad.

Setting up Repeggesting

The audience is a customizable VKontakte user base on which you can show your advertisements. The audience can be filled in two ways:

    by downloading the prepared TXT file from the pre-prepared file;

    get from the site with a pixel VKontakte.

Also after your audience is collected, you can make a similar audience. Using mathematical algorithms, the system selects users of VKontakte, whose behavior similar to those who have already visited your site and made a targeted action, for example, issued an order in the online store, downloaded the information brochure or subscribed to the newsletter.

About pixel and similar audiences,

Payment model, price setup

For community advertising, applications or an external site, you can choose the payment method for clicks (SRS) or for shows (CPM). Payment for advertising records in the community is different depending on the declaration format: recording with the button can be paid for shows or per clicks, for records without a button - only for shows.

Selection of sites

In the "Advertising Platform" item, select where you want to show ads. For advertising an external site, community and VKontakte applications, you can configure the announcements display only in VKontakte or Vkontakte and partner sites. To promote community records, you can choose accommodation on all venues, only on full version Site or in the mobile version and application.

When you select playgrounds and payment method, save your ad in an existing or new campaign.

After moderation, announcements will begin. You can edit the announcement at any time: Change description or image, transition cost, target audience settings. However, if you want to change the type of advertised object, the declaration format, a link to the site or payment method, you have to create a new ad by coping the previously created.

How to start advertising on mytarget

To create the first announcement, you need to register and log in to the

You can do it through the social network or through mail. Registered first in classmates. And then in mytarget

After that you get into your personal Areawhere you can go directly to the campaign setting.

Pay attention to the top menu. Here are all functional tabs that you will need to work with this site.

    "Banners" - you can watch general statistics on advertising campaigns;

    "Audience" - groups are created for targeting from the dattering bases;

    "News" - everything is clear here, it is desirable to follow them - innovations are possible in the service;

    "Profile" - clarifying settings;

    "Help" - this item should become familiar with this tab, the answers are collected for many of the questions for beginners.

Creating an advertising campaign

MyTarget will offer to choose an object that is advertising.

    Store - online store advertising based on dynamic remarketing technology. Dynamic remarking allows you to show advertising of certain goods or services to users who previously seen the pages of your site dedicated to the same goods or services. The feature of this technology is that the ads are created automatically. It works as follows: You add special code to the site page, create a price list, and configure the dynamic remarking campaign. After that, the advertisement will begin to the remarketing audience.

If you select not the object, then the system itself will indicate an error and prompted to choose from the correct option.

Each object determines the list of available formats, which formats are available for them and in which networks will be advertising, you will see on the icons on the left.

Main classifieds

    Multi-format placement

Multi-format placement is a relatively "young" format of mytarget advertising. Undoubted plus Is automatic ad generation. The advertiser needs only to download a series of images and enter the desired text.

Fill in the sequential fields of the "ad block".: Everything is very convenient and everywhere signed how many characters should be what sizes of the banner.

This format uses 3 sizes of banners! Call it when you give a job designer.

After filling the ad click on the Add Announcement button.

Which services work with the selected format you will see on the icons on the left.

For a tizer, add a header, text, image:

Marking announcement

UTM tags service can independently depart with campaign and announcement information. Or you can enter them manually.

Enable the "Use Attribution MYTARGET" option, so that the system correctly takes into account the conversion

Setting Targeting

    Paul - male or female;

    Age - You can choose any range from 18 to 75 years. It is a convenient setting if you clearly know what age group refers to your target audience;

    Age limit - will be required by the fact that the advertised product under the law is not suitable for all age groups;

    Birthdays - used for stocks, gifts, indicating the text of ads information about preferences for users, taking into account their birthday. Using this setting significantly reduces the audience ;;

    Interests - key parameter Your advertising campaign. MyTarget system allows you to very finely configure this parameter so that your ads see the most interested people. For example, you can choose motorists who like a particular automotive mark, for example: BMW;

    Education - the choice of users who have higher education or not;

    Employment - the choice of users who are currently employed or not;

    Marital status - the choice of users who are married or idols;

    Personal income - the choice of user groups by their income. MyTarget offers 5 such groups;

Audience - the ability to select only a specific audience. The audience is going different ways: Counters [Email Protected] , games and applications, groups in classmates, arbitrary user lists (user ID networks social networks, phone numbers, e-mail addresses, Android devices ID, device ID devices, etc.); You can create similar audiences (Look-Alike).

To do this, you first need to create an audience in the corresponding tab of the MT advertising office.

And then select it into the audience tabs in the targeting setting.

    Geography - the choice of the country, region and the city of the target audience.

It is advisable to show an advertisement for visitors to the event (conferences, fairs, concert), if among them your target audience. The method is suitable for shops in offline, coffee shops, fitness rooms, business centers, hairdressers, pharmacies, which, as a rule, choose "closer to home"

Declaration time

This settings block allows you to set the start and ending your advertising campaign. You can also set the display schedule of your advertisement, for example, that your advertisement is shown only everyday day and during working hours.

Price and audience coverage

To begin with, you must choose what you will give your funds: for shows or for clicks. The practice of many targetologists shows that paying the shows are extremely inefficient, so it is better to pay for clicks. There are other settings in the same block:

    Limiting the budget - here you can choose how much you want to spend money on this advertising campaign and what amount should be spent every day. The minimum value is 100 rubles;

    Auction rate - from setting up the "Auction Strategy" parameter depends on the auction MyTarget. The advertiser is offered to set to choose from:

The maximum number of impressions (clicks) - coverage and CTR increases by optimizing the cost of conversion;

Minimum flow - allows you to optimize the price with static coverage, you specify the CPM / CPC limit and, if the competitive environment allows, the system skips advertising at the lowest price.

Most optimal option Here - choose the "Maximum number of clicks";

    Budget Distribution - Here you can choose the rate of embezzlement of your funds.

    Uniform - your day budget will be gradually spending for a specified interval of announcements. Fast - the maximum coverage of the specified audience is activated and the means are spent very quickly.

Install the price per click or shows

The value of the rate is directly related to the likelihood of the auction win. Scale includes 3 zones:

    Red - minimal chances for display, bet below competitive;

    Yellow - showing along with competitors - the higher, the more often shows compared to competitors;

    Green - maximum audience coverage.

After all the settings are made, the optimal price is selected for your ads. Enter the name of the campaign and click "Create Campaign" after that your campaign is sent to moderation. If all OK - the announcement will start working.

New LEAD ADS format

MyTarget entered a new LEAD ADS format. The form automatically attracts the name, email and phone number from the social network profile. After pressing the button, the data comes to the advertiser.

Select the LEAD ADS tab in the settings - it is in the left control panel of your group.

To do this, create first to create the form of the LEAD ADS form.

And introduce the name of the form

Fill out all the fields in the form, parallel information is displayed in the form of the left, then fill in: Questions, Privacy Policy and SHODAGE.

We save shape (button at the top).

Now we have a filled lid form and link to it.

Go to our group and create a post.

When creating a post, we must necessarily need to select "Hidden" theme and an advertising link to insert a link to our lid shape.

After creating a hidden post, open it and copy it to the browser and go to myTarget to create an advertisement.

The placement of hidden posts and ordinary posts are no different from each other.

Configure a detailed targeting to the target audience, ad show, buddy. In this advertising product, payment is only for shows. After all configured, save the ads and after moderation, the ad will begin to appear.

To unload the lead, there are two ways:

    Sending leads to Email specified in the profile or during registration.

    Received Lida can be downloaded in the XLSX file in the campaign statistics. Click the "Download" button and select the "Lida on Campaigns" option.

Lida is downloaded in the form of Excel.


    We get a new account.

      Select the format (perfect - test all formats);

      Invent the text (title and description);

      Preparing images (in size, with text / without text)

      Select targeting settings

      Select payment settings and advertising schedule

    We ship on moderation

    We replenish the budget

    We collect statistics

Targeted advertising in the social network seemingly, what could be more effective? Everyone knows everything and know how. However, the questions still remain: why the results of the results are better than the context, why do you need tests, what is the Target format to choose? Andrei Kudryashov, head of the mobile and targeted advertising Adventum, answers them at once.

To bookmarks

SMM and Social Media Marketing, what is the difference?

Modern marketers often joke about the difference between SMM and Social Media Marketing. The first is usually associated with posts about cats and mass contests, and the second is called powerful Promotion and Sales ChannelAnd its main tool is targeted advertising.

  • SMM is more about creating content, work with a loyal audience
  • Targeted advertising is attracting new customers and increase sales.

In targeted advertising, all communication with users is personalized: the audience is clearly segmented, and separate messages are preparing for each segment. This tool can be safely called. effective Performance Channel. At the same time, the effectiveness of the campaign is estimated at specific figures, Depending on the results, you can (and you need) quickly and flexibly change the settings.

Now users do not need to go beyond the social network to find and buy goods. And they actively use this advantage: I was convinced of this thanks to the successful results of our last advertising campaigns.

Where is more Performance - in context or target?

Currently, contextual advertising is still the most popular performance channel. True, in my opinion, his popularity is just a habit: a stable canal, which from year to year brings results, despite the fact that competition and rates are constantly growing.

What is happening with the audience of social networks? Activity and number of users of social networks are also constantly growing. According to Aitarget, the number of active users of the Facebook social network in Russia in 2017 reached 15 million people per month, of which 6 million go to Facebook daily. The Monstagram's monthly active audience is even more - 30 million people. Audience "Odnoklassniki" in 2017 - 28 million people per month. In contact with At the moment, more than 97 million are used every month. According to TNS, the Russians spend about a third of the time spent on the social network.

  1. Low competition and clique value. For example, in the project of one of our customers from the real estate, we received 981 primary appeal using targeted advertising and paid for it 1.3 times less than if paid for it in context.
  2. A variety of advertising formats. Target is aimed at the same time to satisfy demand, and on its creation. That is, it solves the primary conversion tasks / sales, returns users by retargeting and at the same time carries the media component in itself - works on knowledge of the brand. As an example, you can mention the CANVAS format from MyTarget. We managed to test it back at the beta stage. Canvas works on a brand, allows you to convey the essence of the sentence and at the same time get a request from the user, without causing it to leave the social network to the site.

Contextual advertising is limited in tools and more satisfy the already existing user requests. Nevertheless, often an effective result can be achieved when combining both tools: targeted advertising and contextual advertising, constantly optimizing the campaign.

What to start if you chose work with target?

I would reformulate the words of the famous song so: "On the face is simple, complex inside." Despite the external ease of use, targeted advertising - a complex canal with large number functions, formats and settings. You should not consider it a minus, rather, this is a feature of target, which should always be remembered. In addition, almost every month new opportunities for using such advertising appear. An unambiguous leader in the number of innovations among the playgrounds is Facebook.

So my advice is for successful launch Advertising campaign you need to deeply examine the tools of targeted advertising, and then it is clearly concentrated in three stages:

  • Select the target audience for a specific campaign. It is necessary to accurately set up a campaign for each of the segments and choose suitable social networks under them, as the same networks work in different ways for each promoted product. For example, if we are talking about children's entertainment and holidays, MYTARGET will work more efficiently to promote, where we will look for different segments of moms / parents.
  • Preparation of the advertising announcement, creatives.One of the key stages, since all advertising on social networks is built on successful creatives. Ads must be clearly reflected by the ITP product. Of particular importance is the creative component, because it clings the user, makes it stops and read the ad.
  • Creating a landing page / Lida shape. Regardless of what decision you choose, a message on a lending or in the form of leads must correspond to the main translated audience of Messoy. In any case, the playground on which you are conducting a user with ads should be simple in perception and understandable.

How to work with each of the social networks?

Facebook, VKontakte, Instagram, Odnoklassniki - Each social networking has its own audience and its own characteristics. Before preparing media planners, the type of product and its audience should be examined, and then see what is best to go to Facebook, and with which in VKontakte.

It is important not to succumb to the prevailing stereotypes of the audience of some social networks.

A very common stereotype concerns classmates - as if there are housewives there, which do not buy anything and playing a farm for all day. On the example of one of our customers from the real estate, we were convinced that this is not the case, having received about 300 qualitative appeals from the site for a month.

Why spend time and budget for tests?

The lion's share of time must be spent on tests. In our experience, about 70% of campaigns will quickly burn out, that is, show a sharp decline in performance. Therefore, it is necessary to promptly replace them with new campaigns and have a stock of creatives for this.

To test each format, we start the order of 30 campaigns with various creatives, which are personalized for different segments of the audience. On this volume it becomes clear how well the tool works, and what creatives are the most conversion.

In tests, first of all, pay attention to the cost of conversion and their number, as it is not enough to simply bring cheap conversion. It is important to evaluate the possibility of scaling. A special stage is to study the quality of conversion. At this stage it becomes clear how much real sales client receives applications from those we have given. However, not all customers go to disclosure on sales. This is a question of dialogue and time with each specific client. If we talk about the financial component of tests, then approximately 30% of the budget takes.

The more creatives, the better, is it true?

I want to emphasize, the creative component is very important in Targyt, and the creation of only 1-2 creatives intended for all segments of the audience will be a mistake. For each segment (gender, age, profession, education, etc.) It is necessary to create its own creative.

Creatives for promoting the same object of residential real estate - ZILART LCD

The first creativity is designed for those who are used to living with high levels Comfort and can afford a lump-sum purchase of an apartment. The second creative is for those who can purchase an apartment in an advertised LCD only in the mortgage. Creative is based on a comparison of payments for a removable apartment and payments for the mortgage. In the third version, we focus on family peoplewhich are important parameters such as transport accessibility, kindergarten.

How to choose the most effective Target format?

It is constant tests that help to find the most effective formats in the moment, because not all new formats work well immediately on startup. For example, when only appeared Facebook Lead ADS. (Advertising to collect leads), along with high-quality applications there were many random: users did not understand why they fill the application form, and often did not even plan to buy. Over time we found optimal solution To work with this format: Added mandatory field to fill the field "What time can we call you back?" So users began to understand that they fill the form for a call, and we removed random applications.

Example forms. Do not overload the page to which it leads: it is clear enough to place the fields for the application or call

We also actively use video format in MyTarget. Today they give comparable with the same context or even lower cost of circulation.

According to MyTarget, the share of the cost of the video advertisement in 2017 compared to last year increased by 11 percentage points. Growth notice not only among traditional categories of advertisers video like "Auto", " Appliances and electronics, "FMCG", "Medicine and Health", but also other segments that are focused on Performance. These are "games", "E-commerce", " Software"," Jewelry and watches "and others.

How well the video format works, I think you yourself know! Here is one of the latest Facebook statistics, where it is clearly seen that the video is the most attractive format of communication in social networks. In addition, the video causes a stronger emotional reaction that increasingly involves the audience "LOVE" (+ 46%), "WOW" (+ 39%) and "haha" (+ 53%).

Involvement of users in various types of posts

Do not ignore the main formats in practice - standard banners in news feed, carousel, tizers, video in news feed and pre-rolls.

If you can use them, even the good old TGB (text-graphical block) can be applied as a lidogenerating tool if you link it to the form for collecting leads. Mechanics in this case are simple: for example, a potential client was on your site, watched the information, reached some page, but did not leave contacts and did not call. Then you can run TGB to retargeting and get its contact details using the TGB bundle + the form of the lead.

Target is not suitable for every direction of business, isn't it?

I am confident that none of the businesses should avoid targeted advertising. Social networks are one of the main points of entry of the audience on the Internet and not attend them is no longer profitable for any company.

We are more working with real estate segments, auto and insurance, where the main KPI are target calls - calls, applications. Many believe that the real estate sphere, like any segment, where the check exceeds a million rubles, is poorly converted in social networks. On the example of the clients with which we work, I see a completely different picture. We noticed that in real estate, targeted advertising works equally well on business class and on more mass facilities, where the cost of buying an apartment is at times lower. If in numbers, then an average client can get about 900 appeals worth about 3,500 rubles. For the month only from social networks. We are talking About the apartment of economy class. In the auto segment worth over 1.5 million rubles. The appeal on average costs 1,700 rubles.

For large business To accommodate targeted advertising in social networks on the test period in one month, the order of half a million rubles will be required. However, it all depends on the progressable product and the goals set by the Client.

Where to find targetologists?

Any tool will be useless if it is wrong to contact him. I note because Target and SMM - different methods Promotions, then you should not immediately force your SMM-locks to engage in targeted advertising. We need time to learn how to work with this tool. However, if a person has experience in SMM, it will be easy to teach Target. Targeted advertising is a very promising direction for youthHere young professionals often work. I think that it is easier for them to do this, as they essentially use social networks themselves and quickly pick up trends and "Haipes".

In my opinion, there are few specialists in the market. Professionally targeted advertising is almost anywhere. The best decisionwhich we have developed for ourselves - grow specialists within the company, teach them on their own. I usually work with newcomers as follows: I give a real project, which is comparable to the forces of the employee, for several days I look at how a person manifests itself, as he reacts to changes in campaigns, as the tasks of preparing creatives, as working with optimization. I always give feedback and recommendations, I will safeguard where it is required. Yes, it is stress for a beginner, but it allows you to quickly join the processes and start growing.


  • Be sure to be present on social networks as a brand, a company. This is not only a media channel that can grow knowledge about the brand, it is also a strong performance channel with a large solvent audience.
  • Decide on the purpose you want to achieve. This is the first step in solving each task.
  • If you choose between target and context and doubt, then change the habit and use target or combinations of these tools.
  • Observe the Stage: Target Audience, Segments, Creative, Landing Page. The development of each stage directly affects the next steps and the final result. The first stage is especially important, which is the initial point of the advertising campaign in social networks.
  • Test and test again.
  • Use new formats and do not ignore the old ones.

Advertising on social networks and contextual advertising - different things. You can not use the same means to get a good result and there, and there. Let's figure out what the difference and how nevertheless squeeze out of targeted advertising (advertising on social networks) maximum.

What is the difference between targeted advertising from contextual?

The fact is that contextual advertising is an advertisement, originally focused on a particular person who is now (while your advertising campaign is going) is looking for a product or service. In context, all ads are configured to certain key requeststhat user enters the user. In other words, work is carried out directly with the target audience, which, of course, unconsciously, but searches for you on the Internet. It's small: Personally pick up keys and make interesting ads.

In targeted advertising everything is wrong. We do not know what the user is looking for at the moment, why did he at all go to the social network, what he thinks and what is busy. There is no specific person who has the need for your suggestion, we are trying to find it and showing advertising, make the necessary actions.

In such a situation, the value is not only what our announcement will look, but also how the target audience will be configured.

Setting interest in Facebook

Setting the interests of VKontakte.

  • Another busy field to configure advertising on its target audience is retargeting. It can be used when you:
    • high traffic attendance (just set the code, and the system will automatically take into account users and show them advertising);
    • there is a list of addresses email or phones of their potential customers (unload them with a list into the system);
    • there is a list of identifiers (number or name in the address of user pages). This list can be obtained using special scripts (parsers). For example, cerebro Target, collect identifiers, users who actively commented on, put huskies, repostees in communities close to you on topics (the list will be formed depending on the script settings).

    Setting up retargeting VKontakte

  • You can try to create an advertisement and make all the necessary settings in order to determine your target audience as accurately as possible. And if there are difficulties in the development and launch of an advertising campaign in social networks, contact our specialists for help. We will make ads, let's go through moderation and launch shows. Only 2 days - and your advertisement will see thousands of potential customers!

    Contextual advertising is a tool rapid attraction client. Such an advertisement is promptly responsible for the hot needs of customers when they have an urgent desire to buy goods or purchase a service. Thus, a person wants to solve some task that is sharply in front of him at the moment. For example, he wants to buy a bike, enters the search engine Yandex or Google, introduces the request to "buy a bike", the systems give it relevant ads. The client chooses the favorite, which hooked him, calls the company. If everything arranged there, he buys the goods. If the client closed the site and went to look next, then here with remarketing marketers will entail it into their networks various promotions, discounts, sales until it returns to the site and does not make the right action.

    In the social networks, people are not looking for a product or service, they come there to relax, disperse, chat with friends. The percentage of searching for some product or service in the search bar of the social network is quite small. This is a passive audience. This is the main difference between contextual advertising from targeted, - that experts will have to interact with cold traffic. They will have to first interest the audience, prepare it for purchase, and then offer to buy goods. That is, in order to sell the goods to the user's social network, you must first study his way of life, the style of behavior, interests and hobbies, which operating systems Enjoy, whether it is often resting it. In case the client is interested in the proposal, but not bought, targetologists set up retargeting. it special function, similar to remarketing in contextual advertising, allowing you to catch up with "user," and remind him of buying a product.

    Click price: overpay or not?

    In most cases, the price of clicking in targeted advertising is much lower than in the context. If, for example, in VK, the number of clicking is from 2 to 10 rubles a maximum, then in Yandex Direct this figure is 10 times higher, depending on the chosen niche. (if you take a request " plastic windows"The cost of clicking is 2 500 rubles). Suppose you spent 1,200 rubles for advertising on a social network and received 4 clicks, in this case the cost of one lid is 300 rubles. If 1200 rubles spent in contextual advertising and received 2 clicks, in This case, the price of Lida amounted to 600 rubles. At all, it is not necessary to ensure that the conversion will be calculated on this principle, it all depends on the budget, niches, coverage and other indicators.

    Audience coverage

    The next weighty argument in favor of selecting targeted advertising is a great audience coverage. In contextual advertising, you can also increase coverage using the selection of copeful or low-frequency queries, but this will lead to additional costs or receiving non-targeted traffic.

    On social networks, you can promote narrowly specialized or complex products, test new items that no one knows about (in contextual advertising there will be no such requests at all), advertising consulting services or infobusiness services. One more important feature Targeted advertising - it provides ample opportunities for the segmentation of the target audience by age, by the date of birth, for the family position, in interest, by the formation of the ETD.

    In contextual advertising, it is fully analytical, creating and maintaining advertising campaigns implies constant analytical control. Targeted advertising requires more creative approach to writing ads and choosing pictures to interest the client click on the advertising message.

    In practice, it is better to test both options for advertising and based on the results of choosing the most efficient area.