Repairs Design Furniture

Characteristics of houses from the sip panels. Specifications, sizes and weight of sip panels. Key SIP panel parameters - dimensions, approximate prices, features

Cyp thickness panels: how to determine? The technology of manufacturing the sip panels and the construction of the residential buildings was developed in Canada. Residents quickly estimated the high heat shield characteristics of this wall material, the rate of construction and the relatively low cost of buildings. Most regions of Russia are located in climatic zones with low - up to 35 degrees of minus temperatures in winter and for the construction of housing requires materials reliably protecting in the strongest frosts. In addition, the walls with high heat insulating properties in residential buildings do not require an increase in the temperature of the coolants in the peaks of cold weather and thereby decreases the cost of heating. So what is the thickness of the walls for winter accommodation?

Modern SIP The panel is made under high pressure on the principle of a sandwich from two oriented chipboard (OSP) with a filler filler from the polystyrene. Easy polystyrene with numerous air capsules showed itself a very effective insulation and, the thicker it layer in the panels, the better the heat in the house is maintained, and the string of strength is given to walls, as well as resistance to weathering and mechanical impacts.

Manufacturers produce products of different linear dimensions and thicknesses, so developers have the ability to choose and buy a sip panel of the desired parameters. The thickness of the panels, taking into account the ten millimeter OSP, is 120, 170, 220 mm, and the OSP-12 is 124, 174 and 224 mm. The width of the wall panels is the same for all sizes and is 1 meter 25 cm.

What sip panels are reliable to protect

In the middle strip of Russia, frosts can reach 30 degrees, but walls from panels with a thickness of 174 mm are laid in projects for permanent residence, which is equivalent to a brick wall at 2100 mm. This is enough so that in the house it was always warm and heating did not require unjustified cash spending.

When building buildings above one floor, strong bearing walls are needed and then thick (224 mm) panel sip are used. , the cost of which is higher, but it is justified by construction technologies and safety standards. The panels of the same thickness, but a smaller width of 625 mm are used to mount the inter-storey floors, floors and insulated roofing structures.

Well, in the construction of summer cottages, attacks, cabins, households. Blocks quite justify panels with a thickness of 124 mm, they maintain comfortable heat in spring and autumn, and in the summer a pleasant coolness refreshes.

Planning a house from the panels, the project must be developed taking into account the appointment of the future building and, accordingly, to properly select the thickness of the materials for walls and floors. It is not necessary to overpay for too thick panels and save, choosing too thin products, but to stay on the optimal version. In the house built from the correctly selected sip panels, even long in winter, will be saved, comfort and maintain a comfortable microclimate.

SIP panels (sandwich panels) - this is one of the types of layered panels arranged by the type "sandwich", in which the layer of heat insulating material is between two the same in the size of wood plates; Designed for the construction of low-rise buildings of residential, public and industrial purposes (cottages, polyclinics, shopping pavilions, cafes, hotels, cabins, warehouses, garages).

What makes a sip panel

SIP. - This is an abbreviation from Structural Insulated Panel.which is usually transferred in the form of a little about what the speaking expression is a structural heat insulation panel. A more detailed translation allows you to immediately understand the assignment of sip-panels: Structural means "structural, construction", the phratet of Structural Panel - carrying an element, add insulate (isolate) and we obtain an idea of \u200b\u200bthe panel sandwich, as a complex construction product that can perceive the load and provide sound - and thermal insulation.

Such a definition is suitable, in fact, to many types of layered panels: with sheets of steel, aluminum, asbestoscertic, foil, magnesite, etc., but the term behind panels with external layers of wood materials was entrenched:

  • oriented chipboard OSP or ORIENTED STRAND Board (OSB)
  • fiber Plate Green Board
  • plasterboard sheet
  • hypus fiber leaf
  • plywood

Polyfoams are used as an internal heat insulating layer:

  • polystyrene foam
  • uretteen Foam (polyurethane foam or polyisocyanool)
  • phenol formaldehyde foam FRP-1 (mainly in enclosing panels)
  • mineral wool basalt (rarely)

In addition to the function of the insulation, the middle layer performs the structural task - rigidly fixes the folding plates strictly parallel to each other, thus enhancing the entire panel.

To date, the most optimal option for the production of SIP panels is recognized combination of OSB class 3 and polystyrene foam PSB-C (with antipiren).

OSB-3. It is a moisture-resistant chipboard with a hardening orienteering of wood particles (chips or chips). The polystyrene foam is one of the most effective insulation - 10 cm on thermal insulation replace 2 meters of brick masonry or 50 cm of wood. Being in almost airless space (seams between SIP panels are sealed), this foam does not lose its heat shield and strength properties for many years. Antipiren It turns it into a fire-fighting grade, which, when heated, evaporates, without highlighting harmful gases, and self-spout after removal of the source of ignition.

Manufacturers develop their own specifications on the SIP panels are either guided by existing, for example, TU 5366-001-54083838-2006 "Lilated panels", as well as various state standard, depending on the components used:

  • GOST 10632-2007 "Wood-chip plates"
  • GOST 8928-81 "Fibrolite plates on Portland cement"
  • GOST R 51829-2001 "Sheets of gypsum fiber"
  • GOST 15588-86 "Plates of polystyrene foam"
  • GOST 22546-77 "Heat-insulating products from foam FRP-1"
  • GOST 9573-96 "Mineral wool plates on a synthetic binder insulating"

Classification of SIP panels and manufacturing technology

In the form of the SIP panel, the description has fully corresponded to all types of panels - this is a flat-sized element, the length and width of which exceeds the thickness. The difference is that the external plates from the end sides protrude over the polystyrene foam layer (usually by 50 mm), forming a groove on the entire length of the end. Such a structural feature is necessary for fixing the panels on the strapping bars during the device of walls, overlappings or roofs.

Basic sizes, mm:

  • Length 2500, 2800
  • Width 625, 1250
  • Thickness 110, 120, 170, 200, 220, 270

including polystyrene foam 100-250 and OSP 10-12

Sip panel thick up to 120-124 mm applicable for internal partitions and external walls in single-storey buildings; over 124 mm - external walls, partitions, floors, inter overlap, roofing.

Production of sandwich panels with minvata, polystyrene foam or FRP-1 It comes down to the fastening of the inner and outer layers with glue and cold pressing (30 tons pressure per m²). Urethane foams are called fooled, since it is not used in the form of plates ready for gluing, but poured between fixed parallel to each other, where they foam and frozen.

Characteristics of SIP panels

Strength, kgf / cm²

The adhesion of the outer layers (with polystyrene foam and mineral wool insulation, respectively, should be at least):

  • with uniform separation - 1.8 and 1.5
  • when shift - 1.5 and 1.2

The SIP panel is able to withstand a vertical load of up to 10 tons and transverse - 2 tons per 1 m² (for the construction of cottages is enough 350 kg).

Volume weightkg / m³ Foamed polystyrene for sip panels is used by a density of 25, 35, 50
Thermal conductivity Plate, W / (M · ° С)
  • polystyrene foam 0.037 -0.04
  • mineral wool 0.047-0.07
  • urethane 0.028.
Violation of geometry OSB plate is not working and not deformed from temperature drops, moisture from entering, because it consists of chips, completely deprived of the deficiencies of solid wood. The breakdown of the log destroys the relationship of wood fibers, thereby removing the internal tension (which you can not say about plywood veneer). In addition, OSB-3 has increased strength due to the technology of forming chips into layers (particles of adjacent are perpendicular to each other), then pressed with + 200 ° C into a monolithic mass with a glossy surface.
Size exposure The OSB binding plate includes wax emulsion, eliminating without any additional bioprotection from fungus, mold, insect exposure
Shrinkage 0 It is missing - immediately after the completion of the assembly, the home complex can be processed to the external and interior decoration.
Water absorption Water absorption in 24 hours. PSB 0.5-2.1% and OSB-3 - up to 12%
Fire resistance The fibrolite panel, for comparison, refers to weakly thorough materials of the group G1. Houses from SIP panels correspond to III degrees of fire resistance - containing fire for 1 hour.
Cost from 1700 to 5500 rubles / pcs.
Sound absorption On the example of a polystyrene weighing 25 kg / m³: 44 dB with a thickness of the panel 148 mm, 56 dB - at 188 mm.
Maximum strokes of the structure 2 floors + attic.


  • Level strength constructions from SIP panels allows the houses to withstand hurricanes, earthquakes and other natural disasters;
  • Using SIP panels with PSB reduces power consumption 2 times compared with brick and concrete buildings and makes it possible to additional savings on the installation of less powerful heating, ventilation, air conditioning;
  • Due to such high energy efficiency, houses built by SIP technology, do not need additional insulationif seasonal temperature fluctuations are in the range from -50 to + 50 ° C;
  • You can buy at once the entire set of panels required for the construction of the house: for exterior and inland walls, floors, roofing, roofing, and lumber and other elements;
  • Easy assembly - if desired, having project documentation on hand, you can collect the house yourself;
  • House assembly with an area of \u200b\u200b120-150 m² on a pre-prepared foundation will take 10-15 days, a full cycle of construction (with finishing) - about three months;
  • Installation is made at any time of the year and without using heavy special equipment - weight 1 m² panel with a thickness of 164-224 mm is 18-20 kg;
  • Small weight designs device economic little minority foundation;
  • The use of high-quality source materials and strict compliance with manufacturing technology will provide environmental safety and long service life - 100 years or more.

Disadvantages of SIP panels

  • The obligation to apply the ventilation system;
  • The ambiguity of opinions and information about the new material for Russia for key issues: the strength and durability of SIP panels, environmental purity, the stability of the properties in time.


You can deliver the SIP panel to the construction site as in the packaged form (pallets, film, fixing the tape) and simple storage in the vehicle, while it should be closed, hard design, dry and clean.

SIP - panel - material for the construction of houses on frame technology. Thanks to the inexpensive cost and efficiency of the processes, the material is extremely in demand in the product market, but such popularity has its own circulating sides: neglect manufacturers offer low-quality products, which caused many myths around this piece material. It is worth understanding whether it is good at home from the sip panels, what is sip items and how to distinguish good products from bad.

What is SIP.

The structural-insulating panel consisting of two sheets of OSB along the edges and the core from the insulation is the material from which houses on the so-called Canadian technology are erected. Being a finished product produced in industrial conditions, the panels are fully prepared for the construction of the house, there may be different sizes, thickness and allowed the variability of insulating filling, which can be seen in the video material.

The fastening of sheet materials is carried out by adhesive composition, and it is necessary to comply with the technological features of the gluing: any pass is fraught with a violation of high-quality indicators of the finished product. That is why gluing is produced under a pressure of 15-19 tons, which allows the use of material not only for the arrangement of wall structures, but also as the slabs of overlapping, roofing.

Dignity and disadvantages of material

The advantages of the material are the following indicators:

  • High rates of thermal insulation. Characteristics of power saving SIP panels are noticeably superior to any other materials: brick, stone, wood.
  • Low weight, which allows you to do a more economical lightweight foundation for the construction of the house.
  • The efficiency of building processes is proved repeatedly: the panels are a large-format element and are assembled according to the principle of the constructor, without requiring the use of a binder mixture, concrete and other material.
  • All-season buildings: Weather conditions have little effect on the properties of products and installation technology.
  • Countering fungal and molded organisms.
  • Savings on the delivery of material, which is associated with a small weight of the structures.
  • Reduced cost of products compared with traditional materials.
  • Environmental safety: in high-quality sip panels are not used harmful substances.

In addition to all the advantages, panel elements have incredible mechanical strength, but they can be easily cut in any direction (this concerns only really high-quality material).

And now about the shortcomings, both fetched and real:

  1. Combustion. The correctly selected insulation, such as polystyrene, does not burn at all, if made of high-quality raw materials. In the composition of the adhesive mixture there are antiprene additives, and all connecting brushes need to be processed with flame retardant impregnation - the lack is easily minimized.
  2. Rodents. Neither mice nor rats eat polystyrene foam, which contains substances that scare these representatives. In addition, the faithful assembly makes access to the insulation inaccessible.

Important! The minimum discharge of phenols is easily overlapped by the final facade finish, so this problem is also solved in a short time.

  1. High noise threshold. Yes, the sound transmission remains the only drawback, unlike sound insulation - it is ideal. Therefore, you will have to think about additional measures so that noises penetrate the noise in the house.
  2. Drafts in places of compounds appear from improper build technology or seam passing, which are definitely necessary to marry.
  3. The need for ventilation organization, otherwise the house will turn into a "thermos".

Cons panels are sailing to advantages and breadth of application. For example, from the material you can build both temporary accommodation homes and mansions for permanent residence. In its seismic resistant qualities, the panels are much higher than any other material, and if you choose a high-quality product, then floors and even roofing are easily designed.

Types of sip panels

  1. OSP, PPS, OSP is one of the most common standards of the European panel. The plate is 1.25 m wide, 2.5-2.8 m long with a thickness of the cladding and insulation in the amount of the thickness of the panel, which is for the sheets of PPS: 100, 150, 200 mm, and OSB is 6-25 mm. Manufacturers most often apply a chipboard of thickness 9, 12 mm, and the size of the finished products are variable and depend on the application, for example, for roofing works and the slabs of the overlap are manufactured by narrower elements (625, 600 mm). When compliance with technology, this standard model is able to withstand the load of 10 tons of vertical format and 2 tons of transverse format. The weight of the panel size (mm) 2500 * 1250 * 174 is 56 kg.
  2. CSP, PPS, CSP - the size of this sip panel 1.2 width and length up to 3.0 meters. Refers to the class of flammability G1, weight 120 kg. Experts argue that the use of these elements in construction allows you to get a house, it is not inferior to the functionality of aerated concrete blocks, but the panel sip is cheaper and more practical, and also easier by weight. But there is a disadvantage - fragility. In addition, this type of product is slightly higher than standard panels.
  3. SML, PPS, CML are the panels in which the glass magnetic sheet is used, therefore, with sizes of 1.22 * 2.44 m, the weight of the element is 68 kg. Distinctive quality - reinforcing layers, which is why the stove has high strength rates. Moreover, the CML does not burn (assigned the class NG), they are simply saw, it is easy to scoring nails, finishing and have excellent adhesion to all construction plaster. The use of elements of class "Standard" for inner wall partitions is shown, but the premium class is ideal for the arrangement of external walls. Minus is an aggressive exposure to the external environment.
  4. OSB, MB, OSB - Panels with Minvata as a heater have classic standard sizes, but the width of the insulation cannot be more than 150 mm, which means that the finished product is not temperate in 174 mm. Environmentally friendly Minvati is confirmed, but the weight is much more than that of other insulation. Density of material 115-150 kg / m3, panel weight up to 90 kg, so the material is used quite rarely to build a private houses. Often manufacturers replace OSP on the CML, reaching exceptional fire safety products, but the weight will be 110 kg, and the price takes off to heaven.
  5. OSB, PPU, OSB - element also having standard dimensions with a layer of insulation in 60 mm. Name the design of the sip panel is difficult, since the technology is very different from the regulated one. Polyurethane foam is much stronger than polystyrene foam, but the use of a product in large quantities is financially expensive, so it is rather an exception to the rules, for example, if an extremely thin layer of insulation material or construction is carried out in the regions with high humidity, and therefore the use of polystyrene is not recommended.

Characteristics of sip panels

Standard dimensions, as already mentioned, are the parameters of which: height 2.5 meters, width 0.62-1.5 meters. It is from the elements of the data of gradations simply and quickly collects any design. As for the thickness of the sip panels, the variability of indicators is allowed:

  • for external walls 150-200 mm;
  • for internal partitions 50-70 mm;
  • for roofs and overlap 100-200 mm.

The panels for the arrangement of external bearing structures are selected taking into account regional temperature indicators: the colder in winter, the thicker should be the wall. Research and experiments have shown that with a width of polystyrene foam in 100 mm, the resistance of the heat transfer was 2.7-2.8 W / ms, which is the norm on the SNiP. An increase in the thickness indicator increases the number of resistance. For example, a brick wall with a heater of 400 mm (Minvat) issues a resistance indicator of 2 W / ms, which is significantly lower than the sip element of the standard size.

Products with a cross section of 224 mm are excellent and other parameters:

  1. Noise insulation 75 dB, which exceeds all known indicators of popular building materials.
  2. The transverse pressure of the panel of 1.5 m is 150-250kg / meter.
  3. Longitudinal pressure of 8-10 tons. For example, you can imagine a three-storey stone from a stone, the first floor of which is made of sip panels - the plates perfectly withstand even such a load.
  4. Energy saving. Heat loss is 0.035-0.042 W / m2. For example: a stroke element of 1664-170 mm thickness is able to replace the brick wall, the size of which is 2.3 m or concrete with an indicator of 4.5 m (thickness).
  5. Foundation. For the construction of the house from the panels, the pile, a ribbon small-breeding foundation is suitable, and all because the stove has a small mass.


The layered panels are made from various materials, but the term SIP most often denotes that it is:

  • oriented chipboard;
  • plywood;
  • hypus fiber;
  • plasterboard;
  • fibrolite stove.

As for insulation, they can also be different:

  1. polystyrene foam;
  2. fiberglass;
  3. polyurethane foam;
  4. minvata.

Most often found polystyrene foam, which has the following advantages:

Having understood what kind of sip panels, realizing the sizes of SIP panels, it is worth taken into account some practical tips for choosing high quality products:

  1. With the difference between the overall dimensions, this material is made using the OSP of the Canadian manufacturer's slab, and the material is significantly inferior to the Characteristics of the OSP-3. Recall that the standard sizes of sheets of OSP 2500 * 2800-3000 * 1250mm.
  2. The visual inspection revealed the chip delay or the looseness of the structure is unsuitable.
  3. The sip size of the panel differs in the thickness of the insulation, require certificates of conformity, otherwise such a retreat from the standard can talk about saving the manufacturer on insulating material.
  4. The pruning of polystyrene is needed to set fire, it must turn no longer than 4 seconds after exposure to the open flame. If less - the insulated insulation in the panels of this manufacturer is a flammable material and to build houses from such a material it is better to refuse.
  5. The sharp smell of burning insulation or plate is a reason to be alert, as GOST does not allow the inclusion in the composition of the raw materials of harmful substances allocated during burning.

And, most importantly, good material can not be suspiciously cheap. Good understanding the varieties of sip panels, dealing with what it is and which products are needed for construction, it will be easy to buy really high-quality and practical material.

Widely used when erecting low-rise buildings for household, public and housing needs. Of these build small shops, cafes, warehouses, garages. The largest residential buildings with their use are two-storey with an attic. Knowing the sizes of the panels, calculate the required amount of material.

Method for the production of products

Building structures have a sandwich structure: the heat insulating layer is placed between the two sheets. They, in fact, can be from any material, but the term SIP panel fixed the products, the outer layer of which is made of wood. To be accurate, it is not a clean tree, but the sheets produced based on it.

These include:

  • oriented chips, which are indicated by the OSP abbreviation (OSB);
  • plasterboard sheets;
  • fibrolite plates;
  • plywood;
  • hypus fiber sheets.

Different foams are used as an internal filler:

  • polystyrene foam;
  • foam of urethane foam;
  • phenol formaldehyde.

Occasionally, as the insulation of the sip panels, use mineral wool.

The middle layer not only insulates, he toughly connects the whole design. Thanks to him, the slabs are located strictly parallel to the specified sizes. Such separately neutral material enhances SIP.

Practice has shown that the most successful combination is the use of OSP 3-th class plates with expanded polystyrene. The chips or chips in the outer material are oriented in such a way that the sheet strength increases. Polystyrene foam is one of the most efficient heat-insulating materials. All components of building products correspond to GOST.

The internal and outer layers of the sandwich fasten with cool pressed glue. The sip of the panel with polyurethane is made on a slightly different technology. According to GOST, the urethane foam is poured between fixed plates and is frozen.

Waterproofing for sip panels is provided by water treatment plates in the manufacture. To give additional protection to the external walls of the house, various technologies are used, the simplest of which is painting. To enhance the waterproofing of roof overlapping, roofing materials are used.


The form of products of any manufacturer is the same - this is an element of large size, which in length and width is much longer than the thickness. SIP ends protrude over the insulation layer. The formed groove serves to fix. Fastening the overlap or SIP sandwiches on the floor is carried out in the same way.

Industry produces standard products, focusing on GOST. Also building companies are developed by technical conditions for its own production. The components used in the manufacture of the SIP correspond to GOST.

Dimensions are different. Basic SIPs, having:

  • in length 2500-2800 mm;
  • in width of 625-1250 mm;
  • the panel thickness has fixed indicators in accordance with GOST.

The dimensions of the products manufactured are determined by their assignment. SIP panels are used for walls, roofing, overlap. Basic are used in the construction of vertical structures at home. For the roof or overlap, the panels are used with a width equal to half the base.

The thickness of the product in accordance with GOST also defines its purpose. For a single-storey house, used as the material of the outer walls and SIP partitions, which have a thickness of 120-124 mm. Thicatus are used for inter-storey overlap, roofs, floors and walls of a two-storey house.

The design of the panels of panels is in its intended wall, capable of withstanding longitudinal loads. Use for overlapping is due to good bending strength. Boxes are used for greater rigidity. Floor overlap and inter-storey in this case become even stronger.

GOST, except sizes, defines other minimum SIP panel standards:

  • strength;
  • thermal conductivity.

The undoubted advantages of building material make it possible to effectively use it for the construction of the house.

The sip of the panels are used in the construction of buildings with a small number of floors and rooms of household, social and residential. For example, most often from the sip panels are built cafes, garages, shopping stores, households, or warehouses. Knowing sip-panels, you can calculate the consumption of material during construction.

Classification of panels

The panel sip is a large-sized flat element with a width and length, noticeably superior thickness. In other words, the sip panel is a thin plate of wood. Her difference from the "fellow" is that the outer plate from the end performs, about 5 cm, representing a groove on the whole end. This design is simply necessary for the correct and reliable fixation of the panel on the strapping bars during the construction of walls, roofing or overlap. Please note that the sizes of the panels are different, but there is also the most popular, that is, the basic (in millimeters):

  • width from 625 to 1250,
  • length 2500 to 2800,
  • thickness, as a rule, standard - 110, 120, 170, 200, 220, 270.

Panels with a thickness of up to 120-124 mm are usually used in buildings with one floor or for internal partitions. If the thickness is more than 124 mm, they are usually used for overlap between floors, for floors, external walls, roofs, partitions.

It is worth noting that there are various sizes of the panels, depending on the purpose, i.e. Roofing, wall or overlap.

Usually, panels are used for overlappings or roofs, the width of which is equal to half of the standard size - it is 600 or 625 mm.

Panel characteristics

When choosing a sip panels for building a house, you need to know not only about the size of these panels, but also about some of the most important characteristics, among which, strength, weight, etc. Consider them in more detail.

The thermal conductivity of the plate is measured in W / (M * 0 C) and varies depending on their filler:

  • urethane (polyurethane foam) - 0.028,
  • mineral wool - 0.047-0.07,
  • polystyrene foam - 0.037-0.04.

Naturally, the tougher weather conditions, the less heat pipes there should be a sip-stove.

It is necessary to pay attention to the strength measured in kgf / cm 2. The panel strength is manifested in the reliability and clutch fortress outer layers:

  • when shear is 1.2 or 1.5,
  • when separating uniformly - 1.5 or 1.8.

It is worth noting that the SIP panels can withstand a vertical load to a maximum of 10 tons, and transverse - up to two tons per square meter, and during the construction of cottages it will be quite enough about 350 kg.

Volumetric weight expressed in kg per meter cubic, as a rule, can be equal to 25 and 35 to 50 kilograms. Note that when making panels, foamed polystyrene is used, which can withstand heavy loads.

An important advantage of panels is that they are not a shrinkage, and this suggests that after completing the assembly of the walls, you can immediately begin inner or.

As for various diseases, the panel sip is not afraid of mold, the effects of insects and the appearance of the fungus, and all because the composition of the OSB plate includes wax emulsion.

Many are also interested in sound insulation and absorption of moisture. So, we will pay you, during the day, the PSB stove absorbs from 0.5 to 2.1%, and the OSB-3 plate absorbs up to 12% moisture. Sound isolation is also decent - if you use a polystyrene, the weight of which, for example, 25 kg per meter cubic, then the sound up to 44 dB with a panel thickness 148 mm is not terrible, and if the thickness of the panel is 188 mm, then up to 56 dB. As you can see, everything directly depends on whether the sizes of the panels are.

Also, you should pay attention to whether the sip panel is stable before fire. Do not believe those who say that the material does not burn at all, because it is not true. Even if it is impregnated with specialized compositions, it will not help anyway. The panel sip has a third degree of fire resistance, that is, they can hold back the fire for an hour, and therefore belong to weakly thorough materials.

You still need to pay attention to what the maximum stroke of construction when using these panels. Everything, of course, depends on what sizes of panels, but the maximum can be built two floors and attic.

Disadvantages of SIP panels

When using sip-panels, it is necessary to have a ventilation system, because they practically do not let the air, at the same time, passing the large percentage of moisture. It is still unknown, as far as they are durable, environmentally friendly and durable.

In addition, there are some delivery problems. The panels are best transported in the rigid, clean and dry surface. Although there are advantages in it, they can be transported in a closed container or body and not in a packed form, but it is important that the place is not wet and not dirty.

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