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How to attract the success of personal life. Meditation for attracting good luck, luck. How to correctly read strong mantras to quickly attract money

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Magic money refers to white magic. It reduces the effect of negative factors and increases the impact of positive, especially those related to money. In the past, people trusted magic more than today. Virtually every life process was associated with various rituals, whether it is a purchase of a cow or a wedding. For what? To combat evil forces and with the blessing of good strength.

White magic was more revered and widespread than black, since its leading function was protected.

Magic money in White Magic took not the last place, as it was from her that the well-being of a family and a person depended separately.

Monetary magic is divided into:

  • Monetary conspiracies;
  • Prayers; Spells;
  • Amulets; Neighborhood;
  • Special rituals.

The most popular in magic money is conspiracies, helping and telling how to attract good luck and money. Most often, they enjoy trade workers, businessmen and ordinary citizens on the eve of large transactions or purchases.

Simple conspiracy for money

Go to the market or to the store, buy something or sell, getting paid or delivery, say to yourself:

"In my wallet your money, your treasure is my treasury. Amen".

Conspiracy for Money for New Moon

On the first day of the New Moon, at 24:00 go out to the road, taking with you 12 coins. Substitute coins under the shine of the moon and say 7 times:

"All that grows and lives, multiplies under sunlight, and money under the light of the moon. Money, grow, set, add. Me (name) enrich, never forget. May it be so!".

Clean money in the fist and do not open it until you come home, where put them in your wallet.

To find money

If you urgently need a large amount of money that follows from someone, and even better to find a conspiracy on the green candle. Write your name on the candle and the required amount, then lubricate the candle with vegetable oil, after cutting into the basilica powder and set fire to the words:

"Money comes, money grow, money in my pocket will find!".

Green color plus power plant - what you need to achieve effect

To be returned

If you lent money and you will not be returned to you, try to call for the help of magical forces and fulfill the next ritual and conspiracy to refund.

"I send to the slave of God (the debtor's name) why he burns him and bakes, from the corner chasing his corner, the bones of Bella breaks, let's not eat, let him not drink a chista, rest does not give rest, the debtor does not give; As long as the debt will not be abreg me. "


Here is another effective conspiracy on the return of debt. Remove the freshly bought cow oil, take it into the right hand, smear the aspen board, saying:

"The oil will hurt, and you, God's slave (debtor's name), you will grieve a heart, root, soul, soul, and the brains suffer. All about what I should (the author's name) duty to give. Amen".

Throw this board into the house of the debtor.

Braided magic cord

Help become more successful and lucky, as well as to seek the fulfillment of intimate desires, maybe a talisman for luck, made with your own hands is a magic cord (braid of colored threads).

Multicolored talisman works perfectly provided that the performer has invested his promise

Take thick threads and gossip the braid. From the color of the thread depends the task set before the amulet. You can choose several colors or one at the same time.

  • Green thread - wealth.
  • Red thread - love.
  • Yellow thread - health.
  • Blue thread - achieving goals.

Weeping a pigtail, connect its ends together, the resulting bracelet wear on the ankle left for good luck.

How to attract luck and luck

Take a saucer, pour 3 tbsp in it. Salt spoons, from above as much sugar, and after the same amount of rice. In the resulting slide, stick the open English pin and leave so for the night. In the morning, stick the pin to your clothes so that no one has seen it, and boldly go to work.

Conspiracy for good luck with money

This conspiracy is made to a new shiny coin. Take her in hand, placing between the palms folded as in prayer and tell the following words:

"That happiness prevented completely blowing down,
I attract money and good luck to your house. "

Aromamagia is infrequently used for attracting certain energy

You can repeat the ritual three times, but every time using a new coin. Conspiring coins should be attributed to the nearest intersection and leave there, only so that no one has seen.

Chinese ritual for luck

This ritual can be repeated at least every day, the main thing at the same time is in the good location of the Spirit.

Put on the table three any candles and flavored wand. Candles will burn, and with a wand, go around the room clockwise, saying:

"I opened the door and called good luck to my house,
To live with her, happiness, making money. "

The wand unlike the candles that can be extinguished, should be exhausted to the end. As soon as the chopstick, the new band will begin in your life - bright, lucky, rich in events and finances.

Conspiracy for good luck

On the day of signing an important agreement or contract, as well as solutions to working issues affecting your destiny or the fate of your company, stand up at dawn and looking at the ascending sun, smiling Tell me:

"The sun, you are from the sky to people of Sveti, our warmth of the earth-Mother Dari.
I donate good luck to me how I managed.
Sun, you are the life of the earthly source, you light bright and heat stream.
I give the success to become luck of everyone! "

Talisman for luck

Purchase agate crystal, wash it under running water, burn the candle and in front of it, keeping the future mascot in your hands, say:

"From evil to protect and live help,
I am happiness with luck in all bring. "

Agat is great in nature and energy

The candle should be paid off, and the agate is conspired to wear with you. As soon as the agate cracks or disappears, it should be replaced with a new one, since the previous protective function performed.

Conspiracy from poverty

This conspiracy is hard, since it is necessary for him mushrooms taken from the walls of the old hut. Mushrooms are removed and put in a handkerchief that hides in his own home. But before hiding the nodule on it, spelling such words three times:

"How the hut has hooked mushrooms,
Let my hut robbery riches.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

You can not talk about the rite anyone and never tell everything will return to the circles, namely, you will overcome the same poverty from which you once got out.

If money has ceased to be found

On Saturday, go to the bazaar and look for the money crushed by people. All you can find, fold into a new wallet. Leaving the market, throw the wallet up and tell me:

"Someone sowed, and I found,
So that for me all the money went.
The word is blessing,
All money is attached to himself.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen.

To live in

Conspiracy is read on the first day of the new moon, shaking the wallet:

"A rich merchant goes to visit me,
He carries me a darity of the precious casket,
The merchant is the whole of Chien and very rich,
Anyone will be a guest is pleased.
Purse merchant gold rings,
Silver threshing thunder,
Let my wallet also ring rings
Silver's money threatens
On me, all of the forest burns and sparkles,
Now and always, at all times.
Lips and teeth, key and castle.
These words to open no one could. Amen. Amen.

In our life, many events happen precisely because someone was more lucky than we ourselves. Therefore, if you want to attract a clock of luck, then you may need some fundamental ways. For example, the use of talismans or amulets, the correct setting of your thoughts. Other methods can also be applied. However, little knowledge about, and luck. Sometimes it is necessary to use practical magic rituals for this. We will talk about all this in our article.

Attracting good luck with the help of thought

One of the main ways to be the luck can be the right attitude. Yes, yes, there are a number of positive affirmations, repeating which, you can turn the fortune under the angle you need. You can use ready-made phrases (like "I am in full harmony and enjoy your life") or make them yourself. If you tend to last option, then consider some recommendations.

  • All affirmations must call you positive feelings and entry to go on the selected way.
  • In compiled phrases, it is necessary to use the pronoun "I", "me", "me." By this you associate yourself with a positive picture.
  • All affirmations must assume the present. You seem to show that you already have it, and the universe is adjusted to your desire.
  • Do not use long affirmations, they should be easily remembered, and you need to repeat them as a mantra.

It should be noted that any formulas for good luck should be repeated in a good mood, and you need to start with a small amount of phrases. Do not learn from work, the main thing here is the regularity.

Magic methods to attract good luck

There are different ways with which you can attract good luck in your life. We will look at them just below. In addition to using various affirmations, we should know how to attract good luck and luck in your life with the help of magic. It can be a personal amulet or talisman, which specifically spoke, as well as simple rituals and rites. Knowledge of some rules and signs that can how to attract good luck are and unscrew it from you.

So, if you equip your life in the right way, using all knowledge, as well as applicable to several strong rituals, you can fundamentally change the situation in your favor.

How to attract good luck while studying

Perhaps one of the most famous methods of how to attract good luck and luck in studies is to use a conspiracy on a special button. The ritual himself is pretty simple. You will need a button with that clothes that you most often wear school or institute. Cut it.

Next, felt the candle and hold for a few seconds over the flame of this button. Then throw it into the flow water, and after a while, remove it. Now you have to pronounce a special conspiracy, which will achieve success in school.

After pronouncing words, sprinkle with sugar and shake it. The element can be sewn into place where it was before. Now this clothes can not be worn week, and you need to eat sweets during this time (honey, jam, sugar). Then post this costume, turn it well and we carry it for a whole week every day. Only after that you will gain a powerful talisman for study.

Signs and beliefs for successful exam

Obviously, each of us once passed the exam. Few faulties at the same time excitement. Of course, each used to attract good luck various ways. They were not always effective, but enjoyed great popularity. So, consider how to attract good luck and luck on the exam, using signs.

  • Immediately before the exam, you do not recommend washing your head (so as not to wash the knowledge), as well as paint, cut your hair, shave.
  • At night under the pillow, you need to put the main textbook for which you are preparing.
  • When you get together in the morning, put in the shoes in a penq or a paper bill with a face value of five rubles.
  • To the class where the exam is surrendered, you need to enter the right leg.
  • Grab your happy talismans and amulets with you (they are individual, so do not let them go anyone). If you have a happy blouse, skirt, pants or even a belt, then wear it without thinking. Excessive luck does not hurt.

Now consider how plots act. Sometimes they require not to come at all about the signs. For example, you can wash on the day of credit or exam head, but after that it follows the magic words three times:

"My head is clean, my mind is clear, my mind is bright. I know everything, I understand everything, I solve everything quickly, I answer all questions. With any task I will be luck. Amen."

This plot is considered rather strong. Of course, he will not put knowledge of the knowledge, especially if there are no there, but systematizes them and will make it easy to respond to the teacher's questions.

Good luck at work. What to do for this?

Even simple workers who do not have their own business, but go to work daily, it does not hurt the toliary of luck. It is possible that it will give them the opportunity to improve their welfare and position. So, consider how to attract good luck and luck in working with a conspiracy. He needs to talk on that day when you need to do something very important.

To do this, get up at dawn and, depending on the sunrise, say the following words: "Sun, you are from the sky to people of Sveti, our warmth of Mother Mother Dari. I donate good luck to my work, so that the Sun, you are the life of the earthly source, you are the light of bright and heat stream. I give the success to become lucky! "

Good luck in business. Proven methods

If you have your own business, then you just need to know how to attract good luck and luck in affairs. Here you can use various conspiracies and amulets that will contribute to this.

So, take a small bag of small size and count in it ten chips of the basil, three chips of a large salt. Prepare dried peel from three apples, erase it into powder and fold into the bag. Add three copper coins and one white. Then read the conspiracy for good luck: "Affairs behind, things ahead, profit in the middle". The bag must be hung where you are doing your affairs. Read this plot at the beginning of each week, while dealing with the hands with the hands with the contents.

For men, you can make a wonderful talisman, which will provide good luck in business and business, as well as in gambling. To do this, you will need to take three laurels purchased on Wednesday. Also purchase to remember three words: Zaaks, Mufaoks, Kramor. Now, on each of the laurels, you need to write one of the listed words. Then fold them together and bind the thread of brown. This kind of talisman needs to wear with you, if you need luck on this day.

Minerals to attract good luck

Lucking can bring different items, and some are simply adapted for this case. Consider how to attract good luck and luck with the help of precious and semi-precious stones.

  • Aventurine. This is a fortune stone, putting on which, you can attract an incredible amount of luck.
  • Olivine You can wear it if you need good luck in new endeavors, as well as in finding work. Use it as an amulet to protect against fire, theft and other any damage or deprivation of property.
  • Lapis lazuli. This stone will bring good luck in love, and also helps to choose the right and right path in life. One of the properties of the Lazarith is the purification of negative energy and transform it into a positive one.

Objects that bring good luck

If you want to know how to attract good luck and luck in your life, you should use all the means. For example, surround yourself with objects that are undoubtedly bringing only good. Below will be reviewed by the list.

  • If you need good luck in love, then you should wear with you the wedding ring of your mother, happily lived in love, or another similar subject.
  • Purchase money in your home, then you will certainly be brought in money.
  • Buy a picture or poster with a unicorn. This is a beast of good luck, which he can give you.
  • From living beings, the luck brings a fish - American Cikhlid, as well as a black cat (in many countries it bears exactly good luck, and not vice versa).
  • Horseshoe. This is the most universal subject for good luck. By the way, you don't need to take care of her at all, the main thing is to place in the right place.

How to attract good luck and luck in the house with a hairdry shui

Good luck is necessary not only in affairs and love. Sometimes that luck came, you need to change something in your home. Therefore, we will look at how to attract good luck and luck with the help of Eastern teaching Feng Shui. The most important thing is that it implies this direction - free circulation of energy in your home. What should I do for this? Consider more.

  • First of all, you need to clean the house from the bumps and unnecessary things. All this creates energy stagnation, which destroys your chances of success and luck in any affairs.
  • Make sure your windows and doors are lit. Your house should freely penetrate the sunlight, and you should easily enter it.
  • Look at the location of your bed. If you sleep with your back to the door, then stop your sleeping place. It is such a position that disperses your luck and health.
  • Mirrors, which are placed in the bedroom behind the back of bed or opposite it, repel good luck and bring misfortune.
  • Use different types of energies to achieve a balanced state in your home (for example, you can harmoniously use fountains or live plants by placing them in the right places).

Signs and rules for good luck

Now we will look at some rules that will tell about how to attract good luck and luck. What do you need to do for this?

  • Your kitchen table should not be empty. Be sure to cover it with a beautiful tablecloth or a napkin. Otherwise, you will not have good luck in profits.
  • Wipe the table follows a rag that has untreated edges.
  • Try to sew the domain of small sizes, and after spending a ritual of donation with him. Domotovenka needs to give a name, as now he will be your good luck talisman.
  • Luck in your house will be able to bring a monetary tree. Care for him if it will grow well, then you will be accompanied by luck.
  • Do not forget about magic talismans. It is with their help that you can attract a little more good luck.
  • Also do not take care of the various charms. The constant wearing of them in his pocket or purse will make you more successful.

Prayer help for luck

If you are a believer and conspiracy with amulets you do not fit, then you should know how to attract good luck and luck in your life with the help of God. This will help you with various prayers that will be able to protect you from negative and send fortune to the right direction.

Turning to his guardian angel with a prayer, it should be very clearly formed its desire. First pray with faith in the heart, and then ask you that you really need.

You can also refer to Nikolay the Wonderworker, who is considered the patron of merchants, sailors and children. He pray to Orthodox worldwide, hoping that he will hear and the desire will be fulfilled.

The treatment of a prayer to Matron Moskovsk will also help to cope with the troubles that have arisen in any field of your life. Say a prayer to her, and then tell me about your need, about what you need good luck. You will definitely be heard.


So now you know how to attract good luck and luck in your life, using completely different ways, those that are suitable for you. Do not be afraid to experiment, because luck in large affairs requires serious training. Believe, and luck will come to you!

Good luck is the possibilities and chances that fate sends. Due to luck, you can improve your own life, get a reward or desired increase. In the concept of luck, each invests its meaning.

Properly attract good luck to the man and a woman and a woman. Good luck gives strength to confront difficulties and find a way out of difficult situations: every successful worker and a lucky player can be lucky.

Importance and necessity

Good luck is a guarantee of success. The ephemeral concept is found in instructive fairy tales and stories: the more the person is successful, the easier it is to find his place in life. With good luck, prosperity is associated with gambling players and those who are used to risk in matters. Good luck needed to people who are looking for a soul mate.

Proper to attract good luck to the atheist, the Magu or the believer. Many ways to attract luck, magical rituals and conspiracies are tools that help to acquire the necessary benefits. Catch good luck will help proper thinking: High self-esteem holders always succeed in work and personal life.

Luck and success is attracted to life for control: everyone is looking for opportunities to manage events. Catch good luck is equivalent to the exclusion of the moment of the unknown and the problems that cause surprise. From the luck depends well-being and moral mood.

Effective methods

Not everyone can attract good luck. In most cases, non-rursing and constant problems are perceived as normal phenomena as punishment or fate. People do not try to confront failure and continue to depend on changeable events of the environment. It is necessary to brow good luck for personal growth, for independence and material freedom. If a person solves his own destiny, he is not afraid of change.

How to attract good luck:

  • carry out magical rituals of attraction;
  • use folk signs to improve life;
  • prepare magic amulets;
  • use oriental exercises for home improvement and workspace;
  • work on thinking and installations that interfere with becoming successful.

Meditation and concentration of positive thoughts - ways to attract good luck, which allow you to find inner harmony and do not depend on the environment. Take good luck to themselves. It is important to young women who have not yet been realized as mother and wives.

Simple methods of attracting luck are available to people who believe in God or are looking for their religion. They help atheists and skeptics: faith in their own strength increases due to their efforts.

Magic rituals

Magic rituals help to attract love, good luck, money success. One who believes in magic, are openly infinite features. With the help of magic rituals, you can return the luck that was lost or stolen by enemies.

How rituals are held to attract good luck:

  • during the growing moon;
  • in complete loneliness without witnesses and assistants;
  • after cleansing the soul and body;
  • with additional magical attributes.

To attract luck, you need to free yourself from harmful, poisoning minds. Cleaning the mind will allow rebuilding not only life, but also thinking. A magical ritual is carried out only under a growing moon to strengthen the work of magical conspiracies and attributes.

At night with the advent of the Moon, a person goes outside and searches for several live twigs: it is better to choose birch or aspen. Returning home, he folds twigs in a circle and bow to all four sides of the world. In each corner, it is necessary to put objects that symbolize the desired benefits. Money, decoration, ring, symbolizing marriage - selected items should be perceived without negativity.

In a circle you need to pronounce: "I called you, luck, come, live with me. I urge you, answer you. " After the ritual, it is necessary to collect branches and hide them in the house. At night, conspired things leave on the windowsill so that the young moon will be charged. It is impossible to carry out magical rituals often, otherwise they will lose their strength.

Orthodox rituals

Happiness and good luck attract folk signs. Good luck's sign is a blooming fern, found on the day of Ivan Kupala. If you bring a forest find in the home, you will be able to attract happiness to good luck to the house and bless the luck of all households.

If on Easter to sanctify the whole house with holy water, you will definitely visit your house. The success of the rite for Christmas is attracted: if you prepare a treat for the whole family and treat homeless, the luck will settle in the house for the whole year. Rituals attract the benefits to baptism: if a person takes over to the dawn in the hole, no failure will not have to be afraid.

Charming and amulets

Characters and amulets are welcome in different cultures: in Orthodoxy, Buddhism and Judaism. Small amulets charged with personal energy will attract luck to the family, help to avoid difficulties and diseases. Coins conspired in full moon are hanging at the entrance - such an amulet strengthens the cash flow in the house. Material benefits are the main future success. Toit to yourself. Full luck will be helped:

  • natural stones;
  • coins;
  • figures;
  • dream catchers;
  • runes applied to small pebbles.

Natural stones keep the energy that they charge them. They are selected for making amulets decorations with stones suitable by date of birth. Cleaned with an amulet of holy water, it is impossible to give or counted it.

Attract good luck and luck in your life will help Buddha's figures or a coping frog. Such chambers will complement any interior and will not attract too much attention. Copy coins can be worn in the form of suspension, leave in the wallet to attract money, leave in the house so that good luck has accompanied all the households.

Dream catcher is the best wagon of luck in the house. His hung over the bed. He distilts evil forces and helps keep luck. Runes are strong ancient signs that are applied on stones. Each sign symbolizes strength: to attract good luck, the Rune Gebo is used, which will attract all the necessary benefits.

Home Plants

To attract funds, a houseplant is used. Money tree. It is grown on the windowsill: the plant is unpretentious in care and withstands even adverse environmental conditions. It can be planted independently or buy a small sprout in the store. The more the person will put forces for his growth, the more benefits to themselves.

Return money and good luck green and healthy tree. If it gets sick, it must be heal. React plants on the negative sent by the enemy. As a state of money, the family is judged as far as the family is.

Meditation technique

Meditation is a simple practice to improve well-being and attracting goods. The essence of meditation at the concentration of thoughts: Soothing technique excludes spontaneous, unnecessary reflections. Purification of thoughts is combined with the techniques of the direction of internal energy.

The best meditations are set on a positive way. They get rid of the assembled negative, from thoughts about failure and problem. You can meditate in any convenient location. A positive impact of meditative technique on people who are concerned about, disturbing are susceptible to stress.

Feng Shui for good luck

Proper to attract good luck to the Feng Shui. The arrangement of the workspace, the home zone attracts good luck. Effective ways that luck accompanied in all spheres of life:

  1. 1. At work. To optimize zones at the workplace, the Bagua Map is used. At work it is worth harmonizing only 4 zones: careers, wisdom, family and health. The career area is located before the eyes of the employee: at the level of the eye it is necessary to arrange motivating pictures, the image of what the worker wishes. The wisdom zone is located in the left corner: it needs to be issued in blue tones. To activate the family zone (located on the left), you should hang a few photos of relatives and beloved people. The central place on the desktop is responsible for the health zone, it is better to decorate it in bright or white tones.
  2. 2. Houses. To attract good luck in the center of the room you need to hang the bug mirror. Additional zones are installed on the octagonal mirror: the northern side is responsible for his career, South is responsible for fame and success, in the east there is a family zone, Western responsible for creative development. A marriage zone in the southwest, North-West is responsible for traveling, northeast indicates the intellectual development zone, southeast indicates wealth. In each zone, it is necessary to place things that symbolize success in one area or another. It is important to observe the characteristic color gamut.
  3. 3. Energy of money zones. In the southeast there is a richness zone that needs to be strengthened to attract success. The zone should be clean: it is impossible to have trash bins, broken things, garbage or accounts in this area.

Each zone must be framed in accordance with the energy it carries. It is important to keep the house clean and not litter it with unnecessary things. Feng Shui will work if not forgetting all zones.

Good luck is a combination of favorable events, but it will not bring happiness if other spheres of life will be in disadvantage.


Properly attract good luck personality qualities: skills, deposit, faith in their own strength. High self-esteem and self-realization - secrets for mantle people How to forget about failures. Problems are worried only those who do not believe in success who are waiting for difficulties and is not trying to warn them.

You can only find good luck in your own thinking, otherwise there will be no success for a long time. Successful people think in perspective. They do not rely on fate if she does not proper development and implementation.

Thinking a successful person is based on an objective assessment: he knows what is capable of, and what qualities he has to develop. Attracting good luck takes place in working on themselves, on the beliefs that were formed in the past, but interfere in the present. There is no special secret of their success, they relieve only their strength and exclude the influence of fate or magic. Successful people control the fact that they are able to change, and let go situations that occur out of their influence.

Change in thinking

Attracting good luck is work on your own thinking. First of all, it is necessary to get rid of the negative, from fear of poverty, understated self-esteem. Replacing the old installations to new should be gradually, without too much stress.

Attracting good luck through the change of thinking does not exclude other ways to cross the luck in the house. If the amulets soothes, help tune in to the desired way, you can use them at any time. The luck does not happen around the clock and continuous, sometimes problems form important qualities of the person.


The involvement of luck is helping you in achieving the goals. To improve the material or love aspect of life, for winning or acquiring important values, a man uses magic rituals, folk signs, meditations and strength of thought.

Amulets and magic attributes attract the capabilities that a person can take advantage of and improve their own life. Technique Feng Shui establishes harmony in the house, and working on its own thinking is an integral part of a strong lucky personality.

Many argue that you can only be born rich and successful. We will tell about how with the help of various techniques and methods to attract money and good luck.

Attracting on Feng Shui

Translated from the Chinese word "Fen-Shui" means "water and wind". In order to attract good luck and money, the ancient teaching advises everything in a certain order. This applies to furniture in the house, and thoughts in the head.

The bed must be located "face" to the door so that the positive energy does not dissipate along with good luck and health. Opposite the beds do not put mirrors - reflecting in the mirror, the sleeping man attracts unhappiness. Over the bed should not hang any shelves, because the energy should be easily climbing up.

The windows in the house must be clean, and the items placed on the windowsill should not block natural sunlight. In order for the entrance door, negative energy streams are not recommended, it is not recommended to clutter the input passage.

On Feng Shui, houseplants are very useful. But in the house they should not be too much. Cannot keep dried flowers.

Material well-being and success symbolizes water. Houses will be useful will have a small fountain or aquarium.

Symbols of Feng Shui

Talismans, bringing good luck and money to the house, according to the Chinese doctrine, are:

  • three-tissue toad with a coin in the mouth - the main symbol of attracting money. According to ancient legend, the Buddha caught the evil and greedy toad and to teach her, forced to bring wealth to people. After that, she secretly penetrated the man and spoiled gold coins from his mouth;

  • elephant - symbol of material protection. The elephant statuette will be useful to purchase people leading their business and connected with constant money risks, including trade. Feng Shui advises to iron a trunk of an elephant so that in a difficult situation to take the right decision;
  • turtle - Talisman, symbolizing ahead of ahead and great wisdom. The figure of the turtle attracts cash flows and good luck in all endeavors;
  • fish means prosperity and luck. The image of goldfish is able to protect against negative events in life. Ideally, Feng Shui advises to purchase an aquarium and launch eight gold fish and one black in it, so that the troubles went around, and success became a frequent guest.
  • three Chinese coins tied up in red thread are the most popular symbol of wealth that attracts money. Such coins must be stored in the wallet.

How to attract good luck and money in your life?

This attracts like that. This physical law applies to our thoughts. Positive, favorable thoughts attract successful events, cash receipts and bodily health. Negative in our heads, on the contrary, seeks to bring conflicts, troubles and illness to life. Feng Shui advises to clear his mind from unfavorable thoughts and feelings and take that good that in a hurry to give us the universe.

Knowledge Feng Shui uses many entrepreneurs to attract good luck in business. In the office, as in the house, it is necessary to properly separate the furniture so that the positive energy is fluently through the room and created a favorable microclimate for customers.

The workplace of the manager should be far from the entrance door, and behind the back will be useful to hang the picture with the image of the mountains to give confidence and sense of victory. Employees should not sit to the head of the back, and for a more likely attraction of good luck in the cabinets, it is possible to place various types of talismans.

How to attract money in a wallet?

First, it is worth paying attention to the wallet itself. It should be clean and new. In the old, worn wallet money do not come, because he symbolizes poverty in one species.

Money must lie in the wallet neatly, the corners are all straightened, the bills are not bent and not crumpled. Paper money must be laid down by their nominal dignity - from Chervonians to thousands in order. Even better if the wallet is red, because the money attracts red.

In order to call good luck to the house, it is necessary that this house is clean. Need to make garbage more often and throw out old unnecessary things; Often to air the rooms so that unpleasant smells do not accumulate and did not scare the positive energy.

Before the entrance door will be useful to put a red rug, and hang over the eight-marched mirror. The house should smell with fruit, because the image of juicy fruits is considered in China a symbol of abundance. For the introduction of fragrance in the housing, aromatic lamps or candles can be used. The benefits of the owners will also bring pets.

  1. All the well-known expression "Money loves an account" has a real basis. Money needs to be considered daily, carefully overflowing paper bills and turning over ring coins.
  2. Money needs to love and respect. The statements that they spoil people and are something unclean, scare money flows seeking to man.
  3. The house needs to keep small savings. Let it have just a few hundred, but they will serve as a kind of "beacons" illuminating the road to their fellow women. And at different angles you can decompose coins.
  4. To get, you need to give. Will this generous donation to the orphanage or one Chervonets asking for leaning the homeless - coming from the pure heart will return with interest.
  5. The gift obtained is necessary for nothing and give. Finding a forgotten wallet or a separate bill, you should definitely give them to someone who needs them. Dared money will not bring happiness to their new owner, but on the contrary, will contribute to losses.
  6. It is impossible to brag about your prosperity and profit. Human envy will repel good luck.

Rituals to attract money

Money path

There is a ritual who contributes to the layout of the money into the house. It should be started by the first number of any month consisting of 30 days. The first number must be postponed one ruble, the second - two, the third - three and so on until the last number of the month.

The 30th in the assembled piggy bank should be 465 rubles. If you fold the simple numbers of this number (4 + 6 + 5), it will turn out 15, we fold 1 and 5 - we obtain the number 6 - the symbol of money success in numerology.

Conditions for the ritual:

  1. It is necessary to postpone daily and strictly specified amount corresponding to the number in the calendar.
  2. As soon as 10 rubles are accumulated with coins, they need to be changed to Chervonets. We accumulate 100 - change to the storubluble bill.
  3. Six - the number of family financial well-being. If personal financial growth is expected, 35 rubles should be added to the deferred amount in order to be 500. The five in Numerology is considered the number of winners.

Ritual with envelopes

For another ritual, you will need 4 envelopes of red and 16 bills of any dignity (the larger, the better). It will be necessary to put in each envelope of 4 bills and hide them in different parts of the apartment, only not on the floor. It is not recommended to spend money. The universe will take care that others have come to the "call" of the flow of bills.

Ritual "Rice Bowl"

After careful cleaning of the apartment you need to take a small bowl, falling asleep on 2/3 rice cereals, and put at the entrance door. Every day, coming home, put a coin into this bowl - as much as they cried out from the wallet or pocket. At the same time, the rice are stirring a little and say: "I am rich every day."

These actions need to be repeated for 27 days only one person, not missing the day. On the 28th day you need to get coins and on the 10th part of the savings received to purchase a spiritual book (Quran, Bible, etc.) or to give the needy, and for the remaining amount to buy a beautiful thing and carry it with you as a talisman.

The remaining rice must be stored in a secluded place until the next time.


Mages and sorcerers believe that material welfare reacts to the state of the moon: increases with a growing moon and unstable fluctuates on decreasing.

To attract the luck in material affairs during the younger month (not older than three days), you need to take a wallet in your hand, shake it over your head and say: "Clear month - to the moon, and money to me."

After that, three coins and three paper bills get out of the wallet, placed in the open box, which they put on the window sill, where the light falls from the young month. Until the whole moon, money should not be touched, but by his passages it can be spent.

Mantras and approval

Translated from Sanskrit "Mantra" is a means of implementing a psychological act. Mantra is a Buddhist prayer, when reading which a person comes into contact with a certain area of \u200b\u200bthe universe. With their help, you can cure a disease or call on wealth, gain peace of mind or embody a dream.

In order to attract good luck and money, there is the following mantra: "Om Lakshmi Viangsry Kamala Dhayrigan Swaha".

Another mantra to attract good luck to work and in all official affairs: "Om Gama Ganapatai Namaha".

Also for "zoom" funds useful to repeat positive statements. For example: "The money comes to me regularly and easily," "I love money, and the money love me," "I am a money magnet" and others.

It is difficult, even, perhaps, it is impossible to find a person who did not want everyone in his life to be successful, and even the most naive pink dreams came true. However, the world is arranged so that it is pretty twisted that the luck does not leave us.

How to attract luck and succeed in many ways: from prayer to Feng Shui.
5 pictures made by the author of prayer and conspiracy

From a smile to miraculous rites

How often did you meet people to whom, from your point of view, fate always favors? Remember them and mark the most pronounced traits of their character. Surely, among the listed will be optimism, determination, the vigor of the spirit. And many people think that these qualities are manifestations of concomitant good luck people. Say, they are lucky, and therefore they are cheerful and cheerful. But more often everything is exactly the opposite:

fortune is favorable to those who, even in the most difficult situations, does not indulge in despair, he can take himself in hand. Works like a boomerang - smile fate, and she will smile in response.

Many cannot delete themselves to "have fun". And then the miraculous methods of attracting good luck come to the rescue: prayers, mantras, talismans and other wisdom in the good sense of the word.

They affect the psyche in such a way that our subconscious is rebuilt on the "successful" wave.

The main thing is to believe in what you are doing. In the prayer of Lee, in conspiracy - the main thing in this action is a deep faith in a positive result.

We invite you to get acquainted with some ways to attract good luck to your life.

Prayers to attract luck and good luck

Since ancient times, the prayers helped a person to find peace and peace. Praying, by referring to the highest strength, as if shifting problems and responsibility for them to stronger shoulders. And indeed, as a result, many difficult issues are allowed by themselves, and problems lose their severity.

It makes no sense to understand how this happens.

It is worth trying, learn prayers to attract luck and good luck, it is possible that they will help you.

You need to contact God, to the saints you know and honor. In the morning, in the evening - it does not matter, the main thing is that with pure thoughts.

It is advisable to observe the unlawful requirements: wash, put yourself in order, not distracted during prayer. Tell God about your problems, ask for help, as you can. If it is difficult, then refer to the classic prayers whose texts are not aligned with one generation.

Rites and conspiracies to attract luck and good luck

Close to prayers in their content are conspiracies to attract luck and good luck who have also come to us from a long time. As a rule, they do not exist in themselves, but are part of the ritual actions. Despite the fact that such rituals are attributes of magic, not church religion, who knows, can be lowered to Orthodox idols and deities will be kind to you and help you.

Rites to attract luck and good luck are unusual, but once there was a deep meaning in them. An example of a ritual conspiracy for good luck:

Ritual: You will need three spoons of salt, sugar and rice cereals. From the evening, put them on the layers on a small plate and stuck in this hill the English pin. And in the morning, when we dress, this pin is fastened in an invisible place. Before leaving, read the conspiracy:

Another rite, allowing to hope for the best, is carried out in full moon. In the original source uses vintage items, however, they may well be replaced and more modern, we will be transferred in our life.

Ritual: So, in the full moon to the boiler, standing on the table, put the scenery. Communicate the cedar needles in advance, put them together with cinnamon on the saucer. On the table, lay out three new brilliant coins: with them you will communicate with a conspiracy. By hitting each of them the index finger of the right hand, say:

Sew the bag of brown or green fabric in advance. In it, put everything on your saucer. Wear it during the lunar cycle, then hide at home from foreign eyes. "Monetary" luck should accompany you in the future.

Mantras to attract luck and good luck

Not quite Russian designates and not quite Slavic rites. If you are closer to the philosophy of Eastern countries, then try to attract good luck with the help of sounding special phrases. Be focused, immerse yourself in a process, merge with the sounds, they are pronounced. You can use tape recorders, videos. Such a rite allows you to clean thoughts, get closer to the highest forces, to open up for useful information.

According to the rules, each mantra must be read at least three times, the total number of readings should also be multiple three, but in the end the mantra is read no more than one hundred and eight times.

MANTRA: Mantra "Ohm" is widely known. It is believed that it is in these sounds that hid a powerful energy potential that helps the prayer. Before working with mantras independently, listen to them in the record.

MANTRA: Other mantras to attract luck and good luck, in contrast to the above, are longer. So, the totem mantra, capable of giving a man wealth and luck, and exactly as much as he needed, it sounds like this:

"Lubdhanam Adzhita Amtanam Bhayad Alabdha-Nidanam Sarvat Bhodwishankins" by Dhanyinam Massers Lubdhanam Alabdha-Nidanam Sarvat Broadwishhankins.

There are no special rules for the execution of this mantra, there are no restrictions: it can repeat any suffering. It is believed that she cannot bring harm to anyone, only one only benefits. Her force is to clear the mind, freeing it from everything that bothers, thereby having rid of a person from extra suffering. In fact, isn't you a great happiness - to be peaceful and calm?

Wise to attract luck and good luck

Moving further in the direction of Eastern philosophy, it is impossible not to tell about the Indian wits. Westers resemble a kind of gym for fingers. But these exercises in India attribute a deeper meaning: they can create aura of good luck, wealth, love around us.

Surely you saw dancers in Indian films and paid attention to how differently they fold their fingers in expressive poses. In dancing there is a conversation with the help of hand gestures, in India this language is learn from childhood.

However, the Europeans can master some wise people who contribute to good luck and wealth.

Here are some of them, the simplest performed.


It affects your energy, as if it charges you in such a way that luck and luck will be attracted to you yourself. This is due to the fact that the inner state of a person comes into balance, it becomes more confident, respectively, stronger.

It is believed that such a muder need to "hold" either 45 minutes without a break, or in three approaches to 15 minutes at different times of the day. Couple medium, large and ring fingers, and pull out the index and the little finger.

Apan Mudra.

There are also other wisers to attract luck and good luck: wow-wise, Bhudi Mudra, Pritvi Mudra and some others.

Talismans and amulets to attract luck and good luck

All the peoples of the world existed and there are still their amulets on happiness, for good luck. Often it was, from a modern point of view, completely ordinary things. So, the Slavs to amules treated spoons that denoted satiety, or buckets - a successful completion of any affairs.

Currently, it is also possible to come from a practical side to the issue of amulettes. We endow their magic properties, and some miracle works it. The main thing is to follow the logic.

Talisman can be the first earned monetary bill. Take care of it - a symbol of financial well-being.

Talismans and amulets to attract luck and good luck are very diverse. Many religions have the concept of a "guiding star."

Make an amulet in the form of an asterisk and wear with you. Either fasten a small star in the headboard - in the morning you will be sent to luck with the magic of the starry sky.

Often, amulets are used in the formation of space according to Feng Shui rules.

Feng Shui for luck and good luck

If luck is associated with career and wealth for you, then it is worth thinking about such talismans as a monetary tree, hotels, monetary toad. Put them in the southeastern part of your dwelling, it is there, according to the rules of Feng Shui, an energy contributing to the growth of welfare is accumulated.

Traditional talismans "For good luck" from the point of view of Feng Shui is a dragon, sailboat, pumpkin-Gorryanka and others. Use Feng Shui techniques to attract luck and good luck to your home: Place special characters in the eastern area of \u200b\u200bthe house, rooms. Free the space so that energy flows can move freely and activate the power invisible to us. In addition, you can have our own good luck characters, use them.

Feng Shui is philosophy and art, thanks to which you can get the desired, especially if you attach your own strength. Amulets and talismans help in matters, so you ourselves must do something for your own well-being in this life.

Whatever ways you do not use to attract good luck in your life,

remember the wise saying "Nading God, yes, it's not a root." It is difficult to help those who do not make any effort to gain their own happiness. In the meantime, look at the video to attract luck and good luck.

Video: How to tame good luck?

Video: Strong ritual for good luck "Key to success"

Video: 5 strong conspiracies for good luck