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Decryption of the columns. What is the Coll and what is his function? Special rapid response department

History History of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and his tasks

History of the Camp of the Ministry of Internal Affairs begins in 1992. At that restless time, when the peak of criminogenic groupings was raised throughout Russia, a structure could confront them with an extremely necessary. In this regard, in 1992, in February, with the GUP of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in Moscow, the department of tactical operations was organized, which in the fall of the same year was renamed the Council (special rapid response detachment). Later, this first country in the country of Moscow received the name of the columns "Lynx". Since 1993, such divisions have become created throughout Russia.

Ten years later, in 2002, the Council of the Council renamed OMSN (specialized police troops), in 2011 - in Osn, and since 2012, the initial items returned to the units.

Today, in Russia there are more than eighty detachments of the columns (according to 2009 data - 87 detachments), some of them have their own names - the columns "Lynx", the Bulat's Cons, and the Granite Cons.

The preparation of fighters of the collection is significantly different from the preparation of other power units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, primarily a pronounced individual character. In these detachments, many employees of narrow specialization, but the focus is on interchangeability. Employment of preparation is made to work against armed criminals in urban conditions at a distance of up to one hundred meters, but the Cell of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is performed with great success performing specials in any terrain (mountains, forest, steppes).

The main "clients" of the Council are specific persons - members of gangs and organized criminals, armed criminals and persons who have seized hostages.

From the mid-nineties, the spectrum of the use of detachments and their tactical techniques have significantly expanded - the correction has made events in the North Caucasus region. To date, find an employee of the Coll, who has not visited there, is almost impossible.

Due to the specifics of the tasks performed, the CARCAR works often working together with other power structures - riot police, explosons of explosives and the FSB.

Consumers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

As mentioned above, at the current moment there are more than 80 -to special rapid response units. To date, each collection of the Russian Federation has its own history, its traditions and tactical techniques.

On the website of the Internet Mortargo Martro, you can get acquainted with,,. Also, you can read about the Cyber \u200b\u200bKemerov, the Cons of Novosibirsk, the Sovar of Krasnoyarsk, the Council of Rostov, the Council of Ivanov and the Perm Cons.

Despite the deployment of them in different regions of Russia, the work of the colleges is common - the struggle against organized crime, neutralizing terrorists and much more. All detachments have a very solid combat experience. It is safe to say that the Council of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is one of the most efficient power structures.

In fact, every fighter is a collection - a wagon who can always replace the comrades, but in each unit there is a specialization, which is caused by tactics. The detachments of groups that, in turn, are divided into groups of capture and undercut groups, in the latter include snipers and climbers. Also, in each detachment, there are explosive equipment, their activities are extremely relevant during business trips to the North Caucasus region.

Catheds in Chechnya are a separate topic. Since the end of 1994, almost none of the operations in the North Caucasus do without the participation of the Cell of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The consolidated detachments of the Council participated in the storming of the Terrible in 1995 and 1999, in the account of the Council of Russia a lot of special operations to eliminate the bandoffs of militants, curb the terrorist attacks, the liberation of hostages. Each of the collections of the Russian Federation had to visit this "hot" point. Today, the fighters of the Cons, despite the relatively calm environment in the North Caucasus region, are sent on a business trip to Chechnya and the Dagestan bordering it. North-Caucasian detachment business trips are carried out according to the scheduled schedule, their employees alternately replace each other.

Cathed in Chechnya is a formidable force. Excellently prepared officers of the divisions not only carry out the power performance of special plants, but also participate in their development and subsequent analysis. The tasks of the staff of the staff in Chechnya include the destruction of government leaders, the application of point blows on bandgroups, in some cases - the protection of government agencies. So, for example, the fighters of the St. Petersburg Meeting "Granit" carry a permanent protection of a complex of government buildings in Grozny. In total, in the territory of Chechnya, in the composition of operational groups and mobile detachments that deployed on the territory of Dagestan and Ingushetia are the fighters of the Council of more than forty-five Russian regions.

Work in the cat

Work in the cathedral is very prestigious and getting into the squad is not easy. The rigid selection criteria are due to the specifics of the tasks performed by the collateral. Complete special forces of the columns exclusively by officers. The posts of employees of the collection, as in other structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, traditional - cameplods.

Taking into account the peculiarities of work, experience and contingent, the technique of arresting the collection is quite rigid, their "customers" perceive the detachments as a kind of "parable in the languages". Among other things, on the tactics of work, the collection has a great influence in the events in the North Caucasus, where in addition to anti-terrorism and police tactics had yet to be used yet. During the storming of the positions of militants, the collers more than once successfully went to frontal attacks.

Today's assessment of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation is significantly different from the 90s. Modern organized crime moved from the "Protonov" and "Hut" to respectable offices, boys in sports pants and leathering sometimes replaces the disciplined armed guards of firms. In addition, the special forces of the Council has to confront drug dealers, weapon traders and a living goods.

Maintaining the combat capability of employees of the SBC contributes daily intense training and tactical teachings, both in urban and field conditions.

Among the fighters, a lot of people who have deserved the right to carry "crap beretov", almost all officers of the divisions - participants in special operations in the North Caucasus were awarded medals and orders, 24 employees of the Cons are awarded the title of Hero of Russia.

There are among the fighters of the collection and loss, and, unfortunately, the sorrowful list is replenished annually. And in the "hot" region, and at the places of the main deployment during the operations of the detention - the officers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs risk their lives daily, but they all consider their duty to continue their real male work.

Movie Sob

In 2012, the art series of the COLC was published on the television screen. The action of the militant Sovar unfolds in the territory of the Stavropol Territory. Action Movie Cola talks about everyday life of the fighters of the columns, about their training and special operations. In the plot of the militant, the cathedral of the staff of the staff of the columns, their personal life is organically intertarined. The militant Satra is really a film about real male work, and he did not leave anyone indifferent. From the series in a series of film, the audiences can follow the sharp plot, about the struggle of the fight fighters with a gang of terrorists, weapon traders and a living commodity. The actors of the Cord reliably transfer the characters of the main characters.

If you have not previously watched the Russian TV series, you can always watch Film Cord free online on the Internet website - Voentorga Martar.

About a year ago, one of the most high-profile rebuildings of recent times was completed - Rosgvardia appeared, which, in addition to the internal troops, entered the riot police and the colour. Until recently, the last (sobr) were, and remain a very closed division, but the site correspondents managed to go to the field training of fighters and learn how the detachment works.

Moscow Sovhed

Moscow Council was formed on November 9, 1978 in case of "special situations". Prior to that, there was a freelance group - its employees were attracted to the service during important activities, such as ensuring security during the celebration of the November and May holidays and CPSU congresses.

In the 1970s, the world shook several terrorist attacks, and in 1980, the Olympic Games should be held in Moscow, and as a result, a special purpose division was created under the Moscow City Executive Committee, which was to ensure the protection of the Olympic Fire.

The first time the officers had to work out almost from scratch - the army principles did not fit here, and the special forces of the KGB did not share their secrets. After the Olympics, Militia special forces subjugated the criminal investigation of the GUVD in Moscow, named Oomon. True, then there were two squads with the same names - the staff themselves called their "big" and "small." The first was engaged in the curves of mass riots, the second fought with the criminet.

Divide the detachments decided in 1989, then one of them is "small" - received the name of the OMSN, with whom she worked until 2011, and there all police special forces were renamed in special purpose detachments. A year later, the division was part of the special purpose center of the State Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in Moscow, and in 2012, all the detachments of special forces were assigned a general designation - Cons.

Among the successful operations, the Council of the Killer of Alexander Solonika, the liberation of hostages on Tverskaya in the jewelry store and the abduction of Kaspersky Son.

The tasks of the Council include the power of operational search and investigative actions, the protection of witnesses, the protection of officials, the liberation of hostages and the elimination of terrorist groups. Fighters of the division serve in officers (unlike omon) and they must have a higher education. The squad is taken far from everyone.

But it is impossible to say that the riot police are worse: his staff provides order in places of mass accumulation of people, engaged in the preventiveness of the riots and assist their columns, for example, break the likely ways to waste gang.

Of course, the selection in the Camp is far harder: first, young people who served in the ranks of the armed forces and having a higher education are tested by physical and moral and volitional qualities, which approximately resembles the exam on the "crap".

The following follows a medical examination for the group "A" of health, psychological testing and a thorough check of a candidate biography for the complete absence of relatives with criminal past and compromising materials. In addition, the personnel department of the Council requests the characteristics from the places of study, work and services.

Only the one who passed all the tests and checks is credited to the internship in the staff of the Camp, which, however, does not guarantee the final employment.

By the way about the crap - the sign of the difference between the fighter, which has passed a few heavy tests: The Cyre is officially allowed to pass the exams for the right to carry such a head.

Any detachment officer is a universal soldier who can replace comrade, but despite this, there is specialization in the division. Typically, the columns are formed by assault groups - the capture group and the cover group. The last includes snipers and climbers. Also in the divisions there are explosive engineers.

So, the columns solves narrow, non-type tasks, for the development of which there is an operation planning headquarters. A typical example of such an operation is the capture of armed gang. What will the fighter take with them? See below.

"Heath", by the way, rather an exception - much more common with the silent "shaft" automata (in the photo below).

In addition, the fighters come out in helmets and body armor, which have valves and pockets for additional equipment elements. In addition to this, they have knee pads, elbows and foot shields.

In general, the equipment is selected individually, so you can meet such elements:

Platform Molle on which you can mount peasons:

Knife and lantern:

Multitole (on the photo on the left behind):

We found out that it takes a fighter. Of course, each operation is planned separately and taking into account the locality, so that during the development it turns out how weapons and equipment should be taken and in what composition to go.

In general, the most popular formation during the work is a twice with a shield. One with a shield, the second strictly rear - it is used when entering the building when it is unknown, how many people are armed there and armed.

It happens that the fighters work without a shield, in which case they also go each other and when the first ended the cartridges, he leaves for the second and recharge, the second at that time is ready to shoot. It looks like a single movement and is repeatedly exhausted during training.

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It is important that the testing of shooting on the go and from any position takes place constantly - the columns never leaves for the "just like that" polygon, to shoot, tactics - a mandatory element of almost all exercises. In addition, fighting in urban environments suggests that the special forces must be in motion all the time, stand still even for a few seconds is equivalent to death.


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Cons "Lynx" TsSN WD MVD RF


On February 10, 1992, the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation decided to establish a division in the structure of the General Administration to combat organized crime divisions designed to ensure power support to the operational composition of the management. All began S. 13th Tactical Operations Department (OTO) - His personnel then counted 9 people.

The main tasks of the collection "Lynx" - This is a struggle with organized crime, extremist groups and illegal armed groups, the power support of the operational divisions of law enforcement agencies.

In the department, employees were collected, distinguished by excellent physical training, the highest level of education and had a rich experience of operational work.

The first commander of the division became Alexander Ivanovich Zyryanov, before that, who worked in Krasnoyarsk through economic crimes.

The department was created as an operational combat unit. His staff carried out force support, carried out the development, introduced into criminal groups, conducted observation.

The Tactical Operations Department actively opposed the intelligence activities of criminal communities. All employees have experienced work experience. Officers of OTO participated in all special operations.

The Tactical Operations Department was brought to the fulfillment of tasks in various regions of Russia: in the morning the officers could be in Moscow, and after a few hours they already "took" bandits in one of the cities of Central Russia or the Urals. Until a certain time, the division was fairly secret, practically no information about him about him by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia did not disclose.

In 1993, the Tactical Operations Department was reorganized into a special department of rapid response of the Main Directorate for Combating Organized Crime - (Cycra Gipboard of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia). It was he who actually served as a prototype of all regional columns.

Since 1993, they began to be created in various subjects of Russia and connected to the first catcher, which conducted a brutal struggle with rampant crime.

In 2002, the Council was reformed, a new stage of his history was held in the criminal police service: as a detachment of a special purpose police (OMSI of the SCM of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia). In 2004, the order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation approved the name of the Lynx squad.

Details received his own name by the command at that time Naumenko Vladimir Nikolayevichwho put forward the idea to designate a special purpose division directly subordinate to the central office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

The name was chosen not by chance: lynx gently fit, hard attacks and quickly leaves.

The new name was approved at the general meeting of the squad officers.

In 2011, the detachment was part of the Center for Special Purpose of Operational Response Forces and Aviation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

The command managed to preserve the number, the detachment passed the stage of reforming without loss. At the end of the same year, the detachments of the special purpose of the internal affairs bodies (OSN) are reorganized into special rapid response detachments - Cons.

Combat path detachment

At first there was a struggle with broken criminal groups. The special forces worked extremely rigidly. Everyone understood that the bandits need to put in place and show them that it was inevitably inevitable. The collers were afraid as the plague - legends went about tough power detentions in criminal circles. A little later, in 1993, the officers of the gathering went to fighting baptism in the Ossetian Conflict zone. The victims would be much more if not clear, the coordinated job of the staff of the collection and military personnel of the internal troops, which the living barrier became between the opposing parties.

Employees of the detachment took direct participation in the New Year's storming of Grozny,

in 1995 - in a special operation in the city of Budennovsk, captured by the militants Shamil Basayev.

1995 brought the first losses to the detachment. On December 20, the collection group together with the divisions of the internal troops and the army units attempted to break the rings of Dudaevsky formations surrounding Guders. During the battle, Major Lastochkin was injured. But he did not leave the battlefield and continued to lead the actions of subordinates. On December 25, Major Militia Lastochkin Vladimir Evgenievich died in a hospital without coming into consciousness. A posthumously officer was awarded the title of Hero of Russia.

In 1996, the forces of the collection together with the detachment of "Vega" (so called "Vympel" after passing it to the Ministry of Internal Affairs), "Vityaz", units of 22 separate special-purpose brigade GS GS and Alfa applied in the course of special operation for the liberation of Kizlyar and from. Pervomayskoe from the gangsters Salman Raduyev. It is when storming with. The May Day detachment, which went in the first line of the storming, again suffered irreparable losses: the heroic was killed by the commander of the detachment, the lieutenant colonel of the police Andrei Vladimirovich the peasants. Lieutenant colonel a. V. The peasantov was awarded the title of Hero of Russia posthumously.

In the late 90s - early 2000s, the detachment takes an active part in hostilities within the second Chechen campaign. At the end of the hostilities, the collateral is entrusted with the tasks of withdrawing with criminals weapons, ammunition, explosives, drugs, transport.

In 2002, the squad officers took part in the special operation at the theater center on Dubrovka in Moscow, when the Nord-Ost already known for the Nord-Ost, the militants already seized several hundreds of hostages.

After the storming the collers, together with their combat brothers from Alfa and Vympel, endless bodies of hostages endured in their hands. That day the special forces saved dozens of lives.

Starting from the mid-2000s, the detachment officers fulfill the tasks in Dagestan and Ingushetia: delaying active members of illegal armed groups, detect and neutralize extremists who have left underground after the end of active hostilities.

In 2009, again losses. On July 2, in the Ingush village of Kantyshevo, during a special operation to eliminate members of the NVF, the captain of Milocheev Oleg Grigorievich Malocheyev dies.

Blooming the personal composition of the storming group, the officer first took on the fire of bandits. Malocheev received a gunshot penetrating injury, but did not come out of the fight, opened the retaliatory fire, continuing to cover the actions of comrades. As a result of clashes, the fighter was destroyed. From the woundings on the way to the hospital, the special forces died. He was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of Russia.

All dead officers are forever enrolled in the list of employees of the detachment.

Every year, on this day, the Nikolo-Arkhangelsk cemetery gather special forces to honor the memory of the dead comrades. There are also well-deserved veterans, and completely young employees of the unit.

Currently, the "Lynx" samp continues to fulfill the tasks both in the central regions of Russia and in the North Caucasus. If necessary, the squad officers in the shortest possible time can be delivered to the Emergency Area. Mobility of the highest detachment. All necessary means of movement are available for the assignment of the personnel of the catcher, including aviation. At the disposal of the CCN, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia has helicopters and small aircraft, always ready to transfer the collection group to anywhere in the country. In special cases, the aviation of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is involved.

The collers are constantly involved to perform operational combat. But times are changed, and together with them the nature of the tasks being performed, and the criminals themselves.

In addition to operational combat missions, the officers of the Council of Russia are involved in the decision of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia are involved in ensuring safety in particularly important events. For example, the special forces worked at the G8 Summit in St. Petersburg, as well as participated in security activities during the celebration of the 1000th anniversary of Kazan.


People are psychologically sustainable, not subject to breakdowns, doubts that are able to take responsibility for making complex decisions. In a matter of seconds, it is necessary to analyze the situation around ourselves, to consider all the solutions to the problem, choose the only correct and be sure to perform the task. Employees are presented to employees: perfect health, stable psyche, high intelligence, excellent physical training. As for the latter, it is impossible to overestimate its role.

The candidate for service in the detachment must pass physical tests.

The final test is a full-shot sparring according to the rules of the hand-to-hand combat, very similar to the one who spends the special forces of internal troops when they pass the exam for the right to carry the crap beret. The subject must be 4 round with existing squad employees - for three minutes with each. Another condition of admission to the detachment - the candidate should recommend someone from the operating officers of the Ryne. After the adoption of the Novice service is internship.


Training of employees is inextricably linked with the performance of operational combat. Each department will take care of the service for a day. If there are no calls, the staff are engaged in terms of combat training. There is a set schedule of classes in which the instructors are engaged with employees in their directions. The training of a "Rysi" employee includes possession of different types of firearms, hand-to-hand combat, parachute preparation, mining training (mountaineering, climbing), work under water with various equipment, psychological training.

In the detachment there are also their own training techniques. Rysyri has a contact with the Belarusian special unit to combat terrorism "Almaz". Common tactical and special exercises are regularly held.

The special forces took on the basis of representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Bahrain, Palestine, Israel. In the period when the tasks for the protection of particularly important persons were entrusted with the "Lynx" assessment of the Special Forces, the US FBI Director was visiting. In addition to the main, there are in-depth programs of specialized professionals: high spirits, snipers, sappers, drivers, combat swimmers, negotiators.

Sniper compartment under conditions as close as possible to combat, it works with which you have to face.

In the asset of snipers "Ryy" there are unique shots. On tactical and special teachings, the arrows successfully struck a conditional terrorist, while in the air helicopter depended in the air.

Divers "Rysi" have permission to carry out engineering works using explosives. To carry out their activities, they have a complete set of equipment and special underwater weapons. The combat swimmers "Ryys" were actively used when securing security during mass events, such as the celebration of the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg. Employees of the unit patrolled water cloaks together with colleagues from FSO and FSB. In addition, divers are attracted to the implementation of operational search activities, such as the search for weapons and evidence thrown into the water. Altitude preparation takes place absolutely all employees of the detachment.

At least twice a year, a field yield of the personnel of the detachment is carried out. Usually for these purposes, training centers of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia or the Ministry of Defense are used. There is a detachment and a professional psychologist who is also a negotiatory specialist. Despite the seemingly "peaceful" profession, a psychologist in "Rysi" - a combat officer who has extensive experience in combat actions. In class on tactical and special training, the widest range of issues is studied, ranging from the individual training of an employee and ending with the actions of the combat group in various situations.

Teaching, Competition

In 2011, the command of Rysi decided to conduct competitions dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Education of the detachment. More than 20 teams from a variety of powerful departments came to participate in competitions: CCN FSB of Russia, FSIN, FSKN, Ministry of Defense. Active participation was accepted by the Officers "Rysi" - the detachment set 4 teams.

Competitions turned out to be very large, passed several days and included the development of various tasks. When developing tasks, a lot was taken from combat experience. Some stages were developed using the theoretical support of instructors from the Federation of Practical Shooting IPSC. The tasks were the most diverse: work in a building, in a narrow space, in transport, night shooting, the liberation of hostages and much more.

The decision has now decided that such competitions will be held regularly - once every two years and will be devoted to the memory of the officer of the "Lynx" of the hero of the Russian Federation Oleg Malocheev.

Heroes detachment

In the detachment, six heroes of Russia, three of them, unfortunately, posthumously. Andrei peasants, Vladimir Lastochkin and Oleg Malocheev are forever enrolled in the detachment lists. In memory of the heroes over the central staircase, Stellas are installed in such a way that the heroes who died in battles with Chechen terrorists are watching with bas-reliefs and photos on all employees who are currently continuing the Holy Case - the ministry of Fatherland. The leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation always gives a high assessment of the merits of special forces. Most employees are owners of state awards.

Number of comments to the element: 1

Hundreds of military special divisions guard the peace of Russians around the clock: Special Forces GRU, FSB, Army. Their goals and tasks are generally understood. But with a special forces, Militia is not everything clear. Each at least once heard such abbreviations as their columns and riot police, but for which these organizations are created and what they differ, not everyone knows.


Sob - this is a special rapid response department; Both regional and federal special forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, originally created as a structural unit of the UBOP of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (controls to combat organized crime).

OMON - Acronym from "Detachment Mobile Special Purpose" (to the reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Russia, called "a special purpose police unit"); Police special forces used to ensure public order and security in urban conditions, as well as in the hot points of the Russian Federation.


First of all, according to the organizational and staff structure and solved tasks. The main task of the riot is the protection of public order during mass events, actions to curb mass riots and group hooligan actions, in case of emergency situations, in places with a complex criminal situation.

The collate of such tasks does not decide. This is largely due to the history of both divisions. Prior to the well-known reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the police shared by public security (Mob), a special and criminal police (km).

An explanation for non-specialists: the basis of the criminal militia is the legendary criminal wanted list with its dormitory. The most famous divisions of Mob are precinct inspector and PPS.

So, the riot police was subordinate to the head of Mob, and the Coll was part of the km and submitted to the Chief of the Central District Ministry or his Issue. From here and the nature of the tasks decishes and riot.

Unlike riot police, the officers serve in the cathedral, and the main emphasis in the selection of candidates for the CSRA is made on men with higher education.

Preparation is also different: specialists on any directions are individually prepared in the Council, but each fighter is able to replace the comrade if necessary. In the Cathedral, more attention than in Omeron is given to "work" against an armed criminal in urban conditions. Omon is more carefully referred to the tasks in places of mass accumulation of people.

In general, we can say that the tasks of the collection are narrower, it is designed to apply "point" blows under crime.

Conclusions Site

  1. COLD - special divisions of federal and regional subordination that are part of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.
  2. OMON - special forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, whose main task is to maintain public order and security.
  3. The columns from the moment of creation and to the reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation were part of the criminal militia.
  4. Omon to the reform of the Russian Federation was a division of the police of public security.
  5. The tasks of the collection of the tasks of the riot and are often not associated with the massacre of people (in sports, entertainment events, rallies, etc.).
  6. In the cathedral, unlike riot police, serve exclusively officers.

Wikipedia material - free encyclopedia

Sob (FROMpecial ABOUTchallenge B.lying Rprojections) - Federal and regional special divisions of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation, staff members who were held (until 2003) to the management of organized crime of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (divisions of over 200 people from the end of the 1990s were called detachments). In 2002, the Council of the Cola were transformed into OMSN (Special Militia Detachment). On November 30, 2011, by order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of Rashid Nurgaliyev, the detachments of the special purpose of the Ministry of Internal Affairs were once officially referred to as special rapid response detachments.

The main task of the columns is a struggle against organized crime. However, due to changes in the domestic political situation, the columns were successfully used among the troop anti-terrorist operations carried out in the North Caucasus region. Since 2004, on November 9, the day of the collection is celebrated.


The first special division in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (Militia) became OMSN GUVD in Moscow. OMSN was formed on November 9, 1978. At that time, Moscow was prepared for the Olympiad, and the failure of the German police operations for the liberation of Israeli hostages during the Munich Olympiad showed how the actions of amateurs may be devoted where professionals should act. To prevent emergency situations, a special purpose division was created - the first police special forces. True, the division was originally called - a special purpose police squad (omon) under the Moscow City Executive Committee. The detachment was created to work at the 1980 Olympics and the protection of Olympic Fire. After the Olympics, it became clear that the unit would not be left without work. The first task of the special forces then was the liberation of the girl captured by the criminal. The hostage was successfully released, and the detachment redeemed the criminal wanted list and made a regular unit of the GUVD in Moscow. The special forces lacked to fulfill all operational tasks - there were only few dozen. Then the regiment of PPS instructed the fight against mass riots and renamed it to Riot. There was a period of time when two riosomes existed in Moscow at the same time. Militiamen themselves called the troops big and small. In order to avoid confusion and misunderstandings, that little riot police was later renamed a special purpose police squad (OMSN). In 2011, the OMSN was renamed to Osn, and subsequent to the Camp. OMSN GUVD in Moscow served as a model to the beginning of the creation of other special divisions in the Russian police (police) subsequently. February 10, 1992 was created tactical operations department As part of the Main Directorate for Organized Crime (GUP) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. In the fall of 1992, the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, the Tactical Operations department was renamed special Fast Response Detach (SPU). In September 2002, by the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the Council were renamed the special purpose police officers (OMSN). In 2003, part of the MSN detachments received their own names: "Bars", "Bulat", "Lynx", "Terek". As of 2009, the total number of the columns amounted to 5,200 people as part of 87 detachments. In 2011, in connection with the reform of the internal affairs bodies, and the renaming of the "police" in the "police", the MSN detachments were renamed to the OSN (special purpose detachments). In 2012, the name of the CARD (special rapid response units) was returned to all units of CH. The quantitative composition of the columns is determined by the tasks and region of the dislocation. The selection was carried out by a multi-step and sufficiently strictly, with a multitude of selection criteria, which determines the qualitative composition of this unit (as a rule, these are young people who served in the ranks of the Armed Forces of the USSR or Russia and having a higher education. Priority to professional athletes or officers of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation). At the first stage, testing of the physical and moral and volitional qualities of the candidate for the post in the detachment was carried out. Only candidates who have passed until the end testing, something resembling the set on the crap takes in the center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, allowed to further personnel design, which included the following stage of selection criteria and further filtering candidates. First of all, this is the passage of the Medical Commission for the group "A" (first group) and psychological testing. Further, a complete and thorough check of the biography of a candidate for the complete absence of relatives with the criminal past and compromising materials on special information bases of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB on the candidate himself was carried out. It was also checked with the authenticity of all documents, requested the characterizing data from previous places of study, work, service, information on the place of residence for the life and lifestyle of the candidate. Only a candidate who has passed all the above stages of selection, affected by health and does not have disruption in its past and present, was credited to the staff in the staff of the Camp. And only after passing the internship, a final decision was made on the further passage of the service in the division.

Tasks and functions

Preparation of employees in the cathedral, unlike other special divisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, is brightly pronounced individual. Very many specialists in various areas of application, but interchangeability is set at the head of the corner. Focus of preparation is made to work against an armed criminal in the city ( with a speed of up to 100 m) and in transport, however, the columns were successfully applied practically in any conditions ( forest, Mountains, Steppe). Much attention is paid to physical and psychological training.

In Skr, the Sobra found successful use not only in cooperation with regular power formations of Russia, but also in certain areas, showed excellent use in the Chechen campaigns in the first echelons.

Differences Sobre from Riot

The riot police from the Camp of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is characterized by the organizational-patent structure and nature of the tasks being performed. Unlike a riot police, almost all employees of the Sovar have officers not lower than the "younger lieutenant of the police." Before the reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of 2011, when the police were divided into Mob (Police of Public Security) and KM (Criminal Police), the riot police was a division of Mob and submitted to the head of Mob, while the Cup was a division of the CM and submitted to the direct Head of the Central District. Riot police built on an army principle as a military unit, which includes: operational companies consisting of platforms and offices, personnel department and educational work with a full-time psychologist, medical service, headquarters, agenic service, engineering and sapor department, a motorized division, accounting department , material and technical department. The columns, in contrast to the riot, does not solve the tasks: ensuring public order protection, including in places with a complex criminal situation, during mass events, with the suppression of group hooligan manifestations and unrest. Unlike the Cathed, Omon staff participated in all resonant events in the history of the country, from large mass riots - to an armed change of power. In professionally, the riot police are most mobile and prepared for action in emergency situations and in the disaster zones. When conducting targeted special operations for the destruction of criminals, the SOBR divisions are used. With the assault of the household, directly the assault itself carries the columns, and the riot police is in the cordon. In order to disarm a large armed gang in mining terrain in the TCR, the riot police and army units are used to combate the terrain or cocoa of the blocked gang, since they are larger than personnel. In service business trips to the territory of the SCR employees, the Council is sent by departments of 10-12 people, while the OMON directs at least 30-35 employees with platforms.

Refuge the FSVng RF.

On April 5, 2016, by Decree No. 157 of the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, special detachments of the rapid response of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation were reconciled and became part of the Federal Service for the National Guard of the Russian Federation. Organizational and staff activities (OSHM) and personnel cleaning will be held in the Council detachments (OSHM) and personnel cleaning, special attention will be paid to the highest state education of officers of the columns, diplomas, faculties (specialties) and educational institutions. The goal of OSHM is the improvement of the organizational structure, as a result of which the official status of employees is changing. The result of the OSR will be a state change - the number and number of positions, ranks, specialties, salaries. When reorganized into the national guard, full information about the employee, its autobiography, birth certificate, school chart, certificate, military ID and consideration, workbook, marriage certificate, childbirth certificates, diplomas, organization of life and life, Convibility of family members. Until 2018, employees will be adopted for military service in the National Guard troops with the assignment of military ranks. When prescribed to the position of the National Guard Guard preferences will be given to employees who have completed military institutes of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, military schools, institutes, academies, which are managed by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, and the priority will use the law faculties of state universities in the specialty "Jurisprudence" Qualification - "Lawyer". The officers of the National Guard of the Russian Federation must necessarily have a higher education. The formation of the Federal Service forces of the National Guard of the Russian Federation is planned to be held in 3 stages. Employees of the Cons, for any personal circumstances, qualities or reasons that have not been reorganized in the ranks of the National Guard troops, will be offered other vacant positions in the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Formation of the structure of the FSVng RF

In the Federal Service for the Troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation, planned work on the formation of the structure, including the recruitment of the territorial bodies of the National Guard troops. By decision of the Director of the Federal Service for the National Guard of the Russian Federation, the Commander-in-Chief of the National Guard of the Russian Federation of the Russian Federation of Army, Victor Golovov, a transparent system of requirements was developed, which are presented to officers applying for senior positions in the territorial bodies of the National Guard Guard. In particular, performance indicators, education, experience of participation in hostilities, the presence of state awards, scientific and pedagogical activities, enrollment in the personnel reserve for nomination to higher military posts are taken into account. When selecting and appointed as a governing position in the troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation, special attention is paid to moral, business qualities and strict compliance with anti-corruption legislation. Territorial bodies are part of the counties of the troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation and are intended for the leadership and provision of official-combat activities of the divisions of the riot police, the collection, private security and licensing and licensing work included in the rosgvadia, in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.


Country Special Forces
Armenia Special forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and National Security Services;
Belorussia SPBT "Almaz" of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus;
Brazil Bope;
Great Britain Special Police Service ( METROPOLITAN POLICE SPECIAL BRANCH);
Germany SEK (Spezialeinsatzkommando);
Georgia Special forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia;
Kazakhstan The columns of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Kazakhstan, created in 1993;
Kyrgyzstan Socon of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Kyrgyzstan;
Costa Rica Special forces GAO. (Grupo de Apoyo Operativo) Costa Rica National Police; .
Romania Fast Response Police Service Spir. (Serviciul De Poliţie Pentru Intervenţie Rapidă);
Salvador Special detachment GRP. (Grupo de Reacción Policial) Police of Salvador;
USA SWAT (Special Weapons and Tactics - "Special Weapons and Tactics");
Ukraine police special forces cord Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine;
France RAID ( ang.) and gipn ( Groupe d'Intervention De La Police Nationale);
Israel Yamam (IVR. ימ"מ, Acronym Special Police Division ( י חידה מ שטרתית מ יוחדת, Yehida bareritic Meyukhet) - special division of the Israeli border police (Magaz), the main antiterrorist division of the Israel Police.

In culture

  • Mental Wars (TV series)
  • Traffic cops (2007) (television series)
  • Cathed (television series) (2011)
  • Ahead of the shot (television series) (2011)

see also

  • Hunting team - divisions in the Russian army to fulfill individual particularly dangerous assignments (1886-1917).

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Estimation characterizing the columns

"Let's go, let's go," Rostov said hastily, and dropping his eyes, and squeezing, trying to pass unnoticed through the system of these crown and envious eyes, directed to him, he left the room.

After passing the corridor, Feldsher introduced Rostov to the officer chambers consisting of three, with dissolved doors, rooms. In the rooms of these were beds; The wounded and sick officers were lying and sat on them. Some in hospital coats walked around the rooms. The first person who met Rostov in the officer's chambers was a small, thin man without hand, in a cap and a hospital coat with a cooked tube, which went in the first room. Rostov, peering into it, tried to remember where he saw him.
"That's where God led to tell," said a little man. - Tushin, Tushin, remember brought you under Shenagraben? And I cut a piece, here ... - he said, smiling, showing a robe on an empty sleeve. - Vasilla Dmitrievich Denisova is looking for? - cohabitant! He said, learning who had to be Rostov. "Here, here and Tushin led him to another room, which heard laughter of several votes."
"And how can they not only laugh, but live here"? Rostov thought, all hearing still this smell of a dead body, whom he scored still in the Soldier's hospital, and still seeing these envious glances around him, and the face of this young soldier with the injured eyes.
Denisov, closing with a blanket, slept not bed, despite the fact that there was 12th hour of the day.
- A, G "OSTO? 3DO" OVO, ZOO "OVO," he shouted everything in the same voice as it happened in the regiment; but Rostov with sadness noticed, as for this familiar exaggeration and a lively, some kind of bad, the casual feeling looked around In the expression of the face, in the intonations and words of Denisov.
His wound, despite his insignificance, still did not heal, although six weeks have passed, as he was wounded. In his face he was the same pale swelling, which was on all gospitalles. But it was not struck by Rostov; He was struck by the fact that Denisov seemed to be not happy to him and unnaturally smiled him. Denisov did not ask about the regiment, nor about the general course of business. When Rostov spoke about it, Denisov did not listen.
Rostov even noticed that Denisov was unpleasant when he was reminded of the shelf and in general about the other, free life, which was out of the hospital. He seemed to try to forget that former life and was only interested in his business with the provincial officials. The question of Rostov, in which situation it was, he immediately pulled out paper from the commission from the commission, and his draft response to it. He revived, starting to read his paper and especially given to notice Rostov knit, which he spoke to his enemies in this paper. Hospital comrades Denisov, surrounded by Rostov, - newly arrived from freestyle light, - they began to diverge as soon as Denisov began to read his paper. According to their persons, Rostov realized that all these gentlemen had repeatedly heard all this time they had a boring story. Only a neighbor on the bed, the thick Ulan, sat on his bed, frowned and smoking the phone, and the little tushin continued to listen, disapprovingly shaking his head. In the middle of reading, Urana interrupted Denisov.
"And for me," he said, turning to Rostov, "you just need to ask the sovereign about pardon." Now they say, the awards will be big, and correctly forgive ...
- I ask for a sovereign! - Denisov told the voice to whom he wanted to give the old energy and the guild, but which sounded useless irritability. - About what? If I were a robber, I would ask mercy, and then I judge for the fact that I bring the robbers to clean water. Let them judge, I'm not afraid of anyone: I honestly served the king, Fatherland and did not cradle! And I degrade me, and ... Listen, I am so straight and write to them, here I am writing: "If I were a treasury ...
"It is cleverly written what to say," Tushin said. Yes, not the fact, Vasily Dmitrich, - he also turned to Rostov, - it is necessary to submit, but Vasily Dmitrich does not want. After all, the auditor told you that your point is bad.
"Well, let him be bad," said Denisov. - You wrote an auditor of the request, "continued Tushin," and you need to sign and send with them. " They are true (he pointed to Rostov) and there is a hand in the headquarters. Already better incident will not find.
"Why, I said that I would not grow up," Denisov interrupted and again continued reading his paper.
Rostov did not dare to persuade Denisov, although he instinct felt that the path offered by Tuskina and other officers was the most faithful way, and although he would consider himself happy, if he could help Denisov: he knew the imperceptibility of Denisov's will and his truthful fire.
When Denisova's poisonous papers ended over, Rostov said nothing, and in the sad arrangement of the Spirit, in society again gathered near him the hospital comrades Denisov, held the rest of the day, telling about what he knew and listening to the stories of others . Denisov was silent gloomily in the continuation of the evening.
Late in the evening, Rostov gathered to leave and asked Denisov, would there be any instructions?
"Yes, wait," Denisov said, looked back on officers and, pulling his papers from under the pillow, went to the window, in which his inkwell was standing, and sat down.
- I can not see the scared of the yogin, "he said, leaving the window and gives Rostov a big envelope." It was a request to the head of the sovereign, compiled by the auditor in which Denisov, nothing mentioned about the wines of the provincial department, asked only for pardon.
- Pass, it can be seen ... - He did not agree and smiled painfully a false smile.

Returning to the regiment and passing the commander, in what position was the case of Denisov, Rostov with a letter to the sovereign went to Tilzit.
June 13th, French and Russian emperors gathered in Tilsit. Boris Drubetskaya asked an important person in which he consisted about to be ranked with a retinue appointed to consist in a tilsite.
"Je voudrais Voir Le Grand Homme, [I would wish to see a great man," he said, saying about Napoleon, whom he still always, like everything, called Buonaparte.
- Vous Parlez de Buonaparte? [Are you talking about Bona Publishing House?] - said he smiling General.
Boris looked questioningly on his general and immediately realized that it was a comic test.
"Mon Prince, Je Parle de L" Empereur Napoleon, [Prince, I'm talking about the emperor Napoleon, "he answered. General with a smile poured him on his shoulder.
"You will go far," he said to him and took him.
Boris among the few was on Neman on the day of the emperors; He saw the rafts with the vensels, the passage of Napoleon on the shore by the French Guard, saw the thoughtful face of Emperor Alexander, while he silently sat in Korchman on the shore of Neman, expecting the arrival of Napoleon; He saw both Emperor sat in the boats and as Napoleon, the addition before to the raft, went ahead with rapid steps and, meeting Alexander, filed his hand, and how both were hidden in the pavilion. Since his entry into higher worlds, Boris made himself a habit carefully to observe what happened around him and record. During a date in Tilsit, he asked about the names of those persons who came with Napoleon, about the uniforms, which were on them, and carefully listened to the words that were told by important faces. At that time, the emperors entered the pavilion, he looked at the clock and did not forget to look again at the time when Alexander came out of the pavilion. A date went on an hour and fifty-three minutes: he wrote down this evening among other facts that he believed, had historical importance. Since the emperor's retinue was very small, then for a person, the current success in service, to be in Tilsit during a meeting of emperors was a very important thing, and Boris, hitting Tilzit, felt that since that time his position was completely established. He was not only knew, but they looked at him and got used to him. Two times he performed instructions to the sovereign himself, so the sovereign knew him in the face, and all the closest not only did not have seen, as before, considering for a new face, but they would be surprised, if it were not.
Boris lived with another adjutant, Polish Graph Zhilinsky. Zhilinsky, brought up in Paris, was rich, passionately loved the French, and almost every day during his stay in Tilsit, the French officers from the guard and the main French headquarters were going to Zilinsky and Boris.
On June 24th, in the evening, Count Zhilinsky, the cohabitant of Boris, arranged for his familiar French dinner. The dinner was an honorary guest, one Napoleon's adjutant, several French guard officers and a young boy of the old aristocratic french family name, Page Napoleon. On this very day, Rostov, using Darkness, not to be recognized, in the Stat dress, came to Tilsit and entered the apartment of Zhilinsky and Boris.
In Rostov, as well as in the whole army, from which he arrived, was not far away from Napoleon and the French, from enemies who made friends, that coup, which occurred in the main apartment and in Boris. Still continued in the army to test the former mixed feeling of malice, contempt and fear of Bonaparte and French. More recently, Rostov, talking to the payment Cossack officer, argued that if Napoleon would be captured, would not have turned with him as a sovereign, but as a criminal. Even recently, on the road, having met with the French wounded colonel, Rostov spoke up, proving him that he could not be peace between the legal sovereign and the criminal Bonaparte. Therefore, Rostov strangely struck in the apartment of Boris, the appearance of French officers in the very uniforms, for which he was accustomed quite otherwise to look from the flank chain. As soon as he saw the French officer who dried out of the door, this is a sense of war, hostility, which he always experienced at the sight of the enemy, suddenly walked him. He stopped on the threshold and asked Russian, if he lives Drubetskaya. Boris, having walked someone else's voice in the front, came to him towards him. His face in the first minute when he recognized Rostov, expressed his annoyance.
"Oh, that's you, very glad, very glad to see you," he said, however, smiling and moving towards him. But Rostov noticed the first movement.
"I don't think it seems," he said, "I wouldn't come, but I have a deal," he said coldly ...
"No, I'm just surprised how you came from the regiment." - "Dans Un Moment Je Suis a Vous", [I am a minute for you to your services,] - He turned to his voice called him.
"I see that I'm not attended," repeated Rostov.
An expression of the annoyance has already disappeared on the face of Boris; Apparently thinking and deciding what to do, he with special calm took him for both hands and led himself to the next room. Boris's eyes, calmly and firmly looked at Rostov, were as if stuck than something as if some kind of damper was the blue hostel glasses - they were put on them. So seemed Rostov.
"Ah full, please, can you not be attended," said Boris. - Boris introduced him to the room where dinner was covered, introduced him to the guests, calling him and explaining that he was not Statsky, but the hussars officer, his old buddy. - Count Zhilinsky, Le Comte N.N., LE Capitain S.S., [Count N.N., Captain S.S.] - called guests. Rostov looked frowningly on the French, reluctantly crushed and silent.
Zilinsky, apparently, did not happily accepted this new Russian face in his circle and said nothing Rostov. Boris, it seemed, did not notice the constraint of the new face and with the same pleasant tranquility and ancase in the eyes, with whom he met Rostov, tried to revive the conversation. One of the French addressed the ordinary French courtesy to stubbornly silent Rostov and told him that it was likely to see the emperor, he came to Tilzit.
"No, I have a deal," Rostov answered shortly.
Rostov did not do in the spirit immediately after he noticed displeasure on Boris's face, and, as always, it happens to people who did not in the spirit, it seemed to him that everyone was harmful to him and that he would hinder everything. And indeed he interfered with everyone and one remained out of the newly proposed common conversation. "And why is he sits here?" They talked to the views that guests threw him. He got up and went to Boris.
"But I'm striking you," he told him quietly, "let's go, let's talk about business, and I will leave."
"No, I'm not at all, Boris said." And if you are tired, let's go to my room and rest a rest.
- And in fact ...
They entered a small room where Boris slept. Rostov, not sitting down, immediately with an annoyance - as if Boris was to blame for him in something - he began to tell him the case of Denisov, asking whether he wanted whether he could ask for Denisov through his general from the sovereign and transmit a letter through him. When they stayed together, Rostov for the first time was convinced that he was embarrassed to look into the eyes of Boris. Boris laying his leg and stroking the thin fingers of the right hand left with his left hand, he listened to Rostov, as he listens to the report of the subordinate, then looking to the side, then with the same checking in his eyes straight looking into the eyes of Rostov. Rostov every time it became embarrassing and he lowered his eyes.
- I heard about this kind of business and I know that the sovereign is very strict in these cases. I think I should not bring to His Majesty. In my opinion, it would be better to directly ask the cabinet commander ... But in general I think ...
- So you do not want to do anything, so tell me! - shouted almost Rostov, without looking into the eyes of Boris.
Boris smiled: - on the contrary, I will do what I can, only I thought ...
At this time, Zhilinsky's voice, called Boris, was heard at the door.
- Well, go, go, go ... - said Rostov and abandoning dinner, and remaining alone in a small room, he went back and forth in her for a long time, and he listened to a cheerful French language from the next room.

Rostov came to Tilsit per day, less convenient for the petition for Denisov. He himself could not go to the duty officer, since he was in Frak and without the permission of the authorities came to Tilzit, and Boris, if even wanted, could not do this the next day after the arrival of Rostov. On this day, June 27th, the first conditions of the world were signed. The emperors were changed by orders: Alexander received an honorary Legion, and Napoleon Andrei is 1 y degree, and on this day a lunch was appointed by the Preobrazhensky battalion, who gave him a French guard battalion. The state trucks were to be present on this banquet.