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How to build passive income. Passive income on social networks. Specify securities. Income from price difference

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What is passive income

According to Wikipedia, Passive income is earnings that do not depend on daily activities. But this is not a complete definition.

Passive income - This is the income you get even when you do not work. The easiest example is the delivery of the apartment for rent. You can work at the main job, but receive passive income from your real estate.

However, species and sources for the receipt of passive income are very much, and the essence of them is to create a passive income from scratch.

It is necessary to understand to get a permanent income and do nothing, the first time will have to work.

But 6-18 months of work can provide you with stable profits for many years ahead, even when you no longer work.

Difference of passive and active earnings

The principle of active work: Made the case - received payment. I wanted more money - I performed another job. For example, the driver Uber.He gets money until the people take people. If he stops riding - he will cease to earn.

The principle of passive income: created a source of earnings once - you get a profit on an ongoing basis.

Passive income is the dream of any normal person.

Ideas for the receipt of passive income so much that we will break them by type and try to understand how many profits can bring each option.

Sources of passive income

What can make a profit? The asset that we will create or buy. Most of the sources of passive income require certain investments, and absolutely all assets require an application effort at the initial stage.

Let's start with the options for creating passive income from scratch, without investments.

Passive income without investments. Creating intellectual property

Here, a great many ways to obtain passive income are available, and each of the options will be interested in a certain circle of persons.

1. Book, text material

Having written a book once, you can sell it for years. It is not necessary to write novels or detectives, educational books are also in great demand.

There are many services for beginner writers, for example, writing a book online. You will receive instant feedback, and if your idea is successful - a contract for the publication will be imprisoned with you.

E-book can bring $ 100-200 per monthBut the more interest will be, the more profits will be.

Do you think no one does it? Mike Piper wrote a book " Investments simple language "And started selling it on. The interest was so high that he continued and wrote a whole series of books. Now they bring him six-digit amounts.

2. Sales of author's photos

Special services called microstokami allow you to buy and sell unique photos and images ( created in graphic editors as Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator ...).

If you like to take pictures, edit images, create interesting pictures in Photoshop, you can make it decently earned, simply selling your images.

The essence is that you exhibit your photos for sale, but the buyer does not buy it away, but just buys the opportunity to download it in higher quality. Thus, one photo can be sold to an infinite number of times.

  • Buyers are magazines, blogs, advertising agencies, designers and other businesses that are needed by images.

We will give an example of one of our familiar designer. Six years ago, he painted icons, pictograms and other web elements. He was engaged in this 3 months. All work he posted for sale on Shutterstock. In the first months, he got into the tops and earned about $ 1000 per month.

Over the next years, its earnings have fallen smoothly, but last year ( sixth) His profit is consistently held at the level $ 100 per month. This is despite the fact that for 6 years he has not added new images for sale. Since the policy of Shutterstock does not allow to talk about the earnings of the designer, we will not disclose the identity of the author.

The most famous and profitable microstocities in the world:

  1. Shutterstock (this is the leader among microstocks in the world, everything is here)
  2. Fotolia (here all Russia and the CIS, microtok belongs to Adobe)
  3. Depositphotos (the largest microstotes with good sales)

Videos on YouTube.

This type of passive income on the Internet brings big money: for example, YouTube Channel Mister Max shooting video about children, earns to his owner 2-7 thousand dollars a day.

To create a passive income from the video rollers, you need to create a series of useful and always actual videos. It may be instructions in the spirit of "how to do ...", "how to cook ...", which people will find and view in the long term.

To each roller you can connect Google contextual advertising, plus YouTube himself will pay you for each 1000 views.

3. Online courses and master classes

If you know what others do not know, you can run a series of training courses. The master class format can be different: video, audiobook, instruction on the site, offline school. It is important that your students are satisfied with the quality of the material and received new knowledge.

On video tutorials you can earn 20-50 and more dollars daily. For example, the Courses on the guitar and other musical instruments, drawing lessons, are very popular. foreign languages other. More highly specialized knowledge can be sold more expensive. For example, trade courses on NYSE can cost $500 .

4. Music

On texts, photographs and videos, creativity, bringing passive income, is not limited.

Music is an interesting direction, also suitable for any user. To create musical tracks, it is enough to learn how to work with programs like Fruity Loop or Adobe Audition, Steinberg Cubase and etc.

All presentations, sales, video rollers ... accompanied by background music. These are the first buyers of your tracks, without them they will simply be able to.

As microstoki sell images, they also sell and audio. The most famous audience is Audiojungle.

Internet products

5. Website creation

Create your site can absolutely any person. Small money will have to spend on a domain name ( in - from 150 rubles. in year) and hosting that will display your website on the Internet ( from 900 rubles. in year).

The most important complexity is the search for interesting information that will really attract readers. It is not necessary to blog or live magazine, some resources are gaining popularity thanks to convenient tools: Calculators of complex interest, currency parcel, free SMS widget, an online translator and many others.

The average monthly earnings on the site varies from $ 50 to $ 1000, depending on the number of visitors, the popularity of the resource, the citation index, etc. For promotion of the site will be required from 6 months to 3 years.

Consider in more detail how you can earn on your own site.

6. Contextual advertising and banners

Almost on all sites you can find advertising blocks from Google and Yandex. Each click on them brings the site owner. from 20 cents to several dollars. The more visitors you have - the more clicks on advertising.

If you add 1000 useful articles to the site and stop going on it, you will continue to earn long years, since your site will remain online and will work around the clock.

7. Eternal Links

Many companies and just other sites ordered the purchase of links to other sites so that search engines see that many speak of their website, thereby raising the search rating. Customers buy paid reviews, laudatory articles or just place the links anywhere.

Sale on the space site for such reviews can bring the owner 100-300 $ per month. However, for this, your site should have many visitors and good indicators in search engines. This method of earnings is suitable for the site, which has been more than a year or two, however, it will be additional source income that does not require special efforts.

8. SMM and social networks

Another way of earning, accessible to everyone: maintaining a group in social. networks. To create your own public, it is enough to register on the site and go through a simple procedure.

Here the content comes to first place. It is difficult to find interesting unique information: be prepared for the prolonged theft of your content. But if you attract 100 thousand subscribers, the monthly earnings will be calculated by thousands of dollars.

With a large number of subscribers, advertisers themselves will find you every day. For example, well-known bloggers advertising post in instagram from 500 000 rubles. Even if you have about 30 thousand subscribers, you can already sell advertising through special services.

Where to invest for passive income

9. Real Estate Rent

Here everything seems simple: we buy a house or apartment, exhibit it on Airbnb. or Booking, Rent and get a profit.

Such passive income from each room can bring 5000-30000 rubles per month And covers the costs of the LCA.

More advantageous ways to obtain passive real estate income are leasing garages and commercial real estate. The garage is cheaper than apartments 5-6 times, while the rental price is only 2-3 times.

That is, instead of one apartment, it is more profitable to pass 5 garages.

But the apartment is retrid. If you have a whole package of services - Linen, cleaning, Internet, TV, beautiful view, food, parking and so on, then the cost here will be different. Many people have several objects of such real estate, hire 1-2 people for service and get a decent passive income.

10. Renting equipment, car, other asset

By analogy with real estate, here are possible different variants Earn money. If you have an unused property that can be surrendered to the rental, consider learning from it. After all, when the thing lies dead cargo - this is a passive if you get an income from its existence, it turns into an asset.

  • It can be a water bike, console Playstation. or Xbox, Auto or other equipment.

Thus, investing in the items that can be leased, you can recoup, and then get a clean passive income.

11. Trust management

Trust management in financial markets is one of the most favorable types of passive income. can bring on average from 60 to 120% per annum in passive mode.

Many brokers offer trustworthy management in the form of investment funds, PAMM accounts, coping control transactions.

12. Indices and ETF

If you look at the graphics of stock indexes, you will see that their profitability is not great, but always there. - These are shares of companies that buy stocks from the stock index basket and their cost dynamics completely correlates with stock indexes. Having bought one share of ETF Foundation - you buy the entire index shopping cart.

IN this moment ETF funds are very popular in the United States and Europe, because it is portfolio investments that are strongly protected from all kinds of risks.

In addition, there are sectoral ETFs, balanced and unusual, for example ETF whiskywhere in the basket shares of manufacturers of whiskey.

13. Creating a business for passive income

This is a promising way to earn money, because it allows you to fully control the attachments. We do not mean the active business, where you have to work yourself. You can organize or buy a firm with the established structure of work, with the director and its deputies.

If you contact the Internet, then there are even more examples. You can hire developers and create some kind of automatic service, a program or service, which will then bring you a stable passive income.

Now these species are the services to verify the uniqueness of texts, the analysis of sites, data collection, creation of presentations, logos, etc.

Other types of passive income

14. Benefits and government programs

Consult a lawyer: You may have the right to participate in the State Support Program. Deployed throughout the country, a housing lending project for young people can facilitate the purchase of an apartment. And maternity capital and families support will help in the content of children.

Find out if you may have the right to benefit from the state, just need to be issued?

15. Create passive income on your main work.

Many people do not notice the pros in their work, they get used to her and it seems to them that no one appreciates it.

Bright comparison - artists. Here they will draw a cat and everyone will say - wow, how beautiful ... And the artist considers that nothing special, everyone can.

Perhaps your job can provide many people a kind of bonuses, as it were, in the way of your main job. Perhaps it will be additional services or knowledge that people would come in handy.

If you work in the tax, then many consultations would be useful on the side. If you are working as a cook, then many of your recipe tips that you can sell are to conduct a column on the site, publish a book or lead your blog ... and so on.

Earn on what you would do in any case. For example, if you like to play games, then you can also earn it. By passing tournaments, there are many games where they sell characters, items ... which you can earn in the game, and sell for real money.

As we see, ways to obtain additional earning weight. But they are always associated with the use of available resources or creating a new product.. Before organizing a new source of passive income, ask yourself a couple of questions:

  1. What is your soul? Do you like to take pictures, write, shoot a video? Perhaps you have a traction to the financial sector, to mathematical calculations? Are you an enterprising person? Answers to these questions will determine the sphere in which you should develop.
  2. Do you have capital that can be investing? Free resources will greatly facilitate the search for sources of passive income.

The choice of a source of passive income in the end depends only on you, do not shift this responsibility on others. By all famous methodsYou can come up with something your own, and it will be even better option.

And finally, a couple of tips:

  • Diversify sources of income. Try to create as many asset as possible that will bring your profits. So you will protect yourself from crisis and force majeure.
  • AND shield the best options for passive income, do not stop there. If you have found a stable high-order tool, translate part of the funds from the bank deposit to this source. Thus, you will increase the profitability and efficiency of the entire assets portfolio.
  • Increase financial literacy. Learn more about investment programs, working conditions of companies, do not be afraid to open new sources, experiment with the creation of options for investment.
  • Do not spray. Better to share one source all your time until you bring the case to the end. Work on multiple projects is not prohibited, but it can affect the quality of each product separately.


Passive income is the key to a good life. We listed a dozen ways to create your own source of additional earnings, but this list can be continued and continued.

The fact that you thought about the need to receive passive income, already elevates you over most people around you. Each of us is available many methods to improve your financial condition, but you need to work on them. We wish good luck in organizing sources of passive income and achieving financial independence.

What are there methods of passive income? Many people heard about such a thing as passive income. Many represent it as something magical when you do not need to do anything, and the money will fly to your pocket. Others do not believe in the existence of passive income. In their understanding is not the place that you can make money, without doing anything. Today we will describe in detail whether there are methods of passive income, and if so, how can you get it.

How to create passive income right than you!

First you need to figure out the concept passive income. In essence, it is a long receipt of dividends from previously done work or invested investments. In essence, it turns out that passive income is not so passive. For good profits, you will need to do a lot of quality work, spending a lot of time and effort. The second option is to do large money investments, in this case the money will work for you.

The amount of profit will depend entirely on the number of investments. But if you approach this process with the mind and create several sources of passive income, and the most profitable and successful ways of them gradually increase, then at one fine moment you can completely abandon active earnings. If you want to go immediately entirely on passive income, then it is necessary to operate with very large sums.

Methods of passive income. Top 15 ideas for quick earnings!

Today we will look at a sufficiently large number of ways to obtain passive income that will suit all categories of people. Everyone can choose several ways of the most interesting and suitable specifically for it.

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Reit investments. I work for money!

Reit. Funds are a kind of mutual investment funds. The main direction of such organizations is work with foreign real estate. The principle of operation is quite simple:

  • - The management company creates a general fund and attracts investors.
  • - In the future, commercial-attractive real estate is purchased.
  • - Income from the sale of real estate and leased it is divided between all participants in the investment fund.

Prostate and transparency of the work of similar Reit funds ensures their effective work.

Traditionally, real estate is considered one of the most reliable assets that not only does not lose in price, but over time the price is only growing. All this ensures the attractiveness and reliability of such attachment methods.

If we talk about passive income, then much depends on the specific Fund and its conditions. If we take as an example, the largest Russian Foundation Reitinvest, we will see the following conditions:

  • - deposits are carried out in British pounds.
  • - Payments are 5-7%, depending on the deposit amount.
  • - Payments are also produced in English pounds.
  • - Fund shareholders, whose investments make up more than 10,000 pounds, is given the opportunity to use the resort facilities of the Foundation.
  • - All participants in the Fund are exempt from the payment of real estate taxes.

The offer is interesting enough for anyone who wants to get high, stable income in reliable foreign currency. You can familiarize yourself in more detail, you can click on the link

Minimum costs! Creating your own blog

Previous method requires financial investment from you. But what if you just don't physically have any opportunity to take part of the funds from the budget? You can try to create your own blog And lead it.

At first, the costs will be minimal and not at all. You can take advantage of free offers, which is large enough for a large number. All this is not the main thing, the main thing that will be in your blog.

You should be able to be beautiful and interesting to write. It is necessary to choose not only the current topic, but also to present it in this way so that it is visible to those who are interested in the reader so that it is interesting to him. The most striking indicator of this will comments and discussions under your blog.

If you succeed in interested readers and get a permanent audience. You can begin to monetize your blog, there are many ways. It can be like direct advertising integration and hanging advertising banners.

If we talk about any specific amounts, then appreciate the income of the most popular bloggers is quite difficult. But you can go and see how much they ask for advertising or mention of themselves in the article. Amounts there will be very large.

This method of obtaining passive income is suitable for those who have something to tell who wants to write and who has at this time. In any case, the method is very interesting and attractive and does not require any cash costs at Start.

Bank deposits. Profitable contributions

If we talk about passive income, then it is impossible not to affect the most popular and most available way - bank deposits. Almost everyone has their own bank deposit: salary cards, credit cards, savings for a black day. Only now, Russian banks began to introduce such a thing as the balance on the expense. As a rule, he fluctuates around 2-3% for ordinary debit accounts. This is extremely small amount, let's look at whether you can get higher percentages from banks.

You can get them, and they are available on special income deposits. Yes, there are a number of restrictions on such contributions, for example, just to remove your money at any time may not work, it is always necessary to remember. Let's see what passive income can be obtained from such bank deposits:

  • - If we talk about deposits in Russian rubles, then the average interest rate is from 7.5 to 9.5%.
  • - deposits in more stable currencies have a lower interest rate. It fluctuates from 1 to 4.5% depending on the currency and conditions of the bank.

In general, bank deposits are a fairly reliable way to obtain stable profits. But if you compare with Reit Funds, then to obtain profits of the level of unesses, it is necessary to invest much more money.

Popular International Method! Creating your own video blog

Just above, we considered the possibilities of a textual blog, but video blocks have no less popular in the modern Internet. Unlike its textual options, they require a much more serious approach:

  • - You need good cameraTo remove the material for your blog. A few years ago, there was enough good cameras from the phone, but in modern realities it is no longer suitable.
  • - You must choose an interesting material that is sometimes more difficult than with textual blogs.
  • - In addition to what you should be able to write a good scenario to your video, you must still be able to speak well and beautifully.

The subject of the video blog can choose any: games, travel, health and beauty, music, movies. There are a lot of options.

If we talk about possible earnings, then you can operate here by more real numbers provided by the YouTube service. According to these data, the greatest earnings of the video player amounted to more than 50 million dollars, if we talk about the Russian-speaking Runet segment, then the maximum earnings are about 10 million dollars. All these figures do not take into account direct advertising integration, which is often present quite in the video.

Highly liquid stocks. Investment

Speaking of passive income, it is impossible not to mention securities, but more specifically about the shares of companies. Shot a lot of films, a huge number of books are written. And in fact, each can earn on highly liquid promotions.

The principle of earning is quite simple. Such companies have high capitalization, while showing constant stable growth, thereby ensuring an increase in the price of their shares.

Name some numbers are quite difficult, since a large number of different factors affect this market. It is simply impossible to predict them. At some point in time, the shares of such companies can show rapid growth, in which case the income can be 15-20%, but after some time a sharp decline may begin and you lose 5-10%.

In order to secure your passive income from such oscillations, it is worth working with the shares of several companies at the same time, it will protect your money. Professional investors call it risk diversification. In this case, you can count on a stable passive income of 5-10%.

Catch a good frame! Earnings in photos

Many this may seem amazing, but on their photos you can really earn, getting passive income. It is worth understanding that your family photos can be very good, but no one will pay for them. This is primarily about professional photos.

There are several services that provide the possibility of accommodating professional photos. In the future, they can be used in various printed and Internet editions. And you will receive deductions to you for it.

In order to earn in this way, it is necessary to have high-quality photographic equipment and talent of the photographer. In this case, you can implement yourself completely - do your favorite thing and receive passive income from this. There are many photos that brought them to owners millions, just just catch a good frame.

Real estate rental. From passive income to reliable investment

As mentioned above, real estate is one of the most reliable investment assets. You can receive passive revenue from real estate yourself. Options here are several:

  • - To take the property that you have owned. Most often it is an inheritance apartment.
  • - If you have a large number of available tools and can invest them in the construction of a new real estate or purchase in the secondary market. In the future, she also leases, and you get passive income.
  • - work on sublease. The principle is simple enough: you can lease large areas and take them in parts on more favorable terms. For example, rent a floor in the mall and pass trading pavilions separately. In the case of residential real estate, it has a slightly different shade. The apartment is rented on long term, and gives up daily.

The first way can be called perfect, since you will not need any financial investments. In the second, you will have to spend a sufficiently serious amount, but it can be considered for long investments, since the apartment will gradually recoup yourself and you will gradually begin to receive only net income.

If we consider the option with sublease, then it will not be possible to call it a full-fledged way of passive income, as you need a permanent job: customer search. This can already be considered active business. But with a successful defold, this whole process can be minimized.

Income on the risk limit! Earnings at rates

Sports rates, as such, cannot be called a full passive income, these are more gambling entertainment that help experience the thrill and at the same time earn. But people who are suitable for this issue with a cold head can earn good money.

There is such a concept as a bookmaker fork. These rates on the match, in which, regardless of the outcome, the player remains in the plus. Let's look at how it works in practice. Bookmaker 1 gives a coefficient of 2.1 to the team of the team A. Bookmaker 2 gives a coefficient to the victory of the team B 2.05. Regardless of the outcome of the match, the team A or B will won, the resulting will be in a plus of 5 or 10% depending on the outcome. The process is described quite rude, but it reflects the essence.

In order to earn consistency in the bookmakers, it is necessary to understand well in many aspects:

  • - The Rules of Sports you are going to put on;
  • - Rules for receiving rates in each bookmakers;
  • - Rules for calculating the results.

The ignorance of one of these items can lead you to the loss of all your savings. In addition, it is necessary to have enough big sumTo have the ability to safely work with bookmakers. But for a disassembled person, this can be a good source of passive income.

Credit funds. Loans organizations and physical organizations

Another type of mutual investment companies are credit organizations. The principle of operation is similar to Reit Funds, only investments will not go into real estate, but to the issuance of loans to various organizations and individuals.

If we talk about the profitability of this method, then much depends on who the organization works with and in which country, but in general, approximately the following conditions are offered:

  • - on ruble funds yield is 10-12%.
  • - According to funds in foreign currency, it is significantly lower than 3 to 7%, depending on which currency loans are issued.

The only thing you need to remember, working with credit companies - liquidity in such companies is at the level below average. If you decide to leave the fund, then getting your assets can take some time. Since, unlike real estate, loans are not always so easy to sell other credit institutions. But in general, credit funds provide their shareholders a stable passive income.

Creative flight of thoughts! Write a book

Is it possible to receive passive income with his work - unambiguously, yes. There is no need to go far, it is enough to remember the author of the book "50 shades of gray." I want to remind you that initially it was a fan handicraft based on "Twilight". But over time, she turned into an independent work and received a multimillion audience. And the author of multimillion fees.

But how to make money on this novice writer? Everything is quite simple, on the Internet there are a large number of sites that will publish your works. You can receive income from donations of readers or set a small charge for downloading the electronic version. You can also place your works in shops by type Google Play.

The next step is to work with publishers. With a successful publication on Internet resources, you can offer you to release in a printed version, as it was with the "Metro 2033" book, but in most cases it will be self-searclipser.

In any case, this method of passive income is suitable only to creative people who really love to write. For the rest, it can pour simply in the waste of their time and strength.

Bonds. Long-term method of passive income

Another type of securities are bonds. These are debt securities, but the main difference from the shares for us is fixed permanent payments. In essence, the bond is a hybrid of securities and bank deposits.

That is, you will have securities on your hands that have its own value, while you will receive fixed interest from them. In fact, the pricing mechanism is quite complicated for calculation. But before buying bonds must carefully examine them, as they are of several species:

  • - Bonds that can be safely traded in the market. It is very convenient optionSince in addition to getting interest, there is a chance to sell such loans.
  • - Bonds that can not be traded, but the borrower can buy them at any time.
  • - Bonds that can be bought only at the end of their validity period.

Therefore, if you buy the last kind of bonds for a period of 30 years, then you can get your assets only at the end of the term.

Let's consider the issue with payments when they occur. If the bonds are released for up to one year, then the percentages are paid one-time together with obtaining the principal amount. In case the bonds issued for a period of more than a year, interest payments occur twice a year.

Become a teacher in your favorite business! Create your own online courses

Each person is a specialist in any area. And why not try to receive income from this. On the Internet there are several services that allow you to monetize training courses. It may be cooking courses, programming, trade on the stock exchange, embroidery - any subject can be demanded. But it is worth considering several factors:

  • - Your courses should be interesting and in demand.
  • - Information should be interesting, useful and easily perceived by your listeners.
  • - Everything must be decorated accordingly: video quality and images, competent texts, the presence of all kinds of checklists.

One well-decorated learning course can bring you passive income for a long time.

Currency speculation. Forex trading

Buy cheaper, sell more - This is the main principle that is applicable to any type of trade. But he acquired his ultimate species in Forex in the foreign exchange market. Many have heard and know perfectly well how such a system works. But for those who do not know, let's give a more detailed explanation. Unlike banks where the currency rate is fixed on the day, in the Forex market all changes in the courses occur in real time. During the day, one currency may have time to leave for a few points in Plus, and then as much as possible. It is for this difference and the earnings of speculators are formed.

You can trade for a long term, you can constantly do speculation during the day. But the Forex market lives in its definite laws to learn how to trade stably in a plus, it is necessary to study it for a long time. In order to make your income, truly passive, you can use the services of professional traders. They will be engaged in your account, trading currency for you, while getting a pre-negative remuneration.

Specify securities. Income from price difference

We have already considered securities as a method for obtaining passive income. But speculation implies a radically other approach to this issue. In this case, we are not interested in the increase in the value of securities in the distant perspective. Specification implies profit on the difference in courses. Anyone who decided to make an earnings on speculation stands before choosing:

  • - to engage in speculation itself;
  • - entrust this to a professional broker;
  • - Invest in mutual investment funds specializing in working with securities.

The first option, as part of the topic of passive income, we will not consider, as independent trading implies a large number of time costs. It is impossible to name a full passive income.

Professional broker is taken to trade for you on the stock exchange. Fixed profit You will not fight, but if you are interested in a higher income, then this method may interest you. It is worth noting that experienced brokers begin to work at least with deposits of $ 10,000.

The third method is suitable for lovers to receive a stable income. A lot of professional brokers works in a mutual investment fund. The failures of some are compensated by successful transactions of others, which provides stable passive income.

Invest in a young business! Venture investment

This is an investment in a young business. In essence, you do not just create yourself to the future, providing yourself with a full passive income, but also become a real investor.

In modern realities, the absolute majority of venture investment - startups. A group of young, enterprising people has an idea that will make a profit, but they do not have the means to finance its implementation. They begin to look for investors through various platforms and often find them.

If you want to try yourself in the role of an investor in a real business, then you have two options:

The first option implies the possibility of obtaining great profits, if the project "Suns". However, independent investments imply much higher risk.

If you want to really organize a passive income, then it is worth working with venture companies. They will not be able to provide you as high income, but at the same time you will receive your 5-10% stable.


We reviewed 15 different ways to obtain passive income.. Some of them are very reliable, such as Reit funds or bank deposits. Others have high risks, but can bring big money. And the third are aimed at the implementation of creative potential. In any case, passive income at an early stage involves temporary or financial spending.

Passive income on the Internet
Interested in a large number of citizens of our country. It is not surprising because the desire to improve its financial position It was in honor of all times. Earnings on the Internet causes a lot of questions, not everyone can get the desired profits. On the way to success will be obstacles and difficulties. It is important here not so much luck as the ability to learn and listen to the advice of professionals.

What should you know about passive income on the Internet and without it?

Passive earnings often requires the application of considerable effort and time. The user has to deal with insurmountable obstacles, to withstand that not everyone can. Because of this, insults arise and rumors that it is impossible to make money on the Internet. Today we are ready to debunk this myth, told about the most popular and easy ways of passive work.

Important!!! The implementation of passive earnings leads an unstable financial position, frequent reduction and reduction of wages. As long as there is similar trends, users will look for new sources of income.

Our article is aimed at collecting information about all the well-known facts earning through the Internet and without it, we will look at:

  • Which is passive income and what is his difference from active.
  • What is meant by the concept of "wealth" and how it can be achieved by a poor person.
  • Sources and types of passive income.
  • Creating and receiving passive profit via the Internet.

Thus, we will consider the entire financial component of a successful earnings through passive sources.

Our article is designed for those who want:

  1. Become independent of the routine work in the office.
  2. Associate yourself and show those surrounding their capabilities.
  3. Provide decent life yourself and your loved ones.
  4. Guarantee yourself a comfortable old age.
  5. To achieve a previously irresistible financial goal.

If at least one of the items fits our reader, the article will help answer all the questions.

What is passive income

Passive income, in contrast to active, does not require constant control and participation from the owner. It is created only once, while the owner receives income permanently.

Important!!! Success in endeavors largely depends on the preparation. Read thematic books, publishing, listen to the opinions and recommendations of professionals.
Never ignore reading additional information, it will help determine the best sources of income, as well as find the right approach to them.

What is the difference between the poor and rich

Kiyosaki believes that a rich man determines first of all how much it can earn, and how many funds remains in humans and whether they are enough to ensure subsequent generations. This statement is based on the inability of some people to spend money.

Instead of saving and creating savings, many spend them on entertainment and other unreasonable costs. As a result, a person remains beyond poverty and enters the financial abyss.

But all the extra funds could be put in a personal matter, creating a passive income.
Thus, it is possible to allocate the main difference between the poor and rich people - rational thinking and restraint in the waste of money.
A rich man spends less than earns. He can send the remaining money to self-development or own business. He also seeks to find ways of earnings that do not require constant control, while bringing a stable income.
Many may say that such statements do not belong to the realities of Russian life. But, in our country there are also many rich people who were able to rise from scratch. This is primarily talking about real capabilities, which can be used.

Sources of passive income

Sources of passive income can be divided into four groups:

  • Passive income from intellectual property. It means writing books, paintings, musical works, creation of inventions and other intellectual activity products. Profit will bring their publication and register of patents.
  • Passive income from financial investments. In the presence of savings, you can purchase securities, real estate or ready-made business, the creation of deposit deposits is also not excluded. Such earnings will help to obtain a stable income with a slight infusion of the money supply.
  • Passive income from marketing activities. This type of earnings does not require material investments. Under it implies the promotion of third-party resources or products. Bright examples - Network Marketing (Oriflah, Avon) and sale of information. With the right approach, they will bring good profits.
  • Passive income from the state. A similar type of income is rarely considered, but has the right to exist. Some public benefits, scholarships, pensions, subsidies can be attributed to it. It is enough just to find the official ways to receive them.

The above list is a generalizing list of all possible methods of passive income. We suggest to consider the most real and profitable of them.

Best Passive Income Ideas

There are many interesting ideas For passive income. Each of them deserves attention, but it is simply impossible to tell about everyone. Therefore, it is worth separately discussing the most popular options today.

Top 7 profitable ideas for passive earnings

1. Developing your own website.

Requires the application of considerable effort and costs for creating and further maintenance. If you have your own experience and knowledge, the owner can create a resource independently. In the opposite case, you will have to contact a specialist. It is worth saying that any costs will be justified with the right approach.
The site is very created, it needs to be filled with thematic articles and pictures. They must be unique, attract the attention of users and force them to visit the platform again and again. With the growth of their number, the income of the site owner will grow.
You can earn on the site using:

  • Sales of eternal links.
  • Placing advertising from third-party companies.
  • Participation in affiliate programs.

The promoted site will be interesting for advertisers. They themselves will find a way to contact the owner to discuss the conditions for placing advertising on the site.
Affiliate programs will help earn money on attracting new users to the system, as well as making profit through the implementation of certain actions by visitors. For example, the online store advertising is possible, as soon as the user goes through it and make a purchase, the site owner will be charged a percentage of the total amount.
You can also make money on the site you can sell it. The final cost is usually at times exceeding the sum of the initial investments.
The site owner also should not forget about the need for its periodic promotion. Only this will give confidence that users will not lose interest in this site.

2. Creating an intelligent product.

A creative person can try to get a passive income from the fruits of his intelligence. As mentioned above, it may be a book, a scientific invention and other works from intellectual activity. They can be sold to one-time or apply a tricky marketing stroke and receive a stable income for a long time.

3. Rent property.

The owner of the apartment, houses, cottages, cars, can work perfectly on their rental. It will also relate to passive income, and with a practically not requiring additional infusion of money. You can even lease personal items (wedding or cocktail dress, suit), jewelry, furniture or building tools. It is not difficult to find customers, it is enough to determine with the price and put an advertisement on one of the electronic boards.

4. Receipt of payments from the state treasury.

Not many know that there are state programs to support a novice businessman. All you need to receive them - drawing up a profitable business plan and its presentation in the advantageous light. Money can be sent to the idea of \u200b\u200bpassive earnings. Also in this category can be attributed social payments, certificate for maternity capital and so on. If desired, they can be distributed and further spend on the development of passive business.

5. Financial investment.

Require availability of free cash (savings). Financial investment implies a serious approach to work, it is desirable to have economic education and analytical thinking.
Financial investments are always associated with risk, so the investor should soberly assess the situation. Means can be spent on:

  • Acquisition of real estate.
  • Buying securities or other enterprise assets.
  • Acquisition of a finished business.

Holders of small savings should be used by the second options, i.e. Buying securities. As a rule, the shares of newly created, but promising companies are inexpensive. In the future, they can bring good income.

6. Network marketing.

Refers to passive income without investments. It implies participation in the implementation of a certain product and receive a percentage of profits from it, it is also possible to attract new partners to the system.
Network marketing is gaining increasingly popular every year. It allows you to open my mini-business, having received an excellent source of passive income. The only thing you need to know is how to choose the company. Here it is necessary to remember that organizations with a good reputation will never ask for a prepayment.

7. Creating your business.

There is nothing profitable than its own business. It does not have to be a huge enterprise that requires large investments. You can start from scratch with a small primary capital. For example, the business on the Internet only began to acquire popularity. Today, there are still open some niches that can be occupied, successfully advertise and make a profit. We will talk about such ways to make such ways.

Options for passive income over the Internet

Considering the Internet as a subject of passive income should be chosen for itself. It may be obtaining a small profit of one-time or periodically. To achieve the first one by checking in social networks and fast-earning sites. They offer cliques, transitions and other steps. However, the profit will be insignificant.
Second option Provides a gradual increase in income, by developing its idea. It requires application effort. Here the user must understand that high income cannot be achieved without difficulty.

Internet earnings 2018 options:

  • Sale of advertising space on the site. In one of the sections of our article already mentioned this form of earnings. It is based on a paid placement of third-party advertising. Here you need to have a site with good attendance and reputation. Payment occurs one time, or monthly. The last option is most preferred.
  • Earnings on affiliate programs. Many online stores offer their customers to participate in the affiliate program. All you need is to go through a small registration and distribute partner links to the store. You can do this through social networks or thematic forums. The income size will be directly dependent on the total amount of the purchased goods by buyers who have passed through the affiliate link. It is enough to leave it on a platform once, while income will come on a long-term basis.
  • Investment. Here they mean diverse methods of earnings. It may also be the acquisition of the site, investing in its development, buying securities and other things. The most promising direction is to participate in trading on currency exchanges. They do not require constant control, it is enough to choose a convenient time to buy a currency, and then sell it at a favorable course.
  • Income from social networks. Contact, instagram, classmates and other social networks are a good option for earnings. You can get income by creating your own group. A large number of Subscribers will result in organizations wishing to advertise on a fee. All that need the owner of the group is to create it, fill out relevant information and maintain it in the future. At first, it is possible to have to invest in advertising on third-party resources, it will provide an opportunity to attract users' attention to public.
  • Profit from the canal on YouTube. Popular video blocks earn a few hundred dollars every day, this amount is thousands. To try this type of earnings will be able to each, you just need to open your channel and put interesting video on its expanses. With the growth of their viewing, the chances of profit will increase.
  • Creating an online store. Own business On the Internet, in contrast to the real, does not require renting the premises and investments of high costs for the purchase of goods. Open your store can be in the form of a group in social networks. The goods will be purchased for the prepayment of customers. The difference between the prices remain in the pocket of the store owner.
  • Mailing information. Almost every popular site offers its visitor to subscribe to a free newsletter. It can be used as advertising its services or third party company. Many organizations are willing to pay for such a kind of advertising good money.

On the list presented above, the earnings on the Internet does not end. It is wide and diverse. We discussed the most profitable of them.

A fairly large percentage of contemporaries is looking for options for passive income. People begin to take care of their future being young. Life for a small pension or, roughly speaking, "survival" no one imposes. Preference is given to a certain amount of work done, for which a long-term systematic payment is carried out in the future. This allows you to engage in your favorite thing and not attend the unloved job, enjoy life and realize your potential, forever overcome the problem of all modern humanity - lack of time.

Deposit is the most common passive income

The most common investment tool is a bank deposit. Depending on the amount of the amount made to the financial institution and the passive income depends. Affiliate scheme options are very diverse, and each bank offers its partnership conditions. The main essence of the partnership is that a person gives his capital to the bank for saving, and the establishment for the established period of use of the means pays to its client a certain percentage of the amount provided.

Advantages: the active participation of the investor in the process of increasing capital is not required. High security guarantees and deposit preservation.

Disadvantages: low percentage, which is completely absorbed by inflation. The rationality of the direction is justified only if the starting capital is large enough.

Investment projects

Considering the options for passive income, it is worth noting here to the high probability of big profits are added and risks. In this direction, the investment of funds dominates the purchase of shares of successful and developing companies. There are only two options for the development of events: the flourishing of the selected company and accrual to the investor's account of solid dividends or bankruptcy of the Organization with all the ensuing consequences. To avoid the unfavorable development of events, investors are strongly recommended to contact specialized professional investment centers, where experts will prompt the most profitable and less risky directions of investment.

Advantages: High return on investment.

Disadvantages: High risks, need to have great amount funds.

Buying a property

Considering the options for passive income in Russia, you can focus on the acquisition of real estate. You can consider not only the purchase of residential square meters, attention can be paid to commercial objects. Property can be leased. The investment in the purchase of foreign real estate is considered a very promising area. In Western countries, almost 90% of the population lives due to the fact that she leases its living property for rent. Revenues overlap not only the minimum expenses of the family, but also rest, entertainment.

Advantages: Complete lack of risks, each project fully pays off when it re-selling an investor.

Disadvantages: For the purchase of square meters, a large capital is needed.

Secondary investment options

The secondary options for passive income offline is the creation of an intellectual product, network marketing and each of the directions require not only specific knowledge and professionalism in a certain area, but also significant efforts at the stage of primary construction source.

The intellectual product involves the release of something, for which people will be ready to pay money constantly. It is enough just to make a discovery officially and patent it. The income will make a percentage of sales. Passive income without investments on the basis of network marketing is possible only if you get to the top of the pyramid, but for this you will have to spend a lot of time and strength by passing the way from the beginning to the finish. Ultimately, it is not necessary to work at all, as the income will be formed for people from the very nose structure.

Advantages: The ability to form a powerful without having to support it.

Disadvantages: big labor costs at the first stages of work.

Internet to help you

Thanks to the spread of the world cob, there has been a huge amount of opportunity to form a permanent and stable source of good income without leaving home. The number of directions is unlimited. These are not only affiliate programs, own sites, but also investing in successful managers in stock markets, much more. Passive income on the Internet is notable for the fact that it is available to almost every person, including young parents and students who do not have the opportunity to work full time. A large plus is that all materials on the organization of the source of profits can be found on the Internet, and clearly following the instructions, the result will not make himself wait long. Nic special Education, Moreover, diplomas from the university is not required in this case.

Investment on stock exchanges

Investments on stock exchanges are the easiest and not requiring considerable costs passive income. Options for inexperienced players in the foreign exchange market are not very diverse and more limited by deposits in PAMM accounts. Speaking easier, the deposit is transferred to the management of a qualified trader, which for a certain percentage of profits increases capital using trading instruments. Depending on the qualification of the trader, the amount of profit from invested money may vary from 150% or more per year. Means can both reinvest and remove. The main thing here is to study the principles for the choice of managing PAMM accounts. The risks of losing their deposit or part of it are available, but they are quite realized by differentiating the risks and distribution of capital.

Advantages: opportunity from the first month investment to receive income.

Disadvantages: Wrong decision On the direction of investment can lead to a decree of the deposit.

Personal site

Studying passive income on the Internet, it is impossible not to say about creating your own website. Popular I. interesting project Can bring good profits. The resource on which there is traffic (permanent flow of visitors) is in demand for advertising, affiliate programs and network businesses. If at the first stages of the project development will have to spend a certain percentage of funds from the total income and a lot of time, in the future spending the forces on maintaining the profitability of the site almost no need.

Many argue that to create a website you need to study the programming language and the structure of seo-optimization. In fact, the finished frame can be ordered in the agency or by freelancer. Seo optimization can be carried out independently. As an alternative to creating and promoting is the purchase of a ready-made working portal with a certain profitability. All that remains is to maintain in working condition.

Advantages: the income level is unlimited. It all depends on the activity of the project creator.

Disadvantages: time is required to study the new sphere.

Public pages

Creating a public page in a social network is another promising passive income. Options without investments are not so often, but it is one of them. Specialized skills for registration Public is not required. The designer is at the disposal of the user's user. It is enough to fill the project with interesting information and attract as many participants as possible as possible. In the future, the prospects for earnings are as follows: Paid placement of advertising, banners, informers, links. The most sought-after subjects are women, men, relationships, sports and cooking.

Video Born on the Youtube Channel

The most sought-after options for passive income in the United States are the creation of different kind Video blocks, including on the YouTube channel. Profit will drip by advertising, which will be distributed within the blog. This perspective opens up opportunities not only for trade links and sales of advertising, but also for direct cooperation with the advertiser. Customers are ready to pay impressive fees for their own products, for its description in a positive way. It is quite natural that the more subscribers on the channel, the more expensive the owner can count on the higher remuneration.

Advantages: An unlimited threshold of profits.

Disadvantages: the need to constantly maintain the popularity of the channel.

Why are people afraid of passive income?

Considering user options pushes the fact that there is a temporary gap between the work done and labor. People used to constantly perform a certain amount of work and immediately receive their remuneration. Work on the perspective scares the majority. Fears are playing a major role due to the fact that the resources spent will not be rewarded. No one is used to spending time and invest knowably not knowing what the result will bring it.

In Western countries, options for passive income are actively considered by millions of people. They prefer a one-time investment of funds and loss of time with the goal in the future do not think about the level of their material well-being. Everyone seeks to get away from the daily, monthly and annual visits to one workplace. Stable wage, which is a guarantor of stability, gradually loses its appeal. In fashion, search for alternative options for earning, with great profit and minimum strength and time costs.

Glad to welcome readers of our portal! Oleg Zolotarev with you. Today we will talk about the popular currently phrase "passive income." Many dream about him, because it is very cool, you see, do nothing and get money for it. But is it really? What is passive income, what activity can be attributed to it, as well as what temporary, material and physical costs are standing behind him in today's article.

Passive income: general concept!

Each of us roughly understands the meaning of the category of "passive income", because already in the phrase, a hint lies in the very phrase. Passivity means inaction. So, the income obtained in this way does not imply an active labor process from a person. In this way:

Passive income is to obtain remuneration with some periodicity without the need for daily labor.

It is safe to say that building a reliable base that will ensure its owner a good passive income is the highest level of financial independence. This is the plank to which everyone needs to strive for everyone, because it is then that a person can feel complete freedom, enjoy life, have enough time and money to implement his plans and incarnation into the reality of his desires.

Unfortunately, not all types of passive income can provide such freedom. Most often, available sources, such as bank deposits or a real estate rent, bring the owner a stable increase to the main income. However, it is not necessary to talk about luxuriously to live exclusively for these monetary arrivals.

Of course, here also have its exceptions. Among my friends there are people who at one time acquired a dozen apartments in Moscow and now safely pass them for rent and receive their considerable passive income. However, there are not many such people. The same applies to the situation with bank deposits. Given the low percentage of profitability (about 10% per annum), what amount of funds should be posted to exist only to interest? In this case, it is advisable to invest free money in more revenue projects. Affordable alternatives I have already described in the article where to invest in 2016 in order not to lose? Expert Tips and Personal Recommendations!

In addition to the specified sources of passive income, you can also allocate:

securities, patents for certain inventions, software products or objects of creativity, trust management of own assets in business or in financial markets, passive income on the Internet in the form of your own portal, affiliate programs.

Passive income requires initial investments! Where to take them?

Whatever the source of passive income, there is one common feature for each of them - this is the presence of an initial capital. Without initial investments, it is impossible to achieve full financial independence. To get interest on the contribution you need to have this very contribution. To buy a valuable paper, you need money. To build your business, and later simply control its activities - you need big money. To write a book, make a film or invent the invention, and subsequently acquire copyright - also financial resources are also necessary.

However, what to do a person who does not have the necessary monetary layer, to forget about his dream to have a passive income? Of course not! Now you can just look at the screenshot of my screen and see the money marked in the corner:

I can freely dispose of these money: I can spend, and I can make them a source of passive income. However, friends, such a figure appeared not from scratch. This is the result of my long-term work in financial markets with modern method Investing - binary options. Right now I suggest to see small video about them:

Binary options I have trading for several years. This way of income turned gradually from an interesting hobby to the main source of earnings. Skeptics will now ask his negative. Our portal exists only because it needs other people. No one forces anyone now to start trading binary options. It is simply shown by an alternative, which, with the right approach, will help a person with a minimal starting amount and a great desire to earn decent money, which can later serve as a platitive income.

Actually my interest in this source of income appeared when I met the PAMM portal - Trade. While I learned to trade, so to speak, I was improved professionally, along with me and changed the portal himself. Now there is simply a huge amount of information on the trading of binary options and forex. I started with pretty simple trading strategies and deposit at $ 250.

What helped me to succeed and achieve a multiple increase in your investments? First, I am in my nature a person who loves to bring everything to the end. I do not stop because of the minor failures. On the contrary, they spur me even more move forward. Secondly, before starting something, I thoroughly study information. I am absolutely sure that knowledge is the weapon that, sooner or later, will allow you to make a long-awaited shot in the top ten. So it was with me. And largely here the merit of the PAMM portal - Trade and its founder Viktor Samoilov.

Most of the theoretical preparation I received on this portal. Now the beginners are much easier. Every day, more and more detailed manuals appear in which each step of the novice trader is painted. The most detailed work on the Internet, after reading which about binary options you will know everything - is definitely

No less informative, but more compact source in which steps in trading are clearly and consistently painted - this is an article. Actually, it was from her that I would advise you to get acquainted with the functioning of this modern investment tool. And to understand all the nuances and subtleties, refer to the first specified source. There you will definitely find answers to all the questions that have arisen.

You can rent housing in any condition: with repair, without repair, for a long time or daily - differences will be only in the amount of future passive income. But the fact that the demand for rental housing is always 100%. Now it is not even necessary to take care of looking for tenants. The agencies and private realtors were so flooded as the market that they would gladly and completely take the guests for the search for you. In most cases, the Commission for services pays the tenant.

Of course, better apartment - The higher the passive income you can receive. Also plays a role location and proximity to transport junction. Rental prices Apartments in the city center and periphery with identical conditions may differ 1.5-2 times. Rental housing in the resort town may generally be the only and sufficient source of income.

Regarding, renting accommodation for a long time or daily, then it is necessary to take into account one nuance: how much do you have free time in order to engage in daily rent? Naturally, earnings with this type of lease will be significantly higher, but also risks, and personal time spent. And it is not even a question that the landlord independently has been searching for customers, their placement and other organizational issues. In the daily accommodation it will be necessary to invest more often to invest and time: something to change something, to repair something, perhaps even listen to the complaints of neighbors. There will be a lot of questions and they will often be, because the audience for such a lease can be the most diverse, 50% of tenants will be, to put it mildly, dishonest people.

Relatively long-term lease, then here passive income is provided in its pure form. I remember when I rented an apartment, then communications with the owner were minimal. For 5 years of stay, I saw him only a couple of times, transferred a monthly payment to a bank card, if something came into disrepair - I immediately revealed and included the price of the future lease. If you try to find decent agents for a long time, with which it will not subsequently, there will be no problems for paying or damageing property, then for many years it will be a good allowance for the main income upon your minimal participation. And if there are several such real estate objects, then, of course, you can easily live only on this passive income.

Option number 2: Passive income from business!

This type of passive income is also possible, but the most important problem with which it will have to face is the selection of the governing lineup. After all, it is from him that the work of your business will depend on it, and therefore - and the size of your dividends.

Now the speech will not go to build your business from scratch and give it to trust management. If someone does not know what the essence of this term is described in detail in the article. " I am 100% sure and repeatedly saw the owners belong to business, which built themselves. This relationship cannot be called otherwise as to his brain. And what parent will give his child to another family? Therefore, businessmen who started from scratch and putting a lot of time and effort to the company that successfully functions on the market will never give it voluntarily in the hands of another owner. Only forced life situations may encourage it.

Another thing, if you decide to purchase a ready-made business, and there is no desire or time. In this case, you, as an owner, will receive your passive income in the form of dividends and occasionally control the state of affairs. However, it is necessary to be aware of: if you are weakly understand the specifics of activity, then you will not make any difficulty to deceive you. Even if the planted person enjoys great confidence, is a relative or friend, he sooner or later can succumb to ordinary human vices - greed and thirst for power. In this delegation of management authority there is a huge risk that you will be deceived and planted. This will have to either come to terms or devote more time to control, or take the brazers of the board to their hands. The latter option, of course, has nothing to do with the concept of "passive income".

Option number 3: Copyright and passive earnings!

Write a bestseller, create a musical hit, come up with a useful invention - all this can be a source for passive income. However, is there many people capable of it? But the fact remains a fact: this method exists, which means I was obliged to mention it in my list.

As they say, and stick shoots once a year. Joan Rowling, famous to the world writer thanks to his fantastic novel "Harry Potter", working as secretary - a translator and for some time living on one manual, he also could not assume that for five years after the release of her book, it will turn into a multimillioner.

In fact, such examples can be given a lot. Do you know that Margaret Mitchell, the author of bestseller of world literature "worn by the wind" wrote only this only novel for his whole life, which later brought her family a big fee? The sale of the book was carried out by millions of editions, and the first filmography of the work added another 50 thousand dollars to the piggy bank. After the death of the writer itself, the copyrights of the work were distributed among its nephews.

Of course, to create something similar, a big talent is required. It rarely happens that one product will be the only source of income to many generations. It is more likely that authorship implies a constant subsequent work. They wrote a book, published, and then it is necessary to advertise it. When the public interest fits, you need to come up with something new. Only in this case the income will be maintained at the proper level. Not every musical group becomes at the level of "Beatles" and not everyone literary work Bestseller becomes.

Regarding legislation in Russia concerning copyright, it acts during the life of the author himself and the next 50 years after his death.

Option number 4: Passive income from software!

In fact, this is the same authorship, only in the field of IT technologies and programming. If you have any innovative ideas in this area, the passive income for a while you are secured. The next Bill Gates You can hardly be able to become, although ... For example, you know how to program under iOS and have created some necessary application for such a popular iPhone today or invented another interesting game For social network VKontakte. Who knows, maybe your development will become another hit. Could the developer of Twitter assume that this simple software solution will get so enormous popularity?

Or another option without authorship - buy server and provide payment hosting services. But then you need to take care of technical support. If you want to do it yourself, it will not be possible to lie on the sofa, you will have to respond to numerous calls from users.

You can try to become an Internet provider. However, it only seems that it costs to buy the necessary equipment once, connect it, and subsequently for many years to receive passive income. In fact, difficulties are even not even at the purchase of expensive equipment (about 3 million rubles will need), as in numerous organizational moments, for example, registration of a legal entity, obtaining licenses, the passage of expertise. All this is also additional costs. Subsequently need the same technical support, workers for installation and connection, personnel control, etc. In general, lying on the chaise lounge by the ocean with mojito is unlikely to succeed.

Option number 5: Passive income from the blog!

Thematic blogs have now become very popular. The most popular topics from readers are finance, business, health, sports and so on. The meaning of the blog is to provide useful and interesting information Visitors, and in return to receive income from contecte advertising or affiliate programs. Of course, in this area there are many pitfalls. Site creation is the most simple task of all the upcoming paths. Further it will be necessary to constantly fill high quality and unique content. Doing it yourself, of course, it is possible, but time this classes will take a lot. It is still easier to use the services of professional copywriters.

The advantage of article promotion to advertising paid in search engines is that the article will not disappear without a trace. You will pay for it, place on your blog, and it will be your durable asset, which will later lead a lot of traffic. In addition, it will be necessary to actively engage in advance. No one needs a blog that hangs at a hundredth position in search engines. In addition to optimized SEO content, it will be necessary to deal with the purchase of links, the placement of articles on third-party resources, work in social networks, etc. That is, work is difficult and painstaking. Especially if the portal is created from scratch, in the first half of the year about the top positions it is unlikely to dream.

However, as soon as you succeed, you will move a huge car, it will begin to move on the inertia, you will need to just slightly push it. When your blog has sufficient number of visitors (preferably at least 1000 per day), you can connect the contecte advertising and earn on each click. Subsequently, you will be engaged in the site, you will not be so actively as at first. But I would not dare to call this income absolutely passive. Maintain attendance will have to constantly: write new articles, improve usability, attract the attention of visitors. Without this, your portal is very fast in the ranks of more active competitors.

Option number 6: Passive earnings with the help of mutual investment funds.

PAID INVESTMENT FUND (FIF) is an association of individual investors (shareholders), which are managed by professional portfolio managers, investing them into securities (mainly stocks and bonds), precious metals, real estate and other assets.

Simply put, you trust your money management company so that they work effectively. Not every person has the knowledge of the functioning of financial markets or time to get them. However, there are people who own such knowledge, they become organizers of such funds, collect money from a group of people, invest them in various assets and eventually earn it. You, as a member of the Foundation, also get your profits.

In Russia, the activities of the mutios are strictly regulated by law, which is a significant plus for investors.

In world practice, such funds appeared very long ago, in the 70s of the 20th century. However, in Russia for the first time, mutual impacts were formed in 1996, but at that time they were not gained great popularity. The Russians began to actively trust their money with these funds since 2003.

The share of the shareholder is this difference between the initial cost of investment and the amount that he will receive after the sale of the entire shade or part of it. It is not necessary to forget that the Fund is managed by professionals - portfolio managers, which, by diversifying assets, reduce the risks of losses to a minimum.

They often think that shareholders also receive dividends, but it is not.

There are no percentages, dividends and other payments. Each participant receives his income only when selling its share (share).

Passive income from mutual effects: benefits.

What gives the Depositor of Pyp:
1. The ability to go to the investment market even with a small amount of money due to the fact that the fund accumulates from private capital contributions.
2. Do not participate independently in the money management, and entrust it with professional managers who understand not only what assets should or should not be included in the portfolio, and can also quickly respond to changing market conditions and to change portfolio assets.
3. A small risk of financial losses by diversifying assets and timely response to the market situation by investors.
4. The possibility of any time to buy PAI, sell them, transfer them to inherit or make securing.
5. The highest yield compared to deposits in the bank (it can reach up to 100% per annum and higher).
6. Smaller expenses for the commission's remuneration of the brokerage company compared to those if a person had spoke independently as an investor.
7. Confidence that the Foundation will not disappear just as many investment projects. The state regulates the activities of PIFs at the legislative level. To prevent abuse of depositors, money is separated from the management company. They are stored in a special depositary, which also performs control functions. Just to write off the money from the account can not. The depositary at any time can block money if any fraudulent actions suspect. In addition, there are also the highest controlling bodies - this federal Service According to financial markets and the State Tax Service.

Disadvantages of investing in mutual effects!

Of course, there are some disadvantages of mutual diseases:
1. The risk of loss of invested funds. If the portfolio yield drops, the shareholder is not guaranteed to return even an initially embedded amount, not to mention the profit.
2. Unknown profitability investment. If you know exactly how much money on the expiration date, in this case, the FIF does not have the right to declare possible returns.
3. Income from the sale of a share is subject to income tax at a rate of 13% for residents of the Russian Federation and 30% for non-residents.

Option number 7: Classic passive income - Bank deposit!

Bank deposit is the placement of temporarily free funds of the depositor at a savings account in the bank to preserve and increase funds to demand or for a certain period specified in the contract.

If investments in mutual impact or binary options are more innovative capital management methods, the deposit in the bank is the most famous and common way to receive passive income. Everyone knows about him, and most people use this particular way, despite its small yield, which is sometimes capable of overlapping only an existing level of inflation.

Bank deposit in money or precious metals can not be called effective method Investing, it is rather a method of preserving its money. Passive income from such investments will be insignificant.

Option number 8: Trust management in financial markets!

You can trust your money in the management of professionals not only with the help of mutual investment funds, but also traders on stock exchanges. Moreover, it can be both an over-the-counter market, and quite real transactions, for example, in the American stock market or in the Moscow stock exchange. The fact is that if in the case of PIFIs you do not risk being deceived, because its activities are regulated at the state level, in all other cases you will not give you any guarantees.

Now any Broker Binary Options or Forex will offer you a trust management service, but will not go through the month as your money will fly into the pipe. This is natural, because the broker is not interested in its own ruin. However, in the case of real trade, for example, shares or indexes, trust management may well become mutually beneficial cooperation between the investor and the trader, because often profit and losses they divide in half, respectively, in obtaining a profit each.

But the complexity of accessing the same New York stock exchange is that here you do not limit the initial amount of $ 200-300. In order for the trader to be effectively working with stock assets, a minimum of $ 25,000 is required. And of course, a stable passive income at the same time no one can guarantee you, because speculation in financial markets is, first of all, high risks. Even super professionals can not be reduced to zero.

Option number 9: Participate participation and passive income from this!

Affiliate program implies your participation in increasing conversions (selling services or products, registration, click, filling out a questionnaire or other action), for which you will receive the appropriate reward in the form of a percentage.

Affiliate programs have a similarity with network marketing, but if the MLM business involves both your permanent activity, then in the case of its partner it may not be.

I will give a simple example: Once upon a time I worked on the copywriting exchange and became a member of the affiliate program. I had my own referral link, according to which the system determined all my attracted people: it does not matter whether by the author or customer. When his account was replenished, a certain amount of money came to my account - the percentage of client replenishment. At the same time, I have already stopped working on the stock exchange for a long time, and all drip out money.

These programs are now common on the Internet everywhere. They are single and multi-level. Naturally, the second option is more interesting, because then you get passive income from the whole chain of attracted people.

It is believed that the largest partnership reward (up to 25%) is offered on various information products - courses, online training, master classes, etc. The hosting partner can be obtained from 10 to 20%.

It is very good if you have our own website, then make money on an affiliate program easier. However, without the presence of such in many ways, in many ways to distribute partnerships, such as social networks, forums, postal newsletters.


Friends today we reviewed various methodsAs you can get passive income in our time. Which result can be made from all that is said? In a classical understanding, he is rarely present. Almost everywhere you will need to participate and some activities. Of course, passive income is not a myth. But in order to be able to do anything, do not get some kind of pennies in the form of interest on the savings deposit, but decent income, you need to very try. It is necessary to have either good initial capital, or a profitable acting business, or an advanced Internet resource.

Trading binary options for several years, I managed to lend a good capital, but in the near future I do not plan to make passive income from it, I used to continue to act and actively invest, and the most important thing is to get a big kayf from this activity! After all, as you know, the movement is life. And in my deep conviction, only the dynamic rhythm is the only true of all existing!