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Projects of Russian baths from the log. Best Ban projects Interesting projects Bath from rounded log

Baths in our tradition occupies a special place. They will help and easily raise, and bring the body to a certain tone. The relaxation properties of the bath has long been known and proved, as the fact that the best material for their construction is a tree, in particular - log. That we will talk about this in this article.

Baths from the logs do not lose their popularity

This can not disagree. The actual all companies engaged in the construction of wooden buildings in their catalogs have projects baths from a log in dozens of all sorts of configurations. The secret, among other things, is that the tree for a person is very useful. And on the other hand, it is always pleasant to work with him and conveniently.

In the corner of the issue - a rounded log. But the material will differ behind the tree of wood. If you break down on those, or those positions, then we can easily make sure that coniferous trees remain the most popular. Special aroma premises can give pine, larch and Siberian cedar. This is what we called a special "spirit" capable of cleaning our body while staying in the bath. The use of a tree of wood, the size of the bath, etc. Features and determine the prices for projects from a turnkey log.

The main advantages of the Bath of the log

If you decide to buy a bath from a log in Moscow, then you are definitely lucky, because their structure is carried out in the shortest possible time. For wooden Parims, they are used, as a rule, a light version of the foundation. Therefore, it is not necessary to spend time waiting for an exevement shrinkage design.

Now we note the originality of the structures: the most different in the diameter of the log is used - within 18-32 cm. And besides, the two technologies of cutting, known as "in the paw" and "in the bowl". The client actually always leave the right to dream a little and choose the material that he likes. That is, experts must be allowed only for use, but the client can "dictate" his vision of the future own bath.

You can choose a microclimate, because the customer should dwell on what wood is more likely to him. In any case, the walls will be "breathable", and depending on the tree of the tree - will contain in the volume or volume of essential resins.

The next important criterion is durability. If you are at the stage of selecting a firm that the construction is not just a steam room, but the bats are inexpensive, then pay attention to how strong and reliable materials are used in a particular project. Mainly, such parameters such as additional protection from:

  • humidity;
  • mold;
  • damp.

Next - mandatory low thermal conductivity. The bath is still more actively operated in the winter season, and therefore it is important for you that its premises revealed warmly. At the same time, in the summer roast time, the bath should not overheat.

If you contact our company, you can be sure that we will offer you a bath from a log, which is able to provide you with a great rest both in winter and summer. Stay healthy and full!

One of the leading firms, the main activity, which is the construction of a turnkey bath. On our official website you can familiarize yourself with our projects. We only work with high-quality materials, taking into account the interests and preferences of the client. The use of the latest technologies and the tremendous experience of our specialists make it possible to implement yours, even the most difficult and, it would seem impossible ideas. For the processing of logs, we use special automated equipment, which allows for the shortest possible time to deliver the finished material to the object and begin construction of the bath. You or invite you to employees will be gathering a bath on our project as a puzzle or a children's designer. Thus, you save not only time, but also your finances. After all, thanks to this approach, the cost of a bath from a log in the Moscow region is significantly reduced.

The monetary question is currently extremely sharply worth practically in any family. And if there is an opportunity to save, then why not take advantage of? Many simply dream of their own bath, but the high cost of the finished design makes the desire just impracticable. Bath from the log on our project is cheap, convenient, functionally and reliable! Now in the construction services market there are many unscrupulous companies that have retained their reputation by poorly performed work, the use of unreliable raw materials. Name the final cost of the baths such organizations simply cannot and eventually exhibit huge customers, simply incorrect accounts. Actually, there is nothing surprising, because managers sitting in the office and preliminary calculations simply cannot know those nuances and arising in the construction of issues that usually ultimately increase the cost of the object.

Bani Design

So, consider the key points when the customer wants to buy a high-quality bath from a turnkey log at the most favorable terms.

Finished scheme made of logs. The most important part on which special attention should be paid in the construction of a wooden bath is the choice of high-quality logs. The final cost of the construction will be fully dependent on the size of the bantle srub. Based on the drawing performed by our employees, the selection and purchase of equipment, which will be needed for construction, finishing materials and high-quality isolation are occurring.

Device. Our log structures are relatively inexpensive. At the request of the customer, you can build both one or a two-storey bath with one or more terraces. All these nuances are negotiated with the client in advance and depend on how often the bath will be operated and for what number of persons it should be calculated. From a practical point of view, it is advisable to choose the construction of a turnkey log. Such a bantium from the log is not inferior to the quality and reliability of others, even more expensive analogues. For the construction of small baths from the logs, a semicircular timber is used because it is more reliable and practical, and wooden bars fit well to each other. Such a wooden bath looks more harmonious and neat. Moreover, the durability of such a construction is guaranteed by the developer.

Additional bathing. Large attention deserves the issue of log processing after the construction of the bath. With a clear compliance with the technologies and the rules of construction of the bath, the result will please you with one decade. We guarantee good quality of our work at the most favorable prices.

Exterior decoration of the bath. The price of a finished bath is consisted of a number of factors, the main of which is directly the design of the intended structure. Of course, if you are planning a large-scale construction, and in your head I have already matured the idea about how the dream of dreams with a large terrace, several floors and a huge holiday room, then, of course, you will have to spread with a round amount of money. But it is worth it, is it not true? For those who are not ready to pay a lot, and the bath is needed not so overall, it may well count on a relatively inexpensive budget project. All nuances are discussed with customers in advance.

In addition to the above factors, a number of additional aspects should be taken into account, from which the final cost of the project will also develop. So, the territorial location of the site, namely the distance from the city, preparatory work on cleaning the area for development, convenient delivery of building materials. An important role is played by the complexity of the works. The same additional financial costs for drawing (sketch development), additional schemes and drawings, installation of the chosen type of foundation, the assembly of the church itself, the supply and unloading of building materials on the site are taken into account. In the final value, insulation will also include insulation, thermal insulation, liquidation of cosmetic flaws, external and internal decorations of the structure.

We appreciate your attention, respect, time and money of our customers. That is why we have an exceptionally special approach to each customer, the project is drawn up taking into account all the wishes and preferences of the client. Our work is aimed at achieving the maximum result and the cheapening of materials without prejudice to its quality. Working on the country real estate market for many years, we have accumulated tremendous experience with customers. On our site you can familiarize yourself with the projects already implemented by us, as well as purchase raw materials for the construction of a bath from a log. Call, Write, order! The bath of your dreams with us will be a reality in the shortest possible time! We value you and our reputation, so we guarantee only the quality performance of work, reliable and durable structures!

Projects Ban from logs, both typical and original use most popular, and it is no coincidence. The log walls are warm, unproduced, for a long time retain their appearance and successfully oppose both external and internal negative impacts: atmospheric precipitation, high and low temperatures, humidity, winds, solar radiation.Frams from the logs are beautiful, elegant and neat, create a special rustic comfort. You can be inexpensive to build from a bar or brick, but the best, that is, the real Russian bath is hot, glitter, wellness - it is erected only from a solid log. This will tell you any master.

Each log - special attention

Log-made log cabin is an exclusive option that is not suitable for everyone.

Handmade work makes the cost of such construction high enough and therefore available not for each developer. For the construction of a two-story bath with an attic with a complex planning solution and

architectural findings or pool It is reasonable to choose a project from a rounded log.

For the manufacture of chopped logs, only three things are needed: logs, electric pains and skillful hands of the master. Each log is shred by manually, while it is necessary to leave the upper layer in maximum integrity, so as not to disrupt the integrity of the wood structure and not reduce its protective properties. The logs have approximately the same diameter and size, their surface is not polished, so it is not homogeneous. Consequently, the internal finish of the structure can not be avoided, although the appearance of the log after processing by the electrolyruck or rigine is quite aesthetic.

The log house of the planed log is durable and very durable. More careful material is treated if the developer has conceived to build a bath from a large chopped log from which only the bark is removed. The preserved natural resins will contribute to the "order" of wood and its excellent safety for decades. In this case, the walls have the so-called "Chernovaya" appearance: dark stains on the logs, the remains of the bitch.

Naturally, the assembly of a chub from a chopped log is more complicated than from the rounded. The necessary grooves are cut on the spot, which slows down the pace of work and makes it a rather laborious.

Rounded log: one caliber for all

Want something more modern?

Book a bath from a pinned log. This is a successful combination of antiques and modern building technologies: the correct, harmonious forms, the stylish appearance of the structure and the mounted charm of the original Russian traditions of wooden architecture.

To appreciate the benefits of projects from a rounded log, you should know about the material production technology.

The log house is assembled from absolutely the same in diameter and size of logs. Each has a profile that greatly facilitates and speeds up the subsequent installation. The logs are processed using woodworking machines: the upper part of the workpiece, the swamp, which is the most fragile and easily destroyed. The diameter of the finished product is from 160 to 340 mm, length is up to 6 m. The billets are polished until the perfectly smooth shiny surface is obtained and processed by protective means.

The log house from the rounded log is reliable in operation and durable, as it has a number of advantages.

It is not disturbed by the integrity of the product, its structure, so the tree continues to "breathe" and is an excellent natural air conditioning of the premises.

Smooth profiled logs are assembled into the log cabin gently, tightly and accurately with the help of "spike-groove" technology, therefore the heat-insulating characteristics of the cut is very high.

The manufacture of a log house and the construction of a bath takes at least time, since there is no need to "customize" geometrically equal billets under the desired dimensions.

The outer and interior wall decoration is not required, as the structure of the rounded log and looks great, has a complete harmonious appearance.

Any typical or individual project can be implemented, even with the most complex architectural solutions.

Building Ban from Log

When erecting a bath from a duck log, it is predominantly wood coniferous species of trees like pine trees, ate, less often - cedar and larch.

Breasting logs in two stages. The first is a cut that is happening only in winter in order to obtain high-quality wood. Ideally, the forest should "relax" for six months, and only then the second stage begins - processing.

The choice of developer logs can be ridiculous, planed or rounded. In the first case, only the bark is removed, all internal layers of wood remain intact and solid. In the second case, the log is cleaned from the crust and the upper layers, but not completely, as when the otling. Protective properties of it are fully maintained, which increases the service life of bubble logs.

The otillization is the last, the finishing stage of processing, in which the master seeks to process the log as high quality and beautifully, while maintaining all its natural properties. It is believed that the life of the cylindered log is less than chopped, just because it is deprived of the upper layers of wood and becomes unable to resist the respiration of time. However, the situation is not at all. In fact, the log only wins from the fact that it breaks up with Zabolov - "alive", if you can put it, part of the log, in which all physiological processes flow. In Collus, many moisture, therefore, it is stronger than the core, is susceptible to fungal diseases, also in it above the percentage of drying. Do not want to have cracks in the walls of your new house bathroom - choose a pinned, pre-dried log, which will not give a shrinkage. If the log of natural humidity is used, it will take time (about a year) on the shrink shrink.

As for construction terms, here the defining temporary criterion is a method of processing material. Thus, projects from the rounded profiled log will be embodied in a shorter time, since most of the work (cutlets of castle compounds, profiles) have already been done in the enterprise. While loggers from the chopped log, where special skill and skill are required, they are erected longer.

Methods for performing stems (angles) is enough to ensure that the developer has the ability to choose. Russian cutting, as well as Canadian (used for logs of large diameter) and Norwegian (used for boilers), uses the greatest popularity.

Baths from a turnkey log in Moscow - a new embodiment of the Russian classic bath. Bath projects from the logs unite the advantages of traditional steam room and the convenience of new technologies. They are environmentally friendly, modern. The original Russian log cabin possesses healing features, is a cure for the soul and body. She relaxes, treats, relieves from diseases. This classic option is chosen by many customers.

What is convenient?

On the Lesstroy information portal you can find projects of any kind and complexity. One of the major categories - log baths. We cooperate only with honest, experienced performers who care about the quality of work and materials. Baths of carefully dried, prepared for the construction of logs reliable and well hold warm. You can find the project and contractor you need on the site.

We have provided various filtering parameters:

  • by price;
  • by type of structure;
  • according to the materials used.

You can choose a project to taste and wallet: from the economy version of a small bath to a full-fledged home SPA complex.

Our contractors use modern safe log processing technologies. They exclude cracks in the walls of a bath or poor-quality joints. In the Dresstroy catalog, projects of baths in various equipment are presented: log cabins and a "roof" set. Contractors promptly collect the structure on your site from finished elements. They provide for the client for the client and equipping the pre-banker and the steam room.

Wood used, today other materials (brick, aerated concrete) began to be applied. But the tree, everything also remains a popular material that helps create a special atmosphere and recreate the true spirit of the Russian bath.

Advantages of construction from a rounded log

  • ecology. Natural material does not distinguish harmful substances, it is absolutely safe;
  • parry permeability. The tree misses couples, warning condensate education;
  • easy assembly. This advantage is especially important for those who build a bath with their own hands. Building a bath from a log is takes little time;
  • low thermal conductivity. Thanks to this, the tree perfectly retains heat indoors;
  • low cost. This option is significantly cheaper than construction.

Baths from logs: projects, photos, features

The first and important stage in the construction process is the preparation of the Ban Ban project. Free drawings can be found on the Internet, another option - to draw them on your own, also the project can be ordered from a professional. The advantage of the preparation of the scheme from scratch is that in this case all your wishes will be taken into account, as well as the features of the site. Prices for projects BAT from the rounded log are different, they depend on the complexity of the drawing. But in any case, the high-quality project will be cheaper than an incorrectly compiled drawing, which can lead to large financial losses.

If you stop on the finished project, then try to find a photo or video of how it will look in the already implemented form. It will help better understand whether this option is suitable for you, or you need to continue searching.

When choosing a project of a bath from a log, you need to decide on the size of the construction, needs and budget. It is these factors that have a direct impact on the view of the future buildings.

If you plan to visit the bath with a pair (and no more), then, of course, a fairly small building. But experts always advise building a bath more, if there is such an opportunity, because there is always the likelihood that in the future your family will increase, or you want to go to a bath with friends.

If you are planning to relax a large company, it is better to choose a spacious option (8 × 8, for example).

Do you need a spacious bath, but a plot for construction is small? Choose two-storey projects of baths from a rounded log. In this case, on the same area you can build a more compatible building. For example, you can make a pre-banker on the first floor, a steam room and a washing room, and the rest room is placed above. On the second floor you can also make a full-fledged bedroom, where your friends will be able to stay with the night.

If you can boast a spacious plot and a good budget, then pay attention to the projects of baths with a swimming pool. This option is especially relevant for those who have any reservoir next to the land plot. Useful after visiting the pair to plunge into cool water.

Special popularity has won the projects of baths from a rounded log with a terrace. And it is not surprising: what can be more pleasant than after the hot steam room to get out of fresh air and drink tea in nature? Such a vacation is perfectly relaxing and not only improves well-being, but also improves the mood.

If you are going to visit the bath only in the warm season, you can not make a rest room in the room, but replace it with a terrace. This will help save space.

If you make a spacious terrace and place a furnace on it, you will get a barbecue area, where you can not only drink tea, but also prepare a kebab. And in this case, it will not be afraid of rain - the roof will protect you from it.

The more premises and additions in the form of arbors and pools, the more consumption of materials and higher cost. When drawing up a project, do not forget about the budget. In addition, there are hidden costs that you can immediately not notice.

Spacious steam room, on the one hand, roomy, on the other, than it is more, the higher the fuel consumption and the more powerful the oven may be required. When designing, this fact must be taken into account.

It is necessary to decide in advance with the location of the washing / shower, as well as toilet and the pool (if any). This is necessary in order to properly organize a drain system.

At the project stage, you need to decide on the location of the doors, windows, think over the wiring and sewage system. It is also necessary to note where partitions will pass, and the furnace is located. Than more will be the drawing, the better! If each detail will be thought out in advance, you can understand what you get after the construction. To make edits to the project is easy, but to redo the prepared building is difficult.

Bath project 3 × 4

This option is small and designed for 1-2 people. The advantages of such a project are low cost and compactness. Despite such small sizes in the bath there will be all the necessary premises: steam room, washing and pre-banker.

Bath project 4 × 5

Looking for a compact option, but with a separate room, where can you relax? This project is great! Options of a smaller area usually do not provide for a rest room, here it can already be.

The capacity of such a bath is about 4 people, which is quite enough for the family.

Bath project 6 × 8

This option provides for spacious full-fledged premises, where you will be cozy and comfortable. In the bath of this type there are not only the minimum set of furniture, but also sofas, chairs, a massage table, usually they also make a bathroom. Thanks to the large lounge in the bath 6 × 8, you can not only get along, but also stay with overnight stay.

And if you make a two-story bath of such sizes, you will get a whole country house.

Pile - an easy way to build a bath with your own hands

Today, some companies sell not just rounded logs, but a ready-made kit for erection of a bath. To do this, they complement the logs with special marks, as well as a spider - a special scheme where it is indicated which logs and where to put.

It is enough to lay them out in the specified order, and the bath is ready. This option is good because you are guaranteed to get a smooth building without unnecessary gaps. If you are poorly understood in the construction of the bath, but you have a great desire to make it with your own hands, then the scorn is an alternative and intelligent option.

As sees, wooden bath projects from logs can be the most different. The schemes presented in this article are only a small part. Wooden baths can have a variety of sizes, forms, they differ in the number of floors and premises. Everyone who is going to build will be able to find an optimal option.