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Sentence. The main members of the sentence. Treasurer in the Russian language (grade 2) on the topic: Cards Main members sentences

In this lesson, we learn that the proposals allocate the main members - subject to and led. Subject to and taped constitute the grammatical basis of the offer. We will learn to find the subject and faithful in the proposal and emphasize them.

Remember: subject Calls, about whom or what is said in the sentence, and answers questions "Who?", "What?". When parsing offers is underlined by one feature.

For example: Schoolchildren read books. Who is the saying about the proposal? About schoolchildren. Who is pupils - subject, undercite one feature. What do schoolchildren do? Read. This is the second main member of the sentence - the failed. Emphasized by two features. Schoolchildren read books.

Remember: predicate - The main member of the sentence. Calls what is said about subject to questions what to do? what to do?When parsing, the sentence is emphasized by two features.

We learned that the proposal allocate the main members - subject to both. Subject to and taped constitute the grammatical basis of the offer.

Fig. 4. Grammar Basis Offer ()

And now we will perform the tasks that will help us consolidate the knowledge gained.

We will divert the grammatical basis of the proposals and emphasize the subject and lean.

Spring has come. On the ground ran ringing streams. Put on bird branches. The first blades appeared on Protalinki.

Check the correctness of this task.

Spring has come. It occurred - the lean, spring is subject to.

The streams ran. The streams are subject to, ran - the failed.

Put the birds.Patched - a surehead, birds are subject to.

There were blades.Appeared - a surehead, bladeing - to be subject.

Insert the suitable way subject to.

Blowing cold northern __________. White _________ fall to the ground. In the forest jumps from the branch of the branch fluffy ________.

Words for inserts: squirrel, wind, snowflakes.


Cold northern wind blows. White snowflakes fall on the ground. In the forest jumps from a branch to a branch fluffy squirrel.

From these words to make a sentence. We will find in each sentence a grammatical basis and emphasize it.

Crow, on, sits, branch, black.

Gray, gnawing, carrots, hare, tasty.

Apples, on, ripen, apple trees, red.

Coat, hanging, hanger, on, children's.

One of the answer options:

Black crow sits on a branch.

The basis of the sentence: Crow sits .

Gray hare nibbles tasty carrot.

The basis of the sentence: Hare gnawing .

Red apples ripe on an apple tree.

The basis of the sentence: Apples ripened .

Children's coat hangs on the hanger.

The basis of the sentence: Coat hanging .

In the next lesson, we learn what members of the sentence are called secondary, learn how to find them in the proposal, to allocate with emphasis. Let's talk about common and non-proliferated offers.

  1. Klimanova L.F., Babushkin T.V. Russian language. 2. - M.: Education, 2012 (
  2. Buneev R.N., Buneeva E.V., Pronon O.V. Russian language. 2. - M.: Balam.
  3. Ramzaeva T.G. Russian language. 2. - M.: Drop.

Any suggestion of the Russian language can be divided into components that in science are called "members of the sentence". Among them are the main and secondary. Without the main, most of the proposals cannot exist, they form it the basis, and the minor make the text more informative and saturated. Which are the main and secondary chl. offers?


Subject to and faithful in the sentence is the main members of its members.

  • Subject means an object that makes an action. Questions that will help detect it during the syntax analysis is "Who?" (if the action makes an animated object) or "What?" (In the event that the proposal speaks of a phenomenon or an inanimate subject).
  • The faithful is most often expressed by the verb and means the action that makes the subject. Questions to define - "What does what will do?"

Let us give an example: Good mood helped boys overcome difficulties. To the question "What" in our example is the word "mood", it is precisely it is subject to and underlined by one feature. To find a faithful, ask the question: "Mood that did?" Helped. This word is a failed, expressed verb, is emphasized by two features. As a result, the proposal with the found main members looks like this: good (what?) Mood (emphasized with a solid line) (what did it?) Helped (emphasized by two solid horizontal stripes) to overcome difficulties.

How to find out the subject and failed

To prevent an error, disassembled, where to be subject to, and you should use the Table Table.

First of all, you should find a acting person by asking the question: "Who? What? ", It will be subject to. Next is looking for a lean.


To make out a proposal for members, you should be able to find and circumstances, definitions and additions. It is they who are secondary members, whose appointment is to concretize and clarify the main (or other secondary). How to find them?

  • Definition. Questions that will help him discover in the proposal are "what", "whose".
  • Addition. Most often to it are set by cases: "Who (what)", "with whom (with what)", "about whom (about what)" and others. That is, questions of all cases, in addition to the nominative.
  • Circumstance. It can be found by asking questions of adventure or verprices: "Where," where "," why "," as "," where "and the like.

Let us give an example. Find the main and secondary chl. offers:

Little boy hastily walked along the path.

There is a disassemble offer for members, it will work like this:

(What, definition) small (who subjectable) a boy (like, circumstance) hurriedly (what did, the faithful) walked (for what, addition) along the path.

Each main and secondary chlor. Proposals responds to your question, it carries a certain load and fulfills its own role in the proposal.

How to recognize

In order to prevent errors in identifying additions, definitions and circumstances, you can use this consolidated table-prompt.

Minor members
ValueCharacterizes a sign of the subjectMeans the subjectIt has the value of the place, time, the method of action

What? What, what, what?

Indirect cases: to whom (what), by whom (than) and otherWhere, where, from where, why, when, how - all the questions of the Nasrechy
Than expressed



Cardinal number

The case coincides with the case of the main word

Noun (as with a pretext and without it)


Case can be anyone except the very famous


As underlinedWavy lineDotted linePoint-tire
Example(What?) Beautiful vase stood in (whose?) Mamina room.Kid carried (what?) Basket (with what?) With mushrooms.(Where?) In the forest (when) in the autumn was raw.

To reveal what a member of the sentence before us should first ask a question.

Additional tips

To find the main members of the sentence, the rules should follow. The faeble is not phrase, it is already a proposal, albeit very short. The main members are independent of each other.

The syntaxial analysis should be started from detecting to the subject, further finds out what is a faithful than it is expressed. Then the group should be identified with the help of questions, only after that - a group of the fad. Each secondary member depend on:

  • from one of the main;
  • from one of the secondary.

In one sentence, there may be several main and secondary chl. offers. If a few foundations, the offer is complex - complex or complex. If several definitions, additions, circumstances, but the basis is one, then the proposal is simple.

Often you can meet and appeals, for example: Katya, go to do lessons. Despite the fact that Katya's appeal is reminiscent of the subject, it is not a member of the sentence and is indicated as an appeal.

Complex cases

Not all the main and secondary CL suggestions look obvious. Complex, but interesting cases are varied:

  • In a single offer there is only one major member. Mattled (This is a surehead, the offer is impersonal). Today we reported (leaving, uncertainty-personal offer), that the exam is canceled.
  • The attacked may include the adjective name: The weather was rainy. In this example, the combination "was rainy" is a component of the name.
  • The leakable may include several verbs: Today Vasya began to engage. "He began to do" - a composite verbous legend.

Main and secondary chl. Proposals must be allocated correctly when syntaxed offers.

The main members of the sentence - subject and predicate.


Subject - This is the main member of the sentence that is associated with the fag and answers the identity of the nominative case. who? or what?

Methods of expressions of the subject

Methods of expression Examples
1. Natural name in the nominative
case (or another part of speech,
consumed in the meaning of the noun)
Blizzard Highed immediately. (N. Ostrovsky)
Colmantic Discussed the agenda.
2. Pronoming in the nominative case Everyone He went to the room, he was intended.
(A. Pushkin)
3. Undefined verb shape Guard Nature means to protect their homeland.
4. Frameology In the field came out from small to large.
5. Own item Broad stripe, from the edge to the edge, stretched
Milky Way. (V. Arsenyev)
6. Syntaxically solid phrases We are with grandmother It was quietly to her attic.
(M. Gorky)


Predicate - This is the main member of the sentence that is associated with the questions subject to and answers what does the subject do? What happens to him? What is he? and etc.
The legend is expressed by the verb in the form of one of the chances.
The faithful may be simple and compound.

The fault, expressed by one verb in the form of any inclination, is called simple verbal tajampis.
In a simple verlar lexical lexic and grammatical meanings are expressed in one word. The fault expresses the nature of the movement; At the same time, the verbs indicate a real action.

Compound This is called such a leaky, in which lexical and grammatical meanings are expressed in different words.
Composite led may be verbal and name. It consists of two parts: one part (ligament) expresses the grammatical value of the taught, the other (verbal and nominal) is the main lexical value of the fag. There are verb as a ligament be and auxiliary verbs.

Compound verb It is called a leakable, which consists of an auxiliary verb expressing the grammatical value of the fag and an uncertain form of the verb expressing its main lexical significance.
Auxiliary verbs express the values \u200b\u200bof the beginning, end, duration of action, its desirability or opportunities.
In the role of a bundle of a composite verbal faith can perform combinations of some brief adjectives ( must be happy, ready, obliged, able, intends et al.) and service verb ligament be In the form of one of the chances.

Compound Name It is called a legend, which consists of a verb-ligament expressing the grammatical meaning of the fag and the name of the nominal part (the name of the adjective, noun, etc.) expressing its main lexical significance.
The most consumed is the verb bunch beexpressing only grammatical values.

The roles of ligaments can perform verbs that have movement values, states: come, come back and etc.; sit, stand and etc.

Named The composite faugible is expressed by the name of the adjective, the name of the nouns, a brief suffermentary communion, etc.

In the nominal part may include alliances as if, like, exactlycontributing to the lean value of the comparison.

Members of the sentence.

1 .Subject denotes o Com. or about what Specified in the sentenceand answers the question who? or what? Total to be most commonly expressed by the name existing. Emphasized one feature.

2.Predicate - This is the main member of the sentence that denotes whatthe proposal is referred to and answers the question what is he doing? What do? What did you do? What did you do? Most often expressed by the verb. Emphasized by two features.

3. Definition - This is a minor member of the sentence that answers questions What? What? What? what kind? and emphasizes

wavy line. Definition is expressed by adjective.

4. Addition - who? what?

who? What?

Who? what?

by whom? than?

OK? about what?

and it is emphasized by a fierce line --------. The addition is most often expressed by nouns or pronoun.

5. Circumstance - this is a minor member of a sentence that answers questions: where? where to? where? as? when? And it is emphasized by a fierce line and a point. The circumstance is most often expressed by nouns or adorption.

for example : In green grove pattoos met merry vote birds.

Sentence- this is a word or a few words associated with meaning.

Narratives: The yard is beautiful weather.

Questionative: Why don't you walk?

Indoor: Go Rather!

Exclamation: I was presented with a puppy!

Non-promotional: I was presented with a puppy.

Unprosted: Spring came.

Common: Came long-awaited spring.

Narrow path outlet far in the forest. - simple (Has one grammatical foundation)

In the morning prigidal sun, in the evening knuckle frost. - sophisticated

(has two or more grammatical foundations)

On the factory human pours liquid glass in sieve.

(Narrative, non-promotional, simple, common.)

The analysis of the proposals for the memberships and in parts of speech, the discharge of phrases.

In the phrase one word is the main thing, and another dependent. At first, the question is set from the group to be subject to, then from the group of the faded, then from the group of minor members.

Subject and faeble are not phrase (Since the main member of the sentence (subjectable) cannot depend on the main member of the proposal (tag)).
p., units, M.R., T.P. n. p.,, I.P. p., I.C., I.P. G., P.V., MN. Previous
for example : Autumn day little children walking in

p.,, M.R., pp. s.,, M.R., P.P., 2C.
urban park.

Uniform members of the sentence call the words that:

1. Refer to the same sentence.

2. Answer the same question.

3. And for definitions: Indicate the same sign (color, size, shape ...)

4. The main and secondary members of the sentence can be homogeneous.

For example:

Suvorov cennyl His soldier for bravery, smekalku, endurance.

what kind? what kind?

Small large ship shaved on the water.

(Small, big - homogeneous definitions).

Difficult sentence.

Complex - Call an offer in which several grammatical foundations.

The letter of a complex offer is divided into a comma.

For example:

Dogorel April light evening, in the meadows cold dusk lea.

Day darkness, I. grass gray dew in the meadows shine.

Direct speech.

Direct speech -these are words transferred on behalf of the speaker.

The prince is sadly responsible: "Eat me sadness".

A: "P".

Signs of punctuation in proposals with a direct speech:

A: "P". "P", - a.

A: "P!" "P!" - but.

A: "P?" "P?" - but.


Appeal- the word (or phrase), called a person, an animal or an object to which the speech is treated.

On writing appeal is allocated by commas.

For example:

Kolobok , SPEY His song is still time.

This para , king, My and the owner, too, I.

We, Murenka., Happy grandfather go to the forest!

In the good way to you gentlemen.

Appeal is not a member of the sentence .

Member sentence - The syntactic function of words and phrases in suggestions.

Main members sentences:

Subject - This is the main member of the two-partition, denoting a sign of a feature (actions, state, properties), named beyond. Subject to be expressed by the nominative case, pronoun, infinitive. Answers the question who? what?:

Factory works. I Engaged. Friend sings. Sevenone is not waiting. Smoking harmful.

Predicate - This is the main member of the two-partition, denoting a sign (action, condition, property), assigned to the carrier, which is expressed to the subject. The fabulous is expressed by the hidden shape of the verb, infinitive, nouns, adjective, numerical, pronoun, naschaim, phrase. Answers the questions what does (did, will do)? What?:

It is reading. Live so fight. Sister engineer. Son high height. Weather hot. She is warmer, than yesterday. This book my. This lesson second. To study interesting. Study plays a big role.

Secondary sentences:

Definition - this is a secondary member of the sentence that answers questions what? whose? which the?Definitions are divided into:

    consistent definitions. Communicated with a defined member in the form (case, number and genus in a single number) are expressed by adjectives, communions, ordinal numerical, pronuches:

Largetrees grow near fiefstingdomika. IN oursthere is no class lagging behind Pupils. He decides this Task second hour.

    uncoordinated definitions. Do not consist with the defined member in the form. Expressed nouns in indirect cases, comparative degree of adjectives, adverbs, infinitive:

Shotel leaves berezov. He liked evenings in the house of Grandma. Choose a fabric with a drawing more fun. For breakfast gave eggs skump. They were united by desire SEED.

application - This is a definition (usually consistent), expressed by nouns (one or dependent words): city- hero, students- uzbeks; We met the archup blacksmith. The doctor appeared a man of small height. Do not consist in the form with a defined word of an application expressed by nicknames, conditional names placed in quotes or attached with words by the name, by surname:

In the newspaper "Arguments and Facts" Interesting report. He reads about Richard Lion Heart. I went hunting like Nicknamed Bonya.

Addition - This is a secondary member of the proposal that answers questions of indirect cases ( who? what? who? What? what? by whom? than? O Com? about what?). It is expressed by noun, pronouns in indirect cases or registered phrases:

Father developed In it is interested in sports. Mother sent brother with sister behind milk.

Circumstance - This is a secondary member of the sentence, expressing the characteristics of the action, state, properties and answering questions as? how? Where? where to? where? why? what for?etc. It is expressed by adverbs, nouns in indirect cases, adapters, infinitive, phraseologism:

Away loudly pounded woodpecker. Song sounds all quieter. She said smiling. He left from Moscow to Kiev.

Uniform members of the sentence - These are the main or secondary members of the proposals that perform the same syntactic function (i.e. are the same members of the proposal: subject to, beyond, definitions, additions, circumstances) that are responsible for the same question and pronounced with the intonation of the listing:

All the way neither he nor me did not speak. we sang and dancel. Cheerful, joyful, happy Laughter announced the room. She is long, confused, but joyfully I told his hand. Uniform definitions should be distinguished from inhomogeneous, characterizing the subject from various sides: in this case there is no intonation of the listing and not insert writing unions: In Earth Vryt round treesy oak pole.

Introductory words and suggestions - Words and suggestions, equivalent to the word, which occupy an independent position in the proposal, express different aspects of the relationship of speech speaking:

of course, probably, apparently, of course, or rather, more precisely, roughly speaking, in one word, for example, by the way, imagine, I think, as they say, it would seem if I'm not mistaken, you can imagineetc.

Putting designs - words, phrases and suggestions containing additional comments, clarification, amendments and explanations; Unlike input words and suggestions, do not contain instructions on the source of the message and the ratio of the speaker. In the proposal, usually stand out with brackets or dash:

In hot summer morning (It was in early July) We went berries. Soldiers - they were three -ate, not paying attention to me. I did not understand (now I understand)How cruel I was with her.

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