Repairs Design Furniture

Watch on the whole wall with your own hands. We make a watch with your own hands: master class on creating and decorating wall and wrist chronometers. From vinyl plates or disks

My relatives made repairs in the kitchen. For the completed interior lacking wall clock. The old hours are good, but externally do not fit into the updated kitchen. Dispose of the watch puzzled, on them a gift inscription is. I will try to breathe new life in them.

To work with the clock, we will examine them. Dial, glass (and not plastic, as in modern clock) and frame.

I didn't even try to remove the clockwork, because With a thorough examination, no fasteners found. The dial will be accompanied by a neat rotation of the minute arrows, it will complicate a little work.
So, let's start with the frame. I decided to cover her with a cloth, I was just in stock, suitable in color scheme. This is a rather dense cotton fabric with elastane. When cutting, it takes quite a bit. We apply a frame on the fabric and a shallow for cutting supply, making indents on the edges for bends.

Cut our pattern. On the outer side of the frame to stick bilateral scotch to secure the fabric before the start of tightness.

By making small cuts in the corners and sampleing bilateral tape inside the frame, we are tightened, carefully wrapping the edges of the fabric and gluing onto the tape. Scotch I chose not by chance, the fabric is well glued to it. Glue in this case would be soaked through the cloth and complicate the process.

Having finished taking the frame, I tried it out on the clock. It turned out perfectly.

And it would be possible to stop on this. But the factory decor dial tells us that this is not a completely man-made product, it looks pretty boring. In addition, relatives really wanted wall clocks with Roman numbers. Therefore, proceed to the dial. The dial cast of plastic, numbers and letters on it is part of the one-piece design. Therefore, I decided to scream the surface of the dial, having threw everything under zero. The height of the leg on which the arrows rotate, allows us to apply 2-3 mm putty.

Gently rotating the arrow, I went through the entire surface of the dial.

On a jar with a putty, it is written that it dries from 3 to 24 hours, I decided to wait the maximum for reliability. A day later I found my microcracks on the surface and once again went with a putty, it's only only silent these fastenings, layer less than 1 mm. The second layer of the clock is 5-6.

After a complete drying, a small spatula I slightly lost the surface, knocking up irregularities, and rubbed it with a wet sponge, removing small particles. Printed on two layers of white acrylic paint without water, with intermediate misses of each layer. And in conclusion - toned the surface of the dial I need the color of acrylic paint without water, chaotic strokes. It turned out such an interesting texture.

Roman numbers I found on the Internet and, in addition to them, Eiffel Tower, suitable in style in the kitchen. Print the image, and, by placing a sheet into a plastic file, covered the drawing of the black stained glass paint from the children's set "Stained-glass window". Such paint when drying turns into a sticky sticker.

After a day, the numbers dried in parallel with the dial, I moved these stickers on the dial. Collected hours and ...

... I hope relatives will be satisfied.

Hooray! I am officially shoemaker with boots. I looked around how participants in our master class in the needle did wall clocks, and now (not half a year and half a year) in our kitchen there appeared a tropical keeper of time.

In early May, the master class was held in our needle, where we did the wall clock with their own hands. The idea of \u200b\u200bVorkshop arose in January, and it was very nice to implement it. Here, very by the way, the clock was broken in the kitchen, which I have long broke out. Compatible pleasant with useful. First, I made a new device to determine the time, secondly, an article for the blog, and thirdly - the tropical decor beloved by me this summer.

Why make the clock do it yourself, if you can buy

And so it is clear that made with your own hands, it is with a soul and from the soul. Perhaps purchased will be shall and with a guarantee, but the advantages to make the wall clock with their own hands more:

  • you can implement any idea (for example, as mine with tropics)
  • choose exactly the size that needs
  • find the right arrows and mechanism
  • start a little better to understand how the wall clock is arranged
  • proudly report to everyone that you made them yourself (and this is not just a postcard or flower, but a whole device).

What makes a dial for wall clocks

Thinking about the panel under the dial, it is worth remembering that the clock can be not only round, but also triangular, square, even in the form of a flower.

  • Panel can be ordered in a laser cutting workshop
  • find and buy prepared from plywood in the online store or in a store with needlework goods
  • make from cork substrate or tight thick cardboard
  • cut from plasterboard
  • make a drink
  • or from the vinyl record.

How to decorate wall clock

Ways to decorate wall clock mass, it all depends on your desire to create and bother.

  • You can print and glue the finished picture.
  • apply drawing acrylic paints
  • draw something watercolor, cut and glue
  • glue volumetric parts from thin plywood
  • embroider anything on the fabric and cover the workpiece
  • you can draw or glue numbers.

Wall clock - materials and tools

Time spent - one and a half hours. We will need:

  • round panel of plywood diameter 30 cm
  • clock mechanism with arrows
  • paper and pencil
  • rule
  • acrylic paints and tassels
  • palette for mixing paints
  • pliers
  • scissors.

Wall clock with their own hands - work

The mechanism can be ordered in the online store or use the remaining old hours. There is a couple of moments to pay attention to:

  • Thickness of the dial
  • thread diameter (must approach the hole diameter in the middle of the panel)
  • and the sprock height (funeral on, which is still holding, and on which arrows dressed).

For example, in my mechanism of the rod height of only 8 mm, it means that the thickness of the plywood blank should not exceed 4 mm, otherwise there is not enough space to spin the nut. The best overall height of the stock is 16 mm, and the height of the thread is 9 mm. Such a mechanism is suitable for most wooden blanks.

If there are volumetric parts on the dial, you need to make sure that the arrows will not be cling.

1. Before you start making wall clock with your own hands, you need to decide where the number is 12. To do this, turn over the panel, insert the clockwork, outline the middle of the vertex of the mechanism (it will coincide with the middle of the cape) and carry out a perpendicular line. It is from here that the count will begin and the distance between the numbers will be marked (if they are planned).

2. We take a sheet of paper, supply the dial contour on it and draw the decor. It is useful in order to see, harmoniously looks like a composition before it is too late to change something. I re CRED on the paper contours of the leaves, then cut out and moved to the plywood blank using a pencil.

3. Color the workpiece in accordance with the decor. I used a white construction acrylic, an artistic acrylic and a color paste for a tinting.

4. When the paint is driving, screw the clock mechanism. It may have many details that can be used or ignore depending on the thickness of the dial. Usually, the assembly scheme is attached to the hourly mechanism, which I advise you to adhere to. We ride a rubber substrate on the rod and apply to the dial from the reverse side. The top (middle of the peels) should coincide with the pencil margin (see paragraph 1).

5. I turn over the workpiece with a puck and tighten the nut. Here we need pliers so that you can be tightened tightly.

6. We ride the arrows. By the way, the arrows I repainted from white to black. There are also two points here. First, on the arrows there may be a protective film that you need to remove. Secondly, the black art acrylic was not very good for metal, so I had to first challenge the arrows with a construction white acrylic, and then after drying it was black.

Before rolling, you need to make sure that all the arrows are straight. First we ride the hour, then minute. The second dresses the latter. They are rolled to easy click. It is important not to rearrange and not too diligent, so as not to break the gentle fasteners. Arrows should be strictly parallel to each other and do not touch, otherwise the clock simply will not go.

7. I exhibit all the arrows at 12 o'clock according to the mark, insert the battery and configure the correct time using a special wheel that can be found on the reverse side mechanism.

A couple of evenings, one and a half hours - and I gladly launched my time. Take care of your time, spend it with those who give you joy!


Hello dear friends and readers! Today I want to show how to make the watch with your own hands for the child.

All parents know how important it is to teach the kids correctly determine the time by the hour. Especially if the baby is going to school.

Many children have difficulty counting minutes. Some cannot understand what it means 13, 14, 15, etc.

To easily explain how the clock is arranged, how to correctly determine the time on them, you can make a model of the clock with your own hands at home. Moreover, it is not at all difficult.

How to make a watch with your own hands

For the crafts, we will need:

1. Sheet of color or white cardboard

2. Sheet of colored paper

3. Low box or cover from box

5. Rule, simple pencil, circula

6. Feltolsters

7. A piece of foam

8. Needle with tip at the end

9. Scissors.

Sequence of execution step by step with photos

♦ Take the box and turn over it upside down.

♦ From the cardboard, cut out the square on the size of the box and glue, it will be a housing for hours.

♦ From colored paper cut the circle. Its shames with a circulation, you can also circle a round item, such as a plate.

\u003e At first we divide our circle on equal 12 parts, in each part we write the numbers with a felt-tip pen from 1 to 12 as on the clock.

\u003e Below, opposite each figure, indicating the clock, write with different color minutes.

\u003e We carry out the line from the edge between numbers, 3 cm long, cut on them with scissors.

♦ Then draw and cut the arrows from the cardboard:

\u003e An hour hand, we make a length of 6 cm, 1.5 cm wide.

\u003e Minute arrow - 8 cm long, 1 cm wide.

♦ We glue a circle with a dial to the center of our housing, leaving free edges.

♦ Bending each edge in order, starting with 1 and write under it 13, under 2-14, under 3-15 and so up to 12.

♦ Attach the arrows to the center of the clock using a needle with a tip.

♦ So that the acute end of the needle does not stick to the bottom, you can attach a piece of foam or cork.

Now you know how to make a watch with your hands from cardboard and paper for a child.

With the help of them, the baby will be much easier to learn how to determine the time.

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Sometimes there is a desire to change something in the setting of the apartment, and the global repair requires a lot of money and strength. Then the help of original crafts come to the rescue, for example, hours. Homemade clock is easy to create from girlfriend. A ready-made subject will not only decorate the room, but will also become a budget gift that will provide the recipient of a sea of \u200b\u200bpositive emotions.

Creating decorations for the house does not take much time and brings pleasure. A variety of options will help to enter the clock in any interior. Master class How to make wall clock will tell with your own hands, as a couple of hours is born an unusual handicraft.

Clock for home

As the basis, a clock mechanism is suitable from an old device or bought in a specialized store. Children can be connected to the masterpiece creation process.

Consider one of the options for step-by-step instructions for wall clocks. For the design of the frame, color pencils or markers are required. Drawing accessories are attached to a round or square base with glue.

Pencils play the role of races. It is not necessary to strictly monitor the combination of colors, the length of the pencils and the distance between them, in any case the clock will turn bright and fun.

You can also make a wall clock for the kitchen with your own hands. For this option, coffee grains, wine plugs and even tiny puppet utensils are ideal. And as time arrows, cutlery looks well.

To create an atmosphere in the style of Provence, it is sometimes used dry lavender flowers, and shells and small pebbles will be transferred to the Mediterranean coast.

Decorating techniques

There is a huge amount of technician who show how to make the wall clock correctly. Consider the main of them.


For the design of products in the decoupage technique, it will be necessary to prepare a plywood frame, paper napkins with a pattern and clock mechanism.

The manufacture of wall clock consists of the following steps:

  • Alignment of the surface of the clock. For this, fine-grained sandpaper is used.
  • Form coating with acrylic soil in several layers and thorough drying.
  • In the next step, you need to cut the pattern from the napkin and make a composition.
  • Next, the frame is covered with a thin layer of glue at the places of the future location of the pattern. A napkin is superimposed on the glue, the following layer is a cellophane film, which tightly presses the pattern to the surface.
  • The decoration is again covered with several layers of glue and is carefully dried.
  • At the last stage, a clock mechanism is joined.


The wall clock case can also be made using cracker technique. The primed clock shape is covered with a special varnish. Its surface with drying forms cracks.

Some craftsmen create an antique effect, rubbing in the cracks of the desired color in the crack.

Other ideas for creating watches

The usual chains for embroidery can be given a second life by transforming them into merry and bright clock on the wall. As a base, you can take a dense fabric of this color, which will be harmonized with the interior of the room.

The extra pieces of the fabric are neatly trimmed, and 12 buttons in those places where the numbers of the dial are sewn along the perimeter of the circle. It remains to do the hole in the middle of the future hours, attach the clockwork and hang on the wall.

Another unusual idea for making an interior decoration is the transformation of alarm clock on legs. Specialized stores sell products for scrapbooking. It can be various textile ribbons, flowers and more. With the help of decorative elements, it is easy to create a unique composition that will decorate any interior.

A wooden board will serve as a stylish base for wall clock. Of it cut a wide variety of forms.

Many shades of wood allows you to choose the optimal option for any room. On a wooden basis, you can smear the pattern, it will make the decoration even more unusual.

The clock for the clock can be embroidered or knitted, painted acrylic paints, glistened. The unusual idea will be, the more unique it is to decorate for the interior. Other ideas for creating crafts can be viewed on the photo wall clock with your own hands.

Photo wall clock do-it-yourself

The clock does not just show time and do not allow us to linger late - they can also serve as impressive works of art that will decorate our dwelling.

Beautiful and richly decorated clocks can be too expensive, but there are many ways how to make a clock with your own hands. All you need is a little time, creativity and motivation to start, and you can create something completely different, that no one has a thing that does not have analogues in the world.

Floating wall clocks

Collect all the necessary material. To create floating hours, you will need the following tools:

  • adhesive putty;
  • wooden rooms from 1 to 12;
  • 4 different sheets of paper cut;
  • glue;
  • knife;
  • set of clockwork.

Wooden rooms can be purchased in the craft store, and you can cut yourself. The set of clock mechanisms can be purchased in specialized stores, they are inexpensive. Look in the Internet, you will find them several. You can use the mechanism with arrows from old hours that are available in your home or dust somewhere in the attic.

More interesting wooden rooms will look in different fonts and sizes. You can cover the wooden rooms with varnish or stick paper for scrapbooking, and then climb. An interesting effect is to happen if spraying the numbers with metal silver paint.

Set the clock. The size of the clock will be about 60 centimeters wide, so choose a place to mount it where you have a lot of space. After you have selected a place, use a ruler to determine the center of the spot. Here you will hang the clock mechanism.

Secure the clock mechanism on the wall using the adhesive putty. This product looks great when it is located above a fireplace shelf or low closet.

Determine where you hide numbers. Use the ruler to measure 30 centimeters right on top of the clock. Mark this spot with a pencil. Here you have a number 12. Measure 30 centimeters to the right of the hour and mark it with a pencil. Here you have a number 3. Measure 30 centimeters below their clock and mark it with a pencil. Here you are hiding number 6. Measure 30 centimeters to the left of the clock and mark it with a pencil. Here you have a number 9.

Hang the numbers and set the clock. Use adhesive putty to hang 12, 3, 6 and 9 to pre-designated pencil stains. Then you can use a ruler and pencil in space and mark where the other numbers will remain.

Use adhesive putty to hang the remaining numbers. The adhesive putty is easy to remove, so if you need to configure the numbering of the room, you can easily remove it from the wall and set to another place. Insert the batteries into the clock mechanism and install them at the right time.

Watch "Raduga"

Know that the processing of old things is of great importance for the conservation of our nature. And if you learn how to recycle things, and not to throw them out and pollute the environment - it will be wonderful.

An additional bonus will save money and the ability to make a magnificent gift for their loved ones. Try to make this watch from recycled items. Consider how to make a wall clock with your own hands using sticks from ice cream.

What you need:

  • 12 sticks from under ice cream;
  • watch mechanism;
  • styrofoam;
  • 1 sheet of plywood;
  • fabric or acrylic paints;
  • glue.


  • Paint sticks from ice cream in the colors of the rainbow. Align them on the wall and tick the line line. It must be done in order to determine how much you need a place to insert numbers.
  • Cut the circle with a diameter of 5 centimeters from foam. Draw on it figures with a pencil. Then you need to paint the circles with acrylic paints.

  • Form the face of the clock. Make a plate of plywood and paint it with white paint. Take a ruler and divide the circle on 12 parts. Drill the hole (you can use a big nail if you do not have a drill).
  • Squeeze glue. Slightly squeeze the lines on the right side of the clock and sticks.

  • Now everything you need to do is stick the numbers. Add the clock mechanism and not ready!

Instead of sticks from ice cream, you can use buttons and barbecue wands or felt, from which you can cut out flower. Use any healthy material - it can be a fragment of broken children's toys, etc. Remember that you can create a masterpiece from the garbage and help nature.

Clock from photos

A rather original idea to make a clock with your own hands from portraits of loved ones who can become a true decoration of your interior.

To make these original hours, you will need the following materials:

  • 2 leaf 18 × 24 newsprint or poster paper;
  • scotch;
  • pencil;
  • 12 frames for photos of 2 × 3;
  • 12 photos of 2 × 3 sizes;
  • watch mechanism;
  • line;
  • 8.5 x11 cardboard sheet;
  • scissors;
  • insulating tape;
  • a hammer;
  • nails.

Lay out the clock. Place two sheets of newspaper paper or poster paper on the floor, then attach them to each other with a scotch. Place the set of clock mechanism in the center of the sheets, and then place the photo frames around the clock mechanism.

Experiment with the framework, placing some horizontally, and some vertically. Play with a layout until you find the design that will be most acceptable for you.

When you are satisfied with the result, draw the pencil outlines of the photo frames on a sheet of paper.

Insert photos into the frame. Choose the most successful photos for this project. Try to come up with the topic and choose twelve paintings that correspond to this topic. For example, choose the pictures of the twelve places of your holiday. Or choose twelve different photos from key events of your life or relationship with a partner.

Attach the clock mechanism. Use a pencil, ruler and scissors to cut card paper into a square or rectangle, it must have sufficient size to cover the clock mechanism.

If the clock's mechanism is small cut the cardboard with a size of 3.25 x3,75 - the same size as the image frame. Cut a hole in the center of the cardboard. Here will be located a metal part of the clock mechanism, attach it. Use a cardboard sheet instead of "dial".

Find a blank wall where you can hang a wall clock. Attach your paper blanks to the Wall of Scotch, and the photo frames will score nails. Make sure that they match the drawing of the dial.

After you finish score, pull out newspaper paper from the wall. Nails should remain in place, and the paper should be easily advanced.

Watch from buttons

Such hours will look rather original, and give the room more comfort. Take the hoop, buttons, do not forget about the clock mechanism, go to the braid and the cloth you need coloring.

The fabric must be well fixed on the chambers, the edges need to be cut to do not get out of the form. It will be your dial, naturally need to make numbers. For this, the sew buttons in the order in which the numbers are located on the dial.

In the center, make a hole so that you can attach the clockwise mechanism. And so that the clock is beautifully hung on the wall they need to hang. To do this, take the ribbon, attach them to the backslands, and then hang on the carnations on the wall.

Other creative ideas

As you can see from the girlfriend, you can create a lot of interesting things. Globes or wooden coils for winding cable can go into move. Needlewomen can create this piece of interior from a lace napkin or tie a cover.

Babies will be interested in their room to have a watch from chups or candy. The product from vinyl records will perfectly fit into the interior in modern style. The shape of the vinyl record can be easily changed, the heating of it. You can also paint the vinyl disk acrylic paint and then your product will take a completely incredible outline.

And if you take a cutting wooden circle as a dial, you can place a clock from a tree in any room.

An excellent idea is a clock from a cardboard in the form of a picture or map of the area or outdoor clock. You can also take old unnecessary mechanisms and make a clock to the kitchen, reagreeing their paper for scarppucling or coffee beans. Even if you have nothing in the house, you can buy a cutting board for the kitchen and create a clock out of it. And the technique decoupage will help you decorate the board and turn her true masterpiece.

Feel yourself with a real designer, create your own projects, decorate the space of your home and give joy to friends!