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Become rich and successful. How to get rich from scratch in Russia: real ways, recommendations and reviews. Take care of your financial literacy

In this article, it will be discussed that it will be about business, let and meager size. If you are currently more interested in the opportunity to make money at your work, you can read the cycle of articles. You can start from the first part "How to make money to those who are not business owner".

So, you want to make money from scratch, and for this you need to organize your business. But the business requires investments. Money goes to money, etc. And these money you have, which you could invest in the organization of the case, or not, either there, but in minor quantities. What then to do?

I hope that the lack of money will not serve as an obstacle to the organization of their business from scratch, which will later differ in the business of a larger scale. How to do it, I will tell below.

In the meantime, a slight retreat. At one time due to the specifics of my work, I was well acquainted with a dozen successful medium-sized businesses, with the history of their creation and their leaders.

And if you analyze these enterprises from the point of view of how they started, it turns out that about 60% of these businesses were organized with almost complete zero. That is, some resources were certainly, but they initially have been completely insignificant.

The remaining 40% were started either during the privatization period, or began to go to busy money, for accumulated money or money investors. Paradox, but enterprises organized from scratch are better developed, turned out to be much resistant to the crisis than those started on borrowed funds or investor money.

Of course, the sample from a little more than a dozen enterprises is not very presentable from the point of view of statistics, but I am only pleased to show you that it is quite possible to make money from scratch.

The first example. Entrepreneur N ... He began with the fact that he bought his wife quite a bit of fur (for a couple of caps). The wife began to sew caps, and he sells. It went to him. We gradually developed. Six months later, they took a couple of SWEI, which also sewed caps on the basis of their orders and materials. For another six months and he rented two kiosks on the market, where he himself has already been traded constantly, and after one time. So, gradually developing, the kiosks turned into small closed pavilions and then in the shops. Sewing caps have become already in small quantities, passing more on fur coats. The wife stopped sewing and took up the help of her husband in contacts with the seams.

After about 5-7 years of such a business, people began to wear less hats from fur (especially men) and competition from China appeared on the fur coats. This entrepreneur reoriented and began to open the stores completely in another topic. Now, in about 10 years, it is partly in the rental, partly owned, 11 stores, in no way associated with caps and fur coats, and he is a fairly rich man. And began to earn from scratch.

Of course, you can say that this man started not from scratch. He had money for fur for a pair of caps and his wife was able to sew. However, if you have nothing at all, no money and absolutely no skills, then it is possible to start a business early, even small. Minimum costs are usually needed in any business, even if it is a "microbusiness" without official registration, paying taxes, etc.

The second example About how you can earn from scratch, a little of another sphere. There were two brothers, the eldest of whom worked in the transportation department in a large company. The elder brother realized that small and medium-sized companies were experiencing enormous difficulties with the transportation of their products from one region to another. This is due to the fact that it is very difficult to work directly with the railway and laboriously, a whole car upload them as not yet.

Therefore, they organized a transport company. At the very beginning, the entire transport company consisted of a home phone where the younger brother took calls, and the eldest dealt with cargo through the railway, and among familiar truck owners. All expenses are minor advertising money. The business gradually went and soon was removed the office of meters 10, where customers had already come. Year after year, the company developed, an office expanded.

Gradually began to buy their own cars, and about 5 years of existence began to buy the first small warehouses. Now, after a little over 10 years, this is a transport company with representative offices in about 30 regions of Russia, with a fleet of own cars and a fairly large number of real estate. Needless to say, these two brothers have become also secure people.

I will not give all the known examples of examples, as the article will turn out all the reasonable limits. My goal, which I pursued when she led these examples was not to move you to the organization of a large business. I just wanted to show that you can earn money with almost scratch. Not necessarily is a lot of money. Let it even be a price of 2-3 times more than your today's.

Why am I talking about the organization of business in this article? Let this business be completely meager in terms of volume, as I sometimes call it, micro-business, that is, even without registration.

The essence is that very often, in its main work, a person is not able to significantly raise his income in a short time. (More precisely, there are such opportunities for those who are engaged in sales and those who have good organizational abilities and quickly moves along the vertical staircase).

Well, think about how you can make money on your work again 2 times more for 1 year? Do you have any ideas about this? Most probably not.

It's just more and efficient to work - it is usually not an output that you would not say. As I wrote in one of my articles, I conducted such an experiment and reached 1-1.5 years 2-3 times better performance than the average worker.

What did it give me in the money? Absolutely nothing. Think only, you can learn how to work on your work 3 times efficiently, and at the same time your income will not increase any ruble. That is, often all your efforts on the main work do not lead to anything.

In business or micro-business it does not happen. Your effectiveness and effectiveness, if it is directed to making money, Immediately gives effect and your income increases. As soon as you came up with something, allowing you to attract more customers, more to get money from them, less than spending your time, etc., then it immediately affects your income. I tell about specific techniques, methods and strategies in the book "How to earn 3 times more than now."

That is, if you know how to work and think a little business, which you can increase your income of 3-5 times within 2-4 years, if you successfully choose the sphere of activity and, of course, you will work.

Now back to the main question. How to make it to earn from scratch, that is, without the initial capital?

For this, just need to understand where this need for money is taken to organize your business. Why arises the myth that it is impossible to earn from zero? I will not give the theory, but I will immediately go to the councils.

First, the need for money occurs when there is a big gap between your trips and receiving money.

For example, you want to trade in some product. You buy a batch by 10 thousand rubles. And they usually sell it in 10 days. That is, it turns out that you need to invest at least 10 thousand rubles. His money. And in fact, of course, more, so that the business goes, you need to buy 10 thousand rubles today., Tomorrow is 10 thousand rubles. And only after 10 days you will start receiving money.

During this time, the money invested in the goods will be approximately 100 thousand rubles.

Consequently, if you have problems with capital, then you need to choose such a business, or organize it so that you have the minimum gaps between your trips and the receipt of money.

One of the best options is always to work on an advance payment.. Then you can take these 10 thousand rubles., Go to buy goods on them and sell admissible for 20 thousand rubles.

Then you and the capital for the organization are not needed at all.

If we are talking about suppliers, as you already understood, we are talking about taking goods with perhaps greater delay in payment.

It may seem what I say must be about trade. In fact, this is a universal rule.

For example, this practice went that builders making repairs in apartments pay their work (not material, but work), only after the end of work. And if the work lasts a month, then you need capital, because you need to live on something, buy tools, etc.

But not all customers know that you need to pay after the end of work. If you ask a prepayment for work, or if it is impossible, then a partial prepayment (30% permissible), payment is phased (let's say after 2 weeks, and then after 2 weeks), then the need for money, to organize a case, will significantly decrease.

Another example is most of the services. If you have a hairdresser, then you have been touched and literally an hour later you gave money. The gap between the work and the receipt of money is minimal, it means that in this activity and the minimum need for money.

Think over this rule very seriously. After all, it is often not profit, and the need for money stop the growth of micro-business and leads to its collapse.

Secondly, if it does not work on prepayment, then work faster. (If it turns out, then work faster)

This is a type of first rule. The smaller the time break between your costs (no matter of time or money), the easier of the business in terms of the need for money investment.

Suppose that the seamstress resigned from work, takes the order and makes it 2 months. Then she has a need for money for 2 months. After all, she needs to live on something, there is something, it is possible to rent an apartment, etc.

If it will perform work on average for 1 month, the need for money, to organize its mini-business will significantly decrease. If half of her work is to gravate something and after 1 hour to receive money for this, then the need for money will decrease almost to zero.

Of course, this rule applies not only to the seams, but also to any business, whether wild builders or Gazprom brigades. Reduce the gaps between money receipts and your trips. In this rule, it work faster and the need for money will decrease.

Thirdly, if you want to earn from scratch, do not care for those types of work that require investing money.

Very often business folds from different parts. Some parts require large initial costs, other parts require minimal costs.

If your goal is to earn money from scratch, you will be thrown for those work that do not require costs and avoid those that require these costs. Do not copy the activities of large or even medium-sized firms.

For example, you know how to do a lot that related to advertising and decided to organize an advertising agency.

Part of the work, such as design, advertising in newspapers, Internet, television, etc., practically do not require money, except for your laptop and a phone that can be celloth and possibly rent a small office.

Another part of the business, such as the manufacture of advertising structures themselves, printing, etc., requires large initial costs.

Try mentally to break any business on such parts, that is, part requires huge costs and part that requires minimal costs or does not require expenses at all.

Almost probably it will work. I know transport, training, real estate and trading companies whose capital consists of one used table, laptop and cell phone.

These companies do not buy cars, do not buy expensive office equipment and it does not prevent them from making a profit.

Conversely, usually the blue dream of hired workers, decades of dreaming about business, is to find 5 million somewhere in order to buy some cool professional printer or 100 million rubles to buy several cars.

But as practice shows, it is very often possible to organize a profitable micro-business and without buying expensive techniques.

Total, avoid activities requiring major investments. Or you will remove it from your plan or cooperate with some firm that will do these services for you. (Even if it decreases a little your profits)

Think about how this reception is applicable to you. If we are talking about trade, it is possible that you need to abandon some expensive part of the range? If about services, it is possible to play the same with the assortment, removing what it requires 100 times more money than on other works?

And of course, especially at the very beginning, forget about the dream of many hired workers like its own restaurant, cafe, grocery store, etc. These are species of business requiring a lot of money, knowledge and skills.

Fourth, avoid activities with a small margin.

By margin we will be in this case to understand the markup of the goods or the retail value of your service over the cost.

With a minimum margin, your need for capital will be high, with the maximum very low.

Suppose you sell 100 pcs. Goods at a price of 10 rubles. And get 1000 rubles for them. But you buy them not for 10 rubles. Of course, let's say for 9. Then your need for money we will estimate 900 rubles.

If you traded with a 10ktar mark, that is, you buy for 1 rub., And sell for 10, then your need for business money will be 100 rubles.

You imagine the difference in capital to organize business (in the product) differs in 9 times.

You can argue that there are no such margins as 10 times. I can only say you do not know business. Very often clothes, cosmetics (expensive), services, etc. Sold with 10 multiple or close to this markup.

But in principle, I do not even call you to some specific digits. Just understand that small marks are not for a small business. The markup of 10% is the usual markup for wholesale medium or large business. Stay away from such numbers away, not only from the point of view of the desired initial capital, but also profits.

It is clear that the services from this point of view are ideal. You take free air and sell for real money. (True, they are worse scaled, but the ideal does not happen).

Fifth, avoid mistakes of most novice businessmen who believe that the main thing is for business, it is a beautiful office furniture and a fashionable place.

Many novice businessmen, and I once think that to organize a business, you must buy a new computer, a printer, a camera, furniture, car, new equipment, etc.

It eats most of the initial money, even if they have a beginner.

In fact, in 90% of cases, your customers without any difference in what table you are sitting, what computer you have, clothes, car, etc. Those exceptions that are, never justify spending on them.

In addition, there is usually no difference in the quality between the works performed on the most expensive technique and technology that is 5 times cheaper (used or just cheaper).

For example, from the fact that I will buy myself a new computer 5 times more expensive, my articles will not be 5 times better (or at least 1%). I saw in demand photographers who worked on a relatively cheap technique (not amateur, of course, but old and not the most expensive even at the time of purchase).

As you understand, in any case, the main thing is skill, not the technique. Sometimes even the skill is not particularly required, since if you start with an economy segment, then customers are ready to pay for satisfactory quality at a relatively low price. Newbies inspire the opposite and therefore they spend on this an extra bunch of money.

Therefore, if you start your micro-business, then you first work as it is. You do not have an office, then work at home. (if the specificity allows) there is no equipment, it means that you can do without this equipment (I wrote above). There is no beautiful table and car, it means that work on an ugly table and without a car.

The tendency to the "Ponta" at first, and not a lack of money, destroyed much more businesses than you may seem to be.

Then, after a couple of years, if your micro-business, organized from scratch, will consistently issue income, you can buy missing toys if you want.

Sixth, think 10 times, do you need official registration of your business?

I will not talk about it for a long time. It is possible that you have a small and stable calm, which smoothly develops into a micro-business. It is possible that even part of customers are not ready to be calculated in cash and can only work through the settlement account of a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur.

Ten times think before doing it. Ask yourself questions, is it really paying off? After all, the creation of a firm requires money. This company or IP will subsequently constantly require your attention in the form of reporting, accounting costs, banks, etc.

Is it easier to reduce the price for such a customer or make an agreement on your friend under a certain percentage?

If you still decide what you need, then avoid frequent errors of beginners, such as:

- not the tax system;

- Forget to notify the tax on opening a bill account in the bank.

Learn about the taxation in detail before registering. Errors here can absorb a lot of money and time and increase the need for money.

I did not list all the ways to reduce the need for money and very briefly told why they work. However, I think that for those who want to start their micro-business, information here is more than enough.

The purpose of my article was the desire to tell those who think about the organization of business or even a micro-business that the conviction is that a lot of money needs to organize a business, often does not correspond to reality.

With the help of these techniques or even better, the combination of receptions, you will probably reduce the necessary investments in business at times, and then dozens of times. Think out how you can apply each of the techniques to your idea. If something does not work, you go to another reception, and then go back back. Almost always you can come up with something.

Do not give up, standing in front of you excuses that you need a lot of money to make money. And of course, do not forget the standard ways, such as accumulating some money yourself, take a small loan (really small), find a co-founder.

Total, you can make money from scratch or practically from scratch. In order for this zero to not turn into a large amount, you need to start with a small volume of business, avoid the costly assortment, to work as soon as possible, work faster (accordingly it is taken for work that you can quickly perform), etc.
And really, the ways from scratch, which I met in my life, but sometimes it is still better to take a little bit more than using them.
You can not pay for the goods at all, but take them to implementation, sell for a percentage of sales or find an investor, (often it is a relative or acquaintance), which will pay for the goods and will wait for its profits. You can generally start with services, the provision of which usually does not require money at all. (For example, learning at home or haircut at home).

You can use free ways to promote your goods or services. That is, for example, to tell familiar about its services, to expose the announcements by the ads on the entrances (almost free), create a site on a free platform and to promote it, placed on free bulletin boards, etc. You can do without an office at all and even without negotiations in a cafe, but only to leave for the client. But still I recommend that you find at least minimal money. (But it is very economical to spend them) This often saves a lot of time.

Try and you will surely find some idea or several ideas that will allow you to earn from scratch. Yes, then, perhaps you will invest in business and buy something. But at first it is better to avoid this by all means. In other words, to start a business from scratch is not just a need - this is the best way to start a business.

Sincerely, Rashid Kirrov.

Every person dreams of being successful and rich, but not all this turns out, or rather we can say that this is obtained from units. But in order to achieve something necessary, to become on the necessary way and follow it. What you discovered this article can be said that you took the first step towards success and wealth. In this article we present the advice of many successful people.

1. Learn to look into the future. You must very clearly imagine your future. You must present your environment, which you should achieve, your connections, which solutions can be accepted how your inner world may change. Their negative and positive consequences. Forcing the desire to achieve your dream. So how much qualitatively you must present your future.

2. Develop your personal financial plan. You need to create such a plan. Because luck can, but I do not think that there will always be lucky, because you need to consider the availability and replenishment of reserves. In order to get money, not enough to earn enough, but after that it is necessary to make them work, and for this you need to have financial knowledge.

3. Creating initial capital. Options for creating initial capital is a very large set, from a loan to the search for an investor.

4. Search for professionals. It is impossible to know almost everything, because it is necessary to hire specialists. Especially often have to attract professionals in the financial sector.

5. Use someone else's experience. Learn the experience of the masters, in your business, and then you will not have to make mistakes that many have done. Many successful people share their experiences, use it. List of billionaires.

6. Take care of your nerves. Remember that investment needs to be done in order to make a profit. Sometimes you have to make a decision very quickly, and always remember that if the investment does not bring profits, you should not do anything.

7. Success in business is 90% of patience. Good luck in the financial world is only ten percent of success, everything else is work and perseverance. The system should always develop and improve, otherwise you will leave behind your competitors.

8. Time is money. Always deal only by the kind of business that brings real profit.

9. Bluff as a need. Often communicating with people you need to draw a picture that you would like, and not that there is. You need to buy supporters, and for this you need to "infect" their idea.

10. What is not prohibited, then allowed. Try to always look for new sales markets or promising investment areas. Try to change work schemes. Methods of sales. Do not limit yourself.

11. Money cycle. Poor people always work for money, and rich people have money for money. Only when the money start making money, then you will have real freedom.

12. Motion brakes. These are the harmful habits of a person, such may be lazy, fear, uncertainty. They need to get rid of them first. At least until you become financially independent.

13. The best teacher is life. Life does not always bring progress. There are disappointments. Here is a relationship to such negative episodes in life and can show or not. Never despair and go to your goal, just accept this lesson who gave you life.

14. Favorite business. Just doing the fact that in truth I like a person, he will be able to make the maximum amount of effort. The case should be not only like a source of financial independence, but also should bring joy and enjoyment from the case made.

So, such advice give people to ensure that the person is successful in business, and now we will talk about those tips that give people who are successful not only in affairs, but also their lives.

How to become successful

1. Be the leader. Well, who have leadership skills already have, but it does not mean that they cannot be created. Try yourself as an organizer of some events or other options that will be responsible for you, only so you will become the leader. After all, the leader is not the one who is the first, but the one who makes decisions and is responsible for them.

2. While you live - learn. It is necessary to constantly develop, if it is desirable to develop in many directions. So you will be interested in communicating with other people, and they are interested in communicating with you. Do not stop your spiritual development.

3. Hurry up slowly. Every successful person once started from something. Do not chase immediately for the golden mountains, check the target first.

4. Reality only displaying our thinking. Yes, some kind phrase, but try to change your thinking and attitude. And you will see how the world around you will begin to transform.

5. Try to create your financial independence. Maybe it sounds stupid, but indeed, the behavior of people who have already received financial independence differs critical of people who have no one. In order to start this path, try postponing ten percent income and after a while you will notice changes in yourself.

6. Learn marketing techniques. Knowing these techniques, you will not only easily communicate with subordinates and guidance, but you will also find them relevant in communicating with family or friends. These techniques help to develop communication skills.

7. Refuse to buy unnecessary things. On the one hand, when you go buy, you think that this thing is vital to you, but is it really?

8. First money, and then luxury. People limited in finance can afford to buy luxurious things, people who have gained financial success want to emphasize and show their success to others, but the right one will first provide themselves with constant income and only after that praises their success.

9. Specify your goal. When a person holds an idea in his head, she is amorphous, so try to give her any form, at least showing it on a piece of paper.

10. Time is money. Time is the only thing we can dispose of free and on our choice. So it may be necessary to spend this valuable resource.

11. Who is looking for, he will always find. Do not exchange empty relationships, because they do not promise or support or help. Maybe it is worth finding your half.

I hope these tips will help you to realize and move in front, remember that perfection is an unattainable goal, but no one said that you should not try.

How to become rich

In times, when the inequality is growing, and the economy grows in a very slow pace, it is rare to meet people who earned the state, rising from the lowest. Indeed, most of the richest people of the world were already born in families with good prosper.

That is why it is necessary to keep in the mind of those people who started from scratch and with the help of hard work, talent and good luck could climb very high. These 20 stories will remind us of the existence of opportunities for overcoming a lot in life, including poverty.

1. Maria Das Grassas Silva Foster escaped from Brazilian slums and became the first woman-chapter Petrobras.

The current head of the Brazilian oil giant Petrobras held his childhood in the extremely poor area of \u200b\u200bMorro Do Adeus, which became slums. Her mother constantly worked, and his father was an alcoholic. Foster collected aluminum jars and waste paper, in order to earn some money.

She began working in a trainee in Petrobras in 1978 and was able to overcome barriers, becoming the first woman who headed the departments to develop deposits. According to the Bloomberg agency, Foster has earned the nickname Caveirao - Brazilian slang word denoting the armored police car, which follows the order in the slums. In February, Foster became the first woman headed by Petrobras.

2. DO WON CHANG (Do Won Chang) worked on three works to reduce ends meet, before launching Forever 21.

Du Von Cheng and his wife Jean Suk arrived in America from Korea in 1981 when they arrived, Changu had to work on three works in order to maintain a family. He worked by the janitor, the operator of the benzokolontka and worked in the cafeteria. It so happened that they were able to open their first clothing store in 1984

This first store has grown into the Empire Forever 21, consisting of 480 stores, which gives an annual revenue of about $ 3 billion. This is a family business, where the daughters of Linda and Esther help parents manage the company.

3. Harold Simmons grew up in a shack where there was no electricity, and became a billionaire.

Multimetherard Harold Simmons grew up in the town of Golden in Texas; He lived in a shack, where there was not even electricity. However, he managed to enter the University of Texas, he managed to get into the privileged society of students and graduates of colleges, having received a master's degree in economics.

The latest enterprise Simmons was the network of pharmacies, the first of which he founded almost completely at the expense of loans. As a result, a network consisting of 100 pharmacies was formed. Simmons sold her Eckerd for $ 50 million. After that, he became an expert in the field of buying companies. Now he owns six companies whose shares are traded on the New York Stock Exchange, including the world's largest manufacturer Titanium Metals Corporation.

4. Zenek Bakal left the communist Czechoslovakia from $ 50 in his pocket and became coal magnate.

In 1980, at the age of 19, the bakala ran from the Communist Czechoslovakia with a banknote of $ 50 hidden in Sandwich. He fled to the lake of Tago, where he began to wash the dishes in one of the casino.

He smiled at luck in that he was able to get a bachelor's degree at the University of California and the MBA degree in Dartmouth. He began to work in the banking sector and accidentally returned to work in the company in his homeland, opening the first office of Credit Suisse First Boston in Prague after the fall of the wall. Now he chairs a coal company with a market capitalization of $ 2.52 billion and eight manufacturing sites in Central Europe.

5. George Soros survived the Nazi occupation of Hungary and became one of the most successful global investors.

George Soros was able to survive the Nazi occupation of Hungary due to the fact that his father paid a civil servant so that he could give himself for his goddle. After the war in 1947, Soros left the Communist Hungary and went to relatives to London. He began to study in the London School of Economics, working as a waiter and porter. After graduation, Soros worked as a seller in a souvenir shop, he wrote directors in banks in London, and in the end he was given work. It was only the beginning of a long and successful career path in finance. In 1992, Soros successfully played a decrease in pound sterling, earning more than $ 1 billion.

6. Gi Lalibert earned street ideas, swallowing fire, before showing the world of Cirque du Soleil.

The native of Canada began his circus career with street views: he played on the accordion, walked on the stilts and swallowed fire. He risked when a successful troupe from Quebec was brought to the art festival in Los Angeles in 1987 with a ticket one-way. The risk was justified, and the circus group was transported to Las Vegas, where it became the most famous Cirque du Soleil, which we know today.

Lalibert today is the head of the Cirque du Soleil, a professional poker player and a cosmic tourist with a state of $ 2.5 billion.

7. John Paul Dedzhoria lived in his car, before the business of John Paul Mitchell Systems gained momentum.

Dedzhoria had to be not right at the beginning. His parents divorced when he was two years old, and he was selling newspapers and Christmas cards, in order to support the family, up to 10 years. Then he was sent to raising in Los Angeles. For some time in Los Angeles, he was a member of the gang, and then went to serve. He then tried to work on Redken Laboratories, after which he took a loan of $ 700 and founded John Paul Mitchell Systems. He spread the shampoo produced by the company, moving from the house to the house by car, he lived in his car. But the quality of the product took over, and now the company annually earns more than $ 900 million. He also created Patron Tequila and works in various industries - from diamonds to music.

8. Ursula Burns grew in the apartment building of the lower East Side Manhattan, and now controls Xerox.

The lower East Side was a pier for a gang, before becoming a good area. Ursula Burns brought up one mother in a residential complex in the area. She stroked his shirt to make money on a Catholic school for her daughter. After Burns, I went to study at the University of New York and became an intern engineer in Xerox.

Now she is the chief executive officer of the Company and the Chairman of the Board of Directors. Burns is the first African American woman who heads the company from the Fortune 500 list.

9. The Childhood of Howard Schulz passed in social housing in Brooklyn, before he became the head of Starbucks.

During not the most simple childhood, Schulz always wanted to rise above and break out of the lifestyle, which provided his father who worked as a truck driver. Despite his poverty, Schulz succeeded in sports, and he managed to make his studies at the University of Northern Michigan. Having received a degree in communications, Schulz went to work at Xerox, and then he found a small Starbucks Coffee Store. Being in love with coffee, Schulz left Xerox, becoming the head of Starbucks in 1987. The network began with 60 stores, and now it includes more than 16 thousand outlets throughout the world. The Schulz state grew to $ 1.5 billion.

10. Lee Kashin threw a school at the age of 15 for the sake of work at the Plastics factory, and now he is the richest East Asian man.

Family Lee Kashin fled from mainland China to Hong Kong in 1940, Li Kashin's father died from tuberculosis. Then the boy was only 15 years old. He threw school and began to work at the Plastics factory to help the family. By 1950, was able to open his own company Cheung Kong Industries. Initially, it was engaged in the production of plastics, and then changed the profile of real estate activities. Whether then increased his shares in various companies, and today he owns shares in companies of different activities: banks, mobile phones, satellite TV, cement production, retail stores, hotels, transportation, airports, electric power, steel production, ports, etc.

11. Francois Pinot - a man without a complete secondary education, which is now headed by a PPR group.

Pinota left the secondary school in 1947 and began to work in family business in timber trafficking. In 1970, he began to buy small firms. He deserved a nickname predator due to the ruthless business tactics, on which he reduced jobs and sold business to trade in timber to buy it back after a while at a lower price. His personal qualities helped him start business PPR - a company that sells luxury goods like Gucci and Stella McCartney. Pinot is the richest man of France: his condition and family is estimated at $ 13 billion.

12. Leonardo del Vecchio is a factory worker who today owns the empire for the production of glasses.

Del Vecchio was one of five children who were difficult to maintain a widowed mother. He went to work on a plant for the production of forms for auto parts and frames for glasses, where he lost his finger part. At 23, he opened his first store, which later rose to the world's largest manufacturer of solar and medical glasses. Luxottica produces Ray-Ban and Oakley brands, the company has 6 thousand retail points, Del Vecchio state is estimated at $ 11.5 billion.

13. Kirk Kerkorian from the UK Air Force pilot rose to the owner of the entertainment complex in Las Vegas.

Kerkorian, who taught English on the streets, had to leave school in grade 8. His family became a victim of the Great Depression, and Kerkorian was looking for part-time to support the family. He became the pilot of the UK Air Force during World War II and delivered reserves across the Atlantic on the routes, where one of four aircraft was shot down. Thanks to the earned money, he became a gambling player and real estate magnate in Las Vegas. His condition is estimated in several billion dollars.

14. Sheldon Adelson is another magnate Las Vegas, who tried happiness in several areas.

Adelson grew up in the poor area of \u200b\u200bMassachusetts, where he shared a room with his parents and three brothers. His father was a Lithuanian and worked as a taxi driver, and his mother owned the store knitted goods. At the age of 12, he began selling newspapers, and after a few years he managed the automatic machine for sale. Adelson tried himself in several industries - from the packing of hotel toiletries to mortgage brokerage services. His breakthrough occurred with the basis of a computer exhibition. He sent earned money in the purchase of Sands Hotel & Casino.

15. Ingvar Camprad was born in a small village in Sweden and created a business that IKEA became over time.

The childhood of Kamparad took place in the village life, but he always had a businessman's deposit. He bought in Stockholm a match in large parties and sold their neighbors. He then switched to fish, Christmas decorations and handles. Without satisfying a small business, he ranked money from his father and founded a shop, who acted in IKEA over time (the name consists of the first letters of his name and the name, the names of his village and the parental farm). He traveled to the title of rich man in the world, but recently his welfare fell to $ 3 billion.

16. Roman Abramovich is an orphan who turned the expensive wedding gift to the oil empire.

After his parents died when he was only 4 years old, he was taken to upbringing uncle and grandmother. The first breakthrough Abramovich occurred thanks to an expensive wedding gift from the relatives from his wife. He threw his studies and engaged in business. In 1995, he managed to get to the ownership of Sibneft. He continued to invest in various projects, including "Rusal" and "Evraz". Now he owns the largest private yacht in the world, as well as other expensive property. Also owns the Chelsea Football Club.

17. Richard Desmond lived on the roof of the garage and was able to establish an empire, publishing magazines like Penthouse.

Desmond brought up his mother, after his parents divorced. They lived on the roof of the garage. Desmond describes himself while "very thick and very lonely". He threw school at the age of 14, deciding to become a drummer. He worked as a dressing room to help pay bills. His musical talents did not help him get rich, but later he opened a number of music stores. He was able to publish the first magazine International Musician and Recording World, which later grew up to Penthouse and Ok!. Now he owns a number of publications around the world.

18. Joan Rowling lived on social security benefits before creating Harry Potter.

In the early 90s. Rowling divorced and lived on a guide with a child. She wrote most of Harry Potter in a cafe. "Harry Potter" received world fame, brought success Rowling, the state of which is now estimated at $ 1 billion.

19. Before Sam Walton founded Wal-Mart, he drove cows and sold magazines in Oklahoma.

The Walton family lived on a farm in Oklahoma in the times of the Great Depression. In order to reduce the ends with the ends, he helped his family to milk cows and deliver milk to customers. He also engaged in the delivery of newspapers and selling subscriptions to magazines. By 26 years after the end of the University of Missouri with the degree of bachelor of the economy, he ruled the store. He received a loan of $ 20 thousand from the test and bought a Ben Franklin store in Arkansas. He expanded the network and then founded Wal-Mart and Sam "S Club. He died in 1992, leaving the company to his wife and children.

20. Opra Winfrey turned life, complete deprivation, into inspiration to the founding of a multi-billion dollar empire.

Oprah lived with a grandmother and wore dresses stitched from burlap. After bailiffs from relatives and a friend of the family, she fled from the house. She was then 13 years old. When she was 14 years old, she became pregnant and gave birth to a child who died shortly after birth. At the same time, the upset mother sent her to live in Nashville (Tennessee) to his father.

Oprah studied at college, and when she won the beauty contest, then she was found the first glory on the radio station. This glory remained with her. The state of Oprah Winfrey, according to Forbes, is estimated at $ 2.7 billion.

23 Jun.

Hello everyone! Today we will talk about how to start your business from scratch and even without money. Many will say that it is unrealistic, but I will tell you that more than. In this article, I will tell you how to do this, I will give examples of 28 business ideas without investments that came to mind and talk on this topic in the comments.

What is important to know before opening a business from scratch

This is the most important point of this article. If you do not read it, then it is pointless to read. So, I will say briefly, what is important to know, and below the text I will try to stay in more detail.

  1. In business, like in sports!Your internal attitude towards this is also important here! Your psychological attitude. If you are morally ready for the upcoming difficulties, takeoff and falls, then your business existers long. If you have no money, but you decided to start your work, then be prepared for a long path. With money, everything is easier, but without them ... you know.
  2. What is your goal in business?You must clearly understand why you want to do business. "Because a friend took up, and the worse" or you really see a promising and unique business model, the ways to implement it, the usefulness for others, reality to make a profit.
  3. We calculate the risks.
    - Never start a business for borrowed money, if not sure that everything will succeed and you pay off with debts.
    - Indicate for yourself the point, beyond which you will not exit under any circumstances.
  4. Start with small.No businessman started immediately from the global building of the corporation. All started with something small, many even without money. I think you all know these success stories. Such people have a large amount in the business environment. Never cling to large-scale business ideas requiring initially large investments. Adequately appreciate your capabilities. Take at the start easier simple. And there are also a large number of such people, they just know them. Personally, I know many such faults.
  5. Choose the niche to which you understand!Do not start your first business from scratch in the area in which you do not know anything. Not everyone is given to restorors or fashion designers. But perhaps you are going to open a business with a companion, which is understandable in what you are not strong. Then you can risk. But again, agree on everything "on the shore."
  6. Confidently go to the goal!If you doubt something or afraid, then it is better not to start your business at all. You must be confident in your abilities and that you will succeed, and also be prepared for when the idea is prohibiting. It is very important to enjoy what you do and then petty troubles in business will be moved easier.
  7. Quality is important in business!In products or services - no matter! Never start a business if your job offer is worse than existing on the market. Of course, in a great chance you can get the first customers, but thereby turn the reputation on the root and quickly cling.
  8. Not everyone is destined to be a businessman!In Russia, only 5-10% of entrepreneurs, and the remaining employees and unemployed. Such is life, not everyone is given to the entrepreneur, astronaut, athlete, scientist, etc. You must understand it. I do not remember from whom I heard this statistics, it seems to be from Oleg Tinkov (if I was mistaken in numbers, correct me).

Re-read these items again, and maybe several times, because without this at all. Any businessman or entrepreneur will agree with me. Maybe with adjustments based in practice, but in general will agree !

Schemes of how to start your business from scratch

If you want to start your small business without money from scratch, then only on these 4 schemes can be done.

Start with business on services

  1. You know how to do something better than others;
  2. You begin to provide your services and earn the first money;
  3. Expand your business or on earned money open another.

In 90% of cases, business without money can be started only on the services! This is logical. You earn on your own. It is so rarely with the goods, because in most cases the goods need to be purchased, and this is an investment.

Start a business from scratch on the goods, speaking by an intermediary

  1. You know how to sell;
  2. You know where to buy cheaper;
  3. Find a client for a more expensive price and leave the difference;
  4. For earned money, you can already afford to buy goods if there is a need.

With goods without investments you can start only as an intermediary and only if you know how to sell. Because without skills to sell, you will not be able to find a client. It is rare to find the running goods much cheaper than competitors and so that no one except you know about it. Therefore, get ready for competition always. Next, I will tell you more about how to open a business without investments in the resale of goods.

Start infobusiness

  1. You have unique knowledge that many can come in handy (better if you have already treated you for your knowledge);
  2. You actively declare your knowledge and sell them to others.

Only knowledge should be unique and useful, and not fiction. Suddenly you looked around the technique developed by you or cured anything with your methodology, or know foreign languages, etc. This can be trained and earned.

Become a partner to your employer

  1. You work in the company, and have knowledge or skills that could give a company considerable growth, allow you to save on something, etc.;
  2. You offer your service to the director (for test you can use for free);
  3. If the result is positive, then you can negotiate partnership.

Or, for example, you know how to increase sales of goods or services of the company in which you work, with the help of other types of advertising / promotion. Then you can offer the director to buy customers from you or simply pay you a percentage with your customers attracted. This option led from personal experience.

Conclusion from these 4 schemes

You should have noticed that all these 4 schemes have 1 total - you should be able to do something better than others or at least well! If you do not know how to sell your product or service if your product or service is not so good, then you are 100% clogging sooner or later! Your business will come Tryndets! This is an indisputable fact!

In business, the profit is only from the sale of goods, services, etc. If you do not know how to present and sell your product, then you can hardly buy it. If your product is worse than a competitor, then sooner or later all this will understand and you will stay without customers. It does not make sense worse than others.

28 business ideas from scratch without money investment

Ideas can be a lot. Considering the business in the field of services, business on the Internet, business for the sale of goods, but only as an intermediary.

Business idea number 1 - get a grant and start a business without investing

: You make a detailed business plan of the project, which you want to implement, officially register your activities, collect a package of documents and send it to the State Commission of grants issuing. If your business plan is approved, you will receive a sum of money on the development of your business.


Every year, a certain amount of small businesses is laid in the budget of the Russian Federation. This is money that the state gives free to implement one or another idea. But only those entrepreneurs who provide realistic business plans receive such subsidies. Grants are an excellent opportunity for a talented entrepreneur to start your business without initial investments.

Implementation of the idea:

To obtain a grant, it is necessary to officially register its activities, make a detailed business plan, collect a package of necessary documents and send them to the commission. In the case of approval of your candidacy, you will receive subsidies in the amount of 100 thousand rubles. up to 500 thousand rubles.

Business idea number 2 - Resale of things using electronic announcements boards

The essence of the idea is the following : You will conduct a revision of your things and find unnecessary. After that, photograph them and place ads for sale on specialized sites.


Business without investments in resale products that may be in demand by other people probably at the peak of its popularity today. More and more people give preference to buying things used than overpay for new ones. This is especially true for children's little things and accessories for babies, schoolchildren, as well as home furniture, utensils and other goods.

Each apartment has a huge number of things that the owners have not used for a long time. It can be clothes, various techniques, children's toys, books, grandmother servant, etc. They lie without affairs and clog the space, and they can be beneficial to sell. Thus, you get rid of unnecessary things, while also earn.

Many specifically buy undervalued goods and resell it more expensive. You can also help sell unnecessary things with your acquaintances. In this case, the markup may reach up to 500%, and the initial investments are not required.

Implementation of the idea:

In order to earn the first money, it is necessary to find things you want to sell, make their photos, put ads on electronic boards sales sites and meet a potential buyer. After you acquire sales experience, you can offer your acquaintances to help get rid of "trash" in a similar way. In this case, you only install the markup.

Business idea number 3 - Handicraft services without investments

The essence of the idea is the following : If you have certain abilities (for example, we understand in household appliances and you can repair it, familiar with the work of the plumbing, without any problems raise heavy items and transfer them), then you can offer our services to people who need them.


The human life is arranged in such a way that sometimes he needs help. Women can not tolerate gravity, then movers come to the rescue, not every man can independently produce electrical, or construction work. Such such problems are designed to solve firms that provide handymen services. Such a business does not imply initial capital, and the income can bring significant.

Implementation of the idea:

Your task Write a beautiful and attractive announcement of the provision of your services. Than original you come to this, the greater the likelihood that you will notice. It is not about hindering ads on the entrances (although it also has a place to be), today we are increasingly looking for specialists on the electronic ads (by type Avito).

Before starting a business, it is necessary to analyze the demand for your chosen service, learn about competition, calculate the profitability of the entire project. If you are confident in success, then you can register an IP, place an advertisement, buy a minimum set of tools and start earning.

The income depends on the price of your services and the number of orders. If the work is performed qualitatively, after a while, the client base will expand, and profit will increase.

Business idea number 4 - Wedding makeup artist, hairdresser at home

The essence of the idea is the following : Without investments, this business will only be considered if you have a unique skill or inborn talent in the hairdresser or in the art of aimage or if you graduated from the hairdresser-makeup artist courses. Prepare a portfolio, create a page in social networks and collect orders. Think up discounts for brides, their moms and sisters.


The bride is the decoration of any wedding. Therefore, makeup and hairstyle should be at the height. Make a high-quality make up and lead hair in order can only professional. It is not surprising that in the wedding season at hairdressers and makeup artists there is no free minute. Very often, besides the bride, they ask to make her hairstyle her parents and girlfriends. These are additional customers to find which the master does not apply any effort.

Implementation of the idea:

  • First, you will have to get a certain skill of work, listening to the relevant courses or passing the practice of a professional. There are many free online courses.
  • Secondly, it is necessary to register their career. But at first you can do without it.
  • Thirdly, you need to purchase the necessary tools and materials. After that, it remains to advertise your services and search for customers.

Such a business has a seasonal nature, so earnings can be unstable. Profit depends on the quality of work performed, prices and quantities of customers.

Business idea number 5 - Monetization of the female hobby. Hand Made

The essence of the idea is the following : If you can sew, knit or embroider, then it's time to turn your hobby into the earnings tool. Selling your masterpieces can be done well.


This business at home without investments is especially relevant today among housewives and unemployed lady. Hand Maid - a variety of products created by a manual master. It can be beautiful crafts, hair accessories, scrapbooking and much more. Such a product is at the peak of popularity, because Each thing is unique and unique. Handmade goods most often buy as gifts and souvenirs, so the demand is always big. Each (mothers in maternity leave, students, pensioners), the main desire and a bit of talent may earn on sale of products.

Implementation of the idea:

First you need to decide which items you will create. For example, it is scrapbooking. Then you view several training rollers to create photo books, acquire a minimum set of materials and tools (perhaps they have at home), create a masterpiece and sell it via the Internet or in any convenient way. The main thing in such a business is to find the item for the sale of products.

Perhaps you already have a finished collection of handmade products. So, perhaps it is time to earn on it and sell something. It is in this case that this type of business will be considered without investments.

The profit can be brought by Hand Maid depends on the products you create, their quality and prices, as well as on the number of units sold.

Business idea number 6 - consultation, tutoring, music lessons

The essence of the idea is the following : If you have certain knowledge in some kind of science area, or understand art, own the game on the musical instrument, then you should try to transfer your knowledge to students for a certain fee.


What could be easier!? This earned our grandmothers. Today, in big cities, this business can be made of this. You have a talent, your child has the guys who want to develop their talent. Type a group, spend the master classes, arrange the competition between students and you will not know from the flock of those who want to learn from you.

This is a great business idea for young specialist without investment. As a student, you can start teaching little kids to the skill of playing the violin or French. Very often, educational institutions give only superficial knowledge. But attentive parents when noting certain abilities from their child, hire tutors to develop the talent of their children. These may be the lessons of foreign languages, accurate sciences, learning the game on a musical instrument. The maximum benefit receives a tutor, because It is he who has the opportunity to receive income without putting a penny. What you do not have a business without investments?!

Implementation of the idea:

In order to teach someone, for example, music, it is necessary to have an appropriate musical education. If you are confident in your abilities and abilities, then boldly go to search for customers. Excuse advertising is better in educational institutions where your services will be accurately in demand. You can spend classes both at home and at home with customers. This significantly reduces costs.

The income from such a business depends on the number of students and the value of your lessons and consultations. Such activities may have a seasonal nature, and less in demand during the holidays.

My friend, works by a foreign language teacher at school, she shared a secret with me that in private lessons she earns 5 times more than her official salary at school, plus part-time engagement in the local hockey club. As a result, it turns out a good amount that allows it to drive around on a new crossover.

Business idea number 7 - your website or blog


No modern person represents his life without the Internet. It is there that people sell and buy things, products, equipment, communicate, spend most of the free time. Therefore, advertisers try to unwind their goods on the network. If you, for example, keep your blog about cooking, you can post advertising products, kitchenware, etc. Agree, a very good option for passive earnings.

Implementation of the idea:

How to open a business without investments on sites or blog? Very simple, your humble servant started just like that. My first sites were without investments in anything (well, in addition to buying a domain and payment of hosting, total +/- 200 rubles, well, this is not money). In order for the site to bring income, you need an original design, unique content with interesting and useful information that will be updated periodically. It remains to find a user who wants to put an advertisement, or create an affiliate project with any site. After that, it remains to count the profit.

The income depends on the terms of cooperation and the promotion of your site or blog.

Business idea number 8 - advertising on windows and balconies without investment


On each street you can find a large number of advertising banners. Advertisers are in constant search for places where the maximum number of people will notice the advertisement of goods or services. Why don't you earn on it. You can provide your windows and a balcony, and you can become a link between the two parties. Thus, without any investments really very quickly get rich.

He recently drove through the bypass road and in the courtyard of one private house saw a self-proclaimed small banner shield. After some time, the announcement appeared on it "there may be your advertisement here." The hosts were repelled that their home was in a very good place, with a lot of permeability and what could be done well on this and decided to do on this business.

Implementation of the idea:

In order for such a business to bring income, we need to own spectacle art and the ability to convince people. If any, then you have, then you need to go to the search for an entrepreneur who needs to hold an advertising campaign, and find a client who agrees to put the banner at home on the balcony. After the consent of both parties concludes a contract, and you get the percentage of the transaction.

Business Idea number 9 - Advertising on cars without investments


Previously, advertising stickers could be seen only on service cars. Now more and more motorists are allowed to glue ads on their personal transport. Thus, they earn "light money" money, protect the car from scratches and mechanical damage, make it noticeable and uninteresting for hijackers.

Implementation of the idea:

  • To have personal transport (the greater the size of its size, the more your profits);
  • Find an advertiser (it is easier to do this through the Internet on specialized sites);
  • Enter into a contract;
  • To come to the service where an advertisement is pasted on the car.

Monthly earnings can be 5,000 - 12,000 rubles.

Business idea number 10 - renting apartments, rooms, houses for rent

The essence of the idea is the following : You, having free living space (house, country site, room, apartment), pass it with people. Also for a specific fee you can make a temporary or permanent residence permit.


Removing / renting an apartment is one of the most popular services in the real estate market. Now people who want to rent accommodation are much more than the apartments and houses themselves. All due to the fact that in big cities there are a lot of visits, and local youth does not want to live with relatives and early begins an independent life. You can take your property with shooting groups, tourists and firms that rent apartments for offices.

Implementation of the idea:

In order to rent housing, it needs to be purchased. You can also rent an apartment for a year, and take visit the day. After that, you need to find customers. This can be done independently or with the help of real estate agencies. With future tenants, you discuss the conditions for passing housing, and concludes a contract.

The income from such a business depends on the area of \u200b\u200bthe leased room, its location and the term of delivery. The most advantageous is the daily and hourly surrender of the living space.

Not so long ago, he himself witnessed a successfully built business in this area. At one time we had once every six months to dangle in Novosibirsk for affairs. The owner of the apartment handed us a stunning odnushku in the area we needed, but once she was busy and she proposed another option in a nearby house. As it turned out later, she has one of her apartment for rent and a few odds, which she removes the monthly, and dating apart, having a good money with it.

Business idea number 11 - Husband for an hour

The essence of the idea is the following : If you are the man who knows how to make small repairs (replaces the outlet, hens the shelf, repair the faucet, hangs the cornice, connect the Internet, etc.), then you need to try to make money by offering your services.


The husband for an hour is an excellent business idea without investment! Many men who have retired early and who cannot sit without affairs can build a good business on it. Women, of course, can do a lot. But sometimes, without male help, they just do not do. It happens that there is no man in the house, or he constantly works, or simply does not know how to use the hammer and nails, then "husband for an hour" will come to the rescue. Professionals for a low fee in the minimum time will perform all the necessary work. This service is very in demand, therefore there is no penalty from customers.

Implementation of the idea:

  • To start working, you need to register as an IP. But in the first stages, to try out this idea and to work the client base is not necessary to do this.
  • After that, you will have to purchase a minimum set of tools and materials, if any, you do not have at home.
  • It remains only to hold an advertising campaign and wait for the first customers. Over time, when orders are too much, you can hire several helpers.

Profit depends on the number of orders, the quality of the work performed and the rates for your services.

Place an ad on Avito, interest customers at your own services.

Business idea number 12 - Earnings on freelancing without investments

The essence of the idea is the following : You, having free access to the Internet and a few hours of time, find people who need to be transferred, rewritten or copywrites, place a web page, develop its design, etc. Coordinate all the terms of cooperation and fulfill the order.


Every day, new sites are created and updated. Most often, their owners only generate ideas, and the realization trust freelancers. Such people fill the resources with new information, make a site convenient for users, give it an attractive appearance. Suggestions of the work are always a lot, so the work of a copywriter, a recorder, designer, programmer is very in demand. Everyone can try their strength in this business.

Implementation of the idea:

In order to earn in this way, it is necessary to find a customer. If you are planning to engage in copywriting, rewriting or text translation, then first will have to register on the copywriter stock exchange. If you know how to work with graphic programs or familiar with the basics of programming, then you can try to find customers on sites where there is a section "Work at home".

Earnings depends on the complexity of orders.

Useful articles:

Business idea number 13 - dropshiping


Very often people who spend a lot of time sitting on the Internet, prefer online shopping. It is profitable, simple and fast. Prices for goods, bought in this way at times lower than in ordinary stores. It does not need to look for the product of the whole city. Software without investments can be organized on the resale of goods. Today, almost all products are coming from China, it is necessary only with favorable conditions and high-quality goods.

Implementation of the idea:

First you need to find one or more reliable suppliers. After that, you need to create your website or group in social. Networks where product catalogs will be posted. It remains to find customers who want to order the thing you like exactly from you. The easiest way to find customers in social. Networks without investments are the sending of requests to people who are signed on such groups.

The approximate amount of income is very difficult to name. It all depends on whether customers will want to make a prepayment for the purchase. This business is based on the trust of each part, which prevents it from developing. If you are ready to accommodately approach this business, it is better to connect my identity with this and then confidence in you will increase, and customers will only pull up to you into the group.

You do not need to invent a fake character Vasya Pupkin, who offers to buy something from him, the more confidence causes Strelnikov Angelina, 1980, who graduated from some university that lay out unique photos of the selling goods and talks about its useful properties that she Checked on yourself.

Business idea number 14 - organization of joint purchases

The essence of the idea is the following : You register on a special site, find wholesale suppliers of products and customers who will be interested in this product, collect the minimum order, pay for it. The products received by mail from the Supplier you are harassing and send to customers. Your profit is the organizational collection of 15% of each unit of goods.


Current prices for all things, shoes, linen, etc. It is impossible to be called low and affordable. Therefore, people are looking for where you can make the best possible purchase. It is for this that there are sites and groups in social. Joint shopping networks. Copering, people buy things at wholesale prices.

Implementation of the idea:

People who have organizational abilities should be engaged in joint purchases. If you are confident, then you can register on specialized sites, search for wholesale suppliers and customers, advertise your resource and collect orders.

Joint purchases are at the peak of popularity, so if you manage to find the right number of customers, then you can count on substantial profits, which can reach up to 20-25 thousand rubles. per month.

Business Idea No. 15 - Real Estate Agent

The essence of the idea is the following : You are an intermediary between real estate seller and buyer. For the fact that you help sell or buy square meters, pay customer a certain percentage of the transaction. The main role in such a business is played by the organizational abilities of the realtor.


At any time, people bought and sold real estate. Sometimes, the buyer does not have enough time to find a suitable apartment or a house, and the seller cannot hold a high-quality advertising campaign to sell property. Then the real estate agent comes to the rescue. The scope of activity of such a person may include a purchase, sale, removal, delivery of housing, land, etc. Realtor can work both online and offline.

Implementation of the idea:

First of all, you need to register as an IP, and then you need to create a real estate database. To do this, you can search for sellers via the Internet, but you can put ads. In the same way, it is necessary to find buyers. A contract is concluded from each side, after which the buyer examines the real estate and buys it.

The real estate agent from each transaction receives commissions in the amount of 2-10% of the cost of square meters. Accordingly, the income depends on the prices of real estate in your city.

Business Idea No. 16 - Organization of Holidays

You, having a little acting talent, organizational abilities and the desire to give happiness to people, write an interesting script and find a customer who wants to hold a holiday according to your plan. At the specified day, conduct an idea for which you receive money remuneration, good mood and regular customers.


People dream of a bright and unforgettable holiday in gray weekdays. For this, for help, they turn to the firms that organize celebrations. Employees of such organizations write exciting scenarios, in their arsenal have a lot of bright costumes, and, at will, can decorate the rooms with balloons and other festive attributes. Such firms are in demand at any time of the year, because Most often they trust the organization of children's holidays, weddings and jubileev.

Implementation of the idea:

Prepare a script, write a couple of videos about yourself, prepare the costumes and the necessary attributes and make it search for customers. You can advertise through familiar sound operators, DJ-ev, leading, radio-friendly, administrators of banquet halls and entertainment institutions, on free bulletin boards, in wedding magazines, etc.

The income will directly depend on the number of submissions conducted and their cost.

Business idea number 17 - Trainings


Fashion for trainings came to us from the West. Increasingly, people who want to increase their knowledge in one area or another are recorded on seminars where theoretical and practical skills are obtained. In addition to trainings, webinars can be carried out. Webinars are training seminars that are held online. In this case, there is no need to rent a room.

Implementation of the idea:

In order to start sharing their knowledge, it is necessary to develop a training program, find information that will be interesting and understandable to the entire audience. After that, you will have to spread advertising and find you want to listen to your lecture.

The income from such an enterprise will depend on the number of listeners and the cost of training.

Business Idea No. 18 - Walking and Dog Training

The essence of the idea is as follows: If you love and are not afraid of dogs, you know the features of their walking and have free time, then a business based on the walking and training of pets of pets is for you.


The owners of four-legged favorites are very often encountered with such a problem as a lack of time for dogs. Then an animal amateur comes to the rescue, which will make it for them. In addition to a walk, such a hired employee can train the PSA to fulfill some teams. This is a very profitable business, because You can simultaneously walk with several dogs. Such activity is suitable for people of all age categories.

Implementation of the idea:

For a start, you can not make an IP, but to work unofficially, testing your forces in this, at first glance, a simple lesson. You will have to find customers who are interested in this service, specify the conditions of cooperation, after which you can go for a walk with a dog. It is important to know the place where the walk is allowed, because otherwise you have to pay a fine.

Its services can be offered through groups in social. Networks dedicated to various dogs of dogs, as well as devoted to helping homeless animals. After all, your potential customers live there. Record the video from the classrooms, lead the training diaries with the results, lay them out on a personal page or on your website and people will reach out to you.

Monthly earnings depends on the number of customers and the price of your services.

Not so long ago, in St. Petersburg, in one of the parks I watched this kind of earnings in practice. To the appointed time began coming the owners with their dogs. Then the coach came and spent a 2-hour occupation with dogs and their owners. Classes were group and individual.

Business Idea No. 19 - Performing Works for Students

The essence of the idea is the following : You, having deep knowledge in a field of science, technology or art, offer students of various educational institutions to fulfill control work, coursework or diploma projects.


Everyone knows that among students there are those who do not fulfill the tasks on their own, and pay others for writing abstracts, thesis, coursework, the creation of drawings, etc. In this category, students of correspondence form of education fall. It is they who most often hire people to perform any task. If you correctly hold an advertising campaign and perform work efficiently, then after a short period of time you will have a large client base and considerable income.

Implementation of the idea:

To implement a conceived project, it is necessary to have certain mental abilities and deep knowledge of a specific subject. If all this is available, then it remains to find a negligent student, take his task and execute it. The advertising campaign is best carried out directly in an educational institution.

The income depends on the value of your services, the number of orders and their quality. Well done work is a guarantee of success and prosperity of your business.

On average, the implementation of one appearance is from 5000 thousand rubles for 1 chapter, up to 50,000 for the whole graduation project.

Business Idea No. 20 - Translator Services

The essence of the idea is the following : If you have a good one who own at least one foreign language, you can try to make money, translating texts.


You can rarely meet a person who perfectly owns a large number of foreign languages. But nevertheless, many people often need to translate one or another document, text or article. It is in such cases that everyone turns to translators. Translator, in addition to a spoken language, should understand the terminology, because Often it is required to translate technical text. The texts of increased complexity, as well as the translation from the exotic language is paid much higher.

Implementation of the idea:

In order to translate text, it is necessary to own foreign languages. For this you will have to or end courses, or learn at the Institute of Foreign Languages. After that, it remains to find a client using a promotional campaign, and fulfill its order.

Why is this business idea without investments? Yes, because there are practically nothing about your knowledge of your language. You can speak at the school meeting with a presentation of your courses or touched for example with a notary. Many notary work with translators, from this cooperation everything is in positive, because NOTARY CUSTOMERS are often looking for a specialist for the translation of official documents. Well, when they are nearby and can be promptly obtaining and services for the translation and services for notarizing documents.

The profit that such a business can bring depends on the foreign language, the complexity of the text and the timing of implementation. On average, the cost of 1.5-2 thousand characters (near the page) is about 500-1000 rubles.

Business idea number 21 - designer

The essence of the idea is the following : If you know how to draw well, you work in graphic programs, endowed with a sense of style, understand the fashion trends, then the designer is the work of your dreams. You can create logos, make out the room, create sketches of clothes, etc.


People with a good taste and able to draw, always in demand. They trust the design of offices, shops, residential premises, the development of advertisements of logos. Creating designer furniture, etc. In addition, such specialists often work in Atelier, where they create unique and fashionable outfits. The designer is a multidisciplinary profession that is always in demand.

Implementation of the idea:

Create a portfolio of your work and go to search for customers. Already directly with the customer you discuss all the details and conclude an agreement. After that, you need to execute the order on the specified time.

The income depends on the price of your services and the number of customers.

Business idea number 22 - Services Photographer as a business without larger investments

The essence of the idea is the following : You acquire a camera, several lenses, accessories to it and offer people to hold a photo session with their participation. After shooting, you processes snapshots in a graphic editor and give them to the customer.


Everyone can take photograph or amateur camera. But, sometimes, I want to have not simple photos made by someone, but professional. They have better quality, because Made with the help of professional equipment, besides, there are no flaws and shortcomings in such pictures. The photographer is hired on celebrations, anniversaries, weddings, memorable events. A good specialist noticing seasonality of such a business, because His services are in demand all year round.

Implementation of the idea:

In order to start such a business, you must at least be able to photograph well, but it is better to finish special courses.

Such a business can bring unstable income, because It depends on the number of customers and the scale of orders, as well as on seasonality. For example, the wedding photographer is most downloaded from May to September. Pre-New Year family photo shoots are also popular.

Business idea number 23 - Outsourcing without investments

The essence of the idea is the following : If you are familiar with any side of the entrepreneurship, then you should try to earn with outsourcing. For example, you are an experienced accountant who monitors changes in legislation, can work with the program 1C, then you can find an entrepreneur or an organization that will need your services.


Every day a large number of IP and new firms are registered. In the first days of their activities, they have a minimum staff, and often poorly understand this or that matter. Then specialists come to the rescue who offer them to help, taking part of the duties. This may be client support, accounting, compiling reports. Such people do not need to officially execute, they work under the contract. This reduces the costs of the entrepreneur and makes life easier for him. Thanks to this, outsourcing is in demand in a civilized society.

Implementation of the idea:

Before you begin such a business, it is necessary to have an appropriate education (for example, an accountant, economist) and work experience.

Arrive depends on the type of work you do. For example, if you are responsible for a call center, then the salary will be lower than that of the accountant that constitutes the entire reporting and leads the documentation. For remote work, you can take some legal services: drawing up claims, claims, the maintenance of internal documentation and so on.

Business idea number 24 - Cleaning business without starting capital

The essence of the idea is the following : You buy a minimum set of household chemicals, tools, materials and offering people to clean up their apartments, houses or country sites. The range of services provided may be big. It all depends on your capabilities.


To date, the services of cleaning companies enjoy a large number of people. Someone because of its workload does not have time to maintain the order of the house, and someone is easier to pay to those skilled in the art, so that they remove it in the room. Cleaning services also enjoy large companies with a large area of \u200b\u200boffices. Such firms are in demand in large cities and megalopolis.

Implementation of the idea:

We use the minimum set of cleaning products and tools that have every home, looking for customers and work.

Profit that cleaning services can bring depends on the volume of work performed and the number of orders.

Business Idea No. 25 - School of Cooking


In major cities, this idea is gaining its popularity, especially against the background of the release of such transmissions on TV. In the old days, each young feature had a lot of experience in cooking. Nowadays to meet a girl who knows how to prepare a great rarity. But sooner or later, they have to learn this. Then the schools of cooking come to the rescue. There not only prepare dishes for any case of life, but also learn the rules for serving the table, tell how to choose products in the store, how to store them correctly, etc. The audience of listeners may consist not only of women. Increasingly, such classes attend representatives of a strong sex.

Implementation of the idea:

Before spending the first lessons, it is necessary to adequately appreciate your abilities. You really should prepare well not only delicious, but also useful food. It is important to compile a plan of classes, where every lesson will be painted. After that, spend the revision of the dishes. It should be enough for all students. It remains to buy products, spread advertising and wait for the first customers.

School of cooking will generate income if you are able to interest people and you will share really valuable information, as well as Livekhaki in the kitchen.

Business idea number 26 - weaving from the vine as a business without investment

The essence of the idea is as follows: If you can weave various products from the vine, then you can try to sell them, or make to order. The range may not be limited to baskets and stands. Furniture from the ecoy material is very popular. It is she who brings the maximum income to the masters.


Over time, the fashion changes for certain things. But it does not apply to products, wicker from the vine. Even now, furniture, or items made of this material, talk about the prosperity and excellent taste of their owner. Such things fit perfectly into any interior, giving it a special highlight. Fashion for Ecoproduction is gaining momentum, so products from natural materials are very in demand. If it concerns things made from the vine, it can be said that the demand for this product is extremely large, and it is several times higher than the proposals.

Implementation of the idea:

What are you not business production without investments? To create such a business, you need at least to have a skill work with a vine. It is better for some time to work with an apprentice from a professional to find out all the subtleties of working with this material. After successful learning, you can proceed to the billet of the vine and the creation of masterpieces. You can implement products via the Internet, or any way convenient for you.

The income depends on the number of goods sold sold and their cost. The cost directly depends on the size of the product and the complexity of its manufacture.

Business idea number 27 - Outbound computer administrator

The essence of the idea is the following : If you are fluent in PC, you know how to install the most necessary programs, you know how to reinstall Windows, etc., then you can try to earn on it. You just need to help people by simulating their computer.


Now every family has at least 1 computer, tablet or laptop. Over time, on each device you need to update the software, clean the hard drives, check the system for viruses, etc. But not every user is under power, and there is not always convenient to carry a PC to the service. In this case, it is better for help contacting the outbound computer administrator. The specialist will come to your house and will quickly fulfill all the work. It saves the time and money of the client.

Implementation of the idea:

In order to open this business you need to really understand the computer. If you are confident in your abilities, then open an IP, advertise your services and perform the orders received.

Profit in such a matter depends on the complexity of the order. For one departure, the administrator receives from 1 to 5 thousand rubles.

Business Idea No. 28 - Network Marketing

The essence of the idea is as follows: If you are a sociable and open person who knows how to sell any trifle and has a belief talan, then you should try your hand in network marketing. You will have to find people who want to buy or sell products implemented by you. In addition to the percentage of the goods sold, you will receive a small percentage of products that the person has implemented by you has implemented.


Large cosmetic companies are the most vivid example of network marketing. It is there that the number of consultants increases every day increases, accordingly increase sales and wages of personnel. Many believe that network marketing is a hoax and "soap bubble". But this is not the case, because no one forces you to make attachments and sit waiting for immense wealth. In order to earn blood, it will be necessary to work well, but many argue that it is worth it.

Implementation of the idea:

In order to start working with the help of network marketing, it will be necessary to register in one of the companies that work in this way. After that, familiarize yourself with the products, buy catalogs, explore the business plan, go through several trainings. After that you will have to sell products, and attract people to business.

This business idea can bring a few thousand $ a month. But for this you need to work a lot, to have as many people as possible, love your profession and believe in success.

Small business on a franchise without investments - is it possible?

In general, what business without investments to choose only from you. Therefore, turn on the fantasy. Minimize costs. Dare. Open business from scratch real. You only need to find your niche and your customers.

Live examples of business without investment

To not go far, I will start with myself. Without all sorts of investments from school, we started to organize school discos with each other, after school moved to nightclubs, and later went to weddings, banquets, etc.

In one of the clubs, I met Ivan and he already told me that on the Internet you can earn. He said that if there are people on the site, it means there you can earn money from advertising, then I spied, and I started picking up, trying and creating first sites. At first I copied the articles from other sites, then began to edit them, after translating from English, then write to the copyright itself. For the entire period of tests, I changed several dozen sites and in the process of all this I understood that I fell in love with this activity!

Maxim Rabinovich earns on stretch ceilings. Here is an article about him :. He also began without investments and continues to provide services to this day and as an intermediary.

Several of my acquaintances began to engage in baking to order, became composer, manicure specialists, etc. Now they earn only it can afford not to work at work, but to expand their activities.

Very many freelancers can lead as an example. On the freelanse, people are well earned on the Internet and this can be considered their small-little business. Although rather this is not a business, but entrepreneurial activity is accurate. All of them earn their knowledge and skills, find customers, try to make a cooler of others and it gives their fruits. These people are designers, programmers, verses, copywriters, webmasters, SEO specialists, SMM specialists and many others. I have a lot of colleagues in this direction to talk about every one.

All these people knew how to do something, they wanted to do something and went to their goals.

How to open a business from scratch - 5 steps

So, from the previous item, you realized that we should be able to be able to. Therefore, in order for us to build a step-by-step plan, you must clearly understand what you want, know how or are going to do to start your business.

Step 1. Choose a business idea

Wake up the brains that you are closer and which idea you can successfully implement. Do it, relying on your life experience, professional knowledge and skills. To implement successfully, you must do it better than your competitors. Spend the analysis of your competitors, reflect that you can do better than they are what your competitive advantage is.

Fred de Luke (the founder of the SUBWAY eateries network) before the opening of its first restaurant traveled several competitive institutions. Somewhere he liked the filling for Saba, somewhere the form of Saba, and somewhere the dough from which this bunch was preparing. So he collected all this together, borrowed a couple of recipes from chefs and prepared his perfect sub! Which we now have.

Step 2. Express testing ideas

Do not be lazy on a sheet of paper answer the following questions:

  1. There is a demand for your product or service (an article about that,);
  2. Well you understand the topic;
  3. Your product or the service is better / better / cheaper than the market available;
  4. You have UTP (). You know why you have to buy exactly you and it is indisputable;
  5. You know who your customers are;
  6. You know how to sell / offer your product or service;

If, in front of each item, it is (+), then you can safely start.

Step 3. Compose a plan of action

You must at least briefly describe what you need to do. For example:

  1. Write down their competitors, determine their strengths and weaknesses, and then look at their weak and strengths and compare;
  2. To write out advertising opportunities that you can afford. Here, for example, articles with and. Also be sure to visit the section, because there will find many ways to sell and advertisements;
  3. What you definitely need at the first stage: consumables, overalls, equipment, etc.;
  4. Consider how much money you will remain "clean" (excluding expenses);
  5. How much you need to have a minimum of customers per day / week / month to have the desired income;
  6. How much can you allow from one sale to postpone money for the development of your small business;
  7. What will spend the first accumulated money for the development of your business;
  8. Do you need documents, certificates, business registration, or at first you can do without it. More often at first, you can not make anything, but for the extension in the future it will need to be done. But if you initially have to work with JUR. Persons, then it is necessary to take free or find someone from JUR. face. This will help you with articles: and.

Perhaps something missed, but this should be enough to start his business from scratch and already run testing on real customers.

Step 4. Begin to sell

Run sales.
- If this is a service. Test services on your friends. Let them share their opinions about the services you provide. For example, if you decide to open a beauty salon at home, then make some hairstyles first sister or girlfriend. Prepare for them day and evening makeup and find out the opinion about it. If everything is successful, we start searching for customers. First you can create a group in social networks and invite girls there from other competitive groups.

- If this is a product. If you decide to build a business on the sale of goods, let's say, on the dropshiping, then to start, buy at least one instance of the goods you sell. To make sure his quality. Make an overview of this product. Put on the website or in your group in social networks. Invite potential buyers from other similar groups.

Step 5. We introduce adjustments

I am sure that during the work of your plan will be corrected by you and will change to 50%, or even more. It is right. You can not immediately predict everything. If you make adjustments, then this is good, because "checking the fight" makes it possible to plan more accurately your further actions and develop faster.


Well, at the end of this article I want to conclude that it is realistic to start your business, if you follow everything that is written in this article. But there are those who will say: "Nikolai, and if I don't know how I know, I don't know and there are no ideas at all?" Those I will ask you to read the important point in this article at number 10 that entrepreneurs in Russia are only 5-10% maximum. If you do not have knowledge, skills, ideas and other things, then be among those who work for someone. This is normal.

Now I will give a few more articles that I recommend reading to organize my business.

Who in our country does not dream of success and wealth?! Dreams are dreams, and under the underlying water water does not flow and one visualization of future success does not bring you to material freedom and independence. So, how to become successful and rich in Russia and what exactly should I do to achieve success?

Perhaps the easiest way to get rich is to write a book about how to get rich. And if without jokes, then every person has a chance to become rich, happy and successful in all respects. But most of the inhabitants of the planet prefer to conduct a mediocre life, go to the unloved job and getting pennies that hardly grab food. The point is not even that they lack knowledge to achieve material freedom. The whole snag lies in fear and the image of thinking. Look at people around, what are they most often what they say that they are bothering? In most cases, they spend time on complaints, useless things, criticism of the government or each other. For some self-development or promotion of the career staircase, they do not have enough time or effort or desire.

Wealth begins with changing the image of thinking and clear intention: "I want to earn a lot, I want to be free and happy"! When there is an intention and appropriate attitude - opportunities to achieve material freedom appear by themselves. Moreover, you will find wonderful ideas for business everywhere Where your eyes are facing.

The idealist is the one who helps to get rich to others.Henry Ford

How to become rich from scratch, if you even have no idea what you want to do and where to start? Our advice is to deal with your desires, to bring order in life, to acquire mad motivation and take advantage of the useful advice of the successful personalities of the past and modern times. Fortunately, in our age of digital technologies, access to the invaluable experience of rich people is at a distance of several clicks by the mouse. And in order for you not to look for useful information throughout the Internet, we have collected effective advice on finding wealth and success. One condition is to stop immanently to slide through the stricters, and finally began for active actions.

The following rules should be your Personal Code:

Learn to appreciate your time

Losers always have a full time that they spend the most stupid way. Empty entertainment Useless games, chatter with other losers - an approximate routine of the day of the ordinary person. By forty years, he will still fight boredom, scold the government, lean on strong drinks, suffering from the consequences of idle life. Your task is to learn to appreciate every minute of life, use every opportunity to get new knowledge. While others sleep, walk and find out the relationship - you need to take real actions. Naturally, it requires a large self-discipline and a clear vision of a future goal.

Take yourself planning

To effectively use the time, you need to clearly see the goal. Useless activity for the sake of activity will never lead to wealth, except for one day you will find "that very" idea and enter the number of few lucky ones who earned the first million at the delert and case. But such luckyrs can be counted on the fingers, and there is no guarantee that you will enter their number.

Planning consists of several stages. First of all, it is necessary to make a long-term plan for 5.10.20 years, and then split each of the steps into several small parts. For example, in five years you see yourself as director of a large corporation. Well, let's say while you are an ordinary poor student and this plan seems to be mildly, impracticable. Well, in this case, you can or revise this plan, or do more detailed planning. Perhaps after five years of hard work, you will not become a millionaire with your business, but the experience is valued much more expensive than money. In any case, you will find yourself in a more favorable position than your peers that all this time spent the life of stupid entertainment.

By the way, it is rarely planted correctly from the first time. Practice in drawing up plans for a year, month or at least one day. The main thing is that every day you were on a step or half step closer to the goal. Collect the necessary knowledge, develop useful skills and look for people who will help you achieve success.

Take the courage and pardimate patience

Everyone wants to learn how to become rich and happy lying on the sofa. But the whole point is that favorable opportunities are not lying on the road. In addition, many people wishing to get rich are panicly afraid to take real actions. And suddenly it will not work, and what if all the efforts turn around nothing? These fears are peculiar to all entrepreneurs, only successful people know how to drown out fear and instead of problems to see new opportunities for material growth and success.

Do not expect rapid results. Entrepreneurs in our country constantly suffer collapse and despair in work. Still, at first everything seemed so simple and understandable, and then it turns out that it is necessary to work a lot to work, constantly develop, plan, to communicate a lot and find new ideas for earnings. Expectations are not justified and the next firm closes. Our advice is not to wait for rapid enrichment, but also not to lower your hands. The experience of successful billionaires of the past and modernity suggests that even after a crushing failure, you can quickly rise and achieve great success. In any case, the experience gained and knowledge will forever remain with you.

Learn someone else's experience

How to find a good idea for business? Look around - ideas abound! Read the biographies of successful businessmen, study the features of startups, view the tips of the "experienced". Competent investment - the beginning of future success. One successful attachment will guarantee a permanent active or passive income, and you can invest in larger projects.

Do not neglect useful books.

Famous businessmen love to share useful experience with their readers. We strongly recommend reading the books: "How to conquer friends and influence people" Dale Carnegie (classic genre, many tips in the book will always be relevant), "Create a corporation and become rich" Robert Kiyosaki (as well as other books of a well-known business coach), "Seven high-performance people skills" Stephen R. Kovi. These are the most relevant books for beginner businessmen.

Work with interest and motivation

Passive desire to become rich leads to poverty. Including poverty thinking. The strengths of this world "burn" with a loved one, getting sincere pleasure from work. There is one simple rule: interest generates motivation, and motivation - willpower. Consider only the fact that you are sincerely interested in and then work will turn into an exciting occupation.

Carefully choose a circle of communication

Failures are contagious - this is a fact. It is worth a little talk to the ever-making on the problems of a person, as you yourself, involuntarily, begin to concentrate on the dark sides of life. There is no life without any problems, but there is a useful skill to meet problems with gratitude. Whatever trite it sounded, but each problem really makes a person stronger. Want to know how to become a rich man? Stop communicating with complainers and losers, choose as well-minded like-minded people who can help afford or advice. Communicate with rich and successful, adopt the valuable experience necessary for our own development.

In secret, everyone wants to live in a huge mansion and relax on the Canary Islands. In reality - no one wants to perform even an elementary work, because It is difficult, long and generally, drinking beer on a bench is much more fun. It is worthwhile to voice your desire to achieve material success - the negative comments will immediately fly away from everywhere: "Yes, who are you? What do you know how? In our country it is impossible! ". In fact, these words tell themselves the hardened losers, who resigned with poverty and dependence on more successful people. Speak yourself diametrically opposite things: "If someone else was able to - then I can! I have all the opportunities to achieve wealth! ".

Develop communicability

Who knows how to communicate and influence people - he is already halfway to well-deserved success. Some knowledge I. Skills are not enough for wealth, and maintaining any business requires constant communication. Develop communicative skills, train in dealing with the most different people, learn to convince others and make faithful supporters. Charismatic and insanely attractive personalities have nothing to tell how to become rich and very successful - any doors are open before them.

Make money "work"

Open your business only in order to save new and new amounts - unreasonable. Money should always "work", bring an active or passive income. The main difference between the poor and secured person is that the poor will postpone the money "for a black day", and rich - to invest in a new undertaking, will expand the company or deceive a new business sphere. Insert the money if not in new beginnings - then at least: education, self-development, improvement in image, advanced training, etc. Sooner or later, such investments will still pay off, in contrast to the savings of the poor loser.

Pick up new ideas

You can't imagine how many beautiful ideas that comes to your head every day could make you a millionaire. Surprisingly, while you disgusting the idea, considering it stupid, someone else is not afraid to risk and becomes a very rich man. How much can you break your head over how to become rich in Russia, if only a few steps separate you from real wealth and glory? Do not rely on memory - it often brings. Carry with you a small notebook and a handle, write down all the ideas, no matter how stupidly they seem at first glance. Who knows, perhaps one of 10 new ideas will become your pass to the world of rich and successful.

By the way, excellent ladies are also often wondering how to get rich. For some reason, in our country there was a root of the wrong impression of rich women. According to most ill-wishers, the only possible way to get rich for a woman is to successfully marry or "successfully" divorce. But among the beautiful ladies there are many successful businesswomen and leaders of large companies.

The problem of our women also lies in negative thinking and stereotypes about the passive female role. It is considered rich and beautiful women if not "hurrices" using men for their own mercenary purposes, then the unfortunate work, which, despite the external success, cry at night in the pillows because of the oppressive loneliness and the lack of personal life.

What nonsense?! A woman may well be successful, attractive and happy in all respects! In addition, women have more benefits: natural sociability, infevering, female charming, practicality, purposefulness. While the men play toys and drink a breakdown with friends, women decide practical problems, find time to care for the family, and do not forget about professional development. So beautiful ladies in the XXI century have many chances to achieve success. Tips on how to become a rich woman - identical to the advice for men. We have equality of floors like anything.

Remember that poverty is only in the head. A man engaged in interesting things for him will always find ways to earn. Yes, and the lack of millions in a bank account will not be a problem for him, because the main thing is to constantly develop, dream, put new goals and feel that the precious days of life are not in vain.