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Investing money to generate active income. Who Can Passive Income Ideas Really Help? Rent out your home, and move to a rented one yourself

14 october 2015

Greetings! Today I am starting a new series of articles on personal finance. I'm sure a little motivation and useful life hacks won't hurt anyone. Let's start!

I believe that sooner or later each of us must reach a level where you do not work for money, but money works for you. Unfortunately, in Russia this is not taught either in schools or in economic universities.

But in fact it is easier than it seems! And today we will talk about how to organize passive income in the Russian realities.

The beauty of passive money is that its availability is no longer dependent on our efforts.

Let's take the income from employment for comparison. Let's say a sales manager for household appliances. His monthly income has two parts: a flat rate plus a percentage of sales. By the way, on such a job you can earn very decently. But! As soon as our conditional manager stops selling vacuum cleaners and washing machines, his income falls ... to zero.

Every working day, he exchanges his time and energy for a cash equivalent. He stopped straining (got sick, quit his job, started drinking) - the trickle of money immediately dried up.

Employment is a classic example of active income. That is, income, which directly depends on the efforts made by a person (like riding a bicycle).

By the way, freelancing and private entrepreneurship are also referred to as active ways earnings. They differ from hired workers only in that freelancers and individual entrepreneurs work for themselves: they plan the working day themselves, look for clients, advertise, purchase goods, pay taxes, and so on.

But the way to get regular income remains the same: freelancers and private entrepreneurs exchange their spent time, energy and nerves for money. As a rule, at a more favorable "rate" than office managers, but you still cannot relax.

How are passive earnings fundamentally different from active ones? A more profitable "exchange rate" of time and effort for real money! If an employee has a conditional rate of 1: 1, a small entrepreneur 1: 2, then a good passive source gives a return of 1:50 or 1: 100! You work on creating a source of income once, and then money flows constantly and without your direct participation!

You sleep - the bank account grows. You are on vacation - your e-wallet is replenished. You are traveling - and the money is only getting more (or at least not less). Ultimately, the attitude towards work changes. Such an autonomous source makes it possible to work for the sake of self-realization or pleasure, and not in order to survive ...

Types and examples of passive income

Several types are relevant for Russia passive income... To be fair, I will note that there are many more options abroad. But we also have plenty to choose from!

Financial (investment)

This is perhaps the easiest way to ensure yourself a consistent source of payments over time. The principle is simple: we invest in various instruments, receiving "buns" in the form of interest and dividends.

There are a lot of options for investment income (including on the Internet): bank deposits, mutual funds abroad, securities, as well as income from real estate or car rental.

I would like to dwell on securities in a little more detail. In fact, there is a whole thing about this tool on my blog, but if you sum them up, then there are only two main types - and bonds. The first, are a more risky option, but with their help you can earn more. Let's talk about them in more detail.

Dividend shares

Few people know that stocks are not only a tool for speculation, but also an excellent asset for earning: passive and regular. Russian companies have been paying dividends to their shareholders for a long time. On average, the size of dividend payments is now 3-6% per annum. But on the market you can find a bunch of offers and more interesting - 8-10% and more (for example, MTS, Surgutneftegaz, M-Video).

Source: Larisa Morozova

The development of the company guarantees the growth of dividends. And you, as a shareholder, receive a “piece” of a promising company and a share of its profits on an indefinite basis. By the way, this approach to stocks is also called.


For those who prefer a stable interest rate (mind you, higher than banking!) And low level risks will come up.

About 95% of bonds of Russian and foreign companies provide for the payment of a coupon yield (most often, twice a year). Bonds are a great alternative to bank deposits. They provide slightly higher yields with the same or even higher levels of reliability. Provided that you are investing in quality, not junk bonds!

Intelligent, including the Internet

This option assumes creativity and minimal creativity. This includes the copyright for a book or logo, or a patent for an invention. It is clear that the classic intellectual income is not suitable for everyone and it will not work to tell in two words how to create it. But I'll give you a couple of ideas.

On the Web, "tutorials" are sold in a variety of formats: books, video tutorials, personal consultations, webinars, courses and paid access to materials in closed groups.

Naturally, all passive income on the Internet is associated with the creation of sites or services. Therefore, in order to start receiving such income, you first need to acquire your own own project... Let me explain my idea in more detail.

Participation in affiliate programs

Owners of well-promoted blogs and sites can passively earn on affiliate programs. In my opinion, this is one of the best income options on the Internet. The bottom line is that when you go and order a product / service using a link from your site, you get a percentage of the purchase in the form of a partner reward.

It is clear that the topic of affiliate programs should correspond to the direction of the site or group on Facebook. For example, a "children's" site can put affiliate links to online stores of children's goods, books in the "Labyrinth" or paid courses for young mothers.

Affiliate programs are also very different in terms of profitability. Someone pays more, someone less. Some of them accrue the partner remuneration honestly, while others try to cheat. Everything is like in life.

Therefore, it is better to select options on specialized sites - with descriptions and ratings of companies. Sometimes a related topic is offered by the Internet investment forum. Do not forget to carefully read the reviews about the program!

Creation of online courses

Each of us is an expert at something. Try to create an online course on "your" topic. Other training options: video tutorials, e-books, audio files, checklists, interviews with experts, webinars.

  1. The result should be displayed in the name of the course. For example, "Your first book in three months"
  2. Break the long video course into several short podcasts on topics up to 15 minutes long
  3. Consider the "clip perception" of the modern audience: less philosophical discourse, more vivid images
  4. Take care of a beautiful "picture": background music, catchy screensavers at the beginning and at the end, infographics and slides
  5. Provide feedback. Courses with homework checking are usually more expensive but also take more time from the author

Reviews on sites

Bonus point. I warn you right away that earnings on review sites will be scanty. Very few can boast of an income of even 1,000 rubles a month. And it would be a stretch to call this way of earning "passive".

Who is it for?

  1. Those who plan to master the profession of a copywriter and want to make money by writing texts. IRecommend and Otzovik are a great opportunity to learn how to write short commercial texts with a catchy headline
  2. Those who still do not believe that it is possible to earn money on the Internet. According to my observations, everything more money from real life "flows" to the Internet. And the winner is the one who is able to use new opportunities before others.
  3. Those who consider themselves an expert in one of the areas. If you are well versed in car accessories, natural cosmetics or books, share your opinion with others. Usually experts like to talk about what they know a lot about. So why not do the same for a fee? Even if it is symbolic.

Marketing income

The point here is that you create a brand or commercial structure, which over time begins to work for you.

A typical example: a built MLM network or your own recognizable website. If over time your name becomes a brand (at least at the level of a YouTube "star"), then additional income is guaranteed through participation in advertising projects and affiliate programs.

Far from everyone succeeds in “gaining a profit” when selling Oriflame or AVON products. But to withdraw own website in 6-12 months for an income of $ 100-200 is quite real! The site owner can earn on affiliate programs, on the placement of paid advertising articles, on contextual and teaser ads, on the sale of links, and much more.

Where to get money to create sources of passive income?

Unfortunately, everything in this life "from scratch" and "without investment" happens only in advertising. In principle, everything is logical: in order to "persuade" money to work for yourself, you first need to find this money somewhere and invest it successfully.

Even in the tale about Pinocchio, Alice and Basilio did not promise that money would grow out of nothing in the field of Fools. Pinocchio had to plant five gold coins in the ground and water them constantly.

All sources of passive income require an initial investment. In MLM, you need to buy a minimum batch of goods. In site building - pay for a domain, hosting and specialist services (design, copywriting, promotion). To create a high-quality educational product - invest in brand promotion.

So where to get the money now to secure your future in the long run?

There are only two options (and no one has yet come up with the third): increase revenues and cut costs. Better yet, do both at the same time!

We increase income

It's not just about finding a second job or a part-time job (although this is also a good option). "Extra" money to create passive sources of income can be found in the most unexpected places.

For example, make at home general cleaning and put up for sale (say, on Avito) all the things you personally do not need. Here is a sample list: branded clothing in good condition, baby products (toys, strollers, cribs), digital and household appliances, collectibles (stamps, coins, old books, records).

You will be surprised how much "money" is simply gathering dust in your apartment or in the country. Do not spend the money received from the sale, but immediately place it in assets!

And of course, no one canceled the 10% rule. Direct one-tenth of all cash receipts to create passive income. As Bodo Schaefer writes in his book “The Path to Financial Independence”: “You will not notice the loss of 10% per month. You will live either as well as before, or as badly. "

Yes, and one more important point! In the process of creating a new source of income, it is much more important not the size of the "infusions", but their regularity! And until you reach the level of income you have set (1,000 rubles, 10,000 or 100,000 per month), you cannot spend your savings for personal purposes!

Reducing costs

People came up with ways to save money in a carriage and a small cart: sales, discount sites, wholesale purchase of products, energy-saving bulbs ... There are so many options that I decided to write about saving.

And now I just want to give a start, so to speak.

First, close all debts and loans (especially interest) as soon as possible. Debt is like a boat in the middle of a lake that suddenly starts leaking. You spend all your efforts to bail out the water and not drown (in our situation - to make monthly payments with interest). And you and I need to move forward, to, and not spin in one place! Loans and debts are shackled hand and foot, and ooooooo much hinder development.

Second, buy yourself a diary from last year (or a regular notebook). And every day, record income and expenses, down to metro tickets and cups of coffee. For convenience, divide your expenses into categories: "Food", "Entertainment", "Nonsense", "Auto", "Communication" and so on. I promise you, at the end of the "reporting" month, you will be greatly surprised by the results obtained.

The program not only allows you to record your spending, but also provides a ton of useful analytical information on your operations: income, monthly charts, various spending scales. Well, the paid version will allow you to keep one budget for the whole family!

For example, you and your spouse together keep records in the Coinker, each from your mobile device. As a result, all data is synchronized and you can always find out how much money is from family budget spent "on cosmetics" or "at a bar with friends."

Which ones do you prefer? Subscribe to updates and share posts with friends on your favorite social networks!

Constantly and most importantly guaranteed, getting a certain income every month is the dream of any investor. Money works without your participation or any effort and brings in even more money. How can this be achieved? The answer is you need to know where to invest money. Of course, the amount of profit will directly depend on the amount of funds invested. And let's say, for novice investors, the profit received from their investments will be relatively small. But you need to start somewhere. After all, the very fact of generating very attractive. In order for income to grow, you need 2 things: periodically invest additional money and permanent. According to law - over time, even the most modest capital can turn into a rather impressive amount, the profit from which will give you a significant financial flow in the form of monthly income from the allocated funds.

Where can you invest your money to get a constant monthly income?

We buy with different coupon payment dates. It is on these dates that you will receive profits. You can build a portfolio of bonds in such a way that monthly profits are credited to your account. Typically, coupons are 91 or 182 days long. Every 3 months or six months, the profit from the purchased bond will go to your account.

Advantages. Higher profitability. Clearly predicted and fixed income. High (you can instantly sell bonds without losing the accrued profit).

Disadvantages. The likelihood of bankruptcy of the issuer of the bond. For blue chips, this probability is low. For OFZ (federal loan bonds) and municipal bonds - it is practically zero. Usually (although very rarely) so-called third-tier companies (junk bonds) go bankrupt. Avoid buying them and you will be fine.

4. Dividend shares ... You buy that pay dividends consistently. And not just dividends, but. On average, in the Russian market, this size is 3-6% of the value of shares. There are companies (but there are few of them) whose dividends are slightly higher and amount to 8-10%. Judging by the latest payments, these are Surgutneftegaz, MTS and M-video.

Of course, the profitability is still small, but if we consider that you are buying a piece of a working (and, moreover, successfully) business, then with the further development of the company, the profit will also grow.

For example. The price of shares in the stock market is very volatile. They can "walk" in the range of 20-30% throughout the year, both up and down. At the beginning of the year, the shares of SurgutNeftegazP cost almost 50 rubles per share, then the price fell almost 2 times within six months, to 28 rubles. Considering that the average profitability is 10% per share (at a price of 45 rubles) or 4.5 rubles, buying at the “bottom” at 28 you would provide yourself with a return in the future of 17% per annum. And if the company's profit continues to grow, then the annual profitability will easily exceed 20%.

Advantages. Having bought a “piece of business” in the form of dividend shares, you will be entitled to count on a share of the company's profits. It can be found, thereby getting even more annual yield. With the development of the company, profits will increase, which means that dividends will also grow.

Disadvantages. Uneven payment of dividends. The lion's share of payments occurs in the second quarter. Some companies pay dividends twice a year. High volatility in the stock market. Purchased shares can drop significantly in value. But if you are aiming (for several years), then this will give you the opportunity to purchase an additional block of shares at bargain prices.

In custody.

It is possible (and even necessary) to receive passive income every month. There is nothing complicated in this. The listed methods are available to everyone. And don't forget. Divide your funds into several parts, and use them to make a profit in every way. So, of course, the total profit will decrease, but you will greatly reduce the risks when investing.

Many people dream of passive income and ask: “How to create passive income from scratch? Where can I find proven passive income ideas? " But not many people know that today this type of income has become available to everyone. And largely thanks to His Majesty the Internet! In this article I will reveal the concept of "passive income" (residual income), talk about the sources of this type of income and describe several ideas for its creation, which I use myself.

If you are already thinking about the possibility of creating passive income and strive for the life that passive income provides, then this article will be useful for you!

Is a type of income characterized by stable cash receipts, regardless of daily activities. Chances are, you've already come across (or heard of) people living off passive income. These people usually “don't go to work”. Such people are called rentiers.

A rentier is a person who lives off rent - income received from capital that he placed in a business, deposits, profitable real estate, securities, as well as income from copyright.

For example, suppose you are an expert in a certain field. This means that you can “sell” your knowledge by recording a training course (audio or video, it doesn't matter). You once made a high-quality course, and it will always bring you income when someone buys it (this can last for more than one year).

We have decided on the concept of passive income. Now answer the question for yourself:

Why do you need passive income?

Many are attracted by the luxurious life - gorgeous beaches and houses, cars and yachts. And someone treats such a life calmly and is happy with what he has. I am one of those people because I understand that a luxurious life is just the tip of the iceberg.

I think that the main advantage of building passive income is that you can free up your precious time for your favorite activity, which you cannot do now, because you “work at work”. I know people who would like to devote themselves to serving other people - homeless people, children in orphanages.

With passive income, you can start making your dreams come true.

2. "Money goes to money"?

The expression "money - to money" quite often justifies itself. Today it so happened that people with an average income spend all the money they earn without a remainder, buy goods on credit and borrow from friends and acquaintances before their salary or advance payment.

Why is it that people in their 30s and 40s cannot earn a good life? Now I will answer this question.

IMPORTANT! The point is this: people don't know how to focus on creating assets. able to solve material problems. It turns out that people are driving themselves into financial slavery, which is flourishing these days.

In the educational cartoon, which you will find at the end of the article, simple language the basics of personal finance are presented and a classification of people is given depending on the ability to manage them (which category do you belong to?):

1. Zombies (financial). Their expenses exceed income, their assets are negative. Those. they live paycheck to paycheck and are always in debt. Almost all of their money goes to pay off debts.

2. Kamikaze (financial). Their p a revenues are approximately equal to their income, assets are negative. They often look well-off: they have an apartment, a car ... However, this is all on credit. They walk on a razor's edge, and in case of unforeseen circumstances they easily fall into the ranks of financial zombies!

3. Maniacs (financial). Their incomes are equal to or slightly higher than their expenses, their assets are equal to zero. They usually have no debts, but neither do they have savings. They are at the mercy of the consumerism syndrome: they never have extra money, because they will always find something to spend it on right away.

4. Turtles (financial). Their incomes exceed expenses, their assets are positive. They have no or minimal debts, they have savings. But like turtles, they accumulate slowly, because they prefer to keep their savings under the mattress, and the most advanced turtles - in the bank.

5. Sages (financial). Their incomes exceed their expenses, their assets are positive. They differ from turtles in the level of investment. Investments in net assets generate passive income for them.

Did you recognize yourself by the description? For example, I see that since I began to think about personal finance and study books on financial literacy, I gradually began to move towards the 5th category.

In order to learn how to create assets, I highly advise you to read books on financial literacy by the famous businessman and investor Robert Kiyosaki. And make sure to read these books to your children. Start with books Rich dad, poor dad and Cash flow quadrant. If you prefer books in "paper" form, you can purchase them, for example, at Ozone (they have free delivery) - Rich dad, poor dad , Cash flow quadrant.

I like Kiyosaki's simple but very effective advice for creating your own asset. As soon as you receive some income, you start distributing it to others - you pay for an apartment, for a school, a hairdresser, a concierge at the entrance. You give out your money to everyone, but not to yourself! This is a fatal mistake for everyone who has not yet built passive income.

You must first of all "give" money to yourself, and therefore already to everyone else! Thus, you will begin to create your asset and then you can increase it by investing in your business or in any other way (which we will talk about below).

Here's a simple exercise. You can easily become a millionaire if you save as little as $ 1 a day! Don't believe me. Then open any deposit calculator on the Internet, for example, this one. And you will see that if you give up one cup of coffee a day for 30 years (figuratively speaking), you can become a “hryvnia” or “ruble” millionaire.

Can't believe it ?! Look at the screenshot: a 12% deposit with monthly top-ups of only $ 30 ($ 1 per day) with a monthly capitalization will turn into 2.7 million hryvnia or 7 million rubles (108,000 dollars). And it's only $ 1 per day.

TIP # 2. UNDERSTAND that someone who works all day has no time to make money!

John Rockefeller said: "Those who work all day have no time to earn money!" Consider his words.

Indeed, working in an enterprise, production, office, and no matter where, people earn on "current" costs. And you can become a millionaire only in your free time from your main job.

Hence it follows that TIME IS OUR MAIN WEALTH. Remember: "Time is money" - this is what wealthy people use.

Consider the day of an ordinary person: he goes to work in the morning, works all day during the day, and goes home in the evening. On the way home, he may go to shops, cafes, and at home - dinner and TV. Naturally, such monotony does not set you up for progress in the future, especially if you take into account that many earn money by doing what they do not really like to do.

Naturally, the creation of passive income is preceded by active work for a certain time (this can be several months or several years). But then you can leave your "unloved job" and enjoy life.

TIP # 3. GET knowledge in the field of personal finance.

The well-known expert in financial literacy Robert Kiyosaki, whom I mentioned above, DEFINED WEALTH BY THE DURATION OF TIME, during which, while continuing to live comfortably, a person may not work.

"Cash flow"- this is the name of the world-famous game by Robert Kiyosaki, which can help you figure out how to "turn time into money", creating a permanent passive income.

There are several versions of the Cashflow game - 101, 202, 303 and 404. Each of them teaches the skills of investing, building your own business and competently handling personal finances. Don't think this is child's play. The Cashflow game will be interesting and challenging for all adults - not only for an office worker, but also for the owner of his own large business.

You can buy the game in a bookstore, but it will cost 30 or even 50% more expensive than in an online store. You can order the game on the verified website (online store) with free shipping. Here's a link Board game Cashflow 101 (2016 edition).

If you want to learn more about the Cash Flow game, I recommend this interesting and useful with its detailed description.

IMPORTANT! I think you have already understood that to build passive income, the first step is to learn financial literacy. Neither parents, nor schools, nor universities give us this knowledge. Even if you work as an accountant in a large company or as a financial analyst in a bank, this does not always mean that you have knowledge in the field of personal finance.

3. Types and sources of passive income

We answered the question, what is passive income? I think it's time to satisfy your curiosity by revealing the "secrets" of ways to create and sources of passive income. We'll talk about this later. You just have to choose the method that suits you best.

Many are not satisfied with the fact that they will have to wait (months, years). But we must get out of this psychological trap. Think about it, the working age lasts 25 - 40 years, ending with the retirement age and receiving a pension, which can hardly be called "well-deserved and worthy."

It turns out that we can work for several decades, doing what you do not really like, and to ensure financial independence for ourselves is "beyond our strength." But you will have the opportunity to retire much earlier than the period established by the state (not at 55 or 60, but at 35 - 45).

Are you sure you want to create passive income so you have more free time at your disposal? Then start ALREADY TODAY to act decisively in this direction. Make up your mind and take action!

So, in more detail about the types and methods of creating passive income

There are 4 types of passive income:

  • investment (financial),
  • intellectual,
  • marketing,
  • legal (relying on the law).

Agree, not very much. The types of passive income in Russia are the same as in other countries in the world. Now let's figure out in what ways you can provide passive income.

1st type. Investment (financial) passive income

Created in the case of investing (investing) funds in certain financial instruments, items. From the investment, we receive a certain amount in the form of interest or profit.

Sources of profit can be:

  • real estate;
  • Bank deposit;
  • securities;
  • our business (if we buy it);
  • equipment (if you rent it).

2nd view. Intelligent passive income

Sources of income can be:

  • Royalties;
  • Invention (technology) patent

If you do not like the idea of ​​creating an information product on your own, you can earn income from promoting other people's information products through affiliate programs. I myself generate income from this online business. I consider Evgeny Vergus to be the main expert in making money on affiliate programs. You can immediately start earning while studying his course "PARTNER SALES WORKSHOP". You can easily reimburse the cost of the course by studying the course and at the same time earning by advertising partner information products. *

3rd view. Marketing passive income

This type of income is possible if you create a marketing system (s). For example, your website on the Internet or your personal brand that is rented (rented). One or several options are possible.

Personal branding refers to the commercial use of your name.

For example, screen and sports stars are often attracted to shoot ads, thus becoming the "face" of a certain brand or company. They receive decent royalties for using their name.

In this case, sources of passive income can be:

  • own well-developed network marketing structure;
  • businesses that use your personal brand;
  • your website;
  • a business that generates a profit from the operation of a marketing system (for example, an information business).

All these sources of passive income will provide you with passive income on the Internet without investment.

4th type. Legal passive income

I think there is no particular need to dwell on this view. I will only note that these are payments due to you "according to the Law." By the way, there are people who rely on this type of passive income. For example, civilians work under contract in military units for low pay. But then they retire earlier and receive a guaranteed "military" pension.

4. Ideas for creating passive income

You have already learned about the types and sources of passive income. It's time to get acquainted with the options for its creation.

I propose to consider the most common and relevant ideas. Perhaps one of them is suitable for you to ensure a regular flow of cash.

1. Information site or blog

If you know how or want to learn how to create and launch sites, you know the basic principles of marketing, then you can organize passive income, practically from scratch. It is not for nothing that the organization of passive income using the Internet is becoming more and more popular.

For example, the blog you're currently on also generates passive income.

In addition to the above skills, you will need free time and a desire to learn. You you will be able to make your site even if you do not have special technical skills... Especially for those who decided to make money with their blog or informational site, I have prepared a series of articles with step-by-step instructions, videos and screenshots. In less than a week you will make your site ready for filling. Here's a link .

To organize passive income using your website, of course, you will need a certain amount of time (from six months to two years). This time will be required for regular work on your project (several hours a day) in order to improve and optimize it.

Do not be mistaken that having created a website, you have done everything necessary to generate passive income, and now you can “sit idly by”. No! To turn the site into a full-fledged "money machine" will have to work on it for 1-2 years. But you will start receiving the first money within a few months after the start of the project.

After you turn the site into a "money machine", you can sell it (ready-made business!). Moreover, the amount received from the sale can exceed the amount of monthly passive income by 20 times.

For example, my colleague bought a 3-year working website for 1,500,000 rubles.

The arithmetic is simple: If your site brings in 10 thousand rubles a month, then you can sell it for 200 thousand rubles. and more expensive.

Hence, you can make money creating income generating websites and organize your business that way.

Ways to make money on your website:
  • placement of contextual advertising;
  • placement of paid advertising articles;
  • sale of advertising spaces;
  • placement of affiliate links;
  • selling your own training courses.

2. Intelligent product

With a certain talent, it is possible to create your own intellectual product (books, technology, training videos, etc.). This product can become a source of your passive income if you start replicating or renting it out.

Consider an example of passive income, when an intellectual product (book) made an author a millionaire. Today, perhaps, it is difficult to find a person who does not know the name J.K. Rowling. But it was the Harry Potter books that brought her a multimillion-dollar fortune.

An invention, a fundamentally new industrial design or technology can also become a source of passive income. They will be your intangible asset.

An intangible asset is a product of intellectual labor, which, having no material form, is capable of generating income. For example, a patent for an invention, trademark or brand.

3. Rent of property

Of course, the most common way is to rent out real estate. But let's look at other passive income options as well. For example, construction, commercial or industrial equipment and other expensive items. Moreover, passive income from real estate is often lower than from equipment.

For example, when purchasing construction equipment and tools, you can rent them out, thus organizing your business. If a drill or perforator costs, for example, 20 thousand rubles, then you can rent a tool for 100 - 500 rubles per day. The tool will pay off in a fairly short time (less than a month).

4. Securities, bank accounts, mutual funds

One of the common ways to create passive income is by investing in financial instruments.

Investing, in a way, can be seen as a business. But to become a professional investor, you must first learn this complex topic. You can learn more about financial instruments on this useful site. Private Investors Club "Where to invest - investment methods".

Of course, there are advantages in investments (higher income compared to a bank deposit), but they also have disadvantages, namely: high risks.

PAMM accounts, mutual funds and securities are not able to provide stable income (excluding bonds). The risk of losses is high. Consider this!

5. Network Marketing

Network marketing is considered one of the most available ways creating passive income. Perhaps because the first investment usually does not exceed $ 100.

The condition under which you can organize this kind of passive income is sociability. Because in this case, you will need to be able to communicate with people, to win them over, ensuring a friendly nature of communication. The main thing is that you do not fall into a financial pyramid!

To protect yourself from this risk, check out this helpful article. "What is a pyramid scheme?" .

6. Own business

Organization of an entrepreneurial project, perhaps The best way creating passive income.

Internet business suits people with any financial situation at the moment. Even if you don’t have a large enough budget, the network can provide start-up opportunities with little or no investment. Thus, your income will gradually turn from “active” to “passive”.

The most difficult step to your business is the banal making of the final and irrevocable decision. The best place to start is with a simple business without investment. With organization ideas business without investment for beginners entrepreneurs read . The information in this article will help you organize your business and create passive income from scratch.

Let me give you my example of passive income. I built my own vending business - I bought several payment terminals (invested my own capital), installed terminals in supermarkets under a lease agreement. The terminals are collected by a third-party organization under a maintenance agreement. I receive income that can be called passive, although I participate in it (I perform calculations with my counterparties). This business takes very little time - 1-2 days a month.

I highly recommend investing in a vending business, where machines work for you, and you receive income. Based on statistics, the potential of this business is huge!

5. Recommendations and advice for acquiring financial independence

You have already got acquainted with the concept of "passive income" and learned about its types and methods of organization, about the ideas of passive income. You know enough to get started. As soon as you decide and start acting, you will have the opportunity to gain financial independence, leave your "unloved" job, start traveling and do what you have dreamed of all your life, for example, charity.

1) Take the time to build assets.

Don't just limit yourself to income from your main job. Think about what you can do to get money many times by doing it once - replicate your efforts!

I hope that you do not strive for a "beggarly" existence, which, unfortunately, a pension can provide.

2) Strive to organize several sources of passive income.

In this case, you will protect yourself from possible risks: the loss of one source can be compensated by another. And at some point it will support you.

How important this is, he described very well in his book.

3) improve financial literacy

Self-education is the first thing you should do! Invest in yourself! I recommend carefully reading the books considered fundamental: Robert Kiyosaki "Rich dad, poor dad" and Bodo Schaeffer "Mani or the alphabet of money", - they will help you to better understand the principle of the functioning of money and the principle of creating passive income.

Please note that there are no special "secrets". All that is needed for success is desire, time and certain knowledge.

Watch this educational cartoon on what passive income is. so that all the puzzles come together in a clear picture and there is confidence to start moving towards creating passive income. You should start with self-education in personal finance. It is also extremely important to pass this knowledge on to your children!

I wish everyone confidence and determination!

I managed to create several sources of passive income, so it will work for you too!

Write in the comments what category of people do you belong to in terms of finances and did you manage to move to a category closer to the 5th?

Subscribe and get the most interesting materials blog post - subscribe below. When subscribing, you will receive for free the first biography of Elon Musk - one of the leaders in financial literacy at the present time.

Hello dear readers! With you again and today we will disassemble main theme for everyone who is determined to break out of the trap of financial dependence on the employer and start, finally, to create their own small factory for the production of money. So, the topic of this article is passive income. By the way, if you are still racking your brains how to get an active income for a start, then I recommend reading the article:.
Probably everyone has heard this quote from Rothschild:

Who owns the information, he owns the world!

In relation to our topic, it can be paraphrased:

Whoever knows how to make passive income owns the money!

And here is a somewhat paradoxical situation. There is more than enough information about this on the Internet, but what quality is it?
I was surprised to find out that the simplest passive income without investment is social benefits and, in particular, a pension. Imagine, we are racking our brains here with you, how to create a source of constant profit, but it turns out that everything is so easy - you just have to grow old! But this is not the only misconception that can form in the head of an unprepared reader.

Therefore, in my material, I will not just list the most common ways to generate income, but also give real numbers and facts about whether it is possible to earn money on them and how much. Along the way, you will have to expose a couple of myths about the most popular methods: you will find out why they not only do not earn money on bank deposits and real estate, but also lose money. Are you surprised? It will be more interesting further.

So, let's move on to the practical part of our opus. The first, most popular and simplest passive income is opening a bank deposit.
More than 650 credit institutions operate on the territory of Russia, and almost all of them attract deposits from the population. In general, the range of deposits they have is about the same. You can open deposits in rubles, euros, dollars, pounds sterling, less often in Swiss francs and even yuan. There are deposits with the possibility of replenishment and with monthly transfer of interest to a separate current account. That is, in principle, you can put money in a bank and live on interest, although I do not recommend doing this and will explain further why.
Average rates of large banks are 7-8% per annum. For players with a lower rank, the yield is slightly higher - 9-10%. But the real rate always depends on the size of the deposit and the term. That is, the larger the amount and the longer the period, the higher the rate.
Profitability, frankly, is modest. At least in my opinion. I think so: why give money to the bank at 8% per year, if you can learn how to work with binary options and reach a yield of 80-100% per month. In general terms, I described this way of making money in the article:. Here's an example of a successful transaction:

Advantages of a bank deposit!

Even a child can receive such passive income in Russia. Of course, a child will not be able to open a deposit personally, but the procedure itself is extremely simple and does not require any special knowledge, therefore deposits are suitable for everyone. This explains their popularity among the broad masses of the population.
You don't have to do anything. You just come to the bank once, conclude an agreement, give the money to the cashier and after a couple of years take it along with the interest.
Reliability. Firstly, your passive income is guaranteed, and you will receive a strictly defined profit specified in the contract. Secondly, it is believed that it is almost impossible to lose money on a deposit, that is, the risks are very low. This is both true and somewhat misleading. Next, I will explain what problems a depositor may face in the coming years.

How much can you earn?

The answer is not at all. Are you surprised? Yes, almost all materials analyzing examples of passive income tell you how easy it is to get an income of 100,000 rubles a year through bank deposits with 1,000,000 rubles. But this is a superficial view of the situation.
To understand why a deposit is not able to bring significant income, you need to understand several terms:
Money. It is a measure of the value of goods and a means of payment.
The purchasing power of money is the number of services and goods that you can purchase for a certain amount.
Inflation. This term refers to the general rise in prices for goods and services.
Devaluation. This is the name of the depreciation of the currency, in our case, the ruble.
By itself, money, that is, banknotes, are of no value to you and me. They matter exactly insofar as we can buy something with them. Right?
Now look. In 2015, according to Rosstat, the official inflation rate was 12.9%. Since those storytellers are still working at Rosstat, we make an adjustment for reality and we get the actual bottom inflation at the level of 20-25% minimum. At this rate, the purchasing power of your money is decreasing. That is, a year ago you could buy 100% of some goods and services for the amount you have, and today you can buy 20% less.

Attentiveness test: what is the average deposit rate? By the way, I mentioned it above. In the largest banks in the country, it is only 7-8% per annum. So, if you opened a deposit at the beginning of 2015 in the amount of 1,000,000 rubles, by the end of the year you would be paid 1,080,000 rubles. And the purchasing power of money for the same period decreased only according to official data by 12.9%. Thus, the purchasing power of your million fell by 129,000 rubles, and the bank's interest was only 80,000 rubles. Net loss - 49,000 rubles.
Yes, nominally, the amount increased by 80,000 rubles, but at the end of 2015 you will be able to buy as many goods and services with this money as you would have bought at the beginning of the same year for 951,000 rubles. So what good is it to you that there are more bills (cut paper with watermarks) if you can buy less?
Of course, such calculations are somewhat arbitrary, but I do not strive for mathematical and economic accuracy. I just want to show you that if the annual rate on a deposit does not cover inflation, such a deposit does not bring real income at all. Moreover, you are actually losing money. Plus, if you open a deposit for five years at once and withdraw interest every month, the purchasing power of the initial amount will significantly decrease, and monthly passive income will turn from modest to meager relative to the real prices of goods.
Another problem is devaluation. In our case, the depreciation of the ruble relative to the bi-currency basket, that is, relative to the US dollar and the euro. For the period 2014 - early 2015 the ruble has depreciated against the dollar by about half. This means that if earlier you could buy 100% of imported goods for your million, now their number has decreased by about 50% in just two years. And our deposit rate is still 8% per annum.
If the figures cited by me seem implausible to someone, look at the dynamics of prices for imported electronics. For more than two years since 2014, everything has risen in price by about two times, and in some places even more.

Why and how to open deposits so as not to lose money?

Despite all of the above, deposits can still be used. First, this tool is suitable for the temporary placement of free money. For example, let's say you save money to start a business. If you save money under a pillow, it will depreciate faster than on a deposit, since the rate on deposits at least partially compensates for inflation. Secondly, you need to have a certain amount on hand in case of unforeseen expenses. For example, they will offer you to buy a small block of shares in a promising new company, and you have all your money already invested in other assets. What to do? This is where your deposit comes in handy. In addition, foreign currency deposits, unlike ruble ones, are still capable of bringing passive income.
And now practical advice by choosing the conditions for placing funds in the bank.

Council number 1. Only backbone banks. These are the largest credit institutions in the country. Their deposit rates are lower than those of small banks, but the Central Bank will definitely not take their license away from them. In addition, if such an institution begins to "fall", it will certainly be supported by some National Welfare Fund or other state money-box. I will not disclose the specific names of the banks - I am not engaged in advertising. But you yourself can see the ratings of credit institutions.

Council number 2. The choice of the currency of the deposit. The ruble is extremely unstable and will steadily slide down in the coming years. Whether you like it or not, it's a fact. What's the conclusion? You need to open a deposit in dollars or euros. Indeed, this sharply increases the profitability of the deposit in ruble terms, allows you to completely cover inflation and even get a small profit at the level of about 3-3.5% per annum.
But this is not ideal either. Why? There is a risk that the authorities will decide to forcibly convert all foreign currency deposits into rubles at a fixed rate. You understand that this course will not be in your favor. There is only one way out - a multicurrency deposit. Under the terms of opening such a deposit, you can, if it smells of fried, convert currency in one click right in the Internet bank. Pay attention to the size of the conversion fee.

Council number 3. Option for early closing of the deposit. All deposits are urgent. The longer the term, the higher the profitability. Therefore, it is much more profitable to open a deposit for 5 years than for 6 months. But there is also back side... If you urgently need money, all accrued interest will be lost in case of early withdrawal. Therefore, you need to choose a deposit with preferential early closing. Some deposits provide for the fixation of income after a certain period. For example, once a year, the accrued interest is fixed and if the deposit is closed early, it will not expire.
Another reason why it is better to choose deposits with this option is the possibility of privatizing part of the funds. Something similar happened in 2013 in Cyprus. There, the depositors were forcibly made shareholders of banks and 6.75% - 9.9% of the amount of deposits were withdrawn from them. Thus, Russian depositors of Laiki Bank lost about $ 10 billion. The possibility of applying such measures is already being discussed in Russia. So, if there is a risk of a fall in the Russian banking system, you need to urgently withdraw money before you become a compulsory shareholder of a bankrupt bank. This is where the option of preferential early closure of the deposit comes in handy.

Council number 4. Proof of source of income. In connection with the intensified fight against money laundering, banks will be able not to give depositors their money if they cannot explain the origin of the funds and prove by documents that they have paid all the taxes due from this amount. So, prepare your documents in advance.

Method number 2. Apartments. Gold. Diamonds. How to create passive income on valuable property?

The next most popular passive income with investments after a bank deposit is real estate. But in fact, any property that tends to rise in price over time can act as an asset. These include:
Objects of art.
Precious metals and stones.
Collectibles from coins and stamps to vinyl records and comics.
Of course, in order to create a portfolio of antiques or paintings, you need to deeply understand this. Personally, I cannot boast of such knowledge. But if there are connoisseurs or at least amateurs among my readers, then you can try. The main principle is simple: invest in what you think will rise in price in a few years. Moreover, the profitability can be simply fantastic. So, a certain Darren Adams in 2014 sold on eBay the first issue of the comic strip "Action Comics" for $ 3.2 million. And, by the way, it originally cost 99 cents, however, it was already in 1938.
I will not stir up topics unfamiliar to me, so as not to mislead you, and I will tell you about those types of property suitable for building passive income, which I know firsthand.

How much can you earn on real estate?

If we talk about Russian real estate, the answer is the same as with bank deposits - not at all. It made sense to extract passive income in Russia from Moscow and St. Petersburg real estate several years ago. But now the situation is fundamentally different. In order not to be unfounded, I will explain in detail how real estate buyers and landlords usually make money.

Residual income can be earned three times on housing transactions:
At the construction stage, an apartment is 15-30% cheaper than by the time the house is put into operation. That is, in 1-2 years, while the construction is underway, you can increase your investment by a third without doing anything. The only catch is long-term construction. Therefore, it is necessary to choose only objects of large developers and builders who have access to borrowed capital.
Rental income. Actually, this is the rental of housing. After deducting expenses, the average annual rate of return is approximately 4-6%. Note that this is even less than the interest rates on deposits.
Rise in price of the object. If in the case of deposits, inflation "ate" our money, then here it plays into our hands - real estate rises in price along with all other goods by about 10-12% per year. But even in this case, not everything is so simple, which I will discuss below.

So how much can you earn? If you successfully buy an apartment in a building under construction at the excavation stage, in 1.5-2 years you will receive an increase of 7-15% per annum. A bit, but not bad. Further, each year the object, subject to the growth of the real estate market as a whole, will increase in value up to 12% per year. Passive income from renting an apartment is still about 5% per year. Thus, in 5 years, ideally, you can recapture an average of 70% of the money invested. That is, the aggregate profitability is obtained at the level of about 14% per annum.
This is barely enough to offset inflation. But in reality, you will not receive such income. Why?

There are several reasons:
New buildings no longer bring such a high profitability over the period of building a house, and the risks of running into long-term construction are constantly growing.
When renting a home, there are a lot of side costs, including the cost of finding tenants, buying and periodically updating furniture, capital and redecorating, taxes finally. Also, remember to factor in periods of downtime when the tenant is not there yet and utility bills keep dripping. As a result, the real rental yield barely reaches 3% per year.
Real estate markets all over the world have a tendency to so-called bubble-blowing. While these same bubbles were forming, Moscow new buildings steadily added in price by 10-12% per year. But in 2015, the holiday ended - the balloon began to deflate, and at a rate of 14.5% per year in rubles and as much as 33.6% in dollars.

Thus, in 2015, the owners of Russian real estate received a negative return. Profit from rent is penny, and the assets themselves have fallen in price by a third in dollar terms. As you can see, real estate is even less profitable than opening a bank deposit.
Does all this mean that you can't make money on real estate at all? Not really. You can create a good business of passive income for housing in the EU, USA, Canada, as well as in popular resort regions.
In Europe average profit rentier is 3-5% per year from one object. The figures seem to be the same as in the case of Russian apartments, but in euros. This means that the profitability from European real estate will completely overlap not only the official, but also the real ruble inflation and even bring quite tangible income. In addition, investing in housing allows you to secure your investments from the consequences of the devaluation of the ruble.

How To Make Passive Income On Real Estate Right?

If you do decide someday to invest in housing, here are some recommendations:
in the coming years, buy housing only abroad;

Why do I recommend using gold as a source of passive income?

Gold has no fixed price or fixed rate of return. Therefore, in some periods, one can observe a decline in prices for the yellow metal. However, if we take the long-term dynamics, then gold has been steadily growing in price since 1938, when its rate was set free to float.
Now about the size of the profitability. In the period from 04/01/2015 to 04/01/2016, that is, exactly in one year, gold at the rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation increased from 2,185 rubles to 2,691 rubles per gram. The annual return was 23%. As you can see, this figure completely covers the official inflation and gives a good profit. Of course, the figures in dollars or euros are not so impressive, but there you can also get a decent passive income.

If we consider the long-term perspective, then for 7 years from 01.04.2009 to 01.04.2016 a gram of gold at the rate of the same Central Bank of the Russian Federation has risen in price from 1,001 rubles to 2,691 rubles. The cumulative price increase for the entire period is 169%! Thus, the average annual passive income is equal to 24%. And mind you, this is taking into account the local recessions in the gold rate.
In my opinion, this is one of the best tools for conservative investments. Buying gold, like opening a bank deposit, does not require special knowledge, while these instruments are incomparable in terms of profitability, and the risks of investing in precious metals, it seems to me, are much lower than those of deposits of Russian banks.
The only problem with gold is to invest in it, preferably for a long time. That is, they bought an ingot or coins and forgot them in a safe or a safe deposit box for 5-10 years. In essence, these are strategic investments. If you want to start receiving passive income right now and monthly, then precious metals are not suitable for this. Then it's better to try binary options:. Moreover, this tool allows you to make money on gold, including only through short-term speculative transactions.
Either way, gold is definitely worth using to diversify your asset portfolio. This will significantly reduce the risks of assets with higher returns, but, accordingly, with increased risks.
Let's move on to the practical side of the question: how to get passive income with investments in gold? There are two options: buy coins or bars, or open an impersonal metal account.
In the first case, 18% VAT will be included in the price directly when buying coins or bars. That is, at first it can be considered a net loss. However, as I noted above, gold is mainly suitable for long-term investments. So, if we distribute this 18% over 10 years, we get 1.8% per year. With an average yield of 24% per annum, these are quite acceptable losses. Plus, when selling, if you follow all the rules, you will have to pay personal income tax - 13%. This is another 1.3% per year. Total cumulative passive income net of taxes when investing in gold for 10 years will be 209%. In my opinion, not bad, even at 13% annual inflation, you win 79%.
Now let's put in a word about an impersonal metal account. You can open it in most banks. Your gold in grams will be taken into account on the account. In theory, it can be picked up at any time in kind or sold to a bank and immediately received cash. True, in reality, banks are not very willing to give out gold to the client and often delay the execution of this legal requirement of the account holder. Again, the question arises of trust in the banking system in general and in a particular credit institution in particular. By the way, the deposit insurance program does not apply to compulsory medical insurance.
And one could say that buying gold in kind is definitely better. Agree, it's nice to hold your own gold bar in your hands. However, there are three "buts" at once. First, when you open a compulsory medical insurance, you do not have to pay VAT. Secondly, you can open a fixed-term account, which involves the accrual of interest. That is, passive income will turn out to be slightly higher, although the interest rates on compulsory medical insurance are more than modest - an average of 1% per year. A trifle, but still nice. Thirdly, there is a security issue. Bars or coins need to be stored somewhere. You can rent a safe deposit box, but this is an additional cost and again meeting with the bank. So it remains to bury your treasure on some island.
By the way, strategic investments in gold have an alternative - speculation on fluctuations in precious metal prices. Such an opportunity is provided by Forex brokers, but there is one catch: to trade gold, you need a fairly large capital, and errors in predicting changes in quotations can lead to a drain of the deposit in a matter of minutes. Therefore, I would advise choosing binary options. They also allow you to work with gold, but the size of the admission ticket and the risks there are much lower, although the potential passive income remains at the same level. You can find out what binary options are from this article:.

Method number 3. Creation of an intellectual product!

Alas, it is almost impossible to create residual income without at least minimal investment. Actually, there is only one way: to create something valuable. The choice seems to be limited, but in fact it is extremely wide. You can make money from writing, inventing, photographing, blogging. Especially successful developers of mobile applications make good money these days.
Of course, there is no single recipe for monetization for all of these endeavors, but in many cases you can find at least an approximate strategy for creating and promoting a demanded product. The web is literally teeming with recommendations on how to generate passive income on the Internet by blogging or building an information site, or how to make a fortune for an iOS app developer. I confess that I am far from a specialist in these matters, and the format of the material does not allow me to consider in detail all the many quite sensible recommendations for creative people looking to create a source of passive income.
Here I will give a few examples of how real people, such as you and me, create billions of dollars in capital from scratch and how much they manage to earn:
Videos of YouTube blog author Felix Kjellberg are regularly watched by 40 million subscribers. Annual income from the channel is $ 12 million.
Ethan Nicholas, a developer from North Carolina, USA, made $ 800,000 on a simple iShoot game.
Canadian Daniel Fong came up with new way accumulation and conservation of energy obtained from wind turbines and solar panels. Her startup has already invested over $ 30 million. Peter Thiel and Bill Gates.
German photographer Andreas Gursky only managed to earn $ 4.3 million from the sale of one of his photographs. Of course, his income is not limited to this.
The fortune of one of the most successful contemporary artists, Damien Hirst, is about $ 1 billion.
Probably, the well-known writer J.K. Rowling earned $ 1.5 billion from her wizard Harry. This is the cumulative income from the sale of all copies of the series of books and the adaptation of bestsellers.
Unfortunately, these passive income methods do not offer any guarantees of commercial success. So doing photography, painting or writing makes sense mainly for the soul, and turning the results of creativity into millions and even billions of dollars is mostly a matter of chance.
As for the practical side of the issue, do not forget about such trifles as copyright registration. In particular, to obtain a patent for an invention or utility model, you need to apply to the Federal Institute of Industrial Property. And if you have written a book and want to protect your interests before offering it to publishers, print it out with the date and mail it to yourself.

Method number 4. How to become Warren Buffett: passive income on securities!

Where to get money to start your own business? This is the problem that 95% of aspiring entrepreneurs face! In the article we have revealed the most actual ways getting start-up capital for an entrepreneur. We also recommend that you carefully study the results of our experiment in exchange earnings:

It is Warren Buffett who is the most successful investor in the world. The fortune of this Oracle from Omaha in 2008 was $ 68 billion. Only a genius can repeat such a success, but history knows thousands of other examples when multimillion-dollar fortunes were created on securities. Can you use this method? To answer this question, let's first get a general idea of ​​the main types of securities.
Stock. Companies use this type of securities to attract investment capital. In this case, each shareholder becomes, in fact, a co-owner of the enterprise, although the share of the majority of shareholders, of course, is negligible. Stocks generate income in two ways. First, there are dividends. At the end of each reporting period (usually a year), the company summarizes its financial performance and decides on the distribution of profits. The latter goes to shareholders in accordance with the size of their stake.
Secondly, you can receive passive income from the rise in the price of shares for the period from the moment of buying the securities to the moment of their sale. Of course, there is a rather high risk here that stock prices will fall, that is, instead of profit, you will receive losses.
There are two types of shares: common and preferred. The former give votes at the shareholders' meeting, the latter provide their owners with a higher income, since they involve the payment of either a fixed amount or a strictly defined percentage of profits.
Bonds. These securities are promissory notes. In fact, the issuer (the person issuing securities) borrows money from you for a certain period, after which it undertakes to redeem its bonds from you, as a rule, with a certain fixed income. Bonds are also perpetual and with periodic coupon (yield) payment throughout the entire circulation period of the bond.
The advantage of this type of securities is that you are guaranteed to receive a certain yield. The risk is limited only by the issuer's solvency. That is, if the state or the company does not decide to declare itself bankrupt, the money paid will definitely return to you, and at the same time the income established by the issuer. It should be noted that the yield on bonds depends on the degree of risk, but they are usually low.
Now let's discuss derivatives - derivative financial instruments. These are securities for securities or for commodities. Unclear? Now let's look at everything in more detail, and you will understand.
Futures. These are contracts for the purchase or sale of certain assets. They indicate the quantity of goods, currency, stocks or bonds, delivery time and price. Upon the due date of the contract, either the actual delivery of the asset or cash settlements is carried out. That is, you do not have to pick up the product itself, you can get monetary compensation.
The essence of operations with futures is to buy a contract with a strike price lower, and sell it when the market price of the underlying asset, and with it the contract itself, rises significantly. For example, you bought a Brent oil futures contract with a strike price of $ 28 per barrel, and after a couple of months it rose to $ 35. We sell the contract, fix the profit. By the way, oil futures are one of the most popular instruments of investors.
The advantage of futures is that the value of the contracts is much lower than the value of the underlying assets. This allows you to get by with a smaller amount of initial investment and get more passive income than, say, from direct investment in stocks. Meanwhile, the losses in the event of a change in the prices of the underlying asset will be higher in your favor.
CFD. This is another contract, but this time not for the supply of the underlying asset, but for the change in its price. One side bets on an increase in quotations, the other - on a decrease. At the due date of the contract, one party pays the other the difference between the present value of the underlying asset and its price at the time of the conclusion of the contract.
For example, at the conclusion of a CFD, the value of the underlying asset (stocks, commodities, bonds, etc.) was $ 100. You bet on a raise. Now, if the underlying asset is worth $ 110 by the time the contract is due, the other party will have to pay you $ 10.
The list of existing securities, of course, is much wider, but I have listed the most popular types of assets, and this is quite enough for everyone who is interested in how to get passive income from investments in securities.

How much will you make on securities?

Let's start with bonds. The profitability, frankly speaking, is modest. For example, Gazprom's medium-term ruble bonds currently in circulation have an annual yield of only 7.55%. On some bonds of "VTB 24" with a par value of 1000 rubles, the income is 9% per annum with payments 4 times a year. Slightly better, but the problem is the same as with bank deposits - your passive income won't even cover inflation.
Now for the shares. As an example, I'll take one of the most profitable stocks in the world at the moment - Apple stocks. The cost of one share of the company in April 2016 reached $ 108. Dividends for 2015 were 47 cents per share. You understand, sparsely, at least if you do not have several million dollars to invest.
In fact, dividends are never big. The main profit comes from the growth of quotations.

So, 6 years ago, that is, at the beginning of 2010, the value of an “apple” share was only about $ 28. Thus, during this period, the company's shareholders received passive income of 285%, excluding dividends. The average annual return was over 47%. Not weak, right ?!
But I emphasize again, Apple stock is one of the most successful examples on the market. The majority of corporate securities, alas, cannot boast of such indicators. In addition, there is always a high risk of a significant drop in quotations, and it is far from always possible to predict it accurately enough.
Profitability on futures and CFDs depends directly on you and your skills in predicting changes in the rates of underlying assets. So it makes no sense to give specific numbers here. I will only say that successful derivatives traders earn very, very impressive capital.

How to buy stocks and bonds?

Some securities can be bought directly from the issuer. In other cases, you will have to turn to the services of professional market participants - brokers.
All companies set their own minimum initial investment. Most brokers won't lift a finger if you come with less than $ 50,000, but you can find companies with an admission fee of $ 200 or more. True, with such a modest amount, you will not go too far, and you cannot count on a large profit from a long-term investment of a couple of hundred dollars in securities.
Although you can start with this, but I would recommend that you do binary options with a little capital. This tool allows you to work with both stocks and bonds, but investments are required many times less than if you were buying securities, and the yield is many times higher. In order not to be unfounded, I publish on my deals.
When choosing a broker, it is very important to check its reliability and quality technical support, and most importantly, inquire about the amount of commissions for transactions, deposit and withdrawal of funds.

Only the truth: can you make money on securities?

For a private investor, the easiest way to invest in securities is to buy and forget for several years while the income is accumulating. This is a strategic investment. The problem is that for a long-term investment of capital in science, you need to look for a "safe haven", and there is nowhere in the world like that. So, in early 2016, we could observe the largest collapse of the Dow Jones index since the Great Depression. And, by the way, this index takes into account the stock prices of the 30 largest US companies, such as Coca-Cola, Boeing, General Electric, Intel Corp., Nike, etc. So investors received multibillion-dollar losses as a gift for the New Year.
You might, of course, think that American companies the range of securities is not limited. But the situation is no better in other countries either. In particular, on the same days when the Dow Jones suddenly fell ill, its Chinese comrade - the Shanghai Composite stock exchange index - collapsed even more.
So, there are virtually no “safe havens” for capital on the stock market today. True, you can try to determine the money in the shares of the companies of the "new economy". These include payment systems, search engines, social networks, software developers, device manufacturers.
If you absolutely do not understand anything in all this and are not too eager to constantly follow economic and political news, it is easier to transfer money into trust. Brokers and management companies offer different investment strategies, diversify the package and adjust it depending on the market situation. Of course, you will have to pay a commission for all this happiness, but this is easier than delving into all the jungle yourself. strategic analysis stock market.

Mutual investment funds.

This is an alternative to direct trust management of your money in your personal account. This is about collective investment. The fund sells its shares, due to which the total investment capital is formed. This money is invested in assets: stocks, bonds, real estate, etc. The natural goal of the fund is to extract as much profit as possible from these investments. The income is divided among the shareholders in accordance with the number of shares.
The main advantage of mutual funds is the ability to invest in high-value assets with a small amount. For example, you have 30,000 rubles. With this money, you can buy only 4 Apple shares. Sounds good, but the risks are extremely high - remember, we talked about diversification. You can go the other way: buy 3 shares worth 10,000 rubles each, choosing a mutual fund with an investment strategy in a “new economy” company. There will be our beloved Apple, Facebook, Microsoft and much more. Of course, the presence of less profitable securities in the portfolio will reduce the overall profit. But at the same time, risks will also be reduced, and many times over, and we must always strive for a reasonable balance of risks and returns.

Method: 5. Passive income from your own business!

I think it makes no sense to talk about how much a successful entrepreneur can earn, given that the brightest examples are on everyone's lips: Jobs, Gates, Branson, or my personal idol Elon Musk. The only question is how to turn a business from an active income, when you spend days and nights in the office or drive around cities and towns, visiting representative offices of your company, into a business of passive income.
In general, there is no big science here. First, you need to clearly articulate the mission, core values ​​and strategy of the company. Secondly, it is necessary to adopt a process approach to the internal organization of the enterprise. That is, all the work of the company should be broken down into separate simple processes and spelled out in the form of job descriptions for each employee. Such a system involves the creation of checkpoints, the verification of which is sufficient to track the company's activities and its results. In this way, you will be able to manage the company with minimal time costs. She herself will work like a clock. You will only have to correct the course.
When the company is already built and brought to cruising speed, there is no need to take care of the management yourself. You can hire a CEO (Chief Executive Officer) - the chief executive officer and throw the burden of leadership on him.
Of course, such methods of passive income involve one pressing problem - the question of finding initial capital arises. I presented my thoughts on this topic in the article:

How to build a franchise business empire?

Imagine you have created a company. Successful. Effective. Profitable. But I want more. Give up the dream of transferring the business to a passive mode, and at the same time from your dolce vita for profit from an autonomous company? Roll up our sleeves again and start developing the enterprise, expanding its presence in other regions? To do this, you will have to disappear for months on business trips, increase the administrative resource, and along with it, by the way, costs will rise. In addition, there will be a problem of raising money for business expansion. You can use my humble recommendations:. However, for the full-scale development of the company, it will hardly be possible to do without borrowed funds.
This path has a much more profitable and simpler alternative - franchising. Its essence lies in the fact that you sell your ready-made business model along with the right to use all technologies, brand, documentation templates to other entrepreneurs. They, in turn, open representative offices of your company in the regions at their own expense.
This solves three problems at once. First, franchise buyers are investing in the expansion of the company. Secondly, they also provide management of the enterprise divisions, without the need for strict centralization and constant control from the center. Third, unlike hired managers, the franchisee treats the division of the company as if it were their own business. He is personally interested in achieving maximum efficiency and profitability of the enterprise. As a result, there is no need to inflate the management staff to control the work of regional divisions and puzzle over the methods of stimulating managers.
What do you get? First, the buyer of the franchise pays a lump-sum fee right away. Secondly, you will receive royalties from the profits of all affiliates - this will be your passive income. The parent company is required to have exact step-by-step instructions on starting a company, technology for creating a product and sales, marketing strategy, in a word, everything that you already had to do in the process of creating your enterprise. In addition, you only need to organize a small department that will be involved in promoting the franchise, interacting with potential buyers, as well as advising and helping them in solving problems.
How to create a passive income franchise business is roughly clear. The question remains - how much will you earn. It is hardly possible to estimate the potential profitability of the network. It all depends on the quality of the business model and development strategy. But as a sample, I will list several well-known brands, the development of which is carried out using this technology: KFC, Subway, Traveler’s, 2GIS, Yves Rocher, Vell, Expedition, Sbarro.
Now more specific example in numbers. The lump-sum payment for the purchase of a Subway franchise is 600,000 rubles. Monthly payment to the franchisor (royalty) - 8% of the proceeds plus 1.5% of the turnover as an advertising fee. The turnover of one outlet varies within 5-9.5 million rubles, and the total in the network in Russia is 673. Thus, the total income from the entire network is more than 390 million rubles, excluding advertising fees.

MLM. Can You Create Passive Income With Network Marketing?

About 20% of American millionaires have made their fortune in network marketing. Here is the answer to the question about the possibility of earning money on MLM. I think today to use this model building a business has become even easier than 10-15 years ago. This is due to the relative simplicity and availability of tools that allow you to quickly develop a network of partners over the Internet.
Network marketing, in fact, is one of the options for a business development strategy. The same franchise, only simpler and much more affordable for partners. This option is suitable for products that do not require a retail outlet or office to be sold.
Yes, for many such examples of passive income cause some irony. But this is more likely due to the somewhat intrusive and even in places clumsy nature of the distributors' work. In fact, the model is quite working. You get a product without significant investments that you can trade without organizing a point of sale, recruiting staff and other difficulties. You just make each of your regular customers a partner, he continues to buy products himself and sell them to his friends, and you get income for this without the slightest gesture.
MLM has enough advantages:
Minimum initial investment. In most cases, you can get by with $ 200-300. That is, your risks are limited only by this amount.
No paperwork, and therefore no need to spend money on the services of a lawyer, accountant, etc.
You do not need to master the intricacies of the art of personnel management. In fact, you have a lot of people from whom you generate income from buying and selling. Moreover, they all act independently without additional motivation, as in the case of a franchise.
No hassle with the tax service, numerous checks by regulatory authorities, economic disputes with contractors, etc.
It is possible to create an extensive multi-level structure in literally 2-4 years, and then it, at least for several years, will bring impressive passive income without much effort.
Of course, a lot depends on the choice of the brand. For example, I see no reason to join such painfully familiar structures as Avon, Amway or Herbalife. It seems to be better to rely on a brand that is promoted abroad, but new for the Russian market. This will give you a better chance of creating a large pyramid of partners.

Method number 6. Not sure how to create your own business? Earn on someone else's!

We have considered almost all examples of passive income that I wanted to analyze in this material. The last one remained - investing in someone else's business. It would probably be more correct to call it investments in venture, that is, high-risk enterprises, since we have already touched on investing in stocks and bonds of developed stable companies above.
The point here is to find a promising startup, help it with money in exchange for shares and either regularly receive some share of the company's profits, or wait for its securities to rise in value many times and sell them. There are many examples of successful capital investment in venture capital companies. Of course, the most famous are the big investors. So, Jim Goetz turned $ 60 million into $ 3 billion on investments in WatsApp. Douglas Lyon made a fortune of $ 2.2 billion on Google, YouTube, WatsApp. Peter Thiel earned roughly the same amount on PayPal and Facebook.
All these respected people, as you know, "graze" in Silicon Valley, where you can walk with your $ 1000 - they will be kicked out like a beggar. However, this does not mean that you cannot, with a small amount, join the ranks of venture capitalists.

How to become a venture investor?

Try on the role of a business angel. In my opinion, for a non-professional investor with a small capital, it is better to choose other methods of passive income, since this option is the least profitable and at the same time extremely risky. The bottom line is that you find aspiring entrepreneurs among your acquaintances or just online and provide them with funding. The chances of success are extremely small, unless you yourself are an experienced businessman and are not ready to take part in the project.
Crowdfunding platforms. Angellist and StartTrack and other platforms allow you to invest a relatively small amount in several startups at once, and transactions are carried out through a special online service. Additional advantage lies in the ability, when choosing projects, to be guided by the decisions of other investors, including professional ones.
Syndicated deals. These are joint operations of groups of investors existing on the same crowdfunding platforms or with investment funds. This approach allows you to invest together with professional players and gain access to better and more promising projects. The disadvantage of syndicates is fees for related services.
Venture funds. If you do not have, say, $ 1 million yet, then this option will not work for you. But we are working for the future, right? So this method is worth considering. It is good because you do not need to understand existing projects and personally choose startups - professionals do everything for you. All you need to do is transfer the money to the management of the fund for 5-7 years.
Considering venture capital investments as passive income, keep in mind that to ensure an acceptable level of risk, you need to distribute capital between at least 10 projects. At the same time, it is necessary to select only high-quality startups. To do this, follow the competitions of venture projects, as well as read articles in the media with a selection of promising companies.

Passive income. How it works?

Each of us has an elementary set of resources: time, physical strength, the ability to perform simple tasks. Many also boast good education, work experience in any field and just a smart head, which in itself is not as common as we would like. So the difference between a dollar millionaire and an ordinary hard worker who lives from paycheck to paycheck is how they manage these resources.
The hired worker, of whom the overwhelming majority, in fact, makes a direct exchange of their time for money. Moreover, the cost of each hour or day directly depends on the value of his skills, knowledge, experience, productivity. And this is called active income. Rich people, in turn, directly or indirectly invest their available resources in the creation of assets - values ​​that can generate income without further investment of the resources of their owner. Therefore, passive income is also called residual from the Latin word residuus - remaining, preserved. The work has already ended, and the profit remains indefinitely.

Why does this method of obtaining financial benefits bring in many times more money than ordinary wage labor? It's simple: you can create a bundle of assets that have a combined value to the market hundreds of times greater than the value of your personal time with all your skills and knowledge combined.

3 types of sources of residual income!

What can act as assets? I have already given the specific options for passive income above, and now I will try to explain the essence. So I would divide all assets into three categories:
The first type is things that rise in price on their own. That is, the receipt of passive income or another currency represents earnings on the difference between the price you paid when purchasing the property and its value, say, in a year or simply by the time you decide to sell this property. For example, you bought shares at $ 15 apiece, and after 5 years they already cost all $ 115. The cumulative return is 766%. This is a brilliant result, I can tell you.
In the second group, I would classify property that can be sold an unlimited number of times. An example is a patent for an invention. You can sell the right to use your invention to multiple companies for the duration of the patent. At the same time, you worked only once - when you created your invention. And it can bring stable passive income for decades.
The third category is assets that create new value by themselves, and you receive income from its implementation. Any company would be an example. Once you have created a successful business, you can retire, but the activities of the enterprise itself will not stop. It will continue to produce goods or provide services, profit from their sale, and some of it will safely settle in your fat pockets.
I want to note that this is not a free retelling of some scientific classification, but my own view of the types of passive income. And I am telling you all this so that you understand the general principles of asset formation and be able to find and choose for yourself the most convenient and interesting methods of creating sources of residual income, not being limited only by my or someone else's advice. In the end, you need to do what you get real pleasure from, otherwise you will not be able to achieve truly grandiose success.

What's stopping you from creating passive income?

Sorry, but now I'm going to be smart. Or rather, demonstrate their modest knowledge of economic theory.
In the interpretation of the Austrian school of economics, capital is defined as resources that we do not consume right now, but use them in order to obtain a higher level of consumption later, in the future. And profit, in turn, is a payment for the risk of losing these same resources, as well as for the fact that you have to endure a little and postpone the moment of consumption until later.
In fact, there are four main problems in these definitions that prevent the creation of residual income.
Problem number 1. We definitely do not want to endure and postpone the sweet moment of consumption for the future. We want to eat, drink, use everything right now. Life, in fact, constantly offers you a choice: crack one dubious kind of caramel right now, or wait a week and get a whole box of delicious chocolates. And what do you usually choose? There will be no hints here - answer yourself, just honestly.
Problem number 2. Bad time management. Instead of intelligently scheduling and investing some of the time in our assets, that is, future consumption, we either donate this time to the uncle, for whom we work overtime and on weekends for "thanks", and often without any thanks, or we bring precious hours and days of sacrifice to the gods Divan and TV. There is only one way to overcome this problem - time planning. I must say that time management is a whole science, although it is easy to understand it. I advise you to read books on this topic by the recognized guru in this field, Brian Tracy.
Problem number 3. Poor financial management. Remember Matroskin's phrase: “To sell something unnecessary, you must first buy something unnecessary. And we have no money! " Here's the third problem of creating residual income. This requires at least a small amount of capital, but where to get it? I have already outlined some of my thoughts on this topic in the article. In general, you need to learn to plan your budget and save. Just make it a rule to save, say, 10% of all your income every month, and no matter what happens, stick to this principle.

This rule is directly related to the third problem of residual income, that is, with risks, and is expressed in just one word - diversification. The essence of this approach is to distribute your capital over several assets with different levels of risk. For example, you can build a portfolio of stocks, bonds, and precious metals.
Why is this needed? - This is how we achieve minimization of risks. For example, if you invest all your money in the shares of a young promising company, then it is extremely likely that you will lose all capital if the company does not live up to expectations. And you can do otherwise. Part of the money goes into high-risk securities. Another part - in gold. The risks are much lower here and in the long term, the yellow metal is showing a stable and very decent growth. And finally, define another part of the money in bonds, which have a small but fixed one.
Having such a portfolio, on the one hand, you provide yourself with the opportunity to receive high and stable passive income from stocks. On the other hand, you protect yourself from a complete loss of capital with bonds and gold. On the third, at least part of the invested funds will surely bring some profitability, which will compensate for potential losses from the loss or fall in the price of other assets.

What passive income options have I chosen?

You can learn about my entrepreneurial history in this little autobiography:. In short, I have already built my own business, and it is he who serves as my main source of passive income. But, since it is useless for a real entrepreneur to mark time, firstly, I planned to expand my company, and secondly, I mastered a new way to increase my capital - trading on the binary options exchange.
This option is not entirely suitable for obtaining passive income itself, since it involves the personal participation of the trader in the execution of each transaction. However, I will still put in a word about it, because, in my opinion, binary options have several advantages at once over each of the above ways to make money:
Low entrance ticket price. Unlike the minimum required costs for setting up your own business or a diversified portfolio of stocks and bonds, $ 300-500 is enough to start working with binary options. Of course, to ensure good returns and minimize risks, it is better to allocate a slightly larger amount.
High profitability, many times higher than inflation. Profit from speculation with binary options can reach and even exceed 100% per month of the initial capital. None of the above methods brings such income.
Anyone can master the work with binary options and in 1-2 months reach a consistently high profit.
However, I must immediately upset the lovers of freebies - they are not here. It will not be possible to do without preliminary study and rather painstaking work at the very beginning. You can find out more about how to get started from this article:. But then you can make several profitable trades a day quite easily, spending a total of no more than an hour on it. Here is one example of my transactions:

Hopefully, my recommendations on creating passive income will help you figure out how to grow your personal financial empire and avoid common mistakes. I wish you good luck and all the best.
Sincerely, .

Since the publication of the works Tim Ferriss and Roberta Kiyosaki such a thing as " passive income”Has turned into a kind of mystical thing that makes it possible to start a rich and free life for everyone who can get it.

Not surprisingly, many are tempted to get their hands on this Holy Grail. But before you start acting, it is better to take a closer look at what passive income is and how it works.

What is passive income and earnings

In simple terms, passive income is creating something ( material or intellectual value), which will allow you to receive money for an indefinite period without further human participation.

How to create passive income?

The simplest examples of passive income are book authors... They can spend months writing a novel, and then spend decades getting paid for every copy of the book they sell. They create value that then works for them.

However, this was too narrow a definition.

According to a reputable publication Investopedia passive income is "earnings that a person earns from rental property, limited liability partnerships, or other business in which they are not actively involved."

True passive income is income that does not depend on the mandatory performance of any regular activities and comes in even if its owner does nothing at all.

Popular culture in Russia defines passive income in rubles as “ any money you can make lying on the beach and sipping a cold mojito», but this is a delusion.

For example, a well-known financial trainer and expert in the USA Todd Tresidder notes that today, passive income can be considered any income that requires minimal effort after the initial investment of time or money, and works in accordance with with Pareto's Law - « 20% of the effort gives 80% of the result».

Before thinking about how to create passive income, you need to understand about active income.

What is active income?

Active income is the reward a person receives for the work they do. Regardless of the profession, if a person spends his time and energy in exchange for money, this is an active income. Earning options may be different ( lawyer, doctor, bartender, loader, copywriter, print or online correspondent) but the principle remains unchanged.

  • The principle of active income: work - eat.
  • The principle of passive income: work - eat today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow ...

The main point of creating passive income is to make a solid investment or work at a certain moment, and then, without making much effort in the long term, reap the benefits of your labor. Insofar as different options There is a lot of passive income, it is worth talking about each of them separately, highlighting a few of the most common and available to everyone.

Types and sources of passive income

Today there are the most different ideas, examples and options for sources of passive earnings. However, it is immediately important to realize the fact that it will not be so easy to do this. Otherwise, most of the hired workers, forced to work hard "from bell to bell," would have gone on free bread long ago. For those who are still determined, it makes sense to pay attention to such sources of passive income as:

  • bank deposits;
  • valuable property and real estate;
  • securities;
  • participation in mutual funds;
  • creation of intellectual property;
  • creation and optimization of your own business.

For each of these areas and ideas, there are ways of passive income. And having chosen the path that is closest to themselves, everyone can familiarize themselves with them in detail.

IMPORTANT! The biggest and easiest money is earned on the desire of a person not to work, so on the Internet you can find thousands of offers from scammers, so when creating passive income, focus on its legality, adequacy, reliability and simplicity, where it will not be possible to deceive you.

Stocks as a source of passive income on the Internet

For example, if you start from $ 3000 and report monthly at $ 300 at 50% per annum, then in 11 years you will already have $1 000 000 !

You invest $ 3600 a year for 10 years, and you get a million dollars in return.

1 year $ 8,565
2 years $ 17,362
3 years $ 30,558
4 years $ 50 351
5 year $ 80,042
6 year $ 124 577
7 years $ 191,381
8 year $ 291,586
9 year $ 441,893
10 year $ 667 355
11 years $ 1 001 032

Look at the graph of this option for passive income on the Internet for clarity:

A stock portfolio is a great passive income option, it is understandable and adequate, and will be an interesting way for most.

Here you can find hundreds of European and American stocks, commodity futures, energies and other assets.

One way or another, stock prices are rising all the time, and companies that more and more people learn about are growing hundreds of times.

Over the past 3 years, only one has grown by 300% ... This is the most advanced and legal passive income on the Internet.

Valuable property and real estate

This type of passive income includes:

  • real estate;
  • precious metals and stones;
  • antiques;
  • objects of art;
  • collectibles (coins, stamps, books, vinyl records, etc.).

But you need to understand that for the development of such a business, you need to have not only the start-up capital, but also the necessary knowledge. So you have to find experts and, at first, involve them in the case.

How much can you earn this way? Depending on the chosen direction and market conditions, the profitability can be from 15 to 70%... Looks pretty good, but keep in mind that investing in real estate, precious metals, as well as luxury items and collectibles is not passive income in the classical sense. Yes, it may fit Pareto law, but nevertheless, the person is required to:

  • careful study of relevant market analytics;
  • the ability to choose liquid assets;
  • careful observation of tax matters;
  • ability to find and attract customers.

There is one more thing - it is desirable to invest for a long time. Real "exhaust" can only be obtained in 5-10 years... During this time, an apartment bought in a new building may rise in price by 30-40%, and various antique values ​​and even more. This type of passive earnings basically does not require anything from you - you bought it and keep it, and after n amount of time you sold it.

For example, Andy Warhol's painting Lemon Marilyn was bought by an investor in 1962 for $ 250. After 45 years, it was sold for $ 28 million.

Earnings on PAMM investing

For those who are not well versed in stock trading, investment solutions from offering such opportunities as automatic copying of transactions of successful traders or.

The bottom line is to invest in money managers on the currency exchange. Traders will not take a large percentage of the profits, but they will also make money for you. Thus, it is beneficial to everyone.

To make it easier for users to choose the most suitable option, all brokers provide a rating of managers' profitability, where you can visually see their success both in the short and in the long term.

The return on investment in traders is highly dependent on professionalism and market conditions and may fluctuate from 30 to 150% per annum and you don't have to do anything yourself.

Creation of intellectual property

The most pulp for those wishing to create passive income from scratch.

For people with valuable knowledge, experience, or good creative ability, passive, no-investment income can be earned through

  • creating audio,
  • video,
  • graphs,
  • text materials of artistic or scientific content.

There can be a great variety of ideas for this part:

  • writing books
  • scripts
  • music
  • software

with the subsequent receipt of both royalties for the work itself and royalties, which will be paid whenever others want to use your work.

And although not everyone can see large sums of earnings here, the availability of methods makes this area very attractive.

Bank deposits

The most popular and simple passive income in rubles is opening a bank deposit.

That is, in principle, you can put money in the bank and live on one interest. The main advantages of this option are:

  • extreme simplicity of the process;
  • you don't have to do anything at all (just come to the bank, conclude an agreement and give the money to the cashier);
  • relatively low risks of losses.

However, there are also negative aspects. The first is more than modest profitability. The average rate of large banks is no more than 7-8% per annum. Less established institutions offer 8-11% in rubles or 2-3% in USD.

In order to earn at least $ 1000 per month at a rate of 2% annual, you must already have 600 thousand dollars, which will all the time lie on the deposit "dead weight".

Creation and optimization of your own business

Any business is painstaking and hard work. But only for the time being. According to the American financier Tim Ferriss, the success of any business is determined by its return.

  1. Its first phase involves a solid cash injection and constant control by the owner. It takes about 4-5 years. In some cases, up to 10 years.
  2. After that, the business evolves into the second phase and comes into compliance with the already mentioned Pareto Law - it provides its owner with 80% of the result with 20% of the effort. At this stage, there are no longer any problems with how to create passive income based on it.

The business owner can shift the lion's share of the worries onto the management staff, and he himself can concentrate on things that are interesting to himself or other promising business.

How to get passive income in Russia

It is not much more difficult to organize the creation of passive income on the territory of the Russian Federation than in any other country in the world. However, there are also some nuances. Russia, for example, cannot be called “ haven of peace”, Therefore, investing in shares of Russian companies in the long term requires particularly careful calculations and a willingness to quickly look for new solutions. However, nothing prevents you from buying shares of foreign companies through or.

The real estate market is also notable for its heterogeneity. For example, if by 70% the territory of the Russian Federation, real estate prices behave predictably and in accordance with global forecasts, in regions such as MSC or SPB sometimes it is very difficult to predict price movements. During the period of a general boom, a relative calm can reign here, and vice versa, when there is a crisis and stagnation everywhere, the volume of transactions with real estate in Moscow, for example, can go off scale.

As a conclusion

As you can see, passive income is real, however, it is not always passive for 100% , as some not too honest authors of various trainings and educational materials like to say.

Nevertheless, in any variant of passive income, he will not have a boss in front of you, a work schedule, and in the case of passive earnings on the Internet as shares or trust management - territorial binding.

At first, you need to do a lot ( originally unpaid) work to make a profit and get a steady flow of money.

Passive income has many benefits, but as elsewhere, there are trade-offs. Initially, it is difficult to get a big return from it, so you have to put up with the need to go to a regular job, or maybe even more than one, in order to raise money to start. And only those who are ready to mobilize efforts and forget what laziness is, can achieve success here.

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