Repair Design Furniture

High-quality ventilation in the bathroom and toilet. Ventilation in the toilet and in the bathroom - an overview of current schemes and methods for their implementation How to make forced ventilation in the bathroom

All bathrooms in apartments and private houses are characterized by high humidity with constant temperature changes. If the ventilation in the bathroom and toilet is calculated or done incorrectly, then mold will appear in them. And often natural air exchange for these rooms is not enough. Then you have to install a forced-type ventilation system with various fans. Otherwise, without additional ventilation, the walls in such rooms risk quickly turning into a fungal farm.

The main types of ventilation

Ventilation in the bathroom can be:

  • natural;
  • forced.

The first works due to ordinary air convection. Heated air masses naturally rise to the ceiling of the bathroom. Moreover, if there is a vent in the upper part of the bathroom or toilet with access to the ventilation duct, then the air goes further up. And instead of its departed volumes, new ones are drawn in through the door, which creates a natural draft in the room. As a result, there is a constant air exchange.

Air circulation with natural ventilation

The second works thanks to the presence of a fan that draws in or supplies additional air to the bathroom. Forced ventilation is arranged where the natural analogue cannot cope with the proper volumes of air exchange. At the same time, such systems are energy-dependent. It is recommended to choose them for installation in a home bathroom only as a last resort.

The principle of operation of forced ventilation

Forced ventilation is divided into three types:

  1. Supply.
  2. Exhaust.
  3. Combined (supply and exhaust).

In the first case, air is supplied to the room from the ventilation duct through a running fan. In the second, it is forced, on the contrary, to be pulled out (sucked out) from the toilet and bathroom into the ventilation shaft. The third option is a combination of the first two ventilations.

Scheme of installation of wall and ceiling ventilation in the bathroom and toilet

Ventilation and equipment of ventilation systems

Conventional ventilation in the bathroom and toilet includes a ventilation duct to a common shaft (riser) and a grate on the wall. Plus, in addition to this, filters are often placed in the duct. But if the ventilation system is forced, then it must have a fan. A control unit and other automation are already being added to this equipment.

If exhaust or supply ventilation is selected for installation, then one ventilation duct is enough. However, for a combined supply and exhaust variant of separate air ducts between the bathroom and the street, two are required. One will be the influx of air, and the other will be its exhaust.

Design options with axial or duct fan

Duct fans for forced ventilation systems are:

  • axial - air movement occurs along the axis of the electric motor;
  • radial - the air flow inside is created with an inclination to the axis by special working blades bent forward or backward;
  • centrifugal - air flow is formed by creating a pressure difference inside the housing.

The easiest way is to mount an axial fan, which often comes in a single kit with a ventilation grill. It is also the easiest to maintain during the further operation of ventilation. The radial version is usually placed inside the duct at a certain distance from the grate, so there is less noise from it.

Types of axial fans for forced ventilation

The centrifugal analogue differs from them in increased efficiency and low power consumption. If you want to make ventilation in the bathroom of a large area (more than 15 squares), then it is better to install this particular fan.

The supply system is also equipped with an electric heater or a heat exchanger. She takes air for supply from the street, where it is initially cold. Therefore, in order not to have to add heating power, these air masses are preheated a little in the ventilation duct.

Installation of forced ventilation in the bathroom and toilet of the apartment is most often carried out in the exhaust version. To do this, a small axial fan of the required power is placed in the existing ventilation duct and fixed there. Air ducts already exist, it is impossible to expand or completely replace them with new ones. If necessary, it remains only to install an exhaust fan in them.

Scheme of installation of forced ventilation with a common ventilation shaft

For the cottage, you can choose any type of ventilation in the bathroom. But even here, if the house has already been built, then in most cases a system with a conventional channel hood is installed. It is easier and cheaper than others to do it yourself. This is not water supply from a well, for the device of which you need to invite installers with special equipment. Here you can do it yourself.

Fan wiring diagram

If the bathroom already has natural ventilation, then it is not difficult to supplement it with an electric fan to increase efficiency. It is only necessary to correctly calculate its power.

To install an axial duct fan, you must:

  1. Remove ventilation grille.
  2. Clean the air duct from dust and dirt.
  3. Spread the fan housing with polymer glue and put it in place in the channel.
  4. Connect the electrical wiring to this device.
  5. Install mosquito net and front cover.

Electrical diagram of a bathroom with forced ventilation

If there are no ventilation ducts in the room, then you will have to punch them. However, first you need to correctly calculate their size and location. In such a situation, it is better to entrust the design of ventilation for the bathroom to a professional. Here it will be necessary to take into account the air exchange throughout the house, and not just in the bathroom. Without proper knowledge, it is unlikely that it will be possible to make calculations correctly and accurately.

Ventilation system mounting options

If you have to do everything yourself, then you can achieve maximum traction in the ventilation duct if you place the grate under the ceiling opposite the front door. This is how ventilation in toilets is most often equipped.

Ventilation should be built so that the air ducts have a minimum of bends inside. The fan installed inside must exactly fit the ventilation duct in size so that it does not create unnecessary noise and works with maximum efficiency.

Structural elements for ventilation installation

Also, do not place ventilation equipment near heating devices. The fan itself heats up during operation, additional heat from other devices is contraindicated for it.

Clean air promotes well-being and cheerfulness. Indoors, this is ensured by ventilation and ventilation. In the toilet and bathroom freshness is needed no less than in the rest of the house. There is a built-in ventilation. Let's talk in detail

her, why she is needed, about the design, types and methods of her work.

The system is necessary not only for the supply of clean air. Thanks to it, they achieve the optimal temperature, as well as the level of humidity and oxygen.
In a small room without the possibility of ventilation, stale and specific air accumulates. Toilet air freshener won't help. It hides odors, not eliminates them. In the bathroom, ventilation is necessary to combat high humidity. After taking a shower or bath without well-functioning ventilation, it will take a long time for this room to bounce back.


Checking work

The toilet and bathroom in apartments, even with a divided wall, have one air outlet leading to the shaft. In private houses, a different ventilation system may be provided. This is especially true if it has several floors. In simple houses, the room may have a window for ventilation. In cottages, a shaft type is installed.
The function test is carried out through the technological air holes. The presence of thrust is analyzed by a lighter or a sheet of paper, which is brought to the grate. The fire should go out or turn towards the ventilated window, and the sheet should be attracted to the hole. If this does not happen, then the system is failing.

Do you know why the natural condition deteriorates sharply? There are several.

Ventilation in the bathroom and toilet

What to do?

If a problem is found, first of all, it is necessary to clean the mine. In apartment buildings, this is done by special services serving them. The brigades have special equipment for work.

But, in the apartment, the tenant can check the available area on their own. To do this, remove the grate and view the visible area, helping yourself with a flashlight. Often accumulated debris or a dead bird can be removed with a spatula or other device while in the apartment. But this must be done carefully. You can not highlight the ventilation with a lighter. If there is dry garbage there, then a flame will instantly flare up and spread to all floors.

bathroom door

Sometimes it is enough to depressurize the door to the toilet or bathroom to increase air circulation. Of course, if it is a matter of a high threshold, you should not lose it, since in the event of a water spill, it will protect the rest of the dwelling from the flood. It is better to provide special slots in the door itself. This is achieved by trimming or installing gratings.

It must be borne in mind that by installing airtight windows in the house and insulating the walls, the owners deprive themselves of the natural circulation in the house. Clean air can only get in if the vents are open. But there is another option. On sale there is a so-called supply valve. Some models cut directly into the window structure at the top of the frame. Then they are ordered when installing windows.
However, when the windows are already installed, they acquire a valve on the wall. For installation, it must be drilled through. Usually the valves are placed next to the windows and covered with curtains. Another good place is behind the batteries. Then the air warms up, getting into the room.

Ventilation in the restroom

System types

Ventilation is divided into two types:

The latter, in turn, happens:

  • exhaust;
  • supply;
  • supply and exhaust.

For the house, the window in the bathroom will not only establish natural air circulation, but also become a source of lighting. The same purpose is served by a window between the kitchen and the bathroom. It was invented to save electricity. It was believed that during the day it was not necessary to turn on the light bulb, since natural light was enough.

The cheapest way to solve the problem of air exchange in the house is a ventilation hole that goes directly to the street. In this case, additional blinds for adjustment can be provided, a fan is installed to implement forced ventilation.

Previously, natural air exchange was often carried out due to drafts. This was due to the use of not the highest quality materials, for example, a door that did not close tightly, or the use of old window frames. The use of new technologies excluded drafts from the premises. Now they appear only if the windows are opened on purpose.

Valves for natural ventilation

In case of disruption of the work of natural air exchange, a forced view will save the situation. If there is a mine providing for natural ventilation, then it is being redone. In multi-storey buildings, the use of such is prohibited.. After all, because of this, the air exchange among the neighbors will be disturbed. However, many do not pay attention to prohibitions, and install forced ventilation in apartments.
In private houses and cottages, a fan can be installed in mines. But, it is better to do this during construction work.

The most commonly used overhead fan. Depending on the model, it has the following features:

It is convenient to use a channel device in the house installed in the attic in the ventilation pipe. It serves both as a toilet and a bathroom. The main thing is to correctly calculate the power, taking into account the number of people living in the house and square meters.

Forced ventilation in the bathroom

Which forced ventilation system to choose?

The most common way to establish air circulation is to install a hood. But in a large family this is not enough. Then, instead of the hood, a supply is used. In this case, the air enters the room, and does not leave it. The old air is replaced by new air, providing air exchange.

But one inflow is rarely used. Usually, for optimal ventilation, an integrated system is provided, where the hood works together with the supply. The exhaust opening is installed at the top, and the supply - at the bottom. Relative to each other, the arrangement should be diagonal. Due to this, the air corridor will increase.

Installing forced ventilation at home is not so difficult. Let's see how it's done.

To reduce noise, it is advisable to additionally lay a sealant between the wall and the fan.


It happens that after installation, instead of output, air began to be sucked in from the mine. Then you will have to install another fan with a special valve that does not allow back draft.

But did you know that if the toilet and bath are separated, ventilation is also organized between them? To do this, a pipe is laid in the space behind the ceiling or two fans are installed: between the bathroom and the toilet, as well as in the exhaust vent.

Air conditioner

The most convenient, but also expensive device for providing circulation is air conditioning. A good and correctly installed model maintains the desired level of humidity, saturates the air with oxygen, and also deodorizes and ionizes it, supplying it in the most comfortable mode. The device is switched on and off manually or adjusted in such a way that a certain temperature is maintained in the room. The most expensive models also include sensors for humidity and other parameters, due to which the automation determines when it is necessary to turn on the work so that the microclimate of the house remains comfortable for residents.

Closed and outdoor loops

In apartment buildings, an outdoor cycle is always used, in which air comes from the external environment. However, in cottages and private houses, a closed cycle is often used when it is run indoors. This keeps the heat in the house and saves money on heating. To maintain cleanliness and freshness, special filters are installed.


This is how it works ventilation in the bathroom and toilet. Now you know how to provide clean and fresh air in these areas, and make living at home more comfortable. Follow the recommendations in the article, and let everything work out for you!

Installing a VENTS Silenta-S fan in a bathroom

Forced ventilation: DIY

To ensure normal air exchange in a house or apartment, two components are necessary: ​​the inflow of fresh air through the living rooms and its outflow from the technical ones. Ventilation in the bathroom and toilet is one of the components of the outflow. Therefore, it is necessary to do it right.

According to the principle of operation, ventilation can be natural or mechanical, they also say - forced. The natural movement of air occurs due to the movement of wind, temperature differences and, resulting from this, pressure drops. When mechanical ventilation is used, air movement is caused by fans.

From the point of view of an urban man, forced movement is preferable: everyone has long been accustomed to the fact that life support depends on the availability of electricity. And it rarely disappears in cities. But in rural areas in winter, power outages are rather the norm. Therefore, probably, they tend to mainly make systems non-volatile, or at least redundant.

But the natural ventilation in the bathroom and bathroom should be too large. After all, the lower the speed of air movement through the channel, the greater the cross section of the duct is needed to ensure the transfer of the required volumes. No one will argue that when the fan is on, the air moves faster.

  • with a forced channel with dimensions of 160 * 200 mm or a diameter of 200 mm;
  • with natural circulation, a channel with dimensions of 250 * 400 mm or a pipe with a diameter of 350 mm.

One of the schemes for organizing ventilation in the bathroom and toilet in a private house

Therefore, few people today manage with natural ventilation. Unless in small houses (up to 100 sq. m.). Even in apartments with channels leading to the roof, bathrooms and toilets are ventilated using fans.

To decide which fan to put on the bathtub with a toilet, you need to calculate the necessary air exchange. The calculation is a whole system, but when installing a fan, the main attention is paid to its characteristics: it provides the required air speed. In order not to interfere in the calculations, its performance can be taken according to average numbers.

Air exchange rate for different rooms. With their help, ventilation is calculated in the bathroom and toilet

As you can see from the table (this is from SNiP), for a bathroom, at least 25 m 3 / h should be “pumped” per hour, for a toilet or a combined bathroom, the speed should be twice as high - 50 m 3 / h. These are the minimum values. In reality, through three (or two) technical rooms - a kitchen, a toilet, a bathroom - as much air should leave as it enters through the supply ventilation.

The calculation of the inflow is carried out according to the volume of all residential premises and usually exceeds it by 1.5-2 times, and the minimum values ​​\u200b\u200bindicated in the table are not enough to ensure the required air exchange. Therefore, the performance of the fans is taken with at least a double margin, and even more for kitchens: this way there will be no unpleasant odors in the apartment, as well as dampness and fungi. Therefore, when going to the bathroom with a fan with a lower capacity than 100 m 3 / h, it is better not to take it.

First of all, you need to decide where you will put the fan: in the duct or on the wall. Accordingly, the type: channel or wall. In wall-mounted versions, there can also be two types: for installation at the inlet of the ventilation duct - they create more pressure, and for ductless installation - exit directly through the wall to the street.

Duct fans are installed inside a duct or pipe. There is it, respectively, round or square section

In addition to the performance that you calculated, another important characteristic is the noise level. The smaller it is, the better. It is good if the noise level is no more than 35 dB.

Another thing to pay attention to is the level of electrical safety. For use in rooms with high humidity, a protection level of at least IP 44 is required (indicated on the fan housing).

These are wall mounted fans.

To maintain human health, it is not enough to monitor the quality of food and liquid consumed by him. Much attention should also be paid to the air in our premises. Unfortunately, few people think about the fact that it is no less important than good food and water.

The ecological situation that develops in gassed large cities does not allow their residents to simply ventilate the premises. The most acceptable solution to this problem is to install ventilation. The influx of clean air will reduce the likelihood of headaches, dizziness, drowsiness, and will also serve as a prevention of allergies.

Air exchange in private cottages and apartment buildings is carried out according to different schemes. In small residential buildings, separate ventilation ducts are brought to the roof from the kitchen, toilet and bathroom. Another scheme is designed in houses. Here, the air is collected in one common channel, output to the roof. If forced ventilation is provided in the house, builders install special systems equipped with sensitive elements. Such equipment closes or slightly opens the dampers when it becomes necessary.

Forced ventilation in the bathroom can be done by hand. Moreover, the work is not particularly difficult. First of all, you should check the air outlet channel and clean it, if necessary, of debris. For those who cannot install a new fan, another option is recommended. You can simply remove a few meters of the new channel from the old channel by purchasing the appropriate materials at a hardware store.

When installing an electric fan, you should decide on the place where it is best to install it. Ideally, this should be a wall opposite the door.

The fan is mounted directly into the opening of the exhaust duct. If your device has a larger diameter, then the hole will have to be slightly enlarged. After that, all electrical wires must be carefully connected. However, they should be placed in a dry place (so that they are not visible). At the next stage of work, the device is connected to the switch and fastened together with the grate to self-tapping screws or liquid nails.

As a rule, there is a channel through which ventilation is carried out in the toilet. The scheme for organizing air exchange between this room and the bathroom can be carried out in two ways. The first of these involves laying a separate ventilation pipe. It should be located in the ceiling space and go from the bathroom to the air vent. The second option involves the installation of two separate fans.

One of them should be located on the air duct, and the second - in the wall between the toilet and the bathroom.

Most often, ventilation in the Stalinka bathroom is arranged according to the first option. The adoption of such a decision is facilitated by the height of the ceilings in such apartments, which is 3-3.5 m. Forced ventilation in the bathroom is carried out with the laying of an additional air duct. This design is mounted under the very ceiling and closed with drywall. At the same time, ventilation to the bathroom is carried out using a flexible, rigid or semi-rigid duct.

High-quality air exchange is important not only in the bathroom. Normal air circulation is also necessary in the toilet. It will allow you not to feel discomfort from the operation of the sewer system and prevent the appearance of fungus by reducing the humidity in the room. Often, artificial ventilation is required in the toilet of a private house.

How to make ventilation in the toilet (forced type)? To do this, you need to study the scheme of the device of an existing duct. Sometimes it may have access directly to the toilet. But often ventilation in the bathroom and toilet is carried out from one box located in the bathroom. In this case, between these two rooms there should be an opening closed with a grate.

In the first case, it is possible to install the fan directly on the box. In the second version of the exhaust scheme, an additional air duct will be required.

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If mold has appeared in the bathroom, then the ventilation in the bathroom and toilet is not working properly or the existing system is not enough. Steam from the hot water in the bathroom rises to the ceiling, where condensation forms. Condensation also accumulates on the walls. Over time, mold will grow in these areas. Cosmetic repairs in this case will solve the problem, but soon it will reappear. We need to organize an effective ventilation system in the bathroom.

If there is no ventilation shaft in the room, then it must be organized at least at a height of two meters. It is advisable to place the outlet opposite the doors or diagonally from them. This will help create the necessary air flow for active ventilation of the space. Fan performance can be selected as desired. It can turn on automatically if it has the appropriate devices, or you can activate it by turning on the switch on the fan itself or combined with the light in the bathroom.

The choice of fan must be justified so that its power is enough for the bathroom, and the design of the lattice is selected based on the appearance of the space to emphasize its style and complement it if necessary. By installing such a device, you can extend the safety of all coatings in the bathroom and ensure comfortable and safe use of both the bath and the toilet.

Features of ventilation of a bathroom in a private house

During the construction of residential buildings, ventilation in the bathroom and toilet is usually natural. However, it is clearly not enough to constantly provide a normal level of freshness and purity of air in these rooms. So, when you take a shower, the bathroom is immediately filled with steam.

Mold spores in the bathroom air can settle in the lungs of a person and cause the development of diseases such as allergies, asthma, etc. In addition, black spots gradually destroy finishing materials, reaching the concrete itself. That is why everyone needs to install a normally functioning ventilation system in their home.

The system is necessary not only for the supply of clean air. Thanks to it, they achieve the optimal temperature, as well as the level of humidity and oxygen. In a small room without the possibility of ventilation, stale and specific air accumulates. Toilet air freshener won't help. It hides odors, not eliminates them.


The air enters the bathroom and toilet from other rooms. For ventilation, a small gap (2-2.5 cm) is left between the floor and the door leaf or special doors are purchased, the leaf of which has round ventilation holes. Air escapes through an open ventilation duct. If the doors are solid, and a very responsible installer also did not leave a single gap, the bathroom will have to be left open for ventilation.

A well-designed ventilation system is an integral part of the bathroom or toilet.

This system is as simple as possible, but unreliable. In modern houses and cottages, ventilation is increasingly failing. Complicate work:

  • Sealed doors and plastic windows;
  • Reducing the lumen of the channel as a result of contamination with dust, dirt, cobwebs;
  • Incorrectly designed hood;
  • Windy weather;
  • An uninsulated channel, inside which the air cools quickly and slowly rises.

If the device removes 100 m3 of air per hour, at least the same amount must be supplied, which is not possible with hermetically closed doors.

Organization rules

Today, air flow has become a problem: by reducing heating costs, we have cut off almost all sources of its supply. We install airtight windows, we insulate the walls through which at least a little air enters with airtight materials. The third source - entrance doors - today, almost all have iron doors, with a rubber seal.

In order for the grilles to be able to provide full ventilation for the bathroom and get rid of high humidity, it is worthwhile to approach the choice of these products with particular care and responsibility. The further ventilation system in the bathroom and toilet depends on how these products are chosen.

  • the presence of lamellas - each grate must have lamellas, through which the main air ventilation occurs. They should be located over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe lattice;
  • shape - the shape of these products can be different - rectangular, round, square. The shape can be chosen as you wish, the main thing is that the product fits harmoniously;
  • material - it is advisable to choose gratings made of durable plastic. These products perform their functions, but at the same time retain their spring qualities for a long time;
  • color - this element can be any color, but it is desirable that it matches the door. After all, it will be somehow not very beautiful when the door is white and the grille is black or blue.

The arrangement of ventilation in the bathroom of a private house or apartment is a rather complicated process that requires compliance with all the nuances. Indeed, due to ventilation systems, the formation of high humidity, condensate, which often leads to the formation of fungus and mold, is prevented.

When installing an air movement system, you need to remember the basic principle: in order for everything to work efficiently, it is necessary to ensure the flow of air through the living rooms and its flow into the technical rooms. From there, he leaves through the ventilation ducts.

If you want the ventilation to be normal, and the walls in the rooms not to “wet”, make ventilation holes. There is such an option on metal-plastic windows, and there are separate devices that are mounted anywhere on the wall. They are available with adjustable shutters, of various shapes and sizes, and are covered with bars from the outside. It is best to install under the windows, above or behind the batteries. Then they are not visible in the room, and in winter the air coming from the street is heated.

Having ensured the inflow, care must be taken to ensure that it enters the technical premises through the doors. Therefore, there should be gaps under all doors: through them, air will flow into other rooms. It is advisable to install a ventilation grill in the bathroom doors and / or also make a gap of at least 2 cm from the floor. The same rules apply to other technical rooms: kitchen and toilet. Only if there is movement of air masses will ventilation work.

Health check

The arrangement of ventilation is a rather complicated and responsible matter, during which all important nuances should be taken into account. Any deviation from the norms can cause serious violations in the further operation of this system. Therefore, many experts recommend, before how to make ventilation in the bathroom, to consider the features of the principle of the device of this system. In these cases, it is worth considering several important features:

  • in residential-type houses with a small number of storeys, the ventilation device is carried out by separate channels of each room - for bathrooms, for toilets, kitchen rooms;
  • in residential buildings, the level of which is more than 5 floors, hoods from bathrooms, toilets, kitchens are combined into one ventilation duct. In this case, this channel is displayed on the roof area, and all the hoods are connected to it floor by floor using an air shutter;
  • all movement of air in ventilated systems is carried out with the help of natural draft, which occurs when the temperature regimes of the air inside the room and the outside air change.

Scheme of the exhaust ventilation device of a multi-storey building

It also happens that natural ventilation in the bathroom and toilet works quite normally. That is why before installing a new system, it is necessary to check the health of the existing one. It is quite easy to do this. In addition, no additional tools are needed for this. It is enough to bring a piece of paper directly to the ventilation grille.

The sheet should stick to it under the action of moving air. If this does not happen, then we can say that the hood is not working. Sometimes the cause of this condition may be too tight a door to the bathroom or toilet. In this case, the flow of air into the bathroom in the required volume is not ensured.

The toilet and bathroom in apartments, even with a divided wall, have one air outlet leading to the shaft. In private houses, a different ventilation system may be provided. This is especially true if it has several floors. In simple houses, the room may have a window for ventilation.

A shaft type is installed in the cottages. The functioning check is carried out through technological air holes. The presence of thrust is analyzed by a lighter or a sheet of paper, which is brought to the grate. The fire should go out or turn towards the ventilated window, and the sheet should be attracted to the hole. If this does not happen, then the system is failing.

Ventilation may not always work as it is required, and there may be plenty of reasons for this. Therefore, before you start arranging ventilation in the bathroom and toilet, you should consider all the important nuances, including the causes of poor ventilation draft.

What causes poor ventilation?

  • sometimes violations of ventilation may occur due to errors in the calculations in the cross section of the ventilation ducts;
  • various errors when installing the ventilation system;
  • often, traction can be caused by accumulation of debris, as well as other falling elements. The presence of all these elements can cause difficulty in the flow of air into the room;
  • Another reason for poor ventilation performance can be repair work at the neighbors, in which the ventilation systems are affected.

Do you know why natural ventilation in the bathroom and toilet deteriorates sharply? There are several.

  1. For example, this happens if the doors in the bathroom have been changed, and air cannot penetrate from below.
  2. Another reason is the repair of neighbors from above, as a result of which the mine was accidentally clogged.
  3. Finally, a bird could get there, which then died.
  4. It happens that after the neighbors install forced ventilation, a reverse flow of air passes into another apartment, or it prevents circulation at all.
  5. Another reason lies in the time of year. So, in summer, when it is very hot, hot air from outside does not allow cold masses to leave the premises. As a result, an air bubble is formed. Therefore, the door should be left slightly ajar.

Ventilation in the bathroom and toilet

Connecting a fan in the bathroom

For the fan to work, power is needed and the main question is how to connect it. There are several possibilities:

  • Connect in parallel with lighting. When you turn on the light in the bathroom or toilet, the fan automatically starts. But it also turns off automatically when the light is turned off. For the toilet, this situation is normal, but for the bathroom - not always. For example, after taking a hot shower, all the steam will not go away. Therefore, for bathrooms, you can use a different way to connect the fan or set a shutdown delay (a special device on which you can set the time interval after which the power will turn off).
  • Output to a separate switch key or put a separate toggle switch / button.
  • Set a timer that will automatically power up according to a schedule.

The electrical part is the hardest part. You will have to punch a strobe in the wall, “pack” the power cable into it, bring it to the installation site of the switch and connect it there, depending on the chosen method.

You can read how to make a shower cabin with a tile tray in this article.

Checking the ventilation duct

Installing a fan in the bathroom with your own hands begins after checking the condition of the channel. To do this, remove the grate, if it has not been dismantled yet, and bring a flame (candle, lighter) or a piece of paper to the hole. If the flame or leaf is pulled steadily towards the channel, the draft is normal. If it either stretches, then bends back - the thrust is unstable.

If the flame or leaf almost does not deviate, the channel is clogged or blocked. In this case, mold and dampness, as well as unpleasant odors are guaranteed throughout the apartment, and in the bathroom, so be sure.

In case of abnormal draft, residents of high-rise buildings clean the channels themselves or call maintenance services. In private homes, in any case, everything falls on the shoulders of the owners. If the channel is unstable, you may have taken it out without taking into account the wind rose and the thrust periodically overturns. You can solve the problem by moving the exit, but it's not easy. To begin with, you can try to put a deflector (if it is not there) or slightly increase / decrease the height.

When the fan is installed while it is running, the amount of air discharged increases significantly. But due to the fact that the case covers part of the channel section, at other times, when the fan is not working, the flow decreases three times. As a result, the overall performance of the ventilation system drops.

To prevent this from happening, you can install a fan with an air intake grille located below and thus increase the performance to normal. The second option is to leave a gap of 1.5-2 cm between the case and the wall during installation, i.e. make legs. Air will enter the slot and ventilation will be normal in any case. See the video for more on this.

Having chosen the installation method and the type of grille, you can proceed directly to the installation. Fan sizes may vary. Therefore, each case is individual. But the basic steps are standard:

  • A hole must be made on the tile under the body. The easiest way is to attach a fan and outline. Then, with a special nozzle on a drill or a grinder, cut a hole of the appropriate size.
  • Remove the front panel from the fan. It is attached with one bolt at the bottom. The bolt was unscrewed, the grille was removed. Holes for fasteners are now visible. We insert the fan in this form into place (into the channel), mark on the tile with a pencil or marker the place where the bolts will be.
  • With a drill of the appropriate diameter, we make holes in the tile and wall to fit the size of the dowel.
  • We make an incision in the tile, where we will pass the power wire.
  • We insert dowels.
  • We stretch electrical wires through a special hole on the fan housing (if there is no hole, it is drilled).
  • We install in place, tighten the bolts.
  • We connect the wires.
  • We check the performance and install the grate.
  • We read about the choice of a fan and the calculation of its performance here. For wooden toilets, all this is only partly true. Read about how to get rid of smells in an outdoor toilet here.

    Ventilation in the bathroom in a private house

    Here the main difficulties may arise in the construction of exhaust channels. When planning, they can be brought together in one place and then brought to the roof. This is more difficult in terms of internal wiring - you will have to pull the ducts to the right place, and also more expensive during construction. But the look is solid.

    Another way to arrange ventilation ducts: bring it through the wall, and then lift it up along the outer wall. According to the rules, for normal draft with natural ventilation, they should rise 50 cm above the ridge. But one common air duct will be brought out by you or a separate one for each room - it depends on your desire or on the layout. The picture will look something like this.

    There is another option: to make a mechanical hood that will work exclusively from the fan. Then, depending on the layout, one of the two options presented in the photo is suitable.

    In the first case (on the left), the exhaust hole is made right in the upper part of the wall (in order for air exchange to be effective, it must be located opposite the door, obliquely, at the top). With this device, a conventional wall fan is used. The same figure shows how the number of required channels can be reduced. If your bathroom and toilet rooms are nearby, through a thin partition, then you can make a hole in the partition and install a grate. In this case, the ventilation of the bath will go through the toilet.

    In the second option (pictured on the right), an air duct with a duct fan is used. The solution is simple, only there is one caveat: if the air duct ends under the roof overhang (it is short in the photo, but there are also long ones), then the tree will turn black after a while. If you draw a conclusion from the toilet this way, this may not happen, and in the case of the bathroom, high humidity will make itself felt in a couple of years. In this case, you can “pull out” the air duct to the roof cut or bring it up through the knee (but raise it 50 cm above the roof).

Ventilation in the bathroom and toilet provides fresh air, effectively removes odors. In the projects of multi-storey buildings, a general ventilation device was originally laid down, private traders do it on their own. When ventilation is poor in a high-rise building, they look for a way out of the situation.

What is the ventilation

Ventilation is important for health, creating a microclimate. For rooms with high humidity and odors, it must be effective. Standards and rules determine: the bathroom should consume 25 m3 / hour, for a combined bathroom, twice as much is required.

Soviet-era buildings and inexpensive modern buildings are predominantly equipped with natural ventilation. The air flow occurs due to the difference in temperature outside and inside. Sometimes a deflector is installed to enhance traction, especially in windy weather. This is a cheap and easy way and toilet. The system does without electricity, special care is not required. But it almost does not work in the heat, it is sensitive to clogging.

The forced system uses a built-in fan. It pulls the air out of the bathroom, fresh air enters in its place. Weather conditions do not affect the operation, the right fans guarantee the necessary air exchange. The forced system uses the electricity supplied to the appliances. Usually installed when standard ventilation fails, it is more efficient.

Forced ventilation for the bathroom and toilet is exhaust, the exchange occurs due to the removal of air. The second type is the supply air: fresh air is injected into the room, an increased pressure is created, and the polluted air comes out through the channels. Sometimes they make a mixed system - a combination of the two previous ones. The ventilation system can be channelless, the exchange takes place through a common channel. Channels are brought to separate sections for air outlet to the outside or connection to the mine.

Checking the operation of natural exhaust

If the ventilation performance is unknown, the system can be checked very simply. Open the window, the door to the bathroom. Take a paper napkin and attach it to the opening of the shaft. The air flow should press the sheet against the grate. Similarly, use a match, a lighter, a candle. The flame should be directed towards the ventilation duct, and the more, the better.

In the heat, natural air exchange almost does not occur, such a diagnosis may be erroneous.

Close windows and doors, check again. It may turn out that the operation of the hood will deteriorate or will not work at all. You should look for the cause and eliminate it. Among the reasons when the exhaust system suddenly stopped working, the following are most likely:

  • replaced the door in the bathroom with more dense and airtight ones that do not allow air to pass through;
  • they changed ordinary windows to plastic ones, replaced the front door, the apartment was sealed;
  • the mine from above for some reason became clogged;
  • neighbors have installed powerful forced ventilation, which drives air into the nearest apartments or interferes with natural circulation.

Restoring system functionality

Forced ventilation in the bathroom will fix all problems, but until you're ready to install it, natural ventilation can be repaired. First check the cleanliness of the mine. Usually in high-rise buildings, this is done by special teams that have everything necessary to clean the ventilation shaft. Calling the brigade will certainly be paid.

You can check the area from the bathroom yourself. Remove the grate, illuminate with a flashlight to see the ventilation duct. If the garbage, the dead bird is in the accessible area, you can clean the mine with a hook. Open fire should not be used for lighting - the garbage flares up immediately, in a matter of seconds the entire mine will burn. You can drop the crowbar into the mine hole on the top floor so that it breaks through the clogged place.

If the door in the bathroom is very tight, it needs to be depressurized a little. Do not remove the high threshold, which serves to protect living rooms from possible flooding. It is better to cut the canvas 2 cm from the bottom and ensure air flow. The option with the installation of a lattice in the door looks much more beautiful. A rectangular, round lattice is placed from below into the canvas.

If the house has sealed windows, the walls are insulated with heat-insulating material, even altering the bathroom door will not help. Fresh air can come in if you keep the window open. It is easier to provide a supply valve in the window. It can be installed in a through hole in the wall near the window to hide it behind the curtains. A good option is to install behind the battery, then the cold air will warm up.

In some cases, raising the temperature in the bathroom will help. This is done in several ways: they install a more powerful heated towel rail, arrange a floor heating system, install a radiator if it was not there, or install it with a large number of sections. If the above methods cannot revive the existing ventilation, it's time to think about a forced system.

Choosing an Efficient Fan

Choosing a unit for forced ventilation in the bathroom and toilet with a variety of designs and various technical characteristics is not an easy task. They differ primarily in the place of installation. Duct mounted in the air duct, behind the shaft grate. Radial are placed at the outlet of the channel. They have an attractive aesthetic body.

The design determines the performance, noise, installation location. There are such fans:

  1. 1. Axial - captures air with blades and directs along its axis. Creates an average pressure or less, is used for ductless ventilation systems.
  2. 2. Diametral - with a drum-type working body. The performance is small.
  3. 3. Centrifugal - made in a spiral housing. The performance is the largest, the noise is also large.
  4. 4. Centrifugal-axial - absorbed the best indicators of other types. Small, no noise, good performance.

When choosing a fan, read the product data sheet. First of all, safety. The housing must be waterproof, not letting water through on the electrical components. The degree of security is indicated by the IP code with two digits. The first of them indicates the level of protection against ingress of third-party objects, the second - how the device is protected from moisture. For the bathroom, take a fan with IP45. A direct hit of a jet of water will not harm such fans.

The next metric is performance. Ventilation must provide 6–8 air changes. Finding out the required performance is easy. First, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room is calculated, the result is multiplied by at least 6, and preferably by 8. For example, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bathroom is 10 m 2: a fan is selected that gives 60–80 m 3 of air per hour.

Choose a product with low noise. In a small room, the noise of the operating device is heard very clearly. Noise is determined by the shape of the blades and the speed of rotation. If suitable, choose a large device with low speed. Its noise level is less compared to a small and high-speed one, the performance is similar. Keep in mind: the noise level should not exceed 35 decibels, a higher level irritates the psyche.

When mounting the fan, seal the joints with sealant so that the fan does not rattle or vibrate.

Modern fans are additionally equipped with devices that increase functionality. Among them:

  • non-return valve - blocks the air from entering the room from the channels;
  • humidity sensor - measures the level of steam in the bathroom, turns on the fan;
  • motion sensor - the device turns on when there are people in the bathroom;
  • timer - turns off the fan after a time after using the switch;
  • noise suppressor - installed in front of the device to suppress noise.

How to make ventilation in the bathroom and toilet

Ventilation of a large city house does, for the most part, without additional air ducts. In the niche of the common mine channel, if it is located immediately behind the wall of the bathroom, a fan is mounted. If the channel is placed behind the wall of the toilet and there is a partition with the bathroom, they act differently: they install ventilation grilles on both sides of the wall.

It is possible to use a combined version. The ventilation hole in the bathroom usually allows you to install a fan. If you put it, there will be a complementarity of the forced and natural systems - the best option. But if the ventilation duct is far away, it must be brought into a ventilated room.

For this, boxes are used. They are rectangular, round or corrugated. Rectangular or round plastic boxes are preferable: they do not conduct noise from the fan well, the air does not encounter resistance in its path. Corrugated can be hard or soft. They are used in places that are difficult to approach or at short distances.

Installation of the hood requires compliance with the rules:

  • it is placed on the opposite wall from the front door, as high as possible: installation in a wall with a door reduces circulation;
  • a narrow channel hole is expanded with a perforator, a plastic pipe is placed in a wide one;
  • the fan is completely recessed into the shaft, fixed with dowels, self-tapping screws, sealant and closed with a grate;
  • electrical wiring is performed closed: hidden in a wall or box.

In the toilet, the fan is connected to the light switch, then the odors are removed immediately. For the bathroom, a separate fan switch is preferable.

In the bathroom, you can often find suspended, stretch or false ceilings. Ventilation in the bathroom is designed and installed up to the ceiling. If the hole in the shaft is located below the false ceiling, you should think about the ventilation of the space. The airflow between the ceilings will be provided by a grill close to the vent. If the entrance to the shaft is located above the false ceiling, several ventilation holes are cut out, a fan is placed in one of them.

Accounting for the features of an individual house

Ventilation in the private sector is best designed in advance, arranging preliminarily channels for exhaust and electrical wiring. In a small bathroom, you can get by with natural ventilation, in large ones they install forced ventilation. It is necessary to adhere to the rules for the installation of air exhaust ducts:

  • air inlets are located at the bottom, the exit is at the top;
  • inside the channels are made as smooth as possible;
  • straight channels are preferable, turns, if necessary, are smooth;
  • for different floors, air ducts are performed separately.

In wooden houses, humidity carries a double threat: it spoils the appearance and damages the structure. For a wooden house, ventilation is mandatory, it is subject to increased requirements. If natural ventilation in the toilet of a private house is allowed on the ground floor, forced ventilation is required upstairs. You can't do without a fan in the bathroom of a wooden house.

The equipment requires maintenance. Grids, the fan are periodically cleaned of dust and dirt, the condition of the nodes is checked. Regular maintenance will ensure proper operation of the system and an acceptable microclimate.