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What will be the children born in the year of the earthy pig. Pig: description and characteristics

Fifth February 2019. We will hear a timid and persistent fucking - a new lingerie of the pig will take on the throne, and not some kind of black-painted there, or white, and yellow and also, earthy.

The earthen pig has a noble goal - she wants to make all humanity wants, and we can be sure that the Queen of 2019 will achieve his own.

If in the year of the dog we fell in love, twisted the novels and Vitaly in the clouds, then during the reign of the yellow earthen pig they will have to go to active actions. The registry offices will be overcrowded, and young couples, and lovers with experience. People who have time to get married last year, or earlier, will begin to strengthen the Union and think about the offspring.

That's where the pig will unfold - she Madame is prolific, and loves to give the world of pretty fastening pigs. Yes, and storks in the year of yellow pig are active and energetic - there are neat convolutions everywhere. By the way, boys in 2019 will be born more - such a whim at the earthen pig, so we buy blue ribbons, and choose male names.

Year of pigs 2019, which will bring a birthday in the year: a horoscope for the next year for each sign of the zodiac

Horoscope for 2019 Fish

Mysterious and incomprehensible for those surrounding fish in the year of the dog felt quite comfortable, that's just sometimes you experienced a strange excitement. Doggy and so, and the case, and the pets of Neptune seems to be something missing. But the yellow puppy ran over the water guys even the next year, and did not reduce the eyes of his eyes until February 2019.

Horoscope for 2019 Aquarius

Aquarius last year enjoyed life, did not know sadness, and even forgot that there are words such as "problems" and "troubles" in the dictionary. Sometimes the signs of the air and they themselves were looking for difficulties to be overcome, and what to deal with. However, on February 5, 2019, the situation will change dramatically - the dog will arrange a farewell ball, heasts all four paws, and evaporate. On the throne, grinding and thumping, the yellow earthen pig will take.

Horoscope for 2019 Capricorn

Yellow puppy sincerely attached to serious and thoughtful Capricorn, and all year helped solve problems, pointing to the right path, and the boom on arrogant competitors. And fifth February 2019, the dog booth disappears, and a new pigsty will appear in her place. The throne will take the yellow earthen pig.

Horoscope for 2019 Sagittarius

Thoughtful and unreasonable archers in the year of dogs were taken over thousands of business at the same time and, oddly enough, everywhere he had time, and they coped with everything. Difficulties were only in the financial sphere, but the yellow dog retained Yupiter's pets from unnecessary spending, and helped save. Fear of February 2019, the puppy has fun Prelvanaya, handed the keys from the casket with a stardow, and introduced a charming yellow earthen pig.

Horoscope for 2019 Scorpio

In the dog's year, the scorpions lived, and all you had nice. True, the financial sphere has tweaked surprises, and not always pleasant - then thick, then, as they say, empty. But the scorpions are not digging with money problems, because in your sleeve there is always a trump card, besides, an earthen dick left from the throne not silent, but with wishes: water signs are not offended, and to support everything.

Horoscope for 2019 Libra

Per year dogs charming scales Entertained, almost did not know the problems, and the facilities of a funny earthy puppy can delay. All January 2019, Yellow Bologuns, Dachshunds and Pornges will be worn and suggesting that financial assistance, the support in love affairs, in general, the weights will never have a reason for sadness.

Horoscope for 2019 Virgo

In the dog's year, the Virgin behaved at about, and earned a promotion - the yellow puppy brought you and financial gifts, and love surprises. But in the fifth of February 2019, something changed - an earthen dinner melted in the air, and stretched his paw to the throne on which a pig materialized. Khryushka drinks yellow fur coat, and read the Decree: all the signs of the earth distribute the box of happiness, and on a basket of good luck.

Horoscope for 2019 a lion

Fluffy yellow puppy ran over the lions all year, having fun, and affectionately wagging his tail. In January 2019, Pussik saddled, began to be released on affairs, and the fifth of February last year led Lviv to the throne and introduced to the new queen - the yellow earthen pig. The ruler of 2019 is good-natured, and worry the Sunny's pets is absolutely nothing about.

Horoscope for 2019 Cancer

In the year of the dog, the wards of the Moon enjoyed life, not noticing small problems, but with the arrival of the yellow earthen pig, the situation will change. Cancer There is no reason for Panic - on February 5, the hostess of 2019 will be at the throne and reads its rules. Khrushka's requirements are a bit: Cancer must smile and walk more often.

Horoscope for 2019 Twins

Charming Gemini in the year of the dog just did that they received gifts and having fun. But the February 2019 came, and Mercury's pets felt inexplicable excitement. Also, the dog stated that she was tired of the Having, and she wants to grunt. Calm down, cute twins are a yellow earthen pig comes into their own rights, and the fifth of February she pumps the crown, and will understand.

Horoscope for 2019 calf

Taurus-raised dogs will not immediately notice the change of power - the yellow earthy pig will pecklessly fit on the throne on February 5, 2019. But when the charming wards of Venus will hear the grunt instead of the zavkanya, they will not be laughing. Where is the black spout, and why is the pink patch instead?

Horoscope for 2019 Aries

Aries in 2018 realized that the defender was constantly being present - it was too smoothly too much. In the year of earthy pig, the situation will not change - the fiery guys under guardianship higher ForcesYes, and the bright yellow painting of pigs has a beneficial effect on the Aries.

The teachings of the wise men Ancient China It claims that each new calendar period passes under the auspices of its totem animal, gaining not only the heavenly patron, but also pronounced dominants in the form of color and elements. The Chinese calendar contains information about a dozen of such totems, and each of them can be combined with one of the five possible shades and natural phenomena, which alternate in a certain sequence.

The effect of color, elements and animal totem are subject to all events awaiting us in 2019, such as status of finance, lifting career stairs, successfulness of travel, health status and much more. 2019 will be held under the sign that will change the yellow earthen dog.

In general, humanity will have a fairly calm life period. Earth years Let us stay after difficult and emotionally saturated days under the influence of fiery signs - roosters and monkeys. Relations in 2019 will be characterized by warmth and stability, and the shocks threaten a little. Want to understand the situation in detail? Then find out what is the yellow earthen pig, which will rule the world from February 05, 2019 to January 24, 2020!

Characteristic features of a pig sign

To understand how in 2019, to attract fortune to its side, it should be carefully familiar with the nature of the pig, as well as characteristics of signs belonging to the eartherling elements and the treated in yellow tones. Only such a comprehensive approach will allow you to meet the year for the fulfillment!

To begin with, let's talk about the main characteristics of the totem, because the pig is not so simple, as it may seem at first glance. The first its feature is that this symbol is the last in the list of signs of the Chinese calendar. This means that in the new calendar period you will have to summarize in the whole 12 years of your life! The pig will definitely put everything in its place, will give the opportunity to resolve conflicts and will repay everyone according to merit. The main theses for the year of the pig look like this:

  • The pig is a feminine essence, that is, Yin, and refers to the 4th triangle of signs (it also includes sheep and rabbit). Yin from the Chinese is associated with cold, dampness, tranquility and power, which becomes especially powerful in the late summer and early winter;
  • The initial element of the pig - water, which, as we know, may be calm, bringing fertility and peace, but sometimes becomes violent - and in this case it should be waiting for troubles and destruction;
  • Pig sign master color - black. It is usually associated with grief and mourning, but the Chinese have a completely different approach to him. For them, black is the color of honor, dignity, success and character, which allows you to overcome any obstacles. For example, it was Black who was elected the color of the first Chinese emperor when he won a dizzying victory over the Zhou dynasty;
  • Side of the Light Pig is the North-North-West - this direction Chinese wise men are identified with the late sunset time when the ray of the sun is about to disappear behind the horizon line.

If we talk about the very sign, then the pig has conscientiousness, compassion and generosity. This is a sign that can focus on its own purposes. If he decided to achieve something, then send all the energy reserves to solve this task. The request for pig help is rather rare than the rule. Pigs are calculated exclusively on themselves, but willingly help other people. Many people enjoy this feature of pigs, especially since this is one of the most naive signs of the Chinese horoscope.

Pig's character is calm - no trouble can knock her out of the saddle. It takes any position of things and methodically continues to move along the intended path. Fold your hands and wait until the storm goes - not in the nature of the pig. In addition, pigs are distinguished by excellent health, unless they indulge in an alumina and alumbings. The main goal of pigs is to eat and follow weight. But the representatives of this sign are easily experiencing stress: where the other Totem will plunge into depression, the pig will simply get strength, to sleep well and will rush again into battle.

2019 will be the time for you of new acquaintances and strong friendship.

Before you - a creative sign with a well-developed imagination. Pigs are perfectly soldered with people and vividly interested in novelties of science and technology. That is why the circle of professions in which pigs can achieve success are practically not limited - they become talented restaurants or actors, excellent doctors or veterinarians, creative designers or journalists, successful artists or sales managers.

In interpersonal communications, representatives of this sign are distinguished by openness, thanks to which pigs are easily acquired by friends and are often becoming popular in school or at work. Pigs face petties, and in small troubles, they simply do not attach importance - friendship for them is so valuable that they can come from their own saving interests. In love, they are faithful and affectionate partners, adhere to family values \u200b\u200band most appreciate honesty and frankness.

Interesting fact: The best partners for pigs are people born in the year of the goat, tiger and rabbit. But with monkeys and snakes it is very difficult for them to establish both friendly and partner and love connections.

And finally, there are some more important points that it is worth considering the pigs:

  • This sign is 2, 5 and 8, as well as all the numbers in which they are contained. But figures 1 and 7 can bring a pig in misfortune;
  • Are you planning an important thing? Then boldly choose the 17th and 24 number of any month;
  • The colors of this sign are hydrangea and daisy;
  • Shades that pigs are better to have in the wardrobe or surrounding the interior - yellow, gray, brown and gold. But red and blue should be avoided;
  • Talismans of the pigs are corals, topazy and lazurites.

Among the famous representatives of the pig's sign, you can mention one of the richest people in the world - Rockefeller, beautiful Cleopatra, artist Mark Shagal, writer Ernest Hemingway, director Woody Allen, as well as actors and actresses Alena Delon, Mil Cunis and Jared Summer.

We have already mentioned that the dominant elements of 2019 will be the Earth, which in Chinese sages are associated with inviolability, constancy, fertility and chastity. It is quite natural that the yellow pig having a solid soil under his feet has additional characteristics in the form of punctuality, a realistic look at things, common sense, analytical thinking, as well as a stunning skill of everything from all benefit.

Earthhood element will contribute to the appearance of material benefits in your life

Any totem interacting with the Earth receives additional insight, and the rational mindset and the methodological approach to cases makes it possible to successfully move towards the intended goals. People born in the years of earth are distinguished by a restrained temper, sharp bursts of emotions are not their feature, but an unhealthy excitement and frivolity sim simply do not know.

Earth - Elements of creation, which has an explicit binding to material benefits. That is why the Earthen Pierny is important to receive remuneration for the works, well eat and surround oneself comfort. However, all the benefits of the pig gets not just like that. The Earth gives her the opportunity to work diligently, emphasizes the practicality and ability to relate risk and benefits. Representatives of this element never chase the cranes if they already have a blue in her hand. But there are "earthy" personalities and a negative trait - excessive teeth. Sometimes they can assure in their own infallibility and righteousness.

Interesting fact: most best time For earthy pigs - this is the end of summer and the beginning of autumn, when nature is inappropriate in the rays of the Sun, the heat has already slept, and the cold has not come yet.

Main colors of 2019

Of course, the tongue of pigs depends largely on the color characteristics of the year. We have already said that the pig of 2019 will have a yellow color, and this is a color that the eastern wise men means constancy and the mind multiplied by experience. If you deepen in the Mythology of China, you can find out that yellow is a color that means the center of our world, and it is in it that the imperial dragon is painted.

The color of 2019 is persistence, stability and success, so it is perfectly combined with the elements of the Earth, strengthening its best sides. On the annual color also acts a beneficial, making it a sensitive and faithful family man, guaranteeing her a light temper and its own point of view. Yellow tone - This is a great mood and wealth. He gives up beauty and life forces, because it is not for nothing that the color of the earthly shine. It is light and warm, like the sun, warming and charging with a positive even in motley days.

Yellow helps a pig to create, in might and by stimulating her potential. By the way, it is not surprising that many ingenious artists, writers, musicians and poets of past years have given preference to preference. For example, according to Goethe, yellow glass is a salvation for cloudy days, because the world becomes more painful, the soul want to sing enthusiastically, and it is much easier to beat the heart.

The color of the Sun will make the coming year truly joyful and optimistic

Supports Chinese wise men and psychology, because the yellow environment helps us look optimistic for the world. Science, called chromotherapy, prescribes to look at yellow items and wear this tone to stimulate brain processes, normalize the function of the liver, stomach and bladder. One more adherents of yellow - physiologists that are recommended to eat melons, bananas and lemons, barely feeling the approach of the Handra.

However, there are yellow shades and their negative features. For example, Asian peoples relate them to Mourning, and in Europe Europe, it is often associated with jealousy. So it is not worth remarking with the color of the year - in the unreared number it is alarming and increases irritability.

Supporting colors of 2019

  • Brown. This color corresponds to the elements of the year (land) and means stability, solid soil under the legs, common sense and fertility. Such a color is suitable for practical people who are not alien to life of life in their very simple manifestation, because great sleep, delicious food and high-quality clothing are important for each of us. Brown tones are very comfortable, they lead to a state of rest and allow you to feel safe. It is not surprising that they love wealthy, leaning and solid people. Chinese wise men say that if you need to improve health and strengthen links with relatives, use this color in the eastern sector of housing. From the point of view of physiologists, he is beneficial for the human bone system, but if you overdo it with it, you can feel the attacks of melancholic moods and become a more clamped person;
  • Warm orange. Very harmonious color, in which the heat of the yellow spectrum is also supported by the energetics of red tones. Feng Shui experts argue that orange shades make us vigorously and more vigorously, prolong our youth and support excellent health. Psychology specialists say that these tones are responsible for enthusiasm and inspiration. By the way, these characteristics are perfectly suitable for the nature of the pig. Physiologists are known that orange shades well affect the work of the spleen, light and vascular system, and chromotherapists recommend to eat from orange dishes those who have a problem with appetite. However, everywhere you need to observe the measure - surplus orange can provoke you to risky actions that go beyond reasonable behavior;
  • Gold. Naturally, this color is immediately associated with wealth and joy, so specialists are advised to put a small statuette in the western housing (in 2019 it should be) a gold tone. By the way, this is also one of fashionable flowers 2019, so Metallic in clothes will help not only to attract the favor of the pig, but also to respond to Fashion trend. The Chinese say that gold is responsible for talents, experience and wisdom, and psychologists argue that such clothes gives us decisiveness and activates the brain. But if you get to the head to the heads to the gold fabric, you can become a person who has a pride of the mind.

Additionally in 2019 it is possible to use a soft ocher, fashionable hacks, shaffle and olive tones. Well, for pigs, as already mentioned above, a black color is recommended that answers this animal. By the way, on Totem 2019 yellow It is particularly well reflected - such a pig enjoys the increased popularity of others, successful at the opposite sex, diligently and worn, can fantasize and inspire, but is able to include the analytical part of his mind to carry out accurate calculations.

What will be the year of the yellow earthen pig?

By connecting all the information about the Totem of 2019, it can be said that the fate of the future calendar period depends largely on the wisdom of world rulers. The pig will inform them honesty and direct, and also gives common sense to be able to bring their countries to the state of political and economic equilibrium. The world will become calmer, because the pig is distinguished by peaceful. Conflicts will finally subsigh down, coming out of the stage of military clashes.

In 2019, conflicts finally calm down, and the world will reign on Earth

Yellow pig promises agriculture prosperity, and land is a rich harvest. Pig is perfectly related to everything alive, so this year the cataclysms, destructive natural phenomena or mass epidemics are not threatened. The new totem can empathize, loves peace and peace. It is possible that the economic situation in most countries will gradually improve, significantly increasing the quality of the life of citizens exhausted by the crisis.

The basis of any of your actions should be intellectuality and originality of thinking. The creative personalities of the pig gives many chances that will turn their undertaking in the accomplishment of a dream. Moreover - you still expect financial welfare! Totem year perfectly understands that without money you can not create comfortable conditions for life. Saving all profits in the Cuba is a bad idea, as the pig loves to kut and enjoy the joys of life. However, just so with the sky will not fall anything. Pig will reward only conscientious and honest hard labor.

Pigs tolerant and favors those who wish to find out how people live in other countries and other continents. Boldly buy tickets and plan the most exotic trips! As for other aspects, 2019 will be aimed at forming a family. The pig listens to the eldest and does not think of himself without offspring, and the ability to show yourself with best side And to show empathy attracts many new people to the pigs. Most likely, 2019 will be held for you under the sign of expanding the circle of communication.

Nevertheless, in the year of the yellow pig you need to be able to keep yourself in your hands. Sometimes the pig is prone to fatalism, but its open and easy temper will help you not pay attention to difficulties. Recall once again that 2019 will complete a 12-year calendar cycle, so get ready to sum up. Pig will give the opportunity to finally resolve disputes, finish projects, reconcile with hostile relatives and complete the court cases. It is worth using the case and carefully plan all that you would like to do to enter the new calendar cycle completely updated.

Interesting fact: 2019 will become incredibly successful for many pigs, rats, tigers, rabbits, horses, dragons and monkeys. Another signs will be more difficult to conquer the sympathy of the totem.

How to attract good luck in 2019?

Try to drop the 2019 symbol to achieve real heights!

Want to attract the yellow earthen pig to your side? Then use a pair of simple tips!

  • So as not to upset the pig New Year Be sure to organize a family in a circle, or at least for a couple of hours to visit close relatives on the night of December 31 to January 1;
  • Stick the main color Recommendations When choosing clothes for the holiday. And better, at all, review the wardrobe, having filled for every season at least one thing is the main or maintenance tones (yellow, orange, brown or golden);
  • Be sure to prepare a varied table, full of greenery, mushrooms, meat, sweets, vegetables and cheeses - dishes can be anyhow, but in new Year's Eve It is worth avoiding pork;
  • The pig loves everything natural, so you don't have to wise with hairstyle, makeup and decorations all year. Earth elements allows wearing gold and silver, natural stonesextracted from the subsoil, as well as a tree;
  • Do not forget to buy or amulet for home - a small pig;

It seemed that only recently we celebrated 2018 and built ambitious plans, and the first autumn cold recall that the winter, Bengal lights and new achievements are waiting for us.

It is too early to sum up the year of the year of the yellow earthen dog, but to look around, which promises to us the 2019th - the year of the yellow earthen pig, you can already right now. Spoiler: No piggy!


Before the supercharged authentic, all doors will be opened next year - just take and do. Good luck will accompany not only the working sphere, but also in personal life, so that it will be difficult for him to break.

However, this does not mean that it is time to relax. As soon as all attention goes to work, problems with the second half may arise. Activity, perseverance, balance - three components that will make the next year truly happy.


Stars promise to the calm incredibly energetic year. Representatives of this sign will not only work a lot, but also walk to fall. Relax once! Despite all this, the Taurus can plunge into depression with his head. Remember that common sense, calcality and the cold mind will help to get out of any situation.

Lonely calves have a high chance of meeting the soul mate, and family-owned can be expecting replenishment. The main thing is not to forget in the confusion to leave the time for the most expensive people.


Twins next year promises many interesting meetings and dating. Someone will push new ideas and accomplishments, someone will help to find a long-awaited work or just become love of life.

It cannot be said that it will be time victories, problems may arise in any field. But representatives of this sign will finally learn to think to think to respect themselves and become a little egoists (enough to think about everyone, except for herself).

Cancers per year of pig will feel internal changes. No, they will not notice any friends, nor relatives, only the representatives of the sign will clearly understand them. For the best or not - appreciate yourself.

Next year will be held under the sign of love. Cancers will finally become more confident and will be decided to build serious relationship. But in the work everything will be stable, if you do not give in to risk offers of colleagues.

Lviv will have the opportunity to fully show their leadership skills: Do not rely only on yourself, you can organize a cool team and achieve stunning results.

If everything is fine with work and finance, the situation in personal life is not so unequivocal. If you are in relationships, then you should ask a question: Is it time to refresh them? And if you are alone, then it is difficult to achieve the location of the object of attention. Tip: Learn to listen.


Virgin so get involved in working moments, which will completely take care of health. And in vain. Adhere to the right routine of the day, add a little exercise, then you will have absolutely everything.

Next year, representatives of this sign do not have to do a serious choice: you will throw between good option And very good, which cannot but rejoice. On many people from your surroundings it will be necessary to take a look at a new way: perhaps this is the person you need so much.


Representatives of this sign expects long-awaited peace. In your personal life, you will finally decide to get rid of those who bring only negative, and surround themselves exclusively with light people.

You are waiting for a career growth or a change of workplace. It's time to realize long-standing plans: to learn something new, go to language courses or master what has long wanted. So you get not only new experience and professional growth, but also important acquaintances.


Behind these scorpions only keep watching to follow! Then they will light up a new plan, and they will run it to exercise, then you will need to save the world - they immediately fall into the superman costume and will flee towards adventure. In general, there will be no time to miss.

Next year you are waiting for increased attention from the opposite sex. And if you take care of the usual sharpness, then light, at first sight, the novel can turn into something very serious. If you planned anything important, be something relocation or a big purchase, you can not postpone with the solution!


The year of pig will be very saturated for the shooters. You will spin like a protein in the wheel, but not to avoid: finally your hard work will be rewarded.

In the spring and autumn you can tighten the depression, but you should not succumb to it. All controversial situations will be solved in your favor, and somewhere around the corner will wait for the long-awaited happiness ...

According to Eastern traditions, each year of the Chinese calendar, consisting of 12-year cycles, is tied to a certain animal. 2019 no exception. They will rule the yellow earthen pig (boar). When will 2019th year comes and why will this happen on January 1st? What features of the character dominate those who were born in the year of the pig? What is new and unusual will bring the symbol of 2019: what will please and what will disappoint representatives of other signs?

When will the east calendar of 2019 comes?

So historically it happened that the Chinese have the date of the new year's occurrence differs from our. If in Russia, America and Europe, in general, this is traditionally night from the 31st to the 1st of January, then everything is a little different in the east. According to data that provides chinese calendar, The new year always comes to the new moon falling on zodiacal sign Aquarius. And from year to year this date is changing.

Therefore, the Year of the Pig, whose elements is the Earth, and the color is yellow or brown, will come on February 5, 2019, and will end on January 2420, when the reign of the reinforcement will take a white rat.

General traits of the nature of the yellow earthen pig, symbol 2019

Earthy pig is a very good and friendly animal. Representatives of this sign usually do not ask the councils, but do everything as it prompts a little, which is almost never mistaken. People born in the year of pigs do not know how to risk. Yes they, in principle, it is not necessary, having so positive features Character, among which you want to highlight the following:

  1. Justice.
  2. Sociability and patientity.
  3. Endurance and efficiency.
  4. Loyalty and devotion.
  5. Caution and prudence.

Representatives of this sign are ready to work constantly and diligently. They successfully know how to cope with all the difficulties arising from the goal. But before doing something, the pigs will think well, eliminating all possible risks.

Despite the good nature and peace and peaceful pig, it is often stubborn and capricious. Therefore, 2019 for many signs may be very unpredictable. Petukhu and the dog this year will have to fall out. They expect situations and moments that will be not always pleasant. With potential problems with the aim of their permission, these signs will have to cope with all imaginable and unthinkable ways. Bull and Dragon, despite the progress in professional activities, you should care your health.

Tigra, horses and rat may be in financial plan, and love relationship Rabbit and snakes can begin. Goat and monkey are recommended as much time as possible to spend in a circle of friends and loved ones. It will give them more positive emotions And it will not allow falling into the despondency.

But the representatives of their native sign of a pig will never be offended. They are waiting for a stable and profitable year, career growth and a good mood.

The year of pig involves an increase in childbirth and an increase in the number of those who are willing to conclude themselves to marriage.

Pig pig Rotni ...

In each 12-year-old pig cycle, has its own natural element, its color and its character traits. The same animal with the elements inherent in him manages the year only once every sixty years. You can read more about this, viewing the table.

Pig name Years of patronage Characteristics
Yellow Earthwood 1899, 1959 Active, economic and peace-loving
White metallic 1911, 1971 Energetic, fun and friendly
Blue water 1923, 1983 Good, trusting and vulnerable
Green wooden 1935, 1995 Thoughtful, ready for compromise and cooperation
Red fire 1947, 2007 Persistent and stubborn, always achieves success

Next after the year 2019, which will begin to rule the pig, will be the 2031th. It will be the same cute, good-natured and cheerful animal, like now - white metal pig.

Celebrities Born in Pig Year

Incredible perseverance, perseverance and strength of the spirit of people born in the year of pig, makes admire their talents and even worship. Among foreign personalitieswhose names have already become part of world history, it is worth noting the following:

  • Henry Ford
  • Ronald Reagan.
  • Ernest Hemingway
  • Luciano Pavarotti
  • Steven Spielberg
  • Elton John
  • Arnold Schwarzenegger
  • Alain Delon

Domestic talented people will also not graze rear. Here they are, our stars:

  • Fedor Tyutchev
  • German Titov
  • Arkady Rikin
  • Lyudmila Gurchenko
  • Oleg Tabakov
  • Vladimir Vdovichenko

Although not all people born in the year of pig grow successful, famous and intellectually gifted. But most of them, having very superficial knowledge, may be so skillfully "torture noodles on the ears", that the person will believes in their genius and superiority. But at the same time, in the soul, they still remain good and compassionate.

The expression "put a pig" can fully justify itself in 2019. Therefore, its selfishness, quick temper and nervousness is best to fit, because otherwise the full and measured life in this site can not be expected. Although trying to make a new year, you can still be lucky. To do this, you must try to negotiate with a pig, having listed a bit of my principles and requests, and also to start hard worries. Then the path to success will be shorter ...

October 14, 2018

2019 Year - Yellow Earth Pig

2019 year - year of earth (yellow) boar (pig)

When is the year of earth (yellow) pig?

What is the yellow boar (pig)?

Kaban (Pig) - Last Animal eastern horoscope; It completes a 12-year cycle, and therefore carries wisdom. Kaban (Pig) is never in a hurry anywhere; He understands that the material achievements do not mean so much and that real wealth is something that cannot be bought. This is calm, kind and sometimes excessively gullible animal does not tolerate bustle and harsh change, comfort and stability have great importance for boar (pig). The house and family are the highest value for boar (pig), but it is very important that those who are nearby understand and appreciate the sincerity and the gullibility of boar and gave him the opportunity to develop spiritually.

What do we have to wait from the new, 2019 by an earthy (yellow) pig?

2019 is a year of summing up. Pig, being the last animal of the Eastern Horoscope, is life experience, wisdom that is needed to start a new life cycle. Therefore, 2019 - will become the final period of the twelve-year-old cycle. This means that many situations that have emerged twelve years ago are coming to complete. You can easily trace this pattern if you remember that you have started smoothly twelve years ago. Summing up in 2019 Yellow Pig is relevant not only for a person, but also for whole cities, states and for the land as a whole.

2019 will be the year of victories or lesions, satisfaction or disappointment, but one way or another, the result obtained or the very experience of a length of life in length at twelve years is a consequence of our actions, our choice.

What will bring the 2019 year of the pig to other signs of the Eastern Horoscope?

Year of pig for rat:

2019 will bring the rats of new opportunities for the realization of conceived. This is a year of favorable change in many spheres of life born in the year of the rat. Someone will find her love this year, someone will achieve success in business sphere - Anyway, it is only important not to miss a chance to change your destiny.

Year of pig for bull:

2019, most likely, will not bring change in the life of the bull. It is good or bad - it is worthpling; All that is done - for the better. If nothing changes, then the bull still has over what to work, there is something to figure out what to think about

Year of Pig for Tiger:

Tigro in the year of pigs will not have easy; Speed, dexterity and pressure that have previously gave good results, in 2019 will not bring any benefit and can even be an interference in many important areas of life. In order for this not happened, the tiger is better to "play" a pig: a little slowing down, try to lead more dimension

Year of pig for rabbit (cat):

2019 will bring a rabbit (cat) joyful events in love sphere. Only a rabbit (cat) need to be more attentive to others, otherwise you can miss the marks of attention directed in their direction. Year of pig - one of the most fruitful periods for rabbit (cat)

Year of pig for the dragon:

Dragon pig does not like. People born in the year of the dragon can feel psychological discomfort in 2019, since the energies of the course of pigs are very passive for the dragon. It can lead to rapid, chaotic actions, so pig dragons are better not to start new cases

Pig for snake:

Snake in the year of the pig feels not very good. Nothing happens, things are not shifted from the dead point, and it can upset the snake. The absence of enthusiasm makes this year monotonous and boring for a person born in the year of the snake

Year of pig for a horse:

For the horse, the Year of Pigs is one of the most favorable. Happiness is, and in 2019, people born in the year of the horse will be convicted. Especially this year is favorable in order to arrange personal and family life, improve relationships with loved ones

Year of pig for sheep (goats):

2019 - a period when the sheep (goat) can finally achieve the desired goal. Circumstances will favors this. In the family and personal sphere of born in the year sheep (goats) are waiting for pleasant changes

Year of pig for monkey:

2019 - a difficult year for a fussy monkey. The calibration of the pig annoying a monkey; She wants something new, I want to start life anew, risk, and in the year pigs of any and bustle will not bring anything good. If the monkey agree to take a pause for all new beginnings for 2019, she will be able to avoid many troubles

Year of pig for the rooster:

Rooster - an intense animal, but smart enough. Maybe he does not like a lot of pig in the sake of its benefit, he may agree to play according to her rules. The year of pig for a rooster can be both very favorable and vice versa - it all depends on the wisdom of the rooster himself

Year of pig for dogs:

For the dog 2019, the year is generally favorable, although very monotony. In order for the dog to not get rid of finally, she will have to invent entertainment; It is possible to start a new thing, change the work or finally do what the soul is

Year of pig for pig:

2019 is very important for those born in the year of pig. This is the ending and simultaneous beginning of the twelve cycle. This means that a born in the year of Kaban (pigs) will have a lot to work on themselves. This period when you need to sum up the outcome of the outgoing twelve period; finally decide what's need to leave once and forever in the past, and what should be taken with you new life. It is very important not to miss this important moment - 2019 is for boar (pig) the beginning of a new turn in development, the beginning of a new life, which should be taken only what is really important.

2019 for boar (pig) is a chance to send your destiny in the right direction; If you have not decided to start a new thing for a long time, if you did not decide to do what you have a soul - dare! This is your year, this is your lucky ticket. From how you dispose of the opportunities you will provide 2019, your future depends on the next twelve years. Try everything to weigh it in advance, understand what you really want, what purposes really want to achieve.

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