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Charming child scales and its character. How to raise a child with a child? Boy Scales Zodiac Sign Characteristics

by Notes of wild mistress

What are they children-scales?

Most children's scales appreciate the family. They are extremely important a positive atmosphere in the house and good relations between households. Any family conflict is very wounded, they will close themselves, and suffer greatly, if someone in the family provokes a conflict.

Therefore, parents should create a favorable environment in the house, and if still conflicts have a place to be in this family, you need to do so that the child does not know about it. The weights are extremely necessary that the house in the house is a quiet atmosphere, love reigned, respect, calm.

Scales - zodiac sign, characterized by special modesty. These children are not accustomed to shine before the public, so do not force the child-scales to tell the poems in the presence of guests. It is too painful for him.

Children-scales never stick their nose into adult affairs, do not get involved in conversations, do not interrupt. Scales are born already educated and even with some inner aristocracy. Scales are practically no capricious, and if it happens that the child decided to shook, hence it is a weighty cause.

Baby-scales need a long rest. Sleep well restores their spiritual and physical forces, although this child cannot be called too active. Such a baby prefers calm, intellectual games, so it is unlikely to be an active sport or dancing.

Do not strive to force the child-scales to do what, in your opinion, it would be very successful for him. Give your child to choose your own lesson in the shower. Since the scales are still creative personality, they will not sit without a case.

Scales since childhood are very economic and pedantical. They will not scatter their toys. In general, they are afraid, and it is unlikely to break their toys and things or inactively handle them.

And the girls, and the boys will be interested in cooking food - out of weights are excellent cooks. If the child has volunteered to help you, do not forbid it to do it. Let learn to cut vegetables, wash the dishes. It is only his joy.

In children's scales, artistic taste is well developed, they are also painting drawing, sewing clothes, photo art.

As the scales - the delicate personality, the boys will more strive for mom than to the dad with his male affairs. Although the dad will definitely need to take part in the upbringing, and teach the boy to male work. Everything will come in handy in life.

Parental tenderness and caressing children are especially important for children, they love them more often that you love them, because these children always doubt themselves in their appeal. It is almost impossible to break this sign of the zodiac.

Scales and school

Studying children-scales is also easy. True, some scales are bigger to the humanitarian sciences, others - to exact. Therefore, in the future they can become excellent economists, and magnificent writers or psychologists.

As a rule, the weights always have an even voice timbre, they are not accustomed to raising the tone. They are not too emotional, humble enough, and, nevertheless, quite sociable. In kindergartens and at school, they will not experience a shortage of communication. They can even come first and get acquainted with other children.

How to educate baby scales?

Scales are fair. They will never hide something for the benefit of the other. Their motto is "better bitter truth than a sweet lie." Seeing injustice, they will definitely intervene and protect offended. And there is nothing wrong with that, except that they are unlikely, like selfless fighters for justice, they will be able to achieve large career heights.

Weighs are conservative in everything. If you make a children's room for a child, make it in soft, classic tones, without courage. The personal room is a place where the scales rest from the noisy world, the spiritual forces and internal energy are gained.

At an early age, let them listen more lullaby songs, and since 3 years old, teach it to classical music or to New Age music. Such mild music will be favorable to act on the spiritual state of the scales.

Than children scales boast - it is good health - it is given to them from nature. But any health needs support. Astrologers advise parents to give children-scales on swimming or equestrian sports.

Love for animals in the scales is very developed. By the way, if the child-scale brought from the street a homeless kitten or a puppy, do not throw it out, the scales will not be survived. They are very foul. Let the pet lives with you - a caring child-scales will take care and love him.

Everything you need to parents raising the child-scales are true and with love treat them, maintain in all endeavors, be supporting, and never create houses of intense situations. Then the children scales grow successful, confident in themselves and happy.

If your child Aries

Baby Aries Required and energetic, he always gets what he wants. Although the kicker is difficult to call the baby, the cry spies in a couple of minutes, and the newborn gives adults such a smile that even harsh hearts tremble from happiness.

It is impossible to say that the child of Aries is easy to communicate: he invariably requires attention to his person, already from the diaper he shows ambitions, needs independence. I barely catching sitting straight, he is already trying to crawl, walk and run. Help him with the solution of these physical problems: Drive support when it falls - and you will become a small baby for life. This award is special, because little Aries gives his smiles to many people, but the real dedication is seized only for the elect.

Although children's horoscope Aries Indicates the activity of the baby, he, like any of us, needs time when you can safely and comfortably get on my knees mom or dad and do not think about anything. But do not build illusions that it will last long! Its active nature can not inactive, try less to restrain the child, let him identify the further plan of classes. However, you can try to limit freedom - the answer will be powerful cries of protest. Do not interfere with the study of the surrounding world, the main thing is that the child is under the supervision, and the sharp, hot or stress items were within the limits of the inaccessible. You should not pull the baby on trifles, leave this tone for cases if Aries really wrong. There is a risk that if you show excessive severity - the baby will clict in itself and starts to spend its "scientific" surveys away from adults.

Aries: First Steps

Probably one of the first words that the little Aries recognize is the word "no". It is possible that it accompanies the child at every step, although he recently rose to his unstable legs. He is simply unable to resist research: open a refrigerator, scatter cubes, drive around the apartment of a cat - Energy from a small Aries at least debug. For him, this is a natural manifestation of interest in life, but shouts and slaps are rendered directly opposite effect, giving him decisiveness. If you encourage a child with a smile and be able to arrange to yourself, do not doubt, he will behave just wonderful.

Next word that learns baby AriesProbably will "why?". Get ready for the mass of questions, from simple - "Why should I sleep?", Up to more complex - "Why the sun shines?". The baby has to know the world, and his curious nature wants to get answers to the questions, and immediately. Overcoming difficulties is his element, the child will persistently go to the goal, falling and stinging countless cones, but at the same time told the "I myself!". The independence of which we have already mentioned sometimes often prevents helping about help, so parents better have it imperceptibly. Believe me, the child will appreciate your caring.

Aries child has already been craving for competitions since childhood, it often develops into aggressiveness, as a small leader dislikes those who are weaker. And yet, under the shell of a coarse baby, a tender heart is hidden, your child will deliberately cause harm. He first treats a crying candy, even if the cause of suffering and lies in it.

Even at an early age, the baby tries to stand out, show that he is best. In any competition, for him, the main thing is to win if you did not come out, it is a serious reason for chagrins. Here the accident is manifested here, because it needs your support so much and the constant assurances that he is the best and can everything. Sometimes the adult seems that the self-confidence of the representatives of this sign does not know the borders, although in essence is just a pronounced desire to like, at that age, even a non-essential remark can seriously hurt.

Aries need a delicate and relaxing communication, it is much easier to show on a good example, as needed to treat people than long and tediously explain and read morality. The living imagination of the baby is useful here, his constant interest in the world around.

Aries and school rules

The children's horoscope Aries testifies that the child born under this sign will be happy to attend school in the event that the class leadership can intercept the leadership. His congenital tendency to this suggests that, most likely, he will not be in the lads with discipline, caprises and laziness follow displeasure. In this case, the child should not scold, it is better to encourage it once again. Acceptance and support, teach adapt and understand others.

The child of Aries is generously gifted by intelligence, he likes to leave behind less capable students, however, his hobbies are replaced by one after another. Try to configure the child to complete the task that he was given, teach the desire to start a hundred affairs at the same time. Sometimes the Aries seems lazy, because interest in one or another lesson quickly disappears, but if you tell him that he gives the position, follows a powerful jerk forward.

Since the representatives of this sign often arises the problem where to give energy, you can hope that he will find an inchnow in sports. Also, many surprises the rich imagination of children: he can narrow for hours about fabulous heroes, powerful titans and wise elves. Aries child often may tear out events, but this is not a reason to blame him in lies. His kindness and decency are complemented by pathological honesty, so if you do not want to get upset, it is better not to ask if this suit go? Well, except that if you are ready to hear honest opinion: "He is terrible."

Employed Aries

Teenagers, born under this sign, are not inclined to chase the crowd and reckon with someone else's opinion, first of all, they feel like personalities, and even then members of the team. These people alone will defend a person's right to their own opinion, but at the same time he does not understand people who cry and complain about life, instead of changing it.

Most of the life of the Aries is an attempt to find yourself, he will try himself in different fields of activity, but it should be immediately noted that very few love scientific research and accurate calculations. Over time, Aries will learn how to smooth out his impatient temper, but still continue to go through the intended path. Irritability, sharp change of mood, slamming door and demonstrative care - all this is inevitable, if you have a child of Aries in your house, who fights for his own independence. Fortunately, his anger also disappears quickly as grass in the sun, and on his face, instead of an angry mask, a shining smile appears.

If your baby is Taurus

Your child Tauruscrane and full of love. It will only claim if it is hungry or something frightened, but still, it feels more comfortable if someone is in the room. He is leisurely studying a new one, such a huge world, because he is awaiting stunning sensations. There are so many items that so much like to touch, try to tooth or squeeze in the handle. Oddly enough, a steel will is hidden for soft appearance, which will certainly manifest themselves if you make the kid do what he does not like. The radiant smile disappears as quickly as it appeared, but the stubborn legendary temper begins to show himself already in infancy. Little Taurus It will be stubbornly spinning the unloved fruit puree until it receives what he will have to taste, and he can also roar into the whole voice until you bring it out of the bathroom if there is no appropriate mood on the bathing. Typical technique: not to pay attention, it will not work either, the screams will be much more. But you can achieve a lot, most importantly - show care and patience.

Children's horoscope Taurus It confirms that such kids need encouragement: it does not matter whether these are the first steps or the first mark in school - parents must pay attention to their events. Taurus rejoice even to minor progress, it is difficult for them to cope with different changes. In his home, the child will be happy to see new people, however, when he is going to walk, be sure to take his favorite toy, as they say, to support.

His life consists of familiar things, such a child is especially sensitive to inconveniences. Little Taurus will not calmly play or lie in wet diapers. Not too, he loves and exercise, energetic games will quickly get bored, but the arms of the mother is the best medicine and a safe harbor.

Taurus: First Steps

As soon as little Taurus Start to make his first steps, prepare for the demonstration of the famous stubbornness: protests and tops with legs may arise according to any occasion. Child Taurus can stubborn if you are trying to wear an unloved suit on him. It is angry if your favorite designer or leg has lost persistently, it does not want to get into the shoe. Keep tranquility and do not waste time on explanations, it is better to calm the child, once again hug and stick, and then decisively offer a permissible alternative. Many Taurons have a desire to bargain in the blood, so that any proposals will be considered.

Child Taurus Requires sweet before dinner - give him a piece of apple or cherry, refuses to return to the room - offer to drive there on your car or horse. If you started teaching the baby something important, for example, to pass to the pot, remember, the calves are materialists, so the method of awards and promotions is best suited, however, a lot will have to praise.

Try to fulfill your promises, even a little baby Taurus will keep offense for you for a long time if you promised to take it into the park and forgotten. Born under this sign are very attached to the house, the kids are often wary of unfamiliar children, but it quickly passes. Little TVs feel calm and cozy in a circle of people who are well acquainted, the child's vigorous games will prefer digging in a sandbox or drawing.

Laziness from this sign can manifest itself in childhood, so try to take it with exercises. The main thing is that in them there is no spirit of rivalry, the calves by nature are a bit inert and are not prone to leadership, the best option will be swimming or hiking. But with the nutritional nutrition, you should not have any problems, representatives of this sign do not suffer from the lack of appetite. On the contrary, the Child Taurus may be offended if it seems in your intention to feed it with an excess piece of cake, hint that he needs to hurry.

It has been developed in children and self-esteem: he can coal the enemy in a child who will try to take his candy and even in parents who have taken his toy without demand to just wash. Child Taurus needs a feeling of security much more than other signs, so moving to a new apartment or a divorce of parents may be a real psychological trauma. To restore trusting relationships, adults will have to make a lot of effort.

Tales and school rules

If we talk about school slogans, then the Child Taurus is likely to call the phrase "slowly, but surely", it is not better reflecting his character. The educational process of such a baby is not in a burden, in concentration and the deficiencies will not be lacking, and its duplicate character and calm will make him pets from teachers. Despite the fact that such children do not grab everything on the fly, and they remember slower than some, if the information has fallen in the Taurus head, it will remain there forever. Such children do not like long conversations or boring stories, so the academic teaching technique will soon bother the child, another thing is excursions and practical classes. Often, representatives of this sign attracts culture and music, but even if some item does not enter the discharge of loved ones, the little Taurus will show itself a diligent and diligent student.

Children's horoscope Taurus It testifies that he born under this sign is not borrowing and common sense, so that in any company it will look authoritatively. Many calves tend to dream, but this is the opposite is useful for the harmonious development of the personality, but personal alarms kids strive to hide into the depths of the soul. From time to time, your child may seem silent and immersed in himself, is not amenable to persuasion and beliefs, in these moments it is especially injured and vulnerable. It's time to assist him and support. Many children are hard to understand why the world does not live on those rules for which a little taurus lives. You must convince him that disappointment is the same attribute of life as joys, and, despite all his mistakes, you love him as it is.

Employing Tales

For youthful age, the irritability of Tales often goes to "no", although such children are still exchanged for a couple of faithful friends. Tales love walks, they are weathered and are well brought up, even among adults are capable of holding out equal. Even baby Taurus is a reliable friend, smart and thoughtful interlocutor. The great importance of adolescents, born under this sign, give their own appearance. Get ready for the fact that the kidneys in the bathroom will break from creams and gels, but in clothing the shoulders try to show originality. Do not think to try to bring him as an example of other children, the calves do not forgive it.

Confidence of this sign can be conquered, only providing support and showing feelings. Tales are always ready to come to the rescue, but will demand from friends of one hundred percent return. Most often, about this sign responds as about reasonable and reliable people. If he loves someone, he will be faithful and will try to do everything so that this man be comfortable with him.

If your childTwins

Like most aerial signs, child twin Actively thinks and seeks to embody his ideas and expectations. Already with young nails, it is necessary to provide mental stimulation to such children that it is necessary to develop and harden an inquisitive mind. Such kids are sociable from nature, showing at least good interest in the world around, will be incessantly falling asleep with questions and accumulate information that is useful in communication.

Children's horoscope twins"It is an opportunity to familiarize yourself with the tactics of your baby's behavior and at least about knowing what to expect from his fidget. Representatives of this sign show non-serve talents, one of which is an outstanding ability to make several cases at once. For twins it is not difficult to distribute your attention, perhaps, the influence of the sign of the sign influenced this ability: one thing is simply not enough for him. This phenomenon can be observed in childhood when small child twin It often can't decide on the choice of classes, grabbing one toy, then another. He is often distracted, but it is worth remembering that even the inability to focus can become useful talent in the future, after all people born under this sign are real generators of ideas.

Gemini rejoice in meetings with new people, even in childhood they are trying to acquire as many new acquaintances as possible, to visit new places. These children are very difficult to be granted to themselves, they are all the time in finding like-minded people. And a very rare phenomenon is a timidity, twins are pretty self-confident that it does not prevent them from acquiring friends and easily find a common language with different categories of people.

Child twinthe smart and smart, but he is also inherent in the feeling of naivety, which becomes his companion in life. Even adults can watch children's qualities, they have no prejudice, they are alien cynicism, the world still seems to be huge and unknown, and get friends for them will not be problems at any stage of life. Often even adults retain some residence and life position inherent in only young children.

Boys twins

Your son Twin is the prototype of Peter Pan, who does not get tired to surprise with its agility and non-standard thinking. He will never get tired of experienceing your patience for strength, child twin - These are permanent leprosy, which simultaneously admire and enraged. They run and say so quickly that adults remain behind - Gemini love when they are trying to catch up.

It is easily given to him and social skills, he easily catches everything that happens around, in the essence of the twins can be called natural imiters if they have a mood, they are able to entertain you for hours. Gemini also attract the attention of people and their wit. Even the most ordinary event in the lips of representatives of this sign will turn into a fascinating journey. The interests of such boys are also very diverse: today it can be football, tomorrow - boxing, and the day after tomorrow is at all the game on the flute.

Born under this sign is difficult to choose something one. Classes where many people are involved, mounted and attract them. If the boy begins to spin in one place, it means that he is bored. Twins are simply not able to quietly, if they do not consider this occupation attractive. Parents in turn should give tasks for their inquisitive mind, because twins are in-innocent researchers.

Girls twins

Representatives of this sign you will enchant an inexhaustible fantasy and the ability to tell stories. Her inquisitive mind helps her to recognize the trick in time or not allow an error. Child twin Draws attention to what is happening at the moment, while other signs are inattentive and dreamed. Your daughter can safely call the collector of the information, because it is interesting for it: from everyday items to global matter. Curiosity girls to the surrounding world never runs out.

The twins are very changeable, this is a dual sign, so many parents believe that two people are simultaneously combined into his daughter, because in an instant she turns out of an angel into the devil, and from a quiet mouse to the irritable pantry. All these qualities are an integral trailer of the twins, so you will never get tired of their leprosy and duality.

Such girls love games that are aimed at the development of thinking, but they will not refuse active games. They are equally developed and physical, and mental inclinations: it can first compose an excellent fairy tale, and then go to conquer the ski slopes. And all this with the same subtlety and grace. Her brain is in constant work, if she doesn't think about it, she in the literal sense suffers from exhaustion and hunger.

Gemini and school rules

Since nature did not sentence the twins in a living mind and ingenuity, study brings them pleasure. It is bad that their thinking begins a negative response to formal ways of learning. Child twin It often cannot focus on the same long, since their thoughts are in areas more interesting than chemical formulas or mathematical equations. Their thoughts are often jumping from one discipline to another, they rarely prefer a specific lesson, because in the world so much interesting. The latitude of interests is not bad at all, because in the future, with proper upbringing, they can become masters for all hands.

Since the twins easily remember the information, the parents often create an illusion that they are perfectly learning, in fact children's horoscope twinspecifies to their superficiality. Such children often catch a pair of rows here and there, but really focus hard. Domestic tasks and preparation for exams and tests are not considered not your favorite work, the twins often do not see the meaning in monotonous work. But soon they will coordinate with their abilities and learn to disclaim the teachers and parents without much effort.

Twins play

Child twinvery soon will show parents what a dual character is. Adults will have to make a lot of effort to choose your child an interesting occupation, because if the twin comes comes, the trouble will have to reap in a double size. This sign cannot imagine your life without communicating with people, to entertain himself - it's not for him, he will immediately go in search of the company.

Gemini are surprisingly prompt, but the spirit of rivalry is alien to this sign, so if they succeed in sports, then only thanks to their own abilities. He is fully suitable for the motto "Victory is not the main thing, and most importantly - participation." Gemini - Creative people, of course, patience is sometimes not enough, so routine activities are used for less energetic signs. Born under this sign amazingly inquisitive and witty, their inquisitive and living mind helps to overtake rivals in logical games and makes it possible to find their place in any circle of students.

If your baby cancer

Child Cancer Very emotional: parents will go to the porovna tears and smiles, because the Moon is managed by cancer, which recognizes only live emotions. If parents are able to conquer the confidence of the newborn cancer, then in response will receive sincere love and devotion. The kid should feel protected, sometimes it seems that he understands everything you say, you just don't know how to express. Cancers are careful, they do not rush to know the world around, avoiding making mistakes. Do not know howling baby cancer And to hide your feelings and emotions, it is worth looking into his eyes - and everything he is experiencing in this minute turns out to be on the palm. From the very beginning baby cancer It understands that the adhesions of the parents are a safe harbor, so he does not like too much when he is left to the care of grandparents or people whom he does not know too well.

In school, we need a consistent approach, you should not hurry the baby, let its development goes naturally. Do not force him to run if he barely learned to walk. If you move to a new place or guests come to you, give the baby time to get used to and find confidence, it will very soon begin to smile with new persons, but at the same time it must firmly know that you are near.

Baby cancerit is not indifferent to everything that affects his feelings: tasty smelling food, bright pictures, soft toys that can awaken his imagination. But most of all the water element is attracted: and it is not only a sea or river, but even a bath or ordinary pelvis with water. Here he feels in his plate, so the swimming pool for infants is what is needed for the beneficial development of small cancer.

Cracks: First Steps

Children's horoscope cancerit suggests that the kid who begins to study this world is very similar to the ocean: with tides, bets, changed mood. The baby is inconsistent, however, if you take action, a bad mood can be avoided. Do not forget to give your child tenderness and affection, remember, the fact that he is calm is not a guarantee of happiness, conflicting emotions may hide behind it.

Baby cancerwill not tolerate excess guardians, perceiving it as an additional restriction of freedom, in addition, the child will not learn how to make decisions on his own and keep the answer for them. It is not necessary to get involved in criticism, you risk turning the baby in a capricious and closed child, the relationship should be even, parents should carefully monitor changes in the mood of a small cancer and delivering it from the fears and doubt on time.

Already the racks of cancers show a feeling of caringness, even to toys he can treat as if it is his own children. Girls canceli will become excellent assistants mom, if, of course, they will allow them. So children are vital to feel their usefulness and significance, the ability to assist, because it gives them a feeling of inner harmony. Children's horoscope cancer It indicates that this sign is very devoted to the house and family, will do everything possible so that his relatives felt like their loved ones and necessary. Small cancers detect special attachment to parents, especially to the mother.

It is especially important that the child develops as a person, and not sought to imitate adults. Make sure that he managed to establish contacts with friends and other family members - dad, grandparents, relatives. Try to upbringing children of crayfish several people, because the source of criticism or an example for imitation should be not one person. Sometimes the cancers need to vaccinate egoism, in reasonable limits, of course. Such children sometimes naive and unpervently, because they simply do not want to take life with all its problems and obstacles. Little cancers often demonstrate an outstanding sense of humor, but to teach to cope with difficulties - the main task of the parents.

Child Cancer and school rules

So the school time came - this means that young crayfish in full swing fantasy: they compose stories, come up with their own heroes. A loved one can be a mother-mother's daughter in a little cancer, they are very tied to the house, they develop their feelings of family and responsibility early. The kids born under this sign are very stuffing, often fond of collecting. Many children will fight for the last to fight for the candy belonging to him with a subsidement on the desk, teach him not to keep a dead grip for things. Later, he realizes that it is not the end of the world to part with an unnecessary thing.

It is unlikely to crowd around him around him, rather it will be a para-triple of reliable friends. At school baby cancer It makes the impression of a shy person, so if he will make friends with someone - it's for a long time. For a small representative of this sign, traditional education is not in a burden, it is calm and balanced, does not break into leaders. It will be better if a calm company gathered around him, otherwise he will not get the opportunity to declare himself.

To overcome the difficulties, the small cancer will need your help, but to explain better not to reading lectures or notation, but a personal example. Cancers have a very good memory, but they most often like those subjects that are able to awaken imagination or affect feelings. Baby cancer Will not ask hundreds of questions, he, like a sponge, absorbs what he is given.

Mortal Cracks

Children's horoscope cancerit suggests that in childhood this sign is hypersensitive to insults and ridicule, so the true identity of cancer is manifested in the youthful age when he is able to realize himself. Even if at school he did not become the first in class, do not worry, it is likely that the higher education will be given to him much easier. To this age, the canceli is less irritable and offended, they learn to cope with the change of sentiment. Employees of them turn out stubborn and hardworking, but they, as before, need support and praise.

Leave a rough criticism for other signs, teenagers crayfish will experience your patience more than once and not two. Baby cancer It often seems vulnerable and changeable in kind, but a strong character and steel will may be discovered behind this shell.

If your child is lion

Child Lev.must shine, because they control the sun. Even young children born under this sign, like being in the spotlight. Also, the sun is closely connected with the psychological ego, so it is very important that Lev understands himself and could embody his ideas. Representatives of this sign have inexhaustible optimism and vitality that will accompany him all their life.

Children's horoscope Lev.suggests that people born under this sign are creative. Everything they do should be with a highlight, they seek to get praise or just the attention of others want their work to be highly rated. The lion needs a lot in society, he needs to be proud of and admired, and if he causes the surrounding even indifference, he feels unworthy. Do not limit the child, let him manifest his creative abilities, because in the future they will become his style.

Lions - recognized managers, they love to indicate others, how to do this or that work, however, to imitate anyone such people will not be. No wonder the lion is the king of beasts, so some impertness and some degree despotism, they are quite characteristic. Even in early childhood child Lev. It is waiting that attention will be taken to him and care, it is already beginning to radiate authority and dignity that cannot but attract attention. Baby, born under this sign, do not like to be on the second roles, they crave confessions, and their energy beats through the edge.

Since representatives of this sign are not indifferent to the fact that they are indispensable, they generously return this gift, helping people feel special and significant. In the presence of Leo, people feel good because it is hidden life force and powerful magnetic energy.

Boys lions

All boys love to shake, and child Lev. - not an exception. The playful lion firm is very nice, so sometimes parents forget that you need to be not only kind and soft, but also strict. Their task is to help the lion cope with their strength and send it not to destruction, but on the creation. Sometimes the baby can give such a thing that you want to feel like a tamer of Lviv, especially in the midst of domestic battles, but as soon as a smile appears on the face of a small predator - consider that you lost the battle.

If the boy of the Lero occurs in the head, which is not attentively close to him, and for representatives of this sign it is equivalent to neglect, he will do everything possible so that you notice it. Lions are experiencing a subconscious desire to shine, become a subject of admiration, which is why they make a lot of effort to easily take possession of the audience. Child Lev. He considers the life of the Arena, where he must definitely become a nationwide beloved. Little lionok who is forced to live in the shade suffers from a lack of attention when he matures, becomes more demanding to himself and others.

Lions boys often need actions that will help to release steam. They are not indifferent to challenges, they are not alien to the spirit of rivalry and leadership. Often the natural desire for dominance becomes an excessive power.

Girls lions

If the role of the defender and the king is assigned, then the lionesses are the role of the queen. The daughter of a lioness is very easy to spoil, it rejoices when all her whims and whims are performed, it becomes more powerful and strives for further victories. If some event is not like an event, and she is given to understand that she is nothing more than a person, the lioness can close to himself for a long time. But for a long time to frown it is not for the power, wait a little - and the sun looks back from the clouds again.

Child is very sensitive to praise, for the daughter-representative of this sign, it is water, thanks to which the magnificent rose will bloom. If, in childhood, the lionis was launched warm and affection, then in the following years, their closure and timidity will play a bad joke. Under the mask of timidity is deeply stubbornly stubbornly, they are forced to restrain themselves, and feel unsubstantiated. In order for such a child to believe in Himself, you need to support it and show that you love it, regardless of the shortcomings and mistakes that he makes.

Girls lioness are unusually energetic, their spontaneous flashes of fun make the world more cheerful. In the family, they often assigned the role of princesses: proud, but at the same time touching gentle. If the lions demonstrate your attachment to you, then they really take the main place in their hearts.

Children Lions and School Rules

Lions can be successful in any sphere, if only it was possible to show themselves. It can be drawing, sports, music, dancing - all areas where talents can be appreciated. Child lion Finding that some kind of item does not like it, quickly retreats before making a lot of effort. Lions tend or become leaders, or do not risk at all and not to take for this ungrateful matter.

Children's horoscope confirms that in school leadership is not alien to such children. Character strength, openness and friendliness - this is what attracts other children. The lion loves to be in the most thicker of events, although in time it can acquire some kind of patronage manners. This means that, that would not happen, the choice will do, without listening to others. Parents need to be explained by the child that you need to be fair, listen to the opinion of comrades and make decisions together.

If you want to child Lev. Showing the best results, do not skimp on praise. Even at school, if the teachers are not inclined to recognize their talents, such children will either try to express themselves, or they will throw this subject at all.

Children lions for playing

The imagination of Lviv remains only to envy: their world of fantasy is sisite with heroes, monsters and fights. Little lions are not indifferent to fairy tales, sometimes they even adopt the manners of the behavior of the favorite heroes. Representatives of this sign are simply vital to exercise their creative abilities, they need self-expression. What you need to assist are in self-knowledge, they are able to fully dive into a particular case, the creative process captures them completely.

If your child Virgo

The first thing you see is a smile of a newborn Virgin, but remember that they are extremely sensitive to domestic inconveniences: not in time changed diapers or forgotten feeding - and resentment cannot be avoided. In addition, such children are eagerly waiting for the constant evidence of your love and affection.

Soothe the little virgin is very easy - enough of several gentle words and fleeting caress, often representatives of this sign are insecure, so they have to constantly come in this. Even a small criticism hurts her so that she again gave you her smile, it takes a lot of praise and apology. It is affection to make your baby more sociable and gentle, although he is unlikely to ask himself. Baby Deva. Often experiencing difficulties with feeding, so you will have to go for some tricks and persuasions. Children born under this sign required more time to get used to this complex and unpredictable life. Until you learn how to deal with your children's desires, get ready for screams. But, if all household amenities are provided, the child will be straight gold.

Little Deva.

Children's horoscope Deva.boldly declares that these children like to know the new one, but for a long time to sit in one place they are not to taste. They are quite wary of the decor 'change, regarding it as a danger. Your approval means a lot, but the reprimand will pay pretty much.

Baby Deva. Grabs everything on the fly, he loves to learn, so be patient, your task is to call every item to indicate the finger of the crumbs. Most of all she likes to sit on your knees and consider entertaining pictures. This child cannot be called a vote: She perceives fairy tales as proper, but the stories about wildlife listens with admiration. With pretty pleasure, such children play logical games, Favorite toys Little Virgo clears nearby, playing in a teacher. Such children love animals very much, so if you suddenly decide to start a puppy or kitten, you have a loyal care assistant.

Virgo cannot live without asking questions, for this sign of the zodiac, this habit may preserve for life. It is interesting for her: how the car is arranged, why the sun comes and why the grass is green. She needs to find sense, understand and lay information in the head. Some Virns are incredibly neat, others - prefer creative mess, however, in it for each thing its place is provided. It is not surprising that no one, besides the hostess or owner, can not understand this mess.

Virgo often become excellent assistants to parents, especially mom. When they grow up, these habits are saved, even if Virgo is more interference than help in the kitchen, do not hurry to put a child out of the door. Often it can be perceived as a signal that she is not needed or not desirable, because such a child wants so much to love and rapitate her diligence. Trying to help you, she wants approval, manifest justice, do not load her work, while other family members enjoy television gears or games on a favorite computer. Baby Deva. He plays a lot, she just needs to know what she deserves rest.

Sometimes it seems to parents that the Virgin is all on the shoulder, however, if a younger brother or sister appears in the family, Virgo becomes sharpening and closed, she needs time to get comfortable with a new social role. You need to talk about the alarms in time, otherwise it can turn into an open confrontation. Play baby Deva.loves with thoughtful and serious children. A lot of pleasure to her / he brings logical games. Parents should more often tell the child that he loves, at any age he just needs your help and support. Even such a little thing as a request to get out of the room when adults are talking, can hurt much if this request is not argued.

Virgin and school rules

First baby Deva. It discovers that she will fit in a school life quite difficult, later she will understand that her flexible energetic mind gives her an indisputable advantage over classmates. But the speeches in the public are a little frighten, it will rehearse every trifle, such anxiety often ends with a headache. Take a child to share your experiences, saying that he worries and oppression.

Many Virgo is often unable to believe in their own exception and stand up for themselves. Your task is to provide timely help. The child should know that mistakes are normal, do not bother to praise, even if something does not come out. Watch for the change of the child's mood, you will immediately understand when you need to come to the rescue. It happens that, putting on his feet, Virgo becomes critical and others. Post for her "sharp tongue", explain that every person has the right to mistakes and failures. Virgo is not from those children who do not find conclusions from mistakes, she loves to do self-confidence and is very critical of himself.

In a meal, such children are pretty picky, but the problem is not worth doing from it. Let the child eats what he likes. Come up with the stimulation system, then the little virgin will gladly go to you towards and eat even unloved borsch or porridge.

Employing Virgin

Children's horoscope claims that adolescents are not distinguished by simple characters, he is changeable as the weather in autumn: he is irritable, then the parents do not grow. Even the most patient parents sometimes go out, but it is worth remembering that such mood changes are also heavy for the child himself. You do not need to count it, in the soul of the Virgin is kindly and not cruel, try to convert the situations into a joke, because in the sense of humor they will not refuse.

Baby Deva.she wants her world to live according to the rules established by her. Even the slightest failure can make a child to lower your hands, encourage it more often, help cope with errors. Often, in adolescence, the Virgin closes in themselves: they are changing interests and values, they begin to avoid the former company, increasingly go to themselves. More often, remind the child that he loved, the smart is generally the best, because you need to know that you are not like that you are an excellent card or an outstanding athlete, but just for what you are.

If your child is scales

Scales: a sign of justice and equality

Child scalesit tries to be judged and justice, but also to themselves will require the same relationship, it is necessary to maintain your own equilibrium. Unlike Aries, which is considered the opposite of this sign, the scales do not seek independence, on the contrary, try to establish trust and even relations with people. From the early years, they simply need a company, it is very important that the scales have learned to appreciate themselves, because it is so easy to lose individuality, imitating other people.

Scales are trying to know the world, live with him in harmony, which is why they are so favorable in communication with other people. At the subconscious level, the desire is laid like, so it is difficult to expect that representatives of this sign move permissible moral norms. They are charming, attentive and raised. Even in childhood child scales He knows how to negotiate with parents without quarrels and scandal, in his future life this diplomatic talent will be useful to them. These are real peacekeepers that are able to achieve such terms of the transaction that would satisfy both parties. From nature, children born under this sign are endowed with judgment, and their unchanging charm opens all the doors.

Internal calm of the scales may disrupt disharmony and urgentness. They always take care of shape and style, because this sign patronizes Venus, the goddess of beauty. Children's horoscope scales He says that at all ages this sign attaches great importance to appearance, but you need to teach children to focus on the inner world of man.

Boys scales

Among all the representatives of the signs of the zodiac, the scales are considered the most obedient. Despite the fact that they are constantly listening to the opinion of other people, you need to pay attention to your own needs and desires, otherwise all your life will have to be placed in the tail, passing forward more successful. It is extremely important to teach a child to defend your opinion, say no.

Child scalesit is under the auspices of the element of air, so often dwells in dreams and Gresses. These are not the children who like active games or burn in the mud, they prefer more relaxed time. Scales are popular in companies, because their charm and primeness plays only the hand.

In childhood, such children cost more often before choosing, they need to learn to give preference to something one. The main problem that can pursue such children all my life is indecision. Blooming a commodity phrase: "I don't care," they have to be content with those options that have chosen others. The task of parents is more often to force the scales to show wishes, no matter what other people think.

Girls scales

Girls born under this sign are aware of their own attractiveness from the cradle, with those who have attracted their attention, they are actively flirting. These charming smiles and calm temple make it a constant family favorite. However, parents need to convey to a child, which is not at all necessary to be kind with everyone, should not constantly suppress negative emotions. Otherwise, the girl brought up in the style of "Painka" will face the problem of identifying anger or will not be able to achieve the desired result.

Child scalesnot a levit, the girl will not climb on trees or play football, but, developing his inquisitive mind, she will soon become a worthy interlocutor even in a male company. It radiates cheerfulness and charm, from the last years she comprehends the art of coquetry. At first it will test the feminine techniques on the father, then - on the buddies on the sandbox.

Scales in adolescence believe that in the world the main thing is love, but girls should be exercised, not always approval is love. In the early years you need to learn how to stand firmly on your own, appreciate yourself. Later, the scales that adapt to other people and demonstrate the priesthood, secretly begin to hate their own knob.

Children Scales and School Rules

Child scalesit has objective and sophisticated thinking, it will not be difficult to compare or process information, and they will not refuse them in logic. Children love to consider both sides of the medal, express their own point of view. Sometimes their cordiality plays a bad role: they understand in advance what the teacher seems from them and provide the desired, although if you dig deeper, it turns out that their knowledge is superficial.

Sometimes these children seem to be lazy, it is not, they simply react otherwise to the problem. They have no sense of competition, so, passing exams, no more excitement will experience a child, but his parents. Problems in school for this sign - a rare phenomenon. They like their lives that submits to certain rules, they are waiting for the same order from the future. Scales can not be called destroyers, the desire dominates in them, they are sociable and not conflict.

Scales play

As indicated children's horoscope scalesRepresentatives of this sign like rich events, they are happy to be in a noisy company, play team games. They love to receive guests, and on their shoulders and the main load is assigned: cooking, invitations, reception. Of course, the soul of the company is a lion and Aries, but the weights tend to create a festive atmosphere.

Back in childhood child scales Shows non-cubized creative abilities, experiences craving for beautiful things, loves nature. In communicating with classmates, they rarely have initiators, rather by the participants, they are unpretentious, therefore they do not require everything to be in accordance with their desires. Perhaps due to non-conflict and sociable character, this child is happy in every home.

If your childScorpio

Child Scorpio, May he recently appeared on the light, already knows how to get the desired: by claims. Of course, it is no longer able to express it to him, but he knows how to masterfully. These children are very curious, in infancy they love to watch adults, and tricky sparkles are shining in their eyes.

With amazing ease, they demonstrate and their attachment, however, first they need to make sure that you are also devoted to him and love him - then in his heart you will take the main place. Scorpions often behave quite reservedly, but this is just a reason to treat them with double care and attention. Child Scorpio Requires respect, there will be no indulgent caress and fleeting games. Since childhood, he used to defend his own rights and even sometimes set the rules.

Children's horoscope Scorpioit claims that the best way to calm the baby will be persuasion and affectionate communication. Even if the child is quite small, he already likes to feel its own significance. Gradually, the incredulusity will change sincere curiosity, and the dissatisfied baby will become cheerful. It is not easy with him, many scorpions are secretive, it is even difficult to believe that such emotions can be buried under calm larva. Pull the baby from the shell will help you for patient beliefs and calm conversations, even if it seems to you that the child does not pay attention to you. The main thing is that he felt a loved one, such children often appear jealousy to younger brothers and sisters, he will hardly fight for your attention. Later, such manifestations can badly affect his character.

Scorpions: First Steps

Although child Scorpio Recently stood on his feet, he is interested in the whole world. For energy and curiosity, things will not become, so get ready to assist in research. He can dig in the ground, lay pebbles, fearlessly try, deeply in a puddle. Since childhood, he likes to sculpt, often he prefers this occupation to even toys.

Be prepared that as soon as your baby learns to speak, he will be in bulk with questions. Sometimes he may experience difficulties with communicating with other children, you need to help him. He does not like when they are commanded, so when you need to do something serious, it is better to spend time on persuasion, rudeness and shouts you will not achieve anything.

Even small child Scorpio Already mighty begins to show his own independence. Sometimes it is necessary to show and rigor, but it must be justified, bring logic to it why you are right. If the child does not understand the punishment, he shifts outrage, can even take revenge on injustice. This sign of the zodiac can be ruthless if he was treated very much.

Scorpio must understand that his life is under control, sometimes the sense of security is something that is so lacking a child. Such children are very tied to the house, they need friendly relations and equality. His debate, and quarrels in the family, he may seem indifferent, but it is only a mask. Be patient, try to establish a trusting relationship with the baby, then he will know what they love him. Such a child does not like secrecy, often he feels the need to stay alone with his thoughts and protect against the outside world, he very sensitively catches the slightest change in the mood of others.

Scorpions and School Rules

Children's horoscope Scorpiohe says that the first school impressions sometimes stun little scorpion. So children need privacy, and in a noisy class it is problematic. At first, he will not participate in unrest and disputes, it is at this turning point that he needs your support. More often listen to your child, find out his attitude to school. Remember, he will not ask you about the support itself, you need to feel his mood and try to figure out together.

The whole life of Scorpio is closely related to emotions, a very rapid burst occurs in school years. He will have hard work: learn to take them under control and hide their feelings. Over time, he will turn out to show only those emotions that he wants you to see, and the rest will still be covered with a darkness. Despite the seeming coldness, such a child needs to praise and approve, only in this case he will start sharing with you the most intimate. Try to listen carefully to him, help cope with fear and doubts that are often visited by his rebellious soul.

Child Scorpioit will not trust unfamiliar, he is very attracted and in choosing friends. Those who do not get to the child will suffer from his attacks and offensive words, but those few to which he is tied will be under his reliable protection. He will come to the rescue, comfort, this baby may be responsive, especially if he knows that in his help you need.

If the selection arises: the company or friend, most likely, the Scorpio will prefer the second option. Sometimes scorpion lacks tacty, it is difficult for him to understand that a friend can have their own plans and interests, the answer to it will be discontent and showing coldness. Scorpion likes self-affirmation, it shows its superiority, and this is not much like many. When the representatives of this sign reach adolescent age, it may be impressed that they do not seek anything. You should explain that nothing is expected from the child and love as it is.

Employing Scorpions

In adolescent scorpions, a real war can flare up with parents, although at any age this sign to them very attached. He eager for equality and wants to become a friend, so requires you to be frank with him. He does not forgive humiliation, condemns people who do not hold words. The fact that he is expensive, Scorpio will defend to the last. He is very eloquent and knows how to convince, but does not tolerate the commander tone. For any change in rules or mains, the scorpion reaction will be violent.

In high school classes, children born under this sign can go into leaders, at least in order to prove to themselves that "I can". When you need, they demonstrate their abilities, know how to impress. To their goal, they are stubbornly, ambition to them abound.

If your childSagittarius

Child Sagittariusregnant: He wants everything and quickly, so it will be difficult for parents to keep track of these fidget. His wide open eyes from the first days with curiosity study the world around him, he seeks to learn more. Award for those who will not regret the effort and time to reveal the next secret of this world with him will be sincere attachment and love of the kid.

The joy of the baby will take bright toys over the bed, it will not be against morning gymnastics or riding on daddy knees. If the child expresses discontent with screams, there will have to hurry, representatives of this sign are not different at all patient. This child needs parental protection, warm and caress, when he lacks this, he will immediately remind himself. Despite the need for parental care, Sagittarius love freedom, and it is better not to interfere with the child to become himself.

Sagittarius: First Steps

Little Sagittarius loves to move, he starts to crawl early, and then with adamant determination, it is trained in lifts to his feet. A small adventure crawler is very important to get freedom of movement as quickly as possible, because then you can do so much. Show attentiveness, because the subject for games can be not only soft toys or cubes, but also TV, parents, hot kettle, and so on. The task of parents is to protect the house so that the kid can explore more space. No need to constantly scream or shouting on a child, it will only suppress his research inclinations, and you will achieve the fact that the child will clict in himself.

Children's horoscope Sagittarius- This is an opportunity to find out what to expect from your tip. And he is capable of much: to deserve a fleeting smile of parents, he is ready to arrange a real idea. He is not a mischief, his behavior does not go beyond the scope of admissible, exceptions can be except for cases when it is bored. Such children love to know something new, so the archers should be more often outside the house. At the same time, they are very attached to the house, these are their support and hope. Agree, happy and responsive baby can grow only in the family where the basis is love and care.

To get closer to learn new people child Sagittarius spends a lot of time. With unfamiliar people in contact, he comes reluctantly, but with buddies - easy. Sagittarius easily and quickly assimilate what they want to teach his parents. I barely start talking, he is already seeking to read and add cubes. It is not indifferent to child films and books with pictures. Thirst for knowledge will serve good service and in the future life of representatives of this sign.

What loves and does not like a child Sagittarius?

The little Sagittarius is eager to communicate, the questions are constantly spinning in his head, but parents should help him become more talkative. True, as soon as he learns to clearly express his thoughts - parents will not stop him. Get ready for a series of questions, because your baby studies this endless world.

Little Sagittarius perceives the house as a playground, he is interested in everything: from the bath with toys to the study of the mother's cabinet. After all, there is a bunch of things in the house that you can get to the glory, often a child attracts friends to this session. He is not the owner, so I will gladly share toys or candy.

What does not like child SagittariusSo it is direct orders, too strict discipline can easily disrupt its external calm. But the guide with humor, the reasoned and made in unobtrusive form, is perceived with joy. A little grown, the Sagittarius exhibit stubbornness, insisting with enviable constancy on its own. An integral feature of the nature of children born under this sign will be perseverance and a sharp sense of justice. Sagittarius does not like to take the case in which he is not strong. Parents should agree in advance with the child so that he honestly say, whether it is in power. Try to give him confidence, convince that there is nothing wrong with to accept the help of loved ones.

Sagittarius is distinguished by a rich imagination and from childhood they love fairy tales. Later, the child even creates its own world inhabited by strange creatures. The main thing is to teach the child to distinguish the fantasy from reality. When he matures, creative thinking and a sharp mind will help a lot in life.

Kids Sagittarius and School Rules

Children's horoscope Sagittariusapproves that representatives of this sign love to learn. The main thing is that the school is a reasonable discipline, and the child could focus on the lessons. At the same time, it easily loses interest in the process if he does not like teachers or color classmate, enthusiasm can quickly fade.

But if child Sagittarius Something interested, believe me, he will show himself. He is capable of hard and focus on great tasks, the main thing is to make sure that he learned the information, and not just grabbed the "tops". Sometimes the child just breaks away from the abundance of interests and ideas, so to complete the case for him - the task is not the lungs, because I want to switch to something new and no less interesting.

Do not forget to praise him for successful studies, but also point to the shortcomings, teach the child to analyze your own actions. Do not let him ignore the causes of our own failures, but it is necessary to do it very tactfully. If the Sagittarius is in a good mood, it all turns out, but as soon as it is beginning to overcome doubts - the dust quickly fades. The emotional sphere of this sign is complicated, it easily hides real feelings for an impenetrable facial expression. Give him to understand that he has close people who he is dear to what it is. To the feelings of other people, the Sagittarius can treat rather rudely, it is not because he wants to harm or offend, rather, these are innate feelings.


Any age child Sagittarius It will persistently defend its own point of view. He is a fond of nature, so it can often change the occupation, in search of the only one who will have to do with the soul. Also quickly change his views, with a teenager-shooter it is difficult to deal with, because you never know what the next time you will "please" your child.

If your child is Capricorn

Back in childhood child Capricorn. Begins to appreciate the time spent with benefit. He early begins to show a serious approach to life, so it is less likely to be carefree and risen. Often it requires attitudes towards himself as equal. This is an earthly sign, so Capricorn is often easily converged with people born under the auspices of the Virgin or Taurus. These people know how to subordinate their lives with a hard schedule, they are easily planning, and they will go slow to goal, but stubbornly. Unlike many, the Capricorns are distinguished by patient, reliability, they often have to make themselves a big responsibility and proudly carry it.

Like any sign, the Capricorn fears are inherent, he is afraid to show his weakness and vulnerability, so it holds back to produce full self-catering and ice calm. Child Capricorn. Rarely shows its emotions, gradually raising the will of the will. Parents need to help the baby be more open, convince him that there are people who should trust their fears and experiences.

Children's horoscope suggests that these signs set themselves serious goals to achieve them, they make a lot of effort. How much time it did not occupy, the stubbornness of this sign is enough. It is also important and the desire for respect and recognition, Capricorn wants to be taken seriously and is ready to apply to this maximum effort.

Boys Capricorn

Often the boys born under this sign want to look older than their peers. They do not advertise the goals and their own abilities. Child Capricorn. It will persistently seek what it wants without excessive hype. Often, the society of the same ages, he prefers an adult company, it more corresponds to his interests and inconsistencies. Capricorn can not be called Painka, but in rolling games or in fight it is rarely involved.

This sign has a very developed ability to plan life, this is a congenital tendency to self-discipline and order, it is important for children to know what and how it should happen. In subsequent years, these qualities will help the adult Capricorn. Trust in people is formed in childhood, if Capricorn has enough communication in the younger years, then in subsequent years he will be able to reveal even more. If, in childhood and his youth, it was pursued by complexes of closed and shyness, then all his life he will spend on compensation for this shortage, removing reliable walls and barriers in which it will be alone.

Capricorn boys will not refuse the logic and prudence, the obstacle can be a thing of the manifestation of these qualities. Most often child Capricorn. Waiting for him to ask him, and not just begins to share ideas and opinions.

Girls Capricorn

Capricorn come to admiration for such qualities as independence, the power of the spirit and self-control. Girls who have emerged under this sign, have already known since childhood, which they want, but do not want others to consider them ramp and not capable of. Child Capricorn. Trying to find his place, often girls are trying to put themselves on equal conditions with men. They are distinguished by courage, purposefulness and endurance.

Girls Capricorn want to be recognized and helpful, you should entrust this child some special work - and she will be proud of what was able to be useful. The girl will not forget to wipe the dust or feed the cat. Everyday matters are not boring for them: they adore learn, acquire new skills and skills. At the same time, Capricorns show excellent results.

Although child Capricorn. It seems sustained and confident, inside it is timid. This is the reason for the increased demands of yourself, they think that they can always make more effort or show the best results. From parents, they expect understanding and support. They must explain to the child that it does not matter to spend so many strength to earn approval.

Capricorn and school rules

Study is a natural environment for the Capricors, they feel like a fish in the water. Capricorn loves accurate regulations and rules, besides him, he is not alien to the spirit of rivalry, it is a wonderful chance to show yourself and show your abilities. The highest assessment on the exam, the Gold Medal - these are the specific achievements that are necessary to Capricorn.

Capricorna is alien to militancy, malicious violation of the rules - this statement does not apply to them. They feed respect to those who have power and rarely go beyond the framework permitted. The main thing is that in childhood parents helped him send energy to achieve goals and work. Child Capricorn. She strives for leadership, he may well be the best student, since he does not take responsibility and seriousness.

Children's horoscope Capricorn.speaks about the practicality of this sign, all the information received, he holds for a long time in memory. To understand the essence of the case, the child takes time. It will be responsible for affairs, Capricorn is not the child who will write an essay in the last minute or solve a change in change before the lesson. Even if the subject is difficult, the baby will show perseverance and will achieve his own.

Capricorn having fun

There is an opinion that Capricorns do not like games, it is not. It's just that one of those signs that do not like an aimless time. Dreams of adventures or new fantasies are not applying to this sign, because he lives in the real world. Its easily fond of business, where you need to apply practical skills - paint the wall or help transplanting flowers.

In childhood and in his youth, Capricorns are detained. If the child was brought up in love, then in his future life it will turn quickly. In childhood, the child often concerns the opinion of adults about his actions. Often he is trying too far to himself, trying to behave "right." Such children are too conscious, therefore, gust and spontaneity - not their lot. Parents of a child born under the sign of Capricorn, you need to show sensitivity, do not forget that your kid is timing and subconsciously wants to please and please.

If your child is aquatic

The freedom-loving nature of the Aquarius go legends. In its development, it does not depend on the ideas and opinions of other people about how he needs to be. Already since childhood baby Aquarius It seeks to be unlike the crowd, although this desire, many consider the tourtyard and the spirit of contradiction. In fact, it is nothing more than the search for your "I". Development of Aquarius is not consistent with any general rules, this child does not look like other children.

As evidenced by our children's horoscope, Aquarius- Aerial sign, it is closely related to thinking: susceptible, rational, intuitive. His thinking process is very rapid, which allows you to draw conclusions instantly, and his heads are illuminated by ideas, like flashes of lightning. Aquarius simply needed space for self-affirmation and development of its originality.

Baby Aquariusvery friendly, he has new acquaintances, and friends from childhood and youth often accompany him all his life. It is not surprising that Aquarius prefers to rotate in teams, circles and clubs, they are looking for comrades who share their interests. He gets acquainted with ease, but always keeps a little removed, in case of what, he always leaves his opportunity to retreat.

A clear routine often causes insurmountable boredom. As soon as the information is stacked in his head, the occupation ceases to be interesting, and Aquarius manites new and unknown. He likes change, experiments, discoveries. It is not indifferent to surprises: they give it energy and make it live, but the routine suppresses such children, becomes causal protests and quarrels.

Boys Aquarius

Baby Aquarius It does not often follow to the advice, especially if they concern how he to do and what to do. Boys vitally need to solve everything alone, look for answers to questions. They have a tortured mind that makes it possible to put all new experiments and experiments, and the logic allows you to easily find answers. Do not hope that you and your son will have a complete coincidence of views, often he comes to the opposite conclusion, as it looks at things on the other side. It is due to its abilities that the fame of inventors revenged.

Rutin is a real trap for the inquisitive mind of a boy, with him you need to always be ready for surprises. Often, a child with such a speed changes the genus of classes and activities that you do not even have time to explicitly respond. Aquarius has a lot of stubbornness and very strong will, they often may refuse to do as it should, because it contradicts their individuality. Baby Aquarius Honoaren, he will not imitate anyone, but from stubbornness can make directly opposite things.

As it should be the air sign, for water, the main thing - reason. They naively believe that every event can be explained logically. In feelings, they recognize with great difficulty, very wounded.

Girls Aquarius

Your daughter requires to be treated as a person, and not a small child. Even at a party, she may refuse to wear a dress just because it is necessary. Later she produces his own style, but the desire to be not like everyone else will remain. Despite the usual restraint, sometimes aquatic can show incredible stubbornness, especially if they affect their interests.

Baby Aquariushe loves society, he is curious and witty. You will not have time to blink with your daughter, as your daughter will already get acquainted with all guests. Girls easily adapt to different situations, they will not be clinging for your skirt, even if it turns out to be among strangers.

Aquarius tend to carefully treat people, although the constant care is rapidly annoying. As long as you allow the girl to be yourself and do not limit her interests, it will be very easy to live with it. It does not require constant attention and does not demonstrate a stubborn character. While she is interested in something, she is happy. Aquarius is inherent in caring and humanity, they sympathize and empathize with other people.

Aquarius and school rules

The patron of Aquarius is considered to be a planet Uranus, it is responsible for intuition, lightning reflexes and inspiration. Your child is destined to become an asterisk at school. Baby Aquarius Very susceptible, but at the same time logical and judicious, he very rarely loses his head and tries to look soberly. At the same time, random activity is a typical phenomenon for them, Aquarius may be interested in one subject and significantly overtake the peers, while another item may not be perceived at all.

The tendency to scientific thinking helps the Aquarius break into their future life. Such people also love to prove their righteousness and defend an opinion, to put forward arguments, fall asleep the interlocutor issues and ulcer comments. They have good memory, but often do not try to delve into the essence of the question, which make mistakes.

Aquarius for playing

As claim children's horoscope, Aquarius Equally strives to companies and loneliness. It can be a soul of the company, but sometimes it seems that it all in itself. So people like to make new acquaintances, and the more, the better. Often, Aquarius seem lonely, although they actually want to preserve their freedom and the right to personal judgment.

Aquarius is very capable of both the sciences and to the wisdom of communication. Some classes can entail them for whole hours. Aquarius is not conservatives, they usually prefer new things to old-fashioned games. People born under this sign attracts space: rockets, cosmic battles, alien civilizations, planet Earth is boring for them. Little aquarities are happy to be recorded in clubs or circles, often collect around themselves the crowd of like-minded people. People are drawn to the Aquarius, they are attracted by originality, non-standard of thinking and friendly temper. Believe me, they are able to surprise: from ordinary things they can build something, so get ready for surprises and surprises.

If your baby is fish

Newborn fish seem to be angelic creatures, so I want to protect them from all the injustices of this world. These children need your affection, encouraging words and assurances in love. Little fish should be protected from noise and loud sounds - only then it will feel calm and cozy. Do not return it to reality too quickly, perhaps your child just noticed.

And yet greenhouse conditions are not at all what it craves child fish. Gradually, you need to acquaint him with this amazing world, the main thing is to make it up to the school. Fish since childhood understand how important the charm's science is. The baby can easily arrange even unfamiliar people to him, but most often hesitated and trying to keep closer to her parents.

Do not insist on communicating if you see that your child is not ready for this. As declared children's horoscope, fish They may seem closed, but very soon they will reveal, and you will see what the potential of warmth and love in them is laid. Let the fish be yourself, then gradually come to her and confidence in our own forces.

Fish baby: first steps

Child fishhe learns to go gradually, the joy of the first steps is better to know in the fresh air, where the grass will rush under their feet or crumbbed the sand. It is not surprising that the representatives of this sign adore the sea, so if you want to give the child a pleasure, take it to the beach. It will run around the wet sand and coastal waves with joyful screams, causing adult smiles.

Fish loves to take pleasure and expensive people, she will try to try to seem in every way. Make sure that she often expressed its emotions and desires. Do not forget to assure the fish that you love her exactly what it is. Fishes are very sensitive to adult mood changes, they will definitely try to console or ascertain. Explain the child that it is not always able to change what is happening with people who surround it, do not adhere to his shoulders too much responsibility.

Fish - individuals are free, so the life on schedule is used for more organized signs. She will only do what she likes, and even then with the appropriate mood. Lask and persuasion will help here, and not shouts and long explanations. Do not customize the child, let it develop in a tempo convenient for it. Do not skimp on praise child fish Very sensitive to promotions. These are creative personalities, they are soul everything: drawing, dancing, books with bright pictures. Fishes are small fantasies, they prefer to be obedient, because they know that in this case they will achieve the desired.

If some troubles occur in life, the fishes are easiest to hide in their little world. It does not need to solve problems, take responsibility. People born under this sign takes more time to finally grow up. They have the most living imagination, such children do not break up with their favorite toys.

With these children, really not easy, any angry word or increased tone - and the fish are frightened, go into yourself. It is likely that in the future, to all please, the child resorts to a flattery or semi-truth. Parents should tend to explain the baby that the truth is the need, and whatever it was, it is better not to hide it. Before school child Fish Often shows the ability to visual art or play on a musical instrument. Support him, it does not matter whether he will be a great musician or artist or art will simply become a way of self-expression.

Fish and school rules

So the school time came. Children's horoscope fish I advises support to give the baby, to help in a difficult moment, even if he does not complain about anything. This kids are great flexible program, they are not too restrained, although they like to learn. They want to be estimated, show their abilities and taming.

Sometimes the representatives of this sign are lost in the choice: either to do so, as you want, or to upset someone. This internal imbalance prevents normally to learn and communicate with classmates. If they are angry, most likely, the fish will suffer silently than standing for himself. Parents should give her to understand that the ability to stand up for itself means a lot.

Child fishit's pleasant in communicating and caring, he has few leadership qualities, but in the company it loves and accept what it is. Study and family are the main reasons for concern. The slightest error can cause pessimism. More often encourage and approve the actions of the child, it is very important for him to evaluate its achievements. If parents do not pay attention to the promotion of the baby at school, he may well blow in herself. The child needs to help focus and reveal their abilities. Teach it to plan work, rejoice with him. If he has needs to realize himself in art - do not hinder. A child who grew up in an atmosphere of mutual understanding and support will be more confident and will show serious success in the future.

Adult fish

This sign is far away to the feelings of other people, they are also feeling friendliness and sympathy. This person is ready to come to help everyone who will ask her about it. Do not expect that child Fish He will fit and talk about troubles and resentment. Sometimes it seems to him that no one will understand it and does not hear. Despite the abundance of friends, often fish are alone, not understanding that friends and their relatives love them very much.

Even adult representatives of this sign often go from experiences in their world. They do not occupy the energies, they want to leave their mark in history, but sometimes there are not enough courage to realize their plans, so the fish need a skill manual. Fish has a very rich imagination, so in relation to the opposite sex, they can easily see what is not. So that your child does not make fools, come to this question tactfully, it may be unobtrusive tips and conversations. These people are very emotional and wounded, although they do not always demonstrate it.

From September 24 to October 23, children are born, the zodiac sign of which scales.

Elements of weights - air, from the planets of the solar system they patronize Venus, favorite color - purple with a blue tint, scales - lapis, opal.

Libra distinguishes such a major character trait as justice.

Children scales are very charming, in childhood they love them, they like everyone, because they are easy to communicate with them, they have a tactful non-conflict character. They are trying to find the Golden Middle in any case. Along with such positive features of the character, the scales are indecisive, it is difficult to choose in difficult situations, their mood can quickly change, they are happy, then they cry. Children scales can give any tips, both friends and adults, are fussing in any occasion and are very worried about solitude.

From the very birth, the scales requires attention. The fact is that they do not like to be in the room alone. Even the baby is important to the presence of a mother or another man with him. When they become older, it is manifested brighter. Children scales have a pleasant appearance, they are right and well folded, have a beautiful posture, often on the cheeks of children you can see snapshots.

As a child, such children it is not necessary to buy bright toys, on the contrary they prefer calm pastel tones. They are soothing quiet pleasant music, and they do not like anything rattle. The nervous system of scales is unstable. They are very worried about conflicts emerging in the family, do not quarrel with them, shout, it adversely affects their health.

The nature of the scales is that he can have fun and immediately start crying. Some little thing can serve as a chagrin for him. The main thing in such a state does not have to move to sleep. It must be calmed and solve all the problems.

If you do not limit the child in watching television gears, it will watch everything in a row, as it does not know how to choose the desired one.

A feature of the scales is the fast fatigue of the body. For schoolchildren, this is especially noticeable, although they have a big striving for knowledge. Children scales are enjoying interested in art, especially music and drawing. It has a beneficial effect on the development of the child. Girls-scales are famous fashionists, they love to dress up in childhood and change outfits with their dolls.

Children-scales try to find friends, love to invite them to themselves and will be happy to go to them, just not to stay at home. Because of this, the problem of not learned lessons and bad estimates in diaries often arises.

Many diseases of children-scales are associated with the nervous system. Against this background, they can manifest headaches, problems with gastrointestinal tract, urinary tract infections. In general, children have moderate viability.

Children scales require increased attention from parents, they cannot without communication. It is necessary to find time for their upbringing and teach children to make the right output and make the right decisions.

Children's horoscope - Choose your zodiac sign
a lion

Child born under sign zodiac scales, often endowed with beauty. He is cute, gentle, good-natured, cheerful. If you caprizes, then quite a bit, and it is caused by external stimuli.

In his room, the color of the walls, the curtains should be soft shades. Quiet and pleasant music, peace quickly restore the mental balance of the kid.

WeighsHowever, silence is needed, smooth relations in the family, love, as well as a long rest. Conflicts in the house are very injured by the psyche of this child. Sometimes it is the main reason for his unhealthy. He himself never provokes quarrels, in disputes there is compromises. He is for harmony in relations and with his peers.

He extends a sense of justice at all. If someone is punished with it, offend, he is experiencing physical pain.

By nature, this Scales baby Very sociable, easy to converge with people, but also does not tolerate large companies, preferring a close circle of friends. He sometimes appears a desire to retire. At such moments, he does not need to interfere, in no case cannot be climbed into the soul. He must be left alone by providing himself.

These children adore order and comfort in the house, so they are mother's assistants since childhood. Periods of activity Scale children Alternate with apathy periods. But this is not too lazy. Scales are so arranged. During peace, they restore their energy supply.

Help parents Weigh-child constantly needed, it must be encouraged to encourage work. It is necessary to make a calm, even voice, and in no case can you rush it. He does not endure the bustle, it is lost before making any decision. Knowing this weakness, parents must teach a child to make decisions and respond only by the outcome of the case, do not blame anyone in case of failure, but failures with optimism.

It is not possible to work out a good taste of this child, as Venus laid a sense of excellent and harmony into it. Since childhood, scales are attentive to their appearance. In girls, this high attention can grow into a complex, and the task of parents is to help their child to overcome the feeling of selflessness associated with this.

Love in life of the scales is of great importance. In the youth of the age, they fall in love very often. But real love comes to them much later. They know how to create an unusual halo around their chosen or chosen. But it is difficult to take the final decision.

In school weighs everything is easily due to the liveliness of their mind. But sometimes they attack the reluctance to overcome difficulties. In their problems associated with study, they are not treated to dedicate parents, so parents need to be attentive and take action on time. Good weighs are given humanitarian items.

They should be focused on professions that are not related to prolonged monotonous work. These children are distinguished by musicality and artistry.

The fully of their abilities are revealed where you can manifest the initiative or your ability to communicate with people. They actively take part in the public life of the class and school.

Physically scales are practically healthy children. But they should be preserved from colds, especially girls. Scales kids Predisposed to diseases in the area of \u200b\u200bthe belt, the pelvic region and the urinary system.

Full horoscope of your child. Astrologer Debbie Frank also describes the qualities of the child to be paid attention to.

The desire to establish relations with other people and knowledge of life through this relationship

As a sign of air, the scales are quite sociable, but in contrast to occupying the opposite position in the zodiacal circle of the Aries, the characteristic quality of which is independence, the scales seek to establish relations with other people. From early years, scales need a company and the ability to experience various types of relationships at a variety of levels. However, it is important that the scales also have learned to appreciate themselves, as they can lose their individuality, adjusting to a variety of people.

Charm, tact and ability to negotiate

The desire of the scales see around the world and harmony makes them be as pleasant as possible in communicating with others. Scales want to like, and therefore borders never crime in their behavior. They are brought up, attentive and charming. Even in childhood, the scales know how to negotiate with their parents, without raising the scandal, and this talent is maintained by weights in future life, they become experienced diplomats who can achieve such a deal that would suit all parties. The scales of nature are endowed with reasonableness, and the charm helps them in life to go along the smooth road.

Love for beauty and elegance, ability to evaluate style

The ugliness violates the inner calm of the scales, which is why they cares about style and shape. The scales managed by the Planet Venus wish the world to be wonderful and concerned about their ability to make a good impression on other people. Therefore, they attach great importance to appearance and try to hide everything that does not deserve attention. It is necessary to encourage scales to focus not only on external manifestations.

Boys scales

Of all the signs of the zodiac scales, probably the most obedient children. But although the weights from birth are destined to adapt, they should not be forgotten about their own desires and needs, otherwise they will have to retreat, missing others. For weights, it is extremely important to learn how to say "no".

Since the scales are an air sign, and therefore, more focused on his own thoughts than anything else. Scales are not from those children who like to mess around in the mud - they do not like to get dirty, besides, they believe that there are much more interesting ways to spend time. Webly like to be in companies, since loneliness they consider very boring pastime - scales prefer to share and time, and pleasure. Of course, charm and stagnation provide weights popularity in society.

As a child, the scales need to encourage the choice. They suffer from indecision and often handle the right to choose to someone else, hiding behind with the words: "I don't care." Wearaces have to be content with the options that others choose, as well as listen to their arguments "for" and "against". Parents should encourage balances to declare their desires, regardless of what other people might think.

Scales girls

Already in the cradle, the scales of the scales of the Koxes with those who attract her attention. Her smile is invariably adorable, she knows how to please others and feels a response love. Parents encourage her to play the role of "cute baby", but if the scales do not understand that they are not obliged to always be kind and causing, they will continue to suppress all negative emotions. Because later, the girl who is accustomed to always be "good" will face the problem of manifestation of anger or will not learn to seek his own.

Scales girl aware of his femininity from the first years of life. Being a ruin is not in her style, but thanks to the inquisitive mind later she is able to compete with men. It radiates charm and begins to exercise in the art of coquetry, jumping around his own father's finger, before choosing as objects of fans from the playground.

Becoming a teenager, the girls-scales are firmly confident that the world is ruled by love, but she should be cautious and not to confuse love with the need to deteid approval. In the early years, it is important for her to learn to appreciate itself and show independence in decisions, since the scales that all their lives are adjusted to others and go on the compromises to "love" their favor, secretly despise themselves.

Scales in school

Scales have sophisticated, objective thinking, the ability to compare and process information. Webly like to consider both sides of the question, and therefore, they are especially successful, writings that need to justify their point of view. Libra strive to prevent their work favorably. However, they know how to disguise with their ability to produce a good impression: the scales understand what the teacher wants, and act accordingly, but it is worth digging deeper, and it becomes clear that their knowledge is often superficial.

Scales sometimes make the impression of lazy people, but it is not. They simply do not want to raise the noise or produce couples, facing the problem. They are not prone to competition, so on the day of passing the exam will not be able to worry about themselves, and their parents will rather.

Weighs rarely have problems at school. They like ordinary life, they want to know what awaits them in the near future. Scales are not destroyed by nature and thanks to respect for power and the desire to like it easily find a common language with teachers and give friends. Weighs may have problems with school jams, but the scales will try to defeat their flattery, and not by force.

Scales for playing

We like to participate in the events, so they prefer command games and communicate with friends with pleasure. As soon as the scales learn to speak, it becomes obvious that they are capable of free to chat with anyone. Obtaining guests, scales take on the main load: invitations, preparation and reception. They will not call their soul of society - the role of the scales will be given to Aries and Lero - but the weights like the very atmosphere of the holiday.

As a child, the scales usually show creative abilities: they like to watch the game of flowers and make beautiful things. Their abilities allow them to be easy to learn to play chess. In communication with friends, scales tend to join games rather than being initiators, - Webly to evaluate the situation and respond, respectively, and not to require everyone to obey their desires. Probably, so this child looks happy and happy and everywhere is a welcome guest.

Dabby Frank.