Repairs Design Furniture

Room design 11 sq m for girl. Little room design (12 m2) with sofa. Little Bedroom in Yellow Tones

Bedroom design 11 square meters. m. - simple and complex ... one in their opinion designers - the smaller the space, the greater the field for all sorts of maneuvers.

It does not matter what is to be - a new 11 square meter. m. or its global transformation, it is necessary to start with the definition of the so-called functional load of the room.

Bedroom or office, baby room - every room with its own characteristics. Accounting for these moments makes bedrooms for staying very comfortable.

Decent options for arranging modern interior design provided a portal:

How to find an idea?

View numerous catalogs that offer ready-made options, Polystay the photo of a bedroom 11 square meters. m. Do not hurry and literally immediately embody what the options are more studied, the easier it is to find the truth.

Perform your sketch - each has its own idea about what kind of sleeping should be. In this issue, assist the program on a PC, because you can see the future room so to speak in the "reality".

An important role belongs to the functionality of the bedroom. As an example, if a sleeping for adults, then it will suit her oriental style. Using the curtains, you can divide the room to the functional zones.

If a sleeping for a child, then you need to choose bright tones, peach, for example, and there should be no bright accents.

Tips, without which it is difficult to create a comfort:

  • No carpets on the wall.
  • On the floor there may be not a very dark carpet, mean thick.
  • The ceiling is neutral, white matte.
  • In a certain style, photo wallpapers can be used.
  • On the walls there can be no bright pattern.
  • It is better to choose a monophonic wallpaper.


Truth in the last instance for very many - the bed, located so to speak Classically, a table by the window ... Many people do not think about the fact that stereotypes can be kept!

The interior of a small place is much easier to transform:

Multifunction tables are used - furniture that performs simultaneously several functions. The transformation mechanism must be reliable.

The rate is made on reflective surfaces. An visual accent is not used in the small room. So, the cabinet, with a sliding panel with mirrors, which is installed opposite the entrance, visually expands the space.

Cabinet and bed - should be enough space where things will be stored. Only 11 m2 Square shouts that it is necessary to approach the use of available free space and weighted. Alternatively, use a bed with a niche.


Often you can find extremes - some are getting rid of the furniture, and each centimeter is held.

If the first in the final get the "desert", then the second there is no place to make an extra step. To be comfortable in the room, it is necessary to respect the balance in everything, between functionality and aesthetics.

  • It is worth abandoning the lamps, "eating" space.
  • On the toilet table should be.
  • Choose better point lighting.
  • There must be landsrs.

The color solution is allocated separately. There should be no too much light, because the uncomfortable room will become. If there is little light, then there is little joy too. You need to choose warm tones.

Do not be afraid of limited space in the bedroom. The main rule is to act according to the purpose of the room in its functionality.

Surface covering, color solution, thoughtful to small lighting, thoughtful bedroom interior 11 square meters. m. - This is all selected according to the interests of future tenants. As mentioned above, it is worth focusing on that furniture, which is transformed, is universal.

The furniture must be supplemented with both mirror surfaces and light tones.

Photo Bedrooms 11 square meters. m.

It will be pretty to work hard, creating a bedroom design of 11 square meters. m. To obtain quality repairs and a pleasant atmosphere, it is necessary to competently decorate with the question of placing furniture, correctly decorate and decorate the room, choose the color range and while keeping the functionality of the bedroom.

Decoration of a bedroom 11 square meters. m.

Let's figure it out with a small bedroom finish:

1. Election of wallpaper. Wallpaper for small rooms need to be chosen especially carefully. Fresh and small drawing can create a boring mood. If the walls of the room are narrow, then it is worth visually expanding the boundaries. Reach this allow wallpaper with horizontal stripes. A good choice can be called the monophonic wallpaper of bright shades. Patterns and mirrors will help dilute the color monotony. Excellent designer move - alternating dark wallpapers with light;

2.Pot. If the height of the room allows you to choose multi-level structures. It uses drywall or tensioned canvas. Levels can be different shades. The addition addition is welcome;

3. Rapid coating. When choosing materials for floors, designers recommend using a contrast rule: if the dark color furniture, the floor should be made light and vice versa. Laying laminate or parquet diagonally creates a visual effect of expanding the borders of a small bedroom.

The choice of furniture for the bedroom is 11 square meters. m.

The limitations of the place does not allow to put large-scale objects in the bedroom. However, the standard furniture set here will fit perfectly. First you need to find out what you want to see in your bedroom. Do you need a full-fledged bed or can it be replaced by a compact folding sofa? Is it possible to abandon the cabinet, replacing it with a small chest? Do you need bedside tables or just buy one dressing table? Furniture for bedroom 11 square meters. Meters should be as functional as possible.

What to pay attention to? The optimal version of the designers are called an angular sofa transformer and a wardrobe with mirror doors. The latter, by the way, due to the presence of mirror surfaces will create the illusion of doubling space and make the bedroom brighter and spacious.

Lighting and Light Bedroom Decor

Lighting occupies a special place when planning design. Intensity and light sources are able to create a powerful visual effect. That is why this issue deserves due attention.

Getting a special atmosphere, the ceiling sophibes will help create interesting patterns on the walls;

Point luminaires allow you to create soft lighting and zoning the room.

Finally, some more photos

The interior of the children's room at all times had different individual approaches.

For someone, the main thing when designing is subject to modern fashion trends, some parents rely on the preferences of the child.

But the main task of all option for arrangement is the maximum functionality of space.

If you have a children's 11 square meters. m. Do not be discouraged by choosing the right approach, it may turn out a pretty good room.

And in it, accordingly, there will be all the entire functional zones responsible for their purpose.

Children's room, for different ages since birth and ending 10 years

When it comes to choosing the direction and decorative elements for the children's smallest kids, then, of course, you do everything yourself.

At 3 years old, not all kids are able to fully express their wishes. But older kids will help you expand the range of fantasies. Here you can already have the opportunity to know what exactly the child wants: shades, accessories, stylistics.

Let's deal with what you need to pay special attention to the arrangement of the room for different age categories. We will help you to deal with the question as much as possible, how to arrange a children's in 11 square meters. m.

In the room for a small child, pick up calm, bright shades. Do not finish the surface of the walls with bright colors.

The most suitable palette is beige, light - yellow or gently blue. But the furniture for the crumbs is not so much so much: the bed is cradle, a table for swaddling and departure, a chest of chest of drawers.

You can also put a small sofa to mono to spend time with the baby in his room.

Be sure to leave free space for the first steps, which will very soon show Chado.

The design of the children's room is 11 square meters. m. Designed for preschool children should be more saturated. The child begins to actively get acquainted with the world around the world, and even in the smallest room you have to create a fairy tale for the baby.

Listen to the advice of designers. In the room for the boy, pick up blue or green colors necessarily make splashes with a white tone. For the girl, come up with something unusual, for example, a fabulous world for the princess.

A thematic design will suit the small room of a small schoolchild. At 11 square meters m. You need to equip two separate areas for work and leisure. To date, there are modular compact furniture attributes.

Therefore, there will be no problems. Be sure to pick a wardrobe, the coupe, the table for work and the bed all the rest will be the add-on.

It is necessary to approach the interior of children's 11 squares for a teenager carefully, without losing the most important details.

Such age allows you to consult with the child and take into account his personal wishes. Do not hesitate in our time, teenagers will correctly place a sleeping place and be able to organize a working area. Your task consists only in the control of a violent fantasy of a teenager.

Advise the child's designer direction Paris. Select together Wallpaper depicting this city and decorative elements suitable for French ideas.

Three main rules for designing the interior of the children's room of 11 square meters.

When choosing furniture, pay attention to the closet, it must be the most compatible and functional. A child needs a lot of place to store toys and books, so use open shelves to save space.

If your child is no longer a small take care of the arrangement of a full-fledged place to rest.

Of course, for crumbs you can choose children's bed models, but it is not profitable, since the child grows quite quickly and almost every year will have to buy new furniture for recreation.

Put a big bed at once and save your budget. Cartins, flooring and bed must be combined.

Sliding tables are suitable in the working area of \u200b\u200bthe small room. Do not forget about the highlighting high-quality lighting devices, will be able to save the health of your chad.

Also in our article in the photo of the children's room of 11 square meters. m. You can familiarize yourself with the most popular design options.

Photo gallery was created by the most popular designers for helping in the arrangement of the room for the child.

Photo of the children's room 11 square. m.

November 2016.

Any bedroom is the most intimate room in housing, since it does not only rest in it, but also relaxes as much as possible. Its absolutely not necessarily to show guests who come to visit you. And the interior does not necessarily have to be the most stylish or extravagant.

The design of the small bedroom of 12 kV should contain the most intimate your desires and to no less, correspond to whims, and completely regardless of which planning in your housing. Modern and stylish decorations look at the photo of a bedroom 12 sq. M. Real design.

Bedroom organization based on the type of house

Of course, how the layout is done in your housing, depend on the ways of design, because not all the design options 12 sq. M photo can pass.

If you have a Khrushchevka

Such apartments, one of the most common accommodation options in the modern world. And it applies just to when they say, although small, but their own. After all, they have enough miniature sizes of kitchers, narrow corridors, very small bedrooms, which sometimes perform the function of not only the rest rooms, but also to receive all guests.

If the house is not built out of the brick, then Khrushchev apartment is enough "cold". In addition, their age is often the same as in the trees who are planted near him, because of what can "suffer natural lighting" of the apartment.

For this reason, it is necessary to use light warm shades for finishing housing materials in Khrushchev. And as lighting, it is necessary to use additional equipment, in addition to the main. It is also necessary to choose compact or multifunctional furniture, for example, it can be a bed - a chest of drawers or a sofa - transformer.

Bedroom in panel high-rise building

Of course, in such houses, natural lighting is much better, in contrast to the previous version. Thanks to this, the color range can be used more widely. Nevertheless, the rooms in these houses are not too spacious.

Since the height of the ceilings allows, the bedroom can be decorated with tension or even multi-level ceilings.

Bedroom in a private house

The bedroom is 12 meters in his own house it is not necessarily a very close room, because it is a separate corner in which the owner can simply relax. Naturally, if we are talking about a private private house, then in it such a room is the bedroom, but it is not a room for receiving guests or organizing a dining area.

This allows you to issue a bedroom design 12 sq m in a special, exclusively. He may even be completely different, unlike the main style that the whole house is decorated!

Little Room Color

The bedroom is 12 meters not different, therefore, the color design should be carefully selected. After all, if it is wrong to do it, and without that small room can visually become much less.

Of course, first of all, focus on your own taste preferences, when you choose the main color of the bedroom. After all, it is completely unrecognized to impress guests. And since it is a place for your own holiday, then the design of a small bedroom is 12 sq. M must be so that you are comfortable in it.

So that your body does not experience any stress, do not apply too bright colors and shades. Moreover, if you place the room like this, most likely that her design will be tired of you soon. And then you will have to re-think out the new ideas of the bedroom design 12 sq m, after which the repairs are made again.

Design of children's room for boy
Girl room teenager
Little Bedroom Design - (100 photos)
Bedroom Curtains - Best Photos New

What palette is to choose: warm or cold - it depends only on how lit your bedroom. If there is very little natural light in it, use then more warm gamut, in case the lighting is greater than enough, then you can choose cold shades.

Befully in the bedroom

Beige, foiled milk or sandy is the most popular shades for bedrooms. They are the most versatile, and very easily combining with others. Computing a modern bedroom design 12 sq m You can bright items.

Using blue shades

It is very beautiful for bedrooms located in the southern part of the house. With it, you can visually increase the space and, at the same time, create a light coolness. Using blue, you can spaciously fantasize. Make thematic design, for example, heavenly.

Green shades

A sufficiently soft color palette of herbs will allow your eyes to enjoy the rest and relax.

Red and purple shades

Red has always been and there is a tint of passion and love. This version of the design will have to choose sensitive people who prefer only to the maximum! Creation options can be viewed in the photo of the bedroom 12 sq. M!

If you use red or purple, they will immediately become basic. And even if you paint in this color, just one bedroom wall.

Pink, Violet.

Such a color solution will suit the ones that are prone to deep feelings. Flowers can be used as decor here. Review the real design of the bedroom 12 sq m.

Design Bedroom 12 sq m with balcony

Photo of the design of the bedroom room 12 sq m will probably help you make you the right choice of our own housing.

Room for sleeping with her balcony

Balconies can be a separate room in the house, as well as they can be continuing the room.

If you do not want to combine the bedroom with a balcony, then simply place the transparent door leading to the balcony, and the room will visually seem more.

Bedroom with Loggia

If you combine sleeping with the loggia, then it will take to make a documentary redevelopment of the apartment. It will be necessary to compile a special project, receive some permits in such instances as: BTI, MTCH, SES and others. But in general, the design of the bedroom 12 sq m with a balcony can be made very original. And if you want to do it, and ready for paper running, forward, act!

After all, by joining the balcony or loggia to the bedroom, you can highlight in the room an additional one more recreation area, wardrobe or even mini-office.

Other bedroom design options

Photo bedrooms 12 sq m, browse in the catalog, it is possible for yourself that you will find this way of interior design, which will be like.

Secrets in the design of the bedroom living room

Those people who have their own, but small apartments, very often combine several different zones in one room. And very often it is the bedroom with a living room.

Thanks to the modern and advanced technologies, you can embody in reality the most unusual ideas of the bedroom design 12 sq m! Moreover, both space and budget can be very limited.

For example, it is not necessary to use the bed, because you can choose a sofa. Many sites will not take two chairs, but thanks to them your guests, relatives or friends will be able to feel comfortable and comfortable by coming to visit you.

Use those model chairs that are made on legs. Then you do not too tighten the space of a small room.

Registration of children's bedroom

Such a room is not only a crib. The interior should be convenient, functional and interesting. Therefore, the modern bedroom design of 12 sq. M for children provides for functional and game furniture!

Similar design options look at the photo of the bedroom room design 12 sq. M!

As for the decor, for the girl, pictures flowers or characters from fairy tales. Relevant will be shades of pink.

If the room is drawn up for a boy, marine themes, football or on the subject of computer games can be selected. Be sure to arrange a sports corner so that the boy is where and how to spill your energy.

You can also make zoning with two colors, in case you have one room, and two children, and all-choice!

Bedroom for young couple

Such a room should be beautiful and, not less romantic. It should bother the feelings of a young couple in love. But at the same time, the room must be made comfortable and comfortable.

It is very important that the bedside table is, as a small personal space of each. In addition, an alternative is the variant of wall shelves. And if you hang small local lamps, everyone can do their own, while not interfering with a partner.

Little Bedroom Interior Styles


His features, it is: symmetry and harmony, as well as restraint and use of the highest quality and reliable materials.


Reminds the "Industry", and in direct understanding of this word! This trend is fashionable not one dozen years old!

It is used to design it, as a rule: concrete, metal or wood.

To create accessories for this style, it is worth choosing untreated materials.


Such bedrooms are a bright functional example. Use in such a style the most modern materials, as well as any colors!


It is also called rustic, but also at the same time, quite fashionable! General rules for this style are natural materials, naturalness and simplicity. It is perfect for creating a bedroom design 12 sq. M do it!

For example, it is necessary to use sufficiently solid wood furniture, as well as only natural flower gamut.

You can very easily and simply make a blanket with a patchwork technique. It is very original and stylish will fit into the interior!


It is very similar to country, but still, has its own characteristics, namely:

The use of bright shades, a large number of different parts and aged furniture.

Comfort will help create a lot of textile products. For example, neat curtains with flowers, different napkins or bedspreads.

East style

It is capable of impressing absolutely any person, but it will suit the interior of the bedroom in it, not everyone! It is beautiful especially for anyone who loves exotic. Here is perfect for a sliding door option.

To give some sophistication, the room in such a style can be painted on the wall Pandachka.


Very similar to the industrial. But his peculiarity is that no partitions are used here than and notable for interior design in the apartments studios. A very characteristic feature of this style is that the walls are lined with brickwork. If you decide the bedroom in the Loft style, this laying can replace the corresponding color coloring. And if the house in which you live is built of bricks, then the walls can be left "naked". Here will be very useful to the use of extraordinary items!

In addition, you can combine new, and old furniture!

Pop Art

Ideal for those who prefer pop culture, as well as bright and most unusual accessories. The wall can be decorated with comics, for example. Details must be original, but not too large.

Style Hightec

It is characterized by high technologies. Here minimalism is used as much as possible, in everything. The main features of the style are the perfect lack of decor and maximum functionality, in everything.

Increase room space with an area of \u200b\u200b12 squares

The most important thing is that it is necessary to take into account this issue is the door / out doors. In no case should they do so that they opened in the inner part of the room.

If "correctly" use mirrors, visually space can be made 2 times more. For example, you can put a wardrobe with "mirror" doors.

Among other things, it will help to create an illusion of additional space photo wallpapers, with the urban landscape. For example, they can be placed at the same level where the windows. And then the feeling will be created as if the room is really more on one window.

The eaves can be chosen - for the entire length of the room, instead of usual, it will also help increase the space.

And, be sure, furniture. For example, if you combine the bed together with the cabinet, it will be the right space! And use the place under the bed to store things!

See the offered photos of interior design and create your own masterpieces!

Couples coupe in the bedroom - the best photos of the idea
Teenager room design (200 photos)
Children's design for all-choice children (100 photos)
Bedroom Design: 150 photo-ideas

Photo Gallery (78 photos)

At the same time, complex and simple is a bedroom design of 11 square meters. m, photo and description of which can be found in many specialized magazines. Designers of many countries converge that limited space provides more field for maneuvers. First, a person thinks from the point of view of the appearance and the functional component. Secondly, small rooms, unlike their large fellow, do not sneak in the excess of furniture.

Choose the design of the bedroom 11x9 m: photos and projects

Regardless of the partial permutation of furniture or global transformation, it is necessary to begin with defining the functional load of the room. Cabinet, adult or children's bedroom - each of these rooms has its own characteristics. Careful accounting will make the interior of the bedroom comfortable for stay. It happens that while there are no certain ideas.

In order to find a suitable idea, you can use one of the following tips:

  1. Directory views with ready-made options. Designers at the same time do not recommend to rush to embody the first thing that rushes into the eyes. The more options will be viewed, the easier it is to find a common denominator;
  2. Make a sketch yourself - every person has an idea of \u200b\u200bhow the room should look like. Certain help on this issue will provide special computer programs. Thanks to their use, you can see in advance how the room will look like.

As mentioned above, an important role is played by the functional purpose of the premises. For example, a bedroom for adults can be issued in oriental style. Functional zones are separated by artificial curtains. If we are talking about a children's room, then the emphasis is done on the gentle peach shade, the absence of bright color spots and environmentally friendly materials.

A good idea is embodied by correctly selected wallpaper, upholstery, fabrics and furniture. The first thing that immediately rushes into the eyes - walls that should not be too bright or dark. The first option will noticeably "put pressure on the psyche", and the second is to be inguin. The optimal will choose pastel tones for the adult bedroom. Gently peach in combination with brown tone is suitable for children.

As additional practical advice, allowing you to create a cozy interior in the room, designers allocate:

  • There should be no carpet on the wall - the tradition, which remained since the time of developed socialism should go into the past;
  • It looks good not too dark carpet on the floor, the main thing is that it is not overly thick;
  • Ceiling covering - ideal will be matte or neutral color option;
  • Using photo wallpapers - Europe, Asia or Oceania - Properly selected reproduction will add notes of comfort;
  • It is necessary to refuse from coating for walls with a bright pattern, which will be too strongly concentrating attention;
  • Wallpapers must be monophonic so as not to limit the visually space.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe interior of the bedroom is 11 square meters. M: We are looking for an unusual in everyday

The classic location of the bed, a table and windows for many has become true in the last instance. Unfortunately, not everyone is thinking about how the stereotypical design can be changed.

Eleven square meters are mistakenly perceived as a deterrent flight of the imagination of the factor. In fact, in a small room to implement many ideas easier.

Unlike large rooms, where it is necessary to think over the functional load of each square meter, the interior of a small bedroom is easier to transformation.


  1. The use of multifunctional tables - in the trading network is easy to find furniture, which performs simultaneously multiple functions. A table for work, food and swaddling can be purchased at a fairly reasonable price. The main thing is to make sure the reliability of the transformation mechanism;
  2. The bid on the mirror surfaces - the look in the small room should not be resting at one point. Unlike the design of the spacious room, it is necessary to abandon the use of one visual accent. The cabinet with a sliding mirror panel, mounted opposite the input composition, allows you to enter the space;
  3. Combined bed and wardrobe - in the house with children a lot of places are given to storing things. The presence of only 11 square meters. M forces weighted to approach the use of free space. It will help in this bed having a special niche under him. There you can store shoes, bedding and so on.

In many houses, you can often find two common extremes. While alone is trying to get rid of the furniture as much as much as possible, others are engaged in every free centimeter.

If the first is a very deserted atmosphere, then the second - in the literal sense there is no place to come in a step. Balance between a functional and aesthetic aspect will provide a comfortable stay.

An important role in this issue is covered by lighting.

  • Refusal of massive lamps that "eat" a lot of space;
  • Installing a small night light on the dressing table;
  • Choice in favor of the point lighting system;
  • The use of flooring, decorated in the style of the room;

Separately, it is necessary to dwell on the color solution. Light should not be too much, otherwise the bedroom will become uncomfortable. His insufficient number is also not a reason for pride. The bet must be made on warm tones that illuminate the functional areas in the room.

Cozy bedroom design 11 square meters. M Video)

Limited space in the room should not scare. The main thing is to act in line in advance of the selected functional destination of the room. Color solution, flooring and wall covering, lighting system - all this is chosen taking into account the interests of those who will be in it. The emphasis is placed on universal furniture capable of transforming. Supplement its light tones and mirror surfaces.