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The year of the rabbit on the Eastern Horoscope: what people are born under this sign

Learn what people are born in the year of the rabbit (cat) - the sign will tell about many ways!

Happy rabbit colors: Green - on the one hand, relaxes, on the other, it allows you to quickly conquer authority in the eyes of others.

Rabbit: Happy Stone Talisman - Malachite. Helps lead a successful business, protects against losses.

Happy rabbit numbers: 4

Who is suitable rabbit, the best signs for the rabbit: Goat, dog, bull, snake, horse, pig

Who is not suitable rabbit, the worst signs for the rabbit: Rat, dragon, cock

Which rabbit corresponds to the sign of the zodiac

If a person was born in the year of the rabbit, the sign makes him - regardless of the floor - a born home. As an oriental horoscope assures, the rabbit feels best in their native four walls, consistently decorated with great taste. As an esthete and the best cook in the Chinese zodiac, it is famous for the device for unforgettable parties. Guests are always tasty fed, fascinated by the impeccable manners of the owner and his ability to lead an interesting conversation. Born in the years of the rabbit dismantled in wines, perfumery, they know how to choose clothes adequately situations. In addition, it is often perfectly played in chess, poker and bridge. I am pleased to communicate at various events with people, are members of various societies. The circle of friends sign rabbit is wide, and these are people of different origins and professions.

A person, on the sign of an eastern horoscope being a rabbit, softens other people's morals and actions, tolerate to rumors, is an excellent listener, a connoisseur of someone else's frankness. Contacts with influential people - a secret key for opening other people's hearts and quick acquisition of location - for them the best guarantee of success in life. Rabbits are like that that they do not like risk, they often lack self-confidence, assertiveness, and dishonest games and tough competition they are simply afraid. However, let the environment shall be selected with a soft fluffy fur, congenital pacifism, melancholy and tears flows shedding for any occasion. Behind all this is a person with a strong will, reminiscent of hardened steel, with an inventive mind, sometimes not devoid of truly devilish tricks, capable of circulating around a much stronger opponent around his finger. The ancient Chinese spoke straight: in the whole Eastern horoscope, it is a rabbit sign that has the biggest ability to survive, therefore it is not worth underestimated.

In love, if you were born in the year of the rabbit on the Chinese horoscope, extremely correct, incredibly romantic. One-day ties, fleeting adventures, sex without love, even in a crazy gun, do not fit your nature. A frivolous attitude towards feelings wounds to pain. In the arms of the partner you are looking for, first of all, the quiet harbor in the raging sea. You kill the slightest misunderstandings, quarrels in relationships. Even if you love the soul mate very much, you often have a secret life (completely optionally connected with love intrigues), sometimes you need alone. When you seduce someone, the atmosphere, the environment is very important for you. You suggest a whole performance with a game of candles, suitable music, silk sheets and culinary masterpieces to please all the wishes of your loved ones.

Years of cat, hare, rabbit:

1903,1915,1927,1939,1951,1963,1975,1987,1999, 2011, 2023

The first year of the cycle, in different traditions under the auspices of different animals. The Chinese have a cat, the Japanese has a rabbit or hare.

The hare is vainly considered weakly accuracy, brilliant, cowardly animals. According to Eastern legends, he defeated the dragon. A cunning hare, thinking to pacify the dragon, dismissed the rumor that a terrible monster was over, claiming the role of King Beast. When it came to the dragon, he went to the shore of the lake to deal with the "competitor". Seeing his reflection in the water, he rushed to the lake with the roar. Having gathered around the beasts began to laugh loudly over an unlucky dragon in Tina, who was shame replaced five colors (blue, red, yellow, white, black). Since then, the hare has come true and began to decide other animals.

And the cat, and the rabbit, and the hare have one common property - these animals are distinguished by the ability to "land" into four paws after any fall. People born under this sign can be called lucky with full right. The cat's life proceeds easily and calmly without sharp recession and lifts.

Fortuna smiles in almost all spheres. Its intellectual development and erudition can only be envied. With his luck, you can safely play gambling.

According to the eastern horoscope, the life of cats depends on the era into which they are born. In peaceful times and with a stable life, representatives of this sign flourish. They always have everything, and in excess. In these periods, the cat is everything smooth and measured, he knows how to weigh and count, never risks the latter and seeks to comfort, comfort and stability.

Cat is a conservative. Wars, revolution, catastrophe is not his work, he does not like to be, anyway, neither the opponent. He hates everything that can cause complications in life. Everything that his calm can shake, he is unbearable. The cat does not get out of equilibrium. He is calm, calm.

Cat can speak and appreciates himself. But he has one significant disadvantage. The cat is a superficial man, and its best quality is superficial too.

The cat loves society, and society loves him. He loves meetings, sometimes gossiping, but it makes it subtly, tactfully, witty and carefully. However, cats are very wounded, they are strongly upset by personal failures and trouble. But the unfortunate of others do not touch them, if only they do not suffer from it. To upset cats can on any occasion, even the most insignificant. They are easy to bring to tears that arise as quickly as they pass.

The cat loves to receive guests. His house has everything with taste. Of great importance, it attaches a setting in the house, spends a lot of money and time to make the house cozy. Each thing in his dwelling should lie in its place.

Being careful and partly conscientious, this person does not take anything, without having weighed everything "for" and "against" - both in work and in entertainment. For this caution, people admire them and trust him.

The war and hunger in the world touch and concern it only if he personally suffers from it. But these sufferings will be so strong that he may not withstand and die.

The cat is assessed, ambitious, in moderation is pleasant, modest, restrained, sophisticated and friendly. Exceptional observation, responsibility and performance helps this person to achieve good results in any chosen profession.

Affectionate, helpful with those who loves, capable of love and loyalty, the cat is easily separated from its friends in favor of his friends. For more time, he prefers to spend with his friends than with relatives.

He will always find the necessary words for every person, and therefore communication with him causes only pleasant emotions.

With such a positive character, the cat, oddly enough, has a melancholic temperament.

He always worries the opinion of other people. Elegant, kind and well-educated, he is an excellent diplomat, as it is endowed with the ability to solve the most difficult conflicts peacefully and find a common language with any interlocutor. In communicating with cats, you need to remember that they try not to show their senses they would prefer to be born generally devoid of emotions, because they would be confident that it would make them invulnerable and more adapted to life. But in fact, the cat's heart is very sensitive, and the main reason for his success in society is not in good upbringing or tact, but in the sincere interest to others.

There is an ancient belief that the sorcerers turn into cats. And indeed, in the Middle Ages of the cats burned alive, accusing in collusion with the Devil. In the Japanese tradition, this is also a demonic animal possessing supernatural strength, and sometimes the features of the vampire.

In China, despite the not too flattering attitude towards the cat, still believed in the ability of this beast to cast out (scatter) evil spirits.

And so far the cat, hare or rabbit is associated with unclean power. But, apparently, such a bad reputation is not very deserved.

God, sorcerer or man, but in the look of a cat something mystical. Whether it is a rabbit or a cat, their visible defenselessness, softness and weakness can easily transform into a rather dangerous force ...

Despite the negative associations, these animals endow a person born a year under their patronage, mainly positive features of character.

Cat-man. Characteristic

Cats do not differ desperate courage, and during dangerous situations or acute conflicts prefer to be safe, and not to enter into discussions.

At the same time, in a relaxed atmosphere, the cat is active and hardworking, besides, he willingly obeys the schedule, does not seek to eliminate a competitor at any cost and does not complain about the monotony of work.

Even with the worst enemies, the cat is immaculately polite, however, being a person is pretty cunning, he is quite capable of revenge on the insanity of others.

Cats are extremely sensual, but they are too easy to fall in love to be faithful. In addition, the cat is not Skloft to trust anyone, even its partner, and in communicating with family members, keeps a rather tough distance. Deciding on a novel with a cat, do not forget that it is extremely sensitive to criticism. If some kind of remark will be deactivated, the cat can not only break the relationship, but also will try to take revenge.

The cat loves women, knows how to seduce with words. Although ... he always has many words, but little business. Personality is deceptive and calm and apparent blade. In fact, he detects the qualities of a person with steel nerves capable of playing any role - humility, softness, enthusiasticity.

Finally, this person is always happy. He is a deft in affairs, and the one who signs the contract with him is not saving for anything.

This is a good speculator, he has a gift to trade. As a business man, the cat is very lucky. All cats are good financiers. Yes, and all transactions related to money are successful. It can be said that they have "Nüh" on transactions with a favorable outcome. These are dangerous competitors and excellent business partners. Professions in which cats will have success: a lawyer, diplomat, seller, owner of an antique store. The cat will be able to choose a diplomatic career, provided that his life will not attend risk.

Such a person is able, carefully and deftly choosing the right moment, hard to act in his own interests. And, in the end, he really achieves his goal.

Cat-woman. Characteristic

Women cats tend to have a melancholic temperament that gives them a special charm. This is one of their main trumps.

Cats are very dreamed. Sometimes they are so plunge into their dreams that they will lead them away from reality.

The woman of this sign can shine in all activities that require taste and hospitality. Policy or

the diplomat should be chosen to his wife born in the year of the cat, - at the same time secular and modest, she will be a wonderful partner.

Her behavior meets all the standards of secular life. A woman can deeply study some objects, pursuing only one goal - to shine, and at the same time can not know anything about other more important things.

For a cat, the family is not the main thing, it can easily part with close people for friends or a loved one.

Maternal instinct of this sign is not expressed too much, but the cat woman always performs his duty.

Varieties of cat

Metal cat (1951 2011, 2071)

Water Cat (1903, 1963, 2023)

Wooden cat (1915,1975, 2035)

Fire cat (1927,1987, 2047)

Earth cat (1939, 1999, 2059)

Born in the cat

Epicur, Walter Scott, Robert Owen, Vasily Zhukovsky, Yuzef Pilsudsky, Joseph Stalin, Boris Savinkov, William Harriman, Lev Dovator, Igor Kurchatov, Albert Einstein, Andrei Grechko, Ilya Erenburg, Sergey Vavilov, Julius Reyzman, Mikhail Svetlov, Konstantin Simonov, Julius Fuche.

Years of birth to a cat's sign (rabbit) - 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011

Male cat (rabbit) - personality characteristics

A man-cat (rabbit) very often lives in his own, only understandable laws that are not amenable to logic and rational explanation.

It has a dual character and it is characterized by an unpredictable alternation of sophisticated pupils and animal instincts, calculating dependence and absolute freedom, in alternating love for comfort and thrust to slums.

The behavior of a cat-cat (rabbit) is often inadequately circumstances, presentation stereotypes and expectations of others. It is very sensitive and susceptible to everything: to cosmic influences, weather, politics, sensations and public opinion. However, in reality, he listens only to the voice of his intuition, because it is more open with mental vibrations than analysis and reasoning. It is possible therefore, with a man-cat (rabbit) it is very difficult to speak in the language of logic, because even when, because of the circumstances, it operates with concrete facts and figures, its thinking is in the irrational sphere, in the field of intuition, supersensible.

A man born, so he despises and tries to avoid everything that can somehow shake his comfort. At the same time, he is a secular, sociable, friendly person. Therefore, in his house there are always a lot of guests. Possessing an exacerby sense of danger, he highly appreciates his own protected protection.

As a rule, a man-cat (rabbit) is very popular in society, enjoying respect, confidence, tacty and causing the company, knows how to find the necessary words for each person, and its compliments are always pleasant. A man-cat (rabbit) practically does not use sharp words not in society, not in the family. It does not descend to foul language and vulgarity. For him, perfectness of behavior is very important, since it creates an extra armor and disarms or neutralizes his potential opponents.

A man-cat (rabbit) is a real gentleman, tastefully dressed and with beautiful manners. Thin taste and bright individuality do not allow him to dress in the last fashion. He always has his own, unique, elegant style. He knows perfectly and knows how to behave so as to impress. Moreover, he does not intend to make an impression at all. Elegance, only - "side effect" of his behavior, which, however, he really likes. This man is always polite, charming, witty, happy and satisfied with his life. And its charismatic and ability to handle the opposite sex provide 100% success in women. A man-cat (rabbit) is always calm and tries to avoid conflicts. He behaves with dignity and does not go down to small skimming or loud scandals. There is practically no such thing that could make him lose their composure. Like the women of this sign, men-cats (rabbits) highly appreciate the harmony and the world in their surroundings.
A man-cat (rabbit) loves to live in prosperity and does everything in order to secure himself and his family the necessary comfort. He loves sophisticated wines, good cars, fashionable clothes, dear lunches in first-class restaurants. As a rule, these men are lucky and in love and in business. Potentially a man-cat (rabbit) can make a whole condition - and with time it does. He does not assemble and knows that everything has his time.

The man-cat (rabbit) is a rich fantasy and outstanding creative abilities. He is always aware of the events in the world of art and culture. It does not miss the opportunity to go to the museum, theater or just to the exhibition of paintings. Unlike Tiger, he is never looking for adventures, relaxing blood, and strives for a quiet, quiet life. He is afraid of all new and unexpected, avoids change. It is worth noting that in the world of arts, a man-cat (rabbit) recognizes only the classics, does not consider serious altrame avant-garde directions. And especially unacceptable for him novelty in music and painting. Therefore, a man-cat (rabbit) who has chosen the creative path, becomes a salon writer or an artist and can be an exquisite poet.

A man-cat (rabbit) is hardworking and successful in professional affairs, but very careful with money. He does not make unreliable contributions and spends money only when it is really necessary. The only exception is the interior, the inner decoration of the house. The house is his kingdom, the abode and he does not regret money on luxury and comfort. It loves antique furniture. In addition, being a symbol of family heat and comfort, a man-cat (rabbit) feels very confident and in full strength when he is at home. Therefore, he loves to take guests, very kind, causing, helpful - in one word - a warm owner. He knows how to create a trusty atmosphere and no one can listen to you as a man, or a woman born in the year of the cat (rabbit). However, it is worth noting that the man-cat (rabbit) being an excellent comforter and a compassionate listener, in most cases plays the role of a passive counselor and to expect concrete-effective assistance from him senseless. Do not expect that he will give up his affairs and family, rushes into battle or go to the conflict for you.

Male Year Cat (rabbit) - Career

Male cat (rabbit) - a born entrepreneur. Finally, he is always waiting for success. It has excellent business qualities. Therefore, over the years, his financial situation is only stronger. He detects in affairs, heter, will not be avoided and fraudulent and speculative transactions. It has a great taste, so it can easily succeed in any kind of trade, in operations with securities, real estate and currency. Male cat (rabbit) - a born financier, a good diplomat, a quiet lawyer and a grip manager. In all matters, he behaves extremely carefully and carefully checks the consequences. Insightful, feeling favorable transactions, a man-cat (rabbit) will always appear in the right place and at the right time, and from all the variety of options will be able to choose the one that will bring him the greatest benefit. With his supernatural sixth sense, an insightful man-cat (rabbit) is surprisingly lucky on the stock exchange, in a casino or in business risks. Well, what he knows how to stop and leave with winnings - instead of pulling all his money in the heat of Azart.

The man-cat (rabbit) is friendly and diplomatic. And it attracts investors. He knows how to negotiate and is perfectly trading. He is able to achieve profitable sentences even in cases where the chances are practically equal to zero. All these qualities, as well as cunning and business intelligence allow a man-cat (rabbit) to move rapidly on the service staircase and make a dizzying career. Of these, magnificent leaders and organizers come out. Under the sign of the cat (rabbit) such well-known people like Rockefeller and Einstein were born.

Being in kind of intrigars and knowing how to manipulate people, their consciousness or mood, a man-cat (rabbit) successfully makes the game or politics with someone else's hands, staying outside of criticism and suspicion. In addition, he will always find, if he wants, a way to save the situation, so as not to fall into the mud face, it would seem in a hopeless situation.

To achieve their goals, a man-cat (rabbit) allows all its charm into the move. It will easily invite a business companion on an expensive restaurant and treats a great dinner, will become interested in a secular conversation, and it will make any whim of the partner.

As a rule, natural caution, diplomaticity and tact allow a man-cat (rabbit) to create harmonious relations with people in any area. They can do any job, play any roles, but only in that team, where they are valued and respect. Otherwise, their ability may be unrealized, and alone, a man-cat (rabbit) becomes wild trot.

Male cat (rabbit) - very pedantic. He draws attention to the smallest details, nothing will slip away from his chain look. Perhaps this is why he is considered a high expert and a specialist in his field. If a man-cat (rabbit) occupies a leadership position, he becomes a vigorous sense of debt, commitment to people, responsibility for their actions, in particular, and a sense of responsibility to their team and society as a whole. He appreciates the team spirit and requires everyone to take part in work without exception. They are not very powerful, but believe that subordinates must predict their desires. Rabbit's heads are easy to find a common language.

Horoscope Men Cat (Rabbit) - Love and Family

The man-cat (rabbit) can absolutely can not live without a woman. Woman is an integral part of his success. Men cats (rabbits) gentle, miles and romantic. However, one who considers them the wins is mistaken. This man will never allow himself to use and will not choose a woman who wants to lead in the family.

The man-cat (rabbit), however,, like the woman of this sign, is very sensitive to the world around the world and attaches great importance to everyday life. Their at home, as the rules, well, tastefully furnished, have fireplaces and everything you need for excellent well-being. It is the house that helps a man-cat (rabbit) to maintain mental comfort and balance.

A man-cat (rabbit) as if created for love. He is very gentle, Mil and then throws his competitors. In addition, it is very sensitive to the needs of women. This is explained by the fact that men of this sign have an increased concentration of female hormones. Therefore, they are able to perceive the female point of view and literally guess the desires of their companion. He is a passionate and insatiable lover, but his feelings in relation to the subject of momentary passion can be somewhat superficial. But with family relationships - completely different things. He belongs to the choice of companions of life very seriously and for a long time chooses from numerous fans. Very loyal and devoted in nature, they are very hard to experience frustration in a partner and can even get sick. Although, there is an exception to the rules. They hate treason and parting, do not like to be deceived. And the power of their insight quickly recognize false. However, suspecting a spouse in treason, he will be limited only to reproaches. This man is rarely the initiator of the breaking relationship. True, men-cats (rabbits) are found, which often change their partners, but it is only for the reason that they cannot find the one that they dreamed about to know the whole depth of feelings.

Considering the type of a man with cat charisma, it can be said that he enters the top three most attractive for women, representatives of the Eastern Horoscope. He just all his appearance he radiates erotic fluids, skillfully stimulates female sensuality. For him, flirting, love and bed - some sacred rituals in which the most important stage is a prelude. However, the "gallant cat" from the "walking cat" should be distinguished, its temperament is changed, discharges such zigzags and sinusoids that a slight love strand may turn into intimate insidiance.
Y, but he needs only one - that that will take it as it is. He holds a distance and reluctantly assumes obligations. He is in no hurry to associate himself with the bonds of marriage and breaks not one heart before promoting life with his chosen. To this issue, a man-cat (rabbit) is very serious: he does not want to make a mistake with the choice. He needs not the Queen, but that that will fit into his life plans. Although, thanks to his care, he is always surrounded by beauties. True, because of its indecision and caution, a man-cat (rabbit) can skip his chance to create a happy family.

If you decide to attract a cat a cat (rabbit), then remember that this is a person who does not just look at you and your charms, but listening to him. Therefore, you should not only look beautiful, but also to say something clever whenever you open your beautiful mouth. To win his heart, you can offer him a quiet, calm evening at home. You can even jointly cook dinner, because a man-cat (rabbit) loves to cook and his culinary talent - at the level of congenital. Also respect His artistic addictions, even if you have to pret to suffer at the evenings of experimental poetry.

It is worth noting that fighting the heart and love of a man born in the year of the cat (rabbit) is very worth it. Because if he gains a relative soul in you, you will turn into the center of the Universe and will throw the whole world to your feet. When a man-cat (rabbit) is finally determined with the choice and makes an offer to his chief, he becomes a reliable husband and a magnificent father for his children, who is happy to engage with them basketball, hockey, football and other types of active activities. His family relationships are always built on the romance and the warmth of feelings, without this he just will not be able to live.

A man-cat (rabbit) is capable of losing relations to endure many pranks of his woman, except for rudeness, noise, pribilation, arrogance. It will make him leave you, and he will go in search of another, more educated and sophisticated woman. But if you want to get rid of a cat Men (rabbit), then you often prepare him soup from bags, invite guests who can pour out the expensive carpet with their cheap cigarettes and break and throw out what a man-cat (rabbit) collects.

Most modern people know how the sign of the zodiac they belong, and from time to time they love to re-read their horoscope. In this article, I want to consider the year of the rabbit: what years of birth correspond to him and that briefly can be said about such people - representatives of this sector of the zodiac circle.

A little about the eastern calendar

Many people can be interested in why some years have a double name in such, for example, what kind of years it corresponds to him? It is worth saying that the cycle is repeated every 12 years, so after such a period of time, certain animals will again be the rules of the year. In a digital value (relative to rabbits), these were the following years: 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999 and 2011. However, why did the cat and rabbit? Legend reads: At one time (when the order of animals in the Eastern calendar was determined), people were so fascinated by the battle between the buffalo and the tiger that they simply missed who came to the fourth finish: a cat or rabbit. And to somehow smooth out his guilt, shared the fourth place between these two animals.

Additional feature

Briefly examined the year of the rabbit, what years it corresponds to, it is also necessary to say that every year has its additional characteristic. But how to determine it? Everything is simple, you just need to know a certain system, and it will be completely easy to figure it out. You just need to know what the figure is the desired year of birth.

  • If 0 or 1, it is metal, white.
  • If 2 or 3, this is water, the color will be blue or black.
  • If 4 or 5 is a tree, it corresponds to a green or blue color.
  • If 6 or 7, this is fire, the color will be pink or red.
  • If on 8 or 9, it is the earth, the colors will be as follows: yellow, orange.

For example, what color will be 1951? This is a year of white metallic rabbit. That's all the wisdom.

About summer

Considering the year of the rabbit, what kind of years it is consistent, it is also worth recalling that the east of our, European, calendar is somewhat different in the Eastern. So, we always start on January 1 - this is no secret. But in the countries of the East, the situation is somewhat different. Every year you need to be considered separately. For example, 1951 the rabbit starts only on only February 6 and ends on January 26, 1952. This should not be forgotten especially those people who were born in the first month of any year.


Now I want to consider each year individually and allocate special born at that time. So, 1951 what rabbit? If you view the above-described system of definition, you can easily say that it is a white metal rabbit (or a white metal cat). When exactly comes into account this sign? It happened only on only February 6, 1951. And his rule was launched until January 26, 1952. Such people are accurately distinguished by the power of will and steel character. And let the rabbit in their nature a little bit of frightening, it plays him only on his hand. After all, all difficult situations such people seem to be viewed from afar, selected to them only when they become quite safe. This often saves representatives of this sign of the zodiac from various dangerous and unforeseen situations. Also rabbits are very weak personalities, but born in 1951 are people of a strong character. And if they are confident in something, they are almost impossible to convince them. The white color in which this sign is painted, somewhat softens all the negative aspects of the representatives of this zodiac sector.

1963 year

Going further, considering the calendar. 1963 - what rabbit is he? So, it will be a black water rabbit. It will come only on only January 25 and will extend his rule until February 12 of the next year. What can be said about these people? So, they are very cunning and enterprising. Very love to use other people's advantages and developments, for which they are often convicted by a team or others. These people do not want these failures and do not know how to take. In the miscalculations blame everyone, besides yourself. Therefore, in the workplace, they often have different kinds of conflicts and controversial situations. As for personal relationships, such people do not get openness. Unlike his relatives, black rabbits are trying to keep everything in themselves, not extinguing their problems (in which they, however, blame others).

1975 year

Next - 1975. What rabbit is he? Blue wood. This animal comes into account only on only February 11. And he will stay on the throne until January 30 of the next year. How to briefly characterize such people? So, these are funny guys who love to be the center of attention. As for the working sphere, such people will not work without any problems that they will be appointed. In addition, they will also lead active social activities. This is an excellent working unit that is well triggered with other people and competently knows how to work in a team. We are following, considering 1975. What rabbit he - figured out. I want to say about the fact that these are very kind people. But often thanks to this quality they are and deceived. Therefore, by nature, tree rabbits are hidden, they hardly take someone else's assistance and most often refuse to any tips, even very valile, expecting all the trick.


Follow further. 1987 What rabbit? Red fiery. It only comes into force on January 29, right until February 16, 1988. What is the difference between people born this year, from other cats (rabbits)? So, these are general favorites. They always like people, often attractive for representatives of the opposite sex. And it will not only appearance, but rather, the ability to lead a conversation and keep yourself in society. These are true diplomats who, without problems and efforts, can settle almost any conflict. Most often these are people developed in many areas, but all their knowledge is superficial. What, however, does not prevent red rabbits to shine. But this is what the zodiac circle does not get the representatives of this sector - so it is confidence in yourself, their own, as well as risk. Such people for the time a hundred times will see the problem, are already losing a chance to fix it without the slightest losses. However, if such a rabbit give good pink, it begins to move and even reaches pretty big heights in the career. As for the sphere of personal relationship, these are people who have not so many friends, but they are all faithful and reliable. The second half for such personalities is a whole universe.


1999 Rabbit What? This is a yellow earth rabbit. He will come only on February 16 and will only give his post on February 4 of the next year. How can such people be characterized? First of all, I want to say that these are excellent businessmen. The professions associated with big money are ideal for them. Earth rabbits coped perfectly with finance. They know how it is better and rather can increase. It is also hardworking and persistent people who always calculate their actions a few steps in advance. Their problems rarely happen, but if they happen, it is not on their own will. If we talk about the sphere of personal relationships, then such rabbits in friends are primarily looking for benefits. Only after a certain service provided to such a person can get into the list of comrades. As for family relationships, representatives of this zodiac sector are very hard to become family-friendly - permanent matters interfere. If it succeeds, such a person will provide such a family, but this will be made to the detriment of other, more important things: attention, affection, care.


We go further. - What rabbit is he? Again, as the 1951th, white metal. It will start on the East calendar only and gives way to the next sign on January 22, 2012. However, the characteristic of such people can be read above, in the 1951-M section. However, there are still its certain nuances. So, these are people, in nature, smart and inquisitive, but some kind of bugs often make them go back, giving way to the "place near the Sun" other personalities. A few words should be said about what the representatives of this sign of the Eastern Horoscope are in personal relationships. So, it is romance to the tips of their ears. And if they do not manage to get anything, they will be romantic with others. Give, and not take - here is one of the slogans of white metal rabbits. For its devotion, such people are very respected by their friends. But it is not so easy to get into the circle of comrades to the representative of this sign, the confidence of the White Rabbit should also be deserved. Among negative qualities, you can allocate pedantry. In addition, such people are most often too busy to see other people's problems. However, the revenue to his friends, relatives and other close people are rushed at the earliest need.

The main characteristics of the rabbit

Having considered the year of the rabbit, what years he represents, I want to say a few more words about such people in general. What are the main characteristics distinguish cats (rabbits) from other representatives of the Eastern Zodiacal Circle?

  1. This is a "home" sign. Most often such people are home.
  2. Their key characteristic: timidity and in some kind of cowardiness. However, often these qualities "play on the arm" their owners.
  3. Rabbits are smart and developed in many areas. However, their knowledge is often not deep, but superficial.
  4. These are people who are ready to always help everyone. But the rabbit is better about this, he can simply not see other people's problems, dealing with the solution of his difficulties.
  5. These are also great friends and comrades. However, their favor even need to be able to deserve.
  6. In family matters, cats (rabbits) will not prove their own. These are diplomats that will try all the problems to solve peacefully.

The main problems of rabbits

Considering the year of the rabbit, what years he represents, I also want to say about what representatives of this sign of the Eastern Horoscope should be paid special attention (it is about health). So, almost all rabbits have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, so they need to be carefully followed by their nutrition. These are also people who are more often exposed to the most different allergic reactions (most often on food). Well, there may be problems with the nervous system. Although cats and not quick-tempered, they are all emotions are worried inside themselves. And this is fraught with frequent stresses, depressions and even mental disorders.

  • From 01/29/1903 to 15.02.1904 - a year of water (black) rabbit;
  • From 02/14/1915 to 02.02.1916 - a year of wooden (blue) rabbit;
  • From 02.02.1927 to 01/22/1928 - the year of the fire (red) rabbit;
  • From 19.02.1939 to 07.02.1940 - the year of earth (yellow) rabbit;
  • From 06.02.1951 to 01/26/1952 - a year of metallic (white) rabbit;
  • From 01/25/1963 to 12.02.1964 - a year of water (black) rabbit;
  • From 11.02.1975 to 30.01.1976 - a year of wooden (blue) rabbit;
  • From 01/29/1987 to 02/19/1988 - the year of the fire (red) rabbit;
  • From 02.16.1999 to 04.02.2000 - the year of earth (yellow) rabbit;
  • From 03.02.2011 to 01/22/2012 - the year of the metal (white) rabbit;
  • From 01/22/2023 to 09.02.2024 - a year of water (black) rabbit.

The corresponding zodiac sign is cancer.

Strengths of character

A man born in the year of rabbit (cat, hare) pronounced diplomatic qualities. He is a pleasant and polite in communicating, knows how to listen carefully to the interlocutor, and therefore it makes the most favorable impression. The rabbit owns the gift of conviction. Even if his proposal or idea does not represent interests for another person, the rabbit will find the right words and convince him in the opposite. He knows how to influence even the whole groups of people, but at the same time never acts aggressively or roughly.

Sophistication is the second strong side of the rabbit characteristics. Of all the characters of the Eastern Horoscope, it ranks first in elegance. From nature, the rabbit is endowed with good taste and aristocratic manners, and the environment in which he has grown, almost does not affect him.

As the rabbit likes people and causes confidence from them, he makes the necessary acquaintances without much difficulty and provides a decent standard of living. A representative of this sign is almost from any situation will find a way out, but will do it not with their own hands. However, the method of action is important, but the result.

Weaknesses of character

A man born in the year of the rabbit attaches great importance to the trifles, and often from behind it is distracted from the very essence. He is so worried about insignificant details, which as a result the final result may suffer. Especially often it happens when everything could solve the speed of action. While the rabbit fluctuates in making a decision or develop an ideal plan, there will be someone more promoted.

Intelligent and sophisticated rabbit is powerless before the arrogant people who behave rudely. He himself is not aggressive, and the only method of protection that is known to him is the manifestation of tricks and intellectual superiority. Unfortunately, this is very often not enough for victory over the opponent. If the rabbit turns out to be in a difficult position, and the situation around him is hostile, he begins to panic. In a panic, he is inclined to make a mistake for an error, and if it does not take care of help from the outside, he will have to do not quite well.

In love

The rabbit does not always act resolutely, but at the same time he has every chance to arrange the one who is interested in. In charm, there are few equal. The rabbit will never shock a person with unexpected recognition in love. At first he gets close to him on the rights of a friend or a well-wisher, along the way, watching how he reacts. A man born in the year of the rabbit does not like to risk, and this also applies to his personal life.

Rabbit is conservative. He welcomes only permanent relationships, and even if they have exhausted themselves for a long time, he will not rush to rip them. Very often, this person is so afraid of losing what is, but no longer pleased that she misses the real chances to gain happiness in the society of another person.

Rabbit is a rather secretive sign of the Eastern Horoscope. If the situation begins in such a way that it will start running a double life, then all security measures will not give themselves. Decide on the choice it will be not easy. The rabbit can live for two families in anticipation, when everything decides itself.

In a career

Intelligent and perplex rabbit is one of the most ambitious signs of the Chinese calendar. He seeks to take a high position in society, and is achieved by conceived cunning and veiled actions. The rabbit does not walk on the heads, does not behave brazenly and straightly, so his competitors often do not guess that they have a rival.

To its session, this person is responsible. He is always the cleaner workplace, and everything is in its places. In thoughts, the rabbit is also order. He is attentive, notes any little things, and he also has excellent memory. If a representative of this sign holds the position of assistant leader, then the success of the case depends primarily from him.

Male rabbit

The rabbit is primarily a symbol of constancy. A man born under this sign is conservative, tied to the house and leads a measured lifestyle. For him, household comfort and society of close people nearby are very important. The male rabbit makes loneliness and can feel comfortable only in a pair.

For a permanent relationship, he is perfect for a calm and economic woman focused on the family and the house. The male rabbit is not very sociable, so if his chosen one will regularly disappear in society girlfriends, there is a couple of conflict. This man is jealous. Stormy scenes with beating utensils, he will definitely not be arranged, but he knows how to create a tense atmosphere like nobody.

The representative of this sign is very secretive, so those who know him quite well can be counted on the fingers of one hand. The rabbit is afraid of critics, but does not admit to that. He will be able to open the soul to the man who will be ready to accept it as it is.

Female rabbit

The woman rabbit is pleasant in communication, and next to her people feel comfortable and relaxed. At the same time, she makes little to him closely, preferring to observe a certain distance. She has many acquaintances and buddies, but few friends. It prefers to spend their free time in society truly close people, trying to avoid crowded places and noisy companies.

In communicating with men, a rabbit woman behaves intelligently and restrained. It impresses the ladies from the highest society, which, at the same time, does not emphasize their manners, and therefore it is pleasant and easy with it. It belongs to the type of women who are waiting for initiatives to rapprochege from a man, but have more chances of success than more resolute representatives of weak gender.

In family relations, it is constant. A woman of a rabbit supports comfort in the house, she is a beautiful mistress, loving wife and caring mother. After marriage, communicating with other men ceases to interest her, and she gives all her strength only to his family.